?i'jtimjii'.mu!uu.i)iwii'j ... ! , Ki....jii'jimvii--.ii,ujjii,uaijpi 1 1 i '. . ' " - ., ..... ! I' ' t ' 1 "Be fhje io 6oc fo ijotilp (Sounfnt, fo Hour )uf).t." CISLXjiOTEI, INT. C.,DEC33iMBEK. IS, 1SS7. THOMAS J.; HOLT ON,' ', KVitOH & i'ROFKIITOB. , , , 1 ai'aa W mpv 1 . T'ie "..rlb-Cirolina Whif writhe a flurdril tntub. ..rihers at J0 DOI.I.AKS in auvaiin. j TVWJ iiit.l.AHi- AND HFTY CENTS if payment l del ..ycd I',.r liireemmilii. jami TDK hi. lJOl.J.AliS it I ' c fin! oT (lie rear. Nuiiaucr will be di.iua. t:n'i"1 iiiilita'l arrearage ate puid, eicej.l at Ilia ,,..11 in rf the KJitcir. 1 A.'.crliav.iimts inserted .1 One I H.r por aquaria (16 line, nr I '!, thia ited -) Tor the first inr. t , in , ..ml ?. ctrita for each run tin uaiice. curl d - I xt rnai-fm-uta and SUentl 'a-tute rh-irgt-ii 'J5 r mil. (iilier ; unit a deduction I 3.1 J per cent, will . Ik, iimlc I'tnin lb. reguUr price, n.r eiivriii., r nr j tin) ,turi Advtrli.rmui.la marries' monthly or ajnrlnrly, a )l pet wHf tor rath lime, tumi- ( ' num'tliiy J I'MUart juare for earh tune. IVr.im. .hro .nidinv in tl.e.r ad.rrtirrn.riit. nmt iii'irk tl.a iiumtirr nl iiiarrlirine iie.nr-.ij or t l!,, y wit lie in m 1 led blitil Tiii bid and eltargid cic- j , J Tliiiaalcra art I ulj.oiizeu loact a. agenta, ' I yjrockery, Crcckory! ) j 9L.I ntnitil, 1 new a..iii ul W ,in Cf.nitt) rd nun' V hue and faintm ik'are, ltlua I 1. f-atra .'! 4 aipa and Kiiimi, V5 rnu ml, ,,1111111 1 nioh rra cri.la a piar, at t hn.a Hall, Cuailoiic, N. t . JAMKS I1AUTY k CO. m (Id f. I.'i7. l' t!ii:iltr Ti n 11 Iriirrty SAL i:. lir rornrr (if Omrrh anil-- f ljrt Tie ! itj-ti n ) ti'gti f.(f !ifu!fti? nitif tvr of iiioiil ..-:rriM ib Uit lowp T lf? tSu Ui r ill f i aii.tl Icttt Un tii,lH4 H I.M.v in t,aat. : ih fin 1, t.J it r ii rn t:c fi.f t i.f tlie lufiijin u ft i' t ut f!c iijtrn.r f.f any tui!l;ii in ; ! 1 11" r r . tt.rl ir ! f y r. ri - a r1! i !'i nl t r I ' 1 ' 1 nr Ti'""tlr:if in It)1!'! w ill in . ) . t .:itrcr at litp tniiaiU- 4 r.Uc inp ttf the : hj tiiMi'i.' t.J biiiKl.tir-w i ij.r t lt. A 1 di ui ti.i I )t.-cnn I" iMirmuie WitiKiut rl tumitnf t..t r UiiMw, I . 1 UKi f r tniof in glum. 11. t'lt- proarfly Ul fll UtattOUh Ol IUfll , I-1;. 1 w-i.i Mta.it tiir ft.e Ct.litfrp-tit w.iU ltfj i i r iinr. o the tttu--, nut r 1 1. 1 g ft !ii ; w in in ht til lir lue l ol l;ir la, I tiLD. t'iluS.S. 40,000 PAIRS OF Boots, Siiocs, ItROG.lXS Over Shoes, BOOTS and SHOES . a ran b fi,.l in any whvirHic or ret' il laMiatnirnt in th. Stnillicni Country. i )nr (,mi f n ti fuel uriJ f '.XV H KSSl. Y for ui, ..n't w ar tjiurw-i! Uty mtii W-tur t. u:-t ti'n and al fnr tr lita hhk quality 'i "wt, ttiH atakyotiur CKtitJ.iaduicnl m iit Uial, 1 1 ! "i ' y nirrii rt r gamine rur Slork and "' to i Mlia6cai lliat Una ia U pUri lo Bay Boots and Shoes. HOONK A CO il' AMI tine pr.re nn'y. A'f. V.. Iti7. Sltf Field SctMls ! t' I.Ii, Toot'thy, U ot t.r, r -1 r .1 , Fit rf i - . Mi! l I.Ar. A Urf (.!' t.lf ft', j u.vw at. j hir aale at the In we mar he t i-rict. at I'UM'CIUKDS It lnlr$'tl and HetaU ihnff Mrnrr, laaii at oinii. A:ig' Uj, Iei7. iibti Otto of lto.se! A I M'..l. A... f t.l.n I nf l.nb-ir'a, f;:, I,,'. .. I . IL J II .u.r'a S.li i nid l.lti.i t, ToiUl Wati r, S .i II,. ,!,, A c. Ac. J a! .. nar.d at IT.lTCl.AKD'.S 'artrv ihuff Start, Ji uri n'a t 'omrr. Sohdde Fss.C'amplior ! IV HI 'i44ea nf the TbroNt, J.iU th. Stomach H't ft'i. t-la, prrpareil ar.t ad at flUTCII AliDS artf iai 1'krmtrw! Stott, ! a w.f'a t qusy a . I!!nke's Aronuiti.- niUri ! A N no II. -ut t'oiit' rnJ aiitj iIcjh pliv M (h. - l int', iul to ImimI at I i-itrrciiAKD's I lawiM'a l oKMra. i Fry It ! Try It! nlMildl mrmtnltd Kgirsct ! I'll III' I r V .1 ilir.'ir nr In III.' W l"l,1 I'-.r tie rluaa i'i r,. await prfiffiara 1.. irrnt. Try It. I'ltl'MIAUIiS I'lll't. UtttVr!, Ii ir.n'a t o. nrr. White Lead. I Ik al talk Ik I.I.S.UII1IK I.I.ADjn.l I FalflFIF .rrrilril aid Inr ..In al 11. M. 1MU TCIIAHDS, I'rurgitt 9f Chrnifl. IliiHU'si llia.or ol t'.'ii-nliun. lilt IIOUM', 'lie airrnt fur the ub"r b.x.li, -ll In. Inl f, w n,. . nt P. J. imYHtVS ""'A' S'lDHK I'.r.i.iia .Ir.itiig r.ji, will I I- r r-,: .rnn. j "iv'.'fi, w.S7. H'f j Ki:uitiMi. ia i :i di m;. iivtroxn Hi or Ellk8, linens, Hoslnry, Embroldeties, tc, ! NO. Ml MF.KTI.V. STKKKT, j JlM'liKirE I1AVNE HTBtET, Ilt.i oi I A n Infallible Utmtdy for HOUSES I ON tli receiptor One Ifeliar. I will mail ,' any prranu, a receipt of a remedy fur llofa.. f wliil auffi rmir I1.1111 Ilnlla nr Crubn. Tina re.' lutity Ima h-.-r been auuwn lo fi,j in (l,e wnrat """ " Imnirihat. rtlicf. Krry nmn i,o baa lmra alould alwnra have thia r.eupt by Ibcin. Th matt-rial, ot winch the Kimcnia la ci.injM.afd cun be prnrurrd hy aiiy ptraon at nil tin.i-K. If thia r. midy f.,il lr trn ,. j net. th nmrir. w in ie f,f,indrd. Addrcaa me at1 Uirenatmiu'. Uuillurd rn.. N. JOIIiN W. BAKKR. i HrptAi, '8i7. a'MI I))c-S(ufis, D) e-SllllTs I rjllK rT fce't nf thia rlnaa i.f nrlicln. eon J."' aiMitij in Vart i.r i,lnii, n nf Tm, F.iiroct atl lrfwiM.l l"itf.lit..bl ar..i. M - 1 ci,ai i0w at .., "-y uo pur. I riUTCHAIiDS Zr.(f Alvrr, Iru in't Cuinrr, I) rcrtMcmiaicsrcrtMoniiaies, a " fcVV and beautiful unwirinitin jufl rttxi.rd t rurrniARD's 'rtij omi (Virn.uai IhuM, t ntMi. Country 3IercIiMnts rtaixcllunj uivilrd t cll nd fl.,n,i nur wl i.l.. .U- prir. a i.f r.mVr M.'IOS ai Wtlli l.M-, put up in any aM Ir In ntdt r,1 y I'ldKHAHD, f.w ft iiii1 Af,ihreoiv. IhWlM'a t liNM.I , Tariii.sIie.Sy Van.i.s.its ! 1 I.AftGfcl Uci nnw fn hariif foniHaJifif eif aV. iHiiur, ( npul, ( ocli Di.dj , r urniiurc, Ja. -n, AfM Uhuli wnl be a-,'u f r I y4.s i.rcr Ihdli fcitj oii.r li.rui.- if I )..ri"lt. Jjv H. M riUICIIAlil). 'Yllitl-mlt end iirtvll Ihupput, lawik'a t navra. Conditinn Pon ders ! I AliMM.'S .nil nllura mt.r..t.d in Mtft K, r? a.atind tt,l Iht-ar pri'pnrat.nii. an; un. aurpriamrd tia hi-. Illi piving rtn,rdira to i,rHa'.t t'alUr. rid all amda tif bfuca. iut alc at rKITCMAIUra hulemtilt and iiftmi ltuj Stmt. j la win'i ntsm. DESIRABLE IN FO R II AT10 Al j TO i vi KVix nv. j IIUU Hjiitc tm.e i ivc Ur. tiifagtci in a IMf .iflf I w oTa.fra h..in I U t0 inatrm ! tl fr $i IH a et ) iirti h vrf-ird me . ih-tn-In. in Ui rr annum .nt, h.vinf ; nude rrnc mrtiU to jri t- the rralern Oitu- titiit ttrxt Kail, I am lint tu ie full iiiati uc I ti n in tile art to any u tkjii iu ti-t t 'n t ii St.ilt a, wlto w alt rent it m tii emu of Two I'ot.LARi. 1 1 mieet a1 Iron, thr iurm 1 lia brra M vrrrt ' wi4t man tiKfv kiMiwltgtairiiU tamt I b- ftiieivrij Jft ti. tluc i ui I love iiirtrue tid n Hit art, aixl tto nr now rl irn-p Inmi $3 to $15 jr iJa, ! tt frry ff.t n a rii.ii.re in otni it!4 (amiirii on of Mi. 4 uIum!)! ihmiii of itmkte g f m U h-rt utir. 1 i t r ia no I It Mat O a. t-fldl ti.e UnKiit-a l.cri .u aiu-tU ti. Kilt r ncea of ' c b l c !- r -ui be jj t rit a a r " r : it cha rulfr, 6ni I raft a ! ft ft r lo frfn.'tia tl) C..- ,fn mr4 ,rtrett, hi ari I mm in thia plafr, hn bt WitbiiE thr tiiunllia ".iiiiiirk d in the hunnt-aa, ! and a iil i-tlitjth-t l-nj ir nikking In m ,1 io tlj (rf C-i) -I Ii r a-n-. It :a a tuim na ' in wlftrti t' T I 1 ira f-r f '.htU in u rn i i- .je , ami Hh p rtrt f.M innl,e a r Ii .iii nif in. cnn. STt-rnl i4iina in varii.r.a rta or Illinma lid .Viui, v)uni I h it iintruc iiij in l he j. rl, art iiu cirfinj ft-tn . U 91 j jer day, ( ia a i ttU-e bui n i nil ti q u ir. a but a IV w a l tiling a toffflif ttifr.ee it. I pM r- rnpt i.l f'J I anil ,.t icr tatvaar to the apiihcant a cr-ul-r eoi.t imi' n I i ni(ruf tmitB tn the alt, winch te (erieitijr , unGrrtiH4 uj'i rw-iHi oiuf r;i'. Aiinrtna; KPWl.N 'J KMPLK IfJN, I 't?, Fourth Al., M. .niia. .Vo. Air- 9J. M.7. vri-r,in Faint or Linseed Oil. kll .Al L"NS ju.t r. vd td Lr l f9 a, I, al !i. I m .1 i. -arkrl em, a, by ii m 1'itnc ii Attn, m i Ik V IN 't i.l,M a. l'rof i'K Ci tl ATM 'fi lOLKirFIUC OIL- TllE F.I.ICTaiC tll. Elrrtrif Cur Cnn I. th prrtiurtiitfir nf dralb, r.ihrve t'.e pain and you r bci:a me diaani.e I'tut". lb- tJ'.ih'r Eliritict),l ia ll,r nii.nl i f the agf , fr thr IijiIiiWii g. (l.i't i vi lyilnrg ,) t'urea Kt'f mn:iTinn i-ltrn in a di-y ; t ura-a Ni uralji i, TiMitli irbr lau iinnutea ; t ure t rump u Stiiin..ch, live nili.utr.; urra Ilui ii., V nuiiua, lirumca, ui.e tu tbri. a'lja ; 1'urra ITi-a.Ucltr, filbrn n un itra : t urea K.iruebi , Sl.'.V Nrrk, At ui-, ne tiijlit ; lor I'i It , S rlnu t.i.m . t n day. ; (urea llciiiiHlll.gr, rnlula, AU.craa, HI In tt n .in y ; t'urra f rnatrc! Kei t and Chilblain., one tu llnrr dy ; 1 urt-. Affile and Ft-rer.nne to two dnya, and ail ncrvuua and errnluli-ui affi ctmiia. t ur.-a dtNfiiria in ni.e tn h.ur tiaya ; t nr. . Jii 1' .ma in t ir It ii k. It r I , A . .. il. t i. "' Aa an rumple nf llir esinr in winch it ia Iielii bj one ul' I lie abbll jtm.la mid Wrilrra nil la a, it e , n. llna riiiiiury , v. v will y ur a h in r re ar. in i by tmf. Pa tiaani In. in J,d.u l.in.igat'.n. i:c , K.nti.f nf Hie Wi ll kn. m Mnnlhly I...W M (iilir, 15.7 llr..-.woy, Ni w Vmk, u word .t ncli ta...tiiiiiiny i. ol mure aright an. org tlir but c i.nl Ilia ci.untry, tluii miuiica Ir.im uu. kiii wii muTrs : C l a l a t. llulsr.,rhili.di Iplr.a. M .y 7. ia."G. I'tut. t Naria-a l liinili I iritiy five it my opuiiun that ji.ut Eii i trie Oil ' ia inin.iijj tlir ninkt wnnilrrlul reiiii ilti a ol nintlrrn tiinrs. Al the eirn.at rrqnraii.fa ley whn ulli fi d abr had lirrll rlll'le'l "I a ll.nrt pn in iu I iirtVctu-n by It. u.r, I .a innucrd tn Iry a botllr, Ihuuuh at the time of iurUi..ii,tj. I fully brln ml it tal' a qu.ek mnii'ii.e and cuti h p. nny humhug. Hula liml ci.nm.CT. tnr that it nnra pn.ra a ni:.gic powrr, and ira nae wiH prove a b'.aiing to auttrring lin manil j. 1 rtcrntly took n r..l,i frr .n alrrp.ng in dump aalirrt. .nd my nrrk biCi'lneao inm li aw. Urn uml painful, tint I rinilil nut turn my hrnd. AUt r uaing. wilhout aiirra, ev. ryth.ng prr ei lKiii by my pliyaici.in, I I at evening tried y.ur Ivn-tl n' t)il. Tln nmriillig I "in will, ln ' I liavmsj bet ti " rnn.pl.te a a it w ia mat .litulinus. Voura very truly, JOHN LIVINGSTON, r.tiinr Miii.tl.lv I.w M ig .line, ."ii llraiailwaj &. I'JttWerl KnurUenll. at , N. Y. Mr. I.iving.liiii b, Innga tn the old wralthy and lnghlj rrapict-.ble faiuilii a of I l.e first a. tiler, of JS'i Vnrk. Any our run nddrea. Inn. un llieaiil. jrilol" tlicabova Ii iter, w Inch will b. aii.wetfd will, plea. tire. CieTin -Thrrearr nunirrona im.tatini.a sprung noun tlii ri piiiiiti. n that in. ailirh: haa arq.i.reu. I'ln public moil b. ware. Thry nre worthier.. ir. ii. m. ritnTHAun. aoii- n-rtit forCliarli.il., and ""O l'V I). i..'i:'-t. nd Csjiintry .M. r. nuni. jrnvranv. F the firnf qunlity, it IHlltllAKU'S VUIG &TORK. While l.t tnt! White I. null I A NOTIIEtt ui..'y in.oierd. Pur Article 3J y cent" .ir II.. Jur Caul,, l-'gctlier with evtr ruritty o' colorr, .c , i t piurcriARivs r'tojf and 1'aml Start. QuiiiiiM' tlOW Clrt-.Sc WfGIITMANVS ,,ur. Ql'IM.NE at $'J 5U utr ul. Cnth intnriu ly ut piurrn kds Chemteat Mouse, It Ih't- ORNER. ' .s ... a m r . . . , ar-.ii .lli niir lit IIK'H Tnlla J, Itinr t t,t A (1. , ' 1ST tu hand at 1'RiTfHAnirs I'umUy i) ag tiittrr. Tttlh mi it iUir StriitgiH, "W L'ST rt reived at nun Ji.uurs If -! I ' I'.ii in;i j ' ' II V. auprrinriijri.f thia rrtirlr nvrrorn St i r eh ! a T- pincii. Si p ii, Ac, Mr ii n nrtn.tr ol' ni-i ii,r : inralida .ml (aiJirn, ia umiutatiuiita by tin nie- i dicul urully Euil .upply at i PRITCIIAni'S I f'umily L'tttg Store. Sfpt, I.l. lw.'7. ti'.ut' ! lr;i; iiihii ,!. hi .tl it u;i,iiir. I.S TO tE t!c title of a I.itt r-.rv Ti-r iodic!, to . be pubtialii'd .Month) y, n. the town nf m,! aSorlli Carolitia, by A A Lili !VV J. b I F-A O.MAN, ! a ineiiitMr ot (lit aNuith t'tfioim;i bur. In itf' miy In Iiu- jiubhc ii. j ,M -.jf.iii'i', I cLim for tic Kiiloria( Cl-air Iiu u; rii-n' ver Hut dep if tn tit nt ntht-r lihe IVr i.MJH;.la ; but I ih i-l. .ttii fi-r the t.tlriitof N'lflh ( aroltiirt, trnd the Stiuth yf iier!l) t th. t will bo brought to ita Uf jMirt . S ut hern ptr imge. Aii J ao.au a South, i-rti m; !t, and the r.tlttr of a Sa.iiii.ern M 'g izirir, cl jiiii u t t lie h ti) of tbe &tv th i m ctuiit ry and ; a.lreulljr of Nortli .aruiiii. tht jk) wiiu Mjj'jM-rt lhi.t witi birr, bt I" ni-t en'.n i intt , uu-u u turn tiai, ii 'oiiiil .in nf l-i ttrj t ure, i. no t aciuiit-- f n II . mc- f,; It r-. r t .M.ig. iiiie. Alany Hie l u Miiciiira imw pufMiahciJ in (he Nufthrrit Suli-a tli.it hi-- ri") ! h c tl.t v tult- u I ii . r n ci-unifv. Tin rc ia imt, (it im j-rtib,. bie.) t rnui-tv in any Souiiiern ptate th.it i nnl Tis;ttd ly "Hrjier.M Cir.i Iih in,' Ft tera'n.M or tio. m y h lie here, in North Cumluu m.ri the iS uth, litre t'r,llu'1 Utl-lirt.1ifii itii! llli iju.i iiJ fL'ij;li, the hti rry tnli-M llml ia br u-ht mtn x rtor to Hfiic I'ti to the BUf'fMntof IN..rti-rii M fuiini-ii, White SoiiUh ro ent f pfiee, t.tkte aliti Ulrlit LxiW .ti tiuuihlu aut'tiitinii tu auch auic.Udl pjhcy ol iut.iirn 401 li ihiiU'f. iy I ak, t -ili! ut tf N'r'lt (' i r-l . n: , tbc 4ijtti aetid prretiti;a to i,i P.iutl irn r'lme a M if tine. acerpt..bte tf.r the nmiiy qu.ihlit-a tlt 'tirh tf p-y acif the utoat clmatr, eh g ittl and poille FeriiMlc-4aN 1 ll ia true that (he South baa hi r liH' ; but It w tn t umW-r arc It ry, attd uuk n . ii, c n p.ired lo the putiltc-ttirma (' tt e Murtti. m riieh rn ry tun! hrmji to our limof-a, fi.I. ttl i ti . f : to rt tultol hired la.bor.aiid ucitiicg wi'ii urtpxr'li'iiabla aet'ti-n. l l r u 1 1 to NoMh tjri,I, . a anf ot i t r ll rn Sia tea t mJ n;r in n. v 1. 1 r r ist , ), m prmiMilipt; i l;ti riiry )ni'e ..n m rt thtt upn In. in aa a Nolltern ihho, I !t tvt ci-iina. Mr M t-ntic iH be ot toe uu-tf i.'i' ; rnii iit.luii g ut !k; atlo.itUd to i'.? jjii but tui li ar tn ie iitt w.li ntt t-t t- a pr I 1 1 n -l fia-tif,i-na. ah.i.'t be t!iitair.i!r1 Trtith nr iir i i) Fbiti'P, of the mo! eiepiij't l inr , qw- ling in In- u ' t a ttd at ie any t x cud i a Hie N'O-tii. My p. ire of aubacriptinn la I I J It t, t- JKI. I - A K S p r ye-r, hich t nquinii to bf pou ui nivsiTf, hh thu xp' n"f tt hi- incurrefi tn e-t-h. 1 ,hn p iuiIi a puhlicii.oii tail nt aomit of a crn'ii tatcin. I f Jitti mvmUi tctU it issued gt Januaiy A. J. STKAPMA.V, rl iiit.r j nl I'rrp, SrpumUr 1, 1H57, N It M.Addreaa tint. I if.e fir.t of Novem. Ix r wnl Im- I'i 1 1 r n.r ug .. N. C. a'lrr '.hrft tunc ,1 will be ahni, N. i . "Am I Hi:m to Takk ff.rriN-s ?" Mr (! , a vetrrnn Inwyer of Syracue, used lo teil story of a client, an impt tuous old farmer, by the name of Merrick, who had a diflicu'ty with a cabinet maker. As was uutil in such cse, the nt-ttier excited a preat di al of interest amonr; the neighbor, who severally allii d themselves with one or the ether of the coiitrndinj: parties. At length, however, to the mutu.il diiirpotnt iiirnt of the allies, the principals off-red a compromise, by which Merrick was to take, in full of all demand-., the cabinet maker's note for forty dollars, at six months, ";' '' ahh mi coin urt u aie." Lawyer (I was called upon to draft the nccessrv papers to consilium .ite the et- 'lenient, which, hiving been duly rj'cu'ed slid delivered, the client apprised thnt1 the matter was fully and amicably arranged Ci aaw no more of the psrties until about six months after, when one ninniiiiif. just as h was opetiitiL his office, oi l Mer rick rodu furiously up, dismounted, and ru-hrd in .1. fisn'ly eyel'ii'it'" .' : "I s.iy. .s',( tire, am I bound to ' ikr (;' .. '" It seems, on the note failing due, the oh stinale cahimt maker had refused to pay liitu in any other way. Olire Pramh. Too iiooi) TO Waste A few das ninee thn o Iii-htiien, very ill, were ordered to be. sent ti the St. Louis City Ili-pitul. The phj sieisti prescribed fir them suitable medi cine., toj:elher with a bottle of fourlh broof brandy, t he latter to bo pi veu in doses of a table spoonful ev. ry hour or two. The three were then put in charge of a Hibernian uursc, with strict orders to follow the directions in administeriug the remedies. Next morning the Irish alluudant riported one of the pa tients dying. Un betug asked bow the oth ers, were getting aloug, the replied they were dead. " liJ you r.ive the medicines as I told you'" " Tailh. an' I did, fir.'' "' And the brandy ? ' "Sure, tin' I thought it a j tty t waste si r much "n1 liquor on ino men inn were bound o die an) bow, so I drinked it my self.'' Our Kmcnlder was excused from attend in" on any more patients. A clerjryitt'in, who was consolinia a yotinj widow ou lhe death of her husband, spoke iu a very serious tone, remarkinj that ho was. "on of the few. Sueh a jeel of a Christian you cannot find his equal, you well know." To which the sobbing fair one replied, with an almost broken heart, " I do ovt txpoct to, but 1 will try.-' o From Rura !1 gyzine. EALLAD. IF m W.W. i. If not rrai., .ttrn .nil .IrBi!' . Wlirn tlm diatiint furmfln h- ,;a. Thrn I are ve diwmird a ! p. r. i .iw.iru rim.i Ir tiitima. " If yr f.tur, lit I In- nll.ir, Vr nnuld t.ikr llir fil l I in vain ; ( 'iln-r fc,,n yr to flip hn'trr, tlr, aa bnndaiiirn, bcir tl.e cliuin ! II Vli:il ii .tnry, writ .11 flnry, Mm it, nl our mei nl niii j 'I',i Kernnir, rrr trrr. jr. w lintry, Sliiiim, l",r ,. by ri,w..r,:. .,,li! ! I rri 'r Ibr l'i.,frr, tnnrkini' H.nirr, V lin, brnrulh tlii-rH ttrra mice at(Kd 7 Kvrry tit-Imp, hm.ly atr,iliie 1 r lUr .ui, iliul ji.,i.k hi. blood! Ob ! llir aurrf'W, lin,t rnn Tmrrnw, Frnin a.ii'li nirr, but .t.ivio Ih. nlit Tbt Ir.i.ra bni,i-l lo the nrirrnw, li-ril, r .Imul.t rrr Una Ini ve wrought! In tl.r l..ur. .till he. tin- Pnwrr, (H I 11111-1 rt.iilv t'. i-r.i it t'irn, V !. .. l! r ,.v .'r. .1. r (f t'l. I l.i nr. And nrvci, it mn. hi-, xlial f.nd il i-pu n. JVlisccIIanrmis. l'liim thr tonlli O mil ninn . A RLAL INCIDENT OF T1IK llKVl.'LU TIO.V. Ciirnim i's Fi lm;" and Innrlv J.inra t'n l.ll iii.il y a tl.rflmi? t.. it-. Which now only iu tri.iit.-in lie. My vetiimb!e old jrand-fatlier, a soldier of the Keiolution, in "he la-t years of his life was unusually free to taik of the " times that tried men's souls" scenes with which be w as familiar, from bis havinj acted in them. One winter c veiiirip;, as the nci was fui'iin thick si,d U-t, wo had patherid around the rparkiin' fire of the old hearth stone. '1 be u-Uiil cheerfulness lit up i'le old n.ali's furroaed I r-j , :i 1 1 cicircle i with bis lolistioay loeks. Ui, conversa.iuu, as I well retueuiber, ran OB the di-gracelul acts of thu tories. His s'l liken eye, dim aa it was, would casually fla.-h with imii 'tiitioti, aa he would recuutit story after story of their infamous conduct. Although the good old man baa lc iif iuee i;oue where Tin loner' ye!t ia l.rard no Ii. rr, N -r li.r cniiiui.'s mil fining r r. I was then but a child, jet one of his narratives was as vividly impri ssed on my youthful mind as though it li.nl I ee'i told but yetciday, which imports u. !'u!!uws : In the fall of 1 I, L'olom.1 TLetnas l'v.k. of Mecah-tiburu, North Carolitia, was rent with a rlrteehiiieut of hixty drsoona from G. u Green's army ; to harrasa and drive out the tories, who had infested pirtiona of f-oiiih Carolina, and bad been cnuimitUnL' tln ir wonted outrages o" th. helpless wbif.' families, w itln.ul molestati'in, sale when sal lied upon by Mariou s weak but -pinted little band, who alone for a lime kejt the spirit of ptrioti-m alow in that ill laird I-iute, but who, at that time, was ro worn down by utter mi-fortune, as well nih u unnerve any further t ffort on their par. Uji soon l'olk, by his unwelc itue intru sion with his intrepid cha-ges, jrave the titles to utiilertauu that lucre nns " no ret f.,r the wicked " lie pounced upon their midst, and had chased iln'tn frrtn haunt to haunt, un.'il a lar'e body of them, some dis t n.ee below, bad taken retreat iu the ..ivaiiips ol Waeciinaw, near Georetow n. And here, as thev presumed no danger near, would eownnily sneak out and commit their u-ual di predalions, iind aaiu skulk baea to tlnir bor-gy den.. Uut the tf.illant I'o k, with bis fleet trooper, was soou on their lr .il. Now, their swamp retreat baffled the colonel a skill, for it. w as impossible to penetrate it on , horseback, and to set quietly and a.vait au eiieni ineiit, would be in vsiu Tim con tinued cruelties practised by those pe-ts of humanity or the helpless inhabitants, arous-d the spint of Folk to futtlu r . ff irts. A general toryhunt was i n. f is ti t il ; and after scouring the cypress thickets and the pine bills of the tn iiiiioii :; country, not the track of a tory could be seen. I he.; their Ingress snd eoress 1 1 the swamps were closely watched ; yet no inf. rmatiou as t their whereabout e.mi.l he ir .. i : 1 f: ovi ntiv source; and from ahal imu'i i'e e:irued. it was eoneltided that the tories h i I di-p 'rsed or had moved their quarters to sonic of the lower districts, us that ronton ha I remained unmolested lor siane time. Folk resolved to strike camp and wail fjrtliT issues. Ac corditir1v, n encampment was firmed on m old Held bill-side, flanked by two exfoli ative sjwntnps, and nil caution from further attack were suspended. The sentinels were withdrawn ; and thus lulled in this stuff of false security, the oimp- were quietly taking their ease, when, suddenly, on a drirzlv, foi'L'V niorrittj, abouf the break of d-iy, their etill slunihers were aroused by the rattlino peal ol inuski t' V pouring down upon the ui. Jlu-tle and confu-ioii ensued ; but those brawn v-brow tied, s. nit hearted Oaroli tiiatis were not to be unnerved by the smell of gunpowder, or e.row panic at the roar of little " tioi-y kill seed." ltnt they were i in mediately nil iu front of the colonels tenf, ready for orders; and on the commons for arade.oulv etrflit n; peare l on linr.e bacK -some of these without aad.iles, and some even without, hii iies, with only the baiter, as they burtiediy untied their steeds lioiu the li'lihs. The others had broken looso fniu fright at the sudden tiriujr, and were beard rcainperiito away at a distaneo. With the tight thus equipped on horse, and the remainder on foot, as soon as the colonel gave the word " chirge," the firin;; ceased, and the tories' heels were seen iu the disfanee, making tracks, as fast as legs could carry them, to the nearest point of tlu swamp. And our pursuing troqiers rent tlo air will, sliouta aud bitter i utyrocatious, las they saw their prey eitc.ping in tie rc-1 A?i Ane dote t.r WhitfifI.P. Upon cesses of the thick cjprunii awainp; nd : the ilotit!. cf LU wife lie preuclied Iter funa iCoulJ on!v tive a hastv farewell salute from ! tal seruion. The text was. " And we know the mouth of their olJ horse putolii which did 110 execution farther than riddle a few rlii-tetided coat tails of '!ioe not fo well tkinea in the toot race which would pro- vm, 23. Iu iiotietn lier character, lie the following ititcrening parar.ipos enia j bably givethem a daruiiiL' job after the course ; mentioned her fortitude, and suddenly those : nating from that city : a over. ISow the pursuit by the hore could be pressed no farther, and by the time , the foot company came uti, it was d(.iucd inexpedient. Thereupon tlu y returned to the camp ; and no loss was found to be sus I tained, -ave a few leak-holes iu the top can iva of the tents, as the tories had entirely 1 ove-hot them. ! A tew it i'u- li oso 1ioi-ts ne'e pick'd up ; round the sklrta of the camp ; and alter a 'few hours' renieh, all the others, except eti;ht, were pathered upon the adjacent hills, AtiU utter a hunt ol several miles over the piny woods, no trace of the remaining ouch cot. id be fun nit. Here a triek was di.-covered ; on xatni- ' ogrnpli'j of Hi v. Win. J"J.. nation, a part of the horses had evidently been unloosed by hand. And as to w lint it i , meant or could i'moort, was a question v, hich ! . " rrt.VNsn;5!0S.-The derate and placed the colone-fin a dilemtna. Was it to , 'eresttn- operation of transferrtnu' blood p.event bis escape, in case of a nn-ditnted fl e place to another, ha airain been Hack from n o.erpoirerinjr force of tarie ? . ""'S I'-rmrd by Mr. k. heat- Or was it merely and solely for the purpose c' ;" tannocK, a,M-ted by Mr. ofpil'eri,, The Utter was i,i.-ted upr.u, ; 'J and Mr. Samuel Uheatcroft as it was more cor,,itetit with their debasod j 'If P'""1 Mr"' ,.ton- f Lannock nnt,irf.w 1 When apparently exptnr.); from loss ot . -I 'rn.:i. . .:; ., ,1 .... i b!.ii. shout two poutidiof b!o-.i f trati- termiin d. Afn-r l,.,i,, ..,..,11 .,,W ... u.i . , ,.,,1-. ul or.11 i-.i r ,.s uc- . i .i i - -i: . .i ,ui,,i:iu lac vaiiiii, Mi;nu. were uisi nuuteu , . . .. , . . , f '- - C" iu d.S.-rent direction.-, in order to have the "'"'utes 1af','r' 'b'urrent of blood ,'" " (stitutiou, even under protest. As the qucs reareh as thorou-h . possible. One of "w.-al" ' of 'V8.""8,0 , , . 1 1'"" i sh.i,it.ed-eot,.titutirn with slavery those parties, late in the evening, having advanced a good distance from the camp, found themselves iu a lonely, rugged low ground, interspersed w ith swamps and cover ed with thick shrubbery. At this place the patty made, what is termed in the hunters' phase, a " deer drive." And just as they were all converging to one point, thoj heard the weii-knowu neigh of their lost steeds, and there discovered tail, racrirud. n-aunt. tawiy, pine smoked tory, ju-t in the act of' forcing the poor brutes into one of those dangerous quick sand ibogs. He did uut, in the let, detL-et his Mtuation, as he was bu-y " chunking " thchor.ses with heavy pilie-knots, who seemed consciou- of what was before them, 'i he soldiers sti',1 pressed closer and closer around him, being; shielded partly from bis view by the L.tcrvenit..' bu.-'ut- j but ou turt.it.r roaui t pickup, a.,otherpine.kiiot,hesawttiemeuoiii,isrear. H,. ;n,.nl!r. n.nrlA a r.ro.l;. .;... l.n.i.,l f.,r. ward, but Euding himself so completely sur- rounded uo chance for escaDe-be fceincj fired in !, is tracks: i.nd rolUil l.i. whit eve balls round on his cantors, then placed them steadily on the ground. His Phsi.j. tunny indicated a villain of the lowest grade, He was interrogated as to his conduct ; but lie. remained sul'lcti. and would not so much ns raise his countenance. His hands were thereupon pinioned behind his back with ith- rein of, h.Ucr, and ho was thus con- dueled to the can. p. 1 he other coMit'.'inies bad already rf turn - ed, and were anxiously awaiting the result j of jur sueces-ful party, v. ho soon made their appearacce with the captive and recovered t property. A court-martial was immediately I instituted. Tho company then formed a semi circle before the tents, with the officer;; and prisoner imiiiLiiiniely in front. The ex amination wa.' conducted by tlu captain, tho ileepe.-t anxiety pending on the issue. Hoping certainly to gain some intelligence of the parties of the tories who had so un ceremoniously disturbed their rest that in ortii ii jr. the Colonel made the following propo-itiou to the prisoner. i " .Mr. vou are an own enemy to your country, as you emieMiy are ot tLe sme , . i party who so cowardiy attacked us tins j morning, and moreover you have basely at tempted to deprive us cf our property. Ry 'onr law, you should die, but I shall make' 1 this proposition it. your case : If you Kive me the desired information as to the where- lahouts and situa'ion of your c'-tn not one anouis anu siiua.iou oi yiur e.au, nni one hair of vour bead ha lbc touched Sir nairot you. ncau . nan ic louini.i. . .r, now answer the oucstious the canla n sha l now answer tue que nous me c.ipuiu .ua.i luttoviju " , j.uiio)ou. , Thn reessari- ii,.,.rr-ortion were ma.'e in t.ccessarv iti.irrogaiiona wtre ma..e, to iiicli I e ,.( im suaisf icfio-i either in to wtiicu i.e give no snnsi.ii uo.i inner iu . , ,t . . . . ,, c . . ii i i ni' a n r nni l vi or ncirni i-i. 1 1 n not i e- o.mi.i i,vli, .iii.dv aoll.r,, u.i.l r.hsti.n.1 u hicl. sj eurajed the colonel, that he impatiently turned to the. soldiers who were anxiously awaiting, but were e,2rr to have some sport with him first, and said." he is at your dis- po-l-despatel, the rascal." At the instant . 1 .. I . 1 iiu'y arow ineir swor.JHJina I'an tj aa- vancc towarus nun, ne mane an extraor- dinary boun d from their mid-t ; then with the a tlity of the -i'f' cur-or ; took a' di:ee;ioti .long the lii.e of tents, rapidly ; lc.intig Ins pursuers tnl.ind l.tm. volley, after volley of pistol shots were fired after hint, but without eT-ct, and as the swamp was but a few yards be for-, him, and he was alrea ly beyou I the reach of their shots, bis escape now seemed certain Hut tin re chanced to be an old soldier, note.'. fc.r his ac tivity and muscular p nvt r, sleeping iu the farthest tent ou the line ; he sprang to the door of his tent, ami di-ci ruing ti e proba ble c-ijse of excitement, as he saw the toty at full speed,, nd his pursuers snouting "kill! kill! the villain!" and j-.ist as !" pa-.ed, the athletic old soldier, with a tiger's bound, g ive him a pugili-tio bio v on tl.e back of the bead, that felled him prostrate sever..! f.t I. for? !.;:;i, v-hirh completely disjoiutc ! his neck. Rut, nevertheless, the infiiiiated soldiers, to give the lit nost vent to their spieeu, fell ou hiui with their words and hewed bim in pieces. After tl is. Col. Polk made a few more surcrssfil drives, cotnpleti 'y scouring out tii.it poitiouof the country, lie tin n re turned to uis ij uarters, iu the upper coun ties of North Carolina, leaving bis nan. a a terror lo the toricf ; aud e-teetneJ, in the hi -hest senso of the word, a bt i.factor to the helpless Whig families of 'hat distressed re. 'ion. D. 15. R. ' Jokes mi Pun. it. Youth (aged 10), " Here's a nuisance, row! Wowed if laint ..(. i on m. dressin,. room tt-I n i. i.', . 7 ... . i Vile, and that young brother ol mine will he a.v.i.i aii utji U1 rcaliaj." thut all things work together for iVe ?ood 1 i of t'neui that lovu (jod. to thett) who .re the 1 ' called according to hi purpose." Romons ! fields, hy the old ntumn of the tree 7 J he inultitudo was great and many were dis- po-ed to be riotous. At first 1 Mrcsed ; Walker s entiro olhotal enur.u in Kansas them firmly, but when a desperate gang of The 1'rehident will also, ia that document, banditti drew near, with the mo-t horrid ' exerss the opinion that the Convention imprecation and menaces, my courg" be- should have submitted the whole Cons'itu can to fail. My wife was then standing be-; tion to th'- popular vote, and his own regret hind me, as I stood on the table. I think that it aid not pursue that courite ; whi.e he 1, hear lier ik;w. y-'ha pilUl my jrown (he will nl-,3 s'iy that in hi" opinion the spirit -I" then put his hand behind him aM tonen n the ivaiisi. NebrnsL. i.Vii h.i W.n c.rrie I 1 his jrown) and looking up, said, ' Oeor-o, j piny the man for your do1.' My eontiilcnce , returned. 1 then spoKe to the niunitune ! with boldiie and afli-ction ; they r.eeame 1 still, and mint were affected.'' AntmA- . . . , , . '"- 'eiusoi hit nu, ,an a .... , ... . i vein, with the happiest result. In a tew cticuihtijsi being ro-csiauiisuci, anu nenv- erance from apparently certain aDd "P" eon iu ibe territory who exercises the ritht proiicliing dissolution secured. The Iirr-; 0f sullrage, is forced to vote for tiie cotisti tion was performed ou the "nth ultimo. Mr. j, .;, -phis U o'jected to, aud Governor Whenteroft sU;.g, sis the trial of this opera- vai,.r rrtV, it Bi,l ),.,! to rcbcliion and tion in the last stage of low typhus and the .civij war att(,mpt ,e made" thus to collapse of Asiatic oholera, when all other , force a constitution upon Kansas. The peo meatis have faiied - H u'f, hinnto.i (-",.'.) pe demand tbc right to approve or tiisap (.'lauituir. prove tlic whole instrument. I A dispatch (Dec.;),) says the split is As Is. TPEnt or THE New , oBK'ht.Ec; - TION. The election was followed Thursday by a little fun, or rath-r folly. It appears that before the e b 3. ion two merchants S. A. Gilbert (Wood man) and James Hrown (Tiemann) made a bet, the conditions of which imposed upon the party whose candi- date mijlit be beaten, tlie.-oh of sawing a lo.d of wood in front of the Girard House, r.r p.v a fr.'-it of S'-l. Mr. Gilbert hivin - lo-t. commenced wing his pile at one o'- Uo'j- . r ,1 r infronf nf the J T'l T'l. IU the rres-rtce of som butidreds of people quietly' inntrpds ot people quietly ! the ioke. Urown, the looking on enioving the joke. Drown, the Tl.i.inn nun with a riair of yellow kids on. was supenutendinj the work, which proceed - ,, with eonsid-raloe celerity until the wood was all cut up. I ue job wis nntsheu at -J o'clock. A number of ladies threw boil- quets out of the windows of the hotel in! honor of Gilbert, who, by the titnu he got, through with the job, wa. quite it " used . up" mux ; ! ! -tv. ,f .. r-o, -r,v I,,. r,..n Tuff Me.-rrov ru Vvi TTVfl hiq Viori r.O- ' , . ... , . itiDtiou is to matte other nouruaiioiis. vcri'ed I y the microscope. W ool, when ex-1 a, nined through a powerful micro.-cop. .-ives j DSMO.-aATlc CAfCC. the short fibre the appe , ranee of a ontinu-j iincc the above was in type, we have re- ous vegetable growth: from which there'eeived the Union of Sunday, which give- srrout a! tendin" in one direction Irom tho roo, 'g n(J extrpiiiity, numerous leaf lika (-liees or enns. each terminating in a short point. In a fibre of merino wool, the num. ber of the serrations or projections amount to C 100 in the space of one inch, In a fibre of Saxon wool of acknowledged superior felt- in? quality, there were VT'Jtl serrations South-Downs' wo"!, being inferior to the e two for fcltinL' rower, only contains '.'OS.) . ..... :....i. r v.r n-hiU l...;i. serrat iocs ; ii cmic- i i.c-i, ci, u.. i - .. -s t.r wool contained no more litsu 1 '""J in one icch. T n ,' lond , bv '-s recently been pub. -bed , i Lond. , by ' accomplished Kg) pt.an scholar, w ho ,,, examining Kg) ptian records has found tra - 7-.' n i ,i , r:., . u d-s ot a history parallel to that written by ji j Moses. He finds Jaiitn-s mentioned five limes, Moses twice, and Ralak son of .ippor at a i ' . , place caned Huiitti; that a people cl w tiom i t i M Jses was leader marched towards I a.es- . . tin a t. v. it a v of Ol i.'.lo and .onr : t tint thee - - were COtlll. ( , ... m i-. . i ctel u it ii tl.e nanus Midia and, Aram ; of a great water-flood ; that a royal or noluc joiith meets a suddeti and mysterious d-nth and mat a royal order immediately issue,! for the hasty departure of a peop.e for their C...I Hi...i:.iii.r I ll. HUil ! HTtfltl.lt 11 UTrm- i'" ' v . . ..." a js j leader ia Lower Kgypt. . . SiTrorATls , ... . ;r:iiu :,l ,l,,i f. tcr nf Mr Joseph Dunwav. of Wilkes ccun- tv. Gcer.iia, was found ' buried . rticaliy, h'c'ad foremost, in the cotton, iu her father's cotton houe. The supposition is that the little pirlh.il gone to' the cot'on h vie to play, that roilin'tf over the cotton, she fell thrm'i -U an openinit mvle in the cotton to I see it it w as sou.i 1 I I, ...ion . isne ir, 1 narrowness of the aperture pinioned trie d bands and arms to the sides of her body. preventing thx extri.'aline of hers. if. 1 he body perpendicular pressing upon the head and neck in the -druggie, the efforts wade wiih tho feet caused tiie falling in ot the cot ton tnd clothes around In-r hea l smnsmctj tred her. Mui.;0u:nery Au'vilUer. .V Sl'Kiit' AI. OrEllATMS. The operation j of traeheotouiy was pt rl'ortned by a lady re si. iii. j near this city with decided success The subject was a tutkiy gobbled whit., had , unceremoniously seucd aud gobbled up a. s. a-r a it, i sueli as ladies near on tne uu;r finger while sew ing. Hie ldy, wiio w as cliuing, and tne revenue is not meeting ex feeding the poultry at the time, perceived ; peetation in consequence of the sccumula the netlon too lat.' to prevent it, but with great tion of warehoused merchandisia and the , presence c f mind siied thetutkey snd with ; iimited withdrawals for consumption. I her scissors made. ,n opening in its crop, (,,r,k out the shield and sewed up the wound. The patient recovered, and at last accounts was doing well at. 1 eating heartily of more digestible food. It is highly doubtful, bow- -- .. . . ever whether it win survtre tne i nn.stmis SUiviu. ?'jrjh. i-'c News from Warhinoton Fpe' iilation of LtrTER-WhtTURs This I'ueudknt Mewaok Kashas Affaikh, Demucuai ic Cauti'S, kr. Washington being th pret centre ot" at- traction now, wb give, from different sourees, It is now sta'ed that the rresident mes- ; aage will express a diatinet approval of Gov. out in the submission of the question nf ; slavery, hieh has been the principal tnpio 1 01 controversy, uut me i resineui wn not reoommend the admission of Kansas under the Leconiptou Constitution, nor even sug gest any special action upon it. He will merely lay that document before the le'a Utiva boiiy for its consideration Accrrdiu ta the correspondent of the Richmond Knquirer it was suggested t (iorernor Walker when in Washtnttou, that be might return to Kansas and induce a full vote ou the Constitution with or without slavery, as the case may he, and afterwards have Congress to Bend the instrument back for a fair vote upon its whole merits, lie r p "i that he had as well pr aeli ia I 1,.mtttpa ot a iu,,ail,.. v 1 jui , as he could ntt j :ii,,.n.p . s;nu ,. . vr.re for the eon. poii-titntion without slavery every ter- , H1.1e.nn3 between the 1 resident and t.ov ernor Walker. On Kansas affairs the Nor- them Democratic members, , it is generally conceded, will sustain the Kauaaa Couveu- tion view) of the administration, 1 Another despatch, d-ited the Ith, 'ays the Lccompton Constitution is warmly approved by Senator liiglcr and other leading Demo- crats. It is understood that tlthou-h Sen- . ator D)ugla.4 is epp-std n it. he will not place him-e.l in opc-u oppu.mon to tue Au- Ui I niat r atlOtl It is admitted that tho house will organtxa ou .Monday with Mr. Orr ."speaker, and 'tr. Allen as. v.ierK. 1 he p; i tic pal contest . win ie lor l os. master, uoorkeeper au ud i rt titer. J lie .Message, acjorumg to present uesigu, win t-e sent ou.y to .sew -uta, Fbiladrlpbia and Richmond, Another dispatch, same d at;, says it is understood that a republican caucus will be he; 1 i ut 1 0 o'clock on Monday morning. It is p.-obVuie that either Messrs. tiro, lilair, rr Wsshburne, of Mama, will receive the ominauou lor cp-. ,0t,r pmti ,u- : '.ne toiiowin as tne resu:t oi tne caucus oi 1 the Democratic members on Saturday even- mg : I Tub llEMfirnATir C.fft;s. - A caucus of j the leiuoeratio members of the House of Representatives was held in the. hail of th, House last evening. The following Uouiina- tious were made : F:r Speaker, James L. Orr, of South Carolina. For Clerk, Junes C. Alien, of Illinois. For Sar-eact at arms, A. J . ijlossbremer, of Pennsylvania. For Doorkeeper, II. Ii. Ilsckncy, of Vir- I For 1'o.t n ,nt:r, M. W. C!.isk"V,nf Gcor-ia. w.,lin,tn ,utM) of S;tarJa?i sv, j MondjT 'l choU j ' ". ., '. " e '. I 'resident pro lent, in the place of Stiut'ir , . ' . . ' Un.fc. 'Ihere is nothin to prevent the j . . - ' cornmuntcarnn and reception ot the Messig-j t 1 ti gt Is! oclocs: on luesday. 1 he sesj-.on ; . . j oucht not to be a very protracted one. - . - : r Msome suppose tuat it co lid he brought to a , I r . . - .i c. .c,.. I l . .1. c oe ov inn isr pi .urie, inu wi-.uoui. me , - . ' . ., . , Dps'cri oi any important sucjeC1( yl iegi,. , Jptc: rerefre., ,t t,,e In(ii, OrT.co ! r st;lfPIljl.ntJ lhat ,,e Chevennes , arfi co. ti with the . " ,mo . .. 75 them and n -ports a tne ud! v disp.ition The intended movements of the Mormons are throuji thN s.-'urc". The Government has .VI t'l l: 1 .-1 i i ;!-:.- p.'.'-.. ;;ts lo 1 . distributed, with the hope of retaining their ' .nrvirri Ther" U believe! to be no foundation for the report that the Jiritish and Froneb Min- iatcrs protested a:.' iit!t Walker's expedition, or r-fl cted on the Governnietit as itidrrect'y countenancing if Months ago they propi,ed to unite in , roreeitf ration of naval forces to prevsnt tjllihi-'-rltig lnva-ictis, but ti.e .AUU.ll isirarou iiee.-nc l a . lc i i-ai iou. The members of the new Congress wi l pro! ab'.v .Ir nv nine months' r iy ou the meel- .f the fi:-t ,ill ri'Xt ' tills) Week. The members of the House are salaried at ( per a' num. Th" term ef the preset Congress dates trom tuc -itu 'larch ,ast, a:id tha eons'.rii. :i .ti .t up-JU ilie ia is, tout three fourths ot tne first year of the term .till be pa able, if demanded, ou the com mencement of aetu-1 service, tha brst Mon day iu December. It so, ti.e Treasury will be drawn upon at encu for $.oUO,OU0 ur .JtifHWioO frr tl is ol ject. It is t; i e o -ceded t'.it the Trea-ury n.u-t imuieiiiately anthon'y for Usuing notes. I he surplus is aboie u unUions, but is do- The PresUvtit has recognised iTertier Dre-rl a. t etiul ef the I. rand Ihtkedo ef Hesse Darmstadt for the State, of Mary. ' '.am.. o '' - . i i re's; ut : '..ore. , ! v .k A r i:... li- - i l. fcEEkJiaOM.

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