m-nrrmrrTiBMeiM iiii 1 11 111 mi nm wn rrmiia"-1 -tiamiai iai . mi ISSruMj: THE Dl'TY Of" (),-tt NFxf I.KfilSLATl'BR. When parties are nearly balanced, it is A-Lul to neltlo euoU questions m int., rJiaiOUH w " . i ...t,..n one party and cive preponderanco . the other. In our Uxt Leoislaturo, tho limocratio part, havo a majority lar.ro h to remove the fear of becoming too ing which b;.'e" 'a T,olstion of our Constitution, lhe Up- t:on is alaO 10 weuk iu D'JIJiI CM tbut it Hiot be hurt I, .endin, Uek to lb. Peo - rc ucb claimant as may navo dccd uticon-1 cn , j,, , trj t(:mi and jui)g0 fr ihcmn lvea, ttitutionslly elected to that body. No bet-1 ri'ftprclively. er time tb'an the presrut ibirefore, to ct- K..'d hy Druirrintiicu rvKhere.mirl l.y HOSTKT- 1 . by precedent, which will hereafter LoiTKR i SMITH, 8..l Prnprietur, W.t.r mid .'..oetod ueh conbtitutionol questions an ! ,'r"l filtsliurgli.-iid l.y II. M. I'rinli. rijpeciou, nu ,. . ... P, .. i aril, (.'liarliiltr. N. ('. may arise, regnruiug iu v,.K,uui. , , 11. cle of our Amended Ckinstitution is this, 'No person wbo ulial! hol.l any office or nlane of trust or profit utder the United Stall's or any department thereof, or under iliis State, or a ny other State or government, pliall hold or I'lercine any other ofliee, or nine of trust or piofit, under the authority !,!' (bis .Slate, or 1 e vlipihlu to a aeat iu cither lnu.se of the Ueneral AKfeinlily : 1'rovUuU, ,!.. notlliui; hereto COtitailieU shall rateu'l It ofliei'ra iu the m'iitia, or to juiticea of the it M a gu" ""'o s B.e u... v. Tb Ucwoerwy c.-uV nun vj iv ii. 19 atron. Tka Whig auJ American party famv)tb hurttiy k it rs so weak. Let loth rarties, tbi-n, unilo patriotically, and uU this ma ter forever. If thero are ,' . 0f eitb-r party, ko have Ueuchoteu men, oi em. ji n seat ill th' LeJt-ltir., hemjr contit. 11 K ' . e i i . i . i i i tioualif dtsiualihed, let npht be done, and a salutary example be set for tho future. If it be deetred espedieot to institute an in- oairf into all the cases of tttxriaKSed mem- qjirj n J ' I bur.hip, becmae tha tit leM-atm., may con- too much time lot at UaM the rule in ...meooe eas le established, as agutde ami pre-edent koreafter. Ou otker matter, anJ we havo done lb I'enioatic party is nrjreiy in tu eenUJUi nero no" - I. w affjrd to placi thnr Lest men iu oilice We a-k nothing for ours.-lres If , we do ; a-k modeatlT and deferentially, but in all , .tnc'eri.T.tk.ttbo, would noh4erdi.Kr.cc t:,e.tst! in wbico e all have an interest j an l pride, by appointing to high and re- ! .;..):,. hie offices incompetent men men who nsve neither ahilitT, reputation, not eieu . f r ' "ii.i.ei. .i.., ... r, j ration on tbii subject. Hot every true- . i hearted eitiieu of the good old State lui j l.-.l fiu-g to biu-b and hang Lit head in . 1 Knuii-, -ben he a-ie ei of honor, once R! ti. -! tit our best til greatest nu n. now i . f . .., . . . . ., . t k,,,r,c.t iort Let us bale men a', lea-t in ! f"" "T,"'' "" "''"f ,"' " '" f VI K net Scion will cciumrnre on Wmn...1 G. A CO.cfler at low pric f..r enal- and ' "lained .istwlure. lncs, who bare cra.led up to ofitce by U f.-t, ,. .... . V a, the It.c,,,, p..u ..,,,. ; Ii I. i N K and A1 ' OL N I hv s K s, l(. a ,i,i and' 3 Jo ler (Vertiea;.) 15 inch. i,,,,. ter. .. ttea-is it were a shame to apeak ot. The !"' r c.rou. t seeing th-r. . Mil. t. 'I FltMS I 1 .11 SKvslON. Miuorandum H'S'ss, PAPKH OF Al L ki.NDS. 3 R her. (Urt.ral.) U .i.cn. ,-, tor. ... ; I'cmpcraey of North Carolina cumber ! p,"' ,"". ' """-'I "-""S-r.ter.iiiy i t. , n,, tntijtt,e wig. frl. light., and .t C.rculars, Bill ileal.. Ac. -, g and t''", "" TnH-ut - k-rra, meo iu it, ranks-men who are re- j '""""Z ' ' . I' .M.'..r ... ! "V!- ".c'.,"..rr "'" ... ' ",h"'? ' r'V.li ,'"9"" r' '"-,-'l a K ler! vi' !! 5 ,"c I.' Uwl t!" -jis'i uj mi ji....- .s uu.... ... .. -i.v.,1,,,, Mnct:y t ao jid he respected and bonired. E' t them , , rei ig.t o. ts I I, ! oir public otficea, aud Cleti the Ojpo.i- , de,M...i. Fr.M I ti '0 wiii Li satisfied, and yrscef illy submit c"" J'",". . t. their late defeat Our friends, the I.--: f tnoersts, might give is thi' erumh of con ; sittnn, and feel batter and prouder them tn tin!. Iltgultr, The Sr. Gill ami tns TgLHHAi'it CaiiLE A yery nuriom inct'lertt oecurred in ti the paying out comiuer.ced in mid cfm. lhe tpiica bad been made, and thf c 't ie was beiui lower 1 over the sterns of , tic tcsih-is, when a little b.f ire it touched t!.e natcr a sc-fiu!l, f.tiutd uo doult af- t. r a loeg Air'ht, perced on it, an I his c!a ss f tl.t.g Usl m tho tar with ahich the esl.lo wis COUc'l, he (II Utiablv to extricate t .. ti, so that the bint was Ura''ge, down 1 u ; r w ,t. r r, I drownca lie mauc cos-i -rate e!f r( to sat e himself, but to no pur- : , i.o, as Le stuck fat, and wlu n he found I L n.srlf going down, lay tle -pniriti screams s uudv '1 far across tbi watttr. The strange-1 i,..-s ot lUm occurreiioo, and the terrible , s.'ir.y of the t oor bird, caused soino sen- I'i'ion on board tho ?sseU Scott ik i 0 .'li Ji, IN. 1 " , Vhat OifjARs aih Iad cr At; in- iee of foreign cigars, " resl Hsisnas," sr.; recently apprai.ej at the New York, j ni nn ,cu-e at &3 vt thousand, but the , ) n-prtcr bcitt-j; dissatisfied, a c? apprai.e-' I I... :,t tsas mad,!, which resulted i.'l the ad- ' "h of the cigars at Ji ..! per rii ou-ati l ; ii.- tvidcuee, uuder oath, by wliich th- '' jn.-e iu the appraisement was made was '..: tl.at not a particlo of tobacco t nt- r. i ! hi!) the composition of said ri-srs, but the, were who!;, composed of oak and ; I .. r hjaves scakcJ tn a strort; tobaec j lye. CROCKERY, CROCKERY! ! At China Hall. F, are now receiving ai d opr n fV I wji.ran. , new auppl I of V lot, raiuU W AHKof every d. s. ript 101, .niiuon Wliita, il.ue Ihigid and I'su, vi,r. .T A.S. HAKTY sV CO. nii.v, CHINA. VI LAC Til l I. variety of W hit, anrtlHt Tea nd Ihnn. r SK Y I'S. Aisr. a large lar.ely ' i Ci i.a F.4.V I AHI l I.I.S i. I n f 'its. W i invite, the L Irmal or ll.o. to call JAS. 1 1 A II TY A CO. illKvvUH nc ( ! 1:1 u;l n SV 1 1 m I . ' v.s.11 ' I'll ' .vc,. , ... .. .. TIAl!, Tumble,.. tioSl.ts, I'liserv, j r f . ,,.,,,( .!,il.l.,..e,,ggl...s..s, op- j '. ery M. J A.I IIAIUl A I O. 'iH.'.'lll It , II l.'iiuil I I Wood and Willow Ware. '( L,,c.,t., T,.b., Ila ' fr .,1,, As li.,tt. r AT CHINA II A EE. ) Trn-,a OMrl Di.Uevr.ie, tITe,.rt s'UU QUU JJllbaUlai Wail, r'fV Kite, F.gg Fryers. Fgg llrilers. Kn.vos A Fori,. .,,,. C.alors W. iters Tea 1 ' iisieii,'. li,.!,..' Ac I 114 II tl.'TV I'M ' IN THE EXCITEMENT , " UAUliiJllimil 1 hiri'u ami carefu '.v f se.eele.1 .1 ,' k f a la nl 1 I'M Mi ifc W I NT I lit Htirtlirirr, Itoots mid hrn, f.i ai).in.ii' n o i iii;, Hal h a iiil f VfiN, '"tf th,,,,. t , ,IUn,J ,n a Dry li.m Store, " ""'' 'Hutu all person, wishing to buy c.,, ,,! ,,.., ,,, ..b lJT.. i . T ' !- where, and esp-eially f isif boy.-rs. aa ' sII f.oo.ja lower lor the C.SI ,1,..., .1.... ' . h., "g it in this unrket. J T l all ami see .HOWS, STITT i Cf). K ?l. If. ri , , ! 0 T Tint Gskst DaawsneK To persons rmi. grating l.i the extreme Wtatern country, is ti e ','. "f the rY.e, .d Aguc-the most direful f all disease. Lvcry liny we htnr ... , ,, .,:.,.. ;.i .,.,, h,.i,.. ,,, j , lor time, "without .ny means of afford. g relief. In view of the great demand i,r a 1 r'ly. ! I.otittkr has presented In. c.lc i -nowlcdged. The ,,,.,..; prrp.red afier A.ng jrxpenoncc ami deep study .have icceivcd tl.c en. j cmiuum of thtj mont cmiiuinl hy ! ' 'ZZll MCiuiia, un well oui i.ounlr?. iminy virtues, nil we j,-,.,,, .4. 18.',H. 1 THE GREAT EWGI.ISH REHED7. SIH JAMK8 CLAUKira I 1I1 lir.-tli l I't iiiatt- I'iIIm. I'rrpnrtil Jiom a prescription of Sir J. (UarLe, M. JJ., 1'liyniciun J'Mraordi- vary to the (juecn. This iuvulubbk medicine is tin fHilirir in the euro if h11 tliMe painful und iluneroUM dimnai-H . to wh.eh the female cuuctitution la auhiict. It moderate nil timi and removes all obstruction land s apeiily cure may he relied on. TO .11 Hit II I LAKII N K(icl) UlMll.( 0r MUr b(iir(l Ilie (Juv U,mt,l( siltMlf Ut,i BrUiu, k praswnt coun. terle.u. Tkttt l'Ult thoM mil hi tulm lyjrmalti dunng 1 1KT lllHt.K M ll.s y'..ey, , "'" '""'f "'"g. '"" ! alUtt time thril rt mlt. i J I cjs. of Nersoiis an.! Spi nal AfTn -tiona ,., , och Vd, ,. ,, ,,,, the Hock anil Lin.h., Ka! em- on aliel.l eiriion, r.ioiintinn ol ll.e Heart, II li rie, and I W Inn s, tliin. 1'iUa will ,Hi et 4 eure alien all olh. i" '" ' "hhourh r. p..e, loeov, no not contain iron, 1 al..u.el antimony, r . .i,,,,,. ,,., Io cmlul,0. s(. Ap(fi fr (hp , Sl.j(i)i iml (.nnila .u, MOSKSi (,;i. I)alllK1 & ( .j !(.. heater, N. Y. N ,.(.of, ,n0 6 p,,r, Kt,n emlo-rd to :., !..,., Agent. i;l ..u . b..ii. .1 10. ia " "J ; ,:,; kll, " "' " '' " A V 1 1 ANITKYENH.N A n ) I)t lioit M p " 1,1 t 'H O, .h hhliofc the f w.lh I . (;., f Art." All aluuiii call and , Likrm.a .srf -j , I .. UELH.lt 'I NOTICE. .'..,...1 ( bur. !,, t Th., t:. o..r ot the I". li.l pueet.i.l atteu. lance lis so. e.s. will great y sUli to be yery pall,. - , Equity Cash Sale. n Y On: Moniiav toe lath No. , Uc.ng i our nelt Su- t ourl II .use III h.rh.tle. I , lli Iis to puli,e ale a a I Wiliwbi PlantttlioHi 5 nni.a from Charlotte, e.u.t inmg t t. g S,ijsr Creek, joining Dr. John M. St, one Thoa Tr ee nd ..t o rs, e., n.n. d to Valu ibla Chalybiate and Sulphur QUDTrvTr OT xiliV Uj .,,.h ,.,. m,.!( ,, r.-alslu. T.rrrsc.s Anyone w,. .L- ., u .mine the Laud can V'f - " ' ' "' "g on pm I. K. HUNEAI'. c. M.g. A. s. !H, I rs. he t? le Land for Sale. AfV r1!IF...nd.,.,gned..ff.-r. -fsT?., V,,.aT si tor s,lc tl e ri.,n(.. st3'S ilOI,! ,,, .,,,., ,.,.. .,. aj-U ,.. ol I. ...II, It, lo It II L.rl hm - i r..3j m,!. s north of Char t .1 Sugar I re. k 1 hiirch A ll.CUCIIII.VN. lletf AVc. il, !-'.-. a.'.aV"Z. lit Miff's., - r..rnc! t., Ch. : I. in- and 'I be ,,l J Oll.ee -v. Si4. I I, I '-.... II us St .r I -.'S! Wilmington, Charlotte and P-utherford I 1 ( ) A 1 1 ( I l IV V. . ..... ,..,,. ...... ,,, .. ,g....l liar- lotle ,S liothel heht 1,1 Hie t.. I Itl, u .v ol O. rd K-.ll I! ad C, of VV ,i,,ngton o sday thi II. V. l.l'KlN, I'rrsnlfut. I S'p!. 1 1. ls.iS. i ll : (Jas Works. fHlHK a.i'.airihers re.pe. Ii'uily inform the pub. I he, thil tiny ate prepared lo ererl ..,s Wort,, h.r lighting t iti. , 'f'.w ns. Villages, Col I,... and l.rge llolel. Th, y have creel, ,j work. ' i It high, N I ., Which have given ! on In Ih. lit 7. ns of lin.se pistes.. As to nuiil Sesl,,. T'(''m i.utptuiss and atoiity lo , len d into, lb. y refer to ' ''dlow ,ng g. ni,, ., n : J,a. II. Car l,rn.Ch..r.t:,s V orks, Ciiar. N.C. VV in Johnston, Pres. Cii.,r. A S C l(. I.'. Dr I D II .gg.I'r II, I.t.,. A.s. K .1. -.en. " a. i. . r-iorl . . r.-s. i, is o or i.uue r ai,s, . . ........ .. , F.'I.S.,ry Si,;.i, taa VV orks. VVi.terlowu, N. i . Schooner A Co., tl'.'I Pearl St., New York. ! A'ldreas the sii!crihera st Kaleigh, N. C. . A I'EllHt H'SE iV lltlW ES. I s )( I ' . . STATE l MHi'l lI t'AI,M)..., ' IM iN I I'l TV. .V I'.nl 1TY Si-ftng Tm.i, l.Vs. ! Mm , o.b.crne cl .1 . r. reimon to soli Land. ; L'.rabelli -brne et a!. . ... ' T I' spneaung in llii" ci to the a.ilif..ction ol JL the Court, lint the .!, T. I..I....I.. the children ' the children ' hi.rnc, .h e'd , lo and heirs at law ot VA ill wit r Lluih. tli, Josnih. M iiloli, Jane, Lu. ind.i, Mary Ann, John ami N y, nu.l one other, born ; ' TZ-:::u:: l::Z i, ,,, towitt le i.r, It. 'yard, and F.miine .1 .le oi l.Jis, ami ine ami Ilie il.lend .nl Ah J in.h r Osh, ft n.laiits t aleli V ull and It .eli.t. 1 n, a wi I beyond the limits of this slate, 17 IS thr d.irJ. tint nu'ilic.ili.ui be made lor six ii.i VV lug, a news paH r, publish. , ed in lb" Town of ( haih'lte, notil) ing the aald nonresid, .it He:, nduits to be and psrar before the Judge ol our m it Court of K.tiity , t" b. hold h.r , th. Co ii ii I y of I 'in on, at the Court House in Mon. , ' roe, on tint MMh Mommy alter tiio 4th M-milay of. i . ' .... . ,..rh... I,, ol. ...I answer or ,. ,ur to the all. ttoiia ot said pet, lion, otherwise f ,,,r,, qt pro confrasu will be bik.n against them I J .. i ......... i,..,r.l in t,. me.... ! Witness. C. M. T. M i aul, y. h rk and m ister ..a .',,, i .i .,iU. e ... M ,,: the ltllh. , Monday after the 4Mi Monday of M , in th- I sen. I .... f A..,. . .,. I nd...e ii.ler.ee A. I. !... . ! C. M. T. McCAIil.KY. m it .-. mp.'h in.,!-!', .v. i'.y id-' HYMEHEAL. in i).;. l....'T.n il.. I Ml. I...I h. M-i Hr.y. K. J. Mi ytiardie, Mr. THOS. II IU F.M, iner. " ' ' - .1 ' '"! "f niymttr,, t Mrs. HAKKH.I .IONFS, j """.'''l.' ol Dr. I. K. Di p. W. rcccifcd uur '. The happy couple ha. j Mtt ,KT,,()N(; , ,Mril. cA.S( KS K. KUlil.N.SO.N', all In rimrlolte, nil the fiili inxtunl, Mr. JAMES K. L. FIIKLAN, in the STili year of In ure, leal. ii.g a lurgecirclool relative, and frund. to mourn in .unnroe.on ine rjiu iiihiui.i, 01 lypnoiu n vi r, Mi- JANK KH H AIM'S, in il.t 31 t ycur of hrr Mjre, iti(f a vviConfd iiiutlier, tmt brotiierr nnii four r-iriU'ri und tunny frii iidn to Linn itl lirr Ocntii, Slit (iroffiiMd rtjiyion in under the preach, jtiff ot' tiiu ltev. J).. Il'ikcf, mid coiuir-vt it in r til' with itiv Vrvnby Icrmn cliuich Hi riiiiuiirtuliia, mm, ultlnnipli shu tiuci in glttitti ('i n(ind ! tlie n gulur tiniiMH i c nii( vifiimunion rf ht-r churrh, yet the dud in (he full Jiojtc ul a hieiiird iintnor. tuhty. Town Ml Property it Fr irate Sate. fglWO ronvmitnt und Ur- DWEM.INU X H'l M S ftnd I.O'l S, HiluMti'd in the S.niln. KtioU'rn mrl ui t In; tow n. One of the Houmk hh tiihl Inrge and covtnirnt rfoiii with ix firf.ntu. ct, 'J'he otht;r has nix rouu with tlife firti pht. cr. For forlliLT uarticu!ur aniy to THO. TKOTTKR. Srvt. H. I'-iH. 130 .Notice. A I'l'I M'.Yl IU will l,e made at tin a I.. ei"lt.ire ot i . I . tor an net to ii.eorpo. .'"le " DA VKM'OItT t KM All- f (Jl.l.K.I.E," lo. cuted at Unuir i"hI.Iw. i i.unty, .North f.'arohna j TKL'STKKS OF COLUXiK. i ,W. 1 1. 1 N.'iM. t3U. t. r ... , ,'J'K ( K NOltTil-CA HOI.INA, j MfcCKl.EMii'KU cufNTV. IX Mjl'ITY. j W, r. Mv.r, . M,, j. MeCulloeh. : , ,ht a..,,,,,.,, f ,h, thai Mllas .1. M" Coll. if L, the ill f. ml 1,1 in II case, are not ri si. tints ol this Mate, Il IS thttrfoir illd'ird, that publication I loa.li hi weeks in tt.e N.C. W lug, a pajr publialu-d in t lo,rl..lte, n dily llg s.ild ilelenCit.t to oe altrl pp.ar i,t our next (,,,,,! ,,1 K, v. to be h.l.l ,r II, c l,,,,lv,,l Mecklenburg, hi the earl II use , t hariotte, on the IS Ih Monday after the 4th Momtsy in An. ; gust l-AU. then ami there to ,,!., an.wcr or o. i mur, other vi ie said bill w.ll be entered pro con.1 Iss.o, against him. i VV i to. ss D. K Duo la p, Ch-rk a nd Master nf mir ' said Court, at i flicc, in Charlotte, t'.i- lllli ol ! p 1 te i . I!. M'NLAl', c. m e. S.,,i I I. i'r.nt. r tee t.M 7ulll4,a j,n iHv Sfhmmr .,e on the Fisno - t i III t a r,. . I se of I est run, en I M'sdern I. .ngil.ges, eae, Drawing in Crayon or rem',! l.reei.ii, Painting ....fl6toIS I''n t-- '! IU lllJ W Oil I'allltltig, It is l. ry desirable that I'unll nt. r the first "J ot " session. It proli.otei "" 'eschers sod the prog I tne pur ' 7, 1-jK. To the Ladies. MUS. F.. J. IMtATIIKK. Plilliner, nantua-JIker and If est I W s now prepared to ,: all kin.:s of w ork c M li' et. .1 w ill, the ,M..ntila. M .king I tne latest and best Hy e. Ilaviiir be. n enns ' in the Lusitu.s for a nui.iU r of year al the N .nh, . a tri.l is nil that ia asa. d lo warrant rutin- a itis. 1 1 1 I TTINl mrnt. M xleia lot and Fi n IN She is also prepared to n,r,ke t 111 I.N N I. I S. J I fa thl of .Mr. Ja opp S'l't ' Is To Church Builders. j. II I! ii,i. ti;i i 111 v it.- pr.-p..s..i. I. r buildini i a .ML I IIUI'IS T t III lit II in ih. i wn . : Lui. oi il.m. Iluilomg ot llnca 4'.' by oi net 11.1,1 I I fe. t high. Ili.ls r. 'lived until the Dt day of ,,ven,', Hil'i.ling lobe Colli,.;, t. d b the l 1 I b. r, I' ll,, I. illicit, d f..r Ih. orU I.ii'nl.r. , f, '-..tl"n ,li dot ,il, may he Bern hums ol V , II. .!,t,al or J. I . Plan St the Jens., ii The , Wl I, spr ountilig !U n rh.lfiiei d. th the hi ills., tin- wv.,1 t., horn ihtu SAM E EANDKI!, J.Mi. E. Id 1 1 ; K I ! . li. W. A HKKN ATE EY, J f. JENKINS, VV. II. MK'ilAE, i'miititng Committft. August ?J. !.. I."--' r.riHsihition. 'MIL f,r I Ye. A U, .solved by sV. w ii:.t,,s 1. 1 i.i III! the til , s. u.,1 I.v II II VV illiams W. A. Yol .Nii, II. II. WILLIAMS. ( ,uri,s(r Aug. 1", 1 t?.OS. lUlf MANSION HOUSE v i) i) k i: w a i s i 1 1: i: s As v fHIHIsc,,,, El 111 A i r'IAI is a .M , g ii i ri I.IIIMI.N I ha. ,3enily kj&Sf&Siiiw H'rviaion ot the snbserih, r, w liu res. .TT.nH.tlCe. to hi. (ruuJ. ...it TNI TS , . v ki l iso I'nsi le i.nrui.i.i. tlial every llot I w ,i, be made on h. pari, to please in ere., fv.neula, ,,pp. ri nl.lhg to the duties of " mine In st." ... S, J f Aai.'.iis, ,4iig. 21, HjS. i'l'i M A 1 I. HI' Aim I ll-l Alil'l.i.VA, Me, ht.KMU Ito oevrv. ('Ill It'J' OF I,'! IT)'. T.K. laic it ill l.croy Springs, M. D. L. M. Le.,,1. Willi.,,,, (. My.i... A II. Springs. F. II. M.iwi II, l(. My.,,., A II. Springs. F. H. Alavw J .hn t.. t rune. J in. i s IJ. l baton. O 'Low - iisi - ml, Cicero M. Arnold, litei,. Springs :,,hil F. Johnston, II. L Jolniston, J. S y,,re. I( S. .yi.mrc, John l.ion, in. U. a I ss - .pr,g lo tne sail j llslael nf tin thai John ll.Crine, Jas. It. Hoy I. stop, Isaac j Towns, ml, t ie. ,,, M. Arm. hi, Itlcnard Springs, 1 Kohe't F. Johnsloii, II L. John-ton, J. S. Moot. , I It. S. Moore. John M.'.orc, VV m. II, an r and A. II. Springs are hot residents ot Una Stale, ( is tieie. I f.e Oideis., by Una Honorable Court, that p..bli. J 'ration be made sis week, in the ,,.rln Carolina ; v big, a newspaper published in the town ol ( bar. ' lotte, notifying an id non-residents to attend a t the ; next Term ot the Court of Fuuiiy. to be held fur M...L l..,,k.,r sssal.. .1 lh I 'ourl ILnise in I liar, i lotte, on thu 1 Ith Monday alter ll.e till Monday j in August, I Bin I then and there answer or I .4. - ..,,.. olh.rw.se th.. 11,!! will betaken ntoron.i i. - sso and hear.! .-a parlo aa to theui. Witness. D. It Dun Ian. Clerk and Master in Kqmty, at efliee ,u C Inrli tte, the I lib M. nilay in IVuru.itl, IfaH. I. U. IT'NEAI'. '. A m r ' A i ia. i. D tiM'.f-. r "'s1' 'I. I., tl., fin,,., In Iiii'lllllln titer s w.ir I .ml i Negroes for Sale. ...Jaf V lha tM day of Oru.,K-r, a. Trua. w m ..1 l.ori.v Suriius. I will a.- .1 11, in hie 1 flouring mill. THBKK I.IKKI.V M K ,,.., M KN W. R. MYKKS, Trustee, Chnrlullt fryt. 14, JS5X. i. I oiiiiiioii .HtliiMil Auii'. A T n p-evioua meeting of the linnnl of Com. . moll SehooU of this C0011I7 f..r tho nurw.ae of tuking iuio consideration Hie nilnr.tii je of re. ilistrictinir tlua county iut t-'onimi 11 S, 1, f)j. Iricta. tlnre lin no decision of the nintter. uiiii ttHTr)ute araerea uy 10 itmra, 1 1 at each District I10I1I a lot. tin(f and br repren nteii hy one te at the lourt House in Charlotte, on the 41 li Ml)lu, in ,, ,OI1ih, of l,i. i, jofily of Ti.tea, t ilhrr h r or aj;aiiiil r di.irieiinir, .iull dtcidc Hie (uei-tion J. r. HOKs;, c. n K. c. . hvt. H, IMS. aw. I)r. IL MTPriteliJird T IKLDINOtotheaoheilatiooofma. X ny friends, respectfully nn. tA cea his delerminstion lo reaiimc the i i'i... i. . 01 .Tii-iifiiM. He may eouaulted at his Drug More, Irwin'. Corner IJ rThe le.or preaerihed for without cl.arire. a?u., 3,1;h. Silt . AVIIEAT WAN JKI). , f 11 K siihserihi r hssioe pich.ied the Stemii 1 JL Klourillg Mill in this plnee, is pn pared to huy Wheal, for whiali lie will ive the helical market price in cash. Flour, llraii and Mesl ,r sale at the Mill, or delivered wherever otaired m JOUX AYILKE3. t harlultt. Aug. 9, lr:;8. y.'lll !1!KAI)! IJlil-AI)!! AM) fHIlK undersitrned hss ei.mmenr. d toe H .i.ini' M for the pit r nose of stinnlvirif; ti e c 1 1 ty ol Clmrlntte wilti (iiMD III! KAD and ( AKI.S. I will supply the above at ti.t doors ol my custom- era every morning t.esh. JOHN" DOH AX. Charlutn, Aug. 17. 1 ."!. 135 ! Land for Sale, filHf. unuersigned ofl. r for sale ms .xprings' M- I'h.ce, containing ai.out Mil acrca, adjoining " fhariotle, '''.. M. JOHNSTON. fhrrlo'le, Aug. 17, 11-58. U!S . . . . ri:. 1 1 . m.i.i;v .v o , (I.te Farmer. Ilrscc & Co.,) 1'ulhshtrs, L jiiLstllin ahil .liidontrs, Ko. 21 Kutray Street, I'.o At mars; ComstoCK. r Cfp Fnyaiohigii s : I nev'a Giogr-phy, Readers; .-aimer's H c:.e and best " Af I- r-B-vn Bvr .r- .xw tsiJT ; - . .. ai i.eu sale or lie tail, lower t'.i, n ,-yer. st ti. T. VRIS I'l N S 7 in and Store thop. of. A F F VV il superior ri;ti r-l.i tl 'it a a nil i t ''("'S ''J' S. T. T5Ir:TON. rBIOMI 1 M.I JL at superior artiele, lor sale S. T. Y HIST( i.N'S. SASH, He ,sh Hu.lion a t'-r:i s of O i Hu.lion s se,-:.sof Oram .sen the Scenes; ILok. j, kh sty's Astronomic ; ol. i y r. .s u ; Sotilhern i tips ,s Ktping ; and Ilie "elieap. :.,s en the Sen ne. s ; II ,l,g Itoua iW Used. fill , Urn j - Jsfcsr'aat n TO B.13 SOIiD, III. and bleach ' K..o,n ... the ; .is Wf J . wth I r ... I t et,re. I M I. A Ul, V. n nd OM I'l LTE A SSi HIT M LNT work. ' -H of Clan, and Jaoaneri e and Drtssing LcM.S for : for L.rtieui tnri.l ami Ornamental purpna.a w lli '' S,I"P . be attended lo if soheiled. I S. T. NYKIsTON. i H-f Young men wishing to heroine acquainted I All' I, IS'.' r by IS R I TT A NT A TFA fKTe f.-r il T. YYKISruN ATVill t tn.iI.l KS, a nrst rote srlieie, for ' s-lehl s. t. khu'N. flsALI.i: (11 I I T.Y. Co. V. I.,..!.., SHMns i -I, r . rss, A c. for sale t , T. YVlIISTdN S. ASSFK'sr .i. i t Let reeni F I.T I Y.l KS.t'.i in use. lor sal, hy .S. T. WEISTON. S, If Sealing I KIT T CANS, with how to use tiiani, at S. T. YYK1STON S. tt.Ul IRONS, the hi st in this market, for sale & by S. T. YvTilSTON. er-s-ri-. 1 V .- .--.us ;-ser. ;-M-;'-V't -i.-.-cf';t,-f sONSTANTI V on hard, a good sssortment of J OOK STOVES which ennliot lie ex.ellcd III perlormiii.ee, by any other Stoves in the mark. I, for sale at the Tin and Stove Shop, 'J diHos Fast of Springs Cornel, hJ s. t. v.r.isroN. CfiarUr, .ins 2J. M.'.S. lilf HONDS for lie Jifiivi-ru ul 'fffi:u, FOR PALE HrTtK r I T El best Frier, rs now v-'Cv- a-et.'4w4 I A KTHK!. i Jm direct 1 . '. iXcffroes for Sale, N Thursday the 3Hth of Scplrml.er iimt.-irt. m I 0 o 1 1 , 7 , , T 1, , Lincoln county, twi nfr iik Horn L li.irloltii. will dispi 20 If cgioes, at public a-ile, men women. , i;irl, ' 1 hi:. y will drcii, pearly u 1 1 likely .nid vuluu lw "ld chiefly iu faiimi.-a. I Terms nn d.'y of a.. JAMES AXDEIiXUX SrnlT. lf-.'.S. ti'i To the Public! fM. fAliOI.I.VF. MOflliK ioforn the ptih. ir-neraliy, thi.t she eeiute any .allareoV'iuh.' Depot. kind of SKWI.NN jorl llildren. Sue hope a to r. i lie pntroniiffe. Ijiiileuee If I AllgUtl Ui, lH.,5. . , , j , l!t J I I f 4 . 1 i V '. N'"l;: '"! A'c""" "':; ,hp .""'' rl . f. ' ""S '''r collection. I Lost lutirrtlrd , hid belter pay 11 p art A ic uA, 1 1 they wish lo .an! , ... I JW.NE CO. , ' A-g SI 15. tf. : ft:!' Distribution! W P AVI.N'fJ holli;!il the entire con J M owned hv J. ('. M.,ur A Co. prepared lo diririhute to ti.e n.Mci.i anil the surrounding cnunlrv n fine f. nr.,. -r'r ,f I'harlolle ssorlniert of lialnos. Nuts, Card'-s Piekies, l'reeri. -s. J' l ( al-ops. Toys, fancy goods, 4c, at prices at S: I'. 'y emnnelilion. Alio, on Land a hinesoine st. of family groeeries. We respectfully muteall '1 erins eoiintrr produce or enth. H'ilSTOX, k HUNT EI. ( h irUtlt Aug. 3. lh:b. If. COLUMN I A F0lNDI.Y ii A ciiioVi: sn or. .IOII II I X iMil l! A o.. col i mhu.s.c. 1 f0llf; subsenb.rsre,..tetlol!. inform Ih.ir ,-.-,t j A rrnis and the publii- generally, that tiny are! still at the !.! ht .no as ale,ve, ami iis reanv as . '' ver to (on.isi, anvlhing in l. ir i,ne,.ueh a,'M I I.I. i. fa i; i.N'ti. s'ika.m f.m.i.nf.s. ;i t.i:.ii. ING, AV MILLS, SAW Dl ,T Ll liNFH, &c, of any sire or dcscri ntion, on the shortest no. ' tice and mist riasoi.ahle terms. Thivslso teg leave to call the attention of all to tin ir Chinese Sugar Cane Kills, n the cheapest ever otl'ercd, They wotiio further remind their friends and all concerned that tiny ' slifl cnntintie to , : fT III lit V IMY. (Sundays e,f rt,.,i,) : Which no other fonmiry it. the St.,i, do,s, and III they e.,n ll'. r fn ilitiee net lo he lith. sj.s.5 i, ,;., TO ...') -o loo 2 Roller, (V.riic.il.) ID inch, diameter Small ham; Mills .1 i: .iier, (Horizontal,) III inch, uiann ter. .. J'lirn of $iiitr Vans. .rt gallon P.,n ". 4.0 gall,,,, Pan gallon Pan IOt gallon I'n ii I ... Its .. Ml .. 'JO .MillN AEEXANI'EK, lIliJiKHT MiDOUHAl.. IIENUY ALEXANI LU. Junt-i'.i.lhoS, me Valuable LAND for Sale. :nd"n'....,M,r...i.,a. r N the w.,., rs ll,g sgr ( r.ek. j., ,,i,,g the ' 5 lR 1 KM,S ( . W lands ,,t' J hi, S f.su r. Fi. Ti il s..i...' D f Seep, on Colli ,'e Street. aoi..et f J hi, S. t.ni r. F.-o . 7(. II .'1, Dow li, John Williamson nti.1 others, runla.inng 4H0 If. Ill sides nf 1! g Sugar ( reek 111..I l.ttV Stout 1 I reek nn wl.ieli are fine lb tton.s now cultivi.tlon and aiso a quantity nf superior wood land. Tina land I. f miles Sol", lb . -I Is,,.., Ih, r. . lotie A UJ miles from M.-rr..w 'a Turn Out. ot, the j Charlotte A S. C. h.,11 linad. Any person ,.! .WT ises, who w.il take p,,;,su-e 1:1 shewing them the , houiiflt 1 lesof the hiinl. A liberal price will belt 11 : properly or ; i.ahli t, rins tor e: JOEI-H SMITH. AUl:T .M ATIOHNEY IdR, N. . II A K YEN A Wile. nn i: 1 1 ;ki: c i v i I. i: (; V'x r. i : u i (. , 1 1 11 r. suhser iter . n praciica 1 Arehiteet r,t,l I i - ; v,i r.t.ginei r. has takd, IC.om a, Jiivid- son s ho, I, hug, v. here he nn, v be I,, und pn pared ' to '"'.' ami make .Vrimufea il, all .:. part, i ii-eni. ..! Hi. pro!, n. 1 articuur att.i.tiot. wi.l . h. paid t.-i.-urveyine ol I h. n ta t ion , n nr, t ., nns t. ir i g of MAI'S or CHARTS of tl, with a ...rawing of the planch,,,, manaic. and its rnju.aiu.. Vvery Plant, r si -uhl be possess. .1 of re of Ins .'..main. T iu any style, ami w hen framed ornament for any Parlor be a utl f Plotting ami l..y it gout of tirojeils and Law i.a , with any i.- nil of the above branches, vvhl l.e ' taught in tiie most thorough in.unur ami on t;.e ..I t. rins. ltooE.li'i'i'pint In all it. inn.t approved f ..ei, will I e t ii.-ht, in- j eluding Linking an. '. Ly. , go-, !.. K. Ihis.hess, Sleainl.oal do., I acl.al.gea, b. lll Foreign am, lo. mesne in li.it .11 Inst ,. r.cjU.site to . ti.o. I V. SACKS. June 1 .., ISoS. 14-ly 3.-100 Al'J.ES OF LAM) ron s.ts.i:. t r FI H i.r a .le mj Land l' V8 am V no Ch ar Creek and Crook. u esjiita. ( reck, known as the Sm.i.-t ... trails tOO ados each other tract i t.iniiiig i :ioo . 1 on. '20 a.'res, 1,11 font sltllali ,1 disl.nee tor g- ,,i ami v of the it hill nearly nil! t h. ington li nen h.iwe il h is ii Iron Laud knov road. th . gold r- tioM 11,11 and the Howie Mi heel, uiseovi r. ,l on that part ol lite Land known la. the Little Mountain. I .' ' 1 15 ,V V . ' ' ,,n lora .'...ri.-, r. . ..on . . k.-'a . ' .. " , S C., on H. g Sugar C ing i the I. in.'s cl ll.vt. r Sr l.i:n ng IJAO acres. Said Land n.s been consider. , i ,1 one i f the best Cotton Plantations in York !;. i ' tr.el, and tlx re is l.o h, II. I land lor corn or w heat. ' j If desired, 1 will divide at y of the aforesaid Land to suit purchasers: ..nd the purchaser can I have his own tune tn piy the money, provided he ! makes tt secure. Appy lo me in Charl.-iie. . .. . ' vi . g. t uw.t . June 15. IP-iti. !'' A LARC.K SITM'LY F Constable Warrants FOR SALK HKRK SIT.I'KNAS fir eje at thi- otEee I OiOCOO. it ttki i H0"" J- K"e fi.Ureo of n 1 . vm 1 w l.,t.l-t receiv.U,,,, Ly, "! ' " J July i7, IH.'ix. Last !ind I'iiml Atliccf K S l. r. hy pivm, thM all notrs um; r.cejun. due Ji to tli oil! fiuio! I r ne h . r X tinmen iM L pineni tl e l.a nrl of an llori.i y , if not neti l il t' fort lle 1 at of tieti.hi r neal, aa e are dc termi. e.i to clraa the oid Iliirineaa. Charloltf Julg Si, 1K,8. Cm. Dissolut i 0 ii . ' ' ' " e. Ill In I 1 11. 1 it ' II .V lli 11 I A 1 . : raitK ' 1 ti I" '' i:. w. j:rr,;vn ii. w. J Li; I I J'A IN. I HI Ji Ul III, (C. Notice. BT AV1M, 1,-., tr 1.1 theentire.t.,. 1, Wmrhrn, J--pln. &r.. A Hi il-. I sl.i.ll e, nl,i,i,. tl., in. e, i.t tL. ir oil, I " in, 1 1 u.j- ni.i frit I June If. I KM-. .no, ,r I si Mi l.i l...ppt . mi.) rosti.n.i rs. i:. v. iwKwmi. 1 1 if rSoti('- I I I lr..is....s, Net A. ., ,. i JA IU.-, owing In lie nn.-, rslfnec l,s Ti are enro. slly riqin sti il t,. e .11 atni s, itte, : import.'. l.t ll"..t tl i tiusl fund he mar ) . .-. i i ei.riv o ilavs as ponibic. Hi inenila r. me n fuuvtt tie prill. v. r. myi:i:s, Trusttt o: I., rev Sin,,. June " If! i Chailntte Machine SIh -j. j VI. D. FINCKNEY & CO. j l.'nrineers, Hydraulic Trc. 6 Makers and .rcii Iiiiii i in c ul. "B V AVE e..n in. need bi-.'n. ss in t harlottc, in I Jst.sT mi. v. nn. are preparell to y form or ruristrn .no ever v other rie Hvor .'.lirt i.tton I'rtss. sal t.'n of .M iehin.iy. They also h. g to iiif rin ; farmtir gti.i ral.'y, that tliev crip - itiiintifcturers stm u ve recent! c acdeii i FGTODEY ..stu.gs in l.-oit, l.rss. or m.y oll.er metal, at a, h'-'t not, e.n,: 1,1 rcsonahlt prie.-s. r,.rtici::sr i'l. i.lion l.i h t net, t,, thi masiig repairing ol Thresh.,., Mac, ,.es. Horse 'o,; i rs, oitmi l, Mill Work, Ari li M..e'.in.-ry. Ej Vc.il.i,:,tpvor'.i... , ; , !! ksiaiiii in:. .Inlliiny Hoi k, tit fin lloil 1,1 tO JollllS IIuoiiT, St. ., ( hnUllr. il, I, Mai II -g M rch .'hi, I S.. 1 41 f - J A- -l-TtS. 11K MAS I'El.KAU'EMIIHl. J. A. ESTES & CO., ,.MC-03IlleSl. 'Ol! the sale of Cot ton, ( .ra in , Flour, and ail Ji hums of Country I roouee. Iflicc. North Ati.-.i ti. V nurv, s.i 'h.irle slot,, S.C. I Accrr.nng to the terms ot liie l o-pariner. hip, we w lli not smi ti sir.. 1: ire. l.y r it.u.n rt !i , 111 any I'mimce slnj. ped to our linus.. Lrrf Bi M kj O. Mo . s 1 r. Lr It o., t.anne Smith A VV hihn n. T II. Mois,-, l ;. .rh slon, . C.; Col. II. Ainu i I' .pe, C. .uinl.i., S. C; Ti.011.us Mi l. ore . i ' K. Laves. A U- IW.Vi.nl. ( I , st. r, S. I .; ( '(. I St .life, I'd ion. S t ' , I . i. i . 1 '. VV ,t hers noon. J W ; Am,. VV . a. I.itt.,. L-.i . t',1. S. N. St, ,. Dr J . K. Ilr1. 1 1 n, i or k vi he . S. ('.; Dr. Ila ni'ohi t, S, isbury, N. ( .: J. I.. lh i., Km e, Te June 1 , l;f,. I H' I ' Il 1 1 1 (' k NI poh., a.Her. hr-.s- and .,1. a..,.', of k r, pair, ,; . Co.rti i:-.a!.-r. .'a.-: that lo. ihuie, limy In no, ri t,. at th. st st V le one in.i finish h""-'' ' "' to (Ken, i n A V ils. JdllN M. MAS(N l'.'t:. . . .. . . , , , , iiimami lock rn ninn-ii'. a I.I. work iiili.eab"- nusin. s,. . x,- i si, ,.,,r(J mVi.e li. .1 manner ol w or k in .i.si,,),, ni , , r(ll l( (, r t (.,.,,,.,.! t tiv.rl ,lhU ,v ,.,,,', ecu i, s, " ' J(lU; . MASON 1 . is;,?. 10: 1 HniSvvt'oiiijMisiiiiint'ibtii's. I AM t.r. pi-cd to 111 the above In t-l.M the pa Bll. lit nil Ol tho ny kino of in-i durability for i Ii. and I 'have did stmn I half thing thai warrant them to run ut iii v in 'he that hi tw.hty y. -.rs. I c.t iin il c'.-rti ncl. s 1. 1 lis T.i I', rsons iiei.i,' w ol tutri'sii th. 1 ,... I t'-i in your 111 ail I. 1S.V JOHN M MASON. l-JU Jin, .v.,. X fl 'I' I a ' I ' m m lr.,.i,.i.i the entire stock of H'luTS. I I SIH-I'S, Ar liooh, A Co . I ,..,. e, .. (,,. tne hd-iness ,t their ..Id st-nu. wh.re I Imppy to meet my .?.. v 3 1 , 1 r-.-.s J 15. F. 1JOONE. t'.M v N yi IN-1' M I 'l li iN I hi via.. .. M.ss.i.i.ari di.covsre.t a aim;, i anc, ..rr.r'i (ii.ii, .tllisw, ffiun, runs, N. '. 'r. oiid .Vi rons I etn'i'y ; also an . modeet inha'ing ti'e li.inn v . the iril.Jilcx prnperlies ol the M CuoiJ til,. th.,., by which ', llle n rc direct md the ii.t.g. ' Iu jdiiresaed to the disease.: org lllllilit. Actual aire lo oer.i lit his auf. ! I firing le. . (tree) lo the Midi. A'y -0 V s, he w ill ei.e. rt'illy s. nu Ih ,,, desire it, with !ull ..nd .xp.ieitl y using i p., paring sr., I successfully Apply to or addie.s IIFV. C. S. I t KNF IT f t: Ilr..,.',,..,. ..w Yo ciHKEtTtO BV It. M. DATES CO. ('II Afif.OTTK. SKI'TEM It Kit UO, lsod. r.Aflj.N. ILln, H .p rouuu, Shoulders. . Uarcitiff.t.iinny I..:' ' f utter Li . iw,l, ...!b 1.1 Ci 11 . ...,'b Yii ( f.O ih m H: lb filj Cl )i ... ve W) Ci t)0 ....'ih .i ., K .....lb I2J f. IG !' 2u ft r ...bushel, OU (, 01 ....gal. fhi (., ('(I sal ..() (,,, t,U :b yj (; m li, lij (,. I ft lb is f.. an lb... -a't .i- Ih l.r (, i" ... .'i, -.'5 C, CD ...h.ishe' ..(.t) bo ...bushel III! (,. '' ....each IU 11 ...vi.ru i.'s (,. yure -.'i f ....ioei Ill (. I-JJ 1.1,1 l f HI b gs ill ('. S3". lb. Hit Ij '4-i i !S, 13 lb 5 I. No I ti f. (Ill ....K.-'s t.'h'ti (, 3.1 .- I... C'l (. " :M) (,. CO .. bo-n. I... (. VI )'"' r c en Ih , 6 .... hush. 1 -I.'. !' le 7 I. 7 4 ....h.jshi : (i Bn .. !'i..b..' r 75 ...l.islis: hi. (. CO ...I us',.: V( f "0 II. !4 (., If, a (, Ji . S ( !) ...ei .'7.5 CO Ih -3 (i il ...htishc! ( HO ..bushel i... 'J ...gal -Li (i. i: ...e.'.l 4.1 (V 4. .ashed. 97 iH ll, ash.-.: 'J3 f... S3 .. Illl (o IM !A!;iv... a few bale, new ertton of. M II (., Hi e.nts. :ty, Apple, 1'ei.ei,,.. I'loth.Conpi ; Fe.th. i Lard. -. I Motto,, .Nil , W. I.. r.iis... l; t.no, v. North, N.Car ' best li, r ri -i tiXT, , C(i!r,e ,,, .,. lr;,,.e n, a retail w . y, enriiied to our home I I on;.-F,,r is further d, j i i 1, n i r. So, ou it i tiona. and pr in. a ! V. 1ILA1 .-Th.ro is a limited supply of wheal I c .tiling lon.arh.t al, oflVriigis uti.y laKUl -t , prill, r.t !.?.!! trmn O jc to I'J.j. it "II MIMA M AUK FT- i oi Lijiai.v , Septvmher I, IH .8. COTTON Tie .H nr. mi n.r c.lton t,ll ton mo s a. i.v. . !, go..,l, ami I . dn y prie s aevane. i t Cl lit on the previnu llaj's Uola 1 n -ns, and I th,.t ... ogcrid i,a tre.-h L.i i-.tn at ll,( 13 .lits, accruing tuipiai.ty LA' ON. hogroun,1 Q (.. nn io; ,; I'FAS ssii ,., e, OATS on I, (10 ' ' ol K f-.'i o6.. (HAh LITTON MAKKLT. C It 1 R I Est. N, S.pleuil.er 17, liSK ' "Tlh.VT,,- r,c,,, is..fcr,u. n for the week foot up 2.3ei biies, mo Hi si.ie- ii, the i.tre " - ,. .... . . OlUOl'i ?J C Sf 1(1(1 . JAMES 11. Me AC EE Y, I'Kl i; Y LACY, .Ik , Atusi.u,'. rglHE li-at Session of this School BL tl eotntnenee on Thursu-.i', the Kith of .N: n'einher, ISjlS. 1 KH.MS fh Till It'.V. gl.eh Hr.i,e,cs I5 I'll issi.-s nii.i M ilium ,ln s, I'd I'll .tiiigeiit Fee J Lfl 1 fr. m SLI lo HO n r nior.tii. Tuition re I r-.1t!. t27 Iit.. A L JIAV..... I.OTTEHV. The nut orilinnry dr., wing of the Hoy,.! Hnva in Loll, ry coiidticli.i bylhi Spmish '..oi-rnu.ent, unnir ti.e supervision of the Captain f.uur.,1 of Cuba, w,i! take place at Havana on Tt'l-SJUY. iHpiniil'ii at. 155S. $324,000. SuK I F.O NI MFI.O ti05 Oli DINAUIO, A I'lTAIs rs.l. M40.(00!! l pi f ( 1 0O.4IO4) I I. prilc of oa.ooi I " ..O.tttltl I 1 il I.OOO I ' ItO.OIKl I fi-J " flOO 1,1 I " 15.4I04I Mil .101. ace I " lO.OUOj 'J'J Apr'xim's la.SOO 4 .,niir..vin,it.,ris to (he i lhli.t'OO thl'O each ; Ine 4 of 4ini to .7ii,IH'n j 4 of 4"'i to J.iii.imO; 4 of rt 4 4 ' ' to ilo.eili; 4,,, $41,1- u ii,(n(i. h ; i';,r!sjli. ILih.sili., r'uarterslJ. I'n. s cashed et .rght : t ." per cent, discount. If, lis 00 ul; so.i.i.t i,,,. i.t,,.,, al p.,,. A drawing will he lorw anted as soon as the r; - suit hie, . m, s known. C. ni,,c .'i ,.- addressed lo DON KOIMCI. 'I I Z re . f 1 ,.v ',.., Cn.irlest ,n, S. 1'.) i n. i s- 1,1 tl,. -J-!,, of S, ptenihor. will be ultcu'led to. 1 '" Pi rs. ns ordering Tick. Is wili please write their 1 - l::il,,ts p. ..in am! give tlieir post oiiice, com. ty and &l)issolutio!i, Till' 1st H 'N Ii I o. vv ... disohid on - i.i, tiyn.utu.il cuiiser.t. All I to tiicn. 'e llut.rieu liiat the r lUtils are m Ilie I- .ru.s ,.f C. M. .n.aod lin y are earn, sliy r.ej ji. rd immetiltitilu ..ltd p . v u ., ss hie fii u. muri be t ,ijm o. J. R K KOONK. M. li. TAYEolI.; t'.'4 Bacon, Bacon. Bacon ! IS T aK.s ITS . .. I Al I'N in st 9,HrCl w , ...d low j v liiiYci: a co. luif Pnper, i'aper, Paper ! in Store, as.orted at- YVIJAIH'ING l' VrKK, ii i.'ie f.r M. reiiant and Drujgiste, n.d ean rni.ii at siiort uot.ee su.-'ii ilea. , iplo.ii of p,ptr s -ire used by Printing littles s and Cotton Fc s. am; w ul ai'ew a ftir pi :, e lor the w as'i ot 'e letur. J, Y. EriYtfi CO, .'!, Waoim Mi'Js. Uu Is, 1-oS. utf OH fH "e sit OH CHIN I INs. -.1 all I E AN K !!;.! - s r