ghmto grating. HAVE WE PONE KNOUGH. j I have been thinking bow it ill eem I lkn we meet our I.cra, and give in our; account fi'f t ho talort sulmitteJ j Y hue ern lr!na o lire ple...-iutlT, : and l i.-r.. "".He., prt property J tut when lb- q.i i- n t -mrs. " Whst Imve you ' done for Hin-t uitJ hi- ou-c!" v i nt flia',1 we aiy? We havr, r, ibi.p-, tried ta ie Lanert, kept up family religion, sometime talcrj part in religious meeting aud giv ing eotnetuiug for benevolent oljecW ; but have we done a much for CLrii-t as for tbe i world as uiuch to promote salvation, of the loit ai to piease ourselves and advance our worldly interests ! i We have luown that Christ longs tor the ; Miration of men, aa he did when he poured jje out bis Hood for it ; that they are to avcd by mean of the Gospel ; and that he I , . , , . i 1 !;i Gospel to all, and persuade ; IT , ,. , . ive it. Ilava we done al. ve bids uf give t them to receive eould in this wort ! We have meant to do as much as we could conveniently, M is that enough ! Had Christ done lo more, what would bare become of us! We hate known that the heathen are pcrisl sLiM in m, and in ignorance ot tnat Gospel which Christ provided at the price of bis blood j what have we done for tbem ! We bare tried to pray for them some times, and put in our yearly cautrihutions to the missionary cau'e. Have our contri butions been large encash as large as would most please Christ, and most help the salvation of the world ? . . Think of what your bouse has cost, and your furmturo and dress, and .11 deiights of ambition pride, and ,Pp, titcs. Has love o Christ and love to souls guided ue ia all these expenditures! Beloved friends of Jcsas, laboring among the mi'.l'Dns of dying hcatheu, have sent to m aud aked us iu his name and for the love of souls to sen 1 them help. How have wo t-eatel their calls ! Have we been so busy that we gave so little attention to ta.-m' Then how aha'.l we tear to hear the Jadge iay, " Inasxueh as we have dne it unto one of the least of ibese my brtlh-.edgc ren, ye Lave done it unto me!" Wc have kown that the heathen fouls were left to reri-h for want of ini'.ruc- tiou which, if wo hid denied ourselves as practiced litigation and unJerdraining. Christ did, some of n might have aetit men The T.oinan farmer, Pliny tells us, were to give tbem. And have we, by our much very particular in drawing straight and tbiuking of our eeiS-.u ani worldly ittcrest, equalized furrows. They always plowed neglected them and let them perish pre- three tims at least before they sowed. ci.-us souls, such as ChrUt ii'd to save ? The furrows in the first plowing were usa Was that having " tie spirit of ChrUt ?M ' aliy nine inches deep. j Va. it acting like Unstiana ! . ' I" '' eirIJ daJ'' of Rou)0' 1,en the? Now there comes wen! that the missions . .re.!vvB CJ'.,,e so dear to must suar greai:y lut CJJ't m J rt,,;a( V,o V;,, !.r,l nn.l r.rnViM mar.v ' scu'.a be lo t, if the ur.Sfionary treasury ius prai-ed. rr.t r,.r,Vnished aoaD : od what shall we! The fir,t of modern couctries to improve dj ? If we have tuocey od baud, or iuy at j our command, bow fchall we answer in ths rest day, if we do Lot do what wc c:iu to supply ti.e iieeded means for the L'-rd work '. i..Vy.tM,it ;.J. MAN'S RESrONSIlilLITY. ?o I'. 'sU every on of us shi.'.l sccoar.t of I 3 I bitxsf to J;d. Rom. nv. l i R. advr ! what account can yo j give ? If to mor.ow were the day, and vtj had otily a d..y t5 pn-jare! V.'hat have 3U pursued as your chief eij l ! WLt Las lees the great business cf your life IJa$ Go! Lcen much in your thoughts! Had you rather have God for your p srticn than acy worldly poa.-ession ! H?" hare treated tbe Scriptures ! Do you often read them Do you ever read them with ear- rie-t praver th .t the Holy Spirit would aid j'cs your tins before hiu. ! WLat aceojnt f e.n Ton Kiv to God at last, if vau never I bad any thin" to say to him till you were .UB.mtined into his presence! How have .... ,, T vuu iica.e. voti j.ui.ujj S j-v. . aa ...... , cold water t'j a thirsty soul: Have you to it for ref"ge ? Have you rcfeuted i tvnd Lelitvcd the gospel? Is Christ Clous tj yo tr,-r-,.. r. ui! .!m d a 1 .vv.. .-. Haviour, before whom you ajpftir asjciug thousands of acr3 of once fertile soil a Judge ! JDear reader, say if you bad thu 1 tiitrl t to cite an account of touraelf to God, 8 fc , , . , ,1 r yon prepared f..r t,.e solemn scene ? ; ! if as yet you are in your sins. v. fiy, 1 , . , , Le-.(.ecU yvj. vo lie ocij rtuge sfi teiore joo ; it is a sure refuge, and to it yea re j liow invited : in it you are assured you may bil a plate: delay not to eetk ths Holy S-'i,irit's ttathiiiL'. wbtrebvTOj mav f;tl thin ; a..l.;f.t ;,. iMtn.r. il.rht ud and'ed. Ihe wornout lands of Virginia and the ' . .. be prtparca lir tue afil hour when you luust gi.e au account tiyiurseif to God. J , A PLACE TO PRAY IN. "WLcre ! yon ud a place to pray in?, was a.-Lcd of a pioun aiior on board of a whuling .hip. " O,'' be said, "I can al ways find a quiet fepvt at the u.aat head." " Sam do you find a spot for ecrt pray er !" asked a minister of a staLlo-boy. " O, y, air; that old ccacb is icy closet, ' and it i. the best spot on earth." Where there ia a heart to pray, it is easy enough to find a .'ace. NO MARY 01-' GOOD WORKS. It ia a remarkable pVmt in the awards of the judgment day, that iho- who are to en ter into the joy of their Lord acm nrver to Lave kept any diary of tii.-ir g',ol work-, or digested any auti.tical table of their 'i'its, J fir LeiJ scy BBoiver?rus whereon to erm- iucrat their wcrka ol merry. " L.rd, when lit we an hundred orthirt! ' Vet they bad not I js their days God rerncin 1 tr. what they forget, even to th u-inute-t .ccd itlti. Iom Life Itlastmtt'l. OKit.IN AND HISTORY OF AGRICUL TURE. Agriculture tuav be said to have bad its ortiu when it was ordained tnat mill ttiou.u ( e:iru bis bread by the sweat of his brow. tuing, and the wide circulation of agncultu From that time to the present, among all . ral papers and magaiincs. show that " a re nations and tribes of men, moro or less at-! deeming spirit" is truly abroad among our teution has been given to the cultivation of farmers. Tba vast amount of sound agri the earth ; although in the earlier atatrrs of cultural teachings which is now being al social progress the principal reliauee of man- most universally diffused, can not fail to kind for subsist nee has beeu first tipoa the 'show itself every where in a rspid and per chase, and then npon the flock and herds, manent improvement of our system of cul Mau is first a hunter, then a shepherd or tivation. herdsuiau, and is then a farmer. Of tbe existence of sericulture as one ot the prjru ncnt occupations of the people - . , ,. , mon2 me ancient Israelites, we have many wit uoiices iu vue xj.uio. i o nuiti huih - rious scattered passages in the books of sa- cred Listory and profhee, that the, bad , 1 , . i i plows; that they turned the soil up into ridges; that they plowed with twe oxen; pf thia State after a speech on Kansas af that thev sowed the seed broadcast from fairs. A few days aeo an incident of Muii- baiket aud plowed it in ; that they us.'d lar character spurred iu the Senate, but ao , , , . . . i. ., far from creating any excitment or surprue hoes or mattocks the weeds ; , u 0, hroolef far w9 that when tbe gram was npo they cut it9CrDiin , Washington letter to tbe New with a kieklo or scythe ; that it was bound ! yor Commercial. The writer says " that into sheaves and carried in caitu in.medi- j Mr. Seward held a seat before Vr. Iverson, ately to the threshing-floor or to the barn ; whil the latter delivered h di.suniou , , ,. . , e i t epeech, aud when be closed, tok him cor- that threshing was vanousl, performed b, , J. co'?rstulated him means of a threshing machine or tnstru- ; upon eloquent effort; vhereupon the rnent (Isaiah x viii, -7, cart wheels, the two agitators aforesaid lauded iucontinent- .J .!'iv t I "h poles ; and that the grain was winnow- j lj t5iroD UP Zsi tLe wlctl l? ! wesus of a ehov.l. Among the ancient Ceb, agriculture j received great attention, and was evidently j conducted with great skill aud success; in j f-, i0 tave bfHI niui;I' t,n snmo thin, as at the present day, our superiority ! coasting more in tne miprovea impiemrnrs we n:-e tu our teuer Know.edge oi t art and science of cultivation. Tbe R -.mans probably derived tl.eirknowl- ot agrtcujture irom toe urceas am., oiher o',dtr nations, adding to it from tLV.r . owu experience. They well understood the nature of soil, and the use cf manures, at,d j praise a gooa man, iuey ca.:ea uim au ng- j ,,c.,t.iin. He Iin, b.. n eni;ai;ed in toe rnmmm ; ricu!turi,t and a good ; Uf '' i-ar'y e.ghteen year., and in that; e; 41 1 tune tie ha ir.Hi aeaeral adnitiona to hia former , was thoujht to he very rreatly honored who . hom. and it l.s been erea'.Iy enlaresd aud im- 1 the praciice of agriculture was FiaGdcrs i ai.J the Fiemiiiings or Rvlgians have con tiLued to this day the mode' fanners of Eu rope. '1 ii-ir whole eountry resembles a se ries of pir'iei;!. Their farms arc snail, and thev dtvte their efforts to thrse grand point., the accumulation cf mauures, the; Je - trucion of weeds, and the frequent and : , f , ! the fir.-t among the modercs to raise crops for the purpose of plositig them in. Nowhere at the rresejjt time is agricul ture pjrsued with greater akiil aud success than in England ; and there is in th it coun try a steady and continued progress both in the sc'ciices aud tbe art of cultivation. American agric j'.ture eouimenccd &t the .int which that of Kn-land bad reached at the time brr olonies were planted on the ! jsbre of tne W estero Continent. It has ihat of the mother country. A virgin soil, 1 abounding iu ali tbe elements of the high- j Jest fertility, and re quiring at first but slight j j tillage to produce lar.e crops, the abun- ...I rU,r,, nf U, ,la ar. th " - , - lacs of persistent steady tnort, wtucb soon became an Ameiican characteriotic, led at pre-'once to a superficial and exhausting mode t.t r-:ihiatirin which has resnlted in r du. ; to a bat ren wilderness. But there has been a reaction. Arneri- L , , , . .,, . i can bu-bandry is now rapidly improving, . i and we shall not long be left behind by the . 'i i- i, i t l- iruo., 3' """V" , Ihe old or exhaustive system is giving place to tbe new or fertiliiing system, under j which the productiveness of land, is cod-j stand y increaaed instead of beinj; din.inisb- . . . otrier c.'J states nave, in uiany instances, uu ier the n w system, been restored to more than their usual fertility. This wiil go on older Statvs will rival, if not excel the new in productiveness. j I Le cond.tions rcqui.its fr the improve ment of agriculture, and the elevation ef the agriculturist to tbe high social position ,lo wnic'i his contributions to the general I welfare and th. proi-periiy of the State en- titivs him, ar thus happil Hated by IIou. L. Chandler Rail, in a late agricultural ad dress : "1 Ky al'.piiiig a higher standard of ed ucation, both general and professional. " 2. liy a more thorough cultivation of tbe toil, by which iu f.rtiiity nhall be in creased, and permanently maintained. ' 'A. Uy the more general introduction of j,,, proved implements of husbandry, by which faim and household labor may b more easily and more economically per Inuir.d. " i. Hy ia.proving the br edn of domes tic stT-k and rearing only tl.o.e aiiiiiiala: whi-h are the I r-t of their respective Liti-Jx. j '" I'j cro i those roots, grain?, i grasses, and fruits which arc the most nutri. tijus an J the most productive. " 6. Uy pursuing that particular branch of industry which gives the strongest proba bilities of success ; hiving reference to cli mate, soil, markets, and amount of foreign and domcstio competition. " T. Vy making tb business of fanning attractive to educated men, and the farm house and all its surroundings pleasant to rt fined tasto and cultivated manners." Tbo extensive demand for books on far- But mueh still remains to be done, lg- noranee ana prejudices are oujmiaiejy imuu aud deaf. 1 here is much of loth to be yet overcome, Cibcumstances alter Casks Southern press was furious a few '4 because Gildings of Ohio, aa .cgod oeugratulated Mr. ClHCUMSTANCES ALTER CASKS The months waa un- Cilmer at, the tiranks thev were rjlavtnir." Mr. Iverson is a Southern Peuocrat. Mr. Gil- Mf Iferso,( tbere. fore, is all right, and Mr. Gilmer all wrong. -VayUcviUe Observer. T ypjMx )) A.U 1' I f S MIK saWritwr havint uurcl.a.ed the Steam JL 'J ZTgL" nu.-kt-t rnre in mti. . iwKVt.r et.Ilfe, ; ,. JOHN WILKK3. Vi..ltu. Aug. 9. 15S. a3tf v . ,,j ATT,1 1 ULU I 1 lJ BY cirAiii-ori i . t. f SHE Proprietor of tMs II. 1 1 is still nt hia post reudy to lui fil t'ne liolie? of " mine hot " to the travciii.ig pablio and others ho rim may cili on him. and he Hatters himself thut as I i comtortaide ooarters cm be found with him as j j any vs nere in tins vicinity, feeing'd near- j Iv in the cciilre of I'llarl.jlle, Iloainrsa Men will i h'nri II,,. Kl,l a moat r,,., vri, n 1 ami rioirablcl 100 feet in length by 1 2 feet id widlh, iiandaouitly shaded by tree on liie sidu.walk, af7orhf;g a plea sant promenade at all hours of the day. The House has teen thoroughly furnished thro', cut, and 111 every part of it creature comii.rU are ahuminnt and tani;ii.le. eafeialiy in the DINING j I KUO..I. where the "inner man la "renewed ;d:.ybycay. i Connerted with this Hotel are Stable. afTrding I room for 100 horses, abundantly f'urniahed wiln jr.un and iirovender, attended by faitnful and o ".f ,nJv?'l ... .,. th.tuh hi. !on- etperwnee- and many new advantage added to hi desire to p!c3e, he i. prepared to offer hi. frieni! I and the " reitot mantuno, ' a. many comtori. and 1 a. much good cheer a will be found anywhere,.! per ii-p. mile inure . I is' Al any rale Tv the ("harl ite il -t. I. I J. IJ. KKUR, I Graver 19. 15. !tf The CLOTHING Emporium riiliiiigh, Kprin V ( ... I DOO 1BOVE THg Ha.'.SKl.'. UOU.E, E no. stocked with one of the largest and hand. it aomeal Slock, of GENTri' and V OLTHs Clutiiing Furnishing Goods, avr.a oFrrhto in the st.ts. j , ' '"""'"? 10 lho P"h: wlti, . uuiiliii-luriiig lli.ita. . it n.ut I ;n';n . , , , g ! ""- , K.da than elsewhere. Wc would cull the attention of ihe people to i ir lar-e and eitganl stock of flack and Ilrown j ' " ' - FU LUNGS, SPRINGS k CO. Oroier 2, l?u8. 3 1 tf - O i ( M-A'N AND FANC Y flASSIMEUK O l9f SL ITS, beside an endle.a vuriely of . f of (:,imf (:oa, Wil.k .u(l j t'a.-imcre Pant.. ,l. aunt re. Velvet and i1 ek P. Ik and Sstm Vests; Us. ah do., ail of wliicl. ate of- fereil at exeee.lir.gly low price. FULLINGS, SPRINGS fV CO OdtUt IS, leid. Slif I'l'lIA I Nil I A hS MfIS. f ONSISTIMJ in part of J.inen bite and f.n- It J cr .M ra.-ilie. r-iiu-l. j Merino L iolershirt" i Jeans ana Merino Lrwcr; Cravats, (...,, llo. i nery , &e., &.r, I H LUNGS, SPRINGS i CO. I OtloUr 11. IS5S. 31 if 1 HITSAM) CAPS. KK.t UY 'S Jilar-k r-waaj j A ' a c a a I..I r a n ,t i and Brown t'lotii. Navy, Kila, (Cotton Velvet nd Sil, Oil Clotii at puce that (lelie. eimj..-titloo. FL'LLINGS, SPRINGS i CO. Octottr Ii. Ib08. 31 If KOOTS, SII(i:S,TKUAKS! Attn VALISKS, i L have also addded to jT) ! and will be aold verv ..w. aa Also, a v.,tly ot lABffcT UAtiS and LM. UK KLLAS. FULLING S, SPRINGS k CO. Orlr i. IB.'.-. 3 111 A LARGE SUPPLY OF Constable Warrants KOK 3AI.K IIKHK. JiOJl.J I'lr Ihr Jlrhvery of X'niprriy, FOR FALK IIKU;-: Gas Works. nnHBauntcriberarenpectluliy iniorm ...e JL lie, that they am prepared to erect Work for lirrili.,K Citic. Town', Villneca. .(. legos and largo Hotcla. Tliey have erected work in Charlotte and Rakish, N.O., which hate given entire, aatiafaction to the ciliacn of Ulnae, Ai to quulilioationr., proiuptnp" ability o ; perform all aontractJ entered m"i the following B.ntlen.e.u Win. John.tnr,'. Pre,. Char. P R- " " Dr T.D H.iir.Pr.UI.Ga As.. llalcigh, " r..l r. II v. W.v.rlv. Mias. TO BE SOIi, A LAROK and COMPLETE ASSORTMENT j. of Plain and Japan! rM? Jl. ISar.'W83a7' ABtE at Wholesale of Retail, lower than ever, at 8. T. WRISTON'S ) 2tn and Move Shop. A FEW of Ibore superior Pluniahcd Tea and 1M. otl POTS, to. lale bv S. T. WUISTON. fMlOILET SETS a superior article, for aale ; S. T. WR13TON-3. C1ASH, Peed,p:c and Preiaing tOV for i aa'.a by , S. T. WRISTON. 15r!TTANI.I TEA SETS, for aale at S. T. WUISTON'8. T AT:ri COOLERS, a firat rale article, for If .ale by S. T. ftnHlU.V MARI E f't'TLER Y, (Vxik'a Ladiea, Spoons,' I I'L.h V,,rk. A.p. For aa eat 5 T WltlSTON'S !5 ASSER'SP,alei.t Irt Cream l i M .ZEISS, the 'i beat Frveaera now in ue, for aale by S T, WRISTON. kaw . A nTHErl S8e'',ea'ing FRl'IT CANS, with 13k. directions bow to use j S. T. AVRISTON S. aCi AI) IRONS, the beat in this market, for aule by S. T. WF.1ST0N. f COOK STOVF.S ... .1, r.nnnl k e.eei.fd .a oerturnt. nee. bv BDV h ' Stoves in the market, for sale at the Tu. j , j gm,. shop, 8 doora East of Spring. corner, jb ' ST WRISTON ; , . - lfa-a " ' l'tf a kT,-:-Si Ar'-'0ir;1,4 rou riRinn.. t;:c di.ood. THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE ARTICLE, 'r csmnATKn FOB TnE REMOV A t St) rKl: l S KN T tt'ItF. OF alj, rif.EHV AP.fc-IS' Fllof AN IMtTllt STATf. OK TDK W."n.Ii, i.R Jl Mil r OF TIIK ST-! KM. tl.e first Intra.!... -I u.t M-.-i.-ln-. D M hare aprn-.z Ip'o .-'. (.'-. fo.o-lu.rf tl. i Imlra'l. c.n-ain-l 10'l-i C. -t. tb. -.f r- ..- .li.m ar exu-ned Viw of ar.i. h If mi-uy a:tr;L.ul..--I ... .1 niAi.jr w-.nd.'rf'il eur-a e.? -rt-.l l j li.a Use of this Preparation. W'i.Ma Pnraa.)ttliu l!-.ol P.-rr' an linr...ilant part rf i , e.-taMa at its rrrnarlfa!. . P".-"- O: .ar pr. yAi ,n.1 In hT1r' Ih- Ik. r er'v salr r"niTi'n .nd nnrif r Ifkas 1 11 ara f-rrii'w rKlA ari-t I. wsk IM.V lo taaa anv wlV-r ...r Iwn.' tl..-y a 111 .!, dca-e, Srwfia ta ttiatafrtrrtN alaa..4. VESICAL TZS'lIKOHT. ;r.!4..e. M.l-'M. ar: t1..ritbm-n -Slv ln-V .!.. 1. i low lima With lie. - ai.. Ky '-.-aparl! . pcftl;. . u .-!. -1 I I- r.r. i i r Ih-r lia.a o...l u. In.-.. I. U'aet UfJ rn-i-'rt a i.,:i.i:.c .r nhirh ji.ieia. rt. li...aeif..llj yn-v t. I 1.1NT, V !. rrynr.i r 'n-w I'.a-k! .1 -it..!.! l.r A. It. II. SIMIV, I.. A W.i M lo by llr..2'.-l-t c-i -ra If. PhlMIiY'S : VERMIFUGE OR DEAD SHOT,' rou MOHni. as U naraal no dmaap a. r.imn.n am. Srtal 1 n a. i..':., 'Itt-V ll.r-ra I...- .l..l,.a.l. ,.. I... a. .-.It H fi.rr-'l, Kr1r..Wo iinstniai er.vioi( ror.ti.t.t I 1'. In ail M,',.l.,oiM. . 1 rt'e.e -Ui .l 1 "X .ttlaioii o oi.e bun'trH lyrMi.-tlf'.:. J"li A TIM KV. M t). I . A I. St-". Mil, V.' Irntirir(.a, m i.v a. n ra, an.1 by t r.iac "l-1 S'-oarHMy. K. NYK IIUTCHI.cfN k CO., SfiT-rmhrr 3'', I R in ' on ivr I , 1 SL'Jil'KNAS for U t tin tfiice. i A. J. Story, Pre. (Jiia vvortt., i.mic ruiia, i. niovea me onm u .....a, ...... - F. T SUni Worke. Walerlown. N. Y. mpliouf cauaea u conlmual flow ol the nnurM VV. 8. Schoenor &Cc.aai IV.rl St., New York, flu.d.; anJ hence, if a a rcguh.r drramiig m i j Joy to the Admirers of A FINE HVAD Or mm glossy; hair.- Talk of beauty, it cannot i list wl ihont a fine k...rf i- Lai., ih.n read llio following, and il juu .,k ,nore, ace circular around each ottle.audno ; one con dnunt. .. .. ,.nDi 1TQROFKSSOR WOOD S HAIR RI-.&I ORA young, to this wondcrl. ,.re,...rU...., I. i.h tu n. .back to it or.rinul color, gray hairc.. a tlic 'Lead of Hie bald with luxuriant grew...- young will nl. ney tbiuo me or the wilohing curl, ever be wi'loiul it. lie pmiiie is upon the tongue of thopiniide. The Agent for Trot'. Wood's Hair rentorntifo in New Haven, received the following later in re gard to the Restorative, a lew week mure : Daitr Rivih, Conn., July, '-'3, I MB. Mr. Leavenworth Sir i I have been trouhlcd with dandruff or acurfon mf head for nmro Hun a year, my hair began to rorr.e out, n urf and h.iir together. I v ill a New Haven pJir about " Wood's Hair Keatorative " cure. I calhd at your atore on tha lt of April leal, and pur chanedone hotlla to try it, and 1 found to roy aaU Hlnction it waa the thing i it removed the acurf and new hair began to grow it ia now two or three inehee in U nglS nUtrt it lco$ all off. I have great failli in it. fwiah you to aend me two hot Ilea more by Mr. Post, the bearer of thu. I don't know ai any of the kind ia ued in this uluee, you may have a market for many bottles' after it ia known here. Youra wilh respect, Kt"Fl'3 TRATT. THii ADrt thu. Sept. 9, 1856, Paor. Wood De-r Your Hair Ko.irulive ia p-oving itaelf beneficial to me. The front, and , elkii the bark part of my bead almoot hwt ill cov- I eriug in fact Bi.. I hove ud but two half pint botllea of your Retoratne, and now ihe top q inv head m ell atuuded willia prnmiemg ern Df young hair, "mi the front n alao receiving in (H-ilfht. 1 nave irle.l oviier pitp.m. any b-n. fit whatever. 1 think from my own per. eonnl iccoinnicimatioii, 1 can induce many otlicra t.. trv it. I ours reap V. K.T1IOM 3. M. I. No. 4G4 Vine alreet. j Vinr,iNs, 1 Juno 22, 1853. PIlfF.f. J- tVOUU : A you are aUiut to man. j d'aolure and vend yi.m recenl'y iliaenv. reH Hair ! I!etiir,ilive, 1 will stale, lor whuinsoevrr it n.ay loncern. thai I hove oad it and known ollitrs It oae it lhat, I have.tor several year. IxVn in the j llariilul utli.2 0i:icr Hair (iui, ; I find youra vaally mperio to anv oilier 1 kn Itcntirulv nf mMl head ui'ihindruA. and will. I projHr ue will rratore any pcrmm'a luir to the original youthful color nno tialure.i " 5 't heullby, .M and jlo.ay appear . nee j and all this, without discolor inc the h..nds that ! apply it, or the drens on winch it Hmp. I won',1, ; ! ihrrefnre, ree-.n'nend ila use to ever ? one dtairuus ' i of h ivhijj a l.iw color and texture lo lour. J i Resptcti'ui'v yurs, I j WI.M)N kin:. I (t. J. WM)0 Sl t O., Prooriet ra, 3li Uroad. wav. N. Y.. (in the rn-at N Y M ire li .ilinc Ea. i t;,l.ii.hment) and 1 14 M.irket at. .-el. St Louia.M dishment) and 1 14 .M.irkel 'ti .-et. M Louis, .vio. ,d ao!d bv all Ir,.i. in n.e l o..,.. and by ! And AYER'S Calharlic Pills, (SVG IU COATU),) At! UAI1E T' C1IAN5E THE BLOOD A5D CUBE THE 8ICK. lnvallli, l alhrra, Molhrn, I'll) air. am, riillanthropUI., read ihrlr KITeela, and J.xIk at -"-le VlrlH... THK CI KR fV Iti adnrhe, Su k he.,l"nul Stnmnrh. llrnaiau. v, Ma I. lv Da. J. r hr ..r-l h- r : I hrvte l--ru riial.ll; fur.-a '4 f,IK ll.r tht If I tnimni. FT. w ntr.Ri.r. IJiliotia OiaorJrra nnd Liver ('nmplmuta. llfr.SrMF.TV of THS ITfckfS. I rt ,.kiv.t-., D C. 7 I U. W..I I St : I l.ava l-J y.n. I'lll" m mv I....iul rviT Mnr vm. R,a.a tlwnu aodraula.t Ii-io.'p u ithr ,,1 ltrri.M. i ll.-.J lmnil( rnt Ur tVtiti;nwfiU"i Uiii Ir4.1. I l.a avl'hiw found ii UmU it li.t ovt rut-'nw !; t lo thvni. fymaa l U nUlt, r)ymlrT Hel, and Worms. . ii Da. ATa: V Tl.t hata rl"ii i I , S:.a hart Iwn al'-k anil off t la. .kM Owl at irru thM r"nDiarMl utiria; t .vpllil... Urea quai t.)T. Th. V alt-, ward, of i l.'lv ilriwaory. On ar.n.t na e.u4 f til' M l-.t ir I. I i rli-i 'n'.s, v,li.'b a. a liuti:; .IlivFtS, r'"",-e. a-.kI au. I." Ill U- iriu-d I, Indiestioo and Impurity f thr Illoodl. Fnm Km. J. V. thmrl, ru,e it n,,ui, IM-m. P. Arm: I hava 4 V" wl.h avl-a. rlinar-r amraai In my hanlf and anions tl. a I am -alW ... uit In riistraa. rrfnil.u tlw oriraria ol ai-J parl- fy U.a hlu..l tli.-y ar-a th vepy la4 r-nwwty I ha knawa, aud an onnrijaiiuy wjjnmmh tT'-m u my ti-nOa. Voort, I. V. HI MM. Viuk. Wf-nrura r.. T . v. l. a. n... Fin: I am nainf T'r tallnnir Hlla la ri'y P'aa. rl. mn Si.S lliaia an r.nral. ' .au.aa Iba .ralarn aoj carifT tha fcon!.-.:. ..f f.- I birf JOHN U. TtLM naw, M. D Err.ipelna, Ncrof.iln, Kine' F.vil, Tetter, I iimora. and alt Khenm. Traai a KntMX K'rr'am rf Ism'l, 6 4. Ds. Avta: Yoar 1111s ar Ilia rrr' "Tall dial ts Tt In niarflrina. Th"f hats etir-d n.y llltla anyhtar ef ..lar..a a..ra up.4. I. r ar.'l favl tliat tirotrr InmrM- l..r v-ara. atl.r m..thr t-aan U.u. cra-vuua. U a, Hi Ul. 1, and (iiru.l.--a on brr .km ari l In Iw rialr. A .wt t.iM aaa niM. lw alao trW-1 yawf rsix. .ml but OH"! nr ASA IOB..I tKIt, IveurHlsin end (ioiit. frm Un H't. In-. ,,', IM .V-tJ.rt ffU. "lart. ritaitl II .i-i. e..u-ili. Ik . Jan. S. ltA Jl tr, . I ak.iul.1 t- .ii.,.ai.-lul ir-t lli-r.h'l y ur ali ill haa l.r wv-l.t a. rf I df! u.t rirt any raja to y.m. A cl.l s. ltl .a u.y I1U.U ami l.rr al.t on airru'latia Ba.alKiff vama, aba-h aoda-1 iu ibl-rfik .s i.i.n.'.iidinir I had tha Mvl p ain llw rr.- a.-r- ..! a.n-u. .mil. I t tl.a . .. . t nr. 'it atrnr In llalrlminra. 1'r. M, k i.. I your I'. ill. Tblr ir-ta acra alow, bat fara. Hy raarririg iu tl sua) of tli'-in, 1 ua now entirely writ. r.AHlisa. Rarrw Hot' s l a.. 6 !'.. l".t. fi.. Arr.: I har Uvn . urwl t,y ynUr f'illa i4 Rtiontrvatic Uait uaiufui dasaM. Ml altlL iM an luryaara V I M 1 . T SLI lit I.L. Kor f)rorv, I'lelhnrn, or kindred ( om- plaluta, iMiuirlba aj. acura (.ul.-., tbay aia u .(.'!. iriit rarn.-ly. For f natlvrnrs nr f'onatlpHtion, nnd ft. ft PLaaaaee 1111, tli-.y vr al.4 ertuaj. Kits Nuppreaainn, fnrnlyai, Inflnmmn llnaa.and a..n llrafneaa, ai.'i Partial rll.nrl tiraa. ttare laarn rvnrd by taa altra(ha ...rt'l of .ba JMla. Mr4 ef tha TCIa In mat kat mntaln Vfarrnrv. abldi. at th... 1. 1. a ln .l:l. r-i....v In .k' l,.-i.U. K .lan .rM In a (.ul.lir f.-ll. rrom llir srvaHful r'-na.jMn.M rra il... itly rllow I" litmitli'M uav. Tlieaa c.l.U.a bo nr eury it ni.urral whalrver. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL IIIK RAFin Clkl! or C'OtXIIII.fOI.DK, IKMKI..KF.Iia, liCFLl' K.V.t, IlItO.M iimn, WIIOOPINU lOII.II, IKIl P, AaTII.VIA, IU. ll'IKAT (lll MP1IIIM, an.1 f..r tl.a fliaf " eouauwi'iivs oaiWi.ia In advanud alasn, of Ilia UtfMS K. iiMd not aah to tl.a of Ma virtue. T.i.aii aiary town. aul alnoat ry In..)., of in An. art. un HlKlea. Ha vtonj. ifi.l . nrta of i i,lm, orr Iiav. I. aliaadi knoan. Nav. t.w are .h Utoiliaa in ai.y il.ilu.-il c.nmliy , ilia. .. . rlrn l ih. t.,.l oiiie p. r-"oal atlite rrt ir .Wm la : lt.rat II. m roiititiimitira any aka-i. abllt lia.a not union, tliia at o.a tronl.y of Iu vtrl..r ot.r Hie a..l.. v Hin ot.. of rha lltroat ai.d ItuiKa VI nil II . I i.y rful ...illd. Un.. I l l tl.a f. irop ..I lit. .uln. II is aaw. tlte t' ana mhit ,ein. .l) II at . au In, et j.Soyt I-I liifauia and '"..K i rt....... I'.rei.'a alto.i VeToruf .. ir . .ri.:. iln.i, il . - It I. r litem till . kill e fur.lawf Una fafbi n the tt': tim Tour 1.1 ,. Ait rlr-fcjittl fbtljailH '4 In- .Ii-vf rn. tu th tiv.w !- !. tirtuM 14 i rrtrtlf, nwl no itu ti'Tv- ihMi to ftwure it.. it i. nil) m.'W Dm 't-t it cm t. W r rut, no ram, k ttt prMlnt It tftm iwil , rfTi tmt4. find tlii.i iff- H th' mho ry -o U lia U-t t iit -hH...r .hiil'.ll fufiitPh for thrtrruF. PRKPABF.D BY PR. J. P. HER, Praetisal .r.d Analytical (;h.w.i.t, lowll, Mas. a si) oi. v ji r HUTCHISON k GI11IJ0N, CknrUte. II AVI LA N D, STK VKNSON A; CO., Charleston, 6'. C. J z 1 WAIT F011 THE Willi GO L it Y i. it jm. m-. tu '" .di. Becau.e lie buyra hia S'lV VtS from the Ma.infv.elrL,a. A.A.iV.M.TAYLOH ... i i .I-..II. r in Ihe inhabitant imee to the Inhabitant No. 1, Granite How, win tenaive assortment of habitant el?. .1.-1, Sii.i,ci to No. 1. Granite l!ow. where North, one of tlia) moat citenaive assortment' oi Ever oflcred in North rarolina, among which will he found the celeoratea whiol. h.s gaineU euch a famous re pwt.linn in the Southern C ountry for the last eieht.fn ,m,. This Stove he warrant, soprnor I., any ( ft-vc a.w ... Oar.ll simple In ,t. m, r,,., lea. fuel, and doe. more w-rk in a U, . tl ... any r H. vr now ... u.e. )t , put np one beside any other Stove of the ...e siae , the I niton eta . . .r... ,f ,1 , ,, work in a s.ven tini., be will forfeit the '.rice of the Move, and quit selling and (jo In. c.uU, "" ALSO, AM. KINDS OF PAB.3LOR & BOS STOVE3S. He has and constantly keep on hand, an exiei.a.v. and varied stock of TIN AM) siiKirr IKOX. ISK.ISS Sii.TTI.i.S, 4. 1ST iXO.I ItEItSTS.UtS, HAT HACKS, IlADIiKS, &c.,&c, .llf wliirliwill keloid, Vlililr! uikI Itt-fntl. rhiier tlnni hm i ter iM-a ii olii rv.1 In I lai- Vu inlly. I wu!d mum my thank, to my friend, and rn-i. f,,r the very l.rral I - tr.e., ,l , -j , bestowed .it.-., n. and th-v mv rr.t a.sured. that l .hall endeavor, by eln. ,11, ,,i,n b,,a, Wether will, a d. l.rmin.r.on l'o plea... to try and merit a c.u.t.nuai.te of the aarne. 1 J - - v -..... mi f w. I j ( J C I( 1 1 (' IIH n pUl!lCU!arlV lOllCCI 10 flill ill.' Q fISnilllC lll Mllf, . . . . v .. . 1 ' it I , t. ll y.m wny I head 11. v adveili.cim-i.l " " it roa Tna , .1 ia mn. have three wa;gon con.t'anlly tratti'lmg hro.igl. ihe eouMry with Stove. .III iirtttrs trill he faithfully ami prvtujttly utlimlnl lo.jcx Chartottt.Junr I tl, 1P37. jA3ii:s m. i:dxi:v. C l KM MISS I OS ML It CI 1. 1 X T, 1 17 1 1 1 A VI It lit S HI ItKl.T, N. Y. IV I'Yr? and nr-warda every kind ttf rnerchan- due lor S eent. t mntn.s.vmi. rll'r. K I liovs. hviain .no M ifeiir.d, . . V lhn, J. . : Oaborne, C. T. .M. iidi nhall. A. M. Gorman, fc.).. j .nd Itev ('. K. Dien.a, Hon. W. A. l.r.h-ni, and ..Iher.. Vrolrr in 1'ian. .. Mrio.lro.i.. Organ.. Illirpa, liuiiats. Mu'ic, ISewina M.rl.ine., Iron Sfe, I'limns, t'tirden Ki(f -i.e., A e. A priuUd I hat of all II' ditr.-nnt maker., "I'd price, j .-nf frrt. 1'uhliaher of an elegant lilli..;r.ioli of IhrkvtJ ilal lap, ...(!,) .no me t tr: fMi'.ician i oa. lni t.uiua vo Uam-tii." Tt.i. in .1 un t,ic Jami'f tJrurr should t in every hou.e. Il ire.t.i.f all di.ra.ea, haa a cpinna ia.ary and pr-ecroe the rrB.edn-. from nature. bM..Iou. stores, tor all our mnnnllir-. and mi. fortune.. It i printed ..n line white paper, hand, stj.iiely hound h.urlh edition, Sou "ge. and I. millrd frit fur tnt doilttr. .'. w lioscwood 1'iano., II jO. ttb. 16, IrijM. ly S. M. IIOWKLL, a'.s-k- -"- raiaj.a.wV Saddle k Harners Planiilactiirer, TIIREI DUOBH Hl.t'fll Vr rut MAHI. IIOl'KE, it A it l.o i i i: i.r. 3 rAllkiuilsafSaddiesand Harness n.ade al the shortest liotiee. T I HKPAIKINC nron.ptly eiecotert. Ji. 19. 1i 37tf int. it. .u. t oin: 11,1. he plea.e.i tnreeeive Prof.-..!..! a! in the iieparttnent of MKDK'IM Mf'ltNKKY. 'nles. prof.. sio may he found at hia re.idenee, r Ynrk Diatrirt S. . t'th. 12. IHS6 rt Mill Hi pot. I tf Cash Paid lor Hides, HY S. M. IIDWKl.t,! door. B .uth of Mana.oallr.uae. fnarlotf, April C, 153. Stf rKATI, Otltl.tV Ai to, (Late Farmer, trace ol l'o.,) Publishers, BnvkstlUti atitl Stationer tt Wo. 21 Hurray Street, it iiiii, ) O. A. f'U.rtrT.r allow prici. for cash and M. hheral t approvm erniii, a lnrj;e a.wk of BANK id oFri i: t'i A rio.NHty, ItLANk .nd M OIN I WH .' ' "; Memoranuuir. Il.,k. PAPKROF Al l. KINHS ds. Cri ular., 11,11 l.e.j. e.. l r.l.n. ""I ...iioKr.iih.r.g '-- ''''. - lunenu. .nd Sehool llrajk. P.O. it Co. p'.bli.h Bullion'. eriea of Kram. mar.; (.'oni.tock'. eerie nn the Keirnce j Hunk, er'. I'hy.iolngii. : Iiroekl. shy's Aslrononiies j Ol. ney' (leogrnphy, newly revised ; Southern t'las Keaders ; Palmer' Hook Keeping ; and the "cheap, eat md heat" Kpalling- Ivmk ever used. Aug. 17. Ife.'-B din .everel year Mi.sior.nrv in A'cmlAo. , di.cevered a aimr'e nn.l rrrtuin e.ire nr t'on.Mavn. fioa, Ailhma, frnaeift, Srififula, Cofik$. f tid., mud birumi I'thilily; elan an tasy ami rrl.-r liml n.ode of in!.al.iir Ihe Re a method by whieh the eurr(. properties of the Medicine re direct ly addressed to Ihe dise iai il oriin and the tntr ef. uin. nl. Actuated hy a tbisire In lieuefil hi. s.if. ferine; follows, he will ehrerlully .end the A'iriui (tree) to all who di ai rs it, w in f ill and ei.lie,t difcetion. for preparing; aud aur-'-t anlully the Medicine. M -r a.ldr. .a IIKV.f. S I.I r.'NKTT. f.,'11 Uroad way, New YarV. July 2i Itjj. tm. ... .... .Ill II"' - 'W"--im of f I1AI1I Oil E and Tirinity.tnal he has Kmtvd he lias now on exhibition, jt received lrn, U.s . 1. ...11 J c. seiiu'i.t " n it roa th ago.-a, ,1 ia wi ngt. the eouMry will. Stovca. ! and prvtHjiily uttt mini to.j A.A.N. 31.TAYl.0i;. r. SAUKS, In liili 1 1 ami It-.iiUt r, "II. I. furniah Ii .ir;n.. Plan, .nd Drva 11 for 1'i.l.l.e lluii.tiga. I'r.vjte It .H,e and Villa.. P..rt.riUr alunl oo will be m. builiinf Flour. nir Mills, torn MiH, Ae. 'r in 3.1 .lory of Aleaand-r' It iildinf, frt tv over t hin. Hall. Orlofter HI,, ISiiA 33tf .iiihi n-i:.tKoi.n t !!utnal life Insurance Cou.ra:.j T ,.u ti. llll.H i tnifopf in-burr-i Ihr Im ) i"f tmr )tr, a term ot far, r Mutul I'nric pi. um iRtbrrd f"f ! tietpatl(.f in lit pr.-hl of Die l'oL.l.t.nt. f-),a (ranted f f the whroe term ' worn the ihrrrinr lo IX note ...ay t. lor on. half lot aiio unl o! ifiitiu.o, Ifiii.) intereat at 6 er rel. tia.i guaranty. I'll manner in wl.irli e!l ! x. ki' b.. pan! l-y Itu a ronipny,l..pelf.e.r Willi t.-i r.lri of pr. itiiQlii, prr. lit gr...t llioor ilit'SOi t au. li as are d.aut.sid Iu ins;ire. ttlavea ar insured t.r term of ir Ove years, lof two tliirrt. the t v.iue. A.i loaae. .re paid within VJ i.y. . fur u faclorj prool l. pfr.inted. DlllFrTORM. rh.rie. V. Jt.l.n.K n, m. II Jonea. H .lden. . D. ( n. ke. J. t.. W ilii-n,., II llualri!, Uuellllne liu.lw, I". I. I'tatuJ, II. Mihee. k. I'. Itattle, C baric. B. Koot, i- Fowle,'d II. lUtlic. oyriyr.m. Te. rharh K. J dmaon, Preaiurnt. VV. V. HoiUen, Vice I'fe.Klinl. K. II. Itattle, slerrelary. V. liliau.. II.,urtr. II. W. llu.l.d. Attorney. lr. U n.. II. Mcke. E tanoMf hl'rutltn I rmmillff.-H. Busb'S, W. H Kre, t'liarlea It. Ko.,t. l..l.r..t It.,. A ..f rmmullaUun. '"I"' J ,l,.i...n. VI 1)., W.lli.m II. .UK.. lit. h'd H. Haywood, M. 1., F..r information, the public r.i lo the pa.nphUta,fia torn., ol pr . my im r.l.l need at the OILce of in 1 of any of il. Agrneic. M. C unnat.on. .h.iuld b .iurri' il- . p.,lfl) ,, R. If. BATTJ.K, Scrrrtory, Srjilrmhrr , lh.'. .-tf riviisii ,'! JUtaWal a w AltVlH.M. .till It I'.I' , For t'ougl.i , t old, Ililllli llla, All I to hi.ini ja i l.l. rl, tit n In l.ttriorrhrKR, oilier f . in . I I ornpl.ints ernla and II U&. Cold Mine Dakm, or Hyspi plie li:lt-r er Tinrtur. 1 A letter from J. ll.C.lluna, N. (.:.. dated Aug. 14, 1 "17 s lr. J. khi.l Dear e.r l V""' ""U i N"' ,t. M g iven entire .atisfael.on in this erl' fry. I h. Al.ya.ini. Miatum .rtof. , (...never failed ton. ' , tJI.,t . t.l,ll,at 1 never l."J . , , Atmmut. Ydu w.II " , ..,..y .......... . ha". larK .upply ol II aa aoon .. r. i- ... ... j .. u .rlril"' At.KN IS Win. vv.innrr., T. K..eVin..h.m i I'll iter A ""; ... f T. J. Ilolton and lr. J. F. CJ.Imer.rn. p, A. Sill and J. II. Knni... H.lisburj , ry , I.eiing ton. a-."-' .,-..-- - i4 1 V Jnil PK1N I I.Nli of ,",,, ' d eaite.iil.i.iiai. ai.enie" a1 oltrn. Wh.g '... s.B.RANsoM.u.e. 1 .1 i i a j L. i IS i 6.i I Gr) 1 31 1 H ! All,

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