- - ' . TT'i'Z!!!'amammm' taenia tie i mil wimiui ija,aa , , 1 . -t- ,re ., ... ... , . ,. V.-' ,'. ;. . A ! f r . .njl ;CIE2LkiraL.6 23,1858. VOIjUME7. nsrxjiiss: 11. THOMAS J; HOLT ON,' EDlTOtt 4 pAOPKllTUft..' t TERMS: ' t:. Mm-lli-CaroTina Whig will he a Horded Ineuh. .,. .t TWO DuLIjAIIi ii. oavime.e.TWO iuuLLAlW A.Nl FIFTY CKA'Ta) if payment b drjjyeJ tT three uwilthe ; ami TUKF.F. DOLLARS jl Mf fliu or me year. r,pvr win tic niecon. unui'd until H arrenrag ar paid, eicepl it the ,,rtilillKHill. ( AJ.ertleeWieril inverted HO Dollar per aqua re I iiaueul ! Oil ) for Ul hrel luaef- ,uii md '.Jj cunl for each owitmuaiiae. ourt ad i. r'.iacnwule and SberifT'a S.ira charged 1'5 pe -il hi"hrr I and deduction of 33 per cent, will m- irraU inm th argulnr price, tor ederliee,e ay iIm rear. iWnrUNmtnii inet'iu.d mommy o ...uitrli . l ' Pr l uara for each nm.. akini- ui.nilltly 15 citeer squurc fur each time. p,nii when rndu.g in iiitrir envrrit"?".ie ii -I murk Ui n mbr "C iiiiwiof !ind or thi-v hi mtiuH "' iv. J rP"liu"" " ttier! to t tjrul. lircp jour I'lanan ia Ttuit'. fflUE eiliirn. "f CUrlutt and urroundin( btr i( pf "d lM " tu4 McMnu in tiw bwt pawilito luauuer. j li iut uui ... Ul iiMiruan'm ur, illi til ih f n f rn MiM "'' pirn. aiiMrMm j-iini n in prrfwir. ( , t Hi. I n hilraol til! Jo. ! .rvfuirnn iittNrnrd flial h i tr-or. j ' ""--'" w4. il.mi, . Ila i'" l if ii if" ki'Mn eontUntlf on titnd, i:v i n sos r, m il rrWrliH ii.nuclait?ri ia ll I', niiril Xtii-. winch oill b aold tl iffccturcr' r,m with Bughl added. ' IJ II, ,'Mnw icrciavtt iu ftri p. ? lur imw, ti .- riiii'K I" lt-ur lu II, iru urt kra-piaf eonatanllj on hjnd, . r, .1 i.M.rt mill mttmtm imlt Uftnl. Alj prion hitiiif M uktilf Mtiica'a, and a ra W. .rfiu "f k'litf lh( ih, may do wrll W ha tdern ictMirrn nl kpi rud la 'i in thta markol. ij U-i '? aaU Wn'c Kmn al li.e .Vatical ll.il, n .uira. t ikat km. Illl. - -. aha koiu;b. (rbil,JUa. 19. loif. : 4-jr .. . ... VM.1t AHWJBTMK.NT fir t.tl Tr-As lur faiin.f u-, Cuuxi'tiuf r.( 1 1 l. Young Hi . a. fiiir-j-rwdrr, Ki gii.a Brcatr.!, ju wanr iMiicr arrVfi a, iw. aala al ii. M.l'UircUAKU-.S . !' .Vfr. . l.cmoval. rIIK i',Vri,'r ii f.nn. I.'ra rri-nr!a and ftia L fa a grfirH, lal a rnmrd ., i ill,. ....I .1 ,nd o( M w 4 B.rr j, umfer ! Ili.a,.' Hl..,c, i.ii Ttt 't .Irwl. Whcra he id lo elur a all f.Mra in hie line, lie i i alill a law er.ri miaaiu Golden Cook. Ooldc Sur.Flmler's and Premiara ( OOICSTOVF-S uJ aariiljf f ( IViKLO.: aST()Vi:.S. A.au. fwl alucl,lof lut ami! lltillaiW-wstrr. Vr. rh I a, II cU.p ICASII or Cl try Piuaue. Jea II, 18 D. II. in'KULY. . fftANA'AAY bom aiy Caiiroad ! ft, JltV Wa, lu Lib.:-. to., abuul In ,y i.i oi .a-.i, .v. , . .- . .... ,a . a aa Ma ia and ( uir0rn fir, '13 nr 14 yr.ra olil. a laianl J Mr. PUiii-p. ai I I ii i..n' y, a a,ld l in i w.r.lly. oaiu. ul L iiLii.u teunly, r.ota.ry, l"jC I lli.n. id tmf I. !,:.. lUot ni.rli.it,' or W. P. Uy au . M lnctn aminty, or illi.ta. bUiuii'a, ol O.tt.io aubly, aa n b-y rrUli.va al all of ll .iar ,.l. I ,!', p,y M if III 1 ! t-U Itilf.l. IKa fie- kia apurotunau and delivery la LI.JJ,t.ll ii. iv llial 1 Can g'l !'. ' D. W.OItll -. i.MdiT. au f7y YtY'Vry ItY UKMUOI.U'Mf ainrrdKitrarlsf BlH'ilU I' a x t mraieinc i Umt wu.ld ..r II. c cl.ii or 4.a.,ai il piapunn to ireat. Try it. tr al al , I'KICUAUUS UKL'ii UOUsSlt,- iiariu ( iar. II. i w llinry i . ( jirolin.i. Tjli IIOHNK, tl,e .,.nt for li.e tUtr Ul, jfl .,. , f Aurm at I'.y JjOHHIB'S IVi hi a mi r tup cpic i U IKc-Siults Dye-StulTs ! rlia very beat ol Ih. law o nii,l, ami. 1 a,.ln. ,n ,! ol' K.,luli"B of Tin. Kllrarl f Ir.fwm ( cm.( Madrf , Ar., m-y be pur. cliaeeu Uiaj al , PlUTOliAttlVS , bug .MiNi, i?i' f'erarr, . arnislies, Varnishes! 1 ,1. Mil. I: Mock naw on band er.naiahnf of lAu,r, ( aiual, lx.rk iiody, Ip HrnilMrr, Ja. Ac, W;e, w, fcj ,i, ( MAii Ber la-ayoUi n..ua in rtiarl-tla. Itr. IJ..M. PRlirUAKD. , H aairaue aaj ,'xei.' IhmfgHt, laaria' k oana. Condition Ponders ! IURMKRs and nltiare u.leraad in STOCK', ere .Hr.rl mm liiao prrnaraatnoa era an. ""'"" aa hr. itli firing roanMaea llvfeaa, IU. , -i.J tU kii, ul Sur-k. Kar al al H'aefaWa aad ffalai ficf "'a. w. lawla'a loaaaa. la lliiiiK uu,i 4iirt uii'b oiir, O'" u 6fal a.iality, al .... rill I i UAkl'S liiit c; HTOKR. KI.KUISOX & I.KIDlNf.', imvobtcm cp- - ' Eilk8 Lioens, Hosiery, Erabroidetlag, fee , NO. m MKKTIN0 8THKKT, Ol'I'OalTt IIAVNK kfnitaT," " . CUAKI.ESTOX.S.C. ' ' . T. II. MEM & CO,, WHOLESALE and RETAIL LEALERS ' DI!Y GOODS, ii a is it w ir i:, h ai s & . n o us CIIAItl ottc, n. c. . " Jan wry, IHS8. - j 47(f b k lts : it k LTTjihTirs::: ' From Hi llimlou If ill Coinpuii), " " At Matnifatlutm' Frkm I . ' CAMl'riUCEtft ' 9 inch. ...l'Ji ctt. par lbt. -15 ,M ...17 ' 7 10' lit - - 4 pljr 0 . (J- KA.ILtSS CKL1 S nnuufjcturrd la ordrr al lUil iutic. . ....... .. . . .. , . tOHStCTl.su HOSKef ill w.trr Icmu uriMUd. eiJcjtU rftrccl (torn ihi lhin fctmrei. " A KSO PA Kl.tU of il liocripliua .IA5 crnli (r xuiiib BOONE & CO. . 4Ulf ff4 )6j M.tUtUtf ! t.ftll Ittr ! JLcatllCr 1 1 lll,l,k &, l,Mllrr ii IfniiriJ bl Ltatlicin,. K..I Wi.iu. H.k , 9-t ecnU. .u,l l)4rni.rr.d S.,1. I.ll,,, ...31 - Fair ........ 3U " Harucsa and Upper Ltatlur, French and Amnricaa Calf fkina. Kip flina, l.ii.ing and Un iliiiK (Skin., ctr r-i.nn lor luting ivlta and oiaiiialiun imm.. BOONE A CO. T'b. IS, if-68. ' 5Ulf ' ' Variety Store, Fresh Conleclionaries, Fi-uits, f 'UK tobMirilwr mp, cilul'jr inCorma tha eiti. Mi aeaa ol I hartblte and anrrnflttdiiig enunlrjr, lUal l baud and ia cuiiaumljf rr-cciriug frcm ivw Yrrra, Ccnfectionaries, Fruits, FA M Y C. UOCF.Itl US, L IGX KS TO U A ( CO, !SM FF, TO VTS, .11 Hair.ll llialrillll.'llla, rim; oitiift initi:v iioicm, l"( iM ' a, tttllotv aVMitoata, CUuIra, u It .a In ml, V Iliial (ugo vf .,tl. ,,ntl. , ...... J. D. J'ALMKli. Vrt. IJ. ISil. 4Jt , r.A. H.ii, miumiJ Ilia a. r,icra al a rlr.l rale S - ; '"r"1 w uru!'' wtu !li-ra! Ilumria ! An InJulUUt Urmtuy Jur UOHSLSI ON U.e rtcaipl ol Una lMliar, I Bill moil lo any prreon, a rrreil-l of a rroirify lor Huia. ea wliil.- ajff. ring (mm Ilotla r (iioka. Tliia.-. fttm imuMmtm , ril Hi he wnral try niao vi. ka nor. al-oejid alaiaiahave liiienceipl by lUcm. l h M.eU-rii.1. of mtueii Uie n.ediciiie la e.eu,iril run be pr-urrd by aliy tr al all l.na. II Una nniaey f.,ila aliro givrn at I dt. rrrt. Ihr ni.iay ml! be rrlnoued. Adonaa m al liirtuiUjlw'. Guitlold r., N I. JOHN W. BAKE II. spi. is. aaif Country 31erchants A KK rrapcrtl'ony luhiUd lo eail and nriiniiie our .Imk. ,lr print of that.-'. W ( 'US and MKDli I.N I S, out up in ai y ml, in mrl, r.ty PH ITCH A BP, Jb wir'i I'unikia. Tuth umt l.ur . -! gr, I'S'P icrivud tl PKITCHARlrS. Tin: JAVKJ () U A TO It! IM HI'I ft V UK ,Mr.'Ki. 'ompoaindrt rnlirf ly fruru (.HIS, P." I flMfl UkWat-tfJ tf'Jdrtat(l .! r 4aMa. M ! ,.,l ...lr..v ...i wr t.i-i i.iti-r i wui- ImWrl varM'U - ttkft4en pytwtfg HUfVttlt p.. .lot, ,. ., i ... ii. i-n pimt a ImIiI UN lt- H. Mhal la m toaaw. mlma iraO,n. Pl(hl aai Mn al .tw. aM 1k. aaai , .,. ... ...J .... In,. . II,,, ...... ih.- ai. mn , ajO Mi. ... Ityapiwla . ' t.W IM , .P.,lili4 ,ii .i.l .. H", I. k ll.ad.rlir. ,.ll, ' ..... .. Lull, 4 holrl , I liolrr. ,r ib. .nl.ll,.H rtur. n,i ,in ia. i. ...... J -.,. r.ain ta..J la th .M . il ..... ... ' , r. w.,-tt. mrr. aa Ur.,i.) , ly earning tU kar t . Ii,lra"1i,i r. i..."'! l'-'.,. a riii rnnil i nr, 4 1,111 Fvr, a.a all CY,r, .1 III.- loua T . 'l , r , Hl.n4M..iHliMw4' a. .Ml.' la IMlllr la Ma 411 who nee It are itlvlnu allele lii,nlmoa.e K'.ll.noi.r ' Ma I'. vol. mr Mia Wat, r In r,e mnidh vi lth lite tu, r guial'M. anil .wnIIiii, bulli IweiUiM' , v THE- LIVER IN VIGOR ATOR la i ritir nuii.M. ln, o .bv. a.t h a,i, rfetne af l-li.'w. I, rmtm II h'f . .i-r tint at l.lvrr i lite..,.'! I4vae. i. IJ..M, . m.Nwr.ti x a Pie 4 r" l-n . Pop ' 316 I' Whnlnale Asrnlar N..U. a. 4M I'allMMwi H4 . r. go Aim co., ' CkofkUc, .V. C. From the flume join nl. SOSfi OF THE 5EUI.NG a.UIUSB. my caoao r. noaaia. , ... I'm the Iron Need It Woman 1- r Wrought of aUiwr atuflf inaq clay j And, unlike 111 draiige kuman, ' Nerer weary night or day j Nea aHuddlng acar of eorrow. Never mourninf frirnda untrue, i Nrwrr earing Cir tin morrow, ever begging work hi do. Poverty kringt no ditaater ! : Merrily I glide along, ' For a lhaiiklea, eordid aiaater, Ever aeeke to do me vr.inj No extorttoneie oppri'ae me( No inaulting arnnia I dread. 1'vb noeliildrea to dialreat n,d - Witu unceaaing erica lor bread. I'm of hardy form and fcatoro. For endurance framed aright j ' ; I'm not pale mieforltine'e creature, Itouot'd life' battle here to fiht ; Mi nt 'a a tong of cbeerlul nieaaore, And no an.ier cunenlt flue Tit draimy the throb of plcaaure Which tha poor eo acldoui know. In the hall I hoi.) my alalia. With the wealthy onea of earth, Who commend me to the nation For economy and worth. White unpaid the female labor, lu the altie-rbainlier lour, Where Ilia entile of friend ul neighbor Never (ut a moment aliune. Sir crnli. n i a blnaing Ti the indigent atrurirl, Baoiahing to carea diatreaaing Which a many hate endured; . . Mine are ainrwa aupi-rhuman, Kiba of oak and r.rvea of ateet I'm the Iron Nra:lr. Woman Corn to toil and not lu ftol. UlisccKnntoiiSa - AND WHAT CAH1J OF IT! " Why, iu tie otiue of all tbal' good, Mij lk'Dtoo, lave joq not got married V XLit urtlioo fit alfd 1 a gcotlcuiau agri llirtj-five or bil)ar. of age, who had been for nearly 30 rulooiea c'oaely watcb iif the motion of alady bo tat near Liu at orli table, Tba cullt mao Ha. t Cue, nobla-IooViog nil, wuh frank well formed feature and pleasant efpreioo. Ha wan bandsoniely dreeJ, and, (4 j u Jjjo by tbe looks of hi. hair, you migLt bate laid be bad a wife, bad be looked in othfr rrspecls like a mar ried man wbicb be did not. Tbe room in wbicb tiie two were sittiuj bvtokrncd wealth and laale. Iu occupaou were evidently ia tbe upper rank of life. Tbe lady addreoed wal a person of fair, ii.U-rctiCj; face, and graceful form. Sbe ceiU'iily did look remarkably well, a. she bent her bead witb ita abundant and Lio iug Lir, and plied her wlitu baud iu the tavk wLicli employed bi-r aibt and appar ently brr wbulii tboubu. Probably aeooviction of her attractiveness and worth bad cauaed the question which her companion put in nurb a hearty, abrupt toue, that May started and dropped the red worn ud work upon which the bad been intent. " What a queHtion," ebc cried, with a light laugh, " jjst a if I eared about being mar ried r " Wly tbould you not car, May ? Sure ly it ia tbe beat and happiest atate for man or aroiliau. ') "GrantcJ, with a provito," aaid May? but, Mr. Koaaiter, if you tbiuk o, why hare you never married ?" " You are a true Vankrc, May, and an awer a question by asking another j but tell me, now, why jon are, al thirty year of age, mil .ingle !'' " How dare you aay I am thirty year old ? Upon niy word, if you were not brother lo my aiater iu-law, I'd not apeak lo you aguiu for a week." May preteuded to pout, and tba pout wii quite becoming to her full arobed lips. " Didn't you youraelf tell me your age, and only the day before yesterday ? Your memory teem very abort, Mia Benton." " Well, I didn't expect you was going to throw it up to me tbal I waa an old maid, to pay toe for rzy confidence iu you." "Oh, May did I oy that ! and if I did, you can break uiy ' gla bouao ' by flinging back my very taunt But, come cow, do answer my quoaliou." " I never eould get any oue to have run," aaid May, shortly. " Are you aatialled !" . Nu. You imeJ uot tell me that a per aon to interonting and attractive aa you are, has uorer yet had ardent lover. I know better, May so tell me truly a by you are not 51m. Somebody now !'' May auddculy sobered down and aaid, nervously" It's because no uiau whose love I ould return aver loved me." ' Aud the resumed ber work. ' " Uot her faoe Lad altered. There had eooie over it a stem, hard expression, as if she were nyiug, iuly i ' " It Natters uot I ean wrestle down these yearning far sc-nothinj; worthy and noble, and true, and atronfj, against which to lean : for something, winuing and tender, and lov ing, whioh ',o love. ' If there is no heart on earlb whose best Jove U the love I want, I ean do without it. lean walk to the end of life as 1 have walked thus far." " KoSriter regarded ber In long silence. lie Lad known her for many years, aid had often wondered at her indifference to the attention of gentlemen, , iie had ev;n, on mdre than one occaaion, taken Ler tj task for ber manner toward then. " You wori't allow tbeui to bfeome ae quaiuted with you at all," be ai.f. , ?" Waen . are iotrOOUucU to a man, thfft a tbalaai.rj of it. All tbe young men admire, l-.t they are afraid of you. You chill them to death. T I....J ... I.. .l. . . uo .u-p. you a j beautiful aod interesting creature ; bul then Le would as soon Undertake lo warm into lore an iceberg as yourself eveu if he had eouragu enough to make the att.mpt." A skeptical smile had been tie only an swer to such questions. , How could May believe that she was ea pablo of iu-piring sfftclion iu oibers, when those who knew ber best were so lightly toucbed by it. Rosaiter hsd been for three or four years abaent, and bad newly returned when the-er. literally thrown into tbe ,.,ect, as nn- 'r f vilUSlI, btlt" I I cantitiental de,Po.i,n, arravd a,,in-t fre above convcrnation took place. He was a ! worthy a place in their studies. would have imbued mv hanN iu bii blood. ; Kn--land and America. The attempt uf comfortable old bachelor, happ) m disposi-i lion: bannvin n0..nka;n ... in,l.n.n,U ! luiiuue, auu uappy in uia sisier s Dome not to say happy in the couipauionsbip of May, whom he honestly believed to be a- bout the beat and most lovely girl in the,'''' Cure" establishment in Conn, bad "a world. He had once dearly loved and ud- denly lost a fair, promised bride ; aud ne-' ver eince had he allowed himsulf to tbiuk of loving. And, besides, he diilu't know as be wished to marry. Me was well satisfied witb bis " state and condition," a ben Le was at home j to be sure he did feel uneasy and diesuiisuod all the while be was abroad. Nobody's company seemed to fill the void ! Li .heart. He did mis Lis sister so aud May ob 1 how clad he was to ace them ' when be returned aud how etrro'-e be tbo't ' it was that May didn't rush at him in the ball and bug and kis him, just as his sister did 5 but he took full sutisfaciion of the cou-' trar, creature heu aha did come towel- , iiuit iu come w wet come bint , 1 " And so May isn't married yet," he said j " well, it's rather too bad ; but 1 am g'.ad of it." : ; May c.me ver, near sighing, but she did n't-.t least, no. audibly. Howm.ny.ull- boru fighi thttf -.re in the world. j It is well it il no crime to smother them at Iheir birtb. i W..1! Roa,ipr aatatndtinrf il.aiolll ,trn faee before him : and he thought new tho'U new as lo their present relations. " Msv," be aaid at leneth, " May, was there ever a man that you could have loved, had be asked it!" j Lite a crimson dye, up rose the hot blood of that beloved fan, and th h.-.r.l l.mlr wa burnt out in an instant she only taid, not ' ' lifting her Lead or eyes : " That you Lave no right to ask.'' ."Justice " in New Yoik "I have no Deed to ask, dear Mav. For.' aUiy 1 4, 163. give m, if I mistake but I feel as if I had been favored by a revelation of of that I . have beeu a blind and stupid fellow as ever ,. . .. . lived. May. if a man whom you r.gard tue piaia old lellow betore you, acis to asK for your love, what would yoa say "' " Ye," said May, dropping her bead till her face was bid auioug tbe worst, i. " Will you have me!" cried Ilosaiterspring- ini? up. aud oversetting his chair. " Ye,"eaid a voice from amid the worsted. Rossiter was on his knees, and most fer- , , i , . , , veutly embracing oha.r, worsted and woman. ".Varryme! Will you marry me! "said he. " Yes,".aid a voice from the worsliddentb. Tt...t.u ..ji v Thi n linld nn enn, h..d .nrl mr. l..r,!r r j .t... r i :r. o. n i upou .uo laoe u. my a,... ca. , I believe I re loved you for years." " And I know I've loved ou almost ever since I knew you," said May, yielding to the gentle force which drew her from her low aeat and led her to one where there was room for two. . . And ib.t. why you never cared about any other man company and atleul.on, my My ' "les,"saioJ Slay, " vou begiu to under- , ,. " ... . sianu II BOW. " Oh, May 1 my beauty, my dear, good girl! Why didu't I Ihiuk of lhi before I Why didu't you toil me. May !" "1 ell you I I abouid have looked well, ' should I not !'' " Indeed you would have loeked well ohariuing in my eye. What a pity you did not bava confidence enough iu me lo bare allowed me to gueaa at the truth before. Why, May, I would have married you years anil.. .. tl l.ml t .ml most .rate.' . ...... ful fellow alive. How stupid men oao be lj ograuimes, 01 tuese uv...i.. j . Secured. Uueket., hsts, handkerchiefs, aud but, come, May, we uiu.t go aud tell my , b . wer- r )Ieni,iui ,i hliit.o.t during , slater. She will bo delighted, iudeed." And ha led the embarraaacd aud bluah- iog My, into th prcaeuco of hit aiater, aud j , , . ,, , j admitted ber to tbe great rejoicing , and, ,u a few weeks from that day, Uoss.ter aud May were no more twain but oao flesh. No body know what a month may bring forib nor to what tbe aimplest question may lead ODO. NEW-YOKK COttUESPONDENCE..' i A?quittl poa " Killi.no a Sboccebi Pkancb, - England, and Amkrica. ,imr.a,i-Ji,. cU7of SclU- 1W a Ke l KtNTCCUY.-Tb. trial of Hardest, for) The Pari, correspondent of the New York V.,--.in,,g,a(jVeJ Orubb occupied three daya j Ooinmereial Advertiser, under date ot A " ciira "Tin My.teriimt MuriUrSirttt Commit, of ll week, at Burlington, Boone county. I pril 'ii, writes to that paper as f.iliow : aionti Tl.t 7t Tin Mayor Sirindlert, ljc. ' j It will be rcninmbcrcd that a sister cfj ' Ai) already suid, tlie ncquittnl of Ber Peab Sltt : The Anniversaries are upon Ilardcaty was sedoced by Grubb and that'nard will not bring about any change iu us this week, and ' Ahixiiiun of Sljvn y " i. ' UardeMy told the iwducer that be would toe official attitude of the Kreucu liavern the great God of their labora-pusbing it- 'give bin. ai month, between marrying tbe j u,uU ""r. bt f, 'iUA P"' self, or ills being pusbod into alw.oat every - thing. The American Tract Society now I ba to fall before iu ungodly nsurpations. There are many good and wiae men here, hot as a general Ibing, the congregation from aii quarter may lie reckoued as a "paradise ' jonU " aa0i J Jainir nuthin- Piurth Ward, in this city, being foreigners and catholics, Lave turned the Bible out of j the Public Schools, (thirtecu in number,) in that Ward. Tbe custom of the whole State is, and ha been for years, to open the Schools . ,. . ' . ., by read.ng a portion of senpture, without note or comment, and causing the children to repeat the Lord's Prayer, &e., but Ci.-liop IIut;hea, the Frecninu's Journal aod those Trustees, seemed determined that the Lord's ' Prayer and the Bible shall have no place where thev ean nreveut it. Thus our nro- testant children see the Bible of their fath- New York in lii'iH, was sold, the whole Uland. for S24. In 19.58. the Island, or rem esiaie, is csiiiuaicu ai - nunucu millions. A. M. Jackson, (not Andrew,) at a " M'u. subject who bad the measlca 'Si years ago," , never well day since medical treatment all a failure till be tried her, by raisiug a blis-. ter on the little finger, putting her to bed in 1 cold swabs, and the next morning she was i magniCccutly " uru'.en out from head to' J001," td " on Cut 1st of April," (all fool ' day,) he says "she was perfectly restored,, walking 10 miles a day, giibe as an Iudiau j hunter." If you have any measles stored; away, just bring them along. I The man " icliote tanas'' have beeu "run " o ftmg, now uses molasses to alack-, eu their flight. 1 The mysterious mutilated female body: found in a barrel here last week, turns up, ,1 bv a ttrict searctini;, to be a womau Iroui - fc Canada, w ho was killed by ber paramour, a barber, and tbe barrel was traced to bis room on the back tract. He confessed the ' Lorrible deed , provin, 6am that truth is ; btrooger than ..... mqwj i Abundant, but poor men can I try, it ii m -I I ge"1- The cold and daily rains have con- tinned for uearly a month. . . . . The treat btrcet lOuiiuiss:oner case nasi 1;DStu Ueu decided, and Mr. E. Cooper, on of Pct,r Cooper, has full possession. ! The whole concern has been a mammoth windle upon tbe city for years, The " Turk" is again in our midst, visit- in? ,he "hools, anniversaries, ic. The Mavor is still arresting swindler, but have a Judge here who goes to all the , . . ...... 1 J'1 , and turns them out. oucu is i N. B. Since writing the above, the Tract j Society has been sustained, by a large ma- j . jonty, after an excitiug aud able debate, in ,, , .i ii- if which Dr.lletbune immortalized himself. 1 , . . , American, in remarks iue oiiLuuuu .-ameiiean, .u ' -o'"" tbree dollars ; M jj. McPowell, four thoasa ud j i 1 , 1, ad from " Lectures on the Dra upon the wonderfel exploiU of Rarey iu sub-! arJd twenty dollarsiCol.Totteii.fourthousand mtic Literature of the a -e of Klizabeth, duing vicious borses, gives the following di- rections for Procure the'tbri!0 ,oparate i i' - . little of the oil of eumiu upon your baud and approach the tior,c on the windward "ide- so J;l "'''' ll" jor of tbe O""1'"- Idc norse ,beu Buffer Jou ,0 -u""u- " " ,." J. ir,pr()ac, (,,, without any trouble, inme-; ' . . . . .... diately rut. your ham! Cem,y ou tne norse uose, setting a little of the oil upou it, and you can leu him any where. Give him a in- tie of the castor on any substance for which be has a taste, aud iu the most suitable man- ner manage lo get eiyht drops of the oil of rhodium upoo his toncue, aud he will at i ,.i... .!;.., , .I,, n.nst T,.ii.r - - - are capable of , j ltt Liud aiul eute ,0 b.m, and your permanent supremacy will be estab- lished, uo matter what may have beeu hi ., i .,i ..;;,,,,,. I,. r..,iNr Wa im,iv..;... .... ..v . - understand that lr. Karey lia beeu cbal- lenoed by l. Sullivan, also a horse tamer, ; pTuna0U 0f the celebrated 'Sullivan, the j Whisperer,' to a trial of his powers iu Cork, IreuuU. ASliOALoF Asciiovia. The Semaphore de Maraeillea brio news of a ahoal of au- chovies chased by tuunyfi,h into tbe road- J J atead of Tuelon, in such enormous 4uanu- ties that the harbor asauuieu the aspect of vermicelli soup, and 1 ,000.000 (300,000 kil- ,1 of tln., delicious sardine were Easier week, the affrighted fish nol daring! to leave the shore while the tuuuy siiuad-. rou was off tbo coast. j . Hard T. Su.T.-l'onr trials have been made in Providence, K. I., to elect a Seu- i tor and six representatives to tDu Leg'.sia- , tbe Legisla-, ture from that eity, and yet there it no . I . ; accomplishing tbe same object: rncy. live thousand ai,1 tturty-oue Uo. . lurs! (l. Mav. tlir.e thousand fire huu- J, ,. , , dred aud tiiuetcen uollars : the general av- nf niiiinii and rl.nrtiiiin and keen , . . , 'girl and being killed. The bit months ' expired, and Crubb not Having married the jgirl, FJardety met biin, and on sight nbot him. The evidence ehowed that Grubb was armed also in expectation of tbe " - f tacE, but was Miot in the net of draw bis weapon. Tbe trial was euded I ant l ...lllo' Tho f,.ll.i,.n. ia tha Trh"srn,rM-,. of ,he judoment pronounced by Jude Xuta.ll upon the verdict of not guilty by 'he jury in behalf of Hardesty i Sir : Tou have been iudioted by a grand J"rJ 01 ?"r e,rMUr? "Pon "' charge. You have put yourself unnn your mfy ni, Go(1 foHr our deliverance - y invc bad a fair aud impartial trial before thctn, aud they have both pro uo""ced you not guilty, aud so aay . It mny.he ''"'ProPcr for, ,ue to pre oiy seutimeuts, yet nevertheles, I will do it. Voiintr man had I been wronL"d. a von l..v .,.on I wnnlrl hnri, sm-nt cverv dol I bad 'on earth, aud all that I could Go hence, wiihout delay. You are acquit, ted. LainsvtHe Courier. Squake Milks ok tub New TkitHiTo- riem. The supcrlieiul area of the new Ter- ritories ia tL us represented : Square, M.les. Kansas, 130,il(lil Minnesota, 141,000 Oregou, 2-J7.UU0 Washington, 113,000 Utah, I;7,U.iU New Mexico, 21O.0U0 Nebraska, Mesilla, TS.O'iO Iudiau, 1-S7,000 Square miles, 1,507,000 Nebraska is our largest territory. It will m.'ifcn al.nur pi. hfv Sr.it.. s m l:iri as New jjsuipilu:rc ebraska is about ona-sixth ricu frui of "" --on:-eience, and giva tho size of Europe. " . that heart beU'respcoi which is above aii ;pnee. , ,, .... . I ... .. n . .. t. . Jlmimno Tint Hupb. Littlo r-irls, and Wonderful Dtscov KttY or Gold. The . i .: ..... , , i , .j , . sometimes largo ones, prow ambitious at ' Richmond W bi of tbe 1 3c ti ttist says : times in this exercise, anil their moveninuts j ,i ' . r frm a r !iaV gfbtlernan should be watched, as they utiy Ho theui- I rfC(1Ill aVri veil from the South, that in eles injuries, from the effectn of which tt.ey 1 ie u,t fow tttt.ks there h been opened ' - , it ... - GQf in their juv.nfle , ports of an Lu, A seri-1 0U!i oa.se of the kind occurred iu this ciry the ir r- r frtfc(iriLf Vttr A:m0nvtLt in ,1.;- I -i- I at iir 1 hUf'tTIOr. tO 8D eT U '"tU . tlfU III early part of this week. A young lady from j countrVi The vein ha been penetrated at ,ork. thoughtlea hour, resolved , tLrce difft.r(ltlt rojul, uud exhibit tbe t.l trn linw nmne tlliip. itlia nnnlti inuin 1I10 ... ' . 1, 1 . ... . . . ' . r. rope witnout stopping, a otuers ha-l done, i ,(.iive a vpooillieu aH (00 3 be ob and went on until she was exhausted, n.Hailled a rcel prdll,u.d to be forwarded sunk into absolute helplessness. As au nn- ovruers " mediate consequence, she was seized with an I ' affection of the heart, aud was for two or ... r ... .... ., . . 1 1 j .1 . Y BETcutD State vr T.n Matb.imo.nal three days in dancer ot sudden death. At the last aceount she had imnroved a little. M A K S X .A California Corre.pout.tut but is still iu immiucnt danger, and her re- covary cau omy ua vue resun 01 tue utmost y - i - ooj.,uCIUo,u u, time. I'ou "Ulieevue luazle. " Pirur H i v (Iri'irKRs The iVIikIh t sums are irivtn as the amount received r,er ycar by the several army officers named : Gen. Scott, eighteen thousand two hundred ...i ,in... r . u',.i : i . "uu u,u "u '. - , i thousand eiiiht hundred ami btty-four dol- JUm Geu v Sluilh ; ,f, li0a jouc huudred and eighty-uie dollars ; Adju- ' tant Gen. Cooper, live thousand aud niucty- ... . , .. . ,,ri n ...i.,.. ... r six hundred and forty -eiht dollars ; Gen cilit humlreu uoiiars : lieutenant coioncls, fo"ur til0Usall(i doilarg . niajors, three th ju- dollars; captain, two thousand five hundred dollars ; lieutenants two thousand dollars. douaM. , A GRASSllorptR,.The ... OonUa ( Texas) Inquirer has an amusing account of the invasion of that city by irra. boppers, and the attempt of tho citixe'is lo reDt.l the iutrudcrs : ' hve " Everybody turned out men, womeu ud children, white and blaek-everybody . -iib ' tire and sword,' brusbes aud brooms, blanket and bucket-, earned ou the dead- ' """"li. ,,J ,u , , ' " n hoDDed ou. aud the defending force were ... i..:. .' ....... I . oougeu tu " iuiu,,oii ir..t.. the barbarian in possession of the conquered oity." ' ; ' , f erao receipts is: colonels, lour tuousauu PitKACUKr.S IS PARIS Several of tbe'wav ot the At.aul.o and N. C Kailroad nonular preachers in Pari bava entered! up0U tt crusade against tho lavish expeudi - ture of their lady bearers upou dress, ib P-ci-Hy exciting their in- di 'ntitiou. .tie of them, a Bishop, "X cl.meJ tU b,;.;,! of his real, in tbe n.;jjt 0f a atc discourse "Let womeu remember, v. bile puttiug on their profue bd cxpeu.-ve attire, hof narrow e t'je - j .....j;,, .. gutes ul l arauiso. IssCI or Tukasuuv Ne'TSS. The q....,.,.. nf th., Trm.urv a to have o-1 pi.oed on Monday, at 1 J o'olock. seal, d pro- ,.-.is .l.inh hu.H Imeii received ul the Do- b.oh have bee. re Prtn nnt, fo th i u. ; ....,ul' .'or gold coin of the jjujted Slates. It i aaid that bid from t'ujted New York amount to about lU.W'J.ueJO, the .............. luini uli rwr iuiiI. rreaiei jiu..,-. j 0011fouud iu Go;Tiiuiei,t ' wirli 'tbe. mob ( that bung arouud tbo Old Bailey durinir ' 'be trial. Bat more circumspecliou wnl !,U "Ke,,r B'le "uli '? " bat tD 'bout to Mart fir a cruise on tV Iri-b coast received instruction nt the lt iiioment before sailing to avoid allowing tlieiiiael ves l ins lii.iti people., iu order uot to creatu uniieeesa.i, . . ,., , French army, on tlTe" o'lti'.fna.ir.j'L".' -tate of rbuliition. and ccc!" "tily to be let loose to attempt tbo loug-tuiked-of chastise ment of Kiii'l mJ. " I have beard it n pealed, over and over again, tl.is week, that with tiiU etent oom iliei.Cfs that iulereMiug period iu the hi-to-ry of the world where llie Knli.-h Channel forms the line between depoii.-.m aud liber ty ; where the charge of (iofuiiding liberty and free priuciplu is thrown upon Englaud and the United Statin ; wliere, iu fine, that lori" talkd-of uuiou bet.vocn tin) to cre:it ! representatives of the. Aoolo SaXuii race i forced upon ilium by a e iiumon cause of j r'ruuee to violate on Kngli-h oil a priuciplu allien Ihe Jiiig.isu iwwn ucar i. iue.ur.-a iie tha new diviiiou between I lie great nations. Ana lifu tlio !iiouimt comes that Kuglaud will be coinpelied to def'eud herself on this prin ple, who doui.is that America wilt be at Ler side to form ber left wing iu the deft-nue of liberty ?" InDI'sT'.iY. Evtry youri man should re nieinber that the world Las aud always will honor industry. The vulvar aud useless idler, whose energies of body aud mind aro ru.-tiug for want of eierui.-e the mistaKeii beius bo purt;e ainuseiunnt as a relief to his enervated muscle', or engages iu exer cie that produce no useful end, may loot ' with sooru upon the smutty laborer engaged iu bis toil. Bat hisscoru is ou honor, ttou- est industry will secure the respect of tbe 'wise mi Biod anion.! men, and yield thi , m t astom-ung rictmess. ne prouneu io writes as foiioits : . .. consider It my duty to state boidiy, tliat ttn matnruonal m irKet is t,.,eauigM ,i..i pi. ,: ...... .i.., .o,. ..,,1 .1 I other dry coo ls, went off rat. idly at bigli ' J . ; u.'ures. nut tin, evi u youn anu leo'i r ' canuuiaies go ou s.ow.y , ! dcr "ud tc,J1Kllt r 0 "' ,i'"r' . f"r tia'"' t,''n tUl're i? or istratiou of the go. .rnmi-tit o uo more show honest ndruiu- of New York. Pl.AClARI.sM The lliclimouJ Wliij; pla- Cfs iu parallel coljmus, extracts from the litter of Gjv. Wi-e ou Ivuow Nothiin;iui, I .... , r . , n by Win. Hazlitt." TL? laugoa is almost precisely the saiue through several long sen tence.. This plagiarism is the more sur prising, since Gov. Wise certainly ha no occasion to pilfer other men's language or thoughts, having, as every one knows, a verv I'.liri. fl)w of both, iu his owu right. Journal of' Ci"t merce. A CltfRcH BrtRNEK. A man in Holme county, Ov.h. named Wallick. who for , , , ,: ,, y, ar. h.s been .usane on tehg-us su.j.ef, took it into bis heid a lew wcea ago, that he was commissioned to bum down all the .churches. Accor.lin.jlv on Thursday last be proceeiert to set nre lo tne mtueran an i Methodist cburehe. but before much dam w done he f. o u ouncl biii!c!t in int. lie f the belief th,it the only itiou lor the people is in bis getting out . k,...:,,,, nhi.r..lii. j. New ltul Tk To TiiE N'lttTll We learn that the tirst shipinuut from lUleigu, by was mado on Tuursd i v J.-i.t. It ennsis- 1 i.l 0f oue bund red and iwruty ream of : printing patu r. weLl.iii.- O.-tO pound., from N, u e Mauua.-tunng Comply consigned u Kl.ses W . Jirw, bertie, to be ! f.,rwarde.l u A- C Goodman 4 Co, I eW .rk. We understjiil tLis rout.i wa aeie'ted as the cheapest. Uitlftg .,(;.,'.. a. EsfAPK or Slavks Co Sunday night last, avea alave veiou.'iug to A. II og mi re. and oue to l It. .-olaieb. v, ot w asuin.-tou county. Md , w away but ware ca; t.,re I bear ShipceUsbur.', l'a , and r. tn-ued i'V PI- lf ut , Jofc r. ! Worthiutrton, a!;d one to the U jmptuu j late, in Baltimore county, were arreslt-d a lew night ag-., 1 fauutvlvaui. wtuli m;4ui).' tries ut . - .

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