Storrt (Utolina Uji.g .-OAR i. 2 ST :-s.-.T I j ,-. . a CHARLOTTE: Tucsiiav. March 2. 1S5S. J action and proved by references that tie , From OUT ror.tipondmt. "old hero" wa a distributional and that, CiiAM.KaTON, Feb. 25, he held to the doctrine until Mr. Clay took J Ti c lute rise iu the price of cotton i bring it up He also referred to the action of the i ing largo q iimtities of it to market. Oue democratic party in this State and tnct eon- dy this week the South Carolina IU.d ' ' , . brought down upward of four thousand cliisively proved that it had been the. fettled : Nort)l,.a-terM Koad brings policy of that party years ago. He also j j,,;. j-roni tour to live hundred bales, hi referred to the auot-tiou bv a Democratic j Convention in this State of a resolution which the Ef;v:;rr The protracted union meeting which has b.en in progress for tne past throe weeks by the Pri st vi- iian, Methodist and Baptist Churches, i brought to a clo-e on Satur day night U:t. Wi' h lieve that hi tweeu St' atid 4;l rofes.-ed conversion. A ui.ion prayer mci tin? wiil be held iu the different Churches on Mi-uday, Wednesday and Thursday nights of this wnk. In ing sold rapidly at good prices, aud iiiom-y i.- consequently becoming easier. I learn from r. liable sources thai cotton is aeciimu l.-ititg nt all the way depots on both of out ail. gad. The cider of Odd Fellows of this city are He asked if it had nol 1 b. ginning ton.o.e in he Mount V ernon cause. An advertisement appears in tnc nit ers of this morning, calling a meeting of the timid Lodie for the rurpose of taking! to death in their rooms. Several bodies i pro nations ol the pul.iic Islni liau teen j j10 COi,Mderslioii the propnety of a general I made to Arkansas, Alabama and Mh-sissii pi, ( subscription by the members of the t rder : 1,1,. t l-o ..Itis-d tho-. who had assailed biui i thteughoiit the State towards the? piireha-C for rtnt ending for the ritlita of North Cato- ! "i" Mount Vernon. On behalf of the "South. K.f property is estimated at 850,001) , p c ., , ; ern .il a Iron, we should bail tins important , liua to assail the member ot Congress, t.o , HC(.eio ,a t)ie chivalry of this preat pairi had eet iu their feats ai d saw the lands 0nc national enterprise, nnd commend their fiven away to other St-ites and never niade j ei:.mple to the imitation of the Order I lu effort to secure to NortU Carolina a share, j the I'nio... ., , , , , ,, j A difficulty of rather a serious nature has : He also referred to the fact that I.liuoi. ,pruIi;u(, btw,e tho prof,or, mA 'by the appropriations of public lauds by I siU(ei,s of the Stale Military Academy in ; Con-res., had been enabled to build a rail- j this city. Oue entire class has been su- 'road 700 miles long with two branches, ' pciuled, and scleral bare already left for asserted that hen it became the settled policy of the (.iencral Government to squan der the public lands Ninth Carolina would claim lur ihare become the settled policy of the govern ment ! lie then wttit on to tdio that ap St. Louis. lb. 21. IIoTtL Burnt and Loss of Litis. A fire broke out in the Pacific Hotel, about three o'clock this- niorninjf, cauiii; the great't coii'teruation uuioiii the hoarders. There were in the. house about one hundred persons, between forty aud fifty of whom re missing. U per-ous are known to have lost tbeir lives, and 1) eriou!y injured. I he lire onuinateil in the druj; store un The Pichmond Celebration Richmond, Feb. 2','. An Klectric Love AKrAin. Quite Ironinntio little affair tl amour occurred in I Coaht SURVItY OP TH IT. In a review of the onuni.n,.. ..k TaM n. ..' .. .. ",U1 I He (VI The weather, thoucb for the display in honor of the inauguration ',' 1 ton on Sunday afternoon. A gentleman j .Survey D.'pnrtment, I'rof. H;l(.1( :, rather unfavorable ... . ,,,. ., nronrie,or Df eie0. munioatioii to Sillimau's .1,,,.,...., ' ' tihiic Nort'j Caialina bad not received an hon 1 am not in possession of the full j particulars, but learn that the difficulty widely known as " the proprietor of an eleo- iniitnoatioii to Sillunau's Journal f v II .l .1 it ! 1 1. 1 1,., mfir l,ul lmt. aavs: ' II ot me Matue ot .Mi.iig.o.., n... ..o, prevent h u . . I, ell i e d coat, knee hreeehea, po.l hue- The aurvey of a coast so ,,:.. . . , larpe turn-out of c.ui.t.m and others.- , ,, ,. A srriv(.a o Satur- of tho United State, is, even j j, T J he visitors from ashinK.on and lia titnore I d from Ainl,j a ,,ulom lookin?ja work of immense rlt(.llt. ,,. were received by several of our volunteer , ' fe f0m t)m l(mutK-lf M took ' atretohos fro... Now I!, ,i(.k , " I companies, and added m.ith to the interest j u U ,.,,.. I(),, h MellIll t,t ,, from the S.rails of Fuea to n, j!",' fl.niHS spread ao , "" . ' V , " - , ' f, i they had met, at the I rout Mouse at At-j ma j upon mo -Allanlio and t;lf f rapidly that before the iuiiiiitec could be ' t , ' " I lanla, the day i.fore, an-l the Iotessor ne-uu 10 tne i tin parallel j u,,n , ., UroVed the staircases were enveloped in (" 1 J T" V' Jfi " ' n single man. and so what Huseeptible Iroin the 4M.o ,lin 8,,,,.' Wi, ; 1' flamea and all eere-s was cut off eicepiinir i , , , i . 7 1 I '''. w"" ""' " he tender passion, rangn of more than .),0(I0 mile, ;t ei.l(,r by the indous' Many leaped Iron! the I "V- ' ,,M"e, h'" declared himself a victim lore at first fir, graphical peculiarity'. third Mory, and were either terribly man- ! ,ltJ "P,,,or- , ,siht. Aceordinply the fair and blushing able islands, bays, capoa and ,,. ' fled or inst.nlly killed. Many were unable ' "0,1'- Mf Vpe'Ci irV d"',,""fl co"pn""i to proceed with him to line the lo.,,. read, of shore. 8 h , F .f . i i and able flort, ann was well received by i i' . , i, ui- hnmlrpds of m in ii. . 11 even to reacti me. winnows, aim were nurni ., . . . ,, ., t. . .i. i ":,"""i " "r " , ; r-", enei the statue was saluted with a salvo of artil lery ami loud and proloi'jred cheering. llobert (! Scolt, K-q , made an eloquent address, and the Masonic ceremonies were highly interesting and impres-ive. (iili. ?C0U ""ey: l"f r?nP- lo tiiHl ttiere ; h(, ,riMe litl waJ t0 con,un,m,ae the (every reef aud shoal, trace tl rict D Uetwhes Buchanan and Douolas. i a general i luunnaiion an-J the city is in , 0(iol - Ue hour approached the carriage ! every current, deduce from Ion,. ,. 'Ht-T i inK'ii. nxrsnnal l.iitn.. . ho. a blaxe of i"bt. No aceident of any kind ; .. . i ... .. i i.,.r... r,t,i.r.tln.,- .i. i r .i ... tween Ituebauau aud Douglas on all poiuts. occurred to mar the festivities, and the pn ia(, u)(ra B colIipioellt urvev Qf himself short, observe and measure every are supposed to be now in tho ruins, aud hundreds of eacited men are energetically at aork in renwninc the rubbish, 'l'be losa bratud. A license was obtained a wed- i low half inland sounds, nnd Ibv ,i, . V I ding riiij? and other valuable presenH were (far into the interior like Norw'nri,,, ' bestowed wiiu a liberal baud by the gallant are among its most striking f. atlir,., .j and generous Professor, who had also ar-( Coast Survey must accurately locale (v, rayed himself in an elegant wedding auit, promiueiit puitit ; map out the ln ...J ..l....l . . . ,l.. f everv hav i.,l l..rl,, K. .1 . ir. eo'itinu The Frisident deiiounte. the Senator as a gramma a fully earned out. There wen iitlc demagogue who is afraid of the conse- probably uot less than l5,0.U persons jirc Auenees of bis o ti measures, lie expresses sent. the looking-glass, and sent to announce , in the physical geography of the (', uis reauiuess lor the nuptials. nmm tnu uiosi renm ii aeienee il, , Judge of his auipriso when the ine-scn- delicate methods of observation, n, le greatest contempt for the blunder of otiKAT IAV IN Richmond inauouration j .r returned with tin iutelligeuce that no most perfect instrumcutal means Sjlr rf IJandMHiif Iriirbs. jii is ca'...d to ilia aa'.e of haml souie article., advertised iu to-day 'a psper, by S jaur I'jtido.iiiii. e caiitd at bi room to view his a-sortmeutatid we mu.-l ay I! at e hive seen such a hand gju.c d; ('f rich at tides bcfoie, mativ of ti-ei.i ci.Uiiiy tit Lt i o. Tiiey are also leaat.fuiiy arranged, aud as the art.cit. wi'.i be ( p. o li day for tu iu-ptctioo c f the Ladies i: i':l be a ti.L trt at so fco aud lock njon tin :n. du Wcdi. tday they are ail to be sol to the hiucst i id i.r for what they wiii bill .'- So' S y-.-j ,',', Live an i: iiy of p--.-iua- L-it m.iy lea.-e acre, lie condemned the plan of Congress j or;1.iaH.j ,rom 0e 0f tie f,rf,.,rs eti-1 r d'e I'ouglas, khould he givinn alternate eectiona f.T railroad pur- j J, oring to introduce some ;iew rules mln JXise XecuJnploU ; and if L I posesapd showed that lb .omnmeiit bad i retilaiio. whit h the students thought ,u. j ,n. ''e rreidei,t says he nii,;bl Douglas' anti Lecompinn tnovemeut, aud I does not disguise his purpose to aid in the tleclion of Republican Senator, if ueces- contiiiue now turna been defrauded out of thoU,at,us of ai res by :Ju- ";" ! pre-ive, am. ... rue ! anil si cede. The Hoard ol Visitors wiil meet sp-culator. Mr. Mcllae tr.ade f sine reference to the sei iir K'iitor of the Standard, but as be denies having been iu a log cabi:i villi a SI... 11 Hi-' Ai.i' riraa !V:y Lur 3 racJ'.Jaif ! A few w iks a.-) we ve our opi.iioti od the- fje ti.n thai Leads lini arlieic. Vi e it.--.! ti.Mi t't.-t iu :u;aj!.t lie t.uic.- pro j ;t'-as for o ;r r.r"y , and remarked that we Lid io our n.ind eye a who was sufa-ci-'.t f r the eiuerg'.'ticy That aiao was O' n. Alfred 1' n keiy. : n'clin ond county. We b. 1; vv ."r.:u and efficiency a- n si ! i v..cs:e of An,vrtcan principlea Le wju.I : e t. to bear c ur bauticr '.trough ti c cc-f.t t f ur:t--tf .1 v, y-'j triuu.phantly. Vie '.live r.?t a w)ri of cjit.piiiu' ta n.ake a .ir.-t ti e A i.rricin r.rt ntioa that ' t.-...l .T.h-, A. (, K-.j , yt we niu-t ( ti.ey ;;d i-jt t-ke counsel from their ttK.ttiie-. s:.d there they felt aa error. If cur fri-.t.da -iii rxa:..::.c :h. course of tLc lV;uocr-tic f.rty. t'..'7 wiii -;e tlat when ev. r tb-y 1. ugh; 1 t':... pcp'.e a can d.'i ,.t Lo r- tiuce 1 th- Wiiit' majority, they t:o:. inattd 1 im aj.i.iu. -t so the cai. Tarty, tjen I ;kerj was BCtiiiliite'i to c:.r.7a.-s tiie ?ta!e vitii ir. li: ::-g, a::d Le icrt 1 '.u.-t!f o r.oi.iy t;.a! Le t.-iu'td ti. - L' u. urratic i. ajrity con t'ucraLly. Another thin. Gen. I'jchery jrjved Litnst :f -urh an i f:i c i i.tei. :-.' :,; r- r, tiiit e Lute htarJ it aiaud ' o it here that Mr liia.'i viouid tiotcanvas the State :-..i if .;.-ti lx-krrj wai to Le hi com-p-'i'.jr. A.. jth'. r r-'ji; 'leu. L ck. ry a i.-, but J' ha A. Oiiuur, K-'j the re-u'.t is known, and we believe ij )v. 15rag2 was ror-electt 1 by a, a iu:rei3ti tti-.j rity ; and site- tl? e'.ecUcti W: hi. if1, a i:; I'- n.oir;t jjiti re-a.-k -d th-t if (ic: . I'j.-ierj Lii tteu 1.1' ufpateot he would n-: Lave citva--e,i the S'itt Ot Mr jiijitr we have ii,t a Wjrd ts say iu di'f arajaieiit, he f'aht Lravtly id dceritd a be'.ter ft, aud we sup ported Lix vith all Oar ability, slJ would uo it a?a:a. Wc did cot at the time enquire why Get.. Dookery did not recei'.e tie Louii tatiti, tit JJ 1 il.-t hi ..I Lit as tejt, slj n.i tot kaow at.y Ivi'.-.t uitii a thoit tlu-e ao a fritLU of the (Jetiral io fjitnei u.- tiii-t he exr.i-cted the t.on.itiatiorj To tLi- trior w.- ai'.r.bute tit tuition of the ctti I'-.ty at this tie i:i North Caro.iui. Oi" il c i,t'i :.. rj pokcii iff y the ti ci. r j I'utis'il w- lave r.i o; ciior., L .t o;.r 'j-.''l r. it f r 'irtn-rai J'o.k'. ry ; hat shj'J he re.'j-e ti accept t'u- t.-(':.itiatioti . a. will tipport at:y other gi.'vd aiii tr J- Hi at.- I' it a- there is a i;f. f. lei.'e of i.'U.-jU h'.tse.u the Aiuii.eaii J'ita alot Li- it g a, L- tit'.l at jt'. cat of tho i'.'Ui-.ui '. : v-L-iti - fb N.e the i-iiie, ot, ILuislay i,iht !. of ii-t n.i.g n the 'rp'rcii uiliiered at th- ' n itt lion-..- in thi p'aeo. ly buwan K MiU.e Wr say p'.ea.-iir'. , bee a -a -e .lis ot t j li-t-:.'i t' i g. til. in. an whole as riiUcti 'A it. o-n.tor ii Mr. M-H..e proves hnn-tlf I - le 'i I.-- lu'ii-!.! ii ti'.l so'argeai be in ; ,t have i i poet. d. I -jt the religious s-r- vi-' , Id on that ' v iM.-r wi.i readily c cj'.t I r many Lt.r.g aay Mr. Mt Kae c ni,ii j t y fc'jting that hav.'jf n. itnid the right of a ff--iiiau, by r i i-i - out and t'ii'.f i;ii..' the iu.aure of IV-triL-Lt. f the 1'iohe in.!- ,.r its pro i n i.; tii- w !'.--, it I u i draa ii d'jw n u;-.'i h. ti :!.i; ai.iu.. .vei .rjt.s of tne f(nc, e;. p e-s, i. ' it was Im f it hitn-cif I I ! f t he J ;;.: 'Lit 1-. h j j c JlLt 1 1 ad Jr. s tii1 iu i tr lie li.ii. wet,: on 1. 1 rtaiti.e ilrhutK pubirh-ii .1, t: e Wetero b.-i.-erat k-:.ii.t l.iui. fie in- ti r.a-le a tat. ii.i.t whi.-b eltir'y nu "'. I I. u f: ;n lie .. ! -at.d I I'jvt r. ier. i. i , i;..,u-u to -u-. tut, him. Whit h' .- . i , H, 3 ,,rv t.a le j.ii i.. inner. !K lit -t t-vk ut the autj-.ct ..' l.-u iii a few days, vhtn the question will be finally settled. A grand concert ill aid of the Lidies' Miiui.t Yrmon Association iil lake place at Hibernian Hall this alien a grain! rally of the friends of the etiterpri-e I'pon the wLo'e, Mr. McHae's sp ech gae i- ( jpeted. The most distingui-hed mu-ioal satisfacticu to mat V TeUi urals we learn, U-nt ol the cily will be brought out, under and the Lu.Jii'i tiny say what it ph utiiig of gourde around his neck at. J uiiiiii ifii Lard tider we shnll let that pass. about Li speeches giving sati-factiou only to the American p'rty, while Pimccrats are abusiitg him, that is all gatuon. Nutl.ang tbit he can :iy whi tievint tluai fioin listetrn; to him at ail tinges when they have , the lead of Messrs K.-eve- and Ijretor Soineihiiiir of a musical curio-ity in the p-rson ot an aeeoiup ished female violinist will vary the programme and trace the oc ca-ion wted in the party, but lie would be rle-pi-ed t hi hii part, Douglas everywhere assert- that liuchsnaii and the Aduiiiiistratioii are dead. Some of the Iouglas office-holders of Illinois would have Leeu ilismi-.-ed before this, but the Ilou-e delegi.tiou entreated the I'le-iil.-iit to spare tlieui, because they would, in case of a geuetal row, lose their seats as well as louglas liia. Cor. Chicago Tribune. OK TUB WASHINGTON STATl'C. Rli'MMONP, Va., Keb. 22. Theinauguraiioiiof the Washington equea Irian statue, iu this city, to day. was. lite hthetoler r,,"c,'t ""d niost imposing di iiion-tration An immense multitude of ctratifers, from almost every section of tho couutry, were witnesses of ll.e interesting ceremony. Anion.' fha d istiii"uiht-ii visitors were Mr. liro... I'ostu.astrr (ieneral : Cor. Klovd. I happiest of men tl.- v,..,,.!,,, i w-,. I i: n . i He did not tear bis lion ui C. Hives; Hon IM. Everett ; John A. and L. Washington ; Gov. Newell, of N J. ; (ior. Holly, of Conn, j (Jen. Har ney, (jen I'ersifer F. Siniib, and Major 'ati li it, of ihe army, and hundreds ot others lady w.i there, and that tbe trunk was also .ure or detect. missing. Struck with astonishment, he pro. j The tidal observations of tint I'aei6e en eeeiK-d lo tbe room the bower from whence j have casually led to a determination of .,r. his bird had flown, and found ou the table scientific interest, that of tl.e arerncej),, isd resolved to go'ol the 1 aiirio Deean betneen the roa-i an oppoi t:. i:y. The people ate tased niw vi ry heaviiy f or Internal Improvements, and bil) they can hear of :.r,y thing that via bare a teti Kticy to rtlioe them there's h. ro the v will go. The Remains or Mi;s. Madison. The Southern Chronicle, published at UraHge Court House, Virginia says : We learn that the remain of Mrs Mad- She issui.i to he a rival ol i'ai;atiiniVoii vere broii.'ht from Washington, bv her and lemteinpts, on that s eet and ileliM lit-. nephew, Jlr Cults, on ednesday thu l-tili at n early hour. The roar of artillery tli i, it , -ri.- i.'..t.-.. i i i...- :. .:. i i i :.. .i .. .. i . w. .... - . eeli engaged for the Utehestra, who will pelier, near the monument recetnlv placed ef l, and fli- r'.A the strains of mu-ic from some of the fine-l bands in the country, added interest ami exeiienieut to the anticipated ceremonies of the day. About ten o clock the nroces-ion was a note statin? tbat she h home to her father. I Japan and ( aliforms. ( l the ,, j. It is proper to ad J that the Professor bad 'cember, an earthquake oeeurr. -I ordeied an elecaul wedding supper, and con- Japan Ly which the town of Nino.) i. tl, , dueled himself as became a gallaut Adonis, island of Mphou was delroyed. p'roni , up lo die hour that was to make hiui the impeifeet accounts which have rrai.,...i , jli appears mat at II A. Jl on i,,t ,av ,, lis hair, or indulge in ar.y "evere shock of an earthqunke a-f, ; unu-ual evidences of insanity, at ihe pros- hoard the hussian frigate I'tana, tl, pect of his blasted hopes, but gallantly ae- 1,1 'bo harbor of Simoda. Half un , knovledged him. elf Hold and iuvites his later tha aea came into ths bay in , ,.. friends to meet him at Schneider'a at half ' nu-n-e wave thirty feet in hei;-l,t, over h, :: past ten to-night to congratulate him oo his ing '.e town and then receding. including Mrs. Crawford, the wife of the late '" and ti appy Ucil very ti oin a dilemma in- ! ' " Juip an i recession oteuir.,1 f sculptor. She and her two daughters are ! '""""' frailty a weaknes for f". '" f J" I - M all was . the gue.ts of the State calico had well nigh involved him. Ihe d.-pth of the s-a during thse eh,,,. The weather this morning wa by no mean J He in-..ts that be is ,s completely cured varted I from less il,, .ight tn -e , favorable, but tho streets were throned 01 "I"". v""llm ' rn,'u- T " Miay , discourse t loq ieiit D:u-ic, aud take captive j by the cilix. lis of ihi country over the grave the seti-e ly the rawhing straius of the i ot lu-r bushatid. This e understand, was " concord of sveet sounds." in compliance with a wish expressed by Mrs 'I he great I'hreuologi.t, Frofe""!" Fowler j Mldisou herself. Circum-tances uuavoida of New ioik, is now lectut ii.g in this city, Lie, have heretofore delayed it. ft would aid draw iii cruvds to hear him. He is hoaever. have been consumiiiated when the iiiatisin would hn bv au apoiu-alion of a hot- dinary rise and fall of water w, no,. .,. tie of his Klectric Oil Augusta Disjiutch. 1 I'eel'a Island, oue of the llmin and the tide continu" ! lo ri-e and U) .Im the day at interval of 1.1 iiiinutes, grj lUj Reautv in IiisTUEsa A day or two ,euiug until etenin-. since, aiy tho lioslon Herald, a lady who j was passing through oue of the pleasant1 streets at the West End, was di-covcred to T"lt Kbee STATE Mrs IN Kan,,, am. i:; We took i.o notes of Lis speech, but give certainly a very extraordinary man, and j M.adi-on monument aa errried, in Septem- a no rec.. of such parts of it t.ow as we can to be fjl.y uia.-ter of the subject on1 ter la.-t, if her relaiivee in Washington had Utful AffiilfHt. Vi"e ka-n frcu a private letter, rec- teed ia this place, a fear days a.-o, that on the night of the yj-l ult. a fire br- ke out in Newborn which destroyed soin-? five or six small t?r.'-tnet:t, but we are jriined tj state thai iu or.e oi the ti.oe ii. tnts ass C0U-U!l:ed two it.ter-.stitig iitile boys, ct.e 4 and the ctL'.r 0 years of see, aud another younger or,e is fo Ladly burred that Lis life is de spaired J. poui 1 vhieii he proposes to enlighten the public In his first lecture he advanced ami he propo-ition that tali iiN, virtue-s. eveu life itself, are powerfully tf. tectid. alin.i-t eoi.troileil, by the physical eo'tiilitiuti, and that go id hea'tli w i. the gran.i t.a.-isot scholarship, rea-oiiiue-po kuaso at the time that this was about beiii" Sons of 'I ciiiperstice. Red Men, Llruid Mechabiles, I oiled Brothers, and various other societies, eititeos, straiiirer. officers of the army and navy. Ihe whole procession was under charge of Major (ietierai Win H Talinlirro, a-chief inar-hsl, a-ited by lie i'..t i.. ....!,.. i; u i...... and even moral neeilt-uce. The m il point A tjduier, v ith the hope that it "Jay Kllis, of the Vir -inia militia! ' The proc"sion moved from Taenty first ,.,r., a n, roinpo.r.. o. ...ii.ta.y. u,s- be ju uiffil,u, ,,r , ,,,ulllU(,t skirts t..,g..,.hed guest-, ;o-ri.or.,Coi.Krr.urD,.dr d , ak ,oJ Mllirr Judges, nu-mhers of LMl.ture. ami other , ull,v.i,n? ier efflru ( priccert, ci. .1 office., hremen, M.-oi... Odd Feliows, ' .... lnnri ., ,n fr. doae." , NOHTII CAUOLINA WHEAT. We publish the following letter from the Commissioner of I'aients to the Hon. John MullM.INs I'llKI AHIMl ri.ll War I'nder the above caption, " I in, Wa.hiugton eorre-poudenl of the lii S'iii, write from that city, on Sun.i uced c -. p by the lecturer was the t ro- portion, ues and final de-tiiiy' usa! organ, the conductor of sweet or othvrm-e, and the groundwork' ihtrot el Of the savor ana -upi crn rs or -pectac.e-an l eye gi He eotiten Is that slurp lio-e iiidtcatu t.' the' eye of the person alluded to ia tbe ComiiiUsi juer'a letter : , U. S Patent Orrii-t. ) February I'J, l-o-.. Sia : A few months ag.i, a eentieiuati the difficult v. the more the became entan gled in the sntwy folds. She eelli.-d about follows ; to five up in de-pair, when a son of the Km- 1 "Tho telegraphic inteliigei,, o (,. erald 1-le, who had wituessed her embar- theatre of the principal nperi.,n, ,f ra-siiieiit. in-pired with that gallantry that army that Is, Kansas and I'lah .1.,, is natural lo his race, approached her, and encourage the belief that the I'nit.d -i inquired :" Can I bo of any use to you, mad- troop, can be withdrawn fntii thet.ii, aiu !" " I'erhapa you can," she thankfuby or that it will be iieeery to . I r. md blulnngly replied ; and directing him forreinent to the latter. Iu ad. In Liir.ti i'f. N U Kiiuuirn. Mart amiability, prominent ones power, ' ,,f" your Mate senior left at tl.i OtBee aiii iot..' one. Iohl' "li'-ads. i ' ample of beautiful White Wheat, said Mr. liutchliisou ha-hi en entertaining oar 10 !,,ive t'n ,al"'n from 1 Parcel of some pf.ple with liramarc readings, andis j tr0 l."drcd buahels, raised by him the youii-' man of .-'ne I i-irionic fiient. At a1 P1 'on- Thi- c nanv raradel on Saturday last,, ilcvLU; of the I 'ui..u Li.U Il.s,rT. M.Weh) . U yon Mwwrtwiit who this person is for the p jrpWci Target Firing. Ai they o the evening ol the Military lla'.l, J"',"'11 oU"d J ("tiog uie with his . . . I a- tre-eiit ano nesril nun ree.iip a iirain a. I "",w" Yours, very respcctfu!;y. J HOLT, CtUilnissioDer. up Main to Second, along Second to l.road, , bo(, (i.r j. w,,ifb h, dil, .lth fmn. ,; , 4 , down Hro.d lo I rnth .nd thence to the ,,,,, Ce ttld eir(., uu,lcrtok to re- -men who. according lo S..,i,t.,r 1 P,U;. " ,'', ' ' arrange her garmeti... Hut the atrcet, ra, report, came to the Trrrror..-. r, , cent di-play ; one. indeed .-Mow if ever M U0re g co(ir,.1irIlt fof lb,.,e ojet p fu of ( wi.nes-ed ,,, I ...section of the t ,on. (,ov. .to1!i ,. . .r,-he,rted. it - it . pear, that the Tpek, armv ,.' t , t v i-c. in an e oii'.ent address welcomed the 1 . . . , . ' 1 . . 1 . - upon the N athen. Stt. rair y wea- in regard to Ltab, tha I uur.l Slate did Lt parade iu our section of the loan, we can say doi 'ting of thi ir appearance Fiivate I'.ofas Johnston won ti Senator'lj'uuu r ' "' '' ,1,0,'', er tighten still entertain ihe cpinign that the M L ok 1 "t" d "'"' ,nJ rvlorr the garmenU to their will re-i-t the I nited St ilea author j "' ; wonted plaee, she a-kd him if he had a I'nder lh eireumstanee the adm The LV.f runiJi N team'. r America ar on the -Tib ult, Iriii'.inj ad Liicrpod tj the l'.'th ut. The sal.-- of cotter, for the WiC'i to T.C0i talis, of whieh .-pecu I 0,.".jO and ezpoitcrs ' ,'AiO bal have aivancel one farthing, ib!-taLCe4 rather tiuro. ?ai' M.tii. (j bale", of whh.L sp ed at Halifax a i ices from ::iounU d ors took Prices ud in some on Friday i.itori took tised -f. ne drawn from the reiiet of Lucknow, ( ahid " Je;.:-le Frown,' ait. r the heroine of the stcry, and he ga.e it a most thriilu.jj and iif; -iiku r pr.-tiitation. You may per baps hi-.i s..e.i the incident a Licit h been r-inj the rcu.,.1-. of the iicw-paper, ahout thi- la-iy, the ife of a Scotch Corporal who l.i luftll '1 the Ill-Maud r.u,'h tl.e cat.i; i . at hand, and the EftV I'AriftT 15AII.ROAD Tl NsaOrlsaa. Pieav une state- that th first artillery, a , twrtly five o.ilcs section of the Southern cheering of ihe itnnici:-" multitude of pec ' . . ' . I may be eiiilive Irishman, is a hand v dre.s- reinforced in een-.ii,;,, " . ' - i l i l ii ti inn niaid, and she found much moro acr.ous -' ,, , ' ' .difficulties than she expected prs-pared lor ill OeenMOO the orator of the day, then and uchvertd an oration that was listem to with profound attention throughout by all that could get within bearing distance. Tbe exercises c'o-cd by J Ilirron llpe, K-q , delivered an ode and llobert i. Seott, K-q . as enthu-ia-tic speech. Ihe statu'! was saluted by a .Istharij" of the load and prolonged i-g.ii, anu ran Hiy paeJe Uailroad has been completed in lull t'or. Eierythiiii p.-ed off Land-nm.-ly iii.oaricin that relict nl, ,q comply with the condiiion of the "ithout any serious accident. The Slate .. i lei proved that her V..i .I,.,..., 'I t, i;. dinner a. a . fiir too coitit.M ear Lad not u, ceived her ; 10th Instant. The car. are miming over! I'uring the afternoou 1 1, .vinoiii; recent arrtva.- at tli" i narie tou Hotel I netice the lisnie of J. L M eompntnes were cut. To niht 7,i1i''i. The. u.arket c aclive Ciiiiat.l. . J l.i-i : ant with au far" A Icc-imotiye boiler bursted at Halt X r. U the 2 ith ult., ki.iing a black boy who time expired on the the ike. and officisl intelligence had ben reviewed by Lieut lien ' , receiid to that i If. et by the officers of the tl. ropnetnr ot , Coiriiy in New Orleaus. Th- completion porion of the cny of th, twenty fire mile of the road entitles Ihe ba'l of ihe yiunz li.nrd is n in oi.r can.panv to sixteen aectiou- of the Per progre. The i iltimore City (j.iard leaitn aiu siints -i ... . .. L . .;r I .,,,., ft. ;u ;.. f.i trig fraternity in ; Ulr, iuj ,0 . 0,n l '(.0011 a mile out of is a scene of e. iieral fe-tivity and niiiym- tit. tbe 4iool money of the State of Texas. 1 lie-idea the lialtituore City 'juaid-. Cap- ! tain v arner, there were present Irom vv a-1 r,-q , senior eoitor and f i o.iinile Enquirer, who, with hi-c tunabi ia ly. has been spend. ng a few day city, lie appears in fine 1. for or? of th tl.e-e ti nei ol ii.3ucj panics aud Uiiik ius pen-ions Mr . .j. Duffic, of Ncwbsrry for eou.e time has had before t tro-tectiis fir l!. ha; penea logo upon the engine to put away l:auj,,y-, hiMorT of s0,..h t'arolica. has Pa . list week, the Kev. Mr. W now ju-t computed the arrangement for 'or, ptreniptorily otii"ted ttio-e pi-r-on running r,fT the fir-t edition, with Me-.-ra ' hodd notai-h lo comply with his req iesl Walker, Evai.a i Co , No -'I, liroad street, ,, kel durilr.' prayer) to leave." Mr wl.i :il imnii-.diatcly p' i ;e tl.'i n. !U-r io Hnry, Milb-r, of that ciiy. ref-i-ed to do ei- the hand of the printers. TLi- active and ther, thereupon Mr Walter iu-tltuted a enteri -ri-ing firm Las t imed out se veral iut Mr. Miller, before a magistrate, book. lat. iv Livb, for typographical U'-at- A elerrwuau "f the bame church appeared ticss and n.h.tantis! finish, ai.l compare wltnes, testifying that it m not coin- favor ihiy with any thin- from the l.c-t pul-orj w ith every oue to kneel, but simply Lo.j-.s at the North. 'IK- public may re-t cu-ton,ary, whn judguieut was given in fa- a-sured that they will txecute the work in vor of defe hd mt. Unite LufKily he was in po-se-iou of a lion will rrtin!y per-i-l in l,,ir r c jack knife, stout, but keen of ede, and fob mendation for au iiirree of the am y lowin; her direction, he cut and sla-b-d a- the addition of four oi live regim-n't way among the ftenig, till finaily the "The Senile are slow to ciue t -.irtsesme down with a run to th ground. ' ci-ion on the subieet They n i, i , liist sue, out of lhm very hastily taken the qucsti m a fortnight ago. at -. . may be safely a.-une I, and rolling theiu now as far Itom it, apparnulv, a. ever into a bundle, p.ed then, to her assistant, 'i he proposition which seem., it pes.,-.,! with direct. ons lo take them to a Lou- in be tu it iikc.'y t.. -ueesed, i. thai of Mr II, one of the principal streets of the city, and ter, to add thiee regiments or a riu nl . r wt nt on ber way with g'eatly redjeed sail, troops, eq ial to about tw.-ntt u hut !. At the hour at pointed the man went to the hou-e, and ringing the front door bell as di rected, the joung lady cam to the door and receiving the Kmients, p-it :nto his hand . i a s mi of money ths' si i-ted her gratitude j for the timely I . . ;.. A. d ft line i io ne raiseit m . same tell re -Hlielits, whirl. Were r Mexican war and officered In t tier, and to l.r di-htid.-. a- li.ry the end of tl.e hunted time. 'I l.i. rrniee he Lad tendered lo thought by soni", will be tha most tr.. 'tr. sa. cal. and not the k-a.t ifiieirM ,nd- . erea-iiig the army. Ther- are now her. great number of disting ii-hed milit.ry lieers who have been consulted on the . ji-cl of the r.eecitic of the service, in i a French No reason can be as.-igtitd for tue accidct.1. itwr' Since our ia-t p.iper ve haie Lad two light fail of snow, and la-t night their ' a hard frtcz.- the thcrn.on.' t- r standing thi- morning at 1.1 decrees Ltiow the frei-x-Ing p .1l.i. Tii lt line or M' RAt.iTv is Ci n.s. One of the main eau-es of the ihrlins r.f v.,wno, I i iin-'on the Lieht Infitiirv commanded morality is re ilrr.uu nt va, ,unn. tuiiiic a I1'J(. Lawsuit. During a revival io i , o.., I.,,;.. ..hi ii,- v. . , ... t.i.,i l,,.r n.f. i'i.;,.i. .1... .i.. i. ... tious qiarter. reprint of Dr. David the Sioud Methodist Chureb of Lancaster, Scl,.,rIllJ,0 Alexandria ... represented ' i the pure fountain df purity or eofruo-'l anets, p,J- hy two yolunteer eompaiiies, coinniatided by ! tion to public moral. Most people he.! Til Wat to CtRK A Pkim E-s i t.aptan.s Uevaii.-hu and Herbert. Norfolk come what they are made at home. They pgsisnsrus Everything to be k and Port-m uth sent a whole regiment. 1 go forth into the world to act out the char- ' ,. Atone oelock tomorrow Mr Kvereif. ' in, r the, have formed it. the fir-t fourteen ' oul ,,,e 1 r,nc'' " ' ' of great " W ashuigtoii oration" will Le dt years of tin ir line. It is alleged in ei lirered at the theatre, with a presentation . e i-e that children have become more un of Col. (J. M Mil ii ford of the eane and -py- t manngeahle than they u-ed to be ! We re- ifla-s of Washington, to Mr. Everett and Mr Yaticy. ply that human nature IT-?- Lieut (ier, public'y received i la-t by both Hou-iature. rsl Wit. fold Scott w: i P.'chuior.d on Satui d s of liie 'irgii.ia L. oitL Carolina IJ. L-l do..r-. Lolji, Krk 21. Late irom Salt Lakk 'Ihe Indepen dence r. t'e-j ond-nt of the !' puloican. un der 'late .f tl.e l'ith iii-lmif, -ay that the mail fioin Salt Lake arrived tt.e f r viou i.ij.l,t t'ondoc'or i. 'i. r npoits ihe -now iron, one to six feet deep i,i, tl..- Ii.ooUaiii, and the wenth.r inlen-i-lj toli. lie b ft Camp, January 1st. when the tro.p were m g lod spirit", eari.e.-ily vi-hlng lor good vteain. r and r. iniore. mi ni- l . una- a de-cu t on -j,t Lake t ity I rom Mormon J ,hn-ion i- w..!l a l-i-e j of ti,..- the ."aints, wiio sre making active pre fittf.jUt for lesisiing the troops 11, the ptil.g j'l t.eir ibuiiieipai regiistion- are ey siringi'i.t, and j - p 1 1-1 -, u f.-tens u on mij bo. ?) in the li-s-i n.e,.,,,,! tofjvoi Ihe action of me I. nit. d St. tea ljoo.rLU.ent rthy of the text, and e-tabliaucd r. pitstioii of their itnpiiut ltuu-ay . oin; of the rariie-t hi-ioriati of .-' juth Caro lina, and hi- ixceiieiit work h i- long since been out of piint I he public wiil hail wilh many expi,..,i-,t,s of ,aiis!'aClioti the ap pear- ; a nee cf a ne edition. Li vrj liirovD ha Im ( Our Gov- eriiliient has falleu into the cla- of sp. nd thritta and is living far beyond its income. It appear by the report of tho l!egi-ter of the lreaeury, made February that the entire receipts of the L nited Slate for I buuiau rela tions are un -hanged. Children are ju-t . ' an.etiahle lo authority a they ever were. 1 'I hi-i tbe main purpose for which Provi The Woau sei.aii The transistor of .i...,,, v... n,.,i. ,i i.i, .. ..i ,!,..,, rd .elah, . Ui-nt, that tiiy may be trained to ol.edi- wlrJ ence. to order, to indu-try. to virluo. It is not true that parents have not a absolute control over their children a they ever had. When there is dependence obedience may be enforced. The real fact is that pa- rents are too indolent, log negligent, too the Bible have left the llehre which occur so olteu iu the Psalm, found it, and of course the Eugli-h reader otten ak his liiiin-t. r, or learned friend, what it means. A lid the minister or learned friend has mo-t often been obliged to con. fess ignorance, beeaue it is a mailer iu re- ly married to the Pnnec of I'r.i-.a. now of interest. The following anee authentic, though never before it. pt A few years ago a prtilleti. an Prown had oces-iou to be at in l or lime, aud the Pfinces was aecu-t.'i greet 1. 1 in with ' How do j ou .1 II Her mother rebuked her for the f-.nn and finally said, " If ever I h' ar i dress that gentleman so ili-re-pecti. gain, I shall iii-tanily order jo. to ' The next lime he n pi ari d, th'' Pi said, ' Ah, how do you do, P.i -. morning, Jlrown, and good night to A vkii.i. ran, storm commenced here ,.((; ,lttte,nil- JUt lre,.wh , ' gard low hich the most le..r...d hare by no ; ill(llBtirent ttk, lU p,in, t u : am going lo bed, and to bed sl .-..,, ,t,o,it h oclocii on Monday a,te,noo and .r JiJJiir, M!i .tj ,be , ,p.w4v,re. 1 T 1 mM?M t" ' J" "" The '"el""., ; ,jr thildrii iu ihe w.ythey should go ! l-r or two her kuid l.eait.d n. .o..,i,.u.,t. b.u l,-e ,-.iermi.,ioii, until ; m:, lft w- . 0, uditnM fjr '" f ' J comment.-or. (iv. U u.,tirtt perpetual vigilance, and they I denied, went lo htl and by a Itttle " : Wedt.e.clay night. An i......e.,-e 'P'-t' ,bree M00fh, ,e ,lu!,aft The ' '"e "?'d th "X" '"muhj Jorrver. t ft , rvJ rrJir If control t exer. ! tiition afTeclionately ad niiiiiter. d, en .1 I.. ot r:,;i, I,,- fa.Ki. and evrry thii.g probability i. thai the receipt, of the (iov- IULl" h"uc'1 regard It as a sign loelev.le ; cua , pr0prr authority over other. K,.f. ! mora . fb etually than by bedding her c, y is floofe . If the r..,.. ho. been a-,,.,,,,,,,,,, duri,1Jf current year . ill fall',b ro,ce- lbe ' -duag,.,t ! j, ,h, pret iet0 of . l.eavj tnroughoit the .,dd,B and upper -f 1 tr.n-l.tion appear, to have regarded it as I j trfK c. be no just parental di-cipline i , ,,luirV , country, .ha, I expect to hear of a gnat ( . . indicting a change of Hole ; Malhesou as a : ,va lht.rc U ,,0 character to back t- ! "INTEHfEIT ON THE I.ANK l.r NtT d. trililloli 'f iroL. Itv III I he OS a'ids and ' ' i.,....r.l in... s li,t r,..rh.r, in, .. V- I...- . fair ! -n. I II cieaied U i word rriirnl. Aecoiding to 1, ill her and other, il mean ulrnie ! (ie-enu- explains 0. l.i 01 I ll" .V , "1 ... - ' "3 .g up excitement tit) lately An- t.:r: r. -poi.-i go I .ie ( r the lo lu hear oo, ..111 , Il er -aw o m oeh sp -nt face of the n ,le of i.t -ed in any ha.f L New th leans, among ioa iiog and utiloa?Jin r: l ot ay he i Levee, 1 who I hi ll d . nnd i 1 he the and coji and on-icont- are g .ii 'J h. r- has been some liule among circle- in th'-cau-.d l.i the iniroduciio.. of a-ioi,i.ini,g article of je isl powder wbict. i -o active ai d powerful that it will make: an) thing n.-e lint it i- a pl ed lo. It i- maim (.Muted by a coupie cf our prominent and ei,teii, young dr iggi-t-. Mes-rs Van -thick V i ri.v-on, 2 1 1 King stieer. I; na- a.ii.o-i wrought miracle-, and ev. ry bod) i- running after it Its compound is s -ecrel Hlieh the uiaiiif..cturers will not di.uige.oi I would i:nd )ou tin- receipt for unking it It i- mii. I they have been off- r.-d an iinMei- sum for tl e light to s,-,i it, hut they have icfi.-e.i ail proposal ASHLEY. Cks-hon or West Fi.hiha to Alabama dosu, ; The (J jincy ( Kla ) K. puhiican says that ' the pet.pli; of the West are nearly united iu ihe singers .going to Alabama, and all that is necessary i equivalent tJ lurtuni (or he eoii-umiiiatioii they d. .ire, is to get ooiiimor, alter eiamiiiiug all the seventy a till through the Honda Lgi-laiure alio, four paages in which the word occurs, ro ing theiu lo decide the matter by their suf cognizes iu every ca-e " an actual appeal or 'rag-. Can this be done T It ha been done 1 summons to Jeho. ah " They are calls for l elore, ainl coiisequeiiily it I- not siitmi-iiig aid and prayers to be heard, expres-ed eh to !u Ier that a second can be put either w ith entire directne-s, or .( uot in the ny warn Lis sou aiain-t hd coiimaiiv who si.emU hi. i. of a bo. mis note un the Merchants ' 1 t ; and his money in the sinks of luViiinrr. V..l,.. v It, '" K"'"" fureu in trecei.t when the exaiiit! e l bad ! i i I I.. W W I'lark. !." ...7 -"; cmciiit Itttirt. : which is ffood eoiiiilerfi ill and 1 I President, (douhl fully executed ) Tl e im I',,.:!.. M.u I i. f l.n i. salU l.i, hot i. i,f such au t-niir. thro agli. A N li.M Ilcn AltD --On K iday after- ! imperative, " Hear, Jehovah I or Awake I Jehovah 1" and the lil.e still earnio t addrcy to tjod that he would remember and hear etc. I he worl itself re regard a indica di eorners is, resin lin and of H ashiiiL'ton Look oul f-r I" I'ttmliitr I.Jj1' noon th; cleik of a banking linn m Wall . ., , , , . . . I (i , , , - , , , ting a bla-t of Ihe trumpets by tli priest. I -tree! Io.t a package or inon. y and cn.-cka v i i .r i .i l i i i In . . p .. ' i helah, use, f, he lliu.ks an abridged expres. 1 " aiiioiiiitta,f to Ihltl. , . ,, o i i ii I I ,. ... i . i. in, u-ed fur lliggainu Si-1 ah lliggaion! it sii p ca.-.l up ny au app e woman, at - i . .i . , .i . i , r V I , ' indiciiling the sound ol tho stringed n.-tru- Pl. R-.H To DfcATII - -U i i. Ion '.. Hf:v,iTA'ifc A hill ha. pa 1 lb..-- -t in. T. II lie. -ee l.-,.-'r ..- al ngl.r.h.r lime of t.. )-.-- for ! -.I'. g'.v..n.tut r a e. ptal.e : f th': He U . i l .- J A 1....--' ' s.t..t . formed, in i- lioui I'lit-'oorou'i, on the d, i- c .u-iiu, i;. I by (jr.. on tin louro'fi e leg ro el il I ren wt re at 1 1, e tin.-, lis j of a hoill mi . i. i.. . 1 n fire is to I of fir eain-.n aud accidetit restored Ly her to th. owner-, who niinoo-ly rewarded h'-r with a pr.-i current funds of two hundred cents. Hunts, and St-lah a vigorous bla.-t of trum pets Jii'iiothri-'l Surra The CrriAv fieneral Con- ha ha- granted permi--ion for the pubiiua lionof a UuW'pap.-r in the Engli h language io Havana II willbeslyhd "ihel' M h i.ger. ' This is the hrst liuii; uch per riiis.K.u ua been granted, tLouh rrp-euled-ij itjfuvd iut. IIeav v Dam ao eh oa fliii:Ei,TitEATMET i i A '-KAMA'. Ii. the Superior Court at, i-tou, on Monday, in an of Charles' save now is worth as much as five will be a genuine pearanee, that I'.aiiy v. .a tew years hence. Repeal this sentence o I ecive it without scrutiny. I'"' ver till you fix i in your memory, and be- j present a sailor sitting on a bale "f i e would not C Hill. i I "ea in the instance, on taen oi II. :.l. . r r. : r... I ... e I iii.-ans or earnings; ut judicious economy i a virtue. Ilrurr the scorn of fools in their hue toggery for a few year only, iu plain ppsrel, and the laugh will be changed ou are not a-bamed when a dog harks at you ; why should you be when a fool laugh '. Eeoiioiiiite now that you may be useful and happy, by and by. Tho young lady who scorn you on account of your plain cost would not inske a wic man happy a his wife. Mark our word, and be wi-e ! CATr.riltfM ft..iie Wh t ! Hoy : The inncUc giant w bom ! with a sling and slone. p, .- gogue : Wha was David ! I! ly : The son f Ji ssi. P.;. big.. rue ; Wha was Jesse. Urn JWJ ruwd fiiasliltif &1,)VJ viitticc. ' liy . TLu Sa.r Ci' L'uuLUuc. Ellingha" again- t Frederick lunbar, mas- : ''''.lal ..... . ,. . . - Daii I sic h i hi snip i. .i.iic. ion, inr a-sauii ami nai t ry, on a voyage front Marseilin to liu-lon A WVhkimi f,Knisi,ATt'iir. Th lature of Texas ia a remiii ibl- ! its labors wit hnut a parnl'i I 'I h-V ! ' largo amount of bit-liics on haul. some tiiiin have I u engaged In. I'll' - ' se-s.iiis aHay torenoon, an. .' -, night. To these tl., y l,,ll(i t.v. it v a ; a fourth Stfs.iou in I vie !; ail till t;i. li.. say- the l iue now ll.e't o'clock, t. and goes wotl:. .,. 1 at 1 lfin-t '-!. I !i 7,"i La'.va. IU;-rin a - ; ;n i, t y, i.i'

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