ft! & ISrqe to Sot?, Moqir 6oui) 3 to jicur 'gqfij. OEIDEXjOT-ZSS, ZKT. Om 30-OVE3I!l5:S3E3 18, 18S6 THOMAS J. HOLTOW,, KiliTOlt A Pllol'dlKTC. TEKMSt Ti,c .irlli-'uroliliii Whij; will brufr.irilfd to.tili. cl-rr. l TWO IXlLf.AHS in iidnnct ; TWO I Ml A- K1KTY KNTM If .i-yinm! U avlafrd lir I' "emonlln. inu I IIUKE lK.LI.Alti? ,1 lla mil of ll'e )car. piper lv'" discon. dnunl U"11' " arrearage are rj ncepl al llir y m ruseuiriit iiirrti'i) ! Onr IMIur prr atiuarc (16 linwnr '"I Ijfx') for Ih first ii.aer. iioii.ti'i''"-'"" I"' '' cntiuuiic . Court ad. ,eIii.fniriii aad Hlinrt ' HjIih rharfrd 23 per nl hijiicr ; and ilrdiirlimi ui 3,'IJ per ernl. will I mailt IV'HU (lie r. j nl.r wrier., lor arivcrliarr by tn, Tr. tuvtirrtai-iil innrd monln.jr nf iarl riv. aqua re t'r ei h limp, Mcnii. l(PJllj,iv 75 r.-Mla H-r .quara tor each time. rl'.y.Uunlrrrar aathuliji-rf to sl ua tij;int aii, irooit X HUM IIIAULOTTI:. .VI?. HAVING M.oUuil turel-t Letlur lor the pyrpoat oj'carryii'f un the f i u i i t it a n i) jo i x i:irs BUSINESS in t!l i'i brnelK., c Use Una itM-tisi uriiiiitrui. it f llir public that wt: ar al 4II titiua t.4Cj lo I' , ue l.umU r alnrl nulitt, in a autivr man. ii, all kimia of I.nnilwr ript'1 "1 jwnUd l tsr . .t,w ... . 1. and Hllll'l tnic!,''!,! are tn ruall.t r.li.m. vhirh turn ,.ff Sirli and Uli.iila lu tlie WJ. .;.fi'r.d altflr. A au'pl) l S.ali vf of llllia . rt t'Zia fc l cvl.ftUlit! on Italtd at ILMrt.l.ltle I r Ordrra fmiil ti;t. nr. f.f K..H or .It:u da ; tut in our linn '! ti pfilliplir tll'.n. 1 Wci'avr.Mi h4nd and ci fa rt Ut krrpa auply i 1"V Iho Isal l.utiiiH-r thr reunify alhtrtta. ll.f u. .ri.iiir .it.'D la on i lA'.rdr alr.tl. r...at ol I tilt U'liiiMitat t'liUich, wl.irti one fl ua iu itc I t,tn tl any I. tor. Ih-itM i.atiuii i in ti.r !at. al aly . a of mnrk par ,mi'j all, ii. I'll l... Wr ...uid limit. II. a aU ! t.:.'i' t, id' lite eilil' ia ol ( liaiiull,: lo litt- anau- I (.gvt r l.jtt ol' doing atork ,th d.apMlcit our ' lii-slii ia, " l iHiln.lrv at llifitt. IU UIS1LL X V!!I.'NANT. ttp.ru uh,ii ,. hjr Die cilitrna ol t'harlolU and . l'a aur.rfintin.g t otiitlr lit rrt..n.rr , I aak a ron. i i.,.i...r, tn. a.m., I. t aara.ad th.l no ),... a. II be rtpand to ,.lr...r. JONAS HI , DIM LI t m mm J. & E. Ii. Stave, MAM'rAcTt nr.K ur corro.N cuoDs & vahn, Stowesvllle. Gaston county, N. C.t HAV tSil vprpid a tlouw for Vtr f trr laai ia wrUti(!, ur.re tucB tLti Alt A u ui Mt r.tii.t iu iitcir lliiu. Tltair irr hiH'tttt, Ami m cult li uui bukrr i rvMttulij UMri-J. T'ty siato keep a md vuppljr i GROCERIES, iH viil rtiiicavfjr to nrtrtt f-nfroit. .IASVKK 8T0WK. K. D. STOWK. (aUlf. Apiil 1. Kd. . CM $7iotice. 1)K.nS4H Owinjf accnunlo at Hf t'l.-.riutte Utah Mrr, it r thr rrar 1 Km, mut rail nd Ktt; titc fifll OpftttrluilllT. LOWKIK Jt KNNISS. .tafl S. I .'.. Ttf K2r-Ncw EstabItshiHcnt.-x ' C.rd!..,i,,c .s,,U,.ld him-rli'iTn I llf ,lt'r IlKliln !' ( I111I..IH, fi'iu; ui.,1, 1. in nnsnt iiy in I'h .rlo .in . iniriiua carry n, ur l'ir s.Mnain? hrnrttr. ot l,u..nta. vti : .si.W I'luuig C,un and tl Lmiillttn - I '"'I r, Jiitix: ami ull Jit II .li'l ,- ,Vrr;- kxniiloj Milnl ll oik rrpuxrta : to;w- , noon .Vi lnkt tin,! Jiiu t ol thr iiul f . . . - i ii n i n vt Atff'i litit'lf ttliil tilr fit Hfrfl to tie i,Y,..,r,. .,., ,.i,., (.... V,;.,,,. I'lctmu vu,vfj ' j a:i .r tl.r ai.-ir hraiiriies I warrant in inrn out m "fkm.iilik. atfk. . u.rli iit, ,i . ,,,.,,cr I wish l.i hat. ; il-'if ..rk i..nr I .il i,.,t oi.r .ii.i. 10 1 s-.pncninf ia ao.ni ..a naai!ilr. 1 rrai,a .t iratanrr tti.liin l.m.a li. red from i.'il Id i:rru.MM.,i or olll. fH i.r r. Ir.inil, rfrr-;.! " li, li.tr ill. m r. p.irro ami n mtn, .l un i ' .i..tfir.i I ni. a- ..,1,1,.. I e..uia (i,. .rr nun, Ser of relVttnre a a lo ', tt,.fiii, but 1 dr. tn ii unn.craaary .la I will at Inr .!; n (,.r ilarll. Mo a'fl.1 on r aaton .a .il.i. nil. I Ij'JuuTIIV. mill i... I.. Piraar (ir a rail .1 ,,l .l,,,l, '1 vMtllt llir l'r. . , '."". I I.Urrll. - " I .IiMIN M MASi'.V. """ 1H" TSj6' 4,1 I"1 - -a , r . t,L 4ti' ' II t ' ldiir.nir,i-f 1 r in; niu-ian. j i, lis Knorkiiiit:. le." rein. n Ilia m ti,.,, e.a to tiH.s. mt',, Cloud i.uu miliar. tl "i',r I,; l"C tmt trtar .nu llr rt aiN-i:llulll' ml.. in. a ll. I'-i'i.e lu. I ,i li.ia renin, o to Ilia Ml,.u llei '" M.a...,.fer Jt Vl.ia,..,nl anj,,..!- ". J. liO'li.iU'a riillinj. AM la Whrr. hi la I"'I'"'mI I , . it, t,. . lir, , h.a hne.aa ci.eap """ sa c.,11 Im unite l III.- iMilr. Taming. Cutting Screw, Repafrlnc i5mi:its ...i i:m.i i:s "f 1 1 di'.i ripti.ina, in.iaii,f null r, e, irini; ui'l viimllcsW ooil riaiiiiTs. ri(iutis, 1 Ironiitz iigoiiw, I un.l in - - ( i(iusr..sHor.i(.. Ar., j .'.,,,., : , tft cou hni, Sl.-ioi e..ni. l ; r.at at. rl I., a or sli-. l pl.il. . f'.'. 1 ' I lun alan t rrri.d .ui Air r'tini". .: hir nw It .''., " ''.e.i iiii.w, i. in, v. - lie publn i al. ' " ul"'" "",l,"ll"" sai ntfa hy r iil,l, at V It''" lH-,h,l' '" ''I ""d lurliiahlitf Ntll,fna. " Ih ... in.li.u ul 4 fijudd nrict, Willi ""'"-aMnl dr.irh. ; 1 ' :u i . mnii UtM wlt.,, , . - . , s. J. ri:i:iiv. r-- j ..... . i U.r. I.. 1. 1 Aolirr, "jsiJS ,' ' "-IH NoTI'f; is li.r.l.r g.v.n. I..t all ii.v'1 N,l,"""l A, ,1,1,1,1. ,, i t-rUAI'T .V Al.. Sj.v . . I'.iinr.ii aii.,l,itAiii.i. , . ,"' tratiairrrsn i.f im: anjtr. ."'d. Ir III,- l. fit of Ihe rrruitors of aaid I y'l''tivelv, and thalllit r.lrti in ll.e l.aiida I ... wr inifitrtii.'ti,) roiit-enon. '. oiuit.i,.,,, riinni.l lr Eirin, Hie 't t,ia I.. ..J ' ' JOHN ALLISON. .1. K. IMKl.. -til'- I v . 'ia.-. Fair Notice. fBMIt. r...irtnir.)iit) f JJOOI.K Sl IIYr'i'I Y ' JL I... II... d.,y expired. A ume ;ndlblrri'to tlic firm and m.hi,,,, lo , enl urB g o,.... 1 l cunie lurwr.) ii,riii-u.y ....kg ,,-itl,. ! tneiit. aa the Huaiiiru 0f nle fif , lMUi( h ,j ; be filled in l w day., j , , ,, WOOKK i IJYKItLY. July 31, lS.C. S4lf Notice. flHK suWeribrr infnrma hi A-irnri anrf l full'c 6-"i-.llr, lhstlio Till continue Ihe Tinning; lliiftiiei kl the M aland, whrre all urdira lor work will lM liuuclujlly tllciiiJcd lo. K. W. MOO HE. Aug. I, If56. . Sulf .ii.fnt .1. c. fHllIS E.tsl.li.hmeni ia roi.Tirnirnilr .,l..:,l-rf JL i" Hw Ni ( ourt llnuac nini Hil Koad l. fM.iauii vrry ftrt will be tiiutir bv troi.ri. u,r u luaku all iiiut hi j call en him coiuiofUbi Hlulc llir J . 1 1- Krn.rn.Ur ih Kt.rc.i If.,trl loth. iWt I pot ; H. CHANT. I in" Jm 3, 1 r"6 l'lll.lt i JMl'K' H Ahl.O'1 TK Ml 'Tl' 1. INSl'R AN( K 4 tl'Mt'ANi cimliuuia ! Ink. nak. aan,at : 1,,,, ,y J e 011 llua, a. Uuo.1.. I'ioiu. Ac. at u i- ' r Ira. 2 'OlT.ee II, lirawlry'a Huilil.n; Mlir.f'lCitS : M. TAYI.OK. r-ii,kt. J A. Vtl NG, J. II. Willi K, .1 II I'llNllV I. II. ('AltSuN, ) . tiVKKMAN. i C STKKI-K, S C. tun vi tie i. out- A in liter. J. H. WII.SUN, Attornrq. K. NVK UL'TCIIISUN, teirttury. .li,". IV, Is.'.C siir I ll ;ilMl I I. ,4.l-ff w AS Sl hVIMMJ PA KT.M.R of .-rill.M.8 n . - w t.iii.M.io.,i,.e t..eio- uiui. iu. ui, - - a-a firm, 1 thrrtft.re n,lif it, rn in. tirlttrH, ritlur l ..r ..r II,-. k Arconot. i,i.:.' at I ii .1 i r,-t k ,.f Km ay linn Mo.r, th.l loii; r m. . ulr. , ,li i,"t l in, n. A lit. l.rgi i i.um li u, a ,iu .N,,iri .i,u Ai-caiiU luir an. t,.H i,m lung iitrttkil, llir thiiflvat anj tmct.tat curar tail! be I'liiaut-d for lii, ir Ct.llr. 1m.ii, i .11 .1 l. Ororrty Slorr uf Kpring it .Vi lol'a, I harloltr. ut al H i M..re in Kuray Uiart. w iitn- lite ouai nraa i 11 Ue coalman:, uu avti.e u,e a.iu. loith. with. LKKi.il M-nlNti. Ib'anvtr.af I'.rlttrr. ( tWrlaa-v, Auf. It t. V . ,k .. , t. .1, t.' .a . . u t IIOMAS Tlto'lTKB aV H.N llar jut rt rl. 4 y tV' .-.7 l1" (.nd itiil Itc r, ulariy rrtir- fAv inra.Uit,.. f ir' alorfc nf h, VV,TV7"r e. It b: .! Jit ion. 1 lu rrto) a e i.t.iec 11 I la 'ATl'llt-S i'i, ,i u.r atrd mki ra. Al- ao, a rieh aaaorttuent of . ,, . . .. a lahlOnable JnVflrj, I baitIS, &C Allnf'wliiclt will k o,J low lor caaii.or on almrt tunc lo pun-luai ..e.ihra. j i li it a w -i i:ivrT .-tt f ftnv 1 ......... ...... w . .... r.W..r. Jm., 17. IC56. unit niili I'ltraaliua (riit rn II) . ': ,l" "f Mtn-haat., that, ' r .ic luitely tui!. can in lit. I , , 1. ,r1 If ' ' -w . - , - - . v. t e ii.e.aurt- evi rv p..ckaiite eoiiamuco lo ua. to ' -- - .r, i, i ov er c n.iri-i a in a n ii; nt. HI u,t, . .;iri i till- ii. fc fc WriSi i,,,t d, i-nu uim dfaamrn t.i forw irJr.ur (... hi;...-. ii.r v.ty u.i i.rip, .it aii.n.tf.i, 1111 n lure nu drirntioti lor a, cane. . ln prraotia i..ntr.i:t uiiu ua for all tin ir au.mea., r will mate h rm. ur) I.I.. ... iil,..iii surli cnnlr.el, It la limit 10 lo -Jj crnla iirr. pack- . r..,.... .. .... unt ..I... 11,1 .at l rlKiia.a will -rtar ihe l.tof July, loi. low ll.e p.w.u VY VTT STOGVFH X. IOYI VharUnt,,., So. C'.i. i I; f.r i Jo faliittri!. K.q.. I"r.aiuu,i 01 ihc If. R. and Ciiiit n oi 'turiVMluti. Junt. 17, lf.16. 17 UN j3 .Notice. i Jl'lll I V'L' ..f i I...ik.. it.. . t . .V " I Id Iff J HWl l 111"." Ull i fl u lii I. in', ii f n I in lln i. !... ..i. l!,." iiiiirniiirt 1 -nu. .No,., ..... i-l..n. r inrrt t ii nit lo'n lttriitll III this itltil .tit - mi mill' ,u n-ini i imiI a Hiui rlsiitna, hftng tin prop. ; r . t.f A 1 '. Su tii . A. 1J .hunt- W ud t.i. ' . 1 1 h. H I If II M t n Mt-.t U Ml III I ll I'll Inr fif a I I lull : , A . i y . tin r-uv, m- Mi.t-t wi ..tn i.uy (' MH'ti rlb ,!iia .1 hill I al'ilt'lllif Uliri Itird, lit ; lit'f ItV ( u. ' ,v ... . r.i. tl,,. u.,1. .. Tili. v .,,p..,r n e-ne.uly .nnl el-iar tin ili uin, hr u.,1. nt ra.h, I almll Iw t .iiii:n lli-d la I'll.', InrtilWilil, Itllla III Kqui. y ,t llere. I,v aul,'i tin an, 'I. s r .on. io aueiliidi.i an, un n.rr..irv e.i.sla. 8. W. DAVIS. Ckmluitf, Juur 1 7. lf-'il). ll Cotton San' (iins. UK SnWrilnr h.ne pnra.. .1 ti I N. i VI A k I Mi 1TABI.I."-II.II.NT -l W.n.: I.IN-, , ol the best iu.trriaU.sud put up in the hi at manner, with all ureeasar" luwicrn im. pr. tel. u nls. .1 AMP'S M. ELLIOTT, v .nnaboro, r ., inn 1,1 Hut., i. t. Aiiil 'J'i, lesiii. '.I bre. A. F. IJinVAKI), .TIVKM. ii lOt iVshl.Ulll AT t.l', Ct iNCOHD, 'CAiiAuui s ri.,) N. C, 11 I .ti , i. .....itlrd lar.rt " ' - - in I'ahiirrua aud liia .dniiuer r.nii, i-Vn-auat i, ItvSfi. ..Unit mom iv$7, a2ii. mt. ii. ?i. conn MI L Upl..t.i.. -'"';i"""''", In Hie ilrpi.rtlltenla t,f M Mill INK and si hc.t UV. L'nlrn .roii-aainaii stWni. h may hr Inuntl at hia reaidrnre. fort .Hill IH. York lliainfl 8. t ti" 1 V. 13. IKA6. BC'Nl'iS lor tiit yvfir ri n ' Yioprrtij, VOH SALE II EKE. . BOIiltOW 0 TEfllBLE. ir t'UtKA iLOU.TA Tl'"fJ,' virrn i-nt.ui'li iu tJi' '"-t'AJ.l.r. And hunniiii'i nr tt'iT nhipn i nd n'lni.tr, And whilr inrn ahiill live he alwaja Kill find I irnri in pi' hly Ui art In ill a rryint' W..ni ynu tintrnt rfHd man, to u pircc of a!vitc ? T. . j : .1 I i i... ii o irvuow. Lifr'm rir flnw nnl ovtr Ucda nf wei I r.SKa, "r aly.u'ir amid. tti..t are alininij;, And nii iviiih liuica lurka alnni; Hie hmii vine Whirl, 'loond tl..' r..inrtic...in.r..-kaai.in, in II. ..i it. , . . . ! l,r ',',' e"v"l,-,J ' c.i..re aiuhhlc, ! ( l!wj.v i U-ml lu Im-k i.rt tin- hiita .idi-, ' mat iu ima on the niini roU mud Lortou Mt tiijuUc. ,wf ,M ta', " C"ic u. ir an n.c dra Tii,.. . i..i.'. i .. Anrf lli will, her lord..-. tV, burwi. . And we nrrd faar nn r.il.mr airay tr.in, il.e palls rut II li.ttlt n.tl a " . i.ili.w nl humiin " Ilra.rn ain.lr. in -,..,.,. .,..!.. . i ii. l,rU,r, Our j,,ya end niir l.lit.ra aliall .tnnl.lr; ! li" ' ' I" u wriiii guua heari, ' 7Vaa7 is Clod, and torruie no tiuublt . lilisctllantflus. i From the Atirt unt t'nion. tilt OME DAY'S DOMESTIC LIFE. BV IMMA CAHltA. tl l'..ll f..- l. " in, lot uiy yu; v, aaiei ,'i 1 1. .-awyer, I .m tired to death of being maid of al, work, aud wife and mother besides. Why, Noahs dove had a far greater chance for rest when be waa let out of the ark to pur- .ue bis way over one coutinuous expanse of water, for he did not have to do but one thing at once just to fly; while I, from early daybreak till the -tars begin to blink, have to run hither and thither with both banda and feet in motion, vf, and tot.g.w ., fw. 1 ltV to aat.v. .k....t.J rjtaes- : tiooa a day at least. It is, ' Wife, where is my clean shirt! And w herearc my dick- ev. and socks V wh'eu William knows that for the last ten years they have been kept :.!.. -i ..;. Now here is the nroerainmc of water- day. I declare if I was not blessed "with a kiu'd of iuJiarubher constitution, I ucver should survive ao much ; but ii goes to : prove that God is wi.-e, fitting all beings -r-"'- i e o ia0d things to their respective wtuation. 1 It.,. (, ,,rn,.rn,iiie 1 " " Anna, the buhr. woke nie mst ns Mr. . . . 'Clark's baLlam ro...-tcr csda .:e:ctl,ened Clark's baLlaiu ro.-ter gad a ,.'.n ur oay trtai, ftua giavc vari.nis thal,La ua lun..,i,ouch for l.at.ruf. cut no v onder. for she went to b-iJ at sfx o'clock, anJ I , , . and patted her, ai,t at i.olei. I r.iiii,l . -" - -- - ------ mid tried tn ... t In r to -leen e- I ... . . I 1 1 jag.iii, uuildwasuousv, ficrpraiuusini . T. ... V. ...1. :.. .1.. ....... Hurea.wtc i i'iiiiii. auu tiaiiani nit nine - 1 1 1 1 1.1 .1. . . nic oeu auu men me uomcsiio music com- liii.i. l-.i.i.. .'. -... 0,,.,,. I kuew there could be no inoro . . . , sleeji for no till night should conic again, . wu-n I cot fairlv awake I beau to - t- J 'c think nf the work lhat lav before ait: for the t0luUtg dllJ. . go witu ie ,chig ,t being fat .. a- I 1 . wakciicii eo early alter eo nine tK'fp, ami cramped in every limb from the baby's ly- ing on in j ai'iu all night, aud my trying to Jmakeroom for her aud husband by lying ey, tying bis m.ck haudkjrchief, and rcach . I on the'edge of the bedstead ; I crawled out i"f- ui socks, so tha his feet might not ll.,,,. I r 01 ia m,t In a uk Wiillniii I, nl come in contiiet with ihi cold carpel, and it. 1 , ...II l..r- rf...or,rl ..,,1 1 ""ft" " v" w - fit' 1111(1 rilit'J ti LliLlillll reiit-rsi.! V. or lioilij wakcus iim ,mt a ciil, u bll.aU;lst No, tllC C'lultlreu tuny tUTU MJllicrstrt.-, fcplll . i 1 . t . i . . n- . -n . 1 1 . i W LI. illlO Vlttj "liU IUC VtUl't;'Ullli.Hfl IU Ilia au io r.om m ith Liai and bo will nlcep on a , . , 11 11 as calmly as though all creation had relap- sed Il,t0 primeval quietness while 1 you ill ir la t as well expect uic to sleep iu hor- ,,,'!- ....I I put the three children into the trun- , die bed, covered them warmly, and told '.I T 11 11.1 I... fl .l 1 til t-tn 1 woiiki can ii.c.ii wut-u i uau a goou uie, and dowu I went to the kitcheu. Here; .., .hcre scattered ou the floor were fra. rt. ....l- -...1 J meuis oi lasi uigui s pa.euu.g aim ua. ii.ng j (he stove wasfilledto the covers w ith ciil- ' Jers i and a-hes and every thin" seemed hilling gloom ; but I knew pervaded with a r it -ro.1.1 ....I ,1.. .t l.oik moiiiid ami de.-i.oud. for the mornings are short and William must be in the shop at seven o'clock So clear- ,d the stovc crowded it with kindling, and iu a few moments bad , good fire ; then I . . ... .- i . ... I L.'i'vi" ..... . ' a ... " -- . i .... ..,,,..1 t ... I ru. .it... nf. I..I' 1, ttf- : I' I'.na.d things to rights, and began to make) prepa rations for breakfast; but scarcely was the tca-keltlo over the tire, aud the tabic drawn; out. before 1 beard a noise, apparently as i loull ,a the crash of a locoi notiv-. but not! very sitnilar in sound. Kucying u.e nrsi jnipuM, J ru.hed towards the chamber where I left all comparatively quiet, to find that Thomas, our oldest boy, had takeu the baby and Btltiiipttd to brin, br down stairs, and with one false step h had res. h Ui l'k.4. bta.it J' i.-iC, wLvuI l'.i'iv, . J Jay with Anna gr8pled iu li'm ariu, both eicrciaing their luuga to tlio utmott. - I took the baby in wy arm and gave Toiu an iiupt-tua for bi (iUobcdieiitie tbat qaicaily sent biiu into the lute ben ; then go ing back washed the oriffiaou blcmighca from iona. lace, aim pacmeu uer, by tilliug ' pants beyond the possibility of n.endin-be-jboth bands with while autrar, ao that I might fore acliool time, ao 1 had to dres him in ; get time to make some biscuit for breakfast. 1 bis Sunday Buit, with the expectation that Got flour, aalaratus Ac, ready, and turned ; be will servo them iu tb) same way before ! . 1. .!.' ... 1 .! I 1 . . . I luwarus ui n uim iue cuii- tiren. i limit imiirU in !. A " - -if-..-.:... wera i-rn-d with ids amp 1 i,f I, iir.,i1r leather : looked arouud iu.,t in time to aeu nlacc'l in front of tho 6ie to warm, curl up " 1 1 r.. ....i L' l t my occupation, aud losing ail patience, I Ltat ,,,!lt 1 eulJu t ' ki.Iiii. i1 hi U...1 m. il.o ..ft baud aud the boys caiue iu tool from the .... ... ..b-. . ...Lnr - ,.,i;., .... th ,l..,,h ,u.t tl.;..ir ' I r asux.u I ivijj U1V.K. U(U a lew uours later when it was hear school . t . . . lime, I had hard work to remove, but I hasud wondered I didn't eat as heartily as iu no wood to be senile. Got tbo biscuit l'iey d'd- - njto the oven, aud while thrv Were bakinj:, I Li.4 the three children to wash and dress.' tle to set. and two LuUOlis to ew oil bus- band a coat, which, in luv mulliuiicitv of ..imh.ui.nii. I 1. 0 .1 i... ....t t . . While I was felling iho tabic, Thomas and Frauk tried their strength at w restling, and utet a i.ii.-ti tnf milk whh-h the man i.i :.. . i e. .....! . .. i t .1'.. .i i . uau juat iei niu oeai tuc cuu ui mv mini:, i - j'J'hia last feat gave the boys a passport into i villi ,IU"' Hut just as I got ready, in came j thousand Mauds, pure, cool water will be tho yard to remain till bijakl'ast was rend v. ! 1Irs- ''weet to spend Uie afternoou. She always convenient, and it would be impos j During this time I hud forgutlcu my bis- ' perfect bore at any time, but hen O, sihle for jiupiii ities and infectious to e xist cuit, and now as I turned around, I beheld 1 had nothing cooked for tea but j iu this vicinity. Here canals will occupy : ,. f. ,i i bread and untile sauce, for I thou -l.t if llthn i ! :. of sirnets. mid lijht fjirv-iike rillUAV IBIUIII- IIUIII IUC TIU1C UUU", !!'. ! I ....... ..... a .. dear ! auy one would hac beeu about as likely toprououncethemeharcoal, as Li-cuit. ' "Well, I looked up at iho clock aud I .ten, a muaiu up at tiiu viuta uuu i knew that there was no lime to make more for breakfast, so I Hut out for baker's rolls, aud more milk, and iu the mean lime went up to wake Willi ui to come down to break- . ou,:"' 13 pertly void ol seu.,Uivenea, so fast. lllJ off her ,,iuB ut.iuvited, while I "There be was, fast asleep, with bis,"''10 the best of it, replenished the t-tove, check pressed against the pillow, with no , ud began baking ; for I kuowt if Mrs. Sweet care when be should wae but to take a , diJ,1't Lavc a Kood 8uPPcr a11 hcr cirul of Partial bath, attire himself iuclca.il liuen. acquaintances, to say the least, woul l know partake of a warm breakfast, and walk lcis- , urly IO tut -l.-r .. v.Lw.1- -, a el 1 , "Ik with half a-dozeu otlcr happy-go-casy 1 sort of fellows, tlint don't care a huilou f w hether their employer gets rich or not, so i "g " get two dolUrs a day. j T .tr,o.l rn...i,l, .in u-hr.il.o- it i,r,. ' better for lue to cive biina sudden shower- ! bath ith the contents of the watrr-pitcher, ! or lo opeu tho viudow. aid let iu tho fros-i ty air, aud then wbeu be awoke, give him j a piece of my mind for sleeping so late, f '. while I had to be up nod face all troubles. , r . . 1 uivj-. I then I Ye. I stood near the bed cousiderii)'' ,,, . .JI I , 1 ,fl, ,1, J he sprang up witu a auddea burst ot Jaugli- - ter for he feigned sleep. j - Uulloa ! Amelia u,y ,arling '.' said he, ' Hinging his arms rouud in-neck, 'is break- ; fast ready . , " I was iust f-oiiif tabi-rin to sav a creat : - i n s in a Ii v thiuL's. w belt he civi me a li trith.. kisr-, will a. ' . U'..ll v-r.il tin k.f.. I,.,.! ft,.,. .1.,.. . ..v.., , u.lu .....v, , 1 must act von a iirl.' I O .I n , . . I I , r ' t .! 1 ln ......... ..I. ....... or... ' v..... vuu i.-v. .un e u..-' . lo you 'hink I wouldbave one of them 1 , , about . I ' " I was a fool to luai this remark, for I 11,1,!, , knew that lie had mailt the same remark before, a hundred time aud remembered ; a.. ntt.-vti tku aa Li a .1 rm L illis Vt't i. p. uug H k unua.u6 uia coffee ; but I could not ceni to scold after so 1 '"t Jou alter kuttotnug his dick- then ill a few u.iuutes b followed, look! uc ! . so flesh and happy, I btjnu to think lhat although I was three ybrs youugcr than be, iu mind I was more k to be bis grand mother, than bis wife Ut I didu't say so, " I - - J I . . , . ... , I for be (lanced Auna on his knee, auu thu two exiles came 'iu, audwheu I told him , . i ,. i 1 about the destructiouollie shoe, he laugh- ...i i .:!.. .... . :j ! T.i :... -u ut-iiiiit, ami saiu aoaniiy auum uiuao i a siiiarl boy one ot th-le days, ancn i." couldu't help speaking, nd reminded him "f how hard the limes were, aud how bar 1 1. . .1 .. ... 1 a u Why, lal' said be, what a fuss you 1 do make about i'.-tti.,V ip in the uioruit?. , 1 I.... .. ol' ...r..o ' W'he tthnl " -r " ; " 'V' docs ? woman have to tb alter all? Just to cook a little soiuelhitig.aud after we have done i.ur meals, wipe upa few dishes aud bru-.'u out the room ; but wc poor men have , the bard times I we kavj to work all day, ' and theti let somebody ese speud the muu- ! ey!' Aud be with much gravity put ou such . t- tl..t I I...I litu.,li. Ili 1 " vs. utiu.iD nu-, .nu. ---- children joining ; but H uuiu i asv long, ioi . tho baby uuobscrved, clutched the pepper , bottle Irom the castor, and warmea uoiu eyes and moutu witu us conieius. . m lTeakfaet was about over, so Husband ; , . l . ... . d..,.Jfurlli,o,,.,Jo,,Wl.r.....lj',I.led. Wt. .tot ' ' of aWlta.t.ajjJlo.j rT;J. . lir. u . ..1 :,,,. - . f3 talJ : , ldlllt t orru. ' 1 I ninii' the visitors trom other State we "Amelia, get Mrs. Visk U take care of who was secluded somewher, ... the core of j - T. 0. Teesdtle, IV l the . .. . a a ... children tbis evemug, auu i win uumuumani u, von to tho Musrun. 'i'4t tkvia' ia wore half-emptied the ugar bowl into the baby's p, mid applied various antidotes to the anmrting eyea and tongue. At half pa.st cijrht Frank came iu ; had been trying to climb to the top of the hhed, and rent bis only pair of every day thick i cap gel lue ot tiers repaired "Children off to school, I washed the I :j , . , , .l swept Horn attic lo cellar, dusted ana PICK- i ed up, did some irouing, got the bal.y to ed iuJc a jjudJin. boiled potatoes, I ......... broi cd .nteak. mid in dditiir it trot iu tfUCb a fresh air, baJtit s.cn any fovrt since woru la... tit.rt f,.nl tli.,1,.. Lt ..l-urc Vlllli.. llnlli.l.,11. s1 - ""-"" Two o'clock in tt,s afternoon; husband - '0'"' '''"P- -ool, and tIll! ua,,J "'l-ep again i- .1 t . I iliun t, think to I . ....... . . i , ise, but an .no.-,- ."imua wililaui ot h.s prounse. hut suj.p . ed it w as all riht, so 1 dre-sod UiNself neat ' !.v "WM 1 W0"1J step over to .Mrs. Fisl''' -"k lier if she would sit with my , cmWleli 111 the evellllia, and at sonic luture ' time I would return the favor, bv sittinr , I I .... i was L'oiiiL-to the Museum in the ev.-nii, . I ' "liquid like to sit and rest a little while, and ' tosiUca 1 was iu a bun y to finish a thirt for h:it r4c&l, and then there were 1-r .tik's j P"'- ; " 1 kuow 1 1,lokeJ veXcd- lut U' 1,1,1 uu", asms nuiuocr ut genuig s.iinu - of it. I got au early tea, then could staud t n Ini.u..r. .,, I I. ,1,1 l,,r ul Hip l,rvi,tit engagement, and didn't di-gusc my wish for Ler lo go. " Well, the suu was about an hour high, Street took ber leave, and I hastened off '' ask the!ntc!l desired favor of Mrs. V,"A- 1 Jei,ar- 1 ?1;'J g1-' "rty witl,out loi,,3 Put out of ll,u -Louse' for j wau l sl,e ,na1 ? fcluiJ CTrr' ,hi" . . .1 J .t 1 I . . I rt- .i.i.. ' " COuld tLi,lL ef to hurt n,-r "S' ulJ "1C i it was au insult to ask her to sit in mv house - n -i-i. 1.1 r i-,i nHdn,,,t anJ Uk of m-v children.; l.;t. I . .iri....: 1 .: :. ( wlliIe 1 w3 ofr,'aving a good time. Dut it was no use talking ; Mrs. 1'isk didu't do it, . . ' ' n, A 1 a 1 ...1, ..,. v,.i .. .. . w " wmc" ProTea 10 oc JU1 " we" Ior UU,D,,UU forSot 8,1 about the Museum, and wheu be J was doDe work, be didn't conic home to . . but took a nlnt.. nf oesfra . i. h ' i t r.. t .. . . . L,3ve 'levena, otiu tueu went to a political . ... . . . ' i j t . .i meeting, wuue t siaycu at nome, got ine childrcniutobeJ, and then finished his shirt, "About eleven o'clock he came earing ' iu; I pooled a little; he wanted to know , , ,, a t .i . i what the a I was the matter ; woudered ' why women couldu t always he pleasant ; bud uoihing to do but to stay in a warm room and enjoy themselves. 1 reminded him of his promise. ,.,., -ii i n i j "bat sadl -wcl, nevermind, dear, I forgot it ; 1 will go with you some other time-after the election.' ! " Well, I'm boru and like every body e. e, I must submit to my dcstit.v ; but that ""lke !t ? mw agreeable. Good . . . . . . bye, render; if vou are situated as I am. you have my sympathy.". " What are you doing with thai lumber!" m no ju Mviiii: mm tuuk imuwi . . , aria.I .a .la. n..,Uin 1 al 11 LUMJIUUII, who was sugaring towards the boat, be- , , . i i -,t neath the weight ot a huge plank, just as 1 .i . t , .. . f.r il,. l:,.r time. ! iue lieu t as iinni v - - What an. I doing suie, nasniu. .s".-. ' ..If ... -..:.l .11 v..V n. is ...-hi.. ' tret aboard, i and isn't this an illegatit one iutirely f aid the Hibernian triumphantly, amid the laugh- ter of the spectators, ihe captain gave biiu bis board " and passage that trip Maiiic MiRlii.iis. A novrlt) for the dres- ui,,g ro-dii, ccrtaiu to receive immediate ap- proval and adoptiou, is the in irnif lace tt U-tbat happiest ! ttW;uc. Have coll,ui,.iiiatiou of the appliances ot the toi- I vi. S'0 more twisting off of the head to get ,!, mere-, idea of ,'. back hair; no more blind St"? "lien tt.i' - ,.,, r. . . . - i . hut l,v t ns mai'iii minor tue l . 'lit. Is 'iveu US act nc, aa u."v . ..... , .t ... ... a- I.... a a. ..Pint olir. wlVos, " as others see, iis. rulnuiii'i, I M,lea. ir. j ! ll. 1. . . 1 .., tl.rut ut IlirV 111 Tit I TV .'ickeus uas ins t.nu." . ..... j . 1 !lt I. I . .a u. h t i f It . I lli I , a .a liOlle'i; u. ... . - ,,- - 1 I .- .. :..a..-t i . i . nv.r-rs". n Gkanada tobk a Future Ylmce. At no great ditiince from the city of (Jmuiida. are Mtunted a cluster of the most beautiful and fertile inlands it in possible to conceive. They vary from i few square yards to sev- eral square miles in aupurticial extent. Be yond these, and separated from thi ui by a deep uaviuble channel, htauda the lare'eii laud of Z:iputaro, whose bold headlands and irregular surface serve as a guide t, ; pointer's remarks. Many members of Con all who navigate the lake. Zapetaro id in I Jjrean. aiiU eke Lot a few greater men I it weetern extremity scooped out so as to '-.. nt. ,.1 ..I,..,,!.. !. nl t. .l...r or' . ""v v- curve, aii'almt'cireular bay is'" to. meV tff several miles iu tliaun ter, so securely shel tered by highlands a to make the sligi.'vt ship line secure upon its surfnc', eveu wheu storms tuny be laln-d into fury the more expo-ed Jiarls of Lake Nicaragua. U he South western j ail of this buy is also en tered by a ch.iliuel of deep water which di vides the south west'-iu extremity of Znpe t.iro from the mainland. The Northern j part of the hay is bounded by tuc water I known as the Thousaud Islands," eae I ..... .... . ... one of w nieh, to our uiiuu, is in a short time I, i - ,.i rt i , destined to be lull of bouses, stores, aud . , i : .. . i . coiiiliierel.il wale rooms, and where. Vcsscis e -, , tr of con.stderal le totma-'e" can J,i ve Iryui one depot to another with more ease than the ox carts now used iu Granada, .novo from ! one street to another. On this citv of a t ! nleasure boats will sui.ercede horses. Here. iusiead of a Wall street, wo have a llialto ; j here will be seeu and heard senoras and , seuoi uas iu meir gouuoias, Bulging o.c songs iu the star-light, and hei will be the j ,uos'' P1"8'1 eomoiuatiou of health, con- ! veuience aud beauty iu my city upon which thouuu ever hohu. KL Xicaraguetne. . a meeting at .'Miliees meeting uoiisc, in ,, , . . ,. , . that circuit, a few days ano, the preacher dwelt at leiioth upon t lit. uncertainty ol l.u tied lo J)cutii b,j Ins owu Servants. It was nan ,ifl.( ,, ri.lllin.Ke(i it wus p0ssil.K. mentioned a few days ago lhat Lewis li. tliut some person present was li-iening to Norwood, Ksti , a Uierchaut of Granville county, N. C, had come to his death on the ii-flil of Tm-sdar. the '-'Isl iu-t.. in a sudden and luy.-terious inanuer. 'i lie Pe tersburg Kip.cs.s has thu foiloiting udditiou al partieu'iaiv : Abou? bis usual hour of retiring. 1 o' clock, his overseer lelt him in Lis cham ber, lie was then in his usual health and I condition, both of mind aud body. Some . i. ..r. .: . . ... , ' , ' , . I HI, 11UI !' II LllI LM.IL HIT llllll 1 Jill 11 til IUC Ll i uid been burned to death. The neighbors immediately assembled, aud found hiui a corpse, liurus upou different parts of his eorpsc. uurus upou uiuereui parts 01 11 is di,covcr.d, but his hair was . 'ieisutt vtciu uimu' t'-.u, uut uis tun ...is ; ll0t Bn.,,.d even, itu t his cloti.iiu' was with- out a scorch. Under these circumstances . ., it was supposed that the bums mu-t have been scald, from hot water. Hi, two lit tin dau.'htei wi.r..'.-i,l. en at i!. limn iu tl,rt clmiiiber, but of course could tell not I llll.p of the sudden and mysterious manner iu which the V had btCU deprived of their pro- recior. , ...... , . Au ciamination beiii2 instituted, sil-pi- ciou rested unon his ne-rous. and it is now " . . . ascertained that he was foully and shock- inglv murdered by two of the slaves. From laels as we have been enabled to gat b- ter, it seems that a nei;ro u.au belonging to i . . , , r - . .,,-,? linn had for some time absented himselt. j Mr ;orwoo,, surected that two of his ue- groes Were harborim; the ruuawav, and to preveut a continuance of the praC-tice had I Jor, wveral nights previous to bis murder Mocked up the two suspected, in auout houso 01I hi ,r,llie, u tlle , tal ,,,,,,... ever, he was stunned by a blow, aud a lare pot of boiling water which had been pre- pared for the purpose, w as poured through a fuuticl down his throat, until life became extinct. He was then conveyed to hi-chain- ber.aud the neighbors apprised of th death, as we have stated above. We understand that two of his neeroes have beeu arrested aud are now iu jail. X. C. BAPTIST STATE CONVENTION. HI" nun v.-iir-u ... uuu c ou Veduesday last, aud the . T . i ,1,,,-i;cs wero called to order and welcoiu- , , ., . t. . : i .... .. .t... is .- t,,j ine I resiocni vi in" f". mil".-- l, . .. .1 ,s .vii'llitmel Elder Solomon ae- ted as reel cur. The time was occupied in rr-.-liminary ar- raiigeiuenls, and the Couvei.tiou adjourued to meet iu State Cnritul al hatt p ist J ou Thursday moiuing. At night the iutroiluetoiy sermon was preached by Elder J. H. Solomon. (In Thursday-, the t'onveutiou met iu the Capitol. IHder J. McDautel was elected President, and Elder J. U Solomon, S -eie-.... , . .. .i ii , ...I tary. Ihe ai.uuat report oi tue t.-..- Managers was read, aud the Usual commit- y.UU-r Hepiton aud Tobey brought to tha .lUeti.m ol ihe Convention the subject ot a ;n..l fl'l "x 'codiventio0.! rt iXlll iu l- . -. tl : .i.r,,, l.omsviiie, iw., iu .-uy urn, .. vo.. uilh I 111. tHI'l'LUl.T Ul the .Southern baptist . . - .- Biennial Convention. 1 He delegates to tins Convention were appointed and instructed to rei.resciit the N t . Couvei.tiou in rae; r..1r,.nt the SC. Couvei.tiou in each; 0f these n.eetin;s. 'I ue-c are hlders It. ad-, -......-I II! i , , u-j jjitcUell. I'ntehar.i, tioooper, a I . I. .... I . I " a.iiiuti ... rv it ..r i. v-n or-, nnu r. ucr .a. u. i out-i n, i.'. u. . , ....i"' . s. ' . . ' Compliment to Pkinteus, John C. Ilivrs of Virginia, iu a recent puhlii-heu li t ter on the suliject of publie priuliii'.', has a word of ugetion to writers for the press, an J a compliment to the compositor, whose duty it not unl'iequoiilly is to make sense out of very senseless vbirography. Nono but a writer for the press can comprehend li'iw much truth there is iu the veteran must liavr l.ern surprised nt the re-pecta. ' Ue tii'Uiu tln'v -ut in nrint. without ttiinlr. ' ' Utti bij.aui labor, and the eiereU lisil been txpeiiileil hy the journej irinu printer in putting into good shape the inf saie or repuit of a sp.-n-h furni-l.rd tLeu. Mr. llitva ea : " 1 haiesiin the man uscript willing ot imtst great niuu o! the coui tiy during the pat twenty years, and I thiuk I may .-ay that i,ot twenty of tl." in could stand tho tttt of the scrutiny of one iiutf the journeymen printem employed iu my olhce. This fact will be Touched by ! every editor in the L'nion. To a poor'jour- ! ncy man priiiier many m -creai, iiiun ur.-i , r . '. his reputation lor suuotarsuip ; nnu wvie i i 1 : the huinblo coiunosiitirs to resolve, by cop. ; ' ' . ; celt, to set uri uianuscript in their hnnds "-"' I i : ? i:..i i : i.. :. :. jBVt,u "'r 0,10 wu" ttcU h authors, tbeve would be more ; eputatioiis a. an itercd than their 'devils'' , could shake u stick at iu twenty four hour-. I Statesman would become ' small by degrees, 'and beautifully less.' Many an ass would have the lion's hide toru from bis limbs. Men,-w hom the world call w riters, would j- 1 I "" UP "",rn"'i?' ",A ,ill''ile? famous a, mere preleiidci heats . -humbug', and i V S t l l''vKST Tl tl l'- 1' a u.e' Yl. in " U-Ljiii. ii'.- . .. U e ,eiiru lro, tl ,eli source , i4 rxjval is iu progress on the ."Sampson c:rcuit. It is said that al an early sta'e ol the Inst sermon. An old lady, a respecta- ble and pious member of the laptit Church, was silting in ll.e onirrewation, apparently In good health nml elilir, It roiiip...ed. " When the preacher called the congre gation to prayer, she kin-It, no ono uhsvrv nig any movement or any thine; unusual shout her. hen the congregation arose, she was discovered remaining on her kuees with her baud clenched on the back cf In r sent, n.id on examination was found to be entirely Head. Her spirit had fl :d, wc trust, to the "L peiier laiiu. vv nai a scene . to l'o irnm a church to the pre-enee of God from one's knees to the heaveulv borne!'' llux. S.VML'KI. H.UIt, of Concord, MssS, .1: ...1 ... 1.1. 1. :.. .1 ... v.... ,,1,'u ut 111- .e-i'it-iiee lit iiio ion.,, 011 sun dae morning, alter hi iel iiiim-s. Mr. Hoar was btirii in Lincoln, May 1"?, IT", erad- uatei" at Harvard College lu I and rlu- ri' his .'on - life has been a m ,-ui of mark ...i . :.. : I .... I 11 auu uuic in toe.., i.ul. , ,iv p'.,.t,,v. no "TVed a term in Congress, was a ineiiiher " -o-e-uiunonai ouvei.i.ou id Senator and Uepresent ttive in the m,.....!....-!! T ...M-l-.tiirn .'lassaehuselts i.egi-laturc He wa th r. - .- m i Coi i-sio..er ol .vias-aehu-rtt to j-outti Caroliua to test the constitutionality of the laws for imprisoi.iug co.orcd seamen, was al- ways inde-itiheJ wi.u the .ii,t,s,aviry cause. waB euiiueut as a lawyer, icing on the tie- (.!.. in tl,,. f in,..u, Whitu murder trials of iei.ee in me un.;us n muruei iri.us oi Salem, and had a large number of political admirers, as well as poluic .l oponetits, but persouul eueiuies. Courier. Duatii Of a Ckn ten Ah i.vn. Mr. Wil- years, a native of , , , . , ' , ""auu, auu ior me seven.y nve yc. a resident of Hicbland li-tiiet, iu the neigh- borhood of Crane Creek, departed this life 0I1 J,1HV cveuin- last, at is residence ttit10ut La'viug sutlered much afflictiou iu ,aj, I I A Grateml N'k'iho. When Mr. Jona than Cror superintendent ot colportage, w i1. ? I il'H .-V , IX1 '.W1 )' '.VisWrt .. flltd 1 i'vlK. J Ii a various places ot. the condition ot tUc slaves at the South. On one occasion he asked ,..iis hat ncroes thouiiht r t, t.Rllr owu po tiou. I le replied uv men- .:,.:., 0f 0,1 servant iu North 1 'iar.ll i ii si more thau a hundred years old, , i . brought liom Africa iu his vout, allfj omt rled to the Christian reli- juu ju ,lis roimtrv. and who every time he said his prayers, pooled forth bis devout r,jIU,e that he had beeu sloleu away ,-rom a uuathcu land. p FbitiT Bmu kkn Mexican W ar SmAM tus. A w (hruns, A'uf- '' U. I' h e crew of the Mexieau war steamer LVmocrai recently ran off wi.h the ves.-el, and appear iuii before Coatiaeoalcos, forcibly carried oli the collector ef tne port and the specie. The war steamer Guerrero was sent iu pur suit of her, and met hrr'off Caiupcaehy. A t'uht ensued, which was witnessed by the passengers of the schooner Joven M ari i. f which arrived al this port, but the result ii unkiiow u. AGkkat InY RnTIos.- A very remark ,,IVciilioti has recently been patent.-.! lor milking cots of felt, without -chik.' Ol till. 111 CO. 'is ..'. wt. v u I ;.'.'-. u U thut a coat of any color may be made and j for wf,rw;,,in twelve hours from tho ,;,,ie when the wool, of tiieli it is made . 'm .-r iwlii .' n u t .1 I'le'ti of lb. . It

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