T A. 0I3.3ELIBO1,1,Ii3, 2Sr. C, 3kflLjCtOI3 S, 1G58. THOMAS J. HOLT ON, Editor & Phoi-hiktor. TEKMSc p... Vir lii-C'a roli n n Whig will liroffurrtid tnaub ri(,.t- it TWO ItOt.l.AltH in advance; TWO I , ll LAli" ANU MM ) Ll.iMO il payment he. , , rr mrce iiuuilln ; and I'll l( KK IKU.I.A H8 nir nd Hi' (lit veur. .Nopaper will be diacon. nond nittilall arrearage are paid, except at Hit) ,:i .ii "i rtiir. A.lv rt iMinrn I inaerlcd al One Dollar per aquare i, h ii- 'if leae, (ba alied type) fur the first inter, nt at d -?j ce-nta lor eiHi cuuli nuance, nurt ad. .ii'iila anil ShcrifT'e !alca clanged V5 per i, ..o-r ; and dcduclininif33J per cent, will Iriim tlie regular prices, lor advertlserahy r v ir. AdvertieeincttU intatrted monthly or , -.- -, ai f I (w , are for rich tniie, rkmi. y 7.t r;?ni per aijtiarctof c'urlitruier I',-, wlieo atmling 111 tlicir adverliaeinrnta ,,-t mi irk llt number ill iiiaiTtiuiia tleair'-'d nr . w will lie inaerlod until forbid and charged ac. j ip" I j 'lu'i niU rt are a u tlnr to ncl ii genii. DESIRABLE I TJ F 0 It PI AT 1 0 W to i:vi:iii hoih. aoiuc lune pint I have Iwrr. engaged in a 4 Im-nos (known only lomya.llai.d com . .( i 'y I" w ull.e-re hum 1 have inattucU-d it i i ,rli) wlncl, Ima arrr.g.d me an income (J IHslI l,i .',,n,SI h r annum and halting , a arr-nrt iiM'lit to go til tile K.iatem 1'etnll ,,t ni it I- .11, I "Mi lllll.g III gl full itiatiiic. . hi i.c .rt I i any ptraoii In lh 1'niU d iWli a, ., : l.n il tne llir mil ol 'I Wu I'ul.llll. I ih. i I llm m i II V hippy arknow It ilp no-tile lltat mr t.rrurtl fiuiii ibn.e whom I n .re untrue. ! a- ii .- art, iii who are nw il amir irum $3 ? i per ii..),M B U iM tT Jirrm-n a clianc' to in ,i,ln i,bi'ia.i,n t.f lln valiuililc nit-ana nf .: a n. ..II ,,rinnr. Tin re la no llruai o a. ,1 t,,r b.i-m. ni Iwrr in allotted to. Il.lirinrra i ' ft rl , T4ii bn g irn aa ri giir.! t!a etia. tir. ,ii'l I dn mlmu rt-lir to p-r.iiia mi CUu tfri ; " I'l.il. r.l . in til. a nlarr, vlio ) I.- n ti.r.r ini.ni lia riubArkrd in llir tiun.a, r..: ... li tlily lhat I ', v arr maaniir In in 1 i i r ' j I'T il T at Hit amc ll la a liuainrra n It., i t .liii r I. .-lit nr ti- ntii mm cjn riig-t(, .1 t i (itIiti .. make a rry It .inln'.ntr in. u ri'. rral l.aoiia in fanritia pjrta til tlitnnia i, ! M "llti, a i. im I Ii r in air or ti ii in tti art, . i,., rfurirf I'rt.in I. l! ki ilti. It ' a rnliret boillra anil rrffinrra but a It w aittlillia ,r.......ni it. I ll Itxtipl i.l l I wiil tn-i -a .. ril In the appln ant a nriuljr roi.Ulliliif til I :.i. . !,.. i.. in ll.r atl, wl.nh uill irrltrt:y ii. (rtoitl U(i"n Itrti.p t.i.rf in.. Ailtirt-aa I Kim in tkm run iN, t 37, faan -Si , M bii. Mo A.,g. S.', 57. w'K-tiimt 40,000 PAIRS fir Boots, Shoes, AND Over Shoes, IIWIIKAt IVi attry t.n.ly ol I.ndira. t.rt.la, 'i M II . v.. Voulha ami I In!. r n', BOOTS and SHOES t .! on l.iiin.l ill ai.y w I... inula urn tail ra. . -w .iet.i m Hi Soiillieni ('(tiinlrv. (!, I..-I. .r, i,i,uf.rlurrd f H 1.SSI.Y for ... r i-ti.tuil Ihr III ( ir brltt r aat. -H 'll. ni1 al It-aa pun I Inl tin 4 llir q U-1 . 1 Jf t,' .mh., t.Mn at any ullirr rlabiilnttritt in tlie It im on jr n.ciMtrr to riamine otir Htofk and P .I k ..n.fi. il II. -I ll.ia la tlit place to B iy Boots and Shoes, liOONK A CO. 3 r C ll-()nr i.firtt unltr. S'pl 'J'l. I-.-.7 ' 3H. Tirld Svvis i 1 i VIC. I in. , ll.v, II tic t.r.aa. tlr'l,.,r.l, l it. H r ,. . Mill.l.A-. A larjr rjtini lilt ;tit rr. ...-u n .. il ..it at ll.r l.i.r-l intra.! pticta. al ruiri'ii Aims l halt tilt and H'lttl lmg Sift. la taria'a I oimi Ar I.i. li". ti" Otto of Uoso! I 4.HI.K a.a irl.l.r,,! of l.nlinr'a.Mrm'aanJ J II .ulr'a hplrmlld l.ltro la, I utlrl WaUra, ' .... I...,, ..a, Ac. Ac. J. I html at run ti i Anns an. V ttuff Sttrf, l.vs.riiii)lior!; ' Mi l,., .... ,.f li e Thro. I. M.iolh, Mooiach llowela. .r par.d an.) ...I.l nl ritncii A UP 3 ihmg mnd i hrtncmi Stmt, liaki's Aromatic Hitters!! e-. II. tit lone and anll.djraprplie Medt. ami ant.ilyarili I til naiTiiAiuis ,jU-t to I'rMf .. f nttv .Vttrinf, Try It ! Try It! I VI III ll.ll'S CmnrrnlittrJ I. a trarl tif tll'l III' r." ts al nieiiiein 111 Ihe world f-.r Ihe claaa e. . a ll ptop .ae. lo Irt Jl. Tiy ll. ' i'iti"'ii.iti.s niti.'i; iKM Si:, l,y,K , l '.i..r. II .1 L'k llioi-t nl . :il iliii:i. , "fiall. IIOll NT., the agent for the above lH.k. T I,:,. I, 11 a l.w ...1 t V.J UnKii:s "MIA S 11)11 K lr :-..e tall ..!,. M ,y '.'!,, IM.,7. Ulf Ki:itIMSO iV I.IIIDIX.'. impoiitcrs or riU., Linens, Hosiery, Embroideries, tic , j.'ti. 1 11 M KKTINiJ STKKKT, CH'I'liMTR 1IAVM: slRtKT, I II A III. I S(lN, S. I. L E K giltllsn.V. llKUMAN I.EtPINU. Iti'i-;ia. I'll in p, A iii-wiii,; ItnllU-H India fi libber Shields, hc.,&c. Jl ST In iiaml at I KITI IUHDS 'ai.iiu'y Jhug Mat. T. II. IfflEM & CO;, WHOLESALE and RETAIL LEALERS I DRY GOODS, IIAICI1 AICI',HA1S& llOI,' t. ii II IUI1 i,, n. c. January, 1 858. a)7if TATTERSALL Livery and Sale Stables, 'I'll K aulircribrr inform tlie public gencr J ally, tint he Lai purchat.ed the large t-'la-blt-a '"orniarly nwncd by ('. W.jh.iniatio, on anu.iru raat nl irr'a llolt l, mil the J ul, and baa adunl to and r. fiiltrf IIkiii in a nint riur manni r, for ll.e pnrnoar of'uaninf in t lmrlotit- a l.ivrry i.ml Kile M.il.le, in rniiijiti le uTtivr I'ur the uccoiiinindution il lite public. Ilt olijf. I ia lo moke Itia a-a bliliiiirnl w hat it proii ana to be a ri.il l.iviry nj Sttlu Stal lr, i nt' ,lr..na linriii (.anl llnrata l.idiaftoae tif, a ill find it lo tlo-ir iuu-rral fN-rliupa to call. lit- inlt nila lo kft p lluraa't I'm Camera for Hie arciiiiiiiioduiioii of Hie rilizt.'ua tft-nerlly i and ,my perami diairtng any lnui;t of rt.nvryancf, fun he amlrd, and in prxm trim, t ump ti nt Drivcia liir. Iliahrtl wlit-n dt .trrd. l'MUM.Ii.S will fiuil at tinar Xlublra fine acrouiiiifialioiia haviur prrparpii lor tluni yiii.ti p'y ol prutt mlt r n-uny fi.r tlieir uar, aa wtil u a pl.nlilnl aufn'r nl nall'l. J i ll(iRhS kt tl hy tlif in. mill nr ntberwiae. Ilia clurta will Itf arcinuiliodlinf;, and hr hop, a h alrirt mil niton lo tin- .-l.tf ol Ihe rum. iiiiinii) tu mint and ricnae a hlwral abarc of the public palrifiiife. K015KUT KAIJK. 1 loprictor.. L. J. IIAWLKV, Agent. Churlntlt. (.. 811, le.57. 4 llf Variety Store. Fresh (Yinlectionaries, Fruits, 4c, Ac. 1 1M1K aultarribrr rraiarctfUI-y inform the eili. m Zfita ol ct.arloite and aurroumnna; cnuniry, lli.il I f b.ia on band and ia eonataiilly riceiTin' Irolll .New Vnrkj Confectionaries, Fruits, FA MA .ho;khii-:s, ( ic aks TOJ.AtCO. SM'FF. TO VS. Ylnwir.'il liislritiiiffil, rirti: noiiliw lioftliV llKM, lot l rlt a, Wllluw M iliaria, C huir. oi kawlHMt1.V lllid ( uji . of evtlj aarirly. J. i 1'Al.MKK. t)rr. IS, I "57. 4Jif I' H. Hating actum' ll.c nrlicraf.l a firl rate ll.k.r. I am pr. pared Im lurinih anorrmr t A K l tl alo.il noli.-r. Iliirwro! llm .(-! An lnfalhlU Himnhj jut HOUSES! o N the ri rupt of One IUier, I ll lo any neraou, a ri ce tot ot a rrioioy lor Mora. ea w liile autfi ring Irom Ih.tia or t.rub. Tina re. meoy lua never been known to fail in Hie wnral t.iri lo give lllillitei.le leltef. I.t r V man w i.o baa a lit.rac al ouid alwaya have tin. rtceipt by Hit in. I he material, 1. 1 which the n.rdtrine ia ci.ttitM.a.l can he pri.curcd by any ( raon at a.i Innea If 1 1 . i r it i , 1 1 f .tla wl.eit given aa I ill reel, ll.e iiiikii y will l.f lelt.lK.. .!. AUeri aa n.e at Ijircnatuiu'. tuillmd en . .N. ('. John w. bakku. Dye-Stuns, I)i'-Sti:0s! fe'llV vry U-al ol Ilea eUaa ul arliel. a. Con. .1 atalllig ill 1 1 t'l S-elullt.ri el" Tin, I.Xlrnet r,l l...g a is.u, ( t.t In itral. Ma dm r, A c, may be pur- Chaaetl l.w at MUTlHAitrv.S liag .vrare, lar.n't ( t-inrr, Port Moiiiiaies.I'ort .Monnaies. MV Biul Irraitttit'it Mwnrtoirnl j'.t ncrived riUTCHAItDS Ontif and Chrmtwl Houne, Country 31 ere 1 1 ants lif: r. aprrllinly invited to rail and e .1 in i tie our wh.ih.ale prt.es nf thtrirt MH'I.S and ML I 'It. I.N KS, put up in ant al vie 1.1 01.hr, l.y rnncHAiui, Jr W i.s'i ( UK K. Varnii,, Vanilshes! A I Alii. I: eloek now n band cimaliiig nf a'm IK mar, t omI, I oach Ib.ily , I ur lutii rt , J 4. Ac , iiith will Ik- a.. I, I lor ( AMI lower than any other houee n. I'l.ariotte. Iv. II. M. riilTt'H AIIP. Iwi.i'. vnsrn. Condition I'onders ! IAIt.MKIIK and ..Ult ra inlere.t.d iu STtX'K, ' are aaaiind that Ihe. prt p.irationa are un aurpaaaed aa health fifing remetliea lo llornea, I atlle. and all kniila of Mock. For aale at riurcHAHD'M ltarar nd K'hnl Ihi.g Store. l't ('1 "alliiii U .1 iwl Miiccoii'n oiigt-, Ihe firal niinlily, nl fit 111 llAkTVS IiRli; PTtlKE. WhUr I. rati! White l.itnlH tNO'l II Kit anpply invoiced. Pure Article OJ centa per lb. fur ( , t'gether with every variety ol colors, Ac , at HUTCH A It I) 8 'mg mnti 'aiiid A'aie. iiiuiii4' li:i IM-rliiifvi .' IJOW rTCSi WH.HTMAN'S pure Qt'lM.NF. at t ! 5U pt r 01 ("a niMiiu'y at riUTCHAIiDS Caenir.i Ihutr, lawis'a t oastR. Tilth tniif I'.ar Syringes, I ST received at ntnriiARD's. J II re I ''' r.irin:i .' rtK au ienor ilyoflhia article over Corn Starch 1 1. ipn.ee, go, Ae., aa all arlit lc of Kiel lor invalnla and thiUirn. is lllirui alioued by Ihe me llical larully. lull aupplv al I'knoii m'.ds family U'i'L' Mure .V ya. l.i, lt-57. -!JU Jffii'-? ran Tile Nnimi.rARoi.i'va wiiuj. LI.NtH-.r utit. Tb Violet Iri.in ita liftiu nt "mritt txH.krout oih.h tile aimling i':i tit ; ' Ami like a maitirn youui; am lair, laa.ka upward With lla atuie tyca. That caught their. color Irout the akin, Adiac;it W it; tM. f 1 alvul in nraer.i The Hiiow-drnp with ita pure while iicad, I.tkr virtue riamg irum l.t-r bed, l.ottka up lowdrd Ihe gnnlt ri nkita. I. ike t'irlue Ion Una fi,t ,rttr gt'lli, IVrluiina the hand th.it breaka the aUin, And breulbea a bluaini; when it dita. The l).iiy and the Diflmiil f li i mt nut like aUra n.i r.ilc an. I bill, And greenly roaea bloom ugiiin ; The Crocua with ita "cup ui coin," Hlanda trriitbling in the tiiollitng 'olt To ct.lch the pearly dew and ru.n. From the ll'.ine Journal. 'Drli.fr Is from Evil ' , I Siirrril Melody. I ukoboe r Moama. "IMirr il- I'roiii evil," H. iv. nlv f alur! Ii al.ll I.,.. Is ii. win-n n.t '.rat- ! Ilid ll.e hrn.lit rayaof rvvl"tion ?.tl..-r 'In light Ilie ditrkt.eaa III ngr w.y nf w ! Ui iti..e Ihe am thai iL.tna nur miula lorevt-r Our tlnulita dta I nur cnnti.ii.iitt: ii. l..n : Wnie thy lorgiTciH'a ..n nur hriirtd, ami iifici Never, in vain petition fur il more. It' lf-aae ua from the soirnw tluil attend na ! Our lirr are loin .t l vt-ry vi-io we hh t-t! A'oiigh: t'arcni! w ilh thy -Ir. nL" h Im Irn nil u- Klc we ar hilpkaa in nur lime of mi-i; ! Kualatn ua, lird, with thy pure Holy Spin I Sw igor-;tve lo N-tun'a f. It-ring tr me. Ami at lilc'a loar, pt riml n- I hent The hojte that'a proiinatul in tin SaMor'a nninc Ulisccllantmis. aa w aj a aj r ta . da LOVE Iitf A HOG-HEAD. " Thejr put everytbinj on runners while the auow lasts; for it does not tarry long. Buggy scats, carriage tops, crockery crates a'l are in question. Aud I even saw one of the finest hordes iu the city drawing a hogshead on wooden runner, iu which were seated a gentleman and lady. They were a One looking couple, and bore off the palm for fat r'riving, as well as the m"t ludicrous sleigh conveyance '' Ia-IIci Jrom Chicago. Ah, reader! and thereby I1..11. a tulc. It w a New Year's day in that far famed city of ihe We-t even the New Vear'a dny of f".. Since Christmas w inter had set in ill good old fashioned eariie-tm -s f'liow hail fallen to the depth cf several inches, and being Sim and hard, made excellent sleigh ing a rare thing in the city. Indeed, our winters seem sadly degener ated of late, being much more mild and free from snow than in the dys of our fathers; peihaps to accommodate I hem to our lailuiL health and strength, for thi latter fact is but loo apparent. Yet thi-New Year s day seemed more a type of the old time. It was cold, yet not too cold, sleighiug was excel lent. Kverybody that bad a suitable, con veyance, or could get one, even at any price, was out enjoying the sport ; only the more keenly to be enjoyed for its rarity. It was indeed a gala day bright aud beautiful our he ad, brighter and more beautilul suil iu the human hearts beating so joyously be neath ! Krticst Hammond sat in bis counting room, busily engaged in attending to ibe reception of a large quantity of goods, just arrived lie was youug yet, but fast rising id wealth and position. Born in Ihe Ka.-t, be bad brought with 11 i 111 all the habits of strict at tention, pleasure must be waived. Therefore, when he did give himself up to its enj lymeiits it was with a double Zeal. Naturaiiy warm j hearted and iinpuUiie, and soeiul withal, as suc h persous must be, he keenly enjoyed society. And when he entered it, he was ever a welcome companion, both with his oD and the opposite ex. And now, clostii his bonks with a look of satisfaction and relief, he determined to give himself up to the pleasures of this annual raU day. While business was pending be had closed his cars and eyes to all el-e ; bet uow he could not fail to bear the unusual stir in the stree ts, anil feel that while be batd been en gaged within door, all had been life and commotion without. When he came forth the streets presented a novel secue A more motly, incongruous lot of vehicles it weio not easy to imagine. Such life and hilar-ty are always infection", and Krnest soou caught the spirit. He, too, would join the sledgers ; but bow ! lie inquired at several 'tables for a sleigh. Not one to be had. Yet ho was not easily daunted, and moreover, had an unusual share of peraeveranee. He owned one of the finest horses in the city ; cr that he was sure. He remembered, too, that iu a remote part of the stable, where be had usually kept him, he had one day noticed a pair of woodeu runners. He would see if iu some way a conveyance could not be planned His Yankee iugeuuity must be brought to the hcrvico. 1 lie soon reached the stable The runners were found, and in good order. But now for the other part". A hogshead that had for some reason or other been swayed apart aud nicely cleaned, stood before bim. In stantly a part of it was upon the runners. In a few minutes a comfortable seal was added, and he was ready for a drive. 1 But now arose another difficulty uulhought of before. He must have a companion a lady cf course; else half the enjoyment would be lost. But who would it be ? Who would be seen even with him, in such a eon ; veyauee as that ? Excuse his vanity, reader, , mine. He kneho was a f.voritn. Indeed,' be could not help knowing it. But this was a special oeeasicn. " AH he world " was' out. Who could be 6ud bravu en ugh to dare il ' Ua must see. There were two or three joung InJicl libo bad claimed his t-pecial regard, anJ be tilt sure he was not etillrclj indifli-rent to Ibef '. He hid beou obaerving tlieiu of late, atrivtrtr to learu the true character of each. 1J:' he foui.d, nn peiifluiiif-n and ladiea usinl y meet to city life, a difficult matter, llf he yearned to see through the fal'e rounding into the true inner life bcnti He vras rather old fahioned in bis col!: it mun bn confescd ; but he did care in ro ie for real than the artihVial more for tnind and heart than for the-outer adormil) h. Uh ! there ialife aud exhilaration in giving j There ii notbin" licit from India or Chi- i ". 'leliuefos, Monsei'iieur," was the cau l'ut how would it end ! Would he be wij-r , up one's self to the enjoyment of the hour 1 a. Continued eae is reported in the Lon- ,'ou'' n,i onrtiy aimwcr. La-t wck, how Ihan hii sex ! It waa indeed a difficult nil - N t 're is a good mother to us nil ; and wheu don money market The Liverpool cotton ' cvcr' llle 1 "1"r",i''' I"-' opportunity of ins st's : ir wa inoeeu a uimcuii qn -, ; but he did not quite despair. r I la Campbell bad long been one of.' c in hi ..to.n.. Jiut-tiit'y ,,., lion; nut tie am not quite despair. Ml tliout'lit her vain and siinerficiul erin more for the outer than the inner man, and had been cautious in his attentions to her. He would tei-t her now. Driving bii-k!y to the door and throwing the reins over his horse, he quickly rang the bell. A servant at once Ushered him into the parlor, here stit the lady of his thoughts. !She greeted him warmly ; hut on hearing the object of his vUit and ihe unique eon- veyatice he brought, she plead a previous Mgemettt. and at once exeu-ed here!f Kruest llammotid was eifted with a pood hare of penetration i and when not previ- ou-ly blinded, read character well. Now, instinctively feelinu how it waa, he politely withdrew. Aud while he rode gaily awa, Hi I a Campbell sat pouting in her room, un- thought of aud uucared for by tbe moriug mass without. Kriiist's next ti.it was to the liou-e of Squire Heed, liere be had lona bei r, a frequent and welcome visitor, said Clin Ch of the two; and beauty is alwavs attractive, especially with the men. Hie was the favorite, too, in society. But at times Krnest e one of the family,' as the Squire o!ttn around them or H-I!a had been talking, ! ny. The report states that it is proposed to . e. H,K,t CJl'- a" ' uaor "" r .looking knowinjy at bis two girls, he li-tetiiuo. for amid the multitude of - raise a certain amount of new capital by an '""I'leti u of the Avvocato Ivgio, tbo rlottd aud Bella. vehicles in t!i street, each hud to attend issue of .CO shares with which to meet the f." , -"1vt'r'','1'rl:t rci:iu.ct. aud the I Lev... arlotte was the older and handsomer pretty cart fully to his ow u ; wheu turnim-1 char -cs for the 7(1!) miles of additional cn- r ','' ri11'. a person oi great aiitiqiiari'tti hail turned from her to the peutic, and lie poKe : lay the cable next summer, graceful BelU, with her pure heart, and " lHIa, I am a biisin?a man, aud shall! 'J'he Prince and Princess Frederick Wil. piquant innocent way, almost with a feeling do up things in a bu-iucss fi-hion. I love linn of 1'nissia quitted England on the -M of love for the latter. jou. Will you be my wife!'' ! instant. They proceeded from London, by Hi-r'a was indeed a character to Mudy. ' 'J ac young girl looked up astonished. railroad, to Gravesetid, where they embark Timid and retiring when iu the presence of She had long liked bim liked him better ed in the royal yacht, under a salute from tranters, she was yet singularly artless nd conBdinz to thve she best knew. 'J here was a dash of independence too, aud a vein of romance in her heart, pleasant and refreshing to meet. .She was graceful anil pliant, it was true, but tlicrc wan a character and strength there also. ThoU'-h ber siter ni ght best please in a crowd. he Tor m niy moments she did not reply. bout 100 men were in the pit at the time, would be better known and loved at home. Ernest observed her closely, and read in her and it was feared that mauy of thcln were All that Krnest felt : still, beauty fascina- face the unuttered thought. She was about killed. At the latest dates about 40 hud ted him. .Not that Bella was ul j. Oh, to speak, when, struck with the whole ludi- been taken out alive ; tome more or less in no! Hut she was not beautiful either'; at' cron-ie, lai'-her) ourrigtit. f t w as his turn jured and two dea.,1. least, save in the loving eyes and hear of now to look astonished. i fiia.M'K. those w ho best knew her. Krnest liked tbrm "Why, Bella, what is the matter ?" he j In Paris, ou the 1st io-tant, tlie project of both. It was difficult indeed, lo deteri iue foon asked, somewhat hurt. ! a new law waa read in the Legislative Cham- h'eh was the favorite. "Only think! making love in a hogs- hers empowering the Executive lo remove As he reared (he door, he said wMiin head !'' Iauhed the mischievous girl, more from Paris all persons who may attempt to himself as one will in cases of doubt ' A merrily than before. ' Who ever heard of disturb public tranquility. A biil was also look or word shall decide between t ien ' eueb a tiling!" and this time Ernest joined submitted for the constitution of a Council If one or both refuse to ride with me, il (ball her, even at his owu expense. j of Regency. The Empress is to be Hcitent be a sign that ali is over. But if ac- " Well, well, no matter where," continued of right ; she failin-.', two French Princes cepts, why then who knows what may jnme be, taking the little hand that lay for a mo- jin the order of primoseniture. The mem of it. Imu twenty-eight now ' old eniiigh,' ment outside her shawl. " Bo you love me, ! ber of the Council of Uegeocy to be the as my partner told me yesterday, '(o be BelU? and will you be my wife! Answer ' two French Princes in their own right, Car married and have a Lome of my owe,' and me truly, will you be mine!'' 'dinal .Moilot, Marshal 1'eli-sicr, Count Per so I am. We aball aee we shall sec we " Yc, Krne-t. yes! but I must laugh ! signey, M. Fould, and the Presidents of the shall see.' nevertheless,. 1 he scene is so entirely and Senate, the Corps Legislatif, and tho Coua- Two (aces were at tho window as he (rove w holly ludicrous. Quite a new order of ro- j cil of tatc. up. One brightened vi-ibly, and the Stber raaoec !'' and again her laugh rung out loud ! The papers discovered by the English po ri.-ibly pale while a mingled expression ami clear as the song of a bird. I lice at Pierri'g bouse at Birmingham arc of score aud disappointment passed our her feaiu.s:. ' Good morninir, ladiea, good tLornng!" he exclaimed as he entered their preence. "I hud invsell in rather an awkward poM- tion just now, and need some one trhclp me out. I must have a drive this mo'ning, yet I have br cn unable to obtain an; con- veyauee but the one you saw as I drore up. What shall X do !'" sad be looked loChur lotte for an answer. " An a kward position, indeed," at!ered she. " you had better drive alone." rowlully. Bona looked up quietly, but the ilM not speak. '' Surely you do not think a lady would be seen in such a conveyance !" continued Charlotte, with a alight loss of ber bciutiful bead. Again Bella locked up, while a paiuful flush suffused her cheek. She was scrry lier sister had thus spoken sorry for b grieved for Krnest. She felt sure she could , not have denied bim, that whatever he should : ask would not be improper or wrong. How, ! tneii. cmilii h.-r i-ier .-neaii t uis I Charlotte noticed the expression, nu3 half read its meaning. She did not like the ra- ' proof which it conveyed, and, turning to ber said, somewhat scornfully 1 I " Perhaps my sister would go with you ! Will you, Bella !" I continue in the practice of it, thev most do mo.ii.tetl to '.'7,0(10 bales, of which specula- " Will you, Belli!"' the young man tc- it as outcasts from the Catholic Church, who '" 'ook 6.000 and tsporters 2,0-m bale, peated earnestly, as he bent on bi-r a glance j have no right to the name of Catholic while ' Prices have advanced Id., the market clos which thrilled through every part of ber they live, nor tj Chri-tiaa burial w hen they ; ing finn. Consols declined, being. die." For a moment the blood rushed over ber brow and neck the uext it needed, and she answered gaily : " And why not, indeed !" " But will you go, lVlla !"' again asked Ernest, iu the straight forward manner w bich ever characterized him. " I should like it of all things !" an'wrre 1 the enthusiastic girl, forgetting the emotion of the moment before. " But remember how wo are to go,'1 con tinued Ernest, quickly. " You w ill b.. the observed of all observers," added Charlotte. " And what of that !" called back the tie lighted girl, as she was half way up the stairs. Iu a moment all was ready ; aud gaily , . , -. (. j . bes.ilc Ernest, and they drove rapidly away. , Charlotte half repented her momentary prid i hen she nv the tender g atice ol Ernest, as he placed her carefully upon the I seat, aud drew closer tho fold of her large' warm shawl, iu which she bad shown her good seusc to wrap herself. But it was t late now ; so taking a book she prepared to1 spend tbe morning alone. In the mean time j Ernest ami Bell i had joined the moti y throng now uiavitig "0 rapidiy thr ugh the city. 1 Now tliejr drove down close to the water's I ledge, whfre farts the eye could reach, cue J Iiaw nothing but the blue wHtrii of the lake,) I with its masts and anil.-, making one tliiuk :!io were upou the Atlantic coast, instead ofj so wuuy inili-8 iu the interior. Aoonthoyi looked upon the wide apreading prairie, Don j pure and white with the Dew fallen snow.! : I and etietebinij tar away tnl it was lot where ; arih .nrl .It. i ,.J TI. ;,, u.j .-v...v .,.,-..o&o.o they weie pawing through the wide and level streets of (he city. -s :u ire is a gooa rnotner to us an ; ana wueu we gii'e ourselves unto her keepimr ahe will r ter lili the heart, with joy and gladness. rWouM Ur -nr- i -h eji;xcii' morv sych out-of-door exercines were lrtd v eiiinraid'hw all. Thus Miutiing one a self up so com - idetelv within doors, as .nun. dn in winie j is enough to drive away all the roses from the cheek, all joy and saducss from the eye, aud all freshness ftom the bean, makin" one old before his lime. ' The epeil of the hour was then upon them ; and as they sped nn rrily along, Krncst felt his heart warm more and more toward the pure and artless girl by bis side. He had known her long he bad known her well ; and the bad ever seemed the same im'e. ii'ioiib, truthful and good. Ho wondered how, even for a moment, be had ever thought of annthi r ; f.r slj I'cmod to him then, ail ...... ;.-u th,it his lienrl eoolil v..e .i.k or .l...ir,. iut couiu sue ever be Ins : or was she d lined (or another! The thought made hhu 'de-pcrato. lie could nA endure it for a moment. The question mu-t be decided at ouee, and with Iimu, to resolve was to act to her wtih another of tlie,e glances which thrilled throuL'h every fibre of h.-r beinc he said, and his voice was low and eame-t as thsn any other ou earth; but she never dreamed being bis wife. He was so much older, so nm?b wiser than she for she was "carce eighteen, and in heart a very child why did he no; tak-' her sister! She could not compreh. ml :l ail, aud almost doubted if she heard ari' bt. And this time Ernest joined in it as hearti-' Iy as she. He could well lauoh now; for ! bad she not promised to be his! No matter! w here the promise had beeu made ; no ma',- j ter tnw, sne was tn ; ail bis . And as be 1 pressed her hand nt parting, he said : j " Laugh, now, as much as you like j but j to night I shall come to appoint the wedding : day, ami arrange for its ceremonies. So good morning, dearest . aud in a moment' be was gone. j 1 bat hijjht a',1 was arranged, '".iiiire I.eeJ ; and his wife eivilli- a full and free coitsenf Iveeu became .'Irs. truest llammoud. The Catiiukk' Ciit nrnos Bat'NKKNXEss. Bishop liayley, the Catholic Bishop of ' and was quite They had been talking gaily of the scene ! a full report of the position of the compa- ' "scnit-ai ,'non. the work was p,rlr.i, u .ew Jersey, lias isuetl a iiiaoi!esto, bring- plained the object of the meeting. Mr. Pi ipg the machinery of the church to bear lie, of Louisiana, then proposed, and Mr. again-t the vice of drunkenness. His letter Present, of Boston, seconded, a series of re on the subject has beeu read iu all tbe solutions, denouncing the assassins and con cl rches, in which ho calls attention to two gratulatiiio tlie Kn.ucror ou his escape. The cla-Xes the drunkards themselves, and 'be dealers iu liquor. Leaving to the pastors the choice of the. particular means to be used, suggi-'.. that each eep a. list ol alers in his 'll0 drunkards and il.,.1 cliurcli. He says i "lam determined to makj use of the most severe measures against all who are addicted t v this scandalous vice ; and if thev A Ciiii.is Lai O.ITKH. 1 there any thing like the ringing laugh of an innocent i T i i i i r i ' happy child : ( an any other mu-ie so echo thioiith the heart's inner chambers! It is i.pai tic. too beyond other melodic Win tl the father sits ab-orbed over his book. 1 which seems to eonseuirate every laeuitv. j bo hears his little boy laughing in his spo:t. and laughs al-o, ho knows not wberelore. j first by numbers, and afterwards by stiperi I he bright being, eotitiuuaily gathering in- or tactics, is natural. We have no disposi te lligcnce, casts around u gems of thought I tinti to find fault on acoutil of such Strug- and pearls of affection, till our paths seem paved with precious (.tones from Heaven treasury. No day of storms is dark where he is, no wintry vetting long. A young cmu'js a full fouutaiu of lieiiut to the house ; and heart, y f s f .. Lu Hoi BfM Ait k am v. Bam "ox As . ension Messrs. Morat and Smith made a balioou , , , r' i- m' . 'i.' nl the backs of two live alligators. I hey all descended in safety twenty minute, alter, The Crrsctiit terms the affrir ' the great alligatori LraguU." llegory of St l.inrge and the ' f" IOItl.ll, NKMN. FUHTIIEU HY THE BALTIC. The aleanier Baltic, from Liverpool the .... . . . ... i . v- v.. i. ... .i.. i i..i v9 iiibuni, rnvi!ii at .mw juraou itic it-iti p'obrunry. She brings four dayn later uowa ! , ,, ,'rnn. don money market, I lie laiverpool cotton market waa firm, with a leniency toadvatice, j while hreadt-tuffa were very mueb depressed. i Th! wtist.-r ship Lvi n! m wa at lnt ' ......r..ll fln'i. d ,,. il... Tit-, Kua. j day, the !1 ft of January, and the occasion I r ..t. i .,,,1 r. loioi.i,, The final floating of the great ship was effi-cti'd with perfect case, and do accident of nny kind occurred, although the river is literally covered with Xoats full of peo- .,,! Il, .;,V.ra farttiMiir ('., rl'fl.li.. which had been kept dowu by the weight of the vesM l. ascended with great force some 20 or HD feet above the surfaee cf the wr- ' ter. The sei ne was a brilliant one, and t'hi ' ...il, r ninliitn,..! aim riitiHseil j the launch waa manifested in loud and con- t imed choeriu-. The Leviathan was towed I by four powerful tu I r .. .. boats to l.er ii.oorii:.- r..l .. .1,. ..il, , , til her internal arrat.gemenU are complete. 'i i a.i. i...,',nk ',., l.o.l ia sued a call for the ordinary tneeting of the shareholders on the l"tb February, and iu anticipation of this meeting had published He now in course of manufacture, and to nrovitle fnr rontinirrrioi..s. G real confidence is expressed in the success of the attempt to Tilbury 1'ort and the squadron in attendance and amidst the enthusiastic cheers of assembled crowi. Iu the city of London and ail aloin; the roule there was a perfect ovation to the voung coutilo. t t I...- i ie i i .. j .. A tnghtlul colliery explosion had occur- red at a nit near Ashtoti-under-Lyue. A- now iu the hands of tbe authorities nt Pa- ris, but it is not kuown any further disclosures hether they led to . . i ... . trsiniaud 1 lern confess all that is imputed to them. Their murderous designs, it appears, were not con- lined lotbe Emperor i other sovereigns were to be included iu the assassination, and cs- pecially tbe Pope, the King of Naples, and the Kiug of Sardiuta. lbe Paris correspodeni of the London Times, under date January "if?, writes that .1 vc ry uuiiicro is aud highly respectable meet- in ' of Alllerieniia was l,..,l tl,,it. .fi.mnnti tiiuents on tbe n-ceut atrocious attempt to assassinate u.o r. u.ptror oi tne rrcueu.- I he Hon. John S ethered, ex-meuiber of the chair, and in a few observations he ex- resolutions were adopted uuauimoualy. i.atli: h:om hi i;orr. Kill V A E CF THE ANt.LO SAXi'N- PeiRTl,.Mi, Me. February 2J. The steaint r Auglo Stixon arrived to day, Fit ruary !i days later than by the Allies The saies of cotton for the three days a 11 I . . L ' 1 .1 " Tttr: N'okth asp tiik Suvtii The New York Times is kitid cuougli to make the fol- Towing suggestions for the benefit of the a e - j Southern section of the I'nion : " The present is doubtless the great turn- in? noint in the controversy betweui the free and slave States. That tlie latter should strive to maintain the rreitoudcraiica given. Igles to retain power. But there arc no j ! sixteen free to fifteen alave States, with j three uioie flee States about to come in. i The contest is virtually over When there shall be a decisive and irreversible prcpon- derance on tbe side of the North, party aa igeucics will not, as herrtolore, be able to cotnpr jinioo any subetautial interest of frcn- dom. " The South owes it to i's character aud , in,.r... .,.,..,........-;,. .nrl i, .,,.,. .1... " should yield tj inevitable destiny. I ' J Lire of Hav:i.i k The Kef. Mr. ' Brooks, a well kuown Uaptit clerpyman of Luudou, is pre paring a life cf Geu Uavc',,i, k , w.m.vi khmi:ntof tmh mkimi t Kami i.v W FI.HtKN('i:. The Loudon Morning l'ot has an inter esting lttter from its Tuscan correi-poudoitt, giving an account of the diaiutm intiit of the celebrated .Mcdiei family of Kloretiue, who for so long a period were th. jbs-ulute rulers of that ouutrjr. Wo make the following enrart ; . . Joinn A in ln cbil.iliooil ashed Lia tutor if Kings ever dio, we are told that t't-.. ...... ua.. ,imj o. ; "JS henifclvca ef the uinioubt-d f:ict 1 ue a1,oI d)""'J of Medici v. as di-ia ; u'trtl' l ttas tnn that thu woodun u-jf- ?h ' tbe vnuit- of the ,au Loienio wero "OuliIcriiig a tay, so orders 'wrn: gueti w lve them replaced ami ihe whole family. I10' " "";f .'' his ou. tLe lirr luke Comiio, to .John '.K-tou, the last of the royal house, all, al.out sixty iu number, the seven soveiein-, with tin ir wives, children trot he rs all in short th.it 1 ""' """1 to the t,n,b at 'Sa" LoreM), witb only two txc-ptiona removed liom the eld, preparatory to placed in new cofFins. If these jlliti smite ; twenty were opeiieu I ;r tlm fir -t tin.'.'. " Kleaiior of '1 oledo, the w tie of Vim the !,u" "'is son and succe-sor, l-rnneis the ':"""' ' fated 1 .tafi'llo, wvi'-t troll a- if tl y ti rt il r. I j i v Mi- ''ruay oeeu piaeeu in ..; s.-ru,,.:e. v.i.' r.t they Lave I nn for miieh more tusn .ii) rear". Iti'leed, the wotidortiil preservation f tin! corpse of I'lonei- seems 10 sticiitheu the theory that be ilied from some stroiij to ti,.- ilucal aicliivi Ijrand dukes and duchesses, princes and l"""""""-" were all fo'ir.'l in the M;i'e os- tunic of their day Giovanni diile Hindi! Nerre, the warlike prugeitit' r nf ti:.- rate, with the tiK.illMfring ssuti in a helm lie; saiiiruiiiary hut 'gaei.itis ('o-mn, with his dagger hy his side, (perhaps the same that struck liaizial) each with a me l.il bear ing an elliry of himself, ail ticketed nii l , , the most mercantile prc-eiio:i ; for the merchant princes, to the suVtility of polittciatH, joined tin pr.-aM.-ic.n of rt d tajiit, and carried th' ir habits ul' commercial re: - u amy aoiiu wun i inn to me very grave. , , . . . , . feature-of the men who had tilled Italy with their fame two and three centuries v;o ; on tbe Cosmo who had qucucl.-d inl l.jod all that remaiuet; of Florentine and S:et!os freedom, a'.d his descendants; ou bim who would rid upon a uniioier eveuiu-.' v Arctri, and chu: r. it h ' .. ' i ic o ; ott another who had 1 1 eh attired pr--.tit- of moiili j.ul ciano and tile with the Protector ; on a third who had corresponded with St. John aud Walpole about tbe deatiny of hi- own State. Kt-U'.'.-iTius is N'chtii Car'L!na. T he following statistical information in regard to tbe progress of Education in this State, we compile from tbe Fayeileviilc U f ft r. It will be seen that North Carolina is clear ly ahead of all tho other aUve-hoMing Sr-ites wiib her system of public instruction ; w hile, she compares favorably in several respects with some of tho New Euliu i und Noitii Wester? States. North Carolina lias a larger School f.irid ll,.,,, M .. H r.-;.. a.. V . - t , ,..,,. ' Jersey, i l.y ,sii(li),0ti0 ) or Ma-seiinsetn, ,, c"-,.,, ,, ,, , i i - ., ,i ebe has as mauy colleges as lieorgia, more academies by I nl, and gnnO mop! cMinnoii schools, the two Jiates being eq i tl in white population ; she has mori colleges than South Carolina, more academies by 1 ' :0, aud nearly throe times as mauy cmi lr. :i at school. Virginia has iMil.fn'o white poj.u'ari-u moie than North t'arlina ; vet tho l itter s lit ; formtr ; jre,,' mre 'We .,e ccuin.ii- . voillmj, in IaTlir uf ti. Norl!l 'state," considerin,; that she 1 Old has no large cities like the above States to Lui.t up and sii-tain her edueatiocl institutions. II (. IhraLi. The Siamese Twis Uutpovk ih Wednesday last, lir Bradbary, of I Mdtowu, delivered a Mis. Bray, of Bradley, ten mi ca above this city, of two boys whicu ero (irm ly united together by a ligament extending tr ..'it tbe hip- to il.e si, on. .,'c is Titi-rc kji but one elavich', or collar bone, for both ch'ldrcn, extending from the outer cf the Oil icr respects they had di-tioet and perfect formations. They together weighed teu pounds ; one was still-born, the other w as alive, but did not survive long. Jlinnf I'nt'j'i. A Sli vm I e u. AMI A sham due! lo.k pi noon, near Pbiladelph ical studt uts, naiiicd I' iden. Ti e ball- vrti tols bv the seeond. h. . !! st Fi.i ,i'T fc la.-t 1'ii.Uy after i. het e. Ti two ni.'d CiiarmiM.t a;.d Shur drawn fro.,, ihe is fore tlfv w,r, ban- de I to the lOTiio it iu'-, a j w'li 'h Sber- ide n wa- aw at. As tue pistol Sbt-ridcii feli, ar.sl b'o t ii irin tho eonsripici.i.'e-, fled to parts s .11.1. ii .wt. st ited th In a letter tie be killed his antagonist he would leave Europe iuuiHui.-ti.My. gr,t raie joke Oak pise"e epiitc lately, jn oav Court Kuotu. A woiu.tu was testitv. ID beitaif of ber son. and s !re " that he bad worked cu a fat tu nt siuoe h j0ra." - De Uwyer. who eroas ex united her sa: I yoa aae'rt tj.it your sou. baa won. .. i fal Hl cter siuca be was toru !" f ,l What did he do the :-t v-,r .. it . ... Tbe lawvur ev jro m i.hi ..up . i -n- Wlnlj ty, ,an en'!." a ' Kiiowietit'o a'taciicu

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