"I II I II III I tji lit , r.ui the American Meascnecr. I WANT TO GU HOMK." Tt is very cuinnon for dyina' persons, vh tber children or uih, to fed th it they no away fi : ii home. Notion:; .140 a lit l!o boy died ; and as lie sunk into l'.ie icy anus of death, his nti-tant cry s " I W illi. t.J t'" hnin", I n am U ) hoiiio.'" More recently an aged fciii ilj. who had lou been a devoted erratit of Cbri.-t, dioJ J an a Christian. Her life was exemplary to (Loodi bird and flowers are associated Jj CtlT'lilKl MlllCrill Spi'IllgS MOIT tllclll 500,000 DOltlCS liiph degree. A devoted daughter, aeon- .wnu our uioiner uu iiui, u - slant attendant upon the tneaus of grace, 17 Dome, as jou woum nave juur eu.i CABARRUS COUJMTY, VS. C. almost alwavs ready to make sacrifices for dreu intelligent aud happy, and their mem-' other. I iud-ed that she minht have heen orj in atter ine 01 aariy nome pieasaui, or . or ?!j 111()1,hi Fiir .,.,, t.ucM of Jesus. We were talking of sin repulsive, so make your farm-and your , Amtat, ;;; ; ,, i,.r .ml snoke ouite freelv. ehildreu s home.' " Yes," said she, " it in iudced dreadful. I abhor it. It is constantly giving me p:iiu.'' I -was led from her answer to hope still 111 ire from her, and went on to rpeak of sill rr?? W KG I AX D STATES 11ft ift'noin, (Irograptiv, He Wi..k 'if' SOLD IX THIS XGLASSDS IX OXi: YUAIl. To Cotton rianlers. rruuiud. Ti:c value uf Una 1 ' known In ariIIK limn? tlifouL'li Ihiaco.inW. It h .a cured lv sp-p. i VI , , . feelii -1, thou-lits, and motives that hold Siuira 1.. tli.1 liny will In.t I.. mar, n si ll . she too said, ' I want to go Iioine. An.l . . , , being .uu , u Uitre. Tlie biusli tn-iug ' at one time, Mr a beloved daughter, -"J ' our PJr,. M ,ft 0U, . " 'f6 , wal. l,n ...ai.-stl f ...,, and b.i, ...or, I i , 1 . c 1 ireatcst cause ol sutierili on tuis Slue tuO n paired anil at lc 1 ii nse. KlhSTOlJATIVl. K HI OK. O. J. (H)l) loll KKSrultlNiJ hair i-erfi cliv al.!, li.c:ia. a uf lite I.ucr and Kidney and .Nor. and iktiiiu nwntly , Ima never yet had 11 rival, vol ve.ua Affectii.na. Tins Alnnr-ii Spuuir la not .1 Umu alter vi.iiiine ini;lil be Kivcn liuui all uu place of public rianrl, ua in-my ""' wtfiin nl Hi. wtiii uii.I In. hi Hie must iliii lln;. nl In prove phicea. I r. aeivid it t'. r t ie .1111 ili.'ii b.r wlm li i,.,i u ,s a itifrct Hrmlmulirr ; but ri...! the eir. 11 ia now oti'ereil, .mil wui bi li.e Iri.iu c..nlii;eiiu , cul .r umi juu e..i.uol iluiibi j read Imi the bil diaenaea. Any u'reeiionf, " -t pu.l. will receive : Ui w i n j; . tttlfiiliuii. S ' ! 1 SUSSKKM AN . 1 IT Tin: llm I'ei.ple have lor eenlnriea 1 I'toncir SUIU, l uU Afiu ail, l(j. t!ic only child out of many that remained ti her, ehe saiJ, in touching words, " Wout you -.-o h mie with me ."' These rspressions luiy no doubt, iu part, spring from that dU trsin restiooue-s :md that bewildered sute of mind Miiicu prevail wheu the pow ers of naiu'. e are viel liug under the strode II K tliidrraienril ia .r p .reil to aell the brat nil .III v nl t ulluil (iina, I 111 In .l.eli aw l I, ..in r nf the I 'lirintiatl's heavie.-t hur- l r a ivr. lt livi red 1 t the l.iiiilit.L'a ol the Ch.it. '. , e , , , ,. . .1. ;.f.l b.lir, Y.uk and .. C. H:iil li.inls. The nuvanta. 1 dens, and the looking m upon tbe Mnful g u (;miii mef hijat. ,hil,pt.u ,, ,!., , thoughts, and motives that hold Slutea i. th .l they will In.t li.nper, "lie aet ot nlia eaa.ly ! As n j;iird H.e apu .1 !" tin ac tima, quality of ')h," she answered, "it is not tint I m'TI"". cimnu.-. to t.ike rik - mean. Sin 2ive me patn.bnt it is the u n, rurtielii, ml A. II. I.,v,;...., ?Vl....e vi "'t:: ' ' ' i uf o!,e, s. When I see sin, I feel as though .v o," , , ,Cl i C Ii.ii'lotfr .flulinl I'ii f Immii-' iiiicc 4'oin:uty. I couhl uot liar it. As for my own mo tives and fceSiiti!, I always try to do what, I ihinl- i... ri.rhf nnd s.i of potire I do not of death. L'ut may thev not al-o in some .... ' , . ,. . feel b.fi'y about my own sins. I ,'onk. 1 up at hi r iii a'y. My heart swelled, but there was an expression of com placency hi her count.. iiauco that closed my eases be the language of f.iith and b pe At any rate, liny have a mi iking siguiii CaDCe when uttcted by -iyiii lip. iip. ijhe stood wrapped u,l about in the tie have never looke t upon it as such. ' , . . . , 1 . , robe of her own rt-.iteousne-s, and seemed Tiny Lave uniformly contend that they ; , , Slio stands there yet. Neither the liil.Ie Cash Paid Tor Hides, SV S. M. HOW KI.I., 3 uuora s..ulh of ihe I 0 M..ll,lnl. II. I,M'. ; tr, Ayi il b, l?.iS. f" iAI.I,t.NS ri'KK l l.NSI.KH OIL, 9V Slik,ulc una l;.-t..il, ;.t l'u. 9, IS."!". 1'KITCIIAUDS. ILl Ullico belwii n r.itk'a Store ual lirawley Iluihuni;. li-t If WIS. M. . TAYUlK. i'rrsutrnt: C. (lYKlt.M AN. S ue I ,tM,!ft. E. NYU HUTCHISON', d- Tcui ViHt' Tl'hS. M li. TAYLOK, f. liYKKMAN. J. I.. liUOWN, WM. .10IINTtiN, 1'. SCAIUl. S T. WKISION, A C. SIF.KI.l). Illieteil Willi b.ild ht-..ti, mid the only nimdy, hi:reto!ore i.tii.H n, In. a bfin Iho-e abomili.. lilt Wli;a. li V a rrcelil dieoity of rtol'eaaor Wood the.e arlli'lia lire 1m ill g fiat diapruaed with bill, a jie.it intiiiy per-.ma ahll pulrui ie them, bie.iuai- they have l.t-t 11 so i.lleit HiipiiH.'d uh.ii by lluir Tomea ot iiiH' rent hinils. To oil auell peranna ejrn. eatlv make Ihn rttiit, lh.it Ihey will try once . In, lot ill W miu'a l(tlottivc there la no aueh Hull' ii foil W e know of a lady who waa b .l... who used the ttrtiele a rlinrl tni.e, und her hemi J ill' 'im... 11 11 nmm S.H. RANSOM. WAIT - "!- wv -m.' H .BC aella Stovea ... ,-...., Ut'caiit .. hetuyea bi''7t I'i'.'A' t'tm the .Maiiiifuetiifer. were .tratiaei and pi'giiinsou the eaith. Whit are the ideas which we usually at lieh to Louie! A pi. ice of permanent a bode, tilted up for our accommodation and c.' iitort, iu which we feci ourselves at ea-e, aui wlnre we mingle iu delightful inter eo'jrre with ihoe whom wc iuo.-l love, and in wbuc friend-hip aul aff. e:iou we have the highest confidence. The best earthly I'ome "Usvvers these idea very imperfectly. It is ouly temporary ; siekuess and death may enUr it, sorro.t au l ili.-app .ititmeut are not excluded from it, and often are its occupants obliged '.o groan umkr a burden ef complicated evils from ahich they can le delivered ouly whon the earth'y tabv.r taele of their own bodies is di-soUed. V ert tins fr-.il w rh. our fin .1 'et, I. viii or iviiiif i.oi.e wt-re bh-.t." f'ul his prtp-ilctl a homtjur Uis people. Tiioy will not always be stran.'ers and pil grims. They wi.l sooner or l itr reach the bi-tter touiitry towards which tliey are trav riiin;. It luiy b said even uf them that tarry ione:, " The time is f-hait."' And Ob, how the'r pri-r r- brighten a death draws neai. Tfc v e ni -',', " The ni.'lt is that she studies from week to week, tha voice of death calling away her loved ones, nor the soieuiu " irning uttered from the pulpit, " Iln-ipl ye . ijt shuil all Ukt- it is j tvuU," seems to have reached her j soul. The Spiiit cf Uod alone can show j her the depravity of the r. l eliious heart. I If tiiis is your view of sin, you have need 0 inouru with anguith that eaunol be ut- : tered. The word of our Lord is sure, and , he says, I cr.ine not to call the ithlcous, but si'hos to repentance.'' " There is no ; other uiiiue given under heaven, a hereby 1 we can Le saved." j. j 1 Urate liugm sia. A N i.rt-cibie rt fri flhunt and lazuli ve, aa tiie.t . ,.nl to t ic l....:r aa i.Hl) wnl.T. Sold by 11. m. rnnviiAKi, He.-. I lrwm'a Comer. Suponifnt'i OR CON. f.M'li 1 Kl l.tY. W'. rr .iit. d t. make aoi. i wiliiou t lime, unit it ii hllle Iron hie. Tim beat ami rhriipeat arlule ill use. 1'nec ii sue j'J tenia a cm. S.hl lu ll, m. rnrrniAUP, Dec. 1 IrB.n'a Oi jousl iiHotsN. s. t. w Kis'ioN aud a. :::i:"itif:,:::: C. Si EKI.K, V.jCtvUVC Lomnuttte. ,,,, be'auntul hud ,.l ln.tr eitior 111 nun 111. I l.Vrrt II Colli pll It I V Willi till 1111 it l nun nioai 1. ,,,..1 ...,,l. ,, ,,, 1. 1,1,. W e know of nuiot r. ..... ...... where bur m rai.i.it tolling out. I "11IY U it wl.ieh it rea'oretl in i;n..Ur perliclioo liisn il cv. I rr h.t.1 b.e b. lo.e. j 1 1 i. 1.U.1 w illn ut tioul.t one of the beat urliclea I for k.eeii.i; Ihe hur in fi...l et.uil.lioli. ii.ukinn it at.lt a ml vh.aav, r.-iii"Viii il.tn.ilutt'. nod baa pror. ; nl ila. il the irrcaU al em my to 11 II liic ilia in . t . . . .. , , p. .ot rtfoll V anlii'll nee to the I lib libit an I a of I 1 1 A I 1 t I I I. I Il ia 11. c duty of i very one to improve ll .V.iy lis. lei.ve. "s..U HOWELL, MR,. Wanted, n.os)ir j Saddle & Harz.css Eattifertvier, TUK1K boons fidl'TH C'HUEMA.NblON lluCM, rilKI.OTTL'...C. lull Ol ll 11. I FOR THE m. . xa lua SMWi LU.M. TAYLOR nee t" (h il.bi.bilaiila e.l I 1 1 A PI Ol 1 V. aril ei ll.tir OUi Maim, to . I. l.l.inile Kw, w litre lie iota o. w on , Norlh, one of IU llioal tlttr.alve aaaotlioeula ol ilGj WEE iliua, among winch will bf found lb etUhtaUd lly.llml lit ., , iiiitbitioi., juat rtiiiv.d Inniii, vioiiijii, is an ol pct inlieli to he (leaned, and . ere nr.: no lileni.a 1 1 . . I abould br left untried to ' ' Mil. null a cUi.ait.er.iti..u. Homo' .tdei-r, J uffl.r( (j m Krth.Caroliiu, among which will bt f.-und the etUhtaUd niuee.pi.ia. , . . v u. mmr -z a n am B urB' ... H". t.is, Ohio, Nov. 1 ', IfjG. O J. V. OOli til-lulu: Aa I bavo been ,......,.,1 in t -limit y ur Hut It.aior it.t v U.e hint .". ,. ... .....I i.,.,l. .It. M Hark. I ... ,. ,i.. imvit. j . i Hiuii.tJ ihe bciii licul el- i 1,1. h haa ra.nco audi faiiit.ua tepulitli.ni in Ihe Southern Country for t..i laat t., l,tr. i. , I. I wu.ll.l li.e lo ol.tain an jeeti. ft,,- si.itk he war run ta llntier In any ooainc. c...... a.- ... " i ........ I l t ti e M..le of Ohio, ur i tin- Mji.e in ihe ' poinuioea l fuel. nu 'h" 1 H id, alioiii.l y .u i!i I ike a ief an irraiie.-. , u,, ,. braidc hit otlitt Move ol tl 2ldricuftitaL I'ro.n lie X-rlh Caroliui Furi.tcr. TilK WHEAT MIDGE. Wheat, the mo't itnportaLt of a'.l our M-. y 3 T1t: t lUIDS Uf TAN-IJARK. for Winch the eit.ll Wil! In: ptlu. M. 1J. TAYLOR. l-jtf r.f Snodlel ami llanii l ' P-Allki .'itorteat nollrt. ; I . lir.rAIHINli pt..inpt!v ejeeuti.i. I Jjh. IU, 1-58 ' 3Ttf at the ira, an.l huv hue e ..rc-iii. oi a, b. in n liim . iban uny i tln t M.m una ini Uf lit the t inted fl.lnt. and if it rli t "ual l ' ,k .n a eivcu lime, he will forfeit the ne uf the Mme, and l)ltlt a. .Ill f u (f rra.'u.ll-r ''" '"' I the bitter one. ....... vaw. ALSO, ALL KINDS OF illtinif thai r. II.. .11 fuilv ii. iii.'i'.i U...I '..r .-lit ll to br, 1 out t,l ll, for 1 ai.i I..I l.l like .tad .1 T. II'-K rw l ai iiiii .' su:.rriority..f this article over Corn St.irch pu ea S.'g.., Ac, as :.n nrlich1 uf diel for and r;turlt, ia uituutal.ourU by li.e it.e. Kcii Sij-t. lo. If.. :.! PRITCHARD'S '..wii.j li? Sine JA3Ii:S 31. HD.M.Y, CO:iMl.SlO. MK1U IUS T, 1 I? ( It WilH Its SI III 11, N. . X k M A N . Ml.':' !l '..'..,. ii.t I far p5t : :tf Hay is at Laiil a uay wit'.i- . Maple crops, is liable to u,0re casualties oi: a cioud and i-hit i c!o-e." Those ail dipredations from various insects, than who havi r.-p.?i:tel of t'n ir ins, nnd fled a,,v other cultivated iu the I'nitcd State. 1 for refuge to Christ cruelued, who are -prin- TLu a heat fly, commonly called the lies- ' iled w th atorihig Llood. ho walk by faith, sian fly, is said to have been introduced in- ! au l de-ire 3 better country, that is, a bea- to the United States by the Hes.-ians; in the ' Tctily, s ual! 1. n be di-:.pc oiated. God is uot time of tb Revolutionary war. For many ' a-';:3ii.ed to be railed their God ; for he bath years the injury to the wheat crop caj.-tl' pi pared for ti.f i a city . Ileii I I : 10. great alarm amjug the farmers of the Aui what a city I Hav you ever attempt- coun'ry. iij change cf seed and by car. , cd f couip'eh. ud it., iptucn-ioa-s, its mag- jy nn, .0iti-.;, t't-e dtpredatiou of this li.S-vuce. its r:c!.f, it gl-oty, and the el- iu-eet have, in sme d.-rce, been checked t.-lienet of it- i:.lia!itant- T It-ad the t Ten- cf lute jiars in our country. 1 T.-iiam-r, r Trnisi 0:1. i tOi: T .i.ii. fa and Pi .nt. r. use in orra.mp pn.HVllii; l.e .lhrr ...U II irli. aa. J-'or aa M. II. ITUTUHAliD, W ..I.M.. M.ss . i ri;or. o. J. w &. 1 o t;. train. . I tin- jj..d . ti". et- i.l y..ur lla.r It. tof 1 w.lii to lUIr, that tiii.lius; my half gri, thill, aa wt'l! .a Ifrav, I ft.. iliet tl ,'ii.ln w nd h.rwatii. cirrv kii .l of nt. rcli .n. r. aj ,11,. 1 l.e.r.i, to try lite .me t pi.-par.-o by , ir it ).rr rm( t 'mamiifita. I.M.-I. to pi. . mole it irri.v. th -r.l i.s..i;e lis e.,h,r .a l.,.va. Sw.-iin nr.! Akreloail. N. W. W ...ofin, J. W . w .a in youth, botii ot w.tieii u l.aa cllicleu eoi Osborne. C. I'. M. lie. nh.,ll. A. .M . linrmnn, K.ns. phbly. V '.nr. Ae. 'aim Kev.l. f. Ihe.,.., lion. W. A. (lah.n., :d J AAIK.- rKA.M H. etinra. Vo.Vr in fian... Al. . Iltf -ti.. O. J Stool) i t I ) , IV-pr 11 lor.. 3 1 J litoa Harp., tiuit.tr., Mu-ic. Sewing Maenim-a. I r .it N. V . (.0 the trr.at X. V W ue l:.ilm( 1 ,1 Sales, Puniiia, ii.r.!u Krfil.ca, Ae. A printed tab! ..hmeiill .nd i I I M -rk. t .1, 1 1, M l.ouia.VI DeGralh's Electric Oil. A SUTI.Y of tin. e. lel.r. t.d O.I for aaic t my Dr-.j!- Store, Ir II. M. l-KU'CHAUD. Miy 4. l-s .rf. list of all ti..' .1 li'-rrlit n .L.tra, kin.l. and i rn( frit. Pubi.-I.f- of i... i!.aiit I, lh cr.. ph o. ' llirkorj At (Jup," N.f..l.) and l:..:"t inso K kc I'livaieu ; o, Im.ian l i-j i.k to llti'.Tii.'' Tin invaluable fii y sdriaft adoul.l be in ev.rl nouie. It Irrataol' all i!i.u..l'i, I 3a c.-pii. boiiot. oua ator. s, f..r nil our ilifinii.tir. and u. ... fortunes. It in pnnte.j nn fii.rv.tnle pi (er, hand. .tii. I y bound fourth r.Mlton, 3 U p.'.t at.-' malted fiee fur one tUt!ur. New lio-taoou -.,tnoa. !jt). th. IC. Is.-.S. ly Inr for i. l. ., t I'lill'Cll AliL' S, iirii-a fur..fr. ty Sr-t ctnpter of Reieh.ti.ns and synly , Pi.,- f ,r..,idahle enemy to the wheat jj B W im . I. .', "Jn A.'an' ror'i'rf fr ' ii.Vm. yl eitinut a'-il i x -1-siiuiiig. "Oiorioiiv crcrT'no iu tbi L'nit.-i States is known un- t.l u,r. S-.iii by tLi,s arc .r ,k- cf the, . city of ;od." der the ,a,ue of U'h,at Midge tCiLnnyU II. M. l'RIT(.TIARL. j pJ?ftZ& Jj -V ' ; t;ji, V p-t'.e,.: in Uiloati-i. Tit'i-i ) i.H the maunnf iu which it was; " . " " itif" 'l- 1 f1i The days of y.r uiourninj vi.i so'.n be en- ,.j .r. into our c jun'rv, w- b-.ieve il : fircil. ; A 'S ded. lbarf,?;Mio, word, of yo.r Sa. uot g.,.era.Iy knowo. The Whe at Midge Z Vs- yUv.'uZ: fifrh tour : L. t not yo.jr l.tatts 1-e troul'ed : ,4. gr.t c'.t-ar.y r.-c.igti'ited in l-Jil. in the . 1 '"rr,;.- I.nr .. . of . very k.nd. ' Kigf, d! f ti 't ye Iclierc it. J ,.1 ; le'c-ve aLo it. me. In ,-;;, ,H put of Vermont, but Ir. Fi-.eh 'jj "jp 'pRl 1VIIARD, j 'Tylf -TriWV ttj Father's l.v.e arc many wan-loss. I claim-to have some evidence that it was in I ... 1.-a.n'a lo.-L-r. ! $ltfjU'&4 $&&fl And ..;.! by all itf; ... I L ai,,i i. H. M i'lU lt I1AKP, ti!7 L'tui ,'ijtrr, .V. C. AYER'S ('IL LRU V PIXTORAL, tor. TiiK Bii-tn cciir "r ol.ts, CoiiltIiv, niiil llar-ii-s. a M.a. S) ..a I .... I I.... au l fai ula l. jaoioi.ta. H'.tV KMOIir, vt V A H VI.HTI IV Kvi ,f 1'ir,. N y.wnual: t km a.l ...a. l-i.f il n,.ir ai .1 id n hoolr f-r lt.- 1 ii iuni.i. J It. ..ft !-. .1 Hi. ai.-lir.... I t a r-.r..i. --n I ol Will, a L.l -. i.l I ..n.t t t.'r'T fl A l..r I. . a tiiao do witWltl It, Mf I PARLOR & BOX STOVES. Ik hia ami cii.tantlv keep tin hand, an rllcnaiva and v. rod atotk of TIN AM) SHIILT ll-JON m:.i s.s m i n.i t .isr lr.o.v i:r:in .::, II AT HACKS, CRADLES, &c, All l hu h ill In-lil. U niiil Hi Ij-U. hs iip.-r lli.iiilia. --r Imtii ll-r-sl in llii Vii-H'.l). ; I n ouhl r. turn n y t tH-.to aed upon i,a. and I tojicthrt vt ttit a d. I. nut Lollies iiiul (itnllt nn n art' jiartiriilarly inilrtl lo ru!i iiiit! t'.aii:itic Lis Nt. N. B. I will till ynu w ity I head my advrrli.ri. ii t ' W air tu ist W it i. ... we have lbr.e aaE..'ia con.lal.lly travtilng b.. 111(1. I lie ...ut.Wf W.ll. Slov.a. ri' . urth r u ill br In illi f ully ami jn tnnilly nlh mint to ja J.,..N...I.T.Vmi!. ' rMi.'aia, Jhk, ic. 3u to nil !r. an.l f.l. I' iy teat aaautd. tMal I t., i.'.taar. tt lrv am! no r anj I'ifwli ( mi.icvs ;ilar, ' ris s tj attract particalar attenti iu until J N P"1' t-)tt:- jul received from S.rat..j;a ' eiht or ten j-ar, aferwari,. I a Knau-I 'V"H' H. M. I'RITCH ARI, it w, khowu as tat It as the vear 1771. . Ih-e. I. 1. .wn' t ,.-n. r. go to priparc a place for you. tour country several years anterior to that Ue tnftt.utt ut I -y.r yitef u-isn ;.'. date, although it dii Lj become so nunie- j Ji f ff i.te. )i yo-i say, "The los which 1 ris a? tj I have su-ta'ned is irreparable : my Cjuu- t..r. try rui my l..e-t eartu.y st-.y an-l t w , khowu as tail t as the vear J77I. Lelp is taken away from n.e '. ' Aii this Ce its d, pr. p,.ti cj-hive b-eon.e so alar- - - - - - - n.-iy l very tr-i". and It a )ui-l .-vit.c- a n.l:. at, j its bui its observed and uoler- ! I K' JsT'KCTL'S CrLi-urtibie Uejree of ih-cLsioili'j if you di 1 U i- a; .-i-rtalne-l that it is luakit.,' a' :-v THE "";f: 1:',t- fJ .;,a '-lve xU !c8,J a"J v. e.t. .Smhraroliaa o:i of Tciniraiicc. aue.in.y ....'..-. e - i n y j jr l e J r s. mi) lave "one Li.'i.t. Their work is do:,-; : th. si rc-t secured It it not the a;,t of ni:u r-1 iff' ttio;., but bctjtii o.'. t.ce a:.-) fa t!., wh'ch ptoii.j te ! Mrs. (jrai.aui to say, wl.i-t a iJovei th I 1 LvJ j-j,t breathe 1 her la-t. ted to mill " J unU j j.' ,!, iii j d mtttr -' d..-truo.'ue il." y. -. - i''t ;.i'i. r;,(n-fs "' yut, that Co'' li I'. John-oti, the fficiet.t He f.rux: t 15 it. d...d, tl.-y jet -p-as ecr..-t.'iry of the New York .-tt.: Airriout- At.i whit is it.e in p ort cf t'.it.ir ia;.. -u i,-e ' tural f'oi-i. v, ddre-.-i;-i circulars to ti..; f I '--i't i-rower- in lh'.- t i'. -, with l.'J.I.-V, " Tj V.i.1t l-X'CI.t Wa, the t t-r-p in your vicinity i-j irtd by the K ' ' The facts thus d ti..; 1 er au :c and cinplet'-, and placing the es , s at the lowe-t figures at.-J far ai'h- IN fJUAftT BOTTLrS. ror. purifyixg ths hlocd. lld tor Ihe oir ..I I ronp, Uhoopint; Congh, lafliieaia. .iut.ii,i,, Mo. , ;. i.vl Ilk'-THIa Ailft I ... tt.-wfal.jf rrrlil. j.'.ir IWfn t.SKLIN. M p IIM.J.I J. . ill..-.! in. In .! .. !.-!. l. : HiHT'lirairc-HDiiie IndiMrv UAVI.M. II h( II Al.l il.r OM iiil I At KI(V, I am pr.p.r.u to fill all or.ltr. lot 'I,,,,,,. o-,. !,,, s,'.i,!S .'--;-, .;,,o", I, If,tl 'tntiii 1'nrjL'oi:' I hi it 'Iiiiii. Il..n:, ',.,-. Ilinjpi,.- Vt.... Ian. in... is -o arli. I. .1 l..i. ot lor .... .t lilu.ni 3'loi.r. br.'i 1. .: ( ..m. I .r. 'I Ui- .Vd-tli-l ;rnliM.i M;ilil AMI nac3iii.e cf U4e lul In for in alios rwjMii-: imri, t t , ..-I. ,.......(. , .-. Ji I ,1, 0! I... . al , . arm. j-:.... , ti.t a'.ole ti llf, .1. Vol. .1 . e.uaiv. ly u. II 1 . ' ,.. Tr . 11 1 t e lo J. M. IMiNAI.I. is. i-;,i;. 3i.it l)iolij(im. at I.S..!.. no f. , u a il-a (.. .1 a... . nl. la . I.M..I... el.. Ar aj.l. 111 1 ( 1 'III, c...,,t, 1. A.I (r -I. d.) Jonas i:i i-isill. I. S U Ills. N A.N I. It f i-.r )-,... III.Mtl I.. I-AIIKS. M.rtla. A A. HSM-KV, M H A'.a. .. M .lll'. A C I". I . I. .1 I... fuel. at. .oei. t. -. tl.n. 1 .y Im- .a,.; of ll.r It-p.-rl. jm. M.i.i. ...I.... ty.... I-- . . .11 1 a t t . h - ti we t. r -1 m it in 1 :sl r 1 ti 1 Aiha' y c j j:.'yt N. York; it j, is- -ir.ee x'rii 1.-.J over a ci.-lJi r.ible p -r- ..r. ton of C'I.Iq atid I:,i!i.i:i:i, where iu l-'il 'lj i.e i -i re-'jitiii'' from its lavages a lb out,. . of 'i-jilars. H ) ,.' net ally - tjt' ' it iu New York iu that entreaty, t'.e Lbjcs not I.e y w!.;-prr n..d ; io.loa.d the: ti rc J into tin.: I' j tl.' y nit ..! to ! p-.ai niii rv .:. t.' not in f.u.t. t:.. ir . i " ij,t jOu .'J iiilit' 1. l.'h l,.r a Voice from the eki- s coi.tli.u tj yout h'-trt, "ii.'.jM us a-Cliri-t ?" I.'ive war f.-ivt.is th" r-t that remains t th- p. i- '''' ' Llor il..- ntly j bo f artak. rs of th-ir rt-l. li ye f l owers cf them who thro.,-', f-ith and patiet.c ii.li.-r'.t the prori-cs. Ji tl.,,, ,',.,,-r, , .,.,,.. o l,:mf V Kf tit coft fi.a 0. ' . ' A r --11 i- 1. t a tome. Hell -j 'a l - ju at J.i:-o:i Lor e. AI! thfl fin a I i...f.-tittiit. tue u -if. tt .ioi:-"l . and u:j-a!:c'.f.e I ii.u- i:. ! ui.i .. r-e. w :.. b- CitiCni'd t'.. re. . .., tear. n-. f ..at. J th. re Ti-'i,'-.:--io-, ail aiaf . tnoji ':, and ai.oui-h, v. i.l t e tu.-re. !i.-.uvi is the ou'y hou.e th-.t U.A ha yyT. .r. f.,r h -'h .dfen. Let U' til.; l.-.:d thai w come Lot Lort 0! it. a p w I R 1 111-.. T FK'l.M TiiK KI V'.r; M It i" 1, .t 11, nay. thai 111 a 1. or nolo 10 li'-c "'ii- ire of th- .k"p'--t dye, ti.it a'..:.d in tt,.- at--t da-ij. r of bs-.ii,' shut tiot fr-.m 11. c a :..-. ,A t,. :jif) The t;r m.-a of th" ju-i-iit ti,. f . nl he. u .0 freat th-:t .-i.u s.i.fa. in.., .i,.ereed th.lr p uuir-L-i.0 ..t Ly d..a-.i,. liat i., ii.au.-r Lol great ll.ey inir lit- ... n, ti.'- vi'v IliOUM-lit that I .- faith laid l.j ! . f .., Jsaiiour, ti.-.t i!i.nt..'i:t saw to. ,, ail ! ,r t-i.. n, and ti.- dju. ti...-f 1 t .N.t k. win, Mnist of he .m u Some year- l'o I tack oeca-ion t-j i I dresa a younj Ivly upon trie ui.j. et A r.- 4- ' ;K Inn to a-.- I:. nl. 01 W K.l.hl.V I A li.ir.rt, S. ( -., ..a at pre. .hi . .pr of .la S. n ut - ii J I.! !V t.'.al l tue Oil ot ol Hi-: r, it v ,;i l.' f ..i'e,: 'I (IK SOI. 1 il CAliO. i.i.n v son ol ii;mpi;iia.. j.." 'I I.e ' lh. . ..ftl.tr M. W . V . oi the S'.l.a of T :,.. r.t.ee ..I .Not tit An.er.e 1. and ti,.. Or 1, 1 .1 I.e I;.. ..t ... 111 th.- tMCb. it was a-fr-it'ii'icd tiiat the vaj- of toe t:eat ii.--tr ly-d iy this in- . s.et that year, -at the fail .ri-.-'-s. amourite-l to tl-fc e I; arti. .! B.J'U of bl'teea tl.Ii.iot,-. of dollars. Iu .-'..-viral States the pres ent f-.n-oti, th'! eop cf wheat has been iuicii itjired, though to a le,, extent than iu I-..1 Tl.e Mi l.-': is sn.ot, the allialle.-t iu-ects vi-ilitf to ..K. naked ) ' ALLEY FARMER. TliE FARMER'S MoTT'J " Let th-. fatm. r's. u. jti'j t-, then, 4 jVO-id t.i'Uj-, -.".J i -'oe'rr, i'io-l aired, ao J 10-1 i s. a. '.. vatioti. M lie larmii. j a science, in !. eh oar h-ad 1,- well i, your hands a'-' i o 1 j , 1. t th' re be t)itii. -Jiid r'-a-so:, in ..i yoit op.rit:H!-; -tu-ly tj make ;.-.jr fain brs'it'if'ii. a:. i make jour la'id ivv.iy ; ri.tii;-, hy km irj. ---, the lirdi to vi-it and cheer your dr, nitli their mu-ic; I would not a--oc:.:e uitt, na: mao or boy tint o .; i wanton'y kill ti.-j hitd, that ehi erfully rin-j around our u wt.-iliii-.'s and our farm. ; he is fi'ti- I for trt a-or. Dud iiii.id.-r. Wl.i do. t. ot wiih the fre-hii. ss tl. A 1 ai y in iriiiti, tali up the rin'inory cf 1 o. 'I- r--,r.le,. ,-f Lis infancy and childhood "':"' il..- ia' in'. I,, t In the old c-bfrry Ir-t. t. ii.-, I t'..; 1 . t of jijgii cLIrf-iiirf birds in t'n l-p-i -ue-:, ue. ..I T.-io' ii.j. -, 'I... Tl,- p.p., I'OW M.lo a y . .p. la I to .ir.iule.l .1. ... I'i -r publt. i.ly lac ta ,y be, I be 1 ao.l n or mi.. II but jll tan!,, ail who 1 't..i!.ir may c u..v..i.e pay-1.1. .I..!,.!-,-.,!.,,. III. .1 ..le. ..: , I, I'll liEA-ni an.") r2TPtr:'To: .11 It: or' .- .. Another fjure cf Sccf-ilT. r. A. H J. I : . I'r-,.r..l ...t .. 'I r i . II. .1 ll " I.-. ' .. jo '.. .. I "i In ..,-'... '. N. . V.. I 1, ROMAN EYE BALSAM, Far Weak and Ii.fl tmetl riy s hVELIDD A HE 1KPI. A M III). aflNEKC M KC H A.N I' SANDS' SALT RIIEULI REMEDY, .oTir ,,i.-i a'J.s n, iM ill v. l.im rl ,.1.1.1,-. '..it lh. a. l . ,.e. f f Ilia .ir(r al Una t-rur-J;. is t.ua.J 1 1 on.i.mplioii. Sasli, liliuls iii.d Dcors, . ... 11 i ti-lrj . l li lh r. ..' I .i put.lie p..tr I r ... -. p.. .. ! r r., I,.- I..:.. I. II . p. e.. ..I ,! to lor .tl.l r. n A if I Kin torl . 01 11 n, hi,..,... 1 It. Mai .(I s A. t.a-fSl At . ai ti.t. M. i.n la IL 4 lh l' f I CiTT Vfnr-li . IS'at. "-.a,.-... 'hi 4. .a. ( ". M..r I..I' Al l.l, j. ri i'lsn.L. .-UI.I tlf, ..f rUCLKlTII A W I t, .ue. tl r., ui.lr y. nl) ol lb. kla t K,....i, S I I Is I to p-y l.,r 1. all. :i '"' Ayer's Cathartic Pills. rM'K K-ft- rf '! srr,Mtrr ti . Mr-li-ii .ie .- IV S HTM SNA NT. An,.', is, IP.,7. . .-I.!, I. U) oj,.. tu. a-t-n. ..I el 1 te.t.ltl I'i ta... I Ol f--.!, el .I.m.,- lb-) ra'K'. t.t "l .'" 'L.trO'l-r. .I....- ,,re.,t. ,t,. .1,1. 1 ..111... Ill .11.1 II. ai 11. -T an. an- 1 a., a 1l.. r a.r-.r. ii n. 'I l,,r pn. .1 etl. lli,i -r ll.a ,., J.nriljr 11,1 l.jt it. I. ....buinura alotU ..I ilu o! halh7 Olt I lt-1 ItOI.I riutu-al lift InMirante dmpiny. ui in 1. it ai. 1.1:11 . t . f VIN 1 .al,y ,niir. a the I. v. ,.f iii.li.i,: J. b.r "i.e year, t, .01 of y. t,..r lot l.l ...i me Aluiii.l I'm., .pi.-, ti..- a, ..,1., 1 ir hi, p. , III l.il I. vt 'I I li Ms: ,,. r .1 . ..in il 11 .1 I' ; :y I, r 1 ub,.. re.l f. ! p a ll.i. eon ! (ii n: in .a ..r 1 nr. and J.ts T. I'in., ; r hrm ot Moohh V l-i.VV l i t,. ,i i poi.i, .r,..i Lt JA Ml. 'I . id nd by II. Jl laOK AlnnliK, 1 II. l. l oi... l. l. Al. VV. I', ot i ia.oii ol tor at J . 10 -.1 ilea r,lf .1'. r..,.;,lalnU of rVr.T l..t;, eilt t. 11, il.i thai batf l.alrl,.1 Vt lul. 11..; pr.,l.. uew.frul -Int.. in i,l.hlil.. ths 1 ..... I,- .in 1 1 .. ..I far rl.lllreo. ,.. .l,a.il I" tMk , ntal Usnn out Cari . r n. l ,yh I.I..1. er l.V .-.una.., I ,-. I , .,fT r.litf vt . ,1 A.1.-I I" b .eao,.. .11. Tl. ) al. . the pr.o e limy Ik- 1. 1 ,. lull ll, .1 i.l I, ... 10 "', a ...nl ol t. t- l.t. HltlOiIll f...'to : pal. I Vtillll :m y pi ptc nt.'d. a. II W. lit. .V,jy I , h'.d. II. SI. I'RI'li'llAIil., ,i-i Ta ,.,.--n l'..i,.,.'.l.i., ,1 . IT l.y i,n r t b. I i? be int. 1:. 71. nun: , i,i 11, vit-.i tmwih.itily 1,0.0 nil wl .!. - In- Hf'.'.fo I ... a ., I'l l 111: c -11 .-v-i i m. ... il-t he toalie ." LA.II, Ot II I bur-j jr kurv ho 1, r 1 .r 1 halt .upp.srH Iron irjr.ia.'li currant hi.l..-. at I had ' n. '! - r, an 1 !.. th fi'jw-ra p! :d t v I.i- 1. ted b) I t' Tl ? ' p.,.. I I r'' n.tl-t "i- ti rill ni.t ,r.'. K I V.O lJOl.l.AliS er r.. i-ii.i.i pi M I t.Kli V. l i.,'. IfaV '.- o)l,d 1.1 ,11. V'. rll O .l iel (S.C. -'.fc. I J. I. fi v.- Pro ,.t 'I M t LI. ,M r. I Oil AMl I If ...I tl..-, al.. :.-rcptrcd by Er. J. C. AYEJl, Practical and Aaalylical CI, am lit, Lowell, Kaat. I .. rs. na H,i. Kiva mh rut I. r jl.tl iV III I! lit THUS. CI, ,r!e. II. Jolinal.tit, W ,. II. J,,, f I .I... n. W . I) C.kr. J. (.. W nl II ..I..I. U. li,.b,e. r. . I II M. K-r, K. lh llattie, Cli.fi,. ll, Koot. i. t f... , li el.M 11. Ilill.e. ohH(I.I!.s. Ilr. "h'tl. . lh Job.,.,,,,, 're. ui W. W. Ilohl.u, V,r,. 'r..i,:.nl it. II. lail(,Str.iarv. W ill,,,,,,, II. J,.,Tr. ...tlier. II. W. l. I. ,1. Attorney. Ur. W in. II. Al, Kec, M.aiieal I h'zmtlin, I irimillrr. 4. Ilual.. 1 K". . on .rl... II. K....I. Mntlriil It,., n.l i,l luniull-ihin I Jil.ii a.m. M 1 1., William II. Aleh ltieli',1 . II.. y ..'. Al. I , p..r irlbrf info,.... lion, tlrr polii. f. . l,p...ll. . .l.lld f.e ll .of p,, II, ay be nhlaieeil al Ine O'lie, ,,f U,e iaj ..7- U ll t I11.V . ..el.., ., lollll. I... I ' le. It. t.a ..I I!.L Iw.iH. V. 1 I... I-- '' ','!.'" ''it.'w 'h e ',. :.....- I'" i" C. ,,.,,1, o ' '.I l '' (.'old .Mine ;ilsii!!i after a.t.a- of I y apepl , . Ililt.,1 r f T. I.' lure 'I t " ,N"" A i, .1. r f.'.ui J. II t ..lini.i, l".c V ' .' .N.l ..ual... Aug. M, IM7 : Ur J. KI111I-I'. ar S,r ; 1 our m- " " Uivi n entire aalialni ti.'li in t lua ... I '"'' ! ly. The Abya.mia M .iui rap. . . '! ly approve.) of. It Imam v.l fmii'l ' " " ' . ea ...1 ., II. ao f. .1. Ihi.l I in 'l, ' '' '!,,, lllylj till' III llii.nit. Veil t" ill "I"' " :,u. ...n. y ol .t....n J. I! t'A I I ' .' r I A'.KN'TS Wui. W.N .1.. -'( ' . I T. I.oi.if. Korkiiiiriinm -, riimti. '"V..' s ' T. J I .. j t .... ..,,,1 Ur. J. I- . Oiln r.l' .linnet. I A S. II and J . II. Klilllaa, fsalituur ) W. II. Mc. ty, l,.,iel...i. ' rle. la.. Al. U. MomI.'K A I'D'.'. 1.1.1 , 11 m. I'iMTcir m:i, !,,,. !,;,;;";;; 1 1 vi l n i, sn;; v. n s n a i :u , i. of ll -i .iiif.tuiiieiilo abould la 1.I.I1. ompaiiy, .1, (,.-.. 1 i 11. u: l.V Tit, .v S I l.l. i.rarl.ee :,, tl.,. :.l,.: H :"' "' SI li, a ..nd HI I iiltelid to a 1 1 l,"'' ' ' 1.. of L'.f CL.ara.ter, that the a; iirta i j 1 ' R. H. RATTLK, SViiv,,,, :LR1 J.XA") iut aalo at thi: ofli;