I'rnninl'an and friends, T mean io'arrd I. celebrated the second anniversary cf thHici-ioii of Judge Uockweii, not ' " ruhnfl. iiHrt in hfl ilcci.ieu. i ii at on run- r.vvl cars ,, nTfcr, " , ' but all men. and especially worn, ii, -. r,- on a level, ami ; enj-yed " t-vi'l ri-lif." whetb-r ' col-acl nr wbite. aim .... ..,, i lu'U'd and n juiord Kret!y lh.it Liu- iJ ! d. rided what lie or wa- and never will be .'(', that " si. men an.! women are etpal. I 1 l,v fun, ibi ,. r,l matter a little . loni as that edict stands on their book ' hen there mid lie no more railroad, mid tin more pcnir.niis oconoinist?, clothed with In i f iililli. i)'l." Our '"ii. .s have thirty-two millions in FJ.frii', and our Tifrrimiils have no traur, and only alovt one-third ihe usual amouiit is ejp.-ctert ! Hut as tbii y not be my ' ! ;i-t," I iin-r close. Yoiir, V.. Feb. -jad, l-o? Jlorth (Larclina CLcflbta. I i JVC v&'tX? ' S, vii lli Vi oe cVtIJtU vi ti.e N'oit'n r;,r.. Whi - 'v' ' our !'i ietuls i.ni l:;i i-.ti tn ut :.o:n e i t-L t: p!..ee from ii e paity .ve been aetii .. 'I he ics r h is l-ecu a frui:fu! sourc.- but a-' f.ir as N'ortli Cari we i . j- seen gioomier e.-t t?. . -t we are not tits- ' this rl. f ctun r truth i- mi-btv thoo'ii if rija he an I v crual su;.-i ti'i.1-, f r s r.iin.l cor if th. K:ti. jut liiullev tem is t i n j :ted r after ti::s wiii : Viiit t he inotii' indi v id ij ai to h. "r tiiis ti - in ! ! t !. Ti.f- ; tii 1. 1, i . ur in i t atid wv.h to- i:if- 'ted a-i-i g 111 ar, i thec J' . . iii pai:-. la- f fri aV - Jl!' fur t"i.Vrr.!"r L:,t rot. e lac n . catiJiu ""I p''r""' IiliC'js. '1 e ,i k . :, - year, ye ". of BL'i ti," I a e i' i.i fale if Ui e. Lot t C"D tc f If -1 We CO) r.-C . .F, ...... ... , v hariotti' Ua anu unit we tneer- mi ti'i" .- : to oa than I nave otiring mu -.i-nou. olm.r , wo day i nin on Hie road iiaca ar.i Vade railroad and tinlveMuti . iiui jjruni- dr?M it in and leave it fully n-coiiirm-nd tliein to the cititeiia of (which bad 1 em prx-viou-ly adopted by ihe j ,ue inter before. Conl and ovr rcoats are , mi forBlirdM) ,y conveyance an old J. r-ey li,d on all the i-latnl at 8: -'" per I re that M vt-ral " rm.roails 6.Mth, L,l J.l.orinjr towns a c nt l. tii. n fuMy Sl,IlMo),M ,dop;ed by the IJoums yean ' ri-iu. and the opeiiiii!! of the apring trade ( wa ,0Bi wj,h two trusty liore. There ii pre . ,d mil other public laiida al mm dl- ha.-e -litit tlowntli.- gate on evprjr j,),, perform ail tlij proTsb! in ihe en-c- ' . j is postponed, by common content till e :0ie ,tap 0f ei,t milea on the road without a ar 'p1M (,ill paused, on motiai of Mr eo,..,r oi,,bt to rebel, ami ro-olve ..eve, t . tiou of XVol k,. I- l Ueather change. .ot.se, and another of twelve i yet the way ,,,ow , (, u forUas, T,ia inom- Fp. nk of ii!,o'b. r railroad or rai.road ..ffierr.l t c WILLIAMS. Sect, it- Tieus. ' ' rsJvnl, ,)-r.. That in any ra-o where .... rniirfpr ..a standard have been ex- t ..... ,,,., it .ith- .- . l .1.- I.... 4 i llfiea to -s -sS. t- k s. a vis. HRLOTTF: Tiic.sfsn, Miircli 0. !.3. do arc o -p-jscd to ai I Ij ke, f oor fl ij fly i- ; - i jr v; ' t) o:.t , .-, Storkliol- At general Meeting of th Aefj of cbrlotl Gas Lii-lit Company, .... , . " " '- 10 'f rcwu '" unanimously pus-ctl and ordered to Oe pun- lislied j the town Papers, fm'W Tl.i.r the thai. L-s of the Stock- I.ol.lera of the Charlotte ja I.itfht Com- pM,y t,e ,ud are hereby trtid.red to Meara. W.terbouse , lid.-, f.ir the n-al and abil- ily ;,, , h el, tll..y bve . r. ci.d the fnn:rfk. In ihe Seuate, on Tuesday ru irv, after tlie con hler.ition of buines, Mr. Hell, of Tt nn , preamble and resolutions from ture of Tennessee, iu-iruetin for the admjssioti of Katifia as dent Mate, under tue Lecuittptoti lion. The discus-ion on these resoluliotia con sun.i'il the whole MtHim alid 1 to some ishoit taik between Andrew John.-on and j Mr. Hell. , ' ' lu lUc ente on V edm s.iay the preonmle and resolutions from the Legislature of Ten- "esee wis again discussed by Mr lk-1 1 and Mr. Job us. n. TLe rt-sslutioiia were ordcri d be 1 1 iutcd. 'I he army bill waa then takeu up in cotn- niittee of trie whoie; but before proceeding to its cotisiueraiion, the Senate proceeded to j the coositu-ratieu of ciecut'ue Lu.-.iuea and tl en adjourned. In the Senate on TiiurMin j, the tirmy li 1 I was taken up and discussed uuiii a late Lour. The bill was amended on motion of Mr. rUj.li, rovidini; for ihe employment of olut.-tei r-, I. t iXiie.ii.ij ."..M-t. i'.t two jear uuless sooner qi ciiar. d. In this sh .re tic liil tj defeated veas 10, tinvs ""i it i supposed that tiie bill will cjUk: up in ai.otlir-r form Ihe l-tnate then s.lj.-iurned to Motiday. In ihe J-'cMitc, mi Monday March I, the bill lor the ailmis-ioti cf the State of Kan-as il to the t M-.tl w as t..k. h UP. aud w as under C?n-ideratinn the whole J:iV. In tin' ?. n ate i ti Tuesdi y, the resolution C.T,teJ ty Mr. l3U!as ou'tl,..- -Ph of Feb ruary, ca'.Iii- upon the Pre.-idt lit for infor in;.i...ii relative 13 the. L.-eoii. p! C'jnMitu lion Ti! under cot, sidi ration ; I ut on ti e arrivsl cf the h-.jr far the special order the bill for the a 'missiou of K.iusaa u. t iLeii up and di-c .ssed. In the "m iiate on Wednesday, the bill for the admission of Kati-ns as a State was 0'i kt coi.;!J.."ati"U l'ie wl. jlt day. In tin- House on Ine o4 February, after the teeepfion of two eamn.anications troiu iii-- Vur Pef .'fin !' ii ' s-i.-i.e remaiks 1 the 0 '',UM""M asjuKcunp the I.-i. in emit. li appn.pi itloi til. tee ot trie whol-. Mr. liiriou-jh tie ! t-j t: ' floor he commenced a f.v -.r..f K.iii-js.auJ continued by In ti...' Ho it: on U i ioesd r-M .r by a n-t liber of ncn.: i;i granting; p- t.-:rj to the cfll war of 11-. ti.e ri-s-.f loti.f a u the feu: ' an.! the introdu: i .n C'1-iPi.-c th--- -yst. in of pr'viuin a ter some e O'l tilt s of the ii'. s-lc ft OUI .ii ( f a bi.l to in' relief for -I ei-ablcd n. the I.'sdiati if pro aketi -jp in C3in:nil- ag-il'i t;is Mr Craufo r con,:: e.i. ' d i tig en ecii on ing ti.e in z hi- itinue 3ch : I.. ter-. In the I! ,u-e on 'lhui1ay. Mr (jii'man - -.-tit" ! i Li'! to pro-, i ie f.,r the org-iiii-i-j-.i a r-g't:.-:.t of t olut.ti-i-r far tiie -Je- ti J of the irjtilu-r '.f i'nas. A hi i was -p. fed by the intbcriij jropi.-ing a dif- 'it or ,z t. oi. j t i jti in T! uc-cd a fi l.irs ito'i : btii .-l, th: I i j j ago y Mr. II ..rri to ex:-, in. t-!irgi-d with t.i-i :n N - in ork from Alter r ' in irk- fi '.in ie re-jiuii..ri w a rei dve ami toe II J'l " 15 M. a e "': ,JP iiuiiio'-r of rttd to a c jiniiiittee 'ijoijr'i.-l. Ir, ti,. Hov-e on Ft i Jay, I 1 j ' ion ' i;i w-.. agii-n t.' in., h. of 1 .-tin . -p..' one hi ie a-, ni-.-sion o; Ivan-.. uniie i.-ii up. Mr. jr in l.vjr of - t .e Lie . lup c., o;. ot I then .'.i ' a- i.e Hou-e. ipul ut'ons to t'j .li; ; II r S. A f Ita.pr.p, Mr. l, id j;.".. : ,e ii ,o- A me. '.-it trat -,' I. r. e. i e J from t ! th- ii, formation e regard li the iiiil The liou-e the,, ISllli.' 'ijtl il, :;. -) f.r :.iry . i our li to M.i.i In '.I.e lou-e on M-...day M-.r.-h 1. the !,.u:ic 1 the following "g'-'i'.i. tnen j t'.i ,;,, committee in refer Math. "CI,, vl ; .Mt'.-t" Seuaid v, uit,saL I i:,-iiop. Mr.IJurri ii from K-rvi'ii. . ! - t, Mr llain-.lr-wa exe i-i Ti.si;:: x,ng the i.'iuil u'ctk-, II.':- ' ti, . r aud cm per, it', pig, and li pre-e.'it iii vi a Mr. Maon. in -.ion of e'etii 'i.,'. rer of tie Uou-e of nit ral.uti. :' i-.i.g the bi'l, tai-j tl. Hou-e had atiitno j-I . a .V ,r 0! die. ' tn a fair cl... of irymg into ) r-n t cal i fi rl n the bill the H'oi.-c t', 'v . .avrfj I . ..usual , CIS. lhi number Jiirl coir pension of clerks, ke , wns under consideration. Aflrr considet a- lie discussion the bill was riff, red to ihe ... e .1... .1,.. Bti n( tr ' I mo.i. 'il' act to promote the i thcteiicy ol tin- ntivr wan under con-n'crimon ami i.eiore t.,kii,u' any a.-lioil the House a.ljourtied. , . uf 0 We,l,,M,lav, tho net to . , ' promote the B.c.et.ey of tbe t.ay waa on tin1 leeoi o! t lie eouils ol nt. in v appotn ' led und the net ol Ji.iiuhiv lu, I "o '"' law to the contrary notwil hstati liin', to iiominiie. and by and with the ii. luce and t ot sent of tin- Senate, to up- point stieh i flic, r to the active or reserved li-t ; aid (.flieeis.no nominated and i-on-firun d, aha.l occupy jo ni on ihe active 1 li.-ls, le-ti. cti.elv. aecordin to rank and Biiwll fr flnrrh. We received l!tisel for Match la-t werk but not in time to notice it. The present volume i- did with iutetesting artii les and tre are pleased to learn from a toiiee from l lie Proprietor that the work will be con tinued, hut to insure it.it wiii he o '.' '.' rS4,itrl th it the ti rms ef sui-ctiption should be strictly adhered to, and that th? payments for the coming year be promptly made. N'e give the table of contents : The lVpit and the Ai'r; A Wi'itry Nirht; H,irrr..,!,rrr,..r,iitMl,.i,i.H- I'rison See't,.. .,,;n,il Deem Nl... Portrait : S... ..... in th" Flotilla War ; S-iun.-ts: The Consular Cnie uf China ; The P-nitelit ; lii-hop II A Hi O'-rnrl.ical Sketch ; .-1 ep : Unard Tajlor's N .rihi rii Travel A H.-view ; The Con-piriilnr ; Trip to Cuba; From "The 1 'nn-pirsli.r ; ' The Tetnpier ill the (lou-e ; I'r . in a tie Fra leent- ; Cnme- w hieh the I, m does not rea'-h ; .Sonnet '' How clear, how calm, ec ;' M.i-:er Karl; Isabel A iirow w hereon the calm of thought Tai.'e ; Literary Notices. Luitora Sirnd.inn'v Sulnn HiiMiinr. The Jirst nuinl cr cf this periodical is re ceived. We have ex iniined it and must say its arrmgeiiirt.t and matter is tood. but its typography is very bad. As the Prol'fi,(" ,K-ir" 10 "- 11 tak' '' P,ac 0f I)orthPrn periodicals he should have -c-. n that it execution wa equal if not su- perior, to northern works. We wish the . , . proprietor sueces and hope to "e his r ' ' next number executed in better sty!. Ma in rti f.- i bve an opportunity nosr o! encour A Southern r,erio,iiel nu l they should do so. Hi. courage hutie itiiustry before sending abroad. l';iiv:rvly Uipiuin? The February No of thi M.t J,cc. r.-e ived. It i .qua! if not superior to any previ-jiis r.umr er. I lie leadtn. tiel? is Col Wil'iam Liattle i Mui.tairi. atil ther; are c;erai titles of it.:.-re-t. Ki:i"'s her ar- G'lT" Our friends of the A-hvil tuf i. in error wlo ti they say ti. tne A in. r if i Press have t-xpre : none of -ed t In ir ii.'w- in favor of having an Americvi cm- di Lite h it the lire.-isbc,.-, ,,'rcr,' ', the KHz .h.-tl-i City S,:i,ti,! ami the A-io uiie i C il'ii . Near y two mouths ago ti.e Mi'' came cut decidedly for bavin" a c itididaie, and we are .till of the same o- pinion, hut what i- the u-e where there i -lieu an "ppo.ii.oii v our riiiitiing a can 'lid ate by other American Pressea in the s:, Wll.I. Lfc AlL WMj T'i ll.U MAT. The la-t number ot the I reeinaii s Journal ( N w 1 lk Catleiir papir) am, ounces that the P..pe ha. g irtited iiidulgei.ee to ti.e Army and N iiy (.Hirers of the United Slates to at meat during thu approaching rcasou of ni:tv rtl.tlt-r it iidvi-ahle. III the opinion ot , .. , j t, the-:ld Feb- the reside in ot the Unted fc.ates to re - the rt.(oubullU. k..iul.ts, of the ria ) one of Colfa revolvers, ,.,(, 'iud ,v - o'clock about tweUe .... iuiiii. t line i ,-,,.., wni nr tun a oouiiie-oarrei l'h. i;K..vUM t ii.i.irf lint iiorernur couiu somep.ivate nn' ' '.1 L..,7,,rl,,,.l. ,n l...-e '" " l,m ". U V s ' .""nnd some kind of game is mre to grace my ,,0ll,.,i,. dollars had bee. paid in: ItKJov. presented . '0 " ' f t t r t anv offi -er w l o . ,J k l'P theiX armour bright, and ,Xc ap,r:t .,, ,,otll .i,,,. ah, cmitiff. ! Uu Is. heari,,. of the movement, 'ost no the Leei-la- " " l ai n'' I . d r, n or relitx- ! I. , ti e "u i PW""" lo ,l"-.,r f olun""-', ,U ,.h.e i " M v bef p now number some 3,1100, and ,illp j,, HtTlIi,1(. his si,.i manual to ,.'ie act t - may lia.e tiropp. .. or rttntu i.y me , h.uTeetnia local Hems, ., ,.,.,,' ,.es m.oii. In ...i : i. r ;.,im,r il,.ri tu hi.n to wte ot.er,t,on of the C ol t. bru.ry IN..., )M it 'c.,ffc Dm caitridjjea .re k.-pt ... , ,,m ,,e .,e lo count ui.w aids of ,M. f ,L ,,! ml,., Ht 1 D. I., out. atop! mi in.!, p.u- ,. ,.....,,,,:,,.,;;" o be tjue.-iion. 1 he gallant i1""1- 4 t.t.O. as uiy lambs come in April. I have, ,0 ,,e frieou'atioii. You will aee thai pe louslitu- . '.. .. ... . ;.i. i mem ail oi io .i...m I.eMiles. a hue seniority when dropped or re- ' - '',1' ,.,,,.,;,,,, to ioiii f"r0,",,,l"i """ e,"r' f""" .,' '", , , r lowin;; liter from .MJiwella, Jirun-W K of J anuary election ttr 1 ns aforesaid .,d he entitled to all the d A h J,, f Kh U...e ui ev . r.. ' "'; couty . N C. S . a. m-e pr.-cinc, returned over l.tli. ,,,,,, l.mnts eo,...r,ed by the act ..proved r. U . ihMi ' V , ' th ! " 1 community has been shocked I. .' . of l,e ce , o, ,.,:,,. Jmuary I.-. !-.. on o.beers restored or ,uLn of do,,.e,.ic .....ufac.nre.if uot alw-y. fTb . t !lt v -,st.-rio disppearance of .1 i.nes 1 j "'- V 'nMu-r oat,,. U Ui,,.se,re.l.ot,..a-.,eorr,.rl.v;.d .tl,,. o (11l.Miv b s... and a it i-,-.-.-,,.ia!ly " 'j ' i.jt I J u ueb real ,o . . a So.,er. f,o,u Alamance count.-, j r"" '"" ' "-'' f ' I drrthataot: Vr,.,r. Ih,.m,hi,here. m (of f ,,, cU,cU ! fXl "ioilij well whose i;ih and t.-am . trunks. ear,o. e I - ory of , , a. ,.,r B swore there , contatned shall be so co-,re.ed as to (hat u be k p!ca..0d V n , ere on he " .0. in to,cthcr uh a l-r,-e amount of raluabl- bu honeat .,.e. ,.ul... I !.e illow theincrca-e of th, number of oih- ,.,,, ,.fi,ha,.o ny advocates who-e ""J ' " r? I fc, , ! P.r.. were found" in .be posscio,, o ('",! t ' ' ' F'? " cers on the act.ve .erv.ee h-t, as Uo au- ,-,;,,,; it, etBeacy and usefulness iudueca " . M U . . , . id ' Kt.liel Mitcbe'l, .ml ah, b n i been Leaf.. be other cb .k e,.t ., - a ii... . r ot i..- or, . .in. i i-a. rn a.Hiii.-.. .v r Cr-,,r... It s. iUs worthy of he ofTic r of the army and navy cf the ' ""' 'peculaiiou will l-e indulged with u., particularly noticed, that it may no Ion Th U. Slat are permit!. -I to eat meat during lent W. ii. lio- is i... ..a to ii. We never k n-iv bifoe that o ir :Tir were: uudi r the i.,fl'ji l.ee of the P. pe. er Kuropa Imi arrived at New on thi ll.ir.'p, ti'h in-t .t.t bn . mi i mlwies. n the '-"'h nil. Tho sales ol cott . bale. li. week amounted to fH.Gli,! i.ie.i speculators took 12,.")l) I and ') o'l'l bales. The market op. ned ;:ti an uti-ettle'l and xsii'd feeling, and .ii ad v am e 'd one f.irtli uu but cosed q net Hid linn. )iir.!i Iii ils far ha. brought revere wrathcr, tho i.'h not b.j-t. r:n as it i. eomi tin. 1 V t. r.l-- w. ' .. otl .r o tl r r i 3 " U';S,' iMii.g Co ered t- the ... ptu of 10 I .cues. i 15 3 ii r y fuanil. A Green-hnro' corrc-pa.oJ.'i t of the Pe ter.burg Kxprc-s .ys, that be leirns hy I IV. r from Ki iueth City that i-o il eii I,. Inci ol the money hi-I"ng'iiglo the FsrtU'-r.' Iiank of that pi .C-, ha- r retillv b-ru found (one. ..!' it, j sa'.; o-i-i' by Mr V. W. ti.-4- jrn: 0w,-ai u. From our for rrincndtnl. CilABI.BsTON, March 3, 1.V. Tne weather i trf. ing, ami tun kit-en for ' i i,. last IViriv-i irlil liouri". " J lie wmt. r .-eenis j t0 iu,, ,a , d il i, more than likely Uc mill ha v rLou-h ol it bHot e tin- mont ou( wtre , iprr,M.j H month i . .:,. ,.,0ut an alilu mated lailure ol ; the ice crop, but if thi" weuther continuer. ' lonp. we ahijll be able to furi.Mi our own j irkel wilh au article of .loieftio uiiilnl- . ac(ure .ave aeeii more ice tor the lat ic Irani, iioubit.il iii the hliupe of wiity eh(.'bsh and trustv lance, but Fiiehard of the lourn-r i perfectly at home in a skirmish, and he who conquers biia wi.l find a stubborn foe. l'ri"fea or Vowler, the yreat i'hretio!oi;ist is here, 1-riua- on love, courtship , and niarrij".', and i.s crealiiiif ri n'e a stir nuioiij: the vouii'' folks. M'liic of whom are takin" them to reduce it to practieil experience. and test the unexplored realities ol the ecu nuhial state Charles Maekay. the great English song w riter, has arrived in our city , and will ''e liver two l.ctutes this week at lliheri:inn lla'l. He ii a b cturer of some Cel. tuity, and will doubtless draw cood houses, but many will preler to uo to the Italian ( l ern merely b. Cause the tickets are placed at the aiistocratic price of two dollars f..r re-ervt-il seats. It i- ci-rtainly er) r. -lres,inL. to be one of a wry seler'. audience, and luiur.it. in au atu.o-phcre uiicoiitaiiiiiialed by th" presence of the masse; the uncultivated, uureeeherate, unwashed democracy. Msekiy i- the llditiir. or rather, one of the r.iiitor as I believe it has ome hait d I 'll or more of the London Illustrated News, and i. otherwise a nnn of some note. I shall go to hear him as long as he tays, although the tickets for reserved seat-, pit ami gallery are uiitfoim'y fifty cent", tu be paid at the door in current luti'ls of uiru' pen. led or sp. eie paying banks. He has been bcl'iriiii: for several monllis in various parts of the I'nion, and ha .s.iec-cded in creating a s. iisatioti wherever be his eon.- I know that lectures and lecturers are n..t v.-ry popinar in Charleston, hut there is u 1 circus, negro minstrels or uioiik. y .-Ihits i now in the city, be tnuy eucceed iu drawing a re.-pectahle bou-e. Ihe spring fn-bions ;,ic!i are soon to make their appearance in the gay and tidily etropoiis, ire more btiiil.int, da-hitig ami co-tly thar fcr Inat.v sea-ons j.at. an I fjshioio.i :- .-..-..uie h,!,.,-,itr i. to i... ..tn-,.; oped, overwhelmed and weighed down under an avalanche of dress, dimity and dry goods The hoops are several f.-et greater in cir- inference and made of -teel si a to war- raut tuetu agaiu-t the inroads of outside . , . , . , , . , , pres-ure, and keep the faint hearted lords at a distance. The diminutive hats have d aindled dow n to resj.ecisble r i, made re fined n. agree tlirea.is ol moonlight, and are worn out of sight behind, and are scarcely vi-ible to the Uaked eye 'The r-tail merchant- on Kni' -treet ha.e prepared themselves for an t xten.ive sj.rin.' I.u-iiie-s, and if the pur-es of ht n peeked hu-hauds and in-ju'genl pan -is do not have he knigfit- of ,be t , var,, .,;,k ii Bud a gold liiine troiu winch tliey wi,l line t pociiets ight for with the very popular and ttiu" ' root of B,! "'1 ; There is m-jc-ii of interest afl ial among th.' gossiping circles, and some item that might I be of interest to your reader-, if I cou.d only command the particular A flirtation i j i-t now goinu on in high life which i ex citing some iu;. r.--t and attracting some ai tetitioti. If matters should rome. to a cii-i". or any thing lancibie c-vne before the po'-dic in the way of rich, rare and racv local item. in upper t-ndoui, I may feel ai In.eriy to do , iheiu up in r.j, iu p'ivni i for the column i of the Whig, but I have been taught to be very careful how I leil tales out of school The la-t news from Lin rt on! is sti.l favorable, and the price of cot r. . ti is still Hi ihe advance. Lar-e qui.tiLiti.-s are now being thrown upon the market, and if the price still keep up, tl -ooti all be in market l ist y.-ar s crop will Cotton is the lever of trade, and wheu it is active, every thing l-e nourishes in proportion. liel wi en thre n . an. I lour tliou-aii'l t.ales arrive in thiscitv daily by railroad, and the .,. a h ave nearly eq ial-! that amount. M jney . easier, and mailers iii hii-iues circles are -lowly hut -uri ly improving 'I he late panic will .ooti as mi i aim leinir. s a spun j. eiore. u i-said that experience teaches a dear .chool, but fool- wiil li al II ill no Other, I Oltell not t'.tu in that. A.-IILKY. A Ci iiiciilfhf o'Piirrd In Vfrmint lice of her hu-haiid, undeitook to txpel a liog from the garden, and 9'iou uriwe him into a c wi.eii p ggy turned upon Ins pur-uer, antl uu . in ' a full Int. 'truck her unou her r.edl eIlre,i,ie, ,,d woul I have pa-sed .afely through, had hi- noie not caught lu the folds r'f ''er hooped skirts. A it was, he took tu r sai-iy on ni luck, ami tnen counin iic 1 a aeries of circuits about the garden that rivalled I he best feasta of a circus ring. At h-nelli the hoop give way, thr adv turned i a - r uier-et, w bile bis : trai-k iu search of ill pig.hip ma le rapid It-ale through which he bsd entered the forbidde.'i encloj-jrc. IiAl-TlsM IN Till NloiiT - l-o'ir Individ. "'' '' "f1 P,'-'"I ceremony at p,)nd on the ground of Kihan Allen. of Wor- eester. a little after midnight la-t Saturday Canada into an independent kingdom, with to recover lie ,,e tone of both body and , hauled on board, an I its head wa c.-ti 1 night. A bole waa cut in the ice, and two -a permanent rule. Th- mo-t eligible p.-r- mind The at lt,.t frame is impn'red, and i with i-naky lo .l, i.... hartiaei.... Un clo-.r of the men wilked into the water, each in son to found a Canadian dyna-ty, the Mer- the hardiest i,t,ie. Krow aickly and Ian. I inspection, it wa. found fe, he a gigantic sea Li. turn iiniiier-ing the other. Their pray- etiry think., is a Prince of Hngl.,,.1 ; for, guid, by em itting exertion -an I whit weed, twenty fees- 1.," ,) four inches in ers and son.gs attracted a watchman to the whibt hia elevation to the throne of the ,.w Lord iLcon iTa of ailenee. thst it is the ' diameter, the rou... ud of whieh npp. ai. 'l, spot, who inquired "what on earth they kingdom "would boa graceful tribute of rest of the ,l" and rcfreahe. intention, i when in the water, like tho head of ihe aid were about 1" 'I hey replied that the wet loyalty lo nur gracious Queen, it would ro- here more, w lfr. ant.l.rahlc and it i. in .ml the im.i.,,.. .,,. K if. e . e.,tsed i i "I'l'i i.i'g iii .i.i'i isis -mo were sntver- liver- erte, in !-efore lliem, h i'I j ij t l.ecitue conver und r'ni !ti u,ii r."Miui'i" lu L. Mtxumt nwu' wain m n A Happy Eohob -George W. Kendall, one of the tirot.ri. tors of tli New Orleans ! picayune, owns large estate in Tciaa Writing to a friend in Hostnn, he describes lit mode ol lilc a lonow ; ; You ,. to lean, .ha h ,., ,. 0. l life hereaway - K., mH ,.,,11,,,.,, y0. Three .1 iy in the .e i r,ii,.: :m i in v ninelio Urre, tir,,e or (our !,.,, ,oni N'. w' lb unfi le, with family ; two davit 1 pnnl at ihe K-lanein, N Urv o( miH( , lirt.. ,iU---. we-t, and w here flock Q, ,.,paru p,tured ; and iIm u j,, an abundance of deer, turkeys, duckMi jM-i.cs and the like; I carry nam.' ol nroo.i mares, oesines ome lorty cows, aim nae ine i-i.ier .-ir. .sorvai, .er.. v. . . . . is now my eousiani i.irt. l;efVit.Pe tell you that 1 had iiiuci. rain. IIIVTSIMIIS bKIITIIl!: Ul"ll me iinii. i..i; w . ! .1. . 1. - playing in the valleys than to aim.ssthe . nr ... .I....... i... r . mil mid . . - . uler la ,1,-sipnrt, .ui..oiirt. mi.l t i. r.- . . w hen I tell you that twenty per cent, is the on the 1 -th uit. A large portion of the ctt average loss the world over, vou may well ' i-n of the surrounding neighborhood hive iiUa-.ii.e that my success U re'.naikal.le. be.-n in -etirch of the hody for the lt two I never sell a ewe or anvthing whichidiy, w it i.out aueee-a. though, from true-. rroduer.s. 1 have Da-tura.-e for -'ll.D .O she. L.,d .,.,v toiii.her of hors.-s nnil cuttle: i,d to,., ail tin. space Co.. red is now what I cil-Mi- have d-t. rnin. d t i In. . t and -e.r. h am working for. I don't bother mv mind from day to day until tho body is recover i ii,.i.,,..i,r iLntii K-iiw-is or Uri 'ham Youn ' ed. Hvth-I Mnehell. a white In in, and or j.'.htics of any kind don't care who is I'r. i'h lit fear (iod and h.its the Indians am indilT.-reiit shout U aiker and ihe d. vii try to ke. p tny fe. t warm and head cool aud tiuukc my pipe in peace with ail iuau kind. " Here, notwilh.-tatidinj wo occa-ionally have a cold and l.iu-tering north.-r, on' climate is delicious; I am now writing on ll.i- lt January, A D , I "a', sitting in my l.iri sleeves, doors and windows wide open, no bre, and rol ins and other summer birds aitiyii.i: in the green live oaks ol uiy yard Think of that, all muffled up as you ar-, and weep. And then ticre among thr moun tains we hive "jo fewr. no chiiN, no c ui- sumption, no ieknes- of any kind bairn in Ttl ia." JlntOH full. There'. J..KE A Washington letter A Cm writer tells the foilowing eapilal etory : A verdant gentleman from one of the j ,,; .i: f ,i,,. ,.,,,.,,,. -i,;,,... of , . reel,e,pulc, h a e -came h-iid ene -p1 a few dy mice, and pu! up at a f-hion-hie hotel lie had been imprudent eiistli iu the car to repeat the opinion of In- pas tor to home,' that Washington was a thank less and gr loele-a place wherein un-rit ".nth a hi (lireene V) was too often uttered l- pine away unrecogini-d. N. xt luornitij, early, certain wa.. went to the bar, and le iiitiie.' two Hew half doll .r, gave order to tid up a cocktail every f. n mil ut-- to iiuiub' r foity eleven mill ine amount should be expemied. Iin-eiie was a. iked from ureams of home at five minut' S p i-t 7 a m , hy a boy with the concoction referred t j. which lir.ene imbibed. At fi'te.n minutes pi-t, came another boy and another ' appen ii il"- the latter of wl ich (in-et; a so took." At twenty-Eie minute, p cnme another, and at twenty fiv,. minui-s to-the .1,. - I! I- i- ,.k .... .... ...... . ....... ...e... ui th-in all. At fi le, ti minutes from, made a ra-h for the tair case, Ji '-' y;- v ,, , . ml called over t'ne bailutrade : Hold on there, hold on ! does the Pr.--idetit think I can control ail the votes ot my state " Si i K!.o LP Water I'fM Ssri Llv- it.gstolir, the African traveller. det ril e au ingenious method hy which the African obtain water iu the de-e'l: ' The women tie a bunch of gra. to one . lid of a re.'d about two fe I long, and in-eit it in a hole dug as deep as the arm will reach, then r im down the wet sand Bi m I y around it .vppiyiiig l lie moutn to Hie lire end ot ."cotiaiid , in hr ititer.-tinj. a-ouitt t'f a re the r.ed. they form a vacuum in the grass' cent seii-t.tilir expedition in lo by him to beneath, in which the wt. r coll-ct, and in "the Peak of Tentife, has -t at re.', the hort time ri.ealo the mouth. It wiii r.r.-rened that ihis sim-.le but irolv i.:,;. U.or.l.ieal nod ff,.,i,i,! ,h.-,,l ..t.,i.J ... - -- s M..v he. it applied iu many ea-es. m different ........tri.. .1..,. .., . I ..i ,,. , stw, of lf(. , ., 01l.lert,il ,!lt it Pu0i, i.r ,10W fir ( kll0rt ts ,lK wor!l ,, it ,,ould have l,.,. habitually praatie.d iu Afiica, proi.w , negleeted from ignorance. It may t, highly important, to travellers on our V'e-terii dr-s-rt and nr .iries it, .n,. ..... of whii h water is known to exist below the surlaee. I A MlsstiiiHi Sri.Rur.ri) During a late revival iu the l!apii-t church at Ligr-inge, Mo , a lad 17 year. old. who had acq lired j some noteriety iu the town as a theatrical performer, jollied the ch ,,eh and prepared himself for the ministry He has receiitl v b eii licensed, aud has entered on bis eleri Cal duties; and eo wonderful are bis poaj. er, that the whole community are iu cesta ti' "' '''' va"rt SS "f be preaches, t lie eliureti is crow.ie.i j persons Iroin all the country round Docking to hear him : and ''"' 'de-t veterans d-clare that they never , 1" fj"! !'-,',,MiJ thiili'"'; elo.i i.-nee I he name of the " boy preacher is J IJ Fuller. 1 i A CamaiUAN KtM.i. The Sl.indwich (C. W ) Mercury is advocating the erection of move the disadvantages under which we at pre. nt labor, and would bind , more brmly, ..e,....m, ..Miepeuoeiii wi.ua, u Ui .'.. .4.;.r. .i. Ua .t.i The Aas.it. corresponded of the O.lv. to Civilian, in hi letlef otl UlU ultimo, ;u.s , f0ow,t I j j )ow ( avf t(e pf mlr 0f announcim: ,. ,..,,,, f one o the inOsl Important " ' Illrtel fr .he ,f IV. j ,, nnH11iL. the mIi.io entire public Anmu; f ,,, Slate to -ale a filed prio. a ! rt i I., ,.,r d, 1'nmiu Ui-iotn-t ol I lie hand ()t,H.w ; BJ,0,il..l to ell laud tip in lllllllititf. ()l Jijn. :l0.l.4lt and l,5JM tructn. , j, i the P ."f ilie laer to be aold ;b per ,cre ; ,Le ..Itcruate -ciion in- iU, ,if,y c,.tj fC, jp (authori.ed In the 't i L,.,,iNtur, s the price of landa ii: the l'a- l,.ior were thin avctirin reserro sOi p ' j,-,.. culH( ,,ie its price wouiu tie iwi ooi , m, ,u,j Mi,nii nir s. . ...j.... . r .. . ... I Sl'ltu. .uvn .VI I'ttllKIt AD I.UUUKHT. lir I . , .t Wilmili-ton Journal contains 01 in a.rea Jy dieovcred, l. wa evidently mu d.-red in the yard of slid Mitchell The . lleiir Patrick and Jo-h-a rre.-nun, enlor ed men, hare bc-n committed to i I on su piciou of having been aeoen.sary to, or ot h.t it.g committed the foul deed, l be fneiid uf said Shaw, we hope, will come Hid take pjs-es-ion of hi properly at soon as th. y receive this notice, a n doubts are ent.-r-l.iiied of his uiirdi-r Wa forh.-ar giving the c:rruru-taRccs in foil at piccn!." IEVKt.. I'VIUNT.s. The X. r York Time, contains au ntticle iu regard lo some extra ordinary development ha.ing recently heen made, j if'-clili ; t lie oliai act.-r of an olbeer of high rank iu the I'ui.ed Sta'e. Navy, nhich will ehortiy ha brought before the Seimfc. in due form. The eircum-Utices ara as follows ; ,t one of the late Naval Courts f l ifj ilry, two tici-r- riiaagrerd in fef.-r- "ice muter of fact wh.cb i tcee- n y a pirt ot a inp log. ( In reference lot the loL-. several leive. eiiitainin the de ired ii.WTm ition, wete found mi"ing, and thus ii,c rnruraey of ih rep-c:ive elate, Ui.-nts could nol be trie. ; b. r.-i.poti ofTi c.-r S I unit tbst offi -. r No i had coin United fH-rj iry Since t!ie adj.iurnment t tii? Court, however, wh'ti the log book w ent to he hound, heli )M 1 the missing leaf w re found in their pl .ee again And, at i more strange, th" r-cird which had tie I ii,i--n:g pro.es nffft No K to bare bs n rijlit, an I otner No 1 thu perjurer, if .- body is ci.'tit.ed lo that appeliatmn ,7,ie tn itt-r is like'y to create mu-n-e e leiti p nt in t!.c Nxvy. II ifir.n -'on llciall. PtA IIU Pi'MCT S M a. T ! M M IltlKH Tiias W a K H hi n Cuiimiodote perry -rut to Japan it wis einten I.- I that he coii I do n. -lol ut.le. f. n-..l (.-,.. io n,l tl, J.p,llB.e ,. c,.lve hut., and even u Ion. ,1,i..i.,u,.r p.. , d i- lilicuie,: l.v ,JIa ,f ,,e, . iie.i-paper- lr not loii.ii.g lit toe :i. . C,..,. ..g ., , . f If gai .el i,g l.i J ipne-f be!: and cannon bi!a i she - bi- lender reg ltd f r them, sent th K i,pe rr a modi I .f a Ix-oiuotive aii l a : ignriic te ee r a pii I ne Km per or w ns so mi, n plea' id w it it hi pre-eat ll.a: he has sent is ueph e lo the Li.itrd Stile. ( now oi .is waJ to learn i-i-n-:h-iig m .r.- of the tit jn which li-ts s j"h i.l,proveii..,l If : ehow of fti. ndlinc - for ti c -Jspatie-e can ' eak down its exelu-iveiu -s o fur, w bat ma i oi a im il ir respect fr the right-of lb- 'bii.e-r . f j f. 1 1 iu removing iu opposition t kirein.-rs ; Til,. Kilt, isi r M.H-.M.lui Profer-or Pin 1 Smyth, the A-troooi r Koval f h vo j-ixit i of the heat I he mootiii -ht Il ..e. ..-.i -t : ".. . . .., ,.:i.i. a . i i -v. -''.i'mj aii.-ei.-.i p ,e moons nt- even al the loel of two ations occupied him ai different eleva' ns. u tropi.-al climates, meat winch n ex -se.I to the moon light rapidiy b. e iinea p ri.l ; and in the W e-t Indies, tiie nenriM. l,o xili li Irving ami uncover, d he ...th the full Ult , o, a itopie.ii sun, car. illy mufllcd torn heads and face, wh.-n t-.io-e l to the moon In-a ins, whieh they heh e will cau-e ,w.-l. ling and distortion of tl, features, and aoni" lilllea tn 11 bliudlieaa. . A Si-i.kmuii IiKafi The spacious Af rican Church ml on Friday nlghl with an auilietice th . Ii.-ened with d. -light of persuasion, threatened it Willi puni hui i. to Mr llvereit'. grea Wa-hingtoii " ora- j for ils stubliorne-.. When the pnui-liu.. i.i li.li, repealed if. ,, thit a ante week. , was inflicted, it elicit- d nothing bit si .-I.s One thtiui t,l and .,,,, .,,,) ,.r. ...... i,;i. . .1,1 l,,,t ,, ..l.,,.u n. ,t ... ,.r i:i. . . i i. ,;'i . . . t , , ." i .' "i .t-m ui imec no eon a nol earn a i i iiiittauca iu thu Tr.itre on Tueaday morn I ii.g ea-t. The net proceed of the eieuing were ilOll, whieh, ddetl lo fPLiO received at the Theatrn, n ke up tint noble s.im of. lhrm.Hn nil t)i, t,n contributed in one j week, by Mr Ev, ett's pal i l ine eloquence, j to .well the Mo,- Veruju Fund l-.ira- , t.,,,,.,1 l.nirt, j ,,IE ''" I r tir l!ic f T!iit. Men i of tn firmeat ,.rVe, and Ihe most estah Ii.hed pritnripl., have need of ocea-i-.n .1 , r.-po-e. in ord. , .rri.il their f.rce. .ml the silence v! calm of retreat thit all our ! powers, uai r gd moral, ire refte-bed ; a ti'i i n v i ..t .ea ( iua eya.io p.g.r t iu- fur. i ' Cut tKtvn sS"ia WABIIINirroN, March 3 Tuic Mukmon AVau. The War lifp-n-t. iiient naa taier auvicea iioui ioi. J uliii-tuii r . I.- ., :.. I 1 1 .i , ' arrival oi ine store trains wiiii a Ht t on . . cart. Oen. Acolt has ordeied V!u(l uuu 1(1 dl mules, and m-vimi coinpunies of e.t. il. ry 10 stall from Fort Leavenworth on i!, lilth in-t , ami lias ul-o sent, in the tn.,i,.. haste, to the ('oiiiiiinii'iei' in N...v M i i , i,, furnish strong estoit to ('apt. .l trey, on his remit) wilh the mules for t'ol. Johnston as the Mormons intend to intercept I-';,, and rob bun of Lis mules. WauIIINOTOM, March, 1. The Iloti'e KaiisHS Committee met jes. trlday. lien. I'alhoun'a statemeiit in re gard to Kansui aD'aira was refused lube re ceived. A resolution, calling for the c. h. aua and documentary evidences, w as adopt ed. Mr. Stephens presented to the Commit, lee a repoil lo be sul. mined to the llum as Ihe view of the majority, which was . d opted by the Committee by a vote of ei.dit to Bt-vell. It is suipOsiid that there sill he two minority reports, 'The repot u will he shortly presented to the House. The Com milWo adjourned, to-uay, Ji'ir tiif. LAWHKwr. Kamiah Feb. 15. m.Uim IN l A nmi I he ,c r'eaiu-at- Arum of the investigating Coniiiiis.i. i, ,a.l iu,t returned from Jolm-oi. eouni v will. f..,.r I r... rniia I. n ... , ... . ,...1 .......I....:. diieitly. iu iho eiiorumua frtluds ut the lli port Col IJootiu's slore, added several hi names to those of the luini Ji hi vol The judges' ceriificnte (ahi. h bid nade out on separate sheet of puj.-r a-ied on at the toot of the-.- Log i- r ,iid they were then sent to Mr t'aih'i he j l Iges corr .bo'T, d t',i. t .'i i, , and (Wore t i lt several lull Ire I I ...1 been added to lit r.-turr,. a't-r th. re cio-ed an 1 Ih.-y In 1 mile o it f rtifisales. I he Spring ! 1 1 1 1 ret irns ho."l a .slfl majority. The prosin.ry n, r by wltotll tlry wer; ci t in t- v i .-red them, an 1 IiJw aucari ll.it U t ui on tba way. I.'l M'.IILIl Ill.iVATi.i lif Tin p. tr. lv ihe Altiea learn tiial a rumor In I en afl ut in Paris of an antic p .t.-. rh ,t,.-e i the temporal governmeiit of S.ome, I.;,' .. .ill create utpri-t in the nuu-l of eierj pi o i.e in F.uropo Soui" talk of the apprncii ig abdieation of tl.it Pope as a cer'niit thit.g o.d already baa Father Ventura lit. .en of as bi meceasnr Th" iioiintii he lat'er to a e.irdinaiate in pr.-parafi it. f .r his event iiaa freiioelill V I n aino i. e 1 pan an emergency, arb a in. -"-r n . , '.e eon-idered itidipeoth!e. As ..er.f r.; . f li e powerful nrdvrof Ignatius, F.tl.rr en tu'a'a position would rnsl.le hitn lurr .' ppl crown Wit.i'iut prohation .,,'. Tftn P..-ts., r.T Trn -A j, , - ii,,rr.. II' liHIULt Sj.pn h.se Cb, L Uil i i. Sander has hern arrested on li,,- ter. ril.lo sii-pi.-iou of being the c.-e ol ... drrauful di-a.ler at the Paei'ie Hotel , . Look. II- ia i barged With C-ii..- I U ,u mllrr murdvrihr k pl.ra.Ui Isnt oti,. of t'..(. ii -mates ! I.r Patu.-l W Sirtder. th.- I .., I lord, and ('has. W.l.lrnp. the wstel,,,,,,, ,.f he note), have a!. been arre-t,-. ami will be rxatl.iii.s.1 on .Saturday Cute rrm ti'i Pit r a M r 'Vo 'iti-r in the National Intelligencer -iv. thai spirit of hart... . " a c.-tt ,1,, r in I . for the bite, of ma.' .big i ... wo i-.d I.' add, should be eon-ntui v bathed mtli if, and three or four ihr, dilute. I, I ,keit in wirdiy during the day The harl-hotn ile eionpoa elieinici'lv ihe u'ros in-inuiied iii'o the wound, aid iinme.ir.tei y '.Iters a..f I.-. troys it. del'-ieri,,u.ni Th" winer, wiio re-ii!. in Pr.' s. m" lin e, fir-t tri. 1 ii for the b.te of a .crptoii, and f i.nid ti- it il rernoved pain and inflstn itin !un-t in lantiy. Sul.-i q letit'v, h- tri. .1 it for the I I'e of S MMl.'-n ike. w it h "I It. i 1 1 r .-leee.s At Ihe aag'ge.tioi of tue wrii.-r. an old and s'.'e phyieian tried it in ca-e, o( by drop!., 1 .a, aud always wilh uer-. Svi lltttnr P -si pu. i.ti MAruiMor, A young U iy in Pjiii.ury. I'.mi., i. .;. .,r. ou of getting married. She In t ,u I all the neces.Try artiees the ih hi. bills! attire, gewgaw, ' clu.-ki li liieo,'' Ae , b .i an alarming oh-t.ic! bs presented it-.1! The'e is no church in this place with si.ie broad rnoii'h to adin.l In r crinoline, and o she i o'.l'ged to po-tpone the " happy day " until the completion of a new s-mici.i-ary, which is in progress of crerti on. I'AlvrCt. I'.tritllll.'TliiN, IK 'l it I" Newport Spectator savs tie re I "'all . a tow n ..f .rii.ont. I, difference a rowc between h1 mother t (.hand, and for a considerable Inn refused to "peak lo bun The ihllleu t sub., qnrtiliy heuied the child wa and in due time begin to talk hot s.-ltilig with bis father iiji iuva'ial.ly II coiitinucil so till it was live y. w hell the father, ha ving tl hau-ted l.l-n .i .. i :. ,i.. ... n :.i. .....i .'; , ,, , . i . sneim. n who were urescui uniie.i in u opinion, that it was iuipo.-ihlu for Ihe chu I to .peak to hi. father--and time proved th. ir opinion to be correct. Al a m-itur.-r ag. its efforts to conver.' with its. parents could only produce bitter sighs and groans. TMP! Sr.MirrvT C.tt:.i',T.-TI,r c ,; til'. of n .,,1,, Vft,vi recently -aw the ... -i aerpent, on .st. Helena, ami lie gi grapliio account of tho app. aratico of tl, nt sea motj-ter. The captain of another re-.-!. instead of indulging his imagination, took measures to ca..,r the creature. It w . ,l to mew alive. Iloth captains arrive! about the .a inn time in Una-laud, afl put - !,,!., 1 their diffurtVt asvoiUU. u. -"V vgU4j.k

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