5V "Jc true fo Get-, to your tSiv-ilhj, nor) To hour iDitfii." VOLUME O. C!'53LALttTOT&l, 3J. 0.? OCTOBER 18, 1837, ill 1 V nf ' a A Js 1 is ia iu 9 h ft. e :l a V TnOMAS J. KOLTOU, ri'lM ' rie.rtl,.r.rli. will .. h Horded t.,.h; ; :;'' m V n:um;Z mil.! Al! AMI H .P'' "'f . .,;,,. I l..rt.'r-ci"..itii, aim iiii.i'.i-.ijiii.i.ai'-. ,.,.(! hi' tli year. ' Miiiirr bv umcuii. I tlfl'l'l ; - .1 ' - , II (111 file r.tiiiiM. A,,,ir,,..r,..y...crlHa.O,,, !)..ll,,r,Mrfc.lu..re J ur lint. tlu i7cil lyi'i-i fr the firm iimur- ceiil" lracii run i.i. linnet, tiuriiii. i . . i i.,n Hli ' ,t,-, iM.ni siit i ir r' S.ilr tliurt'rii w.'i ir -in ..:..... J. n ffli; 'iii"ti 'i - - - s - ! . i 'i ,1 i tti'iitif I lull tl .i.i 4 tixr rnit Hi I : Ir.nii :n inrmir .rirc, if.r auim.it z, i, j ii. r Lift's Ilurnlurf. 7' t little pittfl -M rf'( A I w v r h . tr f '' ; Vt9T I t : .., .i, il In . fcw.j;, T it wi.cn iii ni'iiM(t!), iliirk and roW, T ,. .i a t;rk ih ! uH int. j , .n. fiH.fitiit ir!!!y li.ii). To 1 . i'lfll KrU'B t. I till ffliirri;' f"-.fii 'ir IlilMih'T IK ittr liniit'tti'i i! l'ltij f :i .atr r) f -iiJn tc rr tii.b r( ,' - w l'"w fio y tm ur uusbt r, Jjlll I. f f Hi 1.1 pfl.llf. "it ro !, tin ( if'(ili irf-r, I i t'.r in-' . tit n'H.ti ot' J-r', A'4 ftf t v .il g .i;.-r, A-'' . Itf'c'jt IiM 'it') ;r, U h i( vm aintMti'ifi rife. y.jt a urn H rtlii a iu) dri-arr, H 'Arih low it ni4iiv form, A ii lui totti riiii ( urr m it t, A no 'ici ti; . ri rt-rt iifti V'.im ."W ; I" !.: ru. T r o. uU f Ii f ))ir it lirirclll 1 r -;f4t !! .! k b. .,l ffcl ; W f. (.j 1-, II.JW f .1': III. J,', ftf lit T .a r-At'll f'.joV.f tt.il i 111 1 ' irl, bri ;.l t t'm I. i b- jlliw A'"i r 'tfa uf re i l. i pi,- I I t' n.r.MiPtt i - t - y tl eti ny, 11 4(L Mt ( ntf from tftjr i Hlisfflliinrotis. l iim V- 2. r.i-'s.S'jW A , 'Jl,Lj, lit A. I., dfl. I x-u tired of coiiTrntionaLties ! I will 1 I'l '.;;( ila ot genuine .in, I ai-l. " I , a gi 11 to see my counin Ilep.y, at Chrs. n.t ("ori.er. arid barr a flirtation with her ri'tic baux iu rel rustic style. I shall 'r my tinitti red an 1 bUrk plaid dres. th I lack tcWft boi in my ts.tr, and I ball tost be a bit too fine for any kind of r.nif hi j " " Well, well, fnl Ad," sai l my aunt. ' Vol have been Mirfeiled with ap.ili-iie f art rs am-vng the f..-hiouab!cs. '. go, v! hjve your genuine fur among those who lire a little of animal spirits left iu the 111. Lit doo I flirt." .t.fi.,-:.r, l ?! pvr inr l.r eu. li uu.e. Mini- ' J v fe . Mick In- ta cak-- the pnl.lK? iwii.d . . ' t. . c i hcu ino-t in the di-ro it-,)n lo dwell nroii e.i' ii. r . r,, 1 I-' 1-i '-i ."fla ri..''i' ( . '-do nt'V ' " ''fr-. .. hw. w . t, v k. V r . , sane man, i. can I properly i-iipport a wife, .... 1 ., ' - . ' :' - f - ' W t V C - A , ' r '4 t r . U ' .-r WT L-l, . " 1 vi A :t I .. ' . , v i ? . i . r lt .-tat. uiei.t.t and li'.i U.i fact-i. J hen- it -,.r wlien m mr iii it" ir i.nrn-i ii.cn: , T ' ' , cnl mj T,i.ii,u iii.-aiiuiin, u"j niri'L-i. w j, .V . , ' - .:-' ' oe-ile T f ' f "1 "f ... t '....: mJ.l rn.rk ll. Mii.il.rr ..r in rt.en. ilrir-.l or; " Let the little one be Liirie Brown, and takn treat "nti.-f.ietioii in (he feel of fieh 1 i "'.".t Aui.r'cD' , , ! living a.s the w i.ii.an of Lis preference would .' v'': " !i:L -" ' ' " ' ., ii be i.,,.ied ut.l f...t,.d .,d l,a,,d ... ; tbe .r)te 0e Xal,0 W'ilJi. Tbeae two ! and blood, if I may ue by the way it !'Out, t..e, eBtering upon any formal wih ,0 j bc S(ids, to hii a ..ia.r,et, leisure to note ,t, n,Po rt. lie In it r-j.-.i- .1 , . ,, , Ineie the ioa evident l-ver, of ihopany.i proved it. And after the peep 1 bad had "'"'"f'0 o J 'M r. ';'" ' I that hi, iaeouie i, vastly too , mall to tuPp,rt to h,ni d,y :,lr, , ,li,r a,,. l a, I.h are ii' e . , .. . i iisii ll. neru n Mrru lwii rni'Ni nil Jim mr ni n i.iin utiiir in I hn ,111.1.1111111111 ri.ki. E b. ..lun. liiii iii.-l iiiii-.-liiiii in I! iiKeu 1 v I nv - " Why, aurl. I am coming back to mor- j tue family for ll..; lime, r. lir.-d to the dark, m, and I can't do auy dannge iu oue day 1 1 dreary parlor. Wo were each to fla:id be Lt mo bru ' 1 fore the uiantl- t.ieee. with a l.e. t wratii.nl "Well, my dear, ills is Hallow Ee, rat time Ur flirting in the country, and D.ih -Mttob of iu your uucle't house. " Have ) ar f-.'ay out, and cune back refreshed." v I dropped down upon my country n-iiis one brighlOeloher day. d hey were j 'Ti-tl set, and quite ready to respoud to i'-h fr "pruuine fun." Ih f.re afternoon a tutting, party was got rijorous tune we had of ill But l' ! Willi ih- evening that 1 hate to do now. ; 'J iie yntitbs of th nuttine pvrty ail wen', 11 -i n .... ' , i ou iu"M u g j;i 10 la he. 11 lis.-l LJll-l look . ntt.e ta feed, or .hep to Old. But they I did hot 1-ave them, and contimad to hold , l)0n0UI ;,kjn , , dcar handsoin-duchess " I"ur.:-cd to return in au hour, or so, und my light. I, having no hope, fro,,, the ex- lf wa, no u, ,ruth,she had the charm-'-ret. have the usual fe-tivitics of the ntght .eiiineut. found it most intolerably dill 1 iu CttI1jdr ,0 sl:ltc : Ve s, my dear Bunch uiie 10 siirner. i.vnie' don ni .ss hor.r .mi ."n.eing cnrsiiui", eaiiu appies, aim ny- ; our future fate by ihe candle conjura- ,rl" '" M intellectual i:.-tj of story-telling. The roaring wood fire dancd up the ('i"'t'I riom the span clean kitchen L.arlti, JU .bout sewn o'clock we ware- ali as.-rui- " aroumi it. seateu udoii uo.e narrow, 11 t, hi backed, ri'.b bottomed ubair-, one ! only 111 iiusoii iisiics tei country Iaiiii .es. ' the corner, to the ri.ht, fat dear obi uncle, I 'id in the opposite ono his merry wtfo. Next ; Mr.! I came, hein the honored guest on ; lt.:s oec.aion. Then Hiram l asher ' iuv 'sa t." th. oii-l. ...I!,., I ).;. fr.n, hu l.r.in., ki attentite to rue ail tho afieinooii that I "uld hardly gather a nut without hi. inter- f- Once especially he bad " raid me 1 f 'tlicular attflitiuii." b takiua me unJer arm, and t,prii.giii across quite a wide took with me, a feat of his which gave me iviu idea of a rabbit tarried off by a bird cf pr-y, und left mr astoni.-h-d out of all fn-9 of proper jrolitude. I must cot. less bi.t h, y lllrmn uuj I, nor of the t.artv. 1 ... . ! ' " . . . with all hi. nix feet of healthy muscle, ' I'litel ( . 1 1 r 1. ..1 i..,i ...... I - - ---- i . . T"rJ little of the r-ii!lrin 1 11 in him -ciiou -h. 1 M ' LIIHMIlim IIIL'. UiU UUI .Ml, Kihaps, p, i.rsllu about his beait and keen a 1.00J, but not enough to reach his bead ad make him cour'a-ous and gentle. V xt t iratn came Sally Nixon, then lie r ''"i, and ,0 on liPriiafcly, until the half ''ele ended in my aunt, t'irclight never d-"Cfd on blither leatuies. " Kir,t t a pop some core," was the cry, 1 i.d " s done. '' I here's .uthiu' '"'ptrcd Hirnu. else I'd like to pop, " What?" aaid I, innocently. " Til OUCtioll if VOu'll lilt 1 VCS ' In ft "I ' mm mis joise was wnispcrcu into: wu 0,,'rr ". "d 1 10 SU1-P"' !t!.H the corn . called Mr principally to ' jtroduca it. Country folk do get .o attach- cd 10 01,1 J"-' 1 '-'I'-y -.- on., - (),. J . ... n. ..., : :. 1. -v ""V ' . "i".'.u" . . Vk heO eieh girl had a lap lull, and eauh . pvavi iuii vi v vi u KJ IU UIJ,:il, w r , it ... L i a i i wi(h , , L.n,l, w.L,ou.-ht It .o.,e ' . f , . f ii v n I u y y i' ii na i b i n i i ir.r t i nnrniihii ,ii v . .. . .. . r 1 1 . n flouuy tiplirld the om time "iiim-K, and . i.. i.-. .i : .i... c :.t m tifiil hlnri-il il i- m r 11, hrn nl, mm. U.i. I ' " " f - v,w v w tub ii hum h iiivui i esrriehtiifs.i that m vi i l:,n.. l,o ,U t,. n,o ' iiitereit. 1 he little ehemut. named 1 llt r.ilVi'l ltrN imi l n uf ntiitiAil ii. i.ri.nH. I ,.l ilj I.... I ,4. J i T - -.. , -''triin a lnii u.t innMurn tnti u inimit mwi .T . . l Liriic, began to Miig and "lid about. It j the upectre. fl. d before her, slamming the lairly danced at length around, and around j front door alter them, an if they had been the motioulrs larjre one, while we ahouted I carried off in a whirlwind, with laiijihur to Me the demure Liizie's re-j Lut w ho, you nk, w-is niy ?piritu..l victor ? (iroeutjiive paying such frolie-.ome crurt to i It was of much import to lire, d,.r.r reader, Nathan'., lie, poor fellow, bluohed und j but it i- little to you To this day I have evmed quite ahallled of bin pn.xy. I're- j not found out how be j;rit there, but I guess tently, bvwever, the Btcain from the larv.e i that couin John took the trouble to o up theiiiut went ofl like a j-uu, and the little! to the city for him, on purpose to have the one n emed so alarmed that it .prang into joke complete. What will not tho.-e euer the fif- ; eeiio lads do for a frolio ! " Ibere you have pot the mitlen, Nate I", cried lbs younjr nien, delighted. ".No, md Naihar., ia a disappointed, deprecating tone. J net the a Nathan a nut o dance more vi'uicu'ly , and :itla-t flcd iuclf (iff into the fare .Uo. i I '"Ther, I thuuehtl'd do that," .aid Nate.j i ni'iiiy raunffl, ami iooKing aiounJ prouoiy. 1 thouylit I d r. alier her, and not be such a taeak as to pive it up i-o !'' I Two niore were culud for, and ii.uie-i i "Hiram llanher and the city j?iri." "Via, Ti," pa ii my aunt, laiiL'binr' till the tears ian out of her eyes, "Ada ! liiivi. 1 he lung, white toppvd one II acd iram, anu Hie little dnm thrown one Afl. ! 1 cniift that I felt q iitc tremulous, and ! anxious that my ehe-nut nhould behave it- (eif, while liir.ui leaned far ard, mouth and ejfs open, gating with ludicrous faitu at tbe novel. 1 While he i.i. e lie was llni intent 1 ( 1 ;nan in y "ii in "an to wniri ani wiuri rat iuiv .. . . - , 1 ; 1 - 1 , on -.v u axis, while his wa'tn-.l ahojt it. Bat n.iiie at l-t -prd Krai'li! out. Bud Ururk the gaz.-r a smart blow 011 tiie l,or, 'at which be uim i-b with a sudden i-rk, that el us rn.rin- till th- rafteri. rang ajaiii. ' I was c innoeiiit .. lo be d, bible J at the ?:'.ted i oiid.n l of my lit! , lut exultation waa short- e deputy. Hat ived, for to my ' hortr, V . U ru- ia-i '. t 1 in 1 1 the em, and hi f.re I had titiie to hid eiveii me a liri.lv Kiss 11(011 I lit fi oO ch'-ek. I ni naiir;iy n iick tciiieied, and entrr- , in? tliorniigfjiy into rutic feeling., 1 Hart.-d j up with the in trillion, I ! believe, of ha- 'fclAuini- s l.riT npi ll.A m-tr in rutnrf, fir ll.i. ' kis, t.ul he esuihl my hand, aud stammered, ' j It- it it it', 'the custom ! I tli-lu't, I mean to vfTend.'' ; j So I lau ghed with the rest, atvd two more- f ehe-nat. were put upon the shovel. An e l ii this amuse oiciit, an-1 then Lour p.- came '." , ', ' -", I .vi ? uncle l.)i .vi? uncle ton: .-lie about the war ol my am,t one of ilche, ard I one about .si.iratoi.ra, it 1 im eallud fur by H. f y. who knw it of old. And tli-n we sail ongs " Ti e Mi.lrto.j l!".i.-h," and " Th- Rose of AlUndaie," " Widow Machrrc,'' and other j iu the comi- 'in-. Then e wound up nitii r e Ned .ml " ld Kolks it lion..- 111 four part which let my uuele to wipinrr li sicrka. 1 At tn th. party broke up, but then came ' the business of the evening for s)ine of u Hrpsy, hirii and I, who all helom.'ed to tround us. and a candle iu our hand, into I which pin. had been stuck to mark the hours. j It was now ten. As the pin- marking twelve I dropped out, our future husbands were to ' ik in, provided we had neither laughed j nor spoken one word. j j 1 eli'l it fur frolic, but the other two girls J jlclii-red implicitly. Standing and looking! ' t their earn.-t faces, I c.o.ld not help laughing. It was iinpo-ible to help it. My cano.e cv way. shook in mv baud, and at la-t 1 anew mv r mis were tremn Hl' w in r i-ut. "-"i., 'viuum m.-ic 111 me i-ui-i , inn uipj .ecmed buoyed Ui by rx-itemei.t. We all u... I .1.. ...I.... .1..... . ... .1. .. .1.1 . I ... .1..... I ,n.ree wa.ci.eu our c.nu.vs eag-riy, anei 1 j cou.d not help w, -,,,. some charitable ; draught would put then, oui.nnd nd tl.e , 'pdh I lu-w nothing would com-of wait- : j mg, but not to have the lau,;h against m j 10. t""i'i, 1 si.h-.i 101 luuuici v Two mortal hours dragged thruirly l.y. j 1 u-11 mv p.n iiroppeu, oui me nan ciock . bad m,t yet struck twelve llepsy's pin fell, i 1 heu the -clock began It whs the critic.l 'ne, ami 1 iiiiiik inrce paier lacei never ; listetieU to twclre tedious strokes. At , last clan?. Lizzie's tdti fell, and the door wu.ii open. Standing there opposite to us, in tho dark parage, were three tall figuies, like ourselves in wiuie, eaeu uoiuing ke ourselves in white, each holding tho aheet over its face with one baud. With ghastly cheeks, aud dilating ryes, we looked, and looked in marble stillness, j The three i-pectrc. were also motionless, ex- 1 cttpt their eyesi, which reflected our lights and moved occasionally. After dome uio-, meiits of hesitation, still maintaining silence, I beckoned ta tbe girls lo approach with me. 1 lint ihe shrank back, und it took vielcnt J , persuasive pantomime lo induce them to ao- 1 . 1 yanciug I looked sharply.'for I wanted to mann-e not to take, the irons peotre, and j di.sarpointcitherof thelovers. I reeaguized v..i1:. ....I 11 '. iv;u,l. .,. .bil 1 1 ..... I.ritlHu .!.. Iii n.l. . isa,.,.u, ..... . absolutely could uot guess. It eeitaiuly wa, , not Hiram. I was now trembling as much as any of the ethers, and full back a littie. 1 did 'not wish to rush upon my fale in tbe shape before me. 'Ihe giiis e.ine lo a lull .top too. Still the figures were like statues, and wo tlirce tood direct! jr before tbcin with !! nnnM.. . l loon courage, sua aiguiiicu dj motions '- c "'- Pull the white clothes from the hidden face simultaneously. We advanced, and each took up a corner of the ..beets. - No i beg.,. t0 ferceivc . -mothd MUUd, i . i i- c . i- i '"' "vai.iu ..ukingoi iuc uiems, ...c convinced in c them gWtH laughed carnal lUUlin i D'J LI III ' I lie FlC'iai ur t'l V, wc .n . i . . i mm i . . . ,i 1uiii.u, vi mivuiiiiiiii IV. uv iuwcii i . 1 1 , ioat, and boots appeared, we caught one ,. . , . ' ' .... c. . i. huma n ihrn nmfv mi ntirrimni.i ' " ' ' 1 "v" " 1 ' bflore our cauilics were daalied trout our .j ... , . . . . I i - m...A ... I . r. .....a,... :k udiiuO) c niic iviv iui U lust- ki, ill; rtinn. ,i. f l,i.,l,ir fro,,, M v uunt cauie foi w ani with randies, and They all tried to make me believe it wai a real apparition a fetch, and realit v. but 1 kin w better, for there was a taneible tng on the phoi-t'a lingtr, which has ever .inre that vilt been ...ri mine', Nor have 1 ever iiiic.e played Hallow E'en. ' WlMt 1 v u IiLMiRtb Vkahs Ol.D. The onlv thin, -in the fonnereltr i llrei.irtil wh'irh wc had ti ne to vi-it Wj J.'ntiii "V. , , or cr)pt of Uie eele' rfited ' "I" ,, C e o.i U.i.. of i. ouncii. j ins is re now neu tnrouuti a,l Uer- - ... . . .. . many tor its tuns ot uueni'li win", ol tiie ino-t uii'luunteu anti-j nty. I ln-y are i:-pt tnie.it t.iu.r- Ui.-tinu'Ui.-iiO.l l-v tiifterent ... . . I , , 1. itlei. That of the " Twelve Aposties '' bus teen immortalixed Ly If out: A; Heine, but i.iwsti.li.s.l ,ro ...-.t k fi,,.. rim. .,1 1 r ... a u . ti o r m u ii 1 o ,1 u u a o c . 1 e e . Kach cask 'Jt-r& ' ilC l'ti.e 01 one 01 t.ie t po-tics ; tliey contaiu wine of the vinta.-e of 111-, which hs now a pungent acid flavor. 1 bat of Juda-, alone r.ti.ins a pleasan' aroma, and the muii r, therefore, is ta a gr.-att r deiuamt 'han all the si'nts put t-.getiier. In the " lio-c Cellar are cnormcus ensks, yet filled with He ls.ru r,f ) (! .:) -bbeimrr (Hoek)o! the vin- I-or a 'oii'jle f; ; a cir, !!iy trcasure-l, t ut tl.e v ny i atner.i of liieiu.-ii liuaify di-coven ! li.it the longer it was kept tiie wor-i- 1; grew, and now se.i it to visitors iu email bottles, at a n c K-ratu 5'r;,t' We sat down iu one of the s'...'i', in the outer cellar, and had a bottle uncorked. Think of dil;, king wine, which grew when the I'iviooutb colon i lut four vear old y 01 u,e s me vuniju wii'cn .Miosto tuigtii have ilrunK, aril .M ilton, ami (. rumwuil, and Walleu-tein, and OuHavus Adolphns 1 . I'hake.pf are had been dead but eight years when t';e erapes were trodden iu tiie vats ; and Ben Jokosou may have sun; his " Drink to me enl with niun! ey- over a g.jhiet of got 1-11 j'i:c". Me Luc..! the g1 is-i s wtm gieat s ileiiiuity, as thus- thoughts pas-.-d t.irj.1'1 o ir minds a Inured the dark, s.n-iriy culor, snitfed up reverentially its smoky, uijinmv like odor and then ta-tcd l ancy a mixture of j,! and vinegar flavored with a sinall drap of creosote. This, as I afu-nvai ds rc- j-iiized, was the impressiou 111 -ele upon the palate, though my ima jiua- t,",i was , oa bus at mat timo to be aware; cl it. e a l saU, it is not so bad as 1 expected," ami, by L epiug the fact of .its aL'e con-tji.tiv In fire our eyes succeeded iu emptying thi botne. fro pungent, however, w" '"oky, oil, aeiduous flavor that it "Vcted my p i. ate for lull twenty four hours sft-'rwards, a,. 1 cvcryiiung I ate or drank in that time -ccined to be of th viota-e uf 10-3. 7 -ij-'fu. i nijwi-. . (.,r 1',,,nU LeoKS. When a lady (we 1c tJ;king of a lady in tho full h-i - ht and i.rradti. n? (,,w,,.'k ,...t l.-r l..,nn,.t ! ivcs on, ana is peitciiuy ready with n. r I 111 h-itid, she r,t .v4s goes bacfc to .1. . 1 . -. : 1 . .. . . 1. . .. (. . 1 1.... it is tiie truth, but not ail the truth. . I u-.nti-i,i I'll: tiie unril f.sr it ,4 s..li.e..d null oim pK,k. Al l,.t I know that I am not, f.,r (ani, u(.,e oor duehes laughed, a, thouah t.l with herself and ail the wo,j, 1 Uo0't Ulihj teliing you, 1 invariably f u fl)u f(,ar j yes.' The first look i:i tin w f..r HiVs.oIt' fliif'a fni- tl.rt is for lny L.isba'.id,'.,l..-.t a nothing but , 1.. , i.;...i :. r. r, : 1 . ,i...,-. ....1 .. om.'rou, . ,j ,,e jasl j, f.,r ' rivals', ,,., n.Urt,- f ,)R. l;lst look satis- t,l.,l j ku;5W ;t is JlU ri,lt Rm, j n:c, then 1 know it is all right, ami assure you 1 never take any more.'' Ljiiii'dii J'ltiuh. Amkm.k HoNORAm.K Lieutenant Snen- cer, of the -d United States Infantry, per . formed an act of bravery, during the trying times at Yellow Medicine, iu July la-t, (says the St. Paul Democrat, ) which wo believe has not been, but w hieh ought to be, record t d to hi. credit in the public press. He it was w ho w as ordered to demand the Ii.diau who slabbed the aoldier. U ith a few meu and bia inlei'pitter be proceeded to the lu- , , diau camp, aud upou sming und unou sL-.ini- ihein assuimi . 1 . 1. nn nttl'mm ill ftTIr!H-i- Iii- nriliTiMl 11 ill III r 11 as an evidence ol his pacific iu.ei.tiou, to halt, while be and his inteiprrlrr rodo up to the Indians. Two hundred guns were leveled at I v.,, nnrtnf threats, which his eoim a- . -11 " ,, ; ,. , man understood too well to uisr-gara. ue lieutenant called him to his ide, ive turn his pistols for his reassurance, jumped off' . .'. . , . . . ' ... 1 el in. horse wnen.nspe- g .,s ,.e0, .,..1 on-vne hmstrtl tie sav.i"i " - o one, multitude and fulfilled Lis e'uty. Frntn Ihe Xulioi'J Ju(eii'i?',t:e . I i ninr. m..ii . l-l-V- : ,1,y a,,n 100 'l' f'7 10 a I id" ' l' ' f -"see, 1 ! 'l"" r;.1 I.,Uo ,', !' , ,n .'' U'"'' " : oaT'"" '? ,cx,w0 ! ' tlie of master in the ait oi w: r, and at lie sun My attention hai ificirallud to a h ttcr my a miu ; ., v: , .I,,..,.;,, 1 time euiovize hi- o". e ice tin r.'iu with heaity rood will ih -.cnvt nothing to he M tt. pre.'.ent to ills- i i 'i.. I. 1 do not pi ' tH 7 ,d8t'j,-,M0r 10 '? '"- I abimaurer.-iori on nil iuiih and orn'mtions. anu orii-rn ions, , . ' r.uj y inn.; up in r . ,7laiu of truth with ! all iou"h he mot nr.i -. . , 1 very Ktat.-to.-ut i r. i ' .'."' " ive it with ott.eis, to notiik .'me to or tiiice buii.t.s in his addreiic, in jhe way of explanation, and j :i-f.i... ... l. i.i .1--. -ii l .... " merely ineirtL-iitaV Gin 1 lilow uys that, by i.re, ment, Mr. lli.t enuaeeu ,v py to t.en. M.uU Anna c-a.i in hand, as .anient money, t.-n thon-and donar, to llWuce bin, to enter- tain negotiation, for a pe.-e; .A, that tub. -ceii.ly 5 Jr .1 . to,d h.in (dem I " that Ocu. fccott had ,.,ruhed l.,n, (Mr.T. the money and that be (Mr. 1.) hud r,d the ten tuou-aud dollar,. IJein morally certain that Mr. Trisfcver made Ku-b (Kclaratirn, it is n!mo-t m.dew to say that I ne ver turned over a dull:? to him for uch or any other purpose whatever, ll mil. ii t euaiiee w vo ucyono id is ll will De aim i atu very mite mat .'Jr. i. nan in a dolmr of puluie niri.ey iu h's po.ssrs-ion i.llue ill Mexico, n nd never more than tufliced lor his very inodrrute expi-mten in his piivute pur.-c ; and I ceiiify on honor that 1 nuter v v .n.u.i, m caued to be paid lo bun. or to another for his u.(. or ben. lit, cne dollar oriiion., oe iin at any time, pud to lnu. nunta .nna, or accoui.i or m any w ay w nut ever i'rtiu'it v., ..... i ............. i .,;... , , ..i. - .- ur . v.., vi..i millions, and hal i:i mat ofnee the iric-pou- sil.li. ent.trol tX nil l-,.- Tie i, Ii i :lt e n. -i i. . .it' i .; -..,.- 1, ; l..l',. 1 .1 - - " r . - ...... , counuv. it if ti.iro.v rroi.ii le, ti ..-re lore, tiiat he would have stoppel to piik up a sack 01 ten inousaiiu uoiiarsii goin, n i.e "aa 'Ciui-Mi.iiy ktumtrta ipori one in a ) m ate w a.k. 'Iii. 11. ..... .. I.I'T. . inis inuiiutr 01 vun. i ii.ow Li.'w, 110 doubt, nut of oine hint he'confidentially jicked up about hcal.Urt if J that I hud paid that .rei.:.-n sum "to j and lor important infirmation r.feivcd aud to be continued fii-m the enemf's camps and armies. Jve tu 111 count iprent with the War I partiiii nt of secret kiir'ourscmi Ms pr 1 -ted bv or.icrct t lie fi liate, l ebruarv 4, was in -I:- merlon, a? tl.e li'ied lo tjen. IMIol, as it is certain, from the example befoieli", he vou'.d. eotitrarj Ir of fjll, t to the taiiii and ho our country, have ulii: huvi them in to the ruin of the I artn s ;t 1 1 d their !. ei.oatjt.--. K.v-11 (li u. ( fanta Anna, if li ti I'liiuW credit L a w-rih j "' thing, could nojnow return to M, ii. o, ! niatttr uti-'.er wat p ledges to lead the ; life of a good and peaceful citiz- 11 ritn.j ti the .epetary of ar fiom tiie city of Mexico, Kebluary 0, l !", I said : " 1 Lave net replrted on the secret disionsenii-iis since 1 lc subject of t Jalapa ; j first, beca e of ths ncerlaii.ty ot our cotfi ra Cruz ; an 1. si ooiid, in ixplana'i'r.s w hieh, ought not to be . ctiiccd owever, bri- i! v a-id tiiat uiunicatloi with the Lect's-lt v nf ccri n aecuiit of orLerj 10 w rin 11 '. I may I 1 have never tempted the honor, io n-co ne i i-r fistriotistn cf an jiau ; but have held it ' as lawful in moralsf as iu mr to put chase j valuable information or services voluntarily ' t-ndeied me '' M, x:can AVar Corre-pon- i d-uce, Iloust I'ocuiV.-nt.No. H, pa -. I ,(".. And a-.atu, at W u.n -ton. June '. I rl And again, at W ungton, June ' on 1 t-inlci ir.g my ar.-couut-currciii of and other ilisburseir-iits, and askin eci et for a tin. 11 set 1 1 1 mclit, I Said : " I am ready to go, conCueiitially, into ail those old-rent sums of receipt aud dis- . , ... btusrtiier.t with the xresideut. the fi crettiry of War. or anv oiLef airiiiher of the I'aLinet. I am under an nK ., j - -nion of private and public honor, according to the Usage of! ' .llrtt.a it A ri. ...... I...1 I.i .li...l.-.c fji.d ' , us.. v-..viv..v circuuisiancs, except os above.'' Hu the p.ail.est (iincip.os and u-ages ot nations and w ar, and the practice of out evn tiovernmcnt mre-peet lose. off o.s r . T :.. .. ... I " v .. I ' ' an, .." i.".i.s, i.v. . . -ce Senate's Kxecuiive Ihcumciit. No. .'tl. page ... . ,.i...-.if. ii- - i " on, orueresi li nc piiniou rco. i, i--i .j And that account has been difn:it tied on tiie principles 1 had pruposuv y set - A word as to M life, an.l s'riggl.c. W In -111 I ilUcral l'l.. ged before the u Trist long in private !' honorable p ivcity riTas so waLti-niv drag- i II U r. loi-s-iii. ,1 iu the add s- as the cuio.ung ah" mali.nai.t genius n Lo itisti - ate 1 c-t lit-rw ise goo 1 enough soit of man to u m rscciition 1 The otlici r ts of ii-iusiiee and in Mex;co i and Mr. Trist, a tii-ti-ijuish-d AVe-l Boii.lsr, .t.i.s.f iil, il,. I.eiw tie rnrni. I lie br:it- amone tho brave) will .mile to bear this character of thiir senior General and his companion, the negotiator. No mnu was more adiniied than ihc latter tor his quut, unobtrusive inaiiiier and amiability, lie whs eag""lv received and honored by all fr- eiC'iers ol ui-ticlioii, diplomats and others . .: . 1 1 with whom he came il 'o Contact, and under one signal disadvantage negotiated a uio.-t important treatv, which was here gladly ac cepted by ihefrcnate and the country. I'or this great service he is still without reward. WINKIKI.D SCOTT. New Yi kk, Sept. -., 1'57. A LslUi K .SN A KE A letter 111 the Pall 1 1 ' 1 1 .. , r 1. -i r n 'i r rt ti r 1 1 itii vn.l. , lit nv 1 ....... ...... vu..iv. uUi.nrf.on Bud s M .'untaiu. m Patrick c v,u- ty, a young ma., shot a snake which was lift-et long and VI, inches around toe body, aud bad VI rattle. Ho was shot i... ,.iiii.i xr " r" ' " . m 111- nci;..uo. uoo.. ...m .....-.-i.. r. piff, nd th. snake I. id one when discover- .1 11.. .11.1 -., .r,-nder 111, ill Ii h.d bill- - - . ev. .uuj .viiru iu-ui"- " . .. .-.v, .... . .-- ... 11 1 . o a- to i.. .1 i .. . . .r t . . i . . i rallier bard, but '.Mil io or a suaae siory.;ouy. 00 j..... A CHAPTER ON M ATRIMuN V. A young lady out Wet, in a eoniinutiirs- tion to the Sainluaky Register upon the sub- "J ject of matrimony, ays : " It ia a mournful fact that this world is full of young men who want to innrry, but dare not. Deny thin, an sume will, it is nevertheless true, a.s we can eaily show. In the town, for iustauce, thiro are 80iiin. thirty or forty young men, well-to-do in the wavof buinc-is and s:i 1 rir , vei thev nf j-c 1 , : , .. . , , ., ,, . , . to lake the strii nii!tli thrv all wau! to t:iK.-, i . j . r, i i .i.i i i but do not. . hy. J he Ur -e uinjority of Ll... i -. .... , .. i ... lucili II.HC paiaiifl IHtli-III' 1IUIII 1IVU UUU- dred to fevi-n hundred dollar per year. comewhat maddened by the reflection, he plumrei into labor and courts buine.-s with ... . :.i..:. .i,..i ...!.., ...... i.:.. i...i.u i an M.-.siuuiijr ludi ixiben uii.ij in-, ui-a-iu eventually, in hope of attaining an income ' blit en,lblu jjim ,Q Mnrrv hnyc a j ,0Ine of hh ovl n. And tLi, u' tLc tccrtt of : hc ,.ard UDCnJ- ,oj, ol lijP s llltn cf , ,0.da ,f0 ,re f(;t y j.,, ar, i of ',bu , t!ie te.d,unoff0 tlfaliy (i,ap. , d , ki d , it fc m, " 3 i .. ,ut 6011,e ; wonian T0U J0 u, icjuMice ; for any woman that truly loves a J tl,tln will adapt heiM'lf to his cii cunitai:ces with th prentct pleasure. But what man ; 0f any st n-.itivtueps , or high tense of honor, wokid take a wotuau fiom easveii cunistancec, - . . ; aui a pleasant and weU !u.'!,i-l,ed home, to , a,jni his four little ru: ins, and to do Liu livuse-v. oi k. as the lir-t i-rineinles ,.f n.,,nn. : ,y wouid demand of hi I'tw will do it : 'or, though tiie noii.an .signilio- her wii'iing- i.c-s ia use up wiio urn i-xpeiu Bee, e are j a'.! such creatures of circumstances, that j thire would by comidaii.it on I.i r tart ; evctitua.'y, and .-let ness from ovi r-i jn uon i . . i r ,. , ,' : uniia piuess irom mauv care.- all ol wnien ; would render marriage anything e!.-e than ..l,..;...i A . ,1 . , . 1. . : I .. -i-ii-tf lit. .-i ii v j-v lie , vun 1 III' 11 c I n 1-JI V think pretVrrir.2 a few years in.'le lotH'ii- ue.-s, in ordtr to obtain "money enoucii to support a moile.-t houte of between twelve , ami fjit. en hundred dollars a ear txr -eiise. rather thau to place a mode-tiy educate 1 1 .. . woman into l ie house ot six uuni rer a var. where she mii't do her own hou--work t "N'ovt, what is ttie remedy lliin'y that wemeu mukt tit themselves to be such wives as the vouin; men must have. Klse tho youiiji men niu.-t ht Ini-Lai.ds as ihc v. on themselves to lo U al.l, and sj e! : Hie 11 id the very choicest years ol their life 111 the dis- drud-erv cf a eras.- ess toil, breaking i down h.-a ih. :i.piii"s, eiitriy, oi.iv t ii'. e alaelvc '.id 10 u:arri;.-'e wh. ll toe L-Cst Ot (l,0ir m.-u.l.o-nl i 'one. '!'he . worn. 11 niu-t .-hai; le. for eh'oe for thcni-el vo which it the matti r i- -ol. iy in their I mothers say to their daughters ca.ico -own; go into the kitel pare iIilu-t ; take charge of ti. and fi' yourself to be come a wif. hands. Let , put oil (hat n-n and pre- Iiou-e hold, ami m-itlier. in I.. t the uii 2 women cheeifi ) i-ua-i m 10 ucli service ; and instca 01 javisbit'i; nd ,1 thought, and time, and money upou the fdornuiei.t of the body, sick tj accustom the Lands ta proper indu-'.ry, and to school the miml lor proper tui-its. Tiien there will fie no 1-i.jcr csmpiaitu that young men "Can't alb. id to many," and we shall have beautiful, mode-t bouse- all around us, and women will have loving husbands, and all life, once more: have .something of lb" truthfulness and virtue which it had in the days of blessed father-; and mother-, win 11 it was woman's ambition to" become tiie 1 head of the house, and the mother of r.sbic children." 'i here's some good sense for yon, Kills . A'O.I.-.l li . li I H-lll .1 II R'll I I III 'JllC h the other day for this city in a buggy, taking a favorite dog with him. As thrv progressed c. .... tv. . . .1 1 r. ir .1 1.. ton-aid VTiiiiamsrit. ihe "e niieinaii aiiui-Hd l1;,.,...ir V,- .:..,., , ! ! i, ..,. .1.- "1 ...... ... - .. . 1.. ' .. IlitJKIJIlIlill L'l H ILIir U LU 11 i-iit nun. tu jff, and be wclltback after it, lea i 11 if hi horse and . , .1 1 " . i . . , nuggy staiuiiiig in tue roau j men tiie uogj , took ad vantage of Lis master's absence to! j.J!111 j,,,., ,iu, iMI,.v .stu,.t ,1,,, .Mlul3, wh(1 ,rotlta aailv toward lUe river, lollowed bv 1 lie ?e ntlcliian ia, to no ..rr,0.c Ilia fai'.htxl dog no took a posi the scat, where he could keep au ,-ou u, : j eye on Ins ma-tcr and another on the steed, I to sec fair play iu the race. They approached 1 111- i oillKCl.cut liver, 11:10 wilicu UK wag- - l-rute drove, and, kerpi i tli-ated out behind the boix i after going beyond his dipih. ' fe-11 at this juncture I y person ug hi. seat, , who swam 1 ii. y were ou tue south .1 got tLc III Irire, w ho put 03 I oat. ale iv to laud the d.'g i iii.h give al hi iriving and then successful expenmei.t iu ' went back atter tueir owner, w no wiii, no doubt, i. avc tl 1 ho goes 1 1 rib it dog I . Tn.. :id tiie next timo he-t of this story is i.Uiios.) 111 i'u: '. . ;. : its truth. Snnflir j A M.H'M AI ol' Salt 1 Miss 'PHI. It Lie State OlllCUiiilg itly turu sn. el.liCli I seems that til- resources of our lo wia lie-Vcr cease developing. . ; new, great or wonJeifu! i- couta 'irg up. I he latest discovery i- a of suit rock, handed us ye-t rdav by Mr. NeUerton, cieikef the steamer liarvvin. It is taken fi oiu a bill, or Uiouutaiti, of the same ; m a:eri:.l, j 1st discovered a sluit di-mnce from the Missi-sippi River, ou the Missouii j .ido, aud about 7'.' miles from Si. Louis ' It is situated ou Saline Creel:, iu Perry I Countv, aud almost ou a line dividing that I county troill M. ticncvievc Vounty. u.e wr Creek (luptics into ine gi.sstsstj j ll it.inr ot u low St. Mary's c-- - - m ; 1 he spec.i.ieu bed.-re us 1 ese-mt .. , a ru ce ct qiaru roc, and is a mixc w.t.i a; sub.-ta.i-u rescuiai.ug irou ore ia. ; pure, swtet taste, a.-l Wucu groa n, to p.. w-, u i. .. l,it, s an of the tab c sa t naw : : " , " ' If ' ar na. ,:..,,.,, t ,u -;ew ..... - -- this Liil of salt w.u prot an imn.cns, sp-ecu , Uiinn to us o ners. aui i! chrapeo the ;!...... . ,,,. VPrv lal! v in il.U ... .v - . r i. . : .1. . liKXKI-ITS OK AlWi;HTi!M !. At this" day, w1..ii the importaaee of nl i vei liMiij; is rcc'iiis-;.l tin ouj;hoiit the world, it vtoubl seem aln.i.-t s'.ir . i lluous to a Iduee , additional evidenee ot it- uti'.iiy. II it the loi'.ottimf article lio:u the IJaltiiuovf .nn-ii-can contains ko in a ay i-r-nibl .-in-t-tiom . o i i the suliject, that wc 'ibii-'n ii (or tiu . benefit of all whom it may oncci u : I To bo sucees-ful, adv.-rtMi meiiU in'i.-t be ploeiiti-d throuli t ii e li.-iit mean-, and coyic before the render :it l!i ril.t time t ) ihtture hi.-i f.ivoinl.b- coi;-i-!-.r:itun. 'i'na'. means i- the ilaily paper. To that t.e p ir- . chu-er iOi.K a.i the legitimate p.aee t -r lue iktormation lie s..-k.. am! In; Imua it tn-ro in.-ui wlio has remit ui-01 t.o- man- ! it- veiti.-ing, and j.idici-.usly pursued ir, has ever reerutid ihe cxpondiiore iu view of the re.-ulls, w 1 1 i ! 1 instances are repeatedly occurring in which thousands of expensive circular-, distributed liberally among ih 1.-0 it was lic'sinii (0 reach, hive failed iu pro ducing any appreciable avl v;ii,ta.;. The lui-tabe which 1110-t iidvcrti-ers in." lie i-' in tl.e want of p'-r.-i-tence in seeking tl.e Hie :iii.' of juibiicity that a daily read paper affords. They adverti-e occasionally or sparingly, look un.vi.-cly for nu iuiii.i'.-.i'.ate or i-xti avagaut return, and not meeting it Li-coiiiu oi.-eouraed and abandon the road of nieces.- ju-t ut the time au au vi-rti-e-iiieiit, jud.'ciou!y placed, will give an adiijualc re turn. If it secures but one or two cu.-wmcrs, and in ll.i- it raiely fail-, it pays for ii-'-lf. But it is t he continuous, pi r-l-tei.t adver'i r who reaps the hal'Ve.-t. This a.l llew-paer pul ;i-h. rs und some l..i.-:ne.-s men k:.ow. A'lverti-iiig. l'.!-:e all I u-iuc.-s 1 llor's, has its risk.-: I ut the heavier ai. 1 more Pi.er il the ad vcrti-iii-i the uprc the iisk .i".;iini-he.i un lll 1. positive certai.:t v ...f pr.-tjt i- ed.tatui d. When the business of u ti 1 111 or the ijus'.itie-i of any one aiti.-ie iiuvc Li-11 advertised up to a t : t -'j i ti 11. ark. tney ac moii.. Mum of iiui.iicily, : .-.re a wondc-rful .1 the gn in iu- re a -.-. at an extra rliiarv ratio, ruitl.er progre s then 1 1 1 -1 1 y d. p-i st-rvation of wh-it h::s be. i 0:1 the pre g silled, by a vigorous eont .:iu -i ncc or aclvi-rii-iug. J lie true secret is to adverti-e lar..ly, for to the greater extent thi- is pursued 'he less is live risk iticuneil us it is a mot'.er cf in 1-0--:-bility for an ailveiii-.tut-nt repeated day after day, and c -ntinu illy pres-.-nted to the ob.ervatiou of ihc public, t) le otherwise than .1 sourv-v of certain profit. Wlurcv.-r there has been the ent-i pri-o t o oi l . in 1 1 j this sv-leni and the nerve to pursue it to a definite em), the ol.iect aimed at, has bci u secured, -it'd th" advertiser r. coii:pet.se 1 bv au cxpcunin ' o business 11 in. incrc-i-iii.' t i -'Lt- The ."-'.Kami::: Hi:':.vt nauiical lc viatliati i.: repr approaching cunpletinri. F. A-TKHS. '1 iii i-titcd as rapi lly .s..c is to be 1-iui.cli-make Her !ir.-t t.-M; ed i:i l ictooer, and will i:i 1 . hroai v. 1 in l.-'tldoil New- tember tih savs: " 1 he hu I is entire, lis d luole nneliinery partly un, in and tilted, the bulwaiks are t ue internal tr.tiugs 111 such a firwar-l .-tale as to shoY the launch is near at ban 1. and that, if tieces-ary. the Creat Ku-uru cou.d he ready to make her rir.-t royage lyCi,il-t-mas next. Near' lo'd' men are eiii;b-vd 011 hcrdai'v and, ihou.h when .spread about her acres of upper and lower iiecks, ti..-y seem but fi-w.thej art inreaiity ijuire en ..ijh fir the voik, ami under their incessant ef fortseach hour records great progress made. I Already son'o of the cabius are finished j and li'.ted to show the Myle of arrangeiiiout. which are intended to prevail throughout. The paddle and scie.v engines when, work ed togeth. r at their highest power, will ex i r rt un effective force eo iii! to ei-i'.- '. .-. ; .- i i , ;sint( Jnc hiii. jral horse power, or snlii- ci,.Iltl0 raive jOlI.UDi) gallons of water to ', the ton of the inouument in Ic-s than one minute, or ta drive tl i machinery of all the , couon hhi.s in ci.inci.e -r. J ue eon-ut!!-. i "on of coal (- ruoiluce this amount ct oco- motive force is eniinatcd at aoout i 1 tons l"-'r dsy ! '!,. Charleston correspondent of the Bllll-t:!! W rites ' M e tn pi "his estimated tint 1 wli-nt ere p of Tcnii.s-cc, ijoor-ia, North ani S uth Caro lim, will amount to fe ur and a La.f u.ii.tati bish-ls, and that cf this nnnuot (.tiiMes- tju :.v td r(.,.P;ve 0.11.1 inld barrels of . grt aJ t ,.)i)0,'fl bushels of wheat 1 .,,,- ,,. .,,t mn- moot is I hero has hll . ,j, rt,.,l to Spaiu from this city O'l.l.iHid .-, it.,,ir. . l';,llv aie now iu il.-orgia a'j l I i.e --e e 1 twenty bilge merchant li.iiis, with pacity of "i'0 barrels 10 ii per a 11 a large u umber of smaller c ipu-i' the v:i- bc-t-ics ;-y. i :o Noith niel are also s-veral lit'go mil's i 1 South Oaroiii!, and a great nun in ill c:i-s, so 1 hat Charlo-tou may go v a flour ai.vt grain market." Where iii that Minim inl Iu a certain Hot-i in this viil ig", ihero is em ployed a bar-ie.ider who 1- in the habit of taking his " tod " pretty freely, but al ways makes it a point nvvr to drink in the presence of his emplov or. A few il.ivs h . 1 , v'.iile !.- was io tne act of drawing lo " tod " prep.iratiry to taking a drink, th employer cam- into the barrooin raiht-r un extuvtedly. rinding hiiusel:' caught iu tj act, be set the t uubler and its - intents on the counter, and casting lis ec ar.v.tnd : with a look of suri-i i-e, exi'l 1: ;:.r J : in the th ituL-r did the man. thst Where reil.r,.' this drink, go to? .Vet-.''.i.-.-g ': .-i."i. Alll AND KSEH-'ISK. A V n-ho lid walk in the open air six uni.s en-t y u iy. A Ve.ung woman lines or tour. W heu still we use ol'.l cubic inches of air in a initiate. If we walk at the rate of one uii'.o an hour, 00 ; two miles an hour, ll'Ov' ; three miles au hour, lt03; four milei an hour, V ii)J. If we run at six miles and hour, 3-t). trotting a horso. 1 7.V) ; cautv.il:-, 1" 'J . ,l)r. Uu,k 'yft Ild. I TdM 11 OF DAVID. - 1 The ir.jsicri.". of the Tomb of Dav'ul aro ' j,i ',a,t re. ealu.l to the CI,ri.-tiaD world hy all in-eiiions ruse cf Jli! lui!ay, for hoiihj years areice'it of Jerub'in. Thi advuc liuo i-i lady, fcfttr l.avirg vi-heu the 5 1 : i r m KhcS j-ure at the ri-'i .-I' her life, determined to explore, iii the di g'ii-e of ii Turi.i-h lad V, the very tomb of tie " I'roj-dut iUvid," l';i' morn tl.nn c.-i.turii"-.i in the j-alous eu.i t.n! v cf llio Tin V . 'J he hi Dc ulu kept the etttrance to this s.cred spot, was d.eeivtd by the famiii-ir u-e of too Arabic language as well as the a-s.ir u.ce. of her fiieiid, iu the per son of a liberal miu d.-d and very beiiutif.il j ur. l.-h gii'i, w.'io iiiitii.io. u i' a- a '."i.i 1... from t'oii-t m'in nlc, conic to perform her dl'VCtioh: at P JO shri::es ai,l .-' 1! their J.orJs and 1:911. lbu- devo 1 10 I,,.-. tional li.l '.i:''s ere p oh.-crving t'nis devotv saturated wh-k I10111 liberal, ty devour it i devotion. Al'tvr lor it to .1 strong te-t 011 : of I-U1111 take the an oil lamp, and do s an act of religious form of rraver had enrii d , she rai I'd tliC sr'.elei id silken canopy, overbanir. the tuiiiulus, eontaiun.g ties body of David and there, iu royal state, was tl.e veritable sarcophagus of David, havinc; its mai'ole cover adorind nil It the tnn.-t beautiful fe-stooiis of grapes the embictn of the .K -wi.'n arch.ticlui'i and other ancient devices, which she carefully transferred to pap. r, yet to be pre-ctited to the public in ti.e pu-esof the " City of the Orcat Kins," soon to 111 ;ike it- a) e aruuee. N o traces of its aio.-ie n! 1 1 ea-!irc? 1 1 Ii) allied, that Lave so oft .11 b"Oh t iiiaged by the ea.-t-ern nion.-ii eh-. Hvrcanus, t'l.- son of .Simon the Maccalee, i- s-.id to h.iv l despoiled it of ti:ree lhoi-.,r.d talrn!-. pri ir to its exploration by llei od the Great, who, v, hen he bad penetrated the-i! in 3 n -ions of the dead, found nothing to ei itily hi- cupidity, .in u sonic furmturo of g o i, a i. 11 other pt ciou.s trea-ures which he c ji rie ! a ay. At auu'lu-r time rolling balls ' f fire ar- -s-.i-l to have b.ir.-t forth, and Ly th.s s i; r.ti:i"us believed to have c iii.Jiiied the soeheis of bullion an.', treasure sai''. to be inbim:t-d I ere, evn at tin' presint, day. ILli ii.t--rusting arid tabooed -pot, as w li us the Moi-ijiie of Ulnar, will soon be open to ('bnslian iuspeetiii. wi'lniut Turki-H let or hi-draiico. as tlu writer of this hasty sketch, ;furiii-h"d ly .Mi.--! B.,) h already saii-Ued, fi oiii f.ersonal tspericiice in his exploration of the latter, tuo:i'h to t b--s -.leuJ.ed: KI. Klil'l'. W.vTtll lltitlT Uc'I.MIt: U:-. V.'hy v ill not American ship builders profit by repeat ed teiiciiings of expel iei.ee that all ,-team-cr.-si:-o'd -!:. rUd :l'j -s-:.:-'r t'--ii: e -,i p,-.rtinv:.ts ? It t litis out thai the Central Ainericn like nearly every other lo-t steam er l.-Lht have been san-d by tlieiii. Tho le.-&.sa both of the appalling lo-s of tho Arctic: and the safe escape of the Ve-ta, wer 1 , f.-rgoi ;en. and a new hi-catenio is c'.lcied up by our careless ed' "C tU'.iuers. 'I he llngii-h are wi-er than we are iu this. 1 heir vo-seis surpass ours as much in safety as ours do theirs in speed. No steamship is launched cow ftom any English ship yard that i- lit sub-divided by water-proof bulk heads, .-0 that she absolutely oiunutfil' and sink. Contract wi'h the Arctic and (.Vutral A-in-rica those two Cntiidiali .-tea 111 - ' s, u. Ciiiidian and tho Civile, reciiitly wreck id aiiiong ti.e f is and re-Is of the. St. Law. ikiicc. ."-iaved und broken, as they were, they were buoyed up in safety by their air tight divisious. Kvery passenger, officer, and seaman, was landed unharmed, and most of iiu-m even save., th Had tl-.ov b e 1 1 American bu soul 011 board would have f, .1 -ir baggage. ilt tieariy every eu lo-t. :..' Jottint'. Au it:-t:itice cf absence cf tniiid occurred .1 1l.1v or two since, where, au explorer into the i.ivsteri-s of chemical science burnt his 110-e by a flai l lamp with which Le came in contact. We m. t hi'.n a d:iy or two after wards, wish large p.l...-.te-r on hi- n..., and ask- 1 him abotit hi- hurt. " It looks bad, don't ii !'' said ha. Wo a-sured him it didn't look anv tiling cUo, aud a-kvd him if it hurt iiiui much wlieti ic was roasting. "Ne'er a bit." replied he; " iu fa,". I didn't feel it at ail, I was so ai-.jrbd in my exp-naieht-; ami, loo.ijh I kept s. lulling something lii.u burnt mrat, I iiii.igined it v.is a dinner cook ing s out-where, a ud k-pt rig hi ou ti.l my stal. i.t toi l me my no.-e was cu fir-, and, putting mv hand upou il. I fund that it was ceii 1 l!ir.lt it in a bucket of w it-r and extinguished it: but it has Itfi the mark, V ou 'i'l"-. Christian, lii.tto. We are pleased 1 1 pel c ive that ;;.o cfiicers of the Inited M. ites N'avv, iu a late uieet:ng at ashing; tjn, ii.ivo re-sin- 1 to erect a MiitaLle monu ment Hi honored Capt. iliiatu L. Hioudoii. who j it-1 a.- becomes a Christian hero, at tiie past of duty and with tender ami col 1. vIlvI atuu'is'ii I"' tbe pre-scrval'.on of others to ti.e last silo . "'lc. Docs bo not at so de serve other testimonials' cannot a tablet be .irdi-atcd to his tijino an i memory ia ono of the eharcb-s nf iiis native city, Pctcis Lurg, Va, If o il' :'; i. nd-niel cot. inporarii s cf ti'ut city wih adopt the suggestion and ..ppj.nt a coiiim itee, wc tioul t Hoi tbo rc- Sl'OtlStf. t'-i.W . '-l tS.I "'. Aii. Pair in I.cvk. The Seltua Via b una Kra states that a " Uscinatiug vJi w.dnvv." in Tab: o.-a ccuntv. in that Mat had been cou::ed b) too bronv accepted both au-1 ant aiutcd a 1 r-, and ha-i ,, v l.r lor 10 c.t wit :;.-r -.itiug iia'C. h t .1 suitors ai'e-.iint th- other, ali 1 the young - ! her eolise i,t ta a cla tolesi . :n- i- - for Dadesvillo to get a ,.oeU-i. slarte t HOC 1.0 a a -: e u li a : ti e i:;:i w .s absent, t ,' . , r p-rs wido.v to .lope, ami iu"ri .1 hor 01 in -t , at t. e 1 leaving th ' ;'' b..: e- i w idow. '1 - "-'-- . " ' 10 Wev'p over " blast ;: e ;;' an-, bod v but II ...... : ...l.

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