he 'D e ii'qc $o tied, io Mcur 6tft;n.lru, to iiour 3M' VOLiUME! O. TTrzoix-s. 87, THOMAS J. HO L TON, Editor A Proprietor. T'ic Surth.-'areliiia Wl.if will be afforded toaul.. kra at TWO DOIM.AIIS in out, heel TW O fiiif.i.AK!- AND J-'IFTV CKNT8 If payment I gvUveO "t three mi,ntlia;aiii riliihK IKil.l.Alis; ,i thr nid of tin- your. No pa per will 6c Miscon. I tinunl until nil ntcatj jci ari. piutl,, te.pt at tle J upti if it'. I lie K.lilur. Aiitcrli aenienla iiaerled at One Dnltar per Bnunrt ' fit! Inn ir lea, I'd" irtl type) Cor tlie fimt imrr. I t on, itnl Q'l ce.ila for en el, ffii) tin unuce , ( 'tiurl d i.rii.e mirM" and NlmriiT's tialea charged prr l. . ...d . d jaii.... ofS.li per cent. .,11 ,i. i.. .... r, . ' i . .... r. . , vcy. A.i..ru..H,.u ,.,ruS m,,,,, ii. rtrri. at ! nrr arniaie l.r eacn liin. rvm i u mllily 7S i:an tapir auarr for each time. I'rrafine vlirn aeniting In tliir ailirrliarninila ..l m..K u.ir ... ium 'rv r y .ll Ik mailed until foib.dand uli.rj.d ac. 't'' I ri''itlmaalrra art a ulliorirnl In art a ;!. 'VCrockcry, Crcckcry! m I S I rc iv. if, a ucw aiitfy nt . hnt- ..ramie fl and ('itftininn S hilt and rainti-ii War.-, Illue V .e PI '.' and ('up and 8aar-ra. JS ernla at, ) e M)in J nnitnrra a cent a piece, l hlua llall I i.jiIuIUi, .N. C. JAMKS HAIITY k CO. ,. r. i;t. t Vitlirtlilr 'In Mil l'ri crlv J)i SALK. r 9 1 1 1 K .oler.brr tK-...f .Ira.roua of lmprovinc ' j kia oH'tr L"'a, i.lhia lor aalc liia ridne ( , It" H It t "1 ( h III i ll -In' rrrt-1 n, J lip. u t'' li I f li.flli "liJ tifijttty apt! rur of tlie lnMt .la-.-r it.'f in Oil !. 'I Ik- butlcipf are all jjoJ nrt Vtn fininhcfl etT UltlT m hum!. .! liltir, nii ll lwllif llfL'Mr i cicreJ h ihi tin i'H Itir ijoiih rtic pa ft u Itic bunding ia fefr.rp t in tv!e iMwrnr to 0 n r bythting in tlit rt.iitifrT. nJ iw tl't yarU i M 01 rlicnl m r. Ti 'ifahitr r'idrnre ta tt'iilctl illiiti h' f 1 1: lata err ut ttt rnim U I VI W tmr if tl.p itaii.w-iut i bui -i rtf-. tn t.'se St-i-. A I ito rw t tsrt a jwrrv.p . ,iiri luir wit)mitt rMiiriniiig h- (irrmiafi, 1 wiit I tkv (ft piramre in how. itjf lhr rorrfT f eny n cifiiii 01 tirrh tif. I Ul tttatta lit (fne ct n jir.nu wilh the !,ruit( ot tltt ttinr, out rp- Uitjf l rcaitar m rr tuan nt nt j' J fir the cil llir r.KO. CROPH. BIMf 40,000 PAIRS Soots, Shoes, Ar Over Shoes, ! M i eUai, UT, 1 iiUlita iPlt I luMrrtt a, EOOTS and SHOES t'i.1 tun lv T.untl in Hi ic of rctl e- t ti-aiiMt in tt' Soullimi (uunlrv. Our fSWa 'e niapQr.)ri UTt4 F.XPRFSSI Y fur , Q. and w are aattaAw-tl they 411. ftri Mrf m(. i tili.ifs, and ftl ! M irra kf tit ut. qualitf 0; -., ii.u at nf oti.tr cUbiMiiittMi ut li ...... ! it ? e.n'y ! rv npBMM our and Pftr tf Ke Miliafitu that IMi fa tlie pUee to Buy Boots and Shoes, HOONK A CO. I "l" VMI 4lne prmr on'. Sip. ill, IB.M. 3fltf Field Sceils! ' e--te, Millrt. A r. A lar;e quai titr jut re te rrd and ini BuUt at r ln nt.tret pttrr, t run ciiAUDaS U 't.fir ed tiftmtl ihug tSfie, At? Sbif Otto of Hose! A I. Kl I Aortment of I nbrie'p.OlrrH'aand all J. H.f.le'a s-plendid Fatra. I'oib t V'a lira, H III t, ,V r. X c. t. ImimI at I'nrrcii.MiDS tmmrtt irvf Starr, Jttttm't i aifciT. Soluble Kss. Camphor ! I"tl I n, w, ot' Uic Throat, Mouih, Stomach .HI II, , cla, pr,p-i d rtrt aohl al FI'ITl'lIAIiD'S firug mtfi t 'krmtfmt Strt, In i x'm i oftwii a. Dlakes Aromatic ritters! A N eicclh-nt lomr niul anti-i.jafepttc MtHi. a ('im-, iQkt tn hanii nt i!rrni.ua)3 Pft -t h"irr Family .1Wjrt ,, I VM.'-J f OK v H. Try It! Try It! I iMUiiiAif onrrHttmUd Kstrartnf Ii! lit' 1 t nieilirrinv mi (tt- urU r thw t i.ii l. It Jifr.Kr td Ileal. 'I'fjT it, i'liirilAKDS rr.rc uorsK, VIiite Lead. i 10.000'; Hilt; i.kap juii; d mill r piii ul 11. m. rnrrcii A BPS, Ihllgui't if t'Urtmtt. 1;iuI.'bi Hi. 1, 11 ) of A. ( ni oliit.i. '1IU. IIOIINK, thu aicnl for the abn, b,,k, 1,11 a i',w e.,t,taat P.. I. I.U It U t".V "'I'A MVItK. iV,..,a dc.inni eipici will ! ' e,ll .,,. M"4 'J", IK.7. Utf KKKUISON M'.llIf. iiviPoaTtRs or Lliions, Hosiery, Embroldfcries, &c , NO. Ill MKKTLNT, STRKKT, Ort OSlTK IIA V.Nr.,STRllT, fllAhl.F.STd.V, M. f. 1 ! KmHITON. nit R.MAN 1.1IPI.'J. AT COST. i A CIIANI'Mis now "tiered tn the eommnnity' ft to obtain rare bargains out of mir varied Hock of afc- jj N" 1 4 JI 'H "Hj-'J AM) ri' it ms ii i ; noons, AT N KW YORK COST. , i " 'r , f, " , . 7 ." 7 , ?" have, but would rt-qiieat troy to come And pre IW ' ....,.,.;. '. Prlmu it will be aakrd wlir s err a lli tiff , at rlT We don't do it brcaue it ie faahiona. ' Mr, but becauae we hate rnnneclrd uuraclrra llh a larce Manufcluriiig Ui.i.ft i,t tht Nurlli, , ,.,,,(,, ,., J., ; ,nd wc dn., ; wit,,B, or (ireIll u,ck on hand, ho comr, i "" "i"' all, I'Uy mir jiooda at roM.williei (A.-ll , Dnu Lc!p u on in fitir hontHt d'ii'ii. fcTJUMiS .V I1KA1U. 'f i1?. IMji. .10. it (Cw and Elcnt Fun ununiiT. Atlriilii.it, l(oii L '.'i'K S f HHK mbrril.rr inform, ill prraont dcairing to ' .tL piirehaer near and enfant ! FrUMITIIK. ft nl If linv Uti-ljr .urrhfhd a liire ui,p!y mi. j perut to n y ilung, tlut lia crrr btfii ollrrciJ in tin in.rU(,t tt It. e Jlc hi on Imttd Oi II.' I O 1 t j . . .'ri.y 'X yi f Jir.u,rrr,, Miiiopani Uhil llafnlit lil'HEAVS, H'tmli-:lH, I'irr ami Sufn 'lAHLES, j SrifUtrir imil lli,oc Carit, !inJ.j'fiiiils, yinrir Slnnih, i(inili!lrs timl II ' Imlnolt, SluhOfruHtf (Mtl tlfttltr tUKhtlfr Iff ITf-r .la Cnlif. Cutu-h'iHtUt till, Iwk du ( IjHtCt Vitriol tttul Sift st ( lui'u.n. ! ! ri rvv'i- rtltrr artirlra nt.hta lint, a!! of htcli ( h' ill art rd lo puritM r n !) mrnit ri;iona- h'c trrm. e irtfti(is ! Irrji a r.ntsirit tipplT nf Furni. turc n I.ihI, n Hint ptrtont c'n be nuiU-W at anj Imir. A0- yar.t- KMfUi m -t.r r at ut awf A .M...'y -f Flsh'S MKTAM.lf hi IM I. r 5 f S on I. mm'. ,,,;: TA'I fc;n,' f Fiirnitrrf- iwi'r I" . ? r a''l r.n ht.rt. l n. lire. ITAII KFrAIKIM; ati-f,ird I... J. M. SANTFR3. rkaiUitr, An;;. 1, J f 57. vlif 1 1 or it si llororwr Is. Inf.H:il.U r.cmr,h;for JiOhSi:.' O.N I'.. ,,. any p. r. N !! rtruot ul One Isdur. I will mail Pii t'ii a rniiiu iir Mtf. i Ink itT- nnp frm I1.1IU r tlivhn. 'I'l. i rr- mrtiy h rn vrt letm knoq to fat! m Ue orl I rn f fiva jtmirai..te rrit f. K'rT ihbii wi.o i hii t.tf -C .LUij B'uaYiliaVt: lit; rtTi ml bf ,rm. 1 (. mitrnil, of .!m.Ii ti e p.ciih -me i' emnnaii ran be prt-rurrd b ! mfM ii at .i ' Int. a. I'' ttiia rmiir ftiia tbtn ?ifti & I ui ' fret, ht uumry nji.i t rcl'iimitd, Adrtaa rit at ( c t Hat)", (juiitnTd to.. N, f . I 1 I it I V It t I - T l fc '-'ii.' . u.M rwv. ' ' '" ' J)e-li;s, I)ve-li;i!s! T Mir. try U"t i f tins elaaa of artirt a, rr.11. 11 rw.'t t) iu'uiion vi Tin, I ' 1 r-t tine 1 fll l'g t" f ( tj.f ti lo a t liinml, M.Ui.t f, r., u- t b 1'IUTI TARD-P " ' " " " " J - - j and aci urily frmii Hid r -vr, w U 1 , t r'orl .M t. l'ortAlojiiiaiesdrIonnaics,:'!::;;::: A r. W 1 n rl he. nli ful aef,r linrnl iu-l rtct iv.d 1 et ITUTCnARDS FiV attd ( It-tniftit JiQUtr, hwis'i ( tiisi n. Country Merchants 4 K K rtprciiu.,y innuil to call eml rx.minc , ; our wholraak price of tieirr i;H.S and .Ml Mt INKS. pnti,pinnv,ienrr,l,r.by I'lUTCIIAKD, IflH l?8 ( ORNFR, -m a f 1 1 111 IS 11 iS, 1 tlVlli&lltlS I VI.Al'JcK atnh now on hnfiil eoniinc of j lH m.if, iijmiI, t nit h f.t riv,! Uf mt'ire, J. j Jtc. H ! h w ill be anl.i tor I'A.sH j n t y otii hoi,.e in ( harh.ttf. H'. ii. m. i bhtiiakd. W hvl-nlf Ittlail ln,i'l, )awi.'a I lla.a. Condition IoivIers ! f AR.MKUS and Dtlicra tni -reaUii hi KTK K, are intrif d that lht-e ir-jwihi tmtifj arc un a ii r pa arH a a In a 'I h (; i vm jj rvit.itjlfa tn jfrt , X jtllt and uH kiuua of Murk, for aate at I'lUIVHAKDS H halrtttlr am tfittl ''ijf .Vfe, ) R M t CRJaKII. DESIRABLE I IM FO R F3 A TI 0 N Il')fi toinr tmi p.it I hare hern enjfaged in a hutm a (kiioMti ititiy V mvell imI nun. (Mfnttvrly h olheia t cm I hae inalrorti d Inr $11' mrli) wbirh hia avt-rayrd me an income ot In to 6.'l,(MiH in -,''l'U fr anniiin it nil Imvuitt m ifle Hrrmii iiKiila tu jjh V the I a intern (.'onti. nrut tieit 111, 1 am wilni'f tti piv full in?titir. ti.n in tliu rt tu any pi rxuu in ttie Cmtnj Stirrn. tio wiUn-iml me tiic anm of J wo lKiiaa. I imiucfd Irntn the auctesa I hive btin tavortd t(h, und the minv I 1 M ' dt-kmiw h ncmi ftl thut I I have rterivr-, from timr wt.m I have inMnte. ted in Ihe art, mid lio are nnw eh-armg lnr:i f3 to 16 'tr uxy Io (jivt rtery jm -rMn m ciiunc u to roinn into (HMaraaion of liiu aluuUle tnc.ina oi' nmlaiMK a amall forttmr. 'I tuie in no llnnia a. b.Mit t'te luifineaa hirrin nlluurd tn. Kt It-ri nrrs o (he Wbl elm-a chii be iveil ae rrorda itn eh, rarier, and I tun &io rt fer la pi r.im in t liit jgo and Dttfuil. an veil ta in thm i!aee, m Im have wilhm litn-e mr.nlha emhrled in Ihe biiaintr and who tralitr thai tiiey are toakiiip fn in 3 It fl'iptr day at ihe tii.e. Ilia abumiuaa Hi ha Ii t'jtlit r l.adiea or 4t iitU men citti rnuge, ami with ptilVct ere make a very itulMoie in come. St vera I f.Htiiia in aar'tnita p;irta of flhnma and Mian'Miri, limn I In. ye nmirncied in t!: nrt, art: ntiW clr.niii), I'lm 5 ta f 12 per day. It e a ptttUel bnintm nJ rtiuirea Imi a tew ainhtna tn eoiMtneiire it. I'pon reci ipt of $ '2 I will at once forward t the applicant a eircttlnr entiUinins' full inatr uetmna in the art, which will he p-ricrtly nijdtraluoti iipon heinc once read. Ai-ia i KPW1N TKMTI.KION, ln. .'7, Famth .S.., .'. no;, Mo. Auf 2.'., IM. iit iUn Osnaburg; Y tlie kale OK C-4a;, tt 12J cent, per Ji m yunl. TillKM & STEKLU. 137 Oct. 2(1, 1W7. Ttmii Law. j (lURI.OTTK, fErTtHBEK 2fi, I.rl7. I At meeting; of the Hoard of Coiiiiiiiaaiouera of i the Tii n of C'iiurli)it held l llitir Council ( li mi. t her thin evening. I'rratnl : I'.tvnl f.artia, ItiUn. dant. J. K. Harrison, Vm. K. I'liilcr, Jim. Town, t ley v VV'i I lift in lltirty and 'i'ltoinue C. Alliaon, Cunt. imeHiom-re. 1'n motion, ' "-. That a I'ul.lie WriKl. . . .. , , j- . . . "' " '' "e '"':' "' For' rarh Tlt "..iton J crhU. " ' ft i rrul of Flour 5 of I0U Iba. SJ , ,,, , lhe Weiuher and In.prctor rr the .. Il J. K. H rri n wa ni.nnniitt'd and aoooiotrd w. TthT : J. B. K KKK, Tutrn Clerk. Attention. Ladies ! UllR Lad in arc fpect fully invited to cjII mt'l ! look bt our iiew : China and Glassware conniftinfr of a Tarirly of Cliina OrnHnittif. Ji w. ' r Ttdia, C'rird Urrnvera. ('rftidlriilirki, Ac.junti rtceivrd ut ( hina Mtl. (-.Hrlmt , N. C. j JAMKd UAUIV k CO. Oct C, fi7. Hi i Hatliing ;iitl Sim t'rou'n petit ;;', OF the nri rjn:ilitr. at ir:n i!Ai.r"f vuvr. ftohf. While lAutl! White J.fnlH j A NO'I IIKI! aui'y inoicid. I'ure Artirie 9J ! ' tarn-iv o4 culora. At-r t at PltlTCIIAHD.S j 'rot and I'uint Stntf. ; OtiitiilK' Iri'Hiiirrl ! F.ICS A Wlt.HTM N'S pur. QL'ININK at l?J 51) 'r 01. ( tth iatuiia'i at , I'K'l HA1;IS i htmtfai ouar. Ilttl'l ORM.R. It It' .-)( rillllh, lll ill ItlldU d India htbber Shltlds, he, &c, i 51.- I" Ij hand at FUI It IIAKD'S ; i uwmy i)ivg &tttr. 7Vrfi taut i.tsv t ti utgi , X'S'l ri ri ivcd at pit ircii '.inns. 1 f I II K auf rioftyu.''!.i mt tit Ir .er Cvrv St.irth 1 'J'-pusf a, St-pn, ,Vr , mm an arttt; .I c.rt ( r iptiii'ii ebilu-en, tn tifjfjU' ionc d by tlttr me- diritl T truIlT Full anpi'ty at rhlTCIIAIiDS i jon'y ' r tf i.-tl Sift. IS. 1? c i rv or mi:i:iii: ad : ;iii:at'mli: r i.ij!j ON TIIE FFLVENIj! ( 1 17 II ) DAY OF .No,.nt.rr n,t. at me t iy ) M"i, h-,,0, will hi aoM 3t inih.'ic auction, the Lets ol aanl 1 I'll V. I 'If si if hv .. Tily fT by the M ,, p. nr' Lt t!.t ! rn.inun t.f l urntina R. il Nnd, ut , tttinc.itit(,'l) at tin- Al. r! 1 u t l.iiml t "(i.p lli. An; f t if ariii Tlh j in n uii.i i it .tuonr, t. j Unite i.)i run. 1 l itr utim lit J r! of the I'lntt il ?!;i ((- Vnf iifty i-s-t ibiis-li lite, grvl tilt nciea of tlon ! tt'rlr.r lr lauii.l ol ttlran-T, I't-ntti nf ff-tti-r ,,'U.t iiii.e ihia a pri-jl 1'oiniiitrLii.t ity. '!,e va-l proiluetloo. ot Inefirtilr vlti vsol the ft... anoke, Tr and Xiupe litcrra and tl.e .-otniii r, e ! II ..... erst llllanil aeaa ihe A ilH-loal ie, I otri. ! iiiek.t roatao ..iiU r.iiniieo ?s,niuie, t;i rCrti iitlB I I, f1.rlor through t ore S,uml on the iiorrh IkI.iI.I il rtiv Swumi itl hear on it iM.nori, ll,t Iur' 1 P"X'U-', iumo,r. na.ui aiorra ami i " 1 - ' - j A. V .s. I . hail l.ua.l wlncl. will he rea. ly l-r oar by Ihe first of January next, p:,.f,ii I I ii roil li inc enure lenj; in oi ine . in io lla w liar I I iii Id feet wati r at h.w tide, and connect, w 1 1 1 tf A ill il It li U Ctll tti'iiatmi') it iiolnphoro. j Tin- V . I;iii lio-iti, acnoi.fr j1 heat in llie l. .nmi.,aif3 M.tlra LWr. ia conM.I.trd to Mtarluttr. ' w iii rv i rnnmi if nfMnii'n inr nnuH . .irminn htui Ctrain li.tii l.tmtia villi Atittntt din) llm Mititli Ural ; 4IhJ v lip -tratrrii f x ! iieicit, tinw m r plii pri'jifN, ii ruiitt itijij. ttd tn reach tin. IraOe o" M ii'pi.it .ic the .tn-Binniiitn Va ii'iaiiia .i.c tne .n-Bievniiipi iiilt y hv tle work ot all !e railnava thiil eon at All iKtit l httt4niMirrl l.o.td. or ttilii the rat.'l nnctaec K.nl The P'trt of iMaufnrt, Ch..tt intn M-tt.p1na and Siin Pie-o in the f'ncihe, art: ahtittt llir aaint parallel nf hi I itoile ; and if tliu ( pnmih I be eji leu. ied arfri the fict it w ill reach iu nclmi, tlio nciti prcul 'rl on the K;lr-rn I on tun nt : iSricfore, it ihe I' m fir Rit liti.nl tvt r le con -trite i i'dt ( ;i,ni t!iai f hnulrt he d-jtr h?rll.u ill-) vaIi v in.iy ntt t.Me Ni t ity U'Cf.n.e ih Ati.mtic nwri t r H'C rr ii.mercci ttf he Kast Ind'tnf 'I ho ahort K ill liutis will ernntct the two f . t ( '" I r It'll1 a i Mute, tytiif in tiie ti r I i ind aoiitli o the Norlii (truhua Kimd ; Mnti it in e. ii tit ntly tx pec l til tlitit a Vimt ( oal Tr.idi w ill bo e .rrntl n Ibrotigli Ihe New Oly : if an, my not iktu(ort lirtnmc a Cl ('nuhni I'orl, not en!y for pminea tf coniinTce, but to fur nirb It.u aupphea to Hcii triers pnaiiij; o near thr t ntratnee tMiitjt north and fcoiith ) and nmr imi the jNt-w ( 1 1 v become tlmt grtat eiilra tit put " htlwciii tbc north and the oulh, to w tm h our able .ind dihlil i;uiti(ied phiipIijiiiiui, I it nt. .M.iii ij, reffra in hia nnnvllcd ltateMnatiltlc pnper on llic rontipt ree of the Amazon, St.uth Antv.icft and the ulf of Mtxico I 'l't-e 1'ity of Murt-lttad is BiluUi! eu a htauti ful nick ot l.iiitl or ary plain, ultnuf-t cntiffly Mir rtuimii i th aaliWHltirt Ha chmalt i lulri- (U!t; ia pea brtte ;tnd gcu-billiiii tkhbtfu!, ita drinhtnp w.itir pood, and iln fine eli.ily bc;itc Pprin atron'ly iioprt ned with Mtipbur, will uiaike it a plejirtt wnti-rttig place. Aa not ft ainglc lot bia Utcu or wilt bt anld un. )i) llir dy of a.ilr, will have an rqml chance tu get the br,t Iota and tn mit tltt nint-ivta. It will he ai t drat intUpre of an entire Nw i -., . ii.. j, i,, ,.i. ,..,. i,r..,ti,i . ... . . ... ..... , uiarao! ai .me, . ni tjniiisia u.bt n. -ir na.r aimin aueli on opfMirtuniij Inr poori mvt atinenis tor a );rcat city must and will he I'Ui.t at ti.ia nlarc. J. l. MOUKHHAP, Vrtnilmt nf Skrppaid't I unit ljund i'tmpany, Auj. i-.IKif. t3li I'oliil f i I incril Itil ailll Ul JIIl.tLll Ktll. ffcaffc 'Atl'N jtist received and for 9W If w w anlo al tlie Ifiwrat mmkrl pricta, br H. M. riUTCIIAHD, M. I). Vruzgtrt if tVrem:;?, lawiK'ai cBNca. IMP!' From tlie Suuihern C'iinali.in Advocate. IX IIIK FAIR FIKIKO OF i:i)F..V. coMrnar.o T A. H. I., or Tin. c. coNrnrKCE. Tht'ro are Inved oner ft v bforr ns. Win in that bright n i l. li o'er ua, I.omily swell the lw.a ,i .tu Anil Jiaua' s..itf.7V.orr ; Far away from erlh, bf-nitii'ilt Where ao ot'li n hniw la hithtei, Now wiih (yod and aainla united, They reft fur evermore, fharuit. In the fnir fithla of t)i!en, , In tlie f;ur 6i:hia of Ki n In the fair fit hla of Eoiii. At rot f'lrrTLTini're. It Wia lurd in'lred to aevrr, ( For w M ii.p. t ypain hf rr ren r, flut thev rnw .-ire blcrt for, ?cr, Thf yhnve pnined llr prrnt r-wan!; VhT, tliMi. ahftuld thir nbaenro grieve u. For in triamph tiiey did lenre tia, , And now wuitin In rieeive ua, They are huppy with the I.ord ! I Io the fnir ti' hla of Fden. & c I To r't forevermore. I Iyp iind hye, we'll en r.nd ni?tt thfm ; On Ihnt hii-'aftil ahore wu'll pri.-t lh.n, And otir j"rt it will eoinph le ll pio, To inrrt no niorc 1o mam ! Then h t time he onward liriVrli, I al! psrthly ti" riri n, . AniJ. let puic to (iod he (rivn, I-Vr we an huml, mnp Itmiip, 1 To the fnir hVMa of Fdn, fire., To real forrverniore. i PiptiPr hrar the invitation ! 'Tie prf.rln -mi-d tnrvirr Tialion ! Here ia fYr and full tilei.tirin F'-r all the fi.ih n rre ! Cnme w ith !l yenr puilt'a oiprraicn, t'nti- ti fiiriKt i,nii nuke ennfr ion, 'i'lirn, 'ife, aod gnin pos-spion Of hia redrrr'ir jr prare In the f.ir fi'-hir of KHrn, A-.? T'i rit lornf riuiTe. And Irt Chrlinna, n'r batfcalidi!., tail io Jeaua all eonfnline. And in hope and h ,c "biding, S ok t' nhtiiin the pnr' ; And l.t-n li'e below ia eni'in,' I alii on the rrng 11 ponding. Th' n with a.iifel liftur naend l ij'i W. khalt ri joicntr ne To tiie fair fn hia of K;en, A.C., Ar.rt reat fiire.i;! nn r-. 3ftisceII;mc0tts. 5S.3 ilSGCy. A 2 111 i; I.U.E. One co'il windy morning, the last ?unday of Li eetnlier, 1 19, a half-naked man knock ed timidlr a' tlie l.i.m rM ilnnr nf Hn kuhttau.ial Uiaiisiou in the city of Brookl v D. I ho'igh the weaiher was bitter even for the sca-on, (he young man bad no c'oihiug but a rair of ragged cloth pant-, and the re- main of a flannel shirt, which exposed his muscular rhrt in mar.v lareo rtcls. But in spite of his tafered rpparci and evident Iati..,,r a be had leaned heavily uron the r.i i. . . " i 1 raili,!: (.'1 llic I'aseuiein siair", a Critical Oil server could not fail to notice a eonscious air of dignity, and the ni.-.rked tt hci s of cul tivation and refinement in his pale hnggared countitiiai.ee. The door was speedily opened, and dis- dosed a lsrpe comfortably furnished room, with its glowing grate of anthracite ; before whieb was piaeeJ a luxuriously furnished breakfast table. A tss'iiouabl v attired young man, in a broendo dres.-ing-gowu did velvet slippers, was reclining in a soft l.iulruil, busily reading the morning papers, The beautitul young wifs hail lingered at the tabic, giving to the servant ia wailing her orders for the household matters of the Uay, bt-u the timid rap at the door attracted her attention. JShc coainiaudcd it to be ,. , i,, ,. ,, , . " , "' -J 'fe "' . .... .p,,, v n I'lpi.g no one but some thievish beeiar; but (ho ! door was already opened, ami the sympa- 1 lilies of Mis. Mavwood enlisted at once. " Cnie in to the fire," cried the voung ifo, imj ul-ive, before you perish ! ' "J ho nipftdirart, without nhiliiiti(j rdt urptise nt Mich uDuyunl ttentmetit of a trcet beggar, kIowI v entrrcd the room, man iteming a painful weakness at every tlp. ' to be much refreshed by rest and nutritious .... at .....'ft i 1 .i i (n liih f nt rn live, Mr. Mavwood, with a di- plcaFru air, gathered up Ins papers ard left ihe apnnmt'ait. The conipasioii.no lady tinwieiy flared the half Irozen man near the fire, while she prepared a bowl of fra- grant coffee which, with abundant food, ' was plaeed before bun. Rut noticing the , Ocean ave, on mj return from India. abrupt departure of her husband, Mrs. May-I My name was doubtless oniom; tbe list of wood, with a clouded countenance, It it the ' the lost f,ir I escaped from the wares by rnom, whi-pering to tlie servant to remain 1 a miracle. I nlLmpted to make my way to iiiitii the atrangtr tdi.iuid leave. ! New Yoik, where I have ample luu.U in the She I lieu ran hastily up the richly mounted j tank awoit;ng my orders, hut I mii't have staircase, and paused before the entrance ! pcri.-.hed from ccld and hungrr bad il not of a pmail U'- .ratory and medical library, j been for jou and your ifc' provident and occupied solely hy her husband, who j charity. I was rcp'j!;cd from every dur ma a physician and practical chemist. he a. an iti:poter, auu could pet neither food opened the donr and entered the room ' or rest. To be an cxilo ftom one's native Mr. Maywood was sitting at a r-mall tabic lind ten yeais, and then, after escaping with hia head resting ou hii hands, apparent- ! from the perils of the ocean, to die of hun ly in deep thought. i gcr in the streets of a christian city, I felt " I'd ward," said the young wife, gently i was truly a bitter fate, touching his arm, ' I fear 1 bave displeased ; " My name ia Arthur WilU tt," added the you; but tho in an looked so wtrtched, 1 stranger, could not bear to drive him away," and hei i " - hy. that is my wife's family tiame. awect voice trembled as she added" You , "?bo will be doubly picaacd at ber agency in know I tako aacrament to-day." " Pear Mary," replied tho really fond husband, " I appreciate your motives. I know it in pure goodness of heart wbii h leads ' you to diaobey me, but still I must insist unnn m fV.ro. or coiiiinards that n K..,r j -- s..ti. snail ever Oe pcrmuteu io enter tbe hous. i H is for your safety that I insist upon it. I llow decnlv vou niti-lit be imposed opou inl my frequent absence from home I shudder to think. The man that is now below rniy! be but a bur.darin disguise, and alread v ia ' your absence takiug impressions in wax of i tha different key-holes in tho room so as to i.; I..;..,-. v.....: ai enter some ntiibl at his leisure. 1 our limited experience of city life makes it diinoult for you to credit so much depravity. It is no charity to give to stieet beggars, in only en eouragog vice, dearest. " "It may be o," rcrfwiirled Mrs. Mny - wood. " but it anctiift nicker! not to relieve Fuflortn: nd want even if tlie poron bun beliaveil badlj and we know it. But I will proniUe tou not to ask nuotbrr bepgar into fbe" fiouse." ' At tbis moment tlie servant rnppi4 tiolent- ly at tbo door, crying out the bcfear was oymir. " Come, Kdward, your (kill can nave him, I know,'- caid bis ii8 hastening from the room. Tlio doctor did not refuse thi appeal to his professional vanity, for lie immediately followed his wife's flying footstep ai she descended to t he basement. 'J'liey found the rnf ndkant 41 trine pale aud uneonsnionii upon the carpet whore he liad'Sllppcd i l bis neakncFS from the cliair wbere Ir. May wood had seated him. ' He i a handsome fellow," muttered the doctor as be bent over him to ascertain the state of his pulfe. .And well he might ?ny so. The jrloy locks of raven hair had fulli n away from a Lroad while forehead: his closed evdid.i were bordcied by long Insln.s, whii b lay like a silken fringe upon his pale broniod cheeks, while a delicate acquiiino nose, and a square massive chin displayed a model of manly beauty. " Is be dead T" asked the young wile anxio:ily. " !),, no! it is only a f ir tinj fit, induced by the sudden change of temperature, aod ; perhaps ihefirst slap of starvation," replied the Doctor sympatbir-ingly. He hud forgot- ten for the moment his cold maxims oi pril- jdence, and added, " He must he ennied to I a room without fire, and placed in a com- j fort able bed." I The coachman was called in to assist in i lifting tlie atliletio stranger, who was soon. carried to a roott in the chambers, where th !oitor administered with his own bands ittront; dotes of port wine sangaree. The young man soon became partly conscious, but all conversation was forbade bim, &ud the sunk quietly to sleep. I " lie ii doing well ; let him rest as long as be can ; should be awoke in our absence j five him beef tea and toast ml hhilxivi ," siid the doctor professionally, as he left the j room. j ! lu !ess than an hour afterward Doctor , May wood and his lovely wife entered the gorgeoii church of "the most Holy Trinity." : Amid the hundreds of fair dames that entered its broad portals, dressed with all , the taste and magnificci.ee that abundant j wealth could procure, not one rivalled, in grace and beauty, the orphan bride of the ; rich physician. Her tall, graceful figure was robed in a violet silk, that only heigh- tei.ed by contract hr large azure eyes, bright with the lutre ot youilitul bappim-ss ; ! a!r,oli nia,ic kowrj t0 the p.jblie showitic' mother and lite children, old age and inUn ' yet, there wss a touch of tender pity in their 10W HorDdou " went down will, his ship, cv,c.-.:i still draw . ...-tciiahCtf n.'l uhfain uroopm? It-is that won the conh-etice ot every b. bolder i he snowy ermine mantilla which rrotccted ber from the tuereiii" wind. I rivalled, hut could not surpass, the deheati purity ot her complexion. ilsny attmiring eves followed the laulliess figure of Mrs. Mavwood, as she moved with unconscious grace up hut none the central aisle of the church, itii more heartfelt devotion than the young, wayward, but g'nerous man who had recently wed her in spite of her poverty ....I .I- '..( i.: . ..:.. "on ,nc rnccis v. ,na a, i;i-j . a. iu ai iuiiiii- tane. The stately organ bad peeled its last rich notes, which were still faint echoing in the distant arches, w hen a stranger of venerable apect, who had previuuly takeu part id . the services of the altar, rose and announced for his text the oft-quoted, but seldom n p- pl'ed words ot the Apostle, " Be not forget - , ful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertaineu angels unawares. it. i Maywod felt bis forehead flush painfully ;! it appeared to Lim fr the moment that the preacher nml .lave kuown of his want of i charity towards strangers, and wi-hed to j fi've htm a public !e--sou ; but lie soon saw, from the tenor of I. is remaiks, that his own guilty conscience had ai one made the appli- ..,;-, ;n V;, n.rtie.ilar rn.e. 1 have not - f", --' " " . , - , - ---- , - - - - - tz ; synopis of the sermcn : but that it, com- bined with the incident of the niorniug, ef- fecteu a happy recolutiou n the nuud ot nt lear one ot it.-t hearers. So much fo, tint on the return of Jr. May wood from church, heri pnired at once to the roofii of the men - tlicatit to t-fft-r such attentions as h miht utand iu need of. ut the young man "ceitied e i ... i , J -i..r..i' .. i i. :. . loon, nun cuimiicuecu jri iiciuiiv in;i ih rr , . . , . . ft . , hi- host for the kind attentions he had re- life. Rut I will .. - rtcoiii j'i'iifc jeu wen, jot, thank l",od, I am not tl.e beefar that I seem. I as shipwrecked on Fiidsj night in the your recovery. ' Of what state is she a native?' Arthur WiUett eagerly. " I married her in the toWD of asked where sho was born.'' At this moment Mrs. Mavwood entered --- . tue room, aurpriscu aim long aoacuco oi her husband. , Artnnr ti met caiea at ner witQ a loos of tbe wildest surprise, murmuring " It cannot be it cannot be. I am de- lirious to think so.' Mr- Msjwood gaxed with little less as- tejiishmcut, motionless a a statue .uvk.i ..Inf,,! nrsiarv ialhl "What painful nsysterj is t bis T" criod Doctor Maywood, excitedly, addressing hia . wife, ho then became cou-cious of tbe sin-1 gularity of her conduct. j " Ob, tin mystery," she replied, sighing 1 deeply, " on!j tlirs ulrrricr ii the itnafre of . in v loi-g loi-t brother, Artitur." Alt'! Mr. Mijwoou, oTercome with emotion, ttirnp.l to ' lenve the room. j "fliay one in-ttuvnt,'' plcader.l tl slrnnger, 1 drawii'" a small tnotirninj rihi! from hi j finder, anU holding it up, a nUert t tin t rofi T keil if rcsiz- "It is my father's grst bair.tiful jou are " Ilin son, Arthur Willett, and yon !ro-i bin lips. The wnvts had closed abmrt bim, icr-" I and the enrtain of the i.ight was drawn over Mury Wiilctt May wood f.-U upon tli" inen- J on'-' of the moit sublime morul sj-ectacl. diont's breast, weeping lean of wcete.sl ; that the iet eer aaw. joy and thanksgiving. J""1 bei'oro the steamer went down, a Doctor May wood retired from the room ' rowboat was hfari npproaebino;. Ilerndon and left sister aBd brother alone in that sa-! bailtd her. It was the boatswain's boat, crcd h.itir of reunion, ssv'.np to bimsolf t rowti by " bard hands end a trontle heart,'' "Be not forgetful to ctiteriaio fctraoger.',! rclurnin on board from the bri; to report for thereby souie bavo entertained angel. ber disabled condition. If shecamc along utiawarcs." j wide, aba would be engulfed with th sinking LKTTKI! FROM LIKUT. MALT.V. Ve find in the Washington Lilrllisrnrsr all flVciinir Inter from this gcnt'emaii "'e "ubject of the loss of the ( entral A- H' liea," and the com' net of Lieut. Ilern'ion. o'j-'ct " writit)' this let tor to the s-c- rttary of the Navy be thus indicates : The Pepartment has nlread v hepii ollicial- T informed of this wree.k and disaster, aud 0 how nolilv Ilerndon stood to bis. Lost ami gloriously perished; how the women und t he 2-"ih duy of October, 113. He whs cbiidreu were all saved ; and how he did ibe son of the late l:ibny ll.-rndon. of thai all that man could do or ollieer Miou' I loiy.iace, and was the fifihof seven children, nVe his ship and crew also. Hut the par- rive sons and two daughter, of v. bom .lira, tieulars have been given to the IVpartmrnt ' M-mrv ! the ,1,1, . (I, wns named arter only in a f eii-hablc form of newspaper re- Captain S "t'.'.iani !. ni.of the Navy, who cor, Is. as J-jst st sea on hoard the I'cited States As tribute to his memery, as materia! j hr Lpervicr. Lewis Uerndoa was kft f0r history, as an heirloom of the Navy, aud jeuriy nti orphan; and entered the ravy at a Iceacv to his countrr, I chsire to place 1 tWe nee of filleen. AfTi-criinste ift dUnosb on record in the D-uartmet,t this sim tile writing and memorial of him. biliveil of his own; be also won the love We were intimate; I have known bimjand esteem of his a-sociates wherever he from br-ybood ; he was my kinsman. The! went, and he became a favorite throughout tit" of consanguinity, as well s our prof'- tbe fr: .ice. abiiial avocations, brought us frrqiiwnlly arid i 'I'lc whole is a touching sfory. It will much together; we wt-re closo friends. j surround the name and memory of Ilerndon Inner these circumstances, 1 ask Tc-'if leave to file a report of that gale and bis .loss. I aim to embody in it a simple nar- rativc of incidents, derived from staf mtjnts wbirh the survivors from the n rr r:t b: ve 'made either public, through the prints of the! day, or privately to bis family and friend. I These incidents, in tho silent influence of the les-ons they teach, coratitutc an ii:her';u:.ce of r ire valti" to l is emi'itrMiin; thev nrr the hcir'oom of which I spoke, and v.i'1, I am persuaded, be pro.'.uutivi of much good to the service, tj.pn on iv? t,I0M plr.ilf.ri : aW ,be of i'eiit ral A rncrica, " : eaT; a iowin exnmple of th votioH t ! j rLril,ilin C01)duct, u. true ber.iM..." ,, ,. ., , ,, . ., ' lie mentions u;o ioi.owin loci'ieni : j " j The steamer's boats were ordered to be lowered ; tiie ii ariue ua-s none mat coum liv in sucb a sea. Now came another Irvine time. The boat scenes of the steamer " Arctic " bad made a deep impression upon Ilerndon'a mind ; they now crowded into remembrance. IV ho of this crew should be selected to man bis boats! Would they desert bim iben they got oft from tho ship T 1 here were some w ho be knew would not. It. was not an occasion when the word might be passed for volunteers; for it was tlio t ost of safety, not of danger, but never - J theless of great trust, ths was to be filled, j ariy consideration that could exist. lie will 1 The csptsin wanted truty men, that he 'remember where be gamboled in bis early : knew well from Ion s association, and the! youth, the stream unou whose flowerv crew ot such vessels i not very permanent , banks be felt a mother's love, and the gree-i as to it personnel. Therefore he felt at apot within that little homestead wlier hT f(,r there was stii! a man wanting for ieep the loved and the lo?t." Black's, (he bo: tswain's boat. Aai?orper- ceiving the captain's dilemma . stepped up I and modestly offered to go. He had not, it mav be supposed, been long in tlie ship, fori Herndon evidently did not know bim well, K-.l .; ,.,;i.t ,.,1. nr I T: , .V -, ' . innt, h i i, , . u . . .. . . - j stinctivel v understoorl this call for a shih - I boleth, and simnty said, " I hare linn, Is ilrif 'are hunt to roir, an? a hwt that's so't romot)z the desert tribes. Their joy over the fref." Thi wtt enough i he went and wai gr-t well wa unbounded, and news of the true. Not a bont deserted that bhip. event spread towards the south witU unex- I All the women and children were firt 'mph'd rapidity. People came from lou jeut to thebrit; and every one arrived there 1 dirtauces in order to see the miracle. The in safetv. K.nch boat made two InmU to the Manhiuts. with erpat soleinuttv. coriseera- ' bri, carrying in all one hundred persons. - i--.i t . t j t A it I. regard to the last sad. cloiiiT seen, . m " -. i c .t,.,!,. JjlCUt, I . W I 1 lt-t, a ii't I - r iir tii: nci t- uir .. Ill ., I ...,1..,,J 1.. ftii, f..rv niia IIV'l C fVUV il' i i "v. riv. v . As one of the last boots wns about to lonre tbe ship, her eoinminder gave bis watch to a passen;er, with a request ihit il might be dulivcred to his wife. lie wished to charge him with a message for her also, hut bis ut terance as choked. " Tell her .'" I'iKibic to proceed, he 1-cit down lr. a i aud buried his face in his hands for a mo ment, as if in prayer, for he was a devout man and trite Christian. In that moment, brief a it w:n, be en dured the great agony. H it it a over no. Hii crowding thoughts i ilnu'-t hid been of friends an! home; it ! at'on ; a beloved wife and lively daujhler depen dent alone for -uppoit upon him. '.od and bis country would care for tlit n now. Hovar and duty required him to stir to his ship. and be saw that she must go rl.'nn. Calm and collected, he ro-c up from t'n it short hut mighty strngg'e with renewed ' ftger, ami wcni wu;i cyrcouragnig iours about the duties of the ship an heoite. He 'ordered tbe hurricane dick to be cut ji and rafts to be made. lie life-picaervers ,lo brought up and distributed to al! , nba would wear thcra. ight wai sotting - - m,.n- Mi-.m"..,.. -.. , talc ecarge oi uc arm-cursi uF , tockcj e.ery ua.. uuui t an Reossalaer, his 1st officer, wsa also by him. Ilerndon has spoken of hi-n to .mo : ,iu terms ot Um ana aumiration. ana i au Kenssa'aer proved hlmse.t woruy lolaeiart 01 SUCu Con:!neuur,iu:ia. k-iur ai. ..i to stood at 'heir post, and perished together with their harness ou. After tbo boat which bore Mr. Tty ne, to whom Ilerndon entrusted his watch, bad abevd of, vht captain went to hi tto-room Id band iic oil silk "Ovrig whieb he axaally were over it. Iia took the covering off and throw it on hii ca'nin floor j then walking out he took hia. stninl oo the w heel-bouse, holding on Io the iron railitii! with bi left hiinii. A roektt was stet off j the ship fetched hct 11 lurch, ami as she went Ho'vrt he ut.covcrtd. A cry arose from the sea, hut ik( fremi hip. llerntlnn ordered her to beep off. hu did so, and was saved. This, so far as I have been able to loarn, was hi Inst order. I-'orci tful of si-If, inini'fiil of .otlieri", his lifs nu I was t.'tantitiii to inr last; anu in nis (ivaln be hss added a new glory to the annals of t he sen. In eoncluoicn, Lieut. Maury thtis peal of the birth, paretifae ami character of hii ! lo-t hut liohlo friend : , Ilerndon was in the 4 Itli year of his age. He w. horn in Frrdriefcsh.iro-. Viroinia.on ' lion. .-ff and r.-nt!r in his iiinnner.a. he was wiui nuferthatle ilory. It will arid to lbs chara. fer of American seamen. Itwillcver he regarded as one of (he most affuctitnj " tales of tlie sen.'' ! DfaVTIYiu v Saip. V.'e make the fol lowing Leautital extrjet on tlio honestcafI exempdon law, from a letter written hy a 4isf:nrtisbed Judge of Teimes-co : " Secure to each family wh5c labor may acquire it, a little spot of fresh e:.rlh that it may call its oni that will be on assy I i in in time tf adverti' v. from which the proteeimn. though n.i.-fordin may rob tUm of all else, and thev feel they are atiil free I still entitled to walk the creen earth, and i, , , , , . . . . , ; breathe the free air of heaven, in dc Oabcc of t,e potetiey and power of accumulated w0.iUU and domineering of the pretending land ambitious. J ho saertri itess of that ' ct tiee rated spot will make them warriors .in time of external strife. These shocks of corn,' said Xuiiopb"". 'inspire .Lose who raise them to defend them. The larget ot' them in the Geld is a prize exhibited in tlie middle of the rU ge to crowu tue eon- . rjueror.' Secure a home to every family I w hose labor mar obtain one, ag.iiiKt the ,' weakness, vice", or misftrtun) of Oliers, and vou rivet the nlleetion of the child in 1 .ears of mmliond bv a stron-e' bond than All .alA. i.i,i, l. i 11 1. l'jv.hU I . The French papers have interest in ac- rouiit of newlv bored artesian wells in the ,e..i I ....... : At II .:. ! 'J . ut. r.i oei , r. a.,mu wi n.ciir mi o . iwci 1 deeu. The .innearance of the t ater in eaeli lease produced the greatest excitement a- tcl the Dewly created well, Hid gre it tho name of " tlie well of pence.' At another place, as toon a the rejoicing1 outcried of the soldiers hid announced tbe rushing forth of the water, the natives dr near ia crowds, plurccu themselves lulo iu Die?seU wares, atHi the mothers bathed tlu ir eiiildreu there- in. Ihe names luitueciiate.y appilea oytno people, sucu as " the well f bli " and " the weii of gratitmle," suibciently attest tbiir 'feelings. It is snid that these welis will aorK u-.i iii poitaul part in a social revolu tion of the tribe in their neighborhood Having been obliged, like their ancestors, to wander from place to place as tbe dosert sprincs dried up, tl.ey will now reinain a ruuud tbe constantly Bowing wells, ealtirate the laud, aud take the first ateps towards civilitation. PlefOVlKY rr Tt' C T"V!) Pt IIlPPO HAlaa. I be Ksperance of Albt n, btatos, I tiiat near tho village cf Arnaoutii, not far j troin rbarsslia, a tomb ba j'it het u dis i cvertd, which ha been ascir'.aiu.d to be ' that of Hippocrates, the great physician, an inscription clearly en'iriciatitig the fact. ' !n the tomb a gold ring was found, repre j seoting a aerpcut the -.ymbol of medical ia antirpiity as well as a goU , ; att4.bl)d M ,hia ticce of gold, Iur the appearance of a baad for the i.uJ. ,., ... pere was also Ivm-witli tl'e.s .so articles a htonz)) bstf Hupped t0 fc, ,i.:it 0f U:pp9- crates hiaiaelt. These otueota. a cii ti h tU l(!ieTiyt,eltt W6ro dt;,vtrii(- p , Houmo Tasha. 'jot.mot of resaViV. who at ouoo fjrwi.'ied iLls to Constantinople. Caif'Ato, October 3. James 0. Tray uiao wa yesteiday teuteoced to four years' hard labor in the pcLUcutiary, tor stealing Utters fro tu the Post Office h tlis cty and pnt on bit. uniform. The go I around his cap wna roneenle.l by tii

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