What thi United 6tatm abe Worth. Tbe national wealth of the United States of Americ, aa an eatato, iuj be thus stated ; Vilu of frm and cul tivated oil . ..... .55,000,000,000 Vilue of horses, cattle, hecp, &o., . . . . .1,800,000 Viiueof apricultural no-. . , . plemcnl . 600,000,000 Value of "i",i .4.W',,00 Value of dwelling bouses, . . 3,600,1)00,000 Value of railways id,,., canals . 1,000,000,000 Value of factories will, ,ud machine hop 100,000,000 v.,1... of Bomipereiiil mariue . 300,00" 000 Value of agricultural pro- duce.donieBtie nianufae- luree, nd foreign good ob bind 1,000,000,000 Vilueofgold tad .iltrtreoin ,ud bullion 500,000,000 Value of publi Und, sliipi o f wr, fortification, n.ry jrds, public buil ding,, A 4,000,000,000 f ,000,000,(100 Tbe above estimate! bate been mnt us by i ralutd eorreapondeut, Mr. David M. Itul four, of Boston, without, however, ei)lua liun a to the nature of tbe estimate. A tliu the "gold and silver coiu and bullion " i.pl.eed al f MIO.OOO.OOO, while the high. t 6;uroa tbe official return will fife ta $.'70,000, C)0, nd tbia amount include the pirtaia wrougll into plate and jewelry of all description.-Hunt ! Mtrchant i Mag azine. Pi.iirr 5JKMMM or Tin House " Cyd," the Wellington correspondent of tbe New York Kipress. write follow; " There wa funny uiote in the House jesterJsy a ft r noon. bllo the Appropri ate bill wa under discussion, three mem iers Phillip, of Philadelphia, Clemens, of Virginia, and Hall, of Massachusetts er discovered to be I J ing at full length upoq sofas, and todud asleep. Florrncn, of Philadelphia, rose to a question of order ba wanted to know it nieahber had an; lu.mesa to .ieen at ueb a time a that ! Tin. called tbe attrition of the House to the ik-iii'irfit, and aet it off into good L'imor Member after member roue to aome rirliculou er witty qtciiion of order, the mt inner meanwhile gathering round the sleeping one, who continued to anore on in uurouwiou I lis. The apell m broken, ben cro!a were gating upon ( lemen, of ! Virginia, and a M( i. autl onivd to I ake biio. lie started op in tmaietnent at bis fflloa nirmhera patber;d at nut Lini, t ut in a m mient, understood lli fun, and ihit off to liis seat. I'liiKips and Hall were luhji-cted to a similar process, lien the IIoue again arent on to ennidiT the Ap propriation bills before it. Men, like boys, wut ban iLir turn at play all srotk n,iti- them dull lepisl Jlurs, and ttiey must le p-r united to u-tend occsiona!lj hcn in eoiiiiuittee of tbe nl.olei, and especially abeo lb lilting are1) lonj aa al present." I'lstAnE Amomo Daiert am Cattle He Satannab Morning New, of 5lb instant, pubiubes a letter from Hernando County, Kionda, of the date of June 1st, athieb says: " WitSio the last fonr or tee week", a strange but aery fatal disease baa broken out among tbe deer. TK-i'j are found dead in eeerj dinrtioa; in aoiue inManeea tbat I bate beard of. 1 gang. 'J ber i now scarcely the sifB of one lo be seen where they were before numerous. 1 bey appear moi-t in-taiieec, uddcti!y full 8u.-berJ sri'l fat Some appear to lina;er with tbe disease, and are found to bar aore or rotten mould and tongue. I ha seen numhers myself witliin tlie last ten or twelve Jays. The fatile, so are similarly affect- e l, but not yet o fatally. 1 hty faae aore moutb and l injrur eovered by a thick, dark I scurf, and walk like bad! foundered bore. ! beie thesuisetse tiionf tbo deer and cat-1 t!c broke out, or bo far it eitends, I he ! means ol knowing. It prevail as fsr as : I beard from. What is still more strange, tlie louards a4 earroo crow, bate aiao W diasjpearcd," riATrnRM OF IlAvns Ala rccinture ib KoWa a Mu. Ilickey wa eangbt in tbe thud story, and could not escsne be the1 slireae. Ifhe then went into tho room im- ( mediately under ber own, and on ber pre-! vuting bcr-elf at tbe window, tbe person, j b'ii w called en ber 10 take courage and orrve their directinns, and tbej would , ve In r. They then, to tbe number of six ' or njlbt, or a many could join, formed I circle, each (nan ritendini; bis arm borinntallf, and praspinrj wuli bis rijibl ! baiid the rijjht, trd with bis left hand the j 1' Tl hand of the ttian opposite, tbeir aruis crossing. Tbe then told her 10 kneel unon ! the window till, and tt incline ber bode in "u'b a way a. to free her bead from tbe "ail, and to f,l sideways. All being ready, 'b threw herself from tbe third story win 11 " ! Not a man drew back from the im minent peril to which each nun wa -fed. All stood firm, and this poor woman as received in afety on tbe platform of nanus a. ml irmi without them or herself. njr injury lo ! Smi-m ir Tne. A person represetit : h heraeif as tbe Couutesad faeatelle, has '""1 for the last fort year in Versailles, 'lr"i" Ibe pension of tbe deceased Count j " 'ad Abb ia relii.-ineiit, and timing j "ly in tbe ari-tocratie circle of that eity. j i.e w,,re the dress of at Abbes, and uo j Me doubted that aim wa true Oounlcs and j Abbest d S,t,. A fnv day S.-0 tbis I l'"- nd it was found that tbe pre- : ' . 1 '" ws nian ! He had born , K.'.r "'V lro"l.,,, "P'o, contrnt in j .. i "nn it inmales, without su'ptvinn j ion in probal.lj consider thi " French ; r...M,ne.," ,mj ,h etW(,.f th, ro,i j uiiti-.a d Sstatdle and bow it happened s'lial Ibis indivi l.,,1 was enabled to put liitu !' Ill her : : t 1 " e,u, ami her pou.ioo, wilh otter ery natural .juestion. j A DisoR.nr.tinr CosonsiiA. Tbo ao n'ui fract ia irom a New York paper. r 'iowi, (M4.) having frequently inter "d " . Jrce''itit.'" jr diaorderlj con- su'!'' 1,18 Committee) in cotneijurne rose, ;' a" i'J the decision ef the chairman, ro - ported the fact ta , House. Mr. Stanton 'h"Mr - betaken into eustorl, j ih Scrgeant-at Arm to answer for the ."'''V"''1 -'rrow j hut .uhsenuenlly buret, ,b, ,olin. Mf. Rowi. hating jj'-ltrerl fr0l lb ,Uf ,8 ou, , ' '',,! Vn"'''tte of tl'O Whole on the State "' ' I tuoti. Fjrst Amsbica Ship ct War in the Dardanelles. At a dinner given at tbe Kevere House, Boston, on Tuesday last, to Mebetnet Pasha, tbo Turkloh Aduiiral, tbe Hon, Edward Everett, iu tbe courao of a speech, related the following incident: " The preseuce of our distinguished gueata here on the (oil of that new world not known to tbe rent of mankind to be in existence when liia warlike accentors first established theniaelvet in Europe, rewinds me of a pleas ing incident which took place about sixty year apo under tbe American flag and iu the water of Constantinople. " About the year eighteen hundred and two an American frigate bearing the auspi cious name of tbe " Utorg II ute-of," and the first American ship-of-war that ever entered the Dardanelles, arrived at Constan tinople from the coast of Africa. She wa commanded by tbe gallant Commodore Haiuhridge, and at an entertainment given by bim to the Ministers of the Sublime l'orte, decanter of water were placed upon lh table from the four quarter of tbe globe, tome of tbe casks filled in America and Africa being still full, and the frigntc ridinjj at anchor between Asia and Europe. Tbia incident, a unique in the history of the world a it wa pleasing in itself, at tracted to much notice in the diplomatio circle at Constantinople that the lady of the British Ambassador borrowed the four de eaoter of water to grace ber owu table at an entertainment the following day. " But while these refreshing gobli-t from tho four quarter of the globe were thus eotiiniiiigled in friendly libation at the capi tal of the Ottoman Empire, beurath the flag of America, pleasing symbol of that peace on earth good will toward men, for which the heart of humanity yearns with eager longings I doubt whether it occurred to tbe most aenguiue anticipations of that day that the officers of the Ottoman mariue, in the lapse of a few years, would be the hon ored guests of our transatlantic cities, md pledge with ua tbe cup of amity beneath the beauts of the evening mar. Applause." Ilr.ALTiFtL Cu.MrAHiHCiN. At the re- cent ammeri-srT of tbo American uuptmt , , ,. . U i ii-.. I Ublicatioo Socu tjr, the Ker.Wr. Wlluatns of Ilallimore Diailc a most felicitous speech, Alluding to tlia looks, tracts, Ac, of tlie H:,,. . J , i, i,.i il,,,;, t,,,,li...i; j" . , '-ill ii following aa aa i ! I u-i r a r i.u : A niao onee Hd4 lenealb a tree, aii'l in it bratirhel al.ovo saw to birds, which. from their actions, seemeil to be in great ditrei. lie presently iliscorcred a no-t, froajl which the heaila of eercral little bird were protruding writ b open mouths, to re- reiee tbeir ccust(imed rjouiihlimetit. A snake was winding it way slowly toward tbia little family, and just as it bad ap proached so near as to whet its tongue a moment before pouncinp upon its prey, one of tbe parent birds came soaring, on rapid wine, bearing in it beak a leaf, which it quickly depr iled across ita young, and then flew lo its mate upon an adjaceut limb, where the two sat with apparent unconcern. 1 be leaf, a tbe speaker said every farmer knew, was poiom to the snake ; but tbe bird sod tbe snake knew this by itirlmct, and do sootier lad llie latter dieoereil tbe leaf j loan it receded from its murderous design with all possible baste. TL point of natural bUlory involved in tbis, is in itself worth repeating j tbe appli cation of the aneedote was simply tbis : W'p, it wai aaid, bad ten of thousands of Utile bird ail around ua eiposvd loth snake of temptation, and tbe leaves of tbe book wbicb our society is pullisbine, were ! thu antidute recommended to shield tbeni ! I from tb dangers with which tbey were! oo.l.ntl, tbrratcLed. I - j I.tT Tlirst n S0 (KrnrTS IX Mlt!c!Mr, , or rather no pretended secret. Tbe Med- i , ,, ical Faculty pul.li-.li at soon a made, all ( their discoveries, and alinoil all that ia know u , D' re' alue of tbe cure of dieasr, baa been 1 di.eovered by them. Ih Ayrr takes ll.e , - noijoraiiie nouei course, aim right trcue ' h0""'- He poes to work and invents j "ie ov"1 remcuy siikii niejicai tain can nu ie for tbe cure of certain complaint : t tie 11 publishes wbat it i and maintains bis mo- v. 1. rv,..,, j s ..,. i..r.. .,, better, more pc-feet, than anj body else : CSO. II the prop In would exact till Ot stbo offer medicines, the would bave much less trade and trasb to aw allow ',' . " "'WTFTTKBH FI.KHK ATFD HT..M. At " "ITTLKS have proved au. li a certain cure all diseiaea of the f toina. li. thai no one can r"' moment question its efficiency in the most I"M" "l c"r- For many yeara we have watch. ' steady proj;ee.. in public estimation, snd U afiit ificli as a cure f..r sll cumplaiuls arising; from the stomach, of a moibid naluie.aud wa are free In say that it can be relied upon as a eerisin relief snd remedy. II. nroprielor has msde tha shove nreoarstion after tears of eareri.1 studs I I sr.4 siltmp.snd is new rcsping tlie reward claim ed by this v,i ble sieeific, and which he ao rich, ly merila. It ia the only preparutiou of the kind that la reliable in all eases, snd il therefore de. siands the attention of the srllicted. ftu'd by Ihupfists every where, and by IIOSTI.T TKR cV g.MlTII, Hola Troprieiors. &tt Water snd in Front Streets, Putaburph, snd by II. M. Prileh. ard, I'harloUv, N. C. THE GREAT EP.'GLISH REPJEE7. f?B JAMKS CLAKKKS ( rltliriilnl liii.tl 1'illw. prepared jroni a prescription of .St'r J. t 'luike, Al. i., J liyiictun la.trwt ,ti ttortf to tlie (Jueen. This invaluable medicine is unl'siliiif in the c ura of sll those painful snd dangerous diseasrs In which tht frmnte emivlitution ( ijiel. It mmeratea all escesa and remnvea htructioh I nd a sK-edy curs may be rili.d mi. TO MtltltIM hAUll it is peculiarly suited. Il will, in a short lime, bring uw the monthly perird with regularity. Kach bottte, prie tine Itolhir. bears Ihe (iuv. crnmeiit Htamp ul '.real llritaiu. to prevent eoiin. tcrleils. Thete I'illt thciihl art le tulen hy frmalei daring Ihe I INST TIIHI.K MOSTHS ) I 'leraw.ey, m, they mtt tare to Lrtng mn Mierriaget bul mi amy mther lisa. they art toje. In all esses of Nervous snd ."jnnial Affections, Pain in tha link ana I. mil.., ratigue on slight rlilliiill, "alpilatmn of the Heart, llyateriea, and Whites. Ihesu Tills will t fleet s cure when all oth er means have failed, snd sltlmugh (lowerful reninly, do not contain iron, calomel antimony, or any thing huittul to Ihe constitution. golu Agent for tha I in trd States snd Canada, JUII MlhSl-S, (Late 1. C. Daldwin & Co.) Koeheater, S. Y. N B. 11.00 and 6 postags stamps encloses to any snthonsed Agent, will insure a bottle ul Ihc Tills by return mail. Yin saile by j K. SCAUR. CO. IIAVILAND STKV KNSON k CO. M htfiemmlm Agi. t karlritnn, M. C. How Ladies hat avoid Telling their Aoe. Two literary ladic were lutely witnesses iu trial. Oue of them, upon hearing tbe usual question asked, "What is your name? and how old are you ?" turn ed to her companion and aaid, "I do not like to tell my age; Dot tuat I bave any ! objection to ita being known, but I don't: want it published in all the nowi-pnpera." " Well.'.aid the witty Mr. S, " 1 will tell' . ' i v i i . i you how you can avoid it. You have heard ,, . ., ,, the objections to all hearsay evidence j tell i tie in you (too I rememoer wnen you werei born, and all you know about it is by hear-' say." The ruse took, and the quealiou was not pressed. j In this plnee, mi the 9th instant Mrs. MAItV JOHNSTON, rrhct of the late Iter. Cyrus John, aton, of this place, in the 5Hlh year of her are. Dissolution. IHE firm of RBlKWITII & BHITTA1N wa thia tint dis.o.vcd liv niLlual consent. All pertom .uth-Mi-H to nid firm are rrquetted to come tnrwiird immtdwttly nH nuke paynniit, am the businei ol the firm ml m clipd. R. W. HKCKWri'II. W. J. 15KITTAIN. Htf Junt 10, I Bid. Notice. AVING bnuflil the entircttock II cil aa of Waif lies, Jrwclry. kc, of IlVckwi.h & Ilritlotn, I thai continue the bu. itiraa nt ttcir olit tanJ, w lit rr 1 ahuJJ be lappy Ut niict fit jr old frieiidii nd cuatomrre. 11. V. HECK WITH. Junt 1(1, IS.,8. I4tf Mecklenburg IJonds, KfcVEN PER ( ENT INVESTMENT. Ui; fir.t iuu ( JO.OOO ) of the llonde of jjJk, ti'ia ( ountv, lo aid in ll ror.atrucliun of the U i!niiiijrUn,C rlotte nnd Ruthrrrurd Ril R (ill ha rd he ll.a 1.1 1.1 u,,t n..w,ll. Tl....,.1?- "''" ' "-" all of the linfOWJ VMr., lxarairn per cent. Ilitere.t, p.r-blt senn anno- ; , , . c ., . u . , taehed for the s-me the U.md lo run ill yenra rWaled on", ra for the whole or ai.y purt.ui. i.l the i first iau , aie mailed until the 0H1I1 day ol June, I instant, whrn they wiil beoprned o. fore th B..id ' "' 1'inetors of the Kail Kuad l omiiuny in Char. ! 'J'hey may be left at either of tile ll.iiki, ii. w. t;noN', resiienl W. C. if K. H. H. Co. Junr II. IrOtl. tlti aim iiiti: 1 1 m: i vi la i' c; i r. kiii c; . M II II suh.eriber, a praelic.il Architect and ( i- ion a tiuiiflm;, where he may be loiind prepared 1 to Iha't I'lalt snd male lUtimntr in sll depart. menu ot his prnli ion. Particular attention wnl bt-a.' tof urseyinf of Plantations and Farms for , tho inakiii( of M A PS or til ARTS of the same, I with a drawine; ot the pl.mtilion mansion snd its ! rrquisiU-a. Krery Planter slionld be potaesaed of! one or nmre of his domain. They can pe jot up in any atyle. and when framed nuke a beauufui I ornament lor any Par,,r I'l'.t t n.p and lay my out of (arounda and Lawns ' for II irlicultiiml and Ornarncntil uurnnscs ill i be attended to if snln it.-d. I f Ynun Kg to become acquainted "'1 " of ll" above branches, will be tauffht in the nmst Ihuruurh manner, and on the moal liberal lerma. Itisok-Krrpiitff In all its most spproved nlana, will le tsnifht, in. ! cluUiof B inking and taeiiaea, R. IL fjuameaa, ; fifssiiinoat iln., F.iehanea, both Foreign snd lo. i meatic suit in laet ail tool is rtqnisile to a I rough know Iccge of B.k Keeping in all ita fun P. RAI'RS. 14-lv Junt Ij, 18j8, Mo..riii. Vnliiin .UamiK- I . WOI NT MORIAH I.ODI.E, No. f-i. Ancient IJI Vmk M is-.ns. has ileu rimned to celebrate St. JOHN'S DA V, C.'tth Jum.) according to .Ma. -",e a"e'- ' rr.iernny ...u tne public are respectfully invited in. attend. II. k. s,k, K.q..ni ' l.ll.b..rou(h, will be the ;ator of the tt.r iWean.'e. Junr 7, I).'.?. tI5 3.100 ACKEaS OF LAM) ro it s . ,;. rTF.n f-r sale my Land S?V tfr I-11 mn county, ly ySJ, .... t lrar Creek and Cr.a ked t rees, known ss the Smsrt 1...,,,, kaa bi-en siirveved into three lr eta ! tract containing 'at IIOO acres, one 500 acres snd one at.'VO s.vca. sit contiguous to each nther. Kaid Land is well adapted to the cultivation nf cot t4i, corn, w heat and other email grain, and well situated for frrntit'g purposes, tl ia nearly all tvnod.lsnd and well. timbered, within a convenient dietmce of tbe Charlotte and Wilnnr gton Kail, road, and ia eilu.it-d in the jold region between f.u'ni Hill and the llnwie Mn.s. t..dd has already been discovered nn that psrt of tbe Land known aa the f.tlile Mountain. J al. .,tTer for sale a TRACT OF LAND lying in York lhalrict, ft C, nn ll.g Siugar Creek, join. ing (he Lands nf ll-ixtcr Sprn gs snd others, eon- taming !!. seres. 8ii Land has been consider. ed one ef the best C'o'ton Plantations in Y"ra Dis. j trict, snd there is no belter land lor c-rn or wheat. I If desired, I will divide any of tha aforesaid nd to suit purchasers; nnd the purchaser can h-vt his own lime lo py the nioiity. d ha ; mskes it secure. Appiv to inn in C'hsrlolls. W.F.DAVIDSON. June 15. lPjfl. Ittf Aoticc Lf. persons imli bted to Ihe e-tntr of Willi, l J. Walta. dee'd.. hv Note, for articles l.urchi ed st the sale of his effects, will please come lo w-rd and aet lie or renew them, ss the original Notes wire .le.troyed when my houe wa. buml, hut I still have a list. M. N. HART. lUr Xolicc lo Church J)iiildcrs. fM 111 K ttnrtrrufnrd wmlira la let out the Rejui M. it'S of Iliiirf'wvrll i hurch by pctljiijr I 'J fict dim riiiii(f the whole bin Ming 2 firt hiffhvr nnd pulling mi clf mipfmrttni. rtnft j il. I'"'" tb t-tio, .i-i fret ifd utt 9 Irt-t, window ta ciU nd op in g.ilh ry, laving flnr nnd iitakin nitit nml n iriirni(' pen In, th.it will nuike tho Church 67 tVrt hniff and 4't ft. widr. The plan run be tw-en hv fulling on the und rfind or T. M. n.-.i and ti.rtlier parlic-iilsrs made known .HI- t to be hsnded in on the 4 ll. Monday T. M. KKHNS, A. B . 1IAVIDPOX, Coi. U. VV. ALEXANDKU June f, Ifl.'.K. riank. 1111 E subscriber has lor sate st his Mill, S, miles from Charlotte, on McM ichael's free'., 1V.O0O feet of the choicest Flooring Tlank.dry and ready for work. Also, sll other kinds from inch up to 4 inches thick. Scan ling, W agon Tiuila-r, lluugh-edge, eVe. JAMKS KKKR. Junt ft, I8..H. tl.i Notice; LL nidi bled to Ihe lata Firm of niU'CKKR J. It HM hits are reque.led M pay up by the 1st of July next, as by thai tune w-n shall give j .hit Notes and. Hook Account into other hands ' for col I eel ion. I May let, IS..8, ti l Charlotte Machine Shop. . , W. D. PINCKNEY & CO. Engineer, Hytiraullo Press Makers and IlK'lliMttry III S.'IKll III, D AVK eoininemw-rl bn.irrew. in HiurMle, In ! J 1. alto ! ve ! 'e pTeBiirrd to make' Pit AM Wtblftw oi any form or ennsirnciinn, yrs..l,e tolton Pri...,l eve,; other uescrip. turn of Machinery, , , . . , . ..,. . They also w if to intorni Die moniir.ieturers and f.r( emeral!y. that they ! ree.nily nddo.l to their estiihlishmi nt, and are prrpnred to furnish oaatinga in Iron, Hrssa, or any other metal, at a short notice and at reasonnhle priees. Particular attention will he given to the making and reoairnie of Threshiiie Machines. Ilorac Pow ers, Cotton (Jina, Mill Work, and Agrn ulturnl Machinery. We also keep workmen for Illacksinithinjr. Job. bine. Work, Wapon Work and Horse Siiueing-. 1 -OCR TERMS AhKt Afll. Cha,lolie,Mnch 3U, IB58. 4tf Tiawonnnrt PmalA nnllotro "tt'w,iu vw vwvV, TTi!Mfi!R. fMnrth CarlUna T.EAIOIR. I'Worth Carolina -mil w atumv Afv t w tii r cmcti t , - r,, ' ' ; iviuf-Rtii r T HIE HI1T TERM f thia liinl.tution will oirn on ihe ItirdThumday in July nx. lo Cftntinue without iiittffMi.ioii 4-act j-l 4 lew tiny j I ( Itriattniw until the Kuurth Ti'Ufwiajr in A-) prit 1859. Thia Institution, attuatrd right nntif the! Mooiituiiia, withiii few liiilca ! the famt-ti Vdl- Ir.y of I h Yudkin, coimmnda inl tit ilte pntrun. ' (pe of the country on account of ita pure iimim. lain air and watrr ; an it Ittrc-tUBe placing li tin fucilitiea fur a finiaUcri Jbducatiun within the reach of very one. Young I'Milire nn atteml (he rjular Courw in the Virpnmtvty Department for our yenr tor tUl, which iiiduiitii lioaru1 VVdihtnf i xefpted -Fori, Ju the (olUputte Dtpnttmenti $104 will mrel the entire cXcnae ol tiiu r tulhf cournf wash ing (-xerptcd ; and w ith munr on rmno, 9i45. I'irL-uUra, cijiitJi iiimfr every pdriirulaf, iiit hr hnrlui Inoir, hyappjvinp U tht Pre nidtnt of the t ollt ; hi I.iricotnton, to J.init'a Jcnkin, Kq ; in Grcenvil I to lc, t A. M-od ; in Charlnite, U Urj. Th"i. M. Furrow; in Hillsborough, to Or '"''FomlZ' Tri.Weekly Strre ( o.iel, I ta . .. inl v ( aniAl mm, V i.g through New ton, lainoir bad Tty!orvjlJe Ttnn. IIENUY M. MOOD, President. , i;.8. tio : J. A. aTEK THOMAS lieilRAFt'EMtlKO. J. A. ESTES & CO., IMCTOWS A VI) C03I3I1SS10X Bftll the s.le or Cotton, tirain, Fiour, and all j kinns of t'ountry Produce. j Office. North Atlantic What ves, 'liar I.-rtou, S. (.'. Lf" According to the terms of Uic Co-piirtner- , ill not srcxxATK, i;irectly or indirect y, in any I roduce shipped lo our house, I nrrtar.M'l s O. Mills, S. S. Farrnr, llmtlirrs II To., l...iioeaii, Smith A. Whilmn, Thomas J. Sl t '. I II. Mi.iee, I harleston. S. f.j Col. It. Anderson. K. Il.nie, Colunihi-i, S. C; T.ioin: s .Mi l. ore, ,r., X. (. Fa yea, A CJ. Imnorant, ("lo-aier, S. ".; Col. F. Kejife, l oinn, e I'., Col. I IV Withcrai-non, W. Averv, W. A. I.itta, V.m., Col. S. X. Stowe, Dr. ' J. K.'BrHtt..n, V'.rk ville. S. C ; r. II ipH.lt, Sal. iahury, N. C ; i. I.. IMuii, Knox mile, 'Tcnn. Junt I. lv " !n Silver Fluting. A ND g .ld, s.ic rss and ail kinds of woak repaired. Uers st a dtslaiiee (hat may want their work done, may have it at- tended to at the shortest notice and finished in tor beat st)le one hundred yards north ot' the court hou.e and next door tu Overman &. Wilaurrs eoach slyip. JOHN M. MASOX. Junt I, IS.".. 1-Jtf. dun and Lock Smithing. IaL wttrh in the above buinct, ( ir-pt lnrk. wtl he fiunrtu ilty & ttttitii l u ntl fin ishrd in the bent ntunner of work inn iiflnp, at my h( nnrth of tlif court houe, ceit Iu Ovrrmiii nd Wileon'a coach iioo. JOHN' M. MASON. Jtr.t 1, 18.-.8. I U'll lrass& Composition Castings.; A M prepared to manufacture all k.nJsof work AM prepared to manufacture all k.n,! nf work in tiie above line of bnsiness. I would call in lue above line ol bnainrss. I would call the particular alii nn rfthos thnt huve mills or factorys, or any kind of inscfnnerr that needs composition of dun.biiily for null inks. Hi l t hi-ve one of ny own, snd 1 have never heard of sny thine thnt Would stand hilf equal lo it. I will warrant them to run five years. Ti'ere are stiine ol my sim thai nave rwen runninp r. irtn aim twcntT yearn. I could furt-ih niurr 'hun a bun-1 i!rrd i-rlifinti nf its dur-ihihty. Tu rrron neuiiinv Mill Ink nd p ii.'gn I ', will furnish thr ert t'r rtplit tinll-rp. Try tht-111 and atifc jturMIrt the trouble of ttit')-n.g Vuttr unit whin nil eic is rigM. JOIIX M. MA SUN" June, I. I85f. I'.'if STATE OF NOKTII-CAIH'LI.NA, Mtl M.tMIUSI) lOL'.NTV. Court of J em ami (Jutti tcr tastois, A- pril Term, li!i. James I . Oner, Adm'r. ul John S.Neely, ra. rit;tion to scale Es. I.te. Robt. B. Caliiwell and wife Mary L., J .hn L.Caldwell and wife Catharine, ; T a.iiearing to the Court, I Ji lkat Ihe dtlendanla Kubert II ( -Ul I M .ry L., John L. Caldwell and wife Ciiliinrine, arc I not hitanta of this Slate, but resole he the limits of the same, Il is tUt'efore Ihd.red hy the Conrt, Thst pnbitcatiou be ma:e for sx weeks in tne North Carolina W'hig, a newapiper punted III the town ol Charlotte, notifying the said defend, ants to be snd apiear at the next term of our said court, lo b brld for the county of M.-ekTruburg, t the conrt. house in Churlolie, on Ilia 4th .Hon. d,,v , juy ,ull t.n ,j tlrr.it pe, w,.r of demur, or iud.mint i.r conlisso will betaken against litem Witnvi( W. K. KiJ, clt-rk of our id court, i at t-tW, the 4th Monti t in April I&.id,nid n tht , 8Ut jeur ot Aiiitr.Cii n intl i mil pt. W. K. KK!L, o. c. c. rrifitrr'i fee ffi, Jane 1, I -.if U? Dissolution. IT 11IK Firm of III SLINK i CO. wis dissolved nn s '.Mm instant, hv mutual coiiwnt. All prisons indrbtcd to them sre notified that then Nolcs snd Accounts are in thr hands of V. M. Rav for Collection, and thev sre earnesll rcques- eti' tu en lorward immtiivtttly and pay up, a. the business of tha firm must he J. R K. ISOOXE. M. H. TAYLOU.j .vy 3i, ia:.a. tJt (Kr Tin:. n A VINO bought the entire stm-k of nctOTS, tMOKS, Ac, of lloone A Co., I shi.ll ami. tinue the buaineasat their old sun.:, where I shall b happy to meal my old frnria sno euainniers. J. . . HOOXK. iVay 31, ms. '24 ROBES! VLAnCE lot nf Berage, Orgn.iie and J.ekn. net Flounced snd Side. striped 111 MILS will be offered for a few weaka, al greatly reduced prices, hy T. II. JiKK.M k CO. ,Miy 95. 18.-.3. !' "tl r A I l: I . k-""" M'lcli V W I'll. Ai.plv In J AS. II. CAUSOX. tfCiXZZX May IS, 1S.VS. Hit . ffcjf3 Notice riVIE FIIJM of FCI.LIM.S At T6. wo d. JL solved by in ut u il consent On the Ut day of me to return n.y sincere tt.ink. m the citizens r I North anil Soutli Curolinn for Hie libiml patronage of IIh) aumo for Mews. WK INKS 4. IIKATII who have ussucinteit thriiiwva wiili K. Fulli.iei und.rthe rinuot r Ll.l.lNi.f, SPRINGS X CO., who will connuct thu i;iulhiir lliomru un the anine terms and with the suiiiv udvanliiges aa here. tolire, The Noten and Acennnt. of Kullintrn A Co. trill he found in llil- hiring ol V. A. Owens; I'..r colli etmn. JOHN TOWN LEY. NEW FIRM. ; rilHR new Firm of FlT.I iMiS, SPRIXGS 4 ! JL tf). bee leave to present tlieniselves u ! eilixens of North and ftuutli C'ir'tlin:i; and in so douif, would earnestly solicit a CMiitininnieeof lie libernl pulrutt.'ici- hestcwidon Thi ell-kiH'Wn firm i ol r iiuintfs & t.n. ! We wnnld auv with much ns-nr.'nee 111 1 1 we have the Lnrgr$l, .cairit and Lhmpiti SliK-laoriiriillfiiiru'sniiil K05V ' I .( 'I'1 1 1 (i. ' . . I ' ''r tin but nv V rtlittiim true; In. i cnue we buy tl.c iuaUriti ntitl m -nuUcture our 'own fKifln, thenby paving thr iiuiiurtrtMr'.T'i uro. i nt, wltirli m ut k- .nt 25 jicr cent. M'rt:iVfr, . ry rtic!eof ( l(rlinii jturncf urnler the niptrviit. n onu of thr firm, nnrj if not Wfll-tnarie it is nt ncciTrd. Wo r.;.n, tin rt Corc, varramt the mn. f all (rmxia that l" frmi nor htuint;. FULLlNGS SPUING S Si CO. yf,t jg 1 Raglans ! Raglans ! ! ! rP rprfifrincr hv tvt-rv nfpnini r nil liiiithi iinat'iniitile. I I LLIXO, SPRINGS & CO. May 18, lft.08. Huf A1 T anr nriee too inne n.mt Another bold na. sertion, but neveriheli-.s tim. iothni likt heing conneeted Willi a in iiiuf.ieiuriiiif li.m.e. FL'LLINGS, SI'IIINUS tV CO. May 18, IB.'.H. lOtf Shirts, Shirts, mrfMTK Iinrn, While and Fancy M.ir il!ca, f V lower tlian the aanie kind con Uu initnu fin;turcu in tli- L'nitrd .Sttc. t FL'LLINGS, SPKING3 c CO. iWiy 18, I6j. KJtf Boys' Clothing. "0 P.innta we n-nuM say, you can find an as. 1 aortinint alnurt'lothinn Sinn , where we keep all kinds, which is well nmiie. Fl'LT-IXG, SFKI.VG3 k CO. M,ia 1 IE. 1&58. lUlf T IU. Mi.' lISlMt.'.' A ;H)D Asaortmenl of Ladies' and (7-nfs Trunks. Valiees, Cariet ltas, A'C at low firicea. FL'LLINGS, SPIUNGS & CO. Miy 18, 18jd, Uut Female Education. A YOr.M. LA UY, qualified lo tescli the dif fcrent branches ot' an Kiil'IibIi Ki.'uention, inu give lessons on the Piano F'.rte, is anxious to pr-jcure s siiu.ili-'n. us iii-t r t ri a in a rts!,eet.i. hie private family, or Academy. She nroflers to teach, at the rati ol tl.W per aession of -JU weeks, including liourdiriK . Auurtsi M. M., Winchester, Lnion counlv. IN. C Mi) In, U56. 118 4lii- f Ilia- .A l. It. IIOimI, 1 Chsslottc, Mat 16, Im.'.S. I T pnny 011 tne 1st of July next, Will lie re deemed at this ngency whci.iver presented. A. II. .MARTIN, Agent. Bacon, Bacon, Bacon ! ffc aw 44f t k LBS. pond BACON in st..rc, s 9 4 W ajf whicii w ill be sold low for J. Y. BttYCH k CO. Kill' May IP, 1858. Paper, Paper, Paper ! If T K are now receiving in Store, asawrted ai. W W ,wi5Arric PA l' Kit. suitable for Mereli nt! and lrut'git. or.! cm luniish st short uotice such de ss.are Used by Priii'in" Olfieei tones, sod wiil sllow a fair pr.i :riptmn of r iper ;iini Cotton f aie i Utr the wvjittu uf the latur J, Y. liKYCE k CO.. A sent Jor U'uoriti fl1is. . " ltuf May 18, I Sr. STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, MECKLE.NBL'im COUNTY. Superior Court of Law Opting Term. DIUKD BY COl'liT, that a Special Term ' W of the Siipi-rior Court of I lty.be held at the Court House n ! 4th Monday in Junu nut. irlolte. on Ihe TesT : J. B. KERR, Clerk. Suitors and witneases in riril tuttt will please take notice. May 18, l8. tl5 irbanks Scales. fllHK undersigned, agents for J. these justly celebrated fcalce, aie prepared to furnish Kail Kitailt ,,,.1 n. r..,. ,n a.,,1 of a ril.r.!,.- T-and accurate Scale, with all de- scriplionsof Jiailrotttl, Track and Depot Scutes, Warehouse and time Scares, llapl r or heat f-calts, from ii.) to 501) bu. h'lour pailiiif .Scnrs, Cltocer and Counter Scales. These are more extensively nsed than any nth. era and have been long snu severely tested, and in every iiist'nre h.ive given entire salts faction. For s.iie ot Maitufaeturert' Price, dulivercd iu Charleston, Wilmington or Ttlershurg, Vs. by tiiLLi am x nixiaor, 131 Svciuiore St., Tilersburg, Vs. Apiil 00, Ib.'.S. ' H'J Iron and Steel. CHILLI AM A UrXLOP, III Sycamore Str't., M Telershurg, Va., Import. rs and lh alers in In.ii and Sti-ei. invite tne atti ntioii of merchants snd nianui .clurers to lueir largw sud well assort, en sljck of Itun snd Me. I, cumprlMl g Swedes 1 1 llainnu red I Wide Plough, 6 to 1" inch. t'.ni.'llah I Kefineu Vli:0.. linund, S.iiare, and r l .t Nils, all aizca Oval, ll .lt Owl and Half Keund II.H.p, Band, Wil Horse and Mule Shoo Iteet Cast Steel, Eng. and Am. Blistered and f!er. . man St-i I j They are also sgenta for the sale of .tnsow's : Sperm Oil al .Wtfsa'urfnier's prices. I Apitl 'JU, 1S5S. 119 (stiN'otice. INFORM the Tir Payers of MecH.i.l.iirg ot .1 my ha JL eouniy thai I now have in my hands the Tax Lists f..r ifV.7 and I nni rea.iy to receive the Tax .. receive the lax.i p.. thorn: interested I earlv and seal,-,' es doe snd grant recelpti will oblige me so far s to call rrr 1 4 I s it will save me much time snd trouble. j K. C. UK1KK, Sheriff'. , I Aptil 2 ISH?. 7tf I We are sntlmrtaed to r.nnndhce Dr. II. M. PKITl IIAI'.I), s lt Independent Oiinocmtic Wimdi date lor the iluuse el Coininuiii. tc Mat 4, lew: We are authorized to annoiinee R. C. OlilKft, Ksn.. . a rnndi- I d:ite tVir re.ftleclion to thentricenf j Mierill ot lliRenunty of .UeCileil I Hury, at the ensuing August election. April iin, 1P08. Jiocky Jiivcr Academy. WIK ExT;ia?H of the rie-xl v'vm will CiMi. nitiiircnii lit- 3rd Momhay ( tilth) of July in ft. 1 It m hi'H-u that attiOi.nl will aili-im putictuuliy at the t ginning of tht- aranhn,na lite hromny of the fchonl and Ihc atlrnraa of the aluilrnta OrpcitJ much on erly att nduiici-, hp well u diliL't-itt, H-r evrnii? applicitoti In atudy during lhi Mfatwioii. T'hc Prtricipul pirc:pn hh ut tiring. uniih.tinf tf. 'ttf in the mor tl j nd tut Hrl umI Ir.tinin of Hhiim pluctd unitvr hia cac. Ik- in prepurr il lo ncroin. niudatc iwime t Ijfht or Ivn htjitrk.'rn.tind gonti Iward. ,r'f c,,n M M'"' Ht other p.M;ii CoiiVrnifnt to the Acjidemv al 97 $x iht month. Tuition as lieretol'ore. Tuitm lies due ul ih" close of euth J. T. HAKIiV, I'rinripal. Afuv a:.. 1K-.8. n if A'tli Car'Jina Alineral Springs CABARRUS COUNTY, N- C 5WII.1, o n a SCHOOL for f iris, nt this pl.iee mi the 1st of July. Hoard can lie hi. I at or S p-r niot.tt-. For Tuition, such as Reiiuin, ritinj;, Arilhinetie, Gritnunur and ft-orrriiphv, at t l :r month. Pdinlni). and Needle U ., k "if riquiied. The viilue of this w.iIit is known to ni.'itiy through tins county. It hus cured Uysp-p. si i, Uin-.ia- s of the Livi r snd Kidney and S'i r runs Affection. This .Mmeml Sprmc is m.t a plnee of public resort, ss many of uut wnt'-rtnc pl.ices. 1 res.-rved it for tne situntion for which It is now olVi-red, and will he free Iroill couUcous ili.-titRtu Any direriioi, jK.at p.iti, w.il rictiic sttciitton. SARAH SOSSEHMAN.. Vivnctr Vi's. Cakarrtit ro.. Apt l.iy. To Cotton Planter , fJfWll'. und'-rsifned is prcpm to sell the hen'. B. uii ilily of Cotton Gins, with III ,nch saws at pel iw, -lelnered at the Undll.j. ol the Ui.ir- rk and N. C. K.iil Roads. The advanU. Gins have over those shipped from oilier lolte, Y pea ll,. Slates is. Ili-'l inev will lusi longer, one set ot'nha ne.nr; equal 10 lures, tne nrusii neing covered repaired and at less 1 xiiense. As ri gnrds lue sed of these flins, quality of lint and dlaehiiree ol clean e.-ed, I would rehr In M. L. Wallac.-, MorrnV T. O., to K. ii. Palmer, Fairfield, and A. H. Davnlsnn, t:harhdte. JAMKS -M. KLLIOTT. 11 innthoro. May 2j, 1S5S. I l-Cm A Reliable Notice. T THi: firm (if limn & Stt-U- wan tl i vd ly 11111 Uut cmiM.'iit 011 Ihn let any of Juiuarv, 15. I'tiR biitiints of the Firm i in hit hnOt for rollertioti Hiid ncUltincnt; and I hrn -by ris pf'Ctiuliy rtquewt nil pvrutp inrtt bU'd to the l.itt firm by H'ok Account to come lor win! mui i-tile b-t(.rn lhi.t dut- uinl the lnt dy f July, lKrH( as I tirr ;inUTe )'mi that nil dcrount due the firm at th at (Mm: mill tc put in suit for collrriioii. A. C. STKELK. April fi, 18.N. it J jJjNotice. Y virt ue nf a Hn ' issued from the Coun. pril term. I w ill proci id to si II , on S .lurda y. the oi.lh uf June next, at the Isle residence of I)r. S. N. Vediiinw'ton, dee'd.. the PLANTATION vn w liich lit I.tcH, subjret to the widnwa dower, mij"ii.intj lMC I-a-i'i- of Andrew Sprinajtt, I).ivid A. Shinn nnl others, to atitty liehls against tht estate of ;titi riereat-d. JAS. P. HENDERSON, a4rt. i;, is.;. 1 1 6 Cash Paid for Hides, " nY S. II. HOW LI. L, 3 uoors Siuth of the M.ns.ni. Ilotise. Charlotte, April ti. 18jf. 5if 500 GALLONS I'lTiL LINSKE1) OIL, Wholesale and K. l.il, at I'Un'CH ARD'S. 1 .inn hfi A'nril. A UK subscribers inform the citizi ns ,.f Chsr. X lotle ..nd viemitv, that tl.ey have estahush. id a LL.MULK YAliD in town, where ihi y in. Und keeping a supply of all kiuus of Ll MUKU for builning snd other purH.ses. Mr.Joi.aa Ku liisill is their agent in town. Application can be made lo him or lo eithir ot' the undersigned. MILLER & I'OKTKR. Oct. 13. its.'.T. U5 titrate allng . A X agreeable rcfnshsnt and laxative, as pleas it, ant lo tlie taste ss Bona water. Sold hy II. M. 1'UITCIIAUI', Dee. 1 Irwin's Corner. Soinmifirr, OR CONCLNTU.VIT.n I.F.V. Warrinted b. make soap w ithmil lime, and with liHie truu. bli:. The liest and chi.ijnst arttele in use. Price 'Jj and SO celils a can. S .hi hv II. M. l'KITCIIAKD, lite. I Irwin's I'orner. Wanted, 1,000 ( OUPS OK TAN HARK, f. fhieh thr ch wil' If u-ml. M. B. TAYLOR, r.'if .Wy31,I'i:.3. ll' U r'. laiiiia.' i 11 K superiorityof this article over I'om Starch fee. as an arln-le ot diet lor is uittiu stioued by lite n.e- lipplv at P KITCII AK1'S and rii.. uiiy. tull i Family li u; Store. S,pt. 15. iN'.T. aatf 'I :iiiii-i-s, or I rniii Oil. fOtt Tanner snd Plsulers use in dressing snd prcservnij; Leather .rid Ihrnm. For sale by M. II. riilTCH ARJ, LVrc. 1 Irwin' t'untr. DeGrath's Electric Oil. k SITKI.Y "f this cel.li ted Oil lor sale at L. niy lrng Store, Irwin's Corntr. 11. M rillTCHARD. May 4, lf - - -si a. g af g I. I'S. Pure ground WIUTK X IF. If till' I.FAK in oil and aasorled k r,rrl,ed and fu Cass, at svlu" ipi-i-nii . m a FMIUIA UP 3, Frh. 0. Irtein't Corner. Sl'BPKN AS for sale at thin ofEce. it 'J'lie UnrlUrtK. CORRKCfEfl BY S. M. OATP8 & CO. CIIARLOTTe:, Jt'NK 14, I85U. r.ACON, llama, new .:.lb..:. . 19 11 " ldc. ..; sAb.. ' Hop roimo Ib... ...... 1? I .....M 17 Shoulder's Ih... 1 n.ieiri of!, Gunny, . ... ve. ...-'lb 00 3J 00 1)0 U0 il 15 20 43 it) on 57 lien Ratter, iterswux, ........ Henna . ..lb !.I2J f. .....lb -....JO ixt ...hushel, nil (i, Oil (; .....rul 0U (m I Brandy, Apple, .. " reach,.!.. totton, new, Cnlfee, Rio......... Juvd, Camllea, Adain.in tVrn,.. Tnllow, , Corn, nrw.. .. Ctitckrmi, ,. . t'lnth.ropncriia,.. l.milKcy .lb., ...U fu. ......lb.. ......Ih.. lb.. lb.. ...I8J ....I m r. ,...ss Ct, ...4.'! Ih ......ib i-..biiahl..v...;oj bitshel... ... ..vsch..,.. . ...yard..... yirrd ,.....doren hbl ......b.RS....'. .19) l.'i 3d 12J tf 3 IK? v...-, Klonr ... 1J f.B ....SI ,...:.M 0a Fe.,tl ...ib. fjinl. lb..-. 131 f'i 13 'Multon Ih...... 5 fu ti Mackerel,., ....vtibl.iVo l.-...:IB (t 0j .....fiilts... M 3 JWusRea.HI.O:...., e S5 (lt: Itf W.I oal 37 (d 4't M'esl bushel ..'.H o. U0 Mui:el(Wilmii.Kton)...hhl. $9 fa r.j Nails, Norihern,... Ib S f-rt 0 " Southern Ib H 5 (a, 6 ;ils '. bushel 3D (al 37 P..rk II. 7 fU 7 Pea. bushel.-. rJ f.i ' rtut.-a, Irisl bushel.. ill Cu 75 ' Sweet bushel ....00 In, 0( Rice,... hllahel 4 U SMff Snp..r.Loal', Ih 14? K IB Drown Ib 8 (a, iH .Otone.Wnre Val (a;, Suit sack 41 (' Oil 'Pen lb "5 f-i. SI Wheal, white, hushel W (i, Pj re,i, hushel 70 () 7j Whiskey, Nurthern gal 4.t f.'n 5.7 N. Curolinn,... ksI 3.i (a 37$ Wn:.l, fhest ieorKiii) wiished ....ST (.9 BH " " " minuaheil "J2 (i, 23 Vuri hah 110 tV. Utr COl.l .MIIIA MAIIKKT- Coi.umbu, June 15, I608. There was so liitfe cotton offering' yeatirniiy, it w iii'pobsihle to find out the true position ul' tin ly nuotc noniii fair. arket then fore, we can on- ;ii ! l! fur inferior to midnlmg ( U l;l.lTOi MAIiKKT. VH.ai.rTns, Juno II, 185S. COTTON There was a fair demand fnreotlnit to-iiay, and tlie Ira nsnctiuna rebelled 1,j6G bales, at easier priees for the b.-tier eradi's, mtdii!na; lair M-llinc ..t l-'i cent. The nmrket closen una. tiled and price irregular, viz: lh( (o TJ cents. 1 M.iail.I. June I t.-wTiir anli-a of eollun to.l'.n T coii.pna. .1 1,000 b..lef, .III (a 11$ els. for will, Tlie aales for the week loot up 10.9'H).-ami m,. r..ri ii,i. -J nun n.ia.. Tho inr.H.l. ia, ieiui Ihc al thr purl is n,(HJU bales. The ; ,lnck ull luIld C(lWi. 56 0UU bales. Vm. h Owens, A T TO USE Y A T LA ft', 4 II IK LOT Ii:, H. V.. 'WTJI.f. practice 111 the Courts of Mtckh nbu." W w sou the sitrrouniiinp counties. Jj'Ortice in n'ly opposite the Post tilfice. .is. 2F, Ir-jB. 4f.tf SAM'LP SMITH, A TTORXEY if OVKSELLOR A T LA W, nw AY always be fuond at the office of Wiliisnt TM. Johnston, K.q. Jj rrmupt atbiition givin to Collections, wri. ting of Ui-eils. Conveyances, &.C. I-el,, y, Iri.-.H. 4tf Fresh Bread! B'RESH CliKAD for families, every mnrning at J. ). f.ilmi r's t'onfeelioiitry, ooc tioor abovi Jul the It. ok of I'hariutte. . 'JG, lej. ilO.,L HAVANA LOTTEKY. The next nrdinnry drnwinu of the Rnytil Hum us I.utlt ry conduct n hy tin .Sj.iiinh Govcriiinent, um:rr tht uprvitioii of the Csil.nn ltntrul of Cuba, will taku jlnce ot HiVstnu on WEDNESDAY, June 16, 1553. $300,000. SORTKO M.MLUO 00 OliDINAKIO, '.riT.l. IM.'IZi: IOO,00O!! 1 priacol $ltlO.Ot I 4prixeof2 OOO 1 ' ftIHi 5 l.OOO i :ii mio I sa .too I " li.T0 I 14.1 40l 1 " 5,Olit j M Apr'xim's S SUO 4 Afi.r X'-naiious to the $U)(i,('U0 fhtlO each ; 4 of 4IMI to Siii.OIHI j 4 of 4ti0 to :iu,unu ; 4 ol 4UU lo a I O.iiiio ; 4 ol tHOu la to.uUU. Whole Tickets I'.'O; llalve.IO- quarters fi ; rrixes eished at night al a per cenL discount. Hills on all aoivenl l)..-ik taken at p.r. A iirawing will he torwanied as soon ss the re sult bi conns known. Coii.ii.uiiiciitiona addressed to DON liObKI. til LZ, (care of City Post, Clmrlc.ton. S. C.) un. til the Ititiiot' June", will be attended to. Persona urdcrmg Tickets w ill please write their ' names plain auu give their post office, euuuly an.l state. M'ure I'rcitrh Itrnmiy, HULLaM Gin. Whi.key, Sherry sud Port VV no s, Luuuon Aie and Porter, for meui. Cal use. Dee. 1 Sold by II. M. l'KITCIIAKD. BLACK Peppir, linger. Il.ling snd Wast ing Sons, Cream Tarti.r, Nutmegs, Mace, Cinna mon, Cloves and Flavoring F.xtracts ot every kind. For sa,le al wholesale and n tail, hv II. M. riUTCHAKD, IV c.l Irwin's Corner. rri's.li i usi . Wstlt-r, IN pint bottles just Springs, hv Volll 8aratog II. M. l'KITCIIARD, IVc. I. Irwin's Corner. aiitiii: SCOT II. M .ekaboy snd Entlish, C.ntlemen's SM I FS, just received, 6UU lbs. in bladi.crs snd jars. Nrid low tor cash hy 11. M. Jr'KITCIIAnD, Pec. 1, 18..7. Irwin's corner. Iln wici.-tiiw, Tnl .A I iff! AVINO K.nken advantage of the pressure of the tiu.es. I am receiving, be cash purchases, sn iiuinense sun sih eledstocs ol .l.diew,.-s, Chrm ica's. Instruments, t lusts. c , ta which I moat rtspectftl.lv inviic yout atteulion. AH ordera bv mail or olherw ise. put up with neatness und iiesp-.teh. 11. M. PIUTCHAKI. Pec. I Ii win's Corner. Sheriff's, 'arren'ee and Quit Claim Deeds FUR SALJ-; UK HE. 1

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