nnannniiKRinn Cfiroliua Be iipqe io 6od, fo )jou!r 6oqrifrj, qr fo jjetilr VOLUME 3, CSCjlDRLIjOTCTEI!, UNT. C, 3BFa?3ZLCBE3I. 16, 1836 THOMAS J. HOLTON, Eihtuii & ruoriiiicTOR. TKl.M.S: The Narlli.C'iimliim Wliijr ill in alTairnrfi Inauli. rlr ut TWO 1)1)1. 1. AKS in advance; TWO ,' ,1 l HS AMI ni'TY It..VIS if payment he J .,v(., r li.rtt iii"iitliiml Til 11 KK I K U.I..A US ,1 iw and ul' the year. No i'"pr will (w d. -con. dun, d until ull m riuragi i r pa iaj, except at the i.ii..u ul II" Kdit.r. ,ivi-rliciiunts iim rtcal n( Out Dollar per qu re fl'li lHll "I """ ') P J f"m nml'Jj vents fr racii aMiiiliiiumice. (.out ml. r.;tl-i iiriila anil rllierili'a Sales rittargral ii.'i p r mill U.ghKT ; and il" il ih-Im.ii ul" X')J pi r n ut. will I,, m.iuc ! Hit ri filial pricm, tor mivcrtisi rs by p,t year. Adr ti.cini nt iiiwrled moiitlily or .garti rly , l H pr i"ara) lor each time, fsenii. 7.5 "' Tuarc fair na;li lime. JXFotiiil are autlioriacai to act a aetnt,. florin), ron THK H e wii'aj C TI!K UKITII OF L. BO.D. y.Ahn'i Ltimtnl for brr Darling Child T ,.iu irt i"l my aur iirig anal fi :iiir ar,r, A.,a ;.m i), ij f " ' " , ,tl t.,i,r, i And ln'J lo wd""" " "y fr'liR 1 ..,! riii't amuiiJ aair alrickrn hear! and ulna jm ; a li l llin.. , , , . Tiiou art n -t ) my uarlnif wlira 6il Hi light ,1,1, Krui.t i ui in f Hri-cy cut lam aenda forth a cberr- I it.r i.a-ar and kinally aniile that trrr an. j aaarra.l imnr, Aiij tlaap lluna ini-ge tire h r atiii lii uirtiir.py'a arrad aliriiir. 1 m ... Ih-t O, l.luf. n. y d.ujht'l at twil $ hi't rtiV.y T'r j .nrc e more in rrola aaareet afiida furth lla atxiliilli? taowa-r. llaah'd ri- Hie Ii4.i aini.ra, hu.h'ii the iutr, the iiiarea arc awapt and riven, Dji (I. aaka-M .piril art llieu not attuning i.m in II.. a I I .l l.'J my w.l.'ly tl.ra.bb.ne l.rirt and gri.l'y j a. uEi.i luri.iar, j T-ie are.r.l r( my ilinit. clola' whfn ua.alN waa '. . I. -aa ril f llruf, I .aaa .y joiiUiIiiI fiirrn r-p"a in alumkr dwp an i villi. AaJ triral In aay .Mr Kliitr tiai done thy ho. I; will.' But O, ti. h-rd to mart lh youn;, the jay lini ng iir., Aivj k-M.a. it.r rlully ai.n.pt a.f alralh are rcttinr (Il Iht bliaa m-tt 101 na..ra il. y j-jma amilc nor litar thy . U onia tour. Ml C I V ley I. .11.(1 lutcJ lo ..'I that tl.eu an g..i.c. I li..i ,. n.ra. n .,.!,.., i.e. fraam .1! it... il-1. 1 i.f ri.rr ' .Stat, lira- l..r n.y .Iria.ati htart no tarrct pluce -a a er. Ti aas..-;, ae r bmiiI all rhaalrncd, may raipe a f aa- (a le.ar, liar ta.l .It nirrnfii!. tlaaa Kliirr full ajf. Kit. I...r I. I ) a . I aa . , 1 think of tlirr, my child, aa rr.tine in In. I lannie, , tit;l.liii care, and pain, and death, may itr aa r lit aa r f eiee, 1.1 li.iek el H.ar aa .. lea bnei.t .tar tiaat iiiin'-a I,, 'liar a... a, n To ih. i ( nit- worlai of light j y wlitr tbnu Ar.d l .; r A-, I f'lOr, 111 T a I i' 1 1 1 art '' " , j i 1 Jttiscfllantous. C' OR. HOW IT CA!HE T3 PA3S. r 1 fiv Mary w. btam.v littisoN. CHAPTF.R I. " II r are ka,.,l," ...ul llyinrn, Likitip Sheila; 1.F ll.-W.-r. ol "laiVp'a aW II Te.kir., H ra .re rr.lj ..nr. ; you iii-ajr trust 'nu," ' lii.r, a.i" i:iirn', liiuni! rrjai f rti.lotii, "I'-iinr, liny in. love kllel"! t'atiii., tail r lev la.aai k.e.l.! ..'ii are lale-llril Kie.l. to te men ! i. xr the makrr ' I.. ...). I ,il' II a-iiarn " "Vou sec mi dear Amelia, it doesn't look well for a young girl to bo so partic j ul'r; it makes people talk. I never did when I was a gill," and the portly, dig- '"H -d looking lady smoothed down the folds of n'T black silk dress, and stole a glance t tlio mirror opposite. Her daughter, a mischievous looking bru-; Hf-tte of twenty, had been lounging on a ' ''la, and apparently paying but very little! a tctdian t her mother's lecture, but now filc rou-ed herself, sat upright, and fix ing pair of very handsome black eyca upou 'hat lady, said somewhat decisively " 'uu particular ! Mother, what do you taieau 1" " Flierc don't flash up and get angry, "7 dear child. What 1 say is only for )0irgood. Didn't I sec you waltting three i " ' j lr f,rUJ '" ! amount of astonishment. It is a wire box, : southern Democracy to censire this iu Mr. i n"-'r!Ia(0' t.s case we ar. left therefore t(C.,jnri,v of the pecple .,, Kansas had want- oimniitee l,r tue oli.ee ot Cierk, la l'oity han ihrcli..ifnr,l I, of .in I... nitllow. ' I wondi T who it can be !' thought A- 1 .. .1.. i ..,,.... r . i.;..i. i..: i.-.. i nn t . w r .... ii...... i.... ! eoiiiectare. ISut three mnntlis later, June , j ,,,,.. a,,d o iiet. thev could have had it. Dollars. '""""V- . . .. tnelia, as her mother smiled in a sati-fied 1 dcr, ou which the flv alight, to secure , the 1 nal. d Session, -."Jth Cong-ess, Feb. 3d, I 1 U' WC fi"' tb fjlow,S : The way to get it was for the s.-ttlers among N h.- ou w ul at -once pereove tie ne- i.i.pefa In. ,.i tlae spirit land i,urf nit ' , : . r .. , , . a ..a c 1 .1 . . . i .1 i "'C proceedings of that day : : .t,pms, .1.-.., to h ive frowned down a agita- cessitv ot settling the same uiilileiliatt y, in I ...uiiiii. to l.aarrn. ; kind a,f a way and walked towards the front siignr or molasses that he may find there, i I 11', we find that a vote wai taken on the j , ;, :,, r u'pmi lw. r .i '.. i .......i ... . , , : , . , . . 11- a -t . , 1 .. 1 : .; . .,11. e C 1 1 : . . 1 . . .I c .1 , ' . I ' 1 1 '-.-"' 'o r., 1 1 aoil UR- aaaui nil a laru ayi ,,. ,Trs va I II a at tit 01 UlIIOreT Cf'S OI UU I Jll a? ur'U'l lutu' 1.11 1 III- fil'i-ieca i)E piiuilll, aVU., i. a i.i Hire all rut d ta lie i.t and at tiling . iii :i . . i ..... i .i i . hue thus I uxui luting, all unconscious of fo. lowing amend me tit to the uh section of ,,. , . 11011 -ro" '"- ul ' . .. K , , - . f . , r. t ..I I...... "' '"c saoou mere, .''....g ,.. v .,,,,,.,. - . ; , , ,n .,.- r,.:,rlu, m vf,rn . " i o 'a r.. reporten a i.i I ( .v o. i -.1 .1 in.,:,u,ions. lhe hx-enve had preparato. v t. t.ie coming eMrtion. or lour times with that artist what is his name, I (.V(,r CIU1 remember it." "Mr. Traver, perhaps you mean," sug fsted the daughter, as a red flush died fr""i her cheek, and a meaning smile play cJ around her lips. " s ; I thought you knew who I meant ' the-iimo, though you did look so pro v.kingly unconscious. Now, pray tell me, ')u itt:1,l to In.irrj ,;n " Him I" aud the red lip curled -Hjornful- ly. "No, mother, please heaven, when I ' pretty face that wau half-averted from him, do marry, 1 11 take a man if I can get orm J " but I thiuk there wilt be do danger in not a dandy, or a second or a third-rate ' curred. She can wrap up warmly, and the portrait painter. I waltzed with him be-' close carriage '' cause he is a good partner aud I was tired of sitting still ! but I can assure you my iu- tensions arc not serious you will never, uave itim lor a sou in-law. The widow drew a long breath as if re lieved from a heavy Wright. " Well, do bo more careful in future, my dear. I think it in aaout time for you to marry, at any rate, Amelia. Have you never teen any ouo you could be happy with, among all our gentlemen friend T'' " Why, mother, I am bappy eDough with yoa ! replied the girl evading the borne j fii(,stiou. " li uot our home a pleasant " Yes, Amelia, but to you it may not be uite so pleasant in future.'' The widow I dropped her eyes, blushed a little, and ! played nervously with the Us-el of her silk- ,. ,,. . ,, , , . , t cu morning die.. " 1 o tell the plain truth, -imy, i am negii.ning to get weary ol tins rin.'Ie life. I think no woman who has ev- . er known the g' litle care and love of a hus- : j band can ever be happy without it. Vou are now old ennugb to ncek a mate for your- ! jaelf, and I am free to consult my nishes in the arrangna-iit of my future life. In thort, i i lnl about that i- I have a thought of ' wyin again." . . I " Vnn ci-rtnitilv tial-f. a im.ikI r.int sV.aii i air of telling the secret." aaid Amelia w ho 1 ' " 'I ... a i . 1. t on:y lookca respccnui aii'l i mpainetic, i aud asked " 1'ray, who ia the Lappy man, dear mother !" Again the willow colored and grew ner ous. ion are not to un'lerstsuu. i,r Uear. J ' ; . . . that the uiattcr is by no mcaas settled. I bsvc never given tbe gentleman to under stand that I bavethought of himso seriously." j Ah, I know now who I am to cail papa?" u i - 1. .. vi " ' '"J u" " Mr. Ilindcraon, the gal'atit knight who . a .. . r . has been sj attentive to vou Ur tt.ree years. J Mother, why have )0U Uot rewarded his devotion before!" Mrs. Fitxsiinmoni bit her lip . -id t oije ! er h'", "i.ri,.T- ' Don't be so f,o!i-h, Amelia, you are . , , . . . , , Cf'thlllg hut a child ytt. la H possule that ou Could f,r a moment suppose that I would marry Mr. Ileiidersou !" " lv not, mother ! Ho is rich, good- j i. a a at a . t a .. ' l ii! T.c rei sua goou - look i ii g. i iioii i tnos that 1 should mind taking him niystlf." t " 1 " Rut he is so old. Positively I -.w gray i bairs on his temple the other day," j Only five years older than you, moth- . . . . . . . . .. i r. ttlo-jL-lit the cirl : Lilt unn she dis- a a . erectly held h'.r peace, and the widow con- Mined "No, my dear, the gentleman to whom I allude is ery much younger, very much liaiadsaamcr, and ouc that any woman might aiistractcl : y cat uron tlie .sliiU.ng cr.m that thronged the sidewalk, her daughter aiw hr check dish and her eye brighten; the next moment the door-bell rang, and the scrvaut announced " Dr. Harclton." I The new comer was a fine, frank, nolle- ! looking young man, and so the fair widow I . 1 . . ,i ;, 1. .. 1 . . 1 1 1 . 1 r, 1 ; iscilncd to Hunk, as slie placed her hand in , ! . : I bis and looked up 111 his animated face. A- j jineli Slightly raised her eye brows with a ' , iuiical look of wonder and amatement, j as she watched that cordial greeting, and ; , , , a -.i nturneu tue courteous oow aim smuq ne gave to lur. The young physician seatcJ himself up on the sufa beside Mr. Fitsiiuuions, but bis ryes often wandered to the easy chair where Amelia was sitting, apparently un- 'conscious of his freouent glances, or the conversation they were keeping up. He roe at last to go, and then, for the first time h-' raised her eyes to his face. They were full of laughing light that puzzled him. " I called," he said, " to ask you two la dies to take laity on a lonely bachelor and accompany me to the opera to-night. With- out the smiles of the la.lies I fear this world would be a dreary place, Mrs. FtzMiumons." " lu what school have you been taught to flatter, Dr. Hazleton !" aaid the lady, with an arch smile. " My dear madam, I never flatter," he saial more seriously. "Rut you have not answered my question. V ill you honor me so far '." " I shall be very happy to accompany you, I am sure," replied the widow. " Thanks, 1 thousand thanks, dear lady. And Miss Amelia," he added, turning to her, " you will not refuse me." "Hem!" said Mrs. FiUiiutnons, looking steadily at her daughter. " My dear, do you think jour cold will permit your going out ! She is a fragile thing, this daughter of mine, dear Doctor." " I know she has a le-s rugged consti tution than 1 eould wish," said the young man, locking thoughtfully doan into tlio aa as iiioic PIHIIM'U IIIBIJ IHOir7 IJ'il Mie.,,,i'" wl " J-"JM i-'i u. uuuvj-ii, ' 1 . , .- . . j " Giro yourself no trouble. Doctor," said I,,. , , , - , ' 1 Amelia, with a alv el a nee from under Iier ; long eyelashes. "I think lean bear the 1 u I night air, and I shall be happy to make one of the party." " I will call, then, this evening. Good morning, madam ; good morning, Miss A melia." lie rimed a band ol caeli to bis lips r . ,c relinquuhed ing tbetu ttin , as he pased j is hat smiled,1 ui, aiiiiuu, pressed Amelia's Blightly as h l;tT od Uft -the room. Set- Utundiiig near the window down the tcp, he raised his and was lost among the passers-by. The youig girl sauntered towards the piano, sat down and began to play listless- ly with one hand. Her mother stood with one hand resting on the centre table buried I in thought, and wheeling round on the Tci. . , . ,. , , , . - vet etool, Amelia watched her cunously lur a moment, and tuen aaitl j " Mother ar! you drcamins of my future, pnpa I think you have made an excel- 1 ' ' " What do you know nbout it, Amelia.'' j " Prfhaw ! have I uot ejes ! lidnt I fee ; you blii'h whenl'r. Ifazelton came in to- ..... .. . . , v : .Mother, tell me one thing, do you i i -a lo.e Ititu! ? Mother, tell me one thine, do vou " but ft flUCMion. child ! Love Weiit out of fashion long ago I like the gentle- - !aiirM In i- i.n.tn -I-,!, .1 k.,.,1 """"""i uuu i iuar ai,.jr uUO but ) ou and myself." " Frank ! Rut what on earth will you marry without love for ? " li'.css ixe, child, I don't know yet that j I shall marry. Rut suppo-ing I did sup- l. r :.. j .i - n.... ..... l"JM"g r,u" i mariieu uib t'ocior. can i you see, you foolish girl, that though I may admire his beauty, aud find it more pie I injr than old Mr. Heuderson's sallow face ' " Molhir Mr Henderiioia i fli.e l.snL-irif ' " -ll, 1 believe yo-i arc t.ikmg Uite a fancy to him yourelf. As I was saying, can't you see in fpite of all this, that I should marry only for social position aud wealth ! Love ! phaw ! dou't get any tuch romantio tiotiou in your head, Ame lia, iu this enlightened age. Attend to your practising now my room." and then come up iu wa, ninety-six, forty-four no thern Demo erats voted for a resolution of Mr. John 4- " Poor Jubn !" thought the young lady hen she w.s left alone. "If vou were like some men wliicb 1 am g.aU and proud .... i .. .:! . a. i" i " ' u uow eanuv vou might be sacnliced lierc . .... ............ rc. Hut 1 think if tins is ..... fnr vnia alio aoii.t Im . ca.es tor you, sue must be . . 'l that niamma contented to t ike Mr. Henderson and give y0" UP 10 a"d w"" a sunny smile she . .1 . - l. I. . 1 lurueu iu uic ur vr want biic fins icaruiug. To HE ( OMIM'tD. ImiKMols Ft.V Trap. Mesrs. Jumper ..,,1 i i-.i,w... i....... i..,,...i. ...a i.t ... ..- av-i. .1,. ...uu.u uye a nn lent fl 9 -t r n ti . whia'h is indeed one of lhe ' I mart Is of tlie uav. and excites a very crcat - . r a , . a a , I . iaiK piacc, and ou luuhing up he Sees the , , , a l- 1 a lieht above linn, nml ascends to it. heu .,' i ,- i i ta- i i i there he tuids lumselt encaged in a little , a 7 i a room, whusp four sides are ot wire, through a, a , , . i . . . which be can look 'ut, but cat. uot get out. , lo short, he is in limlio. and new eouipau- ions in troul.U- arrive by each revolution of . . ' i the wheel, until there is neither room fur them to fly or stand, when they are all put ' a- a 1 1 if i- , over a name of alcohol and thus disposed f , having the machinery of a clock, of caiursc cannot be "sold for a song." Vet they are cheap for their value, !"r ""'V KerP nou ciear 01 .ii'' Jluren 1'iiltu Hunt. ColKTiMi. Courting in the country, says the Syracuse Standard, " is altogether a different institution from the city article. Iu the former place you get rosy lips, sweet cider, johnny cake, and girls made of na ture ; and in the latter a collection of starch ed phrases, formal manners '".lit!: 1 i... . i ..- i . . . :.. i. II . . , ' V7 ' ' ' ' latac lliu r II I. II Ulsi.iei .alien jyu la Hill, lai a goon style of calico. ' Some folks who have "ba tried it, think that city courting in t ; 1 to taKc. I astes inner. e presume there is nothing disagreeable about it either in city or country. A Reason a 111.K Reason. Three or four limes a couple appeared before a clergyman for marriage; but the bridegroom was drunk, and he refused to tie the kuot. Au the last occasion he expressed his surprise that so I respuetable a looking girl was uot ashamed cc.niui.ttcc ot the bole House ou tbe to appear at the alter with a man in such I ptale of ,ll I'nion, will, an anieodnicnt, cm a state. The poor girl broke into tears, j bracing this identi.-al Proviso for the re- and said she could not help it. " And why j sir, 'ho won't come when he is sober 1" ' ! ! " Mother, this book tells about tea angry ; t.rnv 111111.1r.1l t in minister. lieeause. ' ..., u n( lla.t .1....-1I. M .,1V ttli:it. makes 1 .a .. ... a" 1 the oce.iu gat au.ry . Recauso it has been crusse ! so often, my sen. Loi uMiiTlY K CoV K.ItEH wnit Glass;, i The locomotives in t Jet many are hereafter to be covered with a coating of glass, which will permit the engineers to survey the whole country, and at the same time pro- ' tool thcin from the wind aal cold. Jom the American Campaigner. THK CHAROK OF ABOLITIONISM A G A INST MR. FILLMORE. The second objection to Mr. FILLMORE ; is, that December 13, 1838, Le toted against I. la,. aii.m.l.biftn .f ilia -.lia in AbIJa M- t.W DUrillll-IVU V . " . " ' VJBfll. I'll .a a- . a. . .: ,.j.;.. ..i I II ire IU UUVI VCIlklll lnuiuvivilfl VH BUll V. . . the slave trude, and petitioua for tbeir abo- . . . . - - lition. Well, if that vote proves him to be ao Abolitionist, the proof in equally strong 7", rr: from Michigan, Gen.Cass1,! osvn State, .Sena- instructions, waited en I'reMdent l'lerce on ; may iuiui oe vrorin 1;ne .o ui.re .iie.n gainst aoiue of tb moat prommeo, leader , ... ' i, ,i nraVed his int. mn-ition ; er i lie trerm of the evil." is not to te found of the Democracy-Chaa. V-'. Atherton, of ' 'or? "d llcprese.itatives. , New Hampshire, (the mover the Ather-I ,ra!"u 9 '" 1,10 1 "r!',c,,tIa ton rcsoIu.ioinJ') Andrew Ueim, Itobertl8"'1 "annkgan and 1 Kiom Craig, and (jeorse C. 1), of Virpi- ; u,dcr liUIlcstt3,,A!bert CJ. I ir.rrwou, of Mistouri, .iw. V. iTopkin., cj Virginia, lSenj. (J. Howard, of Maryland, Joseph Johnson, of Virginia, W.n. Montgo- i i e a mery, of North Carolina, Francis E. Hives, of irgmm, I rvneis lliomas, of Mary:uid, and Hopkins K lurney, of leiinessee, he h-uen home f,,rtv northern Democrats who voted with biin. Cong, (il'ifjt, p. 33 T'1C t'"rd objection to Mr. Fillmore i: t 'he 1 st Session of tho SSth Congress, December ol, 1 he voted against a pus- ?euAon of lhe rules to cnab!s Jr. Cok,S) of irguua, to introduce a resolution relative to petitions fnr the abolition of slavery ami Ula ftlaVB tr:",e- u"3 ctiect ot whicb wo'il.l out h' iinr debated, printed, or referred." Well, lie certainly could uot have been very !"ar wrotg, as he voted with Edward . J. black, of da., Wio. . ( iiiim, of Loui- ... ; , f , , . 1 ,,'- , ' t i ri,hb, of Alabama, W lllis reen, of ! Kei.tuekv, Richard W. Ilaber-bnm, and jihii;i. m pr i . i o fi mil ni itnrn- n lien F.lli'P lii ils A.Npsliil nf(;artrr.ia finil Kfami.tti 'Rayner, of North Carolina; and besides .1 .-...I 11-I : I .1 la a.HI .UUIIIl.1 II a a 11 1 illltl uililieiu .'IIIJ- crat.., twenty-6ve of the northern Democracy went with him also. House Jour nut, p. 133.1 i be fourth objection to Mr. Fillmore is, that at the same session of Congress, dan. J-th, 1-10, he voted against the adoption nftl.e f,1,n, 21st rle.,el,l; ,J r.. C(t,tion of abolition rctitionsaltoce'thcr. and . a . i 1 at suuse'iueni pcrioas ci nisi service as a . ; member, in favor of its repeal. I Thirtv.five northern llemoerats. nmon- them Nathan Clifford of Maine, George K'. ' Keim, of Pennsylvania, Win. Parmentcr, of ..... - ' M 1. ........ a . .... ' . I 1 e V,. .. . .e- . ..ork, and in. W. Wvtk. of Indiana, and two southern Whigs, John Rell, of Tennes see, and Josepb R. Underwood, of Kentucky, voted the tame way. House Journal, p. In this connection a few facts are worthy to be remembered. At the 1ft Session of the -ath Congress, whes the Democratic toaioritr in the House nf Keiiresent at.i ae Adams to repeal that rule. Home Jour. 11 h repealed at the next session, a tew more of the " national allies'' i deserted their southern brethren .... - . . ... m ben tue question came un br t lie anon- tion ot rules for the govert-tueiit of the "Hth aa ..11 . o 1, 11. t. digress, at tile 1 St SeSMOn, 1 't'Ctlli be r 1st,. ' . 14. , au efiort was made to revive it. l ie tion ot ru es tor tlie fOva'rMiieiit or the g!!th . . . . . Democratic majority was fifty-one, and fifty - five Democratic votes were ,-iu-n against the motion. House Journal, p. 13 ti ir.u i . . st t-i! 1 he fifth objection to Mr. Iillmore .s, th at he voted at d fierent ni- ods for nrono- penoas lor propo .:.i-.aa ...!.; 1... t P.4 to legislate for the Territories. Th ... .. . .' . - . 'as we i ...... .1......I.. :. .... .1 . ; .1 i ,. .!. i.'i.u a. ..a uu j ovarii, l - nji aaa li il aa a;, aaiaj H.al liniore 1 '1 ut foi-in Hut w have stil ! fur- i ther reason to auction the ri.'iit of tlie . a . , mi nt iu Oregon : -, j I ,, '111 ,a, . , a ail I I Provided, however, J b".f there shall be . 1 -.i i - a i . : neither slaiery nor involuntary servitude in I.i -it -. .i .i .l i I the said 1 erritory otherwise than in the pun- j ! I . r i e i .in1 i ishini nt of crimes, whereof tie paitv shall! i, , , , . ., i ; have been duly convicted. .... . " . . F li e amendment was acccp;ej, 411 north- ; ern l'ctnoerats voting therefor. 1 lie ques rl' therefor. The nues- I tion then recurred on the risage of the;,,,., . , .,, in r i i -ii- . ir. . li lld.C the bill bill: for which, with this, tb W ilinot Iro- '. . ' ' ' ' i ia a. .1 .i.l 1 r 1 - al a isu .a mu ui iv, me I'Jllu aa ill " uiiiiia:aa ouULai' ; ' ' c I ern Democrats voted : A. H. Arrington, A. Atkinson, J. E. Rcl- ser, h. J. Rlack, J. W. Rlackwell, G. M. 1 0f ,i,e sanie ,outli.with amendments. The Rower, J. R. Rowliu, A. . Urown, A. Hurt, ojse proceeded, the Gith, to the considera G. A. Doldwell, A. II. Chapp.ll. H- Cobb, ,io of th(1 scliatc's amendments, when Mr. A. Culluin, J. R. J. Daniel, R. trench, . ('aibonn moved to lav the bill on the table. II. Ilaiiiin. tt, 11. .. Haralson, U. . Hop- The- motion wa rejected. The amendments kins, 1,. S. Houston, K. . Huhatd, J.M.'wt.re then com.urri;(i in ami ,!k. tit!e 0f the llugties, . I. janicson, l.ave Jotmson, A l,a-; braiiche, W. Lucas, J. 11. Luu.kin, F. G. FlT.KM0IlK. A lnotiotl W:1!i ,,,,, ,liaiie t,vl 1. That Government has not the power therein charged to my own u ami Lcnent, MeCounell, J.J. McKay. I. E. Morse, !Mr. fdin, to reconsider the vote concur'. ' to protect the emigrants , route for the and that I have not paid deposited, or as f l'..ae l s l!..i,l .1 V lclf It It 1 . a,- t.. .. I,.,., n ,. ... nf 1 1..- i ii nsd let ion ot the signed, nor contracted to ray, depositor 1"'. K. V.' Roberts.' R.' F. Simplo,,; .L iSlidell, L. Steentod, sit,,j J w Tib'ltts ard, and W. L. Yuiicy. 15 ' j j0 ui nil, p. -i.i I Fortv-tive southern Democrats for a bill embracing the Wilmot Proviso, and only three against it; so speaks the record, else it w ould not be believed, " though one should rise from the dead." Again: at the secoml session of the sue- cecding (.ongrcss, the .i'tli, January Ij, I!?, the bill "to establish the Teriitorial Government of Oregon" was reported from Mnction ot slavery. M. Hurt moved to " " '-" """",ul "' J ' '."-a . ,ipir appropriate place, the words, " inns- I much as the whole of the said territory lies north of thirty six degrees and thirty mi-i nutC!i north latitude, known as the liue of j tllrt MuiAl.ri raa.raf.an.i...'1 In eff.,e. I I S ' u-flai tlia Missoaarl era... nr.an.i.e itself It W1 ..!, reiecta'u nv a vol.' oi i i 4 iu ine iiecative in ; 82 iu the affirmative. And of those in the iic.ative or in oilier words, a-ninst Ihc Missouri compromise, fifty-eight more than : one half were "the natural allies of the South," northern Democrats ! Itoust Jour nal, p. I'll The next day, .Isnuary lfi, the bill pass ed ldliu the affirmative and 25 in the negative. Of those iu tbo affirmative, or for tha bill with the Wilmot Proviso, sev-j etity-nincwcreDcmocrats-fifty-six ' natu-! rnl allies," and twenty-three from the South.! WoueJIMrl,p.k:. I With the history of event, at the late! session of ConreJs, (the 30th.) all are fa- .,. miliar. J ho " natural allies faced the mil- . fill sio well at first : but when the final atrugule' o.,ni. nn H. ()..,, 1,111 vil.ieU Ts.Bd in both House., there were onlv four which! atood tlifir rrniuid Tli nntire deleiration n I----- sntial race, AM.KN JUT and IldVOI.AS : u'"1Dg '" 7 "" Mr ?ator ! a,'.,d e B'U'"' for" '", tL'r fr "'s''' H "natH "I' v deserte.l. , ,,ere Itl,us droP 8 wor1 ?M5n- ' 1,-v,, . , .. a,,,.- fn!e fiii anil Uw seen that, at one time forty five, and at another twenty-three southern Kemocrats f0 ,;,., j order, Kansas Aid Societies have could coicieniiou-ly vote for a bill contain-; lieen a(,tjvt.)v Mir'rina up rrL-llion. A f ic ing the Wilmot Proviso. Rut what is the ! ,;r;, ', ,1?,. neoide of Kanas re- prospect heff.re us now? Why, southern Democrats condemn Mr. l-'lt.I.MOUK as nn enemy to the South ; as no better, perhaps,' than " a natural ally," because he, forsooth, maintains tbo priwer of Congress to legis late for the Territories. And, again ; the dissolution of the L'uion is threatened in some q iarters, because a bill fr which, to all intents and purposes, the southern lh moerary wcra pictlgcd, riy tnc votes oi their llcpresent.itivcs, three year, and even s inie as one year ago, na nnaiiy ntcoiiie a law, by the approval of a southern Demo cratic I'n-.-ident ! The sixth objection to Mr. FillmoiiE is, that he was opposed to making a demand on England fur the delivery of. or indemni ty for, the slaves raptured on the Rahatnas. thorough examination of the .Journals shows that the question of indemnity for, or ot regaining those slaves, never came up in .n. a :i i. r i . ... .1 . ....a viiivi aunjiiun; iuiui ui wii. tnc iiiu-a of Representatives, while be was a member, " , 0 ,, , . . xca'pt in a series ot resolutions passed by J. 1 ' '' V ; ' 1,1 ( .onRreti. J hose resolutions affirmed "that a" attempts to regain pos-es-Mon or to cusiave saiu person', are unauthorized tv , a . the Ponitltlltmn or Iuav of Mm I luteal Stntes. .... . . . . , fuu "ro '"mpaiuue wuu our uauoua. , ho"r' , , 'KRETT moved to lay the reio!u-; linn. An a au aaeiu, ouu uu " a ' i '" 'r ' I Ulilir vr.ra in I m am.al."n Rilh ,r . V -Mr. I' ll.I.MoiiE voted in the negative, with such southern Democrats as Archil. aid IJ. Arrington, Kdward J. Rlack, Lynn Riyd, Aaron X . Rrown, Win. O. RUTLKR, tireen a. 11 PUUUU'I II 1,1-III'ICI.ll as .Ii.llH.ni.a 1J. . V.3IUWCI1, John Campbell, lieuben l nap - mau, U alter I oles, Mark A. cooper, f.ri- ward Cross, John R. J. Daniel, John li. Raw-son. John C. Edwards, Wm. M. Uwinn, Wm. A. Harris, Isaac K. Holmes, Geo. W. Hopkins, Kdiuund W. llubard, Robert M. T. Hunter, Cave .Johnson, Abraham M- C'kllan, .Tames J. .McKay, John Thompson Mason, Pram-is W. l'icken-. It. linrnw 11 Khett, Rem. G. Shields, William Smith,: ' J'ewls "'turoil. l nomas v. aumpter. .Jacou 1 uomnson. 1 1 ,-) iik i us I,. 1 urnev. llarvcv J . , .' ' ', .. . -. . , - . . . 1 : 11 alterson. anil llenrv . wise. liousi , , , -1 Journal, p. 4d 1 ,,' ' . . ., JJr. Lveretts motio-. faild . . , , d, and the, !, "V1 "!".'n" ,l","'L" ! M V,U'TS.-."'" "''Y ,'" V' r' 'aJOitn tore, l.ennem vavner. r.uwara itan. , , , ' ,-,,..,, .; rrnm ' T.l . 1 . . I". l'.i Id i ava. . aw a. . , a. .'.. I Ml .i " ' ' " slaveliobling States. Sul.sequeptly, before ' tlie nue.-tion was nnt on tne resolutions, tne on was put on the resolutions, the 1 mover withdrew them. House Jor.ni.u, 5"01 1' .' ' J What Mr. Fiu. mope's opinion was of the l"l llie I.'.iei Ol e I ;i 1 1 l II 11 1 s i, 1 IJ ' I '. 11 1 Ii i I i CS J a. - , . , . . . , , HI. UU 1IUII1 I 1 1 C I 1 1 I I ! Ml ' I 0 1 f T I ! Ill C II I I U I lU'S ... r , , , ,, . , , ' slaves from on board the Comet and the . ... ,, , ,. , hnconiium, at assau, Hihamas; which ' . . . . , . . bill was read a first and second time, and . , . . . - , committed to a Committee of the i hole !., ..... , , . .. "., . 1 1 on se to. morrow .;.va .ola'Jia; t.ti " '. . ,. . , -aa uic siii-eeeuiiig session, l iuiu.ii i ' passed, and tu tlt.l!- liua-u IU irau ...i.. i 1 An act for the r. li. f . ... nr ail ot Win. .Selden, treasurer of the I luted States." llouxr Journal, 2u' session , p. 112. It was returned from the Senate, the 1 1th ru. ro... -a :, w,s fil. r,,ni)rtej ir. u. d '.'"lav ...00 reconsi,K.r W. II. Stiles. J. W.l0n tlie u!il wi,jch wa oani,a in -h, ,f.', the highways of the nation can only be T. M. Tucker, .1. A. ! fi,,,,,.;,.., , ... ,1..., .,;,, r l.-,, , ,,.. rodicss,.,! bv the Courts ot tne rep.-etive votcll iu 'the affirmative, and' Messrs.' John U .!.,. ..,i, M r. , I ,.!,, t: i:;.l. !.?:'." t...'. m....'.i ' l-. ' vii'.i.,' .t 1 L,,. i,m ,i, .mi.,.ri, Democr.acv de. i 110ulice , Abolition Whigs, iu the negative, n House Jaurntil, p. :.-"T-'s There is vet another fact in connection with this subnet, which is well worthy the consideration ot tne southern I'. ui jcracy. It is, that Joshua R. Giddings, no later than 2('th June last, at the Worcester Free Soil con vcnlioii, da iiounced Mr. Fillmore for bis participation iu that transaction! We have now dispo-ed of the objections the southern Democracy urge against Mr. . n.u'ii- '"'j' . ....a s ....., .. ubiiiit to a candid people, have no force whatever. We have not only examined ail the proofs pre- sii.ted to sustain the charge of Abolitioni-ni, but brought other facts to light of a similar nn a .a re a.ai.l .! tt II 1 l.e T T III U n W .a !1 1 1 a si. . Iia.it va.atliilli. ill his course rali'iiUtrd to f1 . ,:. .... ' excite any alarm tor the safety of the South.! Ul,., 1.1 he" he chosen, as we hoi.e and believe .assen our coi line ce in ins n il iiiv. or 10 he w ill be, to till the first office under our .i.i .. - a en.is . i. 1 1 v .1 . ...... . , w triouslv paraded against him, if proofs at - ' . . . ' . .. . . ........ ... ,s., .....a ai...s.a isr.a.-.rs s.t .li.iiis. a.., prove, loai mucu; ur iney not oiiiy , nrove- "the natural allies of the South" to! be Abolitiouists, but tlx the stigma on a lar.'e number cf tbe southern Democracy,' to suspect whom would in these day be Quito a treasonable as it is in England to imagine the death of the sovereign. .. ,. ,,.,,,., , ,.., I'UE.SIDLN 1' VlhlXU: h ft Hlh .. lotcni'W Ulunn tl,r r,;ut,ve ana tne JjfPi'tuUo,! hum Ihc .Xntionul Iuuh'U CommiUfe. ' 1 The unda-rMiMicd. in obedience to your L r j , ',. . agaiiit th threaten'1'!, slave oligarchic in- sion of K:insas. The following is a sum- . I vl ws TI,E ,'Bt'"1":S"r- Trpt:,"- tt--i ! v are Mihstantially follows : i While Government has been rxh . ... . i , i : l i: mary of results : niistinz -n,,;,.,,;,,,,.,! nowcr i which are limited ) fpi'i'tiii-.' ili-titiilions lUii'-h they ti"e not have concerned themselves about, and nhu-li would have all come ri-bt in time, originated these trouble.. From the nature, habit-' aixl eiliiesti on of the border men, it was nutural to find them excited by such an agitation. At this eti-is, the North, inteud of sending in armed men, vho wi'iit about Loassjiig nf their ability to protect tbem-i Ives, i-iiould ,.....,. ; or,,.r Uvii,.. and law at ;.lm ctti.e iis ; -houM have -ent in ce seeking men, wlo would have promoted eoiicoru t y ; moral agencies by Ribh-s rather than Sharpe's rifles. Such a cmirp would have' .1 a .'. I I - r . 1. , I . . :.. . i M n.lll IICIIC'I HUT lljlll'inwi vu- a i c-i stead of niii" thi in. as thev had been, i sufiVrin's of the settlers are therefore of: their own secKini', aiiu mc iiiaiiuis i""" of that s."H' owaier 1 i tm.y"aiiof their supporter.- at the North have a. re : .1.;.,., ul.i,.. ;, .,,..,1 i.-t, .;,i : ,l,,ii!,tl,.-s to hlamc. -'"" . . , . , , ., n tl a 111 111 ator y appeals are cireulateu i.ou S t) v0rth. and ret.orts, false or ex agg-ratcd, put forth by heated partisans.. to stir up seet.vi.al stntc. It each wm1(j .,.. ,t ri(, of aljUt a hundred of t,H.ir rn and restless leaders, agit a- .:, ..i i ...! .. ...... ha. t,.i k'u" , " - t . -i a a Q Ine doruers. j Tlie interposition ot the f.XCCUt.ve is- claimed by both sides, each party uigii tlianiie.i a.a ..una r.v..-, v..... .,:,, t.t otl,,.r ,.,.,ctlv the same charges. . t Ins il 1st :i nee I roui t lie see tie oi strue, i li e j, p j .1. L. ....... .1 1 r,,,-,"l'"t cannot ueicrmine ueieei. .ne,.,. 11.. n,.,.l ... i.oldell lav Official Te- .orts. taen. rinitli communicates a very iflerent con.'.ition of things from the cxag- : rr(.rated statements which have gone abroad 0 ppeet.ens.on ot an armen invasion ncva , . , . - j be ai'tirehended. Rut, should it happen, , 1 . , . ,, 1 . t ha whole pewer of the (tovcrntnent will be llie aaiiuia. pi. aaa.! aaa ..... exerted to rern-1 it, conic from whatever ii. nn au ' ' ... . source it may. 1 ho army iu Kansas 11 not 1. j there to prevent or correct outrages, unless I . s ,!, aMIOnl to iuvasi- lon or iniurreetion. '-Re civil powa-r nRme is couipctei t to this. ri.,ij,t;i,- u hould be male there. Gtu. , )lacl 0 .,owl.r to redress tae wrongs .r t. II.. ,.a.'l.A o tl.o arm I a.-ui". "IT"" " " - quarter, lie should nave go.pj 10 me i .mi n. As to crrnntin.' I.im an escort. " Gen. Smith ti.01, , , ja- jjr trawli was smart enough to 1 Ins way sately to him wiuimi one, . ou-!,t t0 l,c abl" t0 fi,,d his VVk " lf OUTl TQ OPC II HJ t'i.lS'' VI -k.lt I.' U ias.es ot citiiens . .. .:,i. .... distinptinii No authentic lulorma- wU"?Jt d1' t,ncU01 ' . .., . --.lion lias eier reaencu iuv i.va.ua.. a ... ;njviilual who :ht of ... .. .1... I.... t. ,, .!, . en-a no aver i n aaiuiiia at uu 11.11.'.. u. .j. ..... j - - - Kari-as, and failed to obtain it. Ii' one c.a.-c ha.l been presented, he would at once t .... r,.m0vc l the offjuding official. If the always Icit soiiimious aooui uu- . i-i i u.ji , and hid exerted his constitutional powers to their full extent to preserve order. The affair nt Lawrence bad given him great auz - ictv. and lie at that time telegraphed both to Colonel Sumner aud Governor f-Lamiou, be.-hk's s. Muling a special messenger, tllere the President produced copies ot his te.e- . t .... .'... T....;..,.,- graphic dcspatcha's, w H! n, we beiicve, were ,.,,! I.i; nt tlie time 1 The OUtragCS llt l..itri.ii..,a were not done bv authority. I tie President admit that nii-talaes have bet-n made, as is evid. nt by his removal of Shan non. Rut an impartial man has now poiie there, who will see justice done to both par- . tics. If ho should catch either party in acts of violence, they shall be hung up on the spot. The civil power of the Territory liiu-t Le maintained. opinions; of the rr.Esri'KAT. States; '.'o ..uenlly. outrages connrntted States on whoso soil such outrages were comm. Itcd. 2. That Government has po power to prevent or redress outrages comniutou wit.i in the Territory, except tlirougli tne civu .1! ill or bv marti al law :i. That the military cau only aid the civil power as a .-.f co.-it;t,iS ; conse quently, . , , 4. tl averr.ment having provided a leg u mode of rodre for the settlers, and siretigtti- enc.l it bv a p,ve at all times avanao e, tne f'ault is with the settlers, where they have fiiiled to "et prot-etioti or redress; thev have failed to get it either because they were 11 t law abiding eitiens, or because they maue application to the military, which was the wroug source from wlia-mv to seek it. f,. That the mere po-ses-i n of arms by emigraiits entering the Territory, is not V ' I l 1 1' It" C 1 .1 C 1 1 CC of threate ned invasion, Hiid that the mere pos es-ioii of arm by set - .!,., ;,l.; .,.. Territorv is not f'lW'i ."'!" n,.., - . .-.; evidence cf threatened insurrection; tlia the bearing of n iin is a t, oii-titutinu:.l priv t lege w'.ich distil guislies . iiierican i-iuzcn i . .., . . .s e..r i.aiae Tit iisei. I! :is aa, i lien r.a.i -- right, under such ,u circuinstaucos, ta disarm! au...... BEPI.Y OF THE COMMIT TKE. Mr. President, during the eighteen months or more that th F.xccutiy power has been ; pel ted, as ,t is alleged, to preserve pcaoa ; m Kansas, arid vainly exerted it would !"". f,on' 'l'f "Pre "'. " ' j orders ot tiiut lemtory have grow,, only ! nor'e' .At llM l""M!nt tur.a.e.,,.,, that, ever ; a peaceful lut,.. ; . ,,.,...... -, ., ........ anypeiwu o, is io, ma .Mr,. ' T 'dent aihrtn that ho has cx halted all In I Cotiatitutional poivers. And vet order is circu:usrance ; not rctored. Under such :. .i 7 : i .i .!... in the Territorial laws themselves! President This (juestinn 1 do not pro pose to discuss at the present time. Committee From whatever source, then, sir, the difficulties in Kanm have Srigiimted , , vhisone tiling is pte,V lo tin) con ully uin ' i to the world : that, notwithstanding all tha efforts of the Government, disorder of the most t'iigbttul character have prevailed; disorders that would shame the worst des-poti-msof the worst ages; disorders soide -pread and so atrocious, so bloody and so infernal, so dc ply d -imning and iiihiimnn, that, to escape tlicui, the inbabitniits would make a gain if transferred to the dei-pulio tiovei iniieiits cf lliis-ia, of Aiistiia, or of France. During tl.ii dark rcigu of blood and tenor duiini! this feaiful tiin'-t of xiola-nre aii'l amirciiy I lice poor un-hield-ed vielims of plotted vengeance have broken no law and eomiiiiited l.o crime. I'ur hating Mava-ry. bt-eau-i; they laiviliiiierty, all these thin' liae cine upon tiiiui. "ftuch. Sir. i the nature ind character cf the events hieh iiave transpired in Kiun-as liurih" the iiast ci-d.tin-u months' poliev of ;,! ( r i n ... . , I As n pnsel.tatives ot tbu National Kiin-.is Conuiiittec, wc are here to dav to a.-k whether iinv chanjc in tins :... r ,i. ,i;,,; t,..,,;,,, , i , i -j. - , P' V,t President "No, amirs' there will bo , no tie Such, gentb-men of the Natioual K insas iwient I.i(.rce. The dutv of on t.. t-H,.u ,iero tated ' wo . . -. 7...: . . , ' , l,' ';,"' ,,"'."" " 1 ": ' TllAr'PKUS II V ATT, W. F. M. AllNY, RpwAiw Damki.s, Sub Com. of N it. Kansas Com. York, Sept. 1, l'h RLACK MAIL FOR liCc'IIANAX. James Ruchanan is a name but seldom seen ot hear! in this quarter now, bis .1... i:... - n - .1.. iioiiiMutioii, noiu uiu u:m, i unlit: uuun ina3 ,;ka ., ,. f x.,nA ,;n. , .. , .' ... stone, in tlie North River. I lie contest iu , , ., , L, 0 .g l,(.t w,. I" lUlllOre .Hid tTCIIIOnt, , . ,. , , , ' being a fact so universally acknowledged , . , , . , w v tM.(,rvl.o,!v almost, we certainly - did not expect to ee ativ i nous effort made on the pait of his friends to "carry New York :" 1 ut it would appear from the sys tem 1 tic aril practical w ay in w bich the wiie- puller an! seen shifters are phl-botomi-ing the Custom llouso Clerks, and other vi.'tiuis of the Administration, that a des per ite attempt is to be made, after all, to lead the " fork-m hop.-," if it " will fol low," under the lluchatinti banner, to the noils i'i November. The nvlits oni rar'i i ' , . . . ' . pt iir.tleil la-.- the annexed conv of a nn. . , ,. , , r. vato circular." which has be.n laid on the .. desks of nearly all the Custom House Clerks, and other employees there : IiEMOI-lt.ATIC ltKPU'Lr AS G f'N'ERA f, COM' mitiei: of the trrv of imuoiiLV.v. Sill: Vour asse-snietit by the above Ti fit. i' viia'iv iu, ..;... .....ex. n.... ...,.u. Wm. M. IitiiNsiDf.s. Sec. Wm. II 1'e K, Ch'm'n Finauce Com. 1 Jas. Siiaiikev. Sec. of Fin. Com. C. C. CoNTKEt.L, Collector. T'ni-s is certainly a desperate method of raising an electioneering fun!. Iu the first plaCe, it pre-supposcs the Custom ituu-a Clerks and other employees ready aud wil- 11,,,. a, e,s.i....it l Mvi..i..l,l ....eii.re Iimoth.o it is weil known all such clerks ana em- ployces, before receiving their salaiies at the cashier's desk, are obliged ta swear as follows : TtIK OATH. I. a ill the office of t l.o Collector of the Di-trict of New York, do hereby certify on that I have per formed the services st:it-."l in the above ac count : that 1 have received the full sum assign any part of such compensation to the use o. any oiner person; nor any way, direct y or 1 1, ui r. e t pain or given, tiorcou- tract, d to Pay or give, any re ward or com- jm. ,.-.....,".. v 1 -.-, "'-. the emoluments thereof. .Si litl.P MU'P. Sworn and subscribed before me, this day of 1"" . Rcautitul state of things, iudred ! R-au-tiful i'lu-trati.iii of the political morals of the day, and particularly th political mo rals of General Pierce's u.luiinisiration, and ''The IViiiocratie ibpub.ieaii General Com mil lee.'' Here arc men who make oath that they have not " iu any way given auy por- tiou of their salary for their office or cm- ployimnt," and have no; assigned any part ,4' s ieli salary " to the Use of any other persor, ' here ale 11, en, we ay, called up- on by the " Democratic General Commit- tee" to do what they have suieini.'y savoru they shall not do, "so help th.in iioi " Ami if they refuse to cuhn.it to the ase-s- ; mei.t, the consgieuiious man, it is weil ; know u, w uu'd soon be served with another private circular' in the shape uf a notice . to n'lit. If we understand the F.ngli-li l.uig'iag.', this ordinary ii-e of tha ort i.t tiling is nci al.'wtiright ai,J d..' il Mr. Ruchanan s th r more nor b tl. in liha r.ate crjury. And to! tunes I.i .New- l " lk Ha.li s.itate .-ueii dis . the s.. oner he iiuits t!i gr.ic. lul cxp field, f..r h:- aliet.t- til." better. .V. '