M0tW e irqe fo 60$, fo Vjoqlr fiotwfirij, jijjS fo ItoqJr Jqflj." -rsd 'for )ur- for rem lias VOXjTJIVtE 3. CHAH.LOTTE3, 3NT- C, SJET'ESIIZCBESJF. 23, 1336, nNTXJnViEBEIIFL 31. ur- ai: son arc ivcr . a! ri2 r lull TB 0 HI AS J. HOLTON, EDITOR it PitOI'RIJtTOR. TKIlMSt LTCi! ton c Vrt ti -( r"l " Whig will beaffurded tnsub. lll-i AXU Hr'TV I'KNTS if p.ymrM ba 1 I.-L' In ill 1 lit ,,r Miri-e uumum ;iiiu uiti.i4 ini.i.nun ,,l f 1 l.o jt-ur. No paper will be diacon. Ill jll arrearages arc paid, tlccpl at (tic tut' KiMi mi-ii' ii.t"d 81 Oik- I'ullur per square , l , tm ailed ly pt ) fur llif fimt uiaer. ' i cents fur en cb con 1 1 ii uu lire. fuurl ad ,.",, allJ Hlitrip Salin charred U5 per i .:. r '.. ..i ...II lor I):, iiui ; n"' ' imiuciiiiii " '-'j r "in ,,.,,11 Ihr fHUIlir prieta, iiir an n-marra iij r ;ilvrrtim '.units i.iaertld monthly cit , . I t ft ulnar I' cuel. lim. rHIul. , i t. m . anusre nire'-eli linn. .uiiailtn are aulhotiitril lo act a ujfhta. ca-.c f:.T c!t. and : fcv odn). SS-4SQ.I ar tt3- no IOW Ml TM H.C WHIQ 1 MM K THE HulNTMS. Imtnbtd U Miu S . , t ri.o. 1 ,nnt I'm ba.. aa 'if Ih p'-'t r-'a.inama .., tr wrought trraMi lli ikurtl entwine; ,r n.iiH tiiuiid of U I 'alatact'a rot i : , . . ( . 1 il r r 4 in of a lover of llniii. i'i i.' r,iii ( lo drum, & t. 3 , r, mt fa gnnr tii liif biamf in lli Wl, i.m il "I llif l ulfi w djrililf wjr i ti mo Jii' uh tre ij to lftir nr-l : . n f .i i tli lii-r fiintc 4 ch4iu Hie d jr. A. j u 'it Willi btr nmitlic, Vc. 3 I liw in vild Nifurr'a Icinr. M uiiUiin racb Icapinf to kia lh blu ' hi ; I tlrrafut It oft ''tw nt a drrain of lnvc : . it injrli mri: ftt'iipi'ing )uu id lt A.. ln 4ni . r K ti ipti ii.j , & c. 4 tli' 11 ( lmu'i kill fl .tr, ,4h f.rvr ttu cvt-r adnrn her grrvti valca ; j on.inf ilnric tit a q uratrri d tnivrt'i : : n- r! ()! Wircti'tt ant (illlc at ot lia( A .i limit d b J Uie t Ul, Jtc. 5 It w rl 'l 4f on lli eif of ruin! .1 I ii t'l me mtie death ? 'Ivicic dclb to -.; f ii l'il rVn r i It injr !) v y twin ; . it-i,r l.vc or 'Jijf prtU itU it, A 'lf litr, & t'. ' (JrnH he !f, I dttiird mc in lh wivri, a it 'pir thing Vrr j injf itc-r the fItp ; "' ..c tlic tt cried but In inti iouilljr r lrfc ; .a t it Itrarti, 9e I ' f rrfctuU CAi's, An. ooufitt ! In rd, JLc I 7 :-h me ft.ttii ;tiur arm I crUJ, " iu !" 1 M c('o : t.. iin quick lcp ah cauglit m round i r.c. What then lud drilh to in f t tc tkrn up by PtM on Jcci., NjK Writ Uktn MJJ, &C. i . 8 a -f In. ! j I win fnliv prrl tn nun'', I , ij, yyt ct-mtd on round uf 1 ' , ? ii w. ttrj ith tin ttaia from ryra 1 C t J I i im .kyt rouidn'l nirh bur a niomfiit ...I J ' 9 r-',m hit rfrvirn. M IrirtPiMr alt nter. I I 'ii iJilti.y tn ,MrV tiirhitl tTfJHi ; i!r ft r. irrt maitirn . ( Chll mc th v totrr : -i - U Ij! tw rml tHatt nhCO but ft dfcllll. ltliscfI(;mtows. m OR, HDW IT CASB TO PASS. hv mart w. ptanlt hibsom. C1IAPIER II. f-r t!:ir. fnr thru ,,:r. I irp t " .III. f gi.i-jt,, hylit iifi thy rhee k U "i rm aprimt.l in tlul ri-i.iir limli l-' fe't rny tusisii in n inri'l' bmik, d II. ink all l.iila rrwanlid ban Irum Hire . i ii'i'i ainiir Htirtn lininnrMiiiv. I. tilt tiimaii. j' an cvrtiitig party some six weeks la- 1 Aiui lia rvided her mother's watchful and glided through the crowded a- ?f !l,,,'i.t into the cool and fragrant consir- T "V 1 on 1. She b fl the widow in one tU wi,r.t of bumurs, because Do-tor '''hiiii had t, resumed to dance three in-alii- j i t.iiira with Miss Amelia, when be ' I l.'ic been doing du'v at her side; ?' 'd to esoiipc the sarca-tic remarks J'li rould not but wound while they a- ""' her, she walked up snd down the; VUe flri w i i ! folded arum, listening to, f 'iiuriuur of the fountain, and breathing t "'r'a.iicu of the roses and geraniums, T " 'lie grew calm and quiet once again. I '"'rr advanced toward her from the sa l :i hejoiiJ ; it w as Dr. Hazelton who had J " "'eking her vainly in the other rooms. T- ''id not ..peak when be entered, but she 7 ""' :p and smiled, aud be kuew that he " Hot uinvelcoinn". j' Ar" Jon .ad to-night, AmcliaT" be tenderly. I -v,)t kl,d, John, only weary of the noi'e f 1 u-tlu in the other rooms; and so 1 2 ne here, where all is so quiet it seems another world." Ti young man paused before her, took ' hnd, and checked her rapid walk. Amelia," he said very seriously. " have M fjriul ot,,! I 3 o - u"i ft BBIU ttf JUU IUR UtUVI lht?" " No, John," and ber durk e yes fell be neath iLh searching glance of bis. " You gave me no auswer tben ( tut you know that I love you wore tbau life, thai I ask for your love as , ttarviuj niao would cr upcuk of change again. I love so cn for food and warmth. Amelia, I have do tircly, so devotedly, so patfiionately that words to say bow dear you are to ine, but change is an impossible thing, till another the devotion of a life shall show you all. J heart and soul are given to inc. Can I Dot Will you not tell me here to-oigbt if you convince or satisfy you of this ?" cannot learn to love me!" ct. - . i i ..t ' tjuo meu uer eyes wuu a prouj ana loving mile. "Jobu I d j not ned to learn." " Is it possible that you love me now, Ann-iii ." She only drew a little nearer to biin in anmrr and be drew her closely to his Ircait, and pressed bis lips to hers. She s'aid one moment in the dear embrace be felt ber warm breath upon his cheek, and saw ber soft, silky curls lying upon bis shoulder- then she glided like a fpirit from his arms, aud joined her unsuspicious moth er again. But be accompanied the ladies home. He felt her little hand rot softly in his. and half returned its prcsure as hi aniated her from lie carriage, and her whisper "Come to-morrow, John," sent him home iu a state of prifict happiness that bani-b-td ail skip from his pillow. lint Amelia, are sorry to say, after ono secret smile at hr mother's amazement beu the truth fLould be known, aud one tender thought uf the handsome lover who was to drsr to her, slept n u-t unromaiitically until the breakfast bell had muiiJeJ twice on the eusuing morning. The sight of the young physician ascend ing the sli p fjr an early morning call on that eventful day, made her heart beat with a vague mixture of j y, alarm and mirth. The widow looked up from ber embroidery as the bell rang, and said w ith a ijaii-t smile : " The doctor grows rj'jte devoted in bis attentions. Ilcslly, Amelia, I don't know that I can do better, Diesa me ! whtrc has the child gone !" "The child " bad vanished to her own room, and the entrance of the young lever checked the word'', which were upon tl. mother's lips. lie gri trd her with an cm -barrss-nirnl that did but escape ber watch ful eyes, and saying to herself, " The hour is at band he is about to speak," allowed (he conversation lo languish, aud sat with ber ryes fixed upon the carpet, awaking the auspicious moment whin the long ex pected declaration should full upon her ear. He lift his chair and took a m at beside her on the sofa, lie took ber bam! her heart beat fa-t, and the truant blood rush ed to her cheek, but he was too much agi tated himself to notice her strange confjsiun. " My dear madam," bo said timidly, " have I erred iu thinking that you have always louked upon me kindly unce our first acquaintance V " liless mc !" thought the widow, " the man thinks I'm goit.g to Ull him at once that I love him! But, then, he's young Slid uuued to court-hip, and 1 mu.-t give biin strong ftieoursgi nn tit " " You hue not been mistaken. I have always esteemed you highly; ranked you indeed among my very dearest "friends, if I may tell you so." .. .. r t, i i ii.i; I be young maus lace uu-neo suuucnij be io'iited eager and animated as he con li r, m- J ; " You little know bow happy your words have made me. You would not then, fear to trut me you would not refuse what could nuke mc happy, even if I some thing most prcri.ius and dear something that I have euvttel si'lec we lir-t met" " What can it be ?" wondered the widow. " My picture, a lock of hair, or my own dear self! " ' You are silent," said the young man, H .ickly. " Csu it be that you have no faith ill me: Bi lieve me madam, the pricelisi treasure of a woman's love is in estimably sacred in my eyes. I iiewr could b. tiuj the faith and coi.fi lti.ee r. posed it, me j never wouud the heart that was all my ownl" I fear nothing. I huve perfect confi dence in yon," "Thank i"d fur that! Then you will nut refu-o the boon, yon will not make me pk-ad in vain!" "How can I Dr. Hazelton: You I cannot resi.-tyour eloquence," and the wid ow drew near, and looked confidingly iu bis fnce. " I have another name," be said gently, " call me by that, it will sound less formal and give me some assurance that you are in earnest that you are not sporting with the best hopes and dreams of a heart that has never loved before." " I am iu cariie.it, John," was In r low reply. " But are ;'iu when you say you have never loved before ?" " Perfectly so, Madam. I have always been a lonely ambitious man. My profes sion has been my mistress and my wife. I have never known more than the name of love till now." " Aud now you are quite certaiti this is no idle fauoy," b said, coquetisbly. " Quite certain that you will regret nothing the disparity of years" tt HM 11 wit lucre is none, my ucnr mauam. e are nuited to each other in every way. Nev " I am satisfied, Jobu. I ask no wore," I sue inurmureu. "Then I bare your permission to nee Amelia, and tell bur that it is all arrang ed !'' aked the young man. " Dear girl, you little know bow lung I have loved you, yet feared to fpeak." " Amelia 1'' gapped the borror-stiickeo widow. " Amelia!'' replied the unsuspicious lov er. " Iu giving her t me you will give a life long happiness, for which 1 nhall always bless you. Can I Bee her this morning, dear mother.'' That word capped the climnx." What mortal could bear more after so egr?gious a blunder. " Wait a moment, nnd I will tell her you are hcie,"' stammered tho widow, and van ishini; from the room, die Foa'ht her cham ber before her self possession should vanish, find any un'arded lo ok or worI reveal to him the secret lie had never g'R';cd. " Iu a mercy I have so inucli p'eseuce. of mind," she said, ten minutes later. ' How could I have been such a foul ! as it is. I don't think I shall break my heart. Now to seal Amelia's lips' and in arching up to that young lady's room, she entered, closed the door carefully, and said iu an unconcerned sort of way : " Do you wish mo to give my consent to your marriage with Dr. Ilazelton! Do you love him V One glance at her mother's face, gnard cd as it was, showed the girl that she knew all, and she answered frankly " Yes mother, I wish for your cousent and bles-ing '' " You shall have tln ni on two conditions. First, promise never to tell him of au" i idle words that I may have dropped men can never take a joke, you know. Second ly, defer your marriage for three inuuit.a. Do you accept these both of these re member. '' " I do, mother." " And will keep them ?" " Mo.-t faithfully." '' Then go to him, be is waiting for you," and pressing her lips to her daughter's forehead, the widow passed down the stairs to her own private parlor. Three months afterwarJ, there wag a double wedding at Mrs. FitZsitinnon's mag nificent home, and many were there who divided ail t heir admiration between the brilliant bride of the young physician, aud the mother, who, with the gift of her fair hand, rewarded George Henderson for years of unobtrusive courtship and unfeign ed affection. The Cincinnati Platform. If any of our readers yet have any stomach for the Cincinnati platform, let them read the fol lowing fiotn an Aikansas Whig: ,iw this Cincinnati idatlorin seems to - ' .i ... . a .,,.rf, l t l,,,,,,. p,,, :c. Tom Kiikmati used to tell of a friend of his dropping iu about dinner time un an old lady, who in kited him to draw up to the table. There was a hiit'c pie of the pot order for dinner. The old lady helped him bountifully, aud be being hungry was duine justice to it. " Stranger," said the old lady, "you wifl find nltiiu.-t every sort uf meat in this pie." " Ye, iiKidain," said be, " and fish too," as he drew from between bis lips what ho imagined was the back boue of a red-horse or sucker. " Lord have mercy !'' exclaimed the old woman, " if there ain't our line-tooth coiub that Billy lost two weeks ago!" GonP. A young man from the town of S , in Richland county, Ohio, having determined to celebrate the 'Glnrinu-Fourth,' visited Cleaveland on that occasion, accom panied by a fair damsel, The young man never having been much from "bum," was somewhat unaccustomed to the " usages of this world." He " put up ' at the Wcddell and oidcred dinner, which, iu due time be ing announced, the young gallant boldly walked iu to a sumptuous repast, leaving the young lady alone in the sitting-roam. After partaking of a meal that "astonish ed his bowels." he returned to his compau j0 wl,o was rather surprised at his pro ceedings and remarked : ' 'J he dinner li as darned good, uhy don't tiiu buy you some V The above is an actual fact, which we can vouch for. The young lady was lti hours without anything to cat. Cim inna' ti Jlii'iiiirr. Mr. Snowball, I waut to ask you one question, dis ebciiin.' ' Well, eucced nigger.' ' Spose you go to do tabbern t.v get din ner, and don't ub nufTiH on de table but a Id" beet, what should you say V Vhy under do circunistauces of do case, I should say dat- beet's all. Yes, and when de landlord would see you at de table, bo would say dat beet's goo:' el Mir) TIi'iiibiTs of lh Mi x. L,. (Iklal tire of Kisrlh C'urtslim.. SENATE. Camden and Currituck Jojin II. Jones, Democrat. l'ubquotank and rerquimoTit3oin Pool, American. 6'nrs and Chowan Dr. It. Dillard, Dcm. Hertford H. G. Cowper, American. Brrtir Jos. J. Cherry, American. Wtiiliirigtun and Martin A. CI, ssod, Democrat. Tyrrell and Hyde Francis M. Burgei, American. limuf'rt Allen Orist, American. llnlifiix M. L. Wiggins, AmerieM'. Northampton T. J. I'fso" reft .'t. . Nuih h. N. B liutcle, Xcmoora. ' iirren Win. K.iton, jr., Democrat. Franklin I'. B. Hawkins, Democrat. l'ilt M. Li. Carr, Democrat. Oinlou- K. W. Fonville, Democrat. Duplin W. J. Houston, Democrat. Knican and Davie Dr. J. B. liaiuser, American. Cabarrus and Stanly Dr. E. K. Cib son, American. Anson and Union Dr. Myers, Ainer. MecUinltnrg W. R. Myers, Democrat Sum, Anile, Yadkin and Watauga Abrani Bryant, American. j Liiicnn, L'tiltiu la and Gaston J. II. White, Democrat. . ! tint her ford and Clcuvelrind Dr. Colum- - bus Mills, Democnit. Iitiki. McJouel and Ca Id u e 11 W. V. , Avery, Democrat. j JJiincoiiiOe, Yaucyyc. Daid Coleman, Democrat New Haiwver Owen Ftnntl, Dem. Jjtgrcuinlie H. T. Clarke, Democrat. Greene mid Ijnoir J. P. Speight, D, aine C. II. Brogden Democrat. Liuicit J. Miller, Deirocrat Uirienr. ana Jones , . y. Ward, Dem. Jtjin.tuit Ij. li. Sanders. Deiu. Wake G. II. W ilder, Dem, Granville C. H. K. Taylor, Dem Orange P. C. Cameron, Deui. Chatham R. E. Rives, Den lihulen, Brunswick 2nd Culumbus A. Jones, Amer. CumUrland and llirnett 1. McDia"- iid, Dem. Sampson T. II. Holmes, Dem. liiiluiiond and W-rsvrt A. Doekerv. A. M.,rc and Montgomery-. 11. Chris-! tian, Amer. j handijik and Alamance M. W. Holt, American. I 0,sirellH. P. Hill, Dcji. J'ersin J. W. Cunniiigaam, Dem. 1'Ot.kiiish'im Geo. D. Boyd, IVra. Stokes anil l"orsithc J. J Martin, D. Guilford Ralph Gorrell, Amer. Davidson J. W. Thomas, Amer. " inerokce, jucKsvn, tj-c. . n. i lomas, Democrat. WV.rs, Iredtll, ij c R. Parks. Auer. Democrau and 17 Americam. HOl'SI OF COMMONS. A.'anance D. A. Montgomery aid Gej. Patterson, Denis. Alexander A. C. Mcintosh, Amer. Anton A. J Dargan, W. M. Piebtt, A. Ashe Alien Gentry, Dem. Burke F. P Glass, Dcm.. Bum uiiihe M. Erwin, Dem. Bladen ti. M. White, Dem. t.t f I . t II- If T. lirilit i. Uutlaw, Jno. Y ilson, mer B'uujort J. R. Slubbs, J. Eboro A. Briiiisv kk T. 0. Mcares, Ainer. Calhirrus C. N. White, Amer. Catairni ti. P. Rowe, Dem. Criivrn C. Kelly, II. C.Jones, D'ins. Ciniilirland and Harriett J. G Shep herd. J. Stewart, L. Betiia, Denis. Chowan J. C. Badhnni, Dein. Colu ni bus D. T. U'illiaui-on. Ben. Camden P. D. Ferebee, Amer. Carteret W. Rumley, Amer. Cherokee 0. M. Stiles, Amer. CusiretlW. Loin;, K. K. Witlicn, Ds. Chatham II. C. Cotten, D. Hackacy, T. BvtlUIII. DelliS. '( udwtiC. W. Clark. Dein. Currituck S. B. Jarvis, Dein. Cleaveland VV. M. Blaulou, F. t. Rain sour, PelllS. Davidson 3. M. Leach, J. P. Mabry, Americans. J hi vie W". B. March, Amer. Jhijdin B. Soulberlaud, W. R, Ward, Democrats. IslgrcomheW. 11. Bridgcrs, J. 5. Dan cy, Perns. 1-hrsiithe .J. Masten, J. A. Wangh. Ds. Franklin Dr. L. A. Jeffreys, Dem. Huston Richard Rankin, Dein. Granville T. L. Hargrove, J. M. Bul lock. T. B. I. von. Dews. On ill ord D. V. Caldwell, E. M Scott, E. W. Og'utirn, Americans. Greene A. D. Spab.'ht, Dcm. Gates II. Parker, Dem. JlaiiraolVt. S. L. Love, P, ni. JaitaxWm. Hill, J. W. Johnson, Ds. e, 'tft,rd3. B Slaughter, Amer. Dude John 0. Jennctt, Amer. Henderson John Ba.-.ler, Amer. Ledillh. Q. Sharpe, A. 11. F. Gaithcr, Americans. Ji, ksn:i3na. H. Dills, Peril. Janes W. A. Cox, Dein. Johnston B. II. Toiulinson, Asa Barnes, Democrat. Lenoir S. W. Bright, Dem. Lincoln A. P. C-msler, Pein. Madison Dr. John Yaney, Pern. Martin S. W. Outcrbridge, Dem. McDowell J. 0. Whitsou, Dem. M.Hire W. B. Kiebardsou. Amer. Montgomery J. W. Crump, Amer. Macon D. W. Siler. Amer. MrckliidurgW. M. Matthews, W. F. Davidson, Denis. Nash ti. N. Lewis, Dem. New Hanover R. 11. Tate, S. A. Holmes, l)iinncrnts X.i;.,i,r,tn 1 V S'niallwood. .1. Ma- " son. Democrats. Onxotc L. W. Humphrey, Dem. Orange W. F. Strayhoru, J. F. Lyons, Democrats. f'usouoiank W. E. Maun, Amer. Perquimans J. M. Cox, Amer. Vitt Dr. W. J. Blow, Ed. Moore, Denis. lVrson U. II. Hester, Dem. liulxsoii Giles Lcitcb, Amer. Mor rison, D. Wockivgham A. M. Scales, Thos. Set tle, jr. Dunis. JtmianS. F. Hall, D., W. A. Honck, A. liulherjoid Ed. Toms, Amos Ilarrill, Democrats. Randolph Americans. II. 1J. Elliott, A. G. l ostcr, Ruhmond Amer. Sampson O. P. White, J. M. Mosely, Democrat. Sum R. F. Reeves, Dein. Stokes 3. F. Hill, Dem. Stan; M. P. Waddell, Amer. Tyrrel John A. Benbury, Amer. Union D. Rushing, Dem. Waif N. G. Rand, A. M. Lewis, M. A. IJlodsoe. Denis. asiiwgtoH II. A. Ciil'iam, Alucr W'tdatga (. X. Folk, Amer. Wriine E. Sauls, E. A. Thompson, D's. Wilkes A. W. Martin, P. Kller, Atutra. Yadkin Col. Speer, Amer. Yancn Isaac A. Pearson. Democrat', 60 ; American, 40. Democratic majority on joiut ballot, 50. The Railroad Land Smdk. A very heavy laud slide occurred about ten days a on the Baltimore aud Ohio Railroad, ten miles above Piedmont. A tremendous mass of earth and trees slowly moved down upon the raek aud olTt-red so formidable a" obstruction as to render its removal iiu- possible. The road master, Mr. Bolluian, ut once determined to establish an entirely new line of road through the ridge, at a point j outbwaril ot the cut. I'or tnis purpose a j heavy work bad to be undertaken. A new i cut of full lii:y feet in depth had to be made out ot the rock, which was of the mo.it uu yielding texture. The ucw road is between ruu ana iiuu leet long, but was linislieu iu i1';1" "j--i "j ""isms ti-iiiuuu uuun jivi wuu -u men, sua mc remaining six j nours itn a reserve lorce ot ;iu men iroin i il. r,i ti... .. f ; rock thus blasted aud removed was ovcrirna.'1) but, iu tbc end, there is always 'UtlO cubic yards, aud an embankment has ! ..t. 1 . .. T.l. limn t. fl Iso been made with 3000 cubic yards of .rock and earth. .o impediment to passenger trains lias resulted fi oiu this occurrence. The tonnage jtrains, however, were delayed for a full week at tl.r s'ide, awaiting the completion of the J Dew r.id, I hey are said to be all moving right again now, however, and no fear jl appreiienueu ot any simuar arawbacs very soud. j An E.NRAfiLD Lioness. At about 11 o'clock on Wednesday forenoon, a liouess ; beloiiiMUD to Van Amburi'h & Co., ket with .other animals bclongim; to the sauie meua- . eerie, in a buildintr at Newport, near Ciu- '...'in..! Ill.; u..i-aa f !...- .nk Kami.. tiiiuaii, irinv, iii ncu u u uii vir uimg taken Irom her, with ber claws tore the i.on j bars from their fastenings, and breaking j fro, her den, attacked aud killed a dog i that w as kept about the premises, after ! which she seized a panther snd lacerated j biiu so dreadfully that he died shortly alter- wards. A young tiger cub, which the splendid Bengal tigress now traveling with i the caravan bad given birth to about four mouths since, was the next victim to her (rage, after which she demolished several I cages of rare and valuable birds. The I keeper arrived ot this juncture, and after a i furious struggle, succeeded iu chaining the . . . . . . ferocious brute, to the great relief ot tho surrounding neighborhood, the pccp'.o ur which were afraid she would succeed iu breaking from the building. LkaUNKD Ft.EAS. There is an exhibition in the new Bank Building, Broadway, well worth seeing. Signur Bertoiotte has about 100 Italian ilr as which dance the polka, play on musical instruments, draw carria ges, work at California diggings, tight a du el sword in band, draw water from a well, tell fortunes, and do a variety of feats too numerous to be described; all dressed, bar uesscd and instructed according to their tasks. The fleas are all secured to their respective positions, aud perform at the bid ding of the Signor. At night they are re leased ; thev are fed from the Signor's blood, by allowing them to " perch " upon his band and suck their fill. They are tben placed in their different npartmet, all numbered like a well regulated hotel. AIL my live ning Journal, S'J't "i. Pai.aik Discovered Underoruunp. The remains of a magnificent palace have beeu discovered under a garden iu the isle of Capri. It must not only have been splen did iu structure nt iu situation, coiumaiid- mg a view ot tne nay 01 i .t.-ermo ami Na ples. Marble of various colors were used iu its construction, and all its apartments, so far as tho excavations have proceeded, are of the ino-l spacious and elegant char acter, li e doorway is twelve feet wide, and of white marble, and the rooms arc paved in mosaic, while the walls are paint ed red, blue and yellow, Xc. Several coins of the reign of Augusta and Tjberias have beiii found, some uf thorn disclosing the cu rious fact that the coin of one reigu were at times, recoined in another. ClIIlP ('A!U!tn OIF 1!V A liKAR. One 1 " ... . . of these fearlul incidents occurred near the village of Ncihotaon Saturday lat which ( ; Caroused among 'the p.'-o- go so far to create the thnllnigmtcrei in, . the written romance ot pioneer lilc. Just!',. , , 1 " 1 . ' . , , 1 , , , 1 1 ' which can restore harmony and concord to 'C SUtlsCl. a CiliiU ine e.ni uiw 11.1.1. ,1 i the presence of its mother, by a 1 I ' J 1 1 in t . . . T . 1 I'M up to lucsiiay uo.aiiig ihad been found upou which to base con - ' im-tum with reference to its fate. '" . , .i- .: re quite pien.j iu ...n t g.iuu " - , it i t i.... this is the lirst .ns a .ee wuere uam .... has been sacr.Uccd by tbem, l .ougu tt.ey had trcqucniiy can.ru . . i .. . . 1 it .1- fa.... . tanners, coining u, jfl "v door of the bouse Mantiouoo (Wis.) 1'n'j. Hope told a flatteriug tale. iuii g.u.. ! indices of the hour; but I sboukl e-teeni : " ' lmm'J 'uo l""'"""'" ami the Iranlif . ffortj. of 1 u mother, was J h.ppiest of men if I may appro- he has passed through various States We 1 .... lT ;.,tA !: tl.iekel. I lie a. arm was ' . . ' 1 1 . .. l u ' , ,, i ,, .! priatc. with a 'liglit alteration, the l-inguage 1 l,avc room for only the following extract of given, and he .".ei, will, guns and oth r ; P A,1:ll:.stJ oM King George, whin' ,s UigUUaaUa Wt 3J . weapons ot destruction eomn.eneed search-. . - an,x,.M K'Utr- U UiUJ Auut JJ ' I III' tlt'U J'rum the Nnv Yvk Express. FILLMORE " CAN'T RE KLKCTED." The Orst sixty days after General Tay- j lor's nomination, in 131'?, he could not have carried a single Northern ttale. Ho was denounced as a slave holder, and the slave 'holding was fact: and it was added by the Black Republicans of that day that he was j sold to the South, and would give the North no chance, just what is said now of Fill- more. met. The Buffalo " National " Conveniion , arr anu utueu ",B g?'" -Martin Van Buren and John Francis er whether he and Martin Van Bureu did Adams were put on the course. A State Convention met in Utica. John A. Dix was lon- nomirfutt-d -fr Onverrmr. Thi-gs looked Mr. Botts rose, and remarked, that a so soually for most of us Northern conserve wa a eandiJa.e for the I'rtsidcncy, vative white men that many among us thought Nigi'erisui was in the ascendant, and that we Old Whitcys had no chance. The sober, second thought of New Eng land, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and the West, began to be developed, not even till lute in September, and it was only in October that thought began to act. In thirty days the cauvass was over and cVjeid ed, and the "slaveholder"' "sold to the South" man, with Millard Fillmore on the ticket, carried nil before him. This sober, second thought iu tbeso free States, is yet to come again and begin to come in the com- ing September, aud in October we shall see very like what we saw in the general rally of ail conservative men to Millard Fillmore. -, r ,- r t J he lanatimm of the agrieul- turai districts ot t lie iSortu is strong, be- cause it nas 'jever necn met ana reasanea wjtn 0!J tjQ tump, but its good common sense is stronger A Yankee often runs method in his madness, ainl it is from that incthotl we expect a rescue. The ititolli -ene of the Yankee States is just as strong, too, as their fanaticism. They cannot long bo made such dupes of as to' be rutlIlin "for the XortLt.rn candidate for . ., ., ,, . ,. . 1 1 residency a South Carolina man-for the Abolition candidate, a man against even leaving to the people of the District of Co lumbia to say whether they will have slaves there or not for the exclusively Christian candidate for the Presidency, a duellist ouce challenging his superior officer in the army, and once a Senator, for words spsiken in a debate a man to govern otuers wno in every public relation of life has been in subordinate himself or as a Protestant candidate a mau so much of a Roman Catholic as not to let even a Protestant minister marry him. I These absurdities and anomalies cannot for thirty days longer be stuffed down New England and Middle States farmers' throats. Every ism flourishes for a while, eveu Fouiierism ; but every ism. dies when the bubble is pricked. Fremontism is a sham, an imposition even upou Abolitionism, a bold speculation upon its credulity, and it must and will explode. The sixty days to come will do jut as much in l-fG for Mil lard Fillmore as they did in I "r J s. Can't is ceasing already to be in our dictionary. It is right to elect Fillmore, and we'll try that's the word and a man never hear tily tried for a thing and f.iile-d iu it. God prospers the right. God crowns with vic tory a generous will. : prevent the further extension of slavery, he MR. WINTIIROP'S ADDRESS. I (Mr. Botts) had always strenuously opposed Mr. Winthrop thus concludes au address, ti,c clereise 0f auy 8UCU power. Mr. Har- tbe calm, dispassionate reasoning and the rj4 iiaj UT,,V a a serious objection to Mr. fervent patriotism of which cannot fail to i.-jilllorc that be voted against Mr. Butts's produce a good and lasting impression on rcsolution of censute upon Ciddings. the minds of all who heard it or candidly I , 1 si i .1 . J j Arc you aware, sir, said Mr. B., that, in read it . , , r efl"orts to establish Mr. Fillmore's un- ' These follow Whigs of Massachusetts-, S0UI1,lnes3 ,, this question, the painful are mv views, the be-t which I am capable , , ,, . ,. - . , , .. f necessity was forced upon you, ot proving of toruiin . I seek not to force tuetu upon - ' ' ' a others ; but I cannot shrill's from avowing y fidelity to the South, as the author and them and actiug upon them myself. I have propo-cr of that very resolution you so entered into no careful calculation of the siran,,,,1y condomu him for voting against chances of success, having never been ac- involved yourself in the un customed to take mv rule of political duty , fro... cither the estimates or the returns of c,mal,,e dilemma of approving my course popular elections. In my experience thus at the moment you were attempting to ex far I have voted for a Pie-ideiit of the L"- cte prejudice against my position on tho niied States once with only four States, and v.,,,r .,:.,'" ' i;,,, "l will i,,furm vmi. once with only my own Stati". and I am prepared, if need be, to try how it feels to vote without any State at all. But no such prospect is at present before us, and the declaration that Mr. Fillmore has no chance is one to which I cannot and do not at all siibscrite. Every tiny convince' me that there is a growing feeling iu his favor iu all parts of the country, and an increasing; eonvictiou that his election would save us! I'..... - .,.irl 1 il" Ir.v ,1.1.. t 1 1 11 . .' anv rut.- I shn act on no su "iri'Mions I " " J - , 1 . , , ,. . ,hc T'"-- 7 'l'. 1 ' f minnt.imw to the iiassnin and nre - IIC 111'' HI l' ' " - j , . . , i,,i.i 1 , . , .f ..,' :f ' fJuii 1 t , ... ...i :.. I'...:.... ai. : tie lusiruniemai in n,.n,ii; u ti,,,it t-- i, cofidence and affection, or in better - ((W ,;f M . . ' ,,.... ifc. d.lt'wnt .ectious of this mtfftur priwcci I distracted and afl'.icted land Jty The Richmond Enquirer deuies that I CUIUtances that mu-t leal to disunion un tbcre is a Fremont ticket in Virginia, audi less arrested, aud that at ouce. I bava aaya there will be none." 1 therefore, docliuci my European trip, aud POLITICAL DISCUSSION. Recently Mr. John M. Butts delivered a. very strong and able speech at Taylor's Springs, iu Rockingham county, Virgiuir in favor of Mr. Fillmore. He was replied to bv Mr. Harrin, the Democratic elector &r that district. During his speech Mr. ""ris several times alluded to Mr. Butts', opinion ou the subjoct of the power of Con- reS9 t0 Ie?i?,a!8 for the Terntcie.. and uot oeeupy the same poMtion upon that fjueu- his opiniens were Dot in issue ia this can vass, lie would, however, ask the gentle man who bad propounded the inquiry, whether he considered an admission of the eon-titutional power of Co-ogress to legislate on the subject of slavery iu the Territories an in-uperable objection to a caudidate for the Presidency ? Mr. Harris. I certainly do. Mr. Botts. Then you, of course, would not vote for Bit if I were a candidate, and held the opinion ? Mr. Harris. No; and, so help me heav en, I would vote for no man for any office who subscribed to so daugerous and odious a doctrine ! Mr. Botts. Very well, sir ; my opinions in uub a ujsi irr ui iiai I in uui lituca iu tuts Y canvass, but I will read lor your especial edification and instruction the following o declaration : " Having urged the adoption of the Mis souri Compromise, the inference is iuevita hle that ('oticress in mv onininn. nnssriiifd thC power to legislate upon the subject of I ' .. . J slavery in the Territories. This sovereign por in OoFi-res mut, from its nature, tie viC.Usive." " o I quote from the " Sandford letter " of .lines Buchanan ! uch a shout of laughter we have tiever heard as followed this " clincher," and Mr. Harris stood covered with confusion, look ing for a few moments, as a lady present expressed it, " as if he had an attack of lock jaw." " You arc pledged ajainst Bu chanan," cime from all parts ef the crowd. After a fen minutes, the Democratic or- i.ir stnmriipr! nut t.hut Mr. Buchanan's real opinion was that Congress had the pow er to legislate for the protection of slavery, but has no power to legislate for its prohi bition. " Indeed ?" rejoined .Mr. Botts, " then you think the power exi-ts to legislate cn one side of the question, but now on tbc oth er ! Mr. Buchanan would hardly thank you for that compliment to his intelligence. Will you be so kind as to point out the par ticular clauc of the constitution from whicu you derive this novel and brilliant concep tion of yours V Mr. Harris had of course, no answer to When Mr. Harris sat down, Mr. Botts took the stand and told Mr. II. that the dif ference between the opinions of Martin Van Bureu and the rest of Mr. Buchanan's sup. porters at the North and himself, cor.-ista in the very important distinction that, whilst they urge the cxerci"e by Congress of the right to adopt the Wilmot Proviso, and to if you will only not tell the people of i.x4 iigiaiu ahout it, thiit Governor Wise l uted just as Mr. Fillmore did 1" Amidst the laughter aud applause conrquent upon this last sally, Mr. Botts concluded. Rich. Amer. A SOniEBNKR'S VISIT TO MR. Fl ELMORE. A merchant of New Orleans, traveling iu the North, called on Mr. Fillmore at Buffa- . ju a u.Utfr , the 1Utott .... . . iou..e t;alette. gives bis impressions of o ' ' bat be has so,, aud heard uf the condi- ; I . , .... . .a I eft home un the -'Itb ult , with my i r,sage engaged for Europe in the packet to sail frmu Now York on tbi StU iii-iaut. - (the Tersia.) Out a ter baking toured tnro Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and part of this State, and having heard from Mich igan aud Iowa, the ilit'oi malion is forced upou me that our happy country i in great That there Is now laid a traiu ol eir- r J