I, 4 I I 1. unban limbing. CMRISTS SYMPATHY WITH IIISPKO V L K. T have t"-rn lliinkiiig of Jcn sml reflect iuj ii;1' !i hi fliararti r, a a f vinpatMz!nr ,i i i mr. Wliili p. Mil;: lhro'j;li this rpiiii mi 'I s-rniy worM, how much tin. '.''"i -t t :i n neo.ls llio Fvnipilliy of Chri-t ; he cannot live in the enjoyment of his love itli.ut his he'p rind sjinpuliy. Uo knows liiw Iomiii pithize w!:h ti-, for h .; U nc.iuriintrd with a:l our w.i:it-. II.- knows our oil irarf.-r, ami how frail we are. He can vin'ithiie ilh u in ev( rv cireu'ii-Mnee in v.liij'i wc runy be pinei". in lilo ; for by the discipline of humanity, h ' is prepared to y nipritliiie with and sm-cir his peoj.Ie in every time of trial mi l tmuptati n. ' Htf w:i tempteJ in nil points iiki; n wo are," and when t.-tiip-t ition comes npiiri us, we cnu cotifi !o:itly look to him l-r .-trcni h and cruet; to ena ble us to overcome the fire of temptation, mid to i esi-t the (jrc at adversary of ijouls. It sn nii to me that the present is n time , of trial an 1 tt-ii.ptiition to the jliurch, and t'ie p op'.c of (.io J, win n they hfi r; much the aid oi" their divine leaJer, ami to feci th-ir tii pcrj'li-M- on him f r irriee to 1 ear up under the trials of faith, which they are ' e.i'ii'd to end ire. ! There is eiiJer.t'y a tendency with innt.Y at the re-cut day, to t-xu'.t morals alove reftii rati .n. aiiJ to cut loo-c 'roiii the reit d-'ii,.s of the llo-p-1 rcpcMance at:J B""er' A'1 Tat J rass, C row foot and r;,or. thereof, to frauie their constitution fith iti ; 0-1 find their rxl.ihitinn in the other gra-t-a mut 1? cut hen in bloisom, and law, aud to regulate their douu stie and frui's of a wj'.l ordered iife and podlv en- carefuily cured, itl, as little exposure jocia! affair, it. their own mode, subject on- v.r Mi,-, ,1 .,,. ir vl therer'f the t the sua as psible, to be ao value for , '-v 10 Pvimol of the federal constuu-ker.-ation and a..pt in-.cad tliertot the t - ' tion, mtli the privilege of admissiou into the maxims of the w-,r!d. and to engage in the : Ihe .IrieJ up and a.thered grass of- Uiion wliellevcr tllcy tave ,;,e requisite urao.-iin anl l itter urife of c.i:tfidin ,en P"lk,i for haJ ,ate in 1,10 St'ascn j population for one representative in Con-p-,rties. hich have uo hi-htr nim than the uit' rO' i'cIcm. ' l't ouded aUaj. tlut uouc lut those : , ." . n . ; 1 1 j j who arc citizein ol tlie L uiteu f tales, under ho,,r and ct.jnmeM of office, or tue t.f : ''' .v no I ura.ned. ood- c,n am, ,awJ tUercof wl0 uit.p'ns of favorite f hs cr.ed. iianus prrp..nd for pasturage, wceu auJ , have a tjxed residence iu any such Territo- t.'hri-t hn to fvinpathy i:h the spirit of, bru"11 fuLbcd up, Ac, Ac. j ry, ouht to participate in the formation of the orl i. The Serine? and 1'l.arisc? could Lever firaw tun tt.to tt.5 cUt.t:onS ol po-, -eal.s ,ua ... u onus. u uec,.-j Aq etlfarcculcnt of the princIplc ,liat li'lcil p-irtie. He m :t them with the. com- lv p'oed ac i rich laud. It wtil give your ! ,10 ute or Territory ought to admit others man!, o"Rei:.Kr utito C;t-i' the thin.'s : atiiiua'.s grf en food nearly all winter, bear- than of tho United States to tbe right of ouf trr.icl are frcir's aud uuto (ol the thin-s ing repealed cuttings. j fTbv or v toldiug political office, thit arc Gsl's.'' " Til II GARDEN. j 9. A change in the laws of naturalization, ,, , y , . , . , . 1 . , ,, , . , ., . , , 1 making a. coutiuued residence of twenty oi.c II .1 d:tT-reu' v itoa it be th the 1 1 urntps, cf all kinds if not alroidv sown, "e ,, . , .. . , , ; J ', years, of all not hereinbefore provided lor, au church, if Christians iivel for Christ and la- , must le put iu without delay. ; indi-pcusible requisite for citizenship here bored fjr the conversion of sinners to Jod, ; after, and excluding ail paupem and per- as is their pri.i.-e and duty to do. How I SALTING HAY. col,v i(-'t("1 of rriu,e fr.oni lnndl"F UP" i ...,...,... 1 ! ... . - . our sluie'i! ; but no iutertereuce ith the cTercnt 50,1. i 11 uC if a., tae tnini-ters wouxl froq-ictjliy hud notices of salting hay, Tc.ttj t ,lU 0f forei-ner preach C'hii-t, and him crieiS-'d. an 1 irlorv n-l il-a f tie iniurious rflV-e:. io mat.v ! 1? v . ' ' ,, . an. a.soci u.e injurious iw-i..-, ... many (, (.ippo-uion to any union between ir. aotbirg -ave the cr-- of Ciiri-t. aud la- ( jn-tances, resulting from it. V.'e give from , Church aud State ; no interference iih re-b-r for the corcrntn.i of the world, instead , tjje f4rm report of L. D. Ciift, of I'utnara ligious faith or worship and uo test oaths f mre!v rrforming it. j county, in the volume of Transaction ef the . lor offioe- I I. t Christians and niui-tet come up to ' Society for li03, a preparation that has i n- Fr n'1 thorough investigation int-. t . 1 r 1 . -r j 1 .1 1 . . , , , . . . any and all a!Ies-d abuses of public fuue- tbe staii laM of datr a ei-tnpLj-jl by the proved b:l. :y bnii Seta , mi oovtates tue 7 . , , . ; .' " ' ' nonaries una a strut economy iu put lie 1 x- 1 l:fe and preae.-iins of Christ anl ti.e At as- ; dltLculties altcudiuj the u-e of salt : p.-uditures. j tl- s, and we i,ed not fear the gre.it mora! . ,. ittp4R vnoN rria vi- Is T!E Jjow : I ':e maintenance and enforceireiit cf , e i;sthut areco-iii-.isin upin us. The drown- I have Used, fur several years, the follow- a" la""' cow-titutionalij enacted, until sajd iug M of iuurmpcr'aace wi.l be roiled back, ' inj preparation for my hay : Two parti of h',:t ll' repealed, or shail be declared , -the bound, of ,-,iT.i,y .ill be set, and it, ' ' Juk !""C L" " -f S'dL lhc : ? C"Ul JudlC,al S"lbr- . . 1 salr be n-:tid nirli t!. Mini, iifitil pnlirA. . d -5a.',t wr.vcs l e staved. ( onvett the wor d, ; ': and w? need nt f-ar of it- reformation. Aer. I'poti a load or t"u of hay, at inter 1 i.e pri.io p'es of the Go-pel in planted iu ' vals in naming or staeking, use from ten to t'.je b- arts of men Kill .-arvl? lead to the re- q'rt-, iu t. d evet ly over the hay. formation of life, as the ri'iug ua ii-vtU'1 ffa,?.v U"'1 'ut .,h n , , . 0 ' would cftuti u too tu'ieli, o that it was tn- lu darknew of Light. ij.jrious to the stock. The above mixture Humble praying Christians, who lorg and obviates this it corrects the acidity aud labor for the conversion of the world and oun;e. of the hay, and I do r.nt recollect for the welfare of Z.on, n.ay be a.-jr..d cf the svn pathy of Jesu. and that he w ill ;t ind I y their, and strengthen thoir f iitli and cn cou:a;e th'-ir heart- to labor yet more alan dar.tly for him, and thy will a: last riceive a rich aud fail reward in the approbation of tl.cir Lord, who will ay unto them. M Wei! d'jw go j ar.i faiihfjl servstt... cd- -, t r th-.j inf. tie jiy of thy Lord." C'r. Miner. ' ' ! KJACl-'LATdRY I'R. YLR. It may be prop'-r to iut.poe a word or two oo tl.e sjlj-i'tcf fjac dilatory prayvr ; by '.it !i we ut.der-t'.tj 1 that secret ar. i gn- ra'.iy siin,t Kftln; up of tl.e heart to God, w'-' -h th? Chtis-ian oft'-n proves to be i,c ee"ary and rilitab'.e when he is urijLie to ret. re iro n the -.citty anl the business of tbe w-j-11. 'Vh-.t supp'ies of I'l.ine i:,fii-erj'.- m-iybe 1 1. is n:'. .in'.-1 1 what d-'.iver-a'j'w's fro'a anx e'.y! what v...'.ori? or. r Self sr.l tat.! Knou:'. lj nay, in ;h; ..i.ptn cf tii" h .art. ' Ljt i i.e'p i.,e '." or. " Lard I am f.iu", .-ave tin; ! ' even amid ti... h jrrv t: a ,arve,t-diy. or the bu-tle of the shop, or the exclt'-nietits atj 1 provocations of the'.,,. . . ,. ' I nere is o n.i-taie about it Urn vn,C"ar . r. ark t an 1 th: f .Ir 1 A 'i.'ii cm reach L'i ear ;" the f'.ii ard i;la-i'::!i.' of tii ot a t. ar, or tt.e up , may array '.n our I half the re-a'jrc of Wm.rp tet.C". S ucn apj, to i j i y.-r of a., jjrace k-eps jr. ii a j 1-'. s'-'j-e of hi- presi:i!:, Over-i.-ht, , and u!v: :i.'iiey . a; al-o cf -aur el.tire d.-pn-tl'-nee upon hi in : ftid so pr.,vi a 'p t d.lily, n atch f'ui and r' i .tal.t v. It f.-rv.:.. to ejint.-riet the ii.fij"t.ce tf things thai a'cst'u and temporal. It noiri'L'-s in u- that d. vo'.j j:. .1 frau" whiei, i-, .u tial to sjf. ty i.i. I Mretijiiii and whi. h srorn t j be c jtit-' in p. ated i r. t h 1 a jf w h i'h re.pji r s t 'or U'ie..aiu' 'upplicatio'). " I'rau r is the wall that co'iip i-s"s the c:tr V tL'.!.. u-t Le L ? jap iu it Li .in No-.v A lit!1.' boy, bii.-id fro'n it fair year-, died. Aleut the l.u'e suf rer d.-partcd, I'o ' ..' 'iii tii ; itiirl.. '' i j ' ." II ... laiher ii.- :! -nt ti.at he wa. b.-t- lii-.h d ab. an ho'ir be I .r 1;.' ex iaiMi. ' ' lit M J H ' 1". . inferred fi Irr, a:rl w . ks i -1 pro's-aijly i r., r Lour passed and Le was with vi,c i He that knows l.i or, heart bo t, a:.d resdr bis own iife tno-t li'.i.i-t'v. ai.d ab all, j j.b-es tu'y as Le ti.e last It Coud. 11 s chant a b Withhold u.it pood f'oui thirn to wh om it ii due, wbu t i" lu U.e pow-r of thine hula 1 jricnltural wov.k rou sr.n KMiiKit. TIIK I'LANTAItilS. Cotnit, now beginninc to open fully, trnist ' be uathcreil without delay. AvoiJ picking' immediately after a frlio'.ier, lest the lint l, rtlnv Son ilni mor iii. nnd.lhis tint iiative-t.oru on izens should He so Press are incomplete order, and send no , iii -ii i tottoi, to market that lias not received the - mo-t caretul handling throughout. j Cmr 'i ns should be gathered and put a- . way during the brief intervals of lei-nre ' from cotton picking. The ines of late plan-' ... , " , 1 , , . ted l'eas may aNo le cut when the pod ,s ( just forming, and cured fur hay. j H h.trr Out, li'i-r, Hariri, Cforer and ' I.urrr,.e ,,y he StLc laticr part of this I I ! nioulh- Turif for a fall crop, must now be .own. without delay. 1 he iluta Haga, Yellow Ah- ! eraeen, or!o,.;, l-.ariy i .at t'litch, luoue Strap J..f lied Top Trir are .11 ' it, . ., . c .1 .1 uatle aneties the two first he:n the 0 : best for stock and long ke-ping. nay. jii anuition to tue Lorn-stais anu unpulied fodder, Sweet Potato vines an the top of I'intiurs make a tolerable rouuh forage, if cut and cured before they beiu HVnVr J'oritge. As a jrreen crop, try , ,. , , , .. , Iv dis-nlved and the mass becomes a cow- a sick nnmi:.! niiee I cor luciicd its u-e. Horses troubled with the heaves are great ly relieved by feeding upon Lay thus pre pared, and I am siti-Sed it is a preveLtiva ot the heaves. Mv hores are kei t in the tbia the v,r rr.m.d well crnon.pd .n,l thee dn fr ii, ..r.. ork- .,! I.,., thu wLa 6u'.ri.J to run ajna the auu.- tlier." VINKGAR I'LAN V. r,".V f l.t r.ril rtf Mi.(i. r.lwfi. W, i r- - - --' r j given us bj a lady friend of Webster. We ' I took it home to our office, procured from an apothecary's store 0I1e of his large-t glass jars, holdit.- some two gallons, fi led it with f.u.iuon sweetened water, cou.nutte 1 the . , Li3t.t to it, and there il has been ever since r ' spreading its folds .pon the surf ice, till it was evident the vinegar had become stroi. enough aituo-t for the death of the plant; whereupon, this week, we removed the ori filial nveteued ai r, and au plied its p'ar? wiili tj. f.,r the plant to woik upon. 1 iu (ir-mii -j til the linepar it was found ; very tr u, i. d almost as strong as j he. and Jjr ordinary tublc purposes it will ' reiiire to be diluted with freih wnur. i p'ar.t wiii to. p our fjmily in purest vine gar as lon n we shall L-ed suth au artiglc. Uutvl i l-U '' t ' tl'.ll . V.'e would like to obtain miAx a plant. Can't the Pl.jit.jr of the Arator obtain cue f-,r us 1,1 .. V. W,". t n ii jakvn ii;a. Vi r- thu. i this I'ea has h en much under rated, e-pciai!y at Ike. North, where the season i.- ir.o "i.oit to trow it in perfection. Here it jn! luxuriantly and matures per fectly, y ill din;,' an xtraord:rjary r'tarn, when pr',p-r!j cu.tivati-l. They should tut be gathered until li.e pods b-oin to shrivel, when they may be rart.-l t the ham cr oihr out L'j'j-e, and threshed wirh the flail. 'J hey are ery i xc.-li. nt for tLe table t vet. whf n a year old, if prepared as follows : Soak in w at. r over i.iht, and boil t. xt day throe or four hours ; M-jre up with but ter, or j aei; th'Mii in toe mu, wl'h a f.- s'iees of bacon, utilii el .;i.t y brovu-d, tr.U baked heai.s. We are ut.'l'-r oLi'ations to the Comn.i.--;oner of I'at. nti and to It. Peters, K-.j , for a sap'y of Mel, but have none left for d -trihutl jn. 'I b k'v-il-h A:"ie.iltural ,"-oci ty ha of f. r..d a pr nnom of i"tM) for the l.r-t sleaui plow, iu aii.faetory invention of audi a maehine baiii.,; ben brought forward ju tL.t tuuutry. XV.W PL AT FOIl 31 OI- THE ANEItlC-lX IMIITY. 1. An humble acknowledgment to the Supreme living who rules the universe for his protecting care vouchsafed to our lath ers iu their successful re olutionnry strug gle, and hitherto manifested to us, their di'seeudnnts, in the pre.-trvntimi of the lib erties, the independence, and the union of these States. '2. The nertietuation of the federal Union and Constitution as the palladium of our civil ami religious liberties, uud the only sure bulwark of American Independence I 3. Americans must rule America, and to . ,- ii . . i i i ...,1 , .1 " u'"1 'I 0T governnient eu ployinent, luprc - fl.ri.Iu.e to a ot,rs . nevertheless, persons born of Auierican Mircnts re - siding temporarily abroad should be entitled to all the rights of native-born citizens ; but No person should be selected forpolit- ical station, (whether ol native or foreign , . M,, or d.j ati . 11 of any description to any foreign prince, poteulate or power, or nho refuse to reeoguixi- the federal and State constitutions vcieh within its sphere) as paramount to! a other laws, as rules of political action. fi Tbe niied recognition and main- teunm.,. cf the reserved right of t he sever - hi Mates, utnl the cultivation 01 Harmony ami lute it. al pood ill between tLe citirens of the several Mates, and to this end, uou - . . , ,, ' . . . interference by I ongress with iiuentinns ap- 1 ..;.,!.. . .1,.. ..I.... 1 ; l-i 1 u 1 ill 11 u n 11 ,11 iiiiiiiiuuii 1 1 anu i:oii-iiiterveiitiou by eaeU Mate vwtu tlie an.iirs ot any otner Mate, " T1'e recognition of the right of the na tive boru and naturalized citizens 0' the I"- iiited States, neritiaiieti v residing in :mv Ter. I the constitution, or in the enactiucut of luns for said Tenitorv or State. 13 ( (nposition to the reekVn and uni-e ' ' ' u 1110,1 ioiue rm.iHuu uimi e policy of the present administration in the' erera! uianaement cf our national affairs, and more e-i.eciailv a shown iu reinoiinj i - j ' Americans " (by designation and confer- 1 vatires in principle) from office, and p.aeiiTjj foreigners aud uitroi-ts in their places ; as. shou in a truekiin sub-r rviei.cy to the; stroucr, and an iuo!ent and cowardly bra-j vado tu ards the weaker powers ; as shown in re .opening s.ctiotin! agitation ty tie r-j real of tl.e Mi.-ouri Comproiiii-c ; as hoii in pratitinc to urnuturnliz.-d foreigners tl.e rijj !j l to Jsnffrape in Kan-as and Nebraska ;' as st.ow n IU ll vacula! 1 ne cour-e or. t he i a n - : acd Nehra-ka question ; a- .-i:OMi in the corruption, which pervade ron.e of the' cepar!ui iits of the poven.iL'iit ; as s ,ju in eiisrncini' ni( ritorinus naval tfTic r-, through f rejudiee or caprice ; jt,-l as l.n : in the L!uiid..ring uii.s:mnaiiicnt of our' foroi.'ti relations. I I 1. Therefore, to remedy cxijt!r. evils, j ano prevent the disastrous cei.srn ir-uees oth-ri.-e re.u!tin therefrom, we would, bu:ld up the. "American l'arty " up.n the PririC l:' hereinbefore stated. T1,at tsc!j -ate Council shall have' autliori'j to annul th.ir several coiistitu- ,, , J .i ,r i .i. . . i i ttun- fj as to abolish the several il.jr. e', and substitute a pledge of honor ii.-i-ad of; other obligation, tor fellowship aud admis-: sion uit'j. the party. Ifl. A fre and open d'neujion of all po lilical jrinoipl's embraced in our platform.' itt- Ho ! for Kansas! ni.!.'T SHAW tik.s this r.i.iM.rlnr. i l v ol rem, " tl.i- u'.liC l" l. r;ih y, n j ., II inter. iitnp lo Ks . s in p:.rl. Millar, Hat l.c in. I. I'C s to t oe 111, ue ti.e SADDLE & II.UMISS IIISINKSS. t in o' istant1, in Sj-rir.y Curinr Hnih;:ne, w i-rr l e intt titis to ktrp oiitt.i nl I y on l.atid p u (j y i.f j SADDI.KS. IIM!SI:SS V.Hlhl.lls, C.t j II h frier. im ax- f-nf r lliilly im.luj t nil ml i.l!y 1 1 in i , f vi ry arlscU: in Ink lin Hill I tf'ifilt-l . tii- ' 4 f nihil ti rinH. I. .Y. I Ii I !'.it .-it Vic liortiit i.i,tif:t -rut ViiMt ir.itfi :iil t jij tc It I ruiw$iy Hi, tf IN a w Hooks, AT l. 'W Lib l..SM.V l.iidK .VI on i:. ; 'I in IV ion i I in I. Iiook .r Tiar l.'r.v.i crios, ; or t il u.lr.,1,. n hi .' Ii mi.l n il. ,t tin lnt.,r, l..,r I, v. n . ry . f ii. s a no Irani lo.os ol Hi. 1 w..rh.r I io i ( i..l. in .-, hy It. J. I,., sun, r. M. . i i V Hi. i. i i . I - ..I ,, tr. rn t . ;,e. . . 1 . ..... ..: J. i. II., II , 1 o- ... I ,,' : 1 i,i. . . . ! it' r ion Ii- e. r'. ..r . h. no I'nil 1 1 f.'. . II'. II I (. s sin h. a.. . t'"'t ri. l. r 1 1" r ii ; or ' it t. 1 ! ti,,i! .iri'J o,oi;.l .1. r o !' r !:. I-. to i ) i im . Ir. hi Iht ..f ntnjr h.iU.tui r . ..is. I M rr I I. I.ookl s is?o Jl.i.; a ..fifh en r: i.tin; I, or t; til's iy i,p J. pt,, n , ..fi -..,; I . tr..l 'a r s ot n... i. '.,.., . -it,,,,, , 1 r., !...! I.j ' .1. I y I Aiolir...... I ii t (..H.r. 'I ii ' oai - o, I y T. Ai I nr. 'I nr I. r.s i i or i.i ; br tii. hniil SuL.r, i J.,I,N 14 ol. u. 'Iiiiii Miitom, or life st Vu m, '-,. bv Mr. II (.:-1 k . .VLU 1, I sit. S, M, HOWELL fSS Its.. - fcnmMV Saddle St. Harnffs PlanufoCiirer. TURKS IMlims SOUTH OT SA M.KItK HOTCI., Kl.OT'I IN V ' III". nuleriler thankful for Iho vrrv IiImmI piitroiiagi- lH':.t.ivi-it upon liiin illiric tliriui.t vt-nr, hits pow in : tie inori ( xlviisive lrfimr;iiMin I'tr llti' luni'v ii iiimiiu in m ip - ,r, , tt,,i ,,,.,, to m.nUh all tl..i ...y ; ..,, ,,,1,11,., M1j jri.s, nli i.i-ri..r nrm le .1 tlir lnwe,i ,.il.U-t.riee.. lie lid. now im I.u.,.1 ; "riii,ri,t 0t .athl!4r tl.ii t :u r, Whips, Buffilo Fobes, Saddle Cloths, skirl hi V ""A!" skins, Patent, Enamelled . Harness Leather, togetlirr with tvtrj Uiiiij; unuily k-.t 111 my lint j ot''" J-TAll kma ot Samiie anu Ilarnrim ma.ir at the j'hnrte.t notice. J lJ KWAIRIM; pr-n.ptly j Onohfr Jn 37tt Chlotte and Rutherford ' e r' ' i 4 1 1 iiiiitiMiitv' It A ll.'Ht'.i II tl.ilr.V.i I. J I'HSl' ANT to an on.i r ol' the li.mrH of pi. ! JQl rector, of the ' i,t, n, t l... ri..tir .dl ' 1 .. lil-L.rril ,H I? .,1 ft . . i I K.w.L u . ;1 . ! 11111 npen for utiieri(itiiiiK id II 1. I uital Sjtiiek ot u twi t'tfl 11) lr.-k tfil in III., hf.tit.r r. ml t.i i .i,.r ll V fif the old Norlli State, are soheiied to ri.mt ll rhrd knd kid .11 llu grt.il work, the only real public enterprise lUal )im tier sprung un.m our pioj.le. CHAiaiiS J. R)X, S W. DAVIS, WJI. JullNfilON", JNO. A. Yor.NC, JUIIN WALK i:i:. I.KHOY M'lllNGS, 15. Ii. ItAYJDsON. ('cNirr.Mj.onrrf. Oct. .'1.1. lt53. 3: If WANTKD. 1 t t i 4141 1 "S 1 " 'ION A I INKN 1 f lf FIF KAtlS m.nlirt. Apply to! WILLIAMS, GILLKSl'lK .V CO. j Frhrnnr 11. Ip.'.i. l-lf A YEN'S PILLS, Akiw and iiiiTUirlv siK''n'.1rii rfmM f r th en re of all H.ii".i i-ar C'ntwnrv, Indi-futii-n, Jndict l)npsr, Kheum.itiiin, l-e.rrm. flout. Humor. Nrfvimnc. ImtAKiiity, Inrtamm tinn. IIe.ach. Paiii in the llnnnl, ld, Hu k, and I.irrD, Kivmjtlc t'onsplnir ti, A it ii, ttv frtr rc the t4irajt in wtii'-li a nirn ativf M ciiie u not more or !e rpt,uir'd, aria n.u. n w reus and uferntc niijfht (.rtM.tid. if a h.-.rtn-but rrfectual CatKartir w. r; mrp fr" K ii-rd. No person cn fi wU wliilf a r -ti- u.Jnt M rxd prevail ; biides. it oi-n rniT;( and oftrn f.-Ul di"aie. w'riu h mii(ht ha irn mfii-d bv tn timely and juiin'n tue f a trd pnri(ti. T hi ia a. ike ttvie uf C'id, triri tnjitifn, and B.lifia derangements. 1 ht all t'n t t-"Mi! or produce the deep eat'-d aisd forniniHli.t dittiipri wh.ch to-d the heaniM ai) o-r the land, llt-iice a rLiahle familif phys:r in f th firxt in.;"rt.-n--e to th public health, and ti.ii IM1 taa I' n p-rf'vUd with cnn'jnimiitp nki'l f nif t th.it drui An f-tenaiTf rnS it (rt'i (v 1',,imi, i'rf--'irt, and Y.imA. h.i hi ru'la 'irp:.r?af any ttane hitnrt' kn-iWit -f sir. ni'-'ii'-.n. 0.rt-t hvp Seeii f ffrrted ttvond ue rf, V y tn.l u!- Utntiaited by prT. ui e..ltr'l jj-T : n slid ch-racter r to uthid t'.e .ijwintin f uMr'tth. Amorjj tl;e many fm i t prntmen who hs tet:fied in f-tor n ihet Vi'. , w ,v inovtit n Prof. J. M. Lo Kil, A:. ,M:m (: ! t. f ( m einnatt, h'ie hh pr-jf iaioiuI tfiuct-r u eo d irs'-d hjr Jdhn M Lean, J-tdi of ti-e .Supreme Court of the United Sut.-. Tit'. C'"'A,, Sfrret irf of the Tfea'irT. H'in. J. M. Wuh.in. 'Mt'inr f lm.;..r.4. '. LoKtiWo hth, ftt i i rernwiThl the We.t. Al. I'k- J. it- 1 h t t iv, r'i tu 1 Chemwt, o( Vork City, etid.red i.r 1W. W. I.. M n v, S-. rf tar of State. U U. B At'iR, th r - J. - t rr.Ti ill Arnerira. fi. IaL4iiu 3c C , I'r-p'a v( the .M-tPi;..iiUn tlittel, and man- t tr..-r. Did paee pt rm.t, r-,-!1 rie "tars-v riut.dred rertihcale, frm ail rr wt Tf l! l'it' i.ae b-en iued. out -d-r.. w-n n, .'.- tointni n'K 'nan the expnenre f i ..c n.'n f- in thiir ertecU upon tr.... '1 'nre PiiU. the rrM;it of !; ine: 'iration and ntudy, a:i ofrtd to tr. p'.t t.c an tlte beot and oirtt eorapiet whirh tne pr-ent ,tte of mitieI n-inr can afford. 'Ihv are mpmntdl ii'it of trie dniir theriii-'iTei. b'-iof tue n.-d. mal irt't- oti'it of Vet'tabie rmi', extrai t-d hTrh-imaI proVena in a tate of tfirstr, ar.d . oii.'iin-l toy-thor in nch a mai.n-r s t nmue ti i- --t rt .ii.t-. I ;n (rat"! Tl nfromT; friitiMf, (-r !: " ' R.l ti i fi-'itid in the CwttT I'UxJ ard i'liN r..th. U priu a mnr err-.-iit r-t-t t: - u uni f.it;(iT(n n o.r- tavnrd T1 ltufs. 1 if n-i'fi lh p- f i; y utt io'ih. VV,i.e s.v tr.c " d rj" or .-otiipiiiion. t-.er nt-i.'ine u utt'i,"i w-u, iwt or le- of an. ni'Miiona ai.d ij or- 'i u 't:iUn, ur thi earh iii- d'j;! irt'ie unly tnat i 'l"ird for the etirt:ve e'1 t pnMrit. Ai t'u in-i t and oMio imu qiiai-iti- of -cii utaiM'f- 'it iii'M l if Irft '-luiid. tr.r n:rtive firtM uuh t-.t n-t.iiifd. I1'0'j it tm 4 If evident tre eiict oi.d pro p. a tb y have pr"T-d, tarr- p.r- v j ti;- ti.I. ..t,.I t r.e I a i i it i-irrt I... -re powerful antidi.t- u. d.--.se tlu... Jiivuti.i r irieticirie kr.oTm tn t -e ir d. A il fffin'fiev nj'd.M.t that my meiiiiie ar.o-;ld be t--ik-n nuU t ti.- i.un.-i of an atti'iitiin J'r.vmMaii. :nd Mr.c 'I H"t properly pid" ol a r'tnrly wittioiit kii'in-u iti -nnipoiii'.t,, 1 hue opnl;-d the affiir.ttf; Foniiul-e bv h. n both my Ivi-toml lind 1'iSia are n;dp U the whole iny of Yin titiiilterii in. ihp 1 .t.-o -tar and lintuh Amer-it-ari rovmrfn. if, imnir, there i-hotiid hp soy c.r.p who h"i not re-iwd tiipm, th-y ! be proTnit!t forward d mail to Li r'-yitt. Of all the Patent fwii. n,e that itrfrrpd, hnW f . w wni!d tf tskeii if ti.t-.r ron, position a itii-iwn Ihpn- .:fe ck-iu ta tupir n.)ur)r. 1 h imp ir.y.terip. 1 rorrtjtcitiors nf mv tpreTinr-t,on nU np-n to ail ir.en, and aii who ri- .-f i.'H i.t to jodrfp on thp frt y ai know,d.o. innr ioi,m tioni of thpir mtriiitite tinta. lite Ci.-rry I'citiral - proiiomrt-d by tPiitifi- itipn to tie a wonderful rniili' itj Ur.or it1 "tin t known. i ;. em ii ei.t i'hjrwrmns hae tif u.rr.l ihp m..- tfimsr "f mv I'd!, and th more (oi,fidi-it!v, and are ;,! inK u. rertify t.t tn-ir ntii!ri;.tio!i wt-ri: ittore tiotn rpaiiid by their eff.-rt-- upon IimI, 'J in y dfjerate by tlc ir powcrl'tl niHn'Tif p on th-inti-Tii ,1 riMra to purify tf.e blood arid -.tin.o.ii-' ;t into r.-aithy att.on r-nnne trie o'i-.iro tiot, if tup "t'-nnrh, Ijowfla. hr. and otiiT firiratit. of the lfiv. fpiuiririy; tiieir irr-'ilr a' tmi to health, and by (orrprtir If, nb'jM'T tff V pit, u h derj-tie-n.ert- u 4fc- the ftriit oriif ti of diM n-e. Iipii wiaar-wrapped, tliey an- p.exitMnt to take, ard ptir-ly Teyet''op, no r.arm ran arme horn th'-.r uap m any quant, ty.- or minute iireetmna. ee wrat ppr on tne Hot, I'KM'AHMi MV JAMKS C. AYKIJ, I'riti Ileal uimI A mil) Im-iiI ( lii'inist, I.UWKI.L, MAM. Trie U Casta par Boi. Fit Boim (or SL old nr II. M. J'Ki H'll.i:l, Cliarlotto, .1. KINK .t t) , '"oiror-l, ue! ',': uv M'-f ui nt A (JrugiMp I'virtwiiifc. Ut.l v . . .s ' f'lfi I'RIN II.NU of ill kin.lr will I.r ri-tl. I I lew S.)i vr y. 9a si .) .to oit' on ! ro.ioa Wing OtUta. W S.H.RANSOM.U.CG. 3? r II ALI ANY WAIT FOR T II I WiUKlOL T 1 1 V i it Z ." because Ihcy buy their cheap ? mum WuhI.I ri-eretfi1llr miiuiuiifi' t' tie itihiil.it tits iiu vrd Iron, tl nr lM M.iti'l.l" "' now on rzluhitiiin, jul received Irnin II. e Nm H, f;r,.r orTerrii in N'ortliCarolina, nnini'K hieli will . -x . r , . . - v v i 1 ffl W m S lile?i hit f ;.iiie! mrli a famous rcput .-.lion iu tlie Southern Country for tot ln.l ritl.lrrn mon'.lis. ft' is Stove wp w srrsnl sup. nor to any Cook me Mi.ir now in u.r. 1 1 is sni..it in its srrsojri 11 nil", ccnsiiiot s lrs fuc -I, nd ci. s 11.. re ork 111 f.vcn tun. . II n sny otlirr Sl..r no in use. W v ill put ui one lirsule sny nt!. r Mnvr ot inr shiih mt in int 1 iine.i iu . aim 11 1. mn- o. 1 f work in a jnei. tunc, we will torft.l the priec ol il.r Slvr, and quit selling sod gu nui ilisll. lor ( the better one. I ALSO, ALL KINDS OF ! PARLOR & BOX STOVES, j We lnvc, ami constantly keip hniil, an ri'i n'e sn van.. I stork of 1 TLX AM) siili: r IKO.Vi I mass ai.r'..v, r.isr wo.v iti.nsn ,ins, HAT HACKS. ('nAI)LKS.&CM&CM j .Allot liicli will I.f "ll. ltl al.' iiinl ICrlnil. Ik;iht III an lina i vi r bi ru .IIt l In I lil Tirinil)'. I Wf wniiM rrturn our thanks to mir iri.-n! srnl custnrstrra tor tlie trrj liberal paironapr llirj hare brstowril Ufa. ii us. niu) tl.rjr may reft nssuf.it, lliat we shall rin'rinr, bjr close amotion tu busimss, tojril.ir Willi a U. ternuiiaiii.il i pit a sc. to I' ai" nnril a Lui.liiu..nie , ihe s-mc. i Ladies ;iiid (initli nii iiiirp i;nliru!iir!y imiltd to rail i.d rxamiiie mir ISlock. i.J,3.Z2?? 0 JOS Tv02S .11:7) 10 FISH I'HICS. ; X. It. . e will ti II you why we luail our a.iii rtinoi-nl sit i.i Tut H ae'.!.,"il is It-causa we I... vr lline wsggons coii-l.nlly Iruirlliof 'hroujli the coui.tr) wito Stuiri. Br . i.vilim it ill be faithful!! tiuil ; .!;, iilliuilril lo j I t'kaitallf, Crtuhrr C.I, I ' II IIJ I IV sin s ' c waJvi m'.w AIHIM A MI.VIIICI, or ouf;ii, Co!iia, Infliift.tfi, f etiniie. I'lka. Atieelioita of v Itinpi t Ii: (Jtirr, ra.ii. .onirr tur. t!rct, tic V in: a, W , u k iu a ai uther 1 c in nU otnpimnu. I'rii-c ptr hottit, 7j cti.r nd 91 -'.'. (ic!d Mine Dalsnn. I I or Irp ptu- IS: ti f a rr T lir- I .r ,f .. r it fi-r fntin J U. i . I oiii, I!n.f k', .Mi! Ion ! I'r J. Kl.ii! - I" f Str : u- umi ' inra hzc l f t vt ii r r. I .r f.s t u (.-! tii I'm wile n i. k.-iiii. i Iry. 'Ii'- A! i - ii - .M.-'ur i-j i-Ut i I ;h. : ty dpproit of. I' Ip;ip i.-v r ' to urr m .n i c-- tt m-i I a- f..t,ti ..t I i:i vrf Inn tnoujjtitp I anpplv t'- tirii'iinrf. Vu mH "l r mini me a large upp. ol it a aooii a v-h K' t '' . J. K I'AI.I.I.M. Ai.K.NI S in. W. S .i,d.rs. Wait. si., r..' ; Ii. T I - i'c. 1. .or lio ; Mi!, r A Yi. .ixnl; T. J. Holt, ii ..no fir J I', (..'ii,. r. l -r;..tt. ; Sill .V S.ll mi.I J. II. Kl.li.sa. S ,h.!..,rv ; at..! I'..'.r. r V , In ll too . 9'al lvf fmfilr.f .,-1 f', '-a( T "n , q G;::;. C-.:-:. Frr:; '.::'?;.::'.:. E .c V ' a!. tsrp; i CARRIAGKS, FRL'.i TREES. ..t aaittsixai m.T ( t" ' ' CITY OP NEW YORK, T 51 Pt CKMT t'liMllwli. Rffert U, H' n W A lira! K'r. I t tills". : L. S,,.,J M M.T.I.r. l. ; r. Krliiln.l.a.l. I ll IO, N. W. Wc"..1..i. at. 4 athpra n. 1.1, 1.14 v.!.A.(;vvi:i;. f.l-.St.UM. M.I. .ST. ruKWAIUI.SV A.SO HERCIfAFtfT, II, MIX , 1. C. I iJRANt.l MINIS .:.njr U.M r-.ll.,.:. t ft I hi t W 1 1 II liit: VV UKHI'g M il i III) .M in (h lt r ii U Uo.! ! (jUI p-tll V , tl rvililh CiIki i.j Hill (Iii.til ( otiip'i'y (or thp tr ip"! (-rt.it on ot l-.-t iyhl ' t i h i! i tin ii" Y troni W i J iiulij; ton lo Hit Uo via j( li.ri'.t! , I ortVr n.y..rvK,Moiht Mh.bit MAMS Umj I-i I.Hs i. Vnurit r..ro:in;i. ,.. I will tp profnpity (i.f w ai r-il lo li e iiiRrior. ii?,u I'fijdurc of i V r v ilf-:r ipli'-n ti r phi i, ui.tJ tttoit or ah i pin it to otin r tu it r to ' t a , My -r jr frt t in , th- tiiiHiiit nf, torinrr tlh .trnj u I if-ilitu a lor il j m;f i I ii ! pro-pi it tioi, i u riiit-h h ti ! j.i ur-i o t-i o! ii, ii oi 1 1 1 y lo n t iii y corr Mpoiitii iil n !.i i ll I h i -iv. V -1 1 r ri proiiurt- Att hi tnn,ni o!, i r a riimiii.-jt.ii ol pi r ci nt mt jrrfitm a. Im. M-r. : fiitnji.p will h i'or .i rI il tor a roiniiiiiioii ot' ! J J r mil on d t- Im r in r.t . I r t r lo the I'm. ' io"i Ilia of nil .e lhil)e.a I Ii " mn ip j; ton ! W. A. jV YI'.K. .IO ll 3, I S.'.J. If C. JOHNSON F0RV.RDIWO ATvD CCnmiSSION lliJistJlLIAn;li' I Mil 'I II A 'I I. AVI ! U II AKT, ('iIjMUjK.-sTon, s. e. ' y 1 i A N i;V n! Iii . ) U'asliii.i; M l.mo fi.r wnsli. , I j it'ir .'..tins i-..ii l.o l,..i. i i!,. .i.i,. J. M. ; ; i. .1,01 ii It .oy pn !". f I Iii y t. II liy ll Ii 1 mi.' to. ir j j T'.l-a with Mr. .s.i .ii ra In. tr fit it. run. rl 'l li.lo 1 J , W -1 .... t M .r j I 1 ...1 iit.O i liiil.i l,r Ttii ii o nil il vol! i'oi, t j protioiiorr il tl.iii ..ii, , jniM , i(" ,i.l . : i r . j-, li.ol's all. V. WillSNANT. .im,. i.i, I' .k. t - r mum A I- l:CK MTI I.Y il-' (.'onslnhlc Warnnits l'OR SALK lltUK. -'. ' ' B K ell Stovca hi I'ruin the .l .. uiitin-1 iirem. a taylor 1 nf ( II Al.I ( )'l 'II'. stul virinitr, that llu-y hve ro 1 '' A Spruit'- tironry Sl..rr. wl.crc tl iy hve of the i""l teiisive mnuituiti.t- i.f j So fmiid the celebrated - v k ' . 4 i i inh JLN'KIXS & 'LWI.OII. i j-A rjtlll'. aub.rnUr rts.'ct!uily in. Vii, A form, l.ia Iri.lois ni. ti.i: pfiiilic i hili . ! ilnii n It f ;lr tt r.1,1,,11, i Fj. n' r mm! ir .it i t iiifi.! r m.1 tin i jjf puo t t.c ; 4 no i it -1 he .a m . k v-1 i u it i ii rii'h to dp. s. r. c am; i .irr a r i ttiiu.. t a iii' Ii hp hit8. ol ti 1 kini antj r tu In n t li ruled to I .ai. I ! tl .i't ri hiit'T' t i-t r ry n iird r. r i'p n 1 i-t lut t ', n ii- p ti pr no tt ti. 10 ior t .' .. H a 1 1 st- p . t .1 i - iti. : -t-.a r !!. i. rr airy and w 1-1 ui it itt liPd, hi it f in(f art u Ut n lur , ti .i 0! d h l.t, ml hia t 1 ti ' 1,111.- it! i f mi-o 11 .i 1 1 11 f'.r ht of 1 1. r iii.. ri, i to.it hi fr rit". a iil i. t nt iin v -tltii't'ti inn if I-t iii.iht ttiiii a M nru ( r iti H'i Pf"i.h.r. it a il li arr t-ifi.i-lo ii Willi j;im) h"tlll snii i-11 i.iri'jir r i.f i-f"t in r, iiini in 1 pr-priti at a ni-ini u t' ii'lif lo ,'"V ttia utiiiurt with riwii rou. uj j m pud 1 m i) a-.rt, to any til ! liie urrtiun i!. 1 1 -unlr . H it no In f lurn hn arkiin!fi!ftn.rnt fc tnr U".r (ir (t 'mvr, in! Mttl jo' thr fu t i,ri o ( u 1 Ii) 11 1 r 1 ! i r 1 1 .! k-f , JttHN It M IlO..M'N. ('i ,-, 1 s.-..'i. :i:nr - .- s- - ; -. ESxactly So! rami: .t.i-.-r.i r rr -1 r, t o I lo' B ;. i . ol I t li.it lif i. .Ini r r ii, j; ..o t . c fnn 11 r-ti. ilNMNi; lll'SI.NKSS. !f. opp-iPiir Krrr'a II 'ti!, f-rrc cn in. touixi litt.in 4 tu.l a"i I iii Ii t ot' lLAI A: .IAIA-I) r 11 i mi j. II - h lirli v ill l.c I.I low rill., r I f ill. rllr..U ft .inHarll r.itil. I l...vi-U0.I..J I., io .v'ltM h (i U(l(i:, I'Ih nlii il Tra ii il (nriir V.i, '1'ra T'Vt 1 'Jtiiir mi'i I tn .y,.aj.s( 'Jttilitl ,Sfjif tor Ihs purpose of iiisiiufariiinni: r-j.nr In, a s, .Sni.tr t l.ii,ij, Im a ml ( V I. r ( 'nun i. tri j, ( ',, j Lilllllt, (i'i.SH l.ttlilt I ID, l.illil I.IIIIIJS, aa.l ll I'f at to iny otln r urtn-it. in that 1. in. , ... a i.o a f.w t. of Ili'ft Ami litift, Ihnvtl ni-,1 J'onf.. Sinl or wimlliuij; liuiis, r., .( r.f Inrli ill l s.,1,1 low as ll.i r.i. h. I...,.,l.i .. in tins pl .n . i.,ir h COOK X, PAlilaOi: Wlltfll l. solil lil.nau.iHy low lor ('ASH.' 1 JOII Wlilik, .ni l, iis " " Roofing Guttering, Etove Flpen, ttc , I rs-iriit.il ul short no In t ooil ut n!, ,,,, pnr.s.l 7. I lo.nl.liil for p.i.t livors 1 would solii-il a I II IS 'umpaii i . oal nor. 1 oooiiiumnrr oi llio s.i ii..-. p .'AM I.. T. tVIilSTON. .v.. l.t. IK-,:,. ;,., ft Notice. fatriK sol... iU r o,i!.l inform Il.r f.irmrr. of B this . nil lo. surn om mj .oanliii., Ilo.l hr is pn joiri .1 lo isi'. k . Threshing Pirn hincn, Grarlrg for Cnt-' ton Ciir.s and -hw Flills. and Cot on ! I'resse and i ( rev. Trnra r....riii,,... ti;lf- i'.ni,iil, , !(.,. il.ili.hiKf , f, , kii i,Mt, r.mrity, N. I '., (.utirtual I v mi. ion . I lo, 1 1 w 1 1 Ii i ii -in ii. i . . of ll,.. p ,, ,. W. H. MCilOIoSDV Dr. McL AWE'S CELE H HATES VERMIFUGE Two of t h. beat Prrporol lout or f h, A( They arc not recom mended as Universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name pur. ports. The VrRMiFuci-', for expelling Worms from nv Hainan ijfsitiH, nas also been administered with the mo:.t satisfactory results to various aninia:' subject to Worms. The I.ivru Pulp, f r the cure cf Livfr Coy. rLAIVY, a!l Ijll.IOL'S RANCT.Mr.N'iT, Sic Hi '.AD- ACII2, SiC. Purchasers will pica c be particular to as!; f" r Dr. C. McLr.nc's Cck bratctl VERMiFftir. ami Liver Pills, prepared bv (i)..otan(j (ivui. SOLE PROPRIETORS, Pitts- burgh, Pa., and take no other, as there are varies orhcr preparations now before the public, pur porting to be Vermifuge and Liver Pills. A others, in comparison with Dr. McLane's, arc worthless. The genuine McLane'; Vermifuge and Liver Pills can now be had a: all respectable Drug Stores. FLEMING DRO'S, CO Wood Ft., I'ittsoTK'!!!, I'.. hole Iruirlrlurv jA'-2sl Tt-aJU'- ft(.0, il ,t M.-a,!. No. lll.Clit.r-r.. ('IIK.S'l Kit, f'. ('., Ni w (.rkna, ti. n. ral liol. IS) .1. It. ICIIOI S(). fir 'J" S"tl.rrn Ststrs, to whom .'. U ii't I.e aiMri'sr.l. So'.a ii. m iMtrrriiAiM). ru-.:..: tli.t I,,, tio.lar, liliown as ,t tj.il.l. I f .1 - tlroa.l llilr I," or,Mi. Ir Ilia ,,'..,.....-,,. , i i i -r i. I .M 1 1 r. 1 r. I. , o I I l l . . . " JOHN I INK. onror I ' SILL A MU S-.!i.! u-. I. P. !.M!NK IT (') , V -'. KEKl-Y A U YI.IK, C t - raliiui;il,-k' Taili riu'. T nri; r. f pif rt'wir lo Mb A. .. 'WILIIAHSOs. 1 11.11:1.0 11 1 ,.y. i. 1 I l.t, ttfp 1 ir tt 1 b 1 a nt hi ti-a id ill i it tut to a ! fii"''1 i npxa pfiiriipiptitt hi rait, m:w fihm. : llO: ariioM .pa. t'liliy .til ' 1 1 it I ass l lis day lot io. a s . ' if.a naois st.ai aif la f (ivi:i3i.. a 'I ?5 f 4 a a it i. i a U fJb ti A h O.F-i'aS' i' t 1)1)1 tt.V C-Lt ot Miriiry .u se r i s I ..ri . V r pro. in..- la it it In I ink , in a I sntii, nr,Hfl. ii . i I r 1 l.l. M tilth VV t K II N I t l irilr.l'.llKIM. Uooe ai ll,.-siiurn ' " 1 nri ilia inoai ni.Mi.aie loruis 1 ,'!, .... I,... .... I'l,.i,h SirMl Mawriiorot ol 1 ( lollis I r.sn.w. lor (! 1 It 1 ' ' - aM il,j tn tl-p ...t- t ' It . . urn ik Aiiin t. a H, ?W K ,..,ir s.ii p IIIIISI. , I KVI W 1 4 I klllulle, 7bi'v fi, lis.'itf. MiU'l ll- All 'l 1 Ilutual Life Ineuiance Comr vrrn i.. KAi.t u ii I liaahlij W d.ie frrsims 'I'll grrah .l Nik laki I. oo a sit I ' , sllava. am limine! o r a in m "i mn " ' ds lli.ir value. orrioiss j )r ( liaiii . K. Jolni I'" '"" 1 ' William ). Ilsytto. u. Viri I' . ""' John J. s iMtsms, Sit.-i tsr v . William II J .nr., 'I'ri-"iti''. , II W. Ihi.trrl, Attori.i i . I lr Win. II M. Kit, Ka ii""t r-v j J Me'amsti, tn-litiil A i r' All ...-r. r i.a.il m n 't" orv ,I'M. I. otm 111. II, M aoiis ai.d l'i SIIOKIOV " ' '' atnpliit 'a'lonoi ttt C'niiinan. , sis ? le l't,,' I Ihr I )io or io ol tin- Apri" ,, or hii.it.r. arioniil I.e arrir " . ...fi J I. ll.l.l vs