f j I uOVtl) (L'iirOlUlH ((!U)tlI w v - " - Xe& CHARLOTTE: T ill's dav. J a nil a it 25, ISoO. Meeting of StocV.holdei-s. ! ho trip in a private in preference to a pub- 7Ke annual meeting of the Stockholders lie conveyance. Wc travelled the plank of the Charlotte and S. C.Rsil Road Com- road about IS miles, which wc found exce pauy, will take place on the Oth of February, j dingly rough and therefore thought wo would improve the matter ly trying the ditt road. To Consignees. ! We had not progressed far, however, be- At the suction cf a merchant of I....- I M jniprofed thfi eolnton, we have cr-mru. -need ins. rtlI,f I n.nttor much, but wc were in for it, and the consignees by the Charlotte S. I - j , . . , Rail Rad, and wiib the Dames we mtrr.d . to publish tbe cumber of packages, and as I we do this for tbe benefit cf merchants we expect their support; and as we send onr nancr to those who are interested in oh- tailing this formation, inserted this week, .1 .U- ....,.,n,r,f ti' if they object to the arrsngiment, they, will please reUrn this paper. Express Train. As same of our frieuds desire to know whether there is a connection between the v.- t- ,., in ci,ti that there is none. ' Person., therefore, desirin, to po South had better take the 7 o dock , train and then they will take the night tram here aid reach Columbia in time for the rmrniug train iinra r reeis. f)n Saturday evening last a very sud !en ehsncc took place in the weather and by Fundsy morning ice ws i.:rretwn. but .unasy nt f.t frtize rind every thing dcui cur rn.ee even , ,ue w.v, ,u :re in ccn'-'uce of whiob no css could pass, An i-bundsnce cf ice is now formed so that our eiriz? ns will be able to fill their ice ( Louses. LcglOtflve. Wt learn, that vu tie l'.'th in the ?. nate, the bill ti cbarttr t:e Co-.l Fields I'wad pas-cJ its 31 readit.g l-y a nijrity of 3. The bill to charter tie Bank cf Now- been i.1-0 ra.weU its JJ rt'idi:; On the 'mh, in the Secatc, the 111! to lisiit-r the bank of orth t. srolma was tiiscused. Its consideration was resumed cn tl.eilst Bi d eft. r some amendments, it was put upoa its passage U njeeted. ' . , i ea I' nav li ' ' 1h tr.o iiousc on t;ie iit, ine i.evenac bill parsed ia aeectid readins;. 3:me amend ments have been made and tbe bill wiib the smendmetts were made the order of the day for tbe 25th. The Hoase has also passed to its third reading a bill providicg for a freehold boniesteod of fifty acres of land in tbe country aud two acres in an incorporated town; this freehold to b" einr;. from levy and sale and to be tlas secured to heads of families. It passed by a vote of 61 to il. Hid such a bill been paed twenty years ago by our Legislature thous-. and who have expatria'ed themselves would now le with us. Of coarse before a man cou' l avail himself of thii set he must be indebted to no one. The Danville Connection. Tt will e seen by reference lo our Le gislative proceedings, that the bill charter ing a Railrjud from Greeusbor to Dan vi'le, was loct on Saturday, tbe lth iuit The yeas and nays are also given. It wiii be seen that some western men Lave gone agaiii-t the measure. Now, this may to tl em seem riht and proper, yet when we see such meu i.s Gov. Morebead, who has spent snore money for internal irr prove nicnt, than, perbap", any man in tie HHte. and who i greatly interested in the N. C Riil Road, supporting the measure, we in cline to tbe opinion that they are wrouj. Wool! be sipprt a measure that would operate a.-ainst Lis own interests? Not be. And be has stated that Le favored the measure because it would build up the N C Hail Road. If what we bav heard of the number of passengers that go both ways on te great utbern man rou-e, f,i. ; ccnie.-tion would briD? di!y t this SiJ tbites of the N. C. Rail Head u.ore than Sl'l'i'1, tie usive or fre.aht and niaiis. 1 " mi Jiou, n.routn na w no.e lengrn uoing . better than this ! V shall certainty notice' at tbe next annual exhibit of this road. But in the diaeu-sion of this bill in the Le'i-lature Gov. Monbead bus been most ruthlessly assailed by tbe opponentts of the tii. ana every mean. to ora4 .mo il., dlecisiioo a referctioe to Lis private af-j fairs, and although the Pptaker wished to i.iierpose ti smp iue perabanuu., u eaiu. e Oh lit bun go on! he bided Lis time , And " . s-j.. v. - ..... .... apir.t made againt i.iw by Mr. Lndge-Sj t r-.jtMW, i, repttea, h bad io.t.i pl,Lt oc, tXcept the mud, for the we.th 'V'y t'''l 'l:Urt in railroad. ,r WM mM to4 M it WM oar firt vi,lt tj fir the improvement of North Carolina 1 tl,e mountains of North Carolina, te could And whn Mr. liridgers wn a-ked bow . t . i i . i v , . fc , ... i he Secretary of the treasury has pre-, " '''u'u:" Osuranc. (Jompauy. Mr' hZT It is not safe to ri.etl n.nn il, f.il i i, . . iuotl. Winch"' inuc b bad inve. ,d, he, ep.,!J,o,.e th,re, ; deiiver u, from .Le moanUin miles, f,r they chanan has received se,r,, information p,rtd a plan to'.ubm.t ,. Congas, Jre- j WaU,s a bill to extend time L -livery ing. Tni "..k,, of , InVrrh HT Sftl .-idtlat mJciU,,,., sole as long a, ,., with M-tU.j th,t a negotiation for the purchaao of Cuba, due, the number of , he collects d.stncts, ! s-f l.-ta. J:.,Ln same time dw.liinglZ ,l!; rZZ. KVfa.rr6 bS' ?h7 J t'en 4 t c-.unty. And teeae are i, mi.n ,L,t ha Il)(i,t have been measured with a grip, vine. po"ible, if rroperly initiated. . and to abolish several small porta of entry,! presented a memorial from cer- re. and goodness of God. In tbe exercise Ur l'in.t.ff 10 nktrc. J V Pt''-f be.0 .ppoeing tti. measure. Lenoir is beautifully si.u.ud in , valley ! as a measure of retrenchment. ' 1 1;; '' 0"'- 4f- .!. of of hutnblu faith, .. mus, connect the great- ! U ps, j0sh. sier ' fkge. A teconsicerut.on of theli'l has taken' ,.i ,k. .,rti. vrotect. it frcm ....U .1 M'' ntaM.KTTH.-The valuatioa of prop 1 . . " I n . e r -n- ! ness of the remedy viilh lb. virulence of, 0n i'5 i.kie F L Irwin 1 pke, A Ps o'"' , 'ace and a new c,. i,.trocUc.d. I ut i, .ill r TXiotTtJZ C ' "f M U ' 17,b ' ef J'H, ZTZlfZir' '' Promo,. I pkge, J Uoattn 1 pkg.'. W A , g t ie ll(.t,ei .a a f r view from th to..ege f iJ3 ,.3 f h u ,y Carolina C per cent, Stock -a, made .t N ! ' ' " ' " !'1 f ,iri" Pt- the plan of c.r great enemy, by falling in- e 7 1 r,,ge Oood.on A W fV' ' .F r l r.l v H i ' ",l"f't"r' "' U Ht!htrul- Jf-iU;? mount r,f taxes .e,.ed w.,V,0,ll- York IH, Virginia i)C, , Tennessee iH, Mi. ' uTn! to Ii'mve" J'''''!) p' "i" '? ,n,"d- to repining Censorious spirit ; a state which j ke, Haliniiirl'.ii 2 plie, A -"'y ' !... onorclioi.. L-ld?fcoPet0t. OBlt U,iuc in L.Loir atd being! TL average poll tax wis till. srur; ' ' : ment to lca.o Locky Point UtPt out of is injurious to ours.lves, ,,d o,m to our m?o 11, M J Lose C nkg's, Jstne ' Url the limits of the new county. , heavenly Father. 1 Nr-! l' pit; sense of justice will pervade the present IIou"e of Commons, to that a bill may be parsed giving the people betweon Greens- Iboro and Danville tha power to build a Rail Road, especially as no state aid is j asked for it by its friends. Trip rc I.cncir. On the Pih lustsnt.we left home for the purpose of placing two cf our daughters at Davenport Collce, (and by the an, as seme persons may think it strange that we should tske our cnildre n a ay while a good ! school i at heme, we remark, that they expressed a desire to he sent there.) and al j thongh tbe roads were very hud shout Char- lotto, we supposed they would get better j farther from town, and therefore undertook the road r.t cut up so much that the hor ses eame'very near stalling two or three tinira and near r.ilit, being fagged by the baduess of the road, they stalled and every effort by the driver, with a bat eci v ico we iDt.fi"ecuial to ex ' il-.rm .and btinc rather uaacatiainted j w!th juch dilemma, we were pondering j jwbat was best to be douo, when two gen-J tlemen came up and kindly aided us out of! the difficulty by putting their own horses to the carriai-t and driaina it to Mr. Kil-i Ha., where we had to stop for the night, e uiu g,ve names oi tuese gentle- ,etl. but forbear doing so, as tbey may oh- J' o sueu a pubue notice ot tnera Kina - ne', but we tn-iw ihein and if an opportu- nity ever offers we shi-11 render to them as jreai a uvor ira. m xv w 3 uui cxbr-.uiijii vl roacLing ewtoa Ue Ufit u-gLt, but found ,.,u y ... . ...r,..e at Mr. Ki.liau , thct tic rosd after passing ?ttou teu d le very go'i. It was our inu n ion of pss.-ir.p through Newton to get a ticw cf the village, li:t we tooif th wrfr :' road. About the time wo came t the fork leading toNotiton, e met a young man and asked Liiu the distance. He re plied " not fir," but did not tell us about tnkit'g tbe left, a new cut rov, but wc took tl.o riflit ar.J tht-refore fliJ l.nt reah War- ton that d iy. 'Ve asked some other per- sons we met the distance, but they did not i tell us we had tasen tbe wrong road, and 1 ; we observed on the face of a countryman a ' miit when he answered mir nnenlnti " hrt. f N ,.. ... .. -bout twn n.iV i wion . w..n .bout twomi.es, , . .1 which we cou.d not account for, tut afier ; going kouie farther on, we came to a fork ; .aich ntcd bck( .. .. , - , , tr th " to Newton 1 3 ru es ' wh eh em a ned wua u.iewi.onniiii.e, wnicn ejp.aineo. it. We had left Newton to the left and the; eotsntryman supposed we were quilling him by our q'ie?t;oo of " bow far to Newton?" It afl irded some amusement to us, to while awr y tt.e i:n.e. to idul-ii at our being aisap- , eemg Newton. : We progressed .-ry slowly, for instead of - f....j : , ' . ' , int.. nnpiui.iu ui, i"i urn i i u.imr. j came up jo ibe embankment of the Western I hx'er.sioD and hid to cross it some four or five times, which bad the effect to mike the roal much worse, as the wagons were cois- , tcsi to one track and that was cut up so much that it was a'most iciriassal le. The ! bed of this railroad is now nearly com-1 plete l to within shout 'JO n.iies of Morgan- 1 ton, at.d we found lorn, hands at work, but! the weather, had been so bad that s;me , contractors must have stopped operations, j 'fter leaving the rail road eiibsiikwents the road began to get bet'er, but not suffi-i cient to enable us to luaii- any great fpeed,1 and after crossing Catauba river we were 'from Mr. Killian that we were 14i miles ,0 Mr. J. T. Alexander to null it out. wi,h I C! . Wm. Davenport, oue of the most liberal I your county, then explained tbe object of; man ou hoard, we suppose, knew bo to ' aro.mi.iua j ana we cannot s-e hw -:J s formed in evtty . ,,r i,ialintl i,- . i IV , i i- ,. contributors i ana placed by tbe stockhold-1 the bill and ollered au amendment so as i play cards, and ibe captain taking advsa- "'" V" e can mi, , J (Short o ourc.lcu.aion. , his two mules. c fcund Lincoluton had i ! . , tA .,., ,., ,,i .t0t, ..-, nf skill, tied . cH t,? f: word to .ay against eith.r of the.e tra. ght was tne nsru- Un the next moiL.ng we made an carl j inpr0Md Mm. tt ,-rMe tb, Coor, Hou ... ''uu.il- ;.,...,.;,. held in oth -r roads to their debts, the rones of the vessel. The n,Je,. ih.n crtat State .o,k., identified a. t!v v' was froic up a- ; start hoping that we would be able to ; . , tppe.Ial.ce .nj ,i.eT bave I cognises vttul soJiintss as a Drimo element I Amendment adopted and the bill pas.ed , ran somewhat in this fa-Lion : " Haul on i,h ,,,e iotret. of the Sla'.e' rj told to take the left hand, but at the end ofcbasesof produce ) Keady made clothing H j the bridge, there appearing to U two 't'tea'1 of 1 Pf CCD'- "j'-dicnes I roads we teok left and afte abort ditanee we came to another fork, with i a bo-ird pointing in each direction, one of. them, the left hand, was so badlv r.ut uu that i we co'ild not make it r.ut, aud on .bo right it was so dark that v.e could r. t di-tin-uish the letters, but made out LK. aud nresu : ming that to be the rght roal we took it ' aid went on very well, the road appearing to i improve, but becoming rther Lilly. After1 i procecdinc some distance we camo to anoth ; f - . . ..,..! ' 'I J : but the driver conelul-.-d to take the road , m-i-t ui. d and bv so doiii? we were soon brought to a boose. On inrj'iiring we found 1 rocg rod ,.,,, wer, 5 "jj, f,f;n been tnkcn and we Lrcoir. 'or.eludinL' that there was no ehanee to reach the vil-l-e th-.t ij;jht and finding that we could Ve accoaiitiodatcd, we made the bt of oir , nLshap anl abided that night with Mr. Sher- p0!lt )U,.tr at ( lltl,u Vie. Nett corning ,e made ts early a start p.,;, 6nd after driving what was call-' j , ,Illieg Be arrived at Lenoir about I'i 0 - c; - xk, and drove to the Colle-'e. and it ft 0,ir uauL' liters io tne ca A the President ron the wbole, tbe trip wva -ry ... . , . . . i - v I on the road than wo expected, we went into 'the village to attend to it, so that we might make an early start in the morning. The 1 people perm te Do very enable ana we Know j of no place better suited for a 1 emala Col lege, for it is excluded from every thing eal-, anxious to monopolise nor clntid todistuib the "even tenor "of alluring the aveninj, promised if aba would j static tit's way. And u effort is being made nave nothing to do with the other young j prevent the sale cf liquor in that village ,mcn during. vrting, lie would lot in less quantities than 0 gallons, which has: her have bk gold natch to keep until he I passed one house of the present Legislature j 'bould return: tu agreeing to the propo- and will no doubt pass the other. ; anion, ;ue wsirn " J""" It mined on the night a'J r we arrived ! lady. On' returning bo.ne after the party but we bad eo other alternative but to make i f te found the watch had stopped, bup up our n.ind to start let it rain or not, so as ! poaing it bad become froien, she put it into early F.iday as we could start wo bid our , usin " poured boiling water over it, ho,., the worthy Trident farewell, .nd he h bd on tlie wa,ch- " hl will please accept our thanks for his kind-i Jg 7 fl Mi ,0 f ,l,e 1 r i . L ,L' J..,... t vat h Tint ami commenced our iourucv homo. It continued raining daring the moruing, but nothing of any importance occurred ; we determined hewever if possible to deci i i . .) . .1 r 1. .1. 1 pher the signboard at the fork of the road, ' ' ueu we ta.iio ii, m.i v... looking at it attentively we soon caught the meaning of the thing. The overseer of the ro.d. who. wo were told bv a gentle man who went to examine the board with us, that he is only fit to still whisky, having been at nothing else all his life. He had put tho letter the wrong way and read something like this ; .olirn l.p .Innin-T. nt ! Anv one would have been deceived bv such a board. We think the County Solicitor should indite the overseer for putting up such a board, and if we were in Leroir we would Jo it. for we were not onlv Cut out of our j ,y, bt came very near having to lie wuh our daugtiters all ngut, exposea to J tt,e t.ibt air without aJything to pro- j tect us. i We proceeded to Lioolnton and arrived on Friday niht, but nt without sticking iMt in i Aiiiwf a i it up . T. no re we Din to j Cave the carriage anJ ;et a boy belonging j 0 ought to hare, and that is a town j j On Saturday mow rig after attending to some business tte lefl for home, and after ', being jolted almost tj death on tbo plank or pole road, we arrivtd safe at home. By the way, we would remark that all vt hide", c xi opt wsgor", should pass free for it is a great suffering to le thus j.hed. Revenue Bill. We have not had time to look over this bin, but we learn Ircm ibe r ayetteviile Oberver, that some alterations have been mr.de mnnn.T which are the f.ilWine- viz . . i , . . i Te-a.sesnicnt of value of real estate1 i i is to be made this vear aud every four: Ja" ineres..er ; who proper provisions . B , c i . vision is inane lor re-vaiuauuu iu caae oi j i ,ccrcase or decrease in aln. The real estate tax is fixed at 20 cents, instead of 15, on tbe f 100. The poll tax at "U cents instead of 50 eenta Turnpikes, toll bridges and gates across bitrhwavs S15 each. Ferrie4. 1 Percent, of receipts .oe snaver-, a . oi i per cent on purcl.a.-es, besides the tax of Per cent, ou interval received. Nesro tradeis, J per cent, instead of j , on purchases. (jo.d and silver plate, 1 per cent., in stead of H. Silver watches, 50 cents each, instead ' "i" " u' "H"Qr on every ga.ionmaue 6 cents on ever, gallon of -pints wine, k- brought into the State, whether for sa.e or ue. 1 Ibis is in lieu af the liquor 1 . ' 1 tax of pr et The merchant tax is raised from I to 1 of 1 ! percent. Articles received in barter ex- j i iarter ex - i empted, (but no express exemption of pur- j iu per ieua. insieau oi ! I eaaieri i instead of 3i)J. I'eddlers S.ifl i-,.t, n,lr,f ? 1(1(1 in e.ek oo,,.,( ' For 4Ct b incorporation 8A. '1 he Bark tsx i fixed at J per cent if "'e diviileuds are t and not over Per I cent: 1 if dividends are not over rier 1 ... ... e r cent.; and 1 percent, if over 8 per cent. Ti . .t . j .. t. .- Tbe various other odjects of taxation re- Sheriffs are rerjnired to give sepsrate re j ceipts for State and County taxes. 1 Peterson for Fcbniarv. We have reecived the Februarv number ' f this popular perodical. It contains many interesting articles for the ladiei. Th Faebion I'late is fine, and the other embel li"hrnents are also very good. This is a good time to subscribe for it is near the comn.-:nct-mcnt of the year. Carolina City Times. We have received two numbers of a paper lately established at Carolina City, under the above title. It is ery well Panted and from its general appearance it "ids fjir to become a valuable acpu-ition "to the new city in which it has beeU estab-1 i. t. ! y a. i. inapin ilsueu. it u puniiaueo: by A D Luapin errors, ni proprietors, d-; ance. '. W Tho Waahington correspondent 0f ' Y Hera'd savs that Preaidcnt ' . : j heusioo. for the want of previous mental p.:.. ' .... . . F,eFC.B com, ,u.iy an.i eneeriiy pro- ; ""'. . i V . mission merchants, factors, produce "0- ! di'eipline Pupils will not be hurried to incorporate a company to build a eeeded to stump it down the street, from : M- "o. of Ittchniobd. .W:t kers, auctioneers, orTicers, and emplojees of l tljro(Kh iaperficial course of study but ! ri,r08d from Kenansville lo Wemaw By ' this warm enveloping ho aurveved with ron- I lr Columbo Mills, of Folk, all kit. Is, who receive -iOl) a year, are j ,ocb f ,Un,.,iMd ,,,. pur,ad M well S JMr T?"l 10 """P""" UsM' ! "Herable s.tief.ciion the shivering formal John A. Averitt, Ksq of Pupho. tixed 1 per cent. I't...i .. 1,i ....... i i .. ,i : 'on and Hyde Steam .Navigation Company I of other travelers as the acurhVd ,!nn apnoinleo Fresideiil of ibe t.oir.nt, aa-i A Good Joka. We heard ft good joke the other day, which is Iqo good to bo lost. A young man went to a party, and was very much fmitten with a young lady and being very w"'lu '"""'eg. "t""" FOa TUB NOItTII CAROLINA WHIO. DaTrnpert Ftuiulc Cullrge. MR. r.DITUB : llie atlCDllon oi mo jjuuiib . , , , ,: ,. ibasbcen luvitcd bv an advertisemcut in your papcr t0 jjTCnport female college ; anu i have thought that it would not be amiss to publish a few facts conuected with this young I but "eing institution " '"a beueut ot ir,oe who may be disposed to extend to it their patronage. The College is located upoa an elevated bill iq Lenoir, a beautiful aud re tired village, celebrated for health, cool mountain str' purs irf salubrious eli ni.ts, a b dr ro;iinli beauty of ' scenery Klevated several hundred feet above the level of tho sea, and having at all lutes, a pure, bracing atmosphere, removed from the noise, excitemeut, and contagion of largo towns and cities, the location offers peculiar attractions as a place where tbe young may. bo gathered lor instruction. ibe Lolle'je grounds contain about sixteen aeres'tof land which naturo seems to have trZlJ lZZl" ll hich they are now devottd. Iu the rear of the buildinga ia a natural amphitheatre, em bracing about four acres, beautifully shaded with oaks, where the young ladies may take exercise In the open air, secluded from the public gage. itie College was established Ly tuo joint i f . i. ... ,.r i Ann the surrouudiog country, and called after; in its course of instruction, aud is eminent - ly cir it very properly pledges it - self to discoyrage fctiiriantsm Parents and guardians are assured that no effort will be made to proselyte or influence any nnntl In ennneet heraelf with the dennmi - nation to v,hieh the President or any mctn - bcr of the Faculty may belong. Even denominational College should avoid that most unprincipled aud reprehensive course .. : i . ..i. :. j : : ,u- --i: wuieu lingua reeuib iu iiistuiutiig uc ten- gious eonvictious or changing the prefe rence of those whose predilections are in i favor of another orthodox denomination. 1 In reference to physical education, the Trustees ana Faculty nave made fair pro- mj8e,i ad we trust that, judging from the motto they have adopted, " Mens s-oia in ' corvm t HI0." the will not train their studcuts for all the miseries of eonbrmed . ...... , - fnr dyspeptic. itn every facility tor out- , ' ... f.. , , ...i;,. ,u . i situion of ,b,ir gToat ,nd the enforee- nient of lvsl aud kiud discipline, there is i j. . : - . , : -,, i : n0 doubt that their pledges wi.l Le satis- j, ., ', ' b isuioiiii liunsits. j- -1 x t t.... .... v , t j t- vix : birot, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior ft - ' i, n , . .uc.c, . , -.p-.u..... Iu arranging the coure ot study, special care baa been bad to tbe due combination 1 10 strengthen the intellect, imnro. th. taeie.i I and cultivate the mora! poiers; audit tv.t: i .1... .1... ... j .. believed that tbey are so arranged as prove a regular and systematic course, and to present to the student an easy irtadatioo from the simplest aubject to the most ab . , . . ii.., .I,- u i .k. . .. j ,.. mjy not be forced u ,he C0Dsi. developments all tbe powers of the mind .d heart. The Trustees of tbe College fce,. thJ iBprUnM cf ui , iberll !eduo mfaia tbo r,eh J lhwe . i . . u i j re '.rate circumstances, have so reduced . . . . .. . ... ..... .'. - .-. .a-.. ... ' i- iuih 1'i.siiiuiiuu uujrs iii'ro man uroiuary - .j .- .l t ..i.i. .:. ..i ; n!illppmritM : th. ... f .chr.U.ti. a. ' t-vni, l- ' .j . :.u Collets ' North 'or South, there will be f)ljn(f , , ,M.lo, b tbor,e wBO p.tro. .,. mm i i,' ,m, ; yar in the regular .if, and $11) tilth ike mUhtinn of triune. 1!.. II M Mr.,. A .1 U....l... . TI.S. .1..- :1 j .1.. i ..1 11 .i.i., u lu ini.i.... 1 ma p5uutu1.11 1. . .. . ! .member ot tne coutn 1 aroma uonierence, . 1 ,c 1 .1 . 1. ! aad is eminently qualified for the post be ; fi jnlbe jDatitutioD ; Mrs. Laura A Mood, j i : .. .!, .. r i a, Social dutWa. W. sneak advised! . ' when we say, that in point of intelligence, 1 amiability ax a p'ety, this lady is w,l eal- WASHlstoTO!, Jan. !). j A committee was appointed to investigate -L - -. i ..i . cunres j;hih ynivjm Boiinecnu wun me Navy Department of having sold places ' and situations in the Navy Yards at Urook- lyn and Philadelphia, thus diverting the public money for .lectiotiet-ring purpose. . Tbs .SeuiUs committee en the Post Office Deparim-iit have agreed to report a bill itage at the rste of 1 -45 ; I s per half ounce under three ten cents oyer that di-tarice. namely five eents putting the pota tnojhaud mii 1 J authoriae tbe Postmaster General ta make contracts for currying the mails at -.,. , ... .. . the lowtst rates, without regard to the i mode of conveyance ; also to restrict fr, k.., nri.ilei.. thel I The Postmssler General asks for seen- i teon millions of dollars for the support of j ' ,or J'e4r- ! I he Secretary of tlie 1 reas ury baa pre-: i culated lo reader tbe Lolleg., a pleasant Harrington, Hill of stokes, lliggirs, Holds- and youngsters isited (he icehnund stream, j r'. ,)" fuli I", IU h iu" ana et.ee UJ ! itsv .yasiag-inmates. ; elsw, Kiirr, .ilartin, Morehead, Prifebarri, I aaa aiauwil llmmwlin ,y akaung and alid t "i .xiaiit ror puin,onary an-i m", . 1 1 he oibei meiabers of the Faeulty are well : Keagan, Uipley, Nbaw, Sherriil, Sjinotiloii '"K 0Ter glassy surface. liuring the ""'"bracing the whole range fr" V'' i educated and earjable. 1 in.n.on. Hneer. Walker. VV.l!.. w.i...' afternoon, a man named Mmr,U krl,. i cold to a settled ectisuinntiou. Wtreil s A FHIKNl) TO KLUCATION. j Washburn., Watson, Windley. and Wood-' Hirough the ice and fell into the water Th. 1 for ' ""'J, it would long since hav From tlio Correspondence of Wilmington lUralil. North t aroliii.i I,f gUlatuie. SKNATK." RAi.fciOH, Jan. 13, 1'9. A 1 ill was introduced by Mr. Straughan for the protection of the State's interest iu the Cape Fvar and Deep River Navigation Company, or to surrender said interests. Sir. no introduced a bill for the ma nagemciit of insolvent estates. The bill to re charter tbo Bank of the Ststo was made the special order for Ihurs- day next. , Mr. Houston offered a resolution requir- ing the finance committee to consider tlio policy of issuing State bonda payable in New York, with a view to vniilicatu tlio character of the public treasurer from the charges ot MT. turner, nopieu I The further consideration of the bill to . establish the advolorem system of taxation, wss postponed and made the special order for Tuesday next. The bill to amend the charter of the Western N. C. Railroad was discussed by Mpssm. Thomas and Kduev till the hour iriiniirmupnt HOUSE OF COMMONS. Aliuo.t uo businoss done to-day, and on- the road shall run to the Dan River Coal ly one bill iutroduced a bill to exti.-nd Fields and not within two miles of tbe Vir corporate limits of the town of Ooldrboro. i ginia line Dor twenty miles of Danville, The House discussed over an hour a 1 and if sny connection is ever formed with proposition to have night sessions, agreed the Richmond and Danville Railroad the to do so, and then went into committee of charter ia forfeited. the .hole on the Danvillo , Couucction. The Revenue bill was then taken up and The speakers were Messrs. Settle aud 'discussed. The only feature aa yet met Walner for It, and Messrs. liri.lger and Ward against. .Mr. .Norwood made a speech of explanation, but did not commit Limeclf, on either side of the bill. At the niglit session tho Danville ton nection was postponed to to morrow mor n i ii i; al 11 0 clock. J nc bill 10 cnarier the Chatham Railroad to build a railroad from the Coal Fields to some point on the N C. Railroad as'ns no appropriation. Messrs. T lor and Kerr spoke in favor. Passed by Yeas 1U3, Nays 4. A bill to amend the charter of the Wllmini'tnn and Manchester Ilailroad. Mr. Fleming objected to allowing any company to create preferred aloek. Mr. WillUivs also opposed this. Mr. Caldwell of tluil- r.-tr.i no i abit... the issue ot an more per cent bonds Messrs. llryan, of 1 leas 70, Nays a.3 j The House adjourned. j l January I t SENATK. I i This bein- priv.te bill 3y. nothing of g'rai pusne interest iranpirci. 'l he1'1 t0 tncorporate the iln.iLgton i 1Io,;, ( ompany passed its second and third I reidiiies and was ordered to be enrolled. ; n HOUSE OF COMMONS. The House ai!o .-:ed the ii. trod notion of a few bills before it went into the committee of the whole. The Danville Connection was dicused about two and a half hour,. Mr More - head .poke nearly two hour, but did not conclude. The committee rose to allow ..mii .ur. .uoreoeau rest. After risinj the f dlowinn bills were .i .i o i i- ii i, . . acted on their 2d reading : Mr. s bill . , . . , ,. . iiirnngu .usiow iuuiin, aui ramnson, . . . ' r , ...... ,' was indefinitely postponed. A hill t charter , ... , - v- . ! the I.lack Swan p .Nauiration (.minany was passed. A little fun was had over this.; ; , ' someone proposing -.hat rattle enoud not , , . , . . - . . SiilMtii.r r . r r , . i ii ,i . t tu suminrr , . . v water enou for the boats to run. ''"'.'' The Hou-e this mornin? repealed the i,'"'' " "'s""B n""B ii g among other buls were introduced: By Mr. Fay, a bill to change the time of mcetii. of th (ieneral Aeiu bly. By Mr. Brjan of Craven, a bill about free ncirroes, prevents their going from one county to another By Mr .peer, a bill to amend tbe constlt ition so as to Jan. lo, I'so'.i. SENATE. Nothing of importaoc. on Friday. The haatily spoke an unheard explanation and,! BuAan or htlRssI. IxPRovtMrNrs -bill to amend the charter of th Western! without further ceremony, proceeded to rub' James Fulton, Lq . of New llanoier, at N. C. Uaiiroad was under rtiecuseion tiii the : the sotnewhst exten.ive nasal organ of our Nicholas M. Long, Kq . of Halifax hour of adjournment no action Thi. . I f.nA -;.l. . i ir. i . e :, j Itn.an i.v I.itik i r hi William """'""'J omitted from Iridaya pro- ceedings. I HOUSE OF COMMONS. j The great atrut-le is at last over. Th. li.r;i, iv. I... i i.-j :.. i... for this sessiou. Mr. Morebead closed the M.Ui. m J,. ,r. . ....... .11.. i. vi u r :. .. n .1 l ' ' nj'c. ui 11 ueeiue.iij me oeai eaortl. 1... l ,1 . ' , ., . .. "" ,lr. .Norwood lol owed him 111 a short sneec 1 . 1 11 ' " 'Prec" againat the till. The vote was t hen taken a. follow. : v . . a f i - j u , t. r.ld.eli of H . C.ld f C. n. ' J' Clapp, Costner, I'ula, Filer, Kagg, Gaitharj of I) , Uaitber of 1., Gentry, Hail of How an, ! fin 37. ; 'Navh Mes.rs. rtadham, lUrbee, Kaxter, i Blount, liridgers, Uryati of N. Han , Jiul- lock Kiirna I'mrke l'r...n ti... li.-l. . I I v.u.:j, imc. "f"i Ickery, Dorlth. I)rake, Farribault, Farrow, Ferchee, Foy, Fries, Galling, (ireea of Green of 0 , Hall of W., Hargrove, Heury, Hester, Hill of Halifax, llutcbins, ' J0'1" f C, Jones of U , Kitbv. Leak, i !.wis, Long, Lore, Lyon, McCo"-., Mastcn, 1 M More of C , Moore of C, Moore of ; V ' 'lo"r.'! ' N. II , Mordecai, Morgan, ' Newby, Non.ian, Norwoo.l, Giitlaw, Yixr- d't, lUnsom, . Sanders, Scales, .. wood, '"l'' row Speight, Stephens, Taylor, Tom- i I Tl.i.i. 'i i i u. j ''""'"'i . ..v.... ,.- ,, invi iiuuig, naoain, Ward, Waters, Whitfield, and Wil-on fij., 'Ibe following among other bills h v. ' !"',,n introduced : JSy Mr McKay, a bill lo incorporate, the Fayetteville Havings Hank. ! . ' ' "", um io incorporate the -al,-m iluiu u .Qsurance C Jtnuary 17. SENATE. Little business of importance was trans acted to-day. A bill to amend the charter of the West em N. C. Road was introduced by Mr. Millen. ; A resolution on ajouruuieut lie ' was laid on Hie tnlilc. J. W. AUpauirh of the Winston Sentinel wns elt-cti-d B.-.-ilnut cleik to fill the vnesn- cy occasion, d by the n.iiinHtion of .v tent. !ui.,,ce ' ,,,;;.) business of Friday, the ' bill to amend the chait.-r of the Western (, oai) nas ri,punu.,jf jjr. Thomas re- guII1;n his retl)!11i,H. Ht. nddrussed the SeUhle ,t t.c,h, and wk fullowed briefly , v,ln..v i.d Carmiehael. Mr. r(,joincdi The ameudment of Mr. Thorns was rejected, so too, that of M.r. lilcd.oe. Tbe Mblllitute WM rf.:,!cU.,l b, 23 ,0 7( , . -.. Lnl b , t0 , Adjourned. HOUSli OF COMMONS. In the House, not a single hill introduced, of exoert to incorporate a Mining Company ! The vote on the Danville Connection was I reconsidered and a substitute offered which I passed its 2d readini;. It provides that wiih much discussion is tne land aud poll tux They remain the .ame, but there ! a proh.bility of a fus over them on tho ! 3d redir2s. The bill will probably be - passed about t euuesdsy (JotiD JlIKB We hoard twi very ex eellenl practical jokes which were perne- 1 traieu by Cant. Msurv. 1 he sailors of the Susan deserted before the vessel got out of i the Ray. There was nothing but lands- men on board excepiine the captain and litis tr.id.tionsl st sea that it is not easv to convert a landsman into a sailor at short e ption of w Inch was greetrd with ruu-i notice. Tbe seadogs have phrases of their ; fatisfaet on by our cilixens generally. U.:, own which are Greek to the othera. To:''-ea 'chrtues for the deviopni. nt of tr i obviate tins detect. I apt .iaurv resorted I to a novel slid iiig-nioua expedient, livery!1 nearly enuomeineni iroiu all tru .or:i the ace of hearts 1'' "Let io the kin? of diamonds!" "iM-lsy on ihe deuce of spade. II ke , Ac. iy tl.ia means the extemporii-4 ! sailors soon got the Lang of tho ropes, and' afljirs went on pretty smoothly. ! The other anecdote is even drolW It see ma that Cant Maurv t.en I... a.. beard tbe revenue cutler to discuss the Inrine .ws. look in his pocket a lot of; r,lui fi!t., "inking, perhaps, that lie ' .L ' . . ( unu fpiir I'niii' ui ine guas woiiMcruis about the deek. Ho was a-tonishnd on inouijliiiff the Cutter s aide by finding ' that tbe usual armament was doubled, and i expressed astonishment at it. After having l i A. ...... A . I. I f. i ii.. j -i . I . " . . " aooua, i .""" '" e8""'11. d. rM.! j UU'T,1" "' PP-.D.,o. that Susan; l -, aids. , , , . ....... I . . T J V . . . a id mis way, witn bis "rattail bin ; eonvenietit h approached tbe bow cod of, the vessel, and was about to neutrality two, . coDveiiietn n approariiea tbo bow eoa ot . , " . " , of the cubs when (ley showed life, and of the guns when llcy allowed life, and, , ,- . ., ' . ' be discovered the were two cutter a meo - , . meu, ; i.liri'illstu lor I US OCCaslOO aS IWOVUUi. , . .. , . . . . ' , . ' , l pood tnou.'h runs at a disiaoce. Tbeiok!,, , .b I, '"J1" J arpt unii. nerotio in. eusan, abJ we : supposs he related the discovery there with i great gusto . Mobile Trxhunt. Rl'SHUsr Ma'IMRh is Imistom This nioriiii e about 7 o'clock, one of our eitiieris. ; re. idin, at the extreme So.uh en I. started 'down tow-j to bn hutinmi and iK i. ore rcoais .n l.is back, a thick fur cap over ai ""fibers were in att-ndaoee. Pi w.i J his bead and ears, his coat collar turned ' sJnbn A. Averitt, or" Duplin; J viia I ! up. and the whole secured by a ibick ac- ' Oranberry, of I'erq'iiinaa, Joim L Bn i voluminous ansur hid J,.Ki,ee tn il..!of Kdifcouib ; Wiiiiita J. Yates, jf Mee- over the s in .er side.. Ut Vrn. i.;. feeling of uadu. complacency h. was, how- ever, sudden! aron-ed h fri.n l the atreet. The look, of indication and ! ..toi.ishm.na r.t the ..iff..,., .... -i. ...i 1 to tho-e of gratitude and satisfaction ben ' b found tb his unprotected no.e white as the snow that rubbed it. r.d ... ' f" fr'ng stiff. This Ilu.-iin method i Of operation created anme mirth n,n ' lookers on hut if it., nr....,, ...l... kl 1." it ia lik.l. tn K..m. - !... , -i...... gum., , , , ...1. Jr tiu). , I Pkamnq oh TU8r.-iicii.iLL-A Tumi r . j, . r i i j .1 chuvlkill. at PhiUdeUKi. V...Bt..(t exceedingly lively appearance. alarm was promptly sounded, and manv Pc""tis rushed to his aid. A man named Myers, in attempting torcscuo Murphy, also f.. n I!u I . . .;..... it. ...J .. .l - - ..... n a u'iue mei . , d whil. everybody was endeavo.-ir j to ci'ficatc the two unfortunato men, thn ice fc've way, and precipating two 1 adies and several boys into the stream. This caused ''' excitement to increase, and man thought that a most disastrous result would be the conse (pence, but th inembors of the Skating Club, ever on the alert for uch accidents, flocked to the place with ! their reels. The latter were thrown to the : struggling individuals and in a few miuutes ! -n .i . .. . I cro on in. eonu ice again, being per feetly unharmed, but, doubtless, f-:ling quite chilly from their sudden immersion i into a cold bath, with tha thermometer at the freezing point. n Isrce number of ladies, centlemen From the Wilmington Ileralj Arrival of the Slttimrr Haushton & B;ire pont ur.nr iivk. H'i' Cnl, I ' on Oi , 'ipr Orr.Sonn f, .V T. I lm,,m .J II.. , " v......,. f,, I... . Cr .. ..... j uHnrrn n..t . o'clock, the cannon stationed at l'uint pt. -r ..... i ,lnfcH.l r.... '"" '?Pro direct ftm the Coal Mine on )(rp j 1 Sen reel v had tlio retiorl iliwl . . . t( was answered by the big gun on onc'ofour wharves and docks, which soon preeDH n unusual soene of exeitement. Awj. ' tho river, turning and twistint ti,, ; proaching boaW, heiirinj on board il,. instalment of the previous di-poji.u had so long lain dormant and usrleig jg , mother earth, and now for the first tini' thrown open io tne ose ot tnankind. uausuul degree of pluasure sud f:iii,f,., wan vi.ible iu the faces of all ; many ju aboard a tug boat and proceeded t0 J , .iranjr .-uu.o, uc UQaiS leJ Market dock, the clieers from the lcittj crowds on shore rent thn air, tho ctnnon nring iroin iwo pmnu was Hep! up m rapij duvvvs'iuii, u.. "ijus'i; ailll 10 rfCOf n.ie luujiue rEnniaiiuu ui iiiciriiop.fi to pay a slight tribute to our towbtmn, thrdugh whose uiittrin? teal md tnttf. itim, me nri sarua 01 .viria aro!:tu ti is ever brought to msrkcl, has l.y "n our hl.0'"! 1 0 "f ynnv? V A J--,oey, . muen praise , al,0 ! In riiergy, muu-try and perseverausf j,, lias stiown niiii-eir to ue a penuine r1.: the old block," and his exertions ha... 'c tributed not a little to the ur-,., n great event which wu now cl r 'inicle si:ho much pleasure. It ia a siiigulir coiiieidti cc tli at th nt al of the bosM b-.-rc should occur the v, day that the news nf the pasat in the Sa. atu oi Ihu Co illlelds Ilailroa.l U,, u l v.-,i rrpuurtei sii.iuiu uiert h'-r peon Wc tiiirefure b.iiwith p'-'ii'- t' no-jnectm nt above made. The I li Improve n.M.t has beet, f.Mii, 1 ti U p-t cable; let not tLe fjstertr.g h.mi o( . Slate be turned fiom it, or lie i'n'S-i 1 Rud. aud a lie" era ill the bt!oty ,f N:rit arom.a commences tiom to daj -. The following i. the cargu of the . A Ur, . i n - I rom lluttoti ft Clegg. at the 'li.f . I) LbN. soap stone, to T. C. A l( 0. U ;:: from J. McDonaM, 3J nb! flur, frun w a. MeLane about 5U tons coal and biac'i 1 jre, to DvRossct, Brown k Co ; ti.t i bov.i from Ksyp. From J Mc!.n,i Woodward's Bridge, Suur, diied fr.ni.i-; suudriis, lo Keith k I'lsnner l'rtu j Clegg'a mill, iur to Dcliosset, lii .ti l Co. From L'leksviile, from Mrs. W J ;i and S. tb Jonea. flour. From J W. Faru.: , , ... . . . ,. , Lockviiie, flour and feathers Iron!.!-- . . , 1 V- . '. .. .. lonuen, sundries 10 t'ti'-iii, .rati i ' ,-. .. r. u . i Frmu Dr. R N. ."nnth. Hareo-.! fi i. . . , . I . ton. lo Hathaway .V Co. rrorntt A .k . s Hay oud, cotton ta do From K I'.n ley wood, frt aloue an 1 dome-t a n. . (es, t , Jo j and "0 I bis, flour on nir. flaughlon, to Keith k Planner CorNi it, fs f TaTf The Co'iriei! i! Snie contesed in the Capitol, in tsu t' on sjalurilay last, Pursuant lo notiu-tr by bia Ficelleney (in K'lis. Th iir.aain I'aves, r.sq , .-secretary. Th. following notnin itions were ma ls I ! Gov. Ellis, and approved by the Cojnei : 1 "ard, K.q , of Jones, Arch.b.!4 '" ! son. K.n . of Bowau and James Ii 6iti:l I K"1 of "l'k- ,,. , ' be Governor is, by tirtu. cf hi. el. a member and 1'r.aldebt ot t " I'.n.rde Governor's Aid with rank of CelvM. : Jas. K Love, Jr, of Jackson con ij J. V. Jordan, of Craven T. H. Holmes of 8auips"n " K C. Jurdau, of Fer.ou Private Secretary (irsham I'aiti !f Craven Hal. Slandui't. Tv f'it'l yfitTttrjierirnre bate tested ! virtues of I'r. WUtar'a ll .I.am of Wud fk'f ' ,nl made no sign.' j i Death or Sam JoNts, tii I r.n TI.. 'I t'enunsu sr. i I mi- 1st instant, atates I al the Cel. tislu ' ' ' bole Indian Chief, Sain Jones, is dearf, ; that Tiger Tall bus been appointed m ' stead. So tb. old Chief has at last earn. 1 out his resolve, to deposit his bom s in land of bis fathers, from which nib'1" persecution with fire and sword ootn'l ''J him. He told the Government agent, ' approached a tew months sii.c. h.u jcl of removal, that " w agon load-of ney " would bo noinducetneut. rONSI'JNKK-S J.i flTTE AMI H. 3AII. Il'"" Tin H i ll to nil 20th jam-a ' Holmcsly & I package, J Harp-f' ; ..... II. u tt . ir.1 11.. (' J A 1 ion iu.. F i atieraoii " W McF'ral tb i roar of t unnnn. nnii ikr titiliuti,,,, ( Af) the ttuwitt upon ikt V,.amu ''j, D,'"u f N'leiiratioii a I'ixtd Fad! . ' JL