T mil.' T.IVER PILLS.. 1 j-rheliivcrl' Heof Dr.MI.euii wire fircl used 1 , exclusively in M own pr.ctice. So eflica. f , wore Hiey ' of Livcf Comprint, W' . ,n famous, ind attracting Ilia ol i. t tM'v uii-"1"" f ''i on of tho medical Acuity, pae.ed inl.i gener f " , -j-liey ct w,th Breut certainty "u '"If0 M "i""- III" P"1'1"1 a1'"""' imn)dinl!ly feel the ::";1UI, f hi disease, and i gradually realur. ? '' . .1,1, Willi aoine the effect it almost mi. cuious, fii"-'"lly experiencing luiiiicdioto re. i''. rt ,r having fr month ruaortcd lo drug and. -J(" j,'c,nrs of another dcacription, in vain. Disc, i'" I Iiti are er? common in tliia country, If , ife u(un very frif iitful i character. Thoae i b,,,.,pcriciic any or the urcmotiilorj yinptom. f ti,,, d.mgcicus .ind complicated diaeaao, aliould Clooco procure a box of Dr. M'Lane' rill, pre. i'jreil ly Fleming liroa., of Pittsburgh, and per i' t therct V . be avtd a wurld of misery, irl'iirclisser will be careful to ask for DR. ? (.LANE'SrK.KBRATKI LIVER MIXS, md., I llilt. by FLEMING BROS., of FiTTKauaoii. . T,Kn are oilier Pill purporting to be Lint . ', uw before Hie public Dr. M'Lane'a gen- ! 9 fl '. ii.ii. Bn lua celebrated Ve run In ire. 1 '"Cn,,'w be had at all respectable drug atorta, '.' , tn-iiiit irilAoul li tignulure uf f j.jhj FLEMING IIHOS. H ,i. KutrlMlor'a Hit I r.lV . (9 !aVj (KDt)H Hl'STY HAIR DVEI) in. H slant!)' 1 a beautiful and Natural Ilromi or i (k. mthoiit I''1 ,jury lo ur skin. , ' jfjfi'rcii Medal and Diplomas iave been awurd I , ,. A. llatobclor aiuee le.'IU, and ovrr bO,. I J) ii.ilif 'li"a have been made to the Hair ol , (Htii. f lua famous Dy Prejudice against ?,,,, the Hair and Whiaker la unjust, aa II U lc sk"int ,IJ I'1'"1' 'lh I Win. A. Ilatclif Inr'a Hair Dye pruducra a color I..,! , be liuliiiniilird limn linlnre, and ;a war. i i.i injure ill tho kaat, liowevtr long it ' t, -1 v k tioilinuid. 4 M.ilr, 'old or applird (in 9 private roonia) at iJi ,e v,e' I J' try, 33 llioailway, N. Y. (J in a 1 1 Cilita and tuwna of the lilted Statra, i. Il-Mfi: and Fnty liood Dcalcia. 'ij- Tin: ti. nuiiie liaa the name and addrcaa up. i'il 1''"'" engraing ou fuur aidca of each WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR. rr tilt b "II lha I'ruggiala in harlotte. Apul i"J, lejfi. 233 Uroadnaj, New York. jf ptuir'a I'liHuiKB PaiN EiTac-roa will ,. a ti.i- (' 'in uti nstluoiation from the eerrat ' j-in "r ie-l.la. in from one to twenty inmutra tint it will hral the wound witliout acur ; -J rlfrrtujlly cur Krrr !. Pile Salt i juih liiilainiiialury Ulieumatiam Sure nd in. r ,, k( ul t itumif HruiM-lllil and i i er .ii-St.re eall Hod-.Ctrn and Bunion I L-t .itn Hi- Stiraina Swelling Fell Clul. i it ,,U. H.tea ul ln cla-HeiSrd and Broken Itrcaat i L-S ' Nii'i'M F.rupitona and all other iiiflani. j : r .lo! rittautoua diacaata, where the paita 4.u (I fan be reaeiied. ! n't Ir iio-rrfiulou about the many d'tea-iea i I.-la w- run d hy only one It. ng but rrfli ct, . . .. ii, c f, w, but paitire p'ojieriie w lurn the ' Sive alone ronUiiia, and a herelofnre i u ii' r U'i one to (our can reach not alone the i - rt u.' iit;iihtu dieae, but many more not en. ; ,,,, it in,ri ii tarn rnri ! r. i ti ( ii.''MtL maiibii roa atoaaa ur ifirraa. ti.i.ti'.i.i ! Lull tv.l ol IIM IVI PlUtl'l PI1 rITl-To J u . n it 4 Steel Plate Kif rsed Label with the ;!,4;urtf ol C. V I I.lt K KNL1! A t ti , propria, t .. IIKMtY DALt-KY, nunu'-ttur.r. All 1 ffi nt eounte i feit. Price 25 rente per boa. : If A.I onlrra ahouid b addreaaed to l.'. V. Click, i-r i I'.i., M Brelay etreet. New York. 1 Yr a'e by all Druggiat throughout the Uni. i .CtU tj, l.6. J tiniiiiii of I'nrf nrrnliip VII. firm of B. Knrairitnn 4 Co., baa to a ! 1 rt'jr b-"n diaaolfed, by mutual conaer t. A!l j 'n inilrMed, will .leaa make early par inn. I j 1! k'x-aminn, who ill rmtiniie the buainra ai tts ana account, at the old atar.rl. j B- KOOI'M ANN. i ELIASi COHEN. .Urit I'J, H56. 26i f m:ujiilm, j'i.'M uolirsigned hare formed a oopart I inTMiip, in the Mercantile liaiinea, at f -,1 at -nd nf It. Koopoann gV Co., opposite to i n A Steth-'e, where Ihry invite their friend 4 tnr inihlie tn cell and see them. The firm .. '.e unjer tiie name of Knoomsnn A Pb.lii. IS. KlHtPMANN. II. M. I'lIKLl'S. ( U'Uite, .Vpt S, IP56. 5dtf Notice. I JW'II I. aril st the latii rraidene nf Joai ph f. :iap., uic'd , on the 1Mb. of Septi u.Ur l'.!lBl J Ijtu Uihrh ,f CORN, OATS, II A 1", I 11 s-j enm n ff (If.iTttin lli'i-t, Mulct, Ciittle, Hug and Shreji, ll,usehi,hl and Kttrhtn Pitrtnture, J ir.auv otner article sot necessary lo mention. 'ma in .we known on the oay of s.le. ' arsons bsving claims araiuat the above ea. a ll pieaent them within the lime honied by ".or tins .,(,, r ,,! . plead in bar of their r''Ty ; all those indebted will pksse make pay. I EDWIN FALLS, Adm'r. 4 A.,.. 2.i, IK',6. 1.10 , , , j "TATE OF Min if.(;AIMUNA, 1 MKi KLIMIURQ COUNTY. f'liirt of I'nti and Ijuaitrr Sffiuitt, Ju- 1 l.. T . - ,. j "I i CI lit, J COII. I ii- ii. n , 1 I II I Original AUarhmtnt. u rifiinjf ha m. 0 aptH-arii.jf l the Mtiftfactinn of tht eonrt, ! Ill t the iti- lt-iiiii.nl i a tifat tit lit. hit salt I i. f tl.ia inn rc.iili a bcrond the hnnls of the same, J ' H'trr'ate (, titled bit Ihe Court, That puhln I i ! inailo for sti weeks in Ihe North Caroli "t;. s in r.i,i,er printed in the ton n of Char. "', rioliiying tIP said defendant tn he and ap. i at I. ., i,- 4t . r in of .un ti.jit, to In- hi Id r liirr.iuni, ,,' M. eklenhurg, at Ihe cnuil-lmuse l.arhilte. ,, lh, 4lh .Mn,uy in OclolM-r licit. ii aim ti ,, t plead, answer or demur, or juiig. nl iiru , W ,ti.i v 'an will be luken ag.iint linn. K lieid, elerh of our said court, at ' rl-, Ii I'll MuiiiUv in Jnle. IH.'ili. and in Ihe " )' " of Ainrrir in Indeienilenee. W U Ilt.MII n f -AVr. j, IH.'.U.' 133 L Not ice. E W i "f "n asaieninfiit to tne, made hjr A. H i.,w,,a. of thehite f,rni ol llcM A lona, l;, ''"" 'led lo mid firm, arc he,. t.y re. I " ' '" "'"se immediate payment, aa lunger i v . i.,, .,mr).j lo ,,,r, s. ll!, .,,t f ,ie !)U.(IK.,,) ,U( lu rnIll ri,. r ' me niioie. ' M. HUTCHISON. Amis'ire. il. ''(Kill, ,.M Notice. 0 an-rs or t alan hti M.atul rou sai.i:. lT? 'IIIKsuhsenlier heinif slill fT. FJ S s de.i,,,,,. t ,. C'."' a" jjltllo-ble PLANTATION, silua. tUV , , '' !M,eklenhutg qi ty, , J" "'He U w llenne. Ford, on thcCaluwna Ri. f inl t ulhey'. Creek, would inf,,,,,, person f "ing lo (iiirchaae. Hint he can be en at In I n" i'" "t any time, or cnuiitiiimr.ated I , r "l "'ia pmnt. ll i. rre that an H i, I -o.iueu m purcnasu a Ueairalilc A. II. GRAHAM. 1W. tli J f forMe, Aug. 26, The iTInrltdg. COKRECTKD BY WII.MAMS, G 1 1.I.Kf-l'I E & CO. CHARLOTTE, SEI'TEMDElt 9, 1856. flACON, lUma, . lb. . 13 a 00 " Sidea, . . lb. . 12 a 00 "' Hup round . lb. . a )3 " Slioul.lura, .lb. . II a 00 Rugging, Cotton, . yd . 17 a 8 Mi li', - . . lb. . .1 a G ButUr, . . .lb. . 12J a 32 lleeawax, . . .lb. . 211 a H lieu in, . . . buahel . 75 a 00 Brandy, Apple, . . gal. . f,) 70 " Peach, . -gal. . f,2 a 1 Cotton, mw .lb. . 10 a 15 Colli e, Kio . .lb. . 14 a ii) " Jota . . lb. . H a 37 Candlea, Adamantine,, lb. . 33 a 5G " Sperm., . lb. . 40 , 25 " Tallow, . lb. . R a f.'2 Cnrn, . . buahel . 8 a ftt C'liickena, ... each . 124 a 15 Clutli.Cupperaa, . yurd 12 a 15 " Lindny, . . yard . 25 a 30 El? ga, ... doren 8 a 00 Hour, . . 100 Iba. . .)J 34 hbl. . 6 a 70 Feathera, . lb. . 32 a 34 Lard,. ... lb. . 12 a 13 Mutton, . .lb. . 5 a 6 Mackerel, . . . bbl. . () t 54 Molaaeea, N. O. gal. . 75 a 69 " W. 1. . . gal. . SO a 56 Meal, buahel . 50 1 fjo Mullet' (Wilmington) bbl. . tU a 95 Naila, Northern . lb. . g a 00 " Suuthern . . lb. . 5 a 00 Oata buahel . 30 a 37 I'ork lb. . 7 a 00 fVae.f. ... buahel . 50 a 55 Potatoce, Irish, . . buahel . J.'.O a 00 " Sweet, . . buahel . I.'IJ a 00 Rice, .... bualicl . f t a 00 Hugar, litf, . .lb. . 14 a 00 Rruwn, . .lb. . 11 a 14 Sti.ne.Warc, . . g.il. . 10 a 00 Salt, !. . . aiick . 2 k 2J Tea lb. 75 a $J Wheat, . . . bualicl . 120 a 130 W l.inkiy, Northern, . gal. . 45 a 55 " N. Carolina, gal. . 56 a 62 j Wool (biat (irorgia) a-hed, . 27 a 2S " ' unwaahed . 22 a 23 Yam, . . bal . SO a 00 COLUMBIA MARKET. Coi.vhi, Si pi. 6, lMli. COTTON. There waa no cotl .r, on the market yeaterday, and therefore we have no change to notice in the market, nor ran we make any alter, ation in our quoUliona of 9 a 11) tenia. Im-- Ymir ri.ino-a in Tniic ! fMV) the Cit.jeea ol'Charlotle nod vieimty. The JL iieribtr hating olten b,eii called Uioo, b.a uiaUe arrant nifiila by vhieii he la prepared tn tune and repaii Piano Fortt-t, M. lodeana, die. Your Ptronape la rtpcrtluly a, hcited. IJT'OKDEItS may be lell at II -on &, Co' Sh Store, or Dr. Scar'a Apothecary Store. A.SA UEORGH. .4. 26, IK'iti. 27U Notice. 4 PPLICATItiN will be made lo the nejt Sea. aian of the General Aaaembly for an aniend. ment lo the Charier of l.viriaoti College ; and a. ao for an Act apecnilly fi.r the benefit of eaid lit. atitution. W. W. I'lIARK, Prett. K. NVE llt Ti tltSd.N, .Vfi''v. .turd Trutieet of Vatidttn Cvllrge. Aug, 26, IbZti. 30 iiu:siiVTi:uiA.v J-'EMAIal-: COI.LKCK, HI ATl M ll.l.i; f. St i oiul A i I ice. eft?- S?s fITH iew of ena. tiling tHcm tematta their pUna fully, aa vi !1 aa to hai their ecu nn and . r.itioiit to coincide with iii.e of I-vi.:.iri t oMt gi. thr Tra trra uf this Iutif.itinn h- t'.trrutHtt-d to detir the opening of their Colitgr, uiil.l The 15th of September next, At write ft timethry mil be prepared tor the rrccn. tton of pupils. The ltKration ia UTurahlc to health, Ivinp tn an rtrvatrd rfon, and Wtthin a few hour a ride of the untaina, lnt from the lower couo. try it is eaai!y nccraaible hjr mrans of the Central Kail-Road and a tri-weekly line of Sugra from Hahabury, 'id milts. IL.afd nd tiMtu.n to be ptid in advsr.ee. TLUM per aestiunof fite montlis.sa follows : IWird and tuition in tite Ki;giih depart. mmt . 60 t 0 Tuition !! . . l. 00 Jreitch Ljnutf, . . 5 00 fattm and tircrk, earh, . . .10 00 Muate with use of I'leino. . if-J 50 onhfigfoeir. . . . 1 t0 Candle and T'-w'a furniahtd by the pupiia. 3y orde r of tttr Iloird. S. U. O. WILSON, Pris t. Ap.m,:,c. i53 Valuable I'AH ( Kl l It l.nud i'Oll SALE. 0tf. THE l'LANTATION, known a 4raC 1 tlie ltoxich I'lace, adjoining the tar I.anils of T. T. Johnalun. Iluht. S. Mc. .aaaaW. t,re and others, enlsimng three hun. dred (IIOO) acres, more or less, wilt he sold at the Court House in Charlotte, on Tuesiisy of the Of. tuber Courl neat. Anv peison wishing to look at the Iand, will csll on f'r. J. Maaweit, alio resides on the prenueea. r. J. LOW HI K. KuR IS. Oates. ALLISON A DAMKL. ChnthtU, Aug. 21, 166. t.16 t'nn lie Net" it, T MKSsR:.. f'ISIIKU A HI RROI UH S, or at .Mcsara. llrelu A. Stcele'a, a celebrated A ruiMMi machini:, For inspection and sslr bmlt at this pUre hf S. J. I'EHKY. Crof(, Aug uit 19, SOtf Hans"''" nlicr. ttr IS entered on the Stray Itook of Meeklen. T W burtj county. on the l'.lih in.taiil, by Mur. tin Irehour, liviii)r three miles from ( 'harlnttc, on the YurkTilli: r.w l, a sirsr IHHISK MI I.E. ai r. rel color, small site, about years old, with a a"sld un the le it hip. Said M ule was appraised lo the aiue of 132 .'0. T. J. IIOLTON, Ranger. Aug. 19, IS.'.fi. f.'H MOKIillV cV OLDIl.UI, i.lKHIliS AND COMMISSION M KR I'll A NTS. WII.MI.V.TO.N, X. C. Notice. A V;iliiall IMM and LOT FOll SALE. jJMllIC subcrilr offers for ale wMlllMSr'.o' fil-a southern no rt,'fl and weil.iniproveil '. aod !( !', ailUiited in the twirlinn uf low n, adioiiiinftT the I.ula now owned bv R. V. D.ividon and A. II. Martin, know n aa the Sprall properly. Mr. John 1,'. Daniel ia fully authorized to make snle in my absence, I'l-raons in want of desirable situation in town, would do well to call and examine this properly. The House and all out-liuihlii't'S arc new and in fi'al rate order. Possession given im mediately. Terms made lo ami the purchaser. JOHN ALLISON. Aug. 12, 1M6. V. S. Th i property will be rented until the 1st of January, Bo7, to a good tenant. BLANK DEEPS for iu-le at thin Office. 93 Notice. OTI HE f HARLOTTE MUTUAL INSURANCE vL, C OMI'AN Y continuea to tube riake againat lna by Fire on Houava, Goodi, Produce, &.C., at Uxunl ratea. llJUfliue in Brawlry'a Building, upklairi. DlRKf'TOns : M. B. TAYLOR, President. S. P. ALEXANDER, Vice President J. A. YOUNG, J. H. WHITE, J. II. CARSON. T. .. C. (IVEIMAN V . A. J. 0. STEELE, ) mul" II. WILSON, Attorney. JOHN F. IRWIN, Secretary. Aug. 12, 1856. 25if 'I hp. Last Xatirr. HR unilfTFtgneil, nftcding wUhI m due to hiin Jb (Voih utlicf, tifreby etvvn rmlico th.t all ptr- on indfliltd to lum art ri qn ted lo ntak puj-i mcnl by the jut of October next, on longer ludul gence cannot be given. WM. JOHNSTON. Aug. 12, 185G. t30 NEW TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. ALEXANDER fe LENTELE WOULD inform the cilizena of Char lotte and the surrounding country, that they have taken the room .. I, M ilttfV Mow, form, crly occupied by It. M. iio. biuaon, where they intend Carrying en tlie TAII.OICIXa' BUSIHISS in nil i' braiictiew. I f a 1 1 1 p enugtrd the t-ervices of A. Itctliuue whose n-putHtion aa a Cutter, ia well known in thin eoiiiniuniiy, they fej no lit si -tancy in fiying' that they are aa well pn pared to fire atttiafurtion aa any other ratubliahmtriit in ttna part of the country ; and by ctnpc application and atrict ali.-r.tii.ft to buaineait, iliry )upv to mer it a liberal ehare of patruntige. Good fita war ranted. IT Filii(,ni received montlily from the beat n porta. ALEXANDER k LENTELE. Augutl 19, 18.16. 26tf Notice. .1 Valuable ilOVSK tnul LOT FOR SALE Oil RENT. tJUllF. subeenher oflVr tl eir well aa unproved Ijota in the town of rlotte, for lie or rent, situilcd le eastern portion ,f the town. known aa the Penmin projierly, runl.uinng 4 h-l. The unimproved lota ari vi ry dcairuble Luilctrg IajI. Apply hi John K. D nu l. ALLISON DANIEL. Aug. 12, 1?:,6. . 2.1 if j IN.! Oilier, t li.ui loll.-, . ( . ' rilllE Northern Mail hereafter will bo closed at JL J o-eloc, f. M '.''lie houthcru Mail will be closed st 7 o'clock, P. M. JJT The eflVe will be opened for delivery, from 5J lo 7 o'clutk, P. M. F. M. ROSS, P. M. Aug. 5, 156. 24tl" A Valuable Plantation ion v.f.;. THK PLANTATION for- 2 J"J 1 nierl' beloninr to the V(v l-te Mr. Cf Mln S iliiaiiisuii, r.nt.tii.!RF 1 "iti arr , moic or -aCESliefc 1, mil be a )'d itt her Lite rcMidriire un the IGth of St'ptiitter next. Any p' rnn winhtnjf to pur chase Land wooi't do well to lumineit befortj the dy ot aiilc The pluitiution is itu iUd alwut 10 milt a tw-uth of i hrlntlr, on tfi .Naition Ford R'id, and n about I j milt a from M'rrow'a T. O. on the I . . S. C. . U. The Lnd i well adap. UU to the cultivation of tram ami Cottoi. - ALSO On the asme ddf end at tht aamc place, w ill be sold 2 Negroes. Terms made known on to- day nf sh. WM. I). ItU$KLL. MAUY HUNTKIt. AC . .8.'i6. t30 Tiie Lhii.oc at w,l! p.rase copy. T.C.&B.G.WOItTH. torn ml ssion ami roricfirtlitig MERCHAXTS. BROWN'S BOILDIKG. WATER ST., WILMINGTON, N. C. 17 I Mini aiiviinces made on consignment. Fair Notice. rjlMK Copartnership of MOORK A. BYFRLV JL haa this day expired. All those indebted to the firm snd wUhing to save co.t, sre rtquevted lo come forward immeo lately and make settle, nient. as the Iiuniius of tne firm must and shall be settled in a few 0 hi. MOOUE & UYERLY. July 3 1 , 1 8 56. 24 if Notice. T life! subserihrr infnmia his friend and the public ge'ically, that tic will continue the '1 in ii iti"; IIiitsiiirM at the old stand, where all orders for work will be punctually attended lu. R. W. MOORE. -1o. 1, Hjii. 25tf i: c-a Tliin mitl I nUc Aoticr f j BAS 51 'KVIVINC PAKTNKR f Sl'BINt.S j &. I IM.N(. TUN, have to close up the bu. i silicas nf said firm, 1 therefore notify persons in. I detst.d, .iiber by .,,lc or Iiooli Account, made at j Clrnr Creek or Rocky Hierr Store, Hint longer in. j dulccueww ill not be jjivm. As the hirfest num. her of said Nott s and Account, have now stood too i Ion; unsettled, the shortest mid quickest course ! will be pursued (i,r thctr collcctinn. Callst Ihe j tirocciy Store of Spring A Mcl.eod's, Charlotte, or at Ilia Store in Rocky River, whrro the busi. i nrsa ill bu continued, and settle the same forth, with. LEROY SriUNC.S, ( hnrlntlf, Aug. 5, 18.r6. SJlf i'W fcciiool. fllllK undesigned haviiic determined to open a I r". male Sehiud in the town of Charlotte, will coniuiLiiee on Monday the 1st cf Septi mber neat, at Ihe loom fnrmrrly ocemm-d as a furniture room, one door below the ju il. Terms, per session a (ol. Iowa : llilhotrnpliy, Heading snd Writing, . $7 ticography , lirainniar, History and Anth-J jq siit 1 i e, ... . - f All Hmhcr llranchcs. . 12 N. I). Little lioya under ten years of age will be ' admitted. M. T. MASON, if July 29, t56. iKv Notice. fBIIK, suhseriber offer for sale his pl.n.iatinn, I three mill s North west ol Churlotie I vng ma branch ol Sii-sr Creek, containing 34 1 acres, adjoining the Uliila of J. P. Ross, Kso,., Ihilllel Metier, Win Means nd olhers. This land i con venient in the western plunk road, about HO seres is cleared and under cultivation, also a oiiantitf of aa good meadow land as is in 'he county. The farm is in good rep.nr. This place is well wat. ered also a valuable orchard, one dwelling house und other buildings. I will sell il m lola or to suit the purchasers. Any person wishing lo pur. chase will rind me or my brother un the plants lion, at all liines. eli H. McCoy. June 19 bl' R 1 a .afE-aa. i last Lsauh. , t(VH,' in tl Authorized Of t)u State of Georgia PRIZES GUARANTEED ! I Fort 6!C5 Hcehi JLoiicrij, I CLASS 1, I To be drawn in the City of Atlanta, Georgia, in I public, on Saturday, Sept. 27, 1856, 011 the j aj. tx aa au. OIioam 2 3 SAM'L. SWAN & CO.SlaBagcrs. IMtlZIS AMOUNTING TO $204,C00 Z 2 will be diatributed according to the following 50,000 TICTS ib.ISo FfiiZESii 1 Pruc of 140,1100 i 111,000 in.ooo 10.000 5.000 2,800 1,000 0,000 2,000 10,000 i 10,1100 i 5,00(1 is 2,000 is 1,000 is 1,000 is 200 are 10 100 100 are 10,000 4 P'i-or2nOspproi.to40,OOOpriiesre 800 4 4 of of mo to 10,000 400 75 " 60 50 40 " 25 " 20 " 8 ace to to to to to to 10,000 5.000 2.000 1,000 1,000 100 300 240 200 160 100 800 120,000 4 4 4 4 40 15,000 of of of of of of IS.Ibtl Pritr amounting lo 840 1,000 The 15,000 Prize of $ are dter, jtd by the number which draw the 140,090 Prize it that : number should be an odd number, the every odd number ticket in the Scheme will be entitled to 8j if an even number, then every even number ticket in the Scheme will be entitled ti (8, in ad. ditinn to any other Prize which the ticket may draw. Purchaser in buying an ffjual quantity of odd and even number tickets will be certain of drew, ing nearly half the cost of the saiae, with chances of obtaining other Prizes. All these ti-Vets ending wilh 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, are even all thnae ending with I, 3, 5, 7, 9, are odd. ILfliciiicmbcr that erery Priz in c'rawn, and payable ill fuli without deductioa. EL" A II Prizes of $ I, C00 and undrr, paid imme diately after the drawiig other Prize at the ua. ual lime of thirty riaya. All communication strictly confidential. The drnwn numbers will be forwarded to purchaaers immediately after the druwmg. Tne plan of drawing the Lottery will be cnt with all Tickets ordered. U'liulu Ti( k-l eiO-IIulven 5 ti;irt'i $44. Prize Tickets called or.'encwed In other Tick, eta at either ollice. CHEAT IN 1)1 f in r.KTS TO (MBS As one. half the the Tieets are gu irantecd to draw $8 we will pell Certificates ot" Parkagee of 10 1 lekt ta (oud and evcu aumbers.) at the follow. ii;g ratca All that Ihe 10 Ticketa (which ore those decided by the number drawinir he Capital.) draw over the amount guaranteed accrues to the purchaser. Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Ticketa, 60 10 Hilf " 30 " " 10 Quartor " 15 Adiirrss orders for Ti;kets, or Certificates of Packagea of Tickets, either lo S. SWAN & CO , Atlanta, Ga. or 8. SWAN, ftlotdgumery, Ala. Auguit 19, 1656. 4w SOI III CAROLINA KAIL KOAU. C HARLt8T0fc, Jt'.NE 8, Iti.ti. OTKL On and aittr 1st July next, lit if 'OT 11 c. uiup:inr will advance the expenses (lnp lrtipi)t and the uual inridr-rti! charra) on all Merchandize dtlivrrt-d at tiu-ir IVpot, to bo for w iirfled to Aueuiti( llemiburp, Cohttabia and Cam. den on the .South Carolina Rstil livd, and to all psi ta on coiiitt-ctiiiff Roads in this Slute, Georgia, sNoriH .'aruitna. Teuueasee, A labs ma, nd Mine is aippi. Mhtpptra will pica he notice that their bill of ex. pen ten inuct be niude up atparatcly fir each mark, and in aduitiuu to tiie Ur-Uul particulars, must eiu. brace the names ol the fctationlf 111U iittc tor this i lu.ad, or if to be forwarded to a counecltt g Koud, t ie lo-riie of l hut koad. Jt ta alsu iiiCiptPfcnbly met ry that these bills of expense should be left with Mr. J. KINU, Agent or the Freight Dc. poi, Ann-street, bejore the goods have bven for warded, or they cannot be paid. j Prouuce wi:l itha be received at the above Ma. tiuim, ind frum connecting Kail lioHiie, to be for. rardeit from Charleston without chrires of com. itns:in( to any deaignuted point. In such caae, recetpin .nurit be t-tken at the Shipping Elation, and furwtirded lo the Agent Down Freight S. C. 11. Road, CrMrlenton,' with inatructions.it desired. Otherw lae, shipments will be made by tir at oppor. tunity. at enrrer.t ratea of freigbt. Anv furtlu-r information which may be desired, can be obtained at any of the Companv'a Freight OtBcei. If. T. PEAKE, General Svpt. July 15, ISjti 2'ltf EBGEW 0RTH FEMALE ,SEMIXAliY, ii rei nsbo roil gh, ,Y. .'. Saatilfi 1 1 1 E next Session of ibis Institu tion will commence en Friday 1st of August. I he course of study is designed to etnbr.ice ev ery thmp necessjrv to a substantial and orn;mien. t il education, great prominence is given lo the so lid branches. Neither labor nor expense has been spared to ' secure instructors of the highest quahfie;itioi.a in their varioustfepartmefiu.and to make Fdpeworth second to no Institution in the country in every tlnng mcessury to a complete Kducatitn. For cireuhira containing tcrnt. cuurse of in. structinn, e., anply to IUCUAKD STERLING. Princ'aL July C. IHiti. 2in re. A 'r.r Tft'p'r, 7 "r." fall(5MAS TEOTTKR A. H SOM hkeo Just received 4? (and will be rejulurly reciv. ff JT, ing aaouions liarreio; a cuoiec i ! .Ir-aA atock of handaaatie and fash. r. I . i.m.l.l.. V ITI II I'S frl 111- SfS&&j& n,n' celebrated makers. Al an, a rich assortment of Fashionable Jewelry, Chains, iVc. All of w Inch will be sold low for c.iah, or un short j tune to punctual dc.-ilers. ' 'I'li.iM i., Ti,n'nM.M I. env ftilV.',l.0 ltlVllll.il x uu.i . C4(ule, June 17, lboG. ff To lli .lien liisHls t t liarloltf, and "Hwrlli 1'iirolinu jji-mriill j-. E call the attention of Merchants, that, we are largely engaged in th ?KA!-D!HG FUSSES?. U'c meaaure every paekiipe consigned to us, lo present over charge in Freight. We dn not dciiend utton dravnicn to furward cur goods, but have the very best help, all acclimated, thrrctoro no detention for sickiu-ts, Where persons contract with u for all their busincsa, we will make terms very liberal wilhotil such contract, il is frum IU to i j cent per. pack age according to sue snd value. Bills of eupcnscs w ill after the 1st of July, fol low the goods. WYATT, STOGNER Jt LLOYD. Charleston, So. CVi. Refer to Jno. Caldwell, Esq., President of the S. C. H. It. and Citizens ot Charleston. Jane. 17, Ifi6. 17 UN Blattresscs RKADY M ADK, nf Shucks or Spring. Per. sons wishing di lien ill sius and styles, will please call. ILTAll ORDERS piumptl? filled. f . M. FARROW. ,4rti IS, lbjti. Otf Capital Prise flT$5Q.OOO.aL1 Authorized by the. Slate nf Alabama.' iwoiilhci'ii Itiiil.'iiv .Irntlriii)' IiOTTBRT! CL.tSia U, To be drawn in the city of Montgomery Alabama, in public, on Thursday, September 12, 1856, on the SAMUEL SWAN, Manager. I'RIrS AMOl NTINti TO Will be distributed according lo the follow ing 30,000 TICKETS GriLY II 1 Prize of f50,000 is t50,000 I " 25,01)0 is 25,000 1 " 15.000 i 15.000 1 " 10,000 ia 10.000 1 " 0.1100 ia 6.000 I " 5,000 I 5.000 1 " 3,000 i 3,0110 3 Prize of 1,000 are 3,000 10 " 500 are 5,000 80 400 ia 32,000 100 " 200 is 20,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 P'z of 4J0 approx. $50,000 prize are 1600 300 25,000 15,1100 10,000 6,0110 5.000 3,000 1,(100 1,000 1,000 500 400 200 1.200 250 175 1.50 125 1U0 K0 70 50 40 30 20 1,000 700 600 500 400 320 2r-0 2(111 1 ,1.00 9,610 b.OUO 40 320 4U0 1,000 Prize amounting to S'iJ.OOOO Whole Tick'ts$10, IIalves5 Quart'rsll FLA .1 OF THE LOTTFHY. The Nmribtrs from 1 to 20,000, corrt spotiding' with thosu Numbers on the Ticket printed on se parate slips of paper, are encircled with small tin tub s, and placed in one wht-W. 'I' ne tirbt XJ'MJ Prizes, similjrly printed and en circled, are placed in another wliet-I. 'i t it whccU i.fe then rtvulvcd, und a nunibcr ia dritwn from the whtflof Numbers, and it ti.e SdiiiL' time it i'rizc ik drawn IVikii the atiitr wlic-cL The Number and Prize tlruun out are up wd ttnd exhibited to the audknee, and rtgistm-d by the Commihiuner, ti.e Prize beini; fliiced Bg !iiit th - Numbt-r drawn. Tbit opfriliju is repeated ut.ul u,A";irThe,w,)f,recc P .nd tiie two aucctdinp rvuinU rs lo thtse J raw ing the ; firit 200 Pnzis will be ontitlt d to the fct'U Apprtx-1 iinntmn prizes, according to the Suit-mc. J SIaTThe M-muferH, delcrmint-d luat their Lotie. : ries ahi.il e.xct't nil others, oHVr to the public the j above scheme, which, for the brilli-ira j of its ('Hp. ititU, and the chancca of obt-i.;.tig Prizes, has ik. ! vt-r turn equ.illed. I j IrKtMnember that every Prize ia drawn, md payable in full without deduction. ! IJ'Ail Prizes of $1,1 OU and under, pa i J imine. j duitcly lifter the drawing other Pnzta ut the us. , ual time of thirty days. . AM communicalions strictly confidential. The t drawn numbers will be forwarded tt purchasers imniediately afttr the drawing;. Prize Tickets cashed or renewed in other Tick. I ets at either office. Orders for Tickets can be addressed cither to S. SWAN k CO., Atlanta, Ga. or S. SWAN, Montgomery. Ala, Aug. 19, 1856. t23 sa a. : '-me X. BOOT & SHOE is i:imioyi:i to rni. is: m STORE, .vo. 3, mm ii K.i.xvr, Opjnsite the 11111 T Iliftiict, ("7'IILRE they will be pleased to ate their "TrHERE they will be pleased to tte their t 1J trends -nd Customers. viu a (iciiu. auu v. ua milieu. lit JON E A CO. : July I, 1856. 19tf .1 IlBIa'l'.l. C'. r "I Estrtblihnient is convienient! v situated JL lo the JSew Court House and Rail Koad Pe- pot and every effort will be made by the propr i tor j maKe ail ttial may call on litm comtorublc while they stay. 13 lien-ember the nearest Hotel to the Depot nd Court House. V. K GRANT, J5tf June 3, 1 856. cNotice. IX COXSEQl'ENCE of having lost by the fire M. which occurred in thi place, on the mornine of llic l27.ii uf .May last, various Notes and chums against numcrnua ptrsotis in this und adjoitnug counties which note and claims, being tnu prop, crly of A. C, Stielc, A. lh thune Ai Co., and otii. , era, wlueli were placed in inv hands fur collection : All persona, therefore, against whom any of such claims are still standing unsettled, are hereby du-' ly untitled, that unless they apiieur immediately! and close up Ihe same, by note or cash, 1 shall bo ' compelled to file, forthwith, tills in Equity, there. I by suhjtetinj such persons to additional ami un-j ncccssarv costa. ( S. W. DAVIS. 1 Charlnttc, Jun 17, 1S56. tf SSAa stsaatt "1"AS just ntcived her new, ftS'j aTl IB Spring Fashions and she! l-rcparcd lo cut IIR1-.SSKS,' ?S3ac.! alter Mrs. Lrsly's ly le, V fl.AS lust ntcived her new, r unieti ne consnicrs snpenttr to s uny'other. She in still prepared to make and trim i in any style, and she oelievea she can give satis, faction. She can be found st her old st.ind npfini. site the Pft t'tliee, w here all orders will De punc tually attteiided tu. April !!, lii."6. lltf (Cotton Saw (ins. , 1 fMUF Subscriber having ptirchaed the GIN. E MAKKNt; I.STAi;iISH.MIAT of Wm.j Campbell, is prepared to sell COTTON SAW tI.S made of the best materials, and put up in j the best manner, with all nccesnury modem im provement., JAMES M. ELLIOTT, Wiunsboru, Kairlield 1ist., . C. April 3J, lbo Ii. !-" lerchants1 Hotel, IKISG-Sr.. CllAIU.r.STOX, s. c.: BY J A M C. M. Ill It ST, tK DOX.I.AR AND HFTV CENTS PER DAY. CuiJS and Bonds for sale at this Ojfct!. WRH10VAL "Mecklenburg House, CHARLOTTE .V. C. I would respectfully invite the altention of the Public to my llmme which ia aitu.ited 3 doors North East of Kerr's Hotel which is now open lor licLI;ir and Transient Hoarders. Particular attention paid to feeding Horace at either of my etub'lcs. All kind ol Drover will find sinple acrnmmodation at my House. Having Sand Lola, Shed Stables and Pl nly of Water. AIo, all kinds of Smithing done, Horse shoeing, Bii:gy or ( arriagc Repairing, or New ones made out u lid out to order aa good as can be made in Charlotte uit the emtio pumisce. And 1 would auy to the Trnvrlaiit,; Public, that any thing in the way of Livery conveyance can be had from a saddle, horse up to 11 eoaeh and four at the simrlci't notice. Any one calling on ua in either branch of our buaitu as, no pain will be spared to give satisfaction. S. II. RE A, Yroprirtor. F. M. RE A, Art. May 20, lf!56. 13lf O. r. AMIEHSON. TV D. REVNOI.lS. amii;imi A: i:i;voi,i, iOrtiV; .ir.itii,tr LUi.liviiiSrOi' MEUCIIAXTS, ?Ti. 10, Riiiiiinlte qmtrr, NORFOLK, VA., Pay active allcnlion to the sale of Flour nd olh. er kind of Produce,, avniiiinp; unntccssary char, ges and rendering prompt re torus. Fiishionable ISaznr ! yrtf. WR- SHAW r. spec i!il"i ITfl. forms her fru ndi Vc. nS'ipuhlic generally tli.it s ctfull v in. id the in receipt nt tit-r Spriup ;ini Sum. nit-r (itmdn OMiriisttiii of Nt w und Kiishiofiutde Miilintry of the Ij. Uht sty h P, iilfo AN1 OTHER FaXCY Al!TICI.i:S, calculateO to pleas'. All who deairc lo supply thtniselves witn F sliioii,, hie articles hi her line will do well to call and naminc her Slock. Sne will all'ord licr goods at iiiiiat rtaaon-hh. price for ', 4 a" ' j 3 " All OIIPFIIS punrtu-'lly attended to. j April lr'.iG. lOlt , " " " " Fancy Goods To ys U losicH VARIETY STOKE, Upptiatte Y.eturia. Hotel. IJLU.VAIID S. liAULC, MK.CSt'jiOR to S. WILXE I g MPoItTLR of till kinds of French Liglif. snd . A German Fancy IjooUs, Toy s of y very dtaenp. , 1 1 on and Hou ry. The Store beinjT known for the IbpI 12 vearc, it would he urn-lens to pive a .special description of i:l I I lie art ith s U'-pl, tut Meri.ii.nils ill tin: touti. I try can rely on finding thtre, aiwitys a large und j luil ncortiiierit of - At priecs whi.:h will wt 11 compare any Northern City. Cull ami jui si Ivca. I May 13, lNrG. It'll ll.OFC Of e for your 15lf Tan Hark Wanted ! I BI"M INK & CO. want to purchase a lart'e funn. M til v of I A.N ItAlih. for tthlih the Inflict prce will lie ia id in CASH. Chartulle, May (i, lsjlj. Hlf : iEoriiniLAL SGS Kiliff (Cor. of Wetitwortb)M., cii.iiii.iTo, s. e. T HIE PlaOrKIETOR of this new Establish- inent heps leave to in for nt his friends and the public, that he h"E opened ht tl e above St. i nd on his own und tole ktcuuiit, an entire ire til. Stock of F;.iir N(uriK,T4tys-,l!oi'i y, Ac. w hich bem if imiorted direct, he if einihleil to sell at fiirrtiU'lv In w urnts. 1 1 : s Stuck coiitsih U i-jrt. v of the lollowing tiood : i firu.ltes. Cotnlm. Umtous of evtrv deseriution. ' Pursen, Spec I ii cits. Sui spurs, Rhim ?t IC.izir Strttp. SliHvinp Ih'Xt n, I't rt usmn (.' ps, PisioU, Sti-el Pens, I.fJid Pencil?, Sj.ites ano Pencils, P'-nci! Cnser, Pocket Ibtoke, Porte .MtiimicK, IM;iyi"g .Cards, Diitiiinot ', I.cr, Jt-welry, Perfumery, Vio s lm Strings. Smiti' und Segrtr Ihxt k, L"k inp til ths. I r k, Truvellii'.p Uiipkets, Reticule, Ileims, tiiit, 1 Steel, Silver, und (ihts, Nt cklnees, Pipes, P-ipier ! Mache (ttiods und IHkf, I it-h lliiks und Lines, Hosiery Cotton, Thread, Siik, WnrMed (Moves of ; every description. Corset Lares, Silk. Threi-d Cot. ton, N'wmg m;k, rtieia i nr- ati, r-potit i oiii.n. Cotton. Rail mid Cord, ihntlint. PniitJs. Tape?- Linen und Cotton. G-tlioons. SuM-riuiera ;ind liar- ters. Shirt i 'oih.rs. Cotton ;md .Merino Drawers and Shirtw, Knit tin? and Skein Cotton, I look and , Kves. Kveleti, Pine, Needles, Bodkins, Knitting' Pins, VSonnet Wire, H ire liibhoti. Pec', Whale bone Hiihks. Itimt Laces, t'tdton Kniic'', Thim. blcs, Hair Pins, Fans of every description, l'm. forts, Caps, .Mitts. &c, ith u general assortment of tierman and Enli-'h Toys. MerehuntM visiting the City will find it to ( their sdvnnt: (je to call before purchsii, or send their nrcers, w hich will be mout punctully iit ti TUed to. F. VON SAN TEN, Soir Proprietor of the M -eonic Hull lt-itar. May 13, 1H5G. Ii.tf g-To the Public ! HAVK just rpceivfd and opened, the larj and must varied stock of v I;lillt, ' "Hill ' VO 1 1. i;T A It T I C I- r-S Ar.r., ' erer oflVred in this market, nil of which nil! be a.iid at f-rfi et nrly abort profits for I AsH, defy eomjtftttiOH, and if, whenever you want articles in ! mv iie Vou call, yti thail be sjltbTtd bo til witii regaru to I'twe and Qualttte. Kejipeet!ti!i v, : ii. m. nlrrcHAiri-v. .. WHOLESALE $ RETAIL 1IM CdtST. ?so. 3, Granite Itow. May b. llS."6. lltf i'FS Notice. T 111 r 1 .it Lists for IN., are now in m v mds, I re. quest all persona in iniorm me ut any ta XitbtCS which may nut le listed. LLT All perst-ns that hae not paid their taxes for l?oJ, ci turely come un ami 'oik urrr n-nr. E. C. U1UKR, slnf. A,uil 15. 1856. t-tf Caslt paid for Hides. r11IK hifheal market price puid for lilPl'.S in JL CASH, by S. M nuWKI.L. 3 'oars South ol ike Mansion Ihmte. April, 16 "if Bliint Attachments fei saleat this OJice. IMMHC Ai ItlalM CI I Alt LOTTE. C. HAVING associated onrsdve together for the purfmsc uf carrying on the C A 11 1 I N T I 11 AM) JOIXE R'S BUSINESS in till Mr branchr, ve tain.- l!.ia .nethod of inform. I rnjf th public thht we ar m ait timee reariy to I I-!. r I.miiLxr nt ahort notice, in a uprior nitn j nt r, alt kn.iln of I.nii.l cr ripird and joinli d to nr j cit r, our aaah and HI ind mnchinc-a &re in conat-ir.t j opemlinn, whirli turn fi' S.n-h ami Bti.nda in the i iii.jt aiiprv'rt fltyU. A supply of uah of ori.ina j ry aizta kept cor;iUiitfy on hand lit uu.bcnaMe j prtpfe. j ID Orders from a dlnt'inre for Siii-h er Cl'.r de j or any work in our line wiil bo pron.ptly nil. n j dfd to. j We hhve on hand and npret to keep i anpply 1 of the b;t F.tnnlwr the country afford, j Onr m-ictiine rtup ia on til Mrtt-t, Kat cf 1 the iMfliioditst Church, where one of ua can la I aern at any tine. Htiuac hutidinp in ti.e hitcat atykaof work pT j ticularly ottendd In. We wonld invite the at. J tentton of the citizena of Charlotte to the ailvun j t igca we hHve of doinv work witii difpalch our I motto ia, Uv indtiMM' we llirive." i HUDIaSILL & VIIISNANT. ! fotj 27, I8.ii. Htf Thiinkful for the p;itrnn.ife po liberally he. utowed upf-n ntc by the tit:2ff h f 'hnriotte nod the f urrtiiintlirip cutintry hrrttofbre, 1 ask a con. ttfiu-ince of tlie aamc, ft-t-l i i.g- saxurcd thit no pants wilt he spared to pl.-;iM-. JONAS RUDISILL J. & E, B. tcwe, MANUrAt'TLKERS OP COTTOX GOODS & YARN, Stowesville, Gastcn county, W. C.. fjf AVIN'Cj opened n IIoomc for the sale of thrir M tioixja in t harh ttc, ii ire to cult the i.tt n. turn nf McrLltitiiiH to thur ll'tise. Their (.ioodg are I. now it. und u c.ll irum buyers ia respectlully solicited. Ttey u I so keep a pood nupply of GROCERIES, and will enticivor to merit p. trf'iiwe. JASI'EU STOWE. E. B. STOWE. Charlotte, .(oil 1, 1856. filf Notice. tJjKliSdNS ()wiii accounts nt the Clnirlolt liook Store, I. r tlic i ar leo5, must call and settle the first i ppi riunitv. LOW1UE k ENNISS. April 8, 11:56. Ttf 53Xew Esfablislimcnt.- fBlHE uinltrsicned liiivng- estHblichtd himself M. pt rmaneily in ( 'l.arlotie, intends carrying on t)te P'liowuit-' brant-tit s ol IiUMittt;, uz ; Silver Yititinp) Gun and Loci smith ing, hell 11'iif.ttg ; Silver t JJttns and all kinds of 31 lul Work repaired ; Compo sition Mill Jnls and holts of the most durable kind tiunhand warranted to le superior to vmj other hind Jur Mill and J acto i jmrposrs. Ail of the above branches I warrant to turn out in a workmanlike style. Coach makers nt a do-tance that wish to bve their work done I will give particular utuuition lo dispatching as soon am posmhle. I'ltsoiis it tii dtHtdi.ee w islnnfj Guns uttered from tlint to perctsMiii or otherwise repaired, except Htock inj;, wit! have t liem rt pa ired faiid r turned on the st.orteft tunc pustlle, I could five any nnn.btr of reference m to workrnunship, but 1 deem it unnecessary as I w ill leve the work, lo spidk for itself. So send on vour work itn soon ua possible ;.U. irrJoinu.NG win be msn. Please cive a cull tit my shop, opposite the Prcs bvteriait C hurcii. JOHN 31. MASON. Chailotte March 18, If.ifi. Jtf Iinpoi taut to TJill Oitiito, Willis's Patent Turbine W aer Wheel. f JMliIS '8 "ne st Wmer Wheels ever of. JL tercd to the Milling public, llcun take th pluce uf any oilier w heel, tittd perform the lamo amount ot work, with much lea w ater, and equal ize a perk-ct overshot wheel, witli the bhiho a niouriT of wiiter, under the siime inll w bile the ex pense of geerinp, rt quired to pet up a rapid mo. tim., wilt tiot he pre.tltr. thun half thut rtquired for the Om rsnot or I.re;it W heels. It ia simple in eor.js.rueh.iti i.inJ not e.iMly git out ot" repair and will work to re.iter auvaiitugu under buctv water lha ti any w heel in use. The subscriber hav'iip procured the exclusive riht t nrike ami t-inl t htic wheels ur ( ac!l single ril'tf "T counties in the rnunties of Mek leiiLmjr. Vnion, C:i b.i rrus, I incnln, Cutn whs, Idiw. sn, Duvic, Davidson, liiiilt'nrd, Forttythe, frtnlefc, Alaumnce, ()r;ine, 1 rt dt II, Vac.kin, Wake, Chat ham ami U.indtilnh, in tht State, and t eimj prac tical Millw npht iind Kngint er, will be pleaded to furiHbh infonii'itiuii ur (.rawing to atl who may faur me with tiuir orders ; and the work will bj got out untitr ny own supervision and dirtction. I am also pre prt d t furnish iSteani Ei'g ine and Mill Gferinir '(" every description ; also Frtntli Purr Milt St-ines nnd Iinltine Cloths of the best quality and at reueoiiiib-e terms. Ail orders addressed to me ut Columbia, C. will be promptlv atten-fed to, JAMKS ANDERSON. Feb. 26, 1,-56. V.T a a , Encourage this Knockiiig. I HE undesigned begs leave to return his thiiiiks to l.oe wh" tMureu him wuhacs.il during the hi s-f yt.:r -u utt he reifeettully iniurn s i the public ti.at he has relucted to the Shop lutcty i occnpitd by .Mihm. t.eorge A W'htstifnt ;idjuin l ing Mr. J. K tiitisi 1 1 1'Uiiinc Mills where lie is j prtpnred to execute all work in his hue, a a the sip ana gotd as can be uoiic in the State. Turning, Cutting Screw. Repairing lioiM ks and i:(;inks of ail descriptions, making and repairing' Mill spindles, Wood Plainers, Flo!;;hs, li'oniit auiiw, ami in IIOHSK-MIOriXf.'.Ac.. I will rtitiiptre work w:th nv.y one for nratntfcs, wear and tlnp.itch : li.ti Tiering shoes $1 .J.i ; com mon o 1 ; c.ist sttel tots or steel phttts J'J. J T I have alo erected an Air Furnace for melt, ing fir..ss, which answers finely. T! e public can get ttrasi. und Coinposi;iou Cdst:Ui.-s by calling at the aWive estublislimeiil and iurnisiiti g pattirris. Also Bru.s nieited oer at a reduced price, with neatne-s ar.d despatch. Ur Old Copper and Prasa wniited. s. j. ri:i;RY. Jan. 8. 1S",G. 4UU' lt Notice. IjCl'I.IC .NDTICF. is l.erebr given, that all tne N.ii. sim.l Aecoutit ot Vl'KA'lT At Al.. .lON. M'K.VIT. DAMI I. i t o., and AI. 1.1 SUN & MM I'.I., v re transferred tu the unoe. sisiicd, Iit llic benefit of the creditors of said r'inns ici-peetivclv, and that thev are in the h mn!r of J. i; I'.VMIJ. lor lii'ineiiiate ceiltetioii. Ij aebts ntvr iiiuclL'encc cannot be given, as the must it paid. JOHN ALLISON. J. R. DANIEL. irC. 31, K.)5. 4011' A. F. 151ii:VAHI, ATTOK.t.Y Sf COi.SLU.OR AT LAW, CONCORD, AnAiuiLs co.,)N.C., "VM T II I. attend to huintas Coiuuiittcd t- hi car V III Cabarrus and iheadjomtng entmlies. fet'ruary 5, 1&J6. " StJotf