"2c trqc to tod. 10 uour tjouotlrij, jd to iioqr Dt.i,.M CHA.PLLOTTE3, IO.ES.XJ.-TST IS, 1859. JSTTJJkAlJ&JEZL -49. TU0:IAS J. HOLTON, Euitob , k PuuFHiiiToa. T Ell MS i T,ioNu'H'-'';r,l'n" Wliiif willbeaff.iriiuoluouh.J ,. .1 TWO iMIf.LAliS in advance ; TW 1) liill I Alls AND Firry I F.NTH if payment be a iJi,.,lt..rUirteii,iiiill,i,;anoTlU(KKI)ll.,AI(S: ...I ..." .1... B..ur ynni,-r will .ll.cn... inura until . ill arrearage, are paid, except ut tuo i.pti.ii 'l 'be Kuitf. I .A'lvcrtin-ini utamurU.-iliilOiii' lull ir :r iiiunre ' (In Inn " !" tin anted type) fur tlie first matr. ! (,,111 mil ii.i eeiiH for each con liuiiaiic.. Court nd ,,; onta and Shenfl Sale, charted "S per 1 roil higher ! mid (ieilutu.ni of il-H per ernl.wili ' I,, mime ir.im Ibe regular pricca.liir a.lverliai r by j ,,. ,r. AiiertieuM,nta inaerl.-d mm.ilily nr .i rit-rlv. nl l per ." I'1' "" -"-j ...liii. " IHT-"arei..reuviiliiiio. , i',,..m. when acinling i Ibcir advertisement. 1 ,!( the number of ii.a.-rl...n. .icair-jil nr. tm 1 i...rtliiigl(' j -'u.tiii ' nollioiiif.l art aa agent. T, II. HHEM & CO., M IIOI.I-VI 11 in n KT A 1 1. 1 i: A I.i:il! IN BRITISH, FRENCH U AMERICAN )1!Y GOODS, AM) ii.ti:iWAii',. T 11 n,t.. alAKMI I I i:, V C. J .-i.i.i J . T. t.4rveTT: Ai.rxM- PICKLEDEPOT. 11 Ol TO .V III A i r 1: nAVE ih ha. ' nn.l f-r a..lf. I'irklr.. f'v J Ju'i.. Syru,... 4r.lii.li. ( I I-' E""' " "u" HOUSTON i HUM LU. Cm, Wit, on -';. 33u nlXTS! IMIl.TSt! 11CI1MI! 1 !... 111. II...H.H U M ! "J. At Mimufutluwnt' I'litet: AMI I'ltU l! i llirll. i, I Jj rl...rr li.nl. 17 SI J 4 ,.' iMI.l I..T, 1 1 l- Ul I'w It I 1 urluifil loiil.iir '..,;' (o.v.vi.f -J7.v iirwr.'i .Vfcef H .. l.r aU r feurr.arrfefed rft. rtr '.1 AI.HO tUMM I AS rent. J. 1! V. l.ooNi; l-ill lV.pcr, Paper, Piipcr: ' .... ri.d 1 uijaI'I'i.m; rAi'i.i:. o i.i.la l-.r M.rrli.nita ami I'mil' ;,r.- .1-..1 I'V l'riM.i.( t'll.n- I l nil. .11 K.c Urn. wnl allow a tir j.rire ..r the wa.ie o' J, V, JiliYCF, A. Ci, .genlji,r H'uKt i.t Mtti. i;..y IH. l-.'.s. I""' Wnted, fiVltik (TtllitS Ol I AN iAl(K. f.r ,l5lf h.tl, the e..h w.P I-- l-ini. M. II TAYLoK. iyJl.KiS. I" t'3' Henioval. 1IIK .uli.e.ilMr l,,r..ii. I", fuel..!. I the 1. l illilio (; li. r.illy, tl.it lie h a ri li.. i .l In. ... th.. .., .I...,.! 01 M .ri A H v. r 1 , unil. r 1.. Willi. ui.' SI...., m. Tr.i.le aire. I. ln re h. . .r. ...r 1.11.-1..I M all nr.lrra in hi. line. II. al. : I a lew iirlielre 1.11 ll.li.l aui h aa Gulden otk. Golden Stir.ri tnttr'i and rietnlum 'Ol Hi. M iivrs. r aici.oi: stovi:.n. A Hal lia.nrtniritt of I III iill.l lloll.it -M 'II'.', A , . A l.f l irl. 1 will at II rl.e;.. I..r t AMI nr ( nun ,ij rm.l.lef. I). II. liYKULY. .a II, IC.'iM. ' 3,-100 ACHES OF LAM) g in: s. 11.1;. . a uKH.lt i-f .-It my I..11.I ..oi ly, lyi'-k- anil I rn.ike.l ay , -a. the I-. a .. Il h.i. be. n ..irvrve.l into lu .. .. Ir ,.t rmilanimg 'at li)'. arrea, ti. h.i "lie .J5t a. re, ill cnntigiioii. I.. I I., nil I. . II ...... ) . t - . I In the 11 1 1 1 V ..lu. I..r gr...i..g purr Il .. il I .ml .mi w. II ..iii rod, will. i ..f .,e i h irb.it.- and W,l n.el.i Hall. an. I in .ilu.l.lin ll.e gi.h. r.-g b, Iw.en '"hi Mill a,i.i ll, r II ..vie M ue i; .. h .. already '"ri .l..n.eie.l thai part nf Ibe I... ml klluwil " 0'" Lnt'.u M..uiiu.ii. -i fl r l..r ., a Til U T uF LAND lying "i Vi.rk III. I.,, l, S f ., i.n llig Sugar I re. k , j.iiii. "1! Hit; l.ili.u 11,11. r fpringa and i.lheM, mil. I lining ;n, ,... S ttil l. m-l ha. been .-..Haider. 'I mi. ,.i ir .,, i.,.,,,,, 'ui ,t,i, in Y'.rk 1i. ti 'fi , n i u,,.rr ,. ,,,, ,1, , ,,, llir ran, ,ir win ..I. I .bairi.l I ..II .I....1. I II.., u..r.,.nid .Mill ' ml i.iir. li i.e. . j und urn pureb..rr ran i "wu lime tu u. the money, provided he ' III! 'i .e. il aieun . Al p 7 lu mi: .1, llbalinlte. W. F. lAVIISON. J"e 15, IH.'.M. 4 ) if aXoticc I 1 I.l. pr.rta, win.. .Nniea end Aremiuia arc 1 1m 'lur, iiwiiiu in tl.e undrra.gned na'1'iur.l.e, " 'neKlly re.iiealril In call ami settle, aa it la ""Pnrt-.i.t that i. ir,. fnn h rali..lle. al aa , .ksiuK , , iiieiiiber, iiidulgruce Kf'H. I W. R. MYKKS, TruaUe ol l-eroy "st,ring.( -J, ibjb. iljli' II. I). Williams & Co,, it:.n.M:ics in iuitn i. i:n:,, u-ioi.j:slti.i:iiii.i hktaiu V ' ' a? A HE i' receiving a lurge .lock K f, J -(A mid will have weekly uuditi..iis p'-a rnu "" "'tir "u'f r,'1""e- Ttiey Will .ell to tho wholc.uie trade at UK " all. all Our Teimmir CASH or CO (77 A Y I'HODUCE. We occupy lb' well knowi. aland recently oc curil by 'I'. M. Furrow. i T OK DLItS) atlem-cd lu rornil(y and low o. if prc.rnl. II. U. WILLIAMS -V CO., TtmJt St, ft, 3 tlvf torn fe Hril t'eraer. Chmrlattr,Jun l(,ebi. 47lf t 1 1 I A 0 1 I! t 1 11 I) lJ 00 " U I 1 U 11, f1 1: firm ..f UEl K VV II II IHi I'lTA IN ws firrauna nidi hli il In amil firm brc ri qur-atid to cnriiM tnrv.urd immrdivtrly mhI ihake fn y rut 11 1 v aa ll.t tuamiaa ut tbe linn matt be climril. It. W. IlKOKWITK. W. J. IIUIT'J AI.N. l-lti June 10, Iron. Notice. e" " g AVI.NG bought the untii'i.'ttock f jY of v- alf!istJ,wrlij,kVc, (I 11. I k III, A III 1II1.1I1, I fl.nii I, lilmiir II 1- I'll. ...-.. . i.ir, 1 .nun u Lapp, tu Hiirct n.y ufd Iru ma rniit eiivtoiiiria. i. . lit.K.i Itllll Juni 10. W, J. A T1M. TIM'MAb DKOHAIFENKIKD. J. A. LSTES k CO., lWTOKS AMI COMMISSION J'Ht: I lie a.lrnf (.ti..ii, (jruui, 'lour, and all kliin. nl I . ui It I'r.i.lui c. OK Ihr ..r nf (nti..ii, Urum.l'luur, and all . ..iTnoi.tr. IWuee. ; Ullii,. N.irtl, AM...!, .: VV h..r . ..( harl.-t..,,, S. (.'. L f A. inr.iui.. t.. in- Irrina ot Hie t'o.jarli.r. ! ln.. . will 11..1 .iiui.tTK, .nr.! li ..r iniiirtcl. Ij. '" ") I'mnuce el...,-. .1 lo our hou.l. j l:illil.u.-ll M.iu. S S. Karr ir. Ilmlhera A. ) .1.. 1 . 1 II Ml .-,..ll:. W l.ll.l.ll. Tl ...Ml.. J . i C. i II M.m-. , I I. .ill , S ( '.; ( .,. K. Ami. r-.iii, K I II..1-. ..luii. hi ... S. I .; T M.l.urc. r., N. ) II. Kito.A W I) .ini, I t. r, J. .; t'l. !' N.H.. I .,..1.. S '.'. I. 1 D. With.r,ii., J W Arm.W. A. I. 11.. l..,l"ul.S. N ft..t, l)r J. H. Ilr .11. ... V'.rkvil.i . K. C. Ir. Il....il.it, Sal iMi.v..N 1 ;J I. 1) I...., K.,.vill.-, T. mi. , Junr I. p.'.rl. y I hiii lolK' Kiiiu.ii I'irt 11111 i 4 It H lt (ILMKANV cut iuea I.. I..kp r.aka a. IL.UM a, GiMH., I'ro. t l.a.. I., firr ou. - e, ar.ll u.u.il urrlcc la I -. f r..rM l.ire and Ur .ley- lia.i.iint. t TFI' HIS. M. Ii TAYI.oit, .,,.,;. ('. OVKltMA.N. Iff rrru.'tnt. K NYK UU 1CI1ISON, tcy. $ T,tai,. DIHK TOKH. M It TAYLOR, ('. OYKIi.MAN. J. L l,UiiV., M JOllN T(iN, 1'. sCAUi:, S T. WKLSTOX, A (V STKKI.K JfllN L liiiuWN, 8 T. 'VmTON ntiJ A C. Si ti l. r, lU'tiiine t out m tlttr. ,.y IP. Ir.'io. Kill" i fM-NEWFIILM. I f m WIF. miner. if n. .1 h ninc ent.ir.i 1 fop S I" 'ship !. r tl.. pur p. tVl.fV...ttYl.Vt- ISilMM- I'l'l'it I H.T 1 1 1 V V. I I ' 1 1 1 1 1 llHlltl()) I 1 llttj AND .aj i.lrv I" li.eir r , 1, 1.. 1.. II-i,.'...i..l Kr-i.i A 1) li.fi bi M1..1..1. vh. ...I I , are all tl.. ir luei.e. .,1 moody a mshkt. uu: i.ivfk . Hi I AT (Ml! ( I oiiipoiiiidi d riilin ly from (.( MS, I j - l'?- l'" "' sr i-i a,..r, i.n . K VK ,...ir i.. inn..... 1. ..hat I. ih. .'..ii... u . I., bo.ila r ly.H1l.n -1. k lies. In. In lf i lMMf ll. II. nmiliiiuua Ml ..I.n tl.e II ... I l..lli,.,.,. l II. In. ijlvliiLj; lltilr : .a-SHi U .I, i In tile ninlilh .Mil. III. Il.tl I KUtal.M. ."! ...all... Im.Hi l..k, III. .. THE LIVER INVIOORATOR j S SI ' I K T I e 1 1 ' VKI.I.'tl. HIS'-' .t kkv. .s i. a. I. j ."-"isa"'"'- 'r-"mU "" . ",!""? V.ml ".aVivir ".Vaarll'i?" ,,, ihr .....i J . ; - - all l .1... h ... .!, ! l l l r. v s n. n e. ,..,. t ... n k. F. SCAUR .t CO.. C'.ari.'it', .C SECOID December 21, 185-j CAXDY FACTOIIV. ,1 1 ( t ,, ,. 1 J- resli t oiileclioiicncs, ! rui(, I , , ' fjl K .iibcrilir reuicirully inform, tl.e eili. : m Jt. 11. ol C'lmrlnMrn(l Kurriiiiiniiiic cnunirvJ that lie hue mi hand and ia ennatanti v rccL-ivinir ! In.in Saw tk. uuiinuuuiiingO i i uuoi FANCY (.'IMICKItl CS,( M. AKS KIII.U CO. SN I I I'. TOYS, 1....:..... ... ; .. iimn unn m, Fl It II Oil i IMtliltl IIOICl, Y. p. t 1 1 1 .. v tlU..tl. ..." . . . 1 " H-iihi. A IJIi.l iir of etriy aari.ly. J. 1). J'AJ.MKK. Savrmhtr 'J, :H. 41if AU... h- 111I11 nil kinila, fr. e I New York Sic i I. liliCrlii It. line.l I uii.iy t AMHI I til Ull.l S L' I II VH' l.'l I I ! - IM'l'l I I I l v 1, I. II. I. It IV IMlUllll.U.l llWftlH I.I.V innrm 11.1- cm.-.,. ,- MM. 'l.iiri'.il.' ii 11 . 1 r.. u 1. .! 1 11 1. cnuntrv, li. I ii" 111 the St.. 3 com. fri, T. II I Itrem A ( .... a I .rj;r ain.'k nl III!) !,lillli. ISONAM , l I ."Nl I l.l.l . AND iUm(u .t.'atlt' l.tt 'USI.y ii. For tirn... Ymitli. and li .j . wear. I.I K-I.V- :iml (II. t I Kl I , ii(Hirs 1 s HviN fU A..S ii:i.Mt., We will be d.nly nr. iving Ibe n.n.i . ii.n.ive b. al that ran be I. un.l any nther II..U-I lor fASfl. bieb Yf Cfnt che.ip.r ..I elienpe 0'ir enlir i ll ..ur g. ih.n ah.rk 1 ..1 -.'II ' . ... 1.1. II. A I p.r. 1 !" 'n'srt l..r..l .. II- l.n. re buying el- where V, h.,',.,.1. l,y.rs. p.t,ri,l..rl.ahui.l.l hr.r .1 in I . ... in a.i, mi. .11 in . nr urge n. t a we n .vc 1.1 noo.M.1 fund F.r Wiuil.a.ile Uuy.-ia. I.vu. K titNw rii.r P.stni. Ktn.swi Jai .a Kausw rii.ia. ChmUttt. iW-mr. '.I. Ic.s. 3jtf (ii:o(:i:iiii:s. ST" AIINHFII.KII A IlliO'l IIEUS h.ivr L. reee.ve.l, III .nl.ll I mil Ii. H.eir I ..rge ..... Hi V li lull Mipplv nf ... I It I 1 ire,mlr JI. !H'8. " 4111 ::J0(),000 4o. 1 Fruit Trees. i I'lllf vil I' i . I OK SAIL. I i WSSTBoCCK.s k HKr- DrCHl 1 1 . ' , yrnptitlDi s oj tlie II ft Uitrn .nmritts 0'tiitrns, near Cii rembufu, aY. C, V dl I I) very ri .IS ellllllv e. II the alt. Ill ellully ... II tb. I the iiti.rri Fruit Tr..a. ..r H.e Fall .-.mi Th.a large and ha . ..Is. . ll.e .r,,.,g..t. .1 I,.,,,. Uu illi lii -.1 d ii the l-.l .... illi'ng si., guar ,. lire nl fl lliliu llie.s am ii, 1.1 ebar... I. riatira in oreb. lint be overb.ul.eil l.v N'ra,.ii. ch .r.l. e.inrr nr . arkilmg W i s.riuitul b..i g Ir.-.-a, alio wnra. whieli .a a sure miget.lv, 'a! pr...nl. lug wh'itll si, I irhing In pl .nl nr. i i ii v ue. The sti.cit li.ll.lrl.i l II, e InllnHlllg iret -: ! I. 'ill.llUli Apple lr.es i IIHI.mill IV irh trrea ; 1!),. (1110 Fear Iret. i I .'.IIIHI Apncnls J I (I.IHIU I l. I r V ; 1J.IIIMI rinui ; Aulill N. el run J ll. 110 Alliinnil j lOiui IJiiiiiee; -111110 (irap, Vim a. II. -. a .1 very line u u nl nf fu.rrui.ta Strawberries, l isberrirs, l.i.t..flri r r II r, lie.. ..ll nl wbieh will be a, .1,1 uu very re; can i.r iipir..ve.i p. per. liable terms l All p.ickngra put up cumpl. tc int. .ie. sent I ranifed that Ibe mv-iire , orchard atler tin; trees air lr.in.l..ileii ..a earli Mr. T. J. Il,l..ii will 'yle, .'lid i.irh i..lr. .li, II be II..- register ..I Ihe e trauspl .l.l.il. tl.ey I'P" "e I"' -t - agent f.ir lb.- Ii.'. .hllig nf Ibe le nl ,M. ekl. 1,1.11 ring ciiiinlie. m'li Ibe ab.ni- Fr. I Tr II lku plea. ure ill f... w arning oril tor the Of i. or. i v. -tiit i'. HAWKS'S History of North-Carolina. f I". 2nd volume i nnw published It mi .M. braeea the p. ri.nl ..f the Proprietary tiov. ereinent, fmni Ifi(i3 In 1 7 v.'!). It furin. a ban.ia .me 8vu. Vnlillue of S9 I pagea. The aubae.iplit.il price half a cent a p.ge; but the price nl' Una v.dliinn i Ufa, ay i ." il. chilli bindiiir. t3 in Library .beep, und J 25 in half calf. It wil l, ait am u olv ro n. Uwinr I., the .lillii lllly nf aeruring Agrl'l. ill many pirla of Ibe Stale, we will b rwardlt by m nl or oilier wist- fire of .otincr. nn r.eeipt nf ihe prire ; or both vnluinra tor $4 cluth,94 60 abet p. or h"lf calf. A libenil diaenunt made to Agents, or others, who buy to aril again. K J. II AL", A SOX. 'a'UVi'ie Aim. SUPPLY r- ' Ira 41 tf .w;ir itt.tj iri n't.yrr.it 'P K Sub. 'It K Siib.cnliera li.ive ntiivid fri I Ti I their Uiily nf fall oiyi VVmier UOUUS. 1'iKir t..t'k 1a lull nun c..nl,' , f 1)1! V GOODS, Ittti tltt art' ami irurhery, Ci Mih-iiinii' i I.O VII I M, liouls k Allocs, IlaltV; Caps, i lift is, I Kuril .iiiitUs, AM) wi,ici. .u i,.- ..iivmi r..r .i.sy.,i ,1,1 u-n.ii i.. l',;",;",,,,,", ;I""'"J,"J" "' uu' " it. 'veT.vVl'li..'ck ..i.'c..l. r.,1( !oc:.,S,lkiin.ir,B, nn r.-( I.DAKS ..mi MAS 1 ILI.AS Irom tl ii) lu IIJ AU... L.:liea M.ir.wc.i liOHTS. firm rule artirV ' '" i nn'. c.ll, ki;. u.d nllu r klinlr nf SI IOKS ; '...iL". tiiMir.. Aia, u.m.i atuck ol ,;ul.a.NS at $1 '0 In tl So. A,sfl 1 Inltill.L'. Mm I.. I r.i.al-. I . ll.r..S,.,l.., I)r:,.,, t--ralnrl., u K.o.i .i.M.rnin i.t. T, n Ih.t, 1, (J, n- t.'i 11111,. l..,rr.. r. .1 ...inhnc II,. n.:U. ri i.n l.-, . -it 10 f rent-. A ... hum hi.i i1k II .iti keicliirir, a n l.r.a.i.iy. -Al 6'1 CS. lil'Sl.i.wl..II .glana.l- f..rta.lie..fii.eVtch. ';:;,AJ;r.yl, tVM r' "nd J"-I...li. t .ni.l Swi K.iril.r 1. 11.! Inhrrliiiir.rol. I .t-, M. . v. a, I , Fi' unf!lit. M.ir- lilii., en an., a v .r-ely ..I ll.e eta t,. jS. Stil! ..n hand the f.'vnruri.lii brand (I.a t'tiiltn) nl $3 .. r b.x ol 2j; alao 111. uj n, ir. ol cliuico utl iilll, a. J , . 1 .. 1 miii .. M Ij ( .11 ill . ur St.7e, lit Sprinf a'rnrn. r. nnd it. 1- v 1 ur-i Ii 1I..1I ..ur .riti ure, it' r. .t Hie low- ' 41 " KN lKKdtjN i AUKKXS. ihinlrr ID, Ih.-n. 3-Jit' PAPER C SI M I S S I O N IV A K 1 : 1 1 0 U S F. AND iniUTERb' DEPOT, Tor th ale of !2iJi'ilioq,'gi'ii)tIflc, Zrtbclopc, , . t" '."-. 1 ' AMI niLoi:i:i) mx cakds, AND i inc. 3IA ri i:iai.s I F ALL KIM'S. ngeni i.jr L JOxlASOTJ k CO., Tyre Fcunders, R. HOE it Co , And other Printing Press makers.. ItlVMt.a IMtK.liI Ileal (ll:ltil ) a I tl;iiinl:i. Itii ci ' i l . to AiEiiai.uTs, 1 he Subscriber beg lo call attention to his 1. uai; s 1 m u .ii' Writing& Wrapping Paper f u11 1",U er- -,,w F" ,A!i"' or ,uo" credit on Iiirio sums. JoSKPII WALK Kit. ...o Mtrtii.g $4 , .oi.'..n. i . tire, -i.l N..F. 41 tl Pre. -.1. I S Allckk'lll'Ul'A" l;U!ids. sl.Vi: p-r '!. p. i ii ii ii fill II1: LONDji are ui.d. .ubt.-. liy He SI ,1 ll,. jireb r .. l . i Ibee.-unly . ..urn, I They l....,r .rrrn jm t ani.llaily. Willi fimpi.1 Tiny ..rent the ,1,1 w ill mi. He Ibe... more in.-slii; piirpn.... :.-m ii'ler. .1 pnyabl. . r (111- sal...-. ..ii. . w '. i.i, 1 t. i $ it'll, wind, current and uselul U.r do I he Cl.Upulia wi I pi f" l';') '"i' enunly l: The eiliT. n . I Ihe r "l"l tm y ale rmw etlel i.t .iiher li.nk in ( I, , Walkir vvlil I reive . II SV.tiUIoN Vr. '. ( '. sj- K It. Co. iiS.ll G Notice. T liy Note nr Accnillil. anl pl' 'e nb-.rve til. I I have retired lr..n. the Pro.' liusmea.. al tl, , id ...e, and immrjiale .. ... t u.a.inlt'v I tflllifU My II- e li-.mtmif Mr. J. IV Siiolh, ii ctii, liurnig ii.y aitiBi net , H. M. PIUTCII AI'.It. 33it ind aetlle. ( hatlultr. Oft. Sfl, Dr. II, M. Pritehard 1 1'. I.I I. Mi ,'lbe aulieilaliniiol'niii. liy irieiiiis, resneetlull v iinii'iun. era liiaileiiriiiiu.ilii.n to reaume the irin'ii-- ' il-ll-in-. II.- i.i . t be ceil. nil.. I "I his. flier. il'Tiie ai.r prr.eril.rd In! Without el.nrge. ..gr 31, IH5-S. 8-tf Wra. A. Owens, A T TOli SIC Y A T LA Jf , f II tlll.oTTi:, t. '.. a WT 11,1. praeti. r in tbefoiirta nf . Mecklenburg T T an.l t'le aurri.tilldllUT coillltlra. If Dtlire marly oppoaite He I o.t 'lT,-. aia. Lb. IXni. t-' m Gtjflpi ri). From Iht Soutknn Gunrdittn. Miss Dix. (V H. M. O wnnihii,af I he great, gnod heart, '1'tiy ani-1 nnrutry II in cariie,) tlire bro.nl a. na ill w,. r I fnrviu lav. Ml. an aerr ' , N 'I WniiiJer. nf ;h. w.irl.l ol art, Nut nature new nr rare, In tin e thjr heart lis.l nevay port, Uuw woiniirtul ur fair. Hut, in the iniflit ufplty'a love, Abndf a of niirerv To visit di. thy t(j.,!,ep9 rove. Wherever Iney uiny lie, Aero.a the main, or here al home. Where human wo la I'm, nil. There dn.t thou po, here dn.t thou come, To sculler bleaamga rounJ. To pnint the wrorip, 11 nil prove the right liy peiitleue.a mid li.vr, Tu in nil a pitying ra v of light, I. itrht Irotn iIh m.urce abnve. Tn ettry i!urij;e.n ot the li.nd, To e.try ut.11 nf wn, The iiimislry of thy lit art and hand Willi light and life doth go. IIuw puUnt wniiian'. innurnre, Suntaii.ed by t.iiih ami love, 'J'hn i-priiii; nl full inunificenec Tuaeiive tueiiMiri'N innve. The pnri.e ilir. open at thy voiee, II. ..ehu,ir l.ir Ihy kimi. To (Jive lii'rolliea the luler'a choice, i)irtcttil by ihy linnil. Ami, l.y the he.irt, all heart, are wi n Tu fupi.ihv fur all. Ami, not a euft'ert r'a .'fb nr groan, K-ciipn., hut heard it. rail Wiiluii the eirrle nf thy ihcrr. Where jnty luvea lo live, Win re thou art Riving tear f.,r tear, Siie iovta !o w.ep unci give. G11, biiapcd Winn rin, p:rl with grace, Ami fi.rtilied by l.ulb, The foot pru u nf ihy l. ve we trace In liauula nl'ain and death ; Thy uiiexuiii 1. 11 glnrioua uiie, Like to thy Lnru'a nn earth, Anil He approving auiilea upun 'J'liy bletsc.l gniiig. furin. Hi" grace hliail pently rinuotii the w..y, Ilet'H-e thy pili'riiii-l'ei I. 1 1 is ..Ve ahall lentil. 1 11 nut lliv c'.iy. Till th.,u, thy vtor c pli ie : 'ill V lhlf.lil.it. li,, I llmu mavi-l fu.fll, III. .Irengtli divine lle'lfgive. l'i, aid thy human nlreuglh Miilii, Tlmu ci'iise In work ami live. U.U.HU1., c. v., jitii.- zn, i53. " " Ittistfllanrmis. BV r. II. tiTAL'Ft'Elt. I was ftavY.'.ig in my study at Port P . As I leaned back in my easy-chair, I became the subject of the most delicious vagaries. My senses were carried away on the wind's of the most grotesque imagery j "castles in the air" rose like magic, and long vistas of paintings and statuary open ed at my gnze at every turn. Perhaps this was owing to the segnr ; perhaps to my hat (which sat rather rak islily on my head,) pressinjr upon :ny or gans of humor and ideality ; perhaps be cause I was just thin satislied with the world in general and ith myself in particu lar, lie that as it may, I Mas for once, matter of fact man as I am, indulging in tho most absurd yet cncliantiug vagaries. Some segars lay on the table, which, to gether with the way I cocked my bead at unusual noises, revealed that I was waiting for n companion And so I was; I was nailing for Frank River. A glorious, whole-souled fellow was Riv ers ; sensitive to a fault, rather visionary in his views, (perhaps only so in compari son with myself.) warm, brave, impulsive, and very strong in his likes and dislikes. He was never to be cornered in an argu ment not he. His antagonist' reasoning was warped into the most ludicruous shapes ; sophistry, flashing with the scintillations of his w it, enveloped in her folds; and when these failed, bis ringing laugh, so peculiar ly contagious, would carry Li in off, unde leated still ; upon tho strong wiugs of its sonorous echo. Interest him in nn areiimeit ? foronh ! juu ii.ij.bt as well try lo upet Hunker Hill Monument with a yard stick, or attempt to shave yourself with a rolling pin 1 while 1 was sitting in my reverie, I Jiearll footsteps coming up the stairs. " There a Hivers at last . I thought. a centrum, t nieuium j Rut it wasn't; the door opened and in stalked a man whom I had never seen be iiv.linuld as... tin in,1 f,rc Tiere was something intellectual in i I',, in. I ri.pna. Is h it j cour),pn;int.0i Hnmrthiiig demonical in te HI Mil t apt. .Ill J..IUI . , i .litem.... i. the glare of bis eyes. "Are we alone, he nsked, in a low voice, looking uneusilv around the room. ' Kxclu-iveiy so," I replied, eying my visitor with more than common curio.-ity. ' Take a chair, Mr. , Mr .'" " Yes. yes I see. Mr. Miles Abner tu. ... ' i" ,..i;.,.i ...i;.,.. .,,v i,;,.. m j '. ' ' ' . . , 1 1 oil UCe hlllisel t Bl I lie same lime unit m took the chair. Y'ou are a philosopher, Mr. Heed a mechanic and a genius. I know ibis be cause I have seen the libt burning in your room at late hours. 1 have something to exhibit to you. You will be able lo under stand me, your perceptives are largely de veloped, your eoiistructivcuess very large, jour reasoning: power inor.. than ordinary. I.too, am a genius. For many yea's 1 have been devoting my attention to a new mo live power Jiid tny labors have at last been crowned with success. You said we were alone !'' " I did, Mr. Miles." i. Well you are waitinrj for me to ex pedite business, ain't you?" " Not particularly so though I expect a friend here shortly." "You do?" asked ho glaring at me. Soon his f yea, however, assumed their usual expression. " You are quite complacent, Xt. lv.ud." I " 'J bank you," I replied, lighting another I aepar, a nil becoming alowly couviueed that ' I win alotie with a mauiao. I Tiiking a small bos from hi boooui he made room for it 011 the table shoving, as he did ho, uiv bookn, pter, luicroscoppa. pihtols, Ac, iuto a glorious heap of coofu- 1 " Iiisarraiiging your table blightly, ftiu't IT Jiut never ininu it. . , , 1,1 lle opened the boa. and took out its cou- tents. It was n miniature wagon, neatly , , . , . t , , , 1 . . fai-hionea out of traits auJ steel, who ma- . , . .. ., . clnnery about it thut was uuite a tuvstoiy t. n B ! " Taking the lial.l In one hand anil the little :er iu.tlm ntber l ui J.ki ap.a tU iUar. Givin- the ny-wbeel, wbicb was Ligb r .1.... a1. .l,.,r a 1. ....I. tnml el r r.f the floor, a aud.leii twirl, tlm car weljt ! acros the room with considerable velocity f Joiner to the further end of the room, hi-i-tartcd it auiu. It flw across the r.oui, increasing ita velocity as it went, and ruu- tiiti up against tho wuaU-board wuli 11 lorce altuoM aufEcicut to have demolished it I " What do you think of that V he a.ked I " A great invention, uidecd," I said, ' But what is the motive power I I " Patience. Mr. l'teed. I am not through yet. Now watch how rapidly and how beautifully it revolves in a circle." i He Maited the car iu a circle of some four f.tt in diameter It comineuced slow Jly to make the circuit tl.cn faster, fi.ater, i fa.iter until it seeined to lio on the floor a I larye ring of poii.sbed steel, perfectly motion I k't-8. 1 watched it for about ten minutes. I was thunder-struck; uiy braiu was be J coming bewildered. j " lieautifnl ! eilendiJ ! " I crieJ, iu ee : tacy." I Mr. Miles took up the cir with an evi ! dent air of aut.sfautiou, aui placed it ou ; iLu table. j "Inm delighted to know that you are pleased wit1.- it,' hu said. "I was sure that you could appreciate it It would run for hours in thut way. A liiri'e ear can be con- 1 1 btructed on the same principle; of course j . bou.e lit rsi'tu must be ou uoaru 01 u to cou trol and govern its velocty. There S a mo- : tor, Mr. Reed '. No expense no cost no fuel, water or heated uir : j " Rut you have uol told me what the mo tor is. Mr-. Miles." , , "Haven't IT Well -'b'ciW your ear over." ii . ..i i ..i.i:. ..a.,.,,1 .ho r,-,sT., : i .i i ' e. ..' and there was such a tire streaming Irani hi, eves, that I would not bate thought! : :. ....., i..i .i !... .. ,..ti r I jow ' I whiskers in tbe room . I 11. .1.1....-.,) ,n ..r in ..Are f, . . ,,. ' ; "Quicksilver, sir." I foot -the right of the people n. mass to ' ! "Quicksilver!" I cried, half jumping ! " ?S ttP . '"dtudtta.. ormi from my chair. ; noruies-and to Ui'.cke ... their justiOeation, ! "Hush-hush! For heavens sake ex- ! !"-a"'t eonstituiioi.ai and lega res.r,nti ., ..,;,, - e.,.ir.L-.iivr I nf,b winch may stand iu teir tvuy, the " iiigh- l,.n " i ii . .m.M As be spoke, he unscrewed a stria. I cap at the end of one of t ie arms 111 the Hv - wheel, and pound some i jiekstlver OJt of il into I lie hollow of bid bsud. " Arc you convinced, Mr. Reed? These arms are all hallow, and partly tilled with the liquid metal. As the wheel revolves, .i... t,.:i... .,;.. Cr,,. il. I...1, ., . , . ....i, tlie tire, auit back again, Keeps up the mo- tton, and increa.es it itu each evolution. ,.f , .it-.:,, i n., Of course, by additional machinery, at) even, regular motion could be obtained. Astounded as I was. a thought flashed across tny braiu, aud I very iudi.-cretiy out with it. " Ah, but Mr. Miles -how will yju get it to run up hill .'" His coni.tennuce assumed a look of blank dismay he pu-hed back the bu-hy hair from his forehead then rose abruptly to his cei. I shrank away from the burning, mani- - ac glare of Ina eyes. "Uphill? Lp nl: It has no business i -ii . ir -. i ,i . .,., i .. ,0,0 tinhi I! If it has, that can soon be reme- ,! , . , . , .. . , died. Not another objection to 't sir. Look here, Mr Reed you ulone possess my se cret a di-covery for which I have st'idied and toiled nnd labored for years. The se crrt shall die with you." t-eizing tny revolver, which, as I have said, lay carelessly upon the tablp, be lei surely drew sight upou my vest buttons. I spring back to the farthest corner of lli room. 3lv face was livid, ana tlie . ' . i cratic pater of Pennsylvania, the Ilarris perrnirution oozed lroin me in great drops. , ., . . . . , . '.. . , ,., e , ... burg Patriot and I nion, which complain.. Hu eyes glared upon mo like a tigers ' , r . IT d lion's that our government has drilled, " ou vital like t'"10,''S,' . ..if,".,i subjects," far from tho landmarks estab- I,. nu . il t ie tn-'iTcr report lo...iweii. ..'..' . , He pulled tlie trigger a report fo.. a line of smoke curled away from the sweat ing barrel, aud I lay writhing iu agony on tbe lloor. ti... 1 t - ;.,! :., th..i Lilian ,, .i.l .: ... r I know not. I at last became conscious ot a violent shaking, accompanied with. "Mr. l!eed-Mr. Iteed: Ho, Kalph!" Openiiig my eyes, I beL.ld my friend lliveis he'udiii" over inc. "What in The world is wrong, Reed'" ho asked, half seriously, half comically. " Who shot?" I asked. " Who shot ?" and Rivers" musical laugh filled the room. "Who shot? why I shot ou with a champagne, cork? Look here '. II . led me. still bewildered, to the table, Two bottles of delicious wiue were iu readi ness. " Oh, I see !" I etied, rubbing my eyes, " von h ive brought in some "' " Champagne and you hare bieu expe rimenting in " " Haebi-cli I" We had a in riy time that evening, and it eosls Rivers a new set of v.-l buttons whenever I refer to my beiug --alone with a in a Mac !' Vtliv Pltopnti. A member of the Legis lature, uowr ill session at I ndi.iiiopoiis, who has been " coughed down " on several oce-i- . .tr... i 1 - i. i....r,...ii . il... V ', , , ... ., ,- .," ,i i L..n. .r. 1.,, i 'll worth ot cou.'U Uieu- ic:ne for the use of the lucmbeta ! fjO" A witty rogue, brought before) a Pa risian tribunal for a drunken riot, one) day, assured the Court that he was not a drunk aid, but being bitten, hen a child, by a in ad . Jo , ecr i.oce La... a uo.-vr .;' '.:. Miiflinr Ihrir Sails. The editorials of the Washington Union, lays the Fayetteville Observer, have such a dreadfully dull and Fame look, that we tali teldotu summon resolution to read tlirm. I5ut the National Intelligencer hm copied one of tbein, of the 15 tit inst. which is really worth reading. It U a strong pro- I luht against tbe democratic docina of "no , " , ,, 1 . , uvere.gu.y , " '" yj Kansas democrats mouth. I lie foilowuij; . . . . 1 . hm i n extract: it lays donrj pouinl liii; , . , ' r . i doetriues, such as are not ofien found lu oraQ : I "The people are rec.itMit.el as tho ! 01" ee "r ;1 poliiiriai power. Dfcuuse u,ey ; f considered a s-tfer Jepo.vitariLol aove- reigiity Iban any .ingle inditidual, nhether endowed with the prerogatives of an auto crat or invested with the limited powers of a constitutional monarch. Ji'.it when tbo Cramers of o ir (iovei uniutit had thus re posed the sovereignty of the Stxtu in tho people, they did not ilop here und consider their work Gtii!.td. '1 hey did not con clude that they had furlified the rights of citizens from danger, and planted the Government upon a secure and permanent basis, when they had inaugurated the rule of the masses. 1 tlie cuiiirary.e.very ub seq jt nt etrp that tin y took in orpaiiii nu our system of government, was designed to protect the rights of individuals and minority classes from the ahitary power of the popular will. After once reposing the sovereignty of the State in the people, tho frnmers of our Governments their bent nil their thoughts and directed all their crrcs to devising the most judicious and effective means of restraining the excessess of the populace. It was in this view that they invented that most admirable and distin guishing feature in our American system of government t'tte written constitution. The written constitution was designed as a chart and rule limiting and restraining, not only the Legislature, the L'xicutivo, nd tiie Judiciary iu the rx-rrise of their functions by its surrt ine mandates and in- but put-ing a bit and rein upon the people also. Il acknowledged the sov ereignty of the people ; but it reduced tho sovereign people themselves to a meet, proper, and dutiful auhorditiation to tho higher authority of law Indeed, it liny be said without exnei-errition tbat the tx- i press object of cur written constitutions 1 -1 . , , '" 'o repua, a.e u.e et ..um u : times Licb is usualle rxpre-sed l y tho i phrase " popular sov ereij;iiiy ," by which it ' is meant to assert the license of tnajoritiea i to trampl law. and constitutions under i to trampl. a the vol tei or v-ix pnpuli uiav bet suit " v , r-t.. " Th-j tenderer of nil r, p lMies ho bero to the gradual accumulation cf arbitrary power ii. the hands of ibe populace at the expense of tbe constitutional rights ot indi viduals and minorities lli-tory teaches that when all barriers against this arbitra- rv n iwer of the populace have disappeared '-' r . r.ui. i . . . r many to the more steady and consistent J . , ,. J , , of - Magic niclator, has succeed- e,d as a nat ural r.su.t ..d been accepted by the governed us a relief and a hle-sing. Popular go'rimieiit has arrived at tho blink of destruction w hen the lans are re pudiated constitutions are sj.it upon, and the arbitrary sovereignty of the pjpnlice inaugurated ; for the next slop from popu lar license in the historical progress of gov ernment, is to the dictatorship of a single , , . r . i P:" r."' or "":u' '''"" is said of le 'islative usurpation ami of ju- .. . . , , , ' ' . r al to free government is popular usurpa- - , . r ' .. f f, tiou for whm once the despotism of the populace is established by the overthrow of laws aud constitutions, it is but a question of time how long before the people will seek escape from the intolerable de.-potiria of the multitude to that of a single tyrant, whose neck at least is rospjusible l)f out rageous uii-feasnce." The Intelligencer has nppunded to this a very similar article from the leading dumo- lished l v "the loiintlers ot our .system. And if so, what party is it, pray, which ha thus practically abolished our written con stitution? It can be noua other, of coui.-e it is not pretended that it is any other ' , r -. j -', Ba" eo gsiaeraliy in power. The Patriot says.- "The fact is geueraliy overlooked that 'he founders of the Am eric to system uot only haJ no idea of establishing a pure j Democracy, but positively devi-ed with ' greatest care a system of cheeks and bar- tiers against the temporary ebullitions id popular passions ; and the people, tbrougn their representatives, put restratuw upou themselves." And then it pron cds to m lint.iiu those other sound old WLig doctrines, wbieh we have known ti:- dvinoeraey to cry out against, of the propriety of leaving Representatives and "rnators ill Congree in some measure independent of the popular will or whim, by electing the one fortvo year-, and the other for six yei'rs ; and of r, pu'liating the ubli6uliou of tu-truel'tons to si, nators : " Resolutions of in.truetion hsve seemed lo us merely tbo highest form of petition which can be brought before Congifs.-, ai d entitled to the highest respect. Senators and members should weigh well the offici ally expressed opinion of a gr.t State ; bu it ia only an opinion, and does not war . r . ' . rant statesun ii in shirking i-sues lhey are sent to Washington to associate with the first of the land iu order to thus become better tnlyriiied tliau their fellows of tbe best iuterests of their constituents and their whole cour.'ry ; and it was not oi.trni vl tied ti nt tb. y -houl 1 be constantly look ; '.j :m S. v Le i-jlata,;i i'or vi.ct- tt-oii-

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