4i.$e true to io, io ijoqir tucu;.ri, w$ io m Qi" VOIaXJME3 e. OHAHLOTTE, INT. O., IT'JEJaSITJ-'Sr 23, 1G5S. THOMAS J. HOLTON, ECITOK Si 1'BOPKHiTOR. TERMS: Tie nfiii.rarolini Whig will he afforded In tub. .,-ri!er at TWO IHM.I.AlIS in advance ; TWO ti..il.I..VIt A.nu tit TV cents if pa,u.c..ibe i;naTHHtElH.)I.I.AKSi . Nopapcr will o diecou. aciiveu t..r ti.reo .114111 1 lis at tur t'lJ nl me year, .lupapcr will Lxi discon. I i8t.i ...ililaH arrearage arc paid, except al the ,,uti n u! the Kdttor. 1 Adtertiseiiient ineerted al One Dollar per square ! ;16 :! e", thia sized type) for the first .user. t.o'i. ana -j cent lor each continuance, ourl ad-1 .r-iu.naia and Sheriff's Sales chargeu lid per ff-ii. 11 d' ier ; n a deduction nf 33J per cent, will ; b- ni.i.if irnm ll.e regwlar prices, lor advertiecr by j lie ve.ir. Advertisement inserted muiilhly or' M 1 rury, al (I per aq jure for each tune, heiui-' ii. nt.iiv 75 can le per equarc fur each time. I I'tiiih whi.a eundmg In tiwir advertisements mu-t tn.rk the number uf luaertione deeird or r 1. v mil be inserted until forbid and charged ac ii"Ps'intere are an .utl.or,,..! to act a. agents. I . DLSJKABLE INFORMATION! to KVi:itvuonv. I IOH fome time pnat I hare beet engaged in a l iiu ntwa (Known only to niyell and com. . jt.vuv l' oiiit-re wliu.n 1 hdve matructed !t ''L0"..'.'.?. ""'E0 " "cnl .1,"0U I.. iJ.uuo ptr annum and having ...e arrani iin iita to n t the Eaalern Conli. I mil Fill, 1 am willing tu give 'full inatiuc- riii Hi ti-e rt lu any peraon in tne I'niU d Sutra, .,j in remit uie the mini of Two XoLi.aaa. 1 11 induced fr.iiu the aucccaa 1 have betn tavured th, .ini llii iluiiv happy arknowleitgiiieuta thai l.,ve rcftivfd from llme wlimn I hjve inatrur. j hi thtf art, aitii wlui arc now cUurmg Iruin 93 I j pur dy, l give every perain a chance to t H,,,on t,n -luabl iiimm ot I t'nMunr. 'I'itrre ia do Mimbvo i t tne bu-incs herein mIIuucU tu, Kulcr necs u.t cU c u je.v, it. eh.. , rr, unu 1 C.11 alc rvrr lu prrf.i.K ill I iimgo lf troit. u- meil urn in tin pUre, wlm hiv I i ti time m-mtlrn rmu.rUd in the bupinr, 1 m h-i w,ll trattfy Ui it they are m-kne l'rin i $j3 tr diy t the Jine. It la x buniet ' iiiidi eitrirr laatjic-s nr ii trutknirn em fiig'fef Kiln M.rk'ct e-iHc umku m very lin(U..iue in ( if. t-cttiMj I.-iLit; m various part tt 111 Ilia a . iii i lulllnga M ti'iun, wlirnii 1 li re tnalrucUd in now cicirihtf I'roiu $5 t 9i2 ptr day. teel burnnt anil requires but a it w .lulltiifra iMtiititnce it. I pun net lut ol '- i Will at - 1 " ml J , " ''-""" ' will he r,icuy . ifi t'i lie ar-piiL-aint a nrciil ruct "in in tlie art, winch ui.ccrt-jou uixn ri-inp i.nce r KDWIN TKMPLETOX, Aa 37, fautik At., Al. .ai, .Vo. .4', 25, t'u . I'G-timo 40000 PAIRS" OF Boots, Shoes, 1L IJ A a S AM) Over Shoes, M Hi.'At I Sti every riety cf Ldiea. Gems, A M r-", ll i.a. Y od I'l.llorcu'a. BOOTS and SHOES - t -nn e (uitd in any wliultaole or retail ea. : . .-Unitn! in tne Southern Country. -ir fi'Miiia rc ininut-cttirrd EXI'MJSSl.Y for iiiii we aire av'itffieti tl.ey will five better aat v .;t.-..n, Mid at iea prict-a lur t' e aame quality ifn tujii at tiny other ctibiiiluitut in tii It 1 nn.y nt-ctaaarv to esamine our ftock and Ij be fitiafietl Vtl tdia i the pl-.ee tu Buy Boots and Shoes. UOO.NE i CO. j-r ASM ;.'- i.r.e. only. -.1. -.'.I, -:,-,. ' 3i tf Field Seeds! f ! Kit, Timothy, I ue (.'naa. rchrd. La 1. ce.ne. M.llel. 4.e.. A lergequar Illy juat re i.iru ai.j lor aaic al the h.w.l murkrl pricea, at I'HITCIIAnDS II iorsJ und Hrlaii Orag Stmt, lawim'a oasca, as uj, i-j7. ai.if Otto of Rose! f.AK J- U. t K A-anrtinent of Lubr u.e'a SlendiU KltfaiU Ulfm and Toilet Wtera, PRITCHARDS af unci Drrtf .Vor, rtftn'f t ornft. Soluble Kss. Camphor ! s i t In.e sra nf t ue Tiiro-t, M-uih, Stoma. h M' .r.U Downs, prepsrrrt a-lrt si Pl'iITCH ARD S Drug and (. hrirwal Stvrg , ,1 Iaj ( obnicr. j Wakti's Aromatic Hitters! 4 N ra'.rileni loiitc .nd aoii-yplic M'di. . . aV cint, jual Ui I PI(lTCHAIiI)3 I'riot rf Ckwice tmrmly M'Jiexnrt, lawi.t's i oasra. Try It! 'Fry It! EMBor.ll'SC'enreatrafd Katr.ct of lil III' l tz .-t n.rilieine in the world for the cl.aa it pr..w.aea to treat. Try It. ' PRPTIARD'S DRUG HOUSE, ft mine fwer. Iluttb a lliwlory of . i :ii IUi;. lltiflNE. the a.-nt for the .1 V.J. IMWHIK'S desiring copies will I.'jOK A 7 '. I'eiao K FIUIISOV it IsKIDIMs IMPOnTEBS or J.'Cm wJsi iaT wWXvt Lliiens, Hosiery, Embroideries, ttc , .o. Nl MEETING STREET, r.M'OMTlT. HAVM! HKttl, .1 II A It l.fji'l ON, ('. I. I r KHUMil. HfcKMAN LKIIil.strj. ' ...... ' .'-s ..-"!- Ind'.d hbbbef fchlelds, RC.,fcc.. - t.lnida, I I pill ( IIARI. K I family Dr Ji.ri ' T. II. BHEM & CO,, ; WHOLESALE and RETAIL LEALERS j DRV GOODS. I H A It l , A If T, H Al S A: IIOI. C'H A It I O i l C C Jsaiwr,.. 1858. '' 47.r TATTERSALL Livery and Sale Stables. 'J'UK subscriber informs lb public I'eiu-r-1 ally, that be baa purchased the lart- St blra fnrmerlv owned bi C W .ll.nis..n. one sauara .' K'"'' "'"',' J"'' d In and refilled Ihcm .11 a suisrrmr nruincr, fur the 1 purposed! ua-nmg ,n Charlotte a 1-iveiy and Sal "". 'n complete 01M1 lor the eccuuiinodulion vl tlie pubh Ilia ohjrrt la lo l.inke ilia establishment wliat it prol'ieac I" be a re I I.ivery anil Sale SUM.-, ni' pcrai.na having good lloraca todiepoee of, w ill find II In their interest p. ill . lu call. II. 1.. l 11..... 1 r - .1.- acci.nii.d..iio.. of tliac.titrn. aen.r.ll, : ami any peram. d.-airnif any inotle of cnnvfyunc', can he auilad, und in (foou trim. Cumpeti'i.t Urivera fur. ui'n'd when rii-kired. J.r I'KOVKKS will find al tlxae gt.hle fn.e acrmniiiodationa havmr prrpjred lor th iu guud yarila, rcba and Irouha, atd an ut.uiiiii.nl rup. ply ol pr.m niter reuoy lor ll.eir uae, aa well aa a plentiful auiiply ol walrr. it ' llOliJ-h.S kf.l by the month or otherwise. Ilia clmrt'ea will ha accoimnoiutinjr, ami he hour. b.lricl-iu.nli.m loll. alien ol the cum- muitiijr tu ini :id rtccivft Jilnrnt ahare ot' the ,,.,1,1.- KoVeRT K AUK, Proprietor. Tint it-i Vv H A Lt I , AgCJit. 'rtott. 0t. Ip57. 44tf Variety Store. Fr shConfectionarics?, Fruits, a. a. 7 1 a-c., aV c. ' fl'IIE aub.cr.lr rr.,i!'ully ioforma the cti. 1 . ol ! barl.,1,. and aom.un.ung cun'ry, , ,,e h nn htlllJ U(J c,Ulltl from New V Confecticnaries, Fruits, I FAX Y(i'll()(.'!;iflf.S,CIf.AIIS TO ".At CO. S.MFF. Til VS. inwM';tl In,! '.iiiit-tit. rim: wuKi V. Iurl.rl a lifilillV Holtl, III..W V ii.. Chilli , M . k.w.Ui.et-, A Hi. (I f lig.-a of ertiy s.nriy. I 1 I, Mluir. I Dt. 15, Ibi7. sWif Jaaieral young people, ourselves iucluded I PS. II,,,,,, ao.rf Ih. a,,r..tl a fi.H ,.1. laere ta'klDglu ibe ball room on lb. subject B.a.r. lo,pnp.,edtolu,n1.h.p.r,0rlAMiolu,i4lr11011.(,u()I, uf eour.e, became iu- at alu.rt notice. !. . ., , , 1 j . . llsst K-ja ! Hot rn ! ' ! ' " 1 An JnfuUillt Uetnedy HOliHE ! N the reetipl of Una IM.ai. I will mail lo tht-in. 1 he aterial, ot which the medicine .irupoeccl lie procured by any perron at in,... It Una cel. I he iiM.nev il be refunded. Auortae n.e al G.ccnaboio. tjuiilurd Co.. .V I'. JOHN W. BAKER. .Vep IS, '857. -Mil Dye-Stufls, D e-StiilTs ! 'I yiit, v-ry Unt ol ttoa cUm ii 'vm,'tu'i" ' ui-y be pur. :ig in part id Solution 1 '.p.r, ( ockanial, .Midder. A ciuntu iu at ITUTCHAHH3 Prvg aSvre, iru'f Cvriur, rort.Monnaies.I (irtMonnaies. A MIW and bcaulilul aaaorlrneni jual received , i at n:nciAi!t3 Ihuj and t'hemt'ul Haute, j JawiM a 1 iviitl. I Country 3Iercliaiit.j j 4 If re.peell'u iy invited locllanit ex .mine; i.nr wl-.l. a.le pr.e.aof tktnrc Id.'H.S and , MhlJli I.NtS, put up in any a. vie Ii. nrd, r. by j PKITCTIAHlJ, mpgiit and Afithtcanf, j Varnishes, Varnihlies ! tl.AKl.K aloek row on 1. 1 nil en., . 1 1 1. g ol IVni.., (nail, o..ch H..dy, Furnilor. . It. ;.n, Ac, UIii.Ii will te wild for I AMI lower I than any other house ... I 'harloilr. lie. II. M. PRITCHAKP. H su..;, sad li,la,l LhmgfHt. lawi.a'a i.oa.N.a. Condition I'ouders! lARMLR and i.llirra inlrrrsl. d STO" K, I I arm aaaured that these prrpHralione are un. ' surpaaaed aa health giving remedies lo floraea, j Utile, and ail kirnla of rSlnrkT f or asla at PRITCHARDS ' ll'iafeasif and Wrl.ii Oiug Sinre. lawisj's oawta. I. tilling ;iiil Ml Kroil'w pni;f , iF the firal quality, al i'IUTi IIAKI'M Dltl'a H'iriiih,. White 1,4 nl! While t.nttl!! VN OTHER supiy invoiced. Pure Arl ele f)J tents p r Ih. Jut I mh, t- gether Willi every variety o' colors, Ate , "t PRITCHARDS 'rug- and i'aint A'toic. .iini.ir li-iw l liii. ' iji) KR'.s 4. WTi.ll TVAN'S pur. Qt l.MM-: al .' it) par ot. Cos larana'fy PRITCHAItDS ( hrmtctl I !'. Iiwis'i t lit.sxa T'tth tmil l.tir Syrhi get, I ST received at fRITCIUHPS. ll.'i ls. r, I'nriii.-i II F auneriorilfoflhia article overt ora .tareb Taoioca. t-.eo, AlC, as all article i for invalids snd tnildirn, is wnq oncd by the me- dtcai f.cuitv. ruiiauppivat PRITCII ARD'S tmr Ihug St,, ..;!. ii, lo67. H' ON ti.a reetipl of Una IM.ai, I will mail to for a wife, f he Bisdo Lor. Lly for a tuo- and his barem Amapng smart rlnMrtii ; ' - ' .nTPer.,.rece,o..,.,...dyr..rll.fcEient )dIloM ber if .he didn t know any- forth, kind." say. one ; what di-cu-lii j S.r,,U','l , '. l- ...ml. .un-..,ng.,om lh,.a ..,1,10,,. Th.a re UJ fittd for Uie t ,ouJ hiU -euien e,cl.,..,. Mis- 1W " U bat an j u"1' ? "U ' ,." uitoy h.a never lain known inl.il iu the wot. I., ' .. ' , ., , , . fireach w hat a-ca.led tlie 1 -venue standard. c..e. lo g. iu.no..i l.f. K.ery man . i.o u.ve ber think the malUr over, and tell tue o'd wre.cb, r.-pood.. whole ''''r'' "f : j n,. w aIlk4 riln.r , , ,,e h.a h..re al uui.i alw.ya l.me tin. rtee.ut by by the last of the school what she thought Cleveland ladle-, as ll,iv wounl gaj. and 1 ' 1 T .1 i l. . 1 . 1 . .1 ; . ,r 1 ...... ..ii-..-. . 1 11 .i . ! currency was enormously expanded, fuieiiin Foreign tonnU and Ntiiiw Mimirs, You ladtea of the verd.nt cluaa, bolt, aenttntental aouU, . lU-wara ot Foreign anoba, who paaa Fur imble tiili-ii fiilta. Oh ! dole .ml on their raven Imir, Their lean and hungiy luawa, ' Their bu-hy china, llieir tragic air, And aallow lautaiu jjw. Triiat not tlie rank impniter'a tale. No pitri.il waa ha W'hoee lucblaaa lulu U waa to fail I:i eome cunnpiriicy Y'.ur l iiunl. who brara upon liia In ad That rich luauriani limp, Tlie mill of pen-nice aoon wilt tread And apurl the County crop. The heart beneath that aerdy viat, Hut not beneath a alnrl, Willi a.irdid frrlmga ia p ...rai.ed. Well ii.alrli.il willi ouirr dirt, lie w.nta your nmney, i.ul ynur hand, In ateking you fur wile, lie rall.er, dural he, would if nialid Vour munaj or your lile. fount, indcef1 !cinnt your apoou when i. II.IB bern to oinke a ra'l, And very foriuiiate yno'll ba If you eliali find Ihrni all. Ilul bittfr were it with yi.ur plate The lellow aliould depait, Thau in lua power get your talalr, Uy alialing, fital, yi.ur hrail. Yon lad.ea of a certain age, tapri'i .lly lake lire. I. A:H iiun'l lit wedlnrli'a nooda engage With I oui'ta of fureign brevd. 1 he only ohjert in Ihr view lf Iheaa rrgue. ia iIf. Il'llier than let them niarry you, Remain upon the ahcif, 'an. Hisccl(antons. As Dear as 1 can remember, it a hlueo jrirt ;o thu Ul winter, ibat I atunded a dancing acbool in Detroit tub 1 iuuiij : lady tben resident io the city. 1 had made up my miud soo.e years Si;o that I Mould never get Diarried, but it waa sucb a pleaoant ba-ineaa I couldo t find it in mi heart to vl tuu ,.ir aluue a0 I Laid ber tuitioo fee. aud attended the c!aa iu ber company every !..:.. I.. ll. .1.. ..l.l,.. .1 .1.. 'erea.cu aa wen -. o.i.ers. Vu going awa 'that evening I told my companion tbat I j bad dtiermined to git married I in the sprint; j ,nd asked ber advi. a iu making a .election for a wife, t he Bisdo to t lIv for a tuo- 'of niarrving me herself, t was joking all the time vou mud understand, and uo more ! thought of marrying ber than I have now of marrvine Ouu.-n Victoria. She tromt-ed to think of it however, and I returned to my j boarding bouse, aud gave the su'ject no 'farther thought until some wee s .ater ...A -- I...L ,.l,l IS... ;. .. 1..I ..... inn u.t .-, u .- . i.,,. nf .1.. .l.,,rl .,,1.1,... t.rnnoht up io the oonversa'.iou, jut as we were pre- psring to return to our hotve for the mht After lea v lug the ball, we tslked and chatted of difl.-rrot subjects, tili we reached ber ; residence. It was late and I did not enter the hou-e though she strongly urged me to j 1 b,d b,d t"td Dd turning away, wneu I osppeueu to recoiieci , the prouiise she bad made to mo, aud t laid, " Helen, you proiniaeJ to let wo Voow to-night whether you would marry me this sprint. Have you made up your mind f ' Yes," said she, " I haie been thinking about it, but I guest I im lut e too young. If it wa-.n l lor tbat, 1 would bate uo ob jection ' Well, cood -night, then," sai didn't exp.-ct you would do it but I'm bound to marry some one, aud t7iu spring Before leaving ber, I engaged to call the following evening- That night I slept ound- . . " .. ,ii. , , . . . ..11 i , I receiied an mvilatiou to attend a bail lo . , , . r i . r.i. be held that evening,, few miles out of the eity and mad. arr.ngemcnts accordingly io.eeiieicQ1pn-,..uou8..i...... -OU.....O over a rnomeiit aud afterward, have time to attend the balL t ,u-1. 1. ,i ' Arrived at tbe bou-e, I met tbe lady at the doorway, aud I thought for ... ,D,ut ' that she w.s "rigged up id extra sty.e i.:l. I ...!... ,,.l fnr ll.o.,h I believe I concluded tbat she had company and I was therefore iu hope that I should uot be detained long. Helen welcomed me into the parlor with a sweet smile, and took j ber scat beside me on the sol. 1 w.s ex- j I r i-l,: rooin Tud I bad not yet beoofne aati-fied tbat wo were alone, wheu she said, " Heury I have -made up my miud to Had . tb'under-clap struck n.e, I could j uot have been more surpri-ed ; and after au instant of hesitation I stammered out- " What did you say .' " I bva coucluded lo niarry you 1" " O oh you bave 1 Well, I suppose it's all right ; when sball the event take place : I thought, if it would suit you. that . . . . w I.... ...i yOU 1111(5 US. Ulivo .rouuo ..uu..., we will go to mother a .1 Dearborn, aud be married 1'' ' Well," .aid I, " 1 11 aee if I can," and as soon as possible I took niy leave. I didn tgo to tbe bill that night I forgot about it nU aat over tne siove nil morning thinking; of what a scrape I got myself into. I even forgot t keep thu fire going and almost froxo in my seat. V baa daylight lagau to J-ecp is at the windows I bad uiado ny mind wliot I woulJ fo. 1 would col over and lull Helen that hiut Le niarrii.il immediately, or uot at all ; luint she ooreeil 10 iu", i sw no otner tti; un aui.ruii io mJ I W lien I entered the pc. Iedff p lo her rinVag ii lively aong almost knote me for de- I bad ( lut I summoned the belnid pulliutr up ner linue, i ucara uer rin and in eoiiacience ceiving the cirl a up courage to ring tny coNar and throwing n bead back, I anxiously awaited an an. r to my sum mom. &he aoou came (the door and I was aniu shomi inio the t (rlor as bil'orc. " Heli-n," I commenced, "J Well i what!" "I I we must be maffied to-da or! ' . I "mi.. I I I don't t lit uk that 1 i y be able to be in a i ried at all !" ...' ' Well, iu-it aayou p.eaae. flnnry you may drive round about twulrc oelock and 1 will be ready." '. I .r. iii.I I ,1r..v nr. n lilt ma e r r -v v- sud before l.ieht e were m-.iici'. And tbat wife baa been worth IOO,lMIUto me! -Drlroit Ailrritiser A MoRMO.N WITH Ills WIVtM AMI HAUL a...' Ki'UTI I'uK WaSIIIMJTii'J. A good Momiou (lory i told ay a fiicnd of ours how iravilliijF in t;.e Weit, looking after coiumrrciul interests af ibe l.ouo wilb which he ia Ci'tinai'ted, and ho p'ne4iii.a a larye fund of My ail, ahitb ia bicul.t ad mirably into play on all liitiiif cc-iuna ; While tti.ppihg, a abort tuna since, at a hotel iu Cleveland, Ohio, it bappemd tbat the .Mari.b Children, a troupe of ji.veiiile comedian familiar to ua all, numbi-rii 'iH or 3.1, arrired and put up altheramn houf.e ... r r. , . I heir firet appearance ia thedniiui; r.iu Oaturally altraeled great atlrmiou, asd biaoy mere the inijuiripa made in rul'ereurt to lluui, who and what lliey were, mhere from and vhitber oiug, 4c, Ao. 'J bey occupied an enure tatde all under twelve yeara of ajc, drea'rd wliae and nearly all giris, with live or six u, sidle aged lemslea j their teachera aprinvled aniona them. j At ibe head of the table aat Mr. Mar-b bun I self, grave, solemn and dirmli"d 111 11; an ner, a sort of Alexander .ScUirX iu a final I way,- Uionsr.-h of all besurtcttd. At the tabid and by the ide of Mr, , m rat two or three genlicuien, somewbst rural id their a-t- ct ho weie evideuily a koI deal in.-iiti.d at the appearance of tuinr'a, and on puitiug the O'lctioo of what it meant, tl.ey aire in- formed thst the grave personage at ihe hi ad of the table w as a eeirgatc from liiighaiu Young, a prominent and noted 1.1 rn, iu, ou his way to Washington lo arllie with the President the diffitulties in I'tali, anJ the -1.1.., I I ..I .......... ........ I,. I the thirty children were jxiilicjn of bis progeny. She ,inC look. The - m,.!,," .f..., ' ..! 1 1. 1. It.- i. ,1.... .. .1.. fi- ' family arrangement, ri Ired, and the lnje, as w. il a. ibe town it-ell, waa soin iu coiu- motiou, a. I e.vger to lok ijiou a tru- proph. t and his harem Amapng smart rliild atare at tin (. Uli saint aith all tin I be chi! ren al l-t rircamo alarnied- their teachers next, and JMar-h was ij,j! be-i.l him f, not ki, living wIh iIh r tu look upou all .h ' ... . , e-s, or portending lomttliiu- vl a more i ' .... . ,. ., . e alieniioiw a. lat 'ir j tie to hi luce .serious , , i , it j .11.I lli. tm u.. a ,i,.n..rjl .1- .11. in, . Willi a - e- k a-1 " " li " a eeoln r a n v uiml 1. 1 1, e I s 1 le- a nd hearty guffaws on the part of the men who were sold. Mr Mar-h di teriimied to aim bi card- ordered t,n tin. i j t.o tmmr.ifiuiij poted, while (Juix biirjflf -teppid ou to ihu cars in pur-uit of bu-iua and further ad venture. We hope be 'ouiid both. , -- Ipiidiatin- Stales redeemed their bouor by WaKI"0 VP TIH WlloVJ rASSK.-.otn ' paying their debts. There was iiule .-p.-cu-A f.w days ago a pcrsnti entered a store, j lation during this period and the ro-periiy not a hundred miles Iroui lbs old State of the e iuntrv was solid and suh-iat.tial bouse, and Inquired e'gerly for the pro-iSueli it continued tj be until the taiitl' of prietor. " 1 here be ls,F aai'l Ibe salesman, pointing lo a sbrewd bit quiet looking in- 1 dividual, who was w.mdng himself over the stove. " You are Mr." ( e will call it . j ,, t Jones,) said thevi-itor. " Yes sir " '"I has been so distinctly marked by in-t.-ilihly, liox r.idcr, irom wlncb .'iniuieton ami I ear d L i '.l.. ...,j..i i... ' i .ml I,.-., i.ntv iii mir pominpreial affairs son si a t led . I hceiii be r 1 Hill . Col. Johnston wined the anxious inquirer. " Indeed," said the proprietor. " Vea, and I iiu-t iu- frm o,, .1,. i I am eome from ihn mrrean tile ai-enev of So snd jo. to ii.o.uro about vour assets and liahiltli " i ou don t say so, returned the p prietor, with a little oeuing ol his e)ci r ' ' . ' . : ' and a s ight twitching of bis mouth, but K eouuicancc. . f. ,. Ue : jf tld . w WBt rIprei.ly to as- 1 comlllo) Q, Jo(jr ,ff ijrs How inucli are your liabilnies !" f jon, UoU,f I.,, Mpper ,i J,, , deencst tUougbt thou-h I I .ni' ,n r im ., envageu m t"-"i( eonoo... u.o. my January bili, t sisnuld say that my total liabilities might possibly bo- Bis hundred dollars !" " Five hundred, five hundred," muttered the astoin-hcd visiter, Iskiug out hi- ': "d ""' the t0 b"'A itb valuable foods. ' .Now, I Mr Jones, ia that not setting it rather low f" ' " By no means, said Jones, " it is very W ! -on'l think I owe above tl,rs bun dred, but I tliou-.it I d call five, to make it seeru more respectable. " " Oh, and w bat iu goodness nsiue may bo vour as-ets ?'' "Well, withoot meddiiiiR wilb my real je.t.te, or this .lock of good,. I should s.y J"'""'""' ,b0Ut fQUr do irs: thousand I'be anxious inq'iirer. eyes stuck out con siderably, and his bri-kuesa of manner for sook bun aa be murmured, ' TXeu, you hare' n't au-pended I" ' No !" f-i,T.r rcdoceu every thing to mathema-' s. He got marr.ed because kis-itig saves tics. He got fifty per eent. on his Uj;sr tax ciori will plea! notice. Old bach THEORY AGAINST FACT. To reasouablu uiau it would appear just that wlieu giveu Hieor- hai Uea fuirly t,-i,.d, and had been found i not to oorrcsouiid (aiiuiiio rcnults, it ou.'Ut to bo abandoned fne j,-rue 'I'rg.ler, 0f tuia county, however, ,re of a mrrtut opiuiou. They tigioi" The etcan.ahip Empire City, from Xe, i,,nore rMui ,l!l0e(i.r, or if. bey be un- York 3d iust.nt, ria Havana Uth in.-tunt i. favor.Ufl to tneirtbcory, periat only tho coming up the rircr. ,ore atroiiidy in their preconeeived opinion,,. I Sue connected at Havana with the Maam- The liiatorv of the oountry for tho la,t fifty years form, a commentary upon free trade winch i Mrfet-I v unatuweral. lo bv anv theory the free traders can produce. From IMJ7, when the restrictive meanures ' nf tna .lelir,oti A .1 n.i mtm I inn li.'i.un. lo of the Jefleraou A.liuintration bejiau, to Ml". .i... - i,l u. ' paratin-ly ezc'uded fr.iiu tbeOccau. Ucrliu I ...,i M;i.,.. ,i ...... UJ ei.....;.. r.,.,,.',i ..n.' ' bar-oca. noti iiiteu'.iM. Iww,.. ,,d .' tiiai 1 , V. ff,i,., fr .iu ih ll....an num. pcllfd us lo bwome manufacturers. The ! . I., a. operniinn 01 ince variuua uieaurt'.i, mi uir ' I...V1 ;...;. .1,. j,pos,d by C..ii-reH lias been, or U cur likely to be. The increato of uialiufacturii: (i-Ulliliiiii'tiU had created a maikel at bon. fir all arieullura'. products. At the dose of tbc war, the country an highly prooperou. Farmein, planters and niu chaiiies fl-uri lied aa they have never done aiuce, f ir they obtained the biLeat prices fjr the produ .-ta of their labor. lulHi came a clisupe, ami a ii .i.-t ili-a-lnjun one. The tantf Mas then cut down, and recon structed on the mi vii'iint principle. M in ufactoilen l.l'pmi iiiiiiiediate'ly t.jcloiie, bauka sprung up in all dirictioiis like mushrooms, and blew up . fal as they ro.e, the prices agricultural producta lull, the wages of , , , . . . .' ,, 1 labor weic cut uou in pioportiun, thounsuils upmi thouumU weie thrown out of employ ment, the public (l. l.t iiierea-eil, and rpecie began to be exported to lueet (leniauds abroad. Free trade did not work eff'-ctually It rrduc.nJ the cjuuTV, in to year, fioiu a atate of high pro-perity to one borderiujr upni jfei.eral bankruptcy. Such was the statu of things until 1--'I. lu 1'-'!, Mr. Cay succeeded in eitab linhing bat. be very properly termed the Auicricau )tem that io pa-aing a law for the protection, to a rerlaiu extent, of An.cricau indu-iry, and iu I atiil greatr protection waa alfjrde l. llieefl. tlol theae luea.-ures was to revive maliutaclurea, to aJvan.'e the p rices of agricultural prjdueia, ta briu; in apecie, lo increase the pubiia reieuue ho grcatiy aa to ju-tiiy liie release of ! and ciffev Irciu ail duty, and to cx-tingut-h t ue national debt. Ihi country was in a high dale of pro-penty, and that Pot!'in any snecu for tiiers was scarcely up lo 1 4,1 w as only .1. 1 , ag liust '7 "' --'."'"' bank. IU leu 1 the same i,., ibe bankinuespilal had been 1 i.rr.-avd but f .f ,(illi.llUil, mat ia, 111 $lllT.Un(l.iHIO 111 1?JJ In f I lil,lillii,n(ii I :(. !t all this was changed by tho u.pruiiii-e act of I "il l, Inch re-Ion d free Iraie. 1. mat a. t. II. e UuHea were 10 be ! currency ly exf, ; de1 : to all inored le anicunt were incurred, pi cic was si nl out of tiifl country by the carg'i lo pny them ell. the banks su-pi-uded, the merchants weie ruined, the uianufae- lurers clo-.d operation. Mates repudiated ... " , ' . , their jii-t debts, Hie 1 reaeury became bsua- cl. "lateo rupt. and the liovernuient waa cai ried only by thu u-e ul incoiin rtic -uiiiplast ji s. A change w as f mud lu be .ib ilo'ely nee. s sary, and iu the coutjjry returned to the prol. live avateiii. The result was Ihc same that I ..1 b. xpeiitiicc.i in l-. Pro-iieritv immtidiatelv returned. Foreicn dubta be-au to Lu paid olt, few new bauka were created, specie once more began lo flj in. and the greater p-.rtiou of the re- greater p 1 5 in. Tho tariff of HIG has been in operation now inKuthao eleven years, and we will venture to say that no period in our hi-l iry Price-, in siimHt eveiy .irlieie of u.cichan- d.se, bale fluctuated ill a. manner enlirely w it ho 'i 1 1. r-ce.i e u t in the hisl'.rv of the Mst. at on time approaching the maximum of l-lt;..nilm-tat.iaiie.iii-:v.Biih.iultliesii-lil- est cause or pretiiouitiuii, dropping down to the very tiillnl.riii, of d.-precialiou Let any man l.n.k around i.iin and he will see the rc-uU. There nru more persons out of em plo V nil III than liavo e ver been known l.eiore. 11 on tho dc- rime. Merchants and manufacturer, out of nuluUri h, (,,en rui,,cH. All the bsnks have f p-nd. d N:.l ub.laii.tiiig the re- ce.pt of ?.-..M.0..0.0..0 i gH from Califor- ,.,a. the National Tre.-ury is bankrupt, the rp..,...fl h fa.l.H. and the Government is supporl in- itself on shi Hut w e k now it is u facla I hc tree trad .11 the-e Facts to In in arc unworthy of rotio-, if they r uespisea facts conflict ith his theory. itihiwiaU ll'Ai " ss ' At a party io F.dinburg, one of tbe gunsts observed hnr inn Charles fating rather more vara,-joti-ly thsis the laws of even Northern elt,,j i. llo k'llosed. She watched for au op porlunity aud gave htm oue of those signi fieaiit looks which only mothers and eldei i-ters can c iniiiiaiid, but, iu-tead of stop ci,.,U. .aid to his mannna. " Oh. v ' .. keu this w .is w.ahiug day, aud I got uae dinti'-r " A practical j.,Vo was ones attempted to be tilaved on Mr. Erasine, as he went one day to We-tihiu-ti:r Hull, with bis ample' (, . nramiiied full of briefs. Some wag gish ban i-ter bin d Jew's boy to go and . ask if be bad " anyold clo'to sell !"- V von itt 0 hup. eve aimeil the Inrtii-. lor, they ars all nru- I'str.:." i 2 WEEKS LATER from OAUF0PNIA,i TDK KMl'IKKflTY AT NtW-OBI.EA.NS. 81,325,000 cosii.no to sew voitx. NEiV-Oltl.lSANH, Friday Feb. 13. ahip Granada, from Aapiawall, and brm-s the California mailj of the auth olt. 10 Hetnhiira cur m mil i1'" n, piuwali on the -"id inst. for New lork, with the mails and "J(iO passcugers from Culifor- ma, and t-l ,J ,ii"U in treasure i The (iranala left Havana on the tllli !'"' for Ap!nwall on ber return voyage. Advice from Kev Wet atste that the U IriteU ;.Wm fnat Wbeh M W leave on the I tb lor New ork. " ' The clipper ahip Frigate Hird .from l'i.il- -.!.. 1 ,.1,1 a v. ...1 1 1 nl.l o ,, I ! , U- fr nlh Bust On . has ---.-...- , , arrived at Franei-co. hit DM) DK.hl'ATl.11. Nkw UkleanS, Feb. 18. The Empire City arrived up at a late hour last ni-ht. .-'be left Havana ou the Ulb. j t'oiu. l'auidiu' bad received a baudo'.me ( entertainment fmiu the authorities. 1 Sugars were tirui. j 'I I... lir.. . - if i...:,,.t;r.rlnl.t The LegiaUtur was in sesMoti, but had , und embraced every variety cl luduanal trail-acted no bu-iness of iuiportaiice. 1 pursuit. The San Franci.co markets weie very. The chief error committed ,y the-.; Men ju;j ; tics wai in not grnutiatiu-thjir weekiv ones From Oregon a rumor bad becu received ' to lite ;.- of their members. It was shown that the Snaae Indians intended lo joiu the j by moat carefully collated evidence that tho Mormons. relative amount of siekue in each year of I .,i-r ...l.lna fr,..., Hm.tli America are .life increased wilb ureal rapidity as a-e ad- ii.iiTe-liii" l-'r..n. I '.-in ir.i have further accounts of the arrest of Mr. Lamar, ou a charjre of con.piracv to bring Americans with arms, to l'eru, lit the purp...-e of h-htiug for ex- Preaidcut EcheniiJ io. Letters hich had paused letwecu Lamar, Com. Va.iherbilt aud Col. Fiugeraid, of N. Orleans, bad been Miblirbed. It was tbo l J. a 111 n r would bu abut. Affiirs belwceu tb Government aud i vanco were wi'hout particular change. There had been a destructive fire at Yal-parai-o, involving a lo.-s of 81 ,-'," Affairs iu Iviuvia weru quiet iLe American aloof. Aulinell was found He-tried IU 1st. :t deg. rfoulh. 'Jhu clipper eh'ip Flying l i-h, froin .New York, had armed at Saa i'ram-i-co. llie t'liitid State, aloop of war J.iuieS- tjwu was at iiinwall. The steam frigate .Su- j iebanuah gies out to tiu I roviMeuee to iu.ui u iuio a.iegeu outrages on An.cricau coiumicc there. lieu. M. H Luir.ar. I'nited Stales Minis ter to Nicaragua was al la-t aceounla, on Lin way to that country. Ad wee. froui Montevideo state tbat the Legislature had l.a.u ail.pcuded IJ tlie Inl- iit 11 y. A war between Iirazii and l'araguay waa iiun.iuetit " I ,.. It!.; It 1. r..n,-ir Ini tiat Mr I) 1. ua, the Auicricau Minister, will not real I.attr from bult Lake. Below we,;ive some important intelli-rnce from Salt Lake, received by way of Carson Valley, and telegraphed from Sacranienlo I'be maiu fact seems tg be thst the troops . i , i.,.i.;ur le-l. atnra In see ill I, n.e thai It never aucuipie.i i u'reo passage vuiouu ueuu --w- , , i I gained a foothold iu ibis country. I suuii, but were unsuccessful. iB .ri . , , , ,. . 1 1 ho second lecture ol I'r. nnc, at too .-A. HA .ir.sTo Jan. . 1- .- Ji.iiitlisouian Institute, on the effect of occu " Mes.r- Middleton and 1 ear-on arrived ; ijf!, was attl.rr)lM, lv , Uj.e at Carson ai!ev on the tub, aud Mr . 1 ear- , , . y . i- . " i . . sad has just arrived from Carson Ys'.lcv via '" X """."- l icss from U'a-bliigtoii to Harris' Fork for t ol .J .iiuson. m I'. cemner .tn.i oi. .iex anlcr, with the tun 1'ragjAi.s-, stt-n.pi-; i f.-ree their way through Echo Canon; i to tht attempt four of thu dragoons were ki,l cd. Tbihkui- it impo-sihle to force the p: Col John-ton, wh j had assumed command of th- troops, retired, and iu a few days de-apnt-bed Col. Alexander, with -1 dragootn as an escort, to t. Iouis, lev obtain supplies t ol .1 Winston then retreated short distance to Sulphur S,rin-i and took the Sublette cut off around lo the north of Salt Lake to there at the time with the second and third dragoons and light aitiliery, seven six pO'ini and five twelve pouud Paixhaus. He has sent foraging parties, fifty men each, and has obtained Vtlll cattle au I other supplies of ail kinds The Colonel has pic keUs out all the way from Bold Elder to Gra- velly Fold of from forty to sixiy men. Au escort of seven drajroona came with (be ex- j pi ea men io i s v..y i o. Ho will attempt to enter Salt Lake City about the 1st ot ?lay, as lie expects w . R. Ducbalcl, lo be rathcr bcahbv ney will arrive on the other aide about that revt,rie sourct, of JiieiM time. 'they aflccud those iiigagcl in special pur- There are three companies of alragoons at i,- ,e Haill,er, bu.eh. r, confectioner, Fort Hnd-er. Fort Supply, twelve ...lie. j refiner, tailor and shoemaker were south, has been evacuated by the Mormons,! " , , , , f , and the troops nave possc.vaiou ot n. Pearson has seen no snow since leaving Car- sou Valley. Johiiston s command have ex-I rerienced uo iiicoiiveniouces whatever from snow, uot having seen any. Harney will have tho -nd dragoons, three companies,: ;;ib mounted regiment. Five companies of nfie" will arrive on the I I ill. i .'tr. l earson linnas tue .'lartnons vtiau io leave Salt Lake if they can; but their cs- j cape is now cut off. He saw but few Indians, j About l be '.'-th of August five American htlemcn, whoe names ure at present a-certameil, lelt i. arson V alley lor sail l-ane , City, and it is understood they travelled to Utah in company with the Mormons, who (uiitd Caraoii Valley to nturu to Salt Lake, by order of Urigbam Young. News baa reached us now that these gen-, , ii..;., .i .., i nr. llemen were murdered at a pmt about 101'; milus south of Salt Lake by the Indians, and it is supposed that the "Saints" bad aouic band iu the niasdacro. An KsrorNTr.lt. The Washington cor- respondent of the AWi Ammcn -tales that Mr .Wright, of Tennessee, and Mr. W al- Miridce. ot nicnigan, nun an eneounier n. one of tue Cmiiuitu Rooms on F14J ay nib: S.THTH30X1AS LKCTVilES. I)r. Wynne, of New Yoik, gave a lectura at the Smithsonian Iuatitute, oil Friday even ing, on the t'fl'oot of occupntiou upon health, whioh presented niany now and interesting tactf. i hn importance ot tlie sublet id political and philanthropic point oi view Lu coum.Uts as very -r-nt. ibe lurger part of every populat.on wern to be found ,uOUg j tboxa bo nere eompclled to labor for a b-are ( soi-.i.wiim, anct naa confjuetHiy noway 01 r"o"u'"S """"" r f . f. .",""r-"' -r socielica, wtiicb, upon ti.e payment ol a weekly allowance, agreed to furniah its Mem ber with jiid in case of disability by di-.ea.iO or accident. Tlie proper foundation of theso societies was of the ureaten impoitauce, be cause on them often depended the only bopo , for M in cw of ii-c. ilneullic uiccuiuiu i by cnaritv. fc4 ucr. qt. l.i.at eit- Au elaborate ca:ni'iatiou of this cui ject, 1 SUM al h d bv a lariic array of C-ure.-i, slowed - - - ,.- ,, luatitutiotH, wbo object was noble und whose uiefuiliuiis was so rxitu.11 ve, wcro founded opon erroneous data, which would sooner or later iuvolve tho whole of them in inevitable ruin. '1 his was particularly mani fest in the cp..ratioij3 of the society of Odd Fellows, nLicu embraced in the t'uiled States uearly two buiidre'd tbousaud meiii beia, extended to every part of our Union, 1 tanccd.aUu a -oclitv hicu ha.-e'l Its ca.eu- luiious ujmu the reeults (ienveii lioiu thu experience of younger members could never procure a fund sutbciently large to difchargo Us obligations. The laws ni.ich regulated ' hM " 1 disease .sere so uniform ud true i" their operations as to furnish a rt.iab.o guide for action, and displayed tho wi.-dom of a supen-r poer lu tle ir an angem..l.t aud exacti.ese. Some curious marriage -tati sties were prc seiited, by wLieb it was made tt appear that the in a.--I.- acud iu accoi d ance with such hied laws as to enabl.' the mm of acijuco to dtteiuiilie with considerable ceriaint) u -t only the number of niarrines wbidi would , place ill each year among a given pop- , uiati.ui, but the number of tbo-e winch ' be contracted bet we. 11 those ubo bd never befure ma, I ie.l, bet seen w iduw ers und take id I wioows, auo wi.i)trs anu sn.gie women. foiuc ccccutric ca-i were cilnl, wlicre J er sons of greatly ditl. relit sel l had been uni ted iu matrimony, which were received by the uu Hi lice with :iijch inerriiuei.t. 1'rof Wvtilie di precnled the iiilie atten tion which was paid by our ei-latora to these piiilaniLropie mje t-, which in thu t ..unliii-a i f t-'uiopr ireei-.re T.O lll.ieh O.IU- aideratu.u at the l.Lli.la r.f eiilighl. lie 1 atatea- Diet!, j lu rigard to the fate of tbo-e bintvi 'M ieliea which aimed In nroiiie a aaf vestment for the funds of the iudu-tiUl cla.-nes uo one could be muitli n nl, because they cons'ituted the chief barrier between tiio-c who have no cni.i'al tu-1 pauperism. An 1'1 ' coaMty had becu in large d gree shielded from the clf cts of this great rather from a combination of fortuitous circum.-taneer. than the abilitv of our lo-is- lation in tins particular; aud it behoove 1 , .. .l. f...' ,.,,i : .i.n,;. 0f ,e diff.jruut chances of life enjoyed by ,i,.. .. ngsgea iu rlillcreiil occupations. l)r. Wynue 1'tated that ihc relative duration of life ill each pur-uit was depn lent upon causes auriouu.iic- thuse eiiga-ed, aud that the iiiojtaiity returns showing the average iitc at death ill eac'.i admitted of ready ex planation upou this hypothesis. Iu explain ing l',i.' causes which affect tlie health of workmen, he took occasion to call atte itiou to tho comparative iiiiioxiou-ni s, nay even healthfuluess.of the odoraii.sini: from animal substances iu the process of decomposition. Tho malaria of liouie was so succes-fully coupteracted by ibis cause, thst tbo-e resi ding in tbo lower .pinner in which tbe buleheiie.s were established Wi re seldom af fected with the lever which iu the summer months prevail, d in the noire elevated and apparently health!) sites of the city. The village of Knockers, in the vicinage of Paris, where the caica.s.-cs of tho.-c animals who had died or were killed were carried and convened to their ultimata de-iinatiou, aud iu which the nnell was uio-t o!lYi:-ive, was found by the coiiuuissiou appointed by the j j.,,.,,,.1, Government, at the bend of which j ih.t those occupations which led their proae- cutm u U(.h wt-re thu , , , ,.:. ..u.. .moil j fl)) ,gVicuJtnrieti wl0, pursuits united most of thu elements calculated to bc-tow health of body and contentment of mind. It was ti pleasiijg reflection that an occnpatiou which assumed tue first rank for salubrity among industrial pursuits should be the one. in winch the larger part of the population of the United Stales were engaged. A third lecture upou this important sub. ject will be given ibis eveuiug, w l.ich wa ,,. , -,, ...-,. ,1,., ...,, nf ,a SUlj jt.u,. Xuion.U InUlharncc. ....... i... -.. . . . A bill is now before the Alabama Sen- . , , . 'o and uudergoiug conn 'i rnble di-cus-ion, t t wihch provides for the eiomption of one slave iu evrey family from seuure for debt. The probabilities aro that the bill ' will pa-s. The number of po-tago stamps used da ring th- yoar !--r7 was lli-,!Hlt MO the val i of .vliioh .vas I.'! l'l,'.7 ',"." .

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