c5ommuaicatioiT. '-res) iileit nf Ilia Niwth Carolina Whig. rU0M EAJTKH.V CAROLINA TO MID l)LK TKNXKS3KB. Ms Er'Tnn : I closed my last epistle, it will be re jolli. pled, wiili au accouut nf In; visit to 1 he Lookout mountain. And ttow that I may somewhat excuse tlia up parent enthusiasm, of that communication, I will s,sy til it I bave been informed that lr. Meaus of G., pronounces the scenery about Chattanooga fully equal to any Ku rope a a Fernery, and unsurpassed in the world. After descending the mountain, we look a riuhi band road, and soon found ' ourselves on the premises formerly owned l.y tlm celebrated tlhi-f of the Cherokee, John I?os. A Mr. G'lle-pic now own the place. 1't the. way. I became ac quainted villi a r-fon of tin name in Charlotte a few yer ac. So when I lienrd the word fiillespie. il did not sound strange It mi;. Mr. Gillespie resides in a neat two ("tort bouc, painted white. In the same vsrd there is "tanJina the veritable bahita lion in which Rom resided until some 10 or 12 years aeo, when he crossed the " father of waters." It is said ibst this house i 60 or TCI years ol I. It is a lo? ho'ise, with pole and dirt eliiuiney; no sash or glass iu the windows; and but for its eeiebiity, would be regarded a nnihine mre than a dilapidated log cabin. cn-idcnhly larger than ordinary structures of (his sort. The stables in which Ros k.-pt his horses re still there, and ire retiisrkahlc for notb ing. The fruit trees which he planted, mostly apple, are still floii'Miins; the lands are ordinary, and altogether it is a common jt.iire I understand that HO" lias a s n in Ya'e College, and that he is also possessed of two very beautiful daughters. It is said that the reason thy it was so difficult to pet the Cherokee to remore was that there were two chi fs, Ross and Hidge. Ridge was nswillinc to jo. and not until he was killed did the difficulty of removal erase. Hiving said this much about Chattanooga in my former letter, .and in this, embracing hat I sa . ret'irnine as well as what I saw coins: ; we wi'l iiow imagine ourselves " on Hoard " for Na"hri!!e, having just passed Chattanooea. We now 6nd ourselves iu the in! Ki of the mountains. I llieve the name of Lookout is given to this entire range, extending for srvcrai miles. And now as we roll on we are aniat-d that any one should ever have thought, or ev n dreamed, of brininj a stage coach through this Switxer'snd. much les that ilia idea of building a railroad over the hills and hoi lows shou'd have been conceived. We are in Tenncs-ce no, and as we look upon this II reolrun wrs, e a'e rt ady to nrl.ann, ' these Tei D - eiiiis arc Mien of iout hi- arts an 1 strong amis." We fro -jj.-iitiy pass over portions of the road, too hundred yards in length, where the way has bceu literally hewn out through the rock ; tbe massive walls, risinj ou either band to the in i. hi of fifty to, perhapi, one Lnndred feel. Bit i!ie wnnd. r excited by these bu;e cuts is scaroelv less than that produced by 'he imn.en-e fi!:ini.' over which we pass. Imagine ike red earth piled up Dn'.ii it is as I i'fc as the tree tips, and then an neeed;t;jr'.y i.i.h tr-i work erected on list uny, and th' n imagine Ions truiu of cars crcpi-ig alonj up there be twixt the I.eaTi Hs ami lh esrth Fnt will bave ic id.-a of r!'.road travel through th' iu'eresliri; region. S.m- :en or Efreen mi'e-from ChTftmoosa e find ourse'tes i n t rjiu freni (lie moun- . tnins iiito the s' qu.Tchie valley. This val ley niernii r several tidies. Ijoiini; to the rifiht as wet ass n'oni; wc frequently, see njoiiiiiaiui ia the di-tacce; and some times very near as, the Tennessee river rolls Doi-t'esl? i'lin;. Looking to the left, we generally set 3 teep rued ridee ri-ins np from tbo valley to a con-i deri'i'e !i! i.'ht 1 MucI) of the Stqjarchie valley has never been cleared, and the rand old trees lift up their ln ads on .it'h " to n.e' i ti.r sun in lis coming," and spread wide t dt-ir umhra arms. Ihe g'attful cooli.e-s of this sylvan valley ine.trs i be sun burnt trartilr' t repose, and you may well su poe that it is a real paridt-.e fr?r those q indruped w'uitk divide lu hoof, and which ferni-h ucb ex:elieiit material fcr the ,uF'F''j f ear talie. Here j Tall oaka from lit tie acort:s jrow, And til bofrs al-o. Iji't that 1 eaat'.fu! ! I jt I tnu'-t restrain this pfttz 5-ita. st.d co on. S- uatehie i-ijiiif.e IU ; ',e Indians u-ed to rais : fice Los here, and with this, e leave fjt is; vsiiey. H e ctiue, t kitiit-) the Cumberland mountain. Ajrali. e p.ui through will- of limestone, S7.d then t:.'e the t'-etop-. Hut lo 1 a tuiai etlipfe '. trtCDi'.'ut at coon djyl We are now rutulim i aion through the Tunc-1 made by inevdibie labor throu.-h ' the Lard limestone. It t f,-et through this KfjptiiD darkcesa. Nov we cross the Tennessee, haiitg tUrtnlfned f) do so ever and a i on since we I-ft Cbaturioot.'a. I a'.ou'.d ti.ii. i the rir 2l'i or 4:i0 yards wide at iLi s f,jijt; p rlsj.s a quarter of a- .l!e. V.'- ps Lrouph o-,:e corner of Alabama, a:.d tneii Ifwln into Tnnie-.e. We its B jw a llvtSe over cue b'lndred miles -from N.liV.iW, and in the n.i l.t uf li.e i. .t farming region I bave ever All the ' lands that 1 have acen ia .Middle Tennessee are very lu J'h a .se. in a pearaiir at :ast The ao: is n .t red lit : th it of oar worn c:t bi Is iii faro :i 1 ; 1 'j' it I, i a red M-h ea-t, t'.in of a tr'.wu or uniiat'o cilor. TL' TC i stime cov.on rais. d in Teiines-ee. but cor n and best ate ihe articles of, produc:i"o And tu- a'undaiec cf these, lai'fiher with the fine gra-es and clover. wUich abound, afinds gres! )CHitie tjr ti.e rai'in o( stv . I he eirn rows are in . many plaeesrut four f ' t ipait; they acaree , ly iier app'y manure in l!ii fertile tnviu; I uirJersland tbey hardly ever ho, t b.ir e'-rii, and let lb- yield is very j;reat. 1 a t..r,.-eis'!y str'iek with the vigour and prceii l.es wkieh vegetation every wkere exhibited. Here is n:.,-lj a very gnat native t' rjitti ai u'jt the .o,l which i only matii f''hl iu the I. ry ruhi-t l.u.ds of tb Atlantic titklea Tie lnur il.ii ;,ou:,d. in the Weit is want ! ? in tne Ks-t. 1 maiie iiqiirv a t, ihs ma th of the country. A l I', wLonas Um r--idin ia jVasbviiie and its auir-aiiimj; for l lie last twelve or kheeti yn, a,..ir.i u.m t,,t be bad nner se-u inuro ti.su io or Inn-.-eases nf el. iii slid fier. and that be nn-i eonlJ be mlu'ed to rei ie in an unhealthy pUee And littW, rl'l we eii.ijrjte tj Middle TenoeMee tie wriu r, the V. liior, and the r adcr ail in eoripmy T I mu-t uut'dd on aeerel befrfe we etart ; we ino-l t is plenty of the tierlul. for we aha I Lave t pay lroui f.'d to li'U jili acie lJt these el-gsLt lands. How it is with the Editor nnd the reader, I ca.inot tell but the writer I know, j Having enonglt at this time to purchase only about half acre, kit deolinea going. And after til, the writer doesn't want to go. Profoundly as be was impressed with tbs. virtues, talents, attainments, aod hos pitality of the Tennesseeaus; be imai;incs that In Carolina there is more refinement and intelligence, and equal piety character ising the men ; and more beauty, graceful ness, and delicsoy auionjjst the women. I mill close this part of my rigmarole with it-hj sentiment: Tnit Old Nutrru State . .iRSVKIt! Nashville is so denominated ia honor of Gen. Nash of X. C . who fell bravely in one nf tbv batiles cf the Revolutionary war. It h ft population of about a5,(!i0, ud is rapidly iucreasin in extent, wealth, and numbers. It is called " the city of roek," and never was an appellation more correctly iiivcn. You may uuderlnke to di down anywhere in the city, and the first and last thine you find is rock, the hard limehtoue. The environs of the city are chitrniitii:, es pecially when distance lends its euchaut unnt. We ascended the lofty eminence upon which stand the beautiful and niapnifieent State House. We now have wide field of roofs and chimneys, and preen tree tops at our leet ; bor lerinj the city on the North, wc hnve the slowly i;lidin Cumberland, tjine J00 or 3D! yards wide, spanned by a sua- pen-ion hndje, anil beyomt tins, garnens, Llds. ...d hardline residences, and then bndje, and beyomt this, garcietis, liie Cumberland niountnins sweeping away I article of great interest especially to F"" iug tli evils of 'bis practice,' utterly con to tbe North-west. I tnu.'t ?ay however that reDts, It DIUst be apparent to all, that tbe ( demning it, " giving these lands," said lr. w,lh t lis exception of t tic principal streets, Na-bville is a filthy city. I am not ur-; prised at tlie navoc oi numau me uiaus ucit , ' hv tlu rho rn a lew vears : ' The State Mouse is perhaps 300 feet in ! length; it is built of white limestone, hewn j m greater amount of happiness than tbeiiug; yes, pouring millions of acres ot these ; as smootb'y as a planed plank, and is l"-teLrMcnt extravaoant habits. U,uii '",0 tbeir UP4 'n'''"; ;'"". ud .Inru. 1.1..I, ll N Siilil ttllll IhB esllltO Hi : V Columbia, S. C. will not equal it, and that j it is only surpassed iu the U. S. A., by the 1 Capitol at ashington. lho City Hotel is contiguous to the M,iihi .lit Publishing Hous. "on the Public! Sq iare, aud Ibis Hotel is. I understand, tbo j R R- R. Company ofTenng for sale " 1 Kae in vrj ritcited and threatening ruao--iie of tbe affray which occurred many ; lionds of Meckleuburg county in ail of ' i.er. with eleucbed fits, making some" re years ago betwixt Jackson and Henton. 1' ! this company. Imark which we could cot hear, to which Mr. is pleasant to know that the tomah'tu k was! i Mellae replied," " I say it is false " where- buried long before the interment of those abo u-od it. Uf course I visited the Hermitage dtir-j my t:,y iu Tennessee. It is I -' miles! onh east of the city. In company with . iree others, I drove out to this far fumed otone pleassnt afternoon. It was indeed Norlh three sroione D.ea-aut iiiriiiuuu. " .tv. , a deli 'htluldrive. 'I he road is macadamized I and the re-idences. f irms, and patches of woods, all combined to produce the most , ' a.'reeible emotions. Turning a little from I the main riad, and pa.-sing through a ifar-. e found ourselves in the avenue which leads lo tbe mansion of the Ute rx Presi dci.t. The trees are green around us, and , tLe grass under them H luxuriant. 1 hi ou-e is a suL.snnt... nncK . ; opeuiug lo the South and Ka-t, on tbe lower bis l.le is tli-paired on. il is rrporreu mav . tor g rpr(,cu nai be(, ,sultiug that it a floor. was the old hero's bed-room. Tli" j (bey bad a chicken fight somewhere in the j ihn manner of his competitor to which he bou sebas been re-furnished s.nce the Geu-i Is tlemise, but many interesting relics of former illustrious7 occupant.re ,ti ued out to visit srs. era the pointe tnoT.irst ihesc we saw a sort of pitcher presented t the ex tresineni oy i ue i.uop -' ers ol i-hilaueipiii-a. it is compo-u o, staves mani irnm mi. ni'-n der.hicb I'enn conc:,-; his treaty with the Indians Tbe vessel is beautifully polish-, ed and varniJ ed, and has a silver cover-1 H- .. ' Wensiiio a m inn rare aiarh.e mona-. Dient presented to theGencral by Lafayette, Abo a large, round, aub-lantial chair, with cushion. wTbich once UloEged toOeoerall Washington. "e were fhowu the ess rluiriu which the old hero reclined during his a-,t sickness, and several other objects of interest were pointed out to us. Andrew Jackson, jr., the nephew and adopted son of the G- neral, now resides on the prend-es ; hut ihe State of I'enne-see having bought the establishment, be will vacate it, it is ssid, u. x' fall. From the house, we walked En-it into the gard'-n. It is both a'fl jwer and vegetable garden; but has no remarkable character islies. In tin? South-east corner of the L'..rdcn the old warrior and btate:nan "sleeps bis la-t sleep." Wc niiki; two or three -tep upward, and End ourselves upon the Innestjin: floor which covers the vault in which i, deposited the du-t of Andi-- Jackson and his wife. Laid flit upon this floor are the plain slabs wscri-bi d to their memory. The epitaph of Mrs. Jack-on is elaborate ; the following is all that is said of her distinui.-hed bush .nd : ' Oer.': ral' Andrew Jaekion; bo-n March Joili 1707 ; died June !lh, I'M-1)." There is a circular covering for the vault u porUd by columns some lOor e. fettili height. liut the whole affa:r strikes u as cxoediDgJy plain, and looiisol'l. As the sun was sinning in tbe west, we all reclined upon the pebbles in the walk around the vao'.t. and each one was called uson to mention some marked event in tbe lienrral'a life'. The battle of New Orleans, the removal of the deposits, the bbw struck at Nullification, and ihe live millions collect ed from tbe French, were all mentioned As we lingered about this m-morable ,?ok, w. fell that even the grave has its harms. e a.n.o-t cm h u li.e oil man oi steel nerves and iron will; be sleeps, so peacefully after the storms of life, here here wilioss wave, aud where roses 1, Ijom May the mn.i of time cover his faults, and may his good deeds nbine on forever. U itb these fee.ings we returned to the bou-e ; and Micks, a eur-plcf wu.tl. is al a V. kept on i .,, ., " ' .. .i.j ..;,..,...!. a'ter fjrni-hmg O'jr-tlves with hickory nana ly ti.e servants, we a:e aaieu 10 u.e bme and gfave of " )1 Hickory.'' A O. B. , . . .. 1 .AKtNQ At AmerI'AM 5-ilti'-g.,te an aie-an: i cii'ij! at sea wo p'.ee ia ie- ly. An American hip, bound for Austra lia, fell in wiih a 1'ritish transport. As a mark of re-beet. the. American dipped her en-ign 'Ibis brought a host with a num ber of officers from the Iran-port, who were honored by the bald with " Yankee Poodle. ' and " do I .'ave the j Ken." At night, de sirous to prolong tbe civilities, signal rock ets were sent up and blue lights burned by each. How graiifi ing u Jl s ich courtesies have been to parties spiral (hoo-and miles friiio liraee. on the " ocean wave." " lV;ard i-e'" iu iliis manner i far more ieteresting 1 a nd betf.-r calculated to do pood than the w sy in bich some lli ili-u i Cicers nave late ly vi-iied the marine of our neighbors Wt " o in " for operations such aa the above St. J;,i (.V U) Srut, Com Ap. Cat-ly Jones, of tlm navy, died iu FaiifdZ county, Ya.,ou iuv .I'Mb u.t. 1 j ,v y f TlffTlU UiMlDllM ilUlOIH. - u " CHARLOTTE: Tuesday, June 15. 1 S 5 3. Vtf Vie cive in a preceding column another interesting communication from a friend who has been on visit to Tonnes sec. It will richly repay for the time con sumed in its perusal. Our S-in At the request of a frieud we have gi- en on the first page of to days paper an article from Harper s .Mananne beadeU Sons." It is long, but notwithtan. .... Hing its length, the reader w,U find it an our cons. 11 ia lonir, uui nu-u- , osi;nnl tnmAm K ih writer are iinnor- , ( ,lrricJ out moM he ira. jit uv. 11.. ni iiiui 11 1 ni.s - - tbe tuevns of entailing upon thoe interested Mrrklrnbnr Bnmls. iiijnilnn i ialld tn tK ad ver ti sp me n t ... n-i . n 1. of the President of the Wilmington C. A . . . . . Lnml for Sale. Tp,sn. rlnsirnu, of nnrchasin l.nd have an opportunity, as a large quantity . offl.reu for sae in Union county. Tbis Mn to those r " . . . i desirous ol raising sncep or oiuer great inducements, as wool and gooa Deti j, ; great demand. A llnriil Affsir. We aiidortaiiJ tbat on Sunday last, f,,w n,;es from Charlotte, mnn named Anderson lJeatv was SO scrriouslv injured M;i,ljborl)0oJ of tbc ,cci4et,i, and that , I " ,r.n T'arrcl sprung P between these tw, mod ''""T 1 fiht' hen 1 y nicked up a rock and ttruok Beaty in tbe nead, sev erely fractormg his skull. Catliey hi.n.elf out of the way. We think - ii v r a A igilant Coma... tee wou.d be of gr at service in riJJirg tVh community of tbe pf(j tj,at frr(jueut that section of tbe coun- - . Tt i, .umrisimr tbat the Deonle have ' r ' toieraieu ung uk mission of crime. AvhlrV. For several weeks wc had entirely lot sight of our Charleston correspondent. He r uisappeareu-o suuoeo.y we were " - - bad been decoyed away ny tne " snaicners, buthc at last turns up as our readers will learu by bis letter. It appears thnf be has been to New York, and we would like to know if he found any " tender be?f " or " strong coffee " or " mince pies " iu Lis pc regriuatioin. Plimpk 1 0. A week or two ao, we received from a friend in Gaston county, Mr. Caleb W. ., , . .,..- -.,i. It wis in fine order and was just in time to give us something to mako pies ofT We are a sort of Yankee as regard pumpkin pies or custards and can eat them at any lime. This pumpkin bad been preserved without any eitra care, except being kpt in a dry a .Tier during the winter. We tended noticiua it sooner, but a press of noticiug it sooner, but a press other engagements made us forget it. Our better half savs sbe would bave no ol icclinn to receive another oue of tbe same sort Fiehl btl wren Ihr Gubrrnaturial Camlidalrv e regret to learo mat .nessrs. i, is ana Mcliae got into a " regular fight " at 15eau- f,rt, on io,tlot, while addreving . au'.ience. It is stated in our exchanges that it occurred after the following man uer : Tli! discission was conducted for the ino-t part in tbe same manner as on previous occa-io'U Judge Ellis evidently gelling worsted. Finding tbat he was losin? ground, tlle J ,,', LrC,llie elelled .nrf turning to ., ., ,, ., ri jjr ,ce. told him that it lie was success- f., n,.xt Au.'u-t, his election would be look- CrJ upon at tho orth as a Iilack ltepubli- can triumph. Mr. Mcllac Who says so? j Kll ., ,, .... . Here Judge Ellis rushed on Mr McRs. and urii'k him a blow, and tbzf grapplnd j each other, but were separated by fiiei.ds belore any serioui damag wai done and the matter ended. !j. vitl. ir l,a tu.. iU in. crcssor and i,'to be blamed, for be used to- ward, Mr Mcltae " piovokir,-, and uuwar- wards lr. JlcUae piovoKing an I uuwar rantahl. language." I'.ut Mr. Elli. is only carrying out what seems to be the feeling of many Democrats here, and tlirou tje State, and every one who docs not in with lK.moeraiio notions of measures branded as favoring the Liaek K' publicans of the North If it b...r.. no nn wi'l bold an oniuion in onuoaitiou ; be allowed w bold an opinion id opposition 10 Fu"""u" The Editor of tbe Kiuston Amerkan A I- laaall" - .jc?' i vocate, who was present and saw the fight IgWMtb. following account of the affa.r, i ' TV irst mt tlm connection in which the occasion of the fight occurred, it is neoessary to atate th fact that Judce Ellis led off in I the discussion. He bad, as usual in that I .,..,:., r .:a ...i.iondnd that the course of those who opposed the adoption ?rM? 'of Lecouiptor. constitution, as the que WsaMf It'ioD first, cnnie before Congress, gave en- courageoient to the Abolitionists, us they I also opposed it that the election of his competitor would be claimed tiy nielli as a triumph that although not basing bis op position, ou tbo same grounds as did the Abolitionists, vet thev would overlook bis I crounds of opposition, vis : the large amount i . I. 'i. i K-..,.o This ui puuuu iiaiiua glBlllCU IW " j ami other points wcro uiauugi the usual way when we have I Wr. WcKae, in his reply, li j al very strong points, prei eamcstnei-s aud force .and "together, a decidedly t ffective speech When be came to the discussion of the publio lands and the practice of Kru'iug , those immense quantities to the Western' jStates, among other objections stated, he j urged the oue of giving it to any and every jbody, bo chose to go upou them, by the ! thousands and millions of icrcs ; and in re- ply to K'n idea that his olection would en- ji - v .1:. ri 1.. 1.-.. ' courage the Abolitiouisls, here turning to- ; warus too auage, just as oe nau repcmeuiy ; dnue beTbr?, aud as tba Juf nau a so - . .. , , , , done auring-ineir tn.-cusnons.j no w vio- ou(I.t,. ,u(1 we lnaY aJH, vividly portray- ; Melt the common property of till the ' Stales, to any and every body except the, , oiu riaies even 10 sinr.igers, uuu i uu. , enenncs aye, to these very Abolitionists , which my competitor speaks of my encouag- theft talk about my election encouraging " abolitionists 1" " Encouraging Abolitiou ists," indeed ! How !'' Here Judge KUis (in his sent) said. " I say it woujd encourage them," aud at this , J ' ldtamliD!J towarda Mr. Me. 1 ufu" "ul " '7; j upon Judge Klin struck him. the latter re , ' " "j" 1. i reL'Uiar seiiu. ny iut uiut invi uiu cuucu - ' k. however, the fVieinU of tad bad seized and drawn them apart." ! When order was restored Mr . McUae said the .whole louse wou.d bear bmi wit- ' ne,s ,ut ue, hjd done notbin to provoke lnls ,f 4ir. N as it the execution of a pre I concerted pl.in to attack and drive hiiu from the field ? He bad indeed heard of an at- taek wbi-pcrcn, but be bad not expected it here, to day. Ho would eo on through tbe campaign in dt fiance of all such threats. He then went on wilb bis speech, aud fiuisbed tbe lucxpirtd time of only a few moments. Jude Cilia complained that bis conipeti- objected, while he wa turned to I, i '" a,klD' ,be 'lK"",on- fclt " ; Mp,y ;., , u M spoken of bioi at being as "slipper objected, while he wa turned lo bin., and emeu on liue bad pnery as an eel." lie bad never said a word, petgonal- iy, buj.ivui iu .. wni I - "f""" "o " r. MqU.e said that an apology was H ; cccurroiice fr0m botl to the audience that he regret ted itexprditi;ly that he had always treat' ' ed Li Ofn-f courteously as be had al ways beet personally friendly with lnm and j bad so trelted him. He slated I bat his man - I ner was sJdressed entir' ly to the argument be waa parading, at tbe audience saw. I" ; replj o te Judge s " eel " allu..cr.. be ask- : ed if he not compared him fMeir to ; . ", , , . Hro aidi'S and in ren v lis had nut him " fleas "it , j oa Mm aides." lie had given blows and , uau receivQ iiows ami eipecien 10 continue ao so. ,.in niai ue i say n, iue prostcmioD of tbe ar-utntut hi .: luld e- pect to say. . bridge the deep dark gulf that divides us. Tbe Edker, although be considers Ja'lge I have talked to them lhronj;h your journal Ellis tbe ajTessor, is willing to admit tbat ' itb th freedom and confidence of a friend if be bad had but a moment toreflect he would ! 10 'ub4- ,n,i ;he? m h"? li','in", . ! artles story or every Hay lile Willi atteniion not have placed himself in such an attitude, j nJ iMeTfrt yUnj , bright eye and b. am We are pleased to learn that the sffairjin face have traced Ihe pane where was bas been satisfactorily settled nnd that the written as with a diamond's poinf " thou;5.ia ...,i:.i... r,a : i.. .......:...-! that breathe, and words that burn," and if to their next appointment. Tlir Siollrd annvt dliinrt. j Editor of the Kinston Antci ian ' The A'lvjta'.e. civs tbe following humorous b o account of wbit took place between Messrs. Ellis and Mcllae at JJcaufort af;er the reg- ular discussion : At tbe conclusion oi .nr. .'icl.ae s fpeecli , fand after the fuht tnree cheer. nronosCd lor l. t. ,iejvae. whien were :-. milk a ireaeral about. . c . w . . . .Juige Mils men raid ao, i .ion l mind ' " lernlvnowNotb- . T ued, ye. air, I iii'.'S, ran sprt rm. '!- .t.:. St. m. .!.. .... XO IUIS i'r. .'iH'iB ,cfl,,c"l J11 ".pr-5 uo r" K," ' " P"''1 ' tb,, ,,e t as been with them Q rlZ:' 0f tl(.TIJ ju the Charlotte convention; tbat ' . . no d.,ubt be kuos then, well and eat. 'spot em wherever be sees one. Appisuse J This ", spotting " Know Nothing seem- d to be a favorite expression which ihe, , v , 1 , f. , , vi i - II." Class oi n.s - ..o- o.n.,,4 PPrteM wbo Wtrt ' potled " Ibat you hcaul WCak could scarcely lay your linger ou theiiil. ,., ' v . . r . . without putting il on the-" "puts." Con tinued applause 1 He (M-K) did not know .hem so well and could not teil who , It was, but ... pleased to know that be, had the approb.noa of ao large a portion j of hi, feiiow citiKiiw, j iii!"t pi.fftn j . . . , t, . . ' tearu iroui a corr.jsponuvuce we una nijr!int our exehanics, has been nominated bv the Hemocratie convention of Alamance county candidal, to repre-ent the,,, in the r House of Common, of the next Ueneral Assembly. The Judge declines snd pleads .ghoul his love for rest and q uetness. In bis Hfailb t'fir dc elinlug the iiominatioti be re. , . es are mams : iieana There is noibing Bearer my heart than ' the honor a u! w Ifare of North Carolina : ' n'1 1 tru'y d'r t0 0'I'L"! mj rrjen,, and neighbors. It bss, therefore, proved a hard task to give a negatim air (wcr lo a people, anion whom I have ' ' 1. spent, between manhood nd this period, especially the important q.-esMon, of, Currency, Hanking, Revenue, Internal liu proveine'nts, ond particularly tlioso im provemenls which concern the develop ment of our rich mineral deposits of Coal and Iron, ought, and I doubt not will, en gage the attention of the Legislature ; mid 1 entertain on those questions very de cided opinions, which I should like to see prevail. From our CorrrsprmIcnl. Ciiarlkstun, June 7,153. I bave been identified with the floating i,.;,- . .,l;i.U .nd connecud enis , fir.t fl.l 0ff i a tani?cut to New York w,ere I roamed, revelsd and ruminated n- , . rush of humnnitv the sreatMael sirom of fiiabion and folly, misery and want which there mingles and bubbles like the cauldron of Macbeth's witches. I ofteu ea - . ;... iottintra down " f' ' tlj, rMt commercial centre d the new . h . ,....,! I WOj.jf hut I soon found that " Ashley couj Ilcer flourish iu that latitude, t-o l threw dnmn my pM g,. up i di.pair." I fished for ideas and wooed the spirit of inspiration where the quiet stars looked down upon tbe deep blue waters of the moonlit deep when its raging pulse was still snd the ,llri,h,,.. throes of iia boisterous snd storm- 0,fe( boom were rocjid t0 ,(,, rep0,a of nu ny mm 111 p0puli,tion for t10 8si six weeks, being iln- ! the Hih ol may mai me iroor .. .......... .... .-r , -.-.... m heard iheu..PfP ,0 ,nJ fr0 tlie forc8 0f eircuiust.u- jout of beef by the lth, and the rations make, by saying: He have 0 ,. iad uinnesever-ceH or 1)(S j,, ,,;, of , rov,Ug f0y, du- would last till tlie lsl 01 June. ................. r eu.uuuiw. suig tlirm Willi w, ; u til,a lt:us iH quo lM CBroo. No l,-palcbes hart been reociveo .... . . :-.... . .uppreas.ng tB was makinir. al- 7 .n .-'-.... fm... C.nv Cninminff. and nothing bad slave trade. 1 hoso instruetiona were lass. an infa-l's dreamless slumbera by tbe softlof fighting, and bad goue to work OU their lullabys of the light-wiiiged tephyrs, but a- cain I failed to prod .ice any thing that could be assigned " a local habitation and a name' under the bead of blank verse, nrose or po- ctry. I then sought a change of scene, and stood upon tbe deck when the storm king was out, and " the prince of the powers ot ming, staling that he had been well receiv- tbe sir" seemed to bold undi-pntcd swsy,;ed at Salt Lake City, and Hrigbam Young and the waves, goaded to fury by the mad- : was willing o transfer all bi. authority, and deiiing war of the raging element-, rushed bad enjoined 1... fullower. to recognise Mr. upon each other like demons of wrath, but Gumming as their future governor, ami to .' ... 1 . . -1 . - j i-: 1 1 :.. .t- j:. -i rki. a.i- it was all to no purpose, my right band bad forgot its cucning and my ideaa stiil refus ed to come at my bidding. In ficl I bave been l.otl, mentally an-i i PyC"l' ine-p.cit.te lor writing, a cir- , , ,. v., i.. .l.. I,n,n il,. rxftlf j of l,ri, xA ,,)e dark ulld, finable ph.ntun of uncertainty that seemed to hang ort.r tbe proepel, and character of my fu ,ure jj.,: I was afloat on life a wide wlste f waters, driven from my moorings by the storms of adverse fortune. Hut am not disposed lo repine or grumble at the world or its treatment of me, I believe both it and lho nirsr,l.' in it rc hi tli r than thev generally get credit for, and there are many June who was, bawsver, subsequently re hit far harder than mine. In-ted of re- , leased. .... pining I should perhaps be thankful that! I he recorders bave appointed eight bun- my path through this sin si nned world of deceit, selfisbnes and ingrantade bss per baps bad its proportionate share of auuabiue, smiles and fwiwera. However, my wanderings arc over far the J preM.nli ,ri iike Noah's dove I have found , rosmi.r n im hr th. snla nt mi fint if not 0;ve tranch of peace. I can once more sing "Home, sweet lioai, wiin me spirit and the understanding, wbicli is nol all ua- , oU,e eitlK.r ?ly bouvhold goes are un- Uroken, aud the altar and nr. ain nrartn- srotie are sin i a cb r wa tne nie in or v o' i rf.j... ,B, on.ntaminated by tbe ruthless) footfall of the obtrusive invader. " It ia not ail of life to live, nor all of death to die," but the duties of life are greater than life your readers may bave tbou-ht that 1 A-hley " hid bung bis harp upoo the wil- 0Wi refused to sin.' the songs tbat he ' once loved to beir in a urange land, but BU(.tl j, Dot ,be cae. be has only onslrung . fr , jn order to tune it to higher straim ol sweeter, sorter meio.iy. .-iy sssoci.tioo : . t. i. - I - .i.A um . ... ... . - wl, lu , rau,.,, , ,., m, ,: u, i htoken, tbouirb distance bas lent en- , chantmetit to the charm of our acq imntanee ,n,j we ,re fr,en,ij who never met and liev Lr parted, and fate or fortune may never the fair face of beaoty gleamed with a more radiant glow., and the deep "ea of innocence and love that sparkles in a bright, blue eye caught a more heavenly glow, and shot a more thrilling glance athwart tlie dark, ,i i. ..( l ,.m ....... ., ' - , c ., .1- '... , than repsid for the many weary lines i nsve ; traced with aching bro and throbbing ' pul-e, the price which "the slave of tbe j 'n,P " m",, ',er PJ fr t'18 lll'"l" task ol talking to the million. , . ' pofne ho f ,,); . .j i ,.., . v..,. : i i - . . i man. l nave rirem on ine iiiouiusiu ip how ii'jre trow ifi-itiiia witn t(i nutiiitijf l Mtnof h,,Ten'.'aY,.n,in., kine, ,d wi, ! the thunder t.lked as fnend n friend, and , purD0,e,, in my heart t0 uke 8IIOher ,t,p w0B bfow g,,,rA wiltl ,be tjani;g i i . m ...nrtrtO.T in mv linrl In Cairo atmrVir sln I I have laid my hands upon the ocean s in sue locks' rfh' and played familiar with bis hoary !Ub "J"". i (1 '1 4 K TUirc iii truii'pvw vuuts wi ri'iake. voice in trumpet thunder, proclaim tbe ctertal dominion of j j ' . , , ... .ouwUn- ,.,. . llH ; ,. : , ... And then Door weak mor- , , i i ,.,..,..,i :,i ; .m ,i, ,.,;,t ,t ' .r,i, ti . .i,i ..a. l anee ot a man. ami I trembled like ao a-pen I ,paf K-forn the fr.il tribut of sigh which helpless ir.tancy in the presence of a frail flowerof l aic ji-e Udcon-eiou-ly armed with ,frow UJ fnm hf iue of bt p; fu,((1 , Urd' 1!Ver wrote (rni.f jnB Mtu AU,ille ftf ... mii u u knomn Jo be B ,ovi.y t frir fu t,ing. We talk of woman's rights with nervous patriotism aud moving eloquence, Cupid's full quiver, and pouring shoaers of but womin, as 'be now is, has ail the ngbU and all the power or the mo-t absolute ty She can call proud man to her feet; ' at a nod, and rule the world with a smile. or fro-n if n.ces.ary. She is the : po-er j ""' ' Plater than the I throne itself. I hough a tyrant, yet we a- . rforo , wof,bp hr, , mt ar0 prou,l 0f her yoke thou.-h she rul" us with a rod "I iron, anu snn i'is ner-eii irom our atlucks j behind an eiitreiicbn.ent of st. el bo .ps. I have thrown the veins of thought upon j the neck of f .ncy, and allowi d my imagina - tion lo revel and run wild where in '..Is bashful looked and seraphs feared lo trearl. ' ll oc'",io,"',1Jr unbend th-. mind from the task of severer toil, and "ive it loo.n . rein and full scope to sjijd before the wind. I ruu with the lido, or breast the rairin storm ' '. :.. ik. humor. I bave 'jusl as " "V'Jr.sent instance. nd I hope wld b "" "s bet.er than fact. teres.. Fauey is sometimes, better than fact and M s little nousense now (inn tucu . iahed by tbo best of men." My wt. if I thould ever write it, hi.ll have something wore substantial, l-'acls shall triumph over 'ancy, and trade, travel and commerce, with the sayings and doings of ibis great metro polis shall flourish iu gay aud bnlliaiet pro Lion. ASIILLY, .. . Sr. Lou in, June I. Important from Utah. The Leaven- vortb correspondent of the Republican from man who leu v,amp cyun on - 1 been heard from Capt. Marcy. IU was ex ! reeled to reach Camp Scolt about the 1st of June. - l Col. Hoffman's eommsnd was snowbound j at Labonte creik, eighty miles beyond I'ort 1 Laramie. j The niosl advanced trains (Russell s, ( Ms, or 's and Waddle's) were met near the !Souih I'latla. The trains-were gelliuj; along , n .1 1 .. j .1... tt; . It!... riv.r "; finely until they reached the Uig Rlue river, w lieu me Heavy rams csuaeu aenuu. u struciious. A Mormon named Williams, living near ! Leavenworth, received a letter dated from Salt Lske City, 00 May 4ib, which repre- ; sents evcrytning as q.nci 111 me vsiirjr i Governor Cuuiminii was in ihecity at that date. Tbe people had abandoned the idea j farms. The Independence correspondent of the I HrpuhUcan, writing 00 the 4lh of June, says that the Salt Lake mail of April 1 th had arrived, bringing news that an express had reached Camp Scott from Gov. Cum- aid biin iu the discbarge of his duty. Washington, June 0. Aii'AiBN i New (hi t.ss AVe sre advised by private despatches re . : J .e:. I .J Tl I frived i"!' citj. that JuJe Theodore j llunt' h" TV?' ., 1 .T 1 I'!- j y or r'.fo .1 l et trf j , ? . . , , 'expected tbat fiie or six of the leading i" Thugs " would be executed. I New ()KLCAa, (via New York) June 0. On Saturday evening, the Vigilance Com mittee arrested Mr. Luiusdeu, of the I ica ; V "' or'""""u M ;u! ' Lafayette square was atill in possession of the mob. Kvery approub is fortified and guarded with cannon loaded with grape. ; 1 PeoPl,! 111 lu ,r", gretuj excited Niw (tRI.XA.8, June 7 ! This morning tbe Mayor was impeached ,by the Councils. The President of irairu 01 jvincroieo was appoinieu ,'iayor pro inn. lesairw. mrner anu nnaay, rpp-.riers, were arrestee Uy me cny syec,i Fo,.ee, ""a' v "v m. , . Tbe igil.ou -ere attacked by a mob on S-rlurday night, and four of the former ; were killed and twelve wounded, by tbe accidental dichaige of a eannon It is rumored that lb Sheriff has taken po-seion of the baliol-.ox'-a If ibis is true, il will prevent an election. j Sw Ohlbam, Jnna 9.' I The eltv ia now o,.i, l and th. Mavor ha. au.pf nded any further srre-t; snd sll per - ,on. who bave been arrested have been d.s- . . . . srL'eu trom euton v. The msjoriiy for Mr. felitb, the newly e- lected Mayor, is 29-1. LaTRR. The city is row quiit, and tbo Vigilant.' bave disbanded The authorities have is- sued warrants for tbe a'rest of tbe leaders. St. Loci, June 5. Kansas Nui A depalcb from Leaven worth, dated ibe 3d insi., says that a Ire mi iidoies sloroi vl-ited the rily on Wednes day morning, flood :nir the cellars and in undating a portion of the town, and doing much damage. The Missouri river was full to its banks and ir-ing. lien. Calhoun and family artived Ibis morning. Col Andrews' eolumn wss al Tort Kearney on the 2"tb A Lesvenworib despatch, dated the nib i...H..u Hist , says that the details of the affray atjlorlotM wher thus inspired lo lire at prra Lawrence b- tweeu Qeu. Jim Lane aud Mr . ti, Brctl,er Senators . lay li s Jenkins are received. Loth Gen. Lane and Mr Jenkins were living on a claim which! both contested. Tbe former enelos-d an! fiacre of land on which was a well, which waa used by both psrtica in common. Uen. Lane reeentlv locked the well, fpnesd it nn ... 'ana lornade .ir. .lenkina tn it sir i . , . , ; : ; . . Jenkins declared he would have water at -II I 'l""'1; -- ihreatene.. lo shoot kim if he made .forcible entry on hi. pr.in- j ,"e"- -" Ibursday afternoon, Mr. Jenkins. i ccompanied by four of bis friends well 1 armed, cut down Oen. Lane'a fence and pro- sevenfold ' err":" towards lho well, when lien, l.anc ! ,fwsrncd them not to advance or he would "hoot. Disregarding this threat, Mr Jenk- I and his party advanced, when len. Lstie I fired killmir !lr. Jenkins insisntlr Dlir I of Ilia Jenkins party immediately returned I " ,u V ' V'1 11 Ki a wound which confines Inm to bis bed. ; lien. Lane had been arrested, and was in """S" ea.m.ii.uon to-aay. ..luciia-i cite incut exists III conf uuence of the affair. Mr Jenkins was b-ld in high estimation, and ti. death is deeply deplored A man named mWelUisin custody at Lawrenc, charged with parlieipating iu the out.ago in Lynn County. Sr. Lou i, June 7. Fito.M L'taii amiKanah The leaven worth co-respondent of tbo Pemourat fur. ni-hes details of I'tah news. They contain 1 notlntiv of importance, exerr-t lhat l'..l llnff. j man's command bad advanced only forty n,,le. from the I st lo lb H.h of May, and ; would not reach Camp Scott before the Hub l0r I5lb of Jnnfl. Noibing is sdded relative j to the Culling off of Cspiain Marcy 's train. ; Andrews column waa at l ort Kearnry on the 2-tb. The express from Fort Laramie met Colonel Monro? st l!ig Blue, and Colo - ! Del May at Clear Creek. An affr.v took oisce at Lawrence ve.tnr. i dav. between (Jen. Lane and a Mr J.,,v;.. ja proiuinent citiaen of that place, which re-' suited in tbc death of tbe latter. Th ,.i. 1 mo.iiv between the nartiiM uma nut r . 1 disouted land elaim. I Tbo niaiU from Ulafc lathe 16th M.. brings coufirmaiion of th. entry of (JubV wings into Salt Luke City, but no other titm WIIERK Till! FAULT LIKs. The 1'eteraburg lultlligrnvrf obserra that it is not improbably that, In any dip ,, in ii tic interchanges that may result from rt! cent occurrences in the Gulf, it will C0U) out thai our own Government is mainly r,. sponsible for the present excitement. serrut to have been generally foruotteu tL.4 (be concentration of Hritisb. Squadron ,. Uurt fof ,(e purp0!M, 0f eapiuriiig ,1,. Ivers, is due to a gratuitous ami ill jiade4 suggestion of our Secretary of State, jj, (lass. - Bearing this fact in mind, the Net s. s,,...,. rrr.w ..,a. m. i.iiuu i. - 1 out several years ago and tbe Govern,,,,. of tlm United Male, duly apprised of th.i, nature. Uu the coast or AT. ica, where ife l little Amerieso Commerce, they Lavs do! led to any evil consequences ; amiulttn tlu A'lminittraifin L Mr. Hui hanam, touu moullit $ince, KK'Jui-STUD Br,tu O'uvrrnmrnt to chang the fruiting ot u, squadron jor the Hiypmsion of Iln 'tN Uaih,Jrom the. toatl ttf Africa tu the ioua ol Cuba, ire very cheerfully lompltrit iriik lit retjurU, It appears that iustrurllnM which both (ttvei nmrttts deemed j'ldicioai for tbe coast of Africa, where there M scarcely any American Conimcree, bin proved lo be troublesome on ihe coa-i ( Cuba, in tbe midst of yoor iarga Couiuitr in thai quarter. 1 1 nr Majesly 'aGoverunitht regrets that any suub difhculUua should 1,,,, arisen from lbs change of the crui.11,. ground of its squadron at the retjitrtl fif ih, AmencHH (jomrnmetrt i sud the 1 promptly give snch instructions to their u val commanders iu tbe Gulf of Mexico, u will effectually guard agalii.t aiiuiur es- , plaint la future. . ' . f, , , Qf ,uttfr e A . ' " "'"- thiuk we mar claim for Ilutir i-nn.... ihe precedence in the way of early eon i blooms. We bave had two well drveh.ipt-j ones placed on our table, one plucked s .vionuay morning, .list .May, and the oii.tr i 0n Tbursdav, Hi June I i . ' . cUil(1 ,be.e as tbe Ural cotton bloom, of ;U ' I -Jr ' " I , , Ventura i The Selina (Ala 1 Sotitinel reports : (n Wednesday, tbe 'id day of June, M Witliams, who oversees for our irra.rJ townsman, Col. S. IL Blake, j? eed iu ocr ofbee the first eottdn -!oom wt bsve sees this season. Mr. V illiams informed as i hat his eottoo is blooming out finely, ' ui t4 stalk ia rather small for tba season. Pt-sfRvr.n a KtTTRR Kaic A ei,tt from Key West state tbat the ship Clar-s. don, Capt. Uartletl, which the British II i lard did not examine a few days a.o, a cargo of l.OnU hogsheads sugar, bom i , for New York We ; Htdod N"' Keys Went .'here ea Vjt - jj.j Tbe mute and a bout', crew nan across for assi.tance. when 6vB wr-rk-r. , pu 0(i flyf h 0CDB of d.asier. 1 , ,c,oouer Libbie Sbepard returned with DOifsueads auar and tiftrt of tlii . B,3 t,p,re4 u, ,L;p J lo' bogabeads sugar and part of the Mauri. I'XTaBMiimi, (Va .) June 10 Lulu, xi'Jnpper, was tried belore the t ircaii ' ourt today, Judge .Nash presidiuc, ai.4 J sentenced to the penitentiary for f.'iy y"' r'e,ht " -,h in-lTCtment Hean de''"',1 J '' couul iinpaiut is t j N ""'"Q I1bTRFss ArrAIR Ni hulas Ta I'foeck, a rich and estimable bachelor em s' n of (jrernporl, New York, ahiie in hi' p'K pen, a few day ago, was shot and til ed by bis nephew, who bad been out .eo-t- mg crows, and carelessly nrel bis revouef at a knot bole iu the pun. Jli property left to bis i-t r' family, of whom ih, at fortunate nephew is one. A Washington despatch says Tbe ice-I'n-.idi nt bas ordered lb re fectory attached to the Senate to be closrd, on account of the obvious injury to fie progress of b'gi.lalion from it. besides the fact thai il Creates personal d fliculnrs. Tbat is lo say, isenslor. lake loo n r drink at tbis refeelory j ibey get lao ! " " ry tM business ; and to', ti WHl.tsO TUK MAHlAil CitM( j Tb" l!"'nji staleuicut ia ao jest, but s P"""'" A young man, in busine. in Liverpool, , t.l ki- I l.. , i"um bride to the a'tar in the rJ i . . : m . , . rrh f '"n J '"" V '' "b; r ' - f;'0,""' V' I ; ,r . " . 'N' girl lialely ,!"' asked iMl w Whs'ii shsi Bevded, he A bang her stopped t:. ;'t-y-s too ite lo k trait """If ". tiruen ,.r ! h,'r ttcelt 'i'tly walked out of iu Church, saying tbst A man who could sJ wnat ne nati said, at sucb a moment, in i was mo-l likely lo put his threats into , cut'"". bade Inm ebvs another insie ' III rim of a FaATintu! Mr. Toombs ia his Calldiii. ...,. ..K .l.rrd that Ihs ilf ' ....... r ,i.' . .h i .:...ii ,lu,lrrr,, H cmi n.ut " All UvtwwJ rt ( ,,, : ctr, Wr Toombs bas j rafy . (j,g been it. denmia- uined the ieiwc- PAV YotR DocTnnH IlltM When Ir. Wistar's Hal. sin of Wild Cherry will rre coughs, eolds, b'eeding al ths Ittfijf". and arrest tho fell destroyer Coiisumptie". i ' niu .n;''... ' " ' ' ( Cr,,lu,0U, I - ! STATIC J-iw km -North Carolina IU-'. ' ,r quoied in New York at Virgin" 0:.. Tt niiessee l4 li,.ouri 1 i , "' ' , 1 " j IIki.I. CnkVAHHa, La. The Planter's I''"" ner. speakifiir of the dimii'i) done by in ! crevasse, besides its stor-rnni? a eo-tly rail- for many weeks, says : " That il lJ i Put over forty plantations under wt destroyed eane enoui'b to make twenty !'"1' I lliounsud hn..he.aiU of auear.