ma ; "?e irqe fo dor), fa ijoqlr tounfer)c io Hour J)if.M P Mill THOKAS J. HOLTON, Editor & Phopeictok. TEH-MS: TV N'irlH.rrftin Whig ill be afforded In aub. Mr, .( TWO DOl.l.AIIS tn advune TWO Ml Auf AN li HlfTir tliSiS if pn.ii.cnt be ,u . vi J for I'"' ' I nu TU " 1 1 LrUl.LA H 8 j. i',',r m 1 nf tii Nupaprr will oe Utacuu. .nurd until ill arrea.'u,, paid.txcrpt at the wii . of the Kditor. . aLirtierinmia imwrtrd al Oi.'' Dollar wr square Ik iiorl, It'll .land type) far tli Ural mill .,a as1 la tvela forwaeh eajHlinuaiiec t,.,M... -' J"?. ' o(33J per cent. rim uiru.e sad Siierilf's (i cul lnglwr ; iiHd deduction t, mi .,r hum (lie regular pricta, tor rtia. ia by thr ant. ma, tld monthly of r,iiir.v, at tl fr , for early mi... St nil. . -, , . ..ale fmt aajwaevn.. - Mine. pL-ona aiwa .rading m their aevvrtiarnimta rsa-l IT'fH lttr .o.bef f ii.arrtlons ilvairid or I , I"- lllMr.isd until foib.daud tl. algid ac. tir arv: aajtlii.rixp tn art aa aj rnla. j CjIRABLE INFORRATlOiV t o i:nviniv. KUH1 HUM PH 1 II IM-tr. ri'(af rl III ' UMiiiM (known only tn uiyacll and cu. ' , ..i.'fl. w oll.rra I Imte maliurtrd ' 1 (jiMj i.rn hu ti haa afrrapon ma an mcnir . ,1 1 M u. ij."itl y. t annum and hafinf . .,,-r.,,n.iiu la r" i" u.e lr.irii Cnii. , ,tnrl fall. I .1.. tngl.a lull MlallUO. . ,a t ic ri to any (K-raoii nMl.r C n.l. it "ua a. , ivii: i , ..a fl ironi rlia nircoi Uvt 1 a uvnnd , ,. .1 ll.c ui.tiv tiapt')' arknwii (Birnla Ibat ! i. 1 irnriJ t'r.iiii Ihiia 1 bave instruct fi if !'. art, an.f ln a rr n eleHrmf Irnm $3 ,., e--. ,-r.u .c...n to laaiaraa.ow at tliia valuable ol . .mall h.rlui.r. l-ll.ral lirrrm I hem ia bo Ik aaeo a. ! Iluura ni. In n r. n. a I 1 ean be fiveu aa rrgaroa ita clia. 1' I c-'ii a!o rrler Ui fiera.ina lu L-hlogo ni. aa writ aa in Una place, who bate r. a miaainai riunariru in ti.e buameaa. .li vraiiij that t:) aic ui-kmg 5 rr nay l " anii.e. Il ia a tiuiluaa t niir l...i.r nr (enl!i nun can engage, I" a r ht. ral liniea 11, tirt.iui p.rta nl d i..uri, Ihnai I h va malru.-ltt! in Die art, :,. m clearing friim j I. I 'at per tat. 1 1 Ml a '.- la-....-a nl T.aj.nria but a Ira .... ti,.nrr it. I 'pun .. crlpl nl $') I Will a I m.ce 1 f.l I-. In apt,,c8f,t a eif dUr cni.t-imng full a. t. a in tli ait, mliirh will ba riret y t.-.twoo Boon lw.iiig ancr raa.i. Adttreea I KDW1N J KMI'LKION, A. 37, 'aaiiA M., Al larnl, M. 1; "J. l"S7. a'li-tmo 40,000'PAIRS" or Boots, Shoes, 1. : li il cm; A s " AMI Over Shoes, . VliitAl I VU aaeiy ar.i ty ol I... ilea, t.ei.ia, i nr.. B .ra, Youlba ...d t liil.irn.'a, BOOTS and SHOES ia. i.,ui.d in any w injieaoie or ri-lad ra. ; ,,.... ,n ll Siiullieni Country. u,ri;.. fA'Ki-W. f..r i ,! wa are aali.ri.,1 Ihry will gi.e lalin at. -'acii.rn, ird at le prinee lor ( aame quality ?.-;i, lau at aav ollHEr in H.e h . ni.:y nerraaarf i tumin. our Plnck and r t. .ali.firtt H". I. tl.C plaCS lal Bjy Boots and Shces. HOoNK A Co. i 'i ,..ll One pfireonlj, Tit'ld .Seeds! f "'Ji I.K, Tihhw, Blue- trr-ea. Orel.arrl. I u ' rr,,, H'llal, A lurga uai ll I y jnal m- " . il l.,i ,t thr Io-e.l ,., ..rail pricia, at pritcii ardh It SmlttaU mnU Utlmd Vmg Sloit. I.aia'i I i,n. t- ' I "57. Soil Otto of Hose! i t MILE A-...llnirlil nf I. lib' . 'a, tal.l.l'a and J 'I'. ,,!, , ,,)i. :xtr..ela,T.le:iatira, 8 Ae. rke. aai U lian.1 at FIUTCH AMD'S ajaxy fr Mara. i, .' t a.rr. slt:!c ! -anf 1 1.. Thr.... I, .M'.ulli, Mon.acll r .n.l t. Ill al anil H . ., preps l'HITCH AltDS Img mmJ fkrmirtt Sltrt. Uia i oaaia - "'Ms Aromatic nittci N .irrllrni tenia and anil djaplic M.di. , i ual In hfcitd FKM'CIf AMD'S Prft a Caaira Faaa.y Mr.irmra, lawis'a ( oaara. Trv It! Try It! f M lti,l:v rawralr.ra l:t. .. I "f Ill't MU In.- Vai in fl.r world f..r the elaas II s..ara .. priuaa Ui Ural. Try it. l bH:ilAUDS DKL'C. lloUSK, . aria's t ai nrr. White Lead. I II. M PRITCII AKDH, ItTuffuf. a farWist. NHU'w Ili.l.M't nf A.raroliiin. ll1' III III K, the ayrnt for th. al.vr l.k, l ni . r,w cpiee.l V.J- LOHHIE'8 '"'A Is'lMHK. 1'eraoiia deaiiu.g copir. will ' rati arart.. ij7. i31- KKKUISOM cV laKlimf.s iMroartRi or i!k. linens, Hoalerf, Embroldetlea, c , NO. 141 MEETING STREET, Ol'foSITg HAVM TllT, IIARI.K.TIN.K. C. kali Mao:,.' UtlaMAM TATTERSALL. Livery and Sale Stables. 'I'll K subscriber iufortn. (be public genet- J ali(il.a u( be La purchased the large Sta- an a lofn i ny i.vmu hj . . W.lliiiiii.ti,niioqii ra cart t K. rr'a . ill I, nr.r llic, and baa added i r. nit' l Hu n. m a uut rmr n nrr. 5 r tlic Bllrp,.w, , , ,.rl..ll. a I Haide, in r.u.plue order lor t'W uf ,.r .,uMir purp"sc Ml on. ..It g . Cherlnlla a I.IV. ry nd Sale accnii.uii.u'al.on t'Uti Ilia .inject it to run l r lui eal.nlihtiiriit wln.1 it proi.'"'- t" be a tel Livery un .S..k- Slant.-, nr jr ! '-urving It'if.- t. af MtfS.u it Im llinr ,:'tr..l U rail. Ilr int. n..' ' a"!' H..ri a j'.iI O.rri (I.r the a. c..niniod .lici, uf llieciluma irrnerall ami any pvra..n tn airiiijf ,, . ...i.c. , can i.e , auilrd, ami in wucMi trilii 1 oii.h:iiiii I'fivt'ra lur- iii'lmi li n l-irrrf. IT DIIOVKIIS will find at .'''" Kt-blw fine accnHinnMiutiuna liavtn pri'p..riMi ,Jr l'"m R,u'& y-nm, r rka and IroUfiia. and ail .l.M.'";j"1 aup p ol .r..r. n.ier reaiijr lir llicir uac, ua " a a pit ntilnl aufidv ol Mater. i"''-w ar.1 uj m ni..n..i u. U.... cli.rgia will b ar0.-fi.nmd.1l1n j , .nd hr bnpi a b alricl alUnlinn Io thr wialira ol llie dim. inumia tn mint anJ rtccita liUral aliart ol the puulie (.-Ir' n . KOKKKT HA1SK, Proprietor.. J,. J, AVLKV, Atf,,t. CUtlotlt. O f. 'Jn, Ie.i7. f Variety Stcrc. 1 -t i l-a 1, 1. 1 (i ('( 0 h r cs. i n is. - - - ; - ; i c, ft c. 1 1 III) auhacrll (arlful'v inn.n Ibi citi.' mini urnuiiihff couniry. (litit I'P ln t-n Imiid faiiii i ciiiUiitly rtceiTing ttunt New York, Ccnfeclionaries, Fruits, I'am v (;wo( i:i:if 'HJUAtCl. S.M KI'i TOYS, fluwifrtl liliiiiitri.i, rilit: tVOIIKk, IMiIlltV II OK Si l, V .-, M rf. III.IU Mllgolla, llillia, a. h .a. I it 11 t , A IlliU Cn nf evov .army. J.I). I'ALMER. 15. 1WT. 42if r S II ...1 g mi urn! Or r.Mic. il a rlrat rate B.'f. I am ..pan J to turn. ah au,nUi-f t'AkK.S at aiutrt notice. lllllK a! lllil kl'B ! ,4 Infallible Ilrnmly fnr HOUSES, o S ti e nr. 11. 1 nf (Lie Ik.liai. no nf a re I will mail In i iy l-t lluis nba. Tina re. I in ie wnrat aa l..l ufl. r ng iron. H..tla -r .. gi 'I h. n man rial, ol which Ihe n.r.nrine n l pr. urr.1 by any p. ran, at y wiil t r. fiiniir.l. Autnt. nit (auilt'.rcl rn . N I'. JiiUN W. BAKER. Srp) li. 't.',7. as 1 1 Dve-Mllil's "ihe-SluOs! lit: rv brat I.I Ih. a claaa g in part of K,.ntl-n f ..nel. a. i ..f Tin. .' nl I,.t,.H , t.l.n.eal, Madn.r ,i chaaeo IUW at n.-y br pur. IIUTfllAKI'S 'ag Ar, iir.n'a t'oiaM-r, l'ort M nnaics.lVitaMi-nmuVs. NKVV .11.1 tr.aut.lul at ,nm ni ju.t ) rimniAHi'! Ihu aad ( Ara .ral .. Country Merchants L KK llu .v mv Lit fa nor WI...H ale prmanl rioifr IM.ll..- a MKDU IM.r. pul up m a. y a ir ... ...... r, by I'lilll'H.MlD. Pmffitl and Harf'ir.oiv, lawt.'i I nasra . a -mv " . r'i"" 7f nrilllieS, A ariilSlies! A I. A I.U K A Um.r. staling ol ..cb lb ny, f urn. luri , Ja Ar.. I. il be a-1. 1 I.. I I Atll I aiirpaaard aa lib. giving rimrniea to llnrata 11 kiuda of Mm k. f..r aale al I'KI I'CH AMD'S n arar end H'hnl Ihug Slcrt. law..'. I na.ra. Paint or Linseed Oil. ikl.O U.M I.OH iu itul and for j mm II IF aal- at tbr lea. at market price II M. l'lUTCHAHD. M D 'raffia V i ra.aY, lawiN'at'oaska Itiillllt.K .'Hid tu '' MHi8f, lira, qualil y, at ri. Hi ii ak ivs Ditri; store. White i.nul! While l.ftnl.'! a NO THEIt annp'y inv.'itfd. Pure Article P j ernta per lb. .rr , Pgelhcr Willi ercrj variety culnra, Ac , al , 1 1'KITCH AMD'S '.g mud I'aml .Vera. I niMii.' lM-4-liiif.t 1OW KR S A. W 1. Ill MAN'S piireytlNINE al i SO per ol. ''y al MUTCIIAUDS ( armirul on.', I.ain'i ( oasis. Ilrrnwl I'limp", nriI llm' India h tbber bhitlds, he, tie, )l'ST to band at TRlTf HARD'S family Diug Sttne. Tilth mid I'ttr Syringe, .1 1ST r.crivrdat VRIITHARD'S. Ir. l. r" t'sir',: ' r UK a..rinriiy.flbia article nvrr Porn PUieh I T.p.ea. f-T Ac., aa an arl.rlr ol r in.alida and r.' , ia unqu. alionad by lb i d.aal faculty full aupplv al riUTCII AMD'S fas.. Ihva .Viore. 1 15.1 4? !un any o.ber "U,V."',, .jj',,'!,.'! , 1 jj Why not. m.mni. ! It seems to me that ... . '. . uf per ' f thp B01!d had not sec, since the that their leaders, and those who havetio acCl)IllIll0lJati0I1 may be secured lor the ton HW.r.1. -,,d ,r,ua I ,00 .re very unreasonable. L. ,olil,'r ,nd her two sonswith .oice , des-b of la-fi. Id, sat upon the bench.- claim in the a ley wn, m n,, . ,,. ,, n, t0rs, who are xpe tea io arr e a.a'.io.. I "If we bad their Pebes. my de.r child , , nd ioli llUt I10 0e !lC)jed) ! Ore of the witnesses was Andrew Jackson, quire their deluded f,,riower to d t oy lu onler to b. present at the btes , c.U- - ."' Mr, If.. 'we n.igbt fall iuto sin, and OI,e rfor .he cl.iia at prayer 'l.ud th foreman cf the grand jury which their property lest it may benefit the army . ra,iou of tbe marriage of the 1 niice-s CollditiOIl l'ovderS j fcrlnga misery. As 1 1 b. fore told you. I U hen the child had fini-hed hi. evening biou,ht iu the bill of was John ; ' Kl- The l-mpress Kiinie is eaid o Mm Irh .V- " myself very rch I am dev0tl0ll. ,,e ,roM! arid kisscll Li. fatl.eV Randolph, of Uoaimkc. The pi i-oner hi. ,. Piamond cut PiAStoND. Tbe son of a : take especial .merest . . c marr,, ge of t e Vhl 1 . my l.e.l.h-rich in my husband- .ll,c(,ori,lU lv. w bo put him i l,i. self wa. bardiy inferior in intellectual en- )em Unker in London became lVinee-s li .yil and great ta.a . r OHAniiOTTE!, Be bfnilc Wi!h Tliy Wife. Br ernllei for fnu liltlr know II. .w ninny triala riac : Altb.iuyh tn thee Ibey may be tmall, To In r, of giant ai. fb- ptiffi Ibnajb uaiKs-l.4. ll-t top M v aak a mu murintr tnii ; Tbi- lifart iiiijr hnt witl kiiidntaa ytt, And ji.y Io he thine own, Ik r'ntlr! wrnry hnura nf pain, 'Ti unnan'a lot In lnnr ; Then jriald In-r what aiiiiort thou canal, Ano all her aorrnwa ahare. Be gentlr! fi.r the nnMrrt henrla At time may h..Te anmr gncfi; And en n in a -llih word, Maj arck In fina; relief, fir tentle! fur unkindnraa now 4My rntiae an angry atnrm, Tii.t 'l the alter yeara .if I lie In Vain Hi"; true lu c .lni. Be riit1"! nnnr are perfeel Thou'rl (teiif- r f-ir i!ir. lif. : Tln-n. haabaad, b. .ir -ind anil fur bear, lie gentle In II. y ::. fliscfII;utfMis. "Iib, mamma," aaid Klla Harrifon, 1 that we were rich, like the Golducres. It's . j- . ...... t.i. i::.. : . i,...ii i.a. ;,t, onlv fonr room, in it. If we were rich. ,1 abould be siiisfied." Mrs Harrison, a aweet looking, middle liged lady, abo satin one corner of the 'room, with her youngest child, a rosy I.I.....J v... i;,ii. ml. r f.,,. years, asleep upon ber Up, looked up with . r !, . , r ., , J , a niou'hlui smile into me neautnul lace 01 ber daughter. " Thousands, my dear child." she aaid, " are at this very moment breathing . simi lar wish. Is it not a great pity their de- X.7' Wlf.t. h.rrr itb-t vou think lm 1 ,0U U'"ik ires cannot be grati world w should have t.on'd !" There was t slight aecei. of irony in Mrs Harrison's lone, and Klla, instant!; perceived it. " It seems 14 me, mmm, that every rich r,.r.n .;t,l l.r. if.!,... r..U n..IA t ul I preaume you are about to point me to the .-nilins, W no are .lie xt-annim., still the niwt miserable of all our scpiain , Hot rr.lly, mv de.r mother, if tre rich, don't you ibink tbat we would be , ' : tare rs were net very isppy " I am very rich, snd very bappy too," Mrs H.. with a self !i-nel air. I iknow of none in this wold with whom I would i exchange places." Klla dropped hrr erotchrt-work inloherlap. trJ igj Bjtb gurpriae into ber mother's i lace. " Hri'-A.'"slif exclaimed. "Tby.low ido you make that out ? Wouldn't you rj. 'rhanv-e places with the (ioldaetes whn live in a perfect palace, and who have bo-ts of rrT1nn,f nru wn0 dress in silks aad aatin. i every dav ?" I "No. I would not nrhange places with 'Mr- C. ..Id sere." said Mis H.." for if I did, I should have Io give up my most valuable tres'tire. I should have to reign you and N.llv and your dear father, nd my t linle Tommy, who is sleeping so sweetly here j IMII V ann ynur ner. ... ..r ,,u , . - - 111 mv lap. j I ' Oh. I did not mrnn tbat st .11." said hlla ; I rl.u no, mean mat you, .......... usllv. should make the rxchange. 1 meant that'll. whole fn.iWa.ou!d .bare in it. 0I, Vo ,. .illinglohaverap.,.ke Mr fSoldacre . p'operty, .no nave u.u. taao , , . . , ir ... .kal t,r liraad rich in my childrcn-ncli in my cot.age home, which our Industry has tiisdc and eomfortable I an. rich in menial Wf.llh, for we hate a great many valuable books, .nd they have been well read by us .11. I m rich in the white rosea thnt r'amhrr over lb. ws1l yonder, nrd peer wi.b breath, of incen-e through the bright win- dow rich in lbs golden sunshine rich in n.turfrieh in the calm, glart ttiougius hich viaif all who with thankful, contented hearts, look .no say wi.u u.t pun. Praise to nlir Father, (Jnil, Dig'. I" m anlen.n l.y, Alike far what hit hanil timh girt And vhitl il tukn avny ' " " Hut if we had more." said Klla, " you id Klla, . , , e , g ., VbrthalU"- ber has seen ft, ogive me. and that is enough- Think how many have le-. than we have, Think of the poor in .1, backwoods ot C.n.da. abou whom we h jusj b.en reading in Mrs Moodic. valuable work those who little or notung wu inc. l? '"f. .Z :Z' winter. "S of Ih. l..r.d. in cities, who are slowed in cellars viiousu. on , , , ,d back ml, .... -- " orsee cLd sunshine iuiuui .ue ...rU, who a short while ago were starving to death gasping with their .dying i.reatn, ' (,'tff mr thrrt grains of corn ! Omylhiet prniiis." Think of the millions iu Africa nd Ai. who .re livintr in mental .nd nioral degradation, of which we can hardly form ny conception without Bible with- . .'. .'. a a,,rrarl i.l... Ut elVlllIStlOII Wllltuu. i.ij a,...'-. of God and beaten. Couirast win. ine.e l , t,in.r our own happy lot, and ac knowledge yourself to be deeply ungrateful, Instead of being thankful for what y mi have, you are wusn.urinfr bv.ui your portion is Lot lar-'cr. You did not order the cncuui- our i 3NT. O., 2?E3y6Irar-!LDFS."3r ; 1358, T ftnncc" of your bit ih you niigIniTe btea bom on beatbeu ?iound, or mi j tlie beg gars of surfeited I'aria or LondoJ'' " Thi i true," said K!!a j I never tliou.'bt of tlit before." j' 'iMy dear eliiM," eaij Mra.Marris.'n, riaiue and depo.-ilioif ber burv i .be cradle, "our nppieu docs ftp depend upon external circumstances. It i e beyond llie.e lu ggrent degree, it not all ftbur. Hut tbe world i alow in learnin;. fuot. Multitudes think, a-i ynu do, U an attttidaiit upon wrailb upou fa j upan position in ociety j hut ir tbeir, i . could I.. ..... R..A .1 .. A J..1.I. 1 1 . be pratified.tbey vould doubtl-Jj ..luiort all iiiMances, find that they f Viji, il. t.,l. .fliiy.- - Jt tol..f ,V- bf)s, .bo, with gralei'ul benrts, lake bt thefullier ba. appointed ibeui, lookit! t th .ame time viiib a calm, clear 'e. briid the Uiii-t. and hhadowa of l-ine iulo the clear fuiilifihl of eteinity. !' cotnea to ko.e who forget self, and look la ibe welfare f others ho eeorn the rJiiff and ndhe firmly to the rij.l l, nrter psm-int' to weii retilis in tbe nice (-cales f aelfintereat ik worldly pride it cits a g.ieM l thr humbled board, if beaten born charity preiide.." (O'jjia I'amtly tutor. A LEAL'HUL LITTI.K STOHV. A f. K.sii a;n.a it. ....,.. ., n i i.o Noi.h liver, lwa. reated in t he cabin of the ii.ap.nficent Isaac N.wion. in coi.MiM.tion nh acme fiiend.. Iiwasbe-i'" emyinir li.ieinih. .iuiii, , . rl . ii r another aeekimr rnm.i. frrn'i ihe e.rea ami i ion. oi ine qv, maue pri paraiion. 10 retire to iheir I lb. home puiiiitfl their boots l,,r"-"uu V " , 1 iay themselves down to res.;'. consider,,,, historic parallels, or and coal ...... :.. .1... .a .- - .. . : - ouiera, in '.io aiiemriio utuKe il aeeni as n,utn l,L.. I,, a. ..,,..,1.1.. il,r. wen more ol their eiothiiio-cach one as tueircomlo.t or apiirenennon 01 .hb.t uieme. ' "onced on W. tk a fina looking boy of about six year, ok', lolluw" Dg around a man, evidently las (, whose appi arauce indicated lulu to be a foreifrer, probably a Oe.-maii a man of medium height, aud re- M.eciable appearance. J be child was unu- ,y siihIIv lair and fii.e lording, haiiil-nme r..,..,rrl .ill, ;,,.li;..... ...W,u.. " txpreaaion ot countenance; anu irom bis (iermau cap feli chestnut hair, in thick clus tering curls. After welkin" about the cabin for I while, tWr and .on s.o, Ped within, few leet ol here we were seated, and began prepar- ..ion for going to bed. I wa.ched them.- going 'Ihe father adjusted and arranged the bed the child was to occupy, w hich was an upper berth, while the I j-tie tellow undressed him self. Having finished tbi-, hi. father tied a handkercl ji. young, happ) heart, alw ay. rested there. This done, 1 looked for him to seek b' rest ing place, but instead of this, he tii- 'ly P'--. k,":',1 ,0n ul" " ,l" banns tog. t her, so lien e floor, put In little a ut i fully childlike and simple, resting his arm. on the lower berth agn.nst which he knelt, he began bis r.-'.er - sl l.i-rn hv tSia waited the conclusion. U was for a child, a long prayer, but well understood. I rould .' J . ... . . hear ihe murmerings ot bi. sweet voir', t ut . . . ... . . , eouiu noi . niautigui.-u tue worus ne : rpote. i 'I here around hi.i.-fhri.tia ! retiring to rest ithout suflicicnt coun.-e or pie-y io kneel down in a Meamboa,'. u,t in, and Icfoic strangers acknowledge the tjod nes. ct l.od, or asking Hi- protection. This was the training of some pioui mo ther Where was she now! How riavy nuie- hud her kind hand laid on the sunny lock-, a. she taUL'ht him to iisp his pr. .er' A beautiful sight it was, that chid at ! .....,. . . i . .. , .1... l1A, f. -. . ... ... , ., '" 'Mi '.,,': ! ron tune, draw. to Heaven. I thank tiie C"1""' ' c 1 . " . - . ,nfth, . ......... r.r...,r a .nih,.r far nr I , ' - . ..,: ... . I a.rain tbat we'et r'a.'ld. ?.;d. l(tndl)g ju devo,iou to Maker. I ut i hit while lielore 1 saw a c w'l . , ( erh (j fof t (, , 1iilt B Mronj: (j (o (i(Mii i(jt J(,fl,rr(,j jt J1)M, inon.iiig. W hen niorning cau.e the eon- fu.-iou of landing prevented me from seeing them again. lint if ever I meet that boy again III hla youth, in Ins lieclmn St J.r , 1 11 thank him for the n, Hue nee and example of that nit hi. devotion, and blcs the name ot the mother who taught him. , hcaicely any passing incident of my lif" ever made a Ue. per iinpres-ion on my mind. . tfM (o (uy tnpji h1m, ,lllll(, t;0ll ,iat:wi, 1 bad witnessed it, and for it. influence on my heart. Who prav. on a steamboat Who teach their children to pray at home T ..,, lnu,..l ' .TB M A Rr n TO .K CAVE,S IT.- tKrr toward the grave .lurm. the t ast year . .Ut "a - lis o . J etU; pcpulion I t have gone down Io the crave, l'lace llieiu " " . cohimn of more ihai, thirteen hundred to every mile of the circumference of the globe, vhn nrtiaeie, a. they move on, tramp, tramp, the Dead March ' giving iu funeral aslbev CO to the eileut shades 1 ' A rtUCTirAT. l.rtiiSLAToit. vine oi rur merchant, w bile sitting in bis counting roi-m inrI cogitating upon the hard limes, had bia r,Verie disturbed by the cutranea of a geu- tieman evidently from the rural districts. .' 10 you ant any fust rale brooms!" "Nt.," L. ...ll Kara, kira fOt & till I SIlMllv '' up i.....'-, - r- tj ll J " I ve got some very cheap," was be re joinder. " I mado 'em my-clf, aud I'm a .,,,-n, hrr of the Legi-later." The merchant member of the Legi-later looked inquiringly at the speaker for ?' u,ei,t. and then with a smile resumed Co -itativius. i-A'ufi , .'-.sw.-'v. J'rom the B 'ltimorc American. HISTORIC I'ABALLKLS. Kvery now and then there Lappena, .u .. . ., .' r.njev.uu 10 lD . ?" Kono "J; i ue.1'"iorl "1U5e. indeed, ' TifU eet'Hi to bo wnd of repeating berclf. , . ' . nVa d if-ti lift from tlu? snciont civilisation, an vve dieovr nituatioM nresentinL' the same 1 , . . , . plioBotiient, in povernn.ent and philonopbj winch lielonced to the republic of Oreeee or tbe dyuasinfof Memo. In our own tunes' V UP" ?ur, "D fU "e h' e,'B r"IC,i' jgl Jl! "tTZJ? w f-'L!!!1 BliUl.d ,Q us , 1, roul't ife'd i Htt il GfTt of"t n-o through the dim twilight of Ova., thousand year.. Aud not only are event. r re event. icted upon, U.V..UIC.. K.euv Ui.,m, irru.L ul'"" wiiicn 1 i.e tiu.-Ky curiam 01 lime leu oemre e fell before ew,, known Iho brought the co,tume the lanL'iia; which e now write amorij; met, but ihe actor, are they wore afore lime, at least with the. pirit which once animated them and with the very ulitiuienl. they once promulgated upon their up. ty a fort 01 metempyc.,0M., me inir,- to contend for it with the d-.'scenrt-character of remarkable pcroua'C8 are i . Z ,1.. , r, .iin rtoimnerate indeed, but tniiifinitted from L'e to ajre, and incarnated tothe ainht of .ucce.sjve generations. Thu. I we may eee the lofty courage and di.iti- l lere.ieu Dutrioiismoi Cliiuatu. banded I iowu through K.etai and Tell and II ampdeu 1 '" ,uu,,d the.r loli.e.t And.u like manner we ! 111 ' J' truce the dark and fiendish passions "hi'l" ele exhibiled in Judas, along the line - : lnuinuu.i resenitj ances. at tier on. oi i nie . ... . . . -- ,ow v, rJ ".ueretiii, tlie same cou so o. bow two men, strimnily tu each other in certain cardinal point:, may be treated as if ..... -eir on.,,,,..e,. . , may be extolled f ,r prudence and wisdom who in another would be stigmatized a. weak anil ini.-gui.led the pirate and plun- derer of half a century ago is the bem-fjctor and refoimer of to day. e do not see ih same thins, a. our fathers saw them. What they caiieu pubiic virtue appears to us, by some sirange giainuur wuitu ui.uin on. vi--ic ts afT-ctini- t'.? moral sense, a timid aud """""by policy ariaing out of an undue ',silaty bordering ou ss- 'L.' J'"d f n,'"" " summary puiiislimcut we app aua a. hetoic actions cniitling the author to the highest commendation, and demanding those gustatory and metallic testimonials of diu inra, swonis. niicliers. medal. . ub..r. !..... iJ. j u.u 1 ,.,lc -ji l.i jfi tnapitl iil.d bag. of goldcii coin. These remarks are not deigned as pre- fatory to any parallel that we have found bctwetu a recent public occurrence aud one whicb took place iu Urceiau days, li. C Wc shall not go back to the I'i-i-traiidie ,,,,,1 x ;,.,,,. fr ill,. -irM, .us inrnleimr r an immediate reference to tha C assical 1'ictifHiary, w li ic h is not at bund,) of modern r ''. tu 1"t'1' we froV. o 11 atteut.ou, .nacre fen- narn.rrut.lw I,, nil I- flflv VfalS " - r f- i - j jj , a.. . ud are both within the memory of - r ,.. ., ,. ',. V 1 ".!"!J ' "'"'S contrast io eacu oilier, certai. ii v, auu a mo- 1 !. :n ... . "LZ? V" . ' . I" ... : strangely infatuated with a vulgar crimiual, , ,!,. .,, ,r,,..,t nf n.nonv h.l been heaped upon the bead of a pure and s. If sacrificing patriot. But little more thai, fifty years has glided by since the eyes ol Ihe whole country were l.s,,.! uriin n ennrl rnf,!ll III m I'll 111 3 l(! W uere . .,;, ni . H..stimd for the mairtii. tuneo. ine oi eo.rgeu uy ... !- ., . . . 1 .. ,. . ... ..j .:.'.. n .-.VS Willi' I IL Cl'CI.e.l. IO OO Cia.SVi. I.IIII ,i. nr.iseeution n,.aii.-t Verres aud to peachni.M.t of lla'stin,;.. Never, beyond a America bad there been collected within the wall, of a temple ol ju-nce so many men ui.uiigui.-uuu , i j ....... . .. : . gngru iu. u.e ..v. ..... w. mem (and amoiiir these Lutuer -Uai till ami William Win wereorpo-ed to each o'ber) or Io the olher partus to wnoiii wc nave n alluded, while lie Had tinea a larger pce in the gaie of the world, for he hud been 'lce I'le-ideiit of the I'uiied plates. The rtitiler Knows. oi course, uiai wc uie ic.ei iing to the trial of Aaron li.irr. .... . i . rr tt . . ..mj . .1... I-..;.. A a in eo. covertly designing to . ft.ct n dismember- meiil of the confederacy iu connection wiih ' a scheme for thu forcible subjugation ot l.i .;,, l l,.. ,.l, r 1,1a we all .'. . . ' .... c :..i .... i:rr I know, was n ve.'.ie.ut . i... , .., . . j ..Iked out of the court room n. Kiebmond ' keti.nR .. ,, that re..,a,us lor ou to do, brow. AmI hy, cuse, hever the government had faded publish his purpose to dismember the Ir,,;,,,, it as made clear that ho bad in-. I tended an ar d descent upon a neighbor- n.g nation giant scheme ol lain! piracy and the morn sense o. u,e p....... ... pure day- recoiled from the pe, petration of such wicacduess, ami Piauoc. nu .a.-.iu shame the man w ho would carry lire ami ...... rd into a foreign land wilh which we du.-,eut. Ana troiu m" "'f '7"' and the farthest reach of political ha. nevrr gone beyond comparing its victim this leinarkaPle pi rem a i '.able for bis uum.l.ed powers and his aw Ml o v.: the verdict pronounced ou Burr by 'r "'V. have .tirmpted to iiiitignte the" the best work, l.h of c ,htoU Litu, but iu'.ttan liiU tuciv t his roiiten.t.nraries a jii-t one T -Modern plO i raiu-all ih.t tbry c.fl do U to getolf the ; darknesd of bit ffuilt by tbe prtraiturn of: i . . . ' .1 . enrtmn irrace 01 aeporunenv aiiiBinwen of domaia ife. And yet, if v.e arc to m- . , ,rB;aUfje 0f JJurr bv tbestau darda which have been applied it Walker, , , , ,, . L(. wa, nn ;U.used milrl Jlut t1Rt. , he greatest nehiore tr.out, of bin life was tbat unnceo eoiuiniahcd v.-l. I.- : I . ,..,,,.1, nnv ri. ' . . ... . r .1 . .1 ... 1' , tiriutn. t allter bis cane tanner iiiau ijurr agi ui rnwi-m - . ca ' war w;fi, ,U Iw dreadful eon- elephant, two guns, nd s ms!l body f ' . ' r ... ,.. 1..1,;. .f...r. ;,.,.,!, r native cnvalrv. Sir .' , . t ,fi Walker is ' hero and a missionary of reform ! Surely ' !'a's t"" rf .c'i'f,-" rl ,i! "."""i"'; v'ATI .!.' rols for"cl ofrTt? thai ' , ,1 .,ntl beroes for doini; that y&r(j rlrri0se t0 ,o which made JJtirv , t0'j0 wllich IIin,,e linrr a lv l..v. brought tbe two neires ! villlia WcllBVe brought IllB l0 . juxt .ailiou . let us Uy that Walker ia JUt J imrr(, Jer,,,S. Hi. plan cf eotll),,t ,Ui,. M wicked , but it Ih less ; Jccut J ,ia, been carried on by dif- f"" a.'neie'i Durr aimed at the firest Weo AltflCH which Hernando Cortex, ..'.. 1 nrrran. and M j .,," f . . i...,rir.p and to thi. e , fc 1 gou , ,0 enVl.t undc. flag ineu end he .sought to enliM under hi. Hag men of high qualities and amiable thougb rc.olute Character. Walker contended not lor Nicar- but for the Transit Company, to 11 - - - i . out which has eeo the ol.jeCt ol lit. whole UlihuMering sehenie, and with tins iew be gathered to himself all the aban- loned characters that he could find in New , .lorK ana .ew t m leans, nuun 11 .-...j .u physical strength and in utter ucsper.ui ju , iw creaM;f, ne.tizoe. of the I.tbinu,. .. .. ..... i ,... n iched an. iurrwoiaeu uyuo v....,., n,.ria,t.t ana senuie'. it.: H lien we r wa. " - ... i : , .1.. C ...nnnnra mter.-j aevom o. ; t, bich irradiated' the darkle,, 0f l!urrs .;fCi we ,,aVfl full the COIiipariSCU he.wea-n (be two men to its close. I In concluding these hurried remarks, let us add that it is a niourniui sisu ui n.c , of pul,;C morality that Walker tinds any respectable body ot supporters iu me tim States. A. we never despair ot me m-ijuu r,.joicc l0 ,illLiJi however, tha the great mas. of the people have no sympathy whatever with him or his fiiibusterins; pro- .,.el am! wc t,lieVl! ttin, ,ke Ih.rr be will jye . ,ftcr timt9 only a. a monument ot i.l-rculated au.bitiou. M AslUMJics, Jan. -3. ImP'.btant Divsi'Aiviits 1'it'iM Utah de-pat cues received at the War lVpartUicnt from ColonelJjhuston, dated November .", COtihriu. the previous rci'tria .i-e.-r..-. suffering aod great bs of ilr-uglil au.uia.. b v enow storms, "u"1 starvation. A suia- cieiit number of oxen tbouiih poor, bad been saved to supply part ralioiH six days of the trn.,1.- andih. rK w a.oubaii l euouhbacou for oiie day of the same period Or seven month- ; also, flour and small rations. 1 ue , , . i Vf ' f I 1 I, ,r . L command, lie lust half of hi. horse-, l.t. ei,l..- n. number of UluleS. ,, , , . j ci, y . l.. ('lie further advance toward halt i.ity , , , ,..k- r-f be ",tUat Zu Sllli, sucu aniuiais, io iiiw.i mum .1 l... I I .l.a.harl (r, N'.-w M. vi.-o J when , be army with a volunteer fjree ?J,Oii'l strong wi.l r,..,,n,o la mare I tt. MOD ai EUppIlf't w U n horses t-tid mules, and when the gra. oi the luoutiti'us is sufheient to sustain tlu in Two voluuttr companies have beeu mo. tered in the sen ice for nine months, and it at in a few da;.a two more wul n. ,i7 v a .-i v , - be mustered lu. The troops have borne the dangers an! - - r BBtitnco and el if,.1nesi. The are 1 -''- --. fering from frost bite. Another letter from an office o 'lite anny sav. - , . ,, . , . f like all a'sissius and robl e's, ai.H ne bars Wbcn WllOlll PIS ISliier opiiysei. uia wu.v... ' -" - ,)0 ,dll fouud that tue father eouiu doi ce :Illlu,.ed ,0 y.y(! consent to the match, ;.!.., I .n marrv without It. ihe falj .1 i.r.....,..,,l to wit hho d every v. ; 1 1 ; ,, frum ,ini. wbcreupou the sou re - j,j jtf j ,1Ht ;f lue father did not intend to .... . .... aiivtlimi. ne wuum urt.. C'hri j .ceordine to the law be : a.uce. T wo ot ernet s pictures, w nu L-e.a-niled to oue half of I... father'. I cron'a m.-terpie.-e, have auea-jy arrived at i i .... ... i- I'.,., f,,.l..,r. much a armed, new t, bis lawyer, to impure wiieimr eut.i a. ow really wa. iu existence. The law-. vers answer was in the affirmative, fur ,,,., that if be would hand hnu oven ... ...T. a u. oi bim avian bv ve.i uima", v v.-.- e-- - . , be could .rugate , bU aa become a Christian also, and the la ,,,, ,.t oblige you to leave your sou a cent . 0f your money " 'I be dew hurriedly seized bis hat. aud left the lawyer without any further remark tioiN.i ir with a S.vt: ( i:u. tniE i Ni.vti tKN Months. Ihe llaveibil! (Mass i t.'.:;i.r states that the wife of Mr. M. A. Tidd, of Georgetown, gave birth to -..,,r one day last we. k, three ci whom are still livuif A year ago June, she pave birth to three at ouc lime lII. NrnRoxs vs. Wuitk Mas. Considerable 1 ,iBSatisfaction prevails at Norfolk, Va., from 1 the iotroductiou of negro n.,cb..ics into the , Navy lard. It is said l.ial luey arc given t work," an 1 treated more mi iiy SIR COLIN CAMPBELLS KSCAl'K. Tlie Hev. Pr. Iulf, in bis lat-t letter from r-i- .: .i, fi ..,.. rlrK!a inuia, memiuin m n.n-... Meape of dir Colin C.o.pbeil bis uitrrh - to iti riief ct lucknow Sir Colin and hii Ma IT, unacrouipanin.l by Bnv ecott. in then, i-hborliood of tbo river - Soue, came soddenly upon two oompaniea of the mutinied :'-'d. ho bad reetiitl? killed in rtflinel a. 'I'lieV WPfe ttiell Ml tllO f : ...,b Wl. fminp.i , Cclius or tran-Ilii,- catiruire, iri .head of ull'tho other. ; d1 although tb J L' T 1 !1 -?oa H!' ' ""''i1''"" of h" dn.,-r, ' dlrec i bis "aTtention to't'be niutii.le'rJ cYoT.," in? tbe rJ at a di.-tance of not wore than . five hundred yard.. At 8ruhe cbiet wouil , not fco baok, but got on the t- ct n, . itU u,l; and omy -Ijen U ea.alry sent to cut off .1. rc e .t dull think it proper to .top. Had they u few hutidred rd funhrr on, tlie whole parly mu.t have lien c jt off v a nian, nico havuii! no e.-cort, the oppoirfl to tiiem was so tri iiien'lou- - to re inter "li ii . vist ;i rice iiiipo-j-ib!''. Ai it was tln ir couimjr up, with sucli ap- parent boldness, fo very near to the reue. parom oomnea.. - ' rt ldt;..l y oou ' ff; "'vi'-lo.,.ha,Nr o,,!y the advanced guard o, a n a n . - . ...,.. ,,, in.iriiti, in. t hev aim so, ...... . " ' - u..uc Ml a. lta. they , e.q h.u .. gu... i.,,J n, , , " .."ir instantly turned back and rc ce.l .r - - - vvi,, a " - i . ..;,4. ,,,ti.,l inter- narrow escape hat a pron Jet tu inlc iiomi on . - ' ' ,.;,(.: u:,l, hi, whole s'a ff. would onn. v.itu - What, e. . . . T ,. . t ll Cn . "t POOr n I -I r JII e I 1 .1 in. .. c;n Ton,'r, , estimate the extent of calami. ty which might Txl nt throughout a!' the rebel h;. of the capture of such a prize ! .May we not, tlieii, bail a p. escape -o rotnarkabic, a the token of nn oveeruliiiL' I'rovidencn; that he who was thus marvellously tleiiverod himself i- destined to be the instrument of signal deliverance to other.-, aud the agent, iu the band of a gracious Uod, f..r restoring order " tranquility o . ... v--.. sorely scourged land . T11K IIOYAL l AilKIAi'lK. 'ihe bridegroom was born in and is ten years older than the biidc. The match is said to be oue of genuine affection, as was that of Victoria hersc.f. 1 hu royal marriage nclfoibid. alliances bel w een mrmbera of .1 U f UMeCts, line jt .Uo" forbid, marriages i. h foreign princes or princesses who arennt Protestant.-. Ihe cnn.n uenue is uu. , nd pnnee"es of moilern times h ive to tmu Bjve9 au l husband, among the deruiau I'ro- testatit royal iamiiies. and these keep up a -uppiy of marriageab'.-; youtii wiimeii that i finite enual to the demand. 'j'be London Court Journal of late date says: Anion.' 'he many inainihceiit presents in preparation for the" Trine..'-. Koval, on the occa-ion of her niarriagf, is one which, thouVu single in itself. posee a peculiar interest. It is only a i ling whip, but it is a momenta of a very favorite horse. 'Ibe butt is forined from a pi.ce of the hoof, set in a hoof of soli ! g ild. The slue of this golden hoof i formed of diamonds, the nail, btinr represented by fourteen beuutilul ru bies ; the whole of the bottom ot the foot is a mass of small diamonds. The handle of the whip is formed from one of the hor-e's bones, m.-isl highly polished, round w!ii?h is tw ined a serpent iu brilliants. A more beau tiful or characteristic so'iviitr it is impos sible to imagine. We hear it is the iuieii iln nf l,rr Mat.-tv that all the nietropoiit-iu health, nl- t,pntrr,, should be open to the public gratui : still suf- tjuy 0II ti19 preiiing of the marriago. Tlie Queen has not only retained a con siderable portion of Ciaiide's and Kar ranee's lintel, but we beluvc it is her M jotv's intention to retain a third hotel in St. James street, in or :cr tnut me mosi ampie ed from the Tuilieri 's on the ocea- . , . . 1 ; , .. , . ..-.i. by the religious of eambray w I,.. I. ,. id to be a marvel of tn te and skill. The ivsiue (' tl;,' pi. ee I- 1 . md calculation.' iJii'e una may v. - mention thnt it was cominenceu more mau Sve years ago, and ha. been on hand ever ikiiiii. ouh.uli s oneru.g. op the part of the lue mi. a -.tuette of the Kmpres. kneellug on the day of her marriage- at N'.sfre, executed iu 'silver, is also on it.- way to ornauicut the boudoir ol the I'iiucj--.- at 1-v.riiu. A I'oRTfxe niAMvi A l';ttir AW v:an ' T "Im arrived in our cty a beauinul young w.d fiilv tivc, ( II uiig.., . an by buth.) on her way to New llrloaii", ' n " 10 iUvana, whrro .-he intend. 1 1) : i . in h.-r pro-le.-ion as a fenia'.e physician, hhe wa aioue an exile H unitary, w here ber husband bad lived and .lb j a patriot. On Friday 1-1 au ag. ut from ihe house of Rulhrcliild-, the great I inkers, also reach., i our citv iu chase of the beautiful youug sell- Mow, ano I'll icni uuou j oaru-.i t0 ,,,Dil. e had beeu dispatch Kmune to s.-ek out ibe wanderer a;,J ben" ; l0 ,tr the " glad tidiugi " that sue has r- ceurly come into immense pos.-i.-.-ioua at home, aud to invite her to retrace her trip. Willi ihe aid of the telegraph he learned that she had arrived saf.-iy m N' Or'-.n., t I. ui. lUlel i ,CCOIli g h-r t. a.. d h h'is ha-iei. . -I 'urination that a!: mil!', ' s at h- uio arrival, was forw op tn bear j b.n a f oin

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