THOMAS J. HOLTON, KllITOR A PHOrRIETOK. . , TillLMS : , p.. Yirla i "irnlina Whiff w ill he a forded lit auh ., tftr j I 1 " tr lJL-i'SLim in MyTuiicc 1 i nu inl I a US A1 r'lv'TY t.'K.N'1'S if payment be ' . . -I..; .. I'll II KK IX II I. ARK f I'HE undersigned having en lend into Copart. JL ncral.ip fur the purpoee of carrying on Hie J Confectionary, Bakery, Fruit, ::y Retail Grocery Business, , ', mil ' t'ic vear. Nniif will be iiiec.iii. ' , ,, , ... ;, ,l,l-H arrearage. .V. paW.e.eepl.t ll.e ' "re "V" ,,,e ''""' f '" .. i'i,i.r ,, ! ' harioll and surrounding; country to their Nr Si.iIm Trill. SI,.-.. K.I ...... U . ..a fc' U A,eri..m.tnlin.-rledrtOiiDol1irHTi1ur. ei.llill'., .1 Sprat A. lieu,..', eld, where ,-. ..r I. . tlii 'i tjpe) fr th 6ret uiki. ,,., ,,, u lelMd , K lUr letltj. ,. .m. ' ' forench eon ti nuance, ourt ad- aceuaintancie. .,;.,.,:. nd Slienff' Sale, eharied a5 per! - ' MOODY A NP5T5FT ,1 ne'er ; u ...... ... " nude 'nun the rvgwlar prime, for udverlisersbj e wr. .s iiiertod monthly or utterly, t ! per squar tor ecli ekoii niii x "' criiti per square for eae h lime. .lun ,uidinCin their advertisement U I. i. It S in GliOV i. ii i V. .V. F'lmtry 9, 1F58. II. IJ. Williams & Co., r II number .f insertion iceir-.-d or umtllud uutil iuib.neliu tbalgvd 0. hutk are authorial.! to act igintt. iVII,Ol,.i:V4l.i: ami .iirr.4.11,, r .jrf A UK now receiving e large stock " J J J m and will he weekly addilmiie Jf!! aa Ihnr alra niy ri-qiure. 'I'ljr wilKJII to the w'liolreule traue tt mat) ciMiiniiaitm, Our rnm.err CASH t LU17 h Y PRO VICE. We occupy thr well knuwb aland recuntl; eo. pl'y and aa luw u at ail Hoiue riair end lone ri. i--""-.U...uv.' i" l" b.l ible Uii.ucr. j II. JJ. M ILLIAMn .V CO , I an old inMruim nt jap be I lrJt Strtrt. 3 door rem Ikt Ileal I orwer. one, with all the ril, Jua.if, loOB. 4Tlf oiir ri.tuo in 'I n in. ill" citr. n. i'C Charlotte and eurrnnniling . P'ed hy 1 . M. f "flow. Ll,,.,r.t!.rl.adr. b. ! irUflKB.S atic.l.d to .1 ..v t' i .1 .1 well rnn nunt" attaelied ; hot ho i prefier. . . i an olu in at re me ul wbieh will jua. ii. can b inl4 to emit aa guMjtf t a Mir, a tiie aaiue inl uinei.l oer i kcepln; ron.tanll nw hand, m:u IMA NOS t rr't Srtrd nunufactuteri m tfie l. T. II. UREM & CO., W-D'IIL ail H ETAiLEEALERS goods. ,...,. w..irh .UI -old .1 er.etarrr.I.Ttt)Ti AHI'.aHAlS.V MIOI, t")"' '. '-r-ee.eed in prt pay fur uew oiwa, . Cll ,It I.OTTI .V C II' i inir t k- pmi eiHia'anlly on hand, ae. , o iiiirtini?iiU u ecil or to rent. .;k.n ii.iv.r.g uUt ineiruiuen'a, and ere de. ' . in. j Ih. hi, nujr no well 'o liae t'irm ! ay1 pi rx,rrH lu aale in this market. a t S' ..i and Ware. Romp at the Moaieal lure, otr the Chine Hall ASA OKORGE. r.y-rt IP. IPH. 46-ly Teas! Teas!! I i aSH Variety Store. Freh Coiilectionaries, Fruits, dr., Ac. fWMlK irUcnbrf rMici 'u.'y iMfnrfiiB lh citi. JL tnn cl t hrUtlte nd urrounnmr enuniry. ItanU acid u rcrttnf I'...-, he Imp 4,1, Troiii Nw York Confectionaries, Fruits, AX( l'GKOCI'.IUFS.CIf.'AI TO DA CCO. SMI!', TO VS. u awrr j J aoutment ok noon rh.s l'AXt V GKOCI'.H I l-'S, Clfa' A Its ! , i y uc, coimiUnif of liy"ii, l unf nil nr;u!. ffuniit.wrtrf. Kr!ili s.jnT oirr .if)rti, for l i .Vliiwiral liiwlr.iii.riit, II. M. PUITCHAKDS , riKK Mtitli liouiir IIokm:, fmilf Stor. j '. nr I M W Hle. 1Vncn, . " ",, I ' Chilli , Ueik.l .!, A Ith 4 Tiigr. r Kcmoval. i f ( ..ny. !IE ."r -riber inbrme hie frien.!. and the J Jj rALMEK. ...3 ic g. nerally, lht he he remored hie prr jj ;7 Jif i :n l r oi. .una ei .nonce m. BTrri. , .nKr I favored me greallj, U I Would' thereby Correapnndence nf the Nnrlh Carnlina W lie able to oWrve the morenieDls of the' FROM EASTKI1N CAROLINA TO Mil The Pise Tree. It etanHa where nainre'e pulaea frerie Mescal the I'olar eye, And hang e lie dreoping eennore out . 'Neaih Indiae burning eay ; From forth to South, from Eael le W.'s Where'er Hie i.ii may ahiiie, ll lil'ta and waece lie lurdly creal, Tlie all-euduruif pine. In rrginne wihlrel and iiiitr.owun, IWaidee tlie realleae aeo, II Urealhee He deep end ntelloe tne Tliruugh nature'a nunatreUy I 'Tie heard up.ui the mountain', brcaat And by tlie rivn'a line. And 'mid the bnay haonia of mi The nicUncliul f piue. Ita haliry breath la yn the eir. Amid the f.reat g', The early winile of nmrtiinf bear Jte delicate Mrrlume; lie uewy injur fiile liir ernao A t t irciig'a ahiw decline. And nighi'e auli pin n ia lingrr allll Aruund the fragrant pine. I love it it hath been la uie An old faiiyliar friend. And broadly t my native J md tie waving braneiie. hend ; And widely thfoa'H ita hallowed bmj it lie ragged rn.le enl-"tnr. And wreallie with every thought of home The well remembered pine. ! Ive it fur it. muaic br, ntlue O'er many e hallowed p-u Wlnre he Hie I .yed and lowly tlra.l, H'Kci may not be J And when 1 area. Ilieir holy rrat, (h, my thta heart rrLl.n, M i X-iuihtrn home, upn thy bn !. Deneath Hie mourning bine. Vme (f.'e ) Cat mtr.Smt. and wLicli it scemoil niiirntemily hare been .MIIMil.K hronoht down upon u j the juring of the TKSNKSSKK tram. Looking to the right, I foun'l that Mb. Kihtor: If tehnt I hnve to write I our fodwa-ou the vcrpe of the rivi-r, and bo worth rL-adine. tedioui pri-liminary ia ,h,t ,0 trck wou.d inevitably leuU to iminer-ion. Soon we went, alowlf but enemy aa they appproaohed tfiy cabin. It was ronie two boura after nightfall, and .. T v.. J ).., ,.. . ..l"u leau.up, im, .... u-ie.ena i II it iiu av (as uuuu 1110 (liuq alia i " ; . - or the Indians, wlieo suddenly I aa atar- patience of your patron-, a Ion- iutroduc- 'u7. n'1 "ol knowm;' which to admire tied he thn lievilif? of roe nn at ih. ... i tion will oi.le n,iiU li.rl . . n iii.n.i. , moKt, th atrrn iii acniOceoce of the frown- bU. I iuew that tb. Indiana -ero cow- fur.lW P-JH'P. I " V" ! I'.'S rrfciPh?r 1,10 V"ct """""g1 of . itl . li . j i-. . ., I I lell .Menon, W. v.. May 13. and roh-1 iiui uuc.. iog. The a.ood Int.. to tb. we.t NVIlvill. T;ilMM1. MTa, .,; Hut I am not yet read, to Ch.t of tb. cuhin. and between lb. two waa a I .utii mil,., in J tanooira. I'r'ore reschm'! the city, I wet patch of cleared ground, upon which tb.' The fin-t ii.icreatin point in the journey ' "i,h f,iuu'1 re-ident in Grepii- liB.t of tb. full moon fell unobatrur-t-o I A,.Kusla. G. When waroched S' ho ki"dJ? Judgin, from ,b. noin. at tb. .t-U ,hst i -;;o-one wh.t river i. ,hi. V , P JS : 'JZ. , ,'. , . , t'V'I J wit'y young man, half cnrtirtt who bad:" e" ""ce"u 'DO tbry would .dyanca .frcu tuai urfeutioo, teen ilb u all day, replied, " thin U tbe j NlJn'.v, ',""e ?f .,l'8. fiue" i jiuaieu niy.eii at tue port uoie on that river duruan. .M,U in Urt it aetmcd like sideofthee.bin. j leaving the do.crt, and cro--in over into I had treviouidv t,!.ced my wife on the',he l"-' '". l" over ,lie Tue I'ostaoi Urt.r. Th. following i tbe bill introduced by Mr. Hunter, to amend the acta in relation to tbe l'ost Office De partment; which waa read twice rrni refer red lo the Committee on Poat Ofhce and Port lloada. Tbe bill provides for chang ing the preeent rate, of pontage, ho that for evury in;le letter in manuscript, or paper of any kind in which information aball be aeked for or communication in writing, or by inarltK or aigne, conveyed in the ninil for any between placea in tb. United Slate, not eieeedine; three thouaand mile, the rat. of pottage shall be bv. cent, and , . , ,. , . iciavaiinan iroin me mild OIU Maniuure, to croa. pol. in tb. cbimnay, .0 that in .... j lU blliifB, of Auifu.u. A, W(. our cue uies eUicteU an eutrane. into tbe ed throu-h the city, our Omtiibua bt uii' cabin abe might eliinb out through tbe.h0r' of pi-tier nl cjin-ern, ftnppi-d at a!! tbe low chimney and effect her ecpe. myself I entertained no hope, but deter Pie principal inioH, and t cacti one we were i importuned to atop and l- entertained. Iwiwy friend would uivurintily cry out sell my life dearly ' With breath! tb. port bole. .At ping an I returned from Nashville, that I ( for any over tbre. tbouaand mile. OOk.Ut mountain, ana WO sonaa. rnniaa inin, uiw . fiueat acenerv in the I ball be charged, and for a treble letter. orb!. The invitation was accepted a few treble these rates, ftvery letter or paroel dajs afterwards. Leaving Chattanooga on ( t exceeding half an ounce m weight ehall ' hori-e brtelt at 7 o'clock, a. m , we reached be deemed a einglo letter, and ovory addi the top of the moiiiitaiii at half pt H o'- 1 ""l weight of hulf an ounce or lens .ball I clock. One of the charms about this place l e charged wilban additional single rale of U that there i no fatigue ; no weariii;; out I po-tooe. For letters conveyed in the, of the feel for the gratification of the eyes. ) wholly or in p.rt by sea. aud to and from a .Going we-t, and then north-et, from Chat- foreign coumry, for any distance under I j . J L j .... i: i..,,!,.!!.. I,ilil m;i. III. rata ia In , Our " e.ienn.ngioe ronu over ... j ----- - -- -- tance or nvc miles, the accent ia not aimcun i " -' . u iur may ii uve, smr fir. hundred miles, tweuly ccnte, lor each baif a. ounce in weight, unlet, by a poatal treaty or convention such ptn-tage ahull bs adjuried at different ralea. All drop Utters uot for traneuiiaion, but only for delivery, hull be charged one cent each, and adver tised letters on cent each in addition lo the regular postage. I'pon all letters pan-iug through the mails, except .ucb as aie to cr tram a foreigu country and official letters, tbe rales of postage hereby established aball be prepaid, either by po-tage stamps, stamp ed envelop, or inouey at the option uf tbe all! mined not to b. taken alive I resolved to aboard for the Iiiti-r". IL,i.,l th.- k.. 'even on wheels. Near the top of the inoun- llolel in the cilv." This wan r.iher cb.l!- Uin' ,,ut ,,,,le from thf 't"rn, .'ingtothe w.rm'beane.l ho.ts who .o g-n- h1'"''' "'"P VT t,19,',"T,",1,' .t!"ro re ero,i.ty proposed it Ml:' ,n the three hoteU, and a number of pnvat. resi- ii ... " deuces. In .uinmer 1 uudcriitaud there are merge from the shadow of tbe stabl. and i !ro.d htrcet is tbe main busiuca street fiva 1",,",r", person living here on the advance acro.s tb. T.c.tit ground toward. 'in AUi;u-t.. and ia the only atreet I have mountain. The water is as cold and pure .i i- ii . i , .,.....,, i,,., I -...;, I.... ,i f ' any tlint ever "U-hcd out of a roek. I be the e.bin. One two three eret bea- ever seen ttiat I con-mcred too wide, loi ' , , e- on ,. . r,i . l, j ' ntmci,here is lie. ibful til rthi .rating. .veul si. iadian. .ruied , o the , - V'rfy - teeth, ...J nrged oq by the hope of re- ,j duM 1 ehould thitik J-Iroac! etreel Here, thi-i ih a inot deii'biful retreat from .venge, and I alone ta oppose tbeiu, with .1 Ica.t :ntl feet widn. It is p. rh.ij a mile ' nd Hm' '"' "ut or ILia tueroe 'bat on. charge of r,n.,l.,e. M. .... ... in Ien2lb. Kuth of tlis tl re are street, ! "".V '"'' .rrlin here wV a week. - - r ' ,.,.,,- ,1 i , ,i , i .. i III, e re ..on p ven for this biyh rate in tin. , " nucr. i no ior primeu maiver are desperate indeed. With quick yet Xrcr! ,7," i&Tt . VI ' ""y - the salubrious atmo,-! to be, f,r each new-p.per or periodic.l not thy tep, in oloso ing!. tie tbey .pproncb. . sjon. ,r,, eat cutt.ea " ' pb-re pi e. pojle nch vrscious appetites . eicecoing inree ounces in wcignt, io any i that it Oils immrn-ely to keep them sup- ,P"i o i micu .-iiaiea, one ceui j aim r,,, every addiiional ounce or friction of an We e now nn ih tin ton of the Lookout, ounce one cent additional, the p.wtape upou i.n uama is Chattanooga, aignify. , sucli msttertol.e paid ipartrly in advance, ouf. And venly if a man cannot emier i in. omci; mn 1,1 rom this eminence, there i-no point ' neliverej. .Vw-p.pcrs and pern.licals not paei jiia churcbea, an I mau-nitjc sion. and neat cott.ei. ed, and were already within . few yrftds . After .pending an hour ami a half in tbi. ' of ibe boj-e, wheu a slight change in the luciibtlul city, of some 1 j ibou-iaud iubsbi Piscdlaiifotis. 'movement of tbd fjrward Uuu. "e ' fl u Altai., al I oclpck, ,.. 0 "' I . , ... , ni , havin- left Msrim, ,t '.' a . Tb. , 7 . . ed the position of the entire tit, o that i . . , , , i in I.ooko I ' roumrj throu;h ,.-h we pied fr sever- - portion of the U-ft aide of c.cb wa, uncov- . J,nara ia r the m-vt p.rt .andv and ' f.r 'V were all in a r.uge eoe .iui poor, the "red oil bi.i. " r tain up arouud rr all. yuick as ihongbl I aim-1 u' eeaionily. We pa-t ibrjiigh 0r. , , , , . f'.riU-, ille. Miii- in. C ivint;t in, et,- , b-jt as i. At the smoke c.i-are! away.i. ... ,,' .. it waa lit 'III, coul I cl e anvthir-c '!. ered. They were all in a r.uge eoe iui poor, the would cover ed and 6re .1 coui.i n.roiy creun wnai myatn-es 'ho- f.etorily, and I told th.t we d.d nM ed me .. tbe reault of ray ab'it. The fifteen ! much,.. lne town are auia 11, inl 'slug, with which I bad loaded uiy TllUkrt that tbe country allorda bul l;lti.-fertiio land had done, their wo,V well ,, of i La, or cenery We uuetiou wbelber io tL. biatory of .... . . . . , Indiana l.y dead upon lie ground, anil lb hair bre.dib, a parallel to the , ,-,r-,mr rinliled and furrowed cheek of moth- .needling an oimcu and . halt m wetgl.t, ' a li.n pirmi uli'il in tlio Slat.t ahem onli llah. A few it. nil followin can eaaily le found. Trade elrert. where i all onlera in hi. line. He on h .ri.J each a Idea Cock. Gulden Star. Planter's and Prenilnm ( (M)Iv S IOVKS, ...a-ielyof i vki.oi: STOVKS. iii. i fi'K. aaaorlnKIit ol" Im .ami arr, Ac. ' ' n':. I will (ill ehesu for CAM! or Coon r.H. II. vii rtufrt' lie aervUeaol a fr Bak.r. I .m prrpareo lo lorn,. I. or QkUi,,,,!, d venture here reo.ll. d. el aoor. noui-r. I'r- D. H. liYKKLV. to if b. -fire reneh ehril.! Ftone A It hoii 'li we were denied tho The to- i , , . , , .,M.Bi, waa now in ei.-ht I lie on llm darit iiiel I. wo w re eoii.nen-ated ry waa tu!d us by an old aud valued friend, ;d , f n,r0!,,. Tkre h ' 0" -ur return. . f.- w now reiJing in the country ne.r tbi. rily, ,, ., , .. ....?. . . days alterwatds. Ii I j. mi up a! j.n a n, - lay me Doniea oi lue U'-e innans ur,.;ii4r- v . , , , . , . , but wbo,.e,rl,d.y. wet. , pent near lb... ma. lU . . . ' . 1 V"' lT':' r Hf inif I be rmfl ID' nimunittoi f itiit lat K ol 1 1 r tJffixl thn thnuAprh'yt of 81T torJ related) to us, In the r,;;,, Jdians, I followed up the trai. of tlio tho'jeetij Marina. 1 was eaeeedme'y de- H..rwr! Ilortsr.! word, of tbe hero : ' ,iang one. until it re.ebcd tU rir.r, be- 'r,Jtw "f w aiaiug on .he I .,li lark of Ah ImfaUtlJ, Pm,hi for HOUSES' 1 'It aa about iha vear WVk that I tel.! ....... ., . . ' ""t" ter, tut the waiat of liir. J J J i J vor,a wliicn noiiil 1 eo'jlil i..cmrr i.v Iriee t Nine receipt i,f One Doliai. I will mail to ileal in Virginia, near the fa!U of the K ana-! . ,. , , . , , . . .r. .. . . TL. .Aiinlr at the time oraa an ... ... ... ea while utt: ring In.tia or i.rub.. lua rr. J marked the trail, together With the inniil- icoy haa never earn known lo fail in t-e worei broken wilderness. l!ut few M-tileluents ' , ,, , .i . l . . i i ea.e. u. g... in.mtdi.le L..ry iyi woo , . . . . . ,. . . ! tskatilearndefjce that be bad , xke J s n y ha. ahr alooid .1..,. have .,., hy;J " "'". u1 h' l.i.h d.ffirut.y. I was JCJ to believe t,.,t be n),rJrrl,te.d",'re " U 'F'rt . " l "" ,n ! was mori.liy wounded, and in ord.r-oj re. dy f . da w hru , i n .. di. i Hopes 01 aaaiaianre 10 eae oi an aiiar-irom i f j rret, ii, money wii! U refunded. Adrircaa iuo si b.w.ti'8 Indlain 0'iii.beri of whom fiill ID Cceuioio . tauuloru ei o lli cm. T lie material, ul wlm-l , eorniaed can be prorared by If thii WOO ItEWAIM). BTI . S AW A Y from rev Rulrond hn CTPi Liberty Co., Oa, about lue r.;k '" i'.ju.j, u-o, S' i:rmc aiti. II' . Vic. and nf mei'inm rile, 23 or .'I ir. old. wr.e raieed by air. finp, n ro-in'y. md .' Id to me by W. Uy. . :u ci.uiiiy, Febrwary, Ipjli. 1 ihma , i ir about Ch.rloite or VV. V. Hy. f. i ' ln ei uiilv. or William si'iitiu. of tlS'v. na lite lm hae relflKTia at all ot f. I nil p. y III HIM.I fill. I. I lt I. .e In. apcrcntnsmn and delivery K 'l I 1 tall grl him. D. w. orb. 29il i! Try It! Try It! KM :;'J.:;'S CVmeenlreed of BL'( fill 1 -. i..i i eiiitnne in 'oe orld lor tlie el.aa ..-.I j.-oj.iaea Vi treat. Try it. r .i I'KK 1! Al'.irS DKUG MOUSK, trmm'$ Ceraer. II in u- llili.r of A. rarolin.-i JR ""'.'VK. ti-e .,.t r the alive p j ijwnnrs "h WiKK. I' laioa deainng eopie. will John w. baker i'Su Sft. IS. '857. Co ti ii try eMprolinnt.s 1 lit, rrajclfu.ij i VI cur aUli..!. pi MKDH l.t.s, poi up fested the neigbborboo f. 'I lived there alone will my wife, for) several rooti 'In unmolested, and by dint j of ptraever.nee, being tin n yooug and ibade n.. r.jch'd Atlanta at 1 o'e'oek, a m , M.y I i. A fine nio'iii'iht view of ihui my on my reluru luiprr-.e I me lavorahiy Allan!, ii tbe mcetii.g p nut i f live or m rai'rn.d-, -.1 i- only ii , u ,-ar old, and has a pep jlati in of ten or fn ive tlnria. I d y from fallini? info tie hiid. of and. Tim site seem to he -nRicieriil v h-vci while foe he had rroned bii wavtalLe ""d elevated, and the l.i.i ..tin-., mi. l.y ol erearfh fro:n whieli he can look Cut. Wl went on f .r half a mile .fter a-cending the A one half the above rates. The po.tage ti: .tiMai'i, .nd there we hit.'hed our boraes. " Iratisieut printed matlcr is also to be pre We proceeded little further in tho same Pai l- The Mil bkewi-e provide, that in tbe direction, and defending for a few feet we r'"ff "f h compensation now allowed came u Point Lookout. This is a rock, ' deputy po-tm asters, ibey ha!l be .Mowed lar?e eno-i-h for the he cf a large bou-e, , eomiuii.iona not exceeding the following end" s' ndi -iUrly overb.Tigin2 the ralc, on b iter po-iage coU.etedat tbeir river. There we stood with the reni!y re'P etive ofTiees : on any sum not rzceed-f!oin-Teo,M .s-e, V.7'l feet more than a 'y ",n. f ? TvT nt. or i ,h "''' r Uf "mile beneath us. reeuUrly between o'clock, p. m., i'lm Ta-ne which now presents itself .tefies s o'clock, a. m.. Cfiy per cent , on any B 'd.-. rirtion, and all we fan hope lo do ii to t.etween gl. and i'. d-j per ceni ; gr e a f mil idea of it, I lie word lennes. "ei wr. u c sum c-.-"o, y, . on. ., lee in fie. tvk,,i. and comes from the pon " .urn above S'-i,4'Mi, K'i per cent.; fortr.c.1 by the ei.idi,-. of the " 'be .mount of po.tage on leltera nd rner at tfiis p .int. packajes received at I he distributing office We .re now standing on Point Lookout, for di-tribution, not f acted, ng ten percent.; where r .it a few jeara ac- the k-eu eN.-d "' on the moneys arising from tbe posta.-e C.Vrokees atood I'ookii... f .r the rvi-w-iof on new. p. per., niagaiinea, pamphlet, and the white m-ii a. th.-y came d .wn the Ten- !! oher printed ma't.r, the Po-tm'ter Two ,jten-ive and lovely va.leys General may allow a coniraisMOn of fifty a l o il. one to the ri.'ht and the p" cent, j ne out luruier pvincuui n-!,fr i.i t:,e I, ft wh-U the aern.-i.tine river hercalur no printed mstlerin paicl. weigh At a djatance ,no more in in luree ounces eueii ue n.u.- i n 1 s alon; in fni.f tie current. theiu al i I. .re t . rLor c and lu,po-n,. e j au-e in At.ii l and i r I 'h .i tiano jiia, I Til .1 any V e In of a. r, hy i'lUICHAIII), lh)gft mnU .lrn.iare. y, lllll'l t OSS... TtttU inn' I.or .yriHgry t'ST received at ritnril iHirs Till: I.WHiOKATOR! r.Ki-iiirn i ih, (omponRilid f Dtlrrlj from (.DIS, Is ii. or tmk kv.t ri Koirivr. o i.iv: wa IM' IXKa b ,. 1.....I- H.-i - a. - . -.1...... river and thrown bl -i.;.,i. I... I t ...... i,:. " " w.-re o.iu f mill ' The Indian, bad killed my cow, en 1 that milea from Atlanta ... mi. he aaaor.d a .a Mo trst.ff, vel Wbl I slept Wa p-t tl.rnil"!. Marietta. itrd in rail .nd ii. mm i , had .uccetded in making aquitelr . , , , . a beautil it hui en y f tive i.ouand iu- . r rlKr lil.'I (.S and; J . ,n . , in my gratitude for my froiu l:.e mcr- , , , , , , Urge clearing ia tlie forest, wbitu 1 bad I .. , ,. . " , , i'ii.ivni im' , - . l i i i ' sgea, J wnuli have t,eo entirwiy f Cierivi'.le, l'.. This U a d.- planted ih corn, and wbicb promised an ,. . , , ., , ,. , , , , , , ., , ' i wil.iiig to bate made great' r crib-e. i lighiful c -oiitry. It waa the home of the abundant yield. ! w as well provided ( hy means of arm, a nd ''herok,e but a T-w ye ars .,,0. Tue while 'One ni"ming .fer we bad de-patch- 1 . . . 11 eoun-ry i new, and ererwhintr indicate. 3 . 1 1 .mmnnitlon lak"j from the mi j m ' , - , ed our Lunible me.!, and I bad just pi- , . , . ... thnli and pro-p.ri.'y I und. inland, uns- 1 ' ' ever, llial laiHl- aie 1.1 'ii 111 tl.ii rechii., sii I "11. 1 . . 1 t. . -.i .1 . . . ... ..!. . ... . , . . .y, proicu io dc niy iai auveniur. wuu me ,0 tSi. y .houl.l he, ll. I I ami .a' -ten iiairri. .ut one ol 1L Land Lad eacaDed eaunnea are very nnicn nae I a-s. 1 ne of twenty, an I fifteen, and twelve miles, 1. all p-iitiot.a of the tran'iil river are yi -ll", and the appearaiiiie ia that of crya. t a. I l .k'-a t mbiisotiie-l in the di-tatit moun tains. I.'ioiini i-O'iili. we sec lu the 011 pared to tenture forth upon my regul routine of labor, my attention was arres milled in the mail, free of potage eicept tbe President', annual message with the ac company itig document and the annual re port of iho Secretary of the Tieasury on tl.e finance., which may pass as heretofore fance the mo-mtai,., of Alabama. Looking '"t the tr.uK ot pcr30ii. enuilea oy law r.t, we sec the dividing ridge betweto that privilege. '!', i,ne"ee K.'iituekv, Looking east we ' . the White Oak m-.i-.!ain in (J. or,ia Thus we hate a l eaot fu! h"rio;i "f nnun ti ns all around iiJ, enclm-ini the roinan tie vsll. y, tr.i the li.tMit's a'nl eryins of th- s-'i river. Tlicsn valley, tho t'liat-taii- .'i on ti e ri-l't and the Lookot on the!, ft an variejate.l with fields and fi-neea, groves and gard.-na, bo'i-e mid roads, ibe whde s. king Lie a. v i- orecn meadow, .him ill some r'aeea, ami the gra.a growing others. Ihe tall with e.cb other, i.ii all, nih-.. led by ,he tinkling of . cow bell in tb.l u,, ( M,ry i ?eny -.nd n'.nn, the land- .r. corn-field.' . . . ... , fre.k, aud ev.rylhiug .round lielokcns sue-i ,r'' VP , . .r ... .... . . I veng tb death of bis comrades. . . , ' " I nnd t ,u furm-h tho soil fi 'There,' .aid my w U, ' tbe Cow is in I , .. .. ... , Cus. nd pood living , , , ' J ' 1 ' Ah ' eiclaimed Ibe old tn.u. while the i..a li.l.o . f.. ,..:'.... . ,,...,,,1 pri"S with a veature ot th 1 tr h Tunnel Hill For a few minutes' ', , , , , Y,. . , turbs tb normal action of tbe blood, and ere In total d.rkn-.s. .-id s no one ' l' k " t L,0 of lU. lifer. Imperfect e l a word, w. cvjld well tnu-e on tbe1" utUir mountain, and tb. f.ileys. the lU dsrke,, nf ,nn .,, where . a iii, there', a way." ' r''.v i'" ;"'. '" " '". 's bended bloo, , .l,, by tho waul of energetic TKa Llvee la V iw a wiral rr.l.oa l.a m.h m.4 1 I)Vi;.SIHTn I)V 1 im I3if --I ..f 0. 'a clsaa of a. Con. .rt of SolulO'i. nf Tin, r.JIreiit :i-i loal, IdddeJ, &.C., ll.ay b pur . pRirniARD's r bi'ire, rie.'. Cetaer, aW. plait. tlie corn field ' Hut the ear of tb. be eoiii.a by .d.eatioo, very acute, especial-1 ly .0 from the fact that bit safety often I j depends upon tb nie cultivation uf that aeuae, I was Dot so easily deceived I listened the aouod was repeated. 4 That,' I, in reply to tb. retn.rk of my wife, ' w.s not the tinkle of a Lei! upon l!,o neck of a cow. It i. a decoy from .out. Indian who ue.irr to draw m. luto sni burb.' n,irie; 11. 1 lllllawa a.larka ai b. ... , .or, ...... I. .. I.lvrr l.,vl.,rul.,r. anel, avha. la . a . r.H- ,,.u. "iniilies, VariiisIiCas!; SSte:. 14 l-iii'.i: m kmm4 .,.,,, irv. - '...i a ' -l " -al.toaeh Bx,y, fumilnr. , J., .-1 -J -:i 1- (.., hash iw,r v::rx: z..-:Ji.m M M PIUTClIAKn. U,,u:t and Htlmil Driggiml, Jawia'a Lav..a. Coiulition 1'oH'iicr.s ! '.UriMMlS .n. r. inicraOd In STOCK, t. thjt ,n,.., prefw. eat roll are uu. ' "-i . Im-k ' 11, giving rctoteOMMl lo lloraae, "' ' .i.def ki..e. fin sale si PltlTCHARUM 11 :..,.:, ,S( HrUtU hug lawis'f CoasK.. ttlllli tiolrre. '",' '"" a. en... III I. a. i f 1 r e. Mai.,h,s-,v, Kr., ra ! IIII-, , . 1.1. , , .-lib..,. ...1. .j V.W- IM.r- isovnaah. I. are wiving thele atianlatoa n ml siirsfoii'si piiiigr, ; I "' ' -lo-'ny. st ' l lll I IIAll'o I.RL'O utokk. j Kki.lMsaO At M-.IDI.Xa, J iwiposiTciia or - I V cSj ( m .fi.rwj 'si mAtm VwiWoaVt Linens. Hosiery, Embroideries, be . j v I H MKKTING STr.EET, ! l eor 1 1 K tlAVNE NTKtr.T, I ' I VI.I.I.SKJ.V, el. t.:. I 'illvii UKKMA LKI01.S.J ' . II who ! aa.inaM,r I Ha .. ,e Sllv Wal.r In the .MOei.H val.l. I Uc Invl" garslsr.aed .w.lh.a .. fa,ariscr. the r.r.vua j.-jvioohator . I ItiNTII I a.-tblr as,", .in Al. .l.i.iil.lll. a. la Sa'ly at, e.. I- i-Hr... 1. .a... a. Ir .., t 0'm'-t tmmf aS . rsn. ,h. 1 -,..11 nit JH.eaae.1 I.I. ra.te .. ana.. eta on.e I to . fi'rfei.. SO) li"a-l. f.. Wnnteaale aen.a. e lira V W moo. . e,a l-Liuax. . k. 1 ' was; II II II. ...via. a II ' . Iam T. BCAIUI & co Churiotre, S. C. )! NI)H l"r the Ij'iivefy nf P ro.-rt , FOK dALK HKKE j tiibcd from hi. eye. .1 tl.e memory through Tunnel of tti.t eveiitful bight, 1 tii.t wa. a g orioua shot, tbe bet I f vcr made.' Tb. bcro of tbi. advenlur. lived to wee the rude wilderness where be h. I pitched gee creek hia lonely eabiil transformed into amilini. serves 111. fields, .nd peopled by h.rdy and enterpri sing p.le face., .mor.g whom Lu last da), were pasaed in peso and plenty, undi.turb ed by tbe preaenee of hi. old timo fies. What 3Uke.s tub Nujro Hlack. The followiug rzplanalion by Dr. Draper, of New York, p'vs.easea some intereit, obicfly because it shows what may be .aid 011 ihe subject : Human blood i. made up of little ceils, ooniaiui, ainulig other cleruenu, btomatin, a red. Ith eubstauce, which ia largely m i l up of iion. On. of ibe duties of the liver is the removing of the old blood cells and .1 t r .I,... from which they c,rrti olll ,'rom the ey-tciu of - " I. II of iTimi h A hot 01 111 ate dis- Ib-lieein this fo be tbe i.. I look1 A IliritJonT roK 1 1 UMiAMiv Ley. Dr. down my old mu.ket, (I bad no rifle,) Tboma. Ur.i.erd tbua feelingly .dmoni.h snd seeing tb.t it wa properly loaded, married men : I stole around th. field to the nul, "k buahands to .ppree.ate , , we w utlerc III. XI III iSoen after this we cam. 'to the I 'liick.rua .v- Tbis we cr -is-ed, if my memory tbuteen tiniea Chiek arr. wgee la of e nir-e an Indian name, and sign. lie "tin! river of death." Many yeara a" it is said that the mi-sionsnea .tali ned along this 'ire iu, and inaay of iho Indians in ihe vicinity, die I with a strange lii-.-sse, and hence the name " river of death As we approached Chattanooga the coun try brraine moi. broken, and the .eenery torn pinlureaq.i. Ch al! aliona IS also an Indian name, .nd sign. he "lookout-" It is in the Plate of Tenne.,"e, and ita poptila mtier .bout (Ive thouaand. I would a-k buabands point from wbieh lb. wund seemed to pro- t00, wb0 "X"19 ,h JJ lDelr fl".l",g eeed. A. I had suspected, there, In a A" not lb. kindness of wives often uu cluster of buahes, crouched an Indian wait- Bn"-ed, onthanked, unregarded ? Ken.em ing for m. to appear in answer to hi. de. "'. i' companions of your eXi. eov bell, that be miirbt send th fatal bul- hil " " o A'ilJ 1,1 ti1' u" f"i . . , .... I -nnroaehed wiihonl ne... 1 hey are abut out from the world a bul leu or twelve years old. ll is lue pouil 11 . - , !..!, ..., ,.,lr.,a,l raili.l,. and .pplaus; lei them re.t in lb. xaur.nce ot To on who look, upon the beiie., suattered rallnr thinly over iho valley and the sur rounding bills, this seems to h quite a tM7c fiHCH- It i-, however, the rily of rhaltatio-va Ii was formerly a Undine; on the Tennessee river for the (. brrokeea, an ll tne.nI,ceni,eail..o.l.ow,,nDoM..g,s,a.,..a ,e ratiou j( in0, ,, j. , of -ilvery eo.,d. I was cra.Ued among the .lny ((f be ,iv(,r Th :,,,o,,ti,,s; , ,y boyhood and tu my ...o-e 1 , WiBBi .,lt.r,fjr. h, ,I,is inaction of the j mature y, r, I have stood on lofty cll" ' , real cleaning agent is Lfl in the -ys.em .nd have surveyed , dc.gSt tho a-.r- ab tsf - ,ho ,r-,n.!ingseene; I bate been .u fp of the eeIU of th. eulle, j Table ,o,-k ... N. I-, anu on top of the 1.1... , jt thu,' htooM ff0IB , ; H,dge. but I never b. foro looked d awn I r bhck Meirilill l0 t, b..t of ,8 ,,,.-.1, the .ne.n.leri.iirs ot a wide river !oiu ,!lB ioicliv,ty of tbe liver, and the 1 through. ueh valiey. as thcae I Hood there j1llount of t.iuatit, lft . refuse iu tbe and gaed, and czh.auted th. vocabulary ! of hue, lovely, beaunfil, m.jeMic, gr'-l, p'old check-the .e.ion of the liver counllr Ima-mfWnt, etc., aiid then left tue P'4C(" j Wlt, 1,1, ,nd, therefore, ihe eoinplezion of , with estn me reluctance. tbc appro.obw th.t of the lon- 1 Wo were ui.hitehinj our horses, I ,Un ., js ,,, . ,j 1 "",! frl?.'1' " 1 "l,U MveruJ u intelligible ezpl.tiatiou. The ten- ,i all likelihood bo on tb.s ,. Jf f coor, latu.r l0 drpo,it its.lf in and I must po and lake another look. I 1 j, vM Uovn ,lJt et it ,10. b, ; went lo the po.nt again, d.guerreotyped the j . h Ms d.rUBiri rroCt, j, , erne afresh upon, my memory, .nd inen 1 .1. ...!., : ,i . .u.. 00' ' - j result 01 a oisoruer, 111 tue a lu turned aay, perhaps forever, from this I nhfalthM .flllun 0f the liver Ml mo.t vivid ty pe of the. dceet.lde mountains discovering myeclf to bim, onlil within shoot- , . . , , lias ii.2 dist.uc. then rai-ed u.y piec. .nd fired. 7"" graumii. ana er.nsi.ior..o,.. .. nen r;,.hhor All. ma has been. It ha Tbe bullet sp.d true to iu mark, and tb. te lb'm co1'' in h one long street, and consider.!., trade 1 r . n A.m.X B! prieve you to tb.t your love ; Laonn, wheat, ete. ll is 111 a valiev, near Not knowing bnt that be might te so- n.. thrown ..inshln. into th. sD.-i. m mir, ui. icnnes-H.. ..... ... , . - ; i4 UIlkll0wn ,,, ,hat we may bestow credit mp.0i.J by other., I returned with .1. tba, your pr.yer. snd! ' ' "l belong: disorder, in the shape of ia ver. In that the crystal mcr, .nd the " sweet grove, of, . . . (,.,IinBrte lomt ,0 le i,,hhited. and ihe wealth of the tropics to bo lo-t to matikiiid. In fad, th. health and vigor of Poio KURT, Th followiug is afloat with- , tbe tropical tiibca show that " the earth is bhs..' mankind, tbe tropic out paleruity, und wo regret tnat it. origin 1 man . luuuueu uwcuing piac eomn.n .need to th. e.b.o. snd b.finp firmly bar- E!',B ,heln ,ia u lhe rlbt tr.iai,,. of rinaded lb. door, I watched al! dsy from Jour children the port boles, in anticipation of an attack from th nomn.niona of tb. Indian t bad killed. To add to tb. danger, and seem- tenderly r.mind. married women of their ing hopelsT.! of my situation, I dis- 'ul' : overtd ibat I had but on. charg. of pow-f " I nld ask wive, snd mothers to r- 1..... -v.. .-J ntemoer tn.I 11e ir sererrna. v aiuaui A TlloroilT rein Wivzs. And thus b We stopped but lislf an hour in Chattanooga, and were then on tho winu' foi Nashville, 100 miles dt't.nt. Wo left .1 tdj o'clock, a. m , May 1 4th. Ileterniined lo jee the tceiitn of this roinanlio and far famed re gion, I stood out oa tlio platfoi 111 for a w hile. About a mil. from the Depot iu Chattanooga The Tt-'NNta The Charlottesville (Va.) Jeffer.onian .ays : Siooo last week we b.v. twic. passed der left. I could but mail a. they sr. lo their husbands, their chil- Marshal, anaie that do?, touch lot single hair; be worries ui.ny a bog, from out bi. muddy lair. Ol when be was a through th lung talked of Biua Ridge Tun pup, 10 frisky and .0 plump, h. lapped his nel. On th. train approaching either aid. milk fron a cup, when hungry at a jump, of it, th. cars are lighted up, and a red light And than his fuunv tricks, .ofunnf in their placed on ihe end of the rear c.r, the speed pai! through th narrow detil. which ' place, -.0 full of csnin. licks, opoo vouri diminished, snd every precaution u-ed to irvene. belwizl lh. Lookout mount. ,1, j hand, and facw. You will surely let him prevent accidents. The entire distanc. can lis seen throiign trom in iront or rear; toe intervene. and th. river. Th. mountain I live ! Oh! do not kill him wa.j then, if attacked by Bumbcra, I should ,)rrni t, ,r, able at any tim. to li. dowo'jmi it.lf up agamsl tb river , benoe lb. 1 bis narrative ; and prays for life uot lead b. entirely ia tbeir power. I'otermiu.d BOd die. How carefully and pr.yerfully j railroad track haa been made, in part mutt!, now and put upou bis to do tbo boat with wbatl had, I poured should they then liv. I How much do thy I Uast, by blasting aw.y a poition of the mouth, and .top that bo wow! and ten- pet, oompantou of their joy; you win not kill him yet, and thu. their hopes destroy"! . .t .l - j j .... 1. need a er.ctm. I and e. meat riety, that tbeir rock tiroieetion. As I stood there on tb. on. an. ia ouarij ui umuii am. w. . . . ,', . j . 1 . . .1 j a , , . . . , r.sponsibl. dutie may b all don. and well 1 platform tb. scene wa. startling snd gvand into y musket ana men waiten ior m. . , children sr., to b. On mv left ... lb. rocky spproacn oi mgnf, le.iing cououena 01 .. fcandeej over to the ear. of stranger, how attack. Night oars, at last. A be.uti. neeessary tbat they b. led arly aud .afly ful moonlight nijht it was, too, and this to Christ 1" tall terminating tba mountain, rising up perp.ndloularly for . No, Marshal, spare that pup ! touch not a a hundred, or 125 fe.t. .nd at th. summit .ingle hnlr ! O! put your " piaul " up au l were Immense rocks overhanjinj our beads, Igo away from tiier. liglit on the of th. tunnel assumes, as the cars progres. through it, n .ppnar .no. of luminous fir., and at last a per feet brilliant blase ; tb. honse al ibe west ern end, it door, and windows, and person, standing; n.r ean be seen distinoily nil tho train gets mora, than half w.y ihra'itfh iho tunnel, when tb light becomes aa il war. a blaze of fir.

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