mzzmtZZZZlZZZzzZZlZzzZZzzmz,zz TTIIMIIIIIIII II I I L..lT.II I IIUWHWU,'. Jl.ll tllmiWHI H HW till If III JllaU'Wje Hill, II 1 1 MWiM' II Hill I I II fill H '..,!.' "..""''".' ' " " ' fft " t" I fl ''tori I - I lHVi(ll ' ' "Be iJ-ue b fab Jo tjou VOLUME G, isrxJ3Vs:i3E. 1.0. Id THOMAS J. HOLTON, Kditor k 1'ROrUUTOR. ' TKK.Mr: Tlie.N'irt! '','OR Whip will bt afforded touh. rilM ' Jt TWO TmiM.aRS in advance ; TWO bol.i AKi- .vi - 1 ;m i p;j;.;l,.k.j Mtne md of th. rr. Np. will be rii.cnn. nticl until all arrearage! are I'a.u.exceut at Hit "' ,ur " . : "' ,, 0 the Kditur. . . (16ii"i"r li-,tlii)iiel ijpc) for the r,rt inner. 1. u.rliiioiii.'nli 1 11 aft rf I'rt 1. 1 I la... lUlt.. .. I 1 on, niMceiiiirirf ami eoiituiuiiiici,., Court d. nnd fil.M..H'. U.l... t 1 .1" . r,,.,nei.i and PI.erifl Sole, ch.rged as (K-rjlow window where .lent the miser befide bis t. higher ! and dwlnetioii of 3JJ per crnt. will 1J0, 0f plj r (, .r. Atterti-.iii(iiU inm-rtd nioiuhly i.r nu.rt'-rlT, at $1 ier "qinre for r.i ii tin e. bemi. m.mlhly 5 reuli pr aqiiare f?eiicii"iinie. 4jl'oiitiiiiifr.' iWited to aet Ee,iti tea""' 'f.-'-- 1. , ,- inn atfsru. motzisr. THE TEDS OF IHIR. Ah me ! thi impV fiI!cfi Lr-iid life iH-ufcr-!, h"t? summer wm'ii o Ijtf!? M'aircd. A fiti hT (InfTi of! he plajrri, V ith toll c tft fettfa. Mr 1 ih-Hff, N f Hinrr hrr f tirjr fnn it renf StuU pluck their tl'fr! Wit lfih!ft bijii, nor b!rtm, alt ! 'n flurm lh d-ad ! rh poo! witttU fafetlirip &t P Wjkr fiiiirumf only mtd the gr Above h f litd, Afiufjii lirr, bppy an ilun, IT if mrrf ?oip shall i-trr ptfi, Ssohtrtf r-rhora wke the git n, With muie litiging ! A ttd bifct ft-joice, At?i nurnmer Bfri brt stiie ft tn.i Hut l"f hl! r hif, i fcin-ir, lief litviug tvir J Mr tft rt? fHrfl n ilH i-'.iPilln tc-r. My be rl wmH c-tf-m ; An l bsff tay iitV, ud ami nurff, i-it bttt iff. wi;h mv tji arJ !tra Uitbin lur tmb! 3TliscflIancous. 2om liit American I'tnni. tn T ii i: n 1 1 I u II T ,l A l : A TALK OF A rittr.MtVH MKI. tY HMMA CABP.A. o.NTiirrn. CIIArTEI. II. Tiir. Misr.a'a nox or ofit Tier DEATH SilRI.K tV A VP TIM. After Clara ha ! arranged everything for n 1 a terw,u to Mep down the ttre-i . to , .'.r. I.arlc e, the widowed mother of It- When the mier had been alone a fei moments, be looked cautiniilv arsund the ' ' "' " lf t0 nla'(, Mir t'' ,",'r WSi ,n' 1 l.rune'.s'con'-ort-warmedabriek to rut , , , n'V '"Mt "venge ; le sale there will go with you and then j ,ftpr her immersion s " came up out of aud, including even some of the police, to poll,)ent 0, the N. Y. News gives tbe follow i i mi ,c iu.,i. hi. iint: l slmil he mine j ' and then glancing towards ! return and do what 1 can towards extin- tl,e water " relieved frii ber affliction and ' commence an indiscriminate slaughter of . . , .. , , , , ' b" n," W7"?n .l'd-Sn.WB the closet door, he whispered, Jlc too must ,,shing the fire and finding out the pcrpe- ' Z .'ahled t proeej.-. hVr hotuc w""hc-ut : ue passengers, and the indiscriminate plun- ln? expedient resorted t ii-ar the fli, and performed various other dj, wotlld be but l.aif com-. trator of this dreadful deed." ' tl, l'n .be .:,,! Tin's wnn. I der of their bagaee. So unprovoked aud by a sprig of the law near Genesee : i t .e oilieti that tinee the rieatj ol her p!,.(., .' , When William took the box be thought ; H,f! -r. .i.i',rf f ! wantou au outrage upon life and property. A law suit was to come off in town, am itiothrr "ne had been accustomed to perform, u l(J-s (1(.re-' inirrtJ the uii-cr diow- ; he would carry it home for safe keeping, v,,r- foPi;r, rmrkj ( ibe 'nuiw of the 1 could not be allowed to pass wit bout notice, voung Spooney engaged to subrona the wit l. .a.e the oid man goo'l-tn-lit, am a. sj!y, w;t, cv, clOAC,j knowing that it must be of value or Clara ! cl,'rch who attribute! it to the at-encv of and accordingly the indignation which was ncssas. The road were almost iuipaabl nave pern, lell nim 19 go li lier ruimurr, y i . .,,.,,) -0j, nl4 f., trould mtt Iit run herrd it amid sneh .... I o-:-:. I felt and llm rnunlrv. onimt .-.f tb mud .and t wo of the w It eeo M oiwr one present , men rl"n . I C and were riveted on the form that bent over licked the entry door, drew the "'u'owhim. Tbe wretched victim essayed lo cry e'Htiini mire wcurelr, then taking a key f,,r I,,,, , ,ir0ng hand coinpre-scd bis from his pocket, he unlocked a smail cup-,1, , Miml , ni kouiiIs save otic smothered hoard over the manteb piece, and took forth box a font and a ba.f in length, a foot in "i-mn. sno, annul tne same wniin.aiiu eurcu mil place.! side ami it on the round oak stand by his snnls for the Grst time sinee he entered ' tiie room now played over bis features. " Tins ii all mine," he said, all mine ; le turndtli key in tbe lock that guarded : hu treasure. "What would lhe world be if it pt not for this ? ( wnmtT this ' I could eat, drink and be merry over what ire callrd the good things of lbi world j l"it ht. no' that is not the way I want to fnjoy it. I want ta im it every ni "lit be-; firo I -lei p want lo see it glisten as I handle ; :. ..i . . . i, i -i . - i I i.. ami pnii n on Hie lan.fl ursine me. . what would the world be without gold! True, 1 I woriicd bard for it in my youth, and once I thought lo enjoy ii differently, and should, ; !" 1 Vh, tb Idol of my j "ith became my Bif ; but when she actually jilted me, and . married another richer than myself,I hated j t'.e world, and tmw tb 'y call mc a 'ell, kt theiti, I care not so that this liniing metal is iiihiK.' ' And lie took it from the strong, box. and ; played with the different pieces as a child j would play with its toys; now arranging , 'hem in rows, then piling the;, in mimic f architectures with the larger coiu at the base : 1 limaxed by a tiuy dollar. I At length the miser irew weary of bis . . ain;ii.m,,,ifi and slowly and carefully he re piaued the pieces one by one in the box, and locked it i then rising, ho pl.teed the "nail table, nt th-i head of his bed with the l10 containing his treasures still standing on it, " I can sleep butter if thou art near me," e muttered half audibly, and then con tinned, "Thou hast been my guardian ere t" -night, and if flames ihould encompass mc hese fill be easy to find." I he tiiiser returned to the large) fireplace, '.d pirling the brands, be placed them endwise inside tho jamb, nnd covered the embers with a hes ; and then divesting hint ell of hi.i coarse garments, be robed his looping form in the woollen wrapper, and 'ay down to sleep.!S dow hi. U,i! t? B!a,cd P '"! tread, now pceriminto ,nm. cellar. where sound, of prolonged revelry . Uvr. ivliiuu mm iume ami v. i itAii went to trove that in a ,.rni n;r .1. .' -J' " no ..reier darkness, to light.l I' " e Weill Uia wear? round, he Punned j hero and there down dark al'leya to the .. 1 ,. . . lRJB 10 ' ' O j "h"h au 'e.i as 11 i aearen of tho8e ho ciioo.-c Hie uiKiim-ht mur to do dnrV il... .1. I .c" ur'' 0 ,or'" wc" protected from the ""ry nasi paced to and fro beneath lb : 1 .-..: 1 I . . . "l ,,PP "in sgnin, for with the "'-"ide of the old mansion we have but little to do at preoeut. The beautiful Clam I'.ir. i chard iout.Jlj hlccping in her Warm I b'd, of ber lover who wan to icr, i.;u ti, .t,.. i.M ..... ,.c,u in.,, j.rifouer was yin beneath her pillow. And the young .reman naa lorjo ten How narrow was bis uuiauimw una ui were troutileu ; at one time lie thought he wa9 encompassed y fiery serpents, who shot their deadlv fangs into bis quivering flesh; and then in i.mcy, he saw his idolized Clara roaming . ...... i .t . . -. . ' , . ,,. ' o through love of h.mbut enough of dreama ; kt out faithful pen depict a rcci.e from wbieb even now our soul recoils. lne midnight bell had struck, and the heavy Lreathing of the miser told plainly .... vut 11 1 110 mi fcia h iienni iks rjnirii r 111.1.1 ...u. nc. ji naa caueii mm to lorget Ins reure. rtii was silent in the old mansion, save the tick of the eight day clock in the comer, when the full valance that hung , : . , v., vn iue i ..mi imager. n was uot .roiu the tide Urs of the bedstead where i so large, ho thought, as tl.e one that crazed 1 t li ..1.1 t n .1..k. 1 . .!!. , . ' me t.j man mciu'-rt, the . slept, ?gan to Mir lor i t th ut cnnsi .) e move, meut, could not be seen even if others Ic.-ide the o.d man had been in the room, and then j the lip of a light shoe was vitible from bc jneath the bed. , n.ntm nt more, and a I masculine hand as sbw ly extended beyond the deep ri.!lie that urround" i the l ed, Mid there crept forth from hi hiding p'a?e be- ' "lr ii me miser n ei ,seeii, he would have trembled and cried for j help would have clenched bis box of Ii.'iMi II... 1 .. .1 1. '. t . I . I ,treaure, and exclaimed, i.i ii i.i l.od l,ac mercy on me . I , w.v,o rj" uc vivnru I 'I :ierp. and it was we'! far bim that tl.ev ware. OT It made f,im UneOli.ciOUS nf tlie blnn.1v : . . . j M r... .t... . .1- , . . . J inai iinm mm a late that no liumau power eould now avert, when the opportu nity ff.r sueh a deed was so f ivorable. ! Cautioiuly the asa'siu arose t. his feet, and by the dim th-rb d iijl.t had been left burning, aud which lit the room vo scantily, he looked around, s if to make sure thrie waa nothing present to thwart bis purpo.-e. I The eyes of tbe niidi-ight intruder were ; blacker thio (he deepc-t ti'm' of the raven's j wing, and there waa a compression of i.if i.i. i; r - - - - - .... . - ... , it. . i i . j.. i ...J Kr nun was sure to be completed. A g l,,.tl , wtiiiene.s as on his t-heelc and brow, an jj it seemed a. if th friends had lent their aid 1 in giving him an expres.ion of fury as ,c I Hew irom beneath biscoat a sharp poikfoard. aud examined it keru glistening edge. I ;iS!ow4j and cautiously the asss.ssi.i bared bis arms, went towards the noor. ! tnunieaiit of the EpiWp.l Church, bavinrlof occurrence, that it can hardly be ; his arms to his elbow, and then passed round ' he noise partially aroused the girl who , hlWy heQa colYeTtcln0 ,i,e iaplit ! forgotten. It was at Panama on the loth to the front of the bed. j released herself by a violent ellort d u,)(i,;r ,ht. raitlif tratio,pf the Wil- of April la.t, that the niaacre took place, j " U ould that I could persecute vou far- 1 reached the small tanle ; taking the box that ; liamB of ttl0 pirJt JJaUst Church of that : bJ which several Americans lust their lives. tlu r than death," he muttered ; and then, eontamed the gold she tried to leave the cj,v on Sunday tyeiiim' immersed in i The affair grew out of an altercation be ' with ghastly Mui!e he added, " If it were ! room, but illiam M.atcbcd it from her, th; j,reS(,,lc, of g Uroongregation. This ' een a fruit-seller and one of the passcn- Lut po.sible, how I should like (o pile the j saying: ilariv had been sfili-ld for a number of gors across the Isthmus. The firing of a figgots around your worthless carcase, and I cist a ourniug irani in tneir mi ist . nut as : Tl,e old man Mill half uncot.sf ious, raised his head from bis pillow and stretched out h;s . witnered arm for his treasure, e xc laitntn? : I '' "'7 gn''' 'Pre me my gold !" T ihi- K.r. I in U'ord. that .rrr spoke, for at this moment his ryes opened ib!iri(,k R, ,,Je fir.t t,ovr 0f noiguard ; lni) tbf t,n.s, ntu.r ,,ru.t 0f tiC P,pou's ; p0jnl drained alnio't to the last drop the !, ,.),,, grt,.ri,.f 0f Simon Morey. the miser. . Ai, ; .,!,. ,., ,bt fir.t I smothered shriek, and the echoes of that,1 awoke the sleep, r iu the closet. i William Earle started from his troubled dreams and listened for another sound like! that a bieh awoke bim but all was silent ! again sn 1 he concluded that it wa but bis dream that had assumed a fancied sound, ! and perhaps the eloe nir of his prison had j caused it ; so hn cleared fiom the aperture the nui'.t that had obstructed the air, and i ' , - i- i j i- . . ; once more laying ins neao on nis leuiji'irnrj pill iw. he tried to sleep again. and now ! . . . . . . . . he thought he heard a baud on the door of the close t as if sonic ono waa trying to open it, but be dur.-t r. I speak for hu leaied that it might be the uncle of Clara, Again the door w-.s tried and this time there fell upon his ear a deep curse that the door cauld tint he ppent-d. William coeld kerp silent no longer. .. Who's there T" ilemanded be ; but tia anawrr was returned, mid the young man began to think that all was only imagination, ai,'d on.'C more he tried to compose himself 0 ,.ep. V hen the assassin saw that the dark closet was barred against him he stood for a moment throuehtfullv. aud then whispering to him self, "Hall havo it now I be snatched live eoals from beneath the ashes and threw them upon the bed where lay tho lifeless body of the miser ; then turning to the table at tho head of th? bed bo took the box of gold and stepped towards the outer door ; stopping suddeiily, however, bo replaced it, exclaimiri" : " Fool ! know I not that it would betray me?'' William placed his f.ico near the opening to inhale the fresh air, for he was too per turbed to rest, but in a moment after he saw a pair of dark eye glistening upon him from nitnout, and then a weapon was just descried iu lhe darkness. William sprang from his resting place and avoided the weapon as it ce.ved only a alight scratch ou his face and ous, arm. i , 1 h .m..... t i..-.i.nt . j ip-n- . hi ,W.. .1. I .,, Y. n 1 . 1 . ' .1. , " uu,l"" He retreated too far from th e aperture 1 ree-iv. II .. ...w nnuilltl U1UIT II 10 111 the a'Basniii's ""T11! m"" uow s ne conunucu to murder, tbe form ouUido Tanubed from hi. .;..!. luo luna uuuiuo vauiauea ironi "fc"', ror a few moments did the young man fifill fn. I...IM I...I I I I '. f .11 .1 ..... ucijj uui uuuc uearu mm, ior llara cuanibcr was too far away and youth gen erally uleeps soundly, and then there came within hi narrow jirieon the scent of burnin" linen, and at tbix. moment be heard the -.ii.uuu. runs auo ct v outsiue, 01 nra . ni w'i'.T iy r. but Bill, n mfiii ltr Kluiiim.. ..ITH. L.- X ' .1 I ' I . 1. . i-v "" "-"1' ' ii'iii ine fine 01 Ins eel. -like lodi-ing room then placed bis feet against the door. ami j strong panels gave way, the hinges broke , anu tbe lover of Clara Blood within the parlor of the old mansion. The surround ings of tbe bed were blazing. " Wretch aa he is," muttered V.'illiaru, " I cannot bear to see him burnt alive. No. for h. ,. nJ 1... :. i. :. .1 1 " 11c is, ue is me uneie 01 t iara. Springing to the side of the bed he threw jdown the Mazing bed clothes, when who can paint the scene that met his gaze ! I The miscr'a tightlei eve bails glared full ; upon bim, and in the cenu e of his henrtwas i buried juried a weapon to the hilt, the handle oniv i ,r, . . j- t, , . . . lett protrudniL'. .Scarce v knowtrw w hnt ,,.. , , ' . , " did i nam sank on tht le o the bed withdrew the fatal da-'er It was not mi. mv.) li K us not ns own face aud arm, and vet h did not doubt that the same hand had ouided hnth i that night. " .( crtsffir. Mill. In.1, ..J ln,l... Mii.ivuuw, as me might reflection trom within Went ou- mrougu tue tun, curiaimi; and now tbe ,. , . ueHru Ul rauie 01 tne engine whee.sand the voices of hi 1 comrads as they neared the house. At this moment Clara 1.1 .'. oursi into the room, exulauning : I " 0 Willi tm, William: )o arouso uncle !'' my " He will never wake again," answered ; , r. - the young man, while his face was livid with 1 e ill uiion, aim lie poiiueu 10 lUti Ul ailgleG lomi ! before bim I Clnm mi. nnn Im.rl l.r'l- ll.., " r ........ 1 ' 7 fc . v.. to Der lover, she nr. aimed W ho did this : " I know imt," was the wild response : "but there has been an assassin here to- 1 . : .i . i U I J 1 1 1 . Clara looked at the weapon still in lia hand, and theu at the slight wound on his . 'check and the blood st.iined slfirt he wore, and the sight aeemed slm.jet to congeal her "f0 blood, aud wilheneloud wail she sank on t,! I"0'- At this moment there were 1 t. "loii. eln.i.f.r"".. to b' . .-d mi Hi"! . nut iin.isi.i stoou siunenea. anu in anoii:ti iiustant ti e outer door was forced and oum - her rushed in to extinguish the flames And now for the first time did William seem leui.iu wi uuiiuuu ; springing I'j u.o closet be put on his coit, and catching dura " Go lo my mother's bouse, Clara ; it is nut a nine way now n tne si reel ami you wi i scenes and in such confusion, so again ask- ing the girl to follow him be hurried out. nor did he perceive that she was not with him until be was some distance from the obi innltklrin Aft..r hnd r.t. hod bin hilln. and drposited the l;-x iu his own sleeping- room, he was about to return to the scene of horror, when he met in the entiy hist mother who had been awakened by the alarm of fire. ' Mother," said be, " there lias been a dreadful trsgedy enacted iu our neighbor- hood to-night Simon Morey has been mur- dered." " " Murder.,1 V r.asPe.1 the widow gasp " Yes mother. In his own home, even In his owu bed." "O Heavens ! William i by whom ?" ' 1 know not. mother : but I must not ton to till mv mora now. for the aisassin when he had accomplished the deed of blood, sought to hide all by making a heap of ashi s of the old matiioii, and I must now go and join my company who art- there Irving to extinguish the flau.i-" and before Mrs. . I .1 i .i ' -i .i r.ari cciino niaKe auouier reiuara, ine ycunii; fireman darted out of the door and retraced uiin vuui'i in-iAt; iin;tii'i iriiiiiiR.. me it'un .. .. his steps to the miser i houe. " Where is our Captain; tonight?" naked one of the firemen as he stood at the brakes with his companions, forcing a largo stream of water through a bro!;cn winelow into the 1 ... il. !!....,. I...1 ,,..,. ,! i Iiail'.l n uriG ...u nun" a ,i . .iii.i, ir... ..j , . ., spreau rapiuiy. . " It is always hard to tell where he is : when duly calls," answered one by his side. ! " Is it. answered William, springing to the top of the machine and giving orders how to proceed ; and now another and another engine whirled rapidly down the street, and soon the fire was subdued. When (Mara saw her bver depart with the box that she knew contained a partiou ot lier uncle ealth, her lust tnougiit was to follow him and remain with Ins mother till the flames were quenuhed j and then other thoughts rushed through her mind, and turning she begged ouc standing near to get assistance uud take the lifeless .body of iter uncle front the room. In a moment Mir-i Jiirehard was obeyed and the corpse was removed to a chamber where the flames did not reach it again. When the fire was extinct William left his companions and returned to find tho miser's niece, but lie found the clumber door which contained Mr. Morey's body was closed while within a number bad assembled. William asked to be admitted but be was denied ; the one raying that they bal sent tb. proper author . and no more could the cbambc. bey came. . J he yomg "ton saw ti.fb the door . t .. . . . . i . - . ; - i , , "P'f Cr .h'.1J. " f fcer I e 'veo, anu ne dcckou ber to come j nean-r. but while ber still paler to 1 she turned it awav. ar.o lain, with a : fcelitif of dinnnnniiitniiitt t! ha would nit ifry i now regard him as her b' -iend, turned ! ! of . 7-' v .y-. , I their room and taik'over lU'eadfal affair 'of the murder. a ; TO BE CONTI.M Tr.r.Ri riLK Oi;tr Aa-t tw. The ' Kor.iaabeVi; Gazette rii.i.1e fallowin? : aicracei'ul aitair : t The s',r&tr rf s'j'a'j ot Gutttdt. 1 in hapten, -l'Auys. , iit-ir termiur. . tett bis apprent.reshij! a fur.:ier, gave on the occasion a trrn: Jmuuet to nil the nirister furriers of thiru. After a good deal of wine had beemnk, the conversa tion turned 011 the tstfixiou of Christ, and the guests, regardi of the considera tion due to their host, l-ted that ho was responsible for the eriuf his ancestors. One of them at length oposed that as a punishment, the young n should undergo the operaliou of bavin-, cross cut on his j Per.-on. J he propositi. was adopted with ! applause, and tbe younnan, in spite of a !i ;.. i.;. i '..u 'Vi ' .j ' l. i l. ... ue.-iierate re'i-tance. h.a cross cut decn- : - ...... V ' "'- nuueu. lie lid ihouiii-'IY Uitve i . ... . net ii luriuer iii, oy au almost j superhuman exercise . strength, he had . v i " J : , hor hrrvken frnm l,it n.l..i.iji und niGhcri ! into the street. rVltT( t'.ill atifl ; I J .- i.:.' t ! : . . , . .' , .., , . assi.-tntiee was procuredr hitn, but the lo-s , V. , , i.f l. in.,.! . . .t.t : , i . ', ...t.-...."".' hor tit cavini him i ontrurH U Bsint-f , ams ..n f ullim t,.taV.U ....nm, ntii,rth. - fl n.r number- . , ition in S(..ciL.(J) were asted and Beut to , Udl.sburg to take their j 1 The Law of LiHi.i,.-re observe that a bill to prevent vexati.jusiel suits has pass ed the iNew Xork te, with a streu; probability that it will pt the other House. v , , . . i - . . provides that in any aeon for libel against c"'l'i s UI pi opi leiors OI CWSpapers, IllHg l- zinen nr rn.riailinoUTM.KI.od !n the Sfntn tor rinnlibin urn. ....r Kl.l, Hioc brn .5 y -.v...-., - pien nrtvious v nnb i.h.iuanyncwspaper. ; magazine or perioo.eaDhe piaiutin sunn , ' " man is actual s, , which must Le specilidW alleged in the ...i..:.. ....i it . ..j v.. compumt, ami proved t controvertea ny T. T, , ,'l'e letraam; umess t ie plaintiff shall allege ane jrove malice in the faet ; provided that this t fball not apply .r ..e.c suci ,.Uuu,uw ; shall have refused, beffs tbe commence nient of tbe aetiou, to .bltBh gratuitoualy, t t TLiiuest r.t f ... rinevert art or explanation o aueeed I IDC1IOUS v a iii1- : nicie sijuea t y mm. I L ! IncidiJt. The Biltimore i T.,.:, tj ,,;.!;-, ,1.. u-esfern nart. of the ci fnrmerlv . com. vca'ra with the rheumau so mi'ch soibat . ,. n, nn.), . in , vithout assi.-tance. : r. .Tlt action OF CJVEH FROM J.KAD. A : thorough scientific press of separating sil- Vfr trOlU lead llllS tlC'e Originated UV a .'Ir. ; : I'atterson, an EnglisbInvenKr. It is found-' ; "J on the property w.icti fused lead has ot : ! becoming solid, or ostaSizing at a lower . temperature than silvj-, .o that if a q ianti- j ! ty of argentiferous (iletia be reduced to ; ; the liquid state, and hen allowed to cool, ! crystals of neajy pure lead will be j ; j f formed , these can bf aeparated by meana;0f an irou strainer, ad iu proportion as this ; lis done, the liquid in Is ktt behind becomes i '',l'er and richer in liver, lhe operation ; iseood,i,...i in o..liron nan, . . ... ........... . ... . . . ; each holding about tiree tons of metal, and ' heated bv a Ore held. The process is re : pealed three or lour lines for each charge, 1 and the rich silver I finely purified from the lead by cupeliatjiu. i , . j FqijA ttx fr Hi- TvMasiTS4Tro .. ,', ' , '' ' . ' ; r.v Clin kens and 1'i.ACKitKHsi. lbetom- ' a,l 1 ,t . - . V . r,,''L. , r , " "' " 1 1 j i . l a il ' I .'i i. uiu'hu I K iu uu' otii..i.d.m,.i. it ti .iArtiini-.r. , T ' " i j '"vd". It has , w.. .. .I.i.. i .. ....... k.......i .n.i l. .. K: ... i iieuonie uioroiiginy uoiues.cineo, auu conies j regularly for its food. Iustead of roosting l " 1 as the chicscns no, it talf s a position on , , .the roosters back who bea-s the weight of hi.i liitle friend with great god uature. Rut the most singular of ail is, tkit it haalcarned to crow like a cock, and tow regularly, more frequently than the roister, and seems to be vain of its accomplishment. It is a hona fide crow, clear aid loud, similar to that of a young rooster. Tbe bird can be seen and beard daily, an4 if any one doubts its truth, they can be caivinced by seeing and hearing fir themsilvcj. Tbe age is progressive, and the biris are keeping up with the times. A Repuliieati editor thinks it au " omen " that the lay is approaching when the black race will be admitted to social equality with the whites. A Kentucky paper sajs it is getting to bo fashionable iu that quarter to enclose a dollar with marriage not'ces, when sending them to the proprietor. A good custom, that ought to prevail every where. Six dollars to printers and priest, No sensible mau could refuse Five dollars to render bim blest. And one to publish the news. CRNTRAI, AMERICAN DIFFICULT?. Intelligence was brought by the lust am- yal of the Utorge Law at New Vork, to the effect that the Republie of Granada has re v- " h - - ....... i -- fused to give anj reparation whatever for the outrages committed on American citi zens at l'anama in April last; aud the tele- arriiuri tuns us m-uaj uiiur iiuvuiihhcuv p .r . - . ... i 1 ... . j . 1 . . 1 ' U determined to net vigorously in the mat ter, and has in fuct ordered the IIoiiip and raeiuu fiiuaurou 10 me isimuu.i. iinviin . . . ,:.,.( i',.,i ' ., ... f . ' fill la tin y. I)urui the explorations of r.gvpt portion of the earths surface pronucs to , 1 , y '. ,7..., . 1 . r . 1 f . . , . ' , , . by Sir. Wardiuur W ilkinon. a vase was found become more than ever the location of deeds .J . . . , that will have to be recorded, a sketch of.1" """"7 P',;.t,,e f'''', " Til the state of affairs in that quarter may not' Puld,Bt aUut l,ec 1 " J"r; . i.h' M, ' 1 vace, heimctieally sealed, wan presented to be uninteresting to our readers. , ' , ., ' .. ,, ,, , r, . l 1 t , . i. tbe ISntali Museum 5 Mr. IVtticrew, tha li 1 lie jiOcrBpbical posi.ion of jranada is , , . , ,. -.,i . . ",, h , , F . in. tbrariaii to tbe late Duke ft Su-ex, froeeed- sufheieiitly we 1 known to every sboolboy , ' ' . . . ,'..,,.,. T..:e 1 T..1... 4.1.:. with the C Vvariuoeau .ea n nu1 x acmu & 'cea n , .r ., , 0 . r, ... . 1 1 . . . , , , ) ana 10 ae aoiug uuiurbuui v iv' -waehiue its ivirthein and western shares,. nd; ..,.' .l f Costa Kictt upon its nortbwertern boundary. I r It is divided into seven provinces, Isthiuo, Cauca, Atitingia, Cauiliuamarda, IJoyaca, iauca, Aiuingia, auuiuama ua, iJojaea,', , , ,, , r . m ,.,.i. ., ', f .J ,, , r-i . f;found, entirely shrivelled, of a yeilow color Gauncnta and Magdalena. In the nr-t ot , ' , ' ,,,., ,i,.,f ... . 1 1 r.i ..fb and as liard as stone. It was known that these, Isthiuo, is included thelnthinus of Pa- nnina, which became an independent state in February IN.'i.i. It does not need that we (hould iusi.t upon the coinincricia'. impor tance of this .tate, situated as it is be- tweeu two hemispheres and in possession of the keys of communication with C.ilitor- Ulil, BUU tile S .1 1 I 1 1 . 1 HC tl(l"ll3 Ul ...! nia. and . ,. e a- .1 I - repubhe for the year I, sulhciently sho ; this, amounting to near'v forty millions . of dollars. 'J he trade, which was originally , t . monopolized by ureal nriiain, nas since the discovery ot gold in " " '-j "", , , ' frip tlip frr.-ili-r i.nrl ii'pn 111 t.hihnild Ot vani'Ji uia, , ior tne greater part, been in mo nan-.s oi Americans. In iiliistrntiin. itniavbc liiell- i I .1... ..r .u. ,:, ..i.i.:..u . cd and cleared at the I'acifio port of Pa . . i ., , . ., i. i. . ; i lvi i.i , ! ! ... lo " - " , f , , . v si t v-nri nn ittnim t it ni iiTft rt 1 n tlJlS ed 1.0!): while the number under the flag. of England was but I'd-.. Ibe iiicncan freights f'jr the same year amounted to nearly fifty-two millions; while those under the liriti-h flag amounted to only eight mil lions In la5"3, over fifty-two millions of . . J - - gold passed through the Isthmus, and 1 01 ifus over loriv-iwo ana a nan iinntous ;a f California The number of pa-st-n- this over forty-two and a riaif m r which crossed through the country the ne year was ,3,(1,0 ; of whicl. number ma. f.uip . . ..1 t.iy.5, were coimn from, and i)."i?'-l were ,. ll. h) x,55 tje 6t(ltiatiM tcl! ,,e aame ,tory. f,f the W-J.70 t passseugers serosa the lath- nillB .,- TP9r , ,:.2.?. ...,:,. tn. auJ 10 (ll5 COUii frolll) Calilornia, and all J ' t . r i ? ' iu American ?teai,..-rs ; while hut UWO were ht0XJhl alld i.,,,, retur)le,l fcy English steiUller5 In thfi ,a vr (e nm0UIlt of . . . , nas.ei rrom 0o(.ttU t0 ' , ocean, wag 10,4U7.!IU7, of which, p31 ,(' I,- . rj - t g5 WM from gnn prancic(.0. lir readers .UJ ,.j:v statements, as to the importance and the ne cessity of a peaceablo and unrestricted commercial intercourse with tbe Republic of Granada. Tbe orii.-' i t' the difficulty was made so much the subject of comment at the time pistol by the latter, iu the course of the dif- Acuity, was the signal for a mob to collect ; was followed by tbe action of the Govern- nessts lived aomo three or four miles away. ' on th.) River Gambi.i. Great liritain re ment in tbe tending of Mr. Morse, as Spe- A brb-ht idea struck bis muddy rate, and linn lishes the light hitherto enjoyed under cial Commissiotier. to act in coni unction with lr. JJowiin, the American Minister, and lay hi.lor- tUa i-'Tftunnvj I? rnntrt t a domntill fr suitable reparation for the insult, and an adequate indemnity for the loss of proper- ty. This reparation and indemuity has b'eCn refused, and, as the matter stands, ei uovernment seems determined to cither en- force the accordance to ber just demands, or at ca,t t0 preTf.t aDy future repetition ,imilar iudiKuttiM. The naval force that ,0 bc ,cnt ,0 ,i,e Isthmus is very irood evi- deDC, t!,,t i. .he intention of the' Admin- istratiou to show itself in earoest in the l. . J .1.11 .1: 1 l. . uusjyes?, ami we auun, aeeuni 1 u 1:1 , i' .'ii fnr from tVn- tral America," Charleston L'ourirr. " Ar.uUT AS UtarRLTTIVK." A good thing occurred the other eveuing during tha festivities of the dinner to Mr. Luke. ''The army and our citizens soldisry " hd just beeii toasted, and a response made by a dis- j tioguwbeU ofiiccr present, w heu a gentleman Mo rose, and said .. he " r,;wr"or ne,m: s , honorable profession represented there, and c i .- ..i. Ksyot supplvin" tne ouiisMoli, lie gave The medie-al profession about as d struc- tive as the army or the i.avv!" This brought the house down, and a dis tinguished member of the prnfe.--ion up, who made a very humorous ..n.! aiiiu-ing re sponse to this telling hit. V'i.' '''" H'iti. A Child Pmsonkd witi' Mati-iif.s. llanuali O. linn, a child about three years old residing iu New York, died on Sunday ibt from the etl'-cts of eaiing some lucifer " . , i i . i i . i i...,t..i..... w ini'ii wi're careiessi v nut, iu uli way. Coroner Perry held an inquest ou the ! body of deceased, when the jury rendered ; a vi'nlict of death from the poisonous effects ! of luoiler matches. Tbe deceased died iu ( about Uveive hours after partaking of the i poisonous matter. To Tur. PitFSs. Willis, of the Home Journal, alluding to tho common custom, at dinners und other public occasions, of call iug out the press to speak, says: " Accus tomed only to express himself at the points of his fingers, an editor called ou to speak at public" meetings, ai if it were the same thing to a pump to give out it water from nose or h an dir.' A Gabbkn NovEt.Tr. The Ksyptian per is an instance of vegttnblc resurrection, of t least rcsuseitntion. It is a fragment of the old life of Kgypt a true type of th luxurious ftitility of the eluMe country of the Nile, and unquestionably the mo.-t truly historiijiil of any esculent we poes. The circumstances that led to the discovery of t A. -. ti.i. mn nf tiif. nvrunudi. are in them !ielvs us interesting a the plant itself i" distinct frein any known member ot its ue- eu to open me vaee tn:euui.i r.j t- -t. , . , . 1 j ... r ....1.. piCVVB. i 11V II... I " ' L.M...r. . . clust, aud a few grains of wheat and vetches, aud ou examining turtlier a i pea were mummy wheat had been rcu-eitated after an j interment of live thousand vears and it was ) determined that the first pea ever found It, n khmild be s 1 1 ! i i t p il to : the experiment of the revival. Mr. IYtti- I grew acuordin-ly distributed amongst bin i feamed triends these dedicated peas, re- I , .. . ,f r ti mirin.ltl... Ptrilir.' llircc I'Ji uiiupL-u a m n i-v...v. , f -. , , ., , .... , .i ..rt itmrn rimi'riir ;iiniii liiimii 1111 inc it:- i luaiiiing three were given to Mr. tiriinstone, I Mr. imstone tried hi, hand at i them, subjected them to heat and inoi.ture ' J . . ,1 . .. liKrHKl.. nhmt ' ' , t. . appeared above ground. J-y patient re and tugeulous culture, tins plant wa proiijjiit to produce nineteen pods, which were ripen , , . I . Mxl .(..,,- ; ,; 1 this wa-. . " , the foundation of the Hoik which is ju.-t beginning to be known as the Egyptian pea. l'otaui.sts were as much delighted as antiqua rians at the sueeess of the experiment, tor it gave them a new variety 01 uie value and mo.-.t distinct character. Its blo- 'ol" u"."" "'"V ' ' " " 1 v rui.i.iiirui ft hi.-l I tllill tllti W MIL'S 01 fl : . ....l:i... nil....n.. it in ri-.. nn.-i r. - zz buntrri.y. aim w veineu wun gn-u uua - , . , , , a wbltu r:ro"nd. 1 he LrcaK at every joint , clusters ot two l' 1' h . . vJO V IJ n . 0' , - r ing from live to ten peas, which, when cook- ed, are dclicbusly flavored, mid melt in the niouth like marrow ; in fact, thme is no pea to equal it ; so that uu-tv l.gjpt n; con ferred upon us, through those few shrive ltd seeds, a palatial benediction. -V''ir. A Piivsu ias.s Dr. Lncoek. , ,, . .,,, i,:., I,P1. nmemnto liic jnuii .'ii . -iw... ... r r v ai4n,UsCd iroui luithcr attendance on the royal family, where he has been hitherto a.i'iuiUed o.f tern.s cl familiar intercourse, His salary, X"),00ll per aiinuui, royal j reseut on each safe delivery n the (Juei-n, and a large prac'ice among the nobility, is no s:iiali loss. The doctor has made every fti'ort towards reconciliation, but the 'J.ieen remains inexorable. It seems that it enuij to the Queen's cars that lr. bocoel; was r-i veil to too much talking, and that though she told Prince Albert that his habit, of sleeping between the blankets was ' a vul gar, dirty 1 ateli practice," she did not card to have it toid abroad. I.n erjiml J ost. jr(lW TO s-'kuvk A .S'riipiX.vA. A corres forthwith was acted ucon. He sat down and wrote o.ich a letter, stating that a sum f n....c nta il..nn.ih.H 111 bl-. l.ind-.. Wllleh they could have by calling upon him. They called, and g"t a suhpieua and 1 - J cents each! Rumor srys there was profane iau- cuage used in that vicinity about that time." Our latj Secretary of state, Mr. Marcy, was ad a wag as well as a nntc.. wriue oipiomai.ia rOUUu -v u.-j ..u..,. can f01"e t"e.aS 0l1 "im. wltn. ?rcn- oion.nuy, m "" - Clerks employed 111 Hie Biaie l-epaillliein 11 j "'"" tnotrs and he pau-ed to hear the Secretary 's expression of surprise, recret or excuse. " Ah P said Mr. Marcy, with hisimperturDable Llanu amue, ami q.nei manner. "I am glad to hear it; I Old nt know that I had so niauyas fourteen clerks with any religion at all !'' e...,TI,,.RN Gn.,i;sD Cat t. Jones. of the L'nited States Army, a irginiau by birth, itatioued uot long since at Henecia, California, had with bim a body servant, a slave, named Joe. One moruiug tin-captain was startle.' by th" news of Joe s having shot another nrurc . and sternly asked biui how be dared to ao so. Joe eemedat first c ist down, but rallying himself, and looking the captain full in the face, r-plied : " l'e fact is, massa, d at ar nigg ir wi'smie ol do in New York free niggers. He suited in-, ! and I bad to take Sou. Iron ground widhiiii , j I A Vlli.v.l- I kmai.f. I n , ll'Jur.nj llVn ru A prominent New i or nibbed on I burs' a v atler- i-n..-.. - .o..n. while nassiui! a.orM itli street, near Callowhiit, by a veiled tuinaie. lne ivouiau suddenly stopped up to the M. D , and be fore he was hardly aware of her presence she snatched his gold spectacles trom Ins nose. The astonished doctor was too nueh surprised to give any alarm, and the womau escaped. The physician returned to his hotel with no very favorable opinion of veiled women. J'ui'iiit !ji'it,i Imu irer. Pci.i.Aiis and Cksts in Canapa The bill requiring the public accounts to bokept in dollars aud cents, has pa--edbotb houses of the Canadian Legislature. It will come into force on the January, TiiiiKi: DAVf i.atkr fuom r.rnon:. AHIUVAL Ok' STEAM Ell AMERICA. IiAi.irAX.N. S., April 'Hie r.iitish and North Auneriean Royal Mail Steamship America, Capt. .Shannon, has arrived at this port, bringing dates ftotii Liverpool to the Uth instant. The nett gain of the Ministerial party in I'arlVauieut is sixty-live nieuibers. Tbe Knglish (jovcrniniut furnihe5 three steamers to asist io laying tbe submarine telegraph cable. Cominuniciiti'ins have been passing .be tween France, England and .Spsin, oo Ibe subject of the Mexican diilioultie.". Naples has manifested more willingness to re-c-tiMish diplomatic reh-'inu with b"ruce and England. Hixtci-i R'is-ian vessels, rbicb wire sunk in the harbor of Sebastopol.hava been raised. Turkey has shown aa uiclLgafon to cou ent to the union of the Principalities, pro vided iu suzeratiity be respected aud tribute paid. The lmi-U Cabinet has resigned on ac count of political difficulties. Cotton exhibited a decline of Jd. per lb. in the fair grades, while the others were .... . . 1 easier. 1 he sales 01 tne wee comprises to, (i till bales, ot hieli spectiliitorstoow ,ou". Fair Orleans, ; Mid.ilme Orleans, . . ; Tair I'plands, 7jd.; Middling Uplauds, Tbe sfock of cotton on hand was 500,000 t...t... :. ..i...i: msn uiin nf Aniericati. L' " I I uu j ... ...,'. - Hour was dull. Corn Dan ucciineu u. per lbs. I'.iec had iidvnnccd (id. a la. per cm t. lher articles thai: those mention.-".! above were i i.c li :iu.r'"i . Money wa sj.'l.tly ti-l.ter. C..-u-'. w.-ie lolcd at x:. j Al'liITlO.VAl. liV Till: AMERICA. I Huston, April ! Tim .tnni)t;p America arrived here this morning from Halifax. Th.: following ad . ditional items of news arc gathered from th f..;,,,, tjuS r,.n.,Vcd by her : : (;KAT ;K i ain. - l he elections were , mi t i i . - . -no ov-r. i ne i.on.ion i o-t sunn. ..... .1... ..u !... . 1 . liKit-o! rtttn- 1. 1 1 1- i riuii hup ., imvi hi t.wH 5ervHtivt'-. 7 1 ; coM rviiMvcs, 'JIMj. iHiuia- tcr;al losses, 1 3 . The Hon. Si-Wy Herbert was spoken of t ' J' T., Z J IJ .'1 lU.Ml' 1 Jit I U.l UU 1" 1.- .'II I. .1. r ..v. v. iJuse 0f C,jmU)on is lhe Hon. Evelyn ji,,ioll, .j-i1H (;rr!)t Western Hailroad Company of Canada had declared a dividend of nine per cent. 'The English government ' has agreed to furnish to the Atlantic Telegraph Company three steamships one to make bounding., and to to assist in laying the cable, lhe Agamemnon, ninety gun scrow steamship of 't.U ill ton-, is to be employed to lay dowu the cable, in connection with the United States steamship Niagara. The entire cable will he completed in June, aud bu luiJ in July next. A letter in the European Times of 1 1 tb inst., from a Lieutenant of the Coast Guard at (,'arliugfird, Ireland, states that on the -d i 1 1 -1 . , a parcel containing luO delivery noU'i of cotton was picked up on tho beach at t.i I jenore. They predated at New Or lean ., each note specifying i.i writing a cer tain number of bales with uani" of tho ex porters printed thereon snob as; " Hull & Itoyd," ' C. N. Pasteur k l!ro.," " J. C. Sgymauki's Press,'' Ac. The late.-t date of any of those notes is the Uth of December, 19.)6. It issupposed thatau American ship has been lot ou her boinoivard voyage ou this coast. Fit am K. A convention lias been con- 1 eluded hi tveen Great llritaiu and France for preventing future u i -m Icrstanding with e regard to the right of trading at Portendic, on tho we-t coast of Africa, aud at Albreda, treaty ot trading from the mouth ot liio river .St. John to the bay and port of Port etl'.IC. France cedes to England the French factory at Albreda, but the French are to have tree aecss to the river liamoia tor Uia purposes of commerce, and are lobe allowed to resi le at the town of 1'ithurst, and such other tru liug etalions as may hereafter be appointed. In Paris, on the tb inst., the funds closed at (i""f. !b"H'. for money, and 6Jf. 10e. for account, and on the Oth in.-t. at !Mf. -"c. for money, and o.'f. ")Uc. for account, showing an abatement in the presurj for mouey by an increase in the fears of speculators. 'The Rink of France returns show a falling off in. ca-b of one million and tighty thout .lid francs, but an increase in cash in tho branch jjallj.B nf tbirteeu iniilius seven hundred ,,; frf,. thousand. The nreininm on pUrcjia!l), 0f j,0l,j all silver had iucreased : bv four hind red and two thousand francs, ' PA1N.A roval deeree enacts mat ilx- ' teen battalions of infantry of the army of Cuba shad be lorinetl into eight regimeuu of two battalions each. Svutzmu.aM). It seems the N'eufeliatet question now turnt solely ou the amount ot indemnity to be paid by Saitterlaud to l'nisi;i Hkvmakk. T.e Nord says that Denmark intend to employ the major portion of the capitalization of tho Sound I'ues iu paying off the two loans contracted in L'indou iu X'J and 1 -ol', which at present coustitutes a heavy burthen. AtsiuiA. Ke-p.eti'lg the Austro-Par-dinian rupture, an Au-niau circular do, patch states that should the mediation of England ai.d Fiance prove unsuccessful, Au-tria will have to look to measures for her own protection. The authenticity of this circular, however, is denied. A despatch trom Gen. Mnt;iii, tho Au-tr-au A ii.bassador at N ai , r.-pe i ti e statement that th? King; of is iinorc and more disposed to make ad.ariees towards the re-establishment of diplotuatio relations with Western Powers. The Papal government announces a furth er reductiou iu the Custom's to r .0. to take effect iiumjdiatily. 'I he itupoi tuuty on manufactured article of coare silk, linen, cotlou, wove hair aud leather is reduced ao to 70 per cent ; on wearing apparel 7)1) ; oa lineu or woolen thread 3:1; ou fell fir pr.por nulls oO ; on palm oil V.i ; ou comm. u snap

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