r U .S ir, i 1 TIIOilAS J, IIOLTOW, El'ITOK A I'lif.MiltTdlt. TEH US: 'I 1, S..il'i.l'.i:.iu W In ? will I., 1, ir .nii 4 timul, .., r ..t TVu DuI.I.AliS ,1. a,,!;,,,,.. - 'I o 1 ir.Ti,Mr,Mm,..,i1.;uliriiia.i;iHV.i.Ai .s ll ut Hie Uv. ri, ... Tlnii'K. rl, .h,l()i )0. p, T wjnuro nil linen ' lf, tlua . d ty l'r lit)- firm 111 .it. tee,. ...i.l 'J.f i.i i,l i 1. i,:h iciniMiu iiiri.. uurl mi. v ..... m. nln .1,1.1 Siwrill'1. rliarirtil 'J.'i .. r . 1 !ii. hir'.ier ; 1,11,1 n iletl.i.iii... ..I J.U i, r c. nt. will 1,1 UK Iron, liit 11 -nlir ,ri,., r .uire.il, , . t y I. vwr. A.!. 1 li in, n u mi., it, .1 ii.,.,,U,ly ,., , i.il. rly. ut l ,er i.iurt- for ;, li.nr. Semi. ..u. 74 ' cut. r t.t.;.ri f..r - uii, t. . i,ii. m.rlj tl..- i,un,lr..f i-tri;.. il. sir l... i .11.1 lit mat rl-ii until .idini -lul ili,ii U , . ,. . ., , . . rgHI. I.r-nl 1 Ml.r 1,1 lii ,.,t, f I l.arlt 111 II, .N,li I... trvu 1,11. a ...r, tin- ,.....ic i.m 1, . , -i,,,-!. .). II.Sl'I.VK.VS iV UK FAMILY (iI!0(KI!I!, - , I - : ,r ;:. U1ICH, I I.Ot I,, Kl I , II , , .. i.,r 1. I, th,; l,.;;l-,t ,,!,, t -,.,,i uill I T tl rul ,, 1. I', II t . .?. li. .STKVI.NS A 'o. ( .,(.,.., 1 :. -:.r. :n-: 1:1:11 s : UKirs:: iu:iis::: I 1 -111 1 Ik- H. I nil I til I iirin 11 ) , A! U,.uu, I,,,,,: ' run i: '; !!'!" I MI I -S 1,1 I 'IS 1 a W 1 tim: in :-- rt .:m V ' V-inn.. j . k '.im:. 'i. 'ii, 1 Q XvTmT' 'r.-.uMi.M-t. JT? ri)ii!(riiuiiary.n,ikrry,Fn:!!.! ,.;::v.:'.w'.'.;-'", i-....... ',. Uomoval. ,,...,-. i-:.--'- ...1 f.-. f vir. M , M ., II,. 1 - - , .'! !..'... n Cock. Golden St ir Fl tnUi's and Premium (! M OVI S, t KI,OU M tM . . - k. :...-, im, ut ui' J in .iu.i IlolSnU -w :n . A"'. 1 .... ;. I .1 tell . I . -j f-r A-lt ' r .ut. i 11. l.vi.r.i.v. ... : : . 1 -1 Trv It ! Trv It! f ' Ml. ll '. I'S 1 ', Html 1 lrt I .a t. .. , I - .1 I.l I lit ii : ,- -,...( ,. :i,-i, ,1, t.-n ..,;.) I r , '. . , -. , t j.r.-j'.i.. Ij It.-at. Try .t. r ,:, tt H I' HI.-nN (.lIUi'N S l.KI'i; II' It's I'-, ,.-,,'. I . Iivc?tuils Dvc-Stuirs! v.i: '-.-t -1 1'... - -1 - ' -. .,.1. .',,, p-Mt ' ,.f 1'". 1 -' . ., a -" .1.1 ... , . ..!. Mj-V. .. 11... y - i"i- m in; rrinsti.N x cir.noN s , ir, m-ii,'i ( in.r. nrnislH's, Varnishes!1 A',v::-:: , , . I . ;.,, I V..!, H-.i-r. ',ir ,, t ,1 r, , J I W ,,, I, , I l.u l-.r I '.(.., I,.....- t-i le., !...!.. II'. . Ill TrinsiiN A (lll'.ni'.N H :,..!, , !. and Url.nl I . .v.' . l-. l .im a. Condition Pomlers ! j S.UiMLII-i ,, i, ,l,r.M..I in STui K, ... ,...,.r, .1 l',.it l.i.-.e -r. e .r.,1,"',. n. '.- iii'icin.'siiN' a i;ii;r.iN s ..,r utl.I 7Cil! ''t. -Sill. 1st I ,. h ,, . , i '-Liuu and Vurmon -i'- , 4 VI ll" l',,.t ,l,. - I "I I ' IIIM..N A 't.llIlloVS DKI'li STtllti: 'M' II. M ...U!,..y .,,! l'..,i;li-l'. nl el.-li.C. ni:. n.t 1 II l.i.l r. , , ue.l. liUll 11'. I.l 1,1 i, l.li I, hull II.I I, l.y IHiTi'IILSiiN A GH'.liii.V. 1 . 1 -.. 7. Irw.n'H cth, r. 'fiilh ami lUir Syringr, 'W .mi'.eJat ' IIL Tt .SONG ,tIO.V J'jiper, Paper, Paper I f rtcciMg 111 fitorc, aiM.rl.-d ,j. z,,"f Wit P IM. I? u.ii 1 1 Arl.ld " , ""'"" nil imij..n,u, or..! cur. 7 'i ''""":."'-"' "" J, Y. lillYCK & CO., Aftrntjur U acwia Mith. Vy H, ic;,s. in,,' Notice i.l. (ii r-i iiw, I i I.humI Airniinlf nr fin,-, MIL' ll til Ul,! tUlKllI'll -. ''lUI-l-.C. ,irt' a""-liy ,.tt. .,. I,, ell u "l'r,"; "' ' 11 lm..l I rariHit be 'f. ifc. v,'. ii myi:i;h, I Ju, June -'I., c jui' At'JtKS OF LAM) '; s.tg.s:. 4fi. ''k- - MMa.l 1 I..I..I. it i..,i, ,,,v.-ui mi.. tir.rTr :0 1.1 r- 1 t-,,,1 I, ,i ., t. , S; rTi.,;,'';,:,;,:''',N:r' - - ,'i'',l:''; - v, ;. , I t. , M I :l r 1 r , -, Tl; i T 1 , I.AMi in ,1,. iL.trn I. S ( ., , 1, I.-.- M,.-: 11 f I..- I.. 1 , - , I II.M.r .,r,, e .. I .I--H' !.0 - I... : . 1. , ,. ' " ' '-' '" .. I'-' -.-i ' -. ... Y.i "-f j . ..11. : j ,' ' ' ' '.'..."I" 'l-l i i'. ''ff'.'i. r'-..it I t. - ) :.. ' ' j ....,.. , .1,,, y ti- 1. - . r"-.' ' " I" . i 1 I- : II'.. ... . Equity Cash Sale, M r . ,1 1 1 . .,,1 11..,.. .,. ri, ...tu, 1 ; f l',tinutilr i'ltinti.tito). Valu-ibls; Ch : ! b. a v and Sulphur SPRIKS 1 I..- I, n-,t. 1 11, , I.. I, ..In.-. ' I!, I : m;v firm. Retail Grocery Business, ! 1": " !,;!,,"1'.i,;!.'' '"" ::! '' ' Mi.oIiY A NIS1-KT. ; ,i,,uu,l i-. i-i. ! IM. l.in-. I ; 1. A . I i 1 1 iv ....in ,. ,, '.. ''' i' '. ;'- - 1,1 iflli.-t'N A i;iI:i;tN. Ir...'. I , r le j i hi: ci i n I tiniliilillltlril Illtill'U fin in (( , r;;s.,,,. tr...". H lu li. i l.t.. ... ( IIIMmik ..,!. h. - . ,,1 I.l. . I,, I ll..., l ... . I. u II. n.l.,. I., All ..Im hi. I. nr. tltlt'ii llnlr ni.ai.lin.in i..u . . n. .r HI, Halo l.illi. ....... tit . 1 1 1. I , Ii. V 1- ,.,., n. I ... ., I, ..... .1. t-U'. lit r. THE I.IVKIZ 1 Tl VIGOR A TOR , . in., .. I I.. F. SiJAIUl &. CO., I lfiriottt, ,Y C. "Se.flrqe to 60S, fo ij':r fiouijiht, r) io iiour ftitfij." CHARLOTTE, 3NT. C.,OVSMBBR16, lQ5a 83aI)issoIiitoii, fE'IlK firm ut You.ijf A. Willinnm thi ilny I iliH-olvd l.y iimiIuuI c.H..M.t. Tim ": ."" tl.efir.nw.ll be ..-.I.-.I .y II. H W,ii. . . VniiVn Ji. IJ. WILLIAMS. j Chailhtlt,, Aug. 18, Ir-'.K. i!4'l" ! MANSION HOUSE , r i 1: it . 1 ; v a 1 s i 1 1; i; s. I -Jh?- rHiiiH 'ii.!i.. m ,j,ifi?L.t i 'i I .1. LS I Alll.lll MD.NT In,, re- I PS3'ilE" - " ""I""Im,. Ht'iaSS!! i- riiM.-r. ..f I,. i- milmrrili. r, l, r,;- 1 I'" t'u "I ' I Mi I hit J:-IKlt ..ml HIE I IV. t !.. t i-v.-ry ,11" .l.---w in urn, pnrlirului ai- rtuiiiii.g lu Id,: i.ulii-B ( Uiiiti, Aug. 'ji, ;,. V. V. I-.LM S. ; Urass loiujKisiiioii Castings I P -V'Irjr.fVv: ul ir 1. 1 1 r li'.n i.l (I, "mi tin,! In i1" Inn,! of IH...I -ry ll,,it i.l.iiitv li-r null ink.-, thut 1 l,.:.u ; t w . lit y y. 1, 1.! I'-iriiili liuu- I ' f t , 1 ! , H IIC. H). M,i 1 I, , H I.IH! J- l,:;l-,.il, I ! luring, tl., k, 1 (r . ,L , I . . .. ,,. J ,., ti.. ,,, m .w,.v ' "-- ciiarli.ttr Machiiie Shop V, D. PIWCKKEY k CO. ! Ilngfaetrs. HydreulJc Press K..ktrs and ; .'lill lllllll) ill U'lKTIll, ' B IJ AM.' r..,..i.,,.,i ..,. in U..:,.t!.-. in 1 lit t... i.. i.- I,,,.. , i,n- ,., r.,1 .., ,fcr S .Ml. AM I V,!l .. v .,,, ,,,,-. met, -,. , ""' " '' " 11 I'll"' ...-. v, it tl.r iin.er.ii. M - !,:r..ry. ' i.'O - y -. - .7 t". 1.,1-in. I'- inn.:..r..-lr. r, ar.4 I.ri,,. J I., 1.1V. tl,l 1:;. v l..n. . 1,' , .,.:. , . .1 1 maww rv ls t r? I., w . in.', kw i i ii. J A t-i... TllfM I'I'.IIAIII.' KIK! J. A. Lt-Tl-S k CO , T U 'J OKS A M) ( A.M M ivslO.N ff i ii; i 1 . . -!. .-i i , i i,. .i . . i , , I ,..,, i.i 'i i-ii I' M..- s . ! I ,u!r l'1-.'l. .. ( III!,-, . N.-rtti - i H i,.m,i !. ,r'i'-l.-,.S (' I I A. - ..r -i-- I- t, , I. in., "t I, I - I .in,, r- j I ml- 11. .M,... S. S l-.r- ,r. !r It- . . A ! i .... I ,, i,iiii A W i.ii-, n, Ti ii, ,. .1. .V I', j II. . ..... t I.-. I. ....... S '.: I "1. li. A ,'-;- t I. 1 1 , I . S. (' ; ., M, I.,,.. , r , N. i li. I a.-.. A c,. i. , , v ,, t. i ... .1, r. S. . . i r . S .1 ,.,... SI'.' ..!. I. !. U ,1 '-, : -;..,'.. J W . j - ,-. W A. I ...I' ,. I , . I ,,1. S. V ,M.,, , i', .1. IJ. ir II, li. ,,'L, I .; Dr. Il.,." .:,!!, ii- j ,1 .. V l : J. I.. I'.v . k..- .!!.-. '!' . ... I J i.i-. ly j 11. I). Wiiliams vv Co., in:.si.r.i:s in uiiori.Mi:.,', IIOI I tl.li mill KIM' til., o. 7'. ... '.tv,i. ( Of 7.'V 7,'ni rr:. We ,.,-,-,l.V U-e !! !..." I. ll-.I.U I. "l.t l "I' ll .",! hi' T.'M. F..rr.,w. 1 t'i;iM i;s nit, n,;,.i t ,r,,ii'i t:,- .. ,: P." -.i.t. II. 1!. WILLIAMS A I'D , r.ud, ,v,,-,i, :i ,;,., . a,r u...-i i ,.,,,r. C'elli,,,!,, Jill. -Jt", I-..". 4711 Wm. A. Owens, a r ronsi: v a t la ir, 4 ii uti.o r 1 1:, . .. R m ':.'.'.'..' -t.fe in ll,,-1 . uris , t' ,M. ,1,1. nl, lira 'U:Vm ;..Mle t' I'-st ' 1 'St.. I--H. S'tt I SAM'L r. SMITH, I ATl'oli M. J A i "I .sl'l.lAIi AT LAW. n A V aU.iv- l.o f..ui,.l at Hie etliee of William 1 Ji j.,i.,i,..'., i:,.,. j j , l'i",.i'l mi' iifnn e.viii to Cnlleili.,.,, ri. tii.C "t !..,". I n.,')..iic.-f, Ae. , I ,h. . ls.if. 4HH" I Fresh Eread! j Ztltr.SlI lllii:.t) !'.,r I'litiiltt-H, rvery imsrnitig I ' ul J. P. I'ati. it r't ('.'iili'itu mry, one dour j ..,, il.e II' i.k of t li'iri- lu. Jm. M, li-j. 47-r ! ... foundry ;: I t li.nr r-t .l.i, -I.,,,, ,,'. i,.,,i ,.'.,. .1 t lun.i.l, , "ETBk '' r-in.H, i : , ... MLB' ir.. ..!..'. i.i'.t. Mo, ,,,K, .-i,,i A.fi. uhi.r-jl , ! .'i-.-M. I Tf.rai '.f.,.'ri.'-.lln. ! "'" VrM U.p.n i oiki l-i.-i lie-ins. ( . ; i.i i: 'i i i.m;' am: r sii. , r i I , Itn.t .,.,'. M. ,. , !:. .M... a i riTu. !.';.' ,'. "..,".1!" ,' ; i tr J u i 1 h ii , I xTNi 1 I f g I. K firn. ,.i HI. h u l l 1 1 iV I 1: I I I AI v . , f r. w. i;i;ckw n H. . .). l;UH I A1N. yv I S I'.iiit. ! -t..ll " ..! im II l u r , ... m i , . ;... l : ... i-'i-ia -d 151N1S for the f.riiv'i ut Yinp-ity, FOIi 6ALK UKUK WIILtt WANTED. ! .... . .. f . ' ' ' I 'H ' . 1", '.';'VI"I-' I"1" '"'-"l I!.,. Meain i ''"" M I'' nr. ,,:,r, rl , 1 hue licut, lor .-.I n l, i.cw.il .j . i,.,,!..,., t .,l,:c- in Mi.ur, llrail in ?!. ,1 j; i.m r, ,i l.i 1, ..- firm 1 1 .Mill, j JOHN VlI.Ki;s. i i;kli:! i;iii:ad!! fflVy .,-'-..-.tl f ....... tl KlliiliB . . . H-t- .nr- ! .1 m,:!,., ,i,,. i Hi. f ad 1,1.,: am. I ili !'!'! V Hie.. .. r,- :, ,: ,, cut.,n,. J fr ihij ni,,ri,ii,K !., CtQ,lattt, Aug. 17, D JOHN 'OI;a.. ! j ' :t. P to T .Wit.... J 4 soouc y u Nearly Oppo-itc the Dank of Clr!otte. 9 jM9 ir El Urtnirr 5, lc.i T Lvn u' i in of Siiii-s.'t. JuhI ,r,- ll. !, , nihi ,ri. ,lr!lWn V, iu.i 1,11, : .,!,. n,,,, MlJlly .....,.,. 1.. ,:,, --,., .,,1 . ,.,. . . . , All"! (.!... Uj.,i 1,,,, I,,. .1,1 Liu, uuuil-. a mi., '.,Kh, U,h ,., ; Tliu Jillie li, ., tin, 1 rnB ai.jiijr, Tli'- in in in-. t,. Mi,, M-t j,,r t a,.. ,1 ,lv; It linit fin- j,,y I,.,,,,,',,..,, ''u I.,, Hi tii.- ti.,.u-; l.tf ,il .,i,J tln-riy. II , vv ,, t!y tl.. W;t--t tr.,n tr, . ., Ul,, ;1V, I,,. ,.,.,.,, i.,t ,.,,: Al: Ihi,.:m . ).., :i il .v.. r, 1,, t-,, A!. br.i-i.t.., l.y ,, M1 ; U i... criiiii:.:ar i.,.a 1, . 1 -t l,:. , u U li ui.l.'y ti.fl, , ,.L.. T. t!..-r. I !.,vt- I., ,;i ,n I v..: ')ll t"-..i. 11 ri.Hl.'H, 1.11 ,,,i:,'B ,,, l( ' r. li 11 thai .-,11 ,.i-u ,; . '.11 1. ,1(11 mi!.' lovciy i,:-:,t. i : , ll I inl-M tl- t. 1 T 1.. .1 i,:,. i,. I,,.,...,. ,;w, ' it !. .- ... ,.. ,..;, ,.,. i,v, A:u 1.'. , s Vu ,:,"jr ; Of r.. t ,, ,-r, , ,., Ko- iVii-ii.ik mi i,-tr litre. U..,..e..t, II,. !",:,v 'I ii .t .i lt.y iiioi. 1 I .m. l j.,!,.- . , 'li,.'- ,.r..t-,J ,., A.-ul t.-y I :,, ,, lillt Mie.-l t'.ril.s , lisccllaiifous. ; The following tbrillin-' sketch U from an l.'tijlish M.i.'t.z'ne i "rather will have don th- crv eliim- ney to ni-ht, won't he, mother !" i-aid little Tommy Howard, a- he ftod waiting for ! is father's breakfast, wbteh Le carried ti Lima! Li work ev.-rv tnorirr. "ll-s-iil he li'-f vl t!.at.a.;'tjtb.-.fv-i-i-j tl.e mother, " and that will be a fine sibt ; tt-iu-, while Li m-ther tied on- en ! .-f :t for I never liked the (tidin- of those great fhe wor-fd thread. ehimtityi; it is so risky, fur father to be' "Now pull it slowly," c-ied she to -J'T the last up." ; hu-band at.d she gradually utiwou&d the ' Kb, tbei), but I 1! -o at;d seek him, and STriiijr until it reached her hu-band. Lilp cm t? pivc a shout afore be come. " Now bold the string fast, and puii it i .. , , , ., . i clown. s:.il Tom. ! up. cried she, and the struifr !;rew he a- "And tin ti," continued the mother, "if vy and bard to cuii, for Ton. and his in.,ih- a'.i oes on right, we are t? V.ve a frolic j er bad fast-tied a thick r-pe t it. '1 bey tomorrow; md into the country, and ' w atched it praduilly and slowly uueoil- , , i , ' e .1 , 1 . take our dinners, and s; i ml a t he day io in- from the ground, as tne string was ' ' i the woods." drawn higher. " Hurrah !" cried Torn, a be ran off to ! There was but one coil left. It bad I.i- fatli.-r's p'.ace of -rk, with a can of cached the top. " Thank (Jod ' tbank n.iik in cue band and some bread in the ! God V cxclaitmd the wife. hc hi.! her other. His mother stood at the door, 'face in her Lands in siient prayer, and .... , , , - 1 , ,- -i 'ft , .,,,;. watchine I.itu as ne Went mi rri:y wnist-; loan the Mrnt. and she thought of dear fa'ber be was going ti, and the dai.tforous work be wis ei,ga-d in, atd then her heart sou 'ht its sure refuse and she prayed to God to f rotect and bicss her trei-ures. T"m witli a light heart pursued bis - .y Io his fat hi r, and leaving him his break - , . , fast, went to bis own worK. which was at fome distance. In the evening, on Iii way Lome, be went aroun 1 to see bow his fath- er was getting on. James Howard, the father, and a rum- her of other workmen, had been buih'ii g ever tle-troyed or ,-hok in h-r pure heart- one cf those lefty ebimticys which in our iic kow that as she wa t.-d there, great uianuf.icturitirr towns a'nio.t supply ,u0 words came over him. " W Lv art th.u .1... ,1,..., f r ',..1 ;,.,ir.,1 I ,.!.. . .... 1 1 .... .! !. ,..','...v. .lis. , - The chimney was of the highe.-t and most tapering that had everleen irected, and as Tom shaded hi eye from the slanting r:.s of the setting sun, buked up iu search of hi- father, his heart almost sank within him at the appalling Ik igbt. Th- scaffold was almost down ; the men at the lottom .were removing tne list tu-anii ami po;es. j ,. 'u.oti ,at saved n y lite, n.y .nary, Tom's fath, r sto-id aione at the top. js.,j.l her l:ti-bai:d, fob'it g hirinh: arms, I II- then looked around to see that ev- !.. j..t t,.,. ',! thee T thou sennist t.. ne frthii.j wis right, and then, waiving bis ; .rrv than gb-d aboat it. l:ut Mary coul 1 hat in the air, the nun below anwt ring tK,t ..peak, an i if the 'trot.,' arm o' l er l.im with a l-ug. bud cheer, little Tom , l.u.l,aud had ft In Id bir up, she ,'uld 'shouted as long a ..t y of them. As their have fall, n t tl..- ground tie u-!d.-r, joy v-Ves di. d awav. however, th-v hi ard a ' . k. ... at I" ar ha: ovi icon.i- her , " . , ' , , l ' r , , . d.i1,', rn.t sound, a cry o! a.ann aii-I horror'.. Xom. bt thy fiotber lean on t.'.y shou.- from atoe. " The rope 1 the rope 1" The jor" hi, father and we wi'i take her 'men looked around, and coiled upon the j ,,,lu, ' ,m) j their happy home they : , -rom.d lav the rot e. which before the scaf- Lurea f ,,th th.ir thar.k to Go i 'for his f.r. ling w a ren'oveu. snoui i i.ave nc'.'ii i.isi- ,ul 1 have been last- ,i,d to the ehimt.cy, for Tom's lather come down by 1 The scatbidbg had been taki n down without rem, inhering to tase the rope up. There was a dead sibui'i' Tl-.cv all knew it impossible to throw the rope up high enough, or skillful cuough t i reach the top of the cl imuey, or if it could, it would hardly bo vale. They stood in silent dismay, unable to give any help or thinW of any means of safety. And Tom's father. He walked round 1 ' and rcurd tho little circle, the duty height (.rimed more and more fearful, aod the solid eaitc further from bim. Id tho sud den panic he bM bis presence of luind, and J l.in H !i"i-s failed l.iui. He shut Lis ejr? ; A HtM nH) Ykaus A'-i 1 '! !i 1' lie- flt s if the licit n.otm .,t lie mu.-t Leurfe' c-r tin' '-'I t u t . ul u-Ip 1 . ,h, I . near a'-r.roncli ut tin- on.- Iii.mi 1 1 1 : 1, h hi- id.-.-licJ to j-u-ops ou the ground It-low. I ver.nry of Ol-i 1-o.t l.-.r.iu- Tin; day ja?-od s ih'luntriousi)' as usual j (I...- l.,n,dr'-d v;ir- n-jn ibite i- with Tom's inotlit-r at home, irhe was al- iiile !nt.- 1,11,11 in Ohio. K-.t.t ,i , ;. . i way. hu.-ily i-i.ip'.oyed lor her hu4.at,d and 'd'a"a. I'.linoi-Ten i. ori-s. it , ... i t I , ., , , . , is 1.0 vv t 111 o t tioui i-lni,.' put: 0 A in 'i vlnlilren 111 tome nay or other, atiu to-uay , ... . . ' , " J J : was s.4 httle kii 'nti a th-: CJUi-lr; ...!.! lube liU'lbf tn harder lit work than usual, tj)0 n.oyutaiiH of tl,,. iiio-jii li ' ., ,i j gcttli.!; ready for the holiday to- lu or row. until 17 !'.), that 1 1 ( J jh r if K. 1 ' She Lad jut tini.-hed her arraneiiient-s and the pajlant an I ao.etifjro-i, lin , ! - I 1 .1 1 . ., .... 1 1 home in North ( 'iirol.t, 1. to lie -mi,.- i,i. !;r-r 1 her thoughts were i.iu-i.t,y tuankitii; Oou , ... , ,., ' , settler of k.-i,t,icKj. II-- lii -' p'"1" ' ' -I j lor the lii'i tO" home, and for all these Ll,-- ohj0i ,.;,) ,,,,. .W(.Wy y,-:,,. -.t...r I inj.'i of lae, when Toiu raa in. tlU tint- A hi:t,-;r- 1 ye;ir .-..'- ';, - I 1 Ili. f. i- a- white at al..., and he lelon-ed to l-'i inc.-. i.r-i'.'t!..- h.e IcouM hardly rt Lis ord, c.t: " Mali- tii ot the rr.it.-.l S-... - n-l ul., . 1 a ' , , , , .. million and a la I of 1-- 1 - A 1 ! ler mother, he cannot g.-t dowu. i r a j ,, , , ' "Who, lad' thy father?" .iktd tLe i j.erforn.ii. J" lho- ' .. I, ; motli.r. " Tln-y have for-otteu to leave l.iiu the rep.-," aiibw.-red Tom, btiii scarcely able to .-peak '1 ho mother itart-d up, honor struck, and htood for a moment as if par- aruUzed; then pre-siu her haiels over. her face, a-i if to jhut out the terrible p!c- t'Jif ami dreatliilig a prayer to V oil, lor ,,. tl).lk L. f,.ir w, ,, tJjt.IJ .,.,,,,.' v help, ..he tithed out of the Lou.e. j lur-shad o ,-d . A Luii.irt.-il years :,-o tie When .'ho reached the place wIito Ler; ''"."1 State were the mo-t loyal p ,rr of iii .t i .1 i ' the l.iiii-h Kin! ire, and on the t, husband was at woik, a croud gathered,. 1 , : ,. ' , ' c i lionz-ii tii .fie.'K indicated tne .t'ii.-"e i iiu..u ii. - iwi -i im l ui in ii j , a.m .uite heljleis. -axing up with faces full of sorrow. worM. A hundred years a-o there . r " He he'li threw l.im-, if don" j 'ut f,,,"r '"' -p-T' in Amer-, -.o,. . n .... ' , , , i , I r'mes had tint I-, n lil.-l-lnid, and r.n.ro , l - U-e m'l.ina uo tuat. lad, cried the I amJ ,,1,,,., t,. tia,, Il0t . ,,,,-re.l i,o ii,,- ., wife with a clear, hepefu' voice: " tilee 1 mote-t cone r.iions of in an UT.ui ttrfiw ti.iititia ib t!.:.t. Wait a tit. Take eft' thy j to look l-.n-k at it through the i-r-( ,-f hi. i Mock I!. la.! that 1 knit for ti.ee t.e .v iear'sjt0O' " " '" that to tl.e century wli.cl, I...1 i , , . ii.i i pas-ed I.ri. i eei, allott-.l tuore imp -r; mt ,eve. a i . 1 1 unrave it, and let ilo-in lLelr . . . . . ' ' ever,;, in the h-iirin upon tne ha.;.ci vt Jthread vvi' a bit of mortar. I'.-t thou hear t,e wori,l that, a'moM any o-ln,r h ,- t. n . me .1 -n, ':'' e! ip.-d it,-e the cre itiou.'' " j The man in daiiL'er o! a.-eoi ; f.r it se,.m. I A hum!r,d years I-nee h-.t !'i I- the Ud as il he could not sceak-aud tU'it.g off i J"" "!. f'""' "': ' h ' ,fil,,,i.".'; ' ' I 3 ; eept in one tl.it'.- a tnou.-ht wine i : jhi. stockm-', unravebed the worMed j am . x,,.xs w,.n lc ,r)0lI ,ipi11 M)t , r?w n ft, r r-.w. The p. -p'o Mood around ! Atho -.'ll, iti but few ete-j-tions now ; m breathl,-s silence and m-pit.c-, won .deritw w I. at Tom's mother could be think of, ard by she sent him in such haMe j after the carpenter's bail of twine. '. " L-t down one end of the thread with a bit of 3tie. ani 1; -p I'a-t h .-ld of the other," cried s he 1 3 her l.u-hat.d. Th lit- tie thritid can,- wavit.g dwn the f-ill clitm. U- v . blown l.'.tht r ti it her t-v 'he wind. '-W Jt t.Jtti.m- ri." -J'!-A'!.V;ti' -J: 'lib- t-A tr-n,L'.ing, r j.'-.-.'i. iuv ..-u w ,..vu .i should be fa-t. u, I was tiiere a.: rtgl.t , bat w juld her bu.land be able tl make . Use of it? Woibl not the terror of tne na-t hour -o have ui.mrved him as to pre- ' ,. , , vent bitn from tai- ir.g tne m ce.-sary nics- Juris fur hi. safety ? did not know the ma-ical infij. nc- which hir ur I- had oi- Crtcd our biiu. Jfbe did not know the ! , , ,, . . .(ret,th that the sound ot her voice so ca.m . a-. last, lu I ti..e,l liim witti- ; the l.tt'.e thread tint carried him tke hop- ! of l.l'o once turt-.bad conveyed ti him some i-rtioii cf that fa:' h in God which nothing v 'J '. .. . (Ui, ted within u.e ' hope th-u in '.. -d . Mie hfted her hi art to G-d br 1. 'pc ami -ti et,th, k-jt could do nothing more f.r her t.us- i,ali(j all. her l.eait turned to God, and r, .t., d on bitn a mi a rock. ; Th..rc- a a gnat -hour " lie's, moth ;4,r l,.', e;lf,. " Cii,-d little Tom. ...... t .odnes. and their bfe lelt desrer ,,reat - .ouiies. anil tr.f-ir i,ie ie.i uer.rcr to,u,i ..,;, r f -r the peril it bad been in, and the near:.-. of the darg. r I ad brought iL.-ni u.-to Hoi. And the holiJ-iy n, xt day ut it not indeed a that ks-'ivii.g day! TL. '. i' libttes- i- L'-v tt Mr iMIRK-.-TlM. MtMlATl viiie g! .'l .vu.V say s tl, Iodd's cabinet slop i:, t-at jlace. br rc-,,, ; ,.c ,tS:,..:.. -t ,.. pairs, an old bureau that po-.i.--is no I. tti-O; ,lu, i.iln ,..,., .1 .,., 1 , . ...... interest, a it was undoubtedly the property j K. Cob'.. I..,, . :i r. ...-.. .. ...... of M..rv, the n.otl.er of Washington. It i. er cai.di.iat. t n t. ... .-.:.. i: : r. cow the projerty of Elder Jauie Fife, and j lm..,.... t-nn.-r i . . i i . f ' ' -its cortifcttou w'ith the family of GeLeraljaud W.J 1'eeblfs. I. l . m I. . . -Washingtou il fully sustained by UDiiue.- I'hesa gentlemeu aiv ail aetue " ..U tioiiabe onknoe K'horcb tamiMii -.VA l. .1........ , have in a d - lii.n im iu,,i : 1 , i m 1 j - 1 ! and with l;i. Ktt - ;,!.: ,-i-. - .- -,1 : x .in-lc lunded col.!.-' i: 1--1 . ' tna, mi I i i .1 ' c 1 i,- t h re. .. re ' lvjro -, c -nit ine-l. A l.uti ir-d Napoieoll u not hulli. 11(1 U'.: m was a so, li-.' ai"l m id. -t 'ir-ir,i . I.'., aiid the .. ;,t t-v.-M- ill .lit- l.i-f.rv ,-l world, in wi.ieii ti e e ;t,-,' but ir-mv wlielt, wit', in a score of years t l,,r--. tt. r, j e.-tabli.hed the reate.it, republic of th - j livu;,.', n. be i.eal r.sIMi.NA'it f'K A.MEttli. AN .S.ilO 'I. (J ! 11 t,sj IN 1 'a it is II,,. fo;.uwiti .-(tract Iron, a I ru" !,t !' ""r of 5 ''- A-i-ricf, - , 1jri',t '"'J' ''- au iu'e'tMitii i-,M j t!'e arP'''C--''-' of tbe Freuch Ku.j-e. steti, : 'T watt' to t-',! you a rjiie-er ar other drv A ' my tr, ;,t . ...i N .: r-r-t. i - .. -. .. . ( y, '' '',.',",' ' "r" ''"' ''" ' 1 ,'..ir! up" ' 'UB J V'-i.-. .' i h.ji th' re 4.1 the ij s,ti- i,..j. where we. t, ing a little fri.'l.tei.r I. ' a carria.-e home, lb watched u- t . time, ate! seeing 'here a- neti li j ion', , :....,.,. j... t)n', , .. t s,,rat , You k'low this N,;-,.. ,, .. spies at evtry om-r, r.-,,i if rl,-. y I- :; j name N .j j, n, tl ey i;n'u-.iut--. - t some t hi I. It ro:., an I trv ! U'. : . . f. - - Otlt. He is a horrid Inati, as v-n KU in. . ! t'ne pr-r.test coward livin.- .il: L-. , -i- tiful thih.-s tint he i- .buti !-' people am'i-L'l, -i.o.v, a. raucL as a-w ,. that he is air, i.i. ' ,'. TUB MS 'RET of : :.i hi V I. S 'K I 0-.v.. mv s ju tv , IPt , , , . at ti.- a.'e ot tw-n; -ev-u 1 - and e -ntm j-J f.-r ir-. t : - ; r .... r-aain.' an 1 spea.ii,.' u;-v. r.- : '"'''-' !''" ' - 1 oil hand tll-t- ere mil - - j:n- t,-i c,r1 jj,.;, (lt;,.I. ; uufri. j-mly m --i,,- .ii-:an: ' ani, boise and ox f-r my a i-.'it It i early pr.icneein .t art ol tuat I a:n it. :.!:. I to ih- ; i.:i jc , .,, , i Wiii',1, a:, 1 ip. ..'' se.j i. t.t i--t lip -r . 1-le here , i. c, ngATr 'like t.'.t -.t ,.r i- trih-I n-n i- s-itiitL' tl b cat nat,i..' th- ir all ' t:ir p-i-.ions '1 he ivl Co uld of t. p-rished n.th il. ailth.. that of th- oth.r CJ,.UU ,...s t, x,. , ,y. Ug.u, Cla . r,; .; U in p.iris. !..,. ; j ...ii. I h i, r-i i her p. . p. r holing , -t.n-s Hi 01 it: .1 . Jt - 'l:. I! tin tite to.ui ol I . county, wiio n ilu.ts. ei .i.c-ir..1- 1 "l; " ! ,'"'''.'' J' ('! ,. ' .'v . ra; , ,...,',. i lie,-. 1 i.e i m uie i-t s,.,-- I'r' '-' I m-nts up mi h-r pr , ri.(t,r,.,,, ,i c ,,,. j;'u.u opu.i oi M. bounty, loor i-r muc!i a-p I- I light to h-r - eh titty as 11 llltllel.ee, rii'li of I.- r . .. r p. .,, I'.,,-,,. ,., i p,r .,, . . -. , ; dr., t t ru-t - v ..!.. tJt' i , a i a::.'" p'ie-t i'-i a l' jt-s-. tuat. of the toa i: o' lha I s I Lawv tn?, in a Revival It i j of note lL.it a tuol eztraorO..,ar r.,'.., j of religion in .I. tie. .on, G a , w.-c -.'.,,. t- '. I ar"i ,iU b-iiig c iitied on bv leoi . . I tl, k-.r ! ., I.-. ' 1 ,'. . . ... r

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