S1RICTLY A CASH STOBE. Soniclhiiig New in Cliarlollc, it: KL'KH AND CALL AT ?) CHINA HAH J AMI'S HAltTl CO. 2- ri'."I'l 'lil.I.Y inform the inhabifinta of J, Nirtii I r) i im. that tin y huvc just upemi , :,ruilr, in Hie New Stole, (Ibe Weal anio) on vl)11 ftri't, in the Atheniruiii Jtuililinjj, 41 lorpe ,.'ci fplrnuiiJ aaanr'.mciit of CHINA, GLASS & EARTHENWARE. Alan, a large variety of 1 , o o a . 'a a h. i s s b: s , IIKIT VVM t Ac PI- I I 1I IV.tltl,, u nlrr Iimpa, I iinuleatiraa, Snuffera, Ira, la. . ..;,...r ami Salt SlHKiiia, Kllivca liliil V run, I'ln. i,., Silver Turk, liru.ini.ia 4 I'll cmiiia, X'licuera, fVc . Hlook Tin Coll'ei tiltrrrra, Ten Hell, i'jnil'l,r l'riincr, L'ni'ir, Tea Keltic, Kruil h'.illn. I'tirei-I tin ltne,t, Griil Ifona, I'lili'.-it Milla, J'i.il Korka, Cake Turnrm, I.nill-a, Table Mala, Vj.r Iluckcta, t'cn l.'ifi, 'I 11 In, t'hurna, U H)Si Counter and eriinih Itrutihi', Feather Lij-t rni ,yol Varii ty of 8 ilu y ainj thirty iiuur ,.'..., ,, will i" aolii I"' f"f t'ASII. ri'jil 'ml riiiim 'ir Sli ck. Nn charge fur JAMES IIARTY k CO. ('WiM", .1;.iliyl,l.-S7. rtf i'" " Heady-Made Clothing AI I'm iiiliin I'talililiiii lit. SI'IlIXnsl-lll'ATIl UK-I K' TKI 7.I.Y inffin tbrir liictidg and J E i:ie i.i . i ic (ffiieratly that Ibry have rrcciv. ,1 j,i ..rr iiTMiinf la eilmane ancirtment of 1' , 'v 'd"i' I b't'i'ng t ti'eir old al.i.d on tbe tU Oldil of Mint Mreel, to ninth (lay invite , it-' .:on. f . 1 "V 4 riiw1 1 (iClllll'lllCn S'iiaV A I ' An.:.! 1 atock inn y tie fi nod Itur Ch.th . ml iieniilehre..alt ! ; hi .ei. and ilr itil ,1 in irka, Kroi '. and H'pln; trench, j.' 1 1 , I'.tr ; pliinaud f liry t s.a,.; , ;.,u. n op in nice an-1; plain and fancy :i'v iraeil!" a, 1" aii-i ; w.nle l.mi 11 l-,H nnd ' 1 .or fc ; i .' h a'.vle eniliraetni' li.e ti.ITi rrril ' i .., l i PA ' I'i -tu b ' id I: l TALOOS: d Amf-ric-n ( aaaue'-rca. i.i i k .t ii i ...tit ..ml fanrv A!(.ar.-. iet-l c. am; rnp tali I'np d'hic; pis.u an t .M.n.ein. a ..('all jr...;. t. i ,11 . ai. rUI all. ntion to t'.eir lot o! VI: :i sii l'.r an I .o'.lbh d blPa t .1, erol i f i:eJ S,.k. I.Urll S-ilin.ao.l hi . I"- a to. f M r- ' Vi at evel llr.-d in t Goa'i Furri.hing Gocds, I hi ill t' i t I'.lll V 1. ia dlH?H.'l, C i.i: in pr( ilif 11 4ili! ( i.t'.ill ., Her n A H.ah In-i-c. m.l c'.t'.'ii I I.ii.it l : l.iiil.i. il a .A r i. I V ol t r ,v .!s ail k and I in. it ; , ... ., a m and lio.-n i Sii.p. no. r, A r II . At., A!.'! A '! ol II 'l .. ti.e S limine- in'-r ' t t mi ..I l aiv- . I (: S. - i -. '' 1 1 ai. ' I .. 11 II tla : "'l W. I.' gnu rn, Jl.'. Pan Jlna O-l. 'I to y i.d -r t"a uhvc (...."ia ;:..) low ran cash, at X uiii-t 04I iici'tfi tmir. w.th l!"- tinrt-es g'-'i-fut3fi!ii j tiirft hieouiit ur-r 1ue wlu-o ti.t-y t 1 u - iim.i.i y . Titrf (i.ir!i t'.i-ir Ihstiatt t tuf f hr l.lwr. p.lrone heti fn in alor! 10. ' i-TfM, Mill il"r to M fit O'ltl VUlflfC ! Mil' 1 n ..(ji-iici tn botncin lii'J iH'Onii rf-.ft M'UiN'i.-J k I IF. A III. CliAtll."TTK, N. C. .l,-u 01, le.'.7. " r,(iN.T.IS l ' r. h n rpitifie tb I.' 1 1; t . c nt nf t inu Hit ii- I ? ".' A- Kilk , Crapo, Nr-arRHt.-.n flr.J Clraw I'.onm:ts. ! i! iiv mi piuelia.c .1 an l w hich cinnn - frri a-. 'I '.ir hviolv of at vie. II, t . L- let I too mniV, will .'tV r thrni at - M II. AllVA.Ni t ori4(lr r.tn. r thin ke- I .- a iii ' r. At." I ,1 I I i- V ll .1 ;.u ui u. - v o t la .no l liit.ra, au.t il ' I'.r tlie araaon. Par;. sols, Fans, io, kc. .Ma I. i a src fetio wi l a'ortf! St ick ut KLIAS .V ('(iIIKN S. i.,..: i-;:. "if ETI.EMK.VS BKAIiy-MAIlE i c-Lo'imixc. i W" Mil K i. I.Ab'tii;, M'.W nd KASH. ' I 1 lit i;. V tl .Mri.fr, of nil erade. sod ' n.-ti;b eh. unit w.ilb" S'dtl ibe i-ihm' ' "ir win I. S'ork i uniMinlt v l:ir , "d ' , vi i!t b; otf. r d eilitef U- Y bt.b slr or I.., ELI AS A COHEN. t"f i 2i, i.-:. Ci-ar, ruuiT rohacco, STOKE. i. r rt aoeerull V i II fo m ' be r li. " .' I o.i 1 1. .lie uiirl a or re ii nil i li J country. ! ' ' t '' l..,a jo .1 n et .veil a p'en.li'l uaaorlnint of , si v.Mts n vm ins I' 1 " ''...'ecal l.rni.Ia. Alao, a fine ailiole of J' in w li; lull vi c o. 'v, rirs ,j. coxrr.cTinsiuur.s. IAS. . PALMER, M(i,if,.itr lb t. fit & u.' Shot Stre. r,"'V, Apr.! :, 1Kj7. h-tf ( ' 1 aviH xi in, i: to tlie 1,1,. linn I ff'itr all per' nn" im I' Jlenileiaon A. II' !; .hteil r, or t''."."' '' ''r'. ''"' ii " f 'y1 A'- :" 111 h.ii.i f.r a abort time. To know . j '' ''"". ' re .I'linir, ami what' I i'i'.W'" ' "P "" hua.n.a. ul once. I Iw'v."1 '-""' " f S Sp.mra-ol.l Store.) r i,t , n oitiiortunii v ! a- It e tne HENLKRSON .1 JIELI-ER. Mlf '' 21, ",,7. ver Land for Sale. VV Ul, h. I ot private site, ni V f.ind, .'tuted lr. . , ,)nlyi adpunnijr liolit. I. ew. II nkin ami other-, 1 y ur on the at.iw iV,r. ' iitaiini.tT iteren- till jerr of wiueb in, i ft'ite ol etilttvution 40 neres bot- W M A LEV LI'. j.iif 'i i DU. M'LANE'S VERMIFUGE ALWAYS RESORTED TO WHEN EVERY OTIIKH RKMKUY KAILS. JVkw York, September IS, 1B.i3. ID"Tlii i to certify lliat my chiM, three yearn old, win trmihlci! Willi wnrina imnn nil month. I had tried am.rul kind nf in.tlieiiic, but none cf tlicm done any (joodj and it waa not until I tried Dr. MT.nni'a celebrated Vermifuge, pri p.irei! by Filming Ilron., that ahe. found nny reliuf. I jrtivr, her the. ttnntenta of one buttle, which lirounht from hrr a very large quanti'y of unruia, hut llicy were an completely cut to piccea it waa'impnR..ihlr. to count them. My iiani.ilcr ia now lining well i indeed, alio in ronip!rtely reatorerl In health. I therefore take pleasure in rirommr mling it to pa. rrnta. I wi ulii a,.y, by all nieana ktrp a aupply of tliia r;ituulnc medicine eonNtnntly in yourliour. ra. I have known many children to diu uiiiicn'y from tlu ifl'etaof uormtt. It.ilmt no! imefinri.t ly liiippiMia Hint rhiliiren nr; Ireiitd for eroup, wlon lite clinkinif and coui;hiit7 ia rttufed a.'t'u ;i'tlicr, by the irritulinn of woriiia. 'I brrefore, I ny iiain, ki-cp it alwnya in t lie lioue ; it ci.iita but little, und nny be tbe iiirana of h.ivio ,ili-; and at any rile it will a.ive phvaiei.ina bula. .MIIS I. A NR. No. 333 Kahili Hreet. IT Plirrhaacra will b curelill In ak for , N'UM.'Sl l l.l llKA'i I I) Vi:itMIH (.K.man. uuclurtil byH.K.MIMi litidS., I'mvki'Moii, Pa Allolbrr Vrrmiii(.'ca in rrunpn ri"n urtr wurtbieva Dr. .M'l.Tiie'a genuine Venml'ujri', aluo bia ci'le-. nature of '-') fi.dmiv; riiios. M in. a itAY A. Halt In loi llnir.I)o. ataoily to h beaulil'til and Naturul ifrown cr Hi K'k, wilbi'Ut the least injury to luir or aKin. Kil'n-en Meialand l'ipiomaa bave Ili ,. ird. ad to Win. A. Il.tt'-bebtr atnrc Jr3!t and over HO,. ! Dull fipplie-itmna Iliac been nuue to the li.ur ot il.ia piitrotift of bia tanii'im l)yv. I'rejtldiee ri.uiml lV'ii? tbe lijir and V!in.M-r im Uhiurt. a-it wl l r-'i"t Hald bead with a it., Win. A. Il.ilrbebir'a Hair live prouuera a r..!r not lo bt oialmcuinhed form nature, and 1 viar. lulled not to injure 111 the leaal, l.onner lung it m eoniinueii. i ide, aoiii or hmiie(i (in y pr-viie roon's) at wic i tjt r aeiory , .u nroiiiiaiiv, .. 1. "Idni .ill rili.a an.l louna ol'll.e ll llrd StMr., vj -.1. .iii j 'I. 2 f The (ii-numr l-.ia lite name and i.iiiir- np. on a'li-l plate enjjrvieg on b'ur n:ea of i.eb l .tlle, r I' WILLIAM A.IIATCI1F.I.K. for i!r by :ll t;.i llroeji:.la in t l.nrh llf. !rii -J'.l, !.'. '..'Ha h.-.i. ) , .Ni York. I." I'turr'a (.'rvui I'm lllxlO. tjl. p. till .11... 11 tKl Ili HI. I . I l.arna er a.' i, in t. oi Ii' tn l and lh..t it w .11 h. .1 Hi. ..in Ulnl ttl.ctu.(!v cure l'ever s y (1 1: 1'Tf'B w ill t.-..ii. t.ie M-vrr. -t vv . ol v ii. unit' i..:- w itlioul arar j A.I. a I'llea S:.l Kheuili lnll.tiiilliiiti.ry Kheunialnln-.Sore mid 10- ti.ilo. il 1A. Co' oolitic il iil'fi ( l!d iilu! 1 , .1. r... S.,i. i S. .v.l I Ifrt.i I '.I n -i ii ii liuiii.in l;rvaii ;oam S v, i ' i v r a - Fi h-i. hi I. ;f 11. . Il l ((! Inw. t-Sw 1 S.-rr N ii'i' ' 1 -r 11 ' 'nut .11 1 Hr"fiiit 1 il im. 111 t. rv 'Hi. t nit : 'i- tlieteiin f, w lltlf tin paru . il". i t t ran be t in-h. d. IiMi'l It nirrrii n!"t biut t'n- ! 11 n,-il Li b rnrl bvottlv:.' '' tt t i.t ('., but p.-filn.' prep ;i. U!n ' Srf.Vi lili'hr fDl t iili", Hint t l.itni' T'ilr') nlir in fi-tT- (-in rrav .if,.'', . in iiIk.ik'U 0;( jttt , but to HI V i.i-y r.itpi Mut rt n - t, s m ' 11 ii tor ,. beret I re nt -li.lie Ihp ' ni.-f ttol r n. I i-r.ti. 11. icmnr KiMrt inward. 1 1 K ! I- 1 - -im inf limr' Vsts r.ip ut-h , ,. 1! .1 Vr,t, f Vr ,v .1 !.:. ' I W.t". t:C 'liii.iiii.M'I.V.ll.l' kli.M.iani, prrp.i-. nr. a mi ! F A K V (VVl.J. I . V , m 1 u h turr r. Ail I giht m ri-'tinlf rti ,1. I'ri 'J.. rmb cr ix. 3 ' A 'I r'r r- ir u'ii ar!ir "t U ' .V,i hl k. rr r A ('., M ltfin y irn 1, .Nw S .-r. rr -lt by li Ir i':iu ibronh'.ut tht I'r.i. Wr hare I. end of tome Ai'.m.1 .lip cure. ! rip no lle bv Prof. Dc (ir .ll 'a I I r . Oil. It aecoia In ct oil lie maeaa-il par la with lien r bit !l ar.1 in a i..rt at'r of Inoe h- ..llli R..tlia iti mn. It mi te h. i of tl.e aftola lirr... t a. ,ri aatrent ni annlner co.umti. I t a e a n m i. t a II I illuii.-i U. Married, on Thura.Uy. I'll- 211 I in Hit. I V the I l!.v. K II I. (1. rlv. Mr M A 1(1 IS OAHKIs an.l j MaaSAliAII A. HI NTKI!, aii i.f th.a loui.'.y. ! At b' W K.A!M v . . r'i: fn,f.n 1 1' J I, ta t ot' (.. III. W. I . i J. f M -ifii, mi;. J 'J y..rs ti inetithfj. j '-I on I " bMi, at tbe -,,itr- '", FlT.i:. j IS I A M Si. Y.'l ll.'!il-r of Sat. !, 'eetl tl iifjiS ! Tl ! itHcliit tiiiniv. t!.OS l.f'riVril (if tWfi r: !"! r in n itr or (. ton, rcl irvt fie jnfoU'u! : nii-jtbvot Iriet.s that l.f (r roiifiUtioti ' thut '..r : Ir v , In Ii 1. i: niir "of audi ia tne k injjni. in of -I oM. conn tv. nn the l.'.Ih inat., M,a M A. I I. r i t 'I . II. and .Mailt. a a; p, mi 4 nn.ntiia. Notice. T 111 K T i I.'' f'T !? fiarr niw n rfudv 1' r Hi prriioo , nntj I rn -t ;i!) pt r- t'ii t.i I'llorm ii" oj my li.ti.i r.l (" lti-t'. I on e now ?m! p' i N. fl. !. liifUfn!s f..r l?.'4 inH I Tft Hit' lit! lo p.iT Tn f T'leta? I tvi rb'r t.ii-e. ft nvt,fn r nrxt fur in iiiiiiiim; ''r your rc-ip' a t' ,r Ii ni-ty jr 'p.-1 s. , ! lb) Vi.U n, nrtW H II .ikf p'ef. hi tin- srr m i uo.ui-itii g nn in v u.tt,'. ' K. C. i.IUl.i:, hrrif. M,tfrS nr. is;,:. Mf iriti-: r.iu.; ttiii! M 1 1 A N K I bill. I! I Ib lting ( iiinnjni , lil'.I.I S. from tin at M ii utai-tori ra' 17 e. n la per to.-t. Ilnton prieta. 3 inch. 3 i' 4 5 i; 3! 3 l.t) 71 'Ji 10 12 4,.ly loom: k co. 3.. -nil VUmlMt'. .4;ni I I, 1 i V.ILIL1BLE KEIIROES: roi! sjij:. wn r. .u n r to it, it M: i.lle-r;rt .itii'dy. Ibe C ! d ne Kmt rson' ne:i v of M-y IV;Vh1jOII 2 likely Scgrcs,!, b. lli b.iva, the prop, rlv "f Win. V.ni.-raoii, ih c'J., 1 both btiys, thr un n e r d 1 1 o t i liooitl th inli ri t frni j iU EDWIN FALLS. .1,ii. ALSO At lite aanie lime ami place, ,U be a,,:.l aA lilrplxr WcffrOS. 1 AVjaJ ai s y ' ,,. ,,,,., ty of the In ua of Aimer A.I a. we'll. ltvf fill I'-nV ',, .,,:. I , " ;1A-NI" J--'"-N.'"'"' . -'- i " j I'ri Itomf Stork for Srrle. N Tiiea.'iiy i.f April t'. -nit .'."" i l'"' ll a. il at .ul.iie am lo.li, in tiic Ton ' f ul.il." auction, in llic Toll J I ol I harh.tle, i'irr Shiivm of stork , ,.e , liirl-O- an.i S.C. Kill l;o..!C'o,mv,be. i . , ,. . , i , ,. , . , - lunrini; m me o.... - i ... Tarn., fi month.' .-relit. J. A. laiNo.N, f . R.C.COOK, Xr-'. f.l-."'. c COItREi'TKD r,V OATS & CO. ('IIAlkl.l)T'l'K, Al'KII, U7, H.,7. j HACf)N. llama, . lb. . 14 , 00 ! " Sinen, - . ih. . 13 a 14 I " Hop round . in. . Id J"JJ j " Shouldira, .lb. . 1 1 1 1 J I Bueiiip, t niton, . yn . IH a Oil ' lb 1 1, . . . .lb. . Hall) j Hiitter, . . . ib. . I", a (HI ; lierawal, . . . in. - . ill a r2S ; Henna, ... buthel . 0(1 a (JO . Uriiiidy, Apple, . . pal. . 5( a fi'l j " I'eueh, . .pal. . u-2 a 0(1 ('olton. nw . .lb. . 1 1 a 13 i Colli 0, II 10 . .lb. . lu'J a 1 4 , " Ihn . .lb. . Jn a !!H ! Candles, Adiimantine, Ih. . 33 J a 3" " Sperm. lb. . 4."i a Si) I " r.illow, .lb. . a.", a 01) j Com, old . . biialn l . bd a H.1 ; " Ir.'W . . bllabel . i() a III, t'hickina, . . . eocli . 20 a 2.5 I'lolh.Copptraa, . yard . 1JJ a lj " l.nidey, . . yard . il.'t a 3il f't'ira, - i"oen . -i a l." Flour, . . Hmlha. . S3 a 3i " " i.l.l. . $ a O'l ; Feathem, . . .lb. . 30 a ('0 ' ' r.ard,. . . . lb. . 13 a 11 i .Mutton, . . .lb. . 5 a ti I Mackerel,. . .blil. No I. tlO a 24 1 " . - , . . " . . 10 J a O'l I . H)0 a 'Ki I I " . . . Kitta . 30(1 a lm ! Molaaara.N. f). . . pal. . !)() a SI ' " W. I. . . pal. . ijl) a I,.") ' . Meal bii-hrl . cj a 00 Mullein 'Wilmington; Ml. . :) a 00 I I Naila, N jrthern . Ih. . :, a fi ! I " Southern lb. . S a Oil i Oale.. . . . IiiibIicI . 511 a o.'i ;lVk.. . . . Ih. . 7, a j eaa, .... buidiet . Km a Of) ; Potntoi , Iriah. . . hiialiel . I "0 a 00 I I " Sweet,. . biiahcl . 2 a 5.0 1 l!iee I.u.liel - i a 110 Supar, I oaf, . . lb. . i!0 a 0') " llron, . . Ih. . II a 14 Slone-Ware, . . gA, . n a l'JJ s"ll, . . hark . Jli-j a l:i(j lea b. 5 a 1 H li t . . . . biiMie! . J Mi, u 00 VVIm.-U., Nor, i( rti, . ifai. . 4.i a ."i ! ' N. ( aroiii,,.. pa!. . .',u' a IIJ I W '"il Cheat eo rg 1. 1 j inm, il, . L'T a yf" ! " " " uriivai-heii . Hi a 23 Yarn, . . . h.iic . 110 a 00 COI. I'M RIA MAKK1.T. . ( Mrmu, A ;n! 25, 1'". (O'l T()N. The fi,l, ,i nnrk.t " almoat hrou;'l t (o a aland yi lcril:.y, in cna. puence ..t to- i-u pii y oil-rn.p hi u p an aiii-ill, am: we cm I'l.nf.iie ulnl- riiiiiiiiufi cm Ion II r ri .Ji.l.i llfjfis of i U t.. in; cot. f'HAHI.FsTi'N MA R MIT. ('mm rams. An il 01. I s.i7. (I'TTl'.V. S.h a o: cotton I,,. n..j 3 VI h,i, no e'r.fipe Hi prn.a. .Noli, inp b.ia he. n done lilin tlie receipt ot the A marie . a In wa. Tni4 Sale. EBV irii.- f a 1 if . I'm' , Ji & J. I' rrv tn A i. 1 lini , 1 1 1 n ii'N r is 1 i "n Tiujrut.,, tin. .11 k. ii v 1 r i.'fnl nf tlit- 'I'ru-ti f, will ;.T Ifi innliht. nl tl -? Shnp n;' the .iJ kny. Ihc tuliowing t fi I 1 1 1 OOl.S .'111(1 3 I l Ci 1 1 1 1 0 V V I ,',t" ,lf Sinitli'n T---i!r. ror.f.u.tiii'r uf lb buva, Anvil I'rr. Il.nnm, r, S Tr,li and i.i i !' 'i p umi.liv luiirit in w i. I..(u r h ir hrl .n(ip. and ! Maeliine Tools, ronalalnip of 1 KlifH.e I. I '"11 1! rinn.-, Dn I I .. t t.-. I'pupi-I I Ir : 1 ' . ;.. n l.'ateii. I Drill. Vi. . a. r. w I'Ut-a, I' rip Mi 'a Dr.-. I . I.'irp. Mnar. 1 i'orluide l ' rp. , A c. S. A. 11 ARRIS, A.L-ht Av'tl ", IS". til Notice. I Vft f.f . U r p;r-ii,r' in in:niTurn7 m v friends ml piitri.nn c r ,t;iil I h )ifiri:ittd ili rm in b;: in m Yr. J ti h '. Ht-iii.'in n of V i . i ( ' i jjr. T'.' b'. P iff i ' br roiitaiict rd inn: r lln nain, ll-n ler-- n A A .r im. K Sfa prion p r. r v n u h oiib ibl. A il Uia1t! 1 1 -1 tilf 1 V fnriv'ii t t r r-l! - tl oi r lli , o it-1 1 1 1 111 tr-j it ' ,:'ui, a- w n n t in- Sim M r. oon it n I". '.V. AIIRKNi. .Viir.'. 31, lr-:,7 .cw Finn ami New (lords! IIKNDKilSO.N .V A!li;i:.S A V. khti led tl-ri,--. !vi a t.. n;. ti.er in Im I., aa, tn romin. I re " ith toe l-t..f Apri hi I IC f.irnier t-imt of I'. V. A! rella, f.;i;i. n 1 inaioii I I'ltoi', w In re tif y inuint ki i j j;i erral a .nil to.e Ii t of rc I'.iiii ) :inii M;tpii' iivy O'oo.N. iSi'nts ami Shoes, i: ;ui.i-n:ii- n o e n i x;, Hals tf.nl ii. HARDWARES (M L Saddles. Uritlii's, 4 ";i i p -t i,;i:s, Valises. i rot let rj , l;iu ;ti , S-SOCEaiBS. Al SO ON II AMI, I otht.fs. nut nt1 of dir'-el nn n.rtn 1 10 n . i aome ot ilif.-rt nnporlnll. w .-ii III Oe ;t r. O'-raiiv I i . 1 1 to lii.li- nur t'li-Tiila an ! p..Tr. na rail nti'1 ai e our lii.iu.a nnrl In or . or '.'1 aittnii tti .1 wear.' i.-t.Tirmi ii VliliY l.oV i. ml a little l.ott ill!. prill to m , ami Ii I. HENDERSON k AHRENS. ,Tas. 1'. HE..MSRS0N. F. V. lilt ESS. huiUltr, M uch 31, I S'.7. Ml ilc. i;;til 11 o:il ( . lor I U II, T. sell in flii-rbifte, on Tuet!.iT . I'oiu t, brinir tin '-.D;u of the muni!., iiar of lMr: f April in th" ('hsrb)tte oio! Soutn (' K.ti!'o:ui fVm. le.-.nv, ti innLTi"C l' the t fct..te t.t J. bn II' W if, be. r. nfcid. A att:il "I t'll' e io.il.tl.it W iH bee,. Mil, the purchaiser giving hi iifi and uppiov-Ml reninty. JANE HOWIE, .Vr. 1AV11 WHITE, . Much ?I, I-'"7 icw Sforc cw I ool , Vr r.i oxr'a UiiiirnTvoft C 'n a r ra Vrn. U'Tet.'.e oi ' AMi.t.teiN I.i riRiTt ar, by Onye. knieU. ', V.l.. ( a i von or Nrw Mimi o im lira I'i'" ri F, by ! W . W. II. IHvis. I I'ai i l'u M . a I'ir . I' i.i l r. i'i on- 1 'vrn i n " ""v,i l,v N- '' w , , , , ,, rr ' ,. ,.,. imi tiiK (." 1, I..I,.-'.. Kiua i'bom nn: l'oi--.v . , I. in ., ,.,.,. ,..,e.l be ! In pr..l'.l b br Mcs .. rt : any - j bv Hi v. It. X. Ii.ii, l l. iTll,tvrm,nll i;UM, .,mi,, i.y.Mni . I j,,,. ,, .,-,tl I, Ami. I. IV I'i 1.1 l lie. M Tut I! I I'lN 1 tOl' T. : K " ' " 4,8 ; " Tl.t vN . Hit. e 1 ,1,1 a i 'on i ni in n Ttif Pno bi s nt viiliiiue. Krwr l ire rm: !p.hi.!i.r.i.-i'ii'i.."iK'. I r.J. LOW F.II- j t I Vje.-A 2 1, I '.-7 1 mi ttvw rmwnifr. 3III.I,IKRY Ac FANCY I 1 an.S. II. KIMPF.I. (lain of Iiichir.ond.Va..) if M. baa removed to Charlotte and permanently ' localed aa a r.-airlenl and la now receiviir and o. I ncninp at Wllli .nia Sr. AletamCer'a New Uri. k I lliiil.l.np on rrvon atreet, a I.AIitJK and KI.K. lj AN T ST( H'K' of I':n! :ul T i ! ! i n-iv ditto:), SILK, LACi: AM) CRAPE )0XXFXS, fgl k.V'.:j: EnglUh Ctraw, Tuscan, Lechorntand . Weapnlltans of all varittira and atyb a, a lre and aplendid STOCK OF E1K II EI BT "TaV M.a, GLOVES, COLLARS, FLOUWCIKGS, AND DliLSS PATTI'KXS of the latent tv!e, toprlher v.'ilh many other or. ticlea. winch le'ill bo aold LOW fur CASH. I.r t 'all and examine. f7,.Me, .VorrA 21. 1 8.17. 4tf EM:il r'r Vjiii!'iI. rglWO orTIIRKF. COOP PI VKTEHIIRS can It find ruiplovi. lent, either by tne d.iy or inotilb, bv appl) iiij. to J. II. k 51. I'. WINIiLE. ( hm'.utle, March 21, iS7. 4lf ji sr iiim eivj:!), FOR THE AS FINE AN A t 8 O I T .M E .N T OF Av 1 1 a Ilvia Pnv Ortarn To The Smiihoni People, (;.,; nruj fll , i t LOO 1 Terma, CASH. Murk 17, !S.'i7. k CO S STORE. Notice. rPnR rtubrribcr linir dipporrf of b i r-nlire jL Stork o. S-MiiiUry to M.J. S. I.VI.ES. take, pr .,t I'lfihup in r ccmnu iiaii.f bin. to hi Iricndu unH riiftoini rn. All l!one innb't(l. cithrr bv Nntr, or St.'oW A-r-iuiit, wni iliiidc rniii.' l"r A if i Jllrt set tip. ThV wi I lilwiivs fi titi rnc 1. 1 tiic olo ttiiiiJ pnptrcd fur st tlirnirnt. r. sir.uv. ith. 17, m:-. ivx Saddler's Shop. Tin: srjisritiiiKii HAVIN'C purrl.r.H,-,1 d'.i ry b- i'lMi'iiitj ti r.ti7 nf 't" ("h-irinU', u ttnit ht i u tr mil 1 1 c iri v tiie rrt re pfock f Smf. i K'-bt. Slmv, mfirnin the Ml ti;c public u-r?rHliy, ill tiic SVDDI i: AM) JIAUMaSS ! it. v men br . rlifc, atIr S':: t 'i 4 i f-TiOf ..ny a rti civ tint' cm. , b' Kti;i.. ii tl. A fiiir:- ! .saomj:s, n.n):ss, bridi.ks, r., of i:vi:ny ii:sciarriox, wiil ;i 1 v n v n bo (n h nd, nnd thr cit i n ? pnu r ti' y n re itivitr-n lo c;. h n: t x .mine his art irtrs, as they ph.. I bbe Hi iiie ot' tht b rl tnutcriain mui hiTi-nU. : on tlr mint' ,- jsoituhic lenni. I iK KPAUMNi; of all liines.drne nt tht short. c.t hotite ..-..t; with or alliens and uifjutch. J. S. LVLRS. Chnr'.nltr, '.. 17. 1 ;-.ltf A -NO I'M Hit KPPoRTrSI. Jla 1 1 ii novi- pr. sriit. ii tor ' j JY"-'-3 l'ii"'r una .11 't Sj'-x.'i (; "d hnraea, in lb a iiuur. ra of M Cll.'ll ot the n.untry, to improve their Stocli. ! Miscuirnox. ! T;I.l.f!AiK is :i b-:iulif'., n. ilio-run t b:. y, i ol, ( i ri i, lit, nr.tr 17 lumts liiyh, per:- rt n. tbrin, ' : romrNjI' y tin- cyn, anrt m tne p; :m',c .m.l vc.r o h;. m a or,i, he n- nli ouiy lo ar in t n tn be n.i:'nrnl by H t .lmI j iliif. j KIM CUA.N'PK is onr f the f nr.t nnd puret b. i 1 1; f i r e( h i; t' ( , world, nn will be sen ty ! n I' Miic : j ihc K'-ii-uli mot Aiof i iP iu records of b i p ' rt . It'- i s di r n I v t.i n:ed lrtoi it'1!' ViTV pitre-t :ifn b-.-i utock IU i.i bilifl ant! Al-lETICJ, Ub the ruiti.winp pciliqrve wili ii.ok HID r.R.NPK is by Itilly Ilirri". not of Tidy Morenn. Jliiiy .luiTis was by A,ui?it ur Tt.i. (., lie 1 y Pueon liiim by .M.u'iiiiii 'Ponsm, by I'liiul's T j ti.'ilatit; cr.i.itl dim by It.irr' v's Medh v ; Top .nt bv ;.Mii tm; Rimy' MeeVy by .Mtt.li y . I. .. y M'ir ni. Hie i:,m of Km (I'raniie, Was .'-y Jhn I; ieim rtrs ; in r dam bv import rrt Kl loi.ih.nj lo r ;r.f;U n. mi by I!In iiidyer'a Sir ob,:i nn ; gftat fr.irni o.itn AurT;i, bvirnpnrlrd Ib'int J ihn ; r;re.f t-ent pr mil dam ', lippa, by nniHirti.i .ItM t Z' r 1 JI R p C'i'd d;un Ik:o, bv impnrlL.: li -y K ieii n.uini ; e c ; j (;rnd nam iSta. me. km, by uoportiil Wilu.. ir; if p g g grujul oam l.y ..oporleo i ... am,- , tne t -in yi Hilly t ! Kuiiiiico r I !1 iront t ; , her d i.n : I-riton ; 1 ; o, ,i,.l ,ijwi bv Kfivprefs, bv iniwrteo! f r .cl pr in d. ni by nop'trti f Messenger ; bv Snip, nut of Jenny l'uter, bv True m ('i -ker I. as, hy imported Juni- I P r. ut ol' toe in;,t'rteil .M .iv 1 aeol. t, t v llrnor. ! te, Par t ; Mobv P.-r, il'l'a il.iiu hv iifHrt(il Ainerie in i'elinae it in. hi rac mare Alt'ler'a i e.j. r. nut ol the unaor. i;n !y Jim I'r iel.. ll:i ii .ir, out nl .Mr. M.nhy'a Amanita," by t'ol. Tiv ir, icn ot" iniported Mtil. Sp v out tt) (inti ii Xi i '. by Puree . bis il mi th- '. H mis i. bv imito'le l leii I'ot-o's m. r-; b r i roe w 'S by imported 1oi: " ti imrdin irv r.irt" un'f br'n 1 iinoiiK (r.i v 1 'i.'Un b V. It is deemed Hpr.ree..-y f i ex!i nl baek sny either t!o- pedierce , Kio (.rmde, nlfii(uh it em be fn.!v lrae n m toe l.ociisii Records laek i very loiii; ri foil of tunc, KlM.t.K A M T i: ni ;!i"t:"nub'y or.r anmn the fine! hore. in t. e v lode S.-inhtrn country. His toek is ot' fine ;., n markiib'y well-furrorif, durable, ati'l e.tsiiv m uMe'd. piimeni ln frtnt the vt i y best r.uhersof t-"-k in .oiith l'rnpni, tili'y si.-tnin nil :iMi. ni. re Ih.m is hen: ft.it tl en cerninj i to ir.i lo'e. If. ii unooubledly hii extra tinr litrse in evci v rr; eet. 'Phere ii not a sin gle drop of co.irM or iropnie tile d in hia teins. E:io-tai: imii; Wiil atui.l tie iirf.rlil a. ii..r. :i. t'llhiwa: Tne. en v nti't . Ni iiii l'.ir..i .ii.. 1 t lie II I r: 'a I. pel. on the 11 ,u I.' l ulnl Irie.iva ami jt. n(! i v ;it mv r (nnil e:in be iii Th'irni! ) :i mi the Siuul'e Leap, tern O itiai n the sure a m ire w it n'Z live m-irni tu-f in Previtienee Settienirr!, i ( h.h'tte tin Aitr;ii,iv and Hi ! t li'Iiin riH.lt 7Vn Ihtlhrr i.i.-.il Ihe timeof serviee J A"?, n ; ii imi Tffrtity 7tii to tn. 1. Any r Minn m hie loan put. iMiiH'iiv' 'he pymeHl for I lie ' V r n.1 whole, sh.ill he i ntitU d Ut the ai! of the above rates. MU mi rr pratis,ttt j The Season fid corvnv:ee nn Monday the 9.1 i , of M ireh, and end tlie V'bl of -lone. KIO bllAMiK will be r-juSar Ht his stainds Cpuhlie (la va ami i-ih wat-ra ex.-eplcil.) JA.MES IL DAVIS. Harris' Hotel, C DNCOUD, N. C. 1TIIS HOTKL, fortnrrly known tin the Smith iiutif( . Diivtiitr bt"n pu. 111 tniirtiULMi re. pair, ami r-tti r ui h hflw thrntihiMif, in now rf:nl y 5 lor tl.p TCucifion of pticht. Il.:vinir H-r ailvari. lao (f a fiol r-ilr unit U I. I he t:ittu will n I u ny !h l.uiinhl'till y cprc mI. iJril rKnun unit hiiiI rum. . ' Wl" hc '" ""lke " c"n'frtabie who m.y 1 atop at tlna Hoiiap. Travellers will find at thi Hotel, at all timra, f''eaoribr ptini ip.il n.:wpnper, pulilmhed .North or N.ulli, CIIAS. F. HARRIS, i'rniu irfnr. jV.rrA 3, l-.",7. Ill' Dissolution. rR'HK firrnof I.OWUIK & FAXI.-'Si- thi.d.iy i flmMolvid by mutual eonaent. All pernona . liavinp rj.nma apaiuat tne lale li r ill will pie.se present them lo P. J. I.owric tor aetilcinrnt, who alone ia authorized i-i aeiih- ibe aainr. LOWRIK k ENNISS. , iUrrh Ifi, lr;,7. 4 1 1' I AVIN'G told out lo Mr. P J I.owric all toy 3 9 interest in the Itcxtka, nrount, iiotei.,Vc . bf lonyipc to the firm of J.owne A: Kuninn, n!l thottff intitlitcd will m-ike puymrnt lo him, b he in alone riulhorizti to irtlle t lie unmr. J. II. E.VNIS3. .VrrA IH, I.'oT. Jlf A l.J. poron iri-fi-htcri to the If.te firm of f.ow H. Tie &l Imii tirf r qnct I to rirtU t fit; tt tror imnif ii'it u- v , nn tltH ijiiviaicitii ff tlit- Li f- firm mmt be clonr-ti. I wili roiitinu'? tci- llt,k huMi:t"r on my own hook. I'uH and t-p me. T. J. LOWIUK. March in. i:.:. 4tr JJemoval. : FBlIIE nibtrribcr inforniR bin frirnriF nnd tbe J3 public ctncral'y, tbut be bun removed hit In tin bnimr, one ioor Vet.t of Hrrm A St c!c'n St it", for in -1 y orr u pif (I bv A . Pu 'h urif vV in. as a Tailor's 'hot, wbf re he intenM to ktcti a gent. rtl tiffiurtiiH lit of TIN WAlll- STOVKS, 1 n-iiivh will be jiold nn an reusoimMe tt'rmrf u nny 1 ot ter shop in tho p'.iirc. To ii c'MiMiioij.ite hiH frirmlN ff-m the country, iip pro('if to In kc nil Kinrib uf in cxcbnnfje f.r TIN WAR!, or SToYKS. lie ret urns bin tb. ink s ti the t'Obiie !"r t to ir lihe. rtl pittromii;c, nnd ( tirpe by nltention to bo. !in"(i4 tontiil n.rrt their costrni. j 1j- ALT. OUKRS Foil ! wU be punrlij.il nt(. tided to, nnd at the ahort.at R. Y. MOORE. ; 4- 1 1 ' J-ll :, 27, IS.'. Ji rLMlSGTOS. X. C, ijijow.n .A iifiiossirr, M.ir YOi:h GKM'.RAI. COMMISSION M Ilia 11 A NTS. I'ena advances made on coiiaiinnienta. Sr4. 2, le.lfi. -JH-l y rJ an Bark Wanted ! J F. want to niireh ie l.00 ennia nf TAN PAIili, t'nr v!"rh we wnl pav tlie follow. prin a m I ASH, i.'-hvereil at -ur Tan V.nil, or at eit hi r of I he Kali Kwaii t pota at this pl.ici : White or ( h. -i nt Oak Mark 1 .iO Kid or Hlaci, O.k 4 00 U00NE k CO. Chvrlottr, hrrh 3, 1557. t!l it i aii I .N rt v K i i i I'ltor. i5i: :: vi rr'.nklm brought r!ertr;eity fmtn thr iirv? n tn r.irtb, but it reinnimi) lir Prof, lr ' R i 11 to p.a.,piT (nt fl'f-t r ir 1 1 l-j t-.e rtbt f of uiseast u and futtVnnc mort.ilf uisra.rt thiit heretofore b.t tiled the physicians old tre.Ttm''nt( sueli at Neuralgia, K Sif 11 lint tie 111, Pains, MitV JmnlS. e:i (pran, Swel. lini;-, P i is v , Ptlt , Un l)-t'.i!is, Ac, are now curtd by Prut. 1 e i r.ithV eh rtne oil m onr and (iro if ay. Ueni this letter from it PhvmcMit wlin has prarlised unco 1 J0 (too wdt known thr fcomnn nt) : Prof. Vv ln ith, riuhdelpii.i. Sir At inJerv ils, during thirty y ,irs p. iff, my w it'e t19 been Mibji-f tu rht uni.itisrn ol tbn inoft violtnt cist hjiV four tunes n yeif om--ttirn's in r vi. rr s to make it tieceff.iry to ruini n ijtter large doses of t e tincture of t-iiiarmn and mt.itj'.ua, nnd to rock her li;.e un iiif.nl in a b.rge roekinj; cbnir, to induce a ny repose. Having frcqucill correspondence with my son, (.No. ii 3 an attuek she li.id utmnl the m'ddie of Kit tnon'h, January . wine It was of such n Vcn! v u to com. plttely p.iralysr the yctem. He, in lus anxiety for his no-t' t r's w t !h re, ssnt me a b'iU e of y nur Kieclnc Oii ; but ;s I am one of the pr..etui.-m r of ntettiemr in our plate, jptl not a p.-'o-ly te t.i an hiiirl of pit-i.t mroieiee, I ran hev..te t. er it a Ir 01 ; hu we v r, nn re dee i on, I r-nc! n : d to tr v it, w Inch I n id, rt r su.n , 1. 1 re u ' to tbe letter, and nfter the Kurd or fdirtn apphr.ilion she became rather putsive, hd bebre t nr. third nt'tiie botile wan ucif, not a single vrtice ot the . di seise reiii uneil in tht system, ;ino she stnl cnn. tmtp-s Well, aitlnmjli she ron out a cinttnce of bitirt- en nnit s wtt'ioiit a r ut wJ nf any of m pvmptoms. I thereio'C liel it mv eititv. to: tne fi.tke of Mitfi run; ii um-tu ' v, nd a.o tu.; V belit v. ; wi0 tiiiit uo r t, unii' r an rirrnn.-liinci , nh'-ohi " be p war. :t d, to tor trti tout trhtuitt ni I .mi roii r, t r u!y ? ' 1 1 P. Pi Kivrot, M. P., N w Cr-taa P. M., p.-ir: t.o, t o., N. J. ! P. c Anv e.tiinnun eaiii'n for me will be re reivfiT bv si'dressinc to t!ie r..re ofiny son. ;oter chjnf. io.'l 'hemnit utreet PI i'delpbin, M tv I'l l, i Prof It Ci ti. I lir.v nt - n tbe vm tun m.tnr ; v :trt or a liiiflunTie r il'-etiof, ami lot lb iipi- t,f mv lui bs. I eon ti rot r ue mi b cml to inv he.i,', hi short, I V is tut.i iy be ph s. 1 npi.'i.d ",ir r fV !'''' t'fi' if I h,-,i hjtr.i ctf ' "'r I tr.n ' yr; f' fUh Ift'-lid. YoU Niay TV It T UllV MltoTfr to , rm. i k. nt rrniNs, 1 Seventeen ih nnd Thomnsfsn sireef. 1 Afr?. IT'ttehitis i is well kn'wn in Piiihith !pb;a "and can be a. d ri,-.. u on the subject bv atv one. i I'ArrmN Tiiere nrc pTtmefitMs unit limits ;,, uec up on the rctiut..llnil th..t my nrl.c Tbe puioic in u-t beware. Tt. b, neqii.ied. are worttdts, j -or by I Vix. II. M RRITniARI. mAc j,en f,,r rharhit'r, - nil .,U by I);urtiat. an Jco..t.v Mr-h..cu -.neraiiy. rKTjMnin.ii niiiii.miiiw.ul .-..!.. 1 1 ..rnr, $..raT. LIGHTNING RODS! .1 in Ihc town f ("harlf.ttf. fur the purpMRp of c)i(iu''tinjtr llip liiifhtning ItoH IftiKfninF. it prc purrd to lurtiitsli ull who nmy iN'mre prntfctmn fruiii Hi! frnrful iltmcnt Iehtninr in btii j Ttiwn nnH Cuiintry, with thp t iiuttcri'-l nud at j pru rp vittiin llic reauh of rvcry one who nwim a ; tftiriiirnt. j(tft ttl V WVkinnmi'i r -rnii : , wil. mtvl with .,,.,., .tt, ,, L. J. IIAWLKY k CO I I th. 21. I8.-7. S2tf Removal ! Homoval! ! fHMK ftiHtrrihfr hn r nivpH his TIN nd H. STOVi; SIH' in the iMMur f.rntor!v nrru. pirfl by Mi-?rr. ni.iir tV Orr, two onir l-tfl of N)nnu K .M' LrtnlV rirntr, where h w ill kei-p rffitstuntty on h.ind, u toinph lt; 'uirl full xiipply of I'lain. J;i paiiiifd &. Planished tix-waiii:. which hf will eH-11, oifher Wlii.h netlf or Retail, us low us any itil-.or hnnie in thu plnre, lie tvill oUo keep a full supply 4jf OOI & BOX vbirh will he ao!d a low aa can h i. fTdrdeu in tint, tiinrtet. of all kip'la d -ne with ncateeaa ami itipp'iiru. Tb.tiikiul fer pit favor br would njhrit n con tintjo nee of t he . me. SAM L T. W TJSTO.V. F'b.n.:". :i.n ii2 jjNolico. HAVIN.; oStamr-i Jitter 01 Arm n lit j-i?ioi Upon thr -s t ii f e nf W , P. Trntt r, dtc'H., 1 Would tflP tutt-l'P to ail p' rvtis ll'n, bte.i to tbp hlr Prrn of 'j honuiH 'J'i-ntt r A S"n, by Note or !"rk Arci.uiit, inr tbe l i-t bmr or tivt ytarn, to eumc forwirJ nti pny up without fnrtnr nebiy, thr concern muct be m ttli t) up ami thiret.y s:.Vi; Coct. TIIO. TRuTTKR. A'iTii'itinUtT ai"i tnj rmni; i'artnrr. Charlotte, tti. I ??. r-? ThrYAT'II nnd ' w ill, in tut ii r- be : r- wllfl p,,,,r ThrYAT'n nnd j r:vrf.n v vvisrs eon do r ted b I iu so bur n. re im p;t iii! r ex o'-ni-e tn JJIVe it III r 1 1 I'll.tCtinll. 1 r V ..teb n KPAlIU.N; i!nr.c in a mi:' rur mat:. n4 and ut niiorL noticr. TIIO. TRuTTKR. ! IA. 3, 13.17. -tll'l' ! JOHN IIKNUY WAVT. 31. I).. i srucKos ii:stist. foRAiii rr or thk INltimoPk oi.ir.cn of IVntm. Si roKON.-.) A Yl N ii bx'Hted pernr.n' nt') , tt tn:eri his proh .iiion;il rvi- t.i tin ciiirnne of iLiriottc an 1 vieiiiity. I'r. Vat prt ;.irf -m:,! ) atol olt urntor-, and 1 1 n con'lilKil it ii r j aeeidt tifii U Art.fri;.!r ! i. lln- Pfirr' rt'f.p of rmitir of u-t ti-eih and i'jn v. lb m it't-n nrinnr'dto inner' Artifieirtl after he nioit npprnved meilioiis. M'lier on Tryon-Ntatt-t, ii. rarsofi' i:r btii.fi. inJT. I'p Stti ts. ? . rf t n w:; iin.f rn n t t",i r r ." .ires i f r u; red. Anr. 1, lf.0. 1 TIIK I'l.ACK TO liET VOl'li JIOM.V D.lfK. ermeticdlly Eeakd Ambrotypes wnr i ranted never to Fade or Spot. fc lHOM tbe hrireot f.ife Size to l "th s tn. , JL kn ; al lor all kihiip nf f.nckt ts on ri:e?i I a nd ttherwise. i . t 'nl! ami examine. .'eeunens i d j;t l on? of the IJKi-NKSSKS ecu it s lake f..r t!i ' le innncv. AI.s.i If yni n:ir yoti'W.A Ti'H rmn a en !,, a mi it I iio not -r . ve ha'.tl.c ti I the money hack . Km. ni. un-atiiira, in t-trii ?-i N'-w I!r in'', nenr:y oppoaile J. T. c. S. M. U'air l!ui!J. lore. J. M. LANCASTER. ynit. ST, 1.7. 4Stf ROYAL HAVANA LUTTEKY. Tbe next rrdjnnry rirwiriL' of the Poya i IT ith. ti'i Lottery coTifMieted hv the Sp'tp;?! eriinieiil, nnHer the so per v i.-ion uf tht: ( apl-iin tt ner-il of Culia, a i)l i.ikc plate at Havana tn TIinlAY, MAY 7, tefi. $800,000. pokti:m M'.mi;i;m 50 okpixario, c riT.tr ricizr, sioo.ooo:: 1 pneolfr 100,000 1 4 prz-'-rf ?J.OOO 1 " I AO.OOO I.OoO no. 000 j ,vj aoo 10,000 M.l ' JOO A. OOO J y'C AprVxiin UO 4 Arttrxiniritinns to the ! h",' ( 0 'j'ilin ne'n 4 of $1H0 to :ili,0i?n; 4 oi iMi t. ft.'b,uiiO ; 4 o $400 tu $ H) I1'' ; 4 of $ lot) t;t ., "1Kb Wlmie 'Pick. Is f;i' ; Halves ?Hj ir tt rt ? " Prize cashed nt s.-phi at .1 pt r cent. diecunt. PiiMs tin all p"'ini' Paw . la .,i n at p-ir. A dr.iwmp will he fu. v. ardtd a -tn ns t'tt re suit heroine ..new n. t oinouiniealion rtfur (d f',, (.-are ..f (',tv !'.- ti! '.be ttii of M y. wi 1 b Person ii'dennc TeK' iK.mr s plain a i:t; r i vc tin ' to po T'Mpni t ii.iriiat-m, t. t .) 0!i attri't.t .1. s w ill p:ejne -r:te tl.t ir por-l otf.ee, roup ty i d stnte mS . ,v -. -'..''. ic jawajr v.f fc .' Xcv Oibinct Manufortorv I. C 11 A It LOT RV 3. A, k II. S. 0 : T I ; n e :i t HO h iiinj. ' irt.-i1 t'o-r-i.'-'v. a ai"pi.ipcr" Iy m tlu S I HAM SVW M' I I.AlM.Ni; ii'.l. lin.t.MU, ror t-.e MIM M AMTACI ERIN rn.M M"i;e T! l' lull S. ".V i U'ii c ! I a rnl i X i mint Tlitir work i? t arranti ii, ami t'i are an- h tli-.t t a I w.io l'l v t' .i.,;i. t rt.aaii'" . nrr ni,,', ro ni. r g. ttii.t ''lit ill. "..'.r e,.h. w arrant the heat (If I.. Up Wu' ctvn ;b tiv I w.io i'i- v t r t i tout. 3.7"OT!PTi. promptly n'lei j eri to pirc 1 1 ti l irtom. Turnine; .( a'l desrr::tinc muiuier hik3 ull"" prices, !y ,t a. a r :.mj:T. ai--:' c -.Jaii,--'-'"--'-'-- CAPITAL PHIZ'r. asS r 0.0 OO. '25 ti uirs oi.y 'i-.einp to tlie preat favor ' ?.'uii. her ."t'eri.a have beet illi 'hi:h our Sinpio lietri received bv the nub. re, r. no tiif lat'e drinnnd for 1 irkcta, the .ilnna. pir,S.Sw fi. Co., will have a drair'ir.tf each fat.- i:ru iy thr.niph.iut the year. I The follow in); Scheme rr;l! h- dra-vn in cacli of I their I otterira lor April, IS.'iT. t;i..As an. To be drawn in the Ci'y nf All inia, (?., in p-:li-bhe.on t'ATt'S LA Y , May 2, 1CJ7, CLASS 3.5. To be draw n in lh' eitv of Allarbi, Oh., in p-jh!rc(- on SA I I KJIA V , M y Win, ., CLASS :tf!, To Le dri' n in the eilv ol A tlanfa, On., in p-)-Ik, on SATl'R DA Y, .May 13, IT, CLASS 37, To Se crar;n in the eitv of Atlanta, On., in pdr. lie, on SATl'KDAY. May 23d, 157, CLASS 3 , To be drawn in li e . it v of Atlanta, fin., in puVi'!, on SATl Ii DAY, M..y 3t'ti., 165?, OS TIIK PLAN OF 3,ju FiuziiiiS i'i WORE THAN 1 ralK TO ZVKRY 10 Tit KflR, 7f H'i5 n ni IIBAV. V rtf ii siiiKDiv ir n.ivj I Pnr.e of ;.0.("10 in t30fnn i " ao.ann i jjo.hho' 1 " ! 0.(100 n 10,0110 1 " 10,000 in jo.ono I ' Vine it 5,0o" 1 " 5,m (i i.i S.OOIT 1 fi.iHUi 5,000' I " 2..100 ia 2,500 1 " 2. ."iint ta 2..'.li0 I S..V 0 in 2..i('it 1 2.500 in 2 5 a 1 " 2.500 H 2,ji.m I ' 2,5' 0 in 2,.'.l" 1 1,(100 im 1 Oof" 1 '" 1.000 it 1,010 I " I.ui'li ia I, fl'dl 1 1,0011 19 1,1100 I " J.tm'i ie I.fl'in 1'i" i Pr:7i. of H0 Br. lli.OliO I'iO " 50 nrc 5.01.11 Al'rr.'.X''.!AT!'i- I'U17F.S. I Prircfc n:'a)-.'2.'i A.iprm. to .'i"i,0'i0 are ?Tr'0 4 " ion 'ii,0(r ,.re )'. to fi " ' '"'I " ,11,000 are f.l I 12 ' 50 " S.t'OO ire dim 21 " " 3.1 ' 2.5tio nr; 72(' 20 " " ' 1,001) are .VII 3, Oho ' i"j af- f.M,oi'll 3 SOC PTlyra aininntiiiff to 520 I.OHO Wholo Tlnk'ts $10. Halvps 5. Qi:.n'r 2. M, or The Nunib-ts iiik i.nniT. i 1 to ' rorrc-ifindire wittt tb.ese ui:!ln rf oil fi, p,iraf shpf ot i-r, jr n luhes iifi'1 p.:tr,.n ir tme W) print. -ri fn ut. w ith mni, t.n I I be fir-1 'J I h I . ; 7 f. , ? oil. r v ir.'rr: cirelpi!, Mre ,t.-t! in n.'-her mr-. The w bet - nr then rt vnlo ti, a nd a r. nmbi r is draw n rVoti i t he he-1 nf . tno'.e rs, ;;m! n t the nuivr time a J'rize i dr;un Iniin toe utii- r wheel. 'J lie .Number ami Prize drnwn out oio opt'nt-ii anJ m. hihih tl tri tii' uudu net, j,n,i r ister d by t h Com ins b. nt ; ihc Pr I ze : " ph. - H ; u-nn t I hr Number (ir.tu n. This tsp t.i i io.i it rtpr"cl until uil tbt Pri7 n are nr-twn out. ArrRoiM.'T""N F'rtiF T'n- t -n pi c .,r 3nd tat tr., o'T ilui ak tu.ih. ( t. to :lue drawmif tii first Prizes wit! te liii'ti-; to tl.t I'i Approxi mation Prres, aeeorduiG to rbr srhnne. i The 3,h0u Prize h o! ?JiJ wih be oe'ei mined b tbe btt fiwt.rc ot (lie puiiilf r tbut driTPfi the $.jDJM)I) Pr: . V. r e jnrnpie, if llir .nmber i'mhihi! th . 0o,jfn Vi jv m. w.tli No. lf then all Im- Tiek. i ts where th number eni.s in ?, will be ent.tled to I'- the Nor-ibtr enii with No. X, thin nil ti.-: Tie! t t'- be. c the N un' be r n; in '2 will be eeli!-!) te 'inti so on t. 0. f rrtijicr.' nt' Vtnko? -il! bp pre H ml tht lev. mj; riiu. aIhu: ne r..-K : l'.-rt.fir..!e o; P:ie;;hL'e o1' l Whrlv Ticlie's 1't .,f ItMjtMirt'f ! " 10 f.ihth ful. 40 Jl) N MK i n ifi ri',,.FT-' nn ( kr mm trrt eie!ot! the iiient v to our at:t:rt e m t to- 'Jhcut t ordtrt n, on reeeiptof whieU tney w;l!t be lhrw.ir;ed by fir--l mail. Purhasi Is i'jii !i i"r tickets entJinp in any h'iire Im y u.iy m-rutv. 'J'f.e I a1 si of v.thw ii IN am;rr s n nd Prizes wi!l b s- i t tn porf hasv rn lmmr.fmte'y .1 iVr the oraw inp. J i Ptireli isers wi'i ph- ise b tiIl tiieir sienalurrs phi in, ni.J t'v' tbeif pift olV.re, Coiinlv iil.d Stiile. X7 lieim in h r th'.t tvery Priz-; is drawn and ptyahf, ni ml! w;tnoiit dtunc'K'i. i.r"A!J prize ot $!JM!!I mt, um'er, p'lir! imirr. dntt iy aflt r the i.nwinj ;h r Prizes at the us. -u:t tunc ot .1'J diivc. Ah conirnumeftlioii firirtly rnnfidc,i tial. Pr' ze Tie net ci shct: or ru;t wu; in other T'ekfts at eit i-r oiii 'e. Audrel Orders fof Ticktts or rertif.riiti s, ci hcr to ; S. SWAN k CO., AHatam a a. or " " Tihtnt 7nf ifi J!t TT A Imt tf thr nombr! that nrc drawn from the wheel, with ti e amount of the prize thateneh one is entitled to, will In? pul lubed nfter rrrr drawing', in the follow .-n;? papers: Aw Orleans Vift, WaMe Il'nifter, ChdTiestnn Standard. ri;.V bnw'r, Atlanta hl'W'jtnrrr , .Y. York Week. Iy P'ty Hoi) ant! Strann-ih M"riting AVir. TISKVS PATKXT 3IFrALfJC : RURIAU'ASES. fBHH subscriber informs th ritzAim of Chsr IL lt u- and the pnbhr r-ntrally, that be has jnst received a s'ippiy n?' Ki.ks Itur.ul Cr.sts, which he i 1 fi"' r s tu t;.e peblie. , ALSO COFKlNa' ritltrr of Mab,.f .my, IVnlnut or other wnoti, as nny Sc u-.-sired. A ylj All KiioKo: r I'K.NPI I KK. un hflPd.nr made .T ier nt the shortest nt-liec ud most rv 1'iisbie rjti-9. J. M. SANDERS. Srpt, ft, !;.(;. o.i(I- A Afw T.-iiiorOts: INI:illil- ii ni I . E AMTs DUI NT iiif-rnia l.-a fri r,.' end for. mer palrnn., :..ii I .. i, .. r, nift;, e lua TAil,. OIMSU KTAl!I ISIIMK.VI- in S,.-.i-- i, w liliii.ai', win re t.e wii' h, h .ppv ... aoT olid w.mt'iic i.nvl ii'p in'ti" ii. In. iine. Ail work w i rra n t. H. s,;t -fn, !-.', 37lf Fashionable SJazar ! I "rV T)f I.SIH W reaieetrnuy ir ,tSL foima her fuenila ami tn t Z- iV; J-". ' l"'h i' ,-li :: tti.it she i mm WlS'VCir ,n r'f' l'! n''h,r' F''' '' v'nt iiKSfitri .'"1S, cr,.,, tin; ,.f V, w arc v-'VJ K.'aiii'.i.ib'i Mi'.: teat i.ttUa, sUo M lilin. r v oi l '.- ,i AM' l.TTIiri FANCY Alh'ICI.KS. e . .en l- i! .. ; .. . Ju'ioa.-lv, h .t 'l 1 I I I'm -V 'I ! i:! w.ll a-Torii her w.it,. ' 1 a, ' r"? T I ', ' a ; to -n1....'y ;i I'- r ere , ,.,,.,. h-r Mi..: rt a-., ii I ' m ft

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