vVfN. ...v- ; -"-Vim -'II ' j- . (, .iiK4naU . ; 1 . 1 .- v a . .. . i i 1 I . ,. . -,; .:i ';. (,r j t r:' ,, ... i ., ' s.aj ... j, , a TH0MA8 Jf HOITOM, 4 'EB1T0B 4 POPR!JtTOa.' 1 'TEKMS : Tht StartU-Car-ilian W'hig will beuffi.rdcd loaub. .,,' t TWO X)IJ.AI!S hi u.lT.nwjTWO not i-a! a no n pty i ents ,r p-vim-ni i del.ved r.f1)irrmmilhinn THHK'R IKM.fAHH ,t me i ii.i or .-- .'-K"l-' ,,.. ..ill all 4.ir-ia at nam.. xenial Ihe nU.nol ,"r 'Hl . . . A.IrliiiwUMiMrludlChrIXillrirqii", (IS inn s ..rte, this eiird t)pi)lin llm first maif- ,lf,n, anc cr.ni. .,r -..t., t,p,,.,-i u..,,. e. ,eriiMHn1 sad r.liefifr,a Malt- ehtM 5S per nut. h.jWHHiU lncli. l por nnt. U tdc r, 'lltiiiiiiiU i ii r rUi iiM.Mihlj ur I ,,,,,0-rlr . .t I prf r..r e.ch fku.i. j .....il.l. Ti cHt Her oimrr for Imio. I'rrmni hl Kil lilif In thrlr Biivrwiita W !' Iarrti.i or oiiUl .bl and ob.rg vi sc. t U, wll h e.rdmrlji. - ' t ' 1 Iti rp jinir 1'iaiiow iu Tunc. MflK eilil'ns af Ch.rl.tts A ...r.,i;. 'I ll .Hh. re..,.drd .b.tth..0h.r; l i. ,!..- ff-" : inland ,Mrbala- I" Ibc b.alaiblr uwi.nrr. lie wumd i.'.i 1 tb-lan 'd niliuiiMnt jid Is j ni w a ..) "V"11 as " mt . wilb all the 1 nile.1l inifr.ivta.anls IUehr.i bul he la prrr. ,4 .'a.w.i ''"" ''"' hly r.-.(l .t.H.fsJl or ll..d t.. r It Kwal, ' "' " " 1 "ir , lie alas intrnda te plnf rnaili.n.ly on hand, frm ttia niorl elhr.d mana'arta'sra in te t niiad Miaica, wbiah will ha a-IS at i .nt-ciurrr-a one wua i. I j Uia I'ueua iruiim in purt pay lf new r4ica acr..nii. g tu tl.nr -lu. . iut. k'i f ft eii.atant!y e.u h ind, e tarn h'Tid ,ilnuneita l aall r to lt. Ana aarM.ii lvif wlal iii.trunira'a, and are . a ...,. j .. k;fM ..r-d . i. ".. IJ R.f Pli'.p and .,, K..MI. alll e .Mo.ul 11.11, uo..t ta, atr ifta I Tin llni. ASA liKOl'.GB. !, CkmiUBl.J. U. IfiH. gvl.TCiis! TCils!! fm . .. . E.nn ft ' TnF ahsjiUTMPNT fF ;ki Tr.AS 1 n.s E Arv"H I vi r. r ur i.mi n.s . .. .. . . . ; i r-..a,yar..a..4i., II r-Yo.g II,.... Lkwiai, U.Mw.wurf, E. gii.a lr-an..m ,u4 ...a, -.1. .ar,vi....r..i..t . I . U. il. I'HUfllAUD'S .U J.ag Aoi. 0' I.cmoval, rVlK aal-enkar ir,,a bit fiirnda and the 1 fuHi g-oa "II, Ut Ua li a lli...tr. his i.. lha vi4 at nu M rr A bifriy, umln I. S W i!:,,!!' Ml..rr,'nn T .! .Ir. . t. whir he prau.fd ... ett n4 to all w.lar. In bis line, fie bla aliM S few ficK n i.a.l anrk aw Ooldca Cotk.Goldep 8ts.r.PImter and : ' Promlom cdou muvj:s ad a ly "( r.itiaOic stoviin. III IMf Ac. All of (rli U.j k-r ( All ttiyun D II.( liYKULY J,a II. IS . ' j toimi it s:Vai m k lUNvWAY fi.i R. fiV --.ill l.hr. I.l wi iin, lHi, wiy i rriiit ni. Ha bl.ck ai.d of net iu in jr. i. .,1.1, w.a is.ar.l by Mi i I.. .In reuiiiy. an,, a-oo lo ntr vr v . p. n. I ll, mk . P. By. l aa.H, of I,.ne,.ia e..i.t , Vahrn.ry, tn.'i6 .id Hay ia lying al.wl I harb-lln ! W a'lui'a.al I....C .in r 4ii.ly. .f Wih.aii. On i. .l. o t-.uniy. ms U..; '. r, i.l.. r. .1 li oi I-.. p. , ni.. a.llp.y lltll III IMI I. II.I I.l. lt r.r Via ap..fe).e.H.n ami itritvriy n. ( li.fl..n. jail. M lital I ran grt nii. D. W. ('ItlL Sai. li. Id-?. -"Ju Try It! Try 1 1 ! HrM!Kl;'.l1iraarafr.rrf I Itrnrl ..f tVl III' t. r w.i ma, nr. he in ini' w..rln P.r tho tlm al awawa ,1 r..aaaa hi Uaat. Try it- ?kicii ai;u a I'uct; iDtUSr-:, . J ieia's e.'r. IJ.IM la llt , 1)1 . I ;itoliu:i. "t.K (K.I.NF., Ilw arrnt for l ahe.r twm. .11 ...I . I,, c....raat V.J. LOHKIK'S II'MiK STOUK. r.r... i. a dr.iiii.g a will r.il ..i,. W'V r. M T. I Jtf rjVlit-; ry l.rth.. al. . r I ..I' a, ten. I ..i.nj in lu.t i f S..I11I1. .f T n. Ejiraet t I, .f (. "11 low at .-luoeal, M.id,ir,Ar ..f be p. PKITCIIAKDS hag .Ma.f, ririn'a I'mnrr, Varnilie.s, Varnishes ! A I U(.r. alK a aniw on hand mtiaiatilif "I' D in 'i. I'i'ie!t I'na h Ibniy. r Hrmi.irr, Ja ' kc. v.i.,,1, h. ,ula ,, AMI b.,wtr . .l.j oil.rr l.,i.r il. r'h.rb.llr. Il. II. M. PlUTi HAIlD. lt'o.S.t. ana Urlml hour's'. ' lawia'a I oaasa. I Condition I'owders ! ; 1,1AII.WEHS n..,tlnra in.i rr.t. i in KTtM K,' al ra .astii, d ll.nl tin pr pt, fli. in. are un. "T'rd a I.,-, lib j.ti. f rrn.i-.iira (o ll .rw", .ill., and all altMle of t,-k. Kor ...I- at i ' PUITCII 4KDM H iafaaaia anal ArW . fimt, law is'a I uaaaa. j ll tiling ;UH ut ij.-nsi ii.ii;r, Of'll.rfir.lql.l;i,.,t PitiTt iIakiva niirn mtorf.. i Kkiiuison v m:iiis(.'. " IMFCRTrkl CP ' Slls, Llnent, Hosiery, Embroldeiles, - ', . ' NO. 141 MKKT1NG STRF-PiT, . liplUiMTE HAVMC MTRtkT, C iUKLrMKiN.H. I". . . . 1 L. KtRRtnon. - -! . UIRMAN LSIDINO. f 1'HE iiiidrrsignrd having rn.crrd inloCuparL. JL ueral.ip fol the urut.ae tif iforr ying mi lliii Confectionary, Mcry, Fruit, AM) , . . Retail Grocery Business, Bt., h-,r to call the ettcntinp ..f Hie eilinns of , rl)a ,d ,,,,,, ,.,, , -, Nrw g..,rt on Tredr Hirer t.hrtWrrnBrem'a end Frank. eiiihull'a, t)r:H Al D-nie.'e ld Island, where ,M.j wouu bu p0ileu iu ere all tlatig Irieiide ana acquaints!..., . - Fthn,ry f (gjg MOODY i MSRET. 4d ti " ., ii'MIl 9 l -t '! j , J j, lJll JIHS. & LOm " - . ' ' I itil.l I.I'.IIS fit fm It OVI. I'H'.S. . ,.,..... ... ......... , " H. Mill! ICI. Tkll. .. I PAKE now rtc. iviiik s tare stock , 'm. abdwill b.vv wrvaly auiiitHioa tltcir a..li-a iiin r. quire. J ly II aril to Ilia ulu.l. a-lu Iraila l! am. 11 roM.ml..i..n. ..... v.rinvranniiFii vur ir....ri....-i,i.M nwn We nernpy tn acii aouKb ai.nu ne.nllj oc CUliuil hv I . M. r.rr.iw. irCillDKRS Mt. nncd to promptly and s. low " " p'"'1' .. u 1 1 i I A MS v ro - ' WII.JIA.MO t.U., TsJ A'raf. 3 iooisiot lit Ha ( araer. (7,rilr,Jn 'Jf, lejB. 47ll - t n imjfm .wn " I 111 I.HIiiU S.t l.l, WIICI.ES.LE anil RETAIL 1 EALEP.S 1 DISY (jOOI)S, II A II It lfl. HA'lS.V IIOI. tm iitti:, v c. Jav,i, lB'.'l. 47if Variety Stcre. its i Coulee loinii'ies, mil?, 1 3 ' II E auWriU r r. pu. rifui'y inf'.rina the eiti ' sin. I h.rli.ltr aini urr.'un. ii c..uinry, I f i ., t he l. . i.n hand anu la C 'l.iUu.ly rtueiving pTrilrr VtV I Ab-ri,b7'iUii, bCIUeCUCliailcSi lIL llSj mg the principal too ds of Germany, lue l - MM Y C.K(l('i:i( 1 1 S,C !f:.rsU'l,",,ed ptuirt, Lirtt, arrived at Prague a a a a n . a a - 0 a a a act g - .1 .1 1 1 ia it a 11 1 . 1 1 1 1 ft! ni.ijin T(IIJ l CO. S.M IT. 'ICiY.S. 1 . ?i.wM-;. I .. a t r .. , , I , Illti; ill lis.Ulil IIOIll, j . lws'la i , i int. Mr it sH., 1 f.-nili, l.lit .. A l of etc, y .....y. J D PALMER D. IS, IKS7. PH lliing r.om ihrarra.rrat.1 a fit.i r.r B.krr. I mi r. p.iro t lun.i.b tup. ttut I AK Et ,( a,,rf ,...t,ra. - .'. .T 'j. , gliirti iK'nr'.i ' A Injullthtt Utmrdy for IIOltSEl ' ON ti,.. i...il..f Onr Ib.i.a.. I will nn.il lo ..nv p' ii. r.r. iH .l a . n ..y r..r II,,... ... Hi. .. iff.,... M,...r t.mb.. Th,. re. I hrc. ....." ....! wm wor.t I , .... . . ' linn.. Th mat. n. I. ef ImI. the n r.iirn.a i. ! ,;,7;."1. .nn i.n.. it u.ia r. iiin.y i.na i.n. , ..i i r-ci. ll II. I. I II U.I r Aom a. mc ai , t rrhiUi '. I.ui.l. tj .,, . .V I . John v. daker. Sf4. 1 .1, i!'.-' Country 31 ere hauls CP I. .p.lllu..J int. Uu tocil and ll.ll.tr r.,ir wl...l.alr t.r.r.jof rtalff DISH. . ml llli IM, , ol lip in a. V aly.r 1" o.,i, r.by PIS! I t'll A l( D, Iragial aad A itinerary, lawia'a I oaaaa. Tttth i l or SyrittgrH, ltT rvrrivedat I'lllTCII iKDt. .1 tiii: Mvi i: IWKiO UATOK! raariaaiinv ia sasroan. ( ompeanird ratirrly from ti IS, r osic ..r tiik a rr ei r..tiv I It I a K 1. .'h.xtl'l Tl l.lrrr . m4 -... .... h ..... U ! wim i he ...j a... a.w, a ti. a.M.- .1, hat la 7iTV: fc-.r-.l t. ua.t . r.a... Ma; III- is.ii.pt i a. a.w.i, .1' II j-.prpla aa. 4- ... a Mirk llrarfarh. a (ka I h.ei. , - i ........ r iLa " ! I h .a.w. .h. at ii. a..., W. i.t.r ! I- '- l t mi a. V arra " .w .n-.r. ar .Mil.,, a. .t.,al. rnwu; la f.!1 Ilr,..r. I". aarliiiMi La" ,r a ,h....au,.. a. a , r....l' Si". "'"ll I-., r, laal- l..a T. pr. ll ,.p.,n.. j ... ti arr citing Hit Ir m.anlittntia .11 tt h. t.-ll,.,.... a a" Sill alrr I ...nlh a. Iltt Ilia Invl- (,.!..,. .,.,1 ...a:.... ..;....... THO I.IVrR INVIOORATOR la a eriKSTino t'..i..''i. ihk.'.ivi hv .a i. a.n. ii Hi. I sasriiKiiai F SCAKK ft CO . .. .... h.nlu'lf, N. C. , 011 8ALK lit UK TDE OLD A 111 rnt!B. y ri iu cook I Inn it, f love it J nil wlm ili.ill (Jura T cliiits m tor lniiig iiiut old mm ehair I ' I liufe trvBurui it lir as a liitty prit l't iHiuwid it Willi Icara, and trmbluiad it with if In It's bound by a thousand bunds to my heart, Not a tie will break, no a link will il.lt. vVualit yon learn t'tf spell 7 A nw.thrmt titers, Auu crtd lliing is llut old arm cbuir. In c!iil!honda hour I 'inperel neur "e "I"WI aeal, wim llalrlliliv ar J Ao" re'e w..r.is that nHiil.rr w..uld give, Tu 6l m to dl and trucll Hie In liva. sl ,,,, ,le ,llume WUM JU never lietide. Willi tiulli for my cretd, and Ud l.ir my guide, She l.ufclit me t.. Iiap my effliei.t prayer, As I knell beaids that old srm clisir. I aot and wuh lnd her many s day, When her ryra grew dun, and In r i.rlia were grey; And I aim,..! worahitn'd her whrn alie smiled, And turned from li r H.blii to l.lna h. r child. Yrra n.lit-d on, hut the la.t one afied My id! .hi'llrred, my r .iili ai.r 6e.l j I learnt h.iw niueii il.e he.iitcno imAr, W heu I saw In r die in llial old arm chair. 'Ti p t ! '.ia p..a. I lint I f ago on it now. With quiv.rilig l.re..lh mid throbbing br,w. Tv'u th re hr nurard me, 'twua there ehe due. And iiirnmry rlnwa with lava tn:e. S, it i. h,U, .il ,.,,m li.e r.,k, U hilr ll. r ac. Ion. g t-i.rr H..rl d'.wn my cheek i lint I l..vr it. I h.ve it ; ml enmot tear .My soul mini s motlier's olu arui chair. Hi5fcII;uttmts. 9"WT5 MlSH'.TA?r;' Hi.3i5Ii.Gii. :iTf?ICIM' Hi.32JIi.GS. , , . After bavin,! pa-aed the rummer iu VI-t- ..rated r.iain.t. i.irtt. arrivcu at rraL'US 1 - c iu Uctolrr, IS 10. ni J...r,.r bo earn bis ai.ait.iiei.t The d.y.lt.rbe c.me, ls apartment was entered by a stranger an oia man, lioe appearance ltiuicsieu niicry auu taufferin . 1 be great mu-ician rec. ived bim c)rdiai,y ,bieb be would not per- l . 1 j- e ' . ""P- " sbown lo a nob eniau. t.ucour- ! r,eJ by IU kindne , the visitor s.d s "I ! coins to you, sir, at a broth. Kxcuse me .. . , ,. . , ..-..i.h.i.ndinia tbi dia. 1 . ... a:..:a ' . ..... , Z f An!i! toart sotno t-kill in playing the piann, aul by giving i iii-t r uctio u I gained a comtirta-, , . , - , . I an, old feeb'e bur- U ... . ' t,or octied will, a.trge family, and atitutc ot Mini a. 1 live at un u.ier.'auui came iw Prague to recover ibe remuatit of a aiuall M l,elo"e'ed y .i... Alibougb nomina lly aucccs.ful, the expend of a long litigatiou has more thau swallow, td up ihe trifling sum I recovered. lo' morrow, I et out for home peDuiieis.'' And you have come lo me ! You have doue well, and I tbshk you f"-.r this proof of your esteem. To asrisl a brother professor! ! is to me more tban a duty it is a pleasure, 1 Ani-n should bare their purse in common ; ind if fortune neglects some, in order to treat oihers bciler than they deserve, it only I makes it more necessary to preserve tbo i :i:i .:... v.. n.l kii.dn... That is I ' i r'l'iiiiuiiu... k'j , jmysy-ten. so don t spesg ot gramuue, tor , , I fri-l that I only discharge a debt." Aa I, a uttered these generous words. Li-It opened bis drawer iu started when he saw th lory for Lis money ,1, ,,.., I lie summoned bis servant Wbero is the money !'' he asked There, sir," replied the man, pointing to the opcu drawer. " There. Why, there is scarcely any thing '' " I know it, sir. If you pie ae to remem ber, I told you yesterday that the cash was nearly exhausted." ' You fee, my dear brother," said I.isit, smiling, "that, for the moment, I am no richer (ban you. Put that docs not trouble ! "What would you say to a fortune of mc. 1 hive credit, and I c.n make money'tbree million francs I" .url from the key; of m, piano. Ho.ev ..Would wii.y accept if J cr, as you are in haste to leave Prague, and ' Well, we understand each other. My homo toil hnlt not be flelaved bv i 3 J J my present nt of funds." So aiiying.be opened another drawer, and taking out a spit -id uiedallion, gave it to the old mau. '' There," said be, " that will do. It was a present made me by the Hmpcror of Au-tria bis own portrait set in diamonds The painting is nothing re markable, but the stones are Sue. Take them and di-poee of them, aud whatever tbey bring shall be yours." . The old musician tried in vain to decline so rich a gift. Li.-it would not hear of a refusal, aud the poor mau at length with- A r.,m invokinn I ho choicest blessiliL'S ofi . ' , lU.yenoi. ms neneiacor. tie w.cu pair- .1 ...... sl.r. f lh. nrinoinal iewnller inl tne city, in u.nvi v- v.i U...I.UM-. j i Seeimr a mi-erahly-uressea man anxious to a ' , , tea an e.ecir.o snocu. in'' imir.n.j! rlisnns. of Biacniliccnt iewels. with whose).. , ,. ... ...... ...... 1 . yslue he appeared unacquainted, the mas- ter of lha f bop very naturally suspected his bone-ty ; and, while appearing to examine the diamouds with eloae attention, be wbi. pered a ftf words iu the ear of oua of bis ciHUbt.' Tie latter went out, and ppee dily relumed, accouipntiicJ "j scteral of ike police, wbo arreated the unhappy artist, is cpite of hi protestation of iiinoocr.ee, 'You must firt come to pron," tbey . , t (( . . . , said ; " alierwaras you ran give a a expla uatiou." , . , t r .ft The prisoner wrote few lines to bis ben- efactor, imploring bis assistance. Li-it has- tened to llie jeweller. 8ir "mid be "TOO Lave earned the ... oir.s. u, yuu eu tue ar rest or an innocent man. Cone witU me immediately, and let ns bare him released, He is the lawfulwncr of ihe iewela in question, for I gave tbem to1 iut." " But, sir," said the niervut, you!" ' - - - '" vho " fv nnme is Lizt. "I dou't kuow any rich man of that t'0"al i)"U0CTati's Pry, he being the nomi- me nee of the convention which uiet in Char- me' lotte. lie represented the country as en- "That may be; jet 1 am tolerably well joying unexampled prosperity, aud attrib.it- known." , ed all these ble.s.ings to the triumpb of lie- M Are you aware, air, that these diamonds niocratie principles. are worth sii thousand florius-tbat is to' He said that ibe great rule of Deoioerscy ... . . , was a strict construction oi trio CouMitunon, say about five thou.anda gumcas, or twelve ,lid ,ll?t if we rjp from ,hat r,e alld aI. thousand Iraues f" I low high protective tariffs and ihe jriving "So much the better for Lint on wbom I away of the public property, then the North bestowed them." i,ny aault our property in the District of "Hut, in order to make inch a present ' iTn th? T""' dck 8rId,'" , r aud Dually in the btales themselves, lie you muat be very wealthy' Itbencpoke ofthe prscticsl advantages of " My actual fortune couMrta of three a u- lemocrscy, declarin; that it bnd opposed cats." the assumption of the iHtate Debts by the "Then you are magician" ; General (ioveru.iie.lit, opposed Inlerual lin- 3 rl V F"0"'1"' by 'he Gen. rsl Goveriimeut, 1 V 00 "ie,"'i "a Jft' ovjii't moving overti)rowll tllt. National liauk and thereby fingers, I cau obtaiu as mui b mouey as I saved the Iti public. lie then di-cuscd tho tali. ' , ' Vou mint be a macician " " If inn fliiMin I'll rliaelo-n tn vnn tho u you cnoo c, i u uiaciu. ) uu iu- magic I employ." Li-rt bad seen a piano iu the parlor be- bind the ahnn Il nnenetl it ami run bis e .. i i. .. . j u i 3 ' ' ' , " dea in-pirauou, he improvised one of tho.e -rd - f aoul touching symphonies peculiar to him- sejf. ...r icu. I As he sounded he first chords a beauti- rt 11.11 ' vv. 1 fu young lady entered tho room. U.lo the melody continued, she remained speech- rss and immovable : then ui tho last note die,t iwa. ,he cre& wit0 irri,tible entbu- aia.m .. Brlv0 U,M . ;, wondrous ' 'nr. D(Jst thou nom ,lim tlii,ni mj jau,. ter g,.e(J ,ue jeweller. Jbis is tho first t;me I hare had the . - . P'"",Cr! ' T.'"S r "T. P pie.scr.oi seeing or nearing .., r,p,i. ,be; ..i,llt L gU0 that none living save Lj rt, could draw such sound frrn the pi- a n 0 ' i l i t 1 . v I hxpre.s.d wuh grace an 1 mo.l,-ty. by a u M of rcnia, kllbie br,utJi thi .,1... t. u ik.n fluttering to the artist. However, after ma- kingh.s be-t acknowledgements, I,-rt with- . . . ..... . drew, in order to deliver tlie prisoner, ana jlcl!ap.g p,, of distribution with that ad accompanied by the jeweller. vocated by Mr. Clay, and declared that Mr. Grieved at his mistake, the wof.hv mer- McKae'a plan was impolitic aud uucou-ti- chant sought to repair it by invitin.Mbe two . . . ' . mus.c.atis to supper. J Le honors ol the la- b!o were done by bis amiable daughter, who appeared no less touched at the generosity of Li.-zt than astonished at his tilt nt. That nij;ht the musicians of tie city scr- enadcd tbeir illustrious brother. Tie next da. jbc nobles and most distinguished bavl.itants of Prague presented themselves . .1. j . ti ..j i . , ,.,. tuc uvor, uey ctiircateu i.iui iv ' c ' . gon)(S concerts, leav.ng it to li.a.-eif lo fix .n ..,, t,n ,.a.A .. . ........Ktinn Then tlm ieseller nirceived thai talent, e- . . . . . ..... h -a-ghter was ,Je cause o. b,s visits,- Ho began to love the company of the tnu- s.ciao, and the lair girl eertaimy uia not uaw i. On. msmlaa .ho S...1I... -omin. to the pointwithGermfranknessJaid-oUsXt:- " How do you like my daughter V , She is an aneel !" ! " What do you think of marriage !" " I think so well of it that I have the great- est possible inclination to try il " ,1 .,irrht..r i. von v.iu nlea-e III V llaull- , j , j c- ter. Her fortune ia ready j be my soo iii-' a " With all my heart." The marriage was celebrated the follow-, ing week. I 'And this, according ,o ,he chronicles of Prague, is a true accountof the marriage of the great aud good pianist LUtt I his writing case, and en in a pecuniary light, may be more v.l- "J ;'. ' ! " ' "?'' " ,:nsfar those old issues are concerned - Mr. MeKae then went on fo stale oa ot . ij ., . . . , justify a desertion of principles. I hat was ur nu .'i . v ,t. , :. r ,ei,eed b iu to take iid bat bis usual deposable that, the most precious diamonds.- Arnoy gavPe for his treason to, My competitor seemed as ,f he had be,,, e re o, - a t B . c.d t; t t .k t up contained Ut three. Lisit continued to go to his hou-e, and. to Li, count 4e. a-leep for the last ten or twenty years and ."I J -Mi n.., , fjf the merch.nfs great joy. he prccived that lie then .aid that much bad been said ('ad woke up in a .dream, imagwnng tnat he j,.,-, ia, u,cti;..j tlie unailuOUS nom. -a I was personally a strinr to the people of velopmem oi its .gr.cu..urat. ..... , . , I Unio,, county, that he w,, not nukuown l- . and mineral resources, , edut atio.,,.1 As a newly marked couple Horn "wJ,biMn ,lld especially that he wis not un- facilities, Ac, A.O. down East," were one night lying in bed,kfc0wn f0 thc lVn.oefacy of I'uion, and he ' He then proceeded to show that the pop,. r i. a i i, . j. ,i . L.r i ,..,.,; fv of lation of North Caroaua in I ? 10 was about talking over mailers and things a heavy I proudly pointed to the record to test fy of ' . matters and things a heavy I n arose. The loud peals of , t n t, . f t; ,l,t; . fill-1 1 imd flashes of .-ghtmng fi"ed thunder storm Ithuiiderand vivnl mUh Wrnr mA fearful apprehensions. . ... . oving couple to start a. if they had receiv- .A .t.ol, .To.,h, tbro.ino . , . T nts arms arounu nts wne nviimr, uu u Ji .. nien ,., . p. w clu. pcidlt,d jtst gundllTi on heariiiff a fine oon jjaurse on tho parody of tho prodigious soo THE DHC-irssioN AT MONROE-JT'DKE KMJ OPKNd THE DEBATE POWER-1 FLL srF.ECII OK MR MtRAtt REJOIN. EltS UY HOTir, Ac. 4. , 1 ' . ., .. . . , .-.J , Mcr.NRoi, Uuiod County, May lhh It5.j8., Ma. SlfME! As 1 suppose the public will wifb to boar from the dincua-iou be - tween the candidates for Governor of North Carolina, and learn somewhat of the issues I io eot'trover-y between them at the ont-et I ff ll'e ""'P'-"'. ' '"e the liberty of furninb. lng )ur p8per a hrief account of the dicui.iou which took place at AJonroe to - day. The put. lie cau thus learn the point" ,n "iSue " tuere 1'ou"1 b any. rtortjf- in hereafter, who sbil'ts bis original posi tion. , - rej Judfe KIlis opened the debate today i about half past ono o clock, by declanu 1 Liniaelf the rcpre-entutive of the creat Na- tariu act oi i ai ciarui'' mat it mans .odious ui.-crimrr,atio.is in iavor ot ibe ' ",r " ,je Xemocratic party bad reduced lhee taxes iu 116 aud 1"I7 to something like equality. Judfe K. then referred to the I'.Hck Ke- publican party, and raid that, if Fremont had been elected civil war would have en- 6Ued aild fraternal blood would have flowed -d and fra.rnalblo'odvvouVl have flowed throughout the country. He then alluded to the Kansaa Lecompton Convention sane- to tlie Kansa. 1. pis. mil. inn ton vent. on sane- ...... ' , . tl0UeU y D"chatian, ana uenounceu inose Bve or 6,x Southern Americans wbo voted il!ai,t (but omilied lo -ay anitbin;; about the twenty-odd Democrats who also opposed "t lie then haul ttint the vi niff anu ivnow Xo,,,;,'r.' parties uo longer exi-ted. aud waru- l PPl ' Part- prejudice, say. mg that the Democratic was the onlyNi- ,jona prI. upori ,Uo:n we could rely to save the L'nion. ... 'hil- tho country is in this trying posi- lion, said be, e are a.-ked to scruilil for fuW of , ,;je Ju,, acres ofthe public lands. Judge Kl!i said that he and his compel tor, long fighting together in tlie cause of Democracy, (littered as to this question ot IMsirihution that the plan of bis competitor was to , ,',, ..... J oMie ,andj . . . w,rraD,s ,0 the States. I . .1 .r ,i,. ....,. niv he araued that audi an an ou!d gl tl' market and . rants worthless. He then mount ot lands render tho war- onntrasted Mr. tutujoal. and a bid for popularity lie then cited the opinions of Caluoun, Jack-I nn . . r..,or tn nro,. ,ha. v. c Kn,. j.Un was uiiooustitutioi.jl He said that Mr. Mcltae him-clt opposed as un- constitutional in l'-oi the plan he now ad- .n.ia .i.l .l.-.f l.; ootiinelilnr PI- ,.. i':,t.if - . . ,i, .,,), .i... ,l9 i.,.ds i.ad ,,ot heen retained bv the general Government., but bad been given away to others, bad been imprud lie admitted that IL-ere ent prints and donitio i, , . , , but couu-nded that that was no sutne-cnt excua for desPrtit,g the principles of the i. i... I in,. n hi .,.,1 so real. ou-ly defeuded. lie said that wrongs and .1 . A .. .1... It ,.nr:t ... airlr. Vthis could or , .,. n.rftf had tri- ued iu every part of the country. He sum ne woum auviso uio uriuuunr; nU.. thev were DerpL x -d as to -hat course to . :iL ... ii. i..:.. .1.. j ... !..n to follow the voice of their lead- "Vera Jud.-o K s time expired, but Mr. Melt,,, om.rell to eiv bim a half hour more to liiii-b bis nj.Mtiott ou IWnhutinu. ii,e Judge, however, occupied live minute, more and took bis wat. l ie bad spoken three ii '. .. ..J U.J harely touched the point in con:rover-v be- tween bin, and Mr. MclS.ie. lie spoke as ? . . ( jn C (H(J iu w I, ii-h be and Mc- i . . , .or l II:. ...... ..I, .. h.,r relrer llaB u i ue i en. uisr .i. m "" atiou of old issues for the last '.' or J.) (years, and upon which IVmocracy has urn- Iv.eiU.e.l .,..1 nro-rcaaeJ 'so much that it i,eootlie.s exceedingly difficult to rccoucile their changes and to recognize their off-! spring, and what they call their unchang- ' . J n .1 ,',.. , .. ,..f.tj-' bc'-an his r.-pty by stating tht although he proudly pointed to the record to testify of his lone and zealous service and fidelity in behalf of true Democratic pr.uc.ples. 1 hat Democrat, and, as he contend- ; ;"betr ,Vnl0crBl ,b.n Judge Ellis. M, I " , f. Whig and Democratic party was concerned he was still, as his record always .bowed - . n .. r ii. him to be, a Ceuiocrat of tnc atraitest sect." And ho coutcud..a that there were very many of the best IVmoerats , th. State, and that the whole of the Nst.onal Democracy, exoept a part m North Car,!,- ua. South Carolina, and Georgia were as was bhowu by their speeohes, aud by their . ..- j..:i . i i . one else in ma.tilainitii' ail mat lie asserts . .. .. , acts, from President liucl.ansn down, in favor of DUtributiou. That be was not, like Lis con.pHitor, the nominee of any party, or of any convention. Hut be ap. pearcd befortftU peotlo as the represents- tive of a crest principle of ju-tics and right iu which Ibe people thenxelve, of all par- :.. v-.i n....i:.. t ; -II nM ; ' e,.. ;,!! interested That , date, were most v.iauv nuere-icu. ion , ,h- .re,.,, -r c,nr Exalted it ai J . 1 8nj prouj M be would justly feel to bo callt,(j j,y f uch a con,itU(.ncy as the free - ; ,ut1 of Nortb Cam! in, to fill that hijrh and honorable Maiion. sunk into utter inii-nifi- , cn1C(. when broiiL'lit into compari-on with j nriuciplcs of ju-tioe and of rihteou f , ; , . co,,,,.,,,,.,!. That on the one band, under the plausible name of Mrict conduction, wc iaw the atrange fp"Ct icle ,.f r,n,.U lnrln,r in I Svatom of 1r.iUd and roLberv. and aidinL' and .beltiiw lb..-ir ,it...rH.. p,.,.,,,i, .h,. anti-slaverv powers n nt i - 0f t,e S-0Itl, BnJ Northwest, iu chea'in j That ibc manufaciories were all at a lo t)t.jr own children out of the very itiheri- ebb, although v, e had the raw material here tance for bich they had spilt their blood, io abund..iice, th; ater power, the coal . aud poured out their trea-ures, and enabling j c b id every thin,' uecessary to mnke a tbfc, (tl,c nti slavery power) by prit.ee" 'reat uiaiiufact.jring people, tut for tho i. donations, to build up a mL-hty eiiemyjws.it of f iciliiius to reach a market, these t0 cru,h out their most hacred rights. He were all wor.Mos to us. That wc could cou, Dnt under-tand that sort of reasoniiii ' not ffiCMbis purpo-e by our present means t jt Mrii;e(J , fflilt wold j .w fou,a wt. BlIh , rn ojts already on- gulp d'own a came! which could und coo- 1 dertaken iiho. it very burdensome taxation stjtutioiiiil scruples in a fair and equal (lis-j unices by the plan 1 propose, and shall wo jbutiori amona all the tenants in c .nun in, i-ec our prceut improvemeiils bre-.k down aml- at " 8:,n,e ,i,m'' coulJ conMi lor the a.,t of ...eau.s ?- tho value of our turioual objection to a partial, unfair, and ; property dimiiii-bed, and our best popuu ,,,,,,,,,1 divi-ioti ninong-t nil. That to five I lion driven off by heavy taxes in order thai the conmiou iuheritaiice of to u favored ' a p"tty mi-lit liiumpb? and that, too, fvw, and that tio the least dcervin Vfr, when w e are lo-terin and builiiinj; up tbe-e he 'eoM 0IIy t.tl. ,.crpr;z,. ,1S a hy,i..m of new Sr.ites by the very means to which o fraud and robberv. It w as a strange iiiaxiiu ! have a belter ribt than they bate ? Girt p0i;ticil economy for a State to impovi-r- 'to our eitrmin and money, the result jj, an,i roij jt.tlf to build up an opposing of our bloj l an I trea-ure? Biihtng our rival power, lie coutemled that such was I10 p.irt of Democracy as be ha.l lesrn- CU It, aillllO tllO'l'ht, WI1CIIIU6 pop e OI tiie country, not only tho D tnocraey but ,le bonest arid true men of all parties, re- fleeted upon this question, that they too, would come ti tho same conclusiuii with i,im,.if .,,J that thev would come up like fr(.L.leri regardless of party drill, and .(V,, I11.1,! hv offiee seekin.- ooiiticiatia Z? of various grades and political "tripes, aud assert their" rights like men. ..... .v...;. .1... 1:1 ' mm. As t0 ,lic convention which nominate.! i, competitor, f Judge Kliis) if you bad pn ,t, L'i.... voa would hav'e dout t- e 1 if he was a Democrat. There was Gen. JJ. n. Avery of Hurke, its l'rrr'rrit a ren- eyada Vhi,r. There was John Kerr, whom J0IJ W(, kll(1W) BUQthcT of ,c f3mP stripe, au, who was one of the most active 111 in- Uo.,Uj, tiie resolutions for the action of 'the Couvi'ntion. James V Osborne, one of jt3 cdj.f speakers, wbom you well know to have been a Wlilif. and who said ill the Con- . , . ,. f ,. , . , ,-, ( .et,,ion he M no,j0j, ef a hl former life 1 ,0 ,ak t4fk . he wa, one 0f jH chief speak- er, There was Walter L fsteele. and Gen. John '.Vinsiow too. active partieipators in said Convention, and all old Whigs, ond nearly every one of them formerly belong- ing to the Know Nothing party. Indeed, a paper published iu Virginia said the oid line Whiga had met r.t Chariotte N C, and nom- inated as their candidato Jobu A. Liiis for Governor Jwhe VJlis-Nominated wbo! Mr. .VcMe-John A. Kiiis, mistaken not only the party who nominated, but also tho J,e of my competitor. Ju.rv ; Aiirl that shows that the Kditor knew nothing about it at all. Mt. McHoe Hut it rhows lie very we.I kuew the 'iet who iiomitisted you. Why, continued Mr. Mcl'ae, a person to have dropped in here to day and heard (he speech of my competitor would h ive imag ined that he was running in l"'4l, and a cainst John Kerr. Three-fourths of the speech of my competitor was made up of old o. r...o . controvert there is no difference bet.veiti us ou these issues, and they are not uow be. ; 'or '"e puuuc if" ' was IU il liaiiiu 1 He merely glanced at the only sub- ject between us, as if it was a matter of mmor importance w nen u i me ru.e . pit iionati.-3Ueiiiiuiet.iiiiori-..u.e.n - - - as I bol l, whether we shall nave jqu-I l JTZ the ol.t treU as V.c n, u ; Or. whether we ill suffer tl.CM, land,, and their pro- tuns, J. . State, ..rW, tih.el. ,s the. po-iuon my coiu- petitor nnl't inaintaiii . I hat they -re thus anuimderei . I intend to prove, sil l it can- not be denied. And if it is .iiicoti-tuu.ion.,1 'o make a fair eq oat and 1 1 Zt bution. If it is not cotisiitutional and ju-t to take the reveuue of Government an-me; . ij. i ,i: ., irom tut lu , 'r " - ,i ,.,.,; llti,nal t, rob tho treasury of its revenue and give it to only part of the Stales, Mr. MelUc then proceeded to show he ol tb, -P-, what it wa that constituted the capital of State! That it was its population, (he de p..iat.on,ll,e de- aO"n "j ;'7 --M " that since th only increased to 7."0.0 it) an I at time the itcreaso had been -notbiu.' to compare with new ery c . . T. , . i .,:.,. I rtmirces were ,lirih,. , ' " r .t'J " " " r . ; ere 'J.t'00,1.0.1, (!) and that sh 1 ..: I , ...,' .,! th.t was what she pot . . f . the t I where . iiI,tt'flieilj,ie; mn rriud f of of If ! wery ) , out..- I He said that by mc'nn.i of thtt dUtribu tmn or tlie surplus, new me ana mot wcrs infused into our interna! improvements-. that they i-ro aid. d very materially by mean of the loan p.vcn by tin syMem, ! "it'""" rd.i..g the c.t.zens with this tax, and by that mean the real property and labor of the S'fite wan eribanct'l and ! made much more valuable tUnt the t0,n9 .. . ... . t..U ....... - , 'and the country were both greatly bent-fit 1 'n couseq-ienee of aiiid iinprovenicnt. 1 '!''' u.oui.r, be si.id was not lar-e i nouli be of any very tfrent service iiistn.iu.at. i Pf t.ctinj anything like a general sytem-of internal improvvnieiit, ami that : consequently others . re projected beyond I lle m"u ,,li,,y 01 ,B! ?,n, xa Pa-T I uout enoi mous snd oppreane taiauon, "U"1 t1'"1 "ow t,,e !,lock '" ' " cf ,he,n w.er.8 I fal Mom .nr uolnul of 'hem a 111 up L.tlT ! ,'8 6'J lr u'1 "' ,ar be- ; 'ow own cit'z.'iH ny nin'.'iDc.ut pun, to urscii. "' tl-fpulu'.-tlie Male ol their tnnn, ana i iinu u i in . . i " ) n "ic.i ...i.v., . wid enterpria from us, and this leave the jsame amount of tax-s tn be raised by our ' rlimihi-ht numbers and capital. He would liOW by the be-t D- inocratio authority iu the country that this tn-riil system of dis- tribuiiou was not only unconstitutional, but ' wa- uniust-that it was a foul fraud and robbery. I Mr. Mc w. w. ii,n !,.,-. ...-.nt i,mgM,H m ....j - . fbow the va-t increase ol our irtsu iti'tett- elne-s aincelSIU. That at that time lb whole of .he amount reouired to delrav the eulire expenses of the States indebtedness was lonly S-.','1'1'' a year, i tint amount had swelled iu 1 1 years ( iu 1T) to the 6Um of 8MI.II.MI. That lh expenses bad arisen U.M or ?)() per cent, and that was Dot ail, the next Legislature would have U raise the Stale taxes to 7(11,000, which will be au increa.-e of '1.1 per cent over the pres. cut taxes, in order to meet the tncrei-inj; ,. , ... . , f ... . nillhav- lialilities then fulling due; to meet a liability of S-V-'O l.tWO, snd toon after a liability ot fi.OiHi.llliO more, ard all this mu-t be ri.-ed m addition to the local debts for county expenses and cout.ty pur- poses. And in addition to the amount sub- aeribed by your counties t your railroad, Then your next Legislature after, will have to raise your tuxes from 870O,0't;j to SI,- 0.10,(10. per annum, and that over and be- yotid your county taxes and your railroad sub-cription. So that iu the course of twelve or fourteen years from l--t'l to l-'iO your I"" will have ri-en from s.i.Otm to 1 ,11,10,- 0..0-yi. about U'-o pr cent propose a plan, - n 1 Mr Mellae, by which this lu- debtedness can be p -i-l without burtHening v-r'- v J ceivin ju-tice Irom toe tienerai vnvern- nietit, by removing from the General Gov ernment a source cf fraud and corruption to meiiih rs of Coner'ss, and of bids for tho pre-idenev, and givir'tt the whole lands tf all the Wr ites to it I. "in they of ri'ht belong ; by m iVinu mi ivpavtiat snd fair distribution of the parluerliip eff-ets, being held, as they now sre, by the (imrrsl Government for the roDimon 'ood and enmmon benefit of n't the Slates, and not to be sqit'lide-r-l upon 111.' rnvrrtu jrtc. ination iii bis district for Congress, when bis nartv had a mniority of 20n0 votes. That t as true that lie n id voteU lor tlie reso utivins in the Legislature of and for a f.ir an J tl,! resolutions iu the convention that nouii lati.is. or nated (ien l'b roe at l.a'titu-re. Hat that in these ti-t lie hail not uuiy constucrcu iut m ns 1 t'l. y were pissed as a mere matter ?f loriii and in ha-te, and that in the Leg'-lt-tnre of Is''-, 'he same sentiments were iu caucus, propo-ed That if tile lands were eiveii awiv "irUiUtj to the new States, wo should go for nil r;i ir'i .7 and fair rlistri. buiion among-! them ail," and that ibis pro position was c-trried iu caucus. l!ut was af terwards, by his co-iseiit, withdrawn for the sake of harmony, and those ad verted to by his competitor were s.jh-tit ited. He noticed too tiiat theb.r ef Wilmington, which was made le.ss passib'e bv the erection of the cu-tom bou-e by ihe United States, was not remov ed bv any apptopri.ition by tho Genera! Govcrniin nt, and that North Caro'iu re ceived little or no benefits from durations' by ibe General .'. ive-timent by appropri tioit for public works, whiNt ctpers received a larsre share, and then he considered how t be eiribled to r ive justice from the Gov. rii.neM of trie (. uiled Male anc. remove jm v. -.. - - and build up our !''" ;nd benefit our coun try, indep.-ii lent et'tbe negligence and par tiality of Congress. Mr M i. ie then showed from extnets from Hi" Hauler's speech of Va , that if the system ot yirn-n distribution was u,l 'curri - d on. he ws for equal and impartial distribution. That be (Mellse) it that S im' St ltCS WCT6 L'Cttll) rvrrrr ininr; ami ... ..,!.... ...A .1.-- h. ,,. r,r.si. tj f,r ' lH far disirihu-ion. II , " " ' A,, ,u,; ,e ,Hdin, democrat,. 1! M T Hunter. G. n Cass. Juib.e Diu-.-l i-s. R of AU . ai)lI ,her democrats n .....d. ; f?f h- of the W,rr S-ate., ..,1 givin. ,nd he wi,hed to kn Mi jh, u c

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