i it !! r li' .1 '. 4 ;. i ' ; r Tnr. Printf-ii. A printer t the most curiou l.titi!' livin . He nav hire bank km eoms and rut be north a cent; have a, fitt eips ii ii J have m il her wile uor child ren. Others nny f in fast, but he pots alon sm'f et t v J tftnf; fast, lie may be Inrik in: i"ij' i-'Sium i i i.o u t eloquence ; may Use tin: ft nil ln.it unending, n ml ba tolling the iruih ; whi.eotheis cannot stand while ih y S t. 1'-' cm W standing and s-tuiJ sit ti'ij, ami il ) bold ut the same time ; have j wfji" mime and yet have no dwelling; liny mike mil put away ; and never -ee a j. ii', in jell less il it, ijurinj hi- lite ; he n human being and a rut at the .-nine time; may "cs a grcut deal i; 1 never ask a f:i- , Tor ; limy handle a'rw.'i2 i.o... and Know j nithtu. ubo.it a gun or i-to! ; lie may move i tin- lever that nio"s toe uoiid, and vet br ' a far from moving th;' gl.il c a a h-"ir under I a in 'lc bin; -p'cad sue-ts without b''itu a bouscwif : ; he in:iv iav hi- ' "i on a mid ye; be oh, Led ta slci p on t in floor ; he inny u.e the it!iut sh-ildi... hiood ; :nid ', 1 : o in ear'h he miuy handle : be may be j if i rolling iii po-i ion and yet never desire ! to travel ; he may lia'e a S'ltrp'sjoit ami; Iiot be (Ii forme 1 ; never be w'lhout a cue, in 1 ktijw iiotiiini; of law or phy-ic; be al ways correcting id- errors and iroiv vvti-e I evi-y iijy; Lave fin', without cut hav i"j the Mini of a las thrown around bun ; have ,''- in: Led ny, and at the same I t iin! be free from jail, watch l.ou-c, or other rjnti:iein( -it.- ; hi, office may have a hell in jjf, an 1 nut be bad Uc-j :itr ail : Jie might j be plagued by the rr , and yt-t be aj chtt-tiiti of th a bet kind; and what is Mr.iii.-T Mi:', be he honest or iliboiiot, j rich or poor, drunk or sober, itid u-i rious or j laiy, lie alirjy- st.tt.p's up to hi l usiuess. I A ClTTI.vi liuM.Y. In France, fcmokin i p r:i:ip a rajc ! than it i- with us, but in France the liberty of stuokiiisr is greater thau in Aineiici. 1 bii. iu the I'uited t -i t -. ponple who :noke in cniuibusc-, car-, caiiius of steain'; o:it', or ether piaec of tne i-ort, aie few and far betmen . Iii France, o;i the contrary, it is vcrv common to see gentlenieu in u'in in a ciar on r..icb oeci-ioiis. An elemily dressed and iiri-t icratle lij'.::r l.i ly enterc 1 a fir-t cl.i--raiiro id ca-, at t:e l'aris d -pot. As she cp' ind the door and took her place, .-he ob I rved that t'le car was occupied by three ct t 'ur etit'.ciii'.'ii, ouc of whom at the mo Inei.l of Ut appearance was in the act of b-iitiiij: i.i-i ci'Hr. On observing the lady, he made a significant grimace, and with the vharactt ri-lic word peiit-.-ncss of a Frei.ch n.a, aid Would tn.okitj lacommode you, inadan.e ?'' Tne lady turn-J towards him, and with an air of q uit di-ruity, it-plied I Jo not know nr; iio it,'.(iU(i Las ever Vet tm Kfl in my pre-enec. lie J ul jt Ins CI.':. li.i C iii.-E or Tait L'.ve, Ac. TbV N'.-w V jrk c orre ponlcut of the Ail any Time di-Les up tiie f jdow in- item, but wLctberit, fl.oaij conic u'jkr the head of fact or Cc- i lull, we cannot say : ' A ii'tie r Vce oi scui'i.i'. is a3c-at abot 11 I' , K-(j , of tin: "J c u ; n Avenu". who i- weaithy iu gid aud wealthy in a Ouiij. a.il. as report sty, a very lovely cau.-iiter. ,"-li'' hul trcu ri -living vi-it-fr-ou a -foung nun, a ro'iiidenliai el rk in aa iiss iraiiee olbc. bat they were perem t ,-.. fortd .' Jen by the father. Loie taui-h at loi k-tiiiiii-. aim oft' ntitiK'S it papas too, fo the youth c'.m ie-tiij' iy c ytit.ijOf J his i-.l-. Hut, u.'ifot t .n te!y . he was discov er."! in the house on rriiay by Mr. i . w i j !o. thwit ;i ent at hi in a la Urooks u it h a rano. The 0';',h, a- be a',1 -gt.-, tt.Jeav if. 1 for l.i . i'l.iu ir.it is sake t e-eape the llo vs and the iijie. but tlic indignant .. re jj.iow-'l bin Lp t io c'o-'.ly, h -...,' ati 1 utifiitii -ig'y. and, in -elf defence, u was com-p-.iicd tueiw light. ' in 2 sutlieirnti v atb-l'-t. ', hi; pumti. L; tu-t lii dad mv t fccv. rely, pd t the appearance of his lace, ui f.tied his bead fvr the not he had wort), and co'i,t'-:'.lid Lilii now bior-i wa u;. crave the In-rcv he had r. f j I to give. I: .i- -ranted, and our h.-ro left th L j'J-e. Wiiai th f nale of the u.atur has Ic-ti or v. i.l 't,'.t we iUKfl Lot. ' ATlflPT To C. '.f-.ir Si I llrt IN A ' Cm.!!'. II. Ye-;,;rd.iy morning, during di- . Vine serii'j-; m ti,..- M. K. ChurcL, in i r. ..t. nr.. et. above Tenth, a man n .ni'-i J -bn Hi k.r, KaL.'.d up tic middle al-ie. and after x-.'vbii.g the alier, turned so as to face the r i:..r. g.:i jr.. and i'rti tikir..' alive bar-t'-i.vi re j..t-r ou: pies.-n'.ed it tw his own Irei-t srd pj'.i-d the trigger. The cap f rt jn -ii Iy expioicl .th-iut igniting tne joer in ti,.; .-(,:. tui u!.:e h.; coj;J at t--inj't to lire atioth-r barrel ti,..- pl-tol wa-tai'-u Iroiu bis hand by mo of the invu;i,ers ol the (.'lurch. ri:,g tills time thr grt t -t ii'.'.t'-ment piei ailed ataong-t the con :r gat.vi., chiiUreu and w ouh-u s"teau,ing, wni.i' some ri.adu a ruh for the aour but l:,--y wete co-iJ, n as to prevent any one Iroiu ben g inj'iicd iu uiak'ig a haty f lit jlaker was lakeu from the Church by two J o. l.o took the pi-H from him, and hi was gr.en in charge ". the police. JJaker, il . I--,), was fofUiir'.y a lotin'mr of ihi. '''Ui-ti. For ti e i,, il e.. pa-t he baa been jar.tg un .'r u-u.p-.i.iy in anity. A Nh.V l'-K F 'K I H.It Ji DTS A CO'Ie-- J on .ent ol" the I l. iiie-tou Courier, wril ng Iron- .-ra! ga, te. a the fv.iomg atLm.i. ' ;.. gi.-at t -i,, '.! toe .-a-o:i. nho h lane at tlie I ..- Ii,..t, a few n,gM n '. a lo. l oiuii u w.'.l.j ul Jlz-tli, With S 'Uiii.'in n.ood in her vein, and with s.-v- la. 1 1" ' i, . hi: ii- at I. mm-. f;gon-d mini, n iue -i. . ; I " , ' ! -iUii ot l.n - '; ..jIuO worn, cl j. Willi,, i, i,, r rii-.'i.y attu.d person. 1 ue nii'i ii-j ii, i, r i. .nnir-, and acrjs ti'ineo ti o:i- j -1 ait g 1. 1..-, i, an si..- piea-es. wiotlier ii.: r o i i.e. ,i ,., i,, i, ai,.J on C.I the ina-eu me g i '.-t of virv negant si- nee n a r 1,- r , -, i, i , . k 1 1 (. r .'--i . ol a 1 1! I all- of .tie r n, r-",t ,r h. r r- ,-i ' par. I, siie said t .. I.,iu, " i'o'i t y,n aomire t n- b roue i. ? po...t,ug to the rich j. p, bleu ador:,. -d h. r I, a t V. -. ,r i.f,;i. r 1, '' 1 sidimr" it in jeli, and -t..: (,,.. vea'ir.'' " Joil y m tiu.h." .ii , t-'.,t . " t i. .. t I a in an ad 1 1 i.t ;i ou- p. r-'oi to n,, I, lil -a til 1. led I Jill, it h i e" '1 Hi j., j. . I- about my person, or in uiy p --.- i. ' J The eiitb h an as.i.ud, ami the aol," 1 ii tt ii job lo w I uiauage it V heti I r,, to l " d, at night. I pu dear id det I !" "n s I i t- oLltl ie .1 my clminber door, and they toll 1 1 u.c lulu loLibtry or iLli u. iuk." Hovtl) (Carolina SclMtt. ..("IV'Jt fHARI.OTFE: T ii csday. September 16. 1S5 (). a n 1 1 : i i i v a x ( 1 1 a 1 1 o . . FOR l'KEsIDKNT, MILLARD HLLMORE, or NE W-VOKK, Kelt Vlf'l: JMiKMPI-:T, ;-( v . ' V ' ' ' L.U ' ok J f.M:s.-i:i:. AMKillCAN KLKCTOKA L TICKET. FOR THL S1ATK AT I.ARf.R. L IV CAKMICIiXkL. of Wilkes, JOHN V. t'AMFIIHN, of Cumbcrlaud. 1st Uirl:iet, I. i 'l l i n i'mi , of I5i thr. J i ' 11. J. H -rr.n, i,l H. -ul'.rt. 31 ' l. I'. M. :ir. s, ..t New lUnnvrr. 4:h " T. I.ntl.ji'ln-, .l (iranviiic. .'.ih A. J . !-n ii. ni t ii" i ii.ini, ht.t " licit. J M. I.e.ieti, ut" l-tiiefenn, 7:n A J. l.ir.iu i.f A115 n. till " Jai.. U. H-111.111, vi Huiicuhihr. CXI BACTS rKl'M Mil. HJ' IIAVAN fH'tb'HW. ririiut me itrre, M r. 1'h.orinan , n-r a monit-iit ' In sj'ti, ni'i'n a mi jrct, to wincii I ii.iv neiir in ti'Tc i.i i.ttit! U'"ii t:u. f1"or. and lu wtucli, 1 ' ru-t, 1 io;iy nivcriij:ain h:.ve mcin"n l nnvirt. I iiii-.u t ie'su-1. 11 01 !.v.rv I IlKIIKVi: IT ! 10 hk. a ;i:kat l oi.ri n ai, ami a i.kkat ! MOHAI. 1.V1I.. 1 TilA.Nk LOU MV l.uTIIAS 1 i st i. a 'v i i 1: h 111 'nr. it mh:s , MIT I XIT. IT lll bl.KN , IT ffK IM 'AU.HH I I'l'N t S ItV TH AT N A. 'I ION Willi II JlAM.s IT A 1 I Jill T (K I.K I'IMAlll Til 1)1 i; IN'I I I I I IONS." :S.c U.lmaitJ S. jti n' K iU f ot Deu.iUs, pii(jt i I -I', Vi,l -2. rl o "lo .1 rr . . il.' .1 1 llie eitnrlu -it :i t- ut';Tl tl.i. lrt..tv. I l. .e. 1.1 rnr- ui.1i r .:i; on' -'iivu- f je.V, A s li 1 II I T W is Till: Ull STIOS ll SIAVItY. Vi,.l 1 H' r ii.. t mini 1 null. :i iiii 110 sf. Jii tin in I 1 in, in t .tir liilf Ii rre and v -n-. ti'- ecntit'ttinnal .-iI ts fT' lin S..illt. ru St.!' s I'Vtr tl'i or s!.ive pro. ! i- nr. lift l'r i a .'i'i?ij iron? n mri v ui't; act ni wmr 10 rx-fnd Oi Utuv.t 0' U-e C'.ii-n orrr a nut luin .'.. :u'i .fin.'.'y- A't' r m..'urc r i1. 1 Ih.h, hnnvlif. 1 -iv. re a 11. i' I in ?e fir 11 :'i . iil.l low lie. 'lusi- li ..t In-- ;.r r)iii-it,..n ii! T. I - V. t.f I f :m..i.s.,!' I IMI'I !N; not L..S L A Ki . IM 11a Co. i iii ni'MK ot I.A V l.l; Y ." tST See an article on fir-t psge from the A merican Lanqrn i.er . ti The Ri v. Colin Murchi.-on ill preach in the Methodist Clrarch, cu Wednesday night Lext. Amliro'Tpfv Darnrrrrotj prv, 4r. Mr. Jeffrey", n ce'e' rated arti.-t iu Am brotypinir, ic. from CLarleston, is in town and v, i.'i so 3ii off r his ern'ee to our citi li :Ua. We have examined f juie of bis Tic lure and compared thetu with eouie that we have and End has made a very great impr jvenient in the art. A.l who may de sire Cnc Pict:.rs will do' have a fine op pottunity of doin so. For the present Le cau be foetid at lb'.' Mau-iou House. .NiW Bnpl 1st 1 li;:rh. The 5-if tists of this place have erected a neat Church and s. riiecs were held iu it for the fir-t tin e on .Sunday, the 1-t instant, by the Kjv. Mr. J.i;nie, of Ilaltigh. (Jn Monday the huiidiiij wa- dedicated to the Worship of Jod. The ineeilLg was contin ued for Lear a iimriran! Stand Fir:n. The f; it tids of Millard Fil.ii.ore it' North Carolina havs every encourag. inent to stand firm iu their aapport of n:m. Iu I -."'g Held neat K rr .olol votes and in three months therealt'-r tjen Fierce only carried ibt State by some W) votes. It is well known that Gen. Scott was not acceptable to a large body of the W big Party. N'-w, with sueh a I'.adtr as Mr Fillmore, who-c populaiitv is tie limn as great as Hi u. Scott ,nd white a!u.ii.istrati'jb was ace. table to the whjle State, haic we not gool cau-e to stiml Grin to our post, although liragg's i.iHjoiily again-t us I.o was l'd.-o!iJ. A gain ; we i-ain from an authentic sotiiee that many men, epcciiiy iu the We-t who voted tor Ut agg Wiil voto tor 1 ilimore. And many Democrats who know that Mr. Filimore hai proved l.i:ii.e'.f suffielcnt for any tmer- g'.'-.'.y ani ii.a-.e a g uO Pie-.tnt, Uiii tviiie over and aid us iu carrying ti...- State for hit;, Agiin we say to our American friends stand tiriu I Li-i'-n not to ti,.; sugge-tion-of the ti.cn.y ! 'J t.. y only int. tid to deceive you into the 'i port of Mr. 11, rl, si, an. 7 hi y want you to aid thun, but they are unmi. iitig to aid you. jle-oivi. cv. ry r,i,(: i, y,n, tliat if y jU are .-; ared tj K..11.I1 tt,e p-j,, 01, tlie- Jti of N'.v.n. her to vote for Mi., aid Fillmore, at. J p .e ili be le-.t -red to toe . liUUII.IM.. Tl.cia-t ! ii.uri 'it i harm' s us with jaihlin the fist ..itia-1 a'uove. I If are not gui'ty if any amlii. In V don.-. We have had no ot'ji ort'i'iiiy of r. f. r.ii, to the s...-.-cli hut C'OJt.'d tl,.' iiir.i.t fioin an . ieliaiie. lilt in ohm re-p-el i it irnrlded. 'J I,.- Iir. m-y rut that I. . re ti e -tar occur in the eTtract that the following sentence is left out : " liot w!,!!e I cii'r'.:i:ii tl,ee r.pir.ioin, J V i.' w it is i,u v il at j t rr' i.t a iih jut a run- . dy " N,. e cMt.not - ; that tin; ahoie :nt"rs th " c-e any . If S.avery, as he slat.' I, w a , a " ; i j-o;ttt' ul und a .'rft.t ruoinl rit " i.i in) -ud upon ua hy the mother coun try, a tm! Iih ii -i would Lae looked UJ uu out a.tiiali'jii w,iL totne Uc'-rccs of a,..jiira,ncc as it had no remedy ; but dooa he manifiesti tcr tha adjournment of the Whig Conveo. any thing of that kind. Not at all. Hut tion, tliat they will advocate the election of after nearly nixteen years he still shows his feelings to the South by saying iu bin 'i'eia" speech " itt fitl u strong repugnance lu any net of' mine to eiten l the limits of the I'nion over a tieir ShtveliMing territory." Hut he finally voted for the adinU-iou of Teia, but why! became it would LIMIT not KNLAKGK the borders of slavery. iMake Maryland, Virginia, &e. free States, This is your -.Teat Southern friend. But the Peniocrut says Oh Mr. Uuchaum is iu favor of aeq'iirinc Cuba. Are the South- em l'ccple in favor of taking Cuba whether , themselves iu who would not join the Ameri Sptin wiil sell or not, thus Iringiug on a war j can party but has gone over to the lltichati. 'peihups, with i:nglanil, Fiance and Spain. an party, because Mr. Fillmore stands no i That is what Mr. U;iehauau monoses. I j have no doubt Mr. Fillmore would be iu fa I or of acquiiiug Cuba rather than see it iu the hands of any other milium j A lair rrq-u'iliun. j Oue of the fairest propositions that has been submitted to any party was made a ! short time agoiu Virginia by the Richmond 1 bij.', and we suppose it met the approba tion of the American and Whi'' Parties. It , was this : That as all partj es at the South 'were oi-bosed to the election of Frrh.ont. it ' . k, 1 was proposed to have but one F.iectoral 'I icket, the IVmocrats were to have a ma- jority of the Klcctors and the rest were lo be divided between the American and Whig , ., ... , . . , rallies, and that this liektt was to be vo- . 1 ii-, ed lor by all ; and that wluu the Klectors 'should meet in leeeuiber, iho whole vote should be cast for the individual that stood the best chance for defeating the flection of Fremont if liuchanan stood the best chance he was to receive tho whole vote of' the State, and if Fillmore stood the lest 'chance he was to receive the vote. Now,' ,, . . , - , , - , , ; co...u a rroi'o.-mou lairer man 1..13 l e suu- 1 ' mitted to any party T We think not ; yet it was rejected by the leaders of the lXiu- J J ocrotic party. W e find Itemoerats here tliHt , n,r 1 , , ;,: . ti.. arc oi'tiostu to such a t'ronosiiioii. J he . 11 . reason is, ,ney cau uiaie so ceriainiy be had. at Mr. Imchaiia.rs earue-t aud pitilul ,ie FW, Market should by all mcaus be hon the election Cl Mr. Huebauati that they are vutreatic co,.-entcd for years to sutler j ortJ OJOlL aUll rcCt.ivcr of ,oJlf fcl not willing, or rather they consider it uu- necessary to make any such arrangement. ry 1 .1 . it,! ,i 11.11 u.ai uvviiici, kaivuiaii; nuuuui iuiii ' ' U0:l. What is tilt rruprr ("oursC ! The Buchanan men are u.-ing every effort . i . ., ., to seduce over is their side every person , r tney can, under the impression that Mr. 111, more Hunts no chance, w bi.e they are unwilling to aid us. ;.s there not danger iu this? We think there is. We ler-n from gentlemen lately returned from tho North that if Mr. Fillmore w as out of the way Mr. IJutlianan would not be beard of iu the Presidential contest a-ain-t Fremont. The danger then is this The fiiends of Mr. Fillmore at the Nortli, cjpecting tbe people, of the So. h to it-nid ud firti.lv for him. as be has proved bini-elf a friend as much to the South as to the North, and scciug that' the South is deserting him, il is reasonable' to suppose that they wiil go again-l the South by voting for Fremont. Th'-re is Certainly danger of this; and ue say that the Democratic party and the Whigs v.bj act iu this spirit are pursuing a suicidal cour-e. Th:y piclcud to be (.rest friends' to the Union, yet they are ai ling end abet ting in the Tcry act- to accomplish this thing U ,, , , . . , v -"-. ............ - ..i. tn laboring cias-vs tliat our country is in jeopard? and the only thing to save it i, t - loie for Mil.rd Filluio.e. t, ; 1 ,, 1 It is aumilteu ,, , that 1! Lucbanan were to g.t all theS.iith- , , , ., irti Mate, be couid not be elected witnout Northern votes, and it is doubtfui wh-htr 1 1 v- 1 l: . be can get a single Northern State, not even , . " . 1. ex, his ow n. then w hut is tne consequence if . I r. .... , , , , , . , 1 1. .mote be cropped, w-ny, the certain cl.c- : , r t i- . 1 l ' lion of Jonn 1 ren.ont aud a prooablc dissolution of thi, I'nion. Then the r.r re r cojr-e for every friend of this Union is io cast bis vote for Millard Filimore, tho man ,1 . . ti, s I i.ion s ., .1. t ... ,f , t'r who nas becu tried and found capable for ticry emergency. ir. I illiiinrr. and Slatrry In l-.il, Mr. l iliuiore made a speech in Louisville Ky. in the Jojrua! of the 1 -ih of March, of that V'.-ar, it is lcj.ort.-il. It. iiuU'iii, t the licalli of (jeu. Tavlor, Mr. 1 Hi more sui l : ' I houh l.c lin'l heen for inany vetirs a lol.iici.tn, he coniii say that the only sleep less iiiglit he hil ever tiasse l on account .f ,,0'iiicai iMiety; wa. that on ,,,, I, eli. J a', lor I Us -.i . i,; --i, -s -aro-e .' - " - ' 1 ' - 1 1 on. lis lii'i ji i. eiiii- ij wei'inoi i tie i u . ics ui.t-p.-;t.-.l.j .levolveiJ upon Im... lie re- ii-wed durin.' th'- hour- of thnt ni,'l,l his , . , ,i- , . r own opii.i.jns tind lit.-. IIKWA.- ShN.-I- I'.I.K THAT UK II Alt HltlNK IN UT III MIS .MOI IIKU S MILK, AM) II ADCHK-1 IMSIII'.I.II'.O.MIIISVl.rTHri'.AlKKL- I.N'i. KVKN A J'J.K-I l.'L'ICK, A'i AINaT SI..W KUV.-' Some of the IVmoeratic piper have co- i.i , . . . pie, I the anove extract . w i.l tney copy w'i'ut ' ' ' ' foi'.ow,: i.s. on I after Mr. Fillmore had made a tour of the South-we-t.-ru Stat. , on the step- of the State-Hou-ij door in Montoui- cry, Ala he ant'ouix-ed totlie pe'iple there as- sriiil.f, d ' 'I'll AT TH K A.N"IT-I. A KKV IMtK-ICM'-KSOF HIS KAI1I.Y KM CA- HON Ii A l lil'.KN Ol;LITKICA'll'.I l;V WH ATIIKHAIKKNIN'IIIKX.I TH. OF TI1K ."I.AVK.S OF TIIK SUl'III.'' tt.. ..i;,.....l I, f.ii:. ...... I ue iumiiji inn injriirrr. A Washin-rfoii correr.ondeiit of the Char- . -t Cuii. r. st-.t'-- the report there, that f.,r th fir t time in a pa t tin -i -hip of ... a, y a !,f. tiroe, ,IJer, i, a .luf -r.-nee of o- pinion t,eti. i Messrs (jale A. Seutoli, ('if fornn-r leaning to Mr. Fillmore, the latter o Mr. liichanan. This will p-ihaps ac- count for the neutral po-itiou in politic ihry have adopted. We hope, however, af Mr. Fillmore. Whig ronvrnlion This body will meet tomorrow, being tho 17th of September. We learn that the Hon. 11. C. l'uiycar of Vudkiu Co. has boon requested to represent the higa of this ! 3ection in that body. We shall look with j considerable interest for the pi oeecdings of t' is ( envetuion. : have no doubt it will j endorse the nomination of Mr. l-u'imore, then what tt category will those Whij-s tiud 1 chance f belli;; elected What , Mr. Ci.ay Tnouuirr of Mb. IjU chanan. The Sag-Nieht papers are con stantly repeating the falsehood that Mr. Clay was the friend of Mr. lnicLanun, We can produce a letter from Mr. Clay to a venerable citizen of Shelby couuty, saying of Mr. Uuehauan that he was " mver eith er h is political or his personal Jrt'end,'' It is well known that Mr. Clay was very far from bt5 Vi admirer of (jen. Cass. j NeverthcUs.'f, u Uucr to l-aniel I'll.i.an, dated Ashland. June 14, l-ol, lie said: 1SeD. C-M bM qile M ,ueli .l.ility. quite ns mUCh firmness, "11W mwh mote hums. ti ami sincerity ttmn Mr. Jiticlinthiii." So , Mr ;lay '-eeined Mr. lluchanan aishonest r ii)i insincere and he would have disdain , , ed to be the triend of a titan or call b man . frieU(1 of wll0, , b!lj such OIlinio No man ever lived who had a loftier and : a deeper scorn of dishonesty aud insinceri- ..1 It . . . iH lua 1 1.leDrJr And now wc cluillctise James 1J. Clay or anv une else, to show that lleurv Clav i vtu Sjj;r to James Uuchauun during the last uine years of his life, lie tolciatcd him "P in ' political canvass of that vcar in I'ctinsvlvauia, Mr. liaehanan . . 1 , 1 i was guntv of a deliberate fraud upon -Mr. j, wbl tbat man nobie aud gen- eious and un'Miiiiimous as he was, never. 1 , 1 j-1 , , I could and neve r did lorj-tvc. Mr. May had: in a mea-ure pardoned bis disgraceful con- , , ,r. . , , : duet tow ards luin 111 1 y. and subseipietitly ;' wrong and to bt his party suffer wrong ra.,u'1' 1''an ".'e '""c 111,1 '",0 minv of the miserable intriguer lo the pub' , i , . .. , 1 lie gaze ; but when he found, 111 11 1, that ,i,. ..!;, :-! ,.,U,..,,,t 1,,,,,. I... n .r I donrd and spared, was guilty of rewarding j all his forbearance and mercy with treach- eI7 "' tLe ,'''pesi and most infernal dye, he at once broke oil all intercourse with , . , . nun. and, at the Erst conveiiient rpportum tj. a(ll.rw,r,i.4i de the startling revelation so lot.j withheld y b in and to abjectly deprecated fy its latnu. Louisville Juurnal. I FHF.MONT IX YlilOlNI V. j A Fremont and la-ton Electoral ticketj has been formed for this State. The follow-1 i"S is llie li-t, complete, save two electors j t tue Slate a lrge it. I Charles W. Newton, of Taylor, Atidrc S. Jlolucn, of Harrison. .'t John S. Iiarnes, of M irioa. 4 M. W. (.'in uthtr-, of Mouonaiia. o Job Crabtree, of Lee. C Abaoioiu tieorge. of Taylor. " Win. L n.ts, of Mouotiga ia. JiiBies T. Melver, of Seott. ! Isaac I'ir-oii, of ilau.p-hire. l'l .lames' h Uee, of I'i ndhtoU. 1 1 Jo-eph Kelly, of Ilu-eil. li 1 1 rx in lliggs, of Scott. 1.3 r,. 1. Ikandon, cf I reston fj, Andrew S. llolden. of Hnrri.-on, is the ibi'nr tor tlie Xorfolk ItiurUt. Suri.ose j - - --r - ij- pays us avts'i; we will prc-ctil lii'i. with tlie Lanil-oui-st coat mml j liom me in- '' f the pin and the outside of the goose ' .1 .1 -III.. L.' . . ! .. ' mat lie ever uiu nts 011. co come Biong , .Vinlv. 1 tne slielter ot two nunureu cliililren about 11' ,l, f ,r,. ,;rir ,,., Cr,.,.1-.- 1 1 1 1 . , . ' e t,kc jrtr'in- paragraph Horn filteeti hundred dollars catn, for house room the Norfolk ulg" a deeiJed and thoio-i , . 1 a one. goiiir lniociatic paper, and awami sup- ' . r,ort."r of Hnckanan W'e r r.-- j .ie it sneaks ' be u'iCotioIi of tbe propriety of r.'inoi ing I'ri. r 01 ducijiuu. 11 e pre-j..,p .1 spi as , t t ' J nv the card-fesp. ciail v w ben we coii-i ler tne butcner pens to some convenient i lace - I ; ., : ,. .;,. . Hut every trf the v ,,,,o,,t JJie. , bood the limit of the tit v. is ik.w U-iiiL s vrie bin"' nlk r, m1-, s ot tl.e lust , ., ' , 11. 111. 1 ; arguea Willi gteat warmth anJ carncstue.s Iszislatuit. And what is more, they con-' , Mitute that "Ulack Li-t of Thirteen' w bo l)' 'J i " opposed by a voted again-t the rill nroi 1 uing f ,r the i.ro- r I -S I t-ctiou of the, slavu propel ty of the Stale 1 ; the murdeleis of homed catlle, aud the veu W'e alwavs knew that if a Fremont electo-! .1 .fi.i 1 i- 1 - . ... ,i, ml ticket sliould be lo.M.dm irgiuia. it would most etrtainiy be gou. up, and be "-''" "'"". "'''n u-cus-i.ipo.,ed of VtntiKruts. And sure enou-.li i"U of thi.s (ju.-,tion, that the citilens were it has turned out ju-t as we anticipated. l tne j;U0,,t I'M' fs ,a ugi.na are nujrruls ! Voters of Vir-iuii and the Jji South, boar ibis f ict in mind. Thi U no Wliilie. Wevatract tho n't ove r,aratra.li,' ai we have already stated, lion, a Ijinft-' "If, - aptr the .orlo.; Argus. IU- h- l K7.ii'. MoliE l'KOr. Senator Uiltr, of 1'etili- "i'v. 8,a, unn.r.ioou lo ua .ur. jouciiauau a i . t i i hi iiioiitl.t.i'Cf1 snce tliat "t.-litu man Las become rr. mum, in iiiscns-in me r rinei'iicn ot i ne j .,.l,ri.-ka Ull ill a speech made at I'hila- , , .. . n , ue.plii, 4t:i of July last, ust.i tliu lollow-1 r j J '' U'WH ! It atplieation to the quoiion of flare-; ry in the TcrritoricH wai ...tended a, a li- nality. Whatever the power of Con-res, , i may be, it was politic and wise lo loreo its u. au'J ,r '"1 the icsiion with the p-oplc. For one 1 regard tne policy as act tied for- , , fc , ' , , ., ever, and that hereafter tne iroife of tic ! frrit.,,,.; ll,,o' their Imul lsg,sl..t,r - ore to cmiro!, the ijuesttun of slavery in their ua-n uuy.'' What str ,iii r proof can Southern Iemo-, crats rrqjire that their candidate i, out and out, a sputter aorereioty man' A me-' ti.un Xign.it. A ii.m, I1 p ri t'lrniti' rib-.-nl, ., fsny the ' M.n,pl,l., I , JJulietin,) i..,ti-.-. m ' ( the a7tb, I'r (',. A. Smith and family. Morel r""-I ) w l."e "V,T" '" , ,,, , ? , i ... u .I.e.. I t .ti.i.. ii Northern Si-.t.-., without l ii,, d, e;,, d ofl "r "'"i'". I'pon gctlino on terra (irnia the J"'1 M " H' l i c doiii.'' .,v.b v. When ,1... at vnuiif I.adv wt-h lo in ,,,ore n r,eaux ,t 0I.re vj,t.u . ,!,c uie to Jwcmutt (fuetco cijht ) From our Corrcspondm!. ClIAIlMWTO.N, Sept. 13, 156. Several important questions are pending, and the Charleston publio are just now busy in their solution. The first, and most im portant one, is who shall be our next repre sentatiie to Congress, but as it will be ut teily impossible forcieu the "oldest inhab itant " cr that nugu-t assemblage, yclept "the City Council" to tell that, with any degree of coi rectmss, until after the dee lion, " we, the people,'' are turning our at tention to other, and less absorbing mat ters, just for the purpose of keeping our ac live brains aud busy tongues employed. Several of our Binull fry politicians, and strong minded women have plunged, soul aud body, into the di.-custdoii of the vexed question of whether Sullivan's Island shall bo aunexed to Mount l'ieasant, or Mount l'leasaot to Sullivan's Islajid. Sumo of the first talent of our aucicut and beautiful Me tropolis is uow being brought actively to bear upon this subject, aud "the war of the gi ants " is waxing warm, without any favor able symptoms of a satisfactory adjustment. They may, in the cud, play the fabled game of the kilktnny eats, and annex each other. TUai noil quv.tjou iu Oi'der of time, aud in my opinion, if much more iuiportaua (o interests of future posterity than the other, ii, whether Charleston is able to tiiii.u the new fish Market, which has been iu course of construction for the last Ihice years, at the foot of market wharf about sutij thuu suikI (iu'lurs hae already becu spent ? The work has becu brought lo a stand still for the want of funds, and that noble and cost ly structure, lifting its lofty and massive columns to the skies, still standi as a living monument of what our city fathers would do, if they only had the means. There is some talk of 'ryiug to turn it to some prof- . - 1 . 1 . 1 ., italic, account by turning it into a bathing ,IOUSOi for th, at.to,lllnodalioi. of di.ty col- , ,- 1 , ,, 111 ored urchius, and the " unwashed deiuoera- . l7 geral.y. of which t.ic elTicieut aud in , .. , , . . - ., uelatigaole chairman ol luo committee ou a stated salary of three hundred dollars a year, with the perquisites accruing there from. It has Leeu propo-cJ by some of the Old Fogies of that august aud venerable delib erative body kiionu by the dignified cogno men of " the prop-.r authorities " to abolish the Artesian V ell, as being a project quite ahead of itiipovmients of the age, and is progressing on too grand a scale for the present depressed state of the finances of the city lint some of our good, sober-ided, "'''' Wjtc li.vuds, are disponed to look up- ou lije "'"tier iu a luire favorable light, aud ''P;y '-; preat hut propose, as matters have gone thus far, tocoutiuue" the present of water uudcr difficulties," rather than desert such a herculean task which h.m co-l so much lime, labor and money, aud commence again, ile nolo. This tccond Fish Market blunder has been on hand for the last eight yars, and has co-t the city pot less than jijty thousand iloilw s. I might mention the Urphan House which it co-t, one huu lrcd thousand dollars to build it oiigiuaily, and has recently co-l tm butt drcd thousand for repaln. llitahould uot -peak lightly of that, as it is a public char- ity, and was built for the good of homeless, r..ilrt.,.J i.;t.t - i ... ..i : . . i ii-i-ii-''tiiiiwie1i1 sit'' viuo n.ic tfuuii njve Leeu thrown upon the cold cbariiiea of un iuhcpitable aud ungraU lal w otid. Si It i, .1 VS.I OlIIIMl ,.f I'lMlBl, If. !UH Al.l f.r , " j, ,, , , ,,., corresponding fores of stubborn self will by i's 01 ui i,eei, av iiigu or-ces. i.i.t 01 " ' compelled lo cat the wor-t beef, and at the , i(., f . , v - , , , ,-, . , , , , . iruiuoi which as-eriion i luny cnuo'scu. 1 '',c "f'en ou'ler.d win re the y oung beeve were sent to, as I have never setn any hut revoiulionury stock in Charleston. I have had occasion, a time or two, to test the i- iil ilies of your Charlotte beef, and I found il allojelh.-r sul.erior to ll.e he-t I have ever ,P,n in Chari.,lon. The l.ul.'hera here have 1 ... ...... , , , , . inouonoly 0f .)t. trade, and as Ion ' as trade, and as lono ; this is tLe ca.-e we cannot tijiecl any thin. , .. oilier. , . - , , , , ' Speaking of our costly and clooiient pub- ,ic improvements, I ,,, ,,.,t f,r,. to ...cu. . ,' . . l",u '1" tinien of luodern archi- lecture, the Citadel npiare li.pliit Church. The steeple, which appear to he the piin- j cjJa part of the luiMitig, i now completed,' , , , ,, i. .i .1 . i -. i i H1 ills tne only tiling that wool. I leal a ' " to suppose that the huilding wa, intended for a church. It will noon he o- j pen for service, the I!cv. J. II. Kcudrick,' late of the liret IJapli-t Church, being pastor, It is built on the model cottaj;.: tyle, and i-, rather an ungainly structure. It looks as if the church wa, built a, an app,;if,e to ; the ste. pl.:. There U no bell i., it, and it ', rely intended a, a fancy allair to give ) Luiliiing th appearance of rhurch. The iiattcry is just now bciiijj completed, I and is a inanilieenl ..i.e.- of Ina.onrv ! ou f'-inenilier it was demoli-hcd lit tl ''toriii on tl,e lli ot pt, ,l r, 1 1.. I. U ,;i, h- n n.-built by Mr. Whit,., a st.me cutter of this city, f,r Jorty thou-and iloJl.,,,. U . i ... r,,, , ,Wi ,,, ;f ..., i ... . , .. . . - .. . .. . . a n ,. - , ir altogether more aubstai.tially limit. i A SULKY. ' Tin false," an the girl said when her 1 beau told htr the Lad beautiful hair. Thk Chops in Moreiioose Paiusii. The liaslrop Advertiser of tho '-'Uh ult. say : " The people of Morehouse have rcasou to be thankful lor luo uuuimanl crops nicy now have promise of. The corn crop has , been laid by, and the yield, it is thought, j wiil be far beyond any previous one in this section of the Stuto. The wheat has been j gathered, and the yield is very heavy to tho I acre. The cotton crop bids fair to bo a lar 'ger one thi'ii has been made iu this Pariah ! for ten or fifteen years." j The Citui's in Aukashas. Tho Little 1 Hock Gazette, of Saturday last, says : I " Iu portions of our State, the corn has 1 been burnt up. l'-vi n in the Oil Through j llottoni.ou White Kivcr.so famous for heavy I corn crops, we learn the overage will uot I exceed fifteen bushels to the acre. The Ar kansas river, from Fine Din If to Napoleon, ! has suffered less than other regions, having excellent crops of both corn and cotton." I Walking on thk Water. An immense ; crowd wus assembled, on Tuesday after I noon, on the bridges and quays of tho Seine, to witness the movement- of a well dressed I man, w ho was w alking oil the river between j the Font du Carousal and the lock of the j Mint, apparently wiib the greatest ease, He had each foot iu a small triangular box. securely fattened with straps round his legs, aud iu his hands he cairied s long balanc ing pole, ciiuilar lo those used by rope dancers, except that at each end was at tached large inflated bladder. Wheu gelling off his bal ince he dipped tho end of the pole, and the resistance caused by the bladder touching the water restored him to his equilibrium. (lulittani'i '(ins .Mrs (ii"(r. A IiKMAIlKAIiLK DtBTII. The Journal iles Annonces, of Lisle, announces that a liiariied woiiiau residing in a commune near that town, and who has twiee been brought to bed of twins, has just been safely de livered of fivo children three boys and two girls. All the children are well formed, but small, and are in good health. A sin gular phenomenon is slated by the Jfuruul lo have attended the pregnancy 0; tho wo man, l'nring the last l". moulds all the objects befote her eyes appeared t be several times repeated, but sini'i her de livery her sight has retained to its natural state. Cam a JtBoB. he Ariustkd' In the Supreme Couil, New York, on Thursday, lu-lice Divics presiding, a deei-iot. was given as to the riight lo arrest a juror. A juror iu the pa unci of the Supreme Circuit Court, it appears, was arrested by the Sheriff iu a civil case. He wi ukcu then on hnUas toijtus before Judge 1'siiet, who di cided that a juror cannot be arrested ou a civil process during the rxi-teuce of the panned ou which he is serving. Take Notice ! IIS ll.l.a. II n my pr-nna, 111 I n irb.llt, mi tiir ! gall -n. I '.' 11 1, ..I 0,1. Ob r nr at. (m itip u( .1 li..- ioun'jr l.url. Five Tlmu.i.J lX,ll.ia .,ilhj of I'ruj-rrlv, ni,.rf or lra, ? ta : ' I l.-.rtr I.IVKIIV STAllI.E. aitualtii in the' rcr ol llie .M.ii.iuii l. It!. i At.so 12 held of ilu-bk Ml lk.!i .ud IIUll-sKS. AI.Sll I 4 'aI(RM;i:k ,n.i 1 in iw.it.st oM.vihr' .nrt I HAM) A.ll. and bll.tr llAl k., and llamcaa for eai.i.. , AlJiO I A r'e-l in-njr other arl.cka l.s, u.lioua la nn u- t.OTl. Ttritia niaOe ki.uwn on the dar r.f a..!s. s. 11 i:k .v. j t'lwlairr, Spt. IK, s'6. 3m,' ; N. II. Al tin; a.nir tune and p'.c, I will titlur rt-i.t nr a. 11 nij II.,'.. I. I'riiiali t liiml. 4HK Fl-rrim of .M.ia S.r.li K. I) . t ida.ni'a 1 Ja M IIIH II, ,11 Ur rr.uimd in .M lib. y, tne gjui tint i.f & ,t.ml-r .-( .tit. I I It Ms. ill IIII I" l. As Mtl.ltlUS, ; l nor I I,, f.i.lir.tii. 2 'rlio.p ra.l; y, lrs,;,r,p, N run s;, to. I i.r i.i jili a t,f Ar.ti inrl.i. ami (i, r i'i.) . St e., r.iit .... f 'i I,, s .r tllini r. ., , f r,t, ,t, ,r ,,,, hp ....U', Arilh,,.. i.e. (Inn, tfj( I. v, lle.ihlij, Wri. lo. IT mil )r . ,iit., . . . ' . . 0 .M uli rn and Ai.riri I f.rof r s ; r. Willi llie am, ' Ijl'.u-, .tiir. Mi,u Muti ri.i.bw,.i j, ac. ffi'.l '. i i.:C un Piiu i, ..... 9 .'l " M .rlirniiistie and rfarap-eti-c lr.,iij, s '"lUlf. , M'.l livill.,n Weud be urfv rn ur I. nhl iyi il lu ll-oar of her (Mlrena, alu art m ii, ,1. t,ru htt for Igiliun f.,r ti.r jnra lsil ji,. i i5, lu n.aae un. ; lliedoile .r-ltlriiii nl j .V-rfrr.r 10, ls.,7. J.i j 1 1 iii V xm r i' iii ion s.u.i-:. I V u"ur nf . f , , ,lf ,;,,?. . ' , " ' u- iIj ..I llie mil ( uoi.ij 1 ". " mj n. -u..; .yi,i in tun. r i.rit, a Likely Nem-o Hoy I ruiri eii M.hr n, al.iul l.l nr 1 1 yrara r.ld. 'I em., niaiie kliuwn on II, r d., v nil,. J. CAMri;i;.L, a imr. Siflrml.rr If,, I H.iti, i.n; ; 'tm: niaV.M) iioim,. :tl tnillioi. ' J ' II 1st v.n:u ,l,r ,,.M ,T, ,,,,, , , ,l Uimn 1 nf (trr. I.,r.,ll; I,, will ,p a.ii.l l.l tl.r in;l. ..I le.l.l.r, l I. Imm' lit, ,1, ,,, ,,w,i, ..n 'I'm.'.. I., jr. I nr 'l.l ,Uy ,,( lj, .( , , ' fll llol. l i ailu il, ,1 ii. n,e c.nlr.il ami l. ,Jti ..I l!,e l.iwn, and i ll, r ii..!ue. m, i,l I,, any W.allll.ir to r.'... in ,e l.uailii .a t l ,. ii,. Il.lf rt'll .1 In ai y l-.ralM.ii in tor V . st. r 11 ,.,rl i.l lliefl .ln. '. rn.a . ..sj , and will lar ni...le aiiuwn un day uf a-le. .)KL M. I.KAN, U 11,1,1AM S IIANKIN, HAVlli M. I.KAN. (ll.rn.l.ttonirh, S. I" ,Stll. in, in.'.r,. i.i:i Toirn I' mi, nil fur Stilr. I W I l.l. II my IlKsllilM r; ml i,.,,. I I. .11. , on 'I'r y.ii. 'tri , I. AI-.. 1J O la on ( liurrli alrr 1 1 and 4 uiiii.iir..vrd O.la mi 1'ine. alreet. Per..... a il. airier- In .ur. Ii.,,r ran lean, prii t , Ac. ky Cailii,,. al l,F I... tin. .- i,ll,er JOHN F. IKU IN. St pi. 2, i.'.r,. i.ci Valuable Land on sau: tS r:.rnt.,r .,f r.l i,l,.th ( 'ainnliell, dr. ,l will - II t.. ll.e .,fc,l.l binder, at II,. ,, ll'.ine in I li..rl..ll. , on I ll.e 'Js, .,( Id ..i.. r . tl. U in 'I u, J , ,lrl( Uk tii and well a iiuv. n Plantation, al.lt w In re ...ill ilerM., ,;,,.,), f, ,,, , K l.l uf ( li.iftlr,! "It a.r.a. Hi. Ihe er.iiii... ia a K.i.! Iw. limit l,,.i,.e nn,) .11 uiliui buildn.jja it i. aw : w. II wal. ml, A e. A er. d.l f ') innnllia wiil be iti-ii, I.f tin pur. I II. UAMl'lil AAj, IWr. j I invariant i'quity al: HY Order nf Court, on Mondiiy, the "ITtli , October next, l inr Mmulay i, llie 1 iUh"' fuurl, 1 will t.ftVr l I'ublic SjIb, tliv r.,;,.,K ' V A LU A II i V. PKO IK Hi y, fiirnierly owned t y Aleiaiuler fiiii i;, ilet-M, One undivided half nf a trm-t of I.niul cum,,,, ing 1 100 ueris, in (Ja.tmi county, i.n . (),' link i.l Cut.. tin Kin r, mill km, mi, ua 1 s,.r,i, ! Siioul, iiiihinif the lule Soioii 1', "'"ell, .,,. II.1 nks and oil" rt. ALSO Thru '.fourths of a Ir .e'.in a.ii.l n,ui,iy r, tniliilif IHO ucre, jniiiii g the I,i,inl, u J.,i J Ariiistroii!, Uu- late Sulmi Culilwrll 1,11,1 i,tli, r, l n tin, ..iil i, uiii t'nrk ul' Catawba It iter, uuii kuZn a. tin fallal ter I'lm e. ALSO One undivided hallul'ii sum 1 1 tract of !,.,,, in 'UU noliil v anil klinw il at tl.o .Melon I'Lie jiiininj Junutliau Kliiuv and otlieri. ' A l0 The fidhiM injr lajln in Hit! Inwn (" ( li.irlnttr viz: Tu'u I. .it,, on tlie Si'iilh stile of ( 'old jf..kiM and kiinwii on the l"t uf ..ml town by .Nr. 33 aiiil 'Jii, lit S1j11.ru No. 3ti. Tivu Loin uu Siriet. rthown by No. iuiii 37'i, in -.ju.uc ,t z'i. five SiiMn, ol I,. mil in aiiil town, S..111I1 tj the It. li. Liiut, und kin, nil by No.. 4U, 47, ',9 Ci't and bli. AI.'O 10 arrt'H in thr liinii of ihr curmrn tinn ut ti j low 11, joining Ijjfi.y s-jitirij, Ijiiii Ashuiv 1, j l!u It. It. Laud.. -A ALSO t-.T O.n- iiii.livi.iiu h..irol tlit llnl'SK,,,,! i. I I.OT, on 'l'r V oil I , k linn II li. tin I lip,' l'rnM ttv : and one umiividi il li.ilf of tlie Hdl sf-; ami 1.1 1 1', un .aid rluit, kuoivii aa tin t-l.i, r IC.-.I It e. Tkhms Six moiitli'a credit. Willi interest ff..ui I5y " I). H Li;.VCAIV m k, Stpitmher H, I 56. t3j Yf. U v N. It. At Ihi' itnc time and placr, otlur VniU4. ble l-ml will bv ai'M. ii v i). n ji. FINK'S I'ATK.VT Mi: TALI. - IJL'KIAL CASKS. f HHK aubscrilMr in'i.ritta tlm rilz.mtt ..i t i.. lolle klitl tbe nubhe pi-nrral;v. 11.. I i v, 11. just rtcvivrd t iiiily ul I- s Hun. I I ., l. Wiiitll bt; utura tu llie pctdie. I ALSO jtOl'HNS tilhrrol' .l .ln.-any, W.lnut m i, w utid, aa ii,ay b (li. ailed. Al.no All kind.ul H li Mil ;K .. ,I; J. M. S.MK! UT$i 000 IN PREPlIUns.-J THE I llSsf AX U A Ii FA I l or I lie onlli 'itrMiiit Mule V;rl n. I in ii I . I l ) , TO SC I...II1 it oi l -im , Mil 1 1: titoi.i. , Ni'V. II. li, 13 AM II. ' HI' ritriiaivt- p round a ar.d Imlla r,t r i - .,1. t, a 1 Mill lie i.i e.,nttlele rcoiuria lr 11. t eee. Sliiuil.l I Ue wcatl.er b unprui u.t ua ti.t Ua ii m ill ahr't. T rU'.ll l l JIOl SAND I I IX'NS. Ttir Airicu!turiilt M tiuf-iriurrr amt M'th, i.ict of liie Njutiirrn IHt-itc mtr ihtitrj i t c Iir nj ll arin f A f it u ! I ti r ii j n-J M ' Kili-rt t, n rHit lr i -r tne tiiwbi i, n tial ! I'. rt,.. in i iTi-i i. The roii)olo(f il khtj ftifi( Miut pr i ! Kru' J I i.rr lite N.ulu, i..t ; pfi!-irt of I i.t if Cfii' fit. J'..e la i Ji- mr tin ri.iil r iiivi' H ' i v: Orrr ul c 'tif j.-f etui- ft u! IluU tint ' it on'' tin- iijUtu.ti ai 4 tiat the (Jtiir4tt-' tutt tlicir h-titiii ut k . 'I its rii'.-r rtr.d S uti-rp ,( l! Si.i4li. t, il-fll UUf la-ail llll tiiC f rmlUClll ll t.j' I Jft 111 U. tt tinrifj wtrlSf itf a prrii inm in l' ri.( ol li r i tift ti I f h . i, uim tiiui ir' be tf nngKl i w irti. A Mi uu ' .- 11 i y , ut . lr all mur'm ,l M tt i. m- r , .i ttv ud. A'iil cotr' it utt ! r S ' , k - tu) , I"fM Itnti ii lilt, Will t'- , t, A'l tne U ill ritii ill It.r t-t Mhl lrit,- rt H CU 4ll! M" k I 'ff ( Idiliil tili, llll .(n,i ; o t IriitUfi u ,jti tlie lu r, -1 I t.e uu i. r ' :., u I r li 4 1 g r . V ut ; r !! I r. J- j ,f .Si t ch j tgt but ui.t it: goin-f mm r-l -u mh Ail tm II pM f I'd 4 ne ,ini,!(i ),r ' t h y A! ntm (u'i Kijirt,ntl.iit.u..ai mrr t .ti rr I. t y. A I :( It t'.-r tt hi hi i ui n, i I imin' Ji fimr. 'n.iiid ! ht t tt i tu A t , 'HM.it. Suif A j ftru I' ii r . ! Sir ir I v , I ,i umi i - , ," n vr t jir fi r n-tn r pi m i. i in r in d 1 1, (. - 'ti-f An'timl Aiit r d l-c r- : VHNKM)AV, l.j (mi., Alt) Y. .JAMJ-'S r nijfr i.uf ff , S. 1 '. I lll lJf . It If ) I ft ri (un m I . 1 1 1 li , -t t ., m i (r ruU it in i if i i, i,i tu in il;i. O r iU lr H i ii4 cimup. A V CAI.Hol N, rresil M I) ti. I-AI.MKK, A. f. SI M'-IKIt. . M I'.m.i.i;i:, li .1. tiAfii:, .I AS r A HAM.-, K W. GlliliK.S. hlM Uliir ( (.ilii'tlllir. 'Selling Oiil at C0.ST !'' Iuiii. fiinitvv ttinu'i". iik I A.Ni Y uu.i M Al l.l. iuiot.s & SIKH S ('i.i)THiM;,i;i.s,(;Lsv.i;r:, ( ICAUS ,V (illlK IIIIII at N. Y..rk e.,.l .,r CASH, tint, I li e l-t ' '" l..ler nrit, w. lb.. nl r. .. r. . I wi.l a. h V I.IN'st si I.er .-I M M Kit l.l n lie I. .. i , ' ' lie l.l H III" I.,,, ,i, f l . Il III . I y 1' 11, 1 1 ' last Siirn,r, III y are all Irtaii and dea r l ' ( All lil KliS u.u .!... II I.i ri" " V W. A III: IN- All M'.l. Iilrd a , , piraae aellle at i.i. '. l-tpl. o, -.Hi. i:i.' I iiimoi-iI M:U- Ar.iili ii"- TIIK next fesi..n of tin In-tltuti' " ; I i oiiiiiieiice the firl day of 'i t"l" r l i uihIi r tlie i a.e ot . S . Ki i an a, a a (Oiei','" ! 'I I I I ION. In advtiire, f.,r l lasaif , . ' 1 "' I .ii.Ii.I, tin A H ' "; i t .ii.iiii.i ti. ua, . . t? I 1 I lliitiidi.if in llie htm nf rtrivale '.,iuilii Il ! lo .one H..II ir n t in- li'li. ( am mil. Aug. Ull, I KIT. 1 Ihiiinrral c.py 4 weeks and Mwaid ' llie I'l.iu ,ji.:. I l.0i ml for ". ' f II. I. a. II I..V Land, l'C "" '" ' ' ! JJiL l.'He a.i.l H. :;. It It., ""I" ""' 1 "t : I. 'lie, ...litaillllu: ill'J arrra, Willi ate lit 1-11 ' " j ''lo,. red llie bilance in wir.,.1". A ('-' "' Iiiaiir.ilite i,f!i' '. ! JOHN F. IUI- ( kmlullr, S-.I. I, h.',l",. tin I in i I). l0Si, l A HKOV ii u.mi;t., s. ('-. HICOV. V IM IMM"''- v;- YOHK, t.IMdtAI, I (iIMssiiN Ml:l:i'H N'1' I'si.al S(iv..iii:ra made of. -! St pi. a, i "ai; '-v llUMlj '"- the Ihlirrrvol '; ;"'-' FOR SALi; I1F.KI..

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