t. i with tb at principle of republican equality, op- a v.n-..rrVd ne;rpor.teE.!o whieh the government was established, - ?,V .J"' Lj r-.t FieU Railroad Com- lort liarou. uuu v... . nd ' 1 pany. Mr. Fny fail no apprnpnaut... bill passed -'nd Tel l" Gastoucoun-! of A bill to rcstre ; -iry iru.sm ty. p"-" d ilnd nailing. A ' . . i, r.j inoiion iu a,,j"ul " -v w j i D , , Water, -.poke of tbe'tion.- Mr. Caldwell, of Uu.itord, moveu au una,, which the people of amendment, which was adopted not taxing ow i rJr R.j.cteV Minuter, of the Gospel. A number other .1 U,rn.. l j amendment were propped and rcjocte 1, e lluE adjourned. !....,.. n,.... tnJ recess, until 7 o'clock. ffn hcii i ircnnveri'wnce thai section now The House January C7. SEN ATK. Mr. Edney Internal Improvements, against the bill to amend the act incorporating Cbcraw and Coalfields Railroad ; in favor of the bill to charter the Rockingham Coal fields Railroad. Mr. Thorns. Internal Improvements, a minority, report recommending the l.iil con eernine the N'ouh Carolina Central Atlan tic and r.eifie R.ii'road. Fiinted. Mr. R.arus.iv moved to reconsider the vote by which biil lo eCure the Stele again! loss in the Cape Fear and D-ep River Naviga tion Con.pnny was debated on yesterday. Mr. Cunningham called for the ayes and , . 1 . 1 , ., 'ir. n r a S Hats. i.ei-wn.suere.i i" -' . y ' ' The moiel order for 11 o clock, the &m A-soi'ianou oi .. s. ..-- .............. to.LendThe miUtia law n,d establish a The bill ,0 inco, porate the 1 W. N... -2 uniform volunteer n.teiu in the St.. was ! and Manufacturing Company. I assed it. phoned nti the 4iu of July next-. U reading. ..,, ., . jreas -1 . rav !r",r.irm Din to aLoiilS 1 toil-brnlga ou the ladkin river near Juues " tbeTlhcTof Adiutaut Geoeral. villc, pae.l 3d reading. .. ., . . - ' Tl.. I. ill (V. ill- r..i,-,rii.-.n nf .lurv Iri.il Un motion ot jir. Iiuissj inc nie-J-nc n.. . ili. i..'i t , W Ri1W nf Salisl,urv m taken un the bill resd fir-t time and refer- i rod to the I cmmittee on la; aud Cur-'; re n- Tlif 1 ill to amend ihcehs-ter of the Wil- mini?tou, Charlotte and RatlurforJ Rail- rua'l was taKen up. Mr. Li sch offered an sruenilaicnt provid- ir.. that the ro:id shall he h-gun ou the t -r It of the C.pe Fear Uiver at cr pear V i.uiiuo-ton, wt.ieb was accepted ty tne , friends of the li'.l and adorit.l. i Tho till then pisse.1 it:- V'i reading by the ' ! . . f0 nif vctt : Y,. Me."rs. Clu rrv. P ivi. F.d- njy, l iar.ner, Gi'.more. Hou-ton. Lan. M r t!!:, I.ea. ii. Mel'muld, Mciloweil. McKay, ,;, I oil, Keililiarot. Steele, r aujh an, T'a-ma, '-Vh'kup. WbitHki-r. Worth ays Mesrt. Hittle. Jiicdoe, biount. ' co, (. 'jr.mnrtun, L'jbnn, I'outhitt, Mil- ; . La-.-Vfrd, Speight, Turuvr, Vviiliaui , ! 1. The V ill to uth"r't3 the r aovjl of OU-rks rf Sj-ri jr t.'ourt in Cie of n i-iiciucaor, I'a--i-d its :J rt ill'.,'. The l i!i to e-..' the Bank of fo-n-m-re- j a--ed i! rh-rd r-i l;i.g by (he fol-lo-in veto Hi i ). II vv. 'J 'lb.' .'''Late th. a adjourn, d. HnfiE IF COMMON Mr Hatlhsm, fr iinitte on slaves ; report-ed lb-' In 1 1 ; to poai-h fading with darn, with an j dictate to lum wuat ttie priucip;s oi aemo- nous in i 4a. per ecu. . me prcicr .m!i,::iM.t makir- tin- P'liii-hment more I craey were. red block, aud over four to the remaining ri'-"l Ai-o. i-.li.-i rx -mprin, one ai n Mr. W: s.nne, faeorai a ' !! to ch C vi rt y .,aee a t ii i the charter ' of O r!'. Bark", a bill firs tjrn- j, jr.. f.nn, Viorg.iitnti to Cranberry, Forge. Mr. William, bill for a better general law cf incorporations. The rever se till i then tak-n up, and ci;fij..ed until aiijiarnn.ent. The only a'n-n dri.pnt pa-d w to tax th: pr-i6t of ri'itn ifntrr ir-fad cf tr.er p'ircha-e-A lor. diuion rmcured in tin paragraph. MQIIT SIS.-TON. The 1 ill to lay off the ciun'v of Llllin;- ! tru n tko up and after a .juvcr ati"n by the m-m-ers from New Hacover, the bill p-ed yean 7'1. nays 27. A till to aboli-ii the ofn -e of State Geo-ii;-it vs tvken up and icdefiuittly p j-t j. c ii- i yea 01. nsjs 33 Mr Farit.aair gave notice that on to u.or r w iiiitlit he sL'iuid ir. jT" lake up ti;e 1", rf-vnie u i Coal I'll. 1 J, fiuad." liou-e -!jourLfl. J.tL-Jiry, -.'.- on Rai.ks .sr. NAIF.. rn rro:n the l'.'jvn . 1 r L.ro and i'nr--:,"v, in f-vor of the Li.l Ij esisb l.sh .'. Rani nf S.i-b-iry. Mr. p , J j I. '.vary, a ih-t:t to :h til: far prefer.tm tb'.re eff-ctuaiiy tue sale if t.jnor to fr- t;egr j-s or flares 1 La bill to le married women pswer rmr t't.. ir ts;te in certain ca-es. Putil, 31 renllr: i i.e in, to chart r tie Biuk of Nr'.h faroliiia. ly rouseiit was pit ou it. 2 i read ing )-a "Jl, Ha;. 1 14 The bill to lav off atrl eU',l:-b th eaonty cf Alleghany. Pa'. 1 its 3d read ,L, jeaa ai : nays 10. ,. . mmon of Mr.DontLltt.tht 1 ill to in- j eirporate the BaLk of Lexiri-toa was put. onus -Jul reai.ne aud ra-.ed v.,4 i. i, tan 17 Mr Lb son moved to reconi l v wLicLihe bill conc rnin? it 1 r t !j e v .;, sv;i-3ay pOstpOfien irrr r-r j(o tr tr i he vote was m rtoc. -ayes 21 : tay 10. The i,,.; to amend the act incorporating the V.'e-tri N . C. Rallr.jad and the acts afen'lu'.'ry thereof at the ff,cial order j ased i? V ) rea-!ii.g ayes "J4, nays 10. T'ie S- .,-. a j urued. II'.I'.-K 1 1 F COM.MON'sl. A rssoVilion was parsed rfftrsfitg prof KuiUiOng to devote o much of ti.e in-xt two years, aa be can c ji.-i-tnit y wirh other ! itle, to a survey of the Western li.iijti. ifduJiag the iJau River Coal Fields. Mr. Sjeer, a ser. s of r'i' '.tions as f j!- l.n'Jte i, That it is the "plni-v, of th'. General A'iub!y that the poveri.ment ol .r'L l.'.ro Hit was entabil-he'i for tiie equa. j -i'l.. 11 f ail the c tii'-u and property v : j'n ti..- I.n r.s of tne .-lute. i'i' . I hat the government Lav'n l-t n e ti' ''-Led f,r tie tu;ai pro;. r;i.ju of t'.' 1 n and all the pi' perty wiluin the llll.it i.i the -'!.. t j 1 1 e ! nunii thill pro j urii'.n i' i.n 1, If 1 ,f Rev- and tue ii-e, un- or st Hi -1 any rs or any ! .rtiei .t cn teitij i ;.d .1,-1 ful 11 .V., ..rr,. That a I'g. U SIT 'IV C 1 , eir .... , 1 1 1. ine nl. and without which, it ouia not exist Kesofvttl, That it is tbe opinion 01 mi. T.,.il!it..ire that the constitution and laws this State ought to be so amended, se at ' ., n,V,l the Committee on Finance to re port a revenue bill upon tbe principle as . . , n.trtrm - .1. in tho forcpnini' then the House took a recess uutil 7 o'clock, January 29. SKNATE. Mr TJ.Inhardt introduced a bill to alter tlie time of holding tbo County Court of Lincolnton, Catawba and Gaston counties. ' Sir Houston, to render valid the fub serlptiou made by the county of Burke to the Western N. C. Railroad. Mr. Rvbsoo, to incorporate the Linville Full Turnpike. A number of engrossed bills from the House i t,,i . of Commons were read 1st time and appro- j priat 'lv referred. Mr "Fool, a bill to facilitate the eollec- tion ii f taxes on real estates. I lhebtll to incorporate the hdueational , . . , v ,.i o.i to.A ... . ' in the countv court of 1'oik couutv. Tanned il' -d an I 3d reading. '1 he bill to aboli.sh Jury trial,, in the Conn- ty Courts ot'Cherokee and Jackson. Passed 1 and 3-1 readings. 'J he Senate thcu adjourned. linUSK OY COMMONS. Mr. Morehead gave notice that on such tiii'h's next week as he should deem proper lie should call up his resolution conctrniiii IUk k Ili.-tory and other bills introduced ty hii 't h clan - i Revenue till was then taken up, the t;xin- iimiur tieuiii under consiaera tion .Mr. rii'S introiueel a suristituie to luruisusa oy siocs sua otuer iueu w the whole paragraph, which proposed to ' 54iM."i3,i,67 fi'2, showing a surplus of S"i3U tax in, ported Ufiuors 10 per cent and home.- wLich h3a leeQ psiJ out of ,be uiaii'iiacture o rer cent. . . . . ,., . ,, ,, i j,i i -u earnincs of the road, ibe earnings of the Mr. J5n!!oek opposed tue bill. I fc e Mr. Hr-Wr. thought if. wai a wrong' road from all sources from Sept. 1Sj4 to di - criuiinatiou. It sinuck'd of protection. ! Hu nri'iied that it was uot ri.'ht. "Mr. Kerr was surprised to hear such eiitiuiriit from the geiitleuian. V as it not true IVmocratic principle to protect our iu-ter-ts! We i Link Mr. Kerr referred to the I'riMiMent's Message J lie might con clude that tho gitit!uinaa was sbout to uu- ilemecratiz-1 tmi;elt M hud Brid.-er Lad tec, rai-ed a democrat, ; heri-lie l democracy from his infancy,; h.ld tVil.med its crincinlcs. and it rf't' not h come a neophyte in the faith one ' lio liail not yet goi ovur uis pronauon iqi Mr Kerr' acknow!ed"ed Lis vouth in de-: 1 mocracv. Ilo was never ashamed to oii it' lie L.id never feit those traces it threw sr . jii'i ' ine other, and bc ver expected to I t in-Ill Hit the i-entkman had no groat! t cf when a neophvte beat him i oii fame. (Much laughter.) j .. . .. -v - -- a-i;u-c!at this pretty family Bght. He mt- most unusually Dad seasons, ana apenou : C.tholio Church in this place, on Sunday a democrat himself, that is, he stood upon ' disastrous panic. ... j last, to a very large congregation. A num- the Democratic platform as laid down in! According to our last receipts (for six bgr of ou. we unucr,t0d, were coo Jackson' inaugural. And he thought we j months,) in July next, the road rai7 PJ j Srmej a I mi.ht be democrats and still bo very dif-; the ii-r per cent ou the million of P""1 1 ne ag0 delivered a lecture laat niht, at ferent. That is, -iemocracy is somewi-at ; he saw once . goi:ife down the cloves,' he was noue. If any mtu in the State d stryehniue. h hoped the Lci-islature ' to han him ,:.! r.,ht in frotit was pepper, f Laughter ). that hereafter, her payment of -m. end. m. , ; j,. C. Sti!e stocks. Sale, are r.-jdn r '.'i.. " lli, iZ o Cr 1 , "VTm He a -'I'd to see he bad so m, with be regular and ontaiitntr, a her receipts of P Teuues.ee. f f Von S'eVbv R esn Konl , M.r.' ' f''"S. dur,n '"ch Mr' 1 J"" .". nin, his fre-nU from Forythe and Cas . nett profit, have been from th. first year of . P .6. LVai.i.na 05 , t ( ' , 7 ' v i ' ' v .V' i P.e 1 the opinion, that with the re.iva, , wtlail .-rhvtes.nl r,.l protection men.! the -ork. The opening up of the Western J'. Missouri, B. Laa.s.ana . ml, layler, Hornburg, a.lace and at- ; f bu.il,B tb,re ,0,l L u.Ticieut rev ai. i...",.,a f n,.,i.in nf flnme North Carolina Road to the rich valley of . ., . ., ,.cb- 1 nue fur the nurn-.tes of the Government M BV'ock -poke ,,-iinst it and made1 the Catawba, will bring down a tribute net- W e are reque.ted to state, ...at tne J he followt.g introduce- one Mil each : ! j, j , okr 0f o,;e re,, ;X n'poo tbe I) l band.! er before directed Kast-and, in a marked j R. J. U. Schecl of the Lutheran Church, r irh,e, (.UPp, ("raven I ick.on I rake tuffri giftllu4lrU1 iuitr .$ ur.i . Mr U e ,1 -hat he was a democrat, 1 degree, increase the revenue of this Road .illpre.ch in the Court-House in Charlotte, Oa.th.r of J .,aher. ot I and I a I of . illcr.eof tLe dulle,. 1Ie ,aiJ lh. r,t ,ut f this wa, D.moera-! b, Freights in and out, a. well ai b, travel , on Sunday morning next, the l.ich instant. R , al .of H Harrington. Hay wood. Hen- . 0 w ,lnw foar milUo.., .' I it dl-cu-sioa of" some length and'mise of a prosperous future within four end'nents beititr offered Mr. Fiiss'sl years of completion, than the. Nerth Caro- After anous amendments Cfiritr s jh-:itute was adapted. l iie itv.ie then adjnuroed TiitSe r.t or IIawiness "I noticed," rail Franklin, " a mechanic, among a nuin- er A otb'-r-i. at wirk on a boue erected a ,ittle way f-om my office, who always ap j D3.structioa of the Steamer North Caro pearjd to be in a very merry humor, wuo vxa. hal a Hind word ana a cm eriui amuo u , 1 a kind word and a cheerful smile for; everv one he met. L.et tne day ncevrso, cV.d. cl-omy or sunle... a happy smile ; daccid like a .-unbeaui on Lis cherful i c . . T cour.tena.ic.!. Meetinir bitn one tuori.it.g, 1 , jtl-a tiimn - , j '. , V v 1 iii t .1,,. i ' , 1' 1 n t ' mr, . si, I ' w . &' klI, woH of cour.jement ! , J , J ,u I . kn, lUmw't, mJ ,"" ' C, t ' " , readv : and she has done so many thii.gs 'luring the day to plea-c me that l j 1. ..rv.-ty.' ;..un'M,ra,aiA it, and make it the f.untain of aheerful I and pure emot'on. Steak "erit'y then, i aft. r the toi of the day arc over. Smiles I C i-t ii iih.ng. and go !ar towards making ai home hatry and peacefjl." I rl J j The Kmci.l Du-ARTto fluuiin. i ;.at ! !n suuh a situa-j Hark a !.a' sound i thai tion every ti'.ise alanns .1 Lii-aii- np in th' air jieiun and slow Th t ie strikine : of ti.e ci to ratity tliiuk-it In. j rotiij F"" " ' ' li.e call iek de al i Ul V lied, one ould inia-ine ; erious meditations. "a'.s amei. g'l.int. I n 1 sets a seal to ever? j i. Il me that another i .led tune is elapsed ! .! my ap; t "tLeku'll of niv departed I is the watch word to vigilance j It rri.-s in tin- ar of Reaou ! th ti.ne. Ctch them while! tl.f) ly ually ; b'-fjie tli. are irrecoverab- j epni ol d!e snotteii conliu-i Th" minutes aru all uron the win; 'lh noruerer te'tn'y, and making ini'.-.-ant ad v.-.ne-stij tlie -late ib iu sit con'empiaiing.' : yiay the aduiouition 'ink dup iulo au at j telilive ai. I o'le.'Jieiil mind . .1 ly it te .rb ma that he .v.niy ar'th.n.-tie of intmherii.g 1, v u' i.d applying my heart ubti w iiu ll-ivty. A l-ii? r Jm would not co-italn ihe ii. . '.f teriimory which La acciinuiated 1 1. I.t ti . J i-tar s Balsam of Wild Cherry, a a '.. ,'i-iei,t. aud reliablo remedy in jrin . t rirh-, oids, and pulmonary dise.. Many of tne cures are truly wonderful. ; j0ratitaMi)ig. CHARLOTTE Tuesday, February 8, 1859. Gold Mine for Sale. Those who desire to engage in the min , business will have an opportunity a a luable mine is now offered for sale. very .1i:., , nur Teraoni can see specula v-.....b office. Kew Fertiliser. Attention is called to the advertisement of Messrs. R, M. Oatet & Co., who are scents for Kettlewell'a Manipulated Guauo. This fertiliier is highly recommended and our aari"l...l frirnda ah.JJ ts good qualities by a trial. Tho TvT.-irth Parnlini 171111 Road its Pro- 1 JMorta Carolina uaii ltoaa lis xro upsets. We acknowledge the reception of a pam pblet from G. F. Fisher, Eq , President of tho N. C. Rail Road, addressed to Gov. El ! li, giving a statemeut of the whole con ' struution of the road, with the business it has been doing since its completion to the 1 present time. The report is very sati.fac j torJ- ! The total cost of the road, which is 203 i im'iIcs long, was $4,B12,to2 93 the amount January 1 5'.l (1 J year) have been 1 ,1 3U,- irr' 5S. The cost of operating Sj'JH.CO 15. Of the future prospects of the Road we learn from Ihe lables and figures contained in this Rppor' how that each year there has been a fair surplus of clear profit over t xpensei, and if the Road had started quite free of debt, would have paid in lr"iS, six per ceut, to the prelerred nil:!lon, and two per eent. to tho three million besides : in 1607, Six per cent, to tUe preferred stocK, and mci m-.c, ,u ilc ,i. .iuuc, ui i.nco three millions; in l?oi, a semi annual di vi lend of nearly thrtr per ceut. whole capital stock ot four millions, The financial Statement will show that we are now tree troin debt, and some eoli- male may be safely made of future receipts; as these have steadily increased everj 1 u""' " "" . , stocx, ana mane smaii uiv.ueuu ""r114" to me remaining tnree minions 01 capita. , and 11 cannot oe a maner 01 4'icsuon an, of 0'ir own people. No instauc can be pointed eut of a Load in better condition, and hiving better pre Una Rail Road now has. and if the State1 and the Stockholdera find nothing to ap- rove in this, it would only show that ati! aa iu the time past, differing from our neigh bors, we yet, as a people, undervalue what ever it at home. . , . . .nimn , .UnTt, ... , , tcco-nt ot tl.e destruction o. earner account of the de.truction of the Sieamer North Carolina on the Chesapeake bay on . . , . e 2yt5i olt. It is supposed the fire was eommuuieated to the linen in the clothes closet as a boy was seen to coin with a ... J'. A,.,4n the notice of the fir. was com- . , V , , . muicated to the Captain, who was IU t-e wheelhoue, be slopped the boat and every effort s made to suppress the flames but' ... .,i r..rfi were unavailing, as it spread with leartul, 1 ... . , T.p.J..,. k.ery erT, h.n -.. J. "I'r 'J ... p ,1,, L,. "T iht IlTe8 "f h passengers by all tbe ouicars, but one gentleman, tne Key. Dr. Curtlt. said to be of Chester. S. C. but we ,rpect of Umeione Springs, S. C. who was . , . , , , , , returning home to attend tbe funeral of a loemDcr 01 ni" "J'i," stewaru, burned. The pasengers saved nothing but what .1 . h 1 A A . ,. - ly wim tneir lives. 1 lie mans were also " troyed. ' rics : It it dot all oere cnunicrateu and We noticed among tbe list of passengers!'0 Plater degree than the gospel, thau If I r orthron of fa'iarru Co I A Ho. ! 1T " Vrectm,":9- , Such, however, is not1 , . r, ' i5'"oury -a' Vtttr Adams of Greensboro, besides several others from this Slate. This is the first serious accident that bas , , ,. ever happened on tbe bay line. TLe boat was valued at EUO.OM, and 50,0(10 was insured entire loa of property bout Sl5:),(IO( Quick Work. Meters. T. B I'etcrson k Bro , of Phlla delphia, have lately i-ued a book called " Father an I Daughter," of which they ay the whole book was tt in type, afterwards stereo'. jped, three tons of paper made, and the book realy for sale in J9,tij tiht hours; from the time the advance ah'-cts were put in their bands. This is truly wonderful speed. ' Letter of the Secretary of the Treasury. Tb nonj Howell Cobb, the Secretary of the Treaaurjy, has lent a letter to the Speak er of the lloose f Repreaentativei in an awerto a call made upon bim, in regard to the actiil aud estimated receipts from the different Governmental resourcea for the present GsoVt year, and gives bis opinion as to whether the receipts will be equal to the expenditures. He states, that his estimates af financ'ini resources in Dooeuiber has been fully realild, but still the receipts, will bo inadeqnati(to meet the public exigencies, unless the aspenditure bhould be reduced below the imount ectiuiatcd for. Ilo re commends the modification of the tariff ac cording to the President 'a euggoslion, aud asks the pdwer to reissue lreasury notes, lie thinks y raising tho postage on letters to 5 cents, Ud abolishing the franking pri vilege that twill greatly release tho Trea sury. He further says, that should Con gress adjourn without legislation on the sub ject, it will) be almost iuipos.ible for the Treasury t mcot public liabilities. The letter is int.resting to the public and will be publiic next week. Legislative. The RTnue kill passed the House of Commooa, Mkths 1st iustant, yeas 59, nays 43, It will he tn by reference to the proceedings ki anothtr column that the tax on Miuistersu the Gospel was stricken out' Whether Edibrs are to be taxed or not, we are not able to say, hut if liquor is taxed we will Lave to bear our part ; we do how ever object t. have our press taxed while the tools of Ipther operatives go free. If yoa tax presets gentlemen, tax planes, ham mers, bcllowaj anvils, ic , ke. take all iu and we will t complain then. Prescoft the Historian Dead. Win. II. liescott. Esq , the celebrated Historian, die! at Boston on the i!"ih ult very suddenly from Paralysis. He lud been in bis uiual health up to the moment c of his death. 1 Bis funeral teok place on the 31st and tat attended by a large de legation of book publishers, the Fellows of j Harva.-4 College, Massachusetu Historical I Society, Gov. Raul and many members of UDe Legislature, bdth branches having ad-I i journcli t0 ,tteud tie services. TttrRguay Determined on War. By the arrival of larque Uou, at New York, intelligence has been received from Ptrimitv of considerable interest. Tu , . , t . i.. i it,, lil. of dales from Bueuos Ayres are to ttie 4tn ei v weccmoer, ana uom i aragu.j w ..... - bar 20th. Theaeisureef Parar-uay if sup - nosedtobethenriuiarTobieclof t'ae expc - ! Si.inn .rl i.nne. make, it known through i his official paper, that the claims which that expedition is to enforce will De reisteii to Ward, W iliianis and r rics, H each ; .Messrs the last extrtmity. "No surrender is the i Jjula, Jones of O, Lov and Norwood, 7 word." .. . ... - Roman Catboae tersuasioh, preached at the theCourt-House FOR TII NORTH CAROLINA WHIG. We have been taking a p"p into the do- jUg 0f tB4 Legisliture at its present session, auj among its prtceedings nothing surpiises nr .h.n these two which refer to Hi ,t;iierios aid Midsters of the Gospel. (We leave Kdito s of Journals to fight their ewn battles.) .'oes it not seem strange that a deliberate body of moral and intelligent men, should tale off, or refuse to put on a tax upon stills, and levy a per cent upon every respectable Minister nf the Gospel wbo bas Ibe goci fortune U realise the .,.. ...n nf a.-,nri f, ki. n.;,,i.t. rial services T Surely mininters of the gospel, . , ' ... s,...u ,;,.;.,.. ,i. .. , .'.., , J ' . 'w . n n . erealer nuisanc (if you will allow ustoi , . . ;.: a;n,m nn. h,r. .till. in North Uarolna, are below par: and tuj prog ahopt. huch law 11 a reproach to any set of men or country no claim to nave any re - KT A eii,lerl,'e advance has taken i'..- .r u l- 1. - l-.: ... 1. .venue. I .ct,for r.tbe TI f cb.rwt Ju'" ""kn "'". . 'j" ! " it: i of it ! Grog nakert and grog venders, were uot for vnnatiiig the re. pect d us to , who ,r 00t reCoaied blessing, to nny coin the P.e-ideut of the United Stale, and the j t - inuniiy, physical, morally or intellectual- ly are allowed 0 go scott free," while those self-denyiw men of God; who toil 1 .- . , 1 a throtii'h rain mq1 snnsbine, heat aud cold, ,re uxeJ. Vhat has blessed our country 1 througli rain u sanshine, Ueat aud cold,; wilu oinlixation 1 Every sensible man will.buyi.V' say tbe gospeiy I nese men 01 god, are.aieuj building cburohs, building colleges, mould ing the whole face of toao, where appre - ciated, into morality, rtspectibility and use fulness. ) What benefiihas North Corolina ever de - rived from hetrade in ipiritous lifjsiora ! Does it make better citizens better Chris ' nans dome tic poor leeu inn uungry ; ajd to doiueftibappinesa build llailroads or add to tb wealth of its hry,ll,,i vota- ' our 'sprmunti neitner is it according to , observation anA history. We have no idea that the good ptople of North Carolina, nor " ' those canpoaing tue legislature, are ,n r f '"r m",fe,t P"'1'.1'' m 1 op-auu.i i. mt ...... .-..-.ii uijwiins p, so 11 winineii iui ni exactly. aid I'nn.linl! If thev are. inii.i-ter nf ,ld ',tter ieek aome more ho-pi- tabic- clime, where they will be appreciated "u,l douhllets do more good. C1IARIJTTK February 1st, y Tho ridings of tbe Judges of the , Superior Courts, this Spring will be as fob , ot vis : First circuit V.I 3d Kdeuton, Newbern, Raleigh, Hillsboro', Wilmington, Salisbury, Morgantou, Saunders. Shepherd. Dick Caldwell. Heath. Bailey. Manly. 41,1 Jjjjj 7t, Mcralenbarg Agricultural Society. .. . .. , .... M..U..V,,.. A caueu uitins v. -- --- - ! Agricultural Society was held in ibis town on Saturday the 3t0th of January ult Col. . W. Alexander presided . the absence A rial 1 maetinff 01 ue 'ib.io"' prevented from atten,:.iig by sic ro l of members was calleu, anu me iiiii.u.v. , nf Inst nieetins read ami upproveu. . . i The renort of th Treasurer was received, ...J . . ;ii..a .nn l nir ot .1. f.. Drown ' ... t I S J. M. Strong and Thomas R Price, appoint- ed to audit Sis account, and also to allow such compensniion for bis services as tuey .. ,' may tuiua proper. An e ection of omcers was nehi uu mo follow iuir result : President A. B Davidson. Vice-President Jno. A. Young. Secretary-A. C. Williamson (the former Secretary declined a re-election ) t. r ,!,. Snci,.. jreilfturer i. w. """'"i would uot exou6e Unu lrom iunuer . .. p .1 service ) -Wm. Johnston The following resolution wa. adopted : Pryor & Ueis. asking fo, . snare of th. Knotted That the Eaeent.ve C.mmiti. e be in. Government advertising, on the ground of at,ueiJV.:. V-iri V- " ", 1 PP bviDg the largest circulation in K.ur Uruiiml cnii bediK.iieilul'aNil a inurrelijilliit ( Washington. location iiurch.eii, and io re(-i-ri tu .uu.rijuei.t i ultK xhe lioruetcad hill was rceou meeting of the ...cieiy. ! ,idered and passed jeaa 120, nay. i 6. J. M. Potts, offered tho fuliowing .rosolu-j Thf .-relicu spoliation bill was referred tion which was adopted : ,, ('umniiiia of the Whole, in accord- Krtotrtd, Tlmt n? menihrr of the suciety cii- one t'Mi.;..-lul wiinrm; mid mr i "" 'ii, ie uu uremi-nt unii yielil iluil he crriifie.1 lo hy hiin.ell , iinie ullu r Cimipi lent prroll. It was ordered by the society that hero- after the manner of labelling articles on exhibition be chanped ; instead of putting the name of the exhibitor on the article it ,T t;t 'J', Krench ppolialiou till s re shall only be numbered, aud a correspond- c,i,lered aud referred to ooiumittee of laimiier, together with name, recorded ' t,e whole. iu"n book kept by the Secretary for that February 3. purpo.-e. j The proceedings in both llou-e ycter- It was alo ordered that the uext Fair ; uaT wcr 0f an unimportant character, slioald ba held for three days. j February 4. Ju, W li-boriii', C.J Fox and Win J.( It, the Senate, yeterday, the A-ricuItu ,.iii,..l emniiiitlre to e- 'irii-:.'! of an orator for the uext Uiu0 upon it postponed. The Iudian Ap 1 x' ' i. ii. 'propriation Bill was pacd. e, . tti'ii adjourned subject to the; ,, Hjti-e, the Military Committee re- i.ieci'ive coiuuiittee I ported a-aintt tb establishment of the N- r -eniy i- nost ill a flouri-hing con- iiiia! Foundry, on account of the want of Willi tine pr.i-pr-ets for tho future : fuuds. .,c""r j Th ditiou Uesliin rmiirtul SUlis'-iM ef tfc Hoiiir uf iiiiniBiin'i Calriidrr. BKsiu.s OF IS.jU '00 I'n to the 31it Januarv. th re have been f3S btils i.d public reolutions entered upon tho IIou CalDiriar, ofwl.ioh I oriitis'.d in the House oud 107 in the Senate. This gives an average of little ou r Hj billu lor ,.,cij ('ommoner A a liltie Of er i lor eacti member nf the Senate. .Mr. 1'ortcU in:rouuce me largest sum-t e ,. her, I I ; M-rs. Bryan, ol II , and fry, , hirrbest. 13 each; Messrs Laid ! ,..,. of R. s,rrow and Walker. 1 1 each : 1 v...rs. K-v,on and Woodfin. M each : Mo-. Itiir,! Il.ne. M,.K.. and leaves. j 9 elrn . MH,jr5. uldharu, Bv rd, Fleming, Messrs. Bridges. Hoblrclaw, Moor of'f'li'Suaw'iimTi, Specr, ?'.ailord, Waiser and Whitfield, fieach; M ers. llurk", l;o..l..r, je'-ry. Hargro.e, Kerr, .Martin.! 1. .... , iu p u. u 1 , ' Messrs. IJeub'iry, Bryati, of tr., Chambetrs, Fa;:e, Ftrebee, liiit of II , Hutchiu, Moure m si t v 11 11 1:. . c: ,j, u. ii-, iiiiji, .""i '-'-"-r. Martin, Meares, Morgan, Norman, Kauioui, Sanders SM.p.on. Smaliivood, Tomlit.ou, addc.l, and .a indley. The feiiowinj have, as yet. introduced I o fi ess rs urummeii, is jiiocU, far. bault. Darian, Green of Ch , Hetor, Lon . , , ' , a' Spetirht, W aslihurne, and U tuon. 7 l ,,, ,, , ., . i,,r.t o. r u,,,.... omy nave, a. yei, reached the '.ml reading, leaving about 214 on file yet to be acted upon, during the remaiuder of the session. Of the 3Jl acted up m, 141 have paied the House, third reading aud 77 been re jected of these 77, six in all, only, had passed the second reading before being re jected. Wimingtrtn Jlcrui'i. passed the second reading before Leinjre - jected.- IIVWtlss lleraU. - - - - ( a T.M.nr.-a. Rait.istsi Me K.w.rd concluded his recent speech 011 the thirty ( mil. ion bill wuu the toliowing pleasantry: 1 1 lie proposition seems to tie an empty one, majority of tne eitiiiinttee ' it, I h mid s..y a r diculous ; a play whieii we have om ' . . . the lis, .r-, m nicb the boue.t h ,u ... .ho hs a on. 1 bere is sometimes seen at Hie i;n,-.r-, luamcb the heroine is a - prupen.iiiy ior at auctiou, and ab. is -igu at leat one good ! re a that, though the ar 1 tiele I, ia inle.l in th,; tiiue, yet 1 it is chenr,, and it ni.l he no handy to have I it, it it should pv-r be wauled. So, one day, I she h.iuelit a huge door plate sold at au j auction ol nei j nl.or furniture, 011 which I was iu-enbed hi iargi; leitert tlie naiu of , 1 nmnnsou, p. lie I with a "p, allhougli her osn iiatue, as wej as Lcr hu-ban I a j was l oodU. Leu the mdi-nai.t Mr Too- die called her 10 aceount tor the expense, "why," she said, "how do you know, my dear, that we shall not one. day have a ; chud, and that that child may not be a daughter, and that that daughter may not 1 be married to somebody, and ju-t aa likely j as not that somebody will L a man named ! ' Thompson,' and his name may be epeiled nl, I c -uld not help buying it, because it was to cheap, and it will be so handy, yen ! know, to have it iu the huue." TLat tir, is exactly the value of this great presiden tial demonstration, made, I tniuk, to retreive the ai slid wasting foitnnes of an A I. uiinitralioii that bas disappointed its own immoderate desires not more than the 1 sanguine expectations of the American peo pie. 1 rsv i;)e LiCgisiaiure ot i!io M;.te of .Mich- igan base presented to a Mrs. Rogers, of Lagmaw county, (it acres of land ic Cou - sidcratmn of her having recently given birth to four healthy children. and St.-nhens. 3 eaeL : Me-rs. Bxler. I Blount. Burns. Ca dwell, of Ii . Cox . of J.. i , Congressional. ... 8 -r or WASHINOTON, jauuary w. , :....A,.ai o.1Tr.Mr Hitler of Pa . lutrooueen Sen ATje.-K It . J ibler, J a re, luU.n to norease tha tar mc,t the xpetise. .nd U . p lIouBR -Mr. Kilgore made un in, ff-CuaP . B . ,i, . ..,,, I tr. inlrnillli.A 1 4 inilJll011 t I'"- I """'I" . . . , reopening oi me ' . . Mr. HouMon a-Ved but failed to ol tun leave to iminduee utuc a Mil iiiiiiiiih .r.nr lor m. loan of '.- 1 ronicni io tiuu,.iuu. It was a. reed to hold evening scs.ions r n ,llu wi . , r, !,,,i,,ee have .greed iu IW bill for the I central route, with branches touching low. 'and Missouri. Mr. Curt.s was ,,,-trudcu I to report the same. rroruary ' La M..riniill.nrnl 1111 in- . . . . ii ,i u , v p llllj ail S'TlCUIIursi ueiiii - oSicr) beiuK up, Mes.rs. Uwin and Seward 4UC j, tll gpCIkera deoision. Although defeat. February 2. The Senate was occupied ye-.erday in the dircussion of the Agricultural bill. The House pas.-ed the Homestead llnl ly a tote 0f one hundred and twenty to seven- r.l ttlll rvrnii-idi-red. and all Ui-eus- renruary ... In the SeiiatD yesterday, the bill for the relief of the Ohio and Mobile RiilR.sd, and for the owners and crew of the Hri.' Arnintron.' wire l-ed ; and the limine- ! atead 11:11 wa reported favorably ou ! the Houe the Military Cnmtuiltee nji-ctedj 1 the prop)., d bill of a Protect arate over! , Norbero Mrxieo the IIoue then touk up , d1B pri.ate bill. I , i I The Tarriff WAMIINtJTO, Jatinuary V! J. The Democratic Abators Ltld a caucus ; tnis meriiiug on ine . I U: 6n'r-. I decIar.IV' it inexpedient to cnange wis law at ibe preseul sesion. Mr B gler proposed a sutstilute, as f - Jl lows: Rttrifi!. Tint 'he revenue lmf in.uflirient t'l iiimi U"i'; r " "i.1'"" --'"-" " " ii,i ih li.Srii-iiti Mr H l, r sub-litute was voted down. Mf lUmr', Tl!taULm was adopted by i a lari;e majority j jj" j;jjej , Hereupon offered a ro!u ' ,;, i : .k .. . 1 ,1 , :, ,t, .1,.. "" - w M r , - - of expenditure! thau to the increase of m ' would be an hundred millions by the 3"ih I f , 1 o .1.1 ,,i 1! il ,ri ."I 1 : j t0 u'added to th. fir.-un inl. r proponed to be course fulid, looking to the purchase of Cuba Mes..-s. Toombs (Ga ) and Benjamin (I. a ) i r. .. A...... ! . . . ." 1 . . .. , ..... . ... . yreat staples, hut aaiii'l a'teinntiu ' any- if. '., , ' 10 tinne at the preul seesiuu , .,. . for,d ln , the tariff as absolutely uece-sary ; while not favoring tpeciSc du'les, he w .uid be unwil ling to yive 3D per cent on iron. Mr. Iliuia (III thought it was impor tant that the Deinoeratie party should s.'iiie its policy as to whether it would favor a sneeifie or ad voorrnt dutrs. 1 . -e. ' a . . I V ... '7. , v. SLXa.x... ... .'11'. . , , , to agree on the policy that the tariff should I l.. I... ..... m 1. -r sing the duties was not a party lest, Mr. riteh (lad ) ar'ijieoeil in this vie- j remarking that the enatorial HemoeraMc caucus while h.ld for a conference, never; nought to bind me, t0 vote for its measures , The re.uit of the caucus has caused ' uluc r.cnnur,,, imvu; tue ineinuer. i , Congress and otLen. i The President will r.robablv send a mes. J sane to Cougres. early next week, shoaiui 1 a U'.-neiency 01 twenty minion: and ur i ing the necesary arrangement to relieve! , the Government from the nrotecti ve financial ii.hariassm.ut, reminding Congress that en- ly four weeks are remaining of the setiiuu. Til It Lr.'MHl.ATl.'HE The qucstiun'of ex tending ibe cham r of the Bank of ths State lor mi x years occupied the ailention of the Senate during the st hole of yesterday. Nu merous and important aiiiKiid ments were engrafted on tlie original bill; and after wards 011 amendtiieut prevailed to strike out a, I after the eiiact ng clau-c and inrt tho bill introduced into the House by Mr. IU11 a Jin, a a substitute). In the Commons, the bill to establish a Medical Board of F.xamiticrs for North C.rnl.n. .......I i.. ...A ...I.... ....I ordered to be enr.rn.seil A tl i.r. ,1 ..f seme length took place on this bill. The House also re considered the vote by which the bill modifying the restrictions on the Western Kxtentiun wa rejected. UaleigU XUtwUi tl, I'f'nuut if . Will i ... i. i v o -i ill you bare a I'nly Sun: .,id a . ,, , licsnny to Mr, l'aihngto,,. "Will you have a d-ily .Vi ? VlT you little eerp..grc ! Ilow dare y m in. sinuate ain-i a lone worn in fioiu hoiini ! .so. mill ed I L"ie-s I won t hv n d .il w .fin .My poor dear msn 11-ed to c I.n. fully when I presented him a iinrlu a, , A daily aon indeed I Jt.gon you littl.. up- start imp !" And the old worn .. called lor tbe turkey tail fan to keep from saoonin . ITcrrible Accident on the Dity Line Burning or the S enmcr Norlh ('urn nnin ,1s " - i ui), L- AIT MIllIK Jin.;i I n W.:.i. jmi. i u n r ridnv ; i. fl)0ut , t oM , , J I , JR lcverea n e on uie every nroved unavallllliT. I itu Wildest ' i ' . . .. ... . v""'triP. tion aim n.on par .i, tmi,? niMrr kl .jN - .- - vi Vi . I'uri.t to tuo wau r s A dirtineui-liBil Kpihcopaiiiin cleri ( nnuitilt urtts 01 "eler, f, ,j IJ;e J ,i onl riersons lo.-t Tl.. .'. 1 valued at fiCO.Oti;), and insured fjr I I he North Carolina like her eo.,rlt,. jiOmnniin, was oirj oi nil! uion nin ii.jj.,, boats runuing out of Raltimore, nj 1tj recently undergone very thorough rip,;r' nn considered as L'ood n new .v!i ' eon..n.njea bv Caul. James Canr, " - , . . - , u ; p.jneuced and intrepied a seain.u u, ,.le Di d to 1U. onfc.u i mi u.n mil Ol'fD u,, able to ar.certi.iu. fchu sas well prrjtijtlj with hose, water buckets, ami ail oiber ue cesary apparatus for the effectual enia. guinhuient of fire. But at the Lour of mij. night, many miles hoai lind, and t combu-tible materihl to fi cd the flara, j( is very easy to conceive how the pam.', and crew became terror-stricken and utur. ly unable to put forth any tffurt likilj cluck the raging clement. No sit.iatn.ti it which a man can bo placed is more nr.ui;;,, than that which the pa"(. inters of ti)f j; ,nJ Carolina were doubtless called upja to ncss. ri. , r it.. . i i t.CS. S "TTS BllA t.UV In deliterod at Newark, Judte CoLril i Philadelphia, iu atir 10 a ehar-e of,. ardice made aj:iii't General Soil. pr'jJ.(.J a documcDt, which was attoru lo .t.;i; years since, as pi:-t evidence on tu. claim. Till as the e idi iien nf a i i at Luudy 's Lane, ho rtst. d iu Li tt.-i-a li o ii that Genet al Scott, a fur he tu wounded, rods to the line aberc the !,'.. was stationed, "Lis ii-V bres. i.J a-j in a gore of Llojd, which .:. d , i , leg and trickt.l don Ll f.ul up -a : . ground, aud said to the cniiuiiiij i' r : tine, ' I am wounded and v. ry .n want one of your yoang men 1 1 t U(, l bind me and hold me on iny Ljr-c A youii' man tluew doan a mu-krt, oi one rpiin leaped upon the li-r-e ar d IL . i . I.. i i. ... .: .. L ! . mi aruij. ii." eae-.ieinci.i jimurti -j reading this document was ibrilhtu; is lit fxtrrine. The hundreds present ri' u tin ir feet and ge uio-t vehem. i.t e!i so that it wa some mii.u'.es bf t speaker could proc-ted. j A jj,,r (jAUKltD OVUR NlAUAHA l'.U ; . . .r(.,,i,.,,, occurred al Nl rt F -on Saturday. An adopted son oi .nr foreman cf th. p .per tulda. cei- m . fwl iMo be r.tri , w P4tr;J ! Ainoriean Fall. We uoder-iani - , en the ice, near tho mill-, when a.'i had been running the drift les fom fl,J,,i and ai Clde ut ail y fell inlj til 1 atriwut. lie, was uot te.ru to fail, h it tu i sees) soiiis .linance ilusu the iirr, it u I rapi U. ab. n beyond tt rear'a of h ( its, anu sp-eniiy pa-ei over, pi c ;y: rise no more alive. I be child a t years old, and a lad ol much p , loved by his adopted parent, and j , , . .L , . i : s-n-iiiou at the v iii e where it occ; Ai 01. ! Mass Aivi TL I. nit I Waldo, lle t.'bsplaiu to Culigr. ,;: " 1 am an "id mau. I bale eea 1 a cent iry. l'j jou want to kn-.n L b u l'r .w oi l -It-aly and Lt t-i.y T L.t oj !r'. y il. Alsiiy. tat eloeiv, rua-tH a'e . Go to your fio.l, to your rest, toit Cupalloris .iniili g Ke-'p a fc'uy I On'U'' i i i'l lull per, rvrryaL'-re. Net.r t anger Cultivate a (.oi l in-ni rj, si to do ibis you mut aiaj Is c ii.ii.iu ea'if ; repeat ht yiu h ue r- .i; tail aiioat it. You, young n.en "to rr jud leafiiij; co'ltfe, lei me adio yiu 10 thj a profession in Lic;i you can cxi tei ' l:i'.i.l the L(l and at ti c MU.e time it A Mi ft. Li. VLB Tue I' .-trait 1' j Tress ivr the f !Iuiiig description J I in'-'0 si ho recently won the hear! and lr. of the young while heiress in that city: I " We were at s.me little rains .-t. reav I " We were at . ' t., ut a si.Lt of this 'niod.-n. Ctbrl Lo h,l wn.. .,rAil Ii .d. n.tna st.4 " " 'eiomi I'. n n. n., ) found a lean. lone. hanked, holtiin. '1 fifty tears nf sue. l "I'1, alio in ifl coulitenalicn of mrli' iTOri ,J,ack f'K sdvunu;- l hi i-auaps from the r.outh he r.fH' l" ' in one of hi be., which adds i."tuit; l" the elegance, of Ll 1 C' 11. e.' i"li , an I I' : I.. 1. I atol.lory i.ory remaining t rcievt ; norrvi ensst,, mat yii. wn. ie - i ' 1,1 P" 0 smile. A Goon WuiTivt Aii At this ' i of the Tear w hen t'eonle begin to cli an u? and make things look fresh for ihe appr"' , ing summer, we have frequent ri T' ,h repeeting the bet and clieapc-t i'ie : wah, both for the outside and !.-' houses. As we have ill foimer u ' 1 reliable reci. pes of this charsct, r, " ' 1 1 lio occasion to refer our con 1 an ' r,i " i w theiu J our new subscriber", hoei 1 10 not avail theiiiii. a of the same, rtic'" 1 the fiilowinj. therefore i f r men j Take half a bushel of In t i a Lite blue, and slack it 1-Ui.er L 11 ir.. i. .1 i ii' cold water, tub r barre ' thoroughly .lucked, dissolve in t..e ... .l.ln il. I an n.lart of ' i li.ni. katl stir iL Innrriu Il 1 V . add 01' uatl ' of sweet mi. k, and it is ready for u. ' put on with a brush. '1 his wah is fur tho ontiide of bml ijh-' fenees, Ac , ami is very durable. '"' put glue iu wbitewa-h, ami other. 8 ,Mr,th ! rict paste ; but these render it Ii"-'' euale oil in very diy weather. .... , , . . a crei!B Ihe above wash may be made a c.v j coluP L lU B1j,tiu cf oehr. . 'Pbe above whitewash i all tli.t " d. aired for th- interior of h..ui , cifc.'t che .alt, it it. n . ba omitted, as i ten''' l .l. ....... ...... I'..,.. I, a bun I 1 to lime he. fir the ceiling ol a it i not so t;..i.'. in til. II Veil""1 " cnor but it rub off so e.'ily that it c ' not be u.ed for atdeaalU W''"'" A" '' , ,,