023LA.Il.XjiOTT3IS, 2M.a., tTTTT 1837, INTUMBEH. 19, THOMAS J. HOLTON, Kl)ITOH Si I'RorRIETOB. Tli N'irtli-('afoliii Whig will be afforded to ub. ji)rr. ,t TWO lHlM.AItsi in uitvnuuc i TV U l)Ol,LAUi? AND FIFTY t KN'I'S if payment I Mia red i-'ir three months incl TIIULE DOf.I.AKS (I lie cud of Ilia year. Mopuper will be uitcun. turned uril.lall arrearages are ouid, except at tin: t.un.not ihe Editor. Vl't-rtisc.nc.ita inserted at On Dollar per square (16 lines "' '''" " 'J!') the '"l mser tion and -a eaiile fiireaclicotiliituaiice. Court ad ur'iM'iiit'uU and Slier. 8' t" o?33 T t u 1 price., lb ,htCtZr',7iy r 'I emit. In?'"-' I and a deduction U mule front the regular pric Inn year. Adver liuie.tta inserted mniill.lj or eniiWly, 't (I I'" aijuaro for incli tune, Semi minihly cents per aquun- for each l.ute, JjTualmaaleri are authorized to act aa ogcnU DO 1 HEY J1ISS !HE AT IIOBB! p (hrr ni!a ma at hoine do thef m;a me 'Twould I an eaiunnce moil iliaf, T knur at ihia inuinrut aonic lnuu unr, Were nJH't 1 '' era lure. Tu f'-el that tbu jriiup at III firraidc. Wire llnnVinj nf Hie I roam ? Oh vt 'twould b joy bryond mmure 1'u kooar liial tluy nn'U me at liume. VVIirn twilight appr,',tM''',i acaaon That tier la aarrcd to ."'K, D aomc out rental my oaiiic orrr. Anil ih lint I lariy tm liif ? AR'I ia tocrc a rl.nrd in llic muaic That'll iniaa'd hn in jr Vulie i iy, A"'l a cbord in eacn In-art tliil awatrtii Kt-rtl al uijr arafiauiuo atar f Liu iliry an mc a cliaif nrvr ihv tMr, Wlien rvliini; 'a lionie plta'llrra are t'gHt Wim I'" candlra arc lit in tl.e parlnr. And Ilia alali in tlir r aim aium kj 1 And wlicti liibnu'Ml nijflita ' arc rr4vatcd Anil all lay ilnaii to tnrir altrp, l).i Imy ii.n.k ul'lhe !-t i.t inn fl me A aiu:rrd ' j'oil nilit' w title thpy wef p. Do ll.ry miaa me at h'nc do tin y niiaa tne At morning, at nomi or at fiixm 7 Arid htifvri one (luvmy aliatle around ttiim That only my prraoitct- can light f Ar? joya lca miiingly waitiiiiie. And piraaure kaaliiil'' t'iu Wn.rf, p'cm.e cn ia miaatd rrnm l' e circlr, lltcauac 1 aru witU tiKin no more. TLX KE SISX IUEE. W mi litem ml Uont w nnf ihrm P.ih. ilir bor e b-de li.rv a'h-u. An" ptayrtm lae rnctrclcd tii pathway, Krern ntiott hrnrla Inttrg and lru T'"l th Saviour wouiti guiu fend (.rcKct thr, Ai fr ttfw TuvkJ mill jua miAi A'"l whipM'r WTttio t'Vr Itioo m$rt pad4eoedt I'hejr im liiei, all iuim nl wt$e. hn morning iwiln u from cluitift Uc c.ilcti frnfii U lif'i lit litat ks. AnJ l-ilj in ft mtt Erring lephir, Ta be WditKd lo it nn Kh'tnt e miis. And wltvn Kit tiv j-.ii.rd tl 1 1 we circlt, Ami ffftUred th r-f jnl chztr, In rl f ym rumr thf fftlir.fttf t' f ilff'p, i or him rnrtt wunl tu c tlicica Tii l.iulov a of evening are falling O ir here ia V. wiiiJfr.T now ? Tf;- Irttic lKl Jol liltt'jr amuntl met (Vrcliaiirr mjf o tiB.t In brc . O l'ir on lUf tfrfMiia nu-inag. Wear WNtrltin, uh. wilt thu poim, T! r tivart lin prn H "(iH rjrrd, Fur r imaa thee H niiti Ihr at tomr. 2JlisccIIancous. I'rom the American I'hij.i nv lunRisoN tinrr. "I tell you, Don At.toiiio, my daughter von L ill nut iimrrt ! Alter bavin.' uniau- derc.1 at the gaming-table the fitieat estates in ail Spain, you still persist in asking mc to bestow r on a beggar; why, if yotl were married to day, you would stake all you were worth on soma favorite card to rn nrrow : and on tho following d.iv I suppose I "liould feo you turu conirulitntis).t, or ; perhips something worse. No, no 1 consent' t abaodan forever the gaming tabic, si-ttio the remainder of your fortune on Dona II . , ' 1 I ....... that's my itllimntmn !" 'Very fine advice." said Don Antonio to him-clf. ss the door was closed in bis face f,r,l... . .. 1.... !,! till I Hriiui'i 1HIIC f WU- J , ..! kaow not the nlessure of i.Uy; if you did, Hi-tea ) of noil,., now to doze awav the niebt , in us. le.s slumbers, you would turn out and try your luck ns I just now meau to do '. House.., .!. fnlUi. a. i.l one. truth, that curied queen of clubs that I have pursued , so long, will bo my ruin '. Let me, see, how , cf'- "I'H-h have I already lost in persistinj; to I The day for deciding tbe fate uf Don An J lay upon that one'eard I There's all my tonio arrived. The lottery was drawn and gar plantations in Havana; there's but a ' fine bundred and ninety-nine lad.es were true to reflection! there's yet enough left put to bed dreadlully ill of the U.i.t.u i,e liin; r .,..1 il..., I'll , rrv : (Bt least, so liiev f.n.i ) The fortunate '-iiiiiu III il.iIH. -HIM "ti i. T . , ' ' j- . : ....i i a.u-aura Wlium l love to nisi, a.-iinn, iiiu --j ------ --- -- I .. . .... i, r ,,. iiwaa the next alia r of Dou Antonio : but ! --'.ii- in pt i t i, iiaiuu i .ii m hi;, in". . ; 0 Hosaura. Roaanra 1 w rda are too weak for tbe affection which I f' r jou I" '" ' had boruo off the piuc. Tims conversing, Don Antonio bent bis! " Rut. air, don t be in a rage, said the tep. towards the gamin-hou-e, determined a l.uiuistrittor of the lottery, " 1 llnnk you o rbk all be was worth on the queen of; may annul the bargain, for the lucky jade clubs, whieb be imagined fro... having been b.u-t be as old as my gra.idmolh. r at least. often disappointed in his bop.es, could not! l'ou Antonio began again to think of the disppoi.,t him more. iiiver, and lep. nt.d having deterred tue The q,RcU of clubs, l.owever. like many ' boor of making bis exit from this world. ''l.er queens, was not easily propitiated, and j Ho however, made up bis mind to view the "ben ae did .( last appear, .he was, as is whole of his mistortune in the face before ofle,, tb, ca. preceded by a knave, 'bo look this last resolve, and bent his steps Hicb kuav. s the nauo of Don Antonio's ' tow ai ds the bouse of the lady whom he bad I'-ing his lastdollari upou vviii. h he darted ; Willi fnr from the room. UD-setting tables. chairs, and evervtbiu? that came in bis way "No! I'll not survive this disgrace '" said be. " jy bve t my money gone forever ! 1 "i ruined l,y tl1(,t infernal queen ! The lueeii basj undone mo quite false, perfidi ous." l ortunatply being night, tbe police, as Ui il, were fast asleep, or what Dou Antonio ''id in hi frciny utter, might bare cost bis liberty, pcrhapi bis lihV, for King GoJog was 'litis time very jealous, aud Queen Carlotta ju-t a s sensitive as a virtuous woman ; there- fnm nnl H1i..tu 1.. -t ...l' r.t. i mi vrmcaauu W110 beillffeal eta .wrobriou. mud. Don AiiIodio raved" and actually tor. Li.lTLa money bus aWIy arrived and tbe'iDKATI1 UF lLANCDON CHKVES. hair, those line, black, clustering ringlets. 1 priest is waiting to unite us.-' ' -This eminent auibigbly respected citizen Uy-tbcbye, La u the handsomest, aye! " Madam," said A utouio, "permit mo first MjicatLcd his last yesterday, at his residence and the most accompl.shod cavalier in all to explaiu. I fear there has been some mis- ; io tu' city. Mr. Chives was Lorn on 17tb Madrid, though certainly uot the most pru dent he had pained honor in the field aa well aa favors iu tho salun in fact there was not a lady io all Madrid but would have tctu proud of him for a gnllsnt if not for a Lusbatid. L'ut liow La was bent on diaan- pottjtiug all their bopen ; be determined to ,"'llC W0(; together iu tLeiyoiid the true one. "Y j , " lSir" kM ble tD lroien' ioe, which IIH tllirailliH till Mow lAirn-zl ll. 1. 1.1... . t ' . II i - . Tii is unuj;e vi at ait events argueu the waut of auuicieiit Toledo, (' U, uiibcltiet ! thou art ijuick tojlunga to acold much, I Lave twenty wit - enter iuto tbe tbnughts of desperate men,") ue.sea to swear that I am not vet liftv and resolved to plunge himxelf into tho Man - t f 1 .1 . . 1 . w ii-u aciuaii. iraintu'ine para - pet ol the bridge iu furtherance tf bis tic- sign, when the moon which had bitberto tH-en ooscured, al.ot lorth her brilliant Leauia on the calm, placid at. earn beneath, lighting a i a-. . a..aa...t.. ...I. .'..I. ...11 J It a i . r,.vviuuio .men rtca icn uon .inionio i know that 1 love another to distraction, aud bewildered imagination to a real aente of the no poncr on earth shall force me to wed you. leap he was about to mako jTaku the gold, which I presume ia all you It is astonishing what a trifle turns one j want to make you happy, but if you attempt away from the very unpleasant tak of com- to enforce your bond, that moment I will uuttin suicide, and makes us difcover all, end mv life, aud at all events defeat your at once aouielbing agreeable in a world j preposterous intentions." which bad but just previously been declared The few remaiuing teeth in the old lady's to be deflate and com,oriics. So it was ! lK.ad began to chatter as she liitened to the in this in-tant with Dou Antonio ; a mere ravings of Lon Antonio, but .lie obdurately dart of the moonbeam, caused him to waver ; i insid on the fulfilment of her Lan-aiu but there was likewise another reason the j the terms of which were very clear. shallow uos of the rater beneath was there- The holder of this ticket is entitled to by known, brmgmgto bis mind the recorded claim l,oU Antonio do Iiiveiia for a bus- jest, that the arches of the Joledo bridge hou'd be sold to purchase water for the No (;entlcnian sbotlJ attempt to drov. u bimn-lt in a .Li!!;r. ..'.e.,n.j.ceiully at ebb - tide; besides, Don Antonio was a lover of nature, and fur bin. the moon, the star?, or ! " My name," said the old lady " js Kossura ! speaker ol the House, Mb Chevcs was elect- , being weighed, of course, gave the desired ; some profit of &-,'.(l. to her owners. ihc ijari,,,, Wtlc huovant and holders aught that was beautiful was uot made iu ' Gonial, z." ! ed in Lis place, having jeceived Dl votes, weight. Mr. D. was very much displeased - cargo told tit cu advance of cents per ' weru alla,vace' In flour tbe ad'-"I1?-. I " Uh, Heaven I" exclaimed Don A ntonio, ' J,r- rnudyr o'J, aud 12 icatteiiug. wheu Lc found it out, but couldn't help Lim- bushel over its cost, in Liverpool, netting a v.lirp ,,,," 1Kc.,i wjs lrm ,jj a , .,. ilis burst of moonbeams the shallow- "l,:itan unhai.nv cpineidet ee : the i.amo ! He was not strijtly a party man. aud of- ' self to any consolation ou that account. He ' profit of f C,"vJH. For a pioneer voyagu in .,, tj mm...., i,... ,i j nets of tbe river, and p-ihaiis afier ail the i - i. . i . . . . . ' i ..my io nun inai i:e uiig.it possiniy yet I live to delight and be d. ligi.ted that some : 6weet smile migiit thank bim fur and recon- - !' ''iu. to the life he bad preset ved, made j i Iuu Antonio t.,i, i-Lurt ia bis rrevious do-! teriniiiation. j i " Lot what is to be done !'' continued be. ' i" shall I throw mys.lf at the feet of fome tered the head of Don Antonio than he ae- ! tually matured tbe plan of disposing of bim-I telfby that very nieatia. In a ft days all j Madrid rang with the rew of a scheme that I :"" -i.iimmiiiiii...ranonuwi intended to marry himself. Rut we bad better read the advertisement itself: ! "TO TIIK I'Aln Sl V ! I.OTTI IJY KtIK A lit siiAMi' ... . D.u Atitomod. luveiro w,I dispo-e o many la. Ilea of a .fit uii nr, i( which it waa not diffieull to find in Madrid a tiioti aaiid or upwarda. Indeed (he tii k.-ts were most eagerly sou;;!.;, mid the lists were r!i-red in i very few il iv-. v a lady shed a tear at being ..bilged to put lur money iu her purse instead uf purchasing a ticket. liut there was one who .-bt d bitterer t.'ars tha-j these, and who beard of I'n. A lit . -i.io's "scheme with that de-pair and .ti.l do gl if w Licit tho-e w ho t. have alol.e lelt. '1 I. at was Koaaura, whoso dark eyes wept as fast as the Magdeleu's, and who was aa beauti ful too ! For my part I've o dislike to woman's tears ; tb -u th. ir so ils .ire softened aud we mould them at our lt,i-.iic. dive me beauty in tears 1 leave smiles to the wiser part of tuiMikind lbit the tlropa Rival . i i .... . aOniuraaut'ii wire uscusa, , 1, aim Ii...! ., 1 ..... ,.,ir.l, ,.nn. ' tamed t.olhii.g to rival her iu his affections, , - ' Inch dowager anil barter my la.t hope of il.us ! I tear the fit.nl r.nner- nnvr like il,o (fUired not only abilitf, but intecrity and the " 1'cnny Magaziue " fr January 13, over three or tour more ol our lake ve.-els . ' bairii.i-.ii lor m!,.n,Ur I iii-.r aiiini. ' i i i i- . . . . i .. .i . i ... i . i.uriiv of the l,!..l.o... ii,l..r anil I., i o. 11'' i:i..m .vl ;n ino ii .,.,,.l I!.., i-.o, "1 to Eiveinool dinct. is talked of ou ater advices from Liverpool to the "iuth ins - . -j-j . , a hi iu i nve on, a asie auu useless iiaLK i - j - o t ........ ..ii...-n. 1 , ... , , , , . , ,i i . i- r .. i . ; No, rather than that 1 11 fall by lotury the ' to me." , fcd the call of bis cou:iry with success. l!y for 1 MU, pages 34o-(i, aud iu the " Driti-b ' street, aud w til ptobanly be c u rie lo.it. Cotton ha.t slightly ailvniieeu, owing pruo of any passing admtuier ; yes, by ! .. jv Psaura ! star of mv life ' wlioso ljis Jsrt!at c"aucia! tii, euergy and integri- History Chro'tiologically arrayed," bv John j The idea of sending over tho John V. Ayre the rate of interest being G per cent .lottery:" destiny shall ever fix or unlix mine but l 1,c' "oreU the crJit of the iustitution, U ade, page C-. From these it will be j this fall has, we believe, been giveu i up by .-a it- ot tnc weeK lines. ne sales ou Nn niniiiir l.a.l l. A... f . lnn... 1 i . . J ., , , . .' mid iiia.ln f.ir l.lni.lf a r..n.,(..i;.i r.,. i.;..i. srni.il il.. T.,..,... L. , I ,1 ( . lur nwnrrs l.i.t there are doubtless brio's ot rriday amounted to l'J.HUO bales. I i:e LIUise t in ma. I ifl.'f- I. v lutterv. in a ll.ot.aiiil a no.-f n Is mv riv.il. shares, at oue doubbx.ii p.-r share. The "That rival, low. U inaminate, ami jeal- mieen year lost luyne, a Jaogan., a Mc , .a.a, w.vu i..e npp.ing, iumc i uiuraiur . :.lt0 lu,w Mock" The money as we.l as the bu'-band to be the ooy of 1,. r shall never disturb vour pelcc; Vf a"'- great men of summer brook-; the spa, Kluig, brei.th.es, ' ; f ' , proper,, of tbewn.ii.r. All complexions it was the Uuee of rlul.s. wbo, favor I ' the enlarged s.i, so of tbe terni-and now brmanen ; the gorgeous, roy tins,, of morn- j , (. ;,il0Ulll u of ,.,,.,,,,,,,,0,, (provided they are Kuropea,,..) .ml all age. have sworn never to curt more. Thou art !-"' ' -' mouru for Langd on "C?, deepening, until the orange ..sc . lt'' l), f t!lt. l;r.t .,,,,,, Hon. Eft. v.. to fifty ate eligible f,r !,;, s." the only (pcet, that 'hall henceforth reign beves, one of th. pi.rest and most glorious o tlie sun cuts the b-r.wn ; the i g ol.K u ; . - I u . , ; , j Now husbands a,e.s.car,-ei,.Ml,id as in my heart; none other shall ever enter f l's. We to bis asbe ,-tho God-; b aze ot the tops of the bronze hte ; the P ' u'' tll, ,,,,lse,,r,U 'insouie other great die.,; but a Lu-b:,nd ..here." , dess of 1 ,.,.e ltaLs ou bu tomb. g.ittering of theg a,sy bi.eiies ; the long ' - P : and a fortune' too, and that for , single Don Antonio now found menns to pacify , i? 'be. "J , "f ,0 -k ansferre I f, tbe leading doiibl, m, were irresi-t.ble at.rac.i,.ns f..r the old lad., and c,uvinei.,g her that she ! , , ncct..r cf the perfect air ; the tingling of the " 1 , drafts from t.ntv .1. ... ... ...1...I ,l- in i:i.iI"",i,iiM ...si.v 1.. ......... ... ........ v , himself up the sport of every female gsnie- "l" bo could pcihsps Imd a husband by aps una a nusnami ny tuase bv which Antonio I no 0,i'cr means than 'soiiL - ht to men. his fortune. Hv turns she r blamed her credulous, confiding heart, or " altered herself that he loved her still, and "'i ibis ra.-b acl but an excess of de-pair, Sbe worc o forget aud still remembered ; be gave up all hone ul.d iu the mean time et fvr au old Dueuna to cousu't ou her . " . . . , . in, ,,, I, r tilitf Tu find out tbe bo dor - - ... . . , witb what dismay did be learn that a tooth- engage'l to make happy Slio was seated before a cbeval glass, iu a handsomely furnished apartment. Don Antonio caught the first glimpso of her fea tures in tbo mirror. Siio was a thing ot paint and feathers. The deep wrinkles ol her age-worn check were visibly reflected in the glass, even beneath the black lace mau tilla with which fbe bad veiled her face. " Oh 1 Heaven, that I should have oonie to this!" exclaimed Don Antonio with a deep si dl, which caused tbe lady to turn hi r head towards the door, aud salute her future hus band : . I " V entriA nn.,l;. :J -I., it T , ,,; .yr take in this affair. You bavo certaiuly overlooked the conditions of this contract, wincli were Lot meant to tuclude octo'cna- riium." The lady'a features now axsumcd on ap- .... . ..r Tieurlirn of aprii n a-lnil. 1 1. itmi m.w 1...1 j i;,.l.t. ..ll An t I ; i ... .. .....! . ! I ill not be cheated out of iny lawful' liu - 1 . r. , Land l.v auv ot vour canneei." " If bat fifty js1Tii1ust liave led u very ' dissipated life," muttered Antonio to him - f self i "but madam," (raising hi voice) j " never ill I consent to be your bridcrooiii ; a a . . ' : baud, aud one thousand ounces of rold n ; a marriage portion to be settled on bJrself." " Hag V cried loii Antonio, " let mc pee tJC ,ic ,jalla. iLtribed ou that ticket which you are fo eager to exchange for mine; I ! V, ill not be tricked thus." reminds me of the ratt a tide of recollcc- ... tions ru-hes into my mind. Oh: thou iu- fi rnal iiuctn ! to thee do I owe all these mis- fortunes." ' What, I really bad a rival, tLen cx- 1 ,.' n; Iullu i?., tulne froll) Lcr 'concealmeiit beiiiud au Iu- ,li-,n s.-.ci... " Tli.m is tl, fnrini.-.o l.ai.Pi which L-ave vou to me of no ue Thus ' s, ..r,P,. .,.l n i,,,'!'!.,, ,.'l..,rr.,I un t. vm.r n.u.fci, ; who i ibe real owner of ti1t ' ticket T" j Vself' di-rniled r,f hone but that jIlt chance left, my graiit.-aai,t, whose j U!1I11P vou 1J0W tt1(. f ame ,s UlM f,ur. jcha - ed a share in the lottery, which tutus out !, he the tvi-iae. IVIi. itir.,- h.v.plf that .1.;. fri. r.,s,.li i.i,l I,. !,. I.n.,, !..,! . . ' . . r our hi.ppness, lme Lither, and learn that was tin- linest . ."King wutnan ot her age in the wliulii uiuver-e. thus tlie la-t cloud was .lisp, lied which threatened the satisfac- tion of the bappy trio. ' I'l 1'iii.VT .Ti.kV Til nnA r.f l.ia r.isnlit - ... ..- .w., ar I s . I.-., ..,.-.-,. 1, IC Mr V. It - - ........ , - - - - - - I , ri in It'll! i!.t loilou in ' storv nf a Know v ...i .; Jmri. ; 'I' !;... ing very att-Mitively to tbe reading of tho doings of the electoral college : When tbe reader came to that part of the retort which reads." M.llard Fillmore, ti-ht votes," be was inteirupted by bis bearer's sut prised nianni r, as bo exclaimed : . " My gr.ii ions Millard l iiiinoro got only eight vol. -in the whole U. States seven he- si.b s in v owu '. I'll go down and w hip the , , .i , i . iierinan I'aini. 1 gave iiieiti lag. r Deer aim . , i - i .. . ttif v piomiseu 10 v pie lor rttiuiore, auo mat, i. 1 ... . .. ,,;.-:. nK-,.-P r.-...a l.! W01l.ll liaVC lliaUO SCVt lHCeil VOleS aiiy.lOVV J 1 sides m i ti u ill the whole U. States !' Ai.,1 il.n American hurried awnv with a . , , ,-, , , !!,d I'bir., inqmripg for the band be Lad lu " - We don't know who is tbe author of the following little bit of music. It is rather pretty, however, and quaint enough to have beeu w rit'eu before the Uavs ot "Good j Oure'i Re: " Spring is coming! Hear tbe drumming ni i in iii.iiii.SD. .. ii i so i..ieasRiu. .11 it tne .i .. ... ii . .1 . .1... I W L...l.ii... .,f rl, tn n,l. he ,i,.0i,..r of the' 1 ii,.!,.. distant m.iel wild wood, where : the wonted steps of childhood seeks, in sum-' I . . '. . t 1 1 f nit I s sultry hours, cooun shades petietith , , , . , ., , , the bowers formed in arches wild and grand , . , .. i e . i i t ,i by the t.o.l of nature s band ; where he liny and the titunly (if my muse be not too woidv) both unite in one acclaim, singing : on iu nature's name, aud fulfilling each their: mission, live but ouly in tradition, priug -1 is coming coining, coming. Un every side, ; scattering wnie, see me larmer easi m , graiu ; lor tie knows, as ne inros mv seen upon the ground se well prepared around, that, with sunshine and with rain, the har vest will appear, as iu each former year." i , i i A Si'iiooi. uiiti.'s Love. There is both dull, mid noetrv ill tho following lilies. written by u school cirl, aud we dare say that the recollection of those early dieaius, ,..lv .iinerent. from the actual cxdc- riencc nf life, are still the most pleasaul of a',1 memories. There is no sunshine like that of childhood. If gleams through the clouds of disappointment, and smiles upon us till the river of life miugk-s with tho ocean of eternity ! I r.nii.l mi" fjet n.v leaann. Wi, lite book lit t ween my wn. V'r I lie lln.uglils of Canine W.il.e fame a ImuUn in between. ' ' - ... . . " . --- . uiii. a ii.wuii in . uiu I lAUiiiiutj in: milium- r . r -. I n .i.e. -.-.! 15 , 4 "m"- , f vptcnibcr, 1770, k-Abbeville District, and i was therefore in hiTibty urt year. nn eatiy age, nitn nut lather, he re- moved to Cbarleatojii where by bi.s t ilents cneriry be lotil roa to eminence, uh a i i ..-i law rr. aim WS1 eLI IO IvODi're". Hum!.- i the war of 112 h f.ni nf Art .(. - trioua trio from Sontb Carolina Calhoun, Lowndes and Uiev.: ' I I. . ; .1 . I I I . . I no mitu, uiqiiuic ami uoue.-t clis - i ''""Jibbed for strotif and manly eloquence. i -ftcr the nurrcmltri Vj.i'l and the disatrous 1 defeats in the " 1.. 1 aaaaaaHaaa . wlifn the news I - 1 11 cu! ' tio"- j'O'S clJJ 1 of iNoriu Carjlina, i r:ii"toru4 an. t et.iler. or .uassa- ehusetts, and such JiVc men, who were lead ers of the Federal pirty, hud by their elo quunce aud caicaMiu tbrown tbe Kepublican party into cotii.-iou aud discouragement, LangdoiiCheve Use after 0 o'clock at ni-'ht. aud delivered oui of the most eljiUeut and powerful speechei ever made in any assem bly i he rolled back tLo tide of invective aud iudignant denunca.tion, and stooil forth a masterspirit defying disaster and imbued with tLe very gcnbia of patriotism, called the country to rally to the rescue. The liepublican party was excited to mad uess, and adjourned, that stormy mid gloomy night, with higher retolres aud uobler feel ings of devotion to ther common country than were felt before, ill was one of the great speeches, it not (be ere a to st of the j war Ia debate he was always considered monies. Ou the l!th eflual t0 a"' "' ' Conies. Ou the 1 (January, lsl 1, when j-. Clay, being poiutej to Ghent, resided bis statioi being ap-J fitatioii as 1 teu "itfercd with hi.s Ilrty. His sleru in- ' . r. .. i i t i ..... i ii i i , ' J ncuu to u tning, ana lie couiU 1 ".ot lc'ar. lLe Farty lUtraints of Cougrcs- sional life, lie retirdl aud was elected !U(JK0 our State, wbre ho presided with irreat purity and abilittt The United States i'a"1' llt''"- embarrass. and in great dilli- : culty, the 1'resideut invited Lansdou Cheves to delicate tak of Inanagina it. It re- lofty character, -tirely if ever diualled iu our country. , "e returned tobis Intive State and breath-i cd for her a filial mid devoted love, whioh i was tho cherished feeling of Lis decliuiuj life. . . His frame was Herculean, and bis intel lect massive and powerful, and he bora with m hiuiseif Koniau sternness and 11. e ii . B i ones r 'i-.i t. .a - - J Va.1 VIlU.l. CUl'UdS III HIU lUKl . , . .... , ,' , in n.u .11 hnlp rr. I num. i nwi. ... nil S:it.iril.'lV lifliil IIAnii an.l li..il i.r. 1 tl.i, ' dock. It was a scow-built boat about fif- teen fret long and three feet wide ; but the '. novelty consisted iu the peculiar motive ; il !...... .s...l V... A...... rl'l... 1 . ... ' iiuvi . .'v... ,w.-i ii uu.s, J lie UVill .... o..,..,n....T.. v.- I...; ..T. :.. ! a. j uvvuiiiiiauii u a.' j ait VIIO 111 H, U t I I 1 r! frmii ir.l':.nfv Kn vin t,-i u-nnf' I. , j ;,,.!.u ...i,.. i.:. i ir, a. i .11 i about slowly by walking upon bis knees, ! upou which be wore aomethin ' similar to bcs. He is from Chicago, and a he is going to New York for medical treatment His dogs of which be lias six, large and powerful animals, are trained to perfection, an I understand and obey his w ord of c-jui-, niand as well as a bumau being could. j They tow his bout at the rate of four miles ... i. r. ... i ...... . i -. .- . . " "u-n i "u. Kimiri "iiunuu-. vci l i ..1....1 .. .1 -1 . . ovn un-- mnt uoui mey .ay u.j i. cose n'l' ii-. msi i" n-i; pa.-.s. ove. ii.eill, Uliu n.i.ll... ...a .... I i . a n .. ... ..I ...I thus take the inside. He has a w a roll on ; - - - - , wagou board for overland journeys. His boat, an open 0110, I'V a caavass covering, supported . . i . . . i on po-ts, is converted into a s.noon, which ,-;. itli a tame rac ' coon, u-c for parlor, dining room and bed j room, all together on terms of equality aud good will. He carries four loaded pistols , to protect bis dogs from attack. After pro- ; curing a stock of provisions for himself and ' companions, lie anchored Ins boat a little , froiii the shore, aad'attracted the attention ! and excited the curiosity of passers-by, ; ho crowded round to solve the mystery. : F . Jbis Happy lamilv reiniii.Js one forcibly ot tll'r ola ",lU" ivOHli.sou i.rusoo a.: being tuinusuu liunju if i. ue. ne , " P""''t vojage down the Erie canal. , in ......I i.:. I....... il t 11 l u u v ,u " Al luulu' ' ln.r. -J.m l. j Oi t t'uii 1 1. Mul'Kl. ClTV. Chicago is evidently ,,,,;., , j0 a frt.;lt c'ity, in the way of t.ime"aud bad morals. Within the last two ..,.!;. aavs the Vtis newspaper of that J ,acC( only three constables and two justices , 0f the peace have been sent to JSridcweil. one countv tihv.s'cian and two almshouse agents arre.-tcd for robbing graves, and i j r j selling tinman bodies, auJ one mayor ar rested for stealing mail bags 1 That is all iu tho official line. If the publio officials arc corrupt, tbe people of the city seem to know what their proper duty is towards them, ami by bringing the bad to justice, they way secure a belter set ot officers. From the same paper of the 14th int , ... i .. . . 1 r I l. wo learn inni quuu a uuuiue. u. uui gut. tes . were committed on the night of tho D.'th, I but that the precise location ol all ot them was not yet kuowu. We seo from tlie Petersburg Express that tho first wheat received in that city, was the crop of Mr. P. Rogers, of Wake county, N". C. It was sold for 51.73 for bushel. largest max in the would. Tlie funeral sermon of Mr. Miles Dardcn, died at bis residence, in Henderson county, will be preached ou the 4th Sunday in tLis month, Ave miles South west from j Lexinyton, Temie.sce. The Ms teruity will be iu attendance, in f asoinc Ira- full res alia ou tie CeCaolOII The deceased was, beyond all question, tho largest man iu the world. His height KHWi J'cH tx in.hrs two inches higher ! t l!itl Porter, the ce.e!rtittfl Ivrntui-lt v .riant M1'" w'K1'' W!s fraction over o,c twustuiti ponmls ! It required aeveiitern men to put 1. ... .. . . 11! .. T - -1 I I 1 1 ! r ' m wmii. huk over iuu net 01 ' Pl!,ul tJ ln,llie bin coffin. He ineaaurcd ""'"l tho waist six feet and four inches. I aucr me tunerai serviceii, a Iriemt in ""'lerscn county, whn ban lon known Mr i'arilc-n, hi prnniisci' to m a LriO sketch nf hia Us, tabo'i viui; imei.. s.r-a.- ing facts. Jackson (Tennessee) Whig, June d, Mr. L. P. Williams, editor of the " Ten tiesseo Farmer and Mechanic," give the followinn; facts iu relation to Mr. I'anlen. which he beard ia the neighboring town of Uolivar. Mr. lUiden was said to have been j very sen-itive at any allusion to his unusual i ti7.e, aud would never consent to Le weighed ; but by an ingenious trick of some of the youngsters of his town, wmi were anxious to know Lis weight, that object was attained, Air. Harden had had a buggy ordered to be made for him, an ordinary one not beiug i. ai. n :.. :. -..V. ...... vi.wu.i. I'll. u. eri.ui" in iv out- il.iv to !.- .,.. .i ...,,... ! crept up and marked the distance the -j . ji."(j i fprings had been detiiessed bv Mr. U.'s weight. (ieLing on opportunity a , afterwards, it was filled with men and bovs . -. until it was .depressed the came distance as by Mr.l).s weight. Tbe men and bovs was often very much irritated by letters r. i ir . . . " om tuuerent persons anil quarters pro - po.-ing to make an exhibition of himself. He is said not to have beeu fat at all. The celebrated Kugliab heavy man, Daniel Lam- belt, who weighed 57 stone or 7(1 lbs., at 1-1 lbs., the atone, was also very sensitive on the subject of his size aud Weight. An ac - count of Daniel Lambert can be fcuud in tb an'.-st men that ever lived if not e.,l.Xushulie Jiaiti.tr. Rayaku Ta vlur on his; Tkavki.s. Tay- . . I.W.M . I U Hfc q 11.11 UVI .11 latitude, with the thermometer at 39 Ucf. below zero, iu the following strain : " Tb? ..L-;.... 1 Tl.. ....S....I. A ..:.. ...! " ' ; " . , v - ... - ...v . .a a .a i l i ..i . . ii i ..... . i . , ? , ,, tliAn.ifn.lk'1lj..nti.p.iiikw, I iu.r n. 1 ..-.. I ?l it .....nrl. ' Tl.n t. n t! v... 1 1. . ,. t ...t v... of the cold as being unusually severe, and . we congratulated ourselves all tbe more on our easy endurance of it. Had we judged -..1 .. V. .. ... . ... . ,.i;,.nJ .... .I..X..1.1 .. villi i'T uui uv.it ci; iioiii lulls, diimuiu mi. i... ... i. .i: ...l .1... . i ... , i. ! il aA U lVlllj ( 1,Vi VaJV, ii,UJiLi avuiv J UV la V, il . J I.ntf M tl i 1.. .... .1: 1. .. v... and then took a breakfast of hied riudeer ; meat and pancakes, of which we ale enor- . mously, to keep up a good supply of i.iel. i 15. aisled and I consumed about a pound of butter between us. Shriek uot. young ladies, t at our vulgar appetites you w ho sip a spoonful of ieo cream, or trifle with a dimiii-j utive txrriiigue, in company, but make 1 amends ou cold bam and pickles iu the : i i-.. ....... i r . i ... i i ...n .1.. i , u... vou y.v nim- i sn.tn ten me 1 .1 1. :. .1: . mi , irum, iiiougu ii ui.-guM juu. i ins tuieuse coil. m-j;..-ia lie.e-.-.iiJ nil l.iv, unit nun ...11 ..... . ......... ill. t..v .... ... .11. ... neeessitv comes the taste a v. i.-e nrovi-.ion of Nature. I have no doubt 1 shall be abb " " " I bb! j to relish tram oil and iallon candles be lore we Lave done with Lapland.'' , ,. ,, , , A F.stiuni.KRLl.l. - . - Afriendbashnnd - ed us a large, curiously shaped ring of pure ; gold, which was found by a negro, six miics j above this place, Keovveo river, near (iap , "i". wuere was uug..i m u.c ujS oi Red Man, a well contested battle with the , 1 ale faces, i tie ring nears on u outsiue, tu pericctiy legin.e . capiiai .euer.-. uia j . . .u-enpuo.. . ..... v... v.. .., . ! - u i - . " , t c ring was picked up, is the ruins ot otd , I-. .rl ( i.-nri-e. whose rnrnicts. in the o deu i D ... . ' .. . i . l Ll....l of the white man and tho savage. Per chance the possessor of this ring, in one ot j the many deadly contests, which M ached. tittle, nut anno ...uiviiv. III.U mi. .'...w.. l'..r. I bones now to be seen fully attest, lost his ' life, and it bus shared the fate of his dust, ... i i. , ei.ri.m. n.m .;r. lili HV", U 11H-" ID - v.ii.M . , tose M1,,,,0.,.a histoiy is suggestive of love, ,1, .r.,,i... i,iie i, m,. Ir h.-. , i :. r. ... Cir id,. it..iM.i.rl,..i i.f th.. l.l'r 1. IL nun u.' i ............. . - .:.. ....i, ,n,ttl.,s. htuiete Courier. - tl) ,uvt.liasc a candle or oil ; iu winter, it A New Feature. The Troy (New Yorki. was rarely that I could get any light but ladies have introduced a new feature at ' the fire, an 1 only my torn even uf that their fairs, which makes them dra-v like. To buy a pen or piece of piper, I was . jiu steaiu engines. Ail the most bewitching j polled to forego sjtue p n tion of my t o..d. nirls wear placards, labeled, "kisses one though in a state of ha. f starvation ; I had ChiUim each ;" and in some eases where' not a moment to call my own ; and I had (ica(,r posses &!J ( fte v ss extraordinary beauty, as to rend aud write amid toe ta.king, .auo . J . : i . . ... . t - . . i i .- live cents is obtained, lien- ; tlemeii who are fond of gathering this kind of fruit, "melting from trees." go in for it' ...i: . ... il, w..;. .'nt nf their nurse : and i one of the newspapers states that one rosy ss - e -- . ipped, bright-eved gal, realized s-ti'J in one . ". .1 1... . 1 ev.-iiug. vme gemieuiju aetu.n.v pmcuascu .? 1 1 worth of this honey ! mataa&Mamsi Cnun.TY riMhiiEU At Abo, iii Fin land, a dog that had been run over by a carriage, crawled to the door of a tanner in the town ; the man's son, n lad of fifteen jcars of age, fi.st stoned, aud then poured a vessel of boiling water on the mi-entble animal. ThU act of diabolical cruelty was vilnesed by one of the magistrates, who in- -.1 I.:.. I -.,.1,. .... f f,.i.t Tin. unanimously agreed in condemning the boy to pi.iiisbn.eut: Ho was imprisoned till the , . ..i..f .1..,. . ,t : ,1,. IUIIU. 111 111. I I IVVI M .1 , I.ILU,t i. , ., c , , , i , ,i, , ;,. nf tlm m-oiifp. Im was eo ii uetfJ to the place as conducted to thepiace n officer of .justice, who lucc. " Jnhiiman young lid not assist tho animal ct ixecuticn bv an read to him his sentence i ... . .. ,t:.i r .,' ,' . , ;. : i ... -, ,,,i IllUb .111 IMUI l-.l IUUI ."Ml I'Y 1 1 ' I .... , i . i -. i i -. i " .- . .i .. i ' -.il l,n derived it bcinz lrotn the same iOil wtio 1 ; i . I , . ave y a hie : bccau.e you anucu to tlie : a i- .i ...nr omi"la ot ttie agonizing lieast, atiu mur- dcicd Virtue eouu'.-il "f this eity has sen- 1. .,,-J L- o wear ,m vour I .east tl.i name whieb, von deserve, and t nce'vo liny ptrities." He theu huiiL' a black board about his neck, with this inscription : " A savage ' and inhuman young uian !" An 1 after iu- ( dieting ou Li iu twcii'v-five stripe-4, he pro- I cecded : " Iuhumaii j'liing man ! jm have1 now felt a very small degree of tlie pain with which Ju Lave tortured a belpl'-ss animal in its hour of death. As you wi-.li for mer- ' cy from that (Jod who created ail that live,- earn hum.mitv lor the future. J le then executed the remainder of the sentence. ; I SaI.E OK A Hemai:kai!I.K ks.-k.i. It will . , .,. . be remembered that the vessel Ueai. lueh- ' ",f"lJ wa'1!' r that ever made the vy o to Liverpool, luthiscou- "hL lro" i it. .linn tin. t'liipiii.o I're&s s:i l.. : motion the U.icagO t re.s say, I Nelearu that tho I'ean J.ithmoud h is j been sold at Live, pool for .( fe.,o 1 eo-l .1 il.OIH', w bith li uves the very hau.t- 1 a new trade, this must be considered a very ! j- i ... . .. .i. : . . . : 1 tucees.-iui re-u.i,. in ui.j vouucei. m ' notice that Stewart Kerr, a h-avy pioduee dealer of Liverpool. Engl-ind, is now on a iit to this city with a view nf making ar- ! raneements for a direct trade between tiiis city and Liverpool, lie 1"U Liverpo-.l im- ! mediately after tbe arrival of the Dean Kieh- moud at that port. The project of seuJin ' L-ood Dualities winch Call vet he seeure'l de- i f.-re the season closes. Nj time is to be lost ! however. The End or the ("sited Status Ham;. j ..l.L..I,ll...U .,.,. ,,Jl. : - w'--K ""!""' moo.o, "-. letters, i:c.. that bad been preserved or. file a' vouchers iu the long course of the 'immense busimss of the United States Haul;, were sold in a heap iu Philadelphia, and 1 .. a. 1 .s. .... ( ii lri'ir im'h nv n l'lii't.-! iiiurt' . ' "-- i f,, ;t ,,n;,.,.va sVnu.ni 'm ........v-..... - - siii..-n, sei.tt. red luia i'i iii-iisii.iL.t.1 uv , an '"'porMiit transformati..., inti cv:'" "'l?u,;ll-'1 'ite p iper. hi nuge ma's ol pooks ami papers smues wie with a-toni-hinent. A f.iint idea maybe , , f ,1 formed of the colossal c.iaracter ot tl. f stitution which at one time occupied so im- PorUut a nai t ia the history ot thp oountrv bl,t a :.-torehous9 tuese papers vvouu e ,or -nniynlual histories ; ami percnanee t,,l'-v wou'a '"'."tr"te tb '7 ' the po.itical par.UJ 01 thc day. .W.uiu. liU.l."" - v-fcA Gn..nEt'r.s I'l. ere is a p.-culiar ciian about the sea ; it is alw ays toe same, ,.t.t ,,eVcr tiionofonous. Mr. Go-so has well J.' . . . .. i .f t..i .- . observed, that vou soon get tire i ei in king . .. , ., :l tlie jovfliest nelil, l.ut never ot tne roiling wavi-s .... . .!. c.l.i ,i' , ..' . ......' .it...:.' ,ln'i,' UlitV, nl.m.nd. in. Profoundly mvsterioas as tluMlXd !s, with its countless forms of life, the a-p-ct does not irresistibly and at once cueree tbe viuca l"l ..' ' l. v , i -. -. ini.i.l tn tidiik of suld -cts so invsterioiis ati I Is) awful ns tbe asp. ct of the sea docs -it l , , i-.,i .,..,.;.; .,, of u.ror a,j wei,uc, as are tome in evi rv umrmur o 0, ot.-all) ,,,,,1 thus is neither sj torrn,t. or fo .u2estive. As we look from tle c;i,r, every wave has its btt-r ; every j.f(' u , .Iljt . w.i u i.r"e,,t ,,', 0 r it ii.-lt. into that large wave? Ant .e .j . i0,, w,it.n fiats no aimle Iv on us bank, and now is car. led tiu-U-r again. llo a ui-ovv niut- wreiell It is ins . i .a-r.ii.-ti. ui a drowuiug wnteli it is the fr: !(01. wlk.U ltM stn.,-k miles and mil. a . ,- . i. . i n . away, i.ir iroiu neip aim an puj , unseen e f heaven, and no messenger ot Its I igoiiv to carta except, tins io'. wnr.-u n i . . . . I : 1 .1 ats so luiiyau'.ly ou the tide. TiieWii.L AM' THE W.vv. I b an,-! !ni,.m:ir wl.en I was a private so.. Iter, on r , the p-iy of six pence a day 'I be ed ge .,! mv 'n. i in. or tlin' A mvginrd l.e'i, was mv . :.t. to stodv in: mv tnan-sacK my ........... - j ' - i book-case, and a bit of I- . r I Iv log on in v ii was mv writing tab'.e. 1 bad no money nig, singiug, wliistimg, and oaiviii.g oi n ui a score ot the most r. e..l. -s men au.l that too iu th-;r hours of freedom from a.l con- tr.il. And I sav if I uuder these circu.il- stauces, could et.eo.iitter and oere. me tbo i tak is there, can there be, in the whole ; world, a youth who cau tin I an rseut fot the nou-perforuiauco ! CvU-ett. I ruUUDAYS LATER I'llOM EniOl'E. Qckuki.', Junk 27. The fteaiii.-hip Irdian, Captain V. Jones, has arrived at this port, with Liverpool date-' to to the 17th iustant. The appearance of the approaching elec tion iu France was unchanged. The oppo sition tiekets are still divided. It was ru- ' lUt. SVf U o Czar " P' -eriUuny in July. It was rumored also that a conference , , , . , . woulil tiiKO act between the potentates " . I .. w,u1,'1 p M betwe-n Ue potentates of tne several Italian Mutes including ,,",,S t"l! representatives tho 1 opo and tho uf Auslrw. A meeting Lad been held fit Asliton un- der the aust.ieca of I no Cotton Supply As- , . t . ii ' soeiation, and resolutions were adopted . r . i suiiiiur to those auoiited at tbe Liverpool mev'.iiig- I . V,e U'.,V " M Wt jturcujri.oii ai.rj kingdom of Saxony ami j " uo P "'""panties. 1 "c - .snaKeti, out no serious uamago was uone. fl MTllEn 1JY TI1K STEAMER INDIAN. '1 he Jewish I 'labilities bill has been oc cupying the attention of Parliament. The Catholic ami-ndineiit was defeated by an immeii-o majority, and the bill was sustain ed nn the last iju. .-tion. The Loudon Times has come out in ad vocacy of the abolition of slavery iu Cuba. Meetings hoiden in the country to consid er the present inefficiency of the cupply of 'cotton, have endorsed the resolutions pass ed on tho I'Jth nut. by tho meeting of mer chants in Livei pool. J im treaty of commerce bad leen signed hrrii-ii.-.i l!nhkl-.i i.ii.t 1-'.-ii tirti. , Cot,0 WM ict ,, ' .,,. T1,e , . , , -7.,,,, ht,.k of .. H.,.ulat0M 'ttud eportvri lock ., . , , 1 ' crd from Id. a d. per 70 pounds. ( arn was su-s.dv. Kiec was f.uiet. 1'rovisioDS. sugar and ru-iu were dull. i.ATi.n vcoai Ki iiori;. AK1UVAL I IF ST EMEU NIAGARA, Halifax, June :. The Steamer Niagara has arrived, with t.mt. tnarKet c.oscn steady, ar, me lonowing 'tno- tations, viz : Fair Orleans ej middling 7 13-16; fair upland middling 7j. Consols !:)J tj 'J.i. Hi end it;i Ifs were oiiii-t. at nt a slight nd- T1 wati.ur i.;.,i i,.VI. favor.be to tne crops. M inchester advices were fa- TOr.lb.t,, ' lbe bul!ion in tne RlTnk cf Y.UT-" jal(i jJil(j iuc,.ea(ej jttil -,(i(H), At Havre, New Orleans tres ordiuaire cotton was quoted at ll7f. The sales for three diys had been J,UII0 bales. A spirited discussion bad taken place in the Ivigiish House of Commons, iu refer ence to the destruction of (ircytown, under tin. admiiii-tratiou of President Pierce. Lord llanilltou inquired if the Govcruu ent bad demanded ripuiaiiou fir the Diitish pri.pi rty destroyed. L-rd Palinerstoti re plied in tiie negative, aud said that the law ollicers of the Crown bad given the opin ion that such a demand could not I s.is- taim-ii. A Uiicus.sion tdereunou cri-ueu. in Biiic!l JIcsra. i Israeli, 1 othl,r,( ,K.,,ouneed the a3'..ir a: vocbuck. and as an outrag, ail,j ln.sted that the honor ot the Uriusli .,, 0u-bt to have been niaiiitained. Lord .loii.i Kn.sel mid nfhel-s defended till. Iliir. ,...,,,-, au,J the subject was dropped. J he number of lintish Cruisers o" the C03st of ('aba lias been increased. The Continental news is unimportant. The French electii u excitement was ia-crea-nig. LATER FROM CA LIFOHNIA. New Yukk, Juue The steamship Illinois has arrived at this port from A-piuvvall, w ith San Francisco dates to the 3th inst. She brings about s,g II I lillil in sneeie. Tbree bundled of Gen. Walker's men had arrived at Aspinwail A bandred bouses bad been burned at Porte au 1 raicc. Tbe shipment of gold AtlanticwarJ, from tan ria:iei.-eo, are increasing. A rumor prevail.- iu San Franci-co char ging that (-!-mh-I llarazthy, meiter and n-tim r cf the Umwd States li.-anch Mint at Sin Fr uiciseo, is a defaulter to an amount vai-iou-!y slated to le from ?10i),lH0 to S.)li;i,()n(l. lie has made over bi proper ty to be held in trust, as seouriry to tbo Govfrnu.cn;. A pi position was before the Govern ment of Granada, authorizing the Pre.-i-del.- 'o settle the difficulties with the Uui-t.-d ;-tates. The report of tbe Anglo-French Protec t irati' over the Chinch a Islands is cou th uieil. Liter intelligence received at San Franci-co from Sonoiii eoatii ins the total iinni !,i!a:i.'ii of the party uud.-r Col Crabbu uu der ei: liiiist-inei s of tr. ichery. (! .-. Stever.s has b.eu nouiinated by t'je D.-mocrats its delegate to Congress from Washington Tt rritory. Trade wa-bii-k at Oregon city. KHU!A"Kl HV A Snakk. A few days i lice, a M aster J acob lit iu hart, about t w elv n i..-.r., of age, while walking along Wist Uoien'h-.agiK- Creek, near I pton, Peiin., saw a vounger iad than himself, who had In u fishing, suddenly fail back into the creek. Young Reinbait got a pole, w ith which Im fished the other lad out of the wr.tir and landed bim safely, when bo tom l that black snake about iour and a Lilt feet in leiiL-th was wrapped aioun I th ; i uild's body. His pecket knife so:n fieed lbs iad Iroui tne1 suake's enilraee, and the iatt.-r surit-red no further dautag-e tuaa a batu aud a vj-l-ti fnl.t

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