5, i i tl . i r : a Illinois. Ohio. Alabama, Mississippi, Mioeuri. Arksnsa and other States should carve out the publie domaia for their bene- fit, and thai tl.t -"'her States, North Carolina 1000 more for other purposes, and received among thnii, should not have her just hare, altogether 30,000,000 of .acres of the pub he bein one of the original 13, and one ; lie lauds. he had given the noble Slut of Tennessee, J Aa for Kana he would go as far aa bis a princely gift, to the tjetieral Govern- competitor, or any oue ela for her admis-mr-nt Uion as a slave Sute. But it w a, intolerable We hare, ssid he. 1 ,30. 000,000 of acres j arrogance in hr-r to ask for ai.llOO.WitO of public lands. Hot ha it been ;q ur- acres of the puhiie lands, almost a large ed f By whose blood and by wbo-e treas- ; a ihe whole State of North Carolina; aud are! Who fought for it, and who paid for ' in addition, to a-k for all the salt springs, it and how ought it to be disposed of! 'gold mioe and ft per cent, upon the tvles 100,0 1(1,000 have been sold. -'23,011(1,. mil , 0f the public land, lie pronounced thi have bee rj given away. Io the year 1837 j a stupendous robbery. The conference bill 4,000,000 were sold and 1 4,t0ii,iH'0 given ; gave Kansas too inuoh land when they away. In 1-V2, forty railroads were pro-igave 4.(100,(100 of acre, aud alttiouli I jected, calling for donation of 5.,ot0,O00 would have voted for it, said Mr. MoRae, I of acres lo build thciu. Then wss the time would hive doneso with reluctance, for Mr. Yroable opposed this stpaudcriuir and lint reason alone, that it gave ton much ; went for-equal distribution. Then Mr. J and they will make it a freesoil State af Bennetts laud bill for etj ul distribution ' ter all, and the lar.'o grant is an invitatiou as proposed and Mr. Vciiatile voted for it, to our cit'i 'ns and tboe from the other and did Mr. ClmuiaD. Yet, Mr. Veil- ' State, and from the vorlJ to fettle there, able tit ei6ced, although Mr. Buchanan I And many of these same men, who voted was Der.ortally friendly to biui, and wished ; for the Kansas bill, voted against Mr. Mor- " .i :. . I.I.. I ,o g v. mm to .rPo,,,.r ,.e.,t o. - . ti.. ..tr.,.. ..i ...... in Mr It. 'j. tiiK liivo- rit of Mr. CII112U1.10. Mr. M-Re then went on to show that 1 iO.UOi',0 tt of acre lore of the public lands :.,! U-tu giTrn aw., than bail been tola, lie weiil on H Siiuw inai ir-f juuiu, late Sccrttarj of Nary, in one of his peeeh- as said, if the lands wre W be giPii aay at ., thai A- was 11 fivor of eqxa, iu prtfrrencc to p-trii.il iiribatin. In rrp'ij- to Judge Kins' q iot-itto:j from "" in an I .7ct-on. he she ed that Mr. Ca.bjuii " p'n of gie;,ii anay to the new Sititt; al! n. e lauds w'll.in th ir liuiits, aud Generii Jackson's II m-ste:id bill, to give k'if b) who would 'Cile uio i them the ! pub'le )-.:.ds. were noe at..- n-Ctutimal ta,n to a- by fur ai.l i.j ml dtstribu- ' ti o. Tui- hoiu '-tead bill, (riving away to an v aud everybody the puh.io lanis, was Ana. jj:.d-ou pun, anu was a wine io every boiiy tj eome and t ike the commou r.raixTtf bi 'on.-ini; t j the Siar . Mr Mc ' Ha a' 1 iiiat th rifar-ts read by hi-cm- b utir f. to t'l-iT a'el WeS-ter, were fro n rwc';ies made in k.pn.a:ttnn to Ca'houti's pol-.cy of giiin. the Uuds to the Slates iu wfcirh aid iai.i- lay. The p' m that I su.v'.t, aid Mr. McRae, is on y 0 .-., ni not ttie only p.an. I , nmux-f-il W'id'.'ii'j'itit til p'ji-iic i utue to pay it. It woul-i inirease ar,l de- , . ... ,T . r r .v.,.., a , j i 1 1 . t V i ,i i i i - , lat, Moses V . Hart, Eq., living about 9 lauJ:, ana a.tiiO'ijh abie tj defend 1'ie pUn j veiope our resource, brmir up and pay j ' r v I have ,igSes-ed. vix : ty granting land : laborers Letter, create a division of labor, "' Charlotte, on the Mason Jerry warrant- 11 the St-te. in r rif ortioo lo tin ir ( briii' in capital and enterprise, aud stay the road, bad his bouse consumed, losing all rcpresetitnlion in Coin'ress, I am equally io j depopulating tide of emigration from our , ; p,pcri! 1Dd a great part Of his furniture. fa. or uf aiiT o-'ltcr plan likelv t) succeed Stele. i T, , ., r j . . , , . , r , , ' . ' i 1 ,. , , , The family was so unconscious of danger and a.. e tack of urie is to inaue tbe i nxt adverted to the project now on- i ' , , sffrt. lf.h.-N C member of Confess; derfken in North Carolina, and for which ,' tuJ were awakened by tome of the wo id t te f r it. ti.e mea- jre could be 1 the State had pledged ber credit, and as he neighbors who bad gone over to render as earrie I, aiid 1 f el cmud-nt Mr liuchanan . stjted at Charlotte on yesterday, lookins at distance. wuid u v-.to it. He i ipm the record ; oar . an.l nss.ietl he hail i IBitstaior Mere -Jr .ic!i.i" rej! I uu ( Mr. Hue 1. a ii a a'. spei cL ca the D pa-it i i.l, , i. iiicuiiiiu iitiu" n asiu umi ui iis- , tr;lj-.'. n t'-.at h bad ' ciuna to that bill B "Lia rtedl.y Mr. Clay," and tbat, "i! s i nMj tj!iv, AC , Ss. Mr McRaen. it qu-M.u from Gov. Brown,' r.f M.. wco sd.ocited eouai di-tnbutioa lie al.ro sh.wd ti.nt many o-her prouiiuet,: j D.-moerat, otrd f.,r IV-Jnetts Land JJ.il, , Appeto". -S.-e.et,,, of State, Bro?ks,,' tie. ... euatie. of N. C , a..ul, of La.. lfeaie. of Va, ant other, by him tuninH. aad that in the r.-ceut A jrieuitural nick paisw-i iiie Uoa--e of li- pr - nianre-.j lisa s-e fr:cip:ea weeeinvn.v.-d. aud that t-y sere voted for Iit Democrats wiihouti ..a-Ulwtni.ai setupios. I llr. .MtUac ti.ro proceeded to abow the cam of our uu..t oi "toniiy, and the na-o: u.t, tbe i -tt Mvtc uere to viot . ,n.. . I : . I . ,. ... . T ..........:..; . i. - ' i i . ... . i .. . i... 1 - - a bew S;ate. but a few vear-iu-.e a wi.irr- Be. Her euK-f city aow, (Chicago.) sprung , Bp, a if by intgic, ami as tin- Urie-t jrani exp-.ntr in the wo'id. Iu 1"j7, liuiijU bean i,ef , v-Um of P.aiiroid She bad. inert. ,r,tt,tn hrr umut. like my torn-. rlt(r, ,.Jr. !etlae, to : ai-e !: voice mguint hrr. and :- It ''if ttay of the p-utttrtl'i uf i.i State, T;0 p trtit rai-ed if jarri; u.ii rm to witter au I de-troy the pro-ptnty of iktt flute, by nitaplij-i;sl wi jreuott and ccn-ttidua! obstructions, ti uer reee.ni. the t oii giicu to her by tb CieueraJ (jorernxent, to develofe iier resource., aad mae Itr a ert at and pro--pri u State. She ohuiurd -.-J :,' ttni acre o' lue f j!i.c ianls lo bjiid 7(ti miles of Kai road, a tou an see reprev?nu.-d on this tap. 'here .Hr. .-lj"..e hol X uiip ma-le b, fie i..m,i. .,.ra. Il.ilro. 1 e-mpan, ) Ibe Auxkbuiuers paid otiij 840 iuto I HI. i Ttie ejv jpau La so! i t. "'''.' ' worm . o' ttie liiud The -'i iiei v v " rer buie Ti e if, re r-.! arid w V.ea t'j- roa i i- 1 i '.'. f.M for li by the la.etr.iV.ioMbt-i-te t in.- c J-i.iiiiU.ii-.ii i-iied -h:- will have ale cf tl.e land- and .pose ire ;,!.!- ? .. ur' . put .n,o' 7 t i : it w.u.i ee.(ir' t., 't'lx'e.e-s. ni.d inf-i-e it inl , every pir-uitio .f. l.iii.ui- enery in ea-y e . .. ei-ruxstsi ti . ha- a , tin -e iii'-ar.- o pr.it, and ni O'trlut en r'.-l up-ju her c .fi X ns. Capital, labor, n.iod, et.terpti-e and It '.-.' i, fir-e tht'e. The f opulati'iO diii'l' I iu e w.-a yar. shli-t we iu ." ti'i Cit -., Live uj l-,.-r--ed i'V'n Jt'T ct.t it ten yeara. I iir.i.-i-, eonlai-iiijg B.-ire popu! it n. La tiny e, in, if th n.1 r tif cl.il ireti that e-n t yed and Wt-te. tbat .N a.L. J',d U. ''ii'lii t i. Then, 1 tl.; f t' u -tt a i i 'iavsrn- ''oit,( i nt. au-? la f' .. -s-a.-y kn.d and cutti. .V,r,', r Ur i., 'r is i i, Hill a 5saU' ri,.h! h- n,-,--ut Pi-lit doefr-iie that I an i Sbd thi- - Stite's in liror of it If ttiou.d iike to know li.i. is B't State Kil.ta 1 ,i bat it it ' 'e occupy a vi ry d .5 from Btst tt -u-d wii.-,i (.' i..troi.'ueed. The mj-i-'.c-i now meb mote ;.in.,, tbi I have Iii conlil I ...l '--ti JH tl'lS, il. .4 1 t . J... :)- J ' frvui lis k:iow: io-e t'l'n-i'; aiid f.ir a. J if ho t.Cr, , p- vau,rre i.e i-vrr, jo ;jr mis measure, aiid ser -n i.i- empintlic js tan, arid m ll. il e.t.ij ot ,, . ly ft e f;irn. fci . j u-1 1 in t,'I -i.ouid be d'jiie equal ly 10 a i ii-s.e.e, u gr ,i,t (-pont-u of shore. l;,:t.oi La. 1 -j 7,(10 etes more fcf laud Mr. Melt .e then aa verted to )i.io, w h annual tctnia w.s fj i . . v ( school fiio I of il, (I ),. li! per . r; t,,i ail thi. tbe l,a without r mi, for it. v. r E liif nio;ai f !.! i- in t 1, on j ,4ilU,. leftj, aaid tiie mctiiiis ot.'v ai .jr t 4 , Jear, 'd a.injt much r'K.d by eien tl,at p.rtl.l Ulfilt. Ohio si.ed. a p'erf, Pt flood A ef lijnl ever her nbole couurr , wi,i,.t ours J, ji-e ouly a faitit eiiinmer of the Hn V tt 1 . .... .i. .sr....... """" vu "uijitfe ,tj 01 tne B ionday las. n Hit ad her reaoarcs her little 0i! 'debts ro only $18,000,000, but -ery 1 more then our. She ban received for Uoa 'and Canal 3,835,00(1 acre, betide 8.00(1, 1 1 lllll t.. Oil It 111 , ,e, a -mU, sere trt ench Ht-nreseiitiitiva ana Senator 'in Con-res for this State. Mr. Meltae proceeded to show the feasi. ibili'.y ar.d practicability cf obtaiuiug f'r and r-q ial di.-.ribution by the sjMeiu pro- i poi-en, i a uy ma leuer w uaucj, nt, i'j ! land warrants.) or he was wiiliutf to go for 1 it in any other practical way that it could j be obtained. He showed that we had dis- trihution by the Deposit atof 30, under Hjen'l Ja k-on's ad u:iiii.-tratiou. We h id it ; aain parsed iu 111, by the Pi-tribuliou t ill which was vetoed, and by Bennett s l iil, the Agricultural bill of the prest-nt ses-ion, and other bills, and that if the mtmUrs of Co-srrss from Sorih Cnro'ina would o for di-trlhu-to.!. they cot,l g it whew, they uskr.i fjr it. He showed that the txino.nd ilewrracy were iu favor of pmtial and itn- f..ir dUtnbuti.m to the wfie States auJ tbat u .w 'i aionnu iieniannea h, iney ou.o be for tuir and equal general distribution. As to iii-tributiun increasiu the duties on import, a- co:iteuded for by my competitor, tne '-el is, that under partial di-tnbutioii, lt, in.e iar:u; Das uiir.ii.s cone tiuicn, and he co.iid tint si-e w hy the tariff ,-hould be reluced under p'trlfil, find tnerf itfl by fur miU general distribution. Hut, even sh.ynoit rise we would be tenfold More Ul (ace a.'am-t any new u:rpn-o etc j t , thjse alrea iy pr jee'ed and no in proross. , coniracien anu maue appropriation lor, but for no more than that. I am unwilling said i.e. to go in debt any more deeply th-... . we have now already assumed. And I wish per.ect undersianding to he had uo - be - ,eeii my competiior, Ju.ljie hilt aud my- e.f on tins matter. A 1 understood him ( at Charlotte, be said that he was for mak Uuot.u a; propri ftions to complete n? t'P mat snoui'i tie unani-nea upiu a , deacu uey ,pp,opriation) already made. , ( Theu turning to Judge Kill-,) I think that . your po-itioa at Chariot te yesterday. Jud-e LihtK, that was about nij ; po-niou consultin.', of course, the condi- i . c . lion of ibe treasury. I Mr M JtaeYoa sid nothing about any ron'tVion of the f .i ,ry on ye-terday Kjt tl.at tou would .commend that au ( y ujMi.nuu u jui j vb ui.v.. iu ult iug ap J.i'Ue U i -Oh it was understood be- cau-e it we bad do money it would be use- l.s. to make a-iv apP-'-prit.on. Hut I t , nk we wi! be .b to i,.ke t And in vit Jurj.,e p;j, ) p ioiud-r he remarked that he would never let four millions of dol- ; ,'ir -top the ll.mi (lt,e We.-tcru Kxten-ilti) from reai-Lititf tbe 1 eLiits-.-e line, if it should Lu-t up aain-t the luountjius on each side, be i for making Ibe appropriation, if the c:n 'i'ion of tbe trea-ury wo.ild permit. Here the time of Mr Meliae expired, and the genera! di-cu--ioii ended. There wa a r j iii.d-r of hslf an hour by Judge Eiii-, t,d a -urrei jinder by Mr. Mcltae. A sort of runninj debate c!o-ed the dis- and 1 thins- Mr. McUae made a fa,.,ra'. imnre-sion. bvin,. heard some . t.a t tl,r,.e ).-m"crat , that they were fr Hi.-ril. n;,.i. ..,.1 .e.i..l m tm f.,r Mr Mclte. Judifp Elii u-ta'niid him self vert we eon-i' errti tl.n riifieii t:- f.f b,, po-iti,,,, and hi, beiDg out of p.'itie.l d'.-c'i-Mons -o lonj. He w iii improve daily, r i,,,;:. . i . . li, , . t,. tb;nj ell Mel'.ae w Mcll-i-. My opinion is that I g'lin a cori-ileraoio lucrea-e r's vote in U'iin. They are d and sli'I'ui del. ater, and w-1! i! poiit.cal mail-rs. 15 it I K. fei.ily make tbe fiir-,t ar'U- 0,r . (,. tl icrtae ev: Uii. lit, aL i lie. ri-er to th'j pu;i,ts at is- a ours c , II. W. 'iTTIVl niE I.AWllH ALL ON tlfS SlDE 'ill.-t li. ."rnirh gives this incident in tbe , ,- t , l ,';,:. At tui Ki-n (circuit hi - j .-iv in-, ui-ii Muni Court, my friend. Judge Perry, bargained committed, the measure of d amazes to be as f it a p in .' l it hi-'t. 10 be deiiered the m xt eertiued by the Court of Claims, day, ou a rreuit of six tujufln. 1 he man. ti ne witiitiie pony, but n- itied arc ui ity cf ll.e J-jde lot -i. i be Jud.'e drew the t, i'.v al ibe top ot a sheet of lovUt-ap, n; it'iied it. I -i.ued, ,'ini'n U-iridau -i.'in d it, aud handed it on, and on it went from lasjer to lawy lei,iy of us aro in-1 the bar, ti.l som ntd it. I then handed It up to ti,- i ourl auu ti i.ree .Ju.lc put their XT.-IV-'J" u.lt7l'r 7,7 '11" th- -n hi h- i..ad bought the. pony of, but be )- ,...., ,e.u-,.u it. I'-lll I OU I III li St am s iwi w .tjougci ti.ei.uurt ami a, I .'ir. 'innn-r. I Lave been waiting for some j of yellow ver in Ne Orleans, aud ou t,c iaawrs on jour side? I see you iu- lime v wait a shott reply to my colleague i other account, there bss long been a pr--tend to cheat me out of my neny ' l'n he I Mr ba 1 from tbe first eon-'rwasinnal d'ia. 1 : li:..;r.ir... .tlrt.:.i.. jumped, mounted the pony and started for . KtnTl-'i l nit I-;.-T I- MH-'n th account nf Hie trial of Ibe ex Km of C .w.Er,o. o. Ka, TlNMWitt t t 'T'4' ri4"" '" h"'Jr'J'. ,1 "'T , T ,;:",et "", '"" ,u fad was laid This make contiu - io - R---ond, Vs., to Memphis, T win was oecupieu ine me state 01 tue Dillon; out toe HOU-e Ue- j Other pieces ill the Methodist connection. i ,f.,r ... 11- 1 t 1 . 7 au.cF, .uc.o....... tT-wuuoujuariesi anu .earneo ai-oat" loiiowon in rcg.rrt 10 thirty of them received the tl. rty colden n.ton of . person n.m.d tnuuee. former , fro,., making he rep;y which desired to refusing w attempt lb. making of r.,e h' the proposition. Rev. Dr.. K.nkin, Floyd, ! b.lls. Then the, thirty were red-,eed by editor of p.per enjuied ,e h, mase. I sould mass the reply no. were j and Coi.ferenc. line, identical, wa. adopted and J.s. lIoe, of Ohio, all took .irong lot to nine, and these nine e! e fori, N... conduc ed or, a novel prineipie-tho my eoile.goe pre-er.t, wh.ch I desired lo without divi.ion or count. No effort will ' ground ..ait it. for different reso,1 ! he., fort wr" reduced by lot to twelve edr . duty being ,0 w, ... , paper full, have an opportune to make before He ad- , be mad, that I know of to Ir.n-fer lerrOor, I and lie Dr. Judkiu, Morris, ad Hewit 1 and thoj twelve Xu tw'enty v. I th' n r. but I cannot do, tunica. l ,. pre. , Conferenee. 'her, territory, how-, it. During the debate, which lasted over nine, and these nine chose forty-five, then IW if Y (VM I I - VUllUUUl i CHARLOTTE: Tnegdaj, June 1. 1S5S. Tbc Disruuiun Hi llonroe. .IMieving that the eitracts we gave last week from the discussion at Monro not sufficient to give our readers a correct un- j derstanding of Mr. McHae's true position, r 1 we have concluded to give the discussion entire to our readers this week. This is the more necessary as some of the Demo- u)k.B . . .... i i , , ,nore c'"!5- Ma' ,u SD,e ud let the ! friends of Distribution adopt the same i course, but have your moa(h filled with j-t mplt8f i ' - J ' Bail Boail Atfiiltnl. Jbe pnscner train on the Charlotte Si g HailroaJ w.is thrown off the track , , , , neM PUce 00 StirJa. afternoon last. The accident was caused by running over a cow. The animal was found fastened to the iron on the track If voke which she had on, and on the arrival of the train she was liberated, but instead of ronuiog away she went on the track again aud was run 0eT caU4Jn;, the ,Ccidcnt. No one we be lieve was seriously injured. Fire. We re2ret to learn, that on Friday nig w".t E'lit And Diilrihnlinn. One of the strongest ar-umcnt u-d by muc iins aaiusi. uiMrmuuuu is, iuiv u lnc publie lauds were given to tbe states it 0A an jcrise of r,ole,:liv, . ' , ' yD "1 cons.der- eu i-y juuge tins ana tne iemocranc par ty, at this time, to be very good authority. he tXfrP4y ..jjj j tue Senate a few days w v,,ltVI duuJ - - i vould be cnused by the Iom lo the General, Government of th' public Limit at a toirrce 0 revenue. Mr. C!innisn was spoakin. a-1 p(,jn S. nator Jol.n'orja Momcatead bill in , . , , . , , ,, , which be made tbe foljowiuj; remarks: h ' If they mean to take away the public lanis as a source of revenue, under the idea that they will obf ain sn increase of prctee tiee duties. I think the ail i he mistaken. I - - - j - - .the i ff. ct wul be, mot probably, not lo come ,0 '1"'ec, u-",on immediately, but to ""P"e ,,x" T'-'" ' ft? )'-t. just as was) done in 1 541 w bea there v. found to be a j u'u':l '" J " u per..nem ..eu-( e'e"ty io he revenue, gentlemen will find I tbat there will be prop iitions to tax the free I ariic'e. I hope, then, if any fiitlemanm artuaird by any such idea a this, be will not aiiow il to operate upou his miud." Briiisli Oulra-r We are pleased to see that Congress is disposed to give to the President full power, whenever it may become necessary, to pre vent the perpetration of outrages upon our vessels, and to this end Senator Doul-Isss introduced a bi.l into the Senate. The remarking on this bill sars Senator Douc-! l- ...r. n .1... 1 Ml .1 . I b,t,tice of Lich j, l0 em ,be j .. , . , . . , , . ident in cases of violation ot the laws of oa- tions aod outrage by a foreign Government 1 on our citiien, to i-sue special letters of re-1 prial, to be plaeed in 1'ie hand- of au offi cer of the Uuited States Navy, who will pro ceed in a vessel of war and seiie upon the property of the Government so offending, snd brini il to the United States, where by a d.-cree of a court having admiralty juris-1 (iic-tioti, it shau be ro.d aud tbe proceeds an- plied to liquidate the claim of the A .,;. ! l .- . 1 1 ' ean eitnti upon w bom lue outrsife ha been can eiiixens upon w nom llie outrsffe lias been j li'llj. J uh fl i. CllfJlrr. 1 Tbi peiitiutnaa baa ouly. within a few days, bad an opportunity of makin anv remark relative to the c! 0f LcinK congratulalea by Mr. liUUiugs, ami other abolitionist at the conclusion of hi recent r.,vch i;.;,in.t ,he Leeomptoa bill. The M" tb substanco of hi, rem.rk, i 1 " -"U Ult trict of North Carodna. Ou'la-l Tuesday I evening I supposed I ah uld have had the o, (w.w,...j 10 .,0 ej. supposed 11 was, ....... ., v.,i we ( ... g-, ,w , MiMi,,i,eo ui tue tiuoicon 1 the state of the Union; but tbe llou-e de- j euiieu to u ) so, and 1 was therefore cut off ... 1 1,1 ,r. in .. 1,. .,1.1 - . ' ""n" ' th .ente. Ibej,, 0- hB.dred dollars worth of oorres-pondeiit of the New lork Herald, in ,nA hnfht In ilirm nf riii,-i,. f ik. I will be able tosho.tbi. House and ihejfcrence.cott.iitu.ing the Danville Ihstrict, UriM were made by ibo opposiiion; and to- "'"" ':,t WJ e' " b", PHI generally de-ire be I ,.. up b, lost The debate showed ihtt ' Z "Ui "V" l"hUCe - MM " Vir,hi to""": Tbi.! the ,,.. would t. carried , Ut the ho. : Many statements aDU le.b e to u.e. 1 thii.lr I ir....fe -.11 :.. .11 1.L..1.1 1 I.- .. .1. . r .a, ... 1 .... . ' . . . . I would. beabhe-t. show be utterly with-'! . out. foundation. I tbitik, .1,0, I 'ioul J be I able to show that many portion of bis re- Ubiok io niy absence he look occssion tore- present me unfairly before my constituent aud bis, and to create improperly ana who out foundation, prejudice against me. Aud although I discover, from the report of what look place in my absence, that gentlemen who are near to uie undertook truthfully to correct the atnteineut, he siill persevered in it; fori say' here wilh soletuu regard to truth that no such thing as congratulation by Mr. Gidditigs, of Ohio, did occur, such as stated by him, and none of any kiud to the best of .my recollection. I see that a Representative replied to him, that he was parsing up the ai.-le, and from the fact tbat some mention, of his name was made to which I replied wilh a smile, the mistako may have occurred. That was all, uolliiug more. T will say further that as my friend Mr. Clitigman, who is not here, and will not like ly be here, I discover said something to the effect that be was standing at the time at about the place w here be was then speaking where that was, I cannot tell, lie cer taiuly was not in the seat he usually occu pied. I wis advised that be was upon the other side of the House. From the fact, however, that bo has his seat next to mc, persons not aequniuted with where he was might suppose that be was sitting at the time tint to mc. I aiu happy to see, how ever, that in the remarks made by him upon that occasion, he did not su-tain the state ment that "the member from Ohio Mr. biddings eyrutulaled me. I was sur prised thaiTlT (diduld hsve made any re mark about it, because I did not see him at II. I do not know iu what part of the Hall he was; be was not in his seat, and j has been there but little of the time during j the session. I shall take cccaion, a hen the! proper opportunity arrives, to m;ike a suit-j able reply to the speech then made by my colleague. High Tain If any thioj in the world will bring the , people to favor Distribution it must be the eve tainp .crio.isly of another trip to euormous iucrease of our taxes. 1 welve ! California 1 With him, life's eveuing is e years ago the taxes in the State amounted ' rene the sun is goiu down without a to 8-!5,0(iO now it is over SSOO.dOO in-j clouJ' S' crease over sfx fold. If the proceeds of the ..public l.ndsh.d been regularly distributed bt r . , j among lue spates since tue ueposne act 1?36 instead of our taxes being increased six-fold in ajl probability we would baeej been out of debt, and no taxes to pay or a I very li -ht one. Iu 1S3U we received'over .... ., . , , . , a million if we only bad secured one half ' i that amount for twenty two years, we ould have received ten m.ilions at least sud our State improvements would have betn far in1 idvance of what tbey are now and ' the 'state ! 00t of M- Ut the Fe0ple thuk f tbese i Dralh of i PoWmattrr. The Yorkville Enquirer announces tbe death of Wra. R. Alexander, the potiiisster at that place. 1 he office will devolve ou Mr. Jobu K. Alexander. Peal Offi DiVORtiOOr. We learn from the IVtmaster at Prov-, idpnee N. C. that tbe post office called ikn p bill's store Id thi. county has been di-co.,-, A UvJor,lr CTr.The Janior Edltir !,'". 1 X T I. A b!of,beorthC.roli.,.Pre.byter...,.b,b. detaiued at 1 rovidvuce P. O. it . v i i i. t .l breu to Irleam as a member of the j (irtieral Aeinh!y of hi Chiirch, give a W We learn from Washington on ibe,""0111 account of the sights that preented 27th ult., that the steamer -Water Witch themselves before him on a Sunday in tbat was to sail for Cuba on that day. The St x v. k .,J n. ... .. r .... .. i"r ' .. ,e were reported to be at Key West On tbe 25th. ! j KsT Attention is called to the dvertie-j menu oi rfouo .'i .'lasoo. I er-ons DaviDg worn iu either ean be accommodated. a (t . c. wnil. I fob the c. wnn To MrwRs. Davidson, wa liac e, PHI I CHAKL) nd HCI'ClilSO.N : C.ENTLIMES lieing voters and tax pay-' JA Will vou eote for a reneal of the Aet r -....! . ... j -ci .State, whieb tax we co-isider utiiust to both tuteri and Droducers 7 M ANY CITIZENS Charlotte, May Jl, S.iS. roire.ponrfencc of th. N., tli ("srolii.a Whip. THE f.KNKR.U. CONK Kit KM t OK THE M. V.. i Mf'fK II. S- ( "I II. NaHVIM., TtNN., May 19, 1".V, Ma Kl)iTt;Ut I reached tbiscity Nash ville, Trim., on the 1-Jth n,-t. (It my jour ney hither, and of the many inti re-'ni, tb- y cu wliicu nave ci.uuieu my atu tjtion since u,j arrival, I propose lo peak in aubse- qu' i t coriiniunication. 10 are anxious lo hear of the doings ol the General Coiif.reiiee, and to that auljccl I will cob&ne myself iu ,- , ' tuis epi-iiir. - The pn paration of business for the ac tion of the Conference has very much oc- copied the various committees up to tbi lime, and ihc measures consuiiimaled arc but aid comparatively unimportant, al- ,ou(-" llie has a.reaUy o rtjaiO0 r,r hit..,.,. .s,i; it.i-y 'i !,.., i... 1. ' ...neh li.s,.a.;or. hr,...., .nrl .l- I It has been decided, almost unai.iiiiou-ly, i that no Hi. linn shall he elect.-d at this 1,.. ference. The reconsideration of this vote is of course D,t impo-ible, and I might add not uuwhol y improbable. Ia coriscouence of the uul prevalence 1 ' t- ... r . er stationed in that' city to remain fou years, instead of two. at the aame ehureh Ati inenectual attempt was made to Mri.e. wot mi provision, placing sew wriean m tne snie position a tnat occupied by a other placea in the Methodist connection. ...... j , . , ' " The eupl'V the lhou,' h. beeu' re-! ported ou by a special oummittcc t4 wbor-1 1 er wa nrofioiirid to vou nuestions nf vital' Hit ehurch an bnnr etr two latir nntherl , . . iit i , i - t g i ti-.- i . ! stood by ibem with Brmties, isct and ability i importance lo u. and which we hobe you band of mu-ic played a lively air preceded ,, , . , . . , I . , i- 1. ir t . i ' 1 t r , l i r .i He louifht the vroutid inch by inch, and will auswer ludividually. If elected, by a proce.-ion, half a mile lonjf, of the.. , . ' .- , , . ' ,. ! u u i I . a . l , I oiially he bad the satisfaction rf bating hi 1-t Will qii vota fur a rerssl of the T' rpaiash Itenevolent Society, "who could i ,'. , , . - , 1st. win you vote lor a.rtf eai ot the bs- i i . reo utioos adopted, in spue of tbe report, ,..- lti 1 Bud no lime dunni' the week which they' . , .! ' . ... r .1.. ,.. ... Mfnrd Thaw command tb.it 70 per cent, of be amount necessary for their support be drawn from the Con- n,-,.,f.,rnc raising tha amount in it own way, and that the t. 'jouraed Wednesday after bavimj effected maiuing 30 per cent, bo paid out of the en understanding with the Post Manter Mis-iouary Treasury. The report bat not , Qeneral, involving important changes in tha yet been anted upou. preseut 'mail arrangement. Thi great In reference to our publishing interests, .Southern mail that leaves New York every there is a repoit of the Hook committee now morning ia to diverge froiy the old route at on the tabW, which will be eallod up aooo. Kiobmond and pasi over the Danville, South There will probably be but one Book AgJDt aide, Virginia and Tennessee, E i Tennes instead of the two who aro now iu office. see, and so on through Kiinxvillc, Dalioo, it is supposed that Dr Myers of the South- and to the Grand Junction, Bfty miles Kat ern Cbriftiaii Advocate will b tha man. of Memphis, thence via Jackson to Ne Wilier ciittUjsea will GOUBtien oa maue, j wrieaus. im iihiii uiuii. -placing our publishing eatablixbuieut on a the first of July, and be continued till the firmer basis. As to the successor of Dr Myers, in ease he should be takeu from Charleston, I have heard various sugges tions. To-day the Conference oted, (111 for and 7 aguiust) to remove from the Di.-cip-liue the geueral rule forbidding "the buy ioir of juen, women and children with an intention, tj enslave them." It is to be sent around to the Annual Conference, aud aa soon as they concur, Ibecluuse will he atrick- en out. It is gratifying to think tbat our Discipline is soon to be clear of all allusion to the subject of slavery. It is thought that ihu next General Con ference will go to New Orleans, though some of the delegates, besides those of our ow n loulerence nave tolil me tnat mey j it is understood also tnat an arrangement would go for Columbia, S. C. has been prnjf-cted by the Department io The subject of class meetings is now be- connection with the above for a semi-month-fore the body. There are some who desire j ly mail from New Orleans to California, by that these meetings shall be made atlxfuory (j of Tehauntopec, Acapulco, and ibence as prayer meetings and love feasts. There j by the Pacific mail tcauirra.to San Fran are others, aud (I think this cia'-a comprises j eisco. It is believed that thia arrangement by far the larger portioo of the Conlercuce) ''o think the law should remain as it is, and that what e ueed i more grace, and more vior ia cuforcing the rales as they , now stand. i nave never ticiore noen iu me presence of so august an a-sembly, although even here indications cf huiuau weaknesa are sometimes even. The venerable Bi.hop S.nilri attends ths sessions nunctuallv. aud n? UoiRAGM-lhe following is a 1 bill introduced in the Senate, ou Monday, jjr l)0ugla : A up. on tbo flag and citixens of the Uuited Statea. I 1'' ' enacted by the Sennit and Howe) of l.'rpreienlaliVM of he . intra i-tutrt of . ' , , . ... A me if, i in (Mnjrrtt assrmhetl, I Bat, in CIW of fit,,Tnnt ,ioia,i0D 0f ,h, laws of nat'-in by ouTae upon the flag, soil or cili of 'he United State, or upoo their " " circumsiaooea requiring bi- President, dday would be incompatible prompt renrr. ana wnen, in tne opinion oi tiih the honor aud dignity of the republic, tbe 1 resilient is hereby auibonaed to employ sutb force a he may deem necessary to prevent me perpetration oi uc( .. L'e, aud to obtain just redress and satisfaction 1 for the same, when perpetrated ; aud it shall , be his duly to lay the facts of esch esse' loyetner wun tne rea-ons tor nis action in i ne premise, nciore congre. at toe earnest praetieable moment, for such further action thereon as Congress may direct. T"7- 1 " sacred, oay was u-Uered io by a d i-char.-e of ii-tils from a shuotinir trailer ' , i, , . , j opposite t IneMiotel j an I in the room abo 'he pistes wa. a billiard table, where gam- b ing was carried ou without any attempt j t concealment. And boib the filing and ; pi-j were -us up u uring iu nay . i bout 10 o'clock came along procession of : ..., uii ivj.j, imi ri.i,i.ii..,c-i,l.ul t , T"?"' 'h.''flfr '?er r, and i baud of music, on their way lo brate one of their national festivals, liicb. 'bey kcM no with dancing and drink lug throughout the day. As ho wa leav- eou'd 'pare from their Incessant exertions to- do rood, and therefore chose tlii dav in I P"f"' to all other, upou lb. principle of the niaxtm, " the better the day, the bet ter 'M' The editor add that " there is no Sab- I nam uere, except amongst the comparative-1 1 ly few who respect lb commandments of , .1 1. 1 1 1 . , . , 1 lau. ilible and tbe religious observances of ) such as revere its precepts." I'uy. Olt, ) .. ,, T ,.. , , , The I t b r-burg Intelligencer, in the fol- , : lowing unci paragraph, make a tard hit : ! San Francisco, j Among the Iea.in.2 promises held out by ' Mr Penden objecteJ to the price de !the Deiiioeratic party in tbe South, iu the ! ,"i"i hundred thousand dollar, and In-t eauvas for the Pre-idency, to be real- bc lu00'l't th neee.sity 111 not so ur- 1 ized in the event cf their success, wa one P"1 l,,,t t;n;''" should submit to such that Kansas would become a slave Slate ; ,n ,n impo-ition. another that Nicaragua would be American- I " Mr Gwin "J ,h "ln w" indi-pensiblo ired ; and another that lh aupremaey of fur Pr,,'e"on. n'1 l'e"eo they abould not rTur Plajr would be established iu the tiulf. j De"',tte ,o" I'rice j The-e promise have been reslited as lem- -Mr. Hroileriek declared that the whole , oeraric promises usually are, that i to say 1 . ranche wa not worth 87,HOn. The subject " 011 llie contrary, u,uite the reverse." Kan- j then referred to th Military Committee, aa belong to the Jilaek Republicans : A- I liwio and Uroderick are both from Call ! niericani-m, under Walker, lias been traiu- fornia. The conclusion to which an outi pled out of Nicaragua; and tha American I arr would come, i. that Gwin or some friend Flaif in the (iulf is uhj eted to daily insults 1 ' his is interested in the "ranche,"' sud and outrages. Kconotiiy, toj, wa promis- j that Hroderick, and bi friend are interest ed, which ha resulted iu dissipatiug the 1 d ' ome other " ranche." Fay. Obi. iarj;e surplus in the Treasury and running' the fioveriiiiient deeply in debt. Since it! ,. - seems. unerring rule thst Demoertie prom- ies, like dream-, mu-t be t.keu by con.ra- "r ' , , F'- form shall b.edire the tiarty to everything dijorgni.ing, wasteful and corrupt. rijht to vote for a successor, assembled be Ntw CiimmcxtaRY 01 Tim I!lUL In fore tbe Dole's place, in tbe Plaxxt of 8t. the (iencral Aembly of th Old .School Mark, and a man balls as thern waa eo. J're - hvteriau Church, on the ith 111-tant, 1 tne li.ui. ur. Jre:csiiiriile lutroduecd the subject of getting up a 1 resbyterisu Com-( n.entary on the Holy Scripture A lively wmcB lasieu over iro loloZl ".iVb't 1 11 of tbe ?. . IhpOMAMT MAtt AlltA10IM.1T. The! Convention of lUilro.4 Preaideota and , Superintendent, who hara been io ton in U'ashimrtoH CitT for a WOeK past, ad 13ih June. lo50. The distance from New York to New Orleans, 12M miles, is to be made in four days and 17 hours, and the compensation to be two hundred dollars por mile. Alter the 1st of July. H59, the eveuing aa well as the nioruing mail is to past over this route, and a double daily aervice has been ordered to commence from thiit lime, in view of the completion of the ' Orange and Alexandria Railroad. Thia, it i is confidently expected, will sborteu the time between New York and New Orleans to three days aud twelve hours, at a com pensation for double daily service of 8300 per mile. Full arrangements have ajso been completed for through ticket for travellers: far over the eutire rout $19. will shorten the time betwoen New Yoi k and San Francisco teo day. J'tcrtburg iHteiligtn-fr. Souther! MANurACTuai. The Phila delphia Ledger has an article on the rapid increase of Southern manufactures. It think thst the people of it section are cot aware of the rapidity of its progress. In the concluding psrt of the article are the following reflections i " The enlightened patriot, even if, a', a Northern man, be may thiuk the iuiereaU of hi own aection injured by these South ern factories, caunot but observe th. ir pro-i-rea wilh gratification. The milako-of the South has been to confine itself too eutirely to agriculture. Such a policy will, sooner or later, exhaust any uatioo. It ha been the principal cause of lbs comparative de cline of the older alave State, and il will produce similar result iu tbe new ouea, if preservered iu, as soon a their eoils beeui also worn out. Uue of lue cardinal maiiui - of political economy i that th producer aud eousumer should be brought a near together aa poible, lor iu this nay the produ of middle men are saved, and the laud enriched by the refuse of lbs noo agri cultural population. Too Biuvb attention ba been devoted in some part of tbe North t0 manufacture, and too little to agriculture, , lnet in tbo places, the bealthi llhv balance hM been drtroyed. Iu Hi Sauth, on the contrary, manufactures have been too much neglected, with a similar eonsrqurnce. Tbe well-wisher of bis country, be who is for tb whole country, will njoice lo see m both MCtious, the harmony restored between I sericulture and mauufaelure " "Tut RuLi.ita Mill at Atlanta." There were aoiue not very practical men io the late Convention. At n early day of the seasion, our frtend, Col. Mteele, formerly of the Atlanta Eitniiner, introduced reso lution directing publie atteution to that most important enterprise, the Kolling Mill, at Atlauta. I bey were referred to tbe i .: : - i . .. . cuiirna eooimiiiee, aim late in lb elon w,re reDOrld ,tfiiB, H0 , f. M e.nlM)t iwut, for if any project of Southern industrial pur.u.u www worthy of llie Ilu.Miol, ,d fo-tering ear. of the coo- -ut on- this eertam V Waa. It s. udesd BO ttlfkt,g or u, tff,ir but a very im- portint illiirt of enterpri-iDif seullemen lo reoder our Southern railroad iudepend i-pendent Plrange to say, when the resolution were ealled up, after the report of Ibe committee,! a strong effort was made lo defeat their pasaage ia the Convention ; but Col Steele ny a considerable majority. s men tion these facts that the friends of the eo-terpri-e may know who stood by it io the hour of its peril. Montgomery Mail. How Cmcle Sa IH Flex" tD. The fol- lowing is reported iu the procecdinga of the B u- j t 1 . Cenate on ednesday la.l s A Communication from (he Secretary of War was received relative to the proposed pun:hae of a :xe for the erection of a fur- ulic,on oT ,,,e pto,eCtioo of the harbor of .- u - . v !( ..-in a re!u, I"1"". i'd gave tbe following j nucr o. e.ect.og tue h.-, I l i. .. .1, r .. :e. . When a Dou'e died, the noble who bad a ter were put in an 010. Among these ball there were thirty tbat were called "the golden balls." Kvnry nobleman then went up to the urn and took op a ball. Of course nine, and these nine chose forty-nvet and these eleven eboee forty-one and they 7JtZ hej were , but It in tn I M-ae. and .d. ,. "P. ,n W1. P,I,M na . V ?' J!" XT",??: ,M oul rf u fory-oua wore 0W,ry. PgCBBVTIBIAN 8TAT!8TIC-R InM ; NAM To TNI LATv ; or rua (.as MAC Ammblt. The Hoard of Kd,!e lion reported the number of new eaudidafus rcooived the past year 103, mukin )he t0. tal number since 1610. S.630. 817,103 07 hava been received by the Candidates' Fund making a sum total of receipts of 810,473 30, of which $13,432 33 have been r. Ipeuded. Th lotal receipts of all kind hy Ins Doari oi jiuiisieriai r.uuciiuon were v6,49j 00; total expenditures, SlS.00 55. The number of parochial schools is l;i(). The uuraher of Presbyterian acaila mies is 6;), besides the A-buiun Institute which educate youtj men for Afrie. The number of Presbyterian oollegea is 31. Itetief to divMtd Minutei s ' Widout and Orphan of deceased jlitstf . . From May 1, 1957, to May 1, InAN, the com mittee have given relief to tight ministers, twenty widows, aud two families if orphans; disbursing for the thirty recipient of their liberality 8,700, or a little more thin (L0 each. The receipt to the fund for thi beuevolence bar been a larg th preaeut aa in former years. Doimtic Minion board have In creased the number of missionaries by 20: tuakinii the total number now employed b -them 610. The total receipt for the yani are 8103,277 &l tbeeuiiredihur..iilei,t for the ssuio period are $104,133 07. The excess of inoome tbe past year over any preceding one is above $4,000.. An avrrags reduction of 83 had been made in the ap propriation Usually made to each misoiouary in view of the embarrassment of hunie, hut the churches in whieb ihsy bad labored inereas.d tb amount which iby eouwiliut. d lo their salary, so tbat th salaries actually rroelved by bo engaged in misseuwr- labor avfraged $500. '-" JltMirdof f'HliltritioH.ytt report show ed that the Rurd bud puhli-hed won new work thu iu any previous year ; thai near ly aa many volumes bad been sold, and that mote bad been gratuitously eircuKtud. The followio statistio were iucluded in tbe re port : New book published, 43, and an aggre gate of P3.76U eopie printed ; nine new tract, VI. 000 copies; ibe Prebyterin Al manac, 30,000 copies. Total Dumber cf new publications, 1 40,730 eopira. Ik-prints of former publieslions, 30,7-W eopiea Total number published list year, 400, ViO eopie. The issue of new publication 11 )' ar needed that of the preceding year by 14,600, and is still furthrr in advance of any other jear in the Hoard's history. The sale of IraeU during th' Oast year has amounted to 7wti,na. c-t-poriur have sold -tafti volumes, and gratuitous- ly distributed 17,030. The receipts were , Jl .'HUljU i expenditure, ltin,S"l. 1 hi amount from sale of books, tracts, and Sab bath School Visitor, ba been 8'0,bU, eud from eborehe. (17,130. Chunk lUUntttin.Th receipt f'oiu ail eource during tbe past year exceed those of tbe previous year nearly $ 1 Tbe mount ppropnatd to chart bs tbi year M nrly glO.lKiO above thst dis tributed the pa-l year. Tbe balance in 'he treasury at lbs close of last Jear wa (", 034 31. Tb reoripls from April 1, I-j7, to April 1, 16-, au)out to 8-4.751 1 ; the eipvaditurrsto S'3,31 !'3 in u appropriated balance ! the Ireaoary vf (s.VOI 70. Sevthty -six churehr bate been aided in tbe construction of ehureb edifices Forly-aeveu of tbi numbtr cot from 8M'' to 8",o0 i Iwtuiy two from 6.3'Ki to S3, OUO ; seven over 8 ',' HI. During the two and a half year Ibe committee b rsreu tt work ihsy have aided ia the construc tion of 'IijS eburcb edifices. Libmia a 8wiDU The Fr. ill (Virgiuis) Juvenal not:ee the return from Liberia of two slave who were emanripated by the late John Watson, nf Pritee Kl ward County. Tbe sum of H.O m mi , ft by Mr. Watsoa to carry sixty cf Lis stares lo thst Kepuhlie." 1 hey give a very dis couraging aeeoaiit of th Irip oat and their treatment after their arrival. Tbe Jour n it aay I IU fore leaving tbe ship, tb agent of the Colouixatioa vjociely iuduetd the emigrauia 10 purebaae quantities of cheap ta ico, bra-s jewelry, Ac, assuring them that they would ueed such article iu their new home, but ou their arrival tbey found tbey bad been deceived and defrauded out of their money. Th provision carried out for their sup port for the first ait month, were sold daily before their eyea, and they were compelled to buy provi-ioiis every day, oTlco of very inferior quality, aud insufficient 10 quau -iiy. The agent employed by the Koeiety wt uld si! lo the bakers, aud th laker lo the emitrsnts l!ir own proiion -at ex orbitaut prices, the agent receiving part of the proGt. Ou their arrival, ibey oaly reeeied a half acre of land, in-lead of the 61 teres promised. They found provionna at exor bitant prices, and a good deal of bad treat ment lissides, from tbe authorities. 1 hi y allegs that ill President of lh colony, if not engaged io th :iave trad counties at it. Tbey bavt retained to slavery, believ ing t That freedom to the negro ia Africa i the reate-l curse ;! at could p i-sieiy' befall hiia ; and thai bad tb Liberiana th in an of gelling away, seven-eighth of 1 hem would gladly return to the I'nited Snws, and serve the hardest master to be found to tbe South, feeling tbat th condition of th slave here ia far preferable to that of the most favored of the inhabitants of Liberia. Tut Waosci lM ot.An AarT or 7111 IITTl.a it t AST. luformstion having reach ed Washington, on Wednesday last, that O. Jetining Wise, of thi city, and Mr. Doiii'la were shout to flhl a duel, nffici-r were put 00 the track and Mr. Wise a a e.p.ureu. in, omeera proceeoeo u. in. J-bamber of the tinted Mates, ud .., uui.. vi . OV iirmivi from I ili ota, and il was not without a iood deal of positive asscvrraliou that he w able to satisfy them that he was not io the field. Tbe real party wa Mr Donelas, who represents King William iu the Virginia Senate, and the mistake evidently arose from tbe party implicated nn bein? des cribed wilh sufficient accuracy. Hu.hmo'id toutk. PxvxriT rr tub Coast Scavv. Among the important discoveries, constant ly beinjf made by the eot survey, th of fice in Washington, ft i stated, ha just e ceived intelligeuca of a new channel leadi ing iolo St. Oeorgc' Sound and AeUii 1 Hay, in Florida, with four feet m.ot wa ter on the bar than at th ethane corn mouly n-ed. Thi cew b,nnel i clo-e under tbe eastern end of Pvg l-lan'f, Tbi discovery i worth pevbap million of dol lar to tha people o tbat sectkn, and i but one of a similar character frequently fol io! tig tr9 Ukox the euut survey.'

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