Y &&vmn& WOT to 6.0$, fo Jjoqlr fiii-i, fo ijoiii ifjj." CHARLOTTE, INT. 0.,3TJNE1 22, 18S8. VOH-UME3 "7. THOMAS J. HOLTON, Kditob & Proprietor. " TEKMrf : . ; .rih.Car-.l ma Whig w ill beaffurdcd tomb, rs jl TW'H IX'I.I-Al.'S m alliance; THli I vi: Nl nn'V C ENTS if payment he n,w m.uiih. ami Tlll.KK DOI.I.Ai.fs ,i t" ilu- vear. gvopnper wnl be diseon- ; ,i until ill arrearage are pain, except at the , ,,; ti.t Kli.t'it. ! n-M-semen la inserted al One Pull J r per square , ,' ,.r .i , this sued type) l"r the first inter ' ' i i- c, i,ts Ihr en eh continuance, curt oil .',...,Vn"ts and Slicntl' Suit- charged J5 per, t ; and a deduction of3.J per cent, will ; .re", n the ngul.tr price, lur auvtrttscrsby ; J .r. Aii":w'" "'" ins.rlcd monthly or per square lor each lime. Semi. 1 v 7.1 c. ii t per square for each tunc. . w ! i ti mlinw in tlirtr advertisement in rk il" ii uiiihcr instrliiuit i)cir,-d nr i u.' ii sirlcu until forbid and charged ac. j ! ut'ioritril to act a agent. in i ts: in irs:: uniaTs... I I ..III III" ll-U" OlllpllllJ, A: M uiiijrlnrti $' riUrt: AMI I'Kic I'-s: : IJJ cts. per foot. ." ' .." 15 :, .." n i o ! w 3S fii) " :-2 4 " HKLTS niaiiuf.ictured to order vSM TIM! I'.vrof all f..r water ... ., ,.f ..w., ifd uirrrl ),m i .) ; , ,:uhn,i"fr""l,M' a,ft J. B. F. BOONE, i v- ' - "u c" n .-m. j Iirtp ltdir li:IIOa in 'I'lllir. ; I ffilHr: tuina of rh.iru.lte nnd tur J r i, -.iry .-re .;.iiii reminded tlnttn ,- .).- p n at an lime to rtp.nr nuu I'l- ; .. . utU uU lt llie lleSl ISISftillie IIUllill ii., a j i,ut in th it an old inrtruitn nt .'n l .win, .ii tie i -:..,..rn ..in rovemt in. attached but he i. pr. par. . i i t ...t an olu inslrumeiit hich will jm. : atal cm be m..JS to eiinl a. g.e.11,1 ' .."''. -rt i,'.c, a. tin, ame instrument ever " , , , II ...j mi. ndr kctpinc conaianily nn iiiiJ, ....,,.,., M-:V IMAXiN j - . p.', brili d niaiiii'-ietiiiers in the I'-; r . which Will be soul at aiaolacturer' . .: ,, ,i. I ; ,, . r . . trri-ived in part fray for niw onea, ' r i . ivil . if.. . , :. hi- seeping; constantly nn hand, e. -i- , i -t,iTI ,,t, l nil or to rent. A :..(-, i. ii -V n i u.i r umen' a, and sre dc. ! i - i'. , :,f II. m i- no o have I n III ..,!.,... ii to ai'e ,n this market. II , r ".:.' ali'l Ware K-m at li.e Mu.H .1 i! . , ... ... ot.r the thi... It. II. , ASA GhOKtjL. ! I ,..W'.ia. in, Ifi". 46-1 Jt I . SCf ... . f rp.. . J UiT.-II wie, ita. 1 lll.i lHn 'kt CiA 1 t IN K ii..TMf:XT OF f ;! TK.AS K. , ll.e,e,.,,.,.,g.,illy-n.Yo..,,1 li .. . i, . : ,i i -r, K..el B,e..kiari.; II. M. IT. I TCWARD'S l imi'y Pimg Stint. lieinoval. rit'li: ti-.-i iVr inform In. frien,.. n 1 , ,r 7 - - f . J. t . t he I, .Ml.. VI - .-.. .- .1 i of Mre i l., r'v, . I. - W ... - .... ,. Trade .Ireet. w hi .... s, I,?,, to ti or.ler. in lit. I II. G.'.u-.t Cock. Golden Star. Planter's and Premium ook s rovr.s, i' uti.oi: sroviaS. A -. -. i- . .nil,. 1,1 of I in ami IJiilliii -a are, f. - , I ... ...I -!.,..,. for AI or ("oui. I) II. BYKHLY. 4tf T v It ! Trv It! - 1 ,- ,ei . f:i r hi j - - ,r , t,. wi.r'.l f.r l.iu el.s. ' , . 1 . leal "ly it. I i.'.!:ls bUl-c. HOLVE, i)Vf--Sinlk Dvc-StiiU's ! ! nt S.i ul,.,!! f T u, Kff' t ! il, M ,d ( r , A c, m-iy it- ur- ; i'iurciiAi:lH lhuZ .N(,r, , irm i ( ,er, I ai ni-lics, V;tiiiislies !' A ' '.'.1. ,1 h tin! c. eg til . I, y, Kuril tnre, Ji w.il ...iu -.r I AMI lower! n.it.e. Hv. II. M PBircilAli.J. 1 .. r and .'r.fi Ihufsfl. I. ,-, ( ondilion Powders ! , .v-'''dJ.:;- ; . I . ra ml, rested l Ss'HW K,i " ' ' " pref-ra f. u,.., ' " !. L"l,ng reme-iles la. I.,f., -a .,1" s".,ek. fc.,r ..!e al I i'lilTCHAltDS I It ,, nnd H.t.nl fhg Stnrf, lawis'. I fiasKK. j Cllllg ;llu t-r..ou-, s,IM;,a-9 I .lylt ' 1 in I 11 viili si ,:rr; f.T'f!K. - I HIs'lSON A l.i:i 1)1 (' iMfahrtns cr 1 I i '.:i Hofirjry, Embroideries, fcc . " I 1 1 M KKi I NG STREET, I I . : I K II . I s s I B f a.T, ' !!' I - j., . ' ' ! ill.UMAN l.tllllMJ ftJ-NEWFIKM. TBlHE undersigned lin vinp enlrrrd into Cop.rl. M. nership for llie purport el' carrying on the Confectionary, Kakcrv, Fruit, Retail Grocery Business, Reg leave to coll the attention nf the citizen, of t'harloitj and surrounding country to their New Stundon Trade ft-tret-l, between Breui'. and Frank ehlhnll', at tsprnt & Uaniel'a old Stand, where they would be pleaaed to are all their Iriend ana acquaintance a. WOODY k MSBET. rthruary S, 18jS. 46.ll II. J. 'i!ii;uiis & Co',"'"" nr.it. tins in limn i:i:ii:s, H liOMlVt Ml and Ul: Till., 1 RK unw rtrcivinp a Urv atnrk Mltd wreklv atiditiona aa Ihcir idWti hmv rtijinrc. They will sc!l lu the kh.-J. ...Ic trade tit ill rornfniiiii. r 7Vfinfifr CASH mr COl'lHY PROPITE. cniMrrf M. Ki li DicHKKS nttt'iutci! to promplly srid as lu fc It lft,M itt. II. H. WILLIAMS CO , T'adt Stint, 3 dontt J mm tht Ileal C'emrr. fieWuii. Jun.-X, Icin. 4711 T. II. UliEM & CO. ; WHOLESALE and RETAIL LEALEf.S 1M uiiv coons. f ; A I! I'. HAT S ,V il(I,' (II 4 IS I 4 I' II', . '. Jinii.y. I.-J9. 47if " Variety'Store. I J. Fresh Coiilt'ctionariis, Fruits, I Ac.ac. r"1IK u!..rrit..r r. j- trul'y inform thee.ti. A ol l harlulle and urroiimiig enuniry, ; lhal he haa nn hand SHU is Ci'liaian I ly reei.iVili truiu .Nrw li Confeclicnaries, Fruits, - 'ANt Y.it)n:Hii:s,c if.Aiss TO It. -It CO. SMTP, TOYS, 1 I sa t .'t I I II ! I'll III I'll I Illti: W l II U IKIIIItV llOlti:, V. I.. In. ft. illo'.l tVit-;rni, Clialia, Vtoik."li.iil..tV Itlitt tnjj.-. f vwyn..y. , tiitiip ' " r-is;:. I. S. Ilavii g ,) Ihr ivicrst.1 a nr. I rale B .kcr, 1 in n paitd lo lunn.il aujiei ml t A h h." t( .imrl in-tn c. - - - II lirnfia ! llol !.' An Infith'lUe litmrily for 110 li S IlS . he uf , I,,,,,,,, wln , , 1 Jht ,;, .,,,,. , .y,., II.,,.. P .,,..',u!r, ,ii.g In.ni i. it, ..r limb.. Tii. re. nieoy h ... never ten ai...n l fa, I in ,,r w..r.t ra.ca to give Him., fllatc rejui. r.vrry man wi.n In. l..,r,e aliiuil lay. have tl.la r.e.,pt by tl.rm. The i,,.l,-rial. .l" wli.rli li.e meuieiiie i. e..,,.'...l e n , ,.f,urr,l hV any per. t all lime.. I r tni. r. mrry tail. . I,e .,rn a. 1 .11. r.cl. H e i,.,.ney will U reluNUxt. A . urea, n.e ..I i een.!,,, I.u.imrd , .. V r. .,..... Jt.'II. W . 1AK fc.il. fl' ft. la. ' .7. VJil Country 31erelinnt.s I ftapeetiu ly iniil-fi l. c.llafid a . mine . our wl...l. aaic hfiinul' fiiacf IMI and M h 1 1 1 . IM-S put Jj. II. ae .'Vie I., i.r.i. r, hy I l'lillt HAIU), I lawis's I oimi. Tttlh out! ar .SyringfH, I 'ST received a I VHIH II UtO'S. thi: iaiYi:it i Hi () HAT OI'.! ea'i'iKKti nr PR nirnmi. romponnrled rntirrlr from (.IMS, IS OVK i.r TIIK BT I'l K.MTIVK SSI, I tVIK III. V. .... ....... ,1 .-,M e D..I an. a. .!..,..,..-. Ha l.lvrr H if O" ri.-l"-l r...la,ara ot rt-. h ....1 H M -;.'-re ISe'i. ...-...: Jj, ij he, - l''ilM r.rt f tfir ! - HI Inns nllarV, a , ra.rf! .. ,,. r, ,.r. S...I..I. ... .... Liter l.is Isolator. a, ..I. what I. 1 1. pf.ritt rwleHt 1 t.-tm tieas Url I v. i,itf IJltsrFttti II.Kflaehe. ....".. .'. saw . .... i ..iV, M;''.V""";;"r,V' i V,i",""'- . ., ., ,..,,. ,4 a., . r,: ....,... hi.ii.le lllar- f..,,.,.l,r,,,,il J tune. IMIl'l'oer, Krvera .1111- , I. HI. lip. ! . M.a-.a. Sll ii. r 11 are iililii" tin Ir imaiiliiian. Ie.,1........ !..,, rr 'lit VS aler Ii, Hie vtltl, flit Intl- ufor. M.,.1 at.all.it. I.t.l I, It.u flier. THB I.IVER INVJOORATOR W l,..l. slilr Sii.iil. F, SCARlt k CO.. ( hml'itlr, .V. C. Jtt'MlS ' Ihr ll,l,l,ttl,l Y, Willi. FOR SALE H EKK rr. BE A WOU. U, Oi I'te heard gt title ntotdi r, Ai ttia twilipht hour briin, rieudiiig Willi a iub, iff duly,, I'rf inj him t tw a mn. But unto her Mtie eyed da iijlitrp. Though with loc' wopila quite a rrndy Tointa vlic out Itna otlu-r duly, Sstrir( my deiir, to be lady." Wlmt'a a t.u!y 7 In i( toincthinr of (iotf, im1 B'lka, and sin, I'ard to dr(orale (he prtnr. Like the t'aacj ruga end chain T la it one ho wftta tm nvel Evtrv fttliittT lli-.t la liuuiu? If (n tiua to t.c U!y, 1 1 . itut thia to bti i Mciiher, lli(-nt unto your daugMrr, iSfitraa nl uilnethMig higher, jr. Than lo be mere f"., . I . - t ' l.dy Wi-in til," te the Unifl.ter itar. Ii ye, in yur atronf htf.'ettnn, C'tg y.ur ami lu be a Ii uc man, t'rt'e jtur daughter no lt- atrung-y Ta arire and be a woman. Via. a w..n a,i l.nKl Ir.t mo.lfl Ol' tliai Inch and prr ct liriuly, NVl.iip thi- niind, ami ul, utai la iiy, lllcml li wi.rk cm I lilt 'a real Out Jlc a Wfiinifi mine-lit la hi;tnr ( In llie ihti ht nl (Jin, ; On Ilia eiila!.(Mlr lftll- "i'ntrc'a no brtgitlrr, huiur name. llf a Wnninn nn In duty, U-l.i- the world Irmii all llint'a li.w, IM ee nigh in the aoctal hravrii Virlur'a f.ir and fa.lunl laiw. LmO In; influi-nes In eueli . fl il. That ahatf raiae our imfurt'i liuiiisn He mil r.fhirn'i jililr.l ...'y. He a brave whole aaltd true wen Bliscrllanrons. I'rwn Ltft Illustrated. HOUR IN THE 1MIAD LKTTKll OFFICE. , Washington, D C. Feb. ! AN The I'ead Letter t.'IFce ! A'ae, what a Uiaitroleutii of perished hopes and chilled memories is eon prehonded in tliee three little woids! How n.atiy eager hearts are looking and lotiin for r-oine token of an- saer to the loving mi.sivea that lie in heaps, with teala unbroken ami pages unpenned, .j. g0., ,, i,aby's hair'' within those iuaive walla at Wa-hingtonl u ;ou,,, u Vju , ,ttl .,,,, ,0 c,fu;,0 There were the thoughts that came In my tie ,,,,,, riu inci sure, w drrpptd fr, m mind, as I stood in the Dead Letter Cir.ce, tlC varioue litters winch Were opened dur that bright wintry morning, wiili the yellow ;, 0 ,.!rt 0f t-llt0 t ,lr,0, tl. re. atineL-Ine playing on the maible floors, and i;;,. 0f rainbow rolortd riik, ei,t lor " p .t gilding the gray locks of the old men, who t, rus," tiny uiu-',iu co'ilafa, nefper para were bu-ied iu opr. niiig the ded btters. graj. In, bank-bills, go'j cards, e arf ly writ- We bad been fort anate enough to procure ten inc-'age j from little ou-a al borne, m Us the rntir of this plaen through tpeciai favor bands wire guided by insiber or MMi r, so and influence, although, as a general thing, that the absent father, rou-in, or brother, no vi-itors are admitted. It was a large, lijjbt rrun, with two or three de,.k, it whb-'i were seated aged official in iiet.t occupa tion among literal drafts of letters. The re lined on eery side with huge mail-sack which had been returned fi';l of unclaimed ep' .ties, from myriads cfpo-t offi ces ; there mibt have been fifty or a hun dred of these sacks, and each, probably, con lained thousands on thousands o( bitters! " How rapidly you di-pose of them !" said I, watching the lightning speed with which the clerks tore open the rpisl'es, glanced o ver them to see that no draft, checks or o thcr important documents were inclosed, and threw them upon an inuuen.se heap of optu ed letters at their feet. " It is all in habit, ma'am," said the gen- ! tleman nearest me. " We are acruslomcd to jopeu a certain number dai'y, and to those j who do not uiider-taiid the expedition and ' accuracy with which we woik, it would seem 'almost incredible." As he spoke, a tiny gold ring rolled from ' j the fold of roe tinted letter, whose pages were evidei'lly written over by a delicain female hand. " A child'! ring," l e said, taking it up J " would you like to look at il, tna'ani !" I took it in my hand it was a fairy or- M-iiueiiily, f .,i,. it. way here, and ad, clct of virgin gold, with tho words, " Mary, ' go, rreot j ,0 of a young man, which had to E. V.," engraved within and I wander- Keen cracked across the noe, and wrathful ed who the " Mary " was, and whether the ; ,,,,,, ,(.' 1(T ,!I1C f4;r Jau,,d with whom little " E. V." who nevsr received the tiny larn lled. gift, was dead or living. j We a.ked the Po-tma-tcr G.-n, ral, to Meanwhile the clerk had been taking a vihr.m we were intiodue, d, how it happened rapid note of the signature, direction, ele. ; t,at ,1; ,1U Cii'ii''fs of the ! ad Lctli r "What wnl you do with it: 1 etopiircd returning the ring to hi care. "We lay all auch things aside, in case they should be called for." " And are they often redeemed !" " Not often not once in a hundred in stances," be replied, taking a little gold dol lar from Lenetith the seal of another letter, aud laying it carefully on the desk. We Mood in silence, regarding the pil I of j opened letters, which was growing higher i with every uionient. It i a etrange iimd- by of style and baud writing. Some were mtt;wi f tlu ,iu,bcr of seer, ts they would i 0f nlapJ, gtleui,.n here he fa-re il was pub inscribed on huge i.heols of fooKcnp, in a ; f,.rr,.t out of the dead letters." j i,hed in its regular order iu the rffieial pro rnatmer that conveyed the impression to! a,e w.-ro so iiidi.'iiant at thi horrible and J ceedings in the Globe. But all this is catch your mind that the writer, must have gra-p- lerM c,,iawn ,hal w. a-ked no further j jff Zt rXl , ed bis pen with both hands, and gone at the I q..tiona, but took our leave, much gratified I ljt,,er ilQ jcf, oul j fliuvuu of thia paper as he would dig a spado info the eailh, j(h 0i,r novel and interesting experience in I k;nd I expect to gain nothing by such. nd folded with a disregard to all gometri. al precision ; other, again, were dainti written on colored iiwua paper, tnd tame wcra i, tl..t ey flowing hand th, be- cjieok cDiTgy d refmciaent of character iu the cll'grnprier. " Oh, bow I should like to rend thcee la teral" uiJ I involuntarily The official aniiled. "That i what all the ladies aay. It would ba nlmopt imposiiibla to preserve our charge ftoin tb euriositr of the female ttt x, if lortunatnly our rule did .-.. ... from .. .!!.,. ." ... , J ... out. uo jo m.v-r n : "ievec, anleaatyy very important, nr nni.;n ;nnt...... r i. ..it we ea. do to W, p up with the arrival of the , -i , , , . - -.. uiiiiiiri jii i lie U"ai irrcuuiii ui pjt,.n,ai . - r iteail mails not?. If we were to read one let- tie iteiitleiiian from New York, (Mr. Good- ! priiici-ii. But upoti that particular aubject 1 Proceed to farm a constitution, and in ter in a hundred, we should be Unifnlabiy win. who was Itwi'i'ii Mr, (iiildinia and J think I have been beard enough; and I ! 'he formation of thin new eoin-titutiun they behind hand - ber-ides the privaei of these letter, i. a point of honor, ith us. We hive no more right to read them here, nnle it is neeeanrj, than to pry into any pefaonal sec rets. I Here one of the clerks leaned cer and handed our companion a tiny package. ! " From one of the tetters," be aaid ;' I j thought the lady might t e ititereited in it." , ... , .:,,- r,,rl nf ifolilf.,, ti i ii.t ! with a bit of pink ribbon, ind wrapped in a piere of piper, on wLicb was written " Ba- . by 'a hair V j I kn-w the hUlory of the b tier in fin ii ! slant, tho' I had never looked on its fu!J jl couii see the fair your,? i.ntber parm.g lho funny tres from the infant head, and I placing it with half a smile and half a tear, 1 wiihin'the el is, Iv writt. n nar-r that wis to ith-n the Xl "nt ' Pa8e h' " gla.I the heart of the far-away hu-band And he never received the b-tler. I'ubaps he died umler the mighty "hadiw of Sierra Nevada : perhaps tic farf of iom.' Mi--is-aippi valley lay cold and cl ue oo hi pul-e-lfs-i 'jeart, while she, tiie faithful wife, was growing more ad, lev. hopeful with every day that brought no answering word. "I could not bear that the bright curl ..ij u ,i,rown crrle-s!y among the boat 0f ..tlCr, ; it seemed like dccr.iioo. ,, Mlv k,.,.p ,,t. !utk ?- rcr.,;l(1 jf vou 1;k t. " And I pUcd itcir,fuly !n my reticle, with tender bands. I know t:-)t where the sorroninj vounr.' mother bear: is breaking, j,,. i ,i. i Main I am that there i,v an invisible bond of sympathy between her ou nijnet cl,.p i j,, , Iilik of cur;il. might have a !i::k- li-tti r and iBiiuiiiera ot ! r afTecting rel'.c. ' Where d ) all ih.se Idler go when th'-y have beei.or.er..I an leva.,., ..-.I 'Arc lliev burned: ' Ni; that Wsji fornier'y tbecu-t jiu, bow. ever. We used lo malt ureal bMittirea oi tin tn, but i-irle frcnt the facts, that bit wt.tten p.-.pi r would alwiyae-cspe from flaiiiis, iliur, destroying ail privacy in the letters, it was found that many people made it a huiiifs to seek among the asl.es for the gold, jcvarls, ilull ,rs, ele , which often t.espe our tiotice here, and go out in the opened b iter. So now I'm y are ail sent la a paper nn. I and manufactured a- writing paper.'' Wepasrid into another room, where were many mem. ntoe, of the good old daya be. (,itl. the laws e.f-pr, pajlt, po-tage went iu- t, ( ff 1 here were two or three bugo stones which bad 1-, ei t for " a j-.ke," in voiving an immense amount of p -t age to b, 'paid by some unfortunate, who luckily no xft received the ponder , us packagesa gi ganlie rag baby, said to have been sent lo .incrrnr f-.ced old maid a neatly ma nufactured night ep, w l,icb koine indignant old bachelor nsme not recoidcd refused iu higli dudgeon to riceive, and which oon- (:fTu. KPru r,y lii,ed old men 1, ., , 1; , ,- . . i'l B-caiisc ihey have more dlscreti , ti, and ; ' less cuiiusity," be laid, smiling. " "S-' er men Could not be depended upon; they would probably rea'l the letters oftener." 1 ' s.,.,1 t.1,1, .Inn't von fimlnv U.lic.' I am sure they could discharge the duticaad-i Uiirably ?'' " Indeed," said the Postmaster ( rnj.diir vously, " I am afraid their curiosity j would be so extreme that the department d fall into inextricable coutu-ion to say ; ,ilf, i ,..,! tJ(.ticr Office at Warbington. ( Mns. G W. Wvt.i.vri. Pf irONAL EXriANATlO.V, gpEECH 0F JJOW, JOHM A. GILE1ER. 'F NORTH CAROLINA. In the Home of HrjnrtmMicei, May 31, The II )iiie being in the Committee of the Whole on the atate of the Union Mr r.TI.MI.-R .;,! , Mr. Chairman i There norm to be Rome i indication of a disposition to deal with hie i i l 1 1 ? . j ,t 1 ' v- ,n"eM "rt"- lho P1"161 1'ieMiona under conaidera - j tion, thru.ta and attaeka are made ml Iiidhu i ,, to da n.e Uarm. I'oiuta out of the or- dinnry naop, art made and my eollcague aeriiisto ln-ltt upon them a thouua aouie- TWlllTtVlr myelf, nd I would be j;lad if he would " " "I" Lesri"K 01 l"e "ouse- took puce between u'. Jr. ATKINS. I object, a. objection m made on this nJe of the Mouse juit ho un der aimilnr circuniitances. iSetera) .Ma.Mi.mn. It was withdrawn. Mr vi kl Tl , ,, I ,1..-,.).. 'jeefion Mr. COODWIN. Mr. Chairman Ml . i I l,M Mil. My frirods Kay they think holly uiiiieeeary lo iutroduee any teixti- jm J Well, 1 a:n perf.etly lint be r-li'iuid nialie bis Mateinenl. j ?ir. 'it " .U l. 1 w.il ray that 1 li in my onu neut ut the time, (Mr. tioodwiu' rat ii lu ll but one lJ the seat occupied by and belwei o it and the Mr l,i,i,j., fl,)0d in the ai-le by the side of my de-It ; and that there r one more lk between Mr. tinnier a ami my Mr- l'"iJ'")-"' "od here by the side of my .w.k and shook hi- bauds at Mr. Gilmer, and ljJ ., j do fco, lb,k ym fr connecting my name will, that ol .Mr. Ihirhsnan. 'Ihstw.s all he said; and then be p'-ed along He did not lake Mr. Gilmer by the band.. IU was i,ot withir. reach of bis bmida My colleague, Mr. Andrews. J aim y me, was here at the tune. Mr. ANMiKVS. My r. c .i.ectinii of what oeeurrefl corrc-poiuls wil eo;ier.ii Ins i it tated. Kb -at Mr "BINGHAM. I take the liberty of sayiiif that I beleive the geMleinsii from North Carolina Mr. Shaw w as present when my colleague, Mr. Giddii,-;. in his hear- nnd in the bearing of the llou that bo never congratulated Mr. Gilmer on that occasion, or on any other, about his speech; aud I submit to the Iba-c audio luu country if, afiei I leaiiii that statement cf m euiieaguc. it is not, to -ay the least "l" II, a (If psriitrc from ihore role, which ordi. narily eovern geiillemn, f ir the gentleman from North t'aroiina. in the absence of my c.iiieague, to raise a ,uetien of ver.arity wnh li i in , e-pccia.ly on a sun cl what hu kiiiiws not hi in,' about Mr t.H.MKl: I think I r,c, ", et .,i ibis geialeinan from Ohio Mr. (YiJ some white near me al the lime If he i- in ill House I rhould be clad to bear his tecolk-c tiou of what occurred. " .Mr. t'NBKUWtMJU. I trust that if the c,'nini!t!ce has no in. re imp jrl ,tit bu ines JM,n,liiint ; and then the vote would have than thi", we shall ri-e. 1 ) between the two protositi mi. as I have Mr GILMK.lt. Well, I will let that pas, Mr. Chairman, I am not poing to inflict a ; But T rleire toaay no mare upon that i"ih speech upO', llie committee very lar fi.'tu jrrt, 1 understand the greater poition of the II. I mil sitiiply stale that when I made my ri,t.cl, 0f ,y colleague, of Ike ,.,llb of April, speed, upon this sut.j. ct of Kansas and I.e.- t,, J,e t , ,, f the doctrine cutair.'i in ronipto'n, I in d, as far as i eoiiiil, (ai,l I ' icceeilecl.) at maainr; a spurn in lieh tlieie were no ofl. Iisive pcr-final al- l.i ion. , arve.eh ibal I ct.nceive. was, ae- ptal;,! t) most southirn geiiiicin. n, ani the rv ative p.- nun from ihril f Nonli. My colleague, Mr. Shaw. twenty thereafter, in my absence, made a re. fly f, i it: and I submit to 1.'- osn pood and I submit I.) the ihii. of the Inittee, and ta all fiO may have read Ins spo-eli, w hi ther, instead of ausweiing the views which I had te-pcctfuliy submitted la li,..' cuiisi'leraiiuu of ma House and tlm country, without off-me D any one, he did Hot ill his spt-i-ch reply to the ml hum t nrw , as if my having d ine this or that, having belli, d a poor Irishman, eir listing voted Ibis way in lho L-gisUlnre of North Caro lina, bad anvtliing to do with the reat iu, lhal were then before nd il tiiy c-iieag.ie, having thus alt inpted hy a speech to a Heel me politically, in the esti liialioii ol In)' constituents, has foun I, fioin my reply, that he bar gained inithinc by it, but nn the contrary, that he is about 10 io-a by it, I would simply say, here, with ail good humor, and will, ail re-pect, that I do not think it becomes him to .-et into this fever, thi cxcileiucnt, tills fury , this evident - .1: .;...;.. - f..- I .,.,. my col' ague that I atu down .ill, 1.0 such comr l .int. I ..ae, now, to a .v a word or two in ie- . . ii..;' ... I ..,,. I, in reply to him having been delivered oil Monday evening. My colleague may be as-1 nred that aae-.ily as a week ago I div inglil. af'er it was determined .1 TV. I nn (Lr-lnml, that we were lo hold evening ses- 10ns for debate, I was then ready to pro eed, hul coul i not, by the House refusing ti go iiit-i cuinuiillee, for which refusal he voted. I walled till Saturday evening, alien ! obtained lie 0 oor ; uui u. my t ; mi-.-uf . . 1 .. .11 ,lm,k, Mii further, until Mouby evening, ,,,, rIlU. luitio-e if giving li i til an! pp irtuii..;' to b receive the tiotic here. He savs hu did c eded. With re nil,,f ,,v .,.,,..., , ', ,he Globe, that it I occupied its regular place in the proceed lieral.i jugs, and appeared at the earll-t pisaible moineut. But such w as my anxiety to p ub- lisb it that I bad it piinted elsewhere ,al my own expense id if it did not fall into the , , f ..ollcaoiie. it was in llie band I think my colleague will find that the pro ir;. of North Carolina, before w hom we have both ti anpear, will take Tery littk' notice of tbft!e atiiall matters. My eoH'cagtir; it woulit g:t mo in to omo cotitrovpr'i'tb the venerable pctilleninn frctn MissiSwfpi, Mr. Quitman j ' In that I truht ho will be disappoiufed ; for 1 siJ lliro. a 1 ''" otlen ."n"i . '''.r"4" xniiiemnn iroin .n.., . hurl murl m.rl vxiiflrntpil him Si much : , (, .,mlllir.tannfl it haa been ! ' ,,, rr(,iri tfimako mupp the oomuicnoetni nt y ' . of this t'otigre-n. He mny get htm moiuen- 1 eari j,t0 a0lne txci,cm,.t,t, which, on re- fl,.ctioni I am Mlre BOou piaa away. II ; ,lprcliod my ,iew, as t0 how thor-o who : dirtd to have the Green amrmliwent .,r;,bn ,,, ., .,. s,.., , n.mt.l l.ne; ' TTr t 'V ""V" ' ibink f hrive I n heard in such a maiiiiur ihat mv people, at leant, and all North Caro- lina, will be' well aaiiafied with the bi-tory and eir.Iunation whieh I have given of that aubj.rt'. Was the nmendmeht of the ven- erable gentlt-innn from Miai-ippi o atrike out thet.'reen ainendineiit, lt us see?. First, e had the .S iiate bill. The first amendment was to Mrike out the Senate bill and i'l.rrt in beu thereof the Criueu.lt-n- Moiiirfomery .intiidment. Whnt m the am.-mimeiit r,f the gentleman fro.ri Missis- ippi : It was t. suhstitutn his ameiiuiiient lor both ;he Senate bill and the Crittm.den hill to throw i he Crittenden bill entirely i ,j,Jt ' 0f t Had it i een written out, no mention tireen ametidinent would appear in it. It was a substitute both for the reiiat (ill and for the Crittenden-Montgomery bill. In bi amendment. I repeat, nothing would be said about the Green amendment. r-ur po-e it wr-ltcno.it. Whit was the vole? ) ,o preferred the adjustment of the ,,;,,,. by means of the Cnilenden-Moiit- ' (.r-rarry .mcdment, and were oppoa-,1 to the Green amendment, to support the gait- , .,Pridit.eiit would have had to vote ..,., ,heir own favotite bill, in order to ,e cot at lbs Green arnendmeiil. lu my r,,,lv aikcd ,y th moiion was not mane Hmtilv to strike out the tireen amendment foui the Senate bill ! l o this no answer is jiiien. My guc doos not doubt, in) jr.t made t .trike out the Green amri.d- msn iloul. ts if the atnen.lm. lit had be, u m-i.t fto, the Senate bill, that motion would bare h-en successful Then what wo.,M have been th,. n. t vole! It would have been a vote decidins between the r,jtti,ndeii-Mont'roiiicrv bill on the one rid n,,, ,lC Senate bill, thus stripped of the lirn amendment, upon the riih.-r nd 'hni tin, t'enlletfian from Kentyekv M.r. Mar?li.iH brnii'.-lit that fact to their atien- ,iB( ,, . ud ibl tfn previous ,.iril"n ,i)U, ,f will, drawn, that thi uiotion might ) r,t he made, so as to place all in their true an, proper position, why did not mv r.il- .. .1 .1 f Ail.rn I, ..... , wl,") wafied I he Gre. tt amendment t n,-k,n ' ' '' "f admission. He is ad oji vield to him, thai the ., lion might be reported ")" c dkague a spech, but be sul iniiled in th ,1 si, ,pe. Nothing could be i did not ray that gained eff, etualiv in puttinz the motion ... j -Mr. ILM KU 1 cannot vudd. My pur ,h. .1,,,,. ;.. .I.i.'.h ,i ... mil " and cverv- 1 P0" 'J my colleague hy his ou as- lhii. could le eained bv Pulti.i' it in the!1"""1 !-, n 1 the opinion of Seuator aimt ic. i.l-in share of Mrikini! out the Green rxeculive Lecoinptoii incssaue. In r- i),.r that there shoiild be no : llicult r upon . that uueslion. I nuoted the very identic ,1 ,..i . , .... ;.. l,, ,,. ,.a mith tuhii'h I fotind fault ami difehtcd Irmn, and upon w iiicli I', ... ..I, I fnr ir.'sii-itiim j the eiecit.ve me.-.ge giving nieaumg.J01 '"'" 11 lne '"--arns sees : f.,rce, aud , fl. ct, to this Green aiueu'linci.t. i I h.e,. ,., ,1,,, ,,,,1 heard mv co ea-ue li-titictlv and really; 1 do not understand to day whether I approves of that djctrine ! ca7' ,- . , , or not; though, if I have heard and under-1 I mention this to n.y calleague to shoiv stood hi.n corrcc.lv, he savs he do Lot ap- , "'0'; t point out de.ect,, ami prove of that portion of the' Ullage. The " .1 "'b"-1 " f fi Jlu . I auhn.it with great deference, that my c-M-l, ,,e t"t- l- T'"? 'Ie of the league on -hi to have let my argument on h-norabie N-uat.r Iron, Mis,Hpp,, Mr. tl,at subject pa I ,,.!f ar r,,,.,! f, with his approval, and bin,- lahat it eaii.-t i hat doctrine ; of the ' President ; '"- ,,ot n3ve devoted himself so entirely to other mailers in tl ill I made, and matters foreign, 111, I to which 1,0 aiiu-iou had been made by Inc. One word now as to the v ,te which bo aid 1 gave in the Senate of North Carolina. I de-ire that what be fjUoleS and staled as lo the provisions of the constitution of North Carolina, there will be found I conceive, a ; try maleri liff.-rance between bis ouota- ,r... nnd the rou' lit'.tion itself We nil a convetilion to amend tbu cou-tiliiii on of, v ...1. !:... ;.. 1 f, I, ... bv : ending 8ct, the people being first eon - I suited. Th. V declared in favor of a eon- i v ctiuti, and delegates were elected. Amend. ... . . 1 . 1 ,1,,,, ,..,,. ,;- ,,,,1 ' the people ratilb d their action. I thai conn, c'ion, the committee report siibsiance thai 'no coiivetio,i aho ild ed I , 1 .i,.,.,,.,,,,, Jl,,,,,, cording to ll,e register of the deflates of tho ' e.miiiUiiii went made of the nhra.eologV of the draft of the constitutional a int, ! iin-iit hr-t proposed, as ta calling convention in the future. Wbcicupon eve 1 .-. u i.. convi-i.i on in me iiiiure. iici i-nmni ev c- . , , iu, ,,u.,.,,F. in- the lan.'ua re as to the call n a eonve to the call nl a eonveu - rioi.1wali,alc-lh..fir.tdrafibeiiig,iiisl,-,ll''"',lv. , . . s.ance " tl no convention should be called, j hTt0 ,COnf'r- ""l'ef-. etc. I t by the concurring vote of two thirds I ' legislate for th best interest, ot my of both iio,.-cs." The amendment ii.a.le,;"''?", 1 "' Kr" v "T this sec.ioi, read in sub-lance, " no enven- "h I thht would be best for the North t.on shall b called Ay th l.--t,l;l,t,r. ex- ! ' or the . south, beat for the List, and cent by the concurring vote of two thirds of both Houses." Ac. This amendment ''i"-'i , i,lc explained more fully by the debate inautaiii a- I conceive all, the view 1 have ever iiiaint.iiued for the power of the people of Nuilh Carolma over tbvir constitution. But how doea any difference of opinion on thi sustain my colleague J Pid 1 ever talk of sustaining tho dootrino that, in a new Statu, or in an old Slate, a Convention, called in one way or tho other, could fairly give the Legislature the power to make a di crimination betweeu property! I never did at any lime. I never maintained tho doctrine that a' cbnVeKtfon can justly give rhc Legislature power to give security to' ono xpecica of property id" preference to au-other--never. All this, however, wore fully erjilained before. A word now about the eijshty millions of public laudi. The faults Inch I found with my colleague's cpccph was, Mlttt ho stiitedf that I voted awt the rieCcssary provinions to protuct the Government, in her rivht in the publio lands within-Me eonftueir of Kun sas, wiib'Dut notieing the futf that the annie safeguards were contained in the Crittcnden Moutgomery bill that were in the Seaato bill. I omlerstBiid tny coliear;ue nrrw to say fVat hn vrn imminilejrstood ; "Unit wlral b ! Z ."'. .V '.oTZ U rZH an 'ight claim a right to thea0 lin.H, that wf.)d b effectual agaiurt the titlo of the l:niied SiUte Now, let me ttfrew ho erroneous fTn rM,l;n" AH Congress can do la to put a proper r.ifegunrd ii.M the bill on wbict the "Slate U to be admittod. .Suppone, fop instance, that .Minuen Ua, or any oilier Sitato having public lands iih'u it, cornea into the ,;"'" 'th proper provi.ious in the act of adiuisston na lo tbu right of the L'uitcd -"'tales in the public domain, and afterward rr-jr v....fc. ...... cou.tituuon ami put iu a Cause Ureiaring thut all ibo publio laud witlnu its b-rder suoniu te iria property oi tuu oiatu ; now would this affect the Government title ? Tho po-iti'jii of my colleague is, if I uuder-tand linn, ili.it, a aubsciUi'Ut alteration ot llie State cou-timtioii con Ul take away tiie title of the Cnilcd States to the publio lauds in that Slat, when express provision agaitiat i ' 'he adti.iiliug act if the adu.i.,.iou afterwards lJU,d be by procUuna,.,,,,,. But, I pre.ented the view of the gentleman .n-iipi, l-'naior i-avis.j aim .inoicu from his Idler My colleague lumt admit ' --tt- prop-riy. Il d-clarts, in sub- stance, unit unle.s you provide in the act of ion proper sjfeuarda as to the title of the l i.ii.'l Slates to the publiu lands in a State, the Geueral Goveriiini Dt braea its control over those public lau ls But my colleague nics uiMaiiii, n souiei uing eiau 10 Prt out ot that ditheulty i and says the ten e-ly is e intniiieU in the t-naniitig act. I read lho views and po-moi. of the Senator f'"nl Mi-i-.ip pi, and shawed that they must " provnieu I ,r. Mr SHAW, of North Carolina. Mr. Chair man Mr GILMER. My colleague would not cite ml ibis courtesy t) ine, aui I canuut Mr. hll.VW, of North Crollna. I on'y i-h lo interrupt my colleague to correct him in his i tat. mi nt. The S.-natir from Mi-sisrlppi did not say that, lie did not ) toe conoiitJii iiieceneiii. iiiu.-i w con- L'au-i. 1 un.ler-tauil my colleague uow t. say, that what he meant by the remark in his opening speech, that I had not becu laithlul again-t alien suffrage, con-istud in I liia : that the inhabitant or citiieiis of Kan sas might, uuoer the Critt. udeu-Montgomery bill, for which I voted, in ctae they voted down the Lecompton constiiutijn, make a hew one, in which they migjit tole rate alien suffrage. Now let me eisutiiia Ui . positiou for a nioinenl. What more Call t ongress .10 10 provi ide aafDL'Uarua j -r- - . ! ulragc than to guard asaiu-t 11 in ttio act 1 1" 'r- 1 ca" , . . , , 'iiii-i',iin-i'.' "..j 1 j "r ms 10 lauur mm, wjtn j "liiJ 1 ein.cii ine argument oil ...s posit on, 111 1 "' 1 u" -o,', "" nesota without a provision proteciiii thii l'uitcd S'aies in her rights lo the public do main within the confines of that tie State. Very different, iu truth, if there be any thing I'l hts mi tt 0!tlt JH ussume.l tii.tiu.it tw. I am free to admit that my great objection to the admission of Minnesota was the alien universal suffrage which her constitution tolerates, and which is not denied. M y colleague is down upon me 'oat my farmer views as to the admission of Kansas with the Lccoiiiptoii constitution ; talks fiigiuaticaiiy , ana cnarg,. more man l re- collect do not recollect about the can- - do "h however, that previous to my cotutng to tongress 1 drl entertain 1 and express diffeieut views in relation t Kansas nnd leeomptoii to tho-e I tonued and acted upon after investigating and be- loiiiing laiiilli.ir Willi llie whole laeis. ins 1 '" '. had I not become well satis- ,',ilt acious il.tlieullies would likely, "-i..A, i,d vtthuul fun, or hrmfl till trcitim, arise to tbu peaoM and quiet of 1 llie 1 nion. 1 woutu nave ure-u as ir.. . ,un - i ... . , as anxious as any other to admit Kansas I """ ",u " - '. , . . 1 ' investigation of the subject ao far as I con id, I touud thing very different and came liouesily to the conclusion, without any reference to any n-clion of this country, that a bill containing the provi-iuns auch as the bill I have ud located aud sustained, was beat calculated to quiet the country finally and forever. I gave it my hand, I gave it my cordial and hotn st support. Mr. SilAW, of North Carolina. Will my colleague permit me lo ask him a qjes. ti.ui! Mr. GILMER, My ejlU-sg ie will rocol-