if s unfair ScaVmii. ivrrr tvickkd mi:n ottos k the Tic re.ouof tl,. orpo.it.oii of worlJl, 1 'PPd to be formed, ilie n.o m sup. ,,., to th Goipel of Cb.Ut, i Mated i fd " hat. eloMt-.ome pl.ee ... winch i i . . . i lie is ncpu-tomcu tu retire for prayer $odic f. . e . i i . . i "'.ift consecrated by manv a uiettiug there tiio euunl of llio carnal nuud a;sinst Ood. i '. , , , ,J , . R , mm uo.1- come place iiiiii nns oncn ui-eu to Li iu a Ki thcl. Tlie ?uviour in-rn the 1 ing anil aisturbinj id lecrcct prajcr tban graduallj into the butter and sugar, in turn, 'J p J q q F ft ,S ll i O II i ui. propitious circumstancea. ureal alien- nn mc pr.i.u wi pvi. ,-,;.,...., . , ' Tf ! tion on -lit always to be paid to this point .easpoouful of ala.riitiis or soda iu a gill of AS aVO II Oi'lW. I ! M Enter into tliy cloe," says Christ sour milk, aud stir it iu at the last, beating) lie says not a closet, nor the closet, but thy the whole rery bard. llultcr the ituida of a, ! cloct. The habit of secret communion is tia pau j put in the mixture and babe it four) Sonu'lliini; Dntii-fly Tivw. Mu love darkness ratbrr than li-jlit, becaue , l.jfir deed are evil. The person who is i eouscious of guiit Sci'ls uina-.;? in tin: pres. fnee of (Sod, or of rrli.-io-j. people. o i naturally hate and fesr tlio'e whom bo L. I ! Win J.litioa to tba W. som, P.H-i,l re ,,MJ .'' of the place, what its i . D 'on ui; or canopy. i urini ciosn aa word to mean any place where, will, no cm larrassnient either from the fear or pride of observation, we can freely pour out our hrarts iu prater to God. No matter what Luts or more, lit should be cateu fresh. PLASTER. This is a stimulaut to all soils; it acta more readily and perceptibly ou thoso that have been well manured than upon tho? barren of animal matter. Its nature is to ibi-orb botb from :he earth aud air, and gilt to the growing plant. The use of plaster Gr'NTl.r'-M I'N, one and all, runup and i.lil w ho wish u wear 1'inil, Kmr (Inlliia, y.i tn J. W.COLES .NKW 1'I.UTHIMi KJil'OIUUJI, I'lltST I'tM'lt Alit'VK 1 til it's llOTtl., formerly m-i-npi n I'j Inurir". limit t'lnn , wl.err you can pi't li e bt.t tit ami thp hint.. clntht. lor the lmt morn y tin n ttivwlnre i lav in tin Stale. Tie jmia ure till imttii tit tu unlet ex. prehnly lur lln nniim-l. rirt 1 1 thiiif. tkoiitn up I tiuii Tjic. SOW l.-.ti. tin Tin f.ialu for 1857 ready Tor ' JL m tllrrneiit I'i raona ll.iblu tu pay lt will 1 pteiiae r.ill on the tinilerffincd tinit at tile fortli. ' with. It in tioMJ thai lhi notice will be audi. ciant, aa tlie niom-v wwat W rollixleii.. I 8. A. ilAltULS, Tux Collector. ! Jnt 23. 157. 17tr AND FllUIT STOH i:. Canopy. mountain, Isaac's a tup. Srrins. Slirriniltnral. rrasoti.i have be tiven, why the tio-pel is op f-i-fd by so large a portion of wordly men. 5oaie oppi e it, beeauifc it interferes with their unlawful minus. They are enned iu oinc hu-in or traffic, which the civil law, pcrharx, sanctions, bnl which the law oflio.l clearly condemns. It m.iy be the sale of in fojrifaiing liinors. They kuow that God ami Clirifti.in uien cai.uot look with appro-b.-iti-jn on tliir cond uet. They know ai0, tlirit wiiii the prra 1 of the tio.-pcl, temper iDef, and rirtne will prevail, and thus their customers will be diminished. Hence, at tbe fir Crt approach of the mii-ioiiary, i cr at the pra-peet cf organizing aCliri:'au 1 Church, iu a piace where they have 1 mi held their ma;, an outcry is raised. Men of i:k craft a.-isemt'e, lud t ike counsel to gether, and like Demetrius of old, tliey ad dress one another, saying, " Sirs, ve know: that bv (hi craft we have our w?n)th," and , if tbe -pria lof the Gospel ;j mt checked, the source whence our gain H derived will be dried up. To ihi-m it tellis a small1 matter to jeopaHizo their own souls, and those of their fellow men, trovided they and fre.jui tit 1 v tintd with I lie harrow cr can oii't increase their wealth. 1 hese aie culliv ator exhibited quite a contrast. ou land plowed only four inches l rp will n -'.v l"t"' ") '. " J - knit of every i u cr i) field, Teter's the house- 1c very apparent the first year I the second ess so, and the third still Its. The deep ciiee by plowing two inches yearly, and spreading animal cr other manures, will keipthe pla.-ter in acliou. Ohio 1 untie r. every yt AIMMM I II to last nr vllitiie mailr yooil. louk ul ln will mIccUiI stock J.et all go and ft It r n (1 vM a d c (' I o t h in 2, ON Till: A IH'AN TAtlKS UK S'l'IHKING Tin-: viL in rnv wkatheh. We bud the following eipcriii.ee in the Oeiies-ee rarmrr, an old mid staunch friend, b- the y, tti at takes occasion to call and give vis good auvieeeach month. Head it. "1 have knowu in-tanees here a narrow ftrip hashceu left unbroken in a surnn er fmlow during a dry suininer, and after bar vest it was all plowed together. The un-btjki-u slnp itoiild srpt ar almost destitute of in oisture, vi hile th-t which w as plowed ami be sure In i-xumitte his priecp ; Iu w ilt put you up a miiI l w Ihat you will he cuinpclltii to mr fine rli tin ticnth mi ii Kirhing any partieiilnr suila, by Ii aviin thoir iitr:iiircit, ritn Imvi- lln in in 13 dv, WAKKAXTKI TO IT K NO SAl.l s. I lie iniioils In sell very low ami rnnimct a strictly I ASM lit M.M.SS. I'he purch..i r will III" public i reapcctiiilly inf. fined that J. M. -t-rt.iiiilv Hud tin t'.ish Sii m at I. nil !id prr e m. I.A.Nt'ASTl'K'S in hi t;,ror. Ilif tnoltu if rjniek k-a and iimII . mii.ircni -.ail riir , profiis," C. r ( .! OM. V. Ye., it" you mini ..Hl!KOTVri-2 I I nppnute J. T. .V. !. M. Bi.nr l.rorr.-y More, in Sinoj." new brick buil. n. is i oi n, wlu rr h coliriu Ami. ml j pc c.n be pricuri.d ut Inun 7."i ei nis to t!. l.iioic and pflillt-nirn nrc riijutsli 'I In c:ill .Hid t I.. nil li bis n cnnrliil, mid li f a I.ilii In s l,i. kin n, iIm in Ivca or tbihlu n. t nil ear ly, meii mi npiKu lunity it achiuin ff red. 1 J. M. LANCASTKK. Chuilnttr, May 19, lrJ.'i7. I Sit' tile wottll ot vulir Hum V come In lor. 1 ' J. X. COI.K. A::nit. Churhlit, M,,t .I, IFjT. Iuii truly the eneinies of lh?ir race, prey ing up n their fe'dow mert. Others are engaged in a business, perhaps which is perfectly bjnrabl. ; hut ti.ey p ir sue it a if it were thtir li:'e and son!. 1 he " al-ni-hiy dollar "' has comp'et roLtrol over tbeiu. They kn.-) that the tlo.-prl is a system of bcnevoh i.ee, and they fear that Ibul anii repented c.uls wiil be made upon tt.eir purse, j bey b.ik upon it therefore wiih jea'ouv, as something that is likely ti il "inTuj-h their wnhh. This is, however, a ii-irt-.i-.'hted policy, for aii honest a:nl useful oeeupations and every kii.-l cf ust-ful wropertv. c.-tcially teal estate, is creatlv enhanced in Tulae by to rel- Other" ppr-vse it, b-catt?e tl.ey f -ar it will d'.inii.isb tl. :r worldly lea-uie. They see no pieisnre in rc'.igi., ht in the .;eij'.j ff n li.'icis pc p e. An 1 tii -y f T, . tLeir ftieu.is btin ronwr'i- I ?lioui.i itfu-e It is the conimnii ripetienre of farmers, I that w I eat sown in a dry fall upon fallow ground is much more liable to come up well, ' ihin when sown on stubble. Again, iu hoeiu ecru in very hoi weath er, you culd f.iiiiy sec the enrn grow, upon , Waviiiir the fi. Id at night. 1 have measured some Lids that Were hoed and some that were u"t. and the in it nij! t compared 1 1 ir grosth dm ir.j the twenty . ',ur Lours. The rt-uh was th it the hot d had made about, twire ti e growth of the ui.boed. Two years ago la.-t summer I planted rather late iu ti.e sea-on a smali piec to cucumbers for piekles. The soil was drv. C "a1.- IMi lii Ui'i' m ihi rB'-llb" stib. nbrr hnviny diiipo--cd of hi l.ek B of Tin V.irv, Morra, Ac., I.. l. II. Dyi-rly, rrqur-U nil per n imk-hlrd to linn to c loe ftir. ward and pritle. Tin bnoki will be h it W illi .Mr. Ifvtrly, who is authorized In kt itlc Willi im rous. K. U . MtiOlll i4ir. 4, lejT. 2:iu' a'.- i to rn-ngie w t world, an ! i h t' cni in jiti in the . in sprcau oi me samiy i.sain, wiii a warm, southern expo ' sure to the sun. 1 determined to stir the -i! often. We all felt the effects of that unu-u illy rerc drought. The piece y ii-id-ing a fine iut of piek;e.-, the. vines reinaibiui; Z'f'-u M.d ; . -ii i r i . until destroyed by fro.-t ; while vista in t!;e r.icehborhood treated in j 1 a-ui'-s cf ti.? or li:i:.i way. wile diie i cp and bar-;i!.eL- '1 !.. 1 r, n S j ii ueh for facts. Now, how aic nem to be totally ut.cji.-cijiis t:iit religion e m ei'"- more real )1 li.e tact,' these re-uiu to be aeceuiittd for? a-i 1 ao.iu ' We have scn that the soil frcnueLti y enjoy mctit in or.e hour than all the pleasures stirred had ;v!;cred moisture, and had also receiveii he in "ine source, nutrition. From of the world durii; ti.is short 1 Hut tif'twiih-tandiiii ti e oppo-irio'. of Sa tan, and wicked m'-n, there n a divine a-j;-ney in the iio A whi h ensur-s it sue eeM. And this is one of the strongest proofs of the divine oii'.'in ef toe 'lvi-ti iu T'-'i-I'ion. I: pro?f-,r, -. hen ot.-p-ired with tt of ti ll r-Tr few, and 3' ryird their 'r.iernal circum-tni ce weak S-.tan ers ef w ick i h en. hit! t;.- n.i'hrii 't jsw earth. Lno, f r tLou-ati Is of rears It'll arrayed again.-t the fluuli t;e liit is weir 'Mi I'MTu-.d sjain-t it ha jererf. Not ou'y wit. f. phi-try. am it rv. ;, ;ue most ertfe. t-rc ru-li it. pro 1 riJi- f;if, Lave 'j..ed to a.' :; c:i the H'.r j o-i iigicti i nt of divide orijin trnea under the circuui-taEc ::. l:-h thtir iii -igc. And n that the ''Kn-iiaii Ke lts very x . , i a a c'"at- wi at scurr-e and Ly w hat powers were ihos, upplies of moistJie- and rritritiou di-rive-i.' ? It is a wtli knowu fact that the driest at mosphere contains vapor, which is u-ually dcpovteJ in the right i.pon any suh-tanee tuat ,s suiT.cii nt'y cojI to condense it ii.to water iu the form of dew. At the close of a hot day, when the air is calm and the sky clear, i"vtafion onn radiaics snfficictt h- at to reduce it '.en peraturc to the dew pi.i.t. 'I lie .lake-dearth does not possess this power ; hence we ofti b find ilew upon vernation, when the bare ground is dry, not having er,r.o i enough to condc.s the vapor in the proximate atmo-i by re Hut if the ground I.- meliow, the air wiil penetrate its surtace. c urving its vapor until it resche a cooler -"lii where it is i-t.i len-ed into dew, Xcw CVibiiiet Manufactorv l. ( II A HI.OTTI', X. C. BY J. A. & n. S- OZHENT, ' HO harine located thi-mseUe permanent. ? ly inthi SI K.AM SAW AM I I.AI.M.Nt; Mil l, nl J. Rudtiill, tor the purpimi of M A N L" FACT U HI NT. IT" UN IT C Ii K of nil description, would n spcctfully invite Iba public to e. ii and i i .mine lluir ttock l tore pur cliasin?. 'i'iieir u-nra is put up in the bet man. nil'Mll'l w.irr-iltt d, and tin ir t'uelittic f.ir - Itilif up w.i.-h urc s-iii-li tli.it they It cl coiitidi iil '.In y r .t k-ihc a.t who insy Tivor them with th. ir eua I'-HI." I "OK ITJiS promplly altcnucil loalni warrant, crt tn i;'' a'"ili-i-o-li'oi. Tuiiiiiijr or il i!' K-riplion dn-ie i i ihe bct mi' inn r i.d i b n prin ny .1. A. k M. AM) rrr. m i " ' 'i mi ingr -r. i m:v 1IIK ii!erili-r hii I-mre bis entire tiijf purcliasi d of 1!. toek of OZ.Vf. NT. -ii New StoreiNcw Hooks, i Hi -fcn'- IU bmtix'i ('ii.iRi.r- 'tii. I v. lor.rrn or A lii.R :i: l.nraeTii:! . I T: ' . I!i . I i r I- r;o rr Ni Mnnu ami l!ta rropi.r. vV. W . II. I f. is. rii ris. , by Piiye Kir c i ujH I toi n TUK Crow, bv Mr. cr uitrsre? t tare!. It i Ltave'j h... an any r-cjrdud in the Scrip- ' which e'sfl.jci itself through the mellow ud !l.e kiiiidorn which the Ij j 1 of - earth. t I n;, whicb ii c-ireci;ti l'i(T- r r ,. r. ii:. 1 II K Two I.ICiHTS. t t oa ink a o ia . I '. I,Vi.i ri.on the l-ncsrais nl l.irr. ii b"oi, ol S- r-limn-, tht itii"hl he- r mi Willi pruht by any one, by Ii. v. Ii. NVwl-.li, D l. 'i'ur M r-n k ,nn I'vil. su liooo, by John Yoiin, 1. 1.. I). Tiik IIoi -ehoi i AssrL is Pi.-oeisit. b .Mr. 1. lie. 1 hi. tin nr.s I.mscr. 'l'n r. M-.-c : liiKi.rni urTi' i; ; .uni Thu I'non t;c. tix waiu: A D esnd o.:!i v Mli' r arltrlt p in tn I n niiVr liuin U Xur uiijif i ii lite iik ft rt in'itu ha ii'in,, To ace iiiiiiinH itr my ft it-nda frini tin country, f proEHjiw to uke nil kuidn if in cjc!mr-e for TI X IV AKK or S'i'i iV I.S. rr ai i. oKiiKiis Ktn fi 0 a . 1M W CUlii lu.illj atlciidttl tu, .ti.d kt the iiirltt.t H l.i.jH ,y lricl iittt iitt'-H In Lu-nn m to c cent a nt' tin- pubiii. tiiii.g-, 3 jT Siioi, me ctxir Uifl i.f tr-iit A Slit U StoTf, tnriiirriy ocroj.itd by A, l il.iinr & u. 1. II. liVKIM.Y. A.if. i, ...-:. S3i( llt. 15. M. Oil II IIK ul'rn.tt r rcjMetiull? infom!! iIil citi. fttn nl l'lijiliUt and tirrc u ii I j cuiintrv. tliut lie ItuH jft nctivcd n i-jlcniiiti ustir' mciil ol' SIVVMMI VHi IKS f of the rho.:ci.t hr.m.lii. AUo, s fine article of t llr.WIM. 'lll.V lt, : r,'V2Tn -y coyn:croxi:itiJ-:s. j JAS. D l'ALMHK, Oproili- Itnoltr !L t.'u.'i Slim- Store. ' ( liarlotle, April ".'I, 1.-37. B-lf ' niii uitii N ntit.oit trou, , AS A LIVKK I1I11C'INK. ' f R II i'.U K Im long r iii-lttl ii ii in a n ii ftr u )i a H ri n.Miy ihdl ci'iiUi le rt lit'don sulvidiii i' ll i -t l ti-. I. 'i It m n int-jy Ii. Im t ii r jnirrti tu mm I tti..i ct inttiHi ; ut xlt iiHiVt- Irui t f it tilui li.9 Ihw II liiitt umvifnaliv it In, i- ucrtllplllll ii the 'lirf:ue tiff tu l. Ainu tlir eon U in In w It tcli liuvc lift n pittttilv rurii by tlc u ul tl.e 1 1 v ijjurti lor, we iHtiilmit Ltrr i umyluint wltuli m liie ciim: ii many i.linr t.ircnt amig wltuli . rt-, iilM'Uj.iitii, llnnlutlii', Tail) ill I ) e Stiir aiti l.oin, Hi I hiii Ft vi r, i m r uihi A v ut , J j iimiu-i , I mii lion, l.tit uur ami a uf Apjn tilr, I.irl. kiH m uihi Irrtt.tbility nl! of w Im ii ;.r i nuntrit hv a ivt art. mi ut lln !,itr. l he Invign. rat'-r it toiiifMiuniii d itd irtii-uUr rt t ' ! t ' the I-iif, anil mhtn ll .1 iiikwmt jc rriunid all tin n l trt ttr ti, a tht I'dUir il tin in tm Ultn tM.i v. A I w ih.aeti of tht- luvipnrult.r rurtty f r , Mil to liinul.ilt- the I. iv r to a pnp-r ml ion, and , by ilf ri'ittinued ue l n imivc tht- ilim It haa Imi ii ttiktn till ft il urc'-ia in fan ul' 1 liuhc, .vyinti ry, Vc. ami lr im ut- it haa tx mi luunti a vi t v t tliLiFi(iua rrBit'iy. An ofcnpii.nal de ati. iiiul.iltt, tht: aloitiHt-li tu a hiailhy at lion and rr. f-iur'a the nppetite and vignr. (n uote will re In c tht upprmRivt oim'iM i xp ru i Ct d hy eat. ing a In ..rly uiiiner, aa it t H-ttn tlie iJirativa nr ' ia to t ofti u action. I'ur a tit bihutt d atale ol tlie it in Hit 1 it v rtrH if r liaa nu i qa;. I hu ll ' i ipt'fit iirfl provrn. o it r torrg thvayntcm and rniKivra the yt llownaa t"ni the ikin, which i tht n wnit i't a iiia)rit ,iv r. I'r p.trt-ii and 'id hy S iuifrd Jt Co., h& Kroil t. . w York, PfM'i 91 ptr Loli.r, ctintsiumg Ouim, Alio iut: hv F. St'AIlK A C ., Charlotte. Strrmlrr 1 1. IC56. 'Jr-ly i Eiieuuraujc Heme Industrv I AVIV; l l IU IIAKDi(.r( N( Olip Fac. 1M V, I am pn-piirrd l fill all uruera li-r 1,1 I o-. 1 if .... m If S.H. RANSOM. U.C&. WAIT FOR THE WAdllOL " II V i it j - - ' .'-. .i ll. Su,. , f 1 Iheuu.v he buvc. hi S'WYM '" Mnti4c.lurcri. L. 1 31. TAYLOR . ii ... . . i. 4. L:... .... i 11 A I? I I l'l l f .ml at:.... il t i )ViiuIi r fprriuniy .nnunre i ut iiuhii.ii m, ii-iw. ,uii ne im Trtai from Ihrtr Uhl M.lm to i..r Uin t t ! I . M rarrow t.nrtry .-ure, minr he bi hihiLiHii. inat rtctitd tn in llr Nor Hi, nil ul Ihe nnal eiUimivr aKrtint till i,' 4 B E OJ W Si B B HI 4V J M r II K Sii.iinun, ll iin 1 'ii,,,: '!'liirh',i,ir Hi'jt.1, It'll ('mils, ' '') it i hum. S a ni nu k in y an n r tit 'r t JulU (t-r the purp"c il Mlitlit Iltl, W l:..t rfl.d-t uin. Far. in r a iii. Vnn.ue Luvif will ftui i tu tin ir a'- .nt to ur it, Aii iri! r i tr in a i!iUct i'A he a tit iit.fi;. o with prtii'pinri. J. Mi I'ON.U.I. ( oi.f.r.. Oft. Is.'T. 3l,ll S. M, HOW ELL, Kvcrofferi d in North. I'arolma, tinonf wl.ieli will he lounu in. UU i.rjUrU ' - C3 --m. mm. i hii b Im. g.inco .bell fniion rrpnttion in the Hmilbi iu ("ountry for the l-l n.dn", u Iw . ,; , Tbi. Stove he warrant uicrior to mi) Cooking 8loi now in ue.ll i. niui.t in l. 'rj,t , roii.iiinr. Ir luel, imi dm. mur- r m (riven tiii.i , limn njr nlln r Si..t i,, ,n u j( put u one br.ule ojr other fine of the imi me in Ibi- I niirn Suu ., and u h dor, ,,. u wvork in tivt-n tiuie.be ill full'til tin price ul' IhiMovr, .uil unit .. i:,i,( inl l) h , ,,,., tht belief ne, ALSO, AJA KINDS OF P ARIiOR 8u BOX STORES. i- l,-, ami eoii.iuniljr keep mi li.nil, an rxlen.ivc ami tannl toek of tix axi siie:i:t mox, i:i:.tss jh:itli:s, i .r.vr n:o.v in itsu .ids. I HAT HACKS, CKADI.KS, &c, tlltil vhirhiill be old, hnlt-wwlr ninl li H II. f h ii jm r I Imn Im. i ter ! M nll.-r. d In lbl Vlrlxil. I w -oiiM n turn nlli..nk tomr fiii nJ. ami en. torn. r. ft. f ll.r er lil i-rtl ir. r -;.!,, I , tH-l.wiJ ufwn ua, and Hit j may rcl aurrt, tlit i i.-.ll rmh nl, bt , l,.r ulti-nt. n u r', r toji tiier llli a ill Ii riiiilirtlion In j.'.rnac, in If j ai.U ii;i nl ft eoi.liinjlifr i. I i.r afiu.r. ; VAZ "am, una & xiiixiix 'mur;: iidicK nnd (iciitlcincn air jmrliriiliirly imilid !o rail i.d fi;:niir,c ii- AJ.SSI3' 03? wOitZ: AW.3f5 Eii 50 TOE yZnwi. N. H, I will tU iuii I Im-mI . rtn-fti ri.t " it f -a tub M i , It d v tl.rt e ii;r.im ti nlai. I !y lr Iin ! i r g i ll.t i iuitr jr il i- t-ts v . IV" ,f vr1 ru ir7 br foilhi nlly a tut prtmyHff ttttntiff tt tn $ A. A.X. JI.TAYI.0l;. ( tillMIr, If,, I".'. TI' 11 ( MM'.lft It A, Ik H i: r at i t Till. IOI-. d in MllOI Il-I.br Hi IIji M liiir.1.1 . li.i.s f.rnli asif n. ll y nlMi t, in ni.ijr ut l-imii il In rim.ii net, b-,n.M,ll lH.;mt. V.r Di.tnrl S. ( . Ftk. is. I-:,.;. if ri-ri-im- Prnfi--iina; t lit ol .VI I'U I.N I. i. -rnii asif n. il v :h i t. I'ilOf I l. Kam' l.a Aai-ric llxi-l'ia.Tlon. 1'. J. LOWUIK. !oltr, .Vurri J4, l -.")7. for tbe Kin ' lilin-'if l.i gatlicrelh Dot. w:t!i nic sc-tt f.nJ. " he tli-it re'.h atria i. J SOCIAIULITY IN THE CliniClI. I i a er.T.on on tl.i a; ject, IUr. V. II. Taj" jt ia vs ; Maj I ti t a arother "eriom eaa-e t-f the ilell;itT of o-ir cL irclif. the aratit of a !iTin;r. practical, warm Lear'.e'J Ciir:tian t-i cf.i , i,iu: i. n t bv u.tiui r.- i . I)u,l .Notice. V jur a rirnltnr il reader, lute rrolV! t '-... . . f t. . . aa me mo:; c. out vhoqui u-iuus, aim not'ciil that Iro-ii jiawc-l grojn i i fre wtith U M le-orne a prest tiour.tila aiol ij jentiv r'nered with dew, an! sometime.; fill the ahj'e eartu. i'.-iler, are jo'i a -th fm.-t wlien the aJjoiinii-.- pro'ind U i rrv. ul-j'ct of t'ui klrij, cr arraj-d aain-i it V I tii.i k 1 have sin eec'li d iu accountii! i V..U.- ' r .! . ... " 11-iutu.iRT, mini van v v iu ui-uiiiiiij uerir. , i jr ir.f iren ct ol n oi-ture m soil Irtfi'i'-nt-.1. - L-. I. .. .-if I . . : l .. -. . - . , , 1 " Mil red , wi,,n n.mo-t f utireijr wabtinj in cjinp act gr-.uu'l ; jet I b 'itv- t h -it water is i, jt ti e '.-n'v ir,re;i-nt tl.nt soil frefj ietit! V st:rri-.i derives horn the aln.-i-plior. I am c nvii.cel wiih von, M---r. KJi'.ors, ti.at t.ilioen iii an important clement in the Iiit'il ii.i ofrrnj,4. .NitiOi'tn i r resent in the firm of ammonia to a certain ex'ert in the a'tno-t'l.ore, ar,d it has a tr.r, nrTn.itt i'or w::t-r, l.ein ali.orbfl j i in lai--e 1'KCTL'd ur . . Saddle b. Katnefg Kanufacf orer, TIlEEt I'COHsi ritifTll (if SADI.1B K Ilfil r.t., 4 11 llll O I I i:, N. . I'r K K.N.N III V.ol Itolhn.-y .1- ' 'iie... i' ill ..nr J ul ihi, ruMimen jmittitr Vftdl I . ..n ' J Inu I i an. i ii!rf.Y mm Or' mmw; 'mm tht arvt.l .Vta.ai J. r m r mm&n pimylt. "LIS j U uc ou JLL rilKSTKR, S. (V, l .1. It. MCllOIMr.V. JL i. n mi M titlfi hr rrr f 1 1 ii i,d i r hunio ) o r two hunaJr i Mi i ii l it t jr uni The N. Ciirolina Yxh (criau, hi"' 'A 'I Nnrtb Cir.-lina ba ..liVKl.n. nt Ir-jln tin- I IHKI.iI'l K MI TI'AI. I.N'SI UAM-f: '.IKA.N' i wi.liiiiii t. l.i r t-rmi. n tf-"i i hire on lioum a, I.ih.u. I'mousi-, Jc., ut irl 'n e r S'orc niiii IJuw ii j Hiivn TLere 1 be hi . tr r pc-1 fri:n waeh a jliit a tiii-; r.utliit:g t awaken th- ft!iii one-! ex-ree ! l-y one wbo gate a a renoa whj he tii'l not uiiif i:!i a certaiu c-i.irtja'ijo. " V i. r, I abbuid be frozen to d'-atli tnre '." t ln arrieie f oar creed ia tbi- : " I be lieve in the torr. m inion of auiiit-"." An I while t!i rule" of all rfrtMe .societies Lit t h- i r t. j n '1 -, v-t, jet ui l-e rtnitided t'nat f bri-tli-s are biotl.cr. ar.'l -i-t' r in thn Ixird, and that the Iv .u-e of Oo l has r laa of c.tirte' ai 1 tui lnes", ttbieb ai w a v. refiv tne frbsvrvaucc. lat on.vti:iie there i an apr-ar-M eoi.Jue". whii ii i. more the effect of diffi-UtifC, nrisi!),- from the want cf fxr.'otiat aeq-ja'atabte, tban of ai.tbin.' eif-e, l.'cb ebuli our f. llcw-avrsbi; ;-er. No bJnjf p-nt, i.ijir nr re j.oeif illj to ti.e ; ro f j.tjr . the ch ar:-b. iumi tl.i eor4i -i i-'. on rf a.i it bi ar! ai.d bakii in tb er v.ce mid .ii-i1lih cf f.ur Lur.l , f-.r thUi an firi.wer rf our ReJ-nn'-t'. t raj' r to hi l ather, "1 bat th'-y Uty all be ii -. even Ti- sre cue." And I u.u'tt not that lhi warm l eaTli 'J e irdiai.tt i" one prut rtn-ou hj mailt if tiie cb ure in vt V'h nr-.- atten rlcd 1 y wbst r ca. i d th li.vi'i e'n-.-e of r-jelttr. are o eotitat,!!j ihnic- I and bla'sed. Ilia yj'jt aud tl. .iraiuT arc made l fee! at Inme in the bouse of ' 1 o d . I In the olb'r hand, if yj-i rs'.t to zt into a j irito il ife-f alae, t eed only ;-lt l-.t arc i onii.oi.lj ai fa-bi-t.a! !; rbui'-b-s ; aiii ti ere alii I JU ee a type of t hat unity w Inch cor-;, t-of being fros- U t etbet. Tie t yo I : 1 :e ll,e ark tub aiiti.ud fur (JraJ ; a Leartle-4 f jm.ali-ni fix ik'- plowir." (-osf-il, and tb " tiuib a it ia in .Ieu ; the ine!.n of jrii-a for grace ilsrlf; the shadow- for Ihe iiib-tinee the f irm cf god!tiie ia '.boe who deny it puwer j'i:i:it!-i-. it i not reafonable to ifr tbnf it is combined itli the vtpor, ai.d with it Muve yc 1 to the root of growing jnant-i to to their arjeet licc-.-t-ity ; L,ke t!f.-ct. inav l e Lrodi;ccd iu mel- ir.iii.-i' f a v o r .. io' ui: t.y tl.e ll.Lt ahowri that frerj'ient ly oecir, even in the riry-st weather. The d.ff-.r"iiee iu t:ic tlr prh t wbi-ii li.'lit bo era wiii f r i,i-tra'.e in ioiU is frfi n-nily stir red, aud lli-e left Lard aud L-Lcd, i- very if p reliable In eoneljiion, ailow rne to exbort my trot bar farmer to keep the plow, the b e an i the cj ii.atcr pretty busy in their corn, potatoc, ruot cr.ps. 3I,. cven their wheat S'-d'i. tcllevirii it wi.i do more to counteract ' be ii-juruu' e Recta of our severe droughts, t.'.ai any oiher mcani w bicli tber eiu t m-P'OJ- Y. ('. K. u Inn, fit . .V. .M f-FUr r.R.S. . I!. TAYLli. l-iiui'n.t. t HUMAN, t i,, '.., irt. . N V Y. IH"rcniStl.N,,sc Trtasr. T(H- : 1 lb TAYI.HU, C. tiVHHM AN', J A. Yur.NIU, AVM. ,1 i!INt N, J. II. CAU.-bbN, S. T. UUHTtJN, Y. tCAUU. u i ?, !-'.:. li'f tile ob- .'iii I-.. . i cr t I a'rer i m::i:kt ri 1 0 : rfin. r- a told oi.'; -i .. Lob. 'I l.OU rbould -I uned alone, a:.d judged alone - re the t tV- tiou be icn r."v r in ecri t lUn.'-n ! cr J rojr alttie, lor li.oj La-t inou art to -ii aloL-, ai.d b Aiona ti.ou wi t t are I'j arriar I j'liliueDt eat. Why i..,t ,,lti meicy aeat ' In the piai tiai,ri t'cn iuee and Ijod, thou ei.-i Lave un im li.au l,s;itr. You are le t joui.? to te!' I, in my a'erct. Yon may b-sure I.r v i ' i n i i"lay you' coitfidence. V bat.- i r i ' :,- n tht i iiii le f it ary fpf icrf -Ii -. i, ,,,, ihria are more and li on.-: r iraum f.r aeeret dotien JvotLinj is more etnbarraaa " 'J'Lat there are adtaf.ta.'f taired by t.rrtiiif the .oii in dry weather, no p' rjii can ti'juht who has ever tiied it, ai,J a tin i'-certainly is a. me taai there fir, ev-ry ii,- iirln.' mind will ek to know what Hone tau-o are. I am eonvineed that i-y ti.e ' rr ii the -oil Cau-rs ibe rnoitt jr I rati. !'.! to t'-t to the urfac, and alo prep.aie. the soli by looftnin it to a'n.oiu and tela-ii the nioi.t jre of the a'mo-r. here, wbieb il 0 rtry e-nenti-il to the growth and ma'c.-ity of the rowin-; rp, ktfj.lt.x it gec-en i.i iu fl.mrili!i. condition liul . ring the d i y wevhi-r. Win r-n. if the a.il ii;jt nirred, (bi;t let it waitf'-r rain, ai farmer have d-.ne to my know i-'l-e e tby were alrai'J they would ifhi, ast v ry u ate rialiy it.jui e t'beii f rop,; few dav. it wiil b' come o dr that the mci-tiir. from below the .uifaee wili not rie even during the nil.t ra.on nifbeient to kep the nop reen and flouri'binj, and the wi-! fail to ab-'.rb and retain the atiiii-r beric in'.i-ture ; hence the crop be. ailherid and btin. to "how .inn. of tnii'.-h r-ooi.er tl.m r !v-re the soil wn-i s'.irrtd ar.d k'pt looe. provir cotic.,,ive!. I ' o rr: y mi nil at lea-1 J that kiirrin? the soil in 'I ry- weather ia a gieat advantage to the grow mi- crop-. 't lU"irl J ):luir re . A .-WHET .'OTATUK I'MNT. ?tir tonhrr til! very white, three tj-iar-t.-es of a p'.und ol fn b tiutt'-r, and tines 'j i tri' r of a p'-nund of powd-rcd wiii'e aa i; ar, ad'iinij two table .po-infuN ef (iiner. 'rate a found aod a half of aweet potatoes. liH ti-i.t e-very iibt, and atir tbem The Prt uliyl- ri.in ( hurt h ii , lone lalion il iin 'er a a.:rioua u want cl'a jnurn.-l In anvncale bi-r ' pri-w nl Iu r ill I- ri .1.. It ia liinr.lri: lit, oi. , jr I'Hjtl ' I'rem ten n t kin . r- 1 .1.1 u in the I t, oor tlirt.e I'r- It rn .. 'c hale IJ.'JliO i nil.lou- nieani. am) it j t., n.'i-r Wni tin n- ar. .'to.'iLO rrt livlcri .n. mi 'rii.eint- In Ibc St .1-. I lur j inn! t-iiii- filth Mi Ibc IMnn iii pmiit i.f niiu.hi.-ri., .-iin hor iiicioH.-r.hlj- i. 'ri ali r !:.. n llul ol any Sym.il Snulh or e.l ol Pi imiiy iva m.i. Our ilt r M. u a on the North ami Ninlli, m ilbfr ol ml. nli hiaa , iiii-iiiIk. rbip so Uiee a our, plli!ih lln; ( enlrai, , am) the Roulh. m t'rt .hylcrian, for Ihe I" in lit of tin ir p oplc. 'I In t:i, . ha conn win 1; ll.t I're.lijr Ii ri.. ri Chun h in N-irlh ( arnlin i alionki liki ,t ilo lur (iotj t't in r eliilnn n. ll ia a et-iireiteil ana : iriimrtaiit l ie', li il huoilr':. of our nn-mlxr wiil luke a St-iir pi;.i-f w So w ill lake no older. The I'i'pif i i.-ii.n In In t'nr nr.ino! owr Si.nil and I'ri.bv li-rn In eb-V ill- :.it( (tilkblin lln-pn-l v ol'our inciniii r.i-ip by cirl'usinjr v.iii-Iicm I kin.wle'igt In t. ni'-lc lilt- r-auM-ol K.uc.lioH to ilrvolopc tbr- t.-l-rilanf our M ini.lry, nil tn .irciiifilicn thr ii ii.i - bun n t o: our pi.-opit tu the noil , and niirldfii i.f tin ,r ow n Ht .ir. If mtr t'fuircb ill i.l In r Si-1. to 'I other f b nrrii. ' r. in tin. Sit ti . r. a 'i p! v llu ir iin nib. ra w -liia Ke'ii- joarn.l why an ay olwt? Aie .Nnrtn (..rnl.n.i I'li-ahy If riana inft rinf in taW l, I iirrjiy ' .ml p ilrinln in In lln ir r.ergllht.r. nu til. rUmlil of rs..ain, or in ( Iv i.ii ne f ut'ii r denuin.ri .ii'in at ll'iln' t Willi tin- .inn- '.r b II -r 0tpiir imtie nf ii(-.:iiiii;ili.lin,i; tin wnr M , b.i ll we leave it uii.li.ji,- ? , In tl.e l.iuvl'te m one of our Bm.l ahke an. lle. lul M ni.n ra, an aenplrd .Buf uur Sl:.li,"t ought in h ve he. n nmn rtaki n tit) e arn ago, but ll i -ml ni I t., ti. .m tn do ribl." In it - I-lI lioi-r tt.r. e inn ri tit it, a fa nil mf a leant fc.MiMi tt.tm bin, ai.l.per.lH n am a (a rnn.ii.-iit r;.f.ilal. At a inet-tiiip of Iin- rruitriln-'t'a, to In wl In'ma. : iHimuirli on ihe I IHi nl .May, Ki t. A. Hiker, ( hair in.- n. t he rip.-r w.a autinitii'iii.'y b-e.-ilen at f'.yetn null-, sinlt r the nnrre anil lull- nl Ihe Nna m ( 4roi.i rRrnaVTr. i iti. I.'i-t. V in. .N. M- bane ai t! I.'i r. hturi", .Mi :.- ill n. n- elcclnl Knii- r.; j. . .Mt--r. In niji: M. .Ni iii, ,. ,N. Mi. bane, A. l! . kir and ( II. Wihy.ainl Xa.r. Ii. ori't; .Mi N. t,l, Sr , John II. n..k uoil i..viu - -M-irp iy Wt a; Mnlilt-d an Kxeculive t'umiiiillie, 51IIK uiif!rraif;ne,l liavinar elabiibd hiin.t If toii-t Ini.ii II. e I'aptf ami man Jl: ll. buslln .a Jt. m r ma ne tly in ii .riniie, in t.-ntia carry ir.jr on -ff-ur. lln? fnilnwiiijf branebta i. busilie, f,l : It l- m-.s -,vi-!i :,rn ejesn'n In tt:-de rb. North .-ih-ir ;!, I',,,, nnd ljulimithivg, " ''r-vTriv a journal of ihe f,r.i eh,.,.. I, n ii . i i, , ''l'l 'I lo the t, . m Ihe eoiinlry ui tvii'ier-ir'bie.il Ml H.,z,g ; S, rrr, Jl,, u,l all , , Z ,.. '.'.m. , uur ""'' Mrl'il Work nji.jiir,; Cohijio- I l-unhw. I- rnlamna wnl .Ibir.l In. i..tt l m. .'!', la.Mi loreijtii ami nnmt.lie, ritnl 1. 1 .e r-1 1 1 prt par ll.' . "I w .i n I s at Ii i I a er v IIK nih.erbir tban'. fill f.,ri the very Ittnr..! ti--trnnie hetuw ctl up.. n 1. 1 in iturii Iin- pa.l vear, hi ro-w in n:e m.irr exit naive ili'-r- lur II-e future Hi iiirnii f,,r t.rk in ,n n. Wiii rinle.vor tn lliriuah alt 11-at nm r til if h-a a ml II. rne., w il h a a n ner n r a rlieli- el MiMihlr orirrs. lie baa nnw on hand laree anarlli rill of Amlt'lm, Sirh If , trnntrsn. :m.II i ll.-u il if -. Whips, Buffalo Robe, irht't.le Cloths, .l.ir(ht. tlox l,in, Fclenl Enamelled U Harness ealher. Int. lln r w illi en ry Ihinj u-u..'y krrtl in rnv line ni iiu.llil . 1 1 'All kind faih'li and Harm u.ir'i . i the whort.'.t ni.l.ee. 1 i l.'U aiivim; Ortit lft.IrM-,5 .M. IKAVKU .7 if H iii t r n il in v r I linl il 'l Ml tW l.il lit i tfl l Jn I r ( frU m ut Ma It III: lo Utilr ere rr.iiiUa It, cure a iiurinp , Bnfr i.M'tilt.. ( )h lO III rrr tvilttr CUfc tl if ! k tl. d (t I'lit.u ou tic loic i ; lo ttret lx.tl!r ill r lite y ! tn nl It '.r : 'I w o Uitllt arr arm nit d ifienrc llr mi i r n- ki r im l rtifttitli Mud (,f4rh. I j ' lift U. titr in. I l.t rc 4f f -tilrti to riur I tu j Hi.nt ( iM uf Kf) iifitl-. ( I Jit! ti inn Ut'tiit mtt rriMUiJ lw cur nil Imi in'.r ill ti-t t.y - 0. j ! 'j 4 if it u tr w t i nl- it lo cure ru iinine of ' ' tt ur fi fix i- Ur0 art m ,rf i.lt ta In ruir er luff sli i ni.n i hi tt rii i )(. runuM g ulirr. Out- if I tic iti riur mc 4 1 y rruil K-n f llir km. 'J ! lu ti rtt iKiiiji urt t arr n 'tti Ui curr tit . i ri c-r vt ru e f.riu. 'I wo t itirrr IfiUti n rrrarU(i tu cure ll.r tiOrl vrtpf ttr fri-i- nl riii uiiifttiMit, 'J M rt e (o U ut ImiIUi ar utrr i'l'ti lo cure 0r j 1 1 r hi Uio. Jin tu ciiil Ueltli i e .ir lilt wural com nl lo wiat ti ir . ) . m - .... I ti .a . lflfrlTAiJ " - " K-.14., J il-. 1. 1, I iiititi lH ia Ilif tat j.fj (i.f t ; ' f ur fin. ir.. (.' . t U. r 1 1$ rt; ii IIm ; a nr. K i ti- i m-istnf rt.-j nr simI arrbrt' t r?.tinu. nrr 1 1 Ik r I (tl linn f r I. u h U t- 1 1 . t -to lijji,, )!t tUtirr i'tit ( ' t. i t i i r l.gi utilil it a i !. ( li in ut I" n P ol 1 1 wild mti-y a i In 1. im i h i- ii-luriiiIirJ, m rteiit . rt .!' i;i nl, mi liia tvi.ir riftfl-it y i tvitt Ul lilt' ft 90 thhl torn I- wiil any fclli 'ilMift ttcrttry l i inrn iMrp nl and kff rral) . ll yrlill.fd t C Ji gnri i(li ! mt,v l pfi i-tiM.tr. iitj I.r im 1'ftpa.r it' In i In ft'W htm ruaU ntira i y iiirn ! r r jr 01 1, Iu all) J'e. r If f rnun'f t , Ii iiw-sirt ti rlrti htm t i (j tp l i,;f I 1 - I n r , f p. In I on . t";j. Jt ll.S l: Mi l. 1: Ai:"V "MM A . ui-i I nh:a, llll 1ll. l I KI. I .hit t If I tit ttlat .V t iIm.ii., jb. VI tit tit m it. ay m ( fit f". 1 1 i I ri-rr U i lelll. Iron, ti i I'.m A di t Im iii ti! tk Kuinr .1,11 I ' ' l..iNtrrMfr, HU ti, ii w luitta. U - utirr fx nieilr ( cih'j.letfcU. I'r.n ' ' Ci li la toUii l V j. JOHN lir.MlV H'AVT. 31. !.. srucKoy )i:.tist, 'f.nur nor the 15 il.Tiii'iir Cot. i nr Ifmi, .S fc,MJA,; 9 B AVI .N I'.r.trH pFt-i nm t' y , .iyaP-v av l-n')-r i.im yrui'' ntoii l r v i to Iii; cilti m ol t hdtU'lU wi vifiru v . Ifr. i v t jr p i r ai.d i- r t Ar ti I P , J.. ir ntni natural' r. and nil ji f i tin- trn riion of tui: ni.il iind ai cid-!il il d f,r;,tt Nl" lna t.-th tt Ti'i j , .1 . M i .al-o pri-p.rfii to inat-ft Artifi'il Ti-iln a!V r tii" mowt 3ji r"''d tii lint.. nlvrf un Troii-atit. I. tu -rui n 'a tu v buiUl irijf. I p 3-lmrt, ;&5 ! i"' j i...ion. i u.. n.r.ti..i..i H liUlil .Mine hcU.Niii.i riiVVW !nr,,a..;rr,!lti.i hui.r. Inn,,' ' ' I lUH. r. r r 1 mc I.r I VJriA'T VJ !'U',) l'. 'J l ir -ra lo tt.ii.c- N 1 Ai.g. J4. iM. ; QftU!- J Jfci'iffySi 'l'l & l--oi tin. Uib lt... a..r. U .c niru.-i-n-i; i Vt J . K I. ul I i u i ..? nt if'i' r-HafVai-V1 f iVaAtii"?.? nrt, thi it cr. in 'nr (...duin, in mt (.!. rn I gnu, i-mhc i.li.li In n it. ll m m-i"i ' aStf ''j&-i't,X,&& ;iut- t!riiittul, iihd I iu aiu i . f It rn j li t. 'I "In Ai.faam.a Mialiirc a J ' ' lJ fi iy. iTt pr.-tir.is on fi fi Trmt, vi rf r ,. m v . s CARRIAGES, FRC.i TSEfS, CITY OF NEWT OR K , at ji ra crT ci.mvij'.idx. .. r lf'.a w 4 rif,i.i n v 11,. D. I j w yr.hii.c r u.i-uiu-ij mmi. l.i M. W. WoiMinn, a.4 iH6er. I -I i. A'.e. I -, I aV-lf 5r"ev iM;iblil)iti('iit.i .'.C. WILLI.AMSOH, r ii.icsi.itm:, .1. r ., S II f. ra flier in t h t anri ttt adjinninf roin Y W li'n.(i., v til ftrirnil Liiil i.i.ii.-i.u.inll.i. In a m lift v iii annul I. 4tl pmlLSiloual lu- r t,Ml n' ''" in.rt n it it 111 1 fifriifcti d fi, hi r.t i iiuiiutlr, Jun. J I t-: laitou fi ajitlil I din.. rt 0 tl .11 lt t (ui,i), rf i fii.i1 rtir- all kif Imu 1 r I In i-n.ll to f n.i 11.1 4 til lite u JiIi ll t'n 1 ; and ffi a iM'i.Qrilr ol t hr ilin-itt r) , I I.l I.. It , j thi.l im Ai-rit. l-'ii, I t !lt.i it. : .it'd 1.U.11I i ; ait U.lttrp p r tty m Arit, I"j4, I aiU .rr J ; finr I ittettnH ml (m,ii'i t..j oi it, 1 i Sonic of fur r hut i I r ug Itn I., ff I- 1 b . in I'U-iik ft I a f I. lv Mid I Iti 1 y yt- r, y h . I no. ' tinny lit Ihe uiinla l ..tt nl tttri.iCHM Wf ruf I : li hr il. 'J lt re ia a h p.tf i ul pr aim- ul' it tin hi all H im r ii r. I f In in j n jr;iM r ..itvnj-a kt pi it Urirtly for ' j lioint.rr hnl Hin t it mtri.t.ut Ih.ii a it grm r.il ' ; f U il y in ilir 1 in j; rt u I 11! M nu. 1 'ill Vi lura Nrf V i , W 11 i"i 1. d in 1 1 thai t I m r-r m h 1 tin', j Kt rral r. ara nl 1 pili nlir ftia 4 tii.raae trhirh , ":i-ji CHtiiii;i (1 (i 11, . Ml LU , li.t ?i in t 11 run ti , l) ti w uoltM a, O, k K.i I 1 m try it tt ill .r.r j tfl' Mil I HI -D f .ft f.l II.Mt 1U. 1-P.iUl. II'.TIL ' 11 I i ' I.l ll.t HI ! iiijii n .( . It lii a m t r r I" r ape it rt lift f. t, n. 1 1." . I I ii u-I!t li.- itiii'-m:. Vfiii.. fit ia f riipji it a tiK-aj " j 1 ' ' j. 1; 01.11 A 1. 1 .S I" - W 11. V.-i.ii.r.. V 1". I" r. If. rLii..h.fi. ; 11 i'i r A V" - ' ' T. J. II n : lr J. t . .i'n r. ' A fill ami i. II. t urn. .:..! r 5 , I.. 1 ili Inn . I I Wilmington, Charlotte ai:d i!uihi-fo:: waii.-koaix tntr s. 1 Uf.1 a vr 1.. .. ..i.in ..f 11 . ' ' '' l(f nl )ro II llbli.rli..dl..i. L' ,1 ll,.ud I i'liiin.1'1. I1' i H ua I-(- 11 lof all It. 1 1 f Iii ft. In Hi - !' 1 " ' aaltl Knml.al lln Kit. I .land Mt-rf. I"1 " ul' W m. JnhiiHm, :. J. lu f- v ' ' .11' i-1 .m f.. if u tt'f titt"fr mtfi v ti r t n ttlt ti to I: sfprrtrtr tn tny fth r Lmt J jt Ahtl and J t( hn if jutrjHSr. M! f Ihr i.Im.vi Krnrha I mirr.it t t turn nut 11 wnrininiihke ttyr. onrlt H1.1 !. n! a diaUuirr hft wiili to KV ti ;r murk inr I auijfive rtjr uiur a I leril.nil tn n. nu ir inrig as hoh an p'laBihlf. I' r ".! t :i il.nf 4 rrr a.;.irif f tin nil' n j rnin Mint ti, pi r iiiiit r ntrn rwut; ri p.urrii, ravrpt i-li.'i' ire. il: (.4 r (mm r pair t d and fr turned un tht HlHfU.1 lllfrf jMrfcClbif. I M.uid fi p hrty number uf fi fi rt nrr aa to ur(MtiiiiMi, hut I dfiniit un in rrnt,rjr ( i I will .'-.w ti.i wnrfe lo myak f'.r .lfr,f. nii'i tn ji iir wnrli a kh-h ;.a tKjiifi)f at(, J r jnvAiWG w.:i nn. fir mi t'.i a r-.! at mjr nl..p, opr. tin I'm a. f' Ii run f tiurrh. Jf ir.N M. MAM IN. c r- win ii,i.fn ! p vr a lull ainl li' ttrn 'i nuiti. iiMry -i htiti :tm. 'lite ii.ni nf ttr I., r ia i!i-:yin-ii tif ?.i (n ntKun nt . il tih.ir-n t. r nnd toi.trt.t-. J-'n.rti coi.virtt.tn, it will (f,cjti- ,i-CKr.-rrifi tivi', "ithiHiof., Old ht lni. (Jm-1 r 1 f-a mid ordt r of l'n- t i,iir It. Our firt -'ipfHul im to our own prf'p!i tn ,, (', l'n nhj ft n, Lu. Wln'nl r r y r.nrnirnt!r ujh.p tt.i ir 1 if, hi lrut liil lite u. 1 1 c mm nl iNi.rlfi iir"hna lio 1 .i! found hontr in nlt.ir t-p, im; tin; adnptf d cil'Xt na of nnr l it' wtut n.rin an inipurijrit an Mi in til in our Mnnry . nd nnin. U nliiji, wt!J ij,f a d. 1 u mil r. l in Una ri.t. riiir. ir ln;iriy auj-p-.i 1. 1'i-r n un 11 in in u tinrr, nr 1 n t I iv r y is i:w l'l KM. W K in!d r cKrt fully timr.nrr t" thr poldic 1 M 1 iik t r l j ti It' lit day tor mm a f-opir i;n rhip ! uiiirr thr im in r and alylr nf OVI'.IMI l. A UM.M. i for tltr piirp'r nf mniiiif..i tm it ' :W-ai 1 il,, - j ire in ami p.T- it Hi 'I rM- : nl llii- irl; ..') iii ai timwilia; 3 nl t!tr ytttr. 'J'-, i-ltiha rif y.'i nf iimr.-, y ail V -tin r lilni I .i-n llir l'.lM f i a.-lit In nin- a in.. ..in. I ,i 1 1 1 prr ri-til. will rw .llnm-il. II.,, M.in.ti r i-nrl I .'.la- ra arr Jfiti ally (Vmuiii liiarl na A.'l.l., 'tlnl all lilliFm fnrlnlill lt lln- r.ili.r yiit il-j.i- a. jl 111 prriruriri fi rnfilt. .llli-.rrih.r. ii t.-il.li-, ami li.rwurtl the ri , lr,;-i.r . i nl,. UL(;i;.s -r w r t- 1 I 1 4- .., 1 M , ll 1.1 1 llll 1 nr.- I"1 at a 'IU pi; I N MM. ,,f , k Hid ar :Ji r r tl I it it a nni m - itftiilr-n at ('- t i.r Hi t a A minn aa I'-'fO tl.rr 1 I.r ri t 'i, fin f.r n( mi riilii r will M i-tn ii. If f.it d. ind lif'-r nm t fl..rl ia nmdi- in fur nrtt two inontl.N ly tl, hi lake ft tivt iy inlfr-f m llin a-.rk. u !:!, wnliniit i). .M, n hl- lo hr gin thr pul.i(-4lirm at lln rod fit fhM I'ntr w ilh aiii.rr!tion lift i.f ( Kuft .M l l' 2 f A Srm V . ,,,rm of tht ,.tli ('iin-Inn, Vf a. l.yt'ri:.rt, I 1 1 . v il I.-. .V.I'. of t ". f 1 tn tit r ipl i'p , Vi pr. 'ii.iM- ii.iihiul wr-rf-., 111 word, m in in tiic hotitli tliMil i r i,3 aa 11. j JT Al l. MfiKK WAhlfAM I1 l. ' I . It r I" A I li I SH unn -i lur rli-.f. ( notice, .ind fn K -r ntoit n.iiittr t rnn. , pimK tt , Shop r.l 'I ( )'( 11 tun! ( l.btili Str t In, I I new nl n ti r.il r.ii 1 an id 1" of.ir rnrrd hv it. Ynt tin . tti.ua iliM htn 1 It mi it. ! rl. tt in ihe In in I fr'l i ii un- Mm, run iii'airi'i r nr. 1'y pr 1 t n( A'lii Mm. , . t r mul Ayur, fun in the Smr, l.-i. .t the ' S.nln .and p 1 rlir u. 1 iy ,,, (illr K h!ii ) ' the dir..vi ry o..u.: nnm jjiI than any ; im iiirinf rn r n. ; J .. rl.4iif nf oul 1 Trr tirn .ry --rul Ihe hral ; y nu r .m t u mi 1 nmj y li t) 1 1. j j liiarr-rioM rnn I ir. Aitulta mtr t.'l.k rpnonfnl 1 , ptt t'..t liii.fri ti i.v. r trn yrnrii tu aarrl p-wii'itl. 1 hiMrm If in livr to i t hf yrarn, I. 4f ml. I Ar no dtrtrln.it ran W apuiirbir tn alt 1 u. In.nn, tukt cullnnnl uprtlr rn tha Ih.wcU t M t llll v. HiM riniiiD ar DO.NAIJ) KKNXKDY, Xn. l'2U, W turrit filtrrt, l;tuLt4rj, M,m. I'ricn il. Win. h. -ilr Aii-iil. Ni v Vnrli di.C'. V.CIn V. ni r. l'l lUri hi y Mn-i I ; i .11. kiitf, fin !,, tli A. H. it 1 1. S,ini), Hill i tl. t. f-nil; '). . iv! nil ft W. I'lii) il. lulu., ; .,P ll. K.f.i r. I'm, knur; A. II. M" ir, !i,ii., ; Iiijii Mill,.,. Ton n. in; at.tiin riirkr. M i,irr.-.l ; llriril iiil,..H I iici.f.. ; J,iiti-. I;,,,,, i I,,,-,.,,, J,,,n I.I III.I.I,, '. W . Al Htl.nl 1 , y nil ri .ji, i l, J l, i,t- (ti, I, iiniu .-.,H a ami lit it.. , I'miiin f,. K. M 'A I: li A CO , Atretic, ( liu i hit ir ?, ( t rilnii, illiiiln, . IN. tin ui.l .Nin lit hi. I , air ai.l.t ll' tl ami aitl iii I hi j. r I nr k . In' 'r " nilt-r.riai that In.. . tf u,-"r. : 1 ' " cjiAi;i. J 1" x- S. V . I'.W i.-'. UM. JOIIM- liN. j.Mi A Vi '1 J(.'1!.N WAl.Kl i:. I, 1 IUIV M'i:l II. II.HAVII'M'. c . i.'"" 1 Ori 3. IfSS. 3 " JOHNSON. . SOI I II A I la. VI I rilAlIl.ll-Tl'N. ( Cn.vli iinitl fur Hi!(S . nllin:! f OIK li.t-hi.i rtinrl.il prii f wa 'ip' .til. In ! rr'a Ih.ii I. arljr I.I.AN'K DfcKIhS fr i!e at tLi oflic. j laijinnM,, m.,9 -m. If.,' t tftiMlr.July K, !cj2. ('- Ot KIJMAX. C WILSON. an A I.ATiCK Ffl'I'j.V ip Constable War rants FOR 8ALK IIKKii. c M IIOWII '" Afit P. I".il. t'.OMlS tor Ik lleiif'iv FOR SAI.F. II Kit K

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