V .... - o t-vl 1 H'.HCit'f ' "Be fJqe fo""6oO, fo oqr tuoquihj, i7 lo ijoqlr CHABLIaOTTE, 3XT. O., intA.3R.CH 13S8, tofitc THOMAS J, HOLT ON, Editor A pRuraiEToa. T Ell MS: The Norllt.l'arolim WIiip will beaffoNled lofob. .......a.,.. .1 J'U'O I ki T I A I ... - Till IHiLLAK AXD FIFTY CKNTS f p..n.cni UcUyo-W li.r three tnhil.s;;t tm TUKEE DOlXAltS at llic tiid of tHi! year. Xupnprr will be difccoii. Kimifti until all arrearages are paid, except al Urn wptt ,u 01 me ruitur. , AdvertmeiiwnU iiioeried al One Dull.tr per uur l4i htu or ItsK, tliin nivd lypt'J lor the tirM mar- j ton, .uil 2 tt it i fur fitch eon tin uance. tmrt ad-' vtrtiemcuU and Sit or ill s SSuIvm charrei ptr 1 pent. Inciter ; and a tUUtictioit ul'33 p?r cent, will b? iH.itic f'rnni the rrx'uUr prtrvt, lor uifvrriiaer by i the vcir. A vt rti. uk ntn tiiBirttd monthly or 1 jn uteri v, at $1 per tij'i-ire fr ;tch tinte. Scini- Ki'ii:fc Ti epittti per iiUtreJor',iefs tin e. i 1 '-i.' !t n yen (tin in tl.nr ative rtirmenls nui-t jit ! . I.,-- i-umiIm r t'i' itiiTtiuttt utfir "il or t ,. v u .11 iiiM r t l i u 4i til I-! b.u na chargtU .tc. ,rri!'tiu;t r an- nuthor itii to act an cntt. DESIRABLE IWF0R?1ATI0K TO i. l ltl JtOOi . tl.ll! Minn t.mi- (lift I han liter, il .f.u in 1 i.u-ii tl-mm 11 iiiy t" myarl: ;.i .1 r.m f, . t.tt.vi-.y lift utluT nii'Mii 1 li.iv inntrui't. i.t SiU'i t ..il.) whu.ii li;,n .ivt-r vd ute mi menu 1. 1 l'r..ui j'l,1 I'" t" J.'i.ll'Ml jur ..in, 11111 mill humi.' t.i j.ve full titi.tr. 111 in t'nitt 11 Stm I Two 1'iiLi Jim. 1 t .0 Tl to im li . If, I Iff- in. in 5 1, i ml.. ni.tliiiuu uinn H,-ini- ni.re renH. A.iurt : KJAVIN TK.MI'I.KTdN. A. ST. 'uuilA Af., At. ..Htia, W -jfi-Oii... 4b9oo'6 fairs" Boots, Shoes; is 110c: xs Over Shoes, Jl ','l.!iAl'N; every rjri. IT 1 I I.-mf . 1.- nil i A.ff, lii.ya, Vuuiita im I'mlun i'. BOOTS and SHOES 1 ,t . ..n u- n.n.iu' in any wi .ini.iu i,r nta . ri ' : - .: ...nl ir, l .e Si'iKlici'ii Country. ii.irt.n.tn art n,;.nT'.eliir.d F.XPKf.SSl Y 1.1 l;'. jllil t art ajlmlv il in.-v a-m f .1- le 'l.-r l ll n r-.lr n.-r.!jrr to ejuntinc mir St -k . 111. to I.- ,.liii.--(i that tli' ra I lie plaee to Buy Boots and Shoes. J;oit.K k co S pi. !-.,7. 31 tf Fichl Seeds ! HOtl.T, li I t.A-n. A H, l i mat I'KITOIAIMi-? .,. e',j. ;-i Otto of JCosc! r Air. j. 11 ... l'!UTcn.w:r's U. ,;:,!!,l!h!,1!;i' MilTCii AlCl.-i 'rir.r o,n f ,..,,( . J)!ak;'s Aromatic l!tters!j ..r .,.( ..,.,e ane al, ..yap,;,.,, M di. j PUiTCHU!.!.-! I ..,! n r Wr am, v ,f,,t,nr, j Try II ! Try ll! SI rt. f rn nr ' '"f tin: Cua .,. - .1 ,-r.,p-,,e. t '(, f .,r ...I. ,1 I'lUCIIAIUi.-' PltL'G IIOUSK, .irinV I outers l.'a Iliaf 111 j if . :t oliilii Hi nt for ti 1: t.'a,e l,,K,k, pie. at I'.J 1,(J HIK S ',rta deatrui eopiea wi'l I3tf li'inh sroni:. pit..., fill V,,, .1,, I ;.,?. K I.U U.'SOV Sl i.i:iii(.-. IMPOBTtfil or "s ; vv ,vy f tay fe r ia an W w M aaU aa i'wWj Filks, Miifcns. Hosiery, Embroideries, fee , N' I 11 MELTING f-lIiEKT, .'!'l''ikITt IWlMiriKltr, 1 li Mll.l.' l itN, I . I. k r. tltiu-'j'.. iitmiAt Lr.iniNo. Ii ;ial J'ifniia, Aiit hiiirr Itmilra ItiflU It i.bbor Eljlblds. &c, etc.. I ri(M( IIAHIi'si T. II. IJItEM & CO., Wholesale and retail iealers , DRY GOODS. ' II A IS I A HI., HATS K MIOl ! f 1R OTTJK, X. t - ;nurft ?tf , TATTERSALL, Mvery iml Sale Stables I 'lib, euhscribcr inform ihe puhlio gener ally, t ti at lit- 1ms purchased llie targe St. iJ li I'. V I iirt ul Ki rr'i II, .lil, iii-nr tin- J.nl, and I, to mill rt liitid llirin hi a uprriir ni.nmi p lr,..n- ,, i .,,.-1, ii.g ,11 t'li.r,.,tli- a l.iniv SI 'hie, in ninpkli- orilir lir fie iteniii ot t li e public II jim I tu lii U.- Ma raLilillniii 11 pruicfia In U' a rr.il I ncry bull S.,lc Si f.ir. .i, liavn.gr fiKi-l ll,.ra- louiapoav ul. iJul.un I l,C it ( tt .nil : i; 6...I it t'i ll.rir initr.'ftt nrli:.p. lo mil. lie mtrniU tu ki-rp ll,.riir and '.irri..)ri' f, nt-i-untiiii.ilnliuii ol llic cilixi'na pi nrrajl f i a n h rm.ii .leaning any n,our nl inr v jit. , c 1 U J, 411 K'i tl Im. I. 'ullirK-.t ttiiiiil. Iil.lir.1 lirn ili.ir. il. i IH(OVH;s will tln.l x t;..r si.blFi arciillilluiiliilliilia liu,ilii prrpariMl tut llirni y.ir.:, r ji.k an,! liou.i... and -n..un.l.nl up py ul pr. trn.iir re ,i y n.r u.iii un, atil pit m ini -iii'i Iv 1,1 wii r. J 1 IM ftKS ki'M l. H i- nn.Mli nr rilu r !.. Hia cll.,rpia Uill In arrolmi oi!rttirit, .i.fl I li,,,. . ty alricl alti ntuin l.i tin wi.l.i. ol lie en 111 11 fi 1 :y tu Hunt mm riLcun a i ,i I .il ali.rc ul' tl i.oiskiit i:.i!K, rjrirtvr.. L J. IIAWLKV, Agrnt. f Aorffr. O r , ll-.ST. Variety Stcre. rresIiContiriionariesJ VllitS,: fr'i:.;,:tH U.-t It h . o Iroin ,Nfw or h Confcctionaries, Fruits, iv.( V t.uix r.Ki 1 s,( k; a its I UI AC CO. SMTP. TOYS. ! it .ic;i I liilriiiiH iil, I iui: aokk isoliuii ii'iiai:. j t i ii. i. . u Hint tr.it'iii., ' hiilra, i k.liiMli. A liliat ( injn , (,f ei ry ari. ly. 1 I ll UllMl-ll ! 1 .1... C 14. n.-.V. 4 'it j l w 11 1 , ' ..... ., . t .. j "t;tl - otirmr t a k f llol l a ! Km M a ! .' An lujuUiiii J.rtiifit.'jiir JO;j;s V tne r.reipt , r,f ne m.imt. I reCM Ipl 1 I a rrinr tl 'I lie cm ! ci t,n.. It'll (i ec .i.oo. i A-r if. " ' JOHN W r.AKF.II. IJc-Stuils Dye-Stnlls ! I T1U l.tj bt,ll Hi.i ii.i.ii.1 .rl.....,i... J a ,n I....I..I ..,t.,n..t Tin. r.atrt ' tit r , A c, n... y ne pu eh.. PKIH'IIA l'.IM Port.V.niiaics.PoiiMdijiiaies a:: 1. 11 :-. ul.tul a.a- riii.nni iu.l riciied ! rp.nciiAHns HZ , ri,m.l II:., C'oiiii ry 3Iereliants tlfh ri.pt u;j u.vilitl .,r,llt,,l 1 1 urn i.tir ' l I, ,. ' r.oirc i; l.S . Vl.Itll IM ', r ep ,;, .It I., i.f.l. I l,y Pl!T('II.UiP, Varni.sh,s, Varnislies ! I.AI.'I. Ii ' I .,4-1, K .i'y, r urn. lure. Ji. ti v 1 ,M frM AMI loaer rn III l...rl..tle. T. ii.- piiHtn.Mii. Ui.nr, , u,y l,i,iVi'. any . Conditio) I'ou dci s ! jAI;ll.l;...l..l oil . inlereate.1 in HTtH'l ,i:.,a.ed a. It.. Ilh ( g ,',-Je.l.e. lo f..r- il .., and all kin.it f ,.rk. r, aj. .t I .1 rciiM'.ir.i M kuleBult Itrhitl lhs Ata.r. iawia't I . ! l-.illiiiiK;iiul Siii.4.oii'h a,M,Kri Ol Ihe fir.t 0 nitty. ' I iilTi I "I A If i(t G ST' til K. While i.nifl.' iihife l,taU! ' ' I IIKK rupp'y uifnl . pure Art, rle 3J er iia per III. fur I uai giihcr ami t very .ritly i' eulora, Ai.e , at run 'HARM'S ''r. .1111 'unit ilinr. lniiiiiir li.ia l ( lint'il .' SJ't" l.'I'S ft. VS I'ill I M V pUr. 1,1 aK at .' AO (r r ci i ti, ,,i4y.,i I'lUTfUMUfl 1 ' in 'a ' oa np.r- 7Vf th and l.av Stn ingtH, fl.Vt' r?. 1 red at I'K I I inun s lit -rUt r' I'.iritu .' ''MC allien tityil lW. a ar lie lc B I 't ...,,.ra. ".sgn, Ac, aa n f 1 ol ll. at lb I by lite me ani.i. alna 1! I'teuiiy. l''ill aupplv at i niTcU efts; '-tn', r v.. Ac , A Iter r, -.perl I.' r lei If -l.d limid an. I 11 ui:lts.' isults!. iklts::i ft'ruin lh I!iIm Hell Ciiiiilt, At itone'-ituuit' Pi .'cm i CASH lMIRKS) inch, 124 e!. per fort, 15 51 " 3 4 6 ? 10 ia tJ " 4 ply........ tt.rftAMLKsiSBELTSi at aliert notice. ..vi - 1 .nuljclurtd toeriirr f oa.v vTixa ifofK, preftlUIl', BrdtTtd dirttl ft ' iht .1 't-ttwi ill UMffiiliom at cttilj ' im( hi;ut i jcr p.uuu. boom; i CO. Utl .in .re 1 uiii-d I -" - Si l ,'ur the j - - - - JS- I Kt 1 p HMi' 1'iauoM in 'i 'MiC ri:r; t;irn of t'li.iriutic ni r.:ir'i.un.1.na iMlllitry r afain ri imnUi'd tli.t tti .uli-ert. prtirid at all tiinia f.i rt',niir aud tunc Pi no AtvluilCHfiii til II111 tt. ll ikiaaiiilt- in.i.i.rr. ul.l nut v that .in uid 11. .11 unit nl j n l.i- lie m,,!,- ti, ..,lin,l Wfll n. a -w ,.ni-, iltl nil fin ncoiiirii iiii,riiriiirnia ati..ri.r,i ; l.ai l.e i prrpt.r. rJ t., a..y that an oiu inal'iiinanl alnch i'l j.,.. tily rip.ira at all. uu in m.iii I., .ii.it .1 (u u. .in. 1 I mlMitfa fen piitj four l.ml I r Sl.W l'IA.S ni' at fit brt .1 11 al.u it Imi fr 111 !l.i nili d Si tu ., a p.,,,. anh I' 1 1 riiiii fun. ill It 'IUI. tn t IK f Miiitip tiiiii, iii-Ti rt hp4 .rpt rxtPiri 1 I;.,..,. a tiit Mu. ASA (jKniliiK ;,.;.,(. J 15. I?;a. l.tIlir.'.' J. e.i. la 'J'l " J " l.cnllur! I rot In r IK- rk U I bee i " -It"' Si-i.' I-..l.r... II-. t M hue 1 '..a ! .'.ir Harness and Vjijiir .CilllltT. .. h.p s ir. I.,., 14 2iii4)trt 1 pianlatiofl JiUU.NK A CO Vt. If, If iM;V FIK.M. rli: n , ,,,, tfrr:pi : tn t', .i ..r 1 Con lii'l i ry , UaktTy, Fruit, Retail Grocery Business, II, C le . e lo i.H tl, Vnst',',', ng l. M', I . MO'iDV A M ! KT. y S. I?..3. li, H. Williiims Cn.. ni .11.1 its hi in; 01 1 nn v, trnoi.i:a ti.i: ,uMi ki; i m, rx"!,-::.:::.:. lJl-:' 'f J Ilie.r r-'.a it. . t r- --i 'I ... . 11 1 will ...II to the ah..!...le f. t't lmtmr, (AW, l 011UY IHOII ( . r i.friri the aril ktlnar. aftir.'l ftcihl.y m: .. 1 v I ' 4 t -.rr.m. (l;llKk.a il't rnlf! In pti.n.itiiy ai,d a. ! w '" R WILLIAMS f'O , 7.a,r 3 .irtti iki 11 i.t t o. r. ..;un..H.L'r, !--.'.. ::tr Tin: WIG 0 BATOR! rt r,ruti:ri ur nr. "Nrn.p I otiiMHndi'H rndrrly from fcl MS, .v . " nit nr.r f. at .rivr ai i.tem mi r.',' ..... ,.1 11.. ,Sl9H- anil. .hl la i ...... 11.. i,.a,w , r. Ml.l ! ...-. ifc. bi..k ..ii.yt. Iltapela . IK....I.,.. o a. l..s al, . k 11. atUel.e. rll.1! ilia '- l ar KlvlnK Ihrlr ananbnoni tm tuMtt. i.l.MllM Inilh li.arthi in ..lib tli la.K THR LIVIIR INVIOORATOR ' IkStlUe MHill-41, IKM-rtVEKV. at ' al I I, rr 1 -a.r ...... (0 . J...ira4. "rt 1,1 vrr. I .. rttn-n SO, a.Mar. I IVhnlr.Me taenia , V , T nroTt 4 e . 1 i l. ilCAIv'i A ( o. rtu THI OUTtltt. CI)- VAIOH. Clnnt (riiiii mod i ucn. ' Shall II. 1 t-r Tlim Ol.lr. haul' I t e Iut. ,i.r In sjfrt ll. t hrr.illi 'I'" Hunan nil wuik. mil I'i"rr,: n I .I ,ir,,, 11, hn Hut tin llrr. .11j.1i thru I 1 r.nl t run 1 yr., r 'l ,i r.l 11, i- aiuir , II u I a, ,1c a, II, r p.t, A..-1 ill rp 111 t.tir r: J-'nul, In IriitiM-r II T im im. .an. lu.t ! In b'li-ltlil' t in rn mjigard imlr, 1 lull I inii..tirl,t ,i,o', rii nl yubth, ind ri..l, 1 'In- . rc nl ! an fro I anil Klmrt r yra, f!nrra and t'i Tim U.rul.a in., jr tm turn ami r nli!, fitil 4 ratiln. !fli-frn.l at ll.a r -.1 f. Iiiri,,..( lli, ; ll litrf. !-' Wi, r,f, ,r.tl n'mi'y, N .r ali.a .v,.-n !'li I.,i,"r rl,., I 11I1I Ilia Mil. rrnra.. fl ..I f.r t'itt !'' la !..' ......ni.i- l.h. ti, l R.l.f : Tmtk i.i, l.t , 1,1, li. r i. ItliscrKanfous, f it ( a 'imritK . v D 1 ,1 1. 11 " I'M I .I'll )uj kdoul, rit I-.' unlet ' " ' Alau'- " h4t !" ' VN'hnt .lo you ii.ean'" ,4,1 .-.icr. " ' '!'. I e ) j'j iiu . rr heir 1 t.'iei .1 trv, to I aiil tell ynu To inn ni, I -p-iit a f,,.,t. ill. i.y .,',..,.!-, ,1,.. Wi. u.o!., ti'nr ! e ri'y i.f A In tiie f unily i re tao JoUl.tf ladies al.o fiui.d it ii.ie..aiy O !o a rtat deal of aboppiiv, and rnt a ir.t vi-iiu.i.' in the city, ni.d of cna'n piir.niiid tl.e railroad ciimeein. t',.. ir litt.e vijiae; iih the ' 'irn r, Stntt iKj. ,t ' tj n . tt tfliu Xti tit. I ' Now ynn rdii"! a-e aliat a h in L .tne an 1 fi tit :i ll, Ji.ly c.ili.iiirinr we l.ae '" iii route, .an! P.. U ilmot to 11, e, a I tot ', a luxiincun cu.liion in a crnadej car for a Eft ' iiii-cikn' oua ' nip I" A . "'l!.i. im ! nu it.. ,. ..f a rj i loct r," iH.'l Kate ; 1, t the car be . ver - rroad ed h" it ute to f:n I a place f .r It lit , ati 1 ttever til-j-cfn tonur Valid l ox. .ii l raipet a iiintiy i!i i.-turi 1 f.-'Joaa, i!if...i in lot I rief n ii-h'.rit v , r.rr t to 1! 1 ; ai..l if our 1 life nr- ..i,m a't.r a .,!.'; j ii. 'ir;r-i"li, le , ffe r, - --Kalii'a rl.np.u.jy aas iit! rrupte.l by lie t r:ini; of the tram. ' U e acre a l,ir)i d 1 (T In 111 about twi l.tj tnit uti a, jil I h .1' in . p poHutiiM lo r.nti.-e lit at lie? I J I e I '. l fl. r , a I K 0.1 il.': i . iita!!y ti ry c.-i.-:! r .., ai. 1 at!' 1,'iia. at ell ruMi, to imr i.tfi'. I i.ei.,d li e ailidoa , 1 l.irh a .1 . . a n 1 1. pa eat her. ! at a look fr. 111 Kate, ar,H moi nil a .iui( u j n an, mmAii. n,n k'y tij.fii ihe plalf rtn, it to a l.trc ear at a Mitt tor. ul" f.int ! frnt.i li. ;. I cou'd i ul rki.!. dge I l.t l'iiiny F. tn rh .-old a I'M to her lit of n.'..le',a ' a n tu!. I eoinlyrror,' i;.k,i.j: tlm oi.e ! " Arrived at oir det nr,t: I ia a-nu er.t,-.n.i,.- a,ih t f... i,.).' prai.e. of lie var! ,'i. n.ri l,.if,. and ri :Ij r i. ra tV. y aeie ai "-, timed to patrv.ire. "'I niait. pureba.r lil'.. St WriTrt'.' I they a" o c.cie ul i'l.in, a 11 d tierer try lo pa.in .f nr. ii.f. ri-r art.tle 11 1 n .-. c j lni,. i. At Mn l...,.al',.,4 .y...j Mill a riip-ib a-'-TMnri.t .,f ' ,r, , atwl en,' n.idetiea. ;Tt pr'.pri-tre- t a rr. lured 'Vit!i ruin ti .11, art I o'in ..f ih irte.. ( i,te p, r. ,iis yo i ever rt'l. d M, II U 1 mot " ' And if y oi ni-h to buy ,i,oi , be (lire and end at Marnu; tl.ey ate a.) aceoin nio la'iui; ; they never nuke wry face, if Ji'l hifj.en lo break rfniiir or 1 ..i-ert a rlu-p, or ntiy Kite. uch tnfi.nr aeeidi-nf,' ad.l.s! "'I hi' w4 rnr.iil., yet if I reeded n.ore tl rrn, finer llie nf I ii r. anper'or t ire!!e!jT of the-r rj.firii'.t abetpkrrpi r thai art. r 11 vitj iib.eri aiion 'fmilil hire .' ti i - Ii ! it N 1 a-.o'ier did tin ri-hlr fid ,,11, I rnf, and rtlibori' -.f the f air Miea ilm .t (I itler iiiitdn a ih- jid.Kir than fiery al ml a lit , fiom peeiprietftr t 1 eirai. l .ny, prnre- , d lo il'.l their nnt.t ol... i'iio;i .n i . at. I f.-eal. deportment II aa' i.ot -Iran , Kuiiiie The yo,m' I i ll.'. cirrTtl h. nw p, 1 r , and they weri: c-i-t'y prfindcd 10 li 'hti n the,,, 'The nfir rnoon ra,i.l f?m.ant?y and f. y cloii.'Ii, in chatlin." and ilo p pin, iu rh.iknii; hiind, with old acpiain : latii-e-. and trjin to IfW rr-r. fully li In1 : intro 1 uetioti', tn, 1 on our r. turn, ait.nl many expie-.iit,. nf stitisfarti'iii as cur puriha.r a.-re enrollrd ami exhibited b, f.e Mrs Willi, ot and Aunt Lucy, the p':i is t.reed me lo ronlesa tl.,.1 , 11,. rehai ts snd the , and roiidiiet..r ftr nirpav.cd any other in the kit"an woild. " Atid so it was, almn.t daily, f' r the fi rt fortnight of my slay At one tieic we called on a celebrated deiiti-t for n ine trifling tooth opertiiien. lie a nn arrpiaintaneeof 15. Il', alio she pres. -rite. I In in f. me a, a rrn-ml. lie was very band.Miine, and bis voire and rinije eaptivatniK to our whiteiul l appie ciale tiiU'ie and run -biii.i. Il iliiee, I was ai'iani'y ple,i-ed w:ih that miirv I, who 11 ni ao la tnliou". I laneied luni Ihe imper 1 111 ronation of ski I and benevoleiioe the bead Vi and tho heart the tneaiit and the end j.i'1 plonoua eouihination for ihors who at t them-' elves up aa tint world a healers an'l teaohera 1 He iiunirssed n,e aa one of the fow to whom I neience may eafely coinmil her priceleaa I ecrnee ...ay raie.y comm.. u..r pr.eeieaa ; trearurra. aura that tliey woulJ be used only for.r.. ki.ui.mfk,,,,., Ah KJn,a. ' for the bietami" of humanity Ah, Kjnieei1 I had only eu the ail ken ml a . , l'ray c on,' Kan! Funic. j j " One rainy morning, I recoived a letter1 fron. hoiuo. .rivin tiit.ee that in y younr; ni.st r was about lo lit a r-tern tour ailulb ! 4 risntT. ' New dressc, of eoarsp, (ire 1 rfciuihite,' wrcln my moilior. ' and I wish i yoa to procure and ecml t lit in iiiimrdiatt'ly .' 1 into followed a list or the artt;l? !roeflea. Tina !r -iter tin.1 l,.. 1. il..,, ......1 1 ta tli route : tbat moinent. I knew ainter ( Lib, amid a KytnpnthUing conclave of wait- w1 niT 1'OrteiMOinmie. . , . I time in eollectiug iiiatcnaN lor I 'ictoii'il ing milliueri., umrveled atmy lonjt delay. L " ' Faitb, an' haven't I brea aeariliin tne j Jiigrrllnj of diti?jruiribi-d and woriby "Tl.e articles mu-t t. purnba.ed that ' car'' for e tUt jle9,eJ wh,,e "a,cJ be ' citiifns of North :roliiia, from every walii I rerj day, r.itmit; aa it w and moreover ' Bt,fe lt "a3 SW l-at uk 7('r i & lt?c, t ) be published in iiumbcrn, rseb to ilmutit po aloiif"f fur Hell and KiiIb had band kerchief from yrr pocket, aod uend IWa , j,aTg four portrait"., wilh sirtornpln, mi 1 .' inc to Ud itb ba'r in curl papcm, and ere thing piiitiing upoii the ptng aloiie. . frcnni tw0 to Bix pa;,e, o( biojirrti-hj, em f novcla under their pillo. Toward tioou And ye dido I fee Tt Crtigau afver y - yTttn,, t,c. pxineipfil incii!rrt of their live." ; . the raiu at.ated, amf I notified my frie irds ; fai,h if o't been comin' the same road j tl) Brjolo be P1coV.,i j ,)C vry j,e,t pf my detertuinilfd t.i go to A -. The preeiout bunt ye lnibt bare ha for .' atyle of ptiiiihij,- aud Utbo-iraphv. Perfect I yoon ladim M-ired wiib a- tonishiiieiit. i ' tl taututorcd, nucorrupted Inak JipeaiH, guarauteni, a-il nlf jnh l nl .1 J To niorr'i I tvltl' be at fir at vlr",' batl ; . . . ' prioa po V rfct'd n-lrj.-nl-..tilf fi; . !aid Kit, ' but not to day. Why, you're " Ami now I was at () autmn ; and ; ,.tclli far ,,,e iKt,..;u ,! b.Vgraphy. 'ii,' Irrazy look at tl.e cloud., ju 'II lake a lb uii, tbongh low in the we'tt, ih:niuij , js , novei idea. 8I1U at aaa;e time a Irc'ilful cold li-m't Si t batiu Miiptd tissue; ' jriK'f!Jr- 1 "nt directly to the Udie' . bigbly coiiimendable oiip. epecinlly fur tin ' It fr.iTi iliockin. .' t t j 11 j . 1 ... 1 1 I lr,..i.H, wulked to the st;itia.i, but i. , 1 1- . 1 r 1 1 . few rod, diMant, ,DJ fuuu, nijr lf I,,,, hour too early. ery ,.,0., .he cloud 1 slultl.ol li. V a' I lii-re J to inv Cell liniiniioii, the 111 ,r,' 1 . . L I . j r u I y thai I knew ihe jjirlt would ritlii-u t inn wilho'it inerf y , if I relumed. l!ut f J-..L. d at in v .Ir-a-, and th jut'iitof tliy Imniet j aud aathaiik I fi' ll.a' gl I Lr j.m, ie,i I ! .unJ ri un.j.ii J in my pocket woiiid prated it. My man ' lil' a of watered iik. hau-Nomrly trim. inert, and 1 rMiteiuhi-rcd a U :y told me that How l0ll,h 1 b.l i , In ;i to a- ar it " 11.i, Kitiice, what tin tun naptMKi d"i : I turn. ) 1; wron role out a lids! it w I'r.vu with tbe u-ual black mualiii, frofO ' which iKe jri .-' b id di-njijn are'l in npotv I waa t.ie only occupant u! ihe ladiri mlooii, and ti.joyed tho lull Li-'ielit ol an eijjht by- liti bn kini tp-'..- -'. f gUnuiJ in ii. and nee in a i.ai a laJicrou, iit ji e. .f o.l Hti ml ru-ly ouler yarun lit nude iu (iCl'J'l vitth 11 y line cab-uni" traieiin ure.Hilli il' riehty tiimiticd tia, jn-.., ti.o e.'ri ol' coin,; lo . llic city thoroughly rfi -1 ai. d l oiuo pro- ii.li.i toeif. 1 hn tliiul Ml dfx fT rrparale fi.Tn the 1 idy, and I had lirred rt, f t "oof,.! in aiuter, tS an old n-riaiii lire-.-, saoiy fadid. t, I tn ui l Itfi aiortJ aide outwarJ aUo " " Uu lion t meau that yoa tfeftl !j titC city in that -ty'.e," aid Konice " I it. 1 aud er eyed it loo, loiiviuft"? liir.! I an Joui a aeumbtr thirt fl.jt you H 1 1 bear. .S-arcly -.t., 11,; ., 'J I ,!.. u.i.. pieled, aheii tne wi.i.tlr aoiiiided, a til drtw. in,' thu thiek veil tightly over my lac.-. I ma le my way 10 tlie tu ar eo'tiUittii rd ihe ti-velopu, aotne and (.-etitieniaii'y t ear. And nw 11 us Th ct duel -r hat.-.- tu ar y in H .cut Die owr 111 tit iStin Ij pioneer a !i a ill. It. or f! nidi r. a aa piran.il, and a 1 a pa .l.i., ,1 p!alrirtii Itettirii'ij aetni at t!, ria of h , I in bine r:ik ', a i.al bur, a y out upon tl.11 I ,1 ...d ttiin; and I not,, .41:1c of ahitli 111 Med t t re',ni ii'h a e.tt In my 1 el.aif, the Ii. li I Couductor poinleil to an uui'.iii f.. fable c.,r.i r (:,t, I,, t.ieen a black woman ai h a la'y and a ai.ite woman with two 1 ablet t if eure I acei pled il ; tae pranks of the iiilie Afiiiau Viailo ni) b ., . .I - it Q .ul ah.e. "'iell I reached the city anl uiaie my aayti Hi'iis,', f.i.i.iui.At.ie -lore. Ihe nc were watery, and I, carrying a hiue cotton umbrella, pri' ably did imt ctil up (.' ihleo tiMotit to Ihe eyea ( he youn? ;rn l.ill,i.U cii'tka who lOUlit'tl upon lite cotiu ti t, tit rat aith feet c.evatid Win n 1 iu iuirei! f.r ' i;'.., n-.ui", (rri-na line', any I. lie ami.ii.rr dri ..oti.,' there one uu di.ided rt .re. " Il a . i i tj',,,' Ijj iuur'ii time Ii t il how "ut tjiui d r.ii,,, au I ha.f eottoii bare were (i.t prod nr. d, aid bow I eveutuaily C'lmueeil lueui that I uuder-ii'i 1 their pi. .p. r ijiiality. .ulh.-e 11 to ay I puichawd lialhiliJ ti.ere, tuuiii.ll tciuj tn. Slticlc acre Pti i.'.y ii;-plii d i.etorc in-, but emted my. teif at let., preti tit, ..11 e-i .hli-hmeiila. " Neil, t . Mr l.a,-a!. I a.-nt. ah','". atm'in l,,n, upon me for d. Iert,n the rof.on '.in a pre-eiited Inn for linen, 1 will not re pea1, Lot 111u.1t ray that they Mere delivered in a very utieniii.ii.-s liki rage, though ill 1 t't'll'iit Fench. I Hnl in i trv I tin iir ( ire tfut d but in paaaitiij Mr. IL. nib , ,s iiiiethiii); prompt"1 I me to enter ! h ..I I eeti aiiiu-td, a-.d 1, .t hr Ira-t ii-p .i:it d,by my after it ,11 "a e , j . ti. uei:,, I it now a 1,-tie n iiiiet . n'ii (.'led with myh iri o-ity. I In t h oiii, t no' of a ttertc:li t oiba- he that ha 1 r ni" if -1 ji f.r a p.. 1 1 ! .11 of m 1 1 1 ai i..!ii.-, and which I had frduhm-ij eaneral. ) fi.m th- fatuili , ctiirfly bi i t ji.- Auitt Lury ' in failiMr reiiuilf io ru. h ea'.'s was whi-ky a: -I ; u ., I ,i h .', a rt uo'dy to mc 111 fiui;. ly ..r-e i!,ti the ili-ea-e. Pi rhapi I'r li c.i'il 1 nam .-oiiii thiii e-a obj.Tllou alie. " I r'V p'""lly, l"'d a nilinilted. The il.ir"r. a ho n t Willi; 'I'd -Hi Lin.' with a da-h,'." vo io - i, m, ..l.ti eed at 11, dp- as I 1 m. re.) , and ivitln it ft: r: her iiolie went on w.ili the conversation. Filially, 1 1. - 1 1 -,1 a alt -hi eou -it. an I he turned iL-tiiiiieil a el' 'iit w.ald me. nitl.r "Weil ul.l lad you" ' I l.iipiired in In -I rr.s fir au 11 i-h, an 1 iliat Iho maltt-r with f'fir'll is; t toli ' th, " ' t'ro. k"d if n, 11. aim. tipplim! cold, is t! e bet thine;, sl, n lil in al majrn. t.sin is the next bc-t liver trv it, hey ?' And the man of en ne panion, i winked and (rrinued to his com bo 111 turn ejected a iiuid of tobat 00 from his iiioi,ii, i nte 111 ar my poor jjiti1 halo rkirt, and laughed imiuoili i ate y In two recontl. t was ill the street, and on my way to ihe dep.ot, ipiestionii, within tti .-1 f. w hi tiier there are such tualities yet remain 111 0111 wot 11 a uiiiiotii'tii nonesty ann 1 In.ss M ib.iibis weru t.a I... remoieil tniss. 11 j Hounts were to Ou remoied train t tod at the depot a. I came in aipht, and ., . ... , , 1 nurneti my at.epa u .uouiu , rli part without rud " time to purchase a ticket, and w hen tho con . ' 1 tr,acai;d.l to gam a acat, out ban no, i.n.e 10 purcliase a licet, ana w nen mo con . d uctor came, I felt for my portetnonaaie to 1 - . f... 't,- 4 I par tbe nmesrary fare, lt waa goue eiplorttlon of my pocket to ita low eat deplba availed nothing, and I was lost in a dilemma I n-ilai'ied to him, that I abould leare the ear. at the licit aialion, and would thera the amount deleft inn, muttering h!n supiion tbat tlio atorj ws lie, aud wrut hia rouudi. " .footi after, actfle oue touclicd my elbow, mid, ou lookiuir round, i was arunted oy lank, ratred, crteombed Iriabman, who ! uuU-U ttftd lielu ouieiliD lowaula me. ! r"'" ,na "m"'e nieie- iroiu ell-Urrsed uuy, witn n uocoverr-i a . ., , , .. ,, , , , ' 1. .1,. bomiet of the ' laurrt urroTtnticn. .An the (0 eUe - r oH M,,,pe,j up imJ tendered my r - ' . j . . 1 I : :.. at ion, i;.iniiM?, if jou ran picture tne conn t'llllin.e of tlmt (lentil linn " " lii'l vnu relate your adventures lo the voiin: li!i.-i'" paid Kuliice. " No, indeed '. Wl.eu the yooiU came, they were uiio,ien wilt, iiieni, ainruiiiijr, intii ' iblt ,;k came from Weaver's; no other nierrhunt IitI nnyihini; like it; and tbL ia -e from Mr, l.at.t.He a, they remembered fei in' ii thvre 1' I kipt my oati cmncl. And ,-iow, Kjiiic, wu.it do yo i tuiul. of it allT- ' I think ibr tf",tl jn Tots par:-'. 3-rd wat I np il event Vet th- oue other place to ,,,.. - hii-li I wih vou had And W,licre in lh:it 1'j r,u,- i., -aaiJ V. -O n, Af.lroilMvillii II.A'IING I;IIVMK. When from my room I elianeo lo sirrsy, (7 apriid ti hour al ci'er of day, I efeT fiM a place rn M dear, wlnrc roinr frlenJ lr.--r t Inter i-ef .S 'rrnr-eio Ap'. Ah 1 ye, .iy liiend of city lile, sure men a treat fir.'' i-urb a rtrife, but belter than a.t-ri a u .,e py lar, are p.r.i'iirea 01 a one ae-.ar . I'l-cr Jl,ri!.!. .'I'll tlea- iie nity uit baaer inind. but with llie -d ii- Ntot find think t!.J , I: .-.laaifW 1 .-ve lv M ,.t . ir choice, ii, t w-rthf fr nl. ti it in iljin.-ir your d we tlniueh tired of il. ! f.- C3U ' ( nh'.n rie .'. the : ( 5:av in oar o 11 ii'e, a our e.u, He film, e fi tha ai'it J't .V.. 1 '1 hat lierr 1 it " Wht, " Havana' " n,d in ill l-ite provoke. mone. to court i.iia'n n if j.t belief far, tl. in Ur In-, or . e Ciai , kia-ea, tli .lew ot l' a yoali tn .rn. bu-ak -u ibt lip a om r: -"tt 1 he-e a 1 mo naught li tba: jar ate?! jay the f'rt born boy ." 1 "J f.-'rr. ' ll true lii.it 2 boy a a ,bed for I'l in.', b it thru aupporc tha Cr-t a pr. ? a iler.r. aae.t cbiid, with waM cire-.:ii', a',-' pei.it: ;,,a and 6ueii-.irl, w'-h t!:ui- pled ei k and lan'liiiiL' eye. to conie and Lit " papa" rood bye 1 So whether boy or wu. tl.cr t'other, unbrace the babe and then the tnitiur N.im '.ihum o Titi. Sn.i.i,s TiiitnwM at N.vroI.K'iv The l.iiiiiinj.a.n H.iiiy Press ay. : We hava- .'een rtir of ihr -hells inaiiiraetured f.r iho purpo.r of the lain attempted as aassinaliim. Ibey were mado by Mr. Tay lor, au eninei r, in J'rond street, who was, if caiir.e, im.-.C'i'laliiled wth tint porn-e for whirh they were intended They are net-1 in . ni -I y contrived, and the i.ue brought to our "itlien a firy hue prci- iii t ii of workmanship. It in cylindrical iu ah ape, a it Ii the tiida rounded, rcenihiili.r a nieb.in more than an tiling c!" we can compare it lo. the ri about five inches by fout. It ia hollow and made in two parts, l In; thickness of the metal at one end it on- inch, at the other three ipiartrrs of an inch. The ereat peculiarity in th" con- trucfion is the mean bar eiplodinj In tbe onlinary nana e;retiaiic, tnrs is prof 1. leu fir by a I'u.te, which hrinit lit. wheh it reai hca the powdi r canes tlie eaplosiou.- In the present instaner, ono end ol l!ir shell j is prut idr I with nipple, similar I'lilii-r ".i 1 ?:m. ail nr . -ic'i nf th. a ; r 1- -iou cap ia placed. When either ol' these 1 ips ;r ae aatnt any aut.st.mre 11 pr-M li ce. iu-tit:t cxjoii-ion Thu all uur.-rt. in ly ns to the tune of thr explosion is avi ilrd. The extra thickness at this end se cure its falling the nfc'ht nay A' ihe cp-po-ne ittd is a bole for Io.idin. which 1.1 rioted by rrrew pin The. whole appear anee o be miehine i" of a nm-t danger. 0.1s kin I, at.. I on its construction and dc rijju great labor must have been bc.-toned. j W Mil fM'Ml Sivdft.trt Cm 'fMiTlV 1 Us 'l l,,! M arysvil'e New I'utiiishrs an ac count of a death which occurred under sin gular cireurtiataneca rcci nt K , at a place call ed IV or (iiilch : Two men. John I'lioniti n.l b'phraini Marinprr, made a bet of ten d iilars a I ) who could hold bis breath the loiiiC"l. Al the word both drew in ihcir breath, but M u , iiier s ooll "a i c out. Thom as rave 111 r motion to sho'v that ho . wa aware of Ins having wun tbe wa-er, but sat Willi In, hea.l howe'l upon Ins breast Mill, immovable ! " Halloa, I'homas clil I f, liow, ymi ve won '. W hat are yu , titling there lor ? Oel uti and rtand treat," some 1 " ' ' ' ,c, . ... ( - Picatrie. alarireil. 1 In y shooK mm. ram- i 1 ) tl, lllm fr"u chair-he was d-ad . I'r. ,.. .. n.,..... . .4 ,n. hnl 1 I hope of ruauseitalion were pone . life had j 1 ' ; ; i, - 1. .... ,. n- a-,,, ii,,.iil 1. niftcJ by Pm. Wells and l.luubcin, held "'"T 'r. ., . Y.. .1 .i..6 1 7 " - -v - - " ; "" ' '' ' .1 " V i t 1"'' moru-m eiamtnation upon the body ftf! the deceased, the ro.ult of which id-owed Anlthe deceased, the roault of which allowed j aauoder, oaur.Tjj death iniuotiy. The amounl in the U. P. Trearjry ia fcek . aubjeet to draft, wae f t.i 1 ,:('. NKW YuKK ( URKSt'OS'Ui:(;r;. AVif' tfif m f '.- iTitonty nfrunil AV.rnoiy-. It'illrr .N'nnil! tmlir MnnlrX Hat I S) ll'imillnH .rrtic Vntfitfrrt T"t i'unr A -fc'r? ( tlorrd Ctlrl'raliun KaitroU'ttBrfki Hunt mm. VtxTt Sir. : A guiitleniau of tlii.-t city, 'onl, Carolinian. Lns bren cucnd for some uiU uflli St.ifr ; lor y it her point m be rc-.cu.id frotii comparative oblivion, and put in form for live for (!tieratr.)ti!i to come. A dflar! of the platM vr.'i! be made ki.outi arron, llrrou h the papers' of the .State. Wnnbiiljrton'a PittitJ.iy fjrts duly r, Iri.i a. ted here yesterday. Hon. Krai-Mi Iliooka deliiered lle pi tiieipal 9'alion, a", the Acade my of Music, to an iwmen."! audrenee, umlt r the au-piren of ti.n " Orthr fit I niitd A- (lid irlrMm hau Itieir I'.ual :nni r j an,i " mtnt'.urr dj.piati tt , j ,. Be4il(.rw ' The ?liiitery made a fine re reviewed by lh" Mayor, s clear, cot.l, mid ' ius'ii, under loot ; 110 accidents worthy of iot occurred. Old Winter pave us a hia-t la-t week, and a coat ot nio.f t-ome live ii.che, lif p, ami our limpid ntreaim, and laktr bato all been cmveru ii intu ' h in'Jirt's " to tho U prcat 0f ies r,csccT, sr. .their mint in., pi noil siiniiner t great an me ra-e on Saturday la,t I r ' iliih inis." 1L.1t " a good aiei'h nud four " w . i.t ul) to tl, f ir an CTet..,-.o , x- jeuf.,ion Hi;' al: 1 f.r !oet ni.d ri'.e. 1 wrapped -naiui; jurt an ail " ihin'.", wt r-; J ft:l, llie ,w. n,,, allCl . tf i;(e J,., :),.i.et( .trot breath of 01 I Mr. ' H'1',1.1" tenrtre re-'ivi, and eiiiiir " cif" 1,1," or " ''' f tp " rn. tint, (uriifc liir exception of a lar'e tiiiinb. r I "iii'jr.ii..'.i, ' who improved ."i'oy by ,,i (i,jr4 j,,,,,;,;, 1 mater.) on Monday, aii tin eiilloi-i.i-iii rf luvr aui f in ari'l briir hare d wind led to the raelea fit rienf 3 r i-ion " Ail 11 fl i red itr the h ir-e. Fur a we hare had fair Wn.'er wrn'her, and i.-i H heiur iioj,-cj 111 le 0 .ja.itili,-.-. " Iti.i Muniex " iiasl.i.in lictutiu here for voiiie time .11, m. n, om. 11 air! " thnio," mot on " Ihina." the frr r i ein.' r?arei'. '- !-!, bn. bad ij ';' ihey were, n w'tnisn t.f ci uti! I, liett'i in i-idera It'l. 1 a; eric nee anl I, alio .-oioe a; pear lecrivt' daiH " t i ' ?t.i!r . r r 1111 -1 n i, 1 ua, im'. 1 r'.rib .lil -o rp, rr. tlveli lie 1 rn, tne w .tin a 11 a ti 1 mill 1,0 fr u:i t.o r iujuo inora i'H"J omt pe -j ie a a n r aye, n irh !l due Mr.' Hiioiinr, that I. ti I'- re. p. rt I 1 Mr bo.r fin' Irnii a woman a mat lull uouiii fr'-thrn In r itiir.!, ..r j-c: roef.-.r, h ,.v ;i lit!!.- bini ! snd 3 ''.a- hn-er riri;.;,. uhit. linen, ere , wo-ild m.iL'nify an tiiiint.i! inu a lu an to lord it over t he other par ; ol r real ion . llie live, of liurr at:J llaon :.. ii, coming out ut -tlie saiti11 tioie. I n " run," and in 1 iimtt'.r;, have th- eld l t v.- I of , .r-:ij tie anl wakril up the . 'il pniiti of tiic faro - ( f li,, ti I.10 1 !! 1 iiin-e- a iid men, our ki.'e I. a , I the -her 1 , .1,. t Ml'. II llllilt tl, .lsrii,!l hi- .' that j. a strato.-er to his 1',' In '.iif W a-hi littim, a iioin . Fr'1111 til- -ni Inn. 1 the n il truly l ot a " step," in, I m il. hr." im a-iir, .1 il. I'r Kut.i.'s nn-.t'i on caii hoil".-, a-.d in -'.ill vo;.t, -er. I novelty and interest in tii oi as they do, tbe rrineij -i 1 i. reitinriiabie mini reiuarkal id a ereat H'.l. I over .1 r, in in : kiii : i...,l ..-,' , 1 : J 11-. there is i.r. tl. y w 1, 1 li.driMVjMol ivr 1 -tariiin -. 1 -pr -ciiiin..' id. Ms in that Iv re-"r;i chi all fir the i-'orv of po.teritv, a 1' litre hia i ordered tbitt ft 1 r hi- freeiit.fr years of h rd-h p and cspo-ur , a wariit Southern mil rhoiibl unit bis j i r ; t . nil I CMMt it t fly lo h -avenly c'ime, " f 1 1:11 hive bourne no traveller 1 "terns. " "The jch.ive alaivn vti:!i yon," npplies with riiial fnire t.i our city th;a winter. o"!i.s twenty five thousand teii.j; nitlr.'ul thu means of prociiiiu,1 an hone-t IniUiT. t harity bans, li-cturcn and y,te iiiitic a--.ielati ins have ad bei it biou-iit t 1 bear 111 ihi ir lehalf, vet h .il ll.nr in, -n.es hue iieur been seen nor relieved. I -a e a man nii four cinldien, win had but ti What led f.-r the ;.o,.-, place lo fipres. wa in a late n ateli ti r ti le-iii, ' one 01' iny own hni-i hold in the Iliil ' 1.1111 lery. v hi ru iiutute an I 1 xhau.-ti'd their heauly und .ceiiiou-, -trone, sturdy Ijt, rn. ml. bt'tiuin;" up 1 1 have the fest. lined path..iy with a box ou l.i shoulder, co, c re 1 with .1 piece of coir.-o cloth, fullowe.i by a boy s.iinc !' or 11 yeiraoiJ; hi-face w as n.ni I,-I a ilh 5r i row and ij,u:sh. 1 aico-led linn und imptiired lit eiriiuJ and where he was (.'mtig. Ileaut down hi bttrdeti and said: " I '"Ul lookiu lor the cast .-id,1, where liny bury fiiiij e ,- this is 11, y lourlii eUllii iliid luiti hunger and poierty, my wife la rick aud I ' , J last buf.y ; how ,Io I 1.01 ; I he tale was simple a.rbii told I dirco'eu be took up bis Collin, wended hi- way UI' l',e '"'' disappeared. O ye who have House mm lurtus, and money, ami friends, heboid this man carrying hia " laai4 bby " five niiles upon hi shoulder, with m u , ,l , ,,),.!, , , , .' but what t.od bad civen him, soU iitu y, hui k-li-.- .. .1 .1. Kl ""i"; 1 "" r"" e ,.. . 1 ...... noor ruP p0or people." Ihounh my own noul m, gb my own narrowed 10 111 uino-i iin-oD, 10 iai ics and etareh for t nu.: to rut mr u boy- wh accidentally drow , , "Ir ' " l"ls ocun,cnt ot ao. rc drowned a, ho " 1 ,, -i 1 ,,' of iu agony, afiH I w eo-iati a,n 1 to bier w iSod ani eicUi:-, "' l ord, he mereifui to the poor." fu. Ml. ".: inttu A' -'p.-i'rlif 4''.