ISTTJIEBESX 34. OESJI-IFLXjOTIES, 1ST. p., OCTQBESBL SO, 1837. Ji If THOMAS J, HOLTON, Editor Si Proprietor, - ' t i poaitionl , which amused Fauny exceedingly. TKIIMS; Jlo woujj briiijp Koble'a M.yra lufautiuiu ' ,, I into the drawtiig-rooui, aud Prudcutius, aud Jr. . 'nS 'i' .e(rur(ildio,uH. etltr rbrf. ua eelwUtieI poets, and at V (J I M I,I.Al! m liiivunec ; H O i . . , i . .t -A j noM.Aitu A.N D FIFTY i FNTS if payment tMT,no' translate thuu to Fauny, and delayed lor three motith;nndTIIIi'F.Kl)OU.AreS " to et them to music, which BUS did, t the end ill" tlm year. Nopnper will lie dixcon. 1 always choosing tilt most vulvar airs, such,1 until ll ain r paid, nc-,it at tli M "Jjj, Crow " and olbcr early negro ,.pt..nottheF.htor. . Int-lodiii i&cn popuLr. Lieh( bulnf PU;d Adverliaoiiuuila macrti-d al Our Dollar per square ! -t j. ' i ,,,;. l .1,. 11 ' t. . ii (16 line or I...., thie eJEH typo for the fir.t I 1U '"tl-fied tie Ben ll.gulj.liM, i.ii,ihI93 cent. r..r rh ami tin . t'ourt id. ' "J10 lM Jughl Ihrm charmingly, devotional. wertiMt-iiinii la umi Shariff 'a Sulfa charged S per , Wt Ifiia all fted liillt frig and spoon, oeni.. iiijfimr j nun in unciioii hi jjj per eent. m ill s.- :n?-..-rroni i Tt" ttwHi prirro, n.ritTmKH pr "wi, I '."wiwiimwiiw I rt hi r i v a nipoiiiiv "J r ntl:,rt.rll. Ml SI i,-r annum fur .-.ii-h lima. S.'itii. monthly 73 cent per square u.reuch time. 1'eraun whrn vt-niliKr; in their adv. rtisemenla niu-t murk I lu- number of insi-ninna deair.'d nr tiiry will lie inserted until I'm bid will charged ue. Cnrdingly. ' iCTI'iialiiiaalcr are author irtil tnarta agent. rorsur cirls. I'p in the morning early, J unt at the peep of da)', Si r a i ii in j; the milk in the dairy, Turning- the rum owht ; fwvitpini tlie fliMir in the kitchen, .M.ikiiir the bfda up amire, Vaahine the breakfnal ilnhra, lUieting the parlor chuir. Ilmahii'ir c:urti! from the pnnlry,; for 'KIT' it the burn, t le..niii tnrnipa hir diuiirr. Spinning ht.H'kuif .y.irn J Pprpailirjf the whitrmd linrn P'.wn nn tilt hulra b. low, R iiiH ickin;' every niradovr. luro I he nil airawbt rriia prow. Plarcliinr; the "fijiiiia" for Pundrty, C'hurning the anowy rremu, Itinauir the pnila and alrniner, Jloun in llie cooling atrenm; Fer-riinp the gere and turkera, Miikinf the pnnikin piea, iapi'mg the lillle niiea cradle, llriving away I he flita, ('race in every nmtinii, Musie in every 'one, iirauty in tor mi and feature Thoiitande nii'ht eiivi-t to own; Chi'ika thut rival Bprinff roaca, IVelh the whiteat of (le .rU.- ( hie of llirnie rniintry maid ia worth A aeore of your city girla. ancons. Vrnm flrmon't Ingazhit. "z uaS's ass js&aaisxr." BV J. 3. JKtlMYN. I don't know how it is. There never was a man had a greater capacity for petting married. I am notoriously ueeptiLle. 1 hate living alone. I can't apend half my income. No forlorn bachelor ever wUbod ao earnestly, a the newspapers ay, " to pay for some young la'ly's dry-poods. '' Nor am I worse lookins than nine fellows out of leu. I am said to be pood tempered. I am nut rid:culuiily awkward. And yet I can't pet married 1 Nobody cau iy I haven't tried. I've I.!...! ... xun T'w. I .-irt.l la. lli.t nn.n.lrv . iil- i.i . . j. ti , . . . i . . t. li i.. :.Ll. 1 ve tne'l wun firuut:i.i' a, wilii riiuii'ie, wiiii old muids, with widows. But it won't do. Just win: ii I think I'm about to suereed, pop 1 ftlia poc!, like a bird from a bush. Tbe last time 1 tried, I could have rworn T was t bo " the hippy man." It was with l'apnw !liiohi. I Br.-t began to prow inti mate with bur, after being sentenced l kiss her in n game of ." twirl tho platter," down in lliu countiy, one plowing aiUumn, at an Id fiirm-housrt. Ah ! what a his. It made tny mouth water for a month. From that tiin.i I thought of nothing but Fanny. Hiu was tLfl spiniest mixture of a blue nnd : romp that ever crazed a man. Hie ratio like a IVutheailua. To ee her clear faeo rlowini; with the rapid motion, her ruiuid heavins with the heave of the tailor,, and her lijiht laut'h ringing through the air till the cows half a mile off looked nn fi 'in L'raziiiL', and wondered if fairies MiscfH were iu the wind I only the soberest, "mjci up, cried an r.ngii..i soldier flatte.-t of men not to have knocked under. ' Youlrz vuut uxair In Is.itte, man chcr, And nhe n jut irre-,islii. out of her iUnttsiritr Je Turuf cried a Frenchman, ridit.g-habit, for ahe san charmingly, and irith native politents., ' to pit up." every now and then Hung into her puibutie j "'That ain't tin way to mako a Turk son.'s i-ueh a comiual twang, aud dxahed her , move, ' cried anotlur; 'this ia the dodge.' mirthful songs witii ouch an umler-inusie of lio laying, ho knocked his turban oil'. Stiil Mi'lii.'s- : and then she talked so wittily, I he pious Mussulman went on with his de aud had read such a great deal, and in so "otiotis. many tongues, and was so wayward and "'I'll make bi.n stir his trumps,' said rcckiuis iu her judgment of books, anil men, iinotber Engli.-hmut, giving him a lemai ka nnd things, that even if a man did not go , ule smart kick. To the wonder of all, still out riili'12 with her, and thus eeape the ' ho unlurbaned, well kicked follower of the Diana of the park, be was sure to find him-' prophet went praying on as though he was aelf at In r chair all the evening, nnd so fall a forty-hor.-e parson. a victim to the Minerva of the drawing-room. " 1 Hoot way, uion I'll how you how we Now, I was both riding man nnd rending serve obstinate folk nl auld Reekie.' quietly man, and so I was hit on both sides; aud I' obervad a Scotchman; he was, however, eonfesH I thmsglit raimy Haw it, nnd nan no t.irticuliir ol.-eetion. But. l waa sucu a I don't iin- romp that it. wni hard to say. nr-ine ahe Irid a bit 'A eonelous coquetry in ber nature. But fh couldn't reaii-t the haruni-scamiii blood that made her light heart dunce to all s-orM of tunes. Well, things went on, in this way, till Christmas came around. A largo party v.ti! to spi-nd it at the mansion of Mrs. Treluw uey,' Fanny s aunt, viho kept it up " right rnya lv " And a merry time wo had of it ! The ouly " apfoii '' of the party if I uiny ,w allowed the eXpreasion of Knglish(high-lile was l h Kc v. Ingiilphus Orabbc, " acolyte " bo delighted to call lnnieli who lii-l jut t:ik'-n orders, lie was oppressively humble, I and worn his hair parted in the middle, j Inii black outer garment hi'h looked ' like a sin tout arrested half w ay in its growth i . ...... . ' townijil a great ooat a wsiMroai uuiiouen to the throat, and surmounted by a tight whitu stock with no visible tie to it, and ciose-a haved wliiskwrs. No wonder Fanny laaghe-l at him, aud no f wonder lio wa.i scandalized t her. I used to draw caricatures of him in ridiculous sua If 00 t-cejiied to tufce ttiWDf.-!. ' view luui iif ti' a l fieht than ins char winy f i . ; nnJ( Wt ?, Christmas ealnP, and we had a yule- 'S n ho grtrll bull tire-plaoe, aud a dance 1 afterw ird under l!m mistletoe under ibat very ti i?ll( toe of uhich a dricd-up nrij i now lj trig on my table. I bad bceu lidiug with f ii mi j iu I lie tiiorniiig, and I tbotigbt I had Ii ne evervtbing. but mp tbe qurtion. I danc -d with ( er tho firi-t dance, and killed her ui drr the iimistltlnn, and dftenniued to Kettle t he nintterthat night, come what would To nrd tbe t lote ef tbe bill for w kept it up cry lute that nigbt I looked in vaio for Ki tiny. Nobody brcl ren her. for the Inst d,,iice or two. Tht Rcr. Inpulphns wan mixMip alto j lout aa he bad etrottl y de nounced the affair altogether, aud n-in tiilj tin? i ii.-tlotoe pari of the enti rtuiiiincrit, wbicl he pronounced heal he ni.h and 1'iuiilio siiptMliiioii, nobody wa aurprisrd at bit ah aeuco, abieli whs, luuecd. rather a relief than otheraise. Where ceuld Fanny j tive months in study and research, huuting fluctuation of the paper currency, ao injurious be! I felt it would never do'to go to bed with-1 through monasteries in Chili snd Peru for to domestic industry, and rendering si nn- outs it'iing matters. So I went to look for her. J documru's illustrating the geography aud cer:lin the rewards of labor, and H U bu- Tle drawing-room communicated with the j ibe early history of South America. Thus jieved has largely contributed to preserve hall hy a billiard room, and out of the bil- prepared, be climbed tbe Andes, and de- the whole country from a serious 'ummtrcial liard room was a little morning room, ahich ' seendod to the head waters of the great reVulion, such as often coeurreie under the Faur y called hers, but whirh was comnien j river. Launching on the stream in an open bank deponite system." And be goes oo to prop rty, for tl;erwai alaays sura to be i boat, and with a sinple white companion and eite the monetary revuleion io Europe. during aonit fuu going on there. j an Indian floated on for day, that year, us not affecting this country only Fi e wasn't in the billiard room, and i-be ' weeks and mnnths, ti'.l after eleven months bt.caue of " the salutary operatioa of the waat 't iu either of the diawsnu-rooHia. But be touched the beach at Para, and stepping constitutional treasury.' And he dwells as I passed throu;h the billiard-room, en ' from his boat, be fell exhausted on the rliore. Dp0r) the restraining effect of the ijstem my aay to the ball again, big with my great . The record of these discoveries has beeti 0p0n the tendencies to excessive paper is- reso ve, and the pturie iu niy temples ; given to the world, and his name has an allea." throbbiiig like Jullieu's drums, I saw a light honorable place among scientific travelers President Pierca said but liule. we be in tlie nioniing ro.ini for the door Hood : and explorer. lieve, about tbe Sub-Treasury, though be ajar and heard toiies I likened ; indeed, It waa soon after bis reiorn from this ex- ,1 approvingly of it. if we miatake not, 1 bid only to tp to hear. It was the voice pedition tbst we first met Lieut. Herndon, iu H his messages, and endorsed th praise of (ho Itev. Ingu-phus. Tho tone waa as 1 in eompsny with Lieut. Maury, in the city of it by the Secretary of tbe Treasury. We pastionate and Under as be could pitch it. of Washington! and our acquaintance con- bare at band the Report of that otSeer for T i . . . 1 . - .! . , ,.' 1..11.1 , f I ' 1 .i . .r. . L .. - . " . . ii m, ne . iii ma very ucari oi a ue - J " ciaraiiou. --nn: it uove I...- ....ii, . .. ve, I thought to myself, '' how I shall ma ike j anuy lauu will this to ma-row. JSut let tne see tbe lad''," I said. ' C'.ealing to thd door, I pec ped !. They wtti sitting on :.i tofu togctln-r, very near teVi tthef, btfjta tho-firu. tfer Last waa tow srd the door. Iml there were the golden riii lets, and oh! the duplicity of human nature the head w a resting on the r-houldvr of I he Hev. fnii' phua. bat day four months Fanny lfu-'hes was tra 'iKfonncd into the Kev. Mrs Ingulphu.. I have met her ainre accidentally; ahe i a p oi.d deal enaugeit; and I can aee the will Might iu figure, be was monet and unas be a coarse won. if, eveu before be gets to sinning in his appearance. In bis family he fotty. They caliber "a dowdy," and as j w as most affectionate, and thoughtful of all Dogberry s.iys, "it having been proved, most but himself. tne who saw him there, niizht people will come near believing it." almost doubt his presence aud power of I didn't bear Fanny any malice. But I , command. But a braver seaman never trod don't think I danced much the nut yenr, j 11 quarter-deck. Though gentle as a woman and I ctrtniiily didn't fnl di-posed to make toward? others he was utterly fesrles of another trial of a renin. 'na ha i tioseenri. ' Personal danger. Indeed, peril aeemed to ;ty I felt, with yonr fly away style rf woman; j thirngh how the Rev. Inpulphn contrived to tic it I haven't theiglitct notion to this day. I It must be, however in the coat. A soldier or a mit U' cr are irre-i-til le t.j the j , . ar creatures, I aiitno. . ' I icre's magnet - is:it, tiouhtless, in ulue confa nud black. ;Oier men was (no conuuet 01 nis crew, as Here I am, still unmarried. Who II have""' 'n ''ie,r perfect discipline aud prompt in T A t.l'l. ladies, lot M-ia desirah e artic e. G jinir, going, goiu j ,ih ! would I could " gone. ii. A FliiHTIMI TlnK.' the New York News, tells the following: gK,d story :-"Dunng the operations of the""' Z" rf-; DUl l7 t lies in the Crime.., it wa, r.soli ed to carry I b?"r f b" e1"n,7 ' b" ''? "UrJ- carry tlie water in from a beautiful ispring of the fiuest Crotou to the camp. Leather pipes o hose were employed; while the water a as being supplied, the uiitiuret sounded to prayer, aud one of tho Turkish t.ildioia im mediately went flop on his knees to praise Allah. Unfortunately he went dowu riiiht ! l'" lue Uu'e' "nu l"H wrl5-"'t consequently I s iopped the current of that ' first of element.-, as Pindar calls water in Iiih fin-t Olympiad. prevented, lor inn i urn, Having lmisueu Ins AHtiU via on Allah,' ro;e and begau to take off his coal, then to toll up his alceves, nnd then to bedew bis talma Willi saliva, aud then to put liimsell in i' most approved boxing attitude, a In Yankee Sullivan. ..a n.ei. .....ame-i m irne ou iijr; style to the I'.nglishnun who had kitked him1 If.. I l ...... .1 :.. .... ! . t r ' 1 ou the lumbar region. ' A ring I a ring . l (.boutcd tbe soldiers and sailors, perfectly a.stonishc-d to.-eca'luik auch auept in i the fistic art. " 'J lie l:'.iigliluian, nothing loth to have a bit of fun with a Turk of such a truly1 John Bull nthte nf mind, set l work, but found ho had met his master in five mill- ulcs ho had received hU quantum tuff. As the Tu-.k coolly replaced his emit and tur- ban, be turned rounti and said to the ad- miriti by tandei s, in tie pure brogue, ' Bad i i I. -V' . . . . . ... I luck to ye, ye spalpeen'; whefl ye're .fiber kieking a 1 ink. I d advise ye Ihc next time to jist bo t-ure he's noi, an Irishman ' "The mystery a io!,I our Turk was a Tipptrary man '." LIEUTENANT IIKRNDON". Tbe Evangelist paya tho following eloquent tribute to bi memory : , In tbe uiaae of humanity tliua awept from eiUtclice were doubtlcaa many valuable live. Their names are not yet l known. But It may be permitted to ua to bear our tribute to one who waa coutipicuoua iu this accne the gallant commander whom we are proud to spunk of aa our personal friend. Lieut, Wm. L. Uerudon may almost be said to have been born to the eea. from a boy hia borne waa on tbe waters. lie entered the navy at a nii'!lnpnisn at tue ag of,- wc, lua rvwiiauawrroaivewai " " ""T hia death more than twenty-eipht jeara. In every respect be was a thorough aud ac eompliabed officer Me had made voyages to the Pacific, to the Mediterranean, and to tbe coat of Bra ail. Ik-sides this, be was a man of science. He had rerved with distinction in the Florida and Mexican Wars. A brother-in-law Ot Lit utenant Maury, he had been interested Ae. " The banks, tbarefore, (continues Pres. aith him in tbe same studies. For some ; jdoflt p0v ),,. keep tneir ouites within yesrs he was attached to tbe Observatory ; prudent limits," &e. ' in Watbitigton. where he was engaged in. j;ow t,js to ns a good &M like a making astronomical observations, lie was caim k.y . democratic President of the also a proficient iu tbe lanpuages, and spoke pOW,,r ln tu8 Sub-Tfeasury W restrain and the French and Spanish fluently. j regulate the State banks throuchmt the It was during hia last voyape in the Pa- cour,tr,, a, , think eucb a powc would eifie, while on the coast of Sonth America, ' mt(g t10 gub-Treaurj a MGrcti Pegu that he received orders to penetrate the in- Jt0r." . i terior to croaa the Andes, aud explore tlie , preJei,i polks next (an la) An Auiaaon from its source to its mouth a dis-' ,) f,ie9age oe Aa;d 0f ,i 8ub tanee of four thouaaud mil-s. To prepare Treasurv." It has tended nowerfiillv to a. ! biuifelf for this lournev. he ncnt tour or : tiuiieu nil I lie aay 01 Uls oealll. 7iien . . ... .. .i - J ...... - - ; he deaeribed to us his wauiiermgs along the : Autazou itic river roiling its nullity noi, now th rough broad savsunah', and now through intrrniiuable forests, that hung on j tho borders of the stream, ri;h with the ; gloriva of tropical vegetation, with birds ' of ".-"ptaiiiflge Ctrrll.g l!iroiih -tt,v; i branches, and the wild beasts ftartling the ' wilderness with their cry. He told of the ! loneliness of heart that sometimes came over jhini, and of bis joy at once more Euiling ! himself amon the habitations of mcc But the highest qualities of this officer ?re known only to bis intimate friends. j arouse and call out his heroie qualities he ,rt never quailed in the batt'e and the trn. Even in the midst of appalling ! danger, hia serene countenance reanimated ,!l0e "round him. and iupired fres-h cour- ! ail'' hope, f he best proof of his power ! ooeuience. coniusicn mat wouiu nave reineu tnrous:u- out the ship at any aiiiii of weakness or hesi- ...1 I.:. ..... . V... r.l i :zt . ' r ,. .u. i: c i:. L.r .i cu ine aaurcu iruat. ins men vaa true ne- J cause he was true They were inspired by us own examtiie. He led them to death i because he refused not to die himself. He shared their fate. Master aud crew sank into one common grave. As soon as the first tidings of the ship wreck were received, the wife of this noble officer said, " She knew he had perished, for he would stand by tbu ship to the last, aud save others even at the sacrifice of himself." This utidoubting trust in his character and couu. let ia fully confirmed by the testimony of all who wre saved, who speak in the highest praise of his coolness and intrepidi ty, He declared from tho first that ho would not leave thu ship, and he was standing at the wheel when she finally went down! A death more noble eou'd ii"t be conceived. A thousn'id times lietter such a death than to have preserved his life by any desertion or failure in duty. Thus to perform what is laid upon us is the highest glory of man. When Lord Nelson fellin the battle of Trafalgar, he exclaimed, "Thank God, I have done my duty." Whether he had a right to say this or not, certainly is a satis faction which can soothe the aponies of a dying man, even sinking in the cold Atlantic, to know that while he has beeu exposed to ! fearful dangers, bis soul has not been want I iug in tho hour of trial. Farewell, noble 1 friend ! the tender and tbe true, the gentle jatid tho brave I Many hearts will weep for thee: and vet. while thee tell the storv nf ' ' . thy death, will fi:e even iu their tears a priuc ; , i..,.,;. ,i,; The Panola Star, nf Saturday, contains the following rather singular item : A Max Shut hy a Dog. A younjsj man, whose name we Old not learn, was shot by bis dog, in this county, last week," in tho following singular manner : He was riding a mule anil carrying a shot gun. Ho lied tie end of a rope, by which ho was leadiui! his dog, to the (run. The mule be- eame alarmed ot something and threw hun fir. .1 . -. J . .1 .1 I ' ti.. dog started to run, and dragged the gun after bint, when it weut oft aud ehot tho young man in the leg. We did not nnder-tand whether he was "eriouily hurt or not. .. . i . 'tr.. f . 1 , 'i ripV heeded Tbe Wilmington Journal has our eautinn tmt to cneik btit i'reply to the queftiou wo afcked of ouif-iioniocratio coiileinporariei", what they tVaaliJitf tbu Rub Treasury new I That paper ah wvttip to Front FintUevilU Oh, i THE SUB-TllEASl'l look Into th. MeuagM of tmoerati, f5' ! inf J "i1" v. : I.-.. ..-.r..:i . ,... f ; i eraeka, ince we find no lueb article to tbo Preidenta, and other official ',..-. ;P 1B,, .,-. ;ff formation i a to tbe wonderful rftiormancea ic vi. . v lif ..nil. .i of this aai i without due (lamination or re tio deniea i jj8t tnJ democrat ever " - t i " p ndeo'tvTreaxjjif t,XK iTiis la bold, but not UIBCreet. 1 lie Sub-1 reanury net weiflf)tO pera- tion on the let of January 1847.' In Mr. " mt.i Polk's Annual Meape, 7th Dec'r 1817, ho landed it aa having "had a ..lntary effect in ehecking and preventing " uadne - infla - tion of paper eurrenev." aa ( resfraininc ex- -s,iT. ;.Lea 0r ,aBi, rer bvMie hanka : dUnrnnorlionerl tn h aneeio in vanlta " ! .. . . .. r r. . . . ' Knr . ,,.,;. frn, ifliih .nJ Ilo. lat where it ia ela med that tka j 'CO. ltt"l, n lie IV III det ndenl treasury " has power to "cualroi the buiuess of " ll tbe banks, tbt uiemhants But.' the dealers," not only for ood but for iil. Hear Secretary Guthrie : " Under a system of wise aw! just laws, giving leeurity to property, a f j' reward to lahor, anif affording a temperV iu aud timely control oi iu currency and al mcresntile transactious, we may confident', hope such a disaster will rarely occur, 'ijhe indepen dent treasury, whou over 1 1 adintakca place, grudualiy fills its vaults withdraws the de poshes, aud, preaiup the banijs, the mer chant and the dealers, eiercian that tiin ii iito aud timely control, whi:a serves to secure tbe fortunes of iudiwdusls, and pre serve the general prosperity. m , ' TJio iudepeiideiit treasury, however, may exercise a fatal control over tho cur- . . m ... reucy, lhu banks, and the tradoof the couu- try, and will do to, n he never ihc reveuue shall greatly exceed the expenditures." Vet the Journal tells ua that "the demo crats never set up the Independent Treasury as a Great Regulator." We mipbt, if lime permitted or need re- qnircit, una even stronger tesliuiony than .. a - the above, in tho epeecbrs of members of l,,.r,..a .,,.1 half ..-'., rt iii the ei tor columns of the Wilmington Jounai itself, But th ah.we is oiiiv one a nianv aid- ... . . J "It is said that the Government L 1 . laninl.J Ik. V. lw Tirifl. I . ,. ff i ; n T ; .w v, for : ... .-.I.- h'..-n.i,..;iu nk. i :;i' l ,, To ,eet .11 this wen 'ed onl I i t"l".T: rlVlTt",! ' I : i'"ui o vie ivn mi. v j ...... w.i v.u ... av be liouclit greatly under par that I ,.. v... . . sterling exchange is offered in New York at a dh,ouht of ril to seven per cent., and that exchanges with foreign countries hare been in our favor during tho whole Fall, showing that we arc not situated with respect to foreign countries, as the Obttrvcr would hare us to think. Nay more than this, the great cnrtailment of our imports, as com pared with our exports, has arisen under the reduced Tariff which went into opera tion on the 1st day of July, 1S57. Gold is wanted hore and gold will come and in large quantities." The Journal hero rather .iiMfcates than asserts, that this country is uct deeply In debted to foreign countries, irt it is well known that such indebtedness d ies exist, to the exU-nt of hundreds of inilliim" v.f dollars. Poea the Journal think its readers are so simple as to believe we are sure it is not that the low price of foreign exchange is any evidence that the countiy ' not in debt to EuropuJ. Why every man of the most common intelligence knows that exeliango is uot at par .simply because debtors in this country caunot command the money to buy it for remittance to Europe iu payment of their debts. That U thu reason why ex changes are in our favor. So also, the cur tailment of imports is simply owing to the hard times, not to the tariff of July 1937. What have we had for the hundreds of mil lions due iu Europe! Foreign goods, un dotibtedly. Not specie, for that bus been constantly going to Europe. If pold comes here from Europe it will bo ; y occause pcop.e uo. r , j debts there., .i 1 l f .. , I tn ni !,.;. : (( not sav that extravagance has not prevailed. It would ne io.iy to ueny thatextravagnr u has prevailed, but in what has that extravagance mainly shown itself! We say it has shown itself uiain'y iu those classes of articles which are the most highly taxod, or protected, if you choose to use the latter term. In silks, laces, I rench mil linery, embroidery, gim cracks generally, which are heavily taxed, aud sold at exor bitant prices." Her is another blunder. Silk and Uees are , lean heavily taxed than the leading artielm of iron and woo), aud aupar; and no higher than manufacture of cotton. . " . Atid hnally, the Journal is iiiiitaknn in asserting that the increaaed importations i have been mainly in " ailka, laeei and gim jeraeka." We cannot fay of eourae, what ..... . . . . ' ... ., , i of.1848, importation!! of ailk and Uees have aa i aa vi a. v -at vi i i v uun piaivv ! ' . . ; ' x ' .. . -t,.t . i vyi iron, wool . auriQB. dix. riee. MiaaBiaaai iSj tin The Journal winds up declaration that U it " all with tbe courteous nonaenao to com ., - , , ...... ! P" 1118 ,ro,1f,e w,tB 01 V';-" i,rJ"P PeMoni nd Pl , ?rk' "2ht ,to1know '""' but I ! 8,11,9 Journal, Aa. oompared them, I ,", uve even pronounced this trouble worse than t int OPEBATto.vs tr tub United States Mint. According to a recent act of Cou- cress, tho annual returns or tbe mint are i i - now made to conform to the fiscal year of " J'w , " uwUU the Treasury, and consequently the returna S h"t owing to 1... weakened force was of the present year only cover the six months ending on the 30th of June. Tho operations of the mint and b-atiche for tho last ail months have been as follow,; Gold cofTis executed 8I5.S21 ,683 Silver 1.457,000' Total Gold bars Silver bars 517,278,503 1 0,371'5ir 144,644 Total gold and silver $.'0,794,732 This exhibit, says the Philadelphia Amer- ; ican, shows some falling off as compared . with the previous year. Recently, bower the coinage has increased, and to contrib ute relief in the preeut atriugent currency j the director has wii-ely employed the whole; forue of the mint, night aud day, to provide tbo smaller denominations of silver coin es pecially. About three hundred thousand dollars of gold and silver stamped daily. As the Secretary of the Treasury has man ifested a commendable disposition in this crisis, to adopt any useful an I practical proposition within his discretion, we would suggest the expediency of increasing the coinage of gold dollars, and reducing the number of '.'( and $10 gold pieces. The latter ere more readily haudled and couu ted at the sub-treaaury, but the additional labor ou;ht tiot to be regarded in compar ison with the public convenience. All the small denominations of gold and eilver will, be ia e-.uUtkn. evr tU avowtry, aad ean- b. in ecqUi.iUbi. ov.'f tuc aount not be too abundantly supplied - , , Vm, , o i. i ? V. tria 111 J I PMU UUIWCCIl Hi. 1 1UI, Ul e . . r . ,., - t i i j tance was 30 feet, the shootin at dclibera-; tive aim. The firing o mimeneed, Travis JjOuis, and Jot.0 I ravis oi . i or, wno hu h hMal fjt before thd pUpit. JJ.ny are .aid to Maud as the cbaufpSon piatel ,ear, Ufore the lU-volution it had been sent shots of the world took place nar the former y . d K , cbnrcb in the city l.t week. The bt. Louts papers fur- .f hclD Richmond and the I, the following particulars) I.e. coast. After the revolution the church Ou Friday about one thousand persons j WM confiscated and sold and the font be visited the place where the trial wa made, c,n, the property of scoffing infidel, who, and paid their fifty cmts a head. The dis- j .how hia contempt had it placed, where leadin.' off and firing in bis usual manner, j 0r)o btd it put in the cellar. Originally it while his competitor rested his pistol on his( wai po iarjIi that an infant could be im left arm, thus having a decided advantage. mer.ed, but by its hard fortunes it became Without going through all the strings of ( rcJuced in size. It filially fell into the shot, it is euongb to say that the St. Louis; hands of a gentleman who had it recut, aud I. '.. v.... V.i:...l. .1" I Cil... ; cniiiiousaiaern oj mcu-saaru -au , , the money (foOU) bemg awar '.ea to 1 ravn. i : I aul LreU tweiitv shots, wnose wiutn iroin the centre of the hull-eye measured 'Jl U - 6ths inches, and Travis 1 0 0- 16ths inches. IT. .1 .t. .(..n.o. .r. f w"eu7 V .i i i . a I. 1 1.. I , . a ...... . . . AHowi Iiiaw iviaIiac . t i . . i ... -. .1 - . J "c """" "A " ' " 1 " ' - f .i-t discharging be. fore he took proper airrij . On Saturday another trial took pl.ce.- The distance shot was one hundred and to , . , ,, , , e -i. :. .v. 'p" U 1 na ""clJ . V"""' ",c fit at a rest, b,s mstol on a dk- nd tl,e S ,,""J' . 1 h Ur2eU were etiiua plates, aooiifc iiiu rib, ui au ui diuary dessert plate, some six inches in diameter, and which, under tho rule and contract between them, wcreT be struck . : i ' 'i i i; .... 1 .. r. n 1. .. A. . 1. i i 3 i . I , riphalically and irresistibly that Slavery, as fiA ulmfa i.fir'h alternate! V. I uul On . J . . . . -'. the first rouud broke thrco plates out of five ; Travis, first round, broke two out of tive. Second round, each broke four plates out of five. Third round, each broke live plates. Fourth round, Paul broke all live of tbe plates. Mr. Travis did uot shoot the fourth round, from the fact that he could not win, inasmuch as if he had brokeil the five plates be still would have beeu a loser by one plate. There was considerable ex citeinent at this timo among the aud adherents of the various parties, which at oue time threatened a gcucral row. Anotiieii Bankrupt Law. Some of the New York papers are discussing the propri ety of the adoption, by Congress, of anoth er bankrupt law ouo that shall be uniform throughout, and iu strict conformity willi the constitution. The advantages and dis advantage of the former laws which were adopted arr set rorth, and the experience ol ! England, which has always had a bankrupt law, is cited measure. to prove tbe wisdom of the Tiout Times. The times in Philadel phia are said to be very tight indeed, and the banks as closo as wax. One of the bank in that city, it is reported in the Northern papers, breanic so costive that a customer, a little irritated at the picayune policy, drew a note for fu't ihlliu at thir ty days, covered it dowu the back with first class endorsements from his fallow sufferers, pinned to it a ten dollar bill of the same bank, as collateral, and then offered it for discount, with what suceass is not stated. ' TT i'Olti;iti. attws. & LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF STEAMER ATLANTIC. NtW ITork, October li Tha steamer Atlantic baa arrired, brine- 4 in-advices from Liverpool to the 30th i i,; ,Ki..r - - - t .11 mill wito saiea for ina iuic np.-nnvt"' bales, at unaltered ratea. ConaoU OOj. Money active. . . . , , rUHTHKU BV TII ATLANTIC. , . 4 . New Vouk, October 12. Tbe incurgenU still held Delhi on the 12th of Aupust. There had been numrr- ous sharp eneounters between the rebels and th English forces, in which tne tor- nn.r had hern defeated. Reinforcements . i. were arriving. An assault was eipecicu en the 20th. General llavelock had reach r ed JucKnow ' compelled to return to anpore. I I China, AdmiraL Seymour had pro- claimed a blockade of Canton Kiver. A meeting of the English Parliament was . 'J"J ...n.,;.l i',,i.rru at Stnttpardthad lu.e "P"'"u' aji; a in i ii ea sj I Uotton was unenanjeu ; ine aaiea oi ins three days wore 42,500 bales the sales taking place slowly. On Tuesday Hpceultv tors took 1,000 bales. Tho market closed quiet and steady. Flour and com were quiet. Wheat closed with advancing ten dency. Provisions were dull. Suirar was nuiet and steady, and the lowest qualities had declined, were firm. Rice was quiet. INTERESTING RELICS. A correspondent of a New York paper, travelling thronph Virginia, makes mention of some interetitig relies of Revolutionary times. He says i " Richmond is a beautiful city, and has interested ine greatly. Ou Saturday I went to Church Hill to see the church iu which Patrick Henry shouted ' Give me liberty or give tne death." In his days it was a cruciform biuldin?, but since then the north aide of the eros has been taken down and a it wider building put up in the placo of isut me part oi tne cuurcn in w men Henry atood, and wnere were asseinoieu assembled audience, is still there, ana tlie very - spot where he stood lover of eld thing. i" pointed out to rfie-i The pulpit, sounding, board, and chancel vail are tho same as I they were in Henry a time. 1 was quite III VC ICnUI III ICVrl as aii.iivi j wa w.w - be could salt his cattle in it. From that pac8 it pot to the wood-pile, and finally . at ii a i I placed In tins venerable old cnurcli in wnicn latrick Henry delivered hi speevh. " ln tho Slate Library I had the pleas ure of seeing George Mason's original draft of the Bill of Rights, written in 1770, and substantially incorporated into the Constitu tion of Virginia. I there saw also Wash ington's cane, the one which is to be presen ted to Mr. Everett when he comes to Rich mond this fail te deliver his eulogy on Wash ingtou. lu Slavery a Sin! The Rev. Joseph C. Stiles, (Lippincot Pa,) in a volume of some 300 pages published, discusses this question, among others of the day, un der the title of Modern Reform Examined, or, the Union of North and South. The Rev. gentleman, who is a celebrated Pres byterian clergyman, show fully, and em- 1 it exists now, (note-E-ertgt'wjianot a sin, but is one of the relations, or lite, winch may ilad been missing some time, in the office. well exist, without any imputation of sin. When or how he came there, was a que The slavery excitement has given rise, of tjon fJpon reflection, he recollected that late years, to very many examinations of j.t jnuf lrcrlS before he had opened tin) tho Scripture upon this subject, and in 0fflue or sollle purpose which was the only tb South they have been read lar and wide, j jju, ji beeu cpeti for months, and that and have bad a powerful iufluence upou the ' the dog must have entered, unobserved, on publio mind there j but in the North, such is t),Ai occasion. Thus the dog had been lock the prejudice against " slavery," in any f(i up for four wk, without food or drink, relation of life, that, it must be confessed ()f course be was but a skeleton, but with Ihese dUcussious have hardly been known proper treatment he is uotv fast regaining or read at all, save ou one (the anti sla- j i. hVsh aud. spirits. ia asiollvas acrick. very) side. Now, however, it is to be hoped, that when to the Jlev. Dr. Adams, ot Jos ton, Bishop Hopkins, of Vermont, is added the powerful name of Dr Stiles, these men will be beard and heeded among the more clamorous, would bo " Reformers " cf tbe day. It is to be hoped, wo say, for until the relation of Scr'mture to slavery is uu- dcrstood in the North, there never can be any ycar, was tried a few days siuce. at Au . i i .1.. v .i. ...j s:...u , mil pnco uiasetu iiw.iuuiiii iuu..i, Rni tl.A . L- nf tlr .t.ila iii not limitud tj ,ha Btjulion of ouo qtfStion, "Is .lavery a sin " but goes much further, and examines the whole question of "Re form " questions to tho test of Scripture, and strips them freely of tho philanthropic guises they put on. We urge upou all, but ; most especially upou Presbyterians, the giv iug of the Book " a good read for the Bi ble is the great test, and best test, of all " Reforms " aud " Reformers." A Lucky Individual. A gentleman named Jacobs- who arrived in'Bostan on i Monday, from Havana, states, that when' ON a Snip. The line of-bat-' in the latter city ho applied to the officers tie ahip Isabel Segunda, lying at Havana, of tbe lost steamer Central America for a 'has lost nearly UM of her crew by tho passage to New York, but waa refused on vomito. Twenty seven officers, lieutenants the ground that the steamer was full. This land midshipman died in tho month of An- obliged him to take another, and, ni tbt! re- suit proved, a safer conveyance. Ladt FBANKtiN'a AncTto .ExricDiTiox This iutereating expedition, which left Al..r.l.nn nn the 1st of July last, ban, we ltrtinj tit i letter frow Capt. M'Clintoek, tbe . a . 1 .Uilaa commander, eoeeeeoeo -nitaerio coe-i..g. well. Captain M'Clintoek, who dute July 23th, states that, early on Sunday morning , tbe 19tb, th Vom anchored off JuliaBihall, ; yB.,sjn MTJlintock afur touchinjr at Wco, where .rrineo jappioon vi- ""; would pass through the Warpat Straiu to Inglefield i coal mine, ana ier mug siuall qnar,tity on board would proceed to l'roteh and Upper Nutvie for dogs. Tbe Danea In the locality reported that tbey had not had at'eh a atotiuy .w iutcr, aud aucb a. preraleneoV N. f, winds for "hi any "ycafe:' This would be in favor of the toj jer, who were fifteen er aixteen days in advance of Inglefield in bis voyage of 1832, aa far aa W IV 1 K 1 . . - awaaa. AnnM.liar? q x M'Cliutoek writes : " We are a perfect . B) in our ayatem, and nothing can work better. All are most xealous, elti cient and cheerful" Succesa to the gallant Toyagera will be the sp.ancous response of every heart. Ltlinlvrg iUuiy1- . Result or Fwallottiso a Wciollex Pt(m KINO. In reading joor report of tlm Boston Society of Natural History's last session in August, I observed that Dr. Head exhibited a large, unooib and hard bair ball, six inches in diameter, taken ftctn the etomach of a healthy ox in lexas. This reminds me of an incident which oc curred some time ago in tbe neighboring town of Sherbon. A fins, larpe ox was taken sick, refused to c at, aud in spite of all remedies resorted to, soon died. At a " post mortem examination," a hard, smooth ball, of the tdze of a largo apple, and re sembling iu consistence, as well as iu color, a piece of pranite rock, was taken from his Nstval stores atomach, ar.d on breaking it with a ham mer, for cut it you could not, it proved to ' be a woollen stocking, which tbe animal had swallowed, and iu its Ue.-perate efforts to digeet, had rolled over aud over, and final ly compressed into that rock-like ball. Nothing tould give a idea of the trc mendeous potrer of muscular action iu an animal of that sizu. ltuslou 'Jruvetier. Mns. Paktington you afraid of banks on Banks.- " Are faiiiii''?" asked the cashier, as Mr. Partington went to draw her pension. " Banks failing !" said the dam ; " 1 never had any idea about it at alt. . If he vets votes enough 1 don't aee ,ow be ean tail, aud if bo don't 1 cau't aee , bow be is te help It." " 1 meant, said he, , ,v, hanka tht furnii-b currency for tbe cn.,i,trjr," ShcalpoJ, ui . tnmi.i-lit. eniinLln.r l.Ae bnu. 01,, yo did, did you V aatUbe j" well, it's about the same thing. If they nave money enough to redeem with aud heaven knows there's need enough for re depmtiou for a good many of them, and more grare than they allow their custodiers they may stand it; but doubtful things are uucertaiu." She passed off like au ex halation, and the cashier counted out one hundred and fifteen dollars aud seventeen vents fifteen times while pouderiug what she said, in order to catch her meaning. Loson Gutrttf. Ludicrous Incidents im Time or Dan OKU -When thesteamer Isaac Newtoubroke her walking-beam on tbo Hudson river last week, tbe lamentable disaster to the Codi'"l America was to fresh in the mimU of pas sengers that it added much to the excitement aud alarm. The Troy Budget says : Jna gentleman was so overcome with fear that he plunged headlong out of the state-room window into the water. Another, a hypo condriacal old fellow from Rochester, New York, awoke at the first cra.h, seized his carpet bag, and bounced out of his room. With a whoop of despair he ran aft, aud, grasping life-preservers, placed two of them around his carpet-nag and toe others nn each arm. Thus accoutred, he sauntered back, with head erect, and with a pleasaut self-reliant expression. It was uot until his attention was directed to his light ganneuts that be shot back again to bis stale-room." A Lono Fast. A gentleman in this idacc havinii business in a Dentist's office. w,0 had boen nbsent somo months was not a little surprised upon openini! the door SOme ten days ago, to find a small dog that e,allfJ qitu pleased at tho idea of beeom- ing the subject of a uvwepaper paragraph. ClirruW Cuirtfe, Sentence or Death Af t fcrt Tk Yeahs' iMl'Ulsi'.sMEjiT. The ease of James Cope land, which has beeu nendiinr for aoma ten gusts, Mississippi, anl resulted lu Uls eon- vtctlon of murder in the first degree. Cone- land was charged with killing oue James A. Harvey, aud has been found guilty twice before by the juries of the country, yet, by resorting t the technicalities of the law, he has beeu enabled to gain trial alter triul to t,e precllt time. On the verdict beiut ren dered Ibe Judge pronounced upon him the htsuteuce of death, ordering him to be exe cuted ou Friday, the HUih of October. To be bung, afur ten years' awful imprisonment in a miserable- county jail, ia rather a hard case. ' ', gust last, helongius t the Spanish res iel of 1 war iu that harbor. -F ..ri 1 i e r O . v -