i! ;' t i; " 3 ' 1 : . intend to canvass the balance of the States. North and Kt, to throw my little tnite iu fvor of the I'uion. There is not a slave boH.er in the South, tiie most rabid Loco- foco, who would vole against Fillmore, if he had been with me the lat f.-w days. The aiiiance of the Hards and Soft, of this State will not injure us; nearly half of each titer have been taken off by the lilnck Re publicans to Fremont. Fxllmnrr uiit carry this $tate and no tiouht a'niat it at all. It in the duty of all true patriots to go into the field, and do all they po-fihly can for the country. Can't you spare the time to canvas the West? You oubl secure thou sand.'! of votes. They want information, ami a mail of your ae, with your sound, good, practical judgment, and conservative senti ment", could do much good in the West, North, and Kat. I know not one who could do so tntich trood. You cannot imagine how badly off the country West is for common heiise. practical speakers. I shall go from here to Wa-hin.'ton citr, and 1 will write you ajiain from there. I shall po to F.ric, i I'a , from here, via. Philadelphia, as I may fed of the people thron-h IVnnsylvaiiia. Mr. Fillmore read to me letters from many ef hi various friends from many of th State. very sanguine, and faying em phatically that the tide of public opinion n rapidly setting towards him, which ac cords with my own opinion as regards the prejent tide of public opinion being the second sober thought. He is calm and qui et, serins rufher passive about li i s succes.-. aav fearlessly that the eoantry is in great danger, and my honest Opinion i. that but for his lore of eotHitry, he would rather not he el.ettd. He i much annoyed by visi tors house orowilcd all the time. A hea vy wii.-ht and irten-e anxiety shows itself Ul on his brow, on account, beyond doul-t, i ef the alarming condition of the country. I do nut believe it is po-ible for the coma- j ti v to he kept to.jetter, except l.y puttiu H'orllj Carolina Sol jig. ilVil && CHARLOTTE: Tuesday, Sep ember 2:). I $56 A M K I i J ( 1 A X ( ) 3 1 1 . VI I O X . Foil rKK-!IK. T. MILLARD FILLMORE, OK NKW-VOKK, FUR VICE 1'ljESIIiKNT, a -as-, a. .-.v.- r a. .r.n. - a J . ' - Is t K V , f t ....... w u. - ..J li iUVm lib.uLu l OF TKXX tbt.i:. AMFI'.ICAN F.LKCruKAI. TICKET. FOR THR sT A T K AT l.AM, k. L. R CAUMICIIAKI., of Wilkes, JOHN W. CAJJKKUN, of Cumberland. 1st Dtrftnct, I.i 'i'l..n.j'sci. o" II. rtie. Ji 3.1 -till Aih tit I bin K. J. V arrm, ill He ml. rt. t. I. .!.lr,, ul .Niw (luniiver. j T. I.n IK uilni. "t (ir:ini 1 1 it-. A. J. SU'i!iii.,ii, nt't'h-.i'i mi, li-. n. J M. I.f ich , 111 I a lllRull, A J. H r-.i .ii r Ai,. n. Jim. 1. Ilyiiiin, of IfuiiCnli'bf. Lrttrr from Mr, Fillmore. While Mr. llreckciiri lgc, i stumping it through Ohio, Indiana and other States, to secure the success of the Democratic party, Mr. Fillmore will not, even in his own State, address his fellow citiiens, relative to tho pending contest for the I'rcMdetiey. lie does not wi.h to influence one vote, but de sires to leave the people to a free, unbiased choice of their Chief Magistral;. Head the Litter. 1U.IKAI.O, Sept. 10, 1800. (I'tHllrrnrtt : Your letter of the (Uh iu vitine me to meet my fiici.ds and neighbors at Itoehe.-ter on the 24th it., has this mo ment come to hand, and as an immediate reply seems to be required, I hasten to ex press my sincere regret that I cauuot com ply wiih your request. I observe amoup the signatures to your letter, the names of many old and valued friends, whom I should be most happy to take by the hand, but I cannot, at this time enjov that privilege without violating a rule which I have prescribed for the govern ment of tny conduct during the Presiden tial campaign, and which wus to attend no political meetings, but leave the people to a free, uubiassed choice of their Chief Ma gistrate. I bep you, fellow-citizens, to accept my heiirttilt thanks for the honor you have ' YeV Mr. Buchanan is "now supported by things mere phantoms of the brain, the tg- .1 i ,i . I ttus Intuits of an overheated imagination ! or .n.n, Southern men on tho ground that he Jilota faulj ullicll Mlli?cu. ia a afor man for the South thau Mr. ImII- acUiJ QU t)e crowac, theatre of every day wore! Let them cxnniiue his record and ieT Would that they were mere figments purge themselves of inconsistency. of the bruin, then we might hope to outlive the delusion, and realize the happy aud pros perous events that lay beyond. Hut we fear HOW thf" rillrllliltC. ;ti!it this is but the beginning of the end, Ve learn that some of the old Lino and that the bloody drama which has eom Whigi that intend to vote for Uuehunan, mctuad upon the plains of Kan.-at., is to end ,. , . , i i . i -, i . in the overthrow and diiuc mhcrme lit of the be here that he can be elected it he Cfts 1,1 ",c " , . mo-t powerliil nation, und the only true Ue- the cutire Southern vote. 1 his is altogeth- i puMic um,(.r iieavell. er a lui.-tuke. If Mr. 1'uvbanan was to get; 'J'he enmity and deep-seated hatred be all tho votes o" the South and his owu State ' tween t!io two wings of this tiovermnuiit Lwuld still lack two votes of having a has been growing deep and strong for the , . . lat twenty years, and it has arrived to the majority of the Llectoral vole.,. A person I0,,t 110,,li(? ,,. blooj Cll1 Mny before making up bis mind to vote should, rt ri)i, flres must he quenched in From what we can the crimson currents drawn from freemen's, examine his prospects. learn from the Not th Mr. liuehatian will : e, troni brother s veins. It will be a war ... c. . ti . . . of kindred, a family war, and nil the Hercer not even get his own Mate. I his statement , . K .e .. fc ... for that. It will be a war, if come it must, maybe looKed upon as visionary, but we ; wljc, Greek will meet ireek j a war of aro lionest iu our opinion. Two years apo annihilation, 'liroihers whose fathers fought the American party carried it by a majori- side by side in the dink days, and on the bama. Now, there bing three par- i blooJJ' '"' lue I'cvoiut.on. n now c, BircAiii). rniHF. UTnliri)!iiril ri-sH-etru. . , JL tuaiiks to the I'uhhc (fiMi.-r.ili, ! il u tlr.iii;iffv ufnuiu'fri iiiu.,. ii. ' " r - , -t"-" in. in illkt lilt llttLMlllilll tullll- iU,, ,,, to merit u cuiiliiiuuiicc .if the m,,,,,, In r. luriiii.u llimika llu-y wou,,'tjl Mc nuw r.'e.'iii dully I". .r the . FALL TI!, H f)T I II T 17." Mllll WKI.I. 1.1 I i , .j - .,,,v ir.nvp, II.U:iVAi:K ami liKui j A Cull and ri .iniiii.tinn ia rrqui-!, , FISIIKtt,BUnuuiiilijJ i Sept. 23, I tC,. ' ' Us ICaiiKi i 's) .Vilii-e. m rASe"erd on llm Strny ll,.i, ,,( ,( II lr, the I. Mli l Si pit i,,b, , (,. 1 t, . .1 - 1 I'i F I . .1" .1 ... ... L . .. ' "'I IVOpers, nnu I lie iipir aim i"'f men u iiii i mini . nuriuite on n,, .r tlii.-fltate. JSiUH ,ol teiiK.ssee; " " " ;n i- Flouruoy, of Yirpinia ; Sam. Houston, of lexas; Jllilil. iyi.w.iiXi.o, vi am- From the Islington Flag. Onward with tho Fillmore Fhg 1 GKH1T NORTH-WESTER?! BALLY. On Friday and Saturday, tno tenia anu , - - m M eleventh of October next, the friends of I' ill more and Donel.-on will bold a (Iratid Mass Meeting in the town of YaUkinville, and rt cihitji for tho town wont hold the half of us. All who cud, are requested to bring their wagons, wives and children with pro viioiis, prepared to camp for two days and nights. Among other distinguished Speakers that are invited and expected to be in attendance, are Kx-fiovs. t.raham and Morehead, Hon. K. 0. Keade, II. U Cuioli. II. W. Miller, Kenneth liayuer, tieorge Davis, Nut. Hoy den. J. A. (iilmer. V. F. Caldwell, Sion II. I I-lag men ot I . Mill II. O fllN HIHIILC .11 Ut 1110 Ull Hir , hmkin duw ti, uud wjapjirgid lu il,t ty of 37.00.). i meet face to face, arrayed in deadly hotil- a civil v.e.ui u.ai naie, , , a.u 10 eai- , j . ,ie combilUllU of . . . . .i . ; .... i - t. J cuiaic mat tue -viueiieaii pariy wiiicii was Wlir cull kuow. in the ascendant HSt will still retain aj It is idle to talk of stopping the war in majority. So that those who go the liuch- i Kansas by the iiii. rvt nliou of the Federal . . . .l.i-ii- Executive. The Federal arm is impotent anau party expecting to elect him by his,. , . ',, . J ' r . to restore t eacc. J he Deoi. e are the (jov- done me, by this invitation, and to believe ) SX the .uttu rn voto Will UC uoouieu eruuitll, BI1J tlt.y arc divided, and if h.m in the Presidential chair. Fremont has ! EXIRAfTS ritOM MR. BVi HAN AN Mme. iies. bought ail the ijrai'in presses in the VvVst ; "I'lriiit tu h.r., Mr. I'll .inn..n, .1-r n inoniert and North nl thev, to a man, will to far " "P"n 4 'J-1. to hic I have nrer - t , , " . !,., , ...il,, ,(.-i 1"'l"rt' auvirtid n p.-n t!r tluor. ami tuwliieh, I ....... ......v, j ,;,T lllV,ra(ta.n h.,vc lower iias of tLem. 1 he better informed ..,.. t1.',ubi.ii .,r .i .vnv Truly and sincerely, your, frieud and fel lowtitixeti, MILLARD FILLMOKK. Jonathan Cuii.n, J. K. Livi.nostos, uud others, Rochester. Iloii. P. M. Ihrrinifr. This geiitlenian lias come out iu letter in which he states that he intends to vote for James liuchanan and John C. lireekenridge for l'rosident and Yiee President. Iu his letter he says that the contest is practically to dippointiiieiit. i Frrinont Tiikrt. u.-c ihmi to mvt rf. 1 Ht-'l IT - ).... u ...-. . tho T..m.-f !iii mill AlMiiitim. n.-.r . . ... -.1 ........................ .. In-h. i:o are property awcers, wi.i sup- i . i ut. a -i; i.a i i vi.i I u A I. . n a r.A i the whole torce of our slauding army was now in Kansas tbey could not stop the war, nor drive out the contending forces. The I . v.irii in., t.t lit lliA r.i.r.An nf itA f.mn (intit'l. t The Richmond Fairer denies tbat . s ,(0W , wr'ia uo',bird party there h a Fremont Ticket. We cannot say can slop it. The Federal army could not whether there is or not, but we find the Le augmented by recruits for the Noith following "announcement under the tele- ' ttou1,1 ruil' u"dl'r her ow n banner and so , , ,,. would the South, and there would be no graphic head of the letcraburg Inteligeu-. . , . . f, , . . , . ,, ..... n ' oa voiuuteers loll lo replenish the wauug ranks ce- of a stauuiui; army. uiie one, come all ; 'Tis your Country's call I II. V. AitMriKl.D II. I'. AitMriKl.D, "j T. S. Martin, V. II. A. Speeii, Com'lte. T. Lo.vi, . A. Joyce, We also learn that a MASS MF.KTING will be held at Lenoir, Caldwell county, on the 24tb of October next. A'. C. Wing. Sept. S3, 1 8;.G. T. J. IIOLTON q, port F.llmore. Hr: THAT HATH KYKS TO sKL LET 11 1M SEE-" WltEEt.INfl, Sett IS. The Itepulliean ' 1 8,1 alol'i' 'a ul'e f,)r ,1,e 1 u" St itc Couventiou of Yirginia cam.; otf here , '"" ' funded on the conservative to-d.y. A Fremont electoral ticket 3 spirit ol tho American people, but now that nominated. There was no disturbance as '. l'"I'e "'' "a rampant faiiBtieiiu, iu its was anticipated. I wildest and most destructive tonus i-. swrep- iug every thing before it. A maniac furor ' , seeuis to have seined the masses, that over- " ArriSl- 'leaps all law and older, and stops not to Vie learn from a telegraph despatch to ' Ii-teii to the appeals of iutore-t or patriot- Columbia South Carolinian, that Mr. !-- J ho le-lruiinng mlluei.ee of society . .1 T ' - t .1 i-e iii. L'O ..i hum -ii. seem in ..jvu ut-i I ii'iii".- enmll. the 1'ie-i.ient of the t jlit.iri.i.i . r . . . . j party teat both the I'euiocratie and hig .. .. ... i ". and (he worst paioi.s of the huium .. i.. .i... ... .t.;- . . , ' K'liauce toma.ittee. waa Arrest. -d 111 .New : t i . . -i ... ...... I.irh -. .-...j, -,... pUIt,t.s uiiltct. N ben he wrote his letter ' r ' ; nearv u i ioo-c upon mo couniry. wurua '.-"' . lr.. ilv 1 . .. ... .....i..t. r . ...i d. ,.).. tins I : - . ... .1. . 1 IT.? .1 . ..".t 1. '. . . . . . . . - " i . ..... . , ; lork.iue i tiu. lie is cnarireu w un naviiiL' i. .-...-. .in. tnw i,... in.i.i- nm CTr.-ai th.. Ilea-: - ----- - - - t . ,.; arrested and excelled from Caliloruia Jaiues . "':' ' Eatious is jjomg to let us punish fcrm and eiteusive'y circulated with a licw ! " '!,.'u'1 "" ' c-n''t'it.o..a. : - ' . ; i Mahwy, while engaged in guarding s:tate 1 , ' , c 1 , J' , , te 0 , c" , u . , i - i: ! . ' s ot ii-. Siiih.rn st.i. .v. r il.nr litr urn.. Democratic pnrty occupies, in an eminent , J .... . ru.alem wluu thev turned their swords a- M "IJli'.iv luc ii.ii.irr.ui .'ii ejru.nail. I . . .. I . . , i . . t ... ! arm. V. ..m it n- n a . i.,.f i...f I r. ... . I it ... - , i"riv, M t. ' if t ii fit -.riir I rinitrif'iui t mi ui.v 'lr. Of . I. 4 . . v.. ..iu . av. i,iv.v.u . v van iu tu , lr .1.:.. :. .. : .... ....,:.. .... HliL I VII.. lTIIA.NK.i'I.MVI.OTll.3 '-," UI.KN i vT IN a Tli: VMUJI.K II liKs Fremont "ill be elected as that the election ti I r.. 1 1 . 1 I n. i.r.r..N a 1 , . , , . . 1. m I rl l!-r: KM AM.i:i l TON t I Y THAT v.; takes place. Look at the result, in Maine I . VMM. II .VIAht: I T A l HJKi I ul k K. .where the Democratic parly has been eu- j ITMAUI Tti ('lit INs-Tl II I l(i.s." 'Si . , ,. , . , ,- 'the ;.ie. .nd s-ai-.n-s i:,sl.t.ri U.Dau,, ,.a8c 2,.: lirtly wal'0WlJ UP Lepubiican ; Isi'.'voi J.fjri-J ! party beat both the Democratic and Whig! The llD. Viu. M Jiits'oinery, an OU Line ! D. mocr?, recei.th deiivt-rtd a t ee cli upon I the principles of tii Nebraska bill, which i . ve lvtru from th? Hichmond National - , ,n tiit w j the iu itio or si avi nr. W hilst the result in Maine was not known mericaii has be. Il published iu p ilnrhlet j I ' ' e i..nil..inrii, m.u . v. r rlull in unt .ml 1 so th-it nn the ruie-.tinn of slaverv 1 ... -I . . .. ... Ml 1 mi ne to 'fiul ; $.urn(H'tinj trillion "P"'" ' decree, the hiihest conservative, coi.stitu- I "mi- I th' limiit Ot t.r I n.otl or.r a ttrw r c ... amn ftf Ml linn tional and uatioiiiil cround. It endeavoring Mr M.nif ..-itu.-rv iii.-lx ti.i. n.!.4tiiin Knlij. ! ly and a 1. m ates the priticip.es ot ti.e eb-la-ka Act, on the ground that "it u the Lett ajuUi:on mtamic tfi pusfil." Hear Li 1:1 : Aal it matters riot haw far our limit-! tray expand, with the ai-uraiice ti.at tiiey be ctiiii', l to demauJ admissi a into the L'tiiu.1, with tl. l.riu of g jveruiiieiit 1 tie of this place, on Thursday night nut.; as far as they are able, to make the i.-sue ..it.''Vi'.. . , . .. . ..." . . ....... ."- j.-: "-- , jt is expected that a regular dicussioti w ill . sectioual, which, it the conservative men, Ait- r ii... t ure r di ctinii. i ,,u""'r. 1 "-"' '!"'- irui.i..ia i...w be., ,0 mjc tiie prc.enl election a sectional one .irvt that I ft.' a. 0111111. il Ot I i T " Will PC tllt'l . it. of I IMI I IM; im .t KNI.AKi.l.Mi u, i ua. entitles them to this distinction they cer- iu n. nm Ol .-I.AV I.I. . .,,ilv. ir Tl.a Aknllrmn , tainiy party L.itr Forri-n .rA. By arrival from Europe we have advices gainst each other, and mothers devoured the fle-b of their own children. These conclusions hare beeu arrived at by a caltu and deiiber ite survey of surroun ding circuuistiiiiees. The sicm of the times point to the realixati on of the picture I have thev ii .v ad -pt. X-nth'in a't Fl'HO I' F..I.S iiit'iitLiiiiiij't utnttU u tli insure u I tiiifjrilt it f ifjr o' f,te ins! tin: tons." We call th-; attrutio.1 of S;uti.irn 1'ewo- 1 erats, VVhit' iTjd Auit-iicaus to ti.e above J extract. It : eminently .- jgse.-ti'e. It af- i fjrJi uau.p!c warrant Tor all lu..t wel.uve! et r h-u ( out the uii-uuu'iaeis of North ' erti Deinocrac v, who are as uiuch or pjsf;d to the ixtensh-B of s.avery as the 131 ck lie ' ified the nomination of Fillmore a "id Dou i i-,....c v - i..-. -e... . . i j r j vi.-wu fv,, i ..Miciit ou.i lice iresioent. duced f-cts fr our statement, from Ik-iuo-t ti P i,... i t , - , , , i he t.onvention on:y f at two uavs. 1 wc-n- cralic t-al :iiic-I) V. tunt the lailn, hope, a:.d 1 ' cbarity, of th Northern Democracy cousUt i tJr't'x presented. On the first i.i the emphatic declaration of " Nebraska- . day .--??. (iraham of this State, deliv- KaLsas und ut more S.a.e States." And ered a rp?och in which l e stated that Mr. we Lii't warrai.t !jr the a-rt-rn n Iroiu t j.. test:iui:y of ti.i- Ilih 1'iie.t of the l'eon-) ylvatiia Di-ir.x'aey. Ave ordii.g to his eon- 1 structi t. of the Nebraska Liii. there i no lope fwr-tle ioruiatioti of another Slave State, i.j matter ' ho fur cur I.n.its cay expand," brcau.-t N'jrtL.rn an 1 Eurp.-aii' etnig-'atiuii united will insure a unjirity in; Jv jr f ' Itc-: Itjstitjtions.'' '1 Lis is pre- ei-ely what the Ameri'.-an party i atrttiu-.' to gj-.rl ags';ut ly proiiiL,.titig a'.ku uff. rage in t ' !..i.-.e-...r... l. i I I have presented a sectional caudidats and IO lue ulD lu-""1- vohoo nau an vanceu I-: drawn, atol (Jod grant that they may be do- &r(o n. A. Dirgau will addrers the peo-; the Southern De.uociau are endeavoring, 1 U 10 Sales for the week "5,000 , hi-ive. The press, the mighty lev, r of fr.-e- naie, ItlCIUlilUg 0,lUI to Speculators, ll i "- inirnj, iii. .uiuru us 9,01.0 to exporter.. The market closed '"j rrSi t0 th,c W"""! of ""f . ,, , , .. of cv" di-cord, and lia-U-inu the bloody take place l et, en the Fillmore and 13uch-! North and South, do nut defeat, the t-!ec l"11"" ' M"ur 853 -ci.neu i a a., wneai iH)iUe t,at wtui, to aw,;t cl, te,, anan EictUrs. ! tion of Fremont is certain and a civil war; Gi- corn li- T1,,! burvest will be ( nothing now upou which to hang a reason- y-r abundant and price will be remunerative. uOlo hope tor the salvation of cb-t I moil. ASHLEY. j will we f.ar be the consequence. Whir National Coiivriilion. Brook taU:J ,u 4 r,Cfcl' " Columl,u that j This bo lv mrt iu B-.ili.uore on the 1-th iis Prcfervd Kre,u0,-t ,J ''''.hnore. j instant, and as we tirmlv expected, has rut- hf f" V'"M be lhat t, that the contest t.etwecu the twot from our l'.irr.vponilrnt. U..V.W1..1 muuU ic Vrougt.t up'juv uuj tlic t North arrayed against the South would lead I to a withdrawal of the Southern State in ! a body. This is what the disuuionists hare Charleston, Sept. lu, That this is au aze of progress cannot be FI'.UM KANSAS. St. Lofts, Sep. It). fiov. (ieary's Inaa- i-.iPil , 1 1 1 r . . mmm . . V 1 . - I . . .1 . . I . . ,rr;M ,I(Jl- Jt deprecated the continu ing ei.ts. V.'iu-tiier this ultra, go-ahead, ance of strife caused by the interference of j Jehu ij irit of the times will be " for the good i tlie Cl,:'! ot t-He, and pr..niie jus Ciiii.p IloitN without Eves. The Los ton Medical and Surgical Jou: ml chronicles a cae in Shrewsbury, Mass., where a child was born without ryes. It was a healthy boy, well developed in every other respect. There were eyelids, but uo eyeballs. ji rn:i:s is nun:: 5Kr b:l tl.r cvU brfr. rilOT m; Al'll Ml. J IS ' huh ( iuii i mms, S. ( '. h't hilt U bp tilt n" rMili irl IlKOWK, hTITT 4 1 o't Murt, up. pucitc Kfc-Rit't IIutix, tn tt he i prvp..iud lu Ui.e Aiiibrolvpc & Dagui-rri-itn i.'ikm:ssi:s hi ! rr iyr nt the art. II -t ug iK-rn vng f r4 in I lie bumuai ti.r Lie p.l 'I'm V ami In well I'ottnt in ..il fir New 1 u i rsi , )ir o..t -m t LriiUlV in t.tyiug ih.it l.r(n prmiiic-t I.ti. i tirr i iok tn n tvtr Tr in tmiii iui . try. 'l it- I -ttiM m an: ( ntlt u.ru ol I 'h ulilir and vicinity "r r -ptM t ? ui 1 r mvilrtl to etl nJ rX4iit. jnr PLt iMF.si ml jiidge f"f ihrntftrlvt . N. H. J- If r Aum'.iuci irr Mkikktic-i i it Srii.ri it.ii rr w irmittni irvrr U f'-pr r rT An rry v will b urcf -ry he will fuiini in I' M pl-.rr C.r ihfec fttfki un j. S'j4. '3, ltJ. - ..... w ITU 111 MMw if t- . J ttful, I vol. cvo. pp. -IIMI. rnre r-diirnl (, j Wiley nil K-ttnii1 i'aniwi lJ Jui,r, vuluiim, lo mi tlir ucluil I'rartn-c .n i im re 1'iltii ti, l hr 1-uftction.ir r, t,r f e I mttt: vy ai-tM u isanttu tuttui nut. tr mv Uy II. V. Jun.tr, li,,,, i it. i I'.. tr . ' I'pt r incrlin lit tnu vr u,m viilitinl lo a r,,, un i'plitliou. 'l ake Notice! BVI II. I. s. II n my prrini., . ,,, ( , , f Tlh nllU .'slh ..I (). I .i., r ,,, , ,,, .. . llir ( uut.ljf Ci.urt, Tini(.nu ui rf.H-riy, .....re ttr I.-., u : I L.r. I.Ui:V Sl Alll.t, ..,,,, fior ut tlic .M .n.ii.ii IT tt I. A l mi li I.eaii of Vilu..blr Ml I.KS r,i i;., AIi) 4 CAIIKIAf.KS ,nd 7 lil UI.IKS Jn ,,v. .....I I II AMI Vt ACON btllt, lM ii, HsMiv lur t .cli, AISO A irrr.t linn utlur .rli-.K. I. ,.,.,u, . 'I t nm initio knvn on li.c ii.ii.r... 's II ;t. Ckarlltltt. Sejit. .i, ?jH. 3 N. It. Al tl.o a.n.r tune iiad pl.c, I fni ..r ii mr Hut. I. I t'lll.lU' S( 'hitul. n III mm. will be if .nn,. j ,,n nllK Kirrciw. of M S.rjli 1 i'JIil ( N lilrioivr .il, ,,i. Wilmincton, thulolte and fiutherford It.Vlh-KO V l)( OMTA NV. ''III'. Annual M.cli. f i.' the Sl.k h...f . i of 'i mt Vis ok nn t,s as k ,i.i uw , j M.nof I e.iibrrig Or I ln.r;.;. , r, . W lltll.f . (ir.l (ituirii... t,( Anil, mi, . ,: : ri.lij , Ir.'iii . . . 1 t;rinm.f. ir (rft.y, mtii ,r 0 ' i '..l. -. A ' i liti.tftic-. Orlh'.gi j;.ii i , ;, , , t litr n.l llr.i,p, . M'm'. ri. kft.l A.. ri. ft i f.'.i f . .)i v , m i .. I (;i..t, Natural i.J Mural I'.,,,,,.,. , t'r.hrh, . . . . . .Mu.ic ul. i'ljrto, . " IiiiiUi, .... M innthruiustic nl l'irHrlir Ilr. , P.iiil.i.f. M.. ). ..... M uld be irry inu. . ., , li or ,f i, r p .Ir.-n-, h.. rr ,n . !,- f..f lu lion l..r lw jr ji, im ,o ' ". iu ., n.i. rfi.in, on K1.MUA Y, thu li'J.i u of Or. i mi-t .rttir...r..i lulu I uul. J SrjJ. mUr f, i7. II. W. GI'ION. V,.i t. 1 - Sffi. IT. Ici6. i3i i I'tl IT j Wilunblr I.. l.y l ami .11 It. I. For Sale. ! I III II 1 VI Hid .mu iiJiiii FOU HALF. been arriving at by tiie cou-taat acitatijo 1 of the slavery .j le-tioa, We have beeu! I i'.liuore was Lis th oiue the t ocveution a- rose and the announcement a received brou,t t0 'rtc'l ioe ,w,it uoon-'ciouj, ith r-pcatcd CheM. We fitid the follow-' Rn'1 uot!.in; will have u now from a disrup- iiij accounts of the to day's pro.:ee.iiii under the t.-legrnphic head of the Colum bia Svutii Car jiini-3 : Ua I.TIM. "HE Sept. 17. The Whi,r National Convention tu. t here suit t-J-'J ay. alj.J was larHe.y att. nded, iwet.ty ' J. c- -il Sut' s i t.iiig r rrt-sf titi-d. jov. Hunt. way 13 prevent the eif uUi'.-ti u: jlave- ' of New York. wj ebo-en tt n.pornrv chair ry. Hut iiear this great ei pounder of m- , man. and made .id eloquent speech. U'.. tijnil I'- in -racy further. lie iy: , iugton'a Farewell Addre-s wa read. Judge " In tny dic-i.ion of the Kan-as-Nebra- I'-1"'4. f Missouri, was chosen p.-'maneut ia bi i thus far. I (,ve considered ii ai ii ! cua.ruiau, and the C'o-vc.ilisa lw a re . . . .... . .. I;. tioti but the election of Mr. Fillmore. May the great Huler of the Universe save us from the machination of desiuing men. i' rritcri It i the (, I'ni'jri r,r Disunion Fruin certain signs iu the political hori zon e f.ar tint the .piestion of" 1'iiiosi or Iisunioii '" it to be tested by the coming Frr-ideiitial contest. We know that ihi re is a party at the South who desire a nis.-o-lu'i .n of this L ilian. Wc hive I., liewd and so stated, that the eon-tant ait .tion of the slavery question kept up by designing inuti to atcoiiiplinh thii very object. Mr. of thebrder " and the re-t of mankind, lime , '',' ! of parte. Me . xp.-ct. .! ... ... Tl... -l ... : .... .. .. i ii- .i-i ".ne I .,,.1, -..u .T. JUe puyMca. wi.u tjU ,,.,. ,,, r,-,g,!r,). e ha -,.UH , neeiui to be under; dug radical elm. ge, -proclamation di-cbnrginir thf volui.tfer mil and tie arts an I .s.-u iic. with the iu pijus i'11, and i uiuiii cidin ail armed hauls to hand if r-peculative philo.-ophy, are hurry- d'-p'o 'he Territory. ing on proud and arr jant humanity to the j very li-rge of creative p-iwer. Fraukiiu ; Fa Ts TO UK Rbmkmhrkcd. It it a fact cbaitivd the li.-hlmm. aad Lr oujlit it down ' tnat the notorious Col. Lane, who is the lea- i ! I B V irl.f nf an OrrfVr of K I . m w n r tin M in o. to. ,mm I ri:.r.n I,.. , ,.i n uun, brl e if o, t ;;1'i;n,,i.h,ii ,... 7 ;t ... I . n.r r.jr . rU. r lit thr I curl of " 'f 1 I'll X ' It JL-Kr..i.. oi. . rrf....f i.ri,r-e. I J.iKcIv Nesro Hov .........II. ,,t.,..l ... -.,.f.,r,.MI .,, . "- I ' ")-". : naLC k nom n i n U'r it - tin v t J A (MMI'Hr.M.,.-' tpirvt t 1 1;, i j Till: III..MI IIOIM. I , till I Kill. W ' HI c.i-1 le i.iilr, . Iii I, p 'I'rnet of Land, 1.0..1 I ., Ut f.k M l 'l -ut.nn. T' trad C.I....I. ..I ik) tern. On .1 I. aitujl'.l a Wihtublr lirist .Hilt, j in i (-.I .tat- ,,f r, p,)r, mi, a t,U,nz U.,ut, .. ri. ai,,i..i,.r liutlt .u.. i ,, ,.,,! ,,,,, ! I) H I'( NLAI'.c. m l'r. I' .i J.; ti.e i.' ' iv li'j.tif r roili unurr its 1.1 nu.if.n c'C-s t;.. .j r. m rtnigrtitr to ti.' rrtr T'rr.i ii as, i.tm,tHa i '""' crosd attend.; 1 the er(-i.in- trt.''i hi in nut u',lUir us slavs, ult hccii e,"'0!J l"" Convention, (.overnor lira is vi.t mr l . t -i . ' ham. of North Carolina, made a sr., (, C tuf re. but Le ruuH l-ier his tt.. : Itin.-i'- an,i ! deel-t.-ed his pnferei.ee for ,5ro''5- at Columbia, a abort tin.M ago de- and then he who Li. iy en ac. u-i .:n. d to rWUnore ti.e whole hoj-e rv- ra t.i.'tjr imjiiHt obftienee. and to be w ited upon. a,''J thetr-.-d vociferously. l y "tl.er, mut do fits oxm li-luiig, and' JAI.TIM"'tit .S. f t 1 Lv.ome till 'ju n ityrvint. ......... r :i. i iini.a, in j l.ll f ,,, i.lhrra,... f...... . 1. ....... ,.:...IJ -...I I Hit r,t" t, fr..:,-,;i .,,,1 .(..'.Itinn rXn.lm i .. b.e 11.11. 1.f .i.hI . ' I . croucl a trembling slate, at hit f.' t, and ' Kansas n a hrmirrat, wai lately a Jhnto. j the wijc tneii woudurvd and the people -tar- r' ''i; member of Cougr.'- and ji one of j ed iu liute astonishment. Uut what do we tho-e "J'ity Jour sumol, nntiunnl hrmn- ee now ! The ti. ry bird of heaven has ae- cvits " who voted for the Kansas bid. 1 Lis tuailytccn harnessed and made to carry " foitml nrtu mat I), ruts rut " i now trav cr- tho sweet mco-a'u of love and mercy upou 'ing the entire Northern St itel "shrieking its buluiug j.iui'iijs. The antipodes of the for freedom," making intls mui;.tory speech e-., nnd collecting money and rai-ing men for bleeding Kaiisav" It ii a f.ict lh.it tho recently elected Gov- " --.av.-ry is a creature of law. Without a .a to aiihorizr it, a niave cannot ),,. j,..)) a lunm.tit in b .rid-.g. .NV jn.,i ihh, r-sntt in tl-- J ii,i i. .V-, -,.... ' ' n.it 'nii, izlii S.rv-rti: I: j. a A' T or kK t Kin y . unit I ir tua.'li ii,u;s out th' :!nii iiolii' i trout tlit rif-c Ji 1 1 1'.ur i s ; urn.ti ttiut Luc, t.'uifrij c-7 hiir t o J'- J'io !. "No, f. ilow-citiziH, "uch wli! r.evrr be thf r.-e IIIK KAN-AS NKUIt A SKA HI I.I. IS A IW;ATII lil.'J'.V TO ;LAVK 11 1' I'UorAiiANM.vM." A AJ)V;i TRIbL'TE K fcesreii rhows that the loftiet tuio-jfiuiii.-. evt.' pa-sfcd on FiJiuvre his come liotn Im opponent. They have exhaiM- ted the tocai u.ry if praise in truii.peting ' bis wi-doni. patri-Hi-iu and fidvli'y to Li country. II re t a pas.-igo frHi the lin tc ratic Ileriew of l-efiiber, lr:,U, by far the ino-t able ani candid of ail the or?a!; of it party. How pro-id should we feel of "r "tit- W cur c- .Hunt b-adcf, wht-u bis v ry .-neinic f r ailed iu Ci owu biui wilL laurel and atrew i.i -t path il'u"t great diaappointment to sou..: J be Convention met tnis momin and pis-... I resolutions to tho elf-ct that tlic V. i.i's ou! J .--iaLli-h no new pi;it:',rm ; they deplore the pre.-et.t di.ord.-re-l state of the '-ouritry and ehari"- il to the cu'pa Lie Lg.' It of the -mii.i-'r.itioii. ') hev asserttl.at georaphicil division will prove I .tai to tiie Lnion, wbicii is now in j mi -1 nti.t iliii,. r. '1 i.i y iu.;k will. :ilarm up .n tl. pre-'.-nt sccti'.iijl partita, and beii.-.ed that ttie success of either will on'.v add fuel to the flame. 'J he only remedy lor e.t ap piiii.if an evii is the eb-ctivin of a 1'residrnt pledged to n-ither feetiou, and tii.-y there-: fure ratify th.- norninaliou of Fillmore and , I'onebon. Ti.ey also provide ..r the ap-! pointm.-ot of a N.aiubi Ffeeutive l.'om-1 mi'.tc, and the etf-etive orgaiiizat.ott of the prty. I Ls ..on1.' tatior. then a.ljourned. Au immense ratification meeiji.g wan then held in M onuui' iit Square, mhi.-h was gotten ' up on a v. r; costly ktale and was marked! by greut euth.u-ia.-iu. 1 V t have lec.-ived tho pr.e.-edii.gs of the' L invent, on, and iii j;iw; th.-m .-..tire in' rj .ice th-it great ununimi'y 1 their piv..-.-ding,. 'J his f clnr. d himself a c -opTa-.ion di- ini nl-t i . .i i moriiHC, anJ ar.o.t tue am.; time stated that be; . prefered Fremont to Fillmore, and why?; ' btruiitt it uoulii prttifixtute " the .-laverv question. And iov. Mi'tlicw, of M i -si.. , rippi. ban declared that the Democratic K-1 lectors of that State would not vole (jr Mr. Fillmore "twit to jjineitl lite tlr:tioi of Fir taunt y Thus the friends, of the i.'nir n of these .State, can ee, if they will not shut tue.r eyest the facts, that their is a "ettled determination of some men at the .South to force upon u. an exigency that will bring into a collision the Siouthem and Northern ! ML . ........ t riiur oi .'i jiii" i a ! 'ii tiiiic Senator ot ; tt, ,t h. po!e can couwr-e itb each other in audi ble toiiLs, and the bright arch, the railroad of luotght, ill soou span the broad Atlan tic, anl wc oil! teal over our co:f .e iu tiie what occurred at tea iu Loud u the tiiiiht before. Tbe.-e are eveiiti iu the D.-nmcrat. world 'a great hi-toiy that we have lived toJ It it a fact that three .fourth of the Im-sc.-, anl our ci.i'i iri.ti iilljjk upon them ' rs of the I.lack U"publicaii party are of S;,t. 2.1. ls.,r,. STEADY PROGRESSION K A (J LI- CI TV, the I'liited State., and ban beeu alway a VIK JsfUS- lillil'IS .... Hi.-pi, i.o,, t a. r ,r...t i r and .re ii. jr. I.. .n at. i.r- rr. a ... li. r.... a but common place- mailers, while they the l'ifrrutir .cIio-jI of politicians. : will wj'adcr when the next mail will arrive U U .1 fact that Fremont himself tl, fi. i. . tl.- M ...ii l ...t- i.... .it: - i: i .. t... .i .... ! '" .. . . . ... - r. i.ejM.u.ieai, ediiui-. jit lur I lie I real- I ,,lr ; The Lea l become, Ilziy wLiie wc cou- al. ncy ba always been Democrat of the - '' M.ii templai tho lightni'ig tpeed with which we fir-t water, and w a elected n meh, and by j are daiii over the great railroad of life, Democrat., to the Unite! State Senate. j and tue liiconoeivao.e rapidity with which It i a fact the Llarket f.i' t of all great event crowd upon each other. The tint the first liiack Republican ever 'vnl "' 1 '"" t i . . .- - . ' i- a. ml c vii, political anu religious wurlu rieein to to l ongrc jrnm tiie uulh is a Drintf ml State". Tbey believe tins election of Fre- ' '" perfect ferment, while the frenzied ; and was elected by Urmo rain: voted. H'e mont will accomplish thi olject. C m the ' lr"' ''u;lCi,' votaries of each .seem to be allude to F. V. Diair, Jr , of Missouri. old line Whigs f,e induced to join them wit'ii ' J'rJi,lK ' ,,ie r "'"' witl' '',jt kl", aud ; .'" hmoi.,1 Whig. such an object io view. We Lone nut. But! PP'"' for iha t?reat al"1 ,t'rfuI ; time w iil show. - i. r. uea.llli II, he O n, , t (h.-. e.,i,n lie r, ,, . , , ,,,, r, u , , Cl(y , ,., try. II.- ia n..w rreetu, a n, .oil.... mill at Una ,.l...e. I I..- r.lle.l lur J Mill.1 .,,, ,( , , l.a.e II II. full r. r..li, r. a- II. l , h, .. U I'r Ih.i, (,i ,1 ii. ,,fT j,.,, ; ,,,,, ,n lif. ti ljri .'jr. I lie in irl.ni. r r ia .a i I. I, , I, v . I.. I l:.l, .1 ..n-l 1 1 Il iii wars h. e j I, ,, r ,4 ,, ' r. . li" ta.ri.utf II. tt li ue a. .. ' ' e.l l.i.l.lrr, . t ,tlt- tin , . ... I U'a.lsy. .r ifl , I tier ,, o, (,.,, , . , Hull I . ait... Ir.l ti, tlir r rilfi .le! . ,- .. ..I H.r an. ,.'. r, ,,,.ii,, . , w.ll,,. g . a...c.Kr in tl.aj ima n. aa . ' II : II'! r," 'I ' a'-r l.e .11.... ... tl.a U. i. tin Suit 'i'ern a ,-.tj, a(i.J Ku, im n. . nr. il t ol a.lr. .DiK.L M. I.KAV, WILLIAM S IIAMIII DA ID M. I.KAN. f.'rarfla'. noithl A ( ' , S.pt, In, -.ii,. w Ton it I'ritpt rtt lor fir ' I I. !.r, nn ' r run !. . t -nn ( I lire Ii air. rl ait.l I uh.ii.jl . t ' 1 t. alr.tl, , ra.-i.a n,w,r,uf t, e.if.l,. ' s al lur Im JOHN F. IU'' n. I i.e ,n ul, la n Ii Hilar , I ..i,, II. 'Mi, ..j .ti- lir. , Ac. hy r . S'yt e, I .".. I V a I ii a ! I e La ml FOll SJLF. A . f.irrii,r nf !. stheth t"ai.ie" . .. Inii Biirhanan't V ot'. Willi pa. mo ; Momentous events wera transpiring. I In- aeit itioii of th qaesti .ii of flarery ttg. J ir eii . jut in the pah,,e luuid. I n tn. t-rt-f.s. it w. it . thMt o n iianle a man as Mr J i. In:'.!. w a- lo.nu iii the Fresident'al i-liir. The a i.'l perp.-tu.lv of the I'iii.jii a t.'f :e ! Aiiea-iy bad ' a:. aii'-; -m raided n ' I v dra I.r:..! ."1-1,1 uies aud ' i-in. " leap. ed a thousand an.bu'Cad.... The en- ein." ot '.ne I .ji.iQ Marted loith on everv aide. At -..li .nisiu h. r. .'een ., there Ar-.jiii-itiM. a:i.i J i 'bi. usta.ria.il ei-vwoerc. 'I Iw-e w. e ibc fjll;. I lai. e e,en..,,i, ,, ,mt. rule iiu which the Kx.-cj.it ha. I to c,p. I I w.ll be met. anl bo mi.ieiv t,e f,jr the tin.-! over-.-juoe tuese n.eu.ies of the il. J. U Li If, we leave j the l.,l ,i,i, t, re late ; bat our retio-p. cl wcuid be mcoiu .lete aud lii-iiigelia iui'.. il l it not a. ,r'i t!i- ui. e.l of prai-e ju-tly d ie to. I.ijh ii:.,ral t '.cel.. ne, aud iuteilrcljaii a i in i tji -1 r a? .ri -tl i.'.'i.flv and talent a developed iu tn-Adu..i...-'.raiiu-j of Nr. F...ii.vre tiie l.ichriuau men. a- we tiny rather CXp'-lied thi b -'.rne i t.i' La. it-t n tl . e no doubt y to act as 0"'g. cn.e out for which i to decide ihe fale of the world. j A rv rn Kit v Kit Koitiit.t. liv A No.w Vi.uk lie oid N-vduiarki that our fathers ,;t . S i.kt Walk kk Uu Friday night .lulu up are being removed, and their footprint '"j'''. """-'iou, street walk-r, accost, d ti e , - , . . t e . . . . e .i i . ....... ,i.-t . . ..-ui.i.'ii.,ii in uu.. iii iter -.'rec . I lie foilowin-; resolution, fay the Ameria ; are la.-t failing from the tiaud of lime. v- v- n i i a i- J , .ew lork, unit mduced In in to accompany can O'g'tn, a mtrodueed by th.; lion. V. j St ran,...- goda are set up, and we are called lfr to a house, where oho auccee.lcd in e- f.'. Five, of 'a , info the Foiled States Su- j upon to full down and worship them with a curing hi pocket book, containing SIT"), ate, uu the I Ith of January, li:!-, against; biind devotion and a will nnd fiery xeal Tin police be inu made acquaint-! will, the ill i. i i ' ! v . -i i .i .i affair, noon had her ill custody. SI. wa whiel, .Jaineri l.ui iiaiian, of I cmnv I vama. nuroi.e m beavuig bem-ath the volcamo . , , , f . ' J i , ., , , - , taken to the Mation hou-e and thoroij-hlv v'J'-,i ; ,ur0,:0' ",t,!r"' 3,1,1 c,vl1 """"" "'"'i searched ; and . the othe r wa gi,,,,". up li Xn'l-fil Tl, n t ftfi c I r.tr. rf..r..r.a.a mill. I :. fi.l ti.r. ..ri f . ml a I i 1 1 , i a i if .mi...r., , a .. . I . I . .. . .1 .. . . f .'. .. . I .. C I . . . I ' ' "in. : 'm,J n " . tnc .-leu i.....i.i an. u. me siuieli luolley upon her, be took the aeeoud aobi-r thou 'ht M I . : , wi.r d I a result fi.,t I in It mual .:. aifjuie ; It liae in ll.itl.illr, nil ' n, ,. tl. -"' t I.. It. In ir.rr ' u, aij.y of I uu. I. 1"' ' ai.ti Well kln.m tl r I - l, in iia in ne iielr .ilUi.ll arliictrineula of l'i, r. ...,si ,., , u...l--r k I. . ah .Car il i. . ,. Il l..,r k,,U .1.1,1,1,1, M"'lilli'.na. 1. ( ir ,,, l.n.e (..,,. .. .I mr .1..01 . . , , ,, .M P ".r. ..I, b-.lli ti.r llir .1 r.lt n.e ni ila .rpa, ... sil,e-ri..rit)( nl 11. r.., l .l.nea. "'(, llire it. ria t., rural ll.ai. h. nr, ll ill lor a r.,nt, .1 n.y.,1, Ilia in tip, it t lu i.i-iv , iil!ti.ru n.1,.,.1 1 w hrrr asiU .1. r .1., Cirri. 6 11, in a I' .-l I'lir ilrramrr aw rulal.ntr nr. r I "'" C 'JW .'n a. Hnli.ri. - I III lirre. ,,d .,..1,,., ...... k.-ll In villi III r l.n..,l... ..f . I Well w . . rril, A r. ,.. ,- IM.uilnlion, j riWrh.Kf li.iu.e etifj all olin f bilii.ln I! jeiifiii .n a Mr. Fiiimor.- stood no chai.ee. liit w ben-it-, with 'I'm. Morehead, " that James liu.-h-.i, ,.n i- out ' !' tl..; qn-.tlvn " 'A e ei.M.o". ' ve that tl . p.-.,p,; vv 1 1 J Vol.; for him iu pr-fcr.-t.efi to Millatd l i imore, who known i,j North, im S , nb, k,, Fast, in West; but who- Ijtreof country ext. nds to iiii s'-ct;., I,., a.,d who will do I.i, duty to one faction a much ui to another. EL.ii IL. We l.-arn that at a iiieer;, a( p,;,,. I'y Church in thi. eoanty week hef;r,- a-t, q 'it- a revival had take u place. Forty ti.ir wulte. and .M black joined th. ' huich trio- "iit ier-t ot slaverv. in the I en it irie of r..i... V... I.,li. .1: tl.e I nitc-d Stat-, in which it may exist, . , , , . .1 .- , .... .. . J. ' izcl. Aud here at home, 111 tl.H lavorcd i. ii.hil.ite.l l.y all the consideration in re gard to the right and interest of the in- U"'1 of "u'1 "'' '" ' of the bi nai .ranr.- of tl,,; n.il Territories, the s.-eu ; hie and t'no coiir-titutii'n, we are cheating nty i f me aiav.-bolding St..te, and the dan- j ournci ve w ith delusive l.ope, and trying to g.-r to ti.e Li.i in, which are iiii-ntioti.- i iu : . .- 1 r 1 , ' , '. r , . , amuse our lancy and divert our minds by tue price. I in, re..,.nioii. m forhiddiri" anv . . ri iul.-rf.-r.-i.ci; wt-h. or action on ih- .ut i. t '" '"i Howcm of hop.; upon the crater'. jr. 11. 1 tl.r miliary ' '-j- -,-..e. ni r.ielr ( ,ij- , f,tt v.aia '"'''" "' it: ..'.iHjnlir.,,,. Ii'l.l .rn,,.i. , ,,.,,. .ni! li-i..,.,r,l. : rl...,- ,,,u. , !,,, .., ,,,,,,,. I nii,,, nr. w ill, .,ll,,lg .,.,( r,M,la, r, H,,., ,,. .tl.ellul II'" ..in, ;, ,f ,. ,r , ,,, rn X. ...I a .1. I,i.,, c ,,,.,,, ,- l .n- r.,a f ,,. . i,r .ir. ta ure eiihae rdvm., cm. run l.u.v li,,, .. lilr .-,,. ,, f ...u,l. ,. ,,.,,( ,, ,, n j , -..v. i... .,,,a: l.,j. i,,. ,.n ,1 j : 1.. 'irii.i; ,.,, ,,,,, ,, ,!, j w-mr. rten.,e,,. .M,kl,, dw , kj.upe I I.. I..W. ..ele l ay ;,k ,. , ,,, , . j lit t if r.i (.. .- li . -' ' t ' t "'"I1 all flu "Jr- III' 1 1 II " f. I IMII 1 1 H , Oil r.tfi tllf fit. (Il ' rn II .11lro.ul r r ul" 1. iit, ii,.,,. A cri ti,t nl iiinntliB nil U f - ". : ' t: ' ' rii f fit-inr K tii a tiij a)irt.i .1' .' WM. J. CAMI-lllll.b, S'pt. n. 1 "ni. iiuii 1 uud iuvv;z an I unrolled a luassiv. id of I it..- air, where, j ill,,. .Mil. ( Wl.l.l,'. am. a. iiirn I " pi'lil, ra r-ll I el II..- Sr.itli. I e lllem, I. tf.-ll,, r Hill, l,. J 1. ine . u,i,.. ( , . I'.'. II. 1,111 l,,. ., , ,. , li a : H.r ,r, n. " "Uiu the .,. Lu. ti.e wor o f the Lord Ma; the go ".J work C Jtjlli.ae. U prfare.aiU'. and burning bring, while the hoi br. .uh of in- people ol t rnal lirei are oweeping over u iik-! iii- wasting ""imooil of the desert. The hihle i dincardvd and di.sbi lieved the pulpit dt.nceralcd, an 1 tiie gl ad round : of go-p. 1 truth 1 hu-hed in tic! wild whirl tho-e who vote.l for tlie resoiu- of pditin. The hnrald of tin; cro- "'. ttutt, were John I .. f.alhoun, come downf-oui their hi uii.ncit, U il-on Lumnkin. and .oiled their whit ; robe in the iiin l.k- r.,,,.1 , , j r of reclioiial strife, and have laid a.ide the of t.1 a very in ti.e I'istrict ol olum bi:i lor tne lortiier reason tnat ti.e tho-e territories, when admitted into tin I nion an Mat , will be exclusively entitled to de. i le the f lestlon of till! ( Xl-telic; o lavry within li.cir r.-spccti ve limit, fr till Ul-Ci . I a. A nion;; lion or. a Alfied I Uivea 1,1,, I I ne , uf Virginia lo hi ast.,i,isb.nt. be beh.-hl R-r. i.. I .... . ' " i.iu i. ,1 ....! ..... .. : 1 " w .'"" "i i.t tie. .i.ici. - ....".. "p nt-rwci away a- iiwno-t the Bowing cur;., the treasure hcin partly concealed by 1 tortoi-e IK ,:,tUC. I his money was at once i .1.-nt i ii-.1 ,y ( .South.-rii gentleman ai belonging to him. and the prisoner a the fill who robbed, him. .-she wa thereupon committed t.T trial. Abingdon 'iriuiati hoiiip-ou, of .-"'iiivtl, I I, l'i K Tin; -tate-l that .liio. II oumv. a. rei air.-it to I -.o .im . .....1. ai fortune wh.-ii the (.'old mama first broke ive out ill that reioii. II.; r petit v,..r or position, and to there without any apparent nueccss in lore returning m; inv.--ti u a siua w ra .if rril' : in 11, r ni l, aiirri,uti,liii ltr. :rw . !M1 ,,r rn.l ,, tr.i m.y .ai.l Inii wli.t ......i n.,11.,1. ne.,.,-!,, ,-,,U(i, :.( tn Ita fuel I duaiium,.,,,.,,,. 23. I sj.'.r,. I ll.r ,,r..,.l.... He I. a.i ,u, t gl .' '. w ! An,l it ,a :. t ,. r, ,,, , .r.-aa nn AMiUFW l!Ai;tiKI!!,V. :iti will, oi iik m v u iitu.i; .-i"' k M l.ti V .,..1 (s'l'Al'I.K (:i.i)Mii.N(;,ii!.(;L.NM h.wu.n (;it(H i:i!ifs( l .New V..rU cat ,.r f ASH. 111.1.I il" I") " ! ii.twr 11. il, a, in, ml ra.te, I .'! "' ' 1.1 NS ..,,, ,.,,r M .( (;t Mills. ,.a 1 'I'll. lillllllS liHtli.K tie, 1. Ile al V I' ' .' ' I at .S"ini.K. II., y n ir .. II ftr.li a 11. 1 .l.'it !" AS IU V HIS wuu'ri.l. v,. lln.r'' F. W. Alibi v All iruli 1,1. ,1 p, i.r .ilth at "' " n n 1 m Ik 1.1 j l oiiriiril l:ile Af.nli rIMIF. next n asiun of lhi In-tiHiif n I eiiinitie.ir,. ll.ef.i if .1 v nf I lefiil.et 1,1 1 Under llie care ..f li Jmi. liuchauan VoUU cuittU it t.n .1 wor-l of t,e gopul for the more potent and ut.".' t'-.. f upular vtapon ef Sharpe a riS; Are tlic.-t; VN'WVAV ft. .111 llir aui.srriU r. nn 1 h" I ... .......... . . . ii In 1 It .1., 1 ... . .. I eoiiiinclire t he In .t da v ul n J-' I.. w . .i,i,, rl, .! Ti . ,1 . ' . Under Hie care nf I'.. vV . r a. 1 rt IK, ' I ' , . a r .1., i..iv 11 ir. r..ii. j , "' ; ea.t nl' l l,.r..lle and 1 1 I li'HII. M fs-C ' . n. .iflin.,,1,,,,1,1. He In, . In n.Iv ihrr, for lliaai.-., . ' ,. -- a 3 I"" "I .ail.ll. ,. ,i ,,.1, ....I, I I-,,,.,,.,. aillA-' i. u i on nt nf. c i i .... v : i . ..,.. i. . i , ' ' 1 .. .1" in land. A f:wdaya,ohe r,e.,vr,,ir,r. .;1. '.,.! .,, u ,.iil i:Y::'Z';-Jt ZZZ'lf ..nv.teV. - i- in .Hon that In lan.l i in the ,i the ; '" ' " "' '" ... Unit I tu e ..,II .,. , , ,. ,i,. ri.-he.t tf.al.l r.-iriou vet di. cover-. I ....I i.!'" '' lfalM. I fMr..f '. l".? JI ralucd ai M't'JJOU nn i. ti, I tu ...lie ,..l..ra ,m I in. till,. WM. F. I1AKFU lJ.f be !':incit.l. IT i'lncn.'r, Sp 'i l, IIJJC

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