juiji ui umiMnsuuLULLwaMmm :3Je frw io tuod. to ijoqlr $ouirij, qnr) to Usui Duty." 4- THOMAS J, HOLT OK, Ed iron 4 l'luainToa. ,.; , . . . TKRMS: The Kortli-f arnlina Wbif- will br..rdid tnub. .cru-sra at TWO DOM.AKA in advance ; TV O tuMXAR;? AMU f IJTJf CK.VI8 if ..yu.ri.i o. delayed l..r Ihreciuuutli ;auu TI1H EK IX.I.LaKS al end of lit year. Nupapar will b diecon liaucd anlilall arrarg ira paid, except at tlie iiti o ul the JtUli ur. r A'ltcrtiaruicnlt ierUd al On Dollir per aauare r J H linra "r It -a, tint S'sed type) for tin Aral inter t .in, ..nd 2a cent fur each continuance, art ad. eerlisemente and SlirrilT' Sutra charged WS pr cnt. hiiHr ; and riertuoltoii a I' 311 J par cent, will br Hindu from the r-fliljf price, lur 4rrt. r by :t,V'-r, A eiusni.nu iua.iu 'rujimiy r q.int.rly, t ! par ur tor rat h lima, rVnu wn.ih'y 75 oenl per qe..rc f..r mri. . I'rM'i"" when at tiding lo Ihrir anverliaen.rnta ni.i-t mark the itetnlwr .f itiarrtiui.e deair-.d ir tin j w.ll be iBMrtaa until bnb.dalid charged ac. e..fd.iifr J jrPtliiiatr ar author iar.l Ui act e agents. DE3IRABLE I N FO R B AT10 W To i: liitYUoDt . IV'tt pome tima paal I liave bran eugafrrd in a 1 iiiiima (knowu only lu myaell and e..aa p.rtrlyf.w oll.er wh..iu I liafa iHelruelrd l, iMi a. eh) which haa r.gd ma an tnunma ut iroia O.utJU l eU.nUU per enueui ,nd having n .. ai ...e.-.ueiila la . I" Ibe t .attro OnU i,i ut t Fall, I "i willii'f tu c11' lull lu'tiue. v.. np it( I a -ri tn ana pvravu in ll'C I'tvlf d M-tit-a, l, i'l nut mr Ilia i u. ol 1 wo llol.Laea. 1 cm m. t r i tiiiiii Hit tutctn I li b.n uv.rd a Id, .1 ' ibe mar.. li.,., arkliu le.-giiirw' lh-.t I II..- .c.ed from ttMHX wht.iu I uitiur. U.l in ti r .rl, ami aim ara pom ciiani f In ni 13 t'i 115 iff ii'j,l'i (il t'trrt pirai'U a chalice lo (mi- Hi'" ! aa.uu of Una taluahla rncana of Hi'tinf y f.riai.r. THira ia no Hi alio a. ariat In an-incaa Itrrna alluurd U. Kelrrrncea it l" l -I ela a b f ia aa rryrda it" racitr, a, m.i I c-n alau r lor lu prrauna in Clncugn anil ).l il..a aail aa in Una plan-, aim hala w.tlnii Inii in. nll'a rrnttirtrd in tbr bmim , an ! a-. a ilt Iralll ltil tly ara akni tri m I lu t!j ! emy al Ilia aem. il ia a I.U'llieaa ia au.i'i . illi. r I. !. nr (.utUmrn tan ea(i, iu ait'i Hirl m.r una a mr h ti1".m in- cinr - rri r - ti al,iu pa.tai.l lllmoia and W nn, wliimi I li T- inaliurtril in tl art, arr n,.w . h-j.nif Irum ta ta H'i per day. Il ia a (,i-rl bu-iiiroa ami Mijunia tut a Itw alillllnfa tr i.t it. I iii rcciit ! ti 1 ll a l i. r a ft-r.. t "w apaiirant a ciitikl eni.l.-inuif tail matr -jrt'ui.a in tl.e art, Inch a ill b pr.il Blidtrat'il aprni lu-mr '' raa A.li'rraa : K.DWIN TKMH.KTOS, Aa 37, ifVuri M., Al. mw, Md. A-g. 8:.. t .o 40,oo6 pairs" (It Boots, Shoes, BHO(JAaS AND Over Shoes, 1S.MHUAI t;ar.y .ti. It ul l... it.. ticr.la, J M a-r- Buva. Yonlha aad (l.ildrrw'e, BOOTS and SHOES tS.t can ba 1'iiind in any wbuiraule ot frl.il aa. 1 t.L!i'anKiit is, lln I Southern Count rv. i Onl a aMlf-rlurrd KXI'K far D.. .n.t w a aoli.tird Ihr J w ill i Urllrt aat. : .-.eln n, ami al Ir.a priera f..r the aan.e BjilKlily ni r..de, thaw at any other eatabl.al.nienl in llw S-.ulh. It ia only sreeeaery t. ei.in.nc nur etk and rinr t,. be ...utii-.l Hi. I lb n .a Inr place to Buy Boots and Shces. RtlU.NK ti CO. ITrAHtl One price i t'fl 21. liiT 3i tr Field kSecds! tl.OVKK. 1 inulhy, B ui Oraaa, Orchard, I.ti- cel.ie. M..lrl,eae. A l.rr qual.t.ly Jnal r. Ci-d and lor !.! at Ihr b.wr.l n.-rkrl prices, at PltlTCHARDS Hrl u'aW Htlml V,f Sim,,, lawia'a I oasia Jau.3j.IW7. 2ati Otto of Uom;! tl. t .(. A''.rlmrut nf l.ul.'ir'.. (alrni'e and J U nle'a Splmriid Kilr-i l, TuiUl Watara, ,... Biu-I.ra, A a. Ac. Jasl lr baud at FRl'I'CH A RD'S t'avy I'imt Stmt, (eiaer. Soliildc; K.ss.('aiiipIior ! IsjiiU iM.narauf Ilia Thrn.t, M..uib, Hion.ieh ' am l ,w-eia, prep rrrt an.l a-.ld al TRUTH MID 8 Pi ng mud f armical Atai r, lawis'i t oi.rl. Klak's Aromatic Hitlers! t. . c. -tlr.it u.liir and a nil d y U-ptm .Medl. cm , j net In hand l 1RITCII AUD S rat f t Ve fjmtlti .Wrrfwiaea. lawia'a li'li. 'Fry It! Try It! F.MUtiC'.l'St'"-".''"d' I irrlul fill III) il ti e ir.t ma.iii ii.e m lb wurbl f..r tl.e cn.aa ol dia. aa.aa pr.ipeaa bi mat. I ry u- K.,r ' I p-.If'IIAi:ns PR CO !f!'E, i iaia' I'aiar. White Lead. ! a a. Mgt f.liS. WIMTK I.KAPjilet X II.hIIIIF rrrriar.l and lr lat H. J III 1 1 it u-3, 'fMftfl' if ChtMfl. llnavtk'M lliw.r ul" A. I nriiliim. all R IIOHNF!. the arnl for tb '"k, i,. i a I. i- a. mea al I J- lAJWHia -l ilOOA A I'ciauna a.ru- c"p a will pie. ihy at, fv 7. I3lf KI.UUISOX .V M:i!)IC.'. J iiviPoiiTcaa or Eilks, Liaens, Hoblery, Embroiderlei, 1 &tc . I NO. Hi MEETING STREET, j iipiNwiTK nAVx PTPrrT, . CIIARl.l--STOM.rt. c. l l KbJtUiaO.V. ' " BMMAN LUDtNO. TATTERSALItf Livery and Sale Stables.-. f'Hri aubaorttirr inforNia tbe public gener 1 ill, tlmi h ka purclic the large Sta kba torwarl owimd by I'. W Mianimm, on a aqn ,ra a ul krrr'a llntal, nrar Ilia Jail, and baa aildcd bi aim nSiltd tlirm in a auprrmr ruabtiar, lur tlic uuix.a ul Ua ii ii. in ( liarlnlic Liyi r jr ana Sjl rl.iblv, In runipltie urder lur Ida aceumnnKlatiun of tin- (ibIi'i l'i- iii.ji.il a tiamakr ,InM -l.ftu nl a It prntiipii f i b a iril I I vera ann riak Itui.lr, nri t f-. ni h.,ii f (.! Il .ra. tnDiapoae lI', will find it In tlu-ii inirrl w rb.ipa ti call. litti nni. In a i rp H"r i and farri era fur the aontniid-l,eii nf lha ailiarna )rrneritl v and any prrana Urairmy any niun il cAnvryai.e,-, can ba uiuril, anrt I" you" tnui. Ci.ii.pi.li.nt Dfinia fur mall, l a l.rn id find. Iri'lltlVKKrt will find t U Kt.blra Cua aarn.niodatiiiiia ln,mv pn-pred Idr tbrm (nod yarnr, r -rka and Irnugba, ai d anandanl aup. p j ul pnui ndrr rauiiy tnr tbcir uar, aa Well Ha a pli nlifnl aupply ul watti. t II0H1 krpl by lb in 'Hi tli nr ,tin r i.f. Ilia aharvra will b ai-rnnimodatmr, ami ha hup a by atrial aiitnlinn la Ihr wiabva ol Ilia cum. nminiy tu nn-rit and rtcxiva a liUral abara of lb public patr'.n-.ar. ItOUKRT HARK, VopWrM-.. 1 L J. IIAWLKY, Agft. raer. O l. 8", Iri7. 44'f Variety Stcre. F rsh CunliTtioiuiries, Fruits, Ac , ae, f I ' II E auhacribtr r a cllulljr irnnrma ll.a (iti M una ul ( l"triiiu and aurrnum-my e.uiiijrt that da baa nu baud and is cniiaiantly r.niiiijr tri m .Nra Vnrk, Ccnfeclicnaries, Fruits, FAX V .UO i:Uli NCIOAKS I OH C O. S I I F. 'tlta.tl'1'l I II ll I'll III I'll I , 1'iiti: Monii, iioitnv nour, 1 l il d a, Ulllt.W U't8ll, C'lmll a, Vi k.ii !, aV llinl t of eti J.D. PALMER. re. IS, iei7. I'. S. IU.il. ( accated the frraiees el a fir.l rate : ' " '""" ar..u. v...- Hiirwt-w! IIoim-w!.' An lufnUiblt Htmrrhj for UQllfiL'S.' dS the rreupt nf On ,e Ifc.liat. I will ma, I tu j I,,,)!, enoo-b in the earlv pnrt of tbe aea t uf . rr.,f!, '!, ,ttt IIOV, that all Ib-'liidiea in tl.e pw. i V .be pr..n. a wiiiir aun.r i a on i . . . c,e. tu a i rdiate irlivl. f.eri man wi.o lua a h.ir.c al..iulii alway....e line nceipt by thrm. Tba nolrrial. of winch tba medicme ia aumpnaed vn be priH-urrd by any pereon at all tm.ra. If Una irnirty Nils al.ru jura aa I dt net, tlie nu.iiry will L rrluuurd. Au,iriaa ma at U.ern.tH.iu'. Guillnrd ro . N I'. JOHN W. RAKER. AVef. li. 'K7. i"'tl Dyc-aMii Dveistiifls! fpjvllV. -ry brat nl ib.a elaai ir arlit-b a. e.n. J ...in-. in pait nf S.liiii. nf Tm, (.iiiacl ol I.- i.u, ( nclunral, M..dini,lc, niy br pur. chaaid low at TRI'i CHARD'S Pmg .Vlere, iiria'. t'aim-r, INirlailriiiialivslNTtMonnaics.!":' A M.W and Iwaut.l rtimiiiju.lr.ciicd j PRITCHARDS Vtug mnd ( krm-nal ilMi-ae, liwii ( oFrf. . Country Merchants VIIR rraptriiu.iy invilni In e-.ll ;! ri .mi: nur wli..bai.lr prieia of done Dl.l t.S al Ml-lili INKS, pol op in ny aivlr I- "'d. t, by PUITCHAliD, Pi a f gift aud ,t,rfrrerv, law is a I os. . . "r . a Sallie could not possibly di without a new anilMieS, ariUSllCS I Unnet ibis wimer. even tf she did. A mar a Hki.K aiurk i.uw ..r. hand c..ii,i..i.,f ol TleJ dv. vou koow, may occasionally eu- j Ibuii r,! nl, I k.cl. II. iiy. frurintiir. ,Ja. P-n. 4c. Uki. li -.11 be a. ,1.1 h.r , than any oihir bnuee b.rlite. Hi. II. M 1'RII CHARD. HiW-.u. and llrl. tl Ihtifgilt. law it I oBNaa. Condition l'otvders ! IVMiMI-.!! ami i.tii.-r interest, d hi RT(K k', 1 are aaaurrd that llirae prrparstlnn ' " aurpaa.ed aa buallb-givinj rrn.ediea to lluraea, Cattle, and all kinds of Sl.H-k. Fur aale at PRirCHARPij Ukeraae mnd Krlml Ding Sim,,. Irwin's I ursbs. Faint or Linseed Oil. kiw ;aI.I.HNS jit rxceivrd and fur 9 IftF .Kb -I th' b.wral u.atkrt plie.a.by ll. M. PRITCHARD, M D Vmppirt l 1 ri''. lawih'at naarn. It;. I lili.lt JUKI ii i '' .oiMiiiKl', O F the i"t a. tlity. at rilHllAlil'S IMilO stunt.. While I rad! While I. end: I a NOl'IIKK aupp'y invmred. Tura Article 9J j cauta per lo. or , b aelhtr Willi every ...in IV c culuri, d.e , I riUTCIIARP'S 'la. and J'ainl .Stare. ((uMii nr Iu llfi liiin' 16 KK'S A. WltiHTM AN'1 purrQt IMNR al J SI' n r ut t iseaita'lv t PRITCIIARHS ('raitral Hint,, lawiN'a t vaaaa. It it n I ltmi;, rni-i IIIH India h tbbcr Shitlds, b-c, Svc, P l , ST to band at I'RITrHAHD S family V'Vg Slot,. Teith ntid ;f Syringe, I'ST received at FRITCHARD'S. I le'li'r," I'si rin a V ' II K an wriiir it ynf tli ia article over t'urn Surrh I Tapiuea, Sagn, I.C., s all arlir.la of dirt fur invalids mid rW'rf.rii, ia unnnrslimied by the ni c.1Uey,FU...U,.t..Vi.;ToiiAKD8 t'umxty Vrmg Mare. J-pt- " -'u' ! Wrpl Bri(Je Ihf Grate, Solhtr. it N MTaTt.l. I wept lxi.ii. tb Kfi"'i m.itlier, Mf ha-urt ia wui-piug alill, Ami rS,alr Kny. ra wit ti.y :ntii On yuiiiur b in ly hill. I did nut he..r thy puling wurda, I i id nut nc lln e mr ; Mm Hiy l.n-l mcaaairc i-.me In mr, NVnan death wn buaernir ni;li. I'ti- bi-rii a ttu ir.t bny, iimtlicr. And exiiard trn-a iiMny a p'.in, Dnt I would li..l tba wnond I madr, I uiilu'ai thou iriurn afam t Mf bnyi-ll lie-.rt wuulil not nbrj 'Mir an Id cniiuii unli., I kuuw, And iiVr my way wardni-a bi tbeff, My tera a ill crai fluw. I aa tb ehariahrd pat. mother, Tli J luaa waa fund and true, 'I ba aiaaca uft brdrwM mj chri-li. Err nianliw-rl'a cut I know A IHictinna child frniu infanrj, Y b.red nia but tba nmre. And n'lt me wrpt aa n't ye lliuiijht, Li'c'a nlj;riiiia( waa o'er. I'tr wandered mnn) a leagu'', mnt'irr, frum wnrra we ucil tuiiafl; No vbrrialied nnr ia nrar n,e iiuw, ttt ll.uae I lured an aril ; Hut nfl ti.y wet pnia lictt rctuma Arrnra thr b..miiij' ai-n, Tu wlnrr thy prtcmii r.lica lie, And tttrrc it worn f.,r tbee. lisccllancmts. XS3 012) SC'SAHT. BV rlAHRIST i. .N A B H . ' I do wish Sallie Curtis would not wear tbat old bonnet ! ' exclaimed a lady, as she Hi t-red tbe parlor of a fj-hionuble bon-e, wbicb some half a dot families mi'Callcd home "tint sweet ord, which tbe heart f , ot)y apply to the place that belter ouf, 0WT i,oupi-roltl tatid ; " W bv d"e Mi Curtis' bonnet trouble youfarkfd l.er husband laughingly. "Trouble me? indeed it does it takes hit all in t comfort iu church! It looked pews . . , j pi,,1, sn. Sal- lie ana nrr moiiier uv luue. uin. .....iu their old straws . " Is ber mother' as bad as hers !" " Ye and a hundred tunes woro. Il is shameful for Jsdie. in their position to dress aomeanU! I beg your paidou, Mrs. 1 I did not see you,'' said the last speaker, with a blush. "(.Hi, you henl not apoloie ti Ma, fin sees Cousin Saliie's bat in the same light in which you e"o, and aunt's too!'' spoke up a young- lady, at tbe lide of tho person ad dreed. " Yes, indeed j and I am not surprised at thrir beinif be lubjeeta of remark. I told Ibrni it would be so, when I saw thrin fixing 0ur .j ,ut j.j 1)t.n In,T wou, ouy be worn for a few weeks, until col.l weath er sit iu ; but they are bent on making iheui do service during tbe entire winter? Such a foolish notion as u.y ri-tt-r iu-law has in her head because ibis is a b ird winter and busineaa nieu are cramped for money, ahe is determined to save a dim wherever she can without cau-ing actual suffering to herself and family ' I am Ucluriuir. her con'inuully on the absurdity of lur course, but I eatmot move ber. I told ber that . ,(ie privilege of bein careless about lr 0 n d lea. i people take it for granted . . ' .., i rni:i- ,. 1 laai in iici .u...i; j j bas forgotten herself ; but it t' absolutely I necessary for a youug lady to bo aUiya well ldraed,and 1 i.ui sure Lain asbanied of Sallie this winter! My Julia wouldot wear I ber best hat, eveu for ' a back bonui t.' " "No, that I would not! " said the young lady. " I abould be afraid of loaiug ca'te, if did so 1" " Rut I thought Mr Curtis was a man of wealth !" said an intimate frieud lo Mrs. T in lower tone. " He is eoii-idered an but now even the wealthie-t men are embarra-sed, j ou know My husband fays that one dollar, this win ter, ia worth more tbau two were last year !" rhe said laugb-ug. " Hut you are not obliged to economize T and the speaker glamvd at tbe rich velvet, costly lur, and the " lovely hat," in which Mrs. T. was amyed. " Mel oh, I eaii'l do it ; and if I could where, would be the u of worrying and slaving myself to avc a little here, and a little there t What would it all amount to, intheend! A f.' hundredd ill.irs, which, if my liu-band ia going to .ail, rould not prevent him, and which I may as well en jny w I, lie lean! My aisler ill law ) that if her husband becomes involved, it shall not be through any extravagant of bets and tbat ahe is resoled to make no unne cessary purchise this winter. I represent ed to ber that with all t Sorts, she could not save more than a trice, and that she bad better jiive up thu struggle and take thiugs as liny come i but ber earnest su.-wrr was .. Ui Klixabcth, although the sum be ever ro 'trilling. I am resolved to exercise self .Ltiial in order that I may have the sat iafactiun of feeliuj? that I ba dne what I could!" I b really become quitu a mania with her, aud Sallie is just like hoi mother. Whenever I tell her of anything abo needs, ber reply invariably is' I can do without it at present, for we wish to economise,' or,' we are trying io retrench.' 1 " What a pily ! She is such a line look ing girl when well dressed!" " I know it ', and I am so glad you a'lwled to her dress, for I mean to i- ll her it bas Ueu remarked ujon, aad ! .ball do u.y best to prevrnt her preffy face ;ng teen again i me any qiMstion you like, aince lean u!e tbe under that olil .ioniiet !" privilege of replying to it or uot, junt as 1 The ladies who carried Ct tlie above eon- happen to he in the vein !" variation, hnd liKtcner 4f b hoin tlipy little " But I hope you will deign to anwer dreamed. Mr. K , a wMltliy and ele- this one in which I am 'greatly iiitereoted pant gentleman, who bad apknt aevrral years ii Miss ('ur'.ia uiucb di-pruaaed at her father s iu Europe, and bad lately returned home, failure!" willi nothing to do, but to i4i-k enjoy ire til i The question wan diff-rcnt from what Ju and a wife, lay on the aofa i- the adjoining ' ia had anticipated, but kLio replied with a parlor trying to reafl, uncut aiouslj tiiKing iu all that the lufiiea naiil. . ' 1 ) ' So Mia T would b afraid ofloa- ' I in her pUoe, I eonfc.n that I abould be Inp cat, if elie wore as old ; bonnet m Ikt pluueed into the depths of woe, at the j cou-iu a would ahe I'' he rfki IraiJ lo V.i.nulf, thouirht of the retrenehmenta and the change tPa-Hwilf- ' Hot J5rrv?'1 t'rt-- i -lb-..- Wa m.4a ia tMs- 4 . U.aaaj . tboe'efy must' be ei-tuiiiinlrfdi W no ali:lit a but Smile an light-hearted a bird 1" I thing an a utraw hat coal hurl her from her " l'eihapK fie doea not realire it yet !" ! place ' When will or women luive that no- j " Oh, ji abe duui. ; aud ahe has her plans I ble independence v l io li hould be their ! all laid out a clearly an we had to note 'birthright ? " and an the voices dien away, I down thu various revolution on our hintori I lie lav inu-ing lor rome time abuut the old ' cul charts at rdiooi, and Hhu talks about straw buuiiet, ami it" wearer. Despite, the tlq i tit way in which Mr. T irpoitrd to her ri-ler the remarks that bad been .tiudu upon her old bontirt, Sullie'e prelty fiice was Mill aecu under it at church, and in the afreet. " Vou looiixh child I" tbe aunt persisted, " nhat are ten or til tee ia dollars to your ii- thei. iu bis business-, when be has tbousauda ! cf dollars lo pay out almost every day ?" " I eotifena, I should prefer seeing her oc- ' Very linle, I know ; but then the con- cupy a riiffi-retit position," laid Mr. R , FciouMietia that I am trying to lighten bis with emphasi. earc-, in a treat denl to me ( and iiioilierray-l I As long as her falliT live be ought to that the feeling of iudi-peudeliee, Inch we . aupport ber, and I told her that if I were in call forth by our aoif ileuiul, ill be of last- j ber place, I would reserve that degradation ing benefit to me." i ft"- t"-lue V- emergency ; but sue would "Pshaw! you don't know the disadvan- 1 rather prepare herself, by ber own ex tages it may prove to you ! Ju-t at au age ertion, lor any etuergmcy." when ibe atiprarance vou may uiako will ! " I suppose they see no company now !" lure a great influence on your future ilea- tiny, it ia all important that you should look as well as pos-il.le ; and w hut, girl Can ap pear wi ll iu an old bonnet ?" Mother, JU'I H. ink ol it, exclaimed j u lis T , a few days after,' .Siiliie fanciea she cnu go to thai party III the white ilress that rhe has worn, I ilou t know how many times !"' " Vou don't mean to fay that be bas not a new dress for this occasiou ?" " So she cava." " Well, then, the had better stay at home that's alt '. ' ' Sio I told ber mynelf. I wouldn't go into aoeiety in an old dres, if I never went at all, fer 1 should not expect to receive the lea t atleution ! iiut let me tell you tne funniest ihin you e' er beard, Ma '." con tinued the young lady, laughing iuinioHe rately, as she had just recalled siini-thing excessively ludicrous. "She tiiiuks she can't even afford a new pair of gloves for the party, ar:d io whatdo;o-jr aba baa Salilc wuudciej lo herse'.f wliy it waa done? Taken soap aud .i!k aud cleaned dia. 6ljo fo'.t o perfectly free with .Mr. the pair the wore to Mm. C 's. I R, ( it seemed as if they had knowu laughed ready to kill inysclt, when fhe each other all their lives, assbe answered showed thcBi to in.: with the ssurauco that, " Uh no, there is nothing very hard io they were 'just a good aa Ui w ',' '' 1 that ! CoU'iu Ju'.ia has beeu try iug to coil- " How di-1 they look ?" . vince me that I ought to be very wretched, " I couldn't see for laughing; and just to (.ke did not succeed iu her uiisaiou." thiiik, mother, they have ui-'iiissed the There aj, a pause, and then the conver- seotii'tress, and JSallie ia (toing to do the sation was renewed by ..Mr. U , but family sewing, until times are easier, she we are not going to tell tbe reader what he .).!'' first said, though all the light that he can " Why. istbere anything especially wrong .et, upon tbe suljcci from the remarks that in ber lather's aft iirs!'' I follow, bo U welcome to. Mr R spoke "Oh, no; only the old story of 'be is for abeut ten minutes in an earnest tone. emharrassed, and I wish 1 1 do w hat I can !'" : Sallie, at first looked down, and then raised It is said " stone w a'.!.- Vave ear ;" I do U(.r ejes (0 hi, face with au iuquiriug glaueo. not kuow bow true it is, but somehow or j i length s he said, otlnr. Mr. R overheard tl is couversa- " ad y ou spoken so, to me, half an hour tion, ns distinctly as he bad toe one about ago, I should have supposed you ignorant the old bonnet. j if the change iu our circum-tauces ; but One word respecting; that gentleman , yon know all." Youn.' ladies sai.i be was num.' thiily ; eer- " I do " was tic answer, and he went on. tain sp'.ii-l.rs bad affiiuied that he was "all to tell Sal'ie of the effect that knowledge ol tinny -five," bile he laughingly owned to I ad produced upon him, and the conver, a tbiny -three ; but be was so lively and in-, tion was too earm st and too low for our ears. t.re.t:ng iu c uivrrsation, that een the At t--r he seemed to be urging her to reply, ver ycung gill' forgot his a?e. and if we give ber answer, just as it fell Al't.-r .he abo.-e revalutionv re-pecting the ' from ber cherry lip. we shall have to rc-ci-onoiny of Miss Curtis' toilrt.be certaiu- cord the very trite words, " ask father!" ly exp. ct. d her to present a shabby appear- " Are you aware, sir, of my failure !'' in auce at ilie party; and be be gnu to dread q-iired Mr. Curtis, in answer to something seeing her pass through tba irjing or leal Mr. 11 said to him next morning iu of feeiing herself the uio.t i!'.y dressed p-r- , bis counting room. My daughter is now son in t be room, and enduring the slights peunUess !" cons, q .ent upon that circum-tance. She j " I know all that," was the reply, " but did nut appear un'il quite late, as he look- she is a fortune in herself !" ed around upou the rich satins an I gorgeous " That is must Jre ; "nd cince you can silk-, in which niaiiv of the fu-sts were ar-j appreciate her, take her, and miyGod rayed, ho found h'imseli bopin,; that she bless you in proportion as you make ber might not come at a!!. ibppy " There i- one voung I nly bore, dressed, I " Thank you for tM precious gift . said io ,uch pure arti't'io tiste. cm you tell ui-J Mr. R . much affected ; " and now, who ahe is!' inq iired a frteod at his elbow, sir, may I talk a little about business!'' " There, talking, lo thai very tall man with The merchant bowed. tbe light bair! I " I hare lately receive.!, from a relative, jrr K looked, and recognized Sal- ' an uulooked for gift of thirty thousand dol- lie, but he sought in vain for evidence of Nr-, upon condition that I will go into some her dres being old, or unht to grace a kind of business. I hsve been punled to scene tike that. Its snowy I" .Ids were a kuo bow to invest it, for, of bu-i-.es. mat-1.0-itive relief loth eve. I.u.led by so much ters, I am sorry to say, lam most prolouud apieudor, while her daik ha.r lnch form- ly ignorant. on have experience and prao ed so fi.ie a comra-l io lu r al..b-ter skin tice to bear with my want of knowledge ; and white dres ws most ta-u-fuily ar- ranged, and prniinented with a few rose- huils The effect of that sniii.Ie toilet was nerfeet ; but he remembered "" bad been 1 said of the gloves, aud looked eagerly at ber hands. " If they are the same, she was right ui pronouncing ihem as g o l as ns," h" asid t liiin-rll; and so absorbed was he by these profound rctli-rnous that he al most forgot to r. ply to bis liiend. The er--i that bu-in. s men bad appre belided e niii , ai.d lli-i"- who-e credit Ha l stood highe-t, we-e the ftrt to fail. Among thctu was Mr Curtis. " So it seems that with alt your worrving and eoonoiiiy, you were not ablelo k.ep yoiirfatbrr troiii fai"u.g '.' said Mrs T to her i.i icu U l not expect ti be able ' ! ut I !l"t have been foolish - ; lve all winter to no pur- 1 " No, aunt, we to do ibat " " Then you b ly denying youn po 11.. ,. ....tiler sav we have the satis-I faction of lee. ing that since father has been t.re'scd for money, we have nol caused h.m o i,..edl etnenditure !" aud she looked ; ra.li .i'ly bppy. II W;tt nermil m. Mi I . to a-k you a direct .i.ieli.n T mquirea i'lr. n lis w.tn suiinninni . UJ f that young ladv, astbty found " Why, you see. I wanted a companion thom-elves left al.me iu cue'of the PrWs. in a wifc.n t a uiere doll to please u.y fan-"U-.-Vaiu'y'wastLerac'.ou U-f'.j,'- ..-a'y by Let j raty face aud -t.Jf .r i lauj-h-- J " DeDresed ! vou sliciuM see her I Were llii-ir uiov ing into Miiall bouse, aud ket pui; ouly one servant, a gayly if 'be wereplnn ing a pleasure tiip ! And that is not all, rhe cays rhe bas been reviewing her studies with the view of leaching, ro that they can thus continue her little ainlera al the expen sive reboots tbey are attending. Jut think of her stooping to become a teacher, iou't it absurb ?" j " till jes. just the name as usual. Mr. 11 called on Saliie tbat evening, and to Lis dei'gbt found her alone. He was r-j!iy relieved at aeeing no cloud on ber young face, ut instead, such a joyous ex pression as only eriritn.'S fr"n a happy heart. In a manner nnl to no uii-atniiM'stOil lie ! jld bi-r how glad ho felt at seeing her thus, aud rhe answered frankly ' Why nhould I uot be happy ? my father is reduced, but he can never be dishonored ! Perfect integrity and uprightness have char- acterized all bis dealings, aud if be bis been utifortuuate, tbe way in which he bears up under it makes tne more proud of bitn ihan ever !'' aud tears filled ber eyes as ahe Ppoke. 1 don t know muni uoout business, he added, with a smile, " but I am told that all father's liabilities are to be met, so that P0 one e'e i t Suffer thrcnj.n bi, lail jre." Rut do you not shrink from tbe changes (hat mu.-t take place T" now are you wi.nng to cousmer mj i"j cs,h equal to your practical information, alii so to take me as a p unier . The bu-ines arrange nt being satisfac torily concluded Mr. li was urgeut to have tho wedding take place as soou as po-sible. Wl v !i lii't v.-i ft . r Iv.n tho i ,- be tor., it might hue sav, d ked a friend of Mr. K ong 1 1 do so, but was afraid Vi'Ur moil failure ! ' I did hsve tbe girl I loved feel that she was un der o"-li 'titift.s t me! I never could havo hop i to win her affections then . P,hsw ! that way to get her !" rould have been the very When .Mr. 1 nnd other iViemls 1 were otTering congratulations to tbe blush 1 ssaitia. ber hu-band said " Ry b y. '". 1 ever ,cl1 Jou what eu-ed me to fail iu love with your nieee !' " Her own loveliness, of course, drew out vour love !'' " No such thing ! it was l.er old straw bon-i. t. " Why. aunt, you told me. I don t know how many times, tbat my old bonnet would nrevei t n.V ever marrying " How had that fright of a hat anything I said to myself, ' a girl who o:m reason cor-1 LATER FROM KUROPE. reotly about economy, and who haa tode Jmpirtunt from India Death of General pendenco enough to carry out tltnl reason- ifacelrjck. tug by wearing ao old bonuet, has a mind , j,;EW York, Jan. 24. above tbe ordinary herd, and powers of fie aleaniboat Kuropa, with Liverpool which any man might be proud t ' ; dates it the Utu Jauuary, arrived here to- 'day. The Kuropa arrived out on the .3d January; the AtiL'lo-Saxon on the 7th j the ATCHAFALAVA Cl'UBBNCV. -Capt. Shall- North Slur on the nth, at midnight, cross, of the Misaissippi steamer l'eylona, is The Kuropa brings no tidings of the Ariel, .' , tu- the aaletv ot which il now involved in aeiious one of the crack captamaof tbe river. Every- ,, e fel waj nevcr body knowa him and he knows everybody, j,ar,jeti RS a thorough sea going vessel. She and therefore we uiust tell a little utory was built for the Cn!if :rii;i trade, and aiiwvt.ii. . a... u-4.. -a ecnrcelv cupalile of contending with the dia- . , a.itro'js pnl'js ret'orieu Dy trie itceiii urmjts. eteaming down, past the ootlon woods, to- , AiylWil U om lu,llg p,al(. til at fien. Have- wards New Orleana, when sh was hailed by JoCk LaJ died cf dysn.tery. (Jtn. U'ynd anotber boat going up: i haiu'a division of British troops had lettt ' Hallo! Captain Shallcrosi." j L'-allor uutiu.orf., near ' Hallo !" was the auatver. Cavrt.p-.ri, I he nintinpere were subsequent. liotati. Atehafal.va money I" " Yes, plenty." " Well, pay it out the banka bmted or a gwiue to." - " Ay, ay'eaiil Capt. ShallctOfi. " Cletk, .... .v j i .i - t ., .(.on cir " " About a thousand dollars, I reckon, sir, il ii r.u i ., ... ,, ' ... ,.. : i u.i 'i .i u .. .' ..a i ..I ..,..;i . WMMCUIIIOMCd , , , i ,, . :,i cord wood around, and umall man, with bis troupers rolled up. and bis hands in bis . ,. ,l v-.t, i, ;,t ti,, pockets hhivet ing on tho bans bestdu tho I '.. i n i, k ...i.,. bout, in the chill December weather. Wood boat, ahoy," aanji out (.ll.fulll' Shailcrobi fmall man in the di-taoee, " Ilailo!" " Want to sell that wood ?"' Small man in the distance, " Yes." "Take Atcbafalaya money! ' Smail uiau ill th; distance, " Yes." " Round to, pilot," said Capt. .ShalicroM TI... l.,.. 1 ...I Ant, .lr..,in nlairi ,ave to conic around, with their bows poititetl up stream, to resist the current of tb aissippi; sometimes tbey encounter a big, eddy and have to take a sweep of some uiiic's before reaching the landiu,! place. it wa hi this instance. " So vou !1 take Attichat'ulaya monev for ' . ... T j.i " your wood, will you V said tbe captain, as the. boat approar.hca the shore. " Yes," said the small man. ' I low n ill you take it ?'' said Capt. Shall cross, (meaning at what rate.) ' Take it even," said the binall man. " What do you mean by evtu ?" Cord for cord, Capt am ' Put h.r ruii.nl aga.u, pilot, said tcrt November, a-."l .C.'Oll.OilO of gold had reneh Sballrross, ' at.-J wood up at the next wharf : cH K.,"lar.d. Au additional sum of Hull,, boat ; I reckon this fellow has been ported j ()00 is kD01(Il tq i,e ou tl10 wy. Ru.-incss by somebody on Atohataiaya. Excnau-e. I C0MjI)Uef depressed. Public Pimriteo Conduct of a German Banker. the following extract tro'ii .... , . eti'i letter received by a merchant of Mobile from his coi respondent tu tho city of Ham- burg, dated November -lO, .u-closes a very nol.le acton tne part of a ee.ebratcd liiuer of the latter place ; ( yAii Mlir,i,i ji:lJ(.,z',:;, tie Wellington To-day was one of the gloomiest days that f Austria, died at Milan on the 'nb, of our Exchange ever experienced. All the paralysis of the lungs, aged ninety. Rescbid bankers and' brokers were in total despair, .'aCha, Jrand Vixier of Turkey, died of and no paper uor any share on stock could apoplexy on the litb. The Times says that be transacted lor money. Over twenty iu his death Turkey lost ai. able admiuis- firuis of the highest standing, were in danger, trator one who was capable of retrieving; and a perfect death stillness prevailed iu irr finances, extending ber commerce, and tne house. Suddenly Hurr Charles Heine, whose high positiou made il easy for tiiu (tne cousin of the late lleinrich lleiue, the cabinet to deal with the rival preteUaions of famous poet,) the first banker of Hanib irg, Kuropeaii power". entered tho room, took Lis seat for tl.e fir.-t AU hopes f the recovery ef tho King, cf time after a pause of three years and called Pru'sia bad disappeared. He has lost his the brokers to bring him all the papers which intellect, nnd rumor says be will abdicate in tbey could uot sell. favor of Princes Frederick, as the latter is Within less thau ten minutes, one million about to marry tbe Princess Royal of Eug of Mark Ranco, some say two millions, were land. Sue will, iu the event of h.s a'odica-eff.-red to him. He accepted ail, aud re- tion, become U ieen of Prussia, fused ouly those with his own name, or The total bullion in the Rank of England ' Donner's of Altona," because " those," he Ja Xl'-'.l 1 3, (bill, and a reduction of the rato said, " you can sell everywhere, ;" and the 0f interest to live per cent, is shortly antici pate w as over, and tbe stocks recovered, pntek. Tbe London Times of the 5th says when three cheers were off-red to the uoMe that choice paper is negotiated at 4J a 5 hearted citizen, Charles Heine an bonora- per Cent., and loans on government securities ble distinction, which never before was ren- Bt 3 per cent. Consols had advanced 1 per dered to anybody on the Public Exchauge cent, during the week, in Hamburg. ' There were no failures in connection with (he American trade, aud few anywhere. rt.-UI.UU pRor-KllTIES or PllOrTUoaus.' The contiueutal advices were very en- It is now just two hundred years since couragtng. phosphorus was first obtained b, Brand, of 'Ibe produce markets ,n all erection H-uubure. So wonderful was the discovery were active, at higher prices. ( o ton closed then considered that Krapt, an eminent K- buoyant, in consequence of Manchester phtlosopher cf the day, gave Brand three not respouoing fully to tne improvement a, buudred dollars for tbe secret of its prepara- Livcrpol. tiou. Krapt. then travelled aud visited nearly all the courts of Europe, exhibiting The Jav, m.hy and Iron Mani j ac il uk" phosphorus to kings aud nobles. Iu appear- ,ywl. K q-ue I'roridetiee Jourti..! ance. the article resembles bee wax, but it is more trauspareut, approaching to tho color of amber. It name, which i derived from the Greek, signifies " light bearer," and is indicative of its most distinguishing, qiality, being self-luminous. ben cxpo.-ed to the air it rliiuus like a star, giving oui a ueaun lul la.nbeut, greenish light. Phosphorus dis solves in warm sweet oil ; aud if this plios- phorized oil be rubbed over the face in tbe UaiK tl.e teaiures assume Ku"j ance. lho ongiu ul pnospuorus is me inosi, singular fact concerning it. Every other known substance e.n Ir--''1'. t i.t'.i. earth crair; but phosphorus s. cms to be of animal origin. Ut all ni-..a,s, man con-. tan s the most ; linu ot me va. iuu. uai m the body, the brail, jields, by analysis, moie phosphorus i ban any other. Epitoii PutsEMEP WITH A RlbLK. i'ue , loan another bank on Friday at the rate cf Raleigh Register says : 6v per cent . but the offer w-.s refused " Some pious person has presented Squire . The Post... b-n.ks l-w l.o1d in Ay.t -v. .. Rid.'ewav, of the Whig, wita a beautiful, teen and a qiar'.-r millions of n. ..r-, vi Bible, the Squire is in a q laii.lary p.s t j jncrf lie 0f several uiiliions witlun a ni n.'-i whether the unknown donor intended the - wj Ti.c atuoant of specie tu tb. i)-.i... i eit't as a itbukc for bis siufulncss, or a re : ' . ,.., . , twJ W ku p,rtH ! There ea.. be no caitbly, '" ' ' 'M' ' "n dl t that the gn'twa-designed as a levvaiu j crease of 8dO.MU from tne previous day. for very great piety. (!) anJ as a stiuiuiu-i to renewed vigor in a rustling with tie world., A WiiaLB. d.pt. Hiuden, cf the Rrlii.h the flesh aud the devil!" ! B,-i. Robert Hruoe, wbleh arrived at Wti- .t -.1 The Med. Gazette of Lisbon, asr ens ill a i all persons in that city who reside in bouses lighted with gas have ccaped tie yellow fever. ly tieatet. ty Uen. Uonu V'-'P'.' Mar-bal lladetsky, Kedacbid 1'acua, aud Rachel, the traedieiuie, are al! dead. '1 lie launch of the Leviathan had been resumed. 'Ibe ship was advancing at lha rate of ten feel per 'lay. Only aixly fei-t nniain to be oveieotne 1 financial afTHira w 3 tue. were improving, but ' reveral failures bad occurred at I f inclufJiriir that of A. & J that of A. & J. Wallace, lor a .a. , - The friL'ate l'owhatan arrived at Madeira !' IVrembcr. Wvi.i bauia division was batuy cit up - . . r ft at'd rotreuled witu a loss ct tlie tents ol a- t r t n " rcr"'u" '" . I j. mediately left L i 'know, nni on the Sib wm totally defeated. The Gwali'T mutineers bad raptured both guns and baggage. The women n:: 1 sick from Luukuuw Lad reaeb'-d Allahabad safely. A loan for thu East India Company was spoken of on the meeting of Parliament A further reduction of Uank rates are an- ! t'cfPaw.j H ;,iiiu b.,.l induced ita rate ,,j Ma(lrji, tIi3t ej ; wiU . ,...:.', ,rj,., for the Kl I Dorado af.nr. ri t:... t... .:.'. ..-.i.. t,..l t,.. ; , , , ,, i.-;. prolonged three monllis, owing to tne King continued illness. 1 he ymux. ot lrussias rates bad advanced ." per cent. The Chin news is meagre. The attack on Cvntoii had not taken place, but Was ex pected r.i". It is sail that Fr.mee and Sp-iiu will make a deiiiotislrati.nl against Cochin CLioa. 11,.,- fr..,.. Mll...r u, tr. ', A ', I 'l O t' Jbe papers contain extended obituary notices ul Generals Haveiock, Kadetzky, Rescuid Pacha, and Madame ll .chel. 1 ho utter uiei) at tier estate ot lauucs, acca . tlljrtv.ti ht. jjl0rt, Morc Ler .leceaee she ,er fm tune .,, ,ictwren h,r rM,Uvu ,,, b?r parct,.a. lKr fUUe,al iouk ,lM ftt ,.uris on lluIday. atter died at her estate of Cnnucs, aged pubii-hes some statistics in regard to tun ui-Jiiutaeture of jewelry and rf iron iu that city. More than seventeen hundred persot.a are Said to derive their support mreeiiy ironi , .c all!t4aJ .cdect o u -j udt t Ul mucu short o t f So, I'tIO, (iOO. 'lha number cf jersons t:u plcyed in t! c niat.ufaeture of j?wc!ry be fore the crisis was 1,U4, which is now ie- Their wages hi lore ii.o 10,3;; weVkly. In tlo cnpia alJ10Uule,j tJ irou business the nutuier uf operatives em t,:,.e... ! .- : is;s if i' ", roc : eTll.'.'JJ we kly in wages. I n nuiiibi r is uow reduced to 1,J1, at'd a po.tiou of lea e,ul)1:s!ilul;l,u ale or Luit lime. Capital Goim iil.vl. It is stated Boston offered to that one of the banks ol" i nniiLrto few nuvs age. Iroin I ,iar.'t'n. sri having seen, ott tne n. n bar, a vc- r - , , .,. . . , ,, , , ,,, ''"' ri.ab'e wli.ne. i un ic.jw ., i.i-.iu.., ... latitude, ati.l we suppose, lias conn' Sou'.'.i to lo jk for cold w either II .

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