1 EFFE T3 OF THE APPE.VH. ANlKOF ACOMETIM ITI'J. '' ' " A every boil on lb on v:ve in r ,rj to tbe Comet, -ml all eoru of iJeni .....I in rsxf.ril in It mta niva .1,. f,!owing amuiiiig aketoa gleaned Iroui (U till pPer ' , , In (b year 1712 Mr. Winston, Itav! t.i!culted ilia return of comet which wai i,i make it eppearnuo on WeilticMiUy, Uli of October, at five iiiiiiutus aftor live in tlm uiort.ing, ,ia Jioiioe to tbe public e cording!, tattli ler.iiji.ijr: addiiiuti tint t total devolution of the world bj Gro ia to ,,l,s plsoe on the Friday following. Tlt reputation Mr. WliUton had long maintained in KiiL'Inud, both an divine and a philoso plic', left or 09 Jubt with the popu Uc of the truth of hi piedi.wion. " Several ltidio.au. ttetits took place. A n'liubor of persona in and aliuut Loudon iciied all the barge and boat they could ,y lueir uaixie oq iu me 1 name, v i , rHOlluj m-- " v".u- 1 ...... i,.n took nlice there woulJ bt tbe innst fety 011 tlie water. A geiiileiitftri who had i ff ICC I" I""'" J" J f w .e.7 1 i 1, a ; .j. ii- .1 . . I ti-.r informed hi wife that it wai hit de lirmiiKtio'i resume that laudable practice : tlie a:u e veiling ; but ft is wife hating en- j pfi-J a ball at In r liounc, perxuaded herj Liaband to put it off till aue saw vlii ilier inf rornct appeared or not. The South S. I i:.irk iiumediatvly frit to 5 per cent, and the J J.,Ji to 11; anil the captain of a Dutch; imp threw all hi powder into the rive r that : ce .ip m'nilit not be endangered. I Til., nit turiiiiii?. Loirvr th rnnit i sp ared aco'irdtnj :j the prediction., and latere noon the belief wax aairer.al that i'io Uiv of Jud Tinenl wa. at hand. About Ij,. tuna tiiree hundred and twenty three t.Ui'"''n '""Ie'l or lo LiHbeih, it f ni I, to petition that a abort prayer a.i.'ut he prnnrd and ordered, there being Due in tbe Church rerriee on that occ.ion. Inrf-e miid of honor burnt their collection of niveia and play', end aenl to the book- I yr' t ) buy e.eh ef tl. tu a Jtiblu and lii.l.on Tavlor 'Hole Iivinif and1vim'f r - f i :, ran upon tbe bank wa no projigioun tu at all hand, were employed from morning Iu uilil in discounting note and handing cat p -cie. O'i Thur.day consider. tie more t.in T, 003 kept oii.treMee were legally 1 : .1 . . e . . Ibirricj in n.e Hrc ui mirrri, rouirp:,T:oii. , Ani, to erocn the whuU fare., hir tiiibert Hi -aiiifote, head lirectr of tht Jtanka, j .'id or lrra to all the fire offurn iu Loo- ' im reqiirinj the 111 to keep a good look- fit ml hare a part;e jiar eye on tbe Uauk oKa-UBd.'" At.tvt is iH.IV.ii'in A r. nut liable .... f ,....... i. .. I . ,i.. .1 i I r vt mii-.v.j-, , ii. - iv .o .'w.j.o iiic Mrau Li occutird in llainiiton county, Ohio, at.ire Wat Kcktinn, said lo be a wralihyr kid, aa taken violent on the n.oiini of I 'uli atid diu'd apparently, on I ne afier . t. . J r i ... r.oouoi ioe asoie nsy. jug ncii moruine thr body ai eofljnrrt and jolted in a mar- i I i vm to a rhuroh. ahere a Iuim ral 1 leruiou was preached. The rbujr i l( about ... . )' ..:'ine ins ia. ill inn wpen iney were lit- t'T'itfl hy loutirls and llekt on the inil tfihecoflju. Greil c jliatcination prevailed l..,oi the COUjtrrjiaiioli, and a ftau Je j sn u,J,j for the door. 1 l.u c,rr;uin ! ffiie dowa from hia pulpit aud ordered thr : r-lin to be eiNvntd. which an vd ii w i c ne, alien it found that tbe uppori -v... d . no. only ali.e and kickin-, ! J . f t .1 in atruiflini; matitully lo flee himarlf f-.-.ti nl co:iutiriiietit The blood Bow- i iu: freely front hia mouth and bosc1, hut in i rery Y w uiiuutea be was able lo sprak i At iv-t aerouul. he was able to aalk aboui In rjsni. I Ti'l Iriiv III ri- TI.O rt of Bling ariiu. sina baa not qu.tc yel lecu di-eover-tl , hut the spred attained by our ratlaay i ri.iiy aj proaehin even that mule of 'ive, sue. Tbe writer of ll.ii paragraph, if'r Lreakf.1 tiiig iiiit'y at (.'iiieajio on uJay iiioriiing, sii o flijck, aeatrd blnia. If 1 a ear ( .he Mirhipan Central rail fi.d and found hiinself It Fletroil ('J"'i ' '") at 3 I'M. While croasiii. tha IVtroi. ,.r a ,io,..t,.ft,. .li.,..e ... a.,..,! i .. ,,. ' : 4 I . AI. we wers nff id a (.rest Hiiirn ''mill train, hiih cro'ffd the Supen.iori '.' c.'. ( tnutnih cl art which i iwoeiat- '. M it rrinriatrlt with Xatutc a iuot sub i t (Tut ) 5J"J 1 miles, at a rj iarter l efoie I-o c' ick At a quarter pjt i'l we 1. ft i Nrw Yotk IVutral train for Albany, r-ir nj here (.'(!. iuileJ at 10 o'clock, tlnje t'Mellinj SI7 tnilia in twenty right Lour-, iA aitboul butry or fatipue. .4aiwy Juimal. 'l"-. r.Krii;T0.N rtN Va.Divil. " I : tj 'tend weddtntja," said Mrs. t'artini;. ' '". " she came lark from one in church, ; ".il lung her shawl up, and rcplnved the j f'ui.t iu tar innj preserved bamiboi. " 1 j . Ii see yiriiiA pecpie ennui lo-f t Utt wi'b j ti' proiuut. i Ve, rhi ri-li, end tlOurill i ''k other, lint it is a sole inn thiujf, ia j t atr mony a Tcry oletnn thing w here j imi.iatrr coinra ii.!jtL rhatiCery wittr j "iiplus on, and joea through the cere- i '7 of maiin them inn n anl wife. It; be li'ikt.atid and wife, for it tn't i '"'f l.'i-l.and that turns out to he a man. ' '1 ' te I i.i n r shall fortt when l'sul j I " '!." riuptnl riiij; on my nnjje r and said, "'itli my eojda I (l.ee endow." lie used ' "ffp a dry jjooda tore then, and I thought 1 - a a, "oinj o give me I he a h.vle there a . 'i i' I wii jf):inj arid aitiipV, and didn't ', '' t.ll kCirarda Ihnt it meant only one ' cii.co ure.j n tear!" " ', Till (noia SoLTU AND WlMT.- '""t iiiformatioi no run rather from ouf ".nfajj (lt. pro-perta for fsir crnp are i.ril.le. ft, Uroru, Alal.iiii.1, Mipi Irfuiaimm, Timiiipa t t Hbio, Wi-con-,n I inj liinuiP, lUrrn are pood pro r'' fjt finr rropi pfncraHy. The fr am f' m partieiilnr vmntufi c!L The ftian- "f Knife pimfMil tlii e.ioij U mI lo mr.rr than doulUi? thai of mt irevtiiii4 . ir Acrotjnti from the Louisiana stlyar , I rp very flatierin. In many part of j ""It i'arnlinii ,r trt emp is lino, an l ' " "rn ernp p ur fjllr prjniir at. average i ( rTivn Haw Mt Dr. rhjc J ,,1t the men (, ilr) Arctic rxj.eiiiiion, '"ive, he-t on m rat enlirrly raw. Iu this th. meat se rrn tl lo have a power which lt be ti precc's of cnokinjr. Like ""''i fru;U ,n,l jeluMfa, il lo.l it flush " HaTn'Uat first I' hia pafiruta ""'J Lie llm peHalo, n. h salad. Thcr i r Kuril , ,er,mo perlial lo it, and ovir f lir .tt.ia.naiHr. to raw and hard fro- "'J "'lt, Ihe, rrnllj- Bl'tou ptelcrred ittliua. ; i in this condition the usli.es mnstlj ' their f.o,l, arrd from tliein the IWlor r' the irlea t which lie believed (lie ''P I nnm , .. .. . J :.. ..!..:. PI..- I . ...,.,1, u.,, ,1,, vai.nitvil.. A III J "I an vrgrtutjlr fof,,li ln, t lricllj animal 1 " il. that r.'KIor). sern.r.l lo furuiau all 1 A Ricn Editor. Jemei GorJon lien nett, K-q , of I hu New York Herald recent I J purchased a country sent at Fort Wash- iiijjton for -Inch he p .- i i 5,15,00(1. he,. banal. I.. . 1.1 I... ., ' , M l- 1 i" 'ue 011 '"" ritui.ro mm rum avenue, lor winch ho "forked over" Srtli.MM. In addition to all this, he haa expended about 8011,000, in the last fortnight, in the improvcmeiit of liiii oflieo by the introduction of lightning urownK aiiif unt.i-i.-.r .1.:....... The llnulii i.: a" luttuku," eeitaiD. lliis place, 011 tlie S.itli ii FOX, infant un uf .Vtf. ( lurlct I H IIMillttlP. ft" Notice. iuri..it.v m... r. n. r. o,,,,,,,,,, t m. I.t. fir ule IIMIMIolll. Iln.l. l il...' r , , , ,., B .r p. ,..,. . nv ipi nunry ot in I 4i rl Plan, I n, '"'nhia or t'lmrloitr, at the ootmn of the ...-. Pef,in- "tt ii.tMtii.rm will VM. JOHNSTON. Prttt. Jinf Sft, k57. IHlf SIf.KIt ti C O.'S SKWING AIACIILNES. TO It.ANTERfl. MAMFAtl iriKHS AND I'SIVATK FA Ml I.I IX r. ..I Smirr c '. Stwutr M uliinr m.r ie M-n II ..Mrnh.M Ml liic ,M.i,i.li tfuti.-. t harUitr, wlu re hcit 4i I.- ,.,tuim d hn.fi A uli., coni.iiiii'g luil p.rtnuur.. Iiii.tr . u ,;i:i;i:i! I'm Tiav Agmi ji, Si.gt A; ( Junr 3l, I r.)7. ir I ir 'Ii 11 11 W .NOW hire the T.I 'I'.-l 1 V . f.i.ia C.r I H7 rmtfv 0 r M. fi'HI' liwi'l. Trrvon. Ilil.ie l.i nv l..x will it(iw mil nn H in,(!-rcf nt'l Mr.(t.tl!r t. .r t ..., i. II,. Il I. Iirpr.i 1, , II,,. rifdl.r Kill U: flitl'i. .!, H.r nc. r mutl t . ii rlcd.. i. A. ll.Uill.S, Ti-Jc Iwrrlnr. -nr 23, ls.,7. I Til Tmikii. ri ' Olli-', 4 . .-i.nl It. It. ''l.r:itil. I (il I MlllA, Ji C, B.',7. ilXTII 1'IVlLiK.Ml II r ..r. er ..I hir II , rd ei lH.rl..t., LIYIIiCMl OK TWO mi.. I.AKS I Kl( MIA E F, mil lc i-i.i to :l,. M... . tM.l.lera no t Itr fl I t day r.1' J nil n. at. K.on.id hl.a-k h. ai.l l, " nl at the R.t k v .,,.l..ro. M.ah,.i. r. ,n . I.e.l.r arid U m Vni, will be n....i hy n.e ar.-i. t i i oe.te I- I -, And M.ia I uMtrs in in I ar dma inr K.d iii "' 1 m ' ' '""'i'"?1 At. I.I (.1 It t? I" . HI ntfii-tre. (lari.pioii ((iriiifiiiTi fi I al I ue Itank t.( lit. SiL.te nl S.,.tlh I A.. 4;l oth.n ul la (... mi , ihi ..tli-r. C. lit L K Nil ' II T, Ntrtt.iy anuTi. rur, r. ' ''' l.'f 1'ri.s.lrt-s. uf .;i l iiIom (olli ur. ',,IK " "rT'''' ' " ' 1 1,1 ''" ;' " " jk" ' t'""' A !. ' " "r' (-.as. tee . in J..I a.,7 , ,n n,. n p,,lc. t,u f n it., eha - . I M' le. I.e.'ei... A e. K. NVK I i I "l' 'I I ISON , Srr y. H.r.i ln.iiti L)..,,ia,.r, ( ..ll.re. 'I" 1 STORES I roil trine of V. r, r i-f Imp fiMirl ol Kijui'y, II ll, on T11...1 .v ..f ni.r neat ( ounty (wirl 't.,,,. in, a-t, ,,t Jo V neat.l imi r I , ' ! 2. Store Rooms It l.ritn.te l,'.nfe, , i Mini 3, niti .I. (i in !k '""" P" ( liie f ,i, I', rpa.t.p rrsir. hit liimnii pljiid in ( hur i - ttrml Ii i- p -lp. t olaiinintu 1 i'.ll-. olibl Co Wei i l.i i l n,-Sn iiitii'i '.ntertai f. tee n. prr.lil h L'lvrn With i.f rj!t, tc pun OrtPi r giv. il H'fiH, H rpr 1. It M NLAr.r. A m Pis le. i. -i Jr.t !), I ctll Hemovnl ! Ii VllJllil A 1 Nfi rur- t tf-m r.lUMTK liW to 1 lie pjn r tp nt p-'e.i (. he top .rp .-rtuf'nur Syno. -Sl'IU t S' tlliM.K, e ..uiU pay t i-ttt ami Trepht tenea to elevate and enhphfen jiie 1 t Uaiti ftirr i nil tiv pu!.i 8i.Kk ip Ip-cp nd e.torl tnuiatfniriitP in pin. r-.Hv, l. e ih i llt.it up tir (t t ot culf.l ASvX $k ws, '-i aV ,'..lr V.P Mi Ollt H flMf Shot H, Ht-.i .It tin tlr ( LOT II I X.', It it titttl if -f ;. Saddler-. ("iiirs. Faury A rlirles, tit We w-.i,!.( ha irio' to aa th-. f rnirr fiitrotta tl' Me.sts. A Al. In. (I. We "till oil'. V aiicll in.lueetm til. lit CO ll IS to lliein. as In, make il tlu ir miens! in f..vr n atiili ri.. ir sair.maf c. All c a.k la f e n In I. IIKM'KldN A A IIU ENS. We ill t lTer at and under ro.t a Impe lot of Hoi.ks. romir!, TiitH tilings, Ilarnos. A (-., A f. ( II it Sirines Comer. J.tS. P. liRNrKB-WlN. t i. Jatltr V. H'ii. F. TV. Anr.KN. mi Trn.st Sah. Is..' vir'iw of a I). rd of Ttut to ine rvrcntcH MP bv II .1m rih.(W, fur eertnn pi)rstaes there. hi named, I wtil proned. t n Aloud y (he tlth nf J i1 v neit, to a. II the ti.lloW nif .ro ity, nr : j;ro Women, 1. aan and K..Ie, Our ll.init noil l.t, an Tryon street, at ir. atnl nn npi. d by Mr. Shaw, Ifolitrhod a?t1 Kit'hr J'mniluir, o.v; i' i a so, n amall lot of mi.i.iM ic v Jofti), 0eCOWati CALF. Ts.oa Sn n-.nnlha ert cil ltd interest from dale. . ,4 r. A Ir,. .A I'r. It, linnet. Je I, IK7. ll' I. i i.ilu r! l.-lhr .'. I ll.rr.'. riV mh.ek fie 21 lo 31 eta rr IS. (s,a " HA I" 43 II, -aey and li(hl Upiter l tih.r. Kip SVtna. riii.t'h and Aroenesil CAl-f SKIN, !,,,., oca and rtiiidli.g. ul .very d. st rl .tun, FurCASIT. UOONE A ru T 1 tt p . . :,Zn rZ'Z;!'''?: wl.ich ws.re nil .ul.j. cl. h.ve l,t tin 11 t.rf..r.. IVmI. lie irkh Klieirie till m wrr.t-d to Ue. ""-...j.:... .. a anon ap ..rru, Itt . , , iriiiii,,,Xp,,.,e. It -an hrliadoflh, a.iniabere. i "' 'Usen.ciil 111 ucullirr column. Tin Tl ;i!.c I . CORREI-TM) II V OATH A TO. t iiAi:;.on k. junk an. P.,7. j fiuea, . lb. Jfi a IU ' Hi.f rutincl . lb. . 15 a (HI I " ShouhtiTa, . Ih. . IU a (0 . ; Hnjrjring, Cotton, vd . l i IHI ! Jllr. i ft,. . II a U 1 I Hutu r, . .lb, . 'JO a 10 : lur.ntl, . . .lb. . M a SU ! Itemn, ... bunlicl . 00 a dO llmucT, Apple, . . gal, . 50 a fill Pech, . . jru. . i3 a OU j ('(.tlm., new . .lb. . 13 a M t oll, t, l(,n . . iii. . lii; a 14 " Java . lb. a !M ( aii(!k', A.lnniiiiitinr, . Ih. . . 33 J a 37 ' " Sirmi., . Ih. . 45 a SO 1 " Tallow, . lb. . U5 a HO 1 Corn, nld . . buahel . 95 a OU " n.w . . bu.h.l . nil a IIU I'liieti-tn, . . . bi:ii . IC a VII ( I.. I Ii. t opper. m, . yard 15 ' " l.iiid.ry, . . yurd - 25 a 30 '. Fjr, - . . rioicn . 12 a 15 Flour, . . I DO II... . 3j a 3 ' ' ... bhl. . H a On Fratlirra, Ih. 30 a IHI l.urri,. . . . Ih. . 13 a II j Mutton, . . . Ih. . 5 a Hi Maekerel, . .. -bhl. No I. 10 a 84 . . . . . I0J a (III . t-ni) a 00 ' . . . . Kills . 3no a lid J Moln..,,.N O . . cl. . IIU i I k I. B"t. W a (15 J V. .1 t,uli.l . I on . no MulUi.rWhioii.gtnn) 1,1,1. . 'l a 110 ! .Nail., Noribrro . lb. 5 a I " Soot.irin . - lb. . 5 a 00 Hut. hual.rl . 50 a 55 j Pork,. . Ih. 71 a i I'raa huahrt . IIU a K'.i , PolMor., Iri.h, . - bu.iicl . 1:0 a (III j fcwi-i-t, . bti.hr! - 2 a S.iO I i U icr hti.hel . a I a 00 ' 1 oi;..r.r . ,b. . S'l a 00 , i liron, . . IL. - II a 14 i Si,.tir. are, . . tl. . II' a IH ' S..lt, . . . aark . tR5 u 1(10 T.- !b. .5 a 1 : h..-.l, . . . l.iilr! . 3't a Oil I ' Wl.i.k.r. Northern, . pat. . 45 a 55 ' " N. Carolina, pal. 5fi a Kyi ' XV,,.. I (l,,t (iroigui) v.-aalinl. . 27 a UH- I " " " uiiwu.lird . V.' a 23 j . Varn, . . . bale . 110 a 00 I I (ot.l.MIilA .M A II K FT. I ( en mci, June 27, Ifj7. ' COTT'IN The late news ! had a favorable I' ( fleet nn ibc eoll. ii market, aiiu.,11 iu-.hli. ..ibore i.-.odiiii bate aav..nce(i a lull on previous n. tu lions. Ptnetlv fair w.iuld now couun-ii.d j 3J ruils. 1 CIlAni.FSTUN M.UIKFT. j ( luai rarua, June 26. IK7. i CCTT"X. Twelve hundred bile, of cutlon j wrre ro:u lv-iy, at lull pure. STATE OF .OHTl! CAKOLISA, I CALDWELL OL'NTV. Cour t of ritut ami Qnat trr Session 1 1 May yvwt. i.7. John IK vb I . i At.. . , ... . a-. , Alldt.lllll'Uk ( 1 irti Till JW4JIIU, m. ' . J-n in ' W n. S, lilt inoir. J ' j B N iit cfM, it p;Porii.y to the ntipf-.etion nf I ji tin t'furt, Ih. t liif it-rf lul-nt r imc br vml i Hie l.iiiit. H i- M-t , Vidtd thnt pubiipitt t f in. . fir fi-r P' p. kt, in litt .Ntii furtmiip W hijf, I : tia-i 1 1 he U p P'i.1 tl tt-.rfiii..;, ts i pint npiH ir at 1'iP It Xl t'tillfl, tn b hild f"f f-e'd c tuitjf, il tt.c ' t t ii'l . iinr in let-tiir. on tlie (.! M"tiiT aflrr ! li.p Iii .Muniif t iii June nt si, to pit'.jfj, unpwt r r : il- in ii r, nr juoi;iitf lit ro ruhltn-u w ill be 1-jp.pm . . s 'lUM l; ' lo. i V itr, P. I'iiU, r'rrk nf piip piH TftMrt, ut ryvf Hi Irf-n'Hf, llir ttli Moiul-y iHtf tlit 4th M'.ll. , rty tn .M j ch, I ?.'i7. j I S. 1. DULA.c r.c. i Junr ?, H57. I rs. lee (20 rr.dsi'KCTis f.F rVU n V 'o 11 1) ! II ! I 'i'IC I f .1 f!" 1 11 "J 1 liv. .1 I V III OIIIHl 1 ll. IM IV 1 111 III i frfphy irrnn C'hnrrh in N'.rth Carolina haa Iroriil uio.rr p.-rmup tiin-'il v Jtilafi- from I tic , I i. j' liriml to ndvitcalf Iipt cUmiip Pinf rv- ' lw r mtt ri ptp. It ipi PiiiMtitfd t 1 nt. i y MHMI lolif la V , I I .i I", a, I,' I'rpwhvtPM m w i. k I if pi arp t .kcii in tip Um.iip ol i imr I line 1'ri hvtPrnP. W r huv I-'l.'MNt (iiiiuiiii. nirinp.pn.! it ip P;. ft l. tn fi-r thtrr arr 3'i,tMM) l'ri'pt. tin in tn principle in lheSt.it, Our Synod ptiii.ip filth in th- I'nion in piuiit of niimhpr., udH Itrr f.. (h'h rahip ia nrrater tian thnt nf uny Nynnd Smith r Wratot lciinpvlvanin. Our pit-h-r St U on the .Virth ami Kutitn. ntthrr ol winch Ii.ip a incMiM r-i'ip po UtfP a ourp, puhtiah thr ( ciitr-i', ami the Si.iitln rn Pr.-hy trr tan, f..r thp hem-fit of tlirir f" tp!e. The I Mn. loi CfHiii- hen the IVfuhy . . lr i ii ( (Hire!, ii N'irili Crnhna ph'MilH liki mihp r!n Ik r t.nif tn her rlitlifn n, Il ip a ci'nredrn1 0'i tiiii'i.1 t u t l.iel, th.il hiin'irri'i nf our ttif-nilHt" ill t kp a !tate p .per tn will take no other. I piety t'f'uur iiifinrt rl ip hy ihfT'itiip; ev:mpp!ie.i j iiii.twlei'ye 1 protnnte the e:itipp of Ksy cation. 1 Irt ileel..! tl'P lih titpof imr MmiPiry, and t atrrnjfth. n the itirn-hoi nt ol imr people tu tlie a. if mul pnnriune nf their own Stati-. . K niM ( h-iri h in nrhrr fi te.ntn( other Cl.nreh. ri in Hut St I , e 1 1. -ni'i'iy Ih. ir ii.eintM rp will, Iii Itpo h jniiriml why nuy nut at J Arp .North t nrultn I'rephvtt ri.ii.P infertur in t'llent. rneijfy anil patriotism lt their neij;!!lMra on the N.-ilh ir fsiUtt., or to i hr:p!inrp of nihrr ilennm;nrttion at IhhoP ? With the muni' or btlhr opimrt jh tiep ol pci-oiophphu g thip wor k, .hili We le- re it timl.tni In th I inu.e' ot one nl our mPt iille o nt dpi . fui M HimtefP, im adopt, d P.-n of mir Stsitr t 1 1 miuht ! h ivp Uen nmlert ikfti 2't yrura ago, hot it n pot too I te to he riii to rlo n j ht. tn thr J...! l(i nr threr nmittltP, a f ni " 'it f itiiUl h ia Ik 1 1 eut)rr iIh ii at a jK-rnifltii nt ca pi I i. .At a oifpliPfj; rtf the potttnhntorp. hrhf at fSppens. tH.roujru on thr Ht h of Mi r, Itev. A. ILike, t ti urni. n the P.-jter whp iinaniinniily l..cnfed at Kay pI viile, uno. r the n: n:c and tilh-nf the N.irih t Aitoi.it ParpavTrauM. Ket. Wm. ' M'hine noo l.v. taYurjje .M. Nnll mrrr ph rtnl Kt'itora ; lt . -pra (.i i.ryp M Nciil. H nt. N. Miimlip. A. BUer and II. Wiley, and .Mrp.fn. f.nirpc .MeNnll, Sr . John II. CoNk nnd lvid Mirptiv were HpjMiihled an Kxrctttivr t 'onim il Ii p, I-i rwt..hl'li the p.i per and inaiipye ita buaiiuMp PiV.tr. It i mir wiah rpd draien tn made the North C..ni i r.rssrirsiA'Vs .vti! of ihe rsteh..s. tq.l i I lo ll, heat III I le eolllllrv III t V Itoera nil tea ulna ari.nre ami in ananiHK..,i ... ,oe , i . . t- its of our 1 (Iniieli.t. Iia eoliin.u. ill t If trtl the latt st in. . i, k ..a. .... I rl.,m, .lie .H a,s, e.al ! - - ll , .1 .. l. .... m I'ttll nnH 1ST lira I., a l, i, State news. The name of the P..,cr is Z Jncd .! he s i.t-tnen. of it, chi,r.K.er and eoim nts. From ro...e.,o.t. il will siisne ; te the ...rnod... rVdSehoo! doctrine, . . . ..i. ftl,ei' hs. h. Our rirat apKal ia ta rur own pear!rato C. Prrsl.v lertar.s. Whilst e rely nut fine n tly ii,n tlu ir tsror. we Irn.t that the nulrse nn. of North I l. l...a.. r..i,n,l him,. 1,1 oilier ftittea I A iiroooa at.," ..- - , sod the adonle.l etlisens ol onr Slate w ho form so iron,, tl .nl an e lenient in i nr .turns!' r ann tiieni. j beral.iti, ill t. keadr p interest in fins enterprise, ! and .e it ll.' hearty support. I Trfrx: tl nr snntitn in advanrc, oron ilelier-v i of the Ii rat ; t'l AO in st nionlhs ; f3 at the end i of the vear. Tn rlllhaof 2.A or llior. , pay Itif in inlf .nice and hen tWr I'aprr is sent In one atl.lt. , a iliseoiint nl' III per cent, will be allowed, fur i !Winiat, r and EViera ere earnestW desired lo act I , rents, nod all ntht rs friendly to the etusp will ! t te.a Hssial 111 eroeiinnp aa tnanv siioscritser, . , rau.il.lr, and forward Ihe names, i Auguit lf, to ibisOrScc. As s.M.n as r on siinsoriisiis are fa. . lamed, the ftrsii number w.ll be issued. If a faith. I fill and tiforom.ir.rtia is.ti. at n-e wn ,w" : made in the pelt uinothe bv K.o.e whe. lake a lively interesi in tin, work. We Win, wuass. oou..., a-- - - publication al ths end of that time with a payinf . . . . . . a. ...I.. K a tn twain .1.. ...,H(, li.t ,.f at bast 00(1. IT Addresa Editors at ths Nmlh t'aroiina rrr htern. Jserllrei'le. N ". ' fayreVettVe, aVsyi )N. ISiT Tftmn nnf FsliJnn. f iwlf f m:; iliiiibr liilii-lj- Ariv. FNTI.FM1F.N, tine and nil, younr and nld K lio wish t" wear Oml, Viiik Clothe., go t, I J.W.COJJIS NKV l(,'llll.(! KMI'UlilUJl, Vimr I ioon Anovn Kkfih b Hotel, ft utterly 'CMiiird Ii) Iiw rii' lto-k Slnrr, hrr yi.ti C.'iitfi t the b(Kl 6f unii (lit; fiiu-tl cltithm Iff tlicltiift tin m y tltiin anjwhtrr tltr iu tlx Mtilv. he g (tod err all nimlv ui to ortlfr . pn p)y Utt tfn iniirki't. Y-vt ry tnu tr mu u tip in ttw v. rv :ittt mid nealcit H yv , nil tlie iiih k ni ( i i ry iicv it . iis.. n:i to hit or ntl'rru nwicfe font!. Let oil go u fid louk u tim flt Bt-lrcttrd tck nl Ii cad y-M adc Cloth hi and lr ure to nainine !ii r.cr j lie wils put 'f-titl men ttiiOtin; mny prtirulf f.ttiu, hy j 1ejiine tln-ir nhfurif, r-u Imvi tin-tn Hi 1 2 iia v, U AfiKA.N TKDTO SLIT Oil NO tSAl.KS, ' j lr:rtly C AMI llLINKSiS. The yutvUum r will j ferliiinly finti I lit-r uli SyiVm t It iini 'JO .-r n-m. in litifiivrir. Hm rrmlta tfl r)iii(-k in I t'ti-ai I pn.hld." r..r i ASH WSJ r. be, it yiu wrnt tae or Ui uf your umiH'y rnnti ti inr, J. W. Cul..,Jyt. Cl.atlutl,, May:,, a-.7. t -F -Til, 1 St Viilairbtt rifrf r, V tf :. aITl'AT!:l) 50 rule. North of I'ha rlolle. i0 ! 17 lolled e si of Slut, sville anil 25 miles ljiel ut M .reunion j at the loot of the looiinlK ma and in . v.emity un.nrpaa.ed l.r the salubr.ty of its Thr Prrpriehir. Ir F.. O. Jil.MllTT. nnnnun. ce. to lite r.lline. thut Ins heiiae e -in r.mn, ..... wnj .o-,,, . r.4..f.L,0.. v. vmiforji, ... ! , ..w- p.. u..-. ...., ..... r;...MK , it fn fa f f hi l,ii r. I'YMH'ttKi.t, ( hrri'HC Iiar. I rli'-j. Nrrioti ti.lilj, Mrirltiurii, 14pii4i Ui. I'Mif, lncipiert t onr ui.ti'tii n, rroiuU, lruittivp lip.ni.rp, titit. nil c:ihph of ot hility urci'mpiitticd with ii. fi Ct.vr .niit tttr nil w;nt i.t DMni.nit ition. ll T Vipit-.r p.,h pr.rjr tniivrv-trir' rron. Ntw. ton to the S r rf.n st .ll tin. (p. Jttrtr l! !(-;7. 117 iiiiii.-iI O.-siImmi. .11" OOHY B. PM ITU. Keej.. f Wil, .ae, N. ' h.ip lipcpplfil the iiiv itaw t icii tn il. iiver the ( Annnal Oralinn lailure the two Literary Societies ; lot' l. Vinson i'ellef , N. C., on AA I'dnesday pre.1 ceding v niiiii.f ni'iineni, I lie loth ot July in xt. ! M..y 13, 1K57. j II;. il k1). Ili(ri dI' . I nriiliu.i. "JR. ItORNF, the i-ecnt for the rhoee book, All h.a If f I al'tw copies at I'.J. l.i VKIES HUUK SIX) ft E. I ergons diairing c.pita I3;f will j plei.se call anon. A.,V -(', IH.l7. h w?Wi ..J-P4 fa-LOOK OUT FOR VKTHLR'S cfhhrMpd rtpnt Air.licht helf. hc-ilmr I'AlNS, lor prrp.rvmf Kn-h Fruit, TmiiitHp. ikr.. iifn-ti duriof th lut-l tnytitrp, hr Ittoiipniiiip of Frfmilipp, Hdtp.l wnti Hoarfiing lloijp.f K pp re, witn ruura suucppp. The aboe Can are nn hnd and for auie, tugtllier witb f u 1 -nr tint nt nf 2 I'oorp ct of fprir g' cornpr, "hir!oltr, . (. SAM I.. T. WIUSTOX. tS5 iUv "c. l -i.- 3!ItOTVIi: ; (Tf a II W, puWii i rppfxctfully infrrmeil thrtJ.M. U. I.AM ASTEII'f A 31 IlKO TY IK CA I.LER . nniMii(f J. T. A M. Rlaira (iroppry Store, in Spntipp new briek huili'iojr, ia lion i.p n, win re a colored Aiiihrutypr Cun be proiured at from Ih ft nt to )!!. ,-.iiiep ind centlrmrn ore ref)UPi''d In ral! and rx.iih'ne hu lirtTinrenp, and hav a I,ikpne.a ta ken (if ihemfi lvi P nr cliihtren, 1'nil parly, :a atich an ppriiimt,v ia weirtfn ffe re'. J. JI. LANCASTER, c.'.tn.vie, .v,j( in. te.-". pjtf Prcf. LE GBATH'S Practice. A ShrriT rnreti in tti.e ntflit y Pe GaATu'a j E!e-tr,c Oil. j I KTTI II HIOM PR. KEYSKB. I'.tlshurf, Alav -.'Ulii, lt."6. ! Prof. Tn f.aaTii, 39 Soulli Hth st , Piulail'.. ! I have a reinaelcahlf rUrc. Icuity SherilT Kerr of I'ltunur, had a very swollen situ p-tinltil hand. 1 applied tlie ml peraouiilly, which pave instant ' relit I. He lias rrcutitnif liofd lite oil fo otuers af. flictid w:lh Jltttuiitat.sitt, in shieii ttie realllta were most aatiatactorr. Trulv i ours, j i. 1:0. ll. Ki::Kii, Al. n. ' liar.T ('rnra CiTt7rNs, lr.n ! li'iirrwaTifH ! Air. Joseph l. Bartlf . 9, Myrtle slret I, any. tue l-ijerlt te t id r iirt ti htm iii.ii. etin.lt I v. i I'u ra - I li iriea sVjton, Ksq., Ei Al yor ot'Cam I den, say s six a njilicattons eureo him. A!so(clred ! hta Ivh lin.attstli. i Nmsaioh Mr. IVitiH Al antt, 41, Tigr slriet, 'sava, lie was H great sntl'-rer, but tue U.I riirrti hiin. Po suys K. II. (.rant, Esq., 417, North , riiifhili slrtel. ) I'n.rr This Oil is infallible for Croup. A.k ; a lady al liirarri Hoese i Ph.iad. Iphia, S pt. 1st, 1(506. j Prof, lis: fiBATli. i Pear Mr! I tnuat itt'.rrti ynu of the great bene fits p. tn nt ol iiiiim litia ei rieiieiU In. in the p. nl ira lion of vmir Eh f trie hi. The ease w a. thai 01 o years to .. '- on waa Till. id ... arr. ot.,- - a,- a'tee. I nr n e ixeanir so niin ter.in i I Imry Ihe heel ill tin- hip. I nau neen in tins son- lor als.nt liloittfls. soil r couiu nna tiuiiiiue in Ihe whole " Malfrtan .Inliea to hare any , iTrct r P"e reliel. I rin.ily procured a nolile ol your " Kleet,,. Oil'' ana save ,. to the ......ti, r .iireet. "'K y . l ! P-rj alon(f he Cot. traded sinews, w hirl, l.ud the . rlecl ol ma k.nB lite I. s nearly one fourth '' h enearlv one toiirth sit . ii nt in auout b hours. The apalicafiort ef tho fhl ...tsconlinSMd I'orabi.ut 3fwet.e iismit nniy 6 latiles and no the It g as nearly lierlCLtiv str.ne 'l. JtHIN II. AlrEVA IN, AI ll. ltt'J I allowhll tH. nilFrM ATISAL I'cafnrss, ?'enraf(tia, Swell. Ittj Sl.rltiesa and all paina, mred by aiw rt.tlle of Prol. Uf tilalh's KlectilC Oil- i This letter ia wteol" many received recently. Philadelphia, June 25, It5fi. Prof. Pc Grath t I had a swelhn in my limbs ; nrsrly a year. After mil g many lliin(fs without , brnetit. lbs Ural botllti of your Oil 1 us.d cured me entirely 1 shall i ver remenmer nn as bit ; J. E. Mif.AN, ' SSChesinnt street, ' rea'ortr. Cacviom Tin-re -re noFieratos nrt'tatnies sprtaiisf mi on tm r-pwtai. -n ihat any artiela h ai-quirrtt. Th public must oeware. i uey are wonl,r. I-or aatlc by Pit. II M. riUTCIIARD. so'e switl forflisrl(ili'..aiid sadd by Uruyssuand Casvnilr Merehauts (,' noraaly. - . - June 3, 8al. XV mm 24 Kcgrar for Salr. 1 VAr.UAIIt.F NKGRO WOMAN ami child Jm. Ir le. t'vt uurticulura uuply In T. A. mo.K. Jant IC, ia,7. !6if Dissolution. t Mli:'firiii of JKNhlXS & TAVI.OK i. thia M. il.iy (O.M.Iveil bj' mutual eon-rut. All per. son. inotrl.tte to .aid firm are rr(tieiled to inuku iiiiineinalK I'jviiM-et to A. A. N. 51. Taylor or In. u( nt, who u'on is uulhorized to at-tile the .unie. Wv' aekntwIi li;o our ttiiutka to our fuenila and cu(iinor. lor lliu very liberal pitrcn.ipc tiny have beatowe.l upon u.. J. Z. J KMC INS. A. A. N. M. TAVM)K. May 30, 1857. Hi Notice. The nn.I. raigned hnvinfr (iiireliiiHed tilt' (lltire int'retol J. J.-nkiiia in the Iii iii of Jenkins & T.iyh r, will r.iutuiue the Im.mr.i at ti e nhl stand, ..ne tinor aeat of T. ,M. Farrow', on Trade. lrn I, where he w ill be pii.ivd tu lit hi Irieuds and A. A. N. M. TAVI.OK. June fl, 1657. liealv-Mnde Clothinir A N II I'u r n i h s i ; I i ! m v ti I. Sl'KINfJS&IlKATII KSPKf TFTT.I.Y inform their fri-iu!s sno 1 iV the puhl.c eciieriillv that they have reretv. t t-ti Miid art rwi ivnF nn tyxtrnfivi' nimi.rtitu nt nt lleiuiy Mitde Ch.tl.mif at II.. ir old St tl.d (u Ihe iiiMth a i nc vi 51i,t slr. et, tn winch to. y invite lt lllion (' en I cm en's CO ATS ; " " - II I I I II I 4- II .SVyWY M. j ! ; Am,nf lilpjr ,lol.k miy tr fln() (ik t ni tf. sin if!- unri diMililt br: mli d ; l-l;irk iini i.r.ili1 All'trcit iii fiu:li. Fr'U'ru hnd !t.tiitii : rVfnrh f r,,,.!,.,, Iir ... ... . ..I .tn ..,! r,ni.v i llu.rPli(L,nttl.n UiCV mlm. pi0,llMtil lunry Ijoeii .Mttrct'llu-fi. in ihIp ; wiutr- hi)'-n IriM ami Ljncn ,, k ? cnrU Biyie rwhrrUt tu- fl.fi'. n i.t, . IA ST A IA)0 ?: ..... ... l.ilit. ot ri it( tl ii ml A liter lean t as'iner. s, t-l ek j and t:-n' v; bi.,k ..ltd t'.,i,'-v A.p.-ci sl.-el eloth; i.n. I Fr i eh and FnniM Lr.,.(t'l'!te ; nii.in antt; ,. CV l.lli. tl (loll Al-ilellllei, ol nil l(.illt a. Thev oulo c II eia ci;tl I'ttentuui tu tin ir lot t of VI.VI boll Bil l; If an,: (icuhlcd hre;,sted. etnhr..eil g bl.ick f"" n-'"r" '. "! "'' I""""1 ' uents Fcrrisning coeds. TliP Urti-pt Int in thtP iiifrl.pf, rnnpting in p;.rt nt pi (in ;iiui h iicy l.in n emi t otinn SHIR.TS, l ull.tr., ityron V HipIiop; l,i)nnnd cotlnn lr-tW. tp ; pli.in wnd t'nn"y IIuMtrt ; tf. piIk, km, Ar., v.i rtt iy ot ( 'f..ti(, pilk i i.o hiu n; ll.iixi. kt. ri'liu lsf Hiik und Inn n ; lii-pt noi rmt &l c,. Ac, A I. SO A fiiip lol of HATS lrBjfttc Sunimt-r np.tr, Piiihr:'. pinjf ;iil tt.c Utppl plylp of tin- Silk, t-:ipini. la j.n. Kilt ll.itp ; Str;i w, . hnrnt nu P:.imoi.i u. They i.ffVr Hip hif (oot i iiiir low i on cash, nr t'l nunrttinl dpnlprp nn timp, Willi flip Pijir rs.' tin.triUtiiainf tttnt HcctiunU nr tt f lirn tin y w iut the hum y. Tla-y ri'turn llictr t ! i : n k p tn their cu-fmi rn fur tlir lihi-rn patronMe iiiTit'itorc lhalnuii up on tl fin, mid hope to mint a c iitin im iicp of top p.iine hy ililiiji'nrt' in '.mwincpp ;md untiring clturtp lo fkint. Cull eimi tisnnni' lluir Iiih-u. t SI'IUXGS & IlKATH, ClMKI.OTt K. X. V. .April 21, lt:".7. b-4iu IWEM & STEELE, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALEFS my Jjoods. II KDV AiCI'.HATSaV aIOI. ( iltltl.oiri:, n.e. Mty 5, lt.'.7. itf (otfon Saw iT-ins. FWlilK Puh-crilwr ip prepnrid to furnii-h Pbn. J JL terp iinfj Ihp line nf th" ChnrlollP and IN. ' R.-itlr..aria, (t'I'T(I.N SAW .INSof the heat j qiiuhty al x per S-w. Aimnij; I lie improve mt hU ; oi tltepe (e'Dp are t e tin eovereo bruah, nnd its pro. ! letif.n In. in ruta ami the nn.vnhlt nhp, hy which 1 they c;iii be renewed when worn. JAMES M. KLMOTT. W ianslajro', ,V. C., April 2g. Ie57. t?4 Refer to V. 1'. Thiler, of Ch.irlotle and F..C. Palmer, e I. Pr tbirl.itte Ii. If I'r.ijjht pa id by the subaenht r. Drug Store Ilcmovcd.: rillh ahtiPCrihiT infnrmp hia fneinia an.. i I'IMl STOKE f i .in i t.ranite R mce to Irwin's Corner, which has ht en n wiy Ii tied up nno ar. rmeetl rapresaiy for Ins huaiuess and win re he i. now line. reeeivu.e a l-.ri.e stoea. ot urlicles in hn H. M. PRITCI1A1.D. litf M.t 12. 157. jNotice. ,nME CHARLOTTE Ml'Tl'AL INSL'R ANTE aV I t'Vtl'A T e.uittn-tes lo take risks a o t 1 1 1 s t loss hy Eire on Houses, Goods, 1'rod.jee, Ac, st Usual r . tt a. Iirnrtiee between Pari.s S'ore and Br;.vtlev'a lluitdiui;. t.rrir r. M. It TAVl .t!!. '?, ,'. 0. OVERMAN. :e Jtrfi,iri,t. V.. NYE HV'TCHlrON, Treosr. MRKt T"B : MR TAYLOR, e. OVERMAN. J. A. YOl.'Nti, M M. Jtll.NoN. J. 11. CARBON. S. T. WR1STON, V. SCAUR. At. y I0, !H.-.!. l!tf I STATE OK dKTFl-C'Ali'OLI.X.., MKi M.ENtH Rl. (Pl'TV. Covrt r ' J fi)tni'l tjnnrtrr c.vsowx, April ill 'II 1' John S. Altai's, I rt. Otigina! Atti.el meet. flaeenei- Johnson. S ii i. r-.. r: ?l H the s; etion of the Court, that tin in t( luiant is not .in in tiah:.in t of this .Vite, but reaolt la yomt tlie titints ot the same, ll ta lartrfaif Orilnr.1 hit thf Cn'rt, Thai nstbliea. ,. i. ,.. ,nr six week, in the NurHi Carolina v la as . a newspaper prtnled in the loan of Clinr. ),.tri i.ntifves; the said n. frmbml to be and a p. r jt the lo at term of onr said eotirt, to be held h.r Itte r,.untvof Meea letibirrtF, st the Court-bofse rn Ch.tr!t.(re, on the atih Aloud. y in July neat, hen and there to pieiid, answer or demur, or juiif mint proeont'esso villi be taken against him. VA iio. as, W. K. Reid, c'. rk ot otrr antd court, at rtlice, the afth A? innaf in April, lo7, and hi the t-lsl vear of A llierteait 1 ode tteintenrr. VV. K. RE IP, c. c. r. frintei'a fie tj. . 1J, 1S..7. OS ,ttlcnfioH ! MfltuitH. T OT' are h r. hT ordered lo an. ft pr,i on the FOCRTH OF Jl'. I T, at 8 o'clock, A. M., at ToOr re. pillar parade grnnnd, arsnrd and e quippvd, as yocrr by. Jaws direct. By order of the Captain. J. Y. HRYCE. W. A. 0 E8,0. tl. .m.j ec. h.7j Ha ; Uisna4aa(ty 3 6 if ON Friday . I.i.t, 5th instant,, .nine where re Iwem tuj:r I rrek Church and Al.,rro' 't urn. ait, a l..rSe .'.. ailivr l' HTE-iM N N A I F, CuiitiliiME ! Ill or tf '. 10 I.illa n the I harlotte, I'lirhter all, I Wg.leele.ro' rlinn, lifllliir Willi nnt.. ami oiher Vi.liwh'B pajMr.. On note en .V.mtiel )'(miiU, tor ? I I 7, inadt .,i .ihle to m. ii..le lo.t rec.lle.'led. AUn, r nc note on A. F. Kii. Inm fur I7 95, Willi a en tilt of C;i, put m my ha nda f.,r foil. etion. I will i;ivt -J5 r. ward for the reci.vrry of the P..ti '.M.,nnaie with its content. K. (!. YOUNTS. I'incrUIr, June S, IP57. I till' Cignr, Tobacco, AVD FIUJ I T STORK.' M. 24 hp o, t h i r lot tc ii ti'l MirmuiHiititf nuittrv, thnt In: Imh j'jnt rt-ri ivfil .' lii'ixliO iintiirim nt ol' SPANISH i Ui ilS of the rhoieest hr.mls. Aia.., a Ii ii. artiel of CllkWIM. lullA. Ill, rjit JTs d- ( JM-i:cTJoxr:h-Ji:s. j vs. i. r. I.M Kit, f'liarlntte. April iM, I"."i7. fc-tl itf let iu! n ifl! 1' MHA.N Id iiUKK I.KI.TS. iron, H.p ri'.nt h ltilit ; ( . inp.iii v, t M i t.ti im t 'ir fr.' Tiric. 3 iiieh, 3 ply, I " 4 -J-j rfitt ht root. 'J7 :ti f.o 4 i.lj hoonk ,v en. 3u.-i t: ( hnrlntlr. A I il 14, H57. iNoticc. lUF Taj Litis f. r !5i :-e m w in n,y hinds ra(.v tor iiirMeiion anil I ,teue. alr ii. p.m.. i. in utt hl .nn me ot i. I dine n i.l.y I ,x hies liien ..i,d o v our T x I hid u t.ir ..IHI It i ii r T i .r. it . , in r.- ;n i, nn 'lit; I A i ' r.- : r V- ur n pim pif : n t i -v u j enr lo t act uii.ul" I iz n ii'V h.tin'M. JO. C. tililKK, XA.Y'. .WrrA 31, Ip.".7. .'.ti LKjIITMXi liODS! flHK unniT-.! n it Iki tup pi ruin ntnf !y h" JL in tlie ti'Wn ot t hiiri'-li.-, "for thir puriHtP c.tndu tniif t;ir Ku'liliuiik.' 10 ui ilnndH s, i pr. iarif1 to turned till v im n v ta-itr.: iTnt'-cli"!! a al.- r.......l ..!. . t f i,.l,l.ii.,H ... Tnwn ..i"! t 'film try , with !' m.-l. rl ;t pro i-p w 1 1 imi to rtin'h of ivtrr nt' va tn ow id a U itrttif nt. OKUKIiS. p.t.ir-P-i lrft nt N. Vilkin.tHii ti r.m(.h ihe P't Otf.e or r. at.ieiue, A ii. ined witii prompt a 1 1 titnui . L J. HA 'A LKY & '(). r-h. :?4. 1H57. ft'.'tf ii()AL HAVANA I.HTTKKV. TliP t:PXl nr.iin n r (Ir i win ti P lioyitl H vr n f .4 .tl. r v coin' ii. t ti h v Iik !( it'pti "Her nn.rnt IHUirr thf lIIJVlr.HM uf ill ' :'ptaitl til'IIPT '1 Of Oui-'. va ill t. kc p!f'i iii 11 i.'Miti !( JI LV 7 1S37. $300,000. SOUTKO M'.Mi:KO )VA SUU , v wit i- rr:izr. ioo.mh:! 1 .rii( ot fclOO.OOO 1 " 50.4HIO i " :i. viki I " 1IMMMI 1 " .A.OUU 4 (.r r sol a 5 " I.IXXI ." lit ' 4I' 'i Aur'x 'to 's .( 4 Ani.r..:ip itiottt. to the I llli,n(illl,(KI . ucli ; 4 ..t' lino t ..'tii.tinO; 4 ut tl'to to tiMHiiJ ; 4 ' 1 ii'in to I O.linli, 4 ol H'l'l I.t $.i,(inil. Who!. Tiel,..t 0; lli'vr.IH; y la , tt r .. 15 I'rut s enshitf ;tt aight at 5 wr ni tl -r oiiil. P'i's on a I so! vent It. nl. . (.. !,, n a t tt ,r. A oraneotp; will tie tttrwaroetl aa ..ton a, the re. suit bt eouii a 1 now n. Coioiiiiiiiicaliona nu'ret-veii to Pf Flfl'INf. tl;.. (tare of City Post, I l.iirle t.t..i.. S. I .) on. tn tl.e 7th of July, will hc atteniird to. Persons ordering T:ekets will piense rile l;u :r n.,ntes pi. ii. and give tin ir pnel olliee, county and .tan. DrKONSlaT 4.V Ii!UV. jriLULrj(. .v. c. IIICOV.X iV Ih SJOMSi; T, SEW YOI.'K. GEN KRAI. lOAIAIISSIHN AIKi.1 HANTS. Vaual advances inatle on otisijnuiei't New Store xev Bcioks. PersroTT's Rohkbtmon'i CitAai.rs Vtii. ( ytinraitiA nr Amvshv.i LiTF-BATtaK, by luvc kinca. r. Caiwio or Nr.w Altxtro ami Ili a Pi:oei e. i v W. . II. lAVt,. Pai l Faisf, e Pasts or a novel by N. P. W 1 11 1 as I.irK I'LoSt I Tot. I Tits Tvo I.iGiirs. A'ioi it or Tue i ansa ami Tlie CitowN, hy Airs Mel.ttsn. liu.is from mi: Focntain or Life, a book of Sir. nioita ih.it uiitit lie read Uli prulit by .ny one, by It. v. U. Nent.tn, D. I. Tts :A! far-Fiii , oa Iivn. ASn (oot, by Joint Young, I I,. I) Tnr. Iloismto't n Anotl in T)tsoitF, by M Ir. he. Tnr fJet nrs I. ro.ee. Tue Altars ; 1,'iu tn, ki t.ck : an.! Tr Pc a tlfha'n : thrts Tali, boui.d in one voluo.e. Ffhaif Lire AloMj thf Aoana. Ia. k Artr.' Aarnr r'.x ri oa ation. P. J. LOW i; IE. .'Wolfe. AtrrV 94, IcV.. aS'ftv Sadult'r's Shop. - Tarawa Wm Tin. si'itsri:im:u PajAA'IN'ta nureliased Ihe entire stoeli of Sal tl MM dlerv btlooeine to K.-ht. S.-,.,w, iniirai the ciitzena ol l harletle, anil t nt ptl ge.1t fj!"f that b itrtenos lo Carre on thr svDni.r, AM) iiai:m:ss in.! itP v a rieiH Sranehrp. : t M r S'law'p nil! pf inr,, here pef !'. cl- Pir.n,; .it; i m tn ic in h !. l:fe cj n Itr Prtj-.i .ird. A iupp!) ol sALwr.r, KiRsr.ss, nnrnrrs, jr., or r rur vi.scKirrtos. will a!PT" he on han't, and the r ii ; n jfrnffaT-y .ife invited l e;iil fti t nnne hi ;i t .. t'u y hul bhe made of the S at m-i leruin Mid T.r.iU-d on tie most reason Me term a- rr.lFPAlltTVt. of U km''". rVrf ht the phort ppt notice iind ith neatnena ant: leh. i. S. LYLE. CWefe. Fe. 17,1";7. .Mtt Mtllli:. A HOItSC Was taken irt in e narioiie. aooui 1 'm the loanty Conn, which the uwner can oh. ; tain hy payin(T evprn.. . Me is f a sorrel color, blaje in hi face, 6 or 7 y.ara aid and shod in trout. M.y U. VSrf ail)' au I' 'vV Tbe moit BiUliant Scheine ever Drawn, vwii'A'u vhi'ai: in ki;r ii.v OwniC to the great li.vol Willi w llirli our Pll.tfie N J in her I.ot'tiifc. hi.ve b.-ili ti.r'vttl bv the Kllb- ; I" , arm tin liTift u"uai)' ("r 'I lei,. t. ihe l.,aa. , et a, S wn A ii., ill hate a ura wii.g each 6al ! ui.f . y thrnuifhout t!e ye;r. I The hi.,winR rherne wi!l he drawn in each ef tl.. ir Lou, nea uir July, In57. j i 4.1, ; To be dtdwn in the ( iiy of Atlnr.i.. f7a in p-ie- n:u:, en SA'I I MjA V. Inlj 4. IriJ, CLASS 41, To he (Turnip the rit v (,f Atlanta, O.i. , in puhlir, on .SA'l ! f i V, .'uiy l!il., Ie:.7, CLA.-S 4 '., To he I'r. wn in t ie eilv ot Ai'ant't, fia.. in pifb.' In , on SA'l I I!D.t V.July In, n.V,, '?7. .-'j -' To bc.tr.un m l'ie eilv of A'hml.i. Cm., in pub. Ill, ill fAH'Kll.AV. July a.'.lii, !e57, tl.V THE PI AN F 3,oou i niziiiiS i i f-EARLY h.( I-KI7.B T(i F. I KY NINE Tl' I-M r at! lift ft V. ' II S ' I efil fVJl I.V! I Pnt. el ';n,I IMJ ia ttin.noo I ' an.iniil ,m ,, 00 I ' Jh.'HlU n II). (dill I " 5,(oii i . 5.IIH0 I " D.iiiin i n 5.IHKI I " S.51'0 is 9,500 1 " a ...'iti :s S .ji'll I " I -.nil i 1.(100 1 !,' :" it i, nno I " f .nno ia 1,1100 7 Pr,7,-a of tSiin art S.fl'Ml 15 " '.'I;'" are I3...HU I ... i ' ' re 1' .''' 0 1 1 ') " .re a, hi. i) A!TIUX IMA Till rni7.E. 4 Pri7ta ufi-jno A.pr..x. to iili,H'.(i are fen 4 ' 17.'. " :!0.('iiti ..re 7l"l tin In, (Mill are 4''0 ' " 'll 5.1100 are M'l J " ' 50 " ",.'iiui are Son i'i " .'-' '.nno n -K 3nn V" " " ' .'.' Hie 700 3.000 ;:) ji. M.iioiT tl "l.f t Pliiea nii:Ol.l:lil.jr 'J -I.04IO - r:. in -i nr lottkhv. T'i Nuni'-era t'oiu 1 to v' 'h'-ij, eorreepor.diny V. i Ill I leie , u III In I . on Ihe T :'k r . printi.e on e . uar.il( shoe .it n . r , .re ( ,i. '( teu -v 1 1 n small It n luhea i,(i j'.i;-!-,t ,u ,toe I'.'nt. I. The fi;'. '('"i Piirt a, sioiil.lr!y f.rinte,! anil en. C!rnh il, , in ii i-( ii in ,i tiolht r it'.t I. The a lirci art. turn r. v,it,ul, itmi a nuiii!i-r ia dr., v ti Iron, iii' . Ii.'- I ,,t N itif t. r :i ,(. ai the en ne tune a 1'rir i draw n !r in lint olner v.heri. The .Nun. tit t anil l'r,7.- .UoWlt out ..re oueneO a,J ex hihit. .i lo th, ji!,.:. otv, u i; (1 r-'Kiad-r. o hv tin Coin- tlllrlpiit.TN , !S inn hi r itr the Prt7e l-itra j.l.etd ai'inat th, n. 't'l.ia oiuri.Uon ia f nr. ted until ..JI the Prist- '! or. -wu ut. AeraoMWA ru,s I'KiFa T'o two pr- er.' un4 tin two Mit f.-t(liiit , .iiiiiiei . to IIiom (.i.iait.p tt.e fust 17 I'rii. c H i.l l.r eit'lit , ,: t (! St? An.rXi. lnMi'ili Pri.,,., .irtr.ir.iine to the (.ettenie. l'..r es nn.pt. : : 'nk.t N... ,J5fl it.ii lln- Ihll.lli ll I'i ! . Ih.tar I K. .a Miniln rol I 1 SC, 1 I ,y4!l, I I .. a .1. I I -N ill e. .11 l.r , Mil I h i! to if .'Oll. 1: Tie. lift No. .'511 tr..a i,. ''." I'll Pne. tl t -e -J'i. kt-U nun t,t r"i ,--., 541. uo ! , .",.il., wtil e.,cn he err- tin. it to "si .... r. i , . t... ( n i' (iiin.i, lo f t ( '. ve lll. l.J eet( r n , i set n. Tin 1 i': Vr i . Hn'ift I. j. or ef! V..I ht eet( rn.lm '. !,y th ;utt o; tue iioii.ik r tout draa tin u,(i,iiiiO I'i r . t iini.ii . it' (i t uiuh.r erntaii.i; ti.u lid.OlM e u; h .th .nt. I , ! !:t ii .i !l lee Til. tP W rr the I II li lit T IiiIa Itl I. ll ill lP efitilifd t $VK I" 1! e N.:uiher emf witi -N". 2. then Ml tin- I i e' -1 ! y w Ii. re I i.e N tint in r ciiiin in 'J Will be elititit ' h' f?2, t'hd pu cli lo 0. ( 'firi'.-.ffp ( i'ncar$ will he aolii at the fol l.iW ii.-ef, t.i h : lie-- ut-h : OrtifiP.it.- oj r..elii.je of 10 H hole Tic!-eta l' flail - 40 " lt (Quarter " y(F 4 ' )! i:.yhth i() t 'kovrino Tir. or OaTiftraiTrH, encloae tht in ' tn y to nur aour. hp t.r the '1 ieUt Uonltreil, nn re eipt of winch thry Willi he for w.irtif d by firpt in.itl. Purehap- r e in Ii m .ekela emJiftij in 11. y hi; ii re I in y rimV (. n;i ir. The I.ipt of (!ri.'.n N om'f rn :ind fri2ea will b st-n t to purclhirit tp iiuinetittf )y 4i f r Ihe dr ih ing. 3.1 Purch.iPi M ilJ p!e te wnlt liieir .tpn' Itir -a p!.ijn. rim. t'i?e their p.'ft rftp e, ei.iti.Ty.iud Siie. J j Item ti. ht r ll .it evpy Pnte i- uruwn and piyahle h liil! wilimnt iitiction, i 'All pi:?p of fl.fMHt a n nn.lr r, puid iinme. diittely a :tt r ti e dr i w mi: oilier Pi ii a ui the ua U il time nf H't cin p. .Ail ci'tnmuiitciitioita atrict'y confiJer.ti.-ii. Ada,rea i ir He r a for T:r kei n nr ( i tiihcaltn, to S.SU'AN & 0.f Atlanta, Ga. XT A lift S the nunib'TP thnt nrrdrfiwn from the vi heel, ith thr iiiimunt of the prmi; lh.it tuey one i tiiiitird i.i, will he puhlitthid ..firr et-rli dr.iwihc. in t'tP tuil-'Whf ptipfp: .Ypic Ot'rottt Pr'f't, Vt'in'e Km rutti . t'hnt .'rfitim SiumtnrJ, i'ah vtii? (fMrite, At'nnt't Inttlii'mrrr, A. 1 oris Wtrk. y Da if Htwh an4 Sum mutt Al'trmng JVw. oots & Shoes. jrivr Ki:ci:ivi:i?. F( R TL'j: a ' I.VS ami V V. II .17 r. tl A FINE AN A s ( It T M S N T OT BOOTS AND SHOKS. A ll. Fvsa liiii lirFvar. Te Tsr Soinliern IVople. i 1 we !lirin at & C( , 3T0KE. 3tf I rT. rm, r.All. .Vote 17, 3'. FINK'S lATf T MI;TAI,L1( IU RIAL CASKS. . 'HE siibaeriisr in:'o"ns the citians of Chir. iollu ahil t:ie palo.c g t-l,i r.t 1 1 1 , tliith, hi,e jnt rt in-.! a a-Too-v o' F.sk's llurlal Came. wtnrh he i,rera to tot pehue. ALfcn COFFIN either . if Al n. an y, W a ut or aiaer Wood, . I. lll.iV hi tU.irtll. Af" A!l Mndsof Ft UN1TTKF. on h.sd.cr incite to orrter a! tl, sliasr t,af tietiee a.l u.Oat rvasttnahlc ratiw. j. m. s Nrr;F3. I V,. w a,r.rsc,A,rij.iF. v .vijista ,'4- 1m.Io. Oix i:-l;.lilil. u. nil. A.vt 1? liulA a i loi.oo.a n a ., .w... -b., 9 nter tfeoa. t he has reouerieu l.ss TAIF.. riUTNC f'ST A III lllll..rl in nru . ur w Buildmr. where l.e aid be hapitv to see sey nna ! want." as. ti n a none iil"f. no... All wofji .,r:.,.tr(l. ' Jee .". I'-a. at.U t A'eH. '.. ''''u.iifce ejf jw-rJVsct I

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