nmnnni "3e frqe fo 60$, fo ijour ftemi.rji, not) to m VOLUMES e. CHARXiOTTE, ISF.'C., "XTXSTSS- I8S7 THOrJAS J. HOLTON, K 1'ITl. 11 k rilOIMUM'Ml. . TEN MS ; TI.e N..rtl.-t-..r..li..- Whi, will b, a Herded .n lib. lini.rr nt TW IMH-I.AliS m :,..v..(,.-; "1 V 1 yol.l.All!1 AND KIHV ( KN'TS if ..,,.r,ii t- 0,UtpH fur tnriu morttlia ;uri'i '1 llltKK liol.I.AKS ,, ,,irt or tin yc..r. .Nrf. ,.tr w II be di.vo.. Illllli'.l II nil I a 11 alien, ugi. iii j'biu, catit'pi ui u.r njiti .n ol Hit' Editor. Advertisements inserted m Our Dollar per square lines ir It", tl'i" sized type) fur (lie fir t inae r. tion.tri'l 2-i cents for cue It con tin uu per. I "our I ud. ,,rtiaeni"iit and Sheriff's Sales charged V.1 pi t rant, higher i and a deitticlii.n nfSHJ per ennt. will hi. n. .i.lc irum the regular prict , Inr ilierlme ta In tuc vor. A l .'ertlmuieii t inacrlcd monthly of quarterly, nt (I pel quarr for nu ll lime. Stnij nimi fitly " i ccnti per xjuurr lorcac h time. IJ Pn.-ltll asters are autltririz..! lu art as agftnlt I), Srih Ins ravc tll.it Wat iirwlr iiiuiIp, I.iariiI a a-Kton oltt on liia earth. worn inflf; Iff wnrk saaa Uone, and he p4iiefl to w..it 'l'ha Inner hI ir-iin tlireiich t lie f'p n gtt ; A flic of ny gone da y w he, And hii I'H-wa wta aa wl'ilc aa fie fnaitir ari Aid tin' wonia vnmf frnm hi ip an thin, ' 4tlur ttuiu in I I f a tiii-r thitii ih ! I gather tlinn in ! f r wn and bur, V-.ir al'tfr yi-ar "f IH t'snd jr.y, l'v hlli drd till huilaea llii-t lie rnlinj I'i efiy li'Mtk nf ttiia Imribl rutiiut. y -thi-r anf daoehrr, f 'titer ami a,n( Cutlif to ihV aujillltir nnc hy cm liMl mmr flir-y trnfera, or ennio l'iy Kill, itl.cr llie'ii in ! I (tlitr tin ni in ! Many ar- wif.li nir-, but alii! m h.ne ! I'm king ol lite dead ihj I make my tbrune rn a niKiiiimrnt l 'b of marhie cobi ; And mv acrptra of rtilu la the aa-le I hold. I'nnia lliry ffmii coltijr or emne tin y f'om hal! M.tiiklnri are my auirela all, all, all. I.-! I,ia biilrr in ul'.iar', toilfuily ajiin I gather tlaroi in f 1 g iihrr tin in tn ! I' f -ll.r fl,in ih.ln.1 fl.i- ftnl vr.t la hi-ri .ilno hi ra in thr eailh'. il.irk hrea.t " An. I th- a. jinn ceaan. f..r ll.c lito.-ral train rrlr..:::!.T,;:,i,.. Anil mif ttfirr fmcc lin tUat t'-m.' n ! V! oun-'i Vr lh- ht irninr' r---ri I diir ! g ttlirr them i . ! -.lli f ihi iii ni Vf Prom tlit tai't'i Carolinian. SH3 322 OXS 35 25 ? , nv j. w. miiN, t ONTl.t ULll. ,.. Lutchered him for bis g,,d. and,' vo.t shall be made a terrible example. You je.cr.et ban", and ju.t shall uan3 this vsry hour! Strike the bell, Wells, and let it ' rinr till the abitni summons a crow dt.v.e.hcr., I, ; I... t, ..l i .r..... Larv-rs ! , v.. K . . and parked juries, for jutire on 'urn criminals as is. Strike the b. ll ! Sound the alarm! lie shall bare prompt justice !" "For heaven's ssk, sir," crirl I, ap proaching the eteited II percoldf, who wa, foaming with indignation, " have n care i..a j . , 1,:. , ,.;J.t,:..r' f..t "iu, I'Jil u, .. e r.1,1 w , .in" ii" 1 ." "", hut it is impossible to curb or restrain it.- ; You may live to rrr-nt this rash step bitter- 1 1.. ti . . ..; 1 ... 1 .... IV. I Hnow nouillll! TI sl'.s limit, I'Ut 1 am ; morally convinced of his innocence. Carry him quietly to prison, and let justice be done aeeir line 10 l!w " We hire' had cnou,h of ceremonies, farce," returned Happcraeol.lt, with Litter! ..e. . -i r.i nrss. " I he country has ijrown stk of them, The people must take the law into ihrif on n b.nd," It wa, now too late ft, expostulate, far the ... ... .1 t. ..r .!. w, .waving I-i and fro. with its iron toii"'ie soiindiii" an s arin, which arn tcJ the passers by and t . . . I eau-cJ won'ler nnu aaiouisiiuieni. in every .1.. ...... ,.U ...,t r.,.ln, eiir - Men mi.'ht be sr-n lmrrvini frnm behind '" I- I- -v their counters and to the doors of their nf- ficea an,! .I.crw. tiii.uW nuctiiitiinrr the pa,scr-hv as to the rims of so unusual an ' , .'. . , . , I I r I ..... .-...in... .,,,1 ir.il... on i.eea ihth i pen THE SILVIO. it-. t . ,, ,. , , . ' j 1 . 1 1 , ,,u.i'.r. to ocoupy an e.evatcii pusiiioti anioim 11. j tableaux which waa rfeented lean never ncnly to Iook around. Maiidinpiii .. . 1 i-i . , . . ,. r t 1 . . - upon t tie countrvinen. f.rget. Ue look-keeper was jiLt witl.m , T of a camber that beau' lul Kt A w'dd shout of approval, and nn cxplo th.Joor,.ft4 near the centre of the room ( gHer, f;o( not ,,, (.,,', ion of laughter greeted the proposal. I stood ll.ppefseo Jt, scowling upon ( ."-". m"rttlr,U summcrs-.l.t.... the nis-' l-voked to see bow this atrocious mockery who aeeuic-J ready to sink to the floor m b.s ; ''' afIr:..,..,cJ ,. -,.,.,! tcf at. unfortunate being ,,;,1 be rec ived ue .our atrs uue in tie room, ann na . . i... ,-iraui vju-tu i- ... .. . t- . , ,. .... , . '.-oik forth from her np .1 tu. cut. At a cNfice, 1 y the lead, r, who s.emcd to inc to be a . T' ' I,r,r,fu,''r"'- ''rT'the quick it.Mincts of her toun,- h- .1 1 st'en, and mi-taken in an ; but far superior l,,,.:cM of tht. . ejaculated ( Mn " I (f( mfiJ , ,,.,, lier ,,lfl vUU t'crrll, ,ru., j v;w, f 0 ,he rMAe t!l,t ffni?l ''"'".r"1'"' ''-''"";; ,; " I and spri..,ing f..r..id,. -he threw l,.r arm follow.-, at his heels. I expected to sec affright. " Hear me. j' l(,M,,, ' arouml I.i. i.eck. crying aioti ' so wild! and bathing and abhorrence written apon his ''"". "?'.',.,.,;' , ., 'ih-paitin.dv. ' My father, Oh! my fatherl' f,,e, but he, too. L.mI eauirl.t the spirit of seer, i th, streets of me ri csi ii t o w a rd s hie rur r ; but though culm and quiet, lie : the n'nrter of the city wlliere the ."larm was ' was' ',,... and inexorabie. lie kindly warned ! lirarl and rfneetine' to see clouds of veckim- mo to deist, ., 1 m'.J.t involve myself in! . ' ,C,r C ,'h ! : :1 r .":;c,,re,,,n .In, -r. wilhont in :,v manner i ., .,...... ... . 0 , .mg y eonflagratioi, S mu s w.,0 bea . in the di-tanee, and the rampmg of exc led ( rr "ur riiei, wtiere th' alatinlxll K.pl up Its it runt. f ,w. Tl.. fsct f . n.,ii, fo.im munlered I in his In, and of the arrest of his asasiu while. Lurrying away with Ins booty, was hirore.l in the streets, and flew on the wind's nf the wind, to the remotest and most retired parts of the city. From corner to corner it went, like the lighting up of nc esssive beacons over a long tract of country 'A man murdered in his bed I-' 'I hat terrible scntenre so startling so sugges tive of mid night d arknesj and crime uf un guarded irpoo find heartless treachery, stealing tbrouch the gloom to consummate it flcndMi design flew from street to street, and awoke tho comps-sion, the) indignation and tho vengeance of u outraged people. ' What's the matter here !" cried an ex c.led individual, ru-Ling into tliu bar-:oom fort tno-t amang tho crowd that the alarm hud called together. " Come, and you shall see for yourselves," replied Happcrscoldt, addrcssiuj himself to " 'iici iiiitmcrscoiui, aiiurcssiue inntoi. .u the speak.r, and to th'L who followed him ; "but bring on that man," continued he,; ' pointing to Cnrlton, who was feat fully pale 1 and nit lit. I I J'0,tl"(?""' "iLppy '""n along, the dense ' , T- ",,0"e fol!ow'"1 PPoWt! , ""a ,b.'lr 'pokesman, as they led the way' j 'P tnn to the chamber, where the body of the m unit red man lay. 'J'ho door of the' , slc-pi,,., chamber wan thrown ecu. and thai few who could press near enough, beheld a' (.lm-tljr 11 nd a horrible sight. The throat of the unhappy man had been cut from car1 ...J I t 111,... I iu nil, nun in imiuw jay uicncnea 111 us own 'II.. ..II. .... 1. r . "ore. J lie noble air of cotifidinn frankness and ftiinplirity, that bad charmed me bo much on the previous nijrht, when I met him for the 6rst time, was still stamped ou hip palt features, and an agreeable and manly inil Mill r?ated 011 bin lip, n thoub hii wound bad net awakened him from soothing and halcyon dreams, A" yet, the collected multitude were rjuirt and ordetly, Lut their pale and excited luces told that it waa oiiiy the stillness that pre cedes the norm. Kzclamations of pity for ibc dead, uud of indignation against hU murderer, were indeed heard 011 evcrv side: Lut , as yet, there wcic no maiufeMatioua of violence ni d misrule "Afoul and dastardly murder! clsiined the rpokesmini ot the crowd. after an examination of ih" bed v he at-aiiil arraiietd the coiciini' so tu'innreal iU ,. , e- - - - core in w hich the l.orl av. A terril.lo butch, ry, indeed, of a noble and eoi.04it.ir ! and angrv curses, its impulse, 8r,- still mm, wl.i.n.I loved ev.r as ,y own brother: I rutUh and bloody. It ,av sport, but its And is tl.i. bis murderer!' asked he, .p. j playfulness is only that of the ti-er trifling rcalin.. to 1 1 a r.r,. r-er.1.1 1 ..,,1 r,,.;ti .!,.!. i.l. .1... f:.. ..;.:... 0 ws'd t'aih( ll. . r. . ' ' 1 3 " I will relate all I know cf it," answered Us pr r-coldt ; si.d, turning to the crowd, re impartially ncouiitt-U I! e facts already tu possession of our readers. .. ri , , ...-.... uang 111111 hang 1,1111 . t ut his throat. .-ervc iiiui as lie irn-.i inigiove: f uch ml similar cries for vtiu'canee bur-t from the wiidly . xciled mob, w hen I Ispj.erscol.lt ed themselves in ribald oaths and -". antic r-tide.J Lis narrative cf the facts. Knives jrc-ticuiatioii", in savage shouts of exults were rp t ned, pitoU wrr drawn, clul s tion, and eyes j;l,.nniitig with the intexica braDdisI.ed ; w bile a few of the more violent, ting madness of the hour, rins in my ear aimed with such weapons as chance furnish-' still, w ith a wriid like power that cannot be to, mace a rust, to mr.ict infant and sun- mar vengeance on the prisoner. j We were nyiv stainliiig in tin narrow ; ga.lery, separating the rooms on the up.j er 1 ,u"r, and I til new 11, vm ,1 ueiwcfuii.a inon and thrir pi 1-oner, an 1 etnleavouil to t x- 1 .V riii'.H urn. lie nu wait, oi lite hiii r . ., i.i- t- - - - - - whin ttiey arc lashed into furv by the storm, I ar!' fallen v,'-';"' 10 '")' "'"' in attempting to arrest and Mem the fierce 1 .Ut.., ..t . ...I-..U.- J :.r.. :....! , ,u, v i kii u.i, ri tt.1'4 u I, .i.i '.i i-i .!'. ln,"u, wl.rn a citcutiistance lor a mon. i.cnt, .ope i.ier j diverted (Lcir writth, and gsie tue a I. that thev might Tvt be induced tosurreu th' ir riiiuer to the lawfully constituted I auuioriues, i,j wnein lie wouiu le irnu un- ,er etrennislsr.srs more favorable to justice. -. brutal wretch tr.-', . t .1 . ... .t. ;,. ' -i s, 1 , . 1 , , , , ... an. I propose to t tie niott, in 1 vl lille I stnl stood cu,,.rru!,ng the Huh, and to 111011.it, " . 1 . . .1 1 1 . . I,-,,. , , ? , ' aVuiatcd to cxcito their laughter, shiel.Iinc with my own t ody the untoi tuuatc tet- . . 1 11 1 1 1 1 , " . ,, , . , . tho pri'oticr should Le sl.av.d, and ;fi:aii for whose l. ood tney were t!itrii,i.-,- ',, . , . . . ., , , J I .... . ' . . Q 1-'allowed to make 111 ton. t, a-lie a.i so soin ' -y "''."' ." wa. net p:y n..ve... "e luidcl In r in l.is Mvong aim-, ami i,. 'ihnt tears fell f .-t and free. ; ' a sp-etr.cb. tl.-.t sj pealed to (very '"' ' "0-" t .sec ctrry heait melted int.. t. iidern. s. and pity. I lie greater .I.i 1 I .1 !.., .1 . .1. p 'I I k Ol 111. IIIO.'. Ill '(. ll. -I.I Til. .1. . , - ,1- - ed Slid moved, the c. of some were even tilled with tears ; vet there were still a few and they were the firt ot men h irdene.l in crime, and seared with guilt who clamor- cd; id for hi- immediate exeeutien. When Inen leave the I and mar,: 01 law ami oru.r, " " " t t!,;l1 ,rvh ""' ,orc- 1'" of the column. " Even lie "tiiltv .' said ai Iton. nrrc.il- r . ' , $ o U,e spckcmai. 0. the mon .;i-'ii "n,e privileges ; mueh more mav the itino- ( cent claim the right cf sr-akms to bis I 1-.(;ht, r in pt.vate before he is dragged .0 ' !"-." , , ! I i Y t , nri-oin. " 1-1-1 'led the leader of the ! j ' .tot to prison, n jiii u nit icau. r ni i,ic, inoh, shaking his bead sternly, -ut i-peaking tin tones so b.w .s ... escape he ear-ot) ' C.rllon'a daughter, not to prison ; but to ; clesth! Yon eat. retire into this room, ami iu live. . i. ii,- -.eh u ill h. ready. Vou understand me I ' I '.. .1..,, t.r. ...I t.l. 1.... ft ra.i Carlton bowed his bead rrsi-nedlv, and;ti.eir leader, who piantea himi n tro.u u i r-M, ' : lliftine bis dam-liter in his arms, bore h, r into the chamber, followed Dy the angry , , 'murmur f the snneiiinnry mob. I I employed the biief respite allowe 1 . i tn in stekin.'. ly argument and entreaty, to ....... .1... l..1r nf tl... tunli friM.I I, la tei ri. innii - I 11; i -i'i. i "i ...... comtiassioii I U V tj- ' , , I I u. c 01 , ... I... 1 tireaniui tragcuv, wn.i-.. ..v.-rted bv the stroti- hand of brute power.) The five minutes allotted to Carlton rolled I rapidly away, and the mob-impatient to be,i tho bloody tragedy-clamored aloud V. lor their victim. rle and sorrowful, l anion srpcarc. at ; . . . W . the chamber door, but his d auhter, w ilh 1 the strong instincts of filial affection, clung; !.;, ..) old i.ot be senarale.l. until a' i. ' ...i... :.. i f..r... tore b, r! awav. tin. idacini' her. m an liisciisihic con- i on in t id arms ot a tcinalfi niien.l urn, . ' " '. . ... . whom sympathy bail attracted to the spot, Lurried their victim down the stair casa and out into the street. With motive, far different from the prompt ings of curiosity, I kejit my place near his i.le, alehing for some favorable turn in the tido some change in the savage impulse of the hour which mightenablu tne to make, !-- ---- i with a hopu of success, one more appeal in , . . . . Lis behalf. In my inmost toul, I believed 11111; innoccntof the crimes laid to his charge A'thief and murderer never marched to n.eet his doom with tlio firm step iwi1 tli sorrowful but serene nir with which he trod along the crow ded thoroughfare, followed by the jeers and fierce cries of thousands, with scarce a heart to pity or commiserato bis fate. A, for down th. Kir . m ,.r..,l,l reach, it wan tilled by an oxcitcd crowd, w hose murmuring fell upon the car like tho roaring of an uiiltt tea tlashin.' anions . . 0 O O breakers ' .... What a terrible monster is an infuriated mob. in the hour of its madness and nower. when it chare and roars through tho streets of a creat city, ungoverned and ungovcrn - . 1 I . 1 . .1 . nuie, nsieniDC 10 no voice out mat ot Ten- eaiKe, blinded by passtou and prejudice, anil bereft of tlione geuerous impulses which Six months later waa sent for late at plead ever with the brute for the helpless I ni-ht to pay a profr sional visit to a miner and submissive. It is the mot appaling of I who had been st tided in tu affray. A all spectacles to one who is himself free 'glance satisfied ue that he could'not live from the vortex of madness and passion ou inn hour, and I w no re.iKon to conceal which it is borne. It is like a huge- rock the fact from bin. He received the an on a mountain brow, which the arm of a ! liounccmcnt siilenly and without exhibit- -l.ll.l 1 .1. r .. . .... ...mi. ..r menu di air insy sei in motion, ' but which no power csn arrest in its ' ar- rowv flieht " as it rnwben il,. i, uitb i,. i ciderated sneed eriiklnifr oil I... ih. ' lii. in its rt.th How enr,ti,ms and f.ckle tnn U ib i.n. I r,ir f . .....I. It., : .t...... .i....i i - ' " i n -"'"ni niou'i ill. ...;.. t.,.l .... .... r ...1. 1 , 1 j .... 1111,111, That terribie rush of thousands thron-h the streets, bearing a poor creatine to the . gallows, as in.putent on the la-bing tide as ; a leil before the storm that dreadful march j of death -ha. haunted me with a demon- .. .. I.kc distinctness, from which 1 cannot escape, 1 he sullen murmurs of the nnry ami cx- cited r.rrnl.iee. l.oi- vil.-r r--ir,t,s reve.. b.wken As the mob went heaving and swsymg along the streets of the city, its course was obstructed by a numser of heavily laden wacetiiis tnat nioenea up t i.c wav, j tie im- paln nce caused by the delay waa extreme, Ml,ePre,e,,,e.,,perfJ,l,e,oh,mi,,,J iiare ret. ten .c iiri.ii. in, nni.eL.-v it-mn. - - - -, - . stem : w hen a circumstance occurred whicl dUtrtvd the attention of the crowd and Libited the mob under a new andmorere- jl'JI?-le asp. efc. ll.e leader of the mob and their p.'oncr, together with those who itninediatey guird. ed l.nn, Lad halted 01, the sidcv-"';, st ,t.io dor of a barber's shop, i-t periA ioii-, to move out ot t- . m if tr t. n nso tne ,oD,s.,. was .tror.aen w.tn cxet.eu.e, ,. " ivr.ng mu, in . snouic.i .., w.u, a ...o-,,, as ho entered the shop, In, head is our J.r. p.-ty now, and e must nave it cated .or at 0.., -own exp-nsf. ' li: a.iotl.er i.iun.to Ihb n..f:-r'unatc .nn: 1... 1 I ,1,.,,.. I,,,,, ... ., e. ebu'll 11 l. . . I'M 11 ,,,.',.. 11,.-, .. ...... , - - - bather, with trembling ti n lids f v 1 b'-' W'll knew how trivial a e'T.'iiiii.taiice might call down the wrath of tiie mub upon himsrlt w a removing the long growth of beard Ir-ni the f::re of their victim. Kidding him he expeditious, the leader r.f the mob returned to the door, and stood calmly conversing with those around him. " He is shaved, sir," said the barber, in 1 ,- . ,-, . 1 C 1 ,,t re nnnng acec.is, au r ..... - httle more thai, a couple of minutes, "Lets tec if you hr.vo improved bun, Franco!-answered the 1, ..der of the rah- "'""' n.', e iro ,, his the prisoner, who had in-t risen tiom Ins 1 1 j ',., ,:,, heel .. ta,,v M not have tune 1, lee 1 t.e man, uiif. cling gibes uttered by those of he mob w no gainereu wrou.n. . . "".-'r' metamorphosed under tuc hands ot tl ,ar' iber, for my whoio ntlcntisn was given to ! ti.eir lesder. who planted himself in front of ,. ,: . ,;, r,acdle Carlton, and .tood gating upon him fixedly and with surprise. I lis contemptuous scow was chanei d into a bewildered and terrified starn. The color fled from his checks, and his faerj became foaifullv pale. Willi a Midden movement be laid his trembling . .. nnti'i, upon me. -i -, , ,......,..,.. lmost -hokinrr with emotion, exclaimed, ,n LMiesot mlcise agony: . . s " Simeon, my brother, 1-it indeed you Slat linir nt tins uncipectci a.iuress, v .in- fon rai.cd his bead, and their eyes met - , Uwe of neo m llc , foP. "? '-ry-,o,,k - , v., in. ill each others arm,. 1 a. : , It was a paintul ami nai rowing s,, t ...i,,, . such as might have tnovct tne huh ons.,. mate to relent, w nose nun.-..,, y u.v j pHbcr forgotten. nil the die was cast- , the tic. r thirst for blood was excited, and! s- ... .i,,.l,.l .. - l.ii.l l.ei.ll tlU'lkSIPll III Ml 11 III in r - -r " " . , , ..... ,.j ; f, .,! more, u ii ii' ......... ' . . was too p the broth. painful to witness tho separation ot . ..... !.., met after so Ion- ,n absence, under eircum ,v . stances so peculiarly j ...I.l tho last moments of can ..!.. " . .1... ..id tn rintiirter lie existence oi tne ""- . . , i , ..i ... ...i,ni.i,.A,,,i ,.,. i r.i.ttii. ,..l r with remorse tint sliouiu never siutu bcr again, nor cease from its bloody feast upon a living heart. U was too painful to witness the terrible and agoti'mng struggles of a fellow-being to ward off from a brother destruction which hisown hand, had ren dered inevitable, lie bad cast him npou tho bosom of Niagara and guarded him from struggling to the shore ; it was too late to save- "hiin when he met the glance of a brother's recognition, a he was svecpir." on to the verge of the cataract. Thero ai now n longer any motive to j detain a nitre specti'or, hat the (.'ratifica tion of a morbid cariosity, which I confess I did not foci, and I' turned my back upon the crowd and hast'ued away, desirous of! Alflr,il,n fm... M;l.i nf ll,. : I' r,Bi,vi,i..i?ii. 11. c iiiipciminw ca- t,i,... 'i.. 1 i,i ....i 1 -i,v,;ul, 11 111.11 1. ll" ii.ipi 11 ny nianv noimr.. d. l,nni;,,Jnf 1 -i me to look back; aid t saw a dark ol.ieet , ..lv. vv.....v ..u.iu tJUfU ,1 i: .. , 1.1. i.... dangling from a beaiji that proa jectcd above a wiiii Hit. It n,.,l.,l f t,nnf!r ! i t ! rnp,.;..t fr ',, r ....... ... j hour later to satisf mo that the cl'dc r' T Cariton had Dcrishe. -l-'lie Lands nf th'n I . U1 iI,U mob. -y Tk' mg any emotim. lie pulled a rinr; trom Lis finger ai handed it to me without a I ,un..j -:.t ..j..-., L 1. .1 r ..:.. . - , ' .'i.:..i. .' .. .1. ;;,i..L hi t,C'r ""J,?", It ... . ". ti ! .' '. ' . ' .' , i noi meet v ou ai ii .ipperseo ii t s on the I ,. . , . ... . . . 1 n,y eves fll on a deep -car 011 his fwe rl I reiiieinVreil to h ive noticed ' ' I Ar, and would t, God y"n hid never J , , , , .nc' " ll-,r. ...' rte. ulrl, it ul,..t. :n : 1 : seen in-inere, rci.iieii i.e. " hat rin is he La. a mother send it to her. I need not I bide tie fact now ; it was I that murdered' hi,,, -nil that bauble was all f mined h.. ' it : fa-his .-old was safe in the nf hi". s- 'frieni, who was hung for the murder that I dono. A-k me no more tjuestions I wou.d sieep low. The a-sa-sin turned his head to the wall and slot his last sleep ! A I.'AKD C A S ' OF A WITNESS. I fii(, (U ; , r,lllmU of ,ho Nort!ier1 pr(JS,. ' A to the " Cousin -;.,n ii;:nr.i " t -,;,., .ii.: ,,,,,1, . .!,,0,.h well known that nre- ,.i, r.r ..a ;..,.....,,.. 11.. ...i. .1..,, ..,..:.,,.. t tl,..t SlarwMcdiiU'-Uamib ... it , ., ion jones, f.-a , 111 peimuig ttie lactfoiis ,.,;..! ...,..,., .. , ,u iv.. ....... t ;. ;. ; . aml Wl'.rc related t Mr. Jones by a talented .., i. . J '""Jv' 00" It must b; cctife-sed they sometimes )nput ni(1) rare of ,,.., natul(, jn ,ome jf tl)e f(, Jl t, of Nvrt,, 1 ';ir0;iua. Amot e vt.rj. fao,l v remrii, Lcrs the Celebr.v ry-bod ''ousiu ."fil v I'ill'iru Case, and hen. Spict:itor not far behind it. The writer c-ives it under th bead cf " Legal i'ro cecdings ;'' Actiou for work and labor done in cut tini ditch on defendant's land. I'len Pay ment, au 1 set off, in bacon and corn meal. Plaintiff's son on the stand. Hccollcct.s the ditching perfectly, but seems to forget ail about the bacois. " You say your dady ilid all this ditch in.'? I'i vou know what he got in py for it ? inquired Col. C. for defendant. " lie never got nothing, a I ever heard on, that's what he never got," answered the Witness. ' Didn't your daddy get coi .'. and bacon from defendant in pay fir that diteliin- V' ' Never heard of bis giititi'tu com or ba con." 'What did your daddy aril Lis family live on last summer !' ' Yitt!e, mostly.-' ' What sort of victuals ?" "' Weil, meat and bread, and some whiskey.-' ' Where did be get that meat and bread ?" ' Well, lust from ono and fu-t fro n the other." " Didn't bo get some of it from defen dant V " He ino-igbt." " I kno, ho nio'tgbt, but did be V that's the question." j " Well, he niought, and then agin' you' know he moBghn't." (With considerable excitement and in dor 1 " -v. . , Answer the question, sir. ann ,1 m more ,7, ..l.T lllllill' "IS.. ,l.l .' j-.. -r .1. ti - mm.ti. rt.i.i ii. .1 vnnt- da Id v, or diil he not, gi t corn and bacon from the defendant for .litel.in . " W, ll, now he nioughtiit don't occur Here his honor iuterf-rcs, and with a j.tnrni ,njudioiul frown, add lresses witne-s " Witness, , V-t answer the question or the court will be compelled to deal with vou. Can't vou say yes or no!" ! ! Did. or ' . .... 1 1 reckin." " Well, then, answer yes or no. (,j(i lo( y,lr dddy nd corn and bacon from ; ()C (K.(MK..,t nt tne time reterrc-i 10 . in- ..i., the court." (Now fully a.oued and consen-us of b,s . , W,H, Judge. 1 can t a.lac.ly . VOii know, seem as how it s all j nV go L and ft'., up , but," (planting d.-tortnincd U go out Lj ..,.,. me f he. mou-lit. ... mm, ti(,n , mouehtn t.-' The plaintiff saved his bacon. Verdict accrdimrlv. , , . Sttit I.Alt. ome persons yeterutv al .ernoon took it into their heads to clean out - .. .1 I .l.tl. tir.,l.-il. i- li-nl not lire . nu om c.ii.m'.. i j - used eince the It-vohltionnry war, and wire!, . . .i - i'i i. .. was lying near in i.et.irt vnuie.,, on ..- , tcr strcet. Having cicarcn out me tout u , , ,iir,,. I, .Jiat extracted some of .."to -r- , .. . ,.. . .,red a sntn nitant t.v ol .. lie nit., i t, t ... - . 1 . J. i ti) i ' ini il uu. i l ii it i'.' ' ILraJ'l. gunpowder ami tou c'i is ou, u. p.."'.v r t " - i ;,,i ;,. lif.il Unn the rlattorm ot i operation ot rai-in.' is.t snips suuiteu at fse. I board before the morzle to receive the ; theory of llipnoera es more than two ,h,. ( " 1 Z r n ,b he cor, b',-,oPo. lt lwA hundred yard. Ion, ami charge cf dir.. Much to their surprise, i .and years ago. he theory ,s ha. mod?rn p - o , F V ' 1 u bowser, the dirt consisted p. ineipall, of a , practitioners have been in I,., I. ht c jg.v.ng j onJ ."hVp esent l.e:.i.!a,urcP in was man-fao-ared at ti.e leading Force, sit pound ball, which knocked down the too much .medicine ; to t nature need . ol, , ' utioa o the rirci-ion of tho r.Tito.l States Headia-, Pa. The value of the mria ta Plank, traver-d the street and spent it- to be as-isted. at critical po.uts, and cauaot rea noo to th t II w force in demiihi..g s panel of th, door o. be forced ; aod that ... many cases, wher- X'Tto de lion of a rl.bli.Mu pa- bo used in rai-ing the fleet wiil be abo ,t e, the United Fire F,nL,iue l,.i.-X,i-t;.'k the disorder is fatal Iron, tne first, mo.lie.me a l''h,f, 1 lmUioB and a half of dollars. Xrom the Xntiondl IntrlHcnTr. OC.t Itr.I.ATID.NS with m;w ;uanam. The Navy Department is in possesion if the following utu and interesting iirteilb gencc : I'mtkd HHtM Hti am KamtTK Rnjiuar, ) rtsPlNWAI.L, Jlllll: '!.), )f:it, L'.. . t ,1 .1 , ! mm: In the atience of the. commander 1 r 1 1 11 . " T. 1 have th- honor U. inform you that '"'."f'"00 t "y neen rccdvc.l (is 1 iiiiiik irom a reliable source) lmviiil' till! - - r"'- I"-'-" " ' " "J Ilinwf. ftw(iii 1',, rri 1, r nri.i.A.,j f . ........... '"leuictu ot all Hie poi iits a t ls uc bet ween ' "r -overnment and that ot .New Granada. ia,han Krlrii','ti Hrilish Consul at i" ',l,H?pnai ''a "ntteu to Capt. Erskine, Ot llir tti-ihui.nii. tiilii'M ul.!r. f l.;.,n j ; at this auehorape, as follows: - vnun, uun lll'.ITIMl ( ON8UI.ATK, ) " ('aiithaokna, June vio. i.'i". " Mr. (Jriffith writes me that in.-tructinns have been sent to the New Uranaiii iri Miu- ' n"r ', nrUvr "" anticipafed. isur at W'asltinjton to cede every thing to j 1 '"-' French harvests are most productive, tho Americans, and decree to the Governors ' Cut'ii was Lonyant and nnelmn-c I.--of the littoral piovinees to communicate 1 1'! sal,!i for theweik were -.'l.nDO bale-, the fact to any ships ot war which lniL'ht he nf wljit''1 P' cubitori and exporters took ser.t out frnm Ai.,..i.i In tl, .Ur.i r'"fli 'JX'tt bales. lea ill'' 1 (l.lKll) bales of The sictiiiir United States CoiimiI at As. r.inwnll Dir. A ,M in r..l'. i nUo write. 1.... !., oonfirmation of the nboe as follows : ' " The dirTeretieea befireei, il.e T Si..a the n.n.nKlie art. lik.iv tn anm. ..;. I -"'.v d, a-the Executive ha been, it I raid, a.,tl,..ri...l by ('..ncres, to settle i t!"'"1 :" "-n th best po.,siLI... terms, I I ..,-.,, tin,, . ., iil ,.,l.,.bl . 1,. r 1 I... , the pre.-ent mail to General II at ren on the 1 1 1 "lt,j"''t " 1 a"' "'1-,,ted, Mr, to the eonrtr-y of ' apt. -'r'I:i1' . ' '" lnnsl navy, tor the ex tract frnm (.nnstil Kartrighl's letter, fur-, nisl.iriL' the Drst infoi inatiun of this impor tant determination on the part of the Gra- ! nadian Govet nti.i t. t ; and as Mr. Griffith, ' from whom Mr. Kartri.'l.t derived his in- 1 f,-,,-,,, ti,. i'., ;,i, el,,, ... ,im iv,;r... 1 at liotota. there can be searcelr a doubt of rceiy the accuracy of his statement. Cant ,rs kine assures me that it may be entirely re lied upon. Should official notice cf the fact be received by ni iu time for the ensuing mail it will be dulv transmitted. 1 have the honor to be. sir. vour obedient servant, .1. J.. .I IN I tjt !M hli V. Commanding U. S. Fiigatc l.oanokc 'J'he lion. Isaa.: TnlVEV, Secretary of the Navy. V,l ,.; , r r . (.t .1 . V . rtviccs 1 10111 l.ogoti stato that the .ew 1 Grnnadian Sen-ite has passed the following hi!' , nfhnriv! i.f. tl.n Vresi ,1 . nt t.-, w..l(l. f!. ',. .-r -,i .1 i- -, , "... . i ' pendms nuestions with the I tilted Nates by ' -,i . .1 -. ,- .- I a convention, without the necessity ot rati- , 1 fication Ly l.jiigrcss : i i -j .1 i'i .i c t f lie Senate ami l haniiu r ol J.cprcsrnU- it,.... i v., ,:....! I.. .... .l. rV'Jtt'.-. ' - -- r. r . . . bney thn Pre.-idet.t has made known to us. the present conditions of the relation be- , tween our Kepublic and the b'epublic of the I nited States of North America, and con sidering the importance of arranging, by means of negotiation, the claims for indem nity made by the aforcaid Government on account of losses suffered by her citizens mi the 1 Oth day of April, ls-iO, at Panama, it is decreed Art. 1. That the Fre-i 1-i t be authorized to arrange and settle by amicable agree ment the above mentioned claims, and to brine, the wafer to conclusion without furth er rr.'i:ring, ou his part, the aj probation of Congiess, he hcimr solely prohibited from trenching on the rights of the national sove reienty in any rerp. - t, or from .-o acting as to effect thn territory of the National Gov ernment or t'nd property in the railroad ou the I -t Inn 11- of Panama i which -ro eriy. at the concio-ioti ef the term granted in j.rivi-le.-e to the present owners, will belong to the National Go'ernnieiit. Art. -. For tho completion of the terms of agreement, mentioned in the preceding artieie, his excellency the President is au thorized to demand and accept the arbitra tion of nine friendly ( iovrrnmetit, who.e decision iu the m atter shall be binding upon each of the cantractin:.' nations. -" - Llt tiik Lad IKS Dkw.vre. It is stated that lately some workmeu fell .-iek in Paris in workimr n:i an app'e-crceii silk dress. a ri'1 A piece of the silk was eT.n.lned by , - . . , . r ... 1 . - 1 t clicmist, ami n was miuiii in nave t.eeii These ' uo uo;.. .iu w i nu-i oi -..i,i . , , .,, substances auliereit L,ut silently to i:ic si.u, were detected tn handntio, in the shape ot now der. an l were thus lnnaio.i uv inc inn is. , ., i i , ... .i i . An order was i.-sued prohibiting the tuturc use of this kind of culorinc matter. Many i of the silks are supposed to have goue to the United Stat..?. I ! j A NnlU.K HOT. A bov. named Narelv-e Lamontaeuc, aaed thiiteen years, saved I ci"ht children from the wreck of the steam- i ...i l, i,, tl... ,1 ,nr nfl a s(ilte r. placing the children upon it, I ,) r,s,in'' it before linn wine he swam, that at diff, rent trip-, he .-u-eeeded in land- jn , a ,. ri,ok or the beaeb, eight of ,,,L. MirvWr.. wl,o would have otherwise met, with the hundreds of others, a watery ral'.c, " . v vr. , en ,. t iil' i ui i aue i y in a . . ..... . . . , , .. . ,, ,-, ,, ' Led,er learns from good autho, ,ty , that the . ph!,-hers f Dr. Kane s Arctic K.ped..,.,., iiave paid upwards of gf'O.lHHI to tlirt estat.: of the decei.-ed author, cq ywright money for nine in mth's sales of the work, and that , the continued demand for that work will! soon make this sum reach 1 tM,iHM. Pecu- I uiai ilv, this is princely remuneration, the ar-'e-t, pro'nably, ever paid to any author i ... . ... . ,,, .o snoiv ....... Ono of the most eminent 15:itih physi I . , , , ,. , , . i : i v i cans lias lately piuiusneii a w.-i a, in men . . ,.! !. ' i... ...i.. ,;',. . r t i l' ,,v I is wholly u-euss. -- I.A'I F'.lt KHrrM Kt uoi-r:. AKIUVAL tie' SIKAMK1'. AT LA NT TO. Nk.w Yoiik, July 1 !. Tl rnliin .tefim.l.in Atlai.iie !.:, un iv. ed at this port, with Liverpool dates to the The rteamhip Car.ida arrived at Liver - P"cl on the fitli int. J he second elertio-n has taken place rn r"i, nml all three ol the opposition can lidaten are elected. The llevoliitiiiiuiry movement at Naples haQ liecM ?rjr prcs-M . I here were t-.kens of di-content m the 1 South of Spain. Mr. Hotbuck's motion, in tho Enuli.-h ! It.-.iiA I' IA ..l..xi;.lt l.n I nr. v v.uu.,.in, ..,.-.. Lieutenancy of Ireland, had been defeated y 3- r.ju.iiy. The Corn Association had nuhli-hed es. titiiates showing that tho stock of wheat' all de-ciiplions to the trade. Wheat w as : dull, and red had declined d perT' lbs. Fhuir was dull. Corn eln-e.1 with au ad- i vancing tendency, but with the exception ofj 1 hit, iir.tati-iis were barely maintained. . . : L' was """. Money wa, ll.t. i'i.e bank of Kn,lad I "p'--"-'! " I its rat-of discount j I Itursday tin. 13-h. Uu-oU were .,...t - ed at a i)V i. A GLASS OF WI ANDY Can't hurt anbodv ? Whv, I know a per- m, yonder be is now. on hih change, a .-p. i men of manly beauty, a port I y .six footer, He has the bearing nf a prince, for he is one of our merchant princes. His face wears the hu" of health, and noiv at the .see of lil'V O'lil, he has the oil, eh. clastic step 0; , ur "'rn m "pn.y -live, ami none 11,01c 1 tun 01 tiiirtti anu wit tnnn nc, ami 1 know he never nines without tiramiy iini water, was waiting was o: a slielving nature. . the and never goes to bed without a tsrrapin cr water at the foot of the falls, was about faf-oy-t, r siipje-r, with plenty cf champagne, teen feet deep ; into that hn leil. and more than that, he was never known to He was found on Tuesday about three 1 0,! "n",K-. nv ,s " m,n? '"",P1.ar'" 1 1 1. 1 . i.isr.ronf of the teliiTternnee twtl.lle about : the dariireroiis natuie of an occa-ional glass, ; and t be destrii' ti re eff et of a temperate u-e of good lirj'ior-". I Now, it so happened tost this specimen :r r i . . ! j : .. t. : ... -f nl s ue nranu v-ur,iihi,T" ;n re 1. 11 inn 01 . ,. - . r oui-. jje uieu in a year or nej auer inai of chronic dia 11 h.e.-i, a comuinu end of tii,-e w ho :;ro never drunk, nor ever out of honor. ,, , , , ' , , , , . lie eft Ins six chi dren, and he had ,-h'ps , ,.' ' on every sea ami credit at every counter, , , , , which he never had occasion to u-e. ,. , , , .. , , Ft mon-bs before he nied he was a -n.r : ,1.;,... 1.. .,!,1 ... rt ft.tl.L- ,,n,l.. rii -., um'ot in alimentary canal was a ma-.- of disease ; in the mid-t of hi miiliona, he died cf inani- acted a di-tinui-hed and gallant part. tio-i. This is not the half, reader. lie had For the knowledge of the incident, the cor been a steady drinker, a daily drinker for respondent says he is indebted to Win. J. tnentv-ei;bt years. He left a Wrie to Lis Uaker. Eq , a lawyer of deserved reputa ehildr' n, which wa did not mention. Sero- tion in I'oi tsmouth, Ya., and brother of tho full had eaten rp one daughter of fifteen ollicer alluded to in the narrative : .cars; another iu the madhouse, mid the " A shtrt time since a parly of about J10 third and fourth of unearthly beauty, there Indians attacked a train, stole all their uni- was a kind ol gtaii.i klnd of "tandeur in the be;...ty, but they blighted, and d and faded into Heaven, we trust, in tlieir sweetest teens; another is totterin-' on tho ver-re ot the id onlv one is If ft with all the senses, and each of tbe.n is we il; as water. Why, we came from tho tlisseetin romi. and made, a note of it, if was so hoi rihie. H ill s .l-.mr-wil 'l Jlnil'h. i -'s 1'k.v.TH. Stx.lt la It Prtr- G,,v. M.u:r 'sr. vi niKM. It is eeii'Tiliy known that a 'daughter of Gov. Marcy pass,.,! the Ith of further, at night they encamped at 3 a. in. July in t. e family of an actytaiiiUticc in this At daylight the guide was sent out to dis- ' city. She formed one of a circle of friend?, cover their trail, and soon returned stating; iueludini; lai'.ie.s and eentlemcn, nt the house that the Indians wore encamped about a durin- the day. While all the others were half a ini'.c off. Lieut, liaker immediately in chceiful spirits, it was observed in the selected ten men and attacked the camp, forenoon that Mis M. appeared to be de- completely surprising them, and approach pressed iu mind. So obvious was this to her ing witiiiu .""i or Id yards of the camp with- ' companions, that it was mad.; the subject of out being di-eovcred. 'remark, when she said her mind was unac. At the first fire, six of the Indians fell, countabiy impressed with the fear that a lsi,.nal calamity bs.J overtaken some tncin- her nf In r fa 1'. in tin1 atiernoon, the news of the death ot Gov. Marcy reached this citv, an I it was kntuvn to gentlemen composing the party in wine which Mi.-s M. was some time before it was communicated to h-r. While the gentlemen were iu a room by themselves, discussing the manner of con- - . . . . , , i Vevi,i" to t he daui' titer t ic sari mtclliLfi nee. Rnr before she could by any mar. hive received the least intimation of the event, s,e utldenlv threw her lisndkerchief over her face, and, evidently in deep grief, re- tired alone lip-stairs. H ' I l!E MnlKI. liAPY. I he model lady puts her children out to nurse and tends lapdog. ; lies in bed till noon; wears paper-soled shoes; pinches her w.ii-t ; zives the pi ino ht : toreets to pay uer uii.iiinr; ems nor poor relations ; goes to church when she h.i a r.ew bonnet ; turns the cold shoulder to her husband, and flirts with his friend ;" j never saw h thimble; lon t know a darning-, needle from a crow-bar: wonders where Ipud linji frow ; eat- b un and eggs in pri-' c-iii. no i .', u . . i 1 .1 lies ou a pigeon s leg iu put ::c; , . , , - . .- . . i . . runs mad aitcr liic li-t new la-nioii ; near m3n . L. 'hr . w,,cn asked the a,e indee it ask Hetty IlrvoviNATTiiN OK I'ltKM.iNr. The New Hampshire republicans are looking to the future. The repubiicati member.- cf the I ate Legislature, before a s.ed .by I the followim: resolutio;i. in secret cauru: tinv.iuious vote : t ,- I r'S'f' f f ( , I II H nr iii'11'ii.iii.-.Mniii v . i w j inn. it :i-s (:t,(HAt, Mr tno t roiarnrv oi mo , DKATU UFIT.oF. MITCHELL. Tlve Ahboro' liullctin pub!i-ln;s the fol lowing letter to a friend in that place, which 1 uarrMen Hie manner ot the leatli of I rof. ; Miteh.-ll more in detail than any published account Km have yet seen : 1 A n?:vtl.i,e, July Dth, 1S.j7. I PkaR I'atiikr: You ere tliis will have : acoo trom my paper ot yesleraay, that tr. - .ui etiell is aeau 1 I 'J ho Miiuute cireuni't.nices of hi.i death are a follow.i : lis cam' here ahont three. weens a .'0, st ay eil a lew weeks a.'O, stayed a few hours and then started tor the Hlnck .Mountains, together with hia son and ilan-ht.-r. I His oi jw;t was to make a thorough snrvey I nf ll, l , . . , 1 1. - ni..l d i. n.. it i n .i.liiul ...-.....,..,, -..-... u j measurement observation, tlieir exact height. l ad about Imlt completed his lbor, on l.'.:.l il .i.i . l A last i'ridav week (J une -ti ) when leavin; his sou and tlieir guide at the Mountain liou-e, he starferl to go across the top of the mountains into Yancy county, t t.'aney river Settlement. He was alone, hid son not accenipaii) iu? him 011 .icponnt of a wound he had received on going up the mountain. J'he iiitatice is about teti miles. It seems he kept the main road to tbj ' ,0p of the mountain until he passed tho i turn out to C. H. Settl-nient the turn out l'ing nothing but u blazed path. It issup. P-cJ the heavy storm which raced that ,. .. .1 ri- 1 : , j , .1t.1rtiM.jH was tho cnuc ot his btini; misled. i fuhndrng Mat he had lo-t his path h0 . atlen.pled to make hi, way down the ndjre . l.rmn; 1. a dense ferest ot biilsams I he trail indicated that be soon ;elt tins and toiiiul bis way to Cut Tail Fork of Caney 1 iver, tl, inking, it is suppose. 1, that he would by tnilowing tl.i- i'ioim. come to the Scttle- uient. Jty the lime be leached there it inu-t have been very dark. He followed tl stream 11 bout two hundred yards over rough banks, when he came to a water-fall, and iu attempting to )ia- aro'ind this, holding 011 to t he laur.-l bushes, his fjet slipped and lie tell, cam ni" witu linn the laurel and a, large ijnanniy 01 me mo-s witn wnieii tna rorK was covert-. 1. llic roes on winch he i 1- 1 1 . ., 0 c,oc. l,""' ".W remain in tne water liltfil a er,tVii. ennld be iirenr.re.-1 lha. icy cold u.-ss of the water prev.-nting dccotii j.o-iiion. The water is so clear that nny- thing on the bottom, at civn a much greater depth than fifteen feet, cm be seen. Hi ......... 11. t .-.-,-t.j n r e.n aoee, 1 iK-aru iv. was as 11 no naa . '.' ' . ' . lain to rest. No sti uj.'le indicatctl on hi apjiearance. GALLANT P.EAl'.ING OF LIEUT. LA K Ell, A NATIVE N. CAKoLINlAN. The iMurfreesboro correspondent of the PlD,.l.ri Vr.r...a .l.t.- flie fOllOWin? . , i . i ,.. i ...i'i . ... , " . . " p Lieut, linker, a native of North Carolina, msis, and killed one man. .in express was sent to Fort Thorn, and a detachment of Mounted Hides, under the command of Lieut. Lawroiice S. liaker, was immediately ordered in the saddle by the Col. Com manding, and ordered to overtake and chas tise them. At - p. iu., they ."iarte l, ju-t 1') minutes after the arrival of the Express, and .soon di-covcred their trail, winch they rapidly followed for upwards of TO miles over a very rujgcd country, and through a terrible Canon. I .i.n.ic t o fellow their trail tbu remainder .on-lit desperately, approach- ing so near, that Lieut. H.ikcr had to ordar his men to drop their rifles and draw their revolvers, fiveoi his men were wounded, and one was killed, so that he bad to order his bi'.-.ler to sound the chame for the re serve, who were in the saddle waiting for the order. They immediately came forward at s gal lop, charging upon the Indians. The In- oiaus ra. t them t r iveiy, caicntng n,e norse, by the bridle, ami the battle heoame Land to h ind. All the Indians wore killed or mortally wounded, and their aumiti.s, bows, sbi-dda .-kins and ,Ve., were taken. I.icur. Faker and bi men, (say, thecor respondtiit of the Fxpress) deserve the grca tot j.raic for their intrepidity and bravery. Few are aware of the hardships endured by our little army on the frontier. ' he ex tract above is from public d lemnents and we are jnond to sec such accounts from former citizen nf M'lrfrce-bjro. Lieut. 1, graduated at West Point in l"1!, and Las ever since he b it tho Mih'.n v Acadt-niv, been erwaeod iu the most arduous duties of his pr.'les-ion. llvt-n in youth he has already won a name, and achieved a fame that sh ill descend to his posterity and fami ly, a legacy more enduring thau brass, more precious than uld. Descended of an honorable ancesiry, it may be said of him " J tcoi i ilecus 'uilif. a vi to.'' It is a mortifying reflection that not a paj.er in his native Sute has ytt ei tieed the gaiiaut conduct of Lieut li.iker, althoUL'h the periodiea's of other State have spoken of him in terms of high c un mend iti.ui. A Hr.wv Chain. Iho large-t chain ia the world is that abo'it to be used in tho n..

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