J a.i u i "Se firue fo Sod, io ijoqi- 6ov.rf.- to im Q.ti.' oxaiiSLLXjiOTTEJ, axr. o., jmsjie&cjjSl 16, isss yinipwi',iwnwi iriiwiMix...riiU'..l'ilij,.,jqi3ato3mi lie THOHAS J. HOLTOW, KoiTOH ii, l'KuFklfclOIl. ,k TERMS: TIi-j North-Carolina Whip will be utTordcii tnetib. ... TWM nul l 11,4 .. ... TU II Ddi. I. a its and HKrYiK.NTSirpa,l,',c.,ib.:li.tlSIU AKII.HAIS A IIOI, delayed lir nin e nipiiliia;ani t MKJ-.K 1M II. LA Its at Hi fid ir th fear. Nopaper will he diacuii. tinuad unlila'l arrearages arc paid, c xeepl at the v.pti n ol the Editor. A five rtiaeuienta inserted nl One Thillnr per aouare (16 linea or leu, tlm sited type) lur the firal inerr t. ml, and .5 eenta for each con tin umirc. ouil . ertlet'llieuta and tlirritl''a halt e chureeU 'i't ef cent, higher and deduction iil'3'l J per ernt. will be made I'foin the regular prieca, lor auverlieereby , tit.' vu;ir. Adverlieeniriile ineeri.;! n,onitily "I I quarterly, at ftl per square fur meli tune. Stml- j mmi I lily "5 e.eut per equate for each lime. Peraone whin ndipp In Iheir adui liaen.cnfa f must unrk I'.ie nuiiilrf r it" inrlioiia flraifjil or liny will be unerted until fti bid and charged uc. crduigfy. . J rl'oai.naatera art initio. rtrcil to art njent. I DESIRABLE INFORMATION, It I. I. Ill Itlllll . 1 I (V'K aonw tune pnat I hare rrr. enpafi-d in a iu-i!iea l"l'"a wij I" wjrn,iti,v ;i'ih. l irlvlVw oil.rra whom I Uvc iriifuited . " n,cn " """ ail Miuinir i! Ifuin a3 uii, to f.,IKjl prr ai.nuni mid tn.ina; mule arrrffj'-menfa lo go to tlie Katern Conti nent next Kill, I am illiojr, to (rue lull inatiue I, na in l-e rrt lo any ptraon in tin l int, d Suu-e, who ill irn.it nir H nni of Two Il !... I am induced IfAen toe favrtp I nave hern UVnrea with, ana) Ihe many ln,.y arkuow I. .leinenla that I hate receivtd froui lhuae wIm.ui t iite mi-true, ti.i in Ihe art, and aini are now eirarinf Ironi $3 l 111 per on, to (irr every peia. n a ehanee to ' com into ptfeat-aa.on nf thia Valual.Je itieana of maaiof; a ainall &4luiie. There 'ta no HmBoo a. b .liltl.e lil..ll herein alloilrat In. Keltfencea of Hia W-jl el.aa e o be iiveo aa r.-L- ".:a ita cba. ratter, and I can alao rrler tu H-ra..i,a in Chicago I and irtrott. aa net! aa tn thia pUee, who have' within there monlha enitmrkrd in tba huainee. and who will lea lily thai Ibey arc ini-kinp from 13 lo 115 r day at ihe him. Ilia a boaineea j in whirh eilttrr (.adiea or It.'ntiernefi Can ellgJ9 ! and with perteet eae mike a very hindaome ir I eome. rrveral tsfiia in variona parla of tilinoia aad Miaamiri, wtiooi I ti'Ve inaiiueud in Ibe art, are now rltinnj from la ll'i r du). ll it a renu-rl Imkiarw ami rrif'irra but a (' vr aluMnc 1 lo eonimenre it. Cpon rteript ot' f'l I will atnncei forward In live aprj'irenl a eircular eontitnma fnil inatraeliona in the att, whieh wilt W perftcliy undaraloe-41 upon brinr enee read. Andrraal ! KDWIN TKMl'LKloN, A. 3m4, Fmtk -Sr., M. Imt, hit. Aug. 03. i7. '.B -tii.o I OOdGPAIRS""; cr j Boots, Shoes,! hkoc;ans . AND Over Shoes, 11 M UK ACINfi every variety of I.nea. ;enta, I li M ..-., Itova, Youtba and Chll.if.u'a, j BOOTS and SHOES that ean be lound Ubiiakioe.il in Ihe ny wiMMCMitv n feta.il r. fcfuiillicrii (Viunlrv, flM,-eta.r....r.el,redaVVrls7.Vf ., and a. are taliabed Ibey will give, brii.-r aat. , ftctHm. and al leaa prior, lor Ihe eame quality j ll la only acraanrv t etamme our ft'k and Fnrra to be aatiatird Ib.t Una ia t'.e pl.Cr W Buy Boots and Shoes. H'mjXE A; CO. rr TA"!! One pnre only. a. S1, Ij. 31 If Field Scels ! af HIVKIJ. Timothy, B ur l.r.ea, Orel.ar.1. I U ; cetne. Millet, ir. A large qua I til y ) i,t ra. Cited and hrf title at Ibe loer.l Hlarkrl purr., at ritiTCH AMD'S WktUflt a ad Hnmtl thug Mare, ItwiN a I oasrt, Ag.V..S1. k'Cif Oito of Jtose! A I-A R(. V. A-aorln.rnt of l.nbue'a, I.I, m'a anJ il i-H uir'a Spltndid Kilr.ita.l'uil. l Wntera, Bi. Iliu.hr., ho. 4r. Jjt liand al - ninrirARDs 9 t'mwnf if i me fera, 'ein'a t.iarr. Soluhle'Fss.Caniplior ! 1,lllt l,-,ae, of the Three,,, Month, Slomucll and Ilowele, pr pared and a..d al PKITCIlAIiDS tit tni Ixmicai Meir, lMVs Aromatic Hitters! A N eieellent loriie and anli.d jajo-plie Midi, il eine, jo.t tn hand al purrciiAUD.s Depot Cine awi v ;U'dirire, Try It! Try It! KM lit UV8 Cni-noverd K.airarl of HI t ill' tna oral mertieine the wrM .1.. rl..a II arjaa it propaaea lo Ireat. Try i. PIUCHARDS DRl'G IIorSE, Jnetm'$ (VMtr, llitiU,a lliwtnry 'f ,. ni o1in:i. K- IIUKNK, tlie arent for the ahova hook, fl h.a leu af.w topwaal P.J. LOWKIHS '""mail. 1 erauiia ueairinf eopiea will pl'- e,. mn. y Wf., I BAT. I3lf KKHUISOX it m:mi(.. ItVirOBTCHe Or si, Linens, Hosiery, Emliroiderlei, kc , NO. 141 MEETING STREET, tlPl'BrUTH It A TNE HTRIKT, CHAR I KSTOV, K. V. 1 Klunwosj. Iirtl MAN t,KIIINfl II rr l'iiiiip, iXiiroiiir; Ctoiiir, India Rubber Shields, kc, ttc, I I s T to hand a4 I'lilTf tTARD S fWs Vuf.'rf. T.II.BEM&C0., WHOLESALE and RETAIL IEALERS DRV GOODS. CM A III .OTTIi C Janutry, 1839. . 47tf TATTERSALL. Livery and Sale Stales, I'll K subscriber inform the public pctier- 1 ally, that be Las purchased (lie large Sla blee formerly owned by C. W.lloimeon, one equ.re least nl Kerr's Hot. I, nrur the J ul, and Ima added I to and refilled ll -in in eooern.r manner, for the purpnee of opening .li I'herb.lie a lovcry -ml Mls 'k?'r'rl' ' "' "" "c,"","""-l"n Jlia oi.j.rl ia In nuke l.ia eafiMii-l.nirnl what it nrufraM-e to Itc m tnl l.ivrrv ann Su le 8lullr. nil lv;n luin e.d r.. a tn diapnae of, will find ll lo I half nilerel w I hu pa Ui call. He inl n!a lo krp ll.,rra a'trt t'arri'gee for the ! treollimod,.lioll of III i et-nen. any perenn dt-eirinf any mde of eonveym.ee, can amled, and tn ftonn Iriin. t'ompetrnt Invera fur. ntahed wiien ni-aired. wn. IJ" MIOVKI.'S wiii nno at ti-eae Fuhlea fine are. ioni..flAtior.a luvinir prrp.irrd ior tl.ini good fur. la, rraa and trnuyha, aid anal.undi.nl up piy nl provender ready for lliir uae, aa w. 11 aa a pl.nlilol au.'lT ol Water. 1 i IIOItsKS kepi by the month or dlirm t.r. Ilia eharria will lc aeeominodtinp, und he hopea hy atriet attention tn the wiehra ol the com. Diun'.ty to merit and rereite a liberal ahare of th put,ic palr41re. JtUJiERT It A HE, I'mprirtor.. L. J. II Aw LEY, Agent. CkuiUlle. O-t. 20. IB..7. 44' r Variety Store. Fresh Coiilcctiouarics, Fruits, t lHK luKnKfr rrcuy inform the cai M urn ol hnrlttlte muti unr rttM)'ng rtoirj. thai ti it m hHl anJ ia rittsntljr reecivni Iroin atw York! Confectionaries, Fruits, FAXC'V .'IU1('I ',I. I l- S, C'lf.'A KS TOHAfC'O. SM I K. TOYS, Mliwifitl llia.lftllllfl.lai, nitu ivuiiu iioititv iioitif, 1 lor l a, lllntv Wiiajein, hnlra, v k.wlx lid., A. Ulid(ae. J. b. I'Ah.MfcR. lrt. 15, IS17. 4if I'.R. Ilavirf aerured the aervirea f.t a firet rate D.ker, I am pripared l turuiah alienor t AkU at i Ulnar.! 13. ,'! An 1,,iu'hUe liem'Jij Jor JOKXK.S f 4 N tne r. coot of Une i).-,ai. I will mail lo jr any p"t ttt a rrr ;p( i r lnlr iff. ring in.in K It mrty lu n-r Utn knt.wi CMtrm tu fiv imntcdiBlr rri bit lior ai.ouid alwara i ,i ll,, ,.. 1 hie i to :.-. i. I... ..t il. receipt by l.ae .lie la M ;,,,, b p,r, ( r,.n,r,iT f,,, , rrc, ry miV J ,', f i. en aa I ill Addreaa n,e at JOHN W. BAKER. Villi .Vrpf. 14, 'Sj7. Dyc-Siuirs Dve-SlulTs! fHtlli: -rj be. I of th e cl-aa of arl.rl. a. eon. JL aialllif in na'l of Kolollon of Tin. Kalraet ol Isf o..o, ( la-liinral, M jnori, 4 r M in-j be pur--haaeu low at iurrniARDS her; Meir, , u-ia'a 4 uner. reilMoniiaies.IVirlMoniiaies, V,KW and beautiful aan.riimm juat reenved at I'RrrcriARD's Ihvg ami ( kemi'ul Haunt, lll . I UIMI Country Merchants J ItK narlfu,iy invitrd to rn! -nd rj.niine ytk our wboleaolu price of ro.re Ulill.S end .Vlt.l'll t, put up m auv al le I., i.rili r, kT riUTCHAKI), 'arniIie.s, Varnishes ! A I. A in. r. alork m.w on hum! r.,.i,in,j of in-innr, i npat, I oiieh Bodr, I- urminrr, Ik ;-a, &.a., Wlneii will bo e.du lor t ASH lower limn any other li.uiae in ( lnrl,,tlr (t, . II. M. I'HlrCIIAHIi. TVAafe nj Icrlatl limpi'itf, lawift'a t OBM.B. (Condition l'onders ! AH M Kits and other Inlrr. at.d in S TfJl K, are aaaurrd Dial thrae preprntinna are uu. aur:iaaed aa lii'allti.i.ivini. ... 1 1.... Cattle, and all kllida of rilork. For as le at 1 lilK IiAKDM IHoeanla anaf U'lul lhg .Siore. lawin't I uasra. H.illiiiitf mill Hurucoii'ti poiis', OF Ihe lirat quality, at I'UmilAKD-S M!l(i PTORFo While r.ffnl! W'Ute i.entl! i k NOT II Kit aui.'y invoiced. Tore Artirle 9J ll eenta aer lb. lur tmth. t. ..rther wuli nr.. variety o colore, Vo , al rUITCllARD'S 1'iug aaot 'met Store. tlniiiinr Ii.ih l' liiir SOM KK'S A W IlillTM A N'S pnre tjl.TVIM: al t) All per ol.Caa lnMrt''y at pKiTniAiura Chemical llnute, lawiN'a CoiNia. IV lit iml lUtr Syringe) PI'HT received at VRITCUARDH. llri-le-r' ln in:i .' ' HE aiieri..riiynf thia article o.er Corn St ireh I Tapioea, P!;", ike., aa an arliele of diet for invaliila and cAi'dien, ia unntieaiiimrd by Ihe me dical faculty. Full aiipplv at l'l;l!THAl;i)8 i'um. y letup iVere. f-eft. li, leiT. iT. ti' belts t iielts:: np.LTs::: I'riilll t ! Host .Ml ft.-ll f.'oMlpuil)'. At ilanvj 'actum ' Prirtis C AMI ntjti.s: 2 i n s 4 ' 5 6 7 10 12 12 .. tS eta. per Toot, ...15 ..17 ,..2i 4 ply., ,.'J-J Cm F.AMI.K& BELTS manufactured lo order , at alb.rl notice. oajV cnxa msiior u ut wnt.r' or tlnnm preaaurv, ordered tlireet from iht iliiaj factum $. . AKSO ! 11 of all uencriplioiia at 03 cent pfr pound. I ISOONE k CO. Ft!. IB, 1W. tint Hi I join- iiaito ill 'I'tilK'. T 1IIE citiirna of ("hurtotte und aurroundinj txr ! prt iiKred at alt timt a t repair tnd tune Fi- anoa enu Melodeurja tu tlie b at pnaeibh- inai.ner. 5le wouid not a.y tlmt an old iintriniit nt n be it cl to entind aa well na a new one, with nil the modern Mnt-roveniente att'Clii-d ; hat be i prepur. ed m ay that an olu inelruitieiit v.hieh will jua. tily rrpdira at all. enn be muti to en-it ua atei'i, and aa aweet a lone, aa tue ainc ttiatruu.ei.t evtr did wh m i He alao intenda kerpinj conet-jntlr hand, m;v iiaos frim tlie moat ceh brU d niamiiiirtiiiera in tl' V. mini Si-tta, pur. a with I ill be i Ill-CtUltl i ,el.l IOld Plan. lee. ivid aecordii.e ., their valu'. pay fiealMi inteui'a keepinp ennaMntiyon band, ae. Cnnd hand tnetiiiim-bte to aeil or to rent. Aoj peraon Imving uf.j ineiruiiirn'a, and are de. airnoa of aeilmfr tlietn, may no wHI o have tliem repairrd and kepi e( aid lo ei'r in tl 1 1 aa n.arki t. 17 Repair Pbop and W are Itoom l Ihe Mu.ieal II,, I, up at-ua, over the China llli. ASA (JEOKGE. Chutleitt.Jtn. 19, IkCiS. 4b-ly i.itiihrr! initlur! I.t atlur ! ! Hunilork Sole I Ihrr 2S eenta. (..! ?.m..it. d Luther til) - lle.t W lute U,k 35 " fair " 3J ' Ilarnrjis jfiid L'ppi r l.t-aihrr, Frrntli nnrt Amrrican C'alt Skinn, Ki; Ski l.impf and Bu.mnf iifn, lh tor lac.i.g fh.Ui ftn ptnUlioft use 0UT ; CO ' 3Jtf ri. ie. i-ptii- t'sTI) Al iiO?" A hl l lu.AI. MIT. anderaiened h.in cutrr.d intoCparT. nefunp lor the purpoaa of carrymit on th P..J leave t. ( haflottj and aurri St,.,d.,n Trade Slreet, eiilliall'., al M, lltey would ou pleaaed lo see all ttietr frie acijiidu.Urjcs.a. MOODY Jfc NISr.LT. Fr;.rffry a, i;,8. 4s-n' II. II. Williams & Co., I9i .; . v in f.:r .f:;,v, wiioi.isii.i; ii it. i iti: r t ti. Y ft l RE row i t .i,aV ' 'l b,.ve wrekl v aanitinna "" Vm,"- T'"y a email roiiimi'aioii. Our Tm.o,eCASHorCOlTHYPRorrrE We oceiipy ihe v.. II knowi, atand recently oc. 'Trn'i-iT'rt' ' """' i t ' ' ' H. R WILLIAMS .1 Ct), TmJe .V.ref. 3 dooi a , em Ihe Wetl ( truer, t iartolle, Jan.it, lfc.i. 4,lf i iui m nt: ..WHI OK A TOR! I'Kltl' ,HKH HV UK A.M,iK, (omiiotiudifl rnlirely from (.IMS, ,,..-. i. . . I . M ,.M l.ll 1 ,i . I IV. r I oi.r- ,H, e-Iint I. Milk llritllnrhr M r,n hr rllrre ti lo.. I II,.. I lie r" r k, e vrrnint le. I Lilt t ,1 ,, .,,l .11 .'rr. . f . Mil- I. ..'!,;... It W.mla.1,,1 ! ?1 tratimt.? 1 ""'lit JoTo"11" "",r "'""al ee-ll H lrr In the ii..,ith vtllH III. IiitI Rnralor. aiMl.H.lU.w m.lh l.ix.ll.rt. THil LIVER INVIOORATOR IS A IKXTIM'- Msnti .l, to i. ... N.,,lr 1. ,r..a, all .,iH u,'ii" , a ' l't,VJ";,'' , Cl.ri.sirt I.I i. SlUFOBn 1 Co . r.m.,1.10. a,; s...iay. sew Vr Wholeaatle 4e.e. F.SCATiR K CO . $i55E w r Lofe'i Logic, And if I nak thee fir a a,, ! aak no iiiiiim tlmii thia r wei Willi fur Una tula to 1 tie? hliaa. brei 7e .ic..la i-vety nunute at ln ml i And y. t how pl.eid i. li.y ... It aui-ina to ..- the bold mri, While now he tukea hia kiaa. Ml now AH bui ta of Irt-edoin Willi thylUrtaa. Or if dure thy hand to toiitli. Ilnili nuiliiiiji preaved ila pj lnTnre? A flow r, I'm aure, Im tit clout n.ucli, Aon ah I aotne aeneleaa iIiuiikj mi.re It tlUla lur, iove, tile very y -nka in liiin r..w "ii.irkLiij; on Could ti ll aoim- trulv lt'tiiey hud loniif'S or t'iu lnreedt Indrd, do tint ano. Of all tl. t thou h-.-t p.,Ki" A boon for wined I culrt no (.nnt, h f oiiiie pretty prt cedent eKt.nt unM).e, lor iml.ttne, I altotn.tiri.iR 'J l.u. an, and Hnia, thy aimo r -I would n. t hold K lliiii my t:L;i More tti.ii tin bw,rnrd ronrjlril Ob pot the from tiiinc i Or aonl tin in if tiny at.il mdl fiowti, Those lida, ilrrpil" yon purii'i jkiia. Can brinif a linn-ly fiiirkoi'sabowii. Torn i! in thai eonv. no nt inipi My hpa fhjij.o preaa Ihv o. t rrouiii, Thr tueh s!l,.ll he ao ao.t; ao !;,,t. Thou' t laney i! this j;cri:..srWS. Illiscdlancoiis. mint it Hons, Take thai tiouie with )ou I dear," laid Mrs. Lewis, her tuauber half floilii i;, half ierious. i "'lake what borne. Candy f raid Mr. Ienis, lurniiip toartds bis curiously, No, Mra. Lenis had Kpokidt ftotu the moment a impulse, aud lred) partly re- gritted her remark. ; " Take what borne !" repeafcd her bug- band. ' I dott't utider;-tatid u." , ' That amilini; face you turiud uron Mr. ,Kiw"rdi"en Jou "Sered tis qucstiin ! just no. i i Mr. In-wis aiigltly averted bis J.ead, and j walked ou in nileiice. 1 hey lid eUed in t!l Btor of iMr- Edwards ti purchase a !e articles, and were uow oii tuetr way liouie there was no smile on the tace ot 1 biii..Miir home kol.ee aiirl ,.,,,. jed face. It was in vain lht lib aitu and children looked iu'o that face fj- sunshine, or It-tened to bi.s aorda for ton- of cheer ful new. " Take that home, with you diar." Mrs. Lea is was ready repenting this pu j.'estion, made on the moment's impulse tier bus hand a sensitive to a fault. I e could not ear ucii an i m init-ri censure ir,ui m- wtie. And ho be bad learned to be vity j;.,a i Jed , , ' '-ill lh. Ln with r ' I, t : i. .i... j . i.i . '. i i inc. a n isu me eiunia nan uui vcr" stin. I Vhere wiii be darker clouds now. and Isfacious ktlOns they Were dark enough be- i fo"' ! '.''y Cn'l.-M''- Lcais leara his fares anu uuMiirr. Ot ninu mm, aud it t u see Hie Old, pleasant, smilitig la ;e ajatu? 1 lliouglit this morning that he bad forgotten how to mime ; hut l see that he c,i snnU if he ti lea. Ah I Why don't he try at home: ' J So Mrs. Lewis talked lo herself, as she moved along by the side of her hu-lomd, who had tiotnpoken a word since h-r n pU , to bis query. "Takeabat home V Rlock I after block was, passed, aud street after street crossed, and .till there was silence be- tween th-tn. , I " Or course," said Mrs. Lewis, speaking in her own thought.. " Of course he u of- fended. lie won't bear a word from tne. i iiiiu nave ano . i,c,r i,.. j ,i ., ...ii, nowu, belorchand, that talk- way wou'd only i' e tl iu iu out in this worse. Uh, dear I I in irettiuc tut of all heart ! ' What then. Caddy ?" Mr. Lewis a! mo-1 started at the sound of her husband's voice, breitkiiu ifueipect edly, upon her ear, iu a softened tone. " What then ? ' be repeated, tiruitig to wards her, and looking dow u itno ber ehyiy upturned face, " It would send warmth a; d radianec tbrouh tho whole house," sni,! Mrs. li.., her tones nil a tremble with fetliug. " You think so !" " 1 know so." Ou'y try it, duar, for this one cveniiia;." "It i-u't so ca-y a thing ' rut on a smiling face, Caddy, when thought is op pressed with care." " It did tit seem to require much effort ju-t now," said Mrs. Lewi, glaiicitig up at her husband with something of archness iu hi r took. Acaiu a shadow dropped down upon the; face of Mr Lewi, which was again partly ; turned away ; and again they walked ot. in , llenCC. "II Mr. T I s .l rs. ileitis sat,! to , e is so sensitive . herself, the shadow ou her husband face darkened over her own irkened over her own. ' 1 have to be as, rcful of utj words as if talking to a spoiled t i)A " "n- Child I No, it did not require much effort on the i part, ot .nr. j.e.is lo smite, as ue paseeii a. r.m rb ti -T- l j ,.,-,t j: t li him; it had only set him to thinking.' After remaining gravely silent, because be ... undergoing a brief self examination, Mr.l T.:. . :j Lewis said I " Tou thought the smile give.i to Edwards camn ea-ily enough !" " It did not seem to require an c Tort," re'i'.ioJ JlrJ. Lcwb. " No, not much effort as rr'piircd," aid Mr. Lenin, bin tone frlij;litly dopressed. ' liiit this ni ii be tnki'n iuto the account ; ; my niiii'I wan in a certain state of excitement, ; or activity, tUat re pressed nohir feeling?, I , r. 3 ' , fume anil are ta v til company, at cot oF i ':'!!' M'J . Ve "'V"? at Tl of .... . re 'm,,.,.g .nag.y, Kphe nieiit. How (Jiffpretit it often is when we re a,OI,e, i ueeu not say. i ou, vaony, are , puilty oj tlie ober fii?e at home as well as, ;your buba'id.'' Mr. Iewi-t pok' with a ' tender reproof in bin voice. I " ) it tlie tober fnee ia a "ifibt from yours oftener tlmn you iiiiBgtr;?, tnv huabntid," j plied Mrs. Jjci. j " .-ire you certain of that, Caddy?" 1 " Vi-ry certain, i'ou make the "unlike i A 1... r l . c -.:!,. """ " uiyouruoi.il.. . nine upuu us J eive us cluertiil words; enter into our... , ., . , , . . r ; r . - , . .,, , ' the foiled snrl furious enemies o' our msti teeiitiirM and intcre-ls, and there will he no;. ,. , , , , . ,f , , . . , i 4,1 ' tution" may shake 'p, uncork i.nn pour ont brtohter home in a t ic and. A shadow , ' , . ' . ' , . on jour countenance in a veil for mv heart; ami the faie it truo a ret-pecti our children. (Our pul-ea r-trikc too tienrly in niiion not to be disturbed when yours has lost its even ' beat." ( Austin Mr. Lewis walicd on in ri'oneo, bis I face partly averted ; and asrain his wife he pan to think that rhe had fpoken too freely. 1 lint h coon di.pfkiled tb'n iinprei-sion, for , be said "1 .Mil slau, (.'a'" !y. that yet bavo spoken thus plain'y. I only wi-.li you had done no before. 1 aoc how it i. 5y Binilt-H have bem for tiiu outride world the world that neiiher loved or regarded i"1' d my clouded I row for the dear one at borne, , for nlioin thought and care are evtr living ai;ti. itifs." Mr. and Mm. Lc-tvis were now anT.ding ft their own door, here they p.ius. d a moment, end then wet,t in. Itistaiiily ou paini hi'' thre.-boid. Mr. Lcwif felt the prrure upon hifi of birt uiia). stale. The hue of h: f.-elin.-i hn .n to cLatipc. 'J'he cheerful, iiifere-ted exterior rut ou for tbote be met in bu!neM it.-tcrcot'sc, n rapidly to change, and a sober hue to sueeted Like most business men, bis desire for pro-;' fitable results was even far it edvance of the evolutions of trade ; aud his daily bis- t0ry tut a history ( f disappointments, it! some measure dependent upon bis restless ntiti.'ipations. He :as not as wiilinj to work and to wait as be shnu'd be, and, like D-.anv ol his c!.i-'. tic.-'tctcd tli!- pearls ; that .av here and tl.rre ah,n.' his life palbs. be- cause they Ktre inferior in alue lo those bo hoped to find just a little way in advaticc. Tl,,, museum i, was ihut wlooi tbedav'a excitemetit wa over, bis mind fell into a V.roodifw; state, mid lingcted over its d.snp. p'vi.tnn nts, r looked lot v,trd with failing hope in the future fur hop many tjings i ne warnnie a ju-i in lime. i .... , J , ,,. ... , " 1 bank's for tiie nor Js ! Said he J " I . ... . ..u. ..vv. a... .... ; And he did not ; hut at once rallied him self, and to the glad surprise of Jenny, Will, : '.4. 7 .-,T,,.,m wi:n fatn-rly smiles, and pleasant questions, , ' , , . ' . 1 in pieannt tones. of tin ir d?v semplovnicnts. The fi-i lit. '-of ehildreii move in quick transt- tioti. J lo v Inu not l,ke lid. ; tut tiie re-p xprctei afriettt.g r- , i ' , i j i , ', , ' Jj''' " ! ctuhod into her lather n aro.,. ". ' '. T.' . ' . . ' n.-ncri n " lt: ive.v ton.s Ins (riestions. .t,,u M " J.L.il.(... '.x u, tot, lenned against her father's shoulder, ,,,d' laid her'w bite hand softly upou bis hen lotning back the dark hair, just a little. fro:t f.ora Lis broad, manly el..j in temple p,.Bsnni group vtas t'nis for the ptf of M.s Lewi, a she came for'h from her chamber to the sittin room, where she had gone to layoff her bonnet aud shawl, .nd tUnu- her dress. Well did her husband understand th nieanini bofc she pave him : and wnrtnly did her heart respond to the smile ho threw back upon her. "Words fitly spoken are like apples of gold in pictures of silver," said Mr. Lewis, Pprakitu o her aa she came in. What do von mean hv that'" asked v. i , . , r i Mary, look uiif curiously into tier - father a ' ' Mother understands," replied Mr. Lewis smiling tenderly upc.-i nis wife. " Son, .thin, pi,--,- ,i,; ovist luve V-prer-t'd." said Mary. " Sonitlliinj pleasant! Why do you say that,'' asked Mr Lewis. " You ..i:i! mother look so hnppy," replied the child. " And we have cause to bo happy," an swered the lat'i. r, as he divw his arm tiglitiy sround lur, " in having three such gou-J childri n Mary laid hcrcliee!; to bis, nod ;,:v.r.,l . " If you nre strilitiir and happy, dear father ! liouie will be like beavert." Mi Leis kis.-id her, but did not reply. He frit a rebuke iu her wouls. Hut tiie re buke did not throw a chill over bis frcling : it only pave a new srrengt'u to bis purposes " Don t disttibute all your smiles. Keep a few ol the warmest and brightest tor fierce, I said Mrs. J-ewis, a.-, ehe parted with her husband on the next iiiornin. He kissed .r. but did not promise. The smiles were kept, however. and evening law them, though ., for I he outs J n or ,1 i her a n.i it, in v i tl t 1 "i 1 evetiuiits ssw the "aitio cheerful snu'e, and , tlm same happy h?nie. And was not Mr. Lewis a better and happier nn ! Of course. : le was. And so would all men be, if thev i .1 , e i. .i .e -i ( would lao home with them the smiling aa- pt.t-t they so of'en exhibit, as they meet their clKw nien in bu-tness intercourse, or ex , j 1 , hr . ' j , V t0B husbands, father,, and btothers. y0!:r j h.artb. ar. ccld aud dark without them. ' t . . . A convention of Artists from all sections ef the l'nite.1 Slates, baa been called to tneet in Waihingtcm City an the t b instvit Invi utiuus L-Vu 1-ja.o iruat ail c.-rtlia ooiutry. From the New Or hunt Delta. AFIUCAN SLAVK TKADE Oi'KNEt) AT THE SOUTH. f"om starllipg aod itisipniCcari f:i?(s bavo come to our ktiowlcdc. We haTe besitatsd to dixcloie them, but after inouiry, examina . , ... J . . .ion aud eoD.uli'.tion. are eotvince lht bpth d(j ,ie? deftut)1 di,c1o,u.- The facts wc sv, are BtartiiriL' ; they are crucial. They will urpnfl a:;'! encourage . ",, m ,. . nnd many on the platitatiotis ami in the towtin, but most of all they will astound the Cabiurts of Wu-tern Europe, atid eminently aiUt to lotifiim between the genial ''ench people and our own N'onin and Huguenot South, an unwritten bt't heanv. ttiaiMi inimoas ntnl uiiconquerable, leauo znin-t the allfc avarice and envy, cunt and rapacity cf I'lip aval itc n , . v.,,.,L, s',..r..a Ai.l,.. their wrath ; although the President tiiay be shocked and einbai ra.ssi.d ; nt.d akhouh the treat pnr'ies of the country may be bitterly disappointed and inibran'led, let it go forth that Southerners have taktti itito their own hands the law, and opened the African Slaie Trade with the South ; that Alriear.s ara now imported into Mississippi uudaOther ees-'born ftates ; that in Misis riippi tlure is a mat feet fvr Africa:, siavt-s, and that on tiUntatiotts ill thit "re?t nd intrepid rotate, n. toet recei:t!y in. f,)!ii Afiisa sr! '. laiir d ail r work '!ed The authority on tvhieh m make V.'-s anno'ince- was gone a:d the work of fii-iiiiCL'raiiou iiient. is itidi-r.ijtablc. Uc crn have ad-( commeticed. A loose Confederacy, niiet,' icn t!)-.t in .Mississippi, Hefty Hughes and IjuVu-i uiii.-ut nanled the power lo Fecure acute of I is party now piivatc'.y urge tit evt-ti '.bo.-e interests ta Licit wi re enuniion, Labor Iuiirii.jruti.ru uiovemciit. 'iot to open ealled in vain for the nieaus of sustatutug is ti.e supply of Afri!n. but to leiiititate, credit and redeeming the . acred obligation moralize, regulate nt:d erptali.- tb" s-ipply ' of the Krv.ibiti in. The separate ."states already opened and in,po.sibie to be ebsi .j. 'eitch acted upon ita individual policy tit.t We have some f iniitr details. .Some iif- ' witiiout. a ;itl regard to the interests of i' groes ai-L- disuiiibarkd on the Ail intio cotst i.eij'ulojrs. 'I iie eietnci.ts of grrat .-'ocivi and Lroijttht oi eriasd to the-Mi-sis-ippi cor. ; :r?n-tli and happiness were vrasiing a rout, 1 ton fi- lds, but t' e Missis-iprt fi-alca-r's j iheiu, and ti.e est hopea f human I'reedoi.. peculiar facllllijs for Unilii.g and secreting and progress ijic'i tin' wori i as yet bad Vj',' i f r ,,;.;,; T,r , ,'." " I If ai.Viie nnblie m-n of the da v. looked. ! be a! 7ii ba'i rioral influence enough to r t;, 'J'he proflfs of tire Mji?-tss'f pi s!.-,ve tra'lc i" suelt a cri-is ; and by a rare coincidence, are enormous. We have been fo fortunate if not by a Providciitiai direction of events, as to procure from undoubted authority his of all the characters know n to history some interesting details. They relate to the ' was best adapted ai.d nto-t admirably con oieralions of the Mississippi slave trade, atid stituttd to tnc :Ui,;tr suee'e-slu.iy ti.e riifli S'O r.'iiirn:teatcd bv otn'taiors. ll need cuiii -s over wi.ieli be t ri impi-e 1 . J'ul : not be said in the lir.-t place that the balk do this, al' hough more s- n.-llive by nature engaged iu ti.e trade to the 8outh must be than most iin-tr, he aucrifiied nii Lis sctisi a last saiic, for this is iudipcnsuble to tbe Jbilitiei upon the altar of bis eouMry's good, security of t,ie o;T.j:rs atrd crew, t 'ic heaiti; For then ow n sake.- be . ubii.it ted like a man of the cargo, and the rapidity of the peeu- lot' iron to the buli'ets of tl..,e he iuved, and. ni--y ret'tr-.s. For a tr p f'..tn the M:-.-is inexorabla tj ill but tba cm'-- cf dun -ind inni coast to Africa and back, there ni'1-.t ratrirtlstrt. bo tnoveti '.Use - r 1 1 - ii.it.i-t.'r of captain, supereareo, three mates, three .,, ., , - , , . , crui-ers hi I not verify the colors an 1 take , . . , i- , , c, . es flair. Tbi! fare of 'be bbip'6 crew mu t be the very be- t, and their good w ill mu"t tie voya-e. u uiutinv is disastrous; and alter - , . ,. . . the voyajrc, a treacherous or umiictive in-' f , , . , , , . ' ' ',' . ... the men. nucli depends on the tu-ttes. over i whom the eat tain ought to keep a strict walcb Kor ,h, .uhiti.teDcr, of the ..eor.w there must be a plentiful surn'.v of hard i , . . ' bread, coin meal, rtre. 3al an ahtttinance of vinejrar, red pepper. pure valer and dru?s. j n ilistrtbutiu diet, tbe prean-st rcjuiartty 'public 11111 of th"ir day, and siaic ol ti, iri is to be olrse-rved, and the very firs! syt.lp- lo be ranked nith the preatcat men of anv touts ct uiseas promptly treated, Astojday. He did no; leave .'eilersori nod H unil tbe capitcity of tue superior officer, it may 'ton witiiout ffre Cabinet, to ebaa'C perhaps be safefy paid that a slaver requires in it the wboio fabric of iovernuietit iu t oeir more courage, talent, honesty, fvUli'y, skill tierce wars rad rivalries, but bo took thetn and discretion, than any other ship in any within, where he lut'i-elf mijlit arbitrate other trade. Indeed, the captain and super- ! their di-putes as they arose, and turn to th cargo must, betwen thetn, act as nsvigat-sr ! best account fcr the country their sui-jres-ai.d uaval officer, tiiercbant and physi-iau, : lion as they were made. Either of ;nes"( diplomatist and magistrate, not to mention : great minds was perhaps more iuventire the functions of chaplain. jtban hion, but be had the rarer and As to the expense and prouts of the ! higher faculty of judgment, which enabled voyage, the latest advices v.re. from the b'tn to perceive truth however and wberi;. captain cf a bark which sailed from one cf ; soever rrcseuted, snd which held with an the Georgia ports. He has ejuite recently I i.t.'perturtabie f-nd and an unfaiterin eye returned, and reports mat on account ot me . .. ' . r , , , vitriiui.ee ot cruisers, negroes had aceutnu- . the tnai ets, and rhat in Otisequcnee oi liti tacuity cf s statesman, because it eosolvi ' he price had fallen tc under thirty dollars hint to gather trihiite from ibe umvir--! per head. Ihe payment, how, -vei, uiu-i be ,n.io atid to coii.iu.iiiJ re.-,,ui cos far nnro in ''old or silver, as the bead tneu wii! vVt, various and inexhaustible than those wL'trli as formerly, barter for merchandize. could be furnished by anyone man, liow- We may estimate a cargo to tiuinhee seven ever gifted be migh be. I dn not mean to hundred negroes, although many mare than say that bis judgment was infallible, or that, I that an often carried; but whatever the I accord, at this day, with every measure number, none purchased should be over 1 of ! is Administration ; and yet, with al! m twenty-Jive years of aga. Seven hundred, .admiration of ,h fferson. an 1 with ail mv i at au average cost of thirty dollars a piece, parti.ilrty or his ueneral scheme of politics, ! will amotint to Si I .tHu. atid tiieir price in 1 must say tba'. the policy of Washington, this foirntry of Cubs will rsnne from Si'i" , when viewed with its connecting tiieum to 81-00. riut if sold for SotUl, say, the . j'anee, was ti c mt:stt.rly wor' of a .states cargo will net 8H'i',0(lO. Kraely ailowitjg, ' tnat!. great iu bis own djy, anil woo would then, f !."iO,tMi(l for the entire expen of 'have been great in any liote and in any the voyage and ail possible I?.', the pro-fit laud which he fright hive f .;eti called to of one renin J voyage will amount to SJOO,- , rule. HOO. Where the profits are so exorbirtttu, ' it is to be remembered that he was the. , rt can rrei! understand why the business ' pioneer in one of the gre-test field of h a has been be-gutt in the South. We cau well j ran experiment wuicii has ever tried tho ; understand the impossibility of closing the I power ot man. Every thing was new, noth I trade now begun, artd most of all, we now ! ing had b.e:i explored. New aud untiled can understand that the great question is theories of government were afioat. Nation not whether there shall be for the South a I were in etr.me position, of which history aupplv of African labor, because that is now ' '. . , , , ,. jttied, ana toe srrcat and absoi t-ir.g n 1 I , " vnrxn?T ,ccr1 , ' 5U' f ' J , leciuuiate, fair, tegult 5 6 ti on ia whether, accordingto Hughes's imih be so tiiouiced i,s to he lar and euusl " Trar. madam, whit do vou chafire for re co ve ring an uiubre 1 1 a ; nai-t -'tionaei t- t Flaherty? from I:rP.rrv. th. other Jay, walking into an umbrella aboj. " Let rue ,ea it WM reply. "Ah, faith I 0d co 1 ' 1 that's just what I Witt to do, for I've lost one, and I e joa offer to ra-covef thetn at a very sraall er;e, r I w as tut Cnu.in I oald gtst yea to te c-ut iciud. WASHINGTON. Extract from Hunter1" Oration at Kiuh morjrl. IJijt I pais from WnMbinton tin- .!! i.-r to Washington the ftatexroau, from the rmie ar.ii.-4 uiiri hioorl? strifn of wnr to rc.iTc.a'v le trying diSc'uhic-r. in rence. I folloi , bint ., I pit.e. fro.., ll.o anxi-tie, of the but puruit, the beady fiiiht, the long-drawn D'arSii, the uij;lit alarm, to the not ie.-t puin ful ot L.rn.ofi.i. conflicti.,.' i-letner.ti in "ocii-iy, anl cotintrcctiri o tt ol the rtnia of the old a n-.-w poiitlcal sytcm, which uiilit auil the p, emiar rii tiiiu-' uncus of tlm Ca-e, am) halUfy tin: npir jtiotm of a people so anxious for free iijMtt itioim as were hii , Countt win-ii. It in f.:r iv.T'j roiiii;uin . find mc!igst L'f.!af military uiuu the cnpauiiy t destroy old social sysl. ins thsu the orani ziu genius nhieh can create order out jvf chaos, au I devise iii-titulioris which ato adapted to the tracts and natiopal character of a people. There Lave been none who n thorouohly completed 'his great round of nun. a n acliicvi-mi ot as Goorc Washington. Ilurin the war be .himself had formed the jjreat cttral point ,-f utiior, in whom were reposed a common love and contidunc", wl iih enabled him to command and direct the conimou eX'itiotis for the equal benefit of ail. j'uriug tuat period there had been for ail es.-eiitia! puiposea n unity of will, bc-caj-e it wn, v i 1 1 ni.ieL j.o ei i.e.!, lo.t 1 y force or bur, but through the tare and ex- j cited irlacduf bis cti.nacter. When iie I f.'?! ''red his conimi-sioi that bond of ntiimr j fate, in all the patient fortitude of a mi.-h- . :i,.-c-imp:ishtii,'tit ol liis. c iv : i nijn , !i bo ul filled by lsut.it ,.. ,.1 foundation of a fabric e ;.. -of social sire nc'th and i.i.ni iu tuaa any notch Ind b-'i n eoti- t.'lt, rate spectacle; U, ful man I Win before, through . ..( ..".. ...1 ,:-.:....... , , - . - , . ,. ! 'rials, has ever presented eo .nb,ime or so ,. ... . .. n! . -r . , c .., , .t i Constant at; cxi-iiip. , of impel tut babie u niuiity ! Superior to I all ini-iortune and q tsintitt umio r in revere.- The very constitution of his fabinef fir.- I ... , . ',.. . ... evi ienc nl Ins pect.iar genius an 1 ins own ens i f 'I lr ,- . . ,-' . , . ' cocdinj times, ilo asked na auppn-saioti ot jenti - ieut ; no cotiuc.a.nicnt of otininii; be j exhibited no mean j.-alou-v of hijh tab nt in others, seelu for interior instrument bv ... cau ;e sucu only ho co-.rnl expect to comtnana. IJut f.o vathered aroutid hitn the tue airy .'annccs in w nicu arc we. jncU trie , . . ... ii?aesinis ot nutnan reason. It is tbt. had uo examples, and tor w he iroptr , ' , t , , ut experience i-..rtitt:c.i no ru.e "n one eoutincnt tiie fountains of the great deep ef human passion bad bcn broken up, and were sweeping away so rainy of tho barriers which had been raised by laws, or dinances, and government, that it was dtli eult to aay how much wnuld p'obablv ur- vite the general wreck. Od another i -out! people were set tug out on a n.w oare.r, . tirUM ur.kMa bnheno W T,1,4 ' ' ' " 'T ' . T taiea were thos of tfce foreat. Put ita trail tlona and lesaon of experience .' "frxwis frou; the old w!d, fiom wheuce i sprung Nature Ud the n in ot,e u'.recu mi. wh.lsi liJjouUuii 'j.iioJ lo !.,: of r l'u L. r

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