F,0nt,KihnndUtig. ,V TtON(. I'l-MiKIUi Y WHAT I IT? j If bv 't) rin a liberal reward, we could obtain a clear and s.-itisl act ry definition of tlm tetm, N n --'lal 1' timer acy, we should not long permit ' world o reittsin in ago nuiii' d u''t tl'1' ii'ijoct. Hut no reward, n iippeal, ii s nictation Can procure the d cm red info: tuition, for the simple and ob vious iea-o;i that no ni a 1 1 on earth I- com pelcnt I) t-o'.e tin! knoit unrnl can till us what words National iVimorncy. In t Up Sjutit, we nrc aware, the organs; and orators of the Democratic parly con- , tend tint a. mat , in order to lo recognii.-d ai a N.ii.tna'i D. -mount, iujt he J u rX'-tl- . ItHi-t t io friend aii'l protector of Southern' institutions. I: ii e-pi-ciall v rcqmed that he shall endorse !. L,-ipbic platform ot Hsltim re n ti't I'lueiuiisii conventions, and ; f jievcr eulejiie their merit and virtue in hia public --uJ, no matter liow oflen he may viuialo tueir proli!!u nrnieieie in un .. . t 1- puiitic ao'. it la aB-u-ui; to liste-j to Stiuiiirru iN.iicrits prating and boa-iiuj of hut lliey cull National Demacracy, lnle the pnrly i- r-sliy nalionai in iioli.ing, but j sp it int) a tii3Uan.l fraiueiiU upon eei qu '-non of putihc iulerfst. In tlie So ith. t tie partv i pro ilver, ard in the N i-.irth it i arii -lav;r) ; arl ti both inj p.--i-e;t:iu ll"e.ve a t'Oriiou of tlie Natntial IVoiocrary. Hp if t'u'.s How can a party la -.iile i national, niiiih is thus divided iu artitiment and opinion upon nu i?uc, which hit li'iiii.vi i!'i d an! hroki-n to pu-cc a i p i r t i o ' llaiv rn a ptnrtv lo national, a iiich it mailt op f pro !atry aud au'i-alarery me-i tbe one aeetiou thueavorini: to elten I t j ': of Southern in-tiliiticii-, and ti.e olh-r aareiiiittin iu thrir ttiorta toiui.it it! Kas-i." a trie prsnt luotaet.t prent an tiniq ie lud interetiiig so n. Kier since t'ur pa sa--.' of '!i tiet i ir ni.lin-r a ;oraru ni'i.t fu to at Ttrri'.jry, iU re in been o.iij; on a '(' and r.-oiute cjiitct be titf n 3 par! -ti' tb p1 'a. ery on I ai'i -'-. .f-i i"- .-. K it ihe ?ei.'.a tifu h-.ve no n- i-r-a: u, and a? hear i i of li. fre-j itv, nu tin uutHiil- in r-t W-i'e A-..-. .n; In -jt U'-r . jrd, l'ie !! rar: ii. K - .- i.av- ir-r'r!-:-t' '.i 'he i! - k '' r :' :i - n . nn i ere bu' , tl, a 1' litje- J tat a-' i. I':-. . f ! rn ti.i'.e Kai-ii , ; r... ; -.ihlllit t'l-.t ! t ' i ii.t- i . I- o' the Souiii ; n. j'- rr. rant-tr of '( i K . . -. in iu-H it:t? the h il,-: .i -.-'ill ' r''' Slate, or - "t . v. 1: ".!. of tliese fae i: r :t.ti?:.t ur.an rxe'u'iiii; , ,1 fD'e in r't I'sht ,- :. !'. 1 W n. ' ai-e ti"!!' hr . .j alar- r rr in hi:- :Ln-e-. t. i et .'rtbr A '.-o i tn : a.: l-ili; li.e 'i ofii-iu. the o'uer I t r t n i s a'. l uii;:' I Ii-- n ittoitut free .te I'"-.- .s'tey of Kari'a-i ! Was e'er a. t a ' i; :u :..pt ma 1" to im p.. -.f .; i : . .- t. I irirl- with the t--s' ii . o'" t S - it ''it rn r '-td.-! l. ti t-oot's :l 1 1 lai S Ul. . V Set Kef -'i ts s A lii.l .cd O it ol iviii-i' '.. ii ;-il-..c:.i or uy tue iiai.jn :. iij.n-.-ri -v .' H-: a. ..i'N. i. I - -i -i ; P.iujc-r.cy o.' l.ic N:t! j-i: i'i.. t.ic u.itionai Dj- ki.C il'l of ba-i-. 1 it- j.i i . Ut upjll i..ts Kav j a lrw State, and t.n upon i.g p-. u u: cf .lit f-.r t:.i' (tin:, as tf i j- :.s -,; u.jiir. . i u ii i!iv .:i- uaui v oi ;w Ie i.st i a "V ut tut I i.i-ii. at p.r . r:..il f. j.i. ti.e. I . i- T'i - -. l.'Xv Ol.Ti O." Sc-..T i..i.-. ..UK.. stlT ;- ai. u. k iii.g of t:.e ijj.se to ho J.a;.u t tL Norii.'-D f I- ' 'rw it'lr-1 l-.e b.i mls.-.eti -jt K -t:--:sa-a- S- - te. hi tr. A J ata.-raph. . . lii- ." jn'-; lii.-ai." -.-uttne.'" " W. Ji iv i.i J..' t i;.t k Hi-.; frime Voii-tuui .ii t r. ' tnvi j tti it. trod a-ti-.'n of a.'iv-rt, ani wit tli.l Coii-titat. o'i wiii be ajtiiiie.l .. m.i a.w litr J,-ttL,m .' '. e A'f'ii i-i. Arft Iu I if ...W.'n... '- ..ei.Y. V.i '.- H oml Oiilnet l . jeit I- las sla'l.i'ig Oec'.'rtlOU t a Ni'll.ltri. I'-ui'j.cr-4.' j j uuai. atiich .-ni. -Mii-kt-iai rciaii .-.-ii.p to t'ti.; Ji-im-uti-hed ai Inor o! tne Kansas Ne' rka bill, and one of li au:iUef itttti iieioit jtog t the N'ottb eru ie it. v r i. -tj. .na llii- i".f tr-jtb ; I 't ff.l. d f-ct tn:. .eciara ii i.- uok ! t:;e I t. in contain a Jeter'jiinet. a w . r ati-l i elusion of 'an ry from Katis'ae, and its ad-D..s-':': into th." L"ni-r as a fr. c State, will t.0! If oainj to ttif ALc.ii. C'tii-ts, " Out to t ic n i'i-. .! I-tji'rT, N'.rt'i.-. rn ai d ' rn !r We bar a i,a:ijtia. ! n. '.-era tie affui'i-'iatio'.. tru a nafiof.si bvmocistic tJovfn.or of Kn as ; 4t,.J ti.roj.'L tl.eir ex ertions ai.d )n8 .-i.i.-s, l-i: k-?d up and en-eaara'- dby th" nat vi. il mo-r acy i' bvth ttetions oft..1.- I nit'i, K r.s . l,.t been for-e-.er lot t- fie Mad. ..d f;i-u away to tl.e Nor?!.. A:.'! b- '-.' is a grau-i re.-u.t cf t ie sff rt- cf t In ttn'uihtil Ll nnerasv. 1: ii -t.-at.'s .i i'ed ti.at tl.- j ri' le cf ti.e .Soi'ti s'.juid psiruil. ti,eitive.t 1 1 Lt u.l.'i Ly a u.. it n jauJike t,..e. Lit I J'ltl'll.T i f f A t T LIT T" lilt V Sl AIS- - An x; li.l.e and vs. Ji ie C s.'gr in. rt of br-t-'1 ' Tf ll' e.; a sbipl-.i Ob V, ned -y for 1't.iiad. iphia, in ne bip Oeo'g"-. C-.pt Marl:-vii i'i.e -'- ik -i, pi .ti ed L' ai of t-'i i.-r.d cattie, a valua ble hoi 2 ri.e.f, ii.l L'j p ig. Ail tii a', ti. ai- are t f liif b'-t breed", and I, -i V e I,. . I I :'r - -..-t- fr fi'd 1 tl I'U-i, 11. Knv Inn I . Ili.aF.i. sni ." -.- a. l.-t J I. -. t:.- (f " ..i ':i'it t:e.).t 1 .jn "r Jo!.i,, i jptaln ii:o.: 'i :... Mr .lac1' y, ai.o ai nj'.t over l.'te at tut 1 lneos t.'i.ti.e Jinp'jit.i.s A--., .at'i u lit -a'i. ai to ie lit!i't;'f. . . a -1 1 1 1 ii. tie Mate A I. ii .1', ui. t !: to Ibe in.pr..eiueit of lf l.l"t-i. it. t r. a t .'-ilS Lv f s a Ii ii t !.. le-' i.o. ti b--. -i ,..Lti .i. I..!- eour.try 1 1- ; f t:.i v -.'' li'.-li Lr -U I'itig l.s.. . .'1 ill t'.. I fit' -J .-'a'.-, ;t H.a. 'e i t.'i i.'-'I t ..at ".'I i iir i - a a - j... ;d f t- .re two y a' c! I lu'e. ai.d tbat t ii e .-t cf ti.e ti:.ai'.r. inc a-ilt -z liti-ii lie.Jtit a'td p'-o vi-. on t'i the poit of di ' in.ii'iii , will tn-t be fir .'..it rf 4-lio-t ',.. bnr-'-a He fr-n. ( 1st rute d rtjitc. nl u,-j t of the f -tt e iitetaktnpt'l.sstliiC taii-.is .liejt-i i.! r!ii. Ihe si .pi. ei.t is. in (j.-t, t!,e 11 t Vi'-isl, lier s.i.t ft Jin tl.l-tort I.i . I' t Car. i i.' art anit i. nl 1 ate t-eeii n.af;e it. t i or t if a le ke :i g t.f t 'u: -t j'. ' i,. t..age, al.'i Hi oruer ti.at the Iu) am.e a: ti.-if o.r-tn.s!i.,i. jcod vju d.l.o.. Li i ' - x,! i.fjiij. 1 l.e est-"1 "'' ' i Tut f tiiin. nt ph 1 ' 1 . t'l I ill- i r 5 ue l.f-e of I'i'- '. 1 I- ti e r a . re . r-tl.. 1 1. let. 'J on r . ii t w '.U-r in tne pt 't1 'te' t'i tebtly rxj.re.-d f . ..e j i it., in in a e ,ti .1 r III I l,e ,.,(., et ', of v. rsiusi wiuta took p A. l , ahi.e ui-t j'ia.' y 1 I : IU. II, o-l of purtfii'i Witt-I by the u- tf hvdni- nf bit,. 1 iii ir i uneiuMvu i-. tnai iu p ire vt -iter no dojtt, causes anj colli I ib-ite to di eo, I ut 1 1. at ti,i is n. rr-t'r owing iu orahte matter, m I not ti iiuie or gii. .i it r-ntaius This Wi- f.un 1 l be tn - cie lit I. aui-bu. du-iig ti.e prtvaf. i.ce nf i(J e ,o era in ltJ-l; an I ti r iuc 1,'ii Las rwicttid use..' ti H4.r j ..m l!MttULlUilll'.'JW VY d Awj; ?7i1 .at- 1 11111) VLt I U 1 1 11 tl Vll! i U Ul 1 CHARLOTTE: Tnc stlav. J uii r 30. 1 Si 7. IT Wr . pnllinlitll'iincf jr..!."!.'",-, ll.-VKIV.'C ft. IvK.UI!, tq , i j, , !,,, ((, i' - r . u. . . . tuiT cnoi!lr,.il lli eitl'lr A 1 r VVi. .r ;i it I li.ir i t,f n (iiifi.1 ln-r t . K. I BKIl', l'"i . a r.iin hi iic tin re . udmii to ii. e ; rtiee f i tv f..oi 1. r. . i..r M e .1. hlui- , r..a.-lr, t alt.- tntuiim Angu.t ii.cti-1.. , ! fi'Unlfrf.itv Vie .-tuted sotiietime opo (hut ounterfeit 3o bills t.u (lie bank of Kliai.beib City had been put in rirculati-jn in ot'n r secfi-in of ,, r r.u.......g . r "V w ... v.. their puard. We bate now to stsfe that' several of these i iiia nerc pas.-td last Week upon our chiz. n. by a man n..iiud tliuiu II. Morri-on We im rhreo of the I i'l and prono'ii c them a l."in;-r .ii couetrrf'. it Wc autise our fii.ndj to t ike i.o bill ou this hai.k utile from a por.oti tl.ey know. An attempt was n.ad to arr--t .Morrison, Ijt he eluded the C flieer w bo rrt -lit in search ot l.iui. II-- 1 t'l Cb arloite in the c;n ciiun o! 1, ii.i-oli. ti n, hut '. U ti.e tiaitk i o ;i . i ill. r g on: it a lew mil. s. L. t i l.e peiple ot' the t: cut fvr him TLr I irnts. I N ll:u-1 . ' i 1 ou-i . rn Cii cn paid our tj.i ii a vi-it on I-'itday und Satutday Ij.-t, i.ii-'i from what we caul i --j tf the t.uai- bi iu tonn, w- judge tl.i.t 'h.-y were not at liheraby ft co.ir-igeil intot.Jci i. tiin' it n-t heretofore. We t ti;,tativ notice tr-in u-. tut ii,r iViioHii.t.' i.o' ice of its act i.'igs in tii si. ra.'e so ai l.o-ieiit la our fetl iug that - are eoinpc'tli-.i to pubii-U th'-.n t ) '.a our tiiiMii .. h at kind of an ex bililioii tin v bae Lvt-u t tico iriing. Tilt-Cuc-ttr ti i . '.' . after reternt g to the cau-e of tiie Viithdrawiiier of Mr. Itouin-oii from ti.- tonecrti. aud alatin! that p. i.-. n.ight l-e eon-i.iered a ' rtio 1.1 coinpany " gt.a tLt toiiiait.g n..;ice uf the iciings iu the tit.g : ' It. -t. eei, it least, a ytfig la.iy is uticha-i--. v i-e r-.n. 1 1, ti f -r i list -i nee-- l.ei t:.t c.owti ' aoo'in-r.ilt.: sjcr. ti .-rri 1 lior -tj 't-k', ii.iimuu lis tit r In e'-isu se lis at and lidicub r tl.c tar.-. v s: lit ti'Hi a lean Into i a ol.ri-' the liii -!e an 1 nd .lii n t II --.I-. .11. beoju-e H i-iood caui.ot ent.r 1, a n i t l.e !-. a'i man I.' 1 1 f; a . fn anot.'i. r, -ay: tl I III li.-a. is not I i'. but the r'-isii pt-r--:.ate a pv eson g.-itiii. r'-'i-3-s'i a s i-.it.r- h.cetin.'. We ti;i.ht goon anil -p. cify otot-r poiLts r.f raVt. objection t 'j til -e k l.'l" ot i xbi'.i'ic lit b it We think k i.i-. e -aid en' o jh t ;:f.isfv ai,y person. uii c.f! .'! r.!.. rll d.jost?d, n a M-.ra! b'jii. tr, b' in, that thi? is in place for Liin to shosr l.iins.'lf ani bis f-. mi v.'' t'nrrniu Art. The Ch: a w (.'.? 'e ta?es thai a ri-nt;e-infill in that s'Ction rcfues to tk ti.or th" SI p-r b i-lo i for ejrn beu he co'iid get ?i 4. ai.d t bat Le giits t r-f- rence to the poor. Vetoj can rcord tao stieb boble cases of hii-raVy in ti ia s':;.-y, nl ono t his ccMit be it atat.-d, U ts his poor D'-ih bors hat., it -ti a ti..-te ahi.i hi c on d gel the VasL f.-I It. May be lit 1 1 X . s Ci'l-t. rx'it-tj Cantc.t. V '.; n x'i.eti rai.tM-s it ,, '.. ii.g conu.cied in J r ii U' suet by the Cabdiuts for irubtrDaf-.riai bonor. I.vihtrt H ition I- ti.e Aii.i-r;. an c-iididatc and ijen Harris i ih Ivinoeratie candidate. At Fav-t'e-: !, on the 1 3ih, a per-oiial difiicu'ty oe cairt i hits t t -n t!.t ni. Co!. Il .ttou was dis cusiig aitli fon.e rei.eiiiet.ee. and ere-.t fire , tbe e.v-trii.e t i at : -r-igi er shouid be allow e! to vote as oou as ti ty were landed upon o-.r si.tf.-s, without iiif'riuatioti, w.tu oiit 'I'laiirii.ati ,u '. ;' any sot t, ithcu ' al aral iati'.L,sid wiiiio.jt any eort.'ct notion of the liieoty ot uur got ernu.i l.t. 1 doctiine be ir.. JjOouc. o " .i.faii.eu a.,.. sn.tU Io i.tii Iu at. n." to r (Jr.. tie vvr-iat. '.f ih Na-b- i.le '!-,,. - f li e affair : " Mr llnttoi', near the c'.oie uf I.i "p.eerh. said ; " If ons .siatc has the inherent p.mtr via.ue.!, then t aen sjiate in n.c Union his. In the eierriae of thin poarr. thev rouid eon ler il." ngt.t -.f suSrace on f ee i,. .roes and ai.e:,-. I;, ti.it. way, pn-onr bt.-atbi'ig the J ml : f ti r ai.iiical goveri.ii.n.u i. i-l.t e ,i, t roi t. jr tn-i . iiiioi-s ' l b- ii -.ef rli p ' iaid Mr II alt'. n. I proiiOut-pj it. Nun 'At this mono i,t (je,,.,,, , rr;, sr in a ii.Ki.in r ta.ni and C'ji..-tted, and raid : 'Mr II i:ri!, dj jou intend to apply tin word ii.t.i.mii id n.e! i J all in, uuiicr eon sideratle . I'-iteu.eiit, lepjji : ' ' J . t.er a I 1 1 a r-ii-, do you wi-h, by arising in this utatimr. to ititiii. dal..' me :' 'Ctitan.ly sol. 4iJ . entral liar i , ' I Jo not jsh to intuit id ale y 'in or any oilier gent i iumu ; but I think 1 am inland to an X ia n ition of the Ian-j-uage wind, y'm hate used.' ' I suj pore, il.eu. it ir an . I daii itioi. ol tbe lat.yua -e tnal yuu wai.t,' said Mr. I J att u, in a inaii ner highly .xelttd. ' I sat kaln, ti.tt il.e d.etiiii. it iiiltin'.. ; that it is rank, and u.ells to Hem n. ai d that its adtoealer :,re' IJ'-re (enera! Harris struek Mr. iJaltoi:, and knoiked him ofi the p.atfirui auionst the audier.ee in front of it, fji. ow ing linn he ftii The Nash, liie 'nlrtof statu t J, t (0 H.tlon had u-ed pi-i-ii-tly the am.,- ij. a. s-. i tr. j-ji i.t'y liit -su. ooiua before in previous ili- u iori. suJ b id no id ot of ''ag ptroiiu arltoutto hi. eon.pitii.jr. ' I be I -.it i, i t t'ales tLst tl.tre were other ' t-sVU..-b. tt...s,.r- ll tie.-..- ' c -' - . i . - r I I.. r V .rM.i'l,l.-n'..r All. .f FnnAH.I.I liA in "der tt. control of Col Il.tton, Lo.r,J tbnt contributed to excite I. on. 1 1 arris. J Ho same paper .-talcs tliut Col. llatton I . n l tnc best of the collision. Gen. Harris perhaps i i n: . t . ..I - . . , deserved a oou rutlimening lor la-in:; c- P ' 13 I crptiou ol t no time ne uw, u language um I t...l 1,.if.n crvinidl limpn rinentetl- . i . i i-i i-i 1 1. .. IIUU lll'l ...v.n ....... . . j . - . 5ji:iin n hil lliliio. Ltt accounts 8tntc tLit Spniu ii making. prt patation for war aiiint Mexico and that ; troops and vessels arc arriving nt Havnua f,.r tint rlpstm.ition. It is also stated that; , , Sal ta Anna, aho has auain turned up, is inttcmptiiifrto gain a footing in Mexico to r " " . (1 . .I loveiturnthegovemruentofCouion.ort. He ! i al.-o en lcavcring to form a treaty with i Spain lor assistance of meu aud ahips to ac- . . , . , riMliill?ll lllli HUM III IIIC .IVII,-1VUJ , , ,n , ., wui'inj .r,.., .,. J dtiroua nf ?eeuring the ni J of Spain at .ouie other time in a war aith the I ui;ed States. A f-, Mep J,, gp3iu in her arran.-en.entt . ,,, . , n'aiti't Jicxico, wbieu would be seine J upon l v the present administration no doubt with avidity, and mi-jht L t about a collision between the two country's in the suit.oit of the M-mroc doetrtiif. Coining events cjvt' tli-.r .Sadow and aesln'.l natieuf 1 v wait ! ' - ,he JCUOUi.UKllt. c. ... n.iiia.is. . S. ni of o.ir rotsn r..,n.ri.a ti.li.lt lb st ale Ol O'lT Colell porari.-a Il.lltK mat . .1 u- :ir v.- 1... .1... 1 .. .1.. .-v-4ii-a riti it 11 I'j i.ie c rvj'J 1 ii. ii" l' iuc ' ..... ," bis snintly heart, sent np sundry petmona superior ttctivtty of th. North, n-r th "u-( ,he fim of hs wicked pe0,e ...igb, BOt piu. ii. ssof the South, but through ti.e in-' .c isited in judgtnttit upon them. tne -truinei.tality of the IVmcerstic Admii.istra- day, ahiicii conversation upon the aub'ect ......!.. I I 1 I.I-.. -f il.:.. l..l' ttt. putiuto t'OwerbvO'ithern votes, vtiufh , t... i ,., .,,4 ..:,.,c !i. I ,f.,i, nr. ua.,ly turns and s.n,rS us bei.rf.utor., Could m.y ihn.g bt-lter be expected cf such a ii.. i n as Mr. Hnchaf.ati, the traiiorer of lleoryClaT. The South aill richlv deserve ai the tieael rry that cult l.e heaped upon it. l,.-.-pt;.n w? piactise.1 by o ir ot i-m i.ta. h;nitc( ,i CT(;r,ut tl.sy sluuii! tic reap ti.e fruits of iLiir evil niore esprciaily in the vita! psrt, to aseer duin ; taia if he aa'shotur stabbed, aud alaaya ! when l.e found himself safe ond sound, with- n ..i. .i.i. n i , . , . i out the uelv n.arks oi' ! a ! or teel, he re -u- ft;.iiii "i tat. .i"Ui t.uiiri. 'n H..I.1 'i i i'. i j . . i. .i- j : .. ... in.-, no I i."TT-,inii . ii.'v I pa ill . .1- - - - . - ... - lumbia, on the -Oih iut., in the H t ,ear of his aje. lie rtvs a Dror.iincr.t actor of ill l Vi .rat., n ds rui t'U k.7 Liv k'r VI VI'C ' t. .. lal-l .1 j ( a I A IIous of Ibpr.'se.itativev and was f.,r a. tioint't-r o: .ir.. t rcsi.lent ol I Ue jj.nl, ot tiic United St ite. , m. at DlfT'li AT 'F Sr. J.uin's Cot.l IT.H We learn thu tti attt lid aiiec at the .lediea-1 lion of St .l.j'ni's Co!!e.', Ixford, on Wd-; tii-ilsy was tery brge. there being present not .-ss tlinnlite thousand personn. The addepst ot lr. Hatks i.s sai l to bin been, t s eeeil ii-g I y a y r --prist , eioque.it a ti'l able. Ihe bouses of the eitix. J" of xft:-rd and vieint v v-rf thrown opr-u to vi'itar, and the ti.o t -..'m.i c.u- and j rofuse hospitality a as fX'etiil'-d t' ail. The I'-Mlcge niidii:; is a Kt't-ly proportion-' f .1. spae'"u-. and bftutifu! eiitfice, worthy of tne gr-it liatt ruiiy whichfound.il it and r.f the p.-' p e in t ho-e inid-t it stands. We tru-t liiat it may dositish, and equal in it.rv respect the mo-t sattguine eip.eta- tuiis of its f .uu itr.i. Uiil. ?itit,idirti. A Ni Bill CiBt-MNA M. IIIVK FaTENT Iti .M-. . N. Mi'chi i. of Concorti, iii this ..'tate. tut. r.ci n:ly tbtt-ined a l'nlent for a machine for paring hot-es ho)fs, which is t'.iiuti.ti.'. ti by the " Scientific Ame rieau '' as a " iia.l'ui UJ uiu.-ii rcq.iued li..p;j..- ilU'Ilt." 1 h" " Sci'ji.tiuc Ahicricau " is condin'ted by good and practical men, who do not praise indiscriminately every uoreity. We coi.jjratu.ale Mr, Mltcl-ll id i-eil. aide to 0-tiin liieir a) probatiuii, au i aO .i-e ail our ii.;e!,siiics, t t.ginet-rs, Xc, o takti the " Sci';l.tiliC AlllOl ICall." W-iM;TON, .lane 2 t Al p .t.NTMFMs Col Cuimrii'jrs, of Mis souri, h ts arc ptcd the office of Governor of I ish Jack Hays riu le. n appointed Sur veyor lifDi-til of I t.. Ii . IteiiCber, of North Cariliin, has been Jppointed GovtiL'.r of New M.x.-o. V,AsIIMjTf'. J.ll.e '.I Mi."'Mr f KI .MKA1 l't AT )nUM VlK- MA. I i.e Ma-.jt.i.'. Fraternity of Washing, lou Citi.and the i-itii.g brethren from Jlicjiinoii 1, celebrated St. .loim's day in a Uciightl'il manlier at Mount Vert.o.i. The eereiimnn s at t'.e tomb were invested with p. culia' f oltiiii.ity . After an address and rt'i'ii-ii. io chii'jren Wero- chri-tened attue tomb by the Ijrand Cha'iain, each bearing tiie r.atne of Gto-rge V'a-l,iii-ton. Mist of li.e ltic'juiond w;iant- iclurntJ home to- hliliit. I'l.ftTft.fti.TH, A'a , .Tune 5-J. iMiohj 1.1 -r AitK.sT ai J'. .HTnMi.Lili. ''haries ( osli.li, a yung man employed as 'ieik in tbe 1 Vt liffee ol this tots n, was ai rested to-day. As far a astcrl allied, he has u,b(Z7.,ed over S5,(.0H from the mails.: Hiad.tM'ion did not take place until io 'lay, and i.Lo.t S'-',s'" aeie immediately n covered. I be di-covery was made by the agent of th IV-t ifl.ee Department, Mr. J. L Ma'.'uiie, who has been endea vorinj to find out tne tint f for son. isr- -i t , Mr. M. aecoiiijiiisi.ed his pui tGHfl! hogus money iu eeteral pack agi ,fs-ffl. i to Wil mington. N . C , and upon examining the mail hag on the tout, ti. money was found mirsinj bet a, n 1'urtsiuo'jih aud W.ddon. Upwu Mr. Mairuire s return to this place, t'owlan a a iunncdi-iU-ly airested, and ac sliO! k'Jge-J b.s gul.t tif The tleetinn in Norf.lk,on Wednr day U-f, f"r Major, I'nniuioii Coum-ilmr n. and other u.Uhie'pal othei-rs, ri'rui'ed in the triumph of tit Ao.erlean t.' ket. F' F'. F'er ttiwit. Fi'q . th Aii.etiean eandidat for Mayor, was ehrted over Wilii.tm Lamb,' E-q , th i). nnrratie candidate, bv 7 ; ii.Hjoiily '1 i,e Norfolk llera'd sa-.s il.e Vhctiotn were " con dueled ijuietly tt all the polls i je j t the tth, a I,, r; we b arn, a pi-tol ' a t' fired, tbe bt. I from hiei. Lo a ever, ' imssed the person il a a aimed at, but ti tek ,' in the dooi -p..rt of a d m-lling on the oppo rife aide of the i'i'" t. Tho perpetrator ot ti-i, outra.- a not a hat is called a " I'.u I tfb," but a full blooded Democrat. '' I U iirmiton tlrruhl. The L.a !.-!., 4 It. e msn iiibi aitsvs orives a io-i f e. t , y .v., -.s. . , .uiji i From our CorrrsponJcot. CilARI.CSTON, June 23, 1S57. The" comet excitement is over, and the weathor ia about to bfoiu mora regu - )-:..:.., i.-i.;... : ....tru... ri.urn mm a iai m i-i uuu-f - ! i -i i .11 f I ...... fea.-ounble, aober luer. We have hud a fef stray April ahow- ers duriiitf the past and pie-e'nt week, and the at.noa'tdicre haacoi.M-.i.ieutly been pleas- !-itiei. oin ijiiiuiic biiii- autlv cool. Kvm now, those win cannot to 1 tothe Norlhor to t?uliivan'lsl:.tid,can May ' all nittht in tbe city aith a pretty fair pvos. i. t nf ..In... , ;,, the moruiiiL' aud and- thcniseic alive and kicking. 'i.l:i,, ,.t .:;,. m. alive reii.iiuls me I . I o. . V ' . . of an anecdote I once heard ot a good ol-l 1'ur.Un.o a.u.ple mimlcl brother w no t.a.l removed from tho boi dels of North Caro- nJ ( fi.j t.ourt iou,e. vow voll k,,,,w .or oucht to. as you rend the papers, that KdfcfieM.botli tillage anil IM.-tiiet lias always been Celebrated lor murders. In fact it ha been thought bv nonie that there was as many murders com- milled in Edgefield as tho whole Slate be - side. Ever sinco !he day when Maon L. Weems, author of the liie of Washington, that every school boy has read, i ote bis " Drunkard's Looking" t!lsss down to the present time, the mine and fame of ( )ld Kdfield in this partioular, has beeu geno- ra'.ir known id 'acknon ledjred. Well, this ood old man from tho rural ' arrival iu the city of Atlanta, which "" L,i' !r'c", b lli'u':,',, a,"-T ',,,eum'r thoiit ,en housnd inhabitants, w a, turneM on neiJ 'ftaTJ not heard ol t i Mood v . ' - - .- . and warlike propensities ot till people, un- til be had permanently made it his borne. t.. . 1- 1 .-. .. . 1 jiul wnen mioraiea 01 tne taci ne necame some a h at al armed for his ow n personal safe, - 1. - . .1 1 r.. u: . 1 - r.. mmi-. uat aisruit-i. tor uts us 11 i-nmiwi saic-. ' tv. tii-i us(d. in the iulness and uevotton of iiopiesi cu:.t-iii..u ui uu .-luui-iu Uil.n. - .V. ...t LI... If 1. .. u... a.nft '""""'i " """ siu nun I. u. u". .j o ,..e jn . M mHn frf,nk y ctfejed that be was, and that he iiv. d iu d ii.'y fear of his life. I le said that hi only tm-t wns, an implicit reliance upon his Make-, ami th-.t the first thing he did ftpri tii.irr.inrt .m nvskintr from ltis tii.iht a larlv knell dawn bv his bid ide and return- i . j - - ... . i 1:. .. : .... 1.. . t 1. .i 1. . . fin i.i. . nr.r. inn nr.n.ir inn., in 11 prdectinj rrovidenee that had been about " " ' hiu and pr?leeU-d him from harm durin; the ueiti.eei. -s nours oi si-cp irii..i. ta-i a a . . . . .a I rit tJicii ilatrl an.! ittii. lt iMlkTsxi nf Hill whi),ft Utts reived its temporary quitfit tiy th arrest of one of the parti", ;m to i have r-vn-ed snd is again on the tapis. 1 W hen the hot young blood of the chivalry I ........ :. : - -. -- :i l.JJ I ... te'S up, it IS It'll tl east I T C'Wtett uosttl, UUtjUim. w. .eacucu .lie Miiiuri uvu-e .-e.n.M still thirsts to wash out the insult wub ku- man blood. This is one of the few earthly ii....; i.i 14 ...i .1 1 l i.itw I. Dllt.tUlU lUnC III'! K y suiri in the pur-uit than the possession. Know- i iter as I do, that death is the inevitable lot of n.snki.i 1. I am willing to bide my time, and die when my time, cornea by the irrwo- cable decree of destiny, and guiltless of . brother's lio' d. My thirst for gunpowder lory would not drive me to sick the bubble reputation at tbe pistol's mouth King Mrc t is utiu-uaily crowded and live- ly lor ti.i, scasm, of the year, and our fash- ionahle prcmenades and the places of pub- lie aiiiu.-cnient Lav held ou to their gay totaries -lid fasbi , liable devotees in a most wondeiful mautter, considering it is almost ii. t i u mine r , and tne thermoiiieter at nine ty degree Ii e-'m M me like there is a groat falling off in the number that usually go to Hie North. We Lavs ao many pleas ant sum hit reoru near homo that ar al together as fas'ni.itr.ble and attractive as those at a greater dittance, that the people are finding it to th.ir advantage to patron ii.: their on a erttt!uhiiK'tit and keep their money at home. Mixer, the acouiinolatin" host of the Charleston Hotel has opened the Moultrie House on .Sullivan's Is', and, and hundreds ar flocking to tbiji favorite aud fashionable side resort, ah.re youth and beauty do gr-gau to enjoy the luxuriea of the -e, the salt water bath and invigorating sea congr hou 'i breeie. Jlount I'ieasant. Aiken and . Fumiitcrville, aluiost in sight of us, are pat roniied by suiimcr rcridenU from the city, nud are found not only Io bo pleasant and agreeable, but also highly beneficial to the iuvaiid and those sct-k.n health aud recrea tion. We arc always preaching up the doctrioe of Southern independence, and urging our pi opie to turn th. ir attention to their own re o'irce, and col themselves loose from the North a mut h as pos-ihle, and I tbii-k, in order that our ili i ds mav r.mit.ort aiih our 0rds, that it is high time our fashiou- .l ie r.learure lovi., umi,,r tr.eir.u,. n.n. - - - - p.e bad given up Saratoga, .Naliat.t and I Cape May, and tutned their attention to watering places and summer resorU near- j er home, and p'r-essing anprior virtue i and attractions. Hundreds of thousands are squandered in the North every year by our i wealthy .Southern planter and merchants ! ! thus placing tha weapon in our enemies .hands whereby to cut our throats iu the; end. i am not an ultra fire-eater myself, ; but I go for consUteiiey, aud I like to aee ,' people practice what they preach, and prove their faith by tbrvir WOYks. ! We have bad some excilin-r eenes in bii-l. ' life here lately, which may result iu some thing worthy tha attention of the p'ahlic, unless it is smothered in private and never! ailowd to seethe light of day. The gos- sips have been on the track of some inter- . estiug diseiosurek for some time, and if some- thing doi-not come out of it, it will not be the : fault of n.adam rumor. We ennnot wonder ! at these thiug when wo remember that we are rapidly beeoiuimg a great central com mcrciai im tropolia with all the appurtenance and concomitants usually incident upon such a dc-irahle social and commercial progress St arc no lunger a mart seaport town with privileges of au inland village where every one must need koow the other's business. V c ha ve loin, aii.e eaat aside our . w.il ,1 iim. hand-, and left tbe leadinc alriii:' of in-l probation, snd are uowneek and neck in the race for commercial distinction with some of the largest, wealthiest and proudest cities of the new world. ASH LKi". Mrjii'iiM. Ten , .Tun ai , lt-o7. .1. I'jlitnr : A I have an hour of leisure this mornin?. I will make a few cxtraet. from my diary. I left Charlotte the morn- ingoftlie 1 1 th, arrived at l.ranchville ahout M o'clock at night, stopped a half hour for, suppi-r bi f ,re taking the train for A ugijsts ; there wa nothing of interest occurring be- , I ini-cn i nsrioit and lit aticbvijie, save tbe I ; sitiggi-iines of speed, a! winch w trvel.lf a, in me riianner in wi.ien ine passeners are fltaroJ of .!, .1... .(,. l.i I-..I. ..!.:. . ... ..it .l ..V. - . " '" - '7' ! rusiu u tnwai"J IU1 J-rr anil I ti Hi loot think that it will add much to the in 'tcrestor adraiita.'C of onv Hail Hoad, to ! drop travelers and their baggage at their junotion with other Jtnil Roads, upon the 1 naked groumi, without any prouciioii iium the senrchine ravs ol but mini Fun. or even . - - t .1.1 u.i fr.i.i Hint-in uttil miii the m "itihi "v traveling comu.umty complain much f the ; Ho thiua of which I haie -pok. n in refer- 'enee tolhia ..ad, and it l...,.ld b. eoirectci : by tho proper per-.. in. 1 left Hi ancnviilo, at W minutes before; W'.- Bre e-pecially pleaed w ith the con- , 1,1, and arrive., in August:., just as the crj ;riu.in pf ,, ,l,lrei, and tiu-t that the ' li-'lit of i be tnoi t.inff be:.ti to-eive indiea-! ,.,,,, a. i.P,l i. will in future aet j lions of the approaching orb of day. The niuiiarers aud l'icsidciit of the Hoad from . . . . . .. .. . t . r liarlcston to AU-l.ti, nave me ir.anas - , tne travelers over win, ; eredit for the arrangements which they have ! lade for ,ho speedy p-s? over the Char- 'leston and Aucusta lio:il, and the care which ' they have bestowed upon th. ir coachel t'. j make llielil agreeania aim pieasani io uie tired and fatigued traveler. Tho scats are !o arranged as to adapt themseltea to any j position in which you may i-h to place . yourself for eae and comfott. Augusta U ; uo doubt a pleasant place to live, Ijeinj; much j such a place as Columbia in app. aranc'u. I left it lb minutes before 7 in the murnin ; and mads entrance into Atlanta il" niinutt a after 3 o'clock in the evening. Tha (ir-t 1 thinir ahicu attracleil my notice affr my i tno arpearanoe oi a brilliant nair. nearly cr. .. ; . : . .1 - ' ..: uuy net in leugiu, anu oi proporiionate , wiuiu, a liose sturdy folds were too ponder- 1 . .-l:i..lt..L-.ii i.---. : om ig uc imku ij me ji-nut- orti f - iitiinj! beneath it. It was not, Ihou-'li, tlie Barf t-i ..t -. ... - , .i.n... .., . ..v wlneu bore tlie stars and stnp.-s.our national , emblem ; but written upou iu face, were ' thetM, words, 41 . Swe.iA Co.a Lottery ; drawn every Saturday in the year," " oO.Oihj , Dollars to be had by risking Id Dollars ;" Vim.' t-., n..w ul..l v r.!. a .l..tl j-- .--j - -- j r . V. II II . I, II , III tlfllll.t .I.Mfl I.II..1 . H 1 1 1 I 1 1. II. a t- - i r tuWf l(, otuer lik9 cu,ritflbk. illf,ilut,.n, but I do ut.hesitatirgly pronounce this Lot tery, not one of the greater!, but the greatest Humbug tlie world ever saw, doing inoro in - i i . i us way to corrupt ana nveiroy me F00'1 i n.orals of the young, than any other plan,1; which they could hate adopted, bt mg as it ir iiccnscu auu suriaii'eu uy me .si itte, iji tea it a tone of character, and a snnbl ance of r.-pectshiiity, tl.,.t will prove ui,d..ul tedly, a - x g. i i and fift v Years lictice. ill u.' ironoutice I a . . . . . ...,i . . . . n .. 1. ..-..... . ....i......i. : . . . . lum ...ill u liu.i .lie 1'.' u.itii: luiiui. ui. . ' of the State ot Georei j There ate many thing" of which I won I -Vic ic niBtii .mill:- ui nui.u wv... - , , . i i i . i l.ke to write but my Lour is nearly out, aud , . . ' , . it. I will hasten on. A tier le.tmg V. a, time and thing, pa.sed off pleisatt.ly ; 1 a - sen-era all sern.ing to be po-er-ed of the seti"ers all jeeuiing to Le p apirtt. (not of wine) but of hilarity and fun, J which tn not tli'tuib. d or intruded upon, ! :l . I..I.I... i: 1.... V... .. , Chattanooga and .len.ptiis, at a little place called Corinth, jfsecordiu to tbe seripluie,) i.. T .1 .1 ,..il. k , .....i ( a, ' ajuj-w as t est s a as a a wstv j ai aa c e .""- the first or sccoud letters of raul to the Corintbiaus, which were written over l'ttMl, years ago. 1 wish some one to go and tell those Corinthians what l'aul had to tay to th'rn on the subject ef entertaining a Hrotbcr ho was hungry, then peihaps tuey would , not give a poor hungry tra trier, w ho had ; but fifteen minutes to go upon, iu order to . despatch his diatier, a pit-c. of su old H.lly for his diuittr, tbit eouid not bi cut rub j anything lets than a broad ax", and in ad dmon to the hardnesa and scarcity of the ' , f,re. tha P1-1''. k"'r" ,lJ'! r"F "J ' ucers seem to have l-rn ucd for the last six monii.a aa a ny 3epository, at Ktu i would j'l'lge so fiom the quatility of Liack is,t. ..,. .1. a....- ... I....- :......u.i .', ' j It for le.sou.ng p.rhaps o, I U' pe thai they wi sooD utaru better. I am now in Memphis and may wr.te w you again after 1 get on the boat, (hear the sigual now fot passenger, to prepare for H. T. Put' t fr N'etiROM aCentlrv .Wi It will be seen by the folloaing, that the Ahoii- tionists of New England, w hen they used to n "'gro- and buy and sell then, a- they d,J -u4 horses, did not put a, high an e,,lm,,e "P"" ,hcf now Prof" tc : Prii c or Nconoa Om IIumihku TttR Atio. The Homestead, published al Hart ford. Conn., has lately publi. be 1 an obi documenr which givea liie prices of farm stock and negros iu that State ot r a bun dred yean ago. All tin: old thiittiti ht ite. it will be remembered, were kiaieholding until tine the llevolu'ioit. Tho docuuieut question is an inventory of the tttate of Capt '1 Lomas Wheeler, ouo- of t'ue rich'st "icn of his day, bit estate being valued at over Slll.OOtl, 'j'0 show ihe great diflere. cc iu prices then and now. we tite the in ire of ' the slaves as fouud in the inventory, dated Dec. 11. 1770: , One negro man named Quash, i .11 Negro woman named Juim. 8 Negro man named Cie ar, tjllli .4. .Negro woman tiained Cab, ?!:). (It). Negro man uauied Cipio, fl.l'J 7 3. Negro woman nan.ed Hagei, Si's!"' 00. Negro woman named Flora, SI" " fl". Negro woman named Sarah. el3;J 34. Negro woman named Juno, irt'.'i on, Negro woman named Chios, I!G OU. Negro boy named I'L.no, s4 lU. Negro girl nat ied 1'hnlts, $..) 00. Servant mulatto boy Harry, Hi 79. Servant Indian woman Mary,?", ."jtj. , f'AMFollXM Ei I.tr'HB A gold mine rec,,l,'j discovered on the lands of S. W. ''e. George A. Smith and others, near L-'tnesboro , Anon County, throw Califor completely in the shade. The vein is ,bout f'f'een inches in thii kne.-. and extends "r distance. 11, entire surface in the vicinity of tho rein is so rich that ten dollars a day are made l- the hand in was!,. r . . . . . - ... ... sire to make a fortune in gold mining will da well to visit this newlr discovered ..! 10 Anon County before going to Calif, i.i . 'f''"fy Ihinnrr. ------ A CtTV fif ElilTORK One hundred and twenty-six editor in the I'uited Stales hire recently drawu building lots in the town ol Wsrrenton, a., situated in the " l.oid Ko- I'lou ol Culpepper iu that Sist : tn i.lc r- y mail in nr - uniiKa l-eter-burg; Hry.nt, of the New York Even-, '"if Dost ; Gflmrr.nf Iiewisliurg ; A e-pfinn ni: i usi , .in-rer, ni jai.iiurg; le-p i.tun Elli.,of Whi.,,,,; Coali J;arr,f Ab - itiK-lon , Waddell.of .Staunton; Alemmler of Charlottesville; aud a ho-t of othei. sre toha there. in, ar.u tin without grinding any portion . -i 1 '"" . ''r ."w t riean. tie of ore from the vein. The vein is very rich ,,"l',','d yst'rdny that a portion of h. r ear ths gold being seen plainly all over the ? """'ed of steam engines, from the broken pieces of the vein. Tho- who do- - ' r"degar Iron Work in this city, tine wast I. f? , .j i p ,i.,i,i,r qii )v tab-, rsraarked that " he pref. irt .l to p.y TYi'-' '""'; hi. fs-etoih.t object iben, as nrgt-iitliuHue.. offended ber.use a elerk in ; pri Ve,,te, bis b.-mg , r in Ihe afternoon A very rwolst rot rirnn n. , L . . e fwit Ikiie Uieu U ah9 r Mae Li t Ji tai. ..tJUJ UutMias.i I'rum the Wilmington UeruU. l UXKKlt HILL CKLKUHATION. 'l i e ailiireaD nronoouoed ' at the Uun Ur Hill tVlebra-ion hv the Hon. JMward KwrcU, ni.d published to the Northern pa- ........ - ,, rnrliiii.n. It i umiiilv de- . , u.. f. i . :.l . t !.. 1 fA an.l voieil 10 a roii-mrrm mhi ui iiio mo J t.(l .,ri)rll,r fef Warren, t. uhoxe memory the j hrn, n,),,,.,,:,. t.-niinoninl of vri r ition and ri)t;,ulK. llf ,.0l0 0f New Kn-lalid, ll0W ,,. i:11)u,.Miratc 1. , ti(, l0J t. 0(- tr;,terinil union it inenloaica. n...., ; I r t.u it fanniieul Machu- I J ". ; Si,f ,uJ M wi ,,e wu II. .UU Hit "HI I't "' And Oh! mv friend-, let the 1-on of fraternal aff.c.iot, which taught us in bn deal h be repeated in the persuanive silence of those atony Up. In hia own heart stirring lan-im-. let' the voice of our fi.llicrt'blood cry'lo from the cround,' and upon this a - creddr.y.andonlhi.iuiinorljlhill.letitpro. claim a truce to sectional alienation and par tv strife, as the medieval church proclaimed the 1 Truce of God.' Wherever else the el" n.entsof discord may rag, let the billows sink down, and the atorm he hushed, like yonder placid wave, at the foot of Hunker UiH "II. ro l.t the kindly feeling vbat alii- mate.l our fathers revive in the bosom ol i., ir sons, assured that ahonld oi.iiiee do - j nrM;0 , of . (oteljin ryj inT.Jc us..jf lj. ; i mi a.. .,n.,i.m....i 1 1""" "---". ; thtV would huro with the glow of fiat riot- : .1 ,limrl.u .oulii lean from iu scab- V - . . au! the licivimr rod of Hunker Hill .-. ,1 i,...i ...iunta t the de. ! ,.ive UD ; f,. .c .1,. !,,: .fc..-.v ..... w...... 00i..,jOB wt( undoubtedly one of ! mucll ip,rre,t. , We notite that letters were received from ,,.uished nersnos, Fresidcnt Kurlienan, .1 . , .I .. 1 1 .1 . 1 :i: , ex 1'residetil an Jlureu and otner uoiauiii- I . K .1.1 I - .lies; and iroiu I lie tjovernora oi aeverai oi States, C.ov. Wise, of Vir-iuis, and Gov. AifB1 pf' South Carolina amoiu them 1 typ m 10W,rrft no 0tter from io. Hragg. .y,. be )ol ;uvilea io iteud the eelebra ijon ? ,;or W i-e a letter l characteristic ?(joj W e append it : snd I'.li ininvp, Va, May 1". 157. G. . T 1 . . . ... .1 I. .U. ...... h . I. .a J , '. r " """" t , " 1 V. ! l-ir HICI1 IIIUt4llti IU IIIQ IU nnv UH tiivii vni.- br.tion of the eight, second anniversary , . ,-i. i .... .. .-.t t . .... r, 1 ,, .... ....'final examination, wero erv ii.irr. .ill,. : the lialile ot Hunker 111 I. on I lie I i in da nc ---- - - -- ., 1 to expres. my regret at mv in.bili- ' - - I next, am , 1 Ity to alien1 I'ublie duties at th ' . 1 . ii. . . al time - - . , . .. , . ,. . i asr.eeially to bu discharged will prevent my i . 1 I Icavinir irgmia. Comine througn you. sir, a j invitation is verv accipt.bl. to ; jf . . , , , it rtius. pe uy aonio mttiiie.i or otuer, in-t , thou.-h tl.usuu of our d.-tiny at a natioaahs'.l : et in gloom and a night of darkness, and, thouch frsiieidal Hood shall tl jw by the L-..1 'll. ...J ...I.. I.....k. . f , . ' ' . , , . ,,ii hou-e. hereafter, I can never forget Old Massachusetts; b-r lluukfr Hill, ber V ar- rens. ber Adatnes, ,rr Hancock, Iter hail bfr ti-ter bail once to Virginia in tune which tried men's soul a " No, tier, er, never, never! Mnu Hot reriee our V'Jut touiiry trrlt.iis'. A ery gratefully, vours, IIKN1IY A. WISE. A T. ltvAD'i. KkMARKAHI.C F'iiK''wt. son ( In Saturday a eouieai, funnel shaped t.dy, eiteiiding from lb heavens nearly to the earth, and tapering as il descended, paased orer L'tica. with a bulling wet-, abieh ass generally anted and remarked ...n lia s.r.... ..... .a ik.l f . . . . . -t i '" ' ' " "'' la'e w iter spout. At Dcer&eld, about Iwo i f m traiinc fenet-s aud tratim up trees by the ro jt, h A f vV.rrpn it chwg , mtVlin,,t , rM.hin. ; . . ,- ..-,,, ..a r,...d foT ' lb celiar, urjing his wife t.t follow him with another. He reached the e-llar, but before his wife had done so the body struek il.e buiidin'r, ieatinii it a perfect wreck, ki.'iing her and dtng. rou-ir injurinj the aoldirr a ailing Io have ibem cul oil l at a child. A barn belonging to M Hudlonj. er ou s. r amalier standards, mnh rta and another owned by John H. Mudlong, cap, suppo-ed likeai-e t-j represent .ini.'ti both aubstantial structures, were crushed to kit. t ling on the ground, ahtie c'iiihr.piot piece. A eow taiidini' near by was killed the gioaod were supposed l bt soldi, rt it without any spparet.t wound. A threbittg m down, trying to get out of the reacb tf , machine weighing four bund re. I pounds was i the lahrc. The exercise consisted in i.tln ' caught op and carried a Hist .nee of about furiously round the course in settion i 1 ri.'lity feet. A small wooden barn was de- 1 four at a I Hue. ; molished, and only two or three timbers can A'I this is done with the consumption :' ' be fount) to atte-l its previous existence less lime than it tskra to r.late it, and i ' The body travelled n th rile of about a really a very exciting spectsele. Ihsstto'i i mil a minute, and the indications of iia ; went through tbe ring with prcti-i"" llit passage do not extend over lite mile. It' aould hava been slijlitly dis:,greeal -e l.'i l was di-tinelly seen In rise from lbs r-arfli they been limed al a man's eyi ; sn! ! rn-ar Mr Jiuil long , oe i roniesl hap, ' s-ufled heads of the imaginary S'd'li'Tt r- and disipatu in a e'o'ld. N'on esn explain ceited tnuitiptng which eoulJ only l'" the pb.fiomena. Whither it w -. a vapor-1 been endured by themselves. luntnri "', 1'qui I, or electrical condensation it a 1 lure could not aland sue usse, as the li unit, r fi" th' irntilie to tletermiiis. j .aid, without falling. i " After a ralher Ugtl.y eontiniiaiiee , this rxerci-e tha order was gitsn to ' Uie j riiii.AHCi.Piiu, June H. ! .. . ... .- . .. :, (In M.se.J.. .r i.:i ..ii i hoys re playi"v; on tbe lob of a hogshead ' VII ti I suet iiiitM! III IV IaT "HI Ml lot whiskey, Minding in front of a stori on 1 'Front street, another boy came alons and; 1 put a lighted fireeraeker Into tbe Lut'L'hoIrl to frt..htn tlie nhr r !rl ...es.is.th . .1.. I ""r'tt"" as t miii s I lie wiii.ii y IL' ill llJ . i u i .. . a lerrmc explosion i0vk plsee, b owu.i; one , .. . ', ., if th boy ba.f way ai-ra-s the street, and J - ft. s..- ty I I'VIKlll Ulftl ij a iiia- tance of eight or leu feet. Ho fell lute the burning l,q. id and bully burnt. The lives aud hoops er forced to a roiiM.I rabu: di-ianee, aud a number of men, wo men, and children, sitting or slstiding about the doorstcrps in the vicinity, made nar row eseapes from being slun k by the fly ing pieces. 111. II Mot n Si.tTII. The Mas rrAtTt'RiMi rou tiic 'Ci.ootier "tinrest It now il....' .!.. I. 1. f. v.- ...i ... a fine !il ion bcomotive, for the Mobile snd i i : : ii. i ..-. , ...no ii .iiro. i. I nere wi re a .o lite slat on - ... . . j . .... s,, , s.-niiii. m rue liv oak region of Loui-ian. h ja "ratify. ititf lo obsee-. such at,,,,, ;..;. ",.r .,' , - i iv. i ne quality of Virginia iron, and in th ki!l of tier ai titans iu its manufacture. rV""A, SOA. At A t not iv ihr I'uiKinAviMi.-In ; . . C .'T, U S,,,rilX morning, . , , ' . """" i1";"1 f ' "" he taken up in ,(,' I "f" 'hnfH. I"' mdiddual b. tl. r ki.. , T'!"" 'Vm'1''1 "''" tll" for a rnyi Mlhia-jM ditiun, walke.l up il,, i,!Pi ! hs,t ... ' - ,r' "I l lust reno II, e a iii. ti .i.e. . ami pi icing a quarter of a dollar I ,t , lie thin quietly mud, bt .Yt-t-ai'rV i''u(er. ' later from Ktnorn. AUB1VAL or TIIK STEAM KR rf:RsiA Vww V . 411. i 'hk, June . 1 ho Mcan.er t eri h, iri - i T i l no picanirr i eri nu ariucil nt II r f.i.w.lh advieea from L.verpol ,0 ,!iC , im-taui.. laiib. Cotton Las adraneed Id. per pou,,, , ''C aaloa lor tho week wera (o,t.()n I,,,! of wu,r!' P''COliJtor took l:,00:l Mt)( rx' Prter H.OitO balea leaving 54.1100 I,,,!,. f " oeaenpuons me iraue. r mr trie,,,, j wa quotea at pgn. j Wr.eans MilaiflsI 7 15-1 6d.( t air f'"hiie at f, . .M,u,jjj Mobilea 7d.; tair I pland at eld. ' Middling Upland at 7 13 lOd. per pQiih,. I Tho market wa peuerally firm. Tl.. llL . ..in 1.. f, ......j '" stork i, i -. mj.oVn. '"Ill port eompnacd 6S7.000 kalca, of a hicl. . bW, were AMnen. I W heat haa advanced from ad. a 4 1. rr : pound.. Hour waa unchanged. Corn " q" i ""' WB "th from :),. f,j ! 3ys , and .hit. from 4dv fid. to4U ,f H poun.U lb account, ,f tie were favorable, The politieat rewaia unimportant A deputation has visited Lord l'aWr.t,, in rttetencti 10 uie increase 01 the Africa slave trads, and the meaua to be used for j j "Oppression. 'ihe proeeathofS of Parliament rs 0. , important. There was a alron. Catholic op. ; position "'"" tin , An influential uiewtingof ootion mfrcn.m, has beeo held at Liverpool, and re.ol,jom Dtcd to tut enicimai ll la the dui , .,..... .. "V- trea nriiain u iosict ine raising ol eotti 1 " '"C olotuea. A eommittea w . artioiiit j . . . 1. . 1 . si . ' ,w eo-oprr-r iu me .uancoe-trr cottan , aut'plv aooiation. the railway warehoase of the VirkfeM . - . .Company al t. anirten, together wuh4ai-e.j i q-iaru rs of corn, hat beeu burnt, at . ioi, ,f XI .Oll,tMM. J Evans Hoare Ai Co., Australian iiifreLmta Kb m fail.l T limir I. m 1.1 1 i. Iam . J I in,,. . ,, .' , -- , 'j In Krsnre the election exei't Biem ,,;. creasing. Tbe rrluiosof the Hank of I'ttitc thow a lare inrr.-ae. I he lii-pano-Mi xiean question w t unsetlled. The Theatre in Morenee has been hii'nt Forly-tbree person were k-iUd and out hundred and thirty injured. 1 ' I - ' THE KXKRHSKS AT WEST Pt I N T. of' T'" " Wrt Pdi,'' tr:tr ,0 ,b 'Dual examination. wer erv intrn .tiii , Un. edre.d.y of last week the -..:. , r, ....... im! . i . a 1 . ... j . .. . ' erei took place, . A letter tbua dc-enis. lUini. i '"l "' i .. r. .r,..,..,- i.ir.-., t i" arietaoon, at litirps.t fj-ir, ahout half of th. praduatin,. el.. Jril,,j Hdiog-U.Il, io lb. pre.eae, ,f : , .r .... ...,.... f ...... -i .. ,.. tticm : - . w, . -. . ,,, new, and quite ecbtmodioos. being alout two hundred feet by fifty wide, and i far. o ptrior to any riding aeeotLUioJationt abwa th afa.Jn. tiad firnirinita tit lart .-t-H i.,,, ... ,. A -,. ,. . I here are wo g.i enes ereeted I u. , aceomniodaiion ot tbe audience sr.. t.tt are hardly as eommodiou atlhey un-bt te ' tbotisb tbey are a great eoovenienes i About half past lour the section to V, drilled, appealed, equipped for the f xf t.aw. i and mounted on a v ry fine sted of l.or-fi provided by the institution. They lift f i l-d round the course in double linr, -i j then at a fvat gallop ru-I.ed rouud the cu-c like a whirlwiud, umii etea Ihe solid i-. ' building aermed lo tbak 10 il foiiudlr 1 he w heeling hail, forming in line, rH ci- er movements were p. rfotuied auh jrnt accuracy, and eli.'Heil uioeb adauiratKm ' Ihe next operation was a drill in fifit; and tbe sabre exert iae, to the iiiiib:u:ni . n , I n..l . 1 '1 i 111 W I -. I I n W . " '"" " ' ' About aix feet from the w ail , hi I i, i.r , f buiMillf t lUlrr .i.i. were p-.ce4 standardr, bearing a resemblanre to t gal- lb, ,r) of .Ucb extended oi.r I t between ihe si. nd.rd and tl.c ...I , , .,- ,MU ku ,u,m.rjjed' . ri, .Vs., two or three feet above ihs Lead ol s r:l.f . passing under it. In a line aith tint s.rt j placed other standards, with besdi o-tJi of rl"th. suri-ored Io represent the list ii sf , ' " ' . wrile the word Ibe troop a as on terra Ctn't Al the word ' unsaddle,' liie bin.) ie a";"' work skilfully for a in mule, and seoa i.si ' troop stood by their hor-es, bmg s sm.p r blank-t iu plane ofa saddle At the a'"1 ' Iiiami.I a. i.,B..t- t.eail. a. Iii.'te ai'irtil"' ' -i.it .1 ' I ... . i 1,1' i goons unhl have beeu seen t-i.i.bm.' , ? n ..t .i. ,l, i-p air, aud naliy settle quietly on Ihr i p 1 ., tj ,i. tUt.set. II... nrm Knit., a aeala-.t Il.e Lialis'.- ... , j ... in. ;... . .k.. ...r.,;. i hen r' iw ;i . i i " '. s . . u . 'i ,'.,'- .... psated, aud the claa proved a ptoh"'"1 ailbout saddle or slirrup at aiih c !. a" the scarecrow men rec.ived snoth. r lt"-l puinmeiing. " Me ree id ea-e with h' " I l.t class road, ne preeiaion of the ntatkie ' ship, and thu perfect coolness diq.l v" througho'tt tha whole of the exhibition " i.m..n....e...t . ....... tin..'. en il il a I le . I' ' " r. ......... , I, h sdeiiusfe rssU!t to the igorous exertion woful aoi'iag of ahit pant -ia..-af1' the operation." Am Oft IrtMi. The Hon J"t"'' !l .::.ta . ..... .i......i.r.siie I' r r to the T'l ib tine , IR which be .' lli-t ia i . - ,. a . ikit tin.! of Al.r.Lam" I. nut Its '" ' ' (o.l of AbrnLsm I . . ih tl W is " ' no ""P'-ca into in c...... -T. . - idol or Ihedtilycf the slavrkoM" ,. !. m ,-- I t. ft iaa m nrnliintmi 1 w t y Riw I IL" """"'Il 4" !:....: t l l.alive IB IUUIB W ln W fTIHr' a- t.o.1 of the lliblo. but ha on. of bis c" thu is, nn anf.lsvery tiod s nn';'r- ' suppose, or some hideous creature "h"" 1 a i pillage ami ih. ft.-aVr u I oik U " '" . ,, tv, . IfrtW T Gf IV. HI rtts. - Mr-- l-i . keep boardrrs, and alwty ha-a f",1, r-' Two year ago abe i.s.-,l to coll. -. t i harks, oy-ttr shells and Heak I '""' 1 , .. . . ...... ..J ...l-eft r. ' them in front of ihe door, and ii-'sert til. ill in ir.fii in .tie M'ii, . boarders. The bait alway too', "M lady -ow indulge, in a ihree -to-) ; . e.l, door plate and ea-c. I....-H ''-. """' I'snkerine after latter fliib4 to Uiks 4 uotsu