trt!-afaauM' Wiiii-iiiihupiiii j.K,;8(,NALRFMiNisrKsrEOF ASiiiNOTON. ,Ve livc bi'fvord with the following fraet from e letter written Ij en etima-J rnliiihti'iicd Herman gentleman, ! i r-ighly-l'ourtli year, to his friend ; Me .!V in IU iii tli "iJT- 'J'he writer i.-t perhaps "tlie 'pie on tho lip, face or bnnds, which soon ' ing youth of sixteen years, and the bride a last of the baron,' the only individual liv. ap.uniea the character of an indurate pus- jdnaliing widow of thirty-four, who bad nl jP1r in cither bemifphero who r njoyed the tule. In a few hours, mortification ensues, ready buried two husbands, the last of whom pka.ures. of tho table, seated ou the right and the patient dies. It seems almost like i was eighty years old. The minister at first liaiid of iiti!g- ti we are niiMUKen tliM "'I potion, we will take pleasure in to ftuting when auviscu to mo contrary. Although' fifty-ri'ht year have rlnpsed rince '-' fr'00'' '' l'rr,"!in was ia!it 'bin rmnlry, jet e- understand he lias made it ,., invariable custom, ever since, to celebrate ,t hi" o' hoiuo, our two j;reiit nationnl l.o'.i ly the 4th July and of February . annually- An American in heart, though a foreigner by hi.'tn and allegiance, the in-lere-t "hie1, he nmuifenta for our prosperous J.rtit.y i calculated to produce a salutary upon the public mind. IiUK.mkn, Jan. 1", 1 "!). i Mi' Pear Sir: 1 have the pleasure to j lnniidje the receipt of vour letter of iili December, and avail iiiytclf of the first rut t ) express my thiitilti far tho intercut- j ,1 , intelligence uliich it comu.'ri.icates. I'm lii"i) affird me the jiy is the r,'t;rel.oo made- to the purchase hy Aintri ni, U'liea of Mount Vernon, the domestic r-i'!etiee of the immortal Father of your fr ' republic, 'i be noj lc purpose of your lur country women to rescue the Lallowed ,0'. upi'i hieh he pnu'ed the lat days of In gioiiou life from further dilapidation, -i rve tne uniircicnuiiw oii maiiKiou ,m ultL-r rum aim i" hiio.immi i.n. t'", ; ,llli,eoi my ! ticuiLauiu i I -o i tnat lolly patriuliiu wmcn , 4 1 that lufiy patriotism aliicli'J ill ii Hn jrtmi lootliers. Mav I . . f .A II...I i.-.., t,,r .1.;. Alr ..('. , hi, uwu iii.. ...v ... .v. ..... - r iralitud loo long, alaa : delayed t . r lallicro, IiuiIj jimI", and brother. In my p-irl.r ia su-pei,ded Hi engraving!'' ,l Muut Veruon, and in my front hall a 1 u- , ii- i . i -i , fc re of .ctii-rtl U,)ii. a Inch cm-' j j , Mr. Wahinjjton and Miss Curlia .M. Mj rj- l-Vf to linger Upou ti.e.-.C lallMul i -luii' ws 'f other yean. The, v'nidly in mind llie day the proudi.-t day of i v I paj-acd oil the beautiful y m uf llie I'uuiiiar, in the liinily of the i ...t ti. i.le-t pel -onagu that llie worM i .. . .-r pioduced. It as in -May, 17.H, w r ally Maty-one ytara ajo. I an "'d i! hi- liu-l't it dinner, and I recol- t ,t i:.-tinctiy bis majertic beanug as if inre j .-teril sy. Though ef mortality, i lei (Hi -ipoacring presence in-pired an mi- i . .. ,i, it. it he beiiiuged to liu uortaiit y . j';. n .HelniefS, In Ci lie face, tlm pi rleet nv '( hi manners, his inodc-t de i i' o-, ai.d tin.' oid of wisdom hieh j' uitiuJ. led me irr'-..atably to llie belief i . j l .e a as an c:cauati'ju of tho tliimij o- Ivr.t for ihe Uiarviloua aurk ti.-t he had , ".-'U juit cuutuinmatid. It a as my good i'lUiiO Ii cohtrmplate bun in lim retire- i i t after he Lad left; und Hie that ; ' c-"j.J pfif-irw fir the republic -A l.u rc- rtiuoii. a ii J after he had ij jilted olln e for '.nr Wbat a privvK'ge I ct.jj)td Hi being e ie guest: t f ll.o ll,iil'i,itll of I in Europe, I iuiac'iii I am the only u.i, t.i-ce Ibe deatli of Lafayette, mho ; ii fji :i( J ai to break bread and take i ,.: ,ih bim at his oan la! k-. May his .:e Fj.u fc'aiut jiui e,naairu., i j. iu-,1ar0Ue, atijf I.UiCullieiH mliicll ii v li.J tisclf eliComt.aa.ied ! May lit. dla- . . . . , i,i . r Ud,.m l,e eltiuluUd through ,M .-ai generation-, I j tu ecaaor in - .i cuiita Mansion. . !! IiKAINa K.W KtH ttl.'T, AM) L mill Uttiil - Il.e Ji.u l.'ur i i Telcjirat ti narrates llie follow ta.c ol urery. 'He Caae ia gr -rv Tatt eae . that ! .) allies ii. :,e a laborer in the nujiloy of tieore i; Imua. of lluuti County, Lraina i- literjily kn n keU out, tv the I of le, '."..' e aix meek, a.i, ail J atranc to . I.. . I. I bu'.y atiil livlu, but Laa re-,.-il a:l Li. faculiti.-, and bidn lair to re it liis uu-il aouuil heaitb. Ir. l'roekr, I ' u : . I. v , ; ! . , the kut '.-ou iu atteudabce, u ! :tit. tLe eaae : luti.d the .aUt-ul lmy tii-.e j.il4e, mtli l'rfe I. S: LlukiO into the Ult aide ol ll.e ju t ever Uie ear Loth the lc 11 fe aile'ni hour, sliall, reil and Ian r.ieCe.. veuvh ami a Lalf Ly tao iiidu-a square, 111-ua o( ti,e'o-!y iu't the ttaiu, ami pot " Alier rf in jvfoytruiiinh'. jl'sc, I removed fr ijf im iiti of tbo j"i'.- k''i of brain, iu conjutn'ourllin cf a J ::,r"' -iece of the tree, wbicli had arl) lli -'"tli into Inn head From llie tir.-t tilere I a copious discharge ot linti mater; liui.l j li.e ear of courac through the Ku-ta-J - .it tube. I coiiaiJ.-ud tbe ease liopele-s ; '-rveii ilaja after lUu fir.t drc.-in the j"oi e,ietiUur,l l0 ool0 out . j,, j, .!,-.. , k (,, oux''tt(J off before the v "i i-uu to eicatriz.:. The ca-e pre- ; f a" a remarkable tuvutal plit-noiuriioti j I'1 'Ii mil! inlcrcn plireuoloi-n. 'J'l,0 p. ' f before Ihe accidelil. waa never timu.. or mbiatl,. a tune iu l,i if Lull 't.r wa. Lo alio lo .peak, than be be- j viiij; nuh perfect, correct nes.-, and ' '..-pi ty a a ta.-tu for uiuaio aiuouniin ' I ' nou. M 't. (.'arolin Walter.. vounj I,,,. j. t. ,.-,.. 'f' , Cll i-'aturJv laat, having ec.tlieil " 'he iinuie ajlum of Tenneee. IJer r:' i- u a 'I out;, tilie wm ruiueil bjr a ''ii in t'l.arle;oii, ami fulloweil hi in lo "hii'le, win-re tlio Incliiorjf of ber loon't "' her rea.on. tsliu wat coi.-jineil lu.iitia a-v 1 u in tl.ero. from win-nee I llie '-ftp i. 'Mi, Mayor of I'l-terfburj. ' "'a le srrnieliietil to return Lcr to tlie U'jtion wliiclt alio left. Oil UtCr-UtlKK at ITavR TI, lini-.'ieann. f 1 ) Iuiellicnoe any., that on SuinUy I'1. t"JIII l.nta l.ll. .I-.;... .1 , ,1.. lie ,,,.,;,.. i, ,,, ... - VUIU t.lK v- di...o.. r. ,! a l.r... o',v i lib. Mue.(,toii0 rock, ruii'iiiiif Lack about I 4i nS Ii et. I li the stone waa e.rverl t ho SCrir.tinu i ' M . lljm. 1 77 J." II. I- !' tU cavo i, ,aa.A,l I.. I ' lii.ii ne r.U.. ,.f .i : . e I I "j'''"-", Iau, of Icvoluliouarjr Itieiuurj. ' ,1., he fo owillff frelln tEa. noil n.' ll.n "TUI Arldiaon, ia worthy of au itiJelliblo ! ou every n,i,.d : 1 o tier.ona have eho.eq eaoh' . '""' tf .11 iu .nrciea, Wi,, ,le ,j,, I "! '"Wl other ,, ,IIUU,, ut,,.,(nr, J .-.I ti!u.T' Ul' 'V'' ll",t ') otioii, brtiiml 1Jl'.U'" 1,8 P0' buinor..), afljble, 2,. ' '"r'-'"S "UtJ pati..,.,, with ro. 1 1') eaeh f.:..: i - in oilier. Ir.i ii-. ...j ..r . , i.i'ftiitt 'Urol of tLeir liven.'' I'ajii., A Rarb and Tatai Disease The Pro-1 viilcnoe Jourim! records the appearance of o rare dice a so in that city .ufcetioua and ! .tiddetily fatal in it, operation. The first I j inptom it the appearance of n small pirn- a piaguc. fcoveral persons Lave died of tlie distemper. dtT It appears from an official document that the coat of the situs of the navy-yards at Portsmouth, Boston, New York, Philadel phia, Washington, Norfolk, lilythe Island, Maie Inland. Kackctt'i Harbor, and Pi nsa- I cola, and tho amounts expended in improve - moiits thereon, to the I '-'ill December, 16o."i, as far as can be ascertained, in 820,2e7,li0(). "" """"" " " "" " CONSIGNKKS rttl CI1AHLOTTK AM. 8. c. RAIL RnAr), FROM . Titrllrii to tii 21th rut. Jnn.A. Dick-on S pkgs, II. T. McDowell pki-s, J L Phifer 3 pkgs, J. L. Watson j pkg, J. N .See-field I'i pkgs, W.C.Uoods, I :J!) pkgs, ) K. I laden li pkgn, 11. 1'. Moektoti '.''I pkgs, t.i. V. Dobson S pkgs, I,. D. Child an pkgs, Dr. W. C. Tate 1 piano, II. King staff 0 pks. Arrival at Ibc Ilulrlt. MANSION nOt.-EV, W. Ei.. l'mpti-tor. l-chroiry 15 I) A Rc, Mm E Wallace. Ti S r'rriieh, . I) V illiaoiaon, A II Herinea, J II M .x il, w II I hoiiiioon M I. U ir,) A Wvuv, V I' M.. J An,ltr.oii. J II'..Mk.'i,.loU. S 1) I!Unk rnl.ii. II I- I'owi ll, h. V VV.l.ry, V li Henri! j:ti,b ug, l 'I'liomaa. J.l,n iMir, s It riwr ;iir. iuTtr, ll r. iwim-ii. ii tvatHnn y, b. IG W s.oiib. A 1 KhIm ri.,n, W I omiiiii'. ;vv A iS(( j w y t, , l' II - ( .W V' r.-raiii, r(;yn, U W II,. 1. 1,. am: l.i.iy, II F,. J Mv. r.. V Viil. nr.u. V !.'. t E U.K,n. W "W,ll,ama. A J Urr. ,7-,: ' .'"V''' K' ''.Z'!'''- J tlTl'!r E.iwrm;e, W Drtaun, J ( t-iy and, T tlmm r j., lt j ',, j , ,,,, p t; ,i,r.J An'iir.on'. K. b. I-i. J 1'Im.ic, I. K ,",. vrii.a. j O lime J 'Voiii-e. T II II..V.I. I,' W ll..rr., i; It Ham., , T li: vK. W All. n.'W C Wnliera and U y, V Ma C l l l v .f, M Koif i- n. r Ki.ikot. I' I'.. .. fi s I'..,,-, C K U .k. r. I. E S..v ite, E ii ft ....ii-. T It I'.i. ..I., i: t rowm-r, T C t .,.., r. I ll IS J l..inr. A II llr.iwii. J'jl lln.r, J II ll.ivi., Ii ll- k,-. ti U II,.;..,,. A II Eawin-, ,!r N,,,n. i: .vj,.i,.t; i; f,u, . iuy' ml U.iy. W li ebb, W J G jii, J A, T s. A.i.,a,. Tel.. au. It Siiruin, T I. Armor, J A I'm, J A 'l oiri iict. W I .Soiiili, J jr. r.. i H ll H iiberi, .V M ll'iiiitr., ( I),vi., ' r..r i.. i,ler, I..V, r,,,, (i K M Mm I. . X A I'.-me. to! t J.,.,-.. J Zi.,1,.,11, (. H' i.l..p, II Jlur. umk. .1 A" .lr..i. ...i.l In!.. J H liaker.K. v A II.. kr... T . llro.i, ,M Muu. t il ltl.T1 i: krm,,r.Pii.l.r. Kehruarv l.i T II l Mriliu-r, Mlta I. Mei...ue. K II Si.r..Cue, TllWlir..., M ,M i.-tin, II M r i. tie. M V ll. arn.' K Ar.,.H, I! S M.-h.,,,, I'T M'.iiry.J IH'.rn.a. W J t oreti.o. WJ Wliile, M M II K.i.ula. J S Wiley, E II M.rali. t A llrl.n.. It II Si , J M I nebr tn, Or S Kerr J lt.Mrl.em. M j A II. in !''... ii. J M .M. barT. y. J J Mr .. L ,ia. S A ll irri.. E. b If, I. 1'nH.rwn.Hl, E t".n.on, fl Mil, to. . r. M - I. Al.irul. E A A-ri,,lMl.. T D.inn.f I. II, rr... J E, A 1 Kclurr, J ( 'amplwll, D I J nr.. 1 h. 17 J M Kinly. J M'W.l. y. I. J, ' A t'....oer. J .(, J M ll. . ll. n m , '" J (;ri. er. J .V ni. c; .Mill.. T J ,M-r..,r. J H lluiion, J J fi..,.Mr.l, ; It E.....1.4, f A Hrlo.a. ll.isrbe.. i. i:,,.i....i. J s...r. n I-' II. I I, 1. et I y , A A I r y . J Yionf , W M 1 1 .r . i .. J N I o . pr-..M, A S'evena, A R I.Fion.l, .11 l.-mond. J j, J S linn., L A Milla, E N .Von j ye, A ti W atrr., N .Vo.'twrH. (i l eaa..n. It II Snnlli I Mr, A,;r J W M.-baffv, T S Vlade W Wal. jir,. w i,.t.,TI'Wilwi.' I F.b.lS A J l ...rhertr, M H.iolock.M Mir. tin. E Arnold. W I) farinler, J MuielM.or, J A Koolnr, V L.ttlr. II ti llurin. IV IM "...... M ... It Si r.n. I V liee.e. Mr, H ilii.ii.. Itrowo P T M'lr-r. I J .oe.. J M ( ..el ,.lf, M I, (,rr, IVm T.vW. It .V.S". lt!em..e. Feb I't J l in, A A N'-rmenl. M Chap, man. N ,S S .mil.. SJ l!i.r, II' H N t T.y. lor. .V J I' Anneiien. O II F.....I.. A I" I . l. i ... 'I' llnn I' A II.!..,. I U 11 1) II V. . . I. . ( .v,.(t,, K II V ,r.,, S ll' I,,.,. ' F.b 30 J T ll!..r and f. Iv. Mr, K t'owin an.l it ...elil. r, Y n Id,. .. II, J i; K..iwarda, J II Slnin. I. Erwio. II R Am Feb SI It .Vni , A If rVWr. J M limn. m,, lI) .a.. It lf.a.n. P T Mi.rra,C H-II.J I lark. II' A' fontrr. T K E Arnold. J li t .--"I, D '. ,M M.rt.n. A ' Felo.r, T Fit. J l..,..l!, M i f..n... r. (1 lt:.,kr. R II A',ii J Wiley. I; I) ai.r. Mr i .M. hall. v. Sjifriiil Nilirri AMUIII It ltlHlllv KUI.r. (I III" ) HVM'HM . II...T..M. Jii'y 9, 5. 1 IJ'iil'.tmrn Airrcb!y to your ai.;.(eali.,n, il in-" me pie.i.ure toat itr, that five mceka nr". I purelma.-d two bollle. of your OsifrnaltJ I Ifera. and c imnif nerd the a line acrorriiug tn .lirerlii.n.. an.l , s pen, i.epil the hippie, t etf.-rta. I had been troubled K.tb i'r.i'.-'.i i aU.nt three ' l'innc the warm .ria. o, and at lime,. uhlieed t" all ill. nil., m to by o. reli I h. eonlino. .T"l'' ll-.r aiiviee i.f many co. oil f..r .il me. k. lo the tueOirin.-; I am irnlt wr. er.-e1ble.yiii,t.,,.n, until I took your reil of every .h,... I he whole rrrriit of ra-w'.T"" "' due ,i tlie f)ro-n,(,J f,.,r. ' ' 111. I, Vour obedient .. .Vint. A II II SMITH --FTii row. t. ,v t:,., 1 ih w ,H, n"-'". "'"'t "f. Sold by Ibe,, Strrei, ir i.eini, i,,.,, A. I o., ; ,rl.,llr wbere, aioi by I,. .yt utel, IV,.,,.,.. !,e , w:lh the Fever and Acue.l.ould urt It. I...Trr",ti. Hirtr... w.!.,.e beoiooolrl! et. upon ,, Im,,,.,,, . ,..., Oea..y piovcl to ti,u.0 i, ,,,. ,,, ,lrl.,lt.11 " "m" 'I'-'Ce ol l,,e by tin, e.euuful I cur.e wl.... eh,-,-.. re ., .,) anJ v ..... o ...... nun mi,,., ii, ijejiii .Inn lie tliem ii. the fjee, Una ei.mpounu uiu.l prove a ble.amg ; u.tiii a. ii.rc ,le very muulli l the jjr-ve f.' cm know Ha true value ..n. til thev h.ive I.......I .. i. .. .. 11 ..i I .... .. . i era hive I... I. i ill, tl.eae ll.tlefa have rralnred llie aullerira lo I p i.tioe health. Tln ir popuhinly lo all the We.. ' trni and Soutncru p.rla almulil n.l.i.uuce them to ' all f.miliea. S..I.I by hniL't'.!. evervuhrr... and bv IIOS . TE I I EK SV(ITII.S..Ie I'mpr.. I..,., ,.H Water j and .'.r I' t Mrcrta, ritlsliuiell. and be .. N.. 1 lli.tehi , Chi lie, i.C. f I, IH.VJ. Im. STATU OK .Noirni-CAIIOLINA, CAHARKI'D ( OlllvTY. Coin I of J'lfas nntt (Jutirler Session , J, in. """ ! -1 A1IV...I II M. I-V.. I, r. lit. in for IW. r. I. let m I anil wif an.l l.v.lia C. Illark "pp-'tuig t tin a.itiaf. . lion ef the Court, l, i. lie of the ih ten. inhabitant of Una Innil. of the ..nnr' plihli.-.ilion he uiaiie piper puiili-hed iu t Allre.i 11 .M. E d.inl. 14 Una caae, ia dot a M ile, but t.'.ldia beyond III.' t(,rd tullit t .iuil, that , III the Charlotte W hie a ne. Charlotti-, N. ('., inililying Ih- ..uu A L if ham. In apiH ar al Ihe In it Ii no of ll i A. II. ,Mc. t.rl. to be held for Ihe c.iunly aforraa.d, at the Court lloua.i in ( niioord, u Ih. 3d M .inlay in Apr,) in it, ami pin id, an. wer, or demur lo plamlitl 'a petition, or the will be l e nd and (,-raiited aa lo bin.. Willi. ., Nelaon .S"..iieh, e!erk of our a iid eurl at otl'l'ie, in Cu.icnr.1, lo.- J i M 'inlay in Junuarv, A. V. IniU. XKI.SON Sl.oL'UII.r. c.c. Ftt. 15, 183 !'riutvr' fix u Hi MARnviNO "too. a Consideration." The Northampton Mau., Gaxetto nays that an e-Jdly matched couple from the town of I'eru were married in William 2d int. The brideproom was a amsbur'' on the verdantlook hesitated but being assured ly the lad k faitior ilmt W ni 'nil ri.'hf " nerforniod the ceremony. The widow deeded a farm to the lad before they were married, was one of tho " vidders," certainly. She A chnllenee to fkate was given by Miss , of .Salem, a Ii Vernon young j lady, who saucily gave out ihat if any of the male pender cou'ui catch her, i-be would forfeit a kiss. T'.c lioston Herald says that an othletic negro, bearing of the challenge, gave chase, and soon his arm encircled her Iwntf - t. Her brother, however, averted the impending smack by presenting tho fellow with a five dollar bill, tel ing him to " slide. I ' " . , . , ' V. L,t 1 1 he African started on a henuer wnn ,he fund, remarking audibly, "that he wouldn't give five dollars to kiss auy white , ;i,;n ' HYMEHSAL. Murried, in tbia conntv.on TtmrmlMy. Ibe 17ih in.tnnl. t,r the Hr. It II. LorTrrtv. Mr JOHN It. ROOKKSand Miaa KI.lZMtKTII. ALEXANDER. TniliCI I' OK RF'.SI'IH T. Al o nuetina; nf llie H.iriiri' Nrnt Itifl" Inny lielil i ibe Tnn Hill E, hrinry 1", le.''J, the fnllnwini; prriirnble and reaolutiom were una. fiinioly adopted : Whert-aa, Hv a divine diapenaatinn, it has pleaa cd Alinielity iid li take from nnr niidal, our : - - i" l.i:. H UTlll W A V .'U . i . '.. . , i.,..,'.i..i ulna im S;.l rdn v f vi-ninir. tbe I Stl. mt. licit i Hrnulrrd, 'f'lu.t in llie r-iof. from our r-mts of our w.ll.beli.vrd comrade Wmtab W. Ai.rxtN nra.niir eoiniiny lina ulain-d u lo.a wlneh we f .1 and n crel, aa l,y In. nn.i.ible diatKi.i. i lie v. ii er. a ll v ' nonrrd to bia ronifein v. llnnUtd. That in lok-n of our e.terni for nur .1. reii.ed eoniinni"n. we will acar t tie u.-jul baoge of moiirniii. for ."til dn.. ! Itrnlrrd, 'I'bat -e 1,'inlir t bia h.-renicd fimi. Ilv.our rarnrat ami l.eartfill ai n.pitb.ea in their a' I lUiuhrd, Tlmt a copy nf tl.e.e re.oliilinna he fiirmalieij bit fnlnily, and llilit tlie aninc be prinl cd in tiic t.imn n.iiera. j W. A. OWENS. ,rm E.S. MI.MAMS.(rem" nienixT (liiin Ever. 7 AHNWKII.EI! fc IlKOTIIKRS inform ibe e.n.r ill. I 'in I lb v are .ellin); llieir f M7.V77.K CHOI'S l E'eatly re. (llieed pr e. .. to make r-ioill lor ti.. ir l-.Tgr Sprilip aloek. i-,r -..( b may elH-et bireui". who buy from ua. 'i'l.e I.adic are p.rliciil.rly invited to cail. KAIINWEILKR i BROS. V.. 2'J, le.'.5. :Otf llccf! W Ueif! ! ajnflK .llb.r l.-vioe ni i.i.- arr '.'L'eni'-nf ibe lil TrilEHISd HLSI it 'harh.lle. on Tueitlau thr 'ilnd irifl .aiKi Will plea. Id lu rm.ullifc- toe ClllZ.-lia ttb I e.l ISF.hl- to be hail in ll.c innrki I I ! in llie nllur at the .M-nm-n llouae a j il, e eli will k, icjiiii. liirl'tl o,cl.' .i.ri.e lo be kept m.-n il uly. from d.-iv- j ll ..'clock and on Saturday', until I it I t melit, where all cm be aupplied. Pi r- j ..a h-Til i: lleeve.. ,.ea or t-.- .ell Wlli Ii on me aa I mill pav gel prie-. on ihe hoof .1. L. STOUT. Frl.iMy 19(A lr-jb. 511 If. Steam Engine for Sale fBHK .tlbfcrib. r r ffi r. Iarpe4'!h.. tlbacrib. r r ff; r. f-r . 'Ir .1 larre 4'l H I' .w.r STEW ENtilNE. liirh ia ne d .if Ihi (....,! iippf.led mill.. , U.l. d t i ilir oi.lilMC ('ii. . r.i-t b.irgdiu in.iy be hid by ..i.-Imiij e A. WILLIAMS. 4't3 -y 15. 11 r. J.mirt Carirr h nil Ln n.ird Wilson, tif H;r ssnif t'l .hismsmi'I'I " riniiiij oi Miriiji ur. ; Y )' i ntiti-.!. in riehl of y or wive., to -. ...etr.t.nitva- .I' i I ' e.l.ile of J me F. ,!, , , .... ,'. .mil von .ire I.i i. hr i .' Ii. .1 lb .1 I I.HVe (il. .! a . til. in. nt of aniii et..'te lo Ihe C j .y f. uri 1 l. .k,.Ot!,. . .oo the "JIM 1. J..u u .ry . I r.'.'t, , iiu.l tlnl I In. I.l your .li .re to be p.inl on de i niaod, mil! tl'-lt I 111 11" I lor I II III .at uliy . It. LL'vVIS U KHIM MIXfiKR, Alm. of Juut I'. Hull, dred. I to , .V .. .'on. 31, l! it. I.'i'l iTATh C.'tNTV. IX r.'jriTY John Fink r I . Ki .h P. II irria nl Wiilu T appe ariliK th. I Willi. I, II !, nl. Ill Una C m-, tin. St.,1,-, It ia mJned, II ,r an .- k. hi Ih. X. I'. 1 I. vli. i! al Cl.u.iotle, no lily to In- and a,.,.. ,r t o..r'i. be he-hl bit the county of II, , il.e in, on the lib Monday in irv o. n. n K r. iii Frc , l..,t ,.t pub: s in:, -piper pi ir .no Wiiliuo I ii Court of F.quily. ! .ili.irru., at the Court 1 'Jlh M. md iy after thr j It. )h.W, tl ; I her III"? to an. we nil) ill he take W itnea., II. W. AHu . rril..v r , ,,nl, c i k .md nl v. tin. IM ii .y of Ei b tu .ty A i, I,.-;,. It. V. ALLISON, C. 4- M. 2. Fthruny , v.-o. I',.,. fi;. tl GOLD! fiOUH! (I0LI)!!! jr WII.I. ,r al I'ul.l.r S I Tlleadl McLean Gold Mine ... ,, . ,, .. , . , . ",ln 54 "'' of well. tnuiM-reil upland aiiritipa of w.iti r ttitiil-lleil I have L.l. lv .'lie Mn e and find the p una deairi.ii. ol peela verv ll ilti ri.ij.. 3 I', do well to e..l (iaatmi county, N. C.. one n and Eaeti.rv.'iind iinne I rat of ll.ii-k l em,, ii of the ore, a oiie of wl.ieh Iimth been I, tl al the Whiv.lliie ii. 1 huriolle, for thr iiniii.i. tioii of the public. II. W. KUMFKLT., y 8, l9. tl , The Yorkiillc Ennuirer will copy 5 week anil lorwurd account tn tlua nllice, R. M. OATES & CO, otrr. a i tnc.t STOCK"- (illdilllES T W holesale or Retail. I,M SACKS of Stl.T, (I'll I I IHi, la. N.O. Sl ti.Ml, (Ne h llbla.Stewait'a C l Cruahed lOO H.iKa Kio COM KK. ftO " Java and Jamaica ttl Liruira, AS ' M, . Ilhd, fnh MOLASSI.S, TA II!.'.. N O (new crop.) ill and examine if you want (.nodi rk..) t Crop.) tChatle ton pricea. U. M. OATfsS CO. Wanted, m&T' N: wZ 'C "l 'ft il 'fe'hrwn Tl5, J'ehrwry I Notice. a IX tlm ufil itu.ine. nf Drunker & P-.mnter i now in tlio linnd nf J. A. E.x, E.q., for elllet..eiit. He itt aullmriloil t.i collect mill rr. eeipt fo u. I'crann. indebted In in. will innke iinmeili'it imynient to liiin. nr II ry will lie ued hv mat return Hnv. DRUCKKIt SOMMKUS. Fthruary 1, li-.VJ. 47tf New Watches, Jewelry, AXt IIiATI.I WAKi:. ! 11 V. Brekwilh l H nt hi Store. ad rtnor Ururlur At lleilbrun'a M re, i i.-.-w nipply of i:m:i.imi am a.hi:rk . will, new und iinproird alyle of cim j nl I Fine Jewelry ,1 of all kill-In, nod ulxo a aupply i t Plated Ware, I of Ibe beat kind, all of which lit off-r. lo the pub lic nt very low piieea for th I'all and examine my tieotla. I K. W. UK KC WITH, i J,l.ory 1. M9. , 47tL I For Iteiit. it- : i. v I dsox c:oiaiai:. 10. x. c. HlIK (Niilitr.f ibcr hit an eir;i!;ht Slorf. with 4i r-uii tlJe r'Kimi atttirtx ii fur Kemiy in tin f'lo. 1 1 i it tT . H ini f fin . B'-i.ti uimI SIiih-j, &f;., Ac f winch tie will mil I'T aii? nunilii r of' yrnrn, if Uil!ltJ(MM lll-fUR OII VtaVf H'll cm 111 1 v. tn imiiieiiiut- l r. ii. p. ni;Li,i:r.. '...iiarv 1, 1'33. 14 J DaveiiDdrt Feiuale College. ' Mim.j.c. V TBTNf'EH the aa.pier tt f'Ufir aucct .vfui nperaiyn!, u r,f til. South , Re W? Il.-i.ry ,M. M.e.d, . M. 'I he Tl Of I. e, M l.i; liie inipr.rtil.icc of pulling liberal t-iluc il-'.il will. in tne reueli ot liiote in nii-ilerate ein n iiirlam-i put the prie. . of Tuition 'mil ll..i r.:i.t llie low-al poa.i. bh- lte, o tii-.t, mini, tl-e iVii et uli -ra more tb'iii orihii ry inuuetioenta ia the way of Sebo. hialic Ailv.inl.i(;e, there loay be a lriju .alii j by j , I r..i i j 7 1 1 ' e; tin-, ln'iiliiiion. 'I'hr i'ubl". lI Hliill .tioll ai'! ial.c pi ice the 3ni Thure.i.iy in April. iMtK r.s I'l.u i'M .. I'rep.-.ratr D-p. 'I me. it f'3 f.O I '!! L-iatc D' parficiil 3 I HU Aillnl.aio.i Kee, - Ito.inl. inelu.iiiiK rorin., .j;Mf, l'ie', Ac, ill 7.'. tier week. l..rtv nl- u-ali a Tern, or I'nili l'C Year,.... ...;o on ... 3 fle ...:ni oo ... 5 Oil mi .. c no .. !".' "0 ..3d 00 .. ti 00 all Ihe t'oulinifrnt I'xjH-n.., t .eol Pi..... L.tlin, lire, k.ti. roii.i,. l)r,i i jf or Pa i..i,l.....i.-rv,... lllillf.'. tiuilar... .MllllC, 'i.Crtl, One hundred ; ,.x,.,kt Iniiulreil u( ,UH,.; oil f,.rM fire dollar, with the aunitioii January 18. lei.9. 4jtf TO'IHE PLANTEKS OF W. CAROLINA. k rrrLi;V!:Lis M AX I UI4TED 0UAXO, rim i i ami i'iiopiih i: .i ami, iblln and el.MK'ly mieh nery. .N-.. I. n rr 4.". lo No. 2. w..rr loiii.i... t p' r it Ann Ionic. lo 5'i per n iil l' r r . n t. ! to eonlain i pi r to f,U per conl 2 t'emt'uta f.'.ana ia tki I inr !.( I p. nnd Iluiie i'uft.nt 1 .HiiOt(mrl of ...II. pllhileii (.iuittio hat 1'J l.e...lul riv-l of P.. he pareoned for putn My .M i tr.i at,.! , . pie i.o, I inlic .1 I .1,;. .1 1 r.,','', lly fcke ml exclu.i.elv lie """ '' !'J "'e hnmrr, 157. of Ulaii.ltt .' r dmrnetin B ' 1" il bee liti tl tl.e AiTiifa iIi:k pi ;j -cr. ami rtufirii uy cj t ; our fiijtttui ruinmuitil y to llit ni u Ur.i ted I V r Ii Itzi r. Fruiu Itsttinoii v 1,'mihj ai'ii In. in uhri-ailv wc io i-v nurc no a- itir. ru lo llie putir l -r ' ottou, ..:. v und il.. ll I. lat. lleeau, iinibiii. u, ao .ol, uuil not i 2.i. ll. line r loiiiiti.idl rimlini;. f. . tal-ie. and rrral.1 . the fulloH lli rea.. l,t c it ia imporlt-.! t.iMie a to tne. I the wntn i inaiiuliictured arneitf. ai d dry condition, Pilli.illon, Without 3.1. I,, p 'nliieli...i of crop and p.rnunei.t im. f l iinl it aorniaae. a. I oi'ier Kirlili. . nr., not f v.-cplun; I'dllVlan tiuano 4lli. Il low pnee. I'eriiviat. lin ino eonlain 16 pet rent of Amnio, ni l ami on y to 3'l per cent ol rii.'.pliiile of Lime. lly n .1 uein" llie eo.liy A-vi ..iie.half, ami .ii.ii .. 1 1 n er the I'liorphnte ol I e, i f r more v.ilu.iMe I erlilir. r must be proueeil. It b ia bu n i.eiii" il tii..t 8 per cent of AiM'iii'tii i i. e- in., t .... -J Mam. I.ire. r per ' III! eenlaee 'irt'ini, 'U... Lee 'Use at cijiI.iiii ......plMte m Lime. I,. i. article bb..-ii in u and worn cut lunrfa f Ihoac State.. Slate, South Cllrolilia, ia larea a., t, planter, give it the cccu'cu pienrni where it , We bee tl"ttIfl.u.B;iHAf1 fi;rry4,.,4Mil"si.:f ' i o. in insirihii.i.i" whit vie believe a public (T-nmI. I lt la very aiuiplr in nionr of api'Lelitinu, anrt can ' he applieij hrnadeiat, in hill or drill, II. quantity preeiaely n I'ituvio llu.iaa. i.r iVam 1 OU u. 3:'u : I lb. p. r .i. re. will, the b. n ti 1 of iinprov.niclit to . Linda the more lihcr.illv it i -'pi'h. d. j We.ifl, r it at .".i; pr'r l..n ol -.' Hfill Iba. for No 1,! and t:,l ,.er l,m of S.iii,d ).. tor Xo. 2. Terina, i caali or Ua ijuivalriil. j I i:. ?i. oiiien iV '. I j Charlatlt, I'r'.uunj f, I-...I. 2ul J i I'- S Pamphlet, ttivinu full iiei-Miiiita and tea. ' tiliinuiaU will be pronip. y loini. .ltd wi.n. re- ' qili.lrj. " ' We cull your atUntinn i.i llie c.ilificate of lr. ' J. M. Sin. nit, who ia one el ii r beat known citi zona and I' liter : ('ii.nt.oTTV. N C. Mr. John Ketl:eell, r-..r Sn ver il kinds i.f li riduera the p:.s , (t.-t. : I I.. ', IS.'.H 1 trie.l pr;lle. via : I'e. inn, pr' p in il by ruvian (.u mo ; .M.uiipul.itiil tiu-m youraell; Talen, Irmu ti n'l I company .,1 X. w Y ork ; .nhrf ilil. l3cturitif I.l 1.1 1. r. ; nil of which I applied In rollon j and I will a.iy I ptol.r K. llliwell'. Alunipuhited (ilium to all of toe above, nam id. I Uaed the .Ma. nipiil.ited in the a-nie tieht with the l'erun,i:i, and in tlie nun i;unnlllii a In, ii I US Hut. lu the acre, an.l I cm aen no iliHerinee lu the yield nor in the quality nf Ihe ciiioit. lo ihe tame proportioua I belli ve the Manipulate,! (in.noi will make aa gr, at a y ii in on cotton, ami the quality Vii.'l be equally aa gn.Kl. aw the I'cruvnin (,uiino ; and it haa deci. dedly the a ii v . ti 1 1 c i- in price and al.u in ibe facil ity of apn'yinx U to land. So, al the aaine pnee I woul.t .refer the Manipulated Uuano. 1 be. lievc Ihe Tetuvian (iunio ia torn hieh to make it pay in tin. climate aa the drnufht of the auinmer. here iititke our cropa loo uncertain to uae coally in -i n ll ri a. Keapeell'ully, youia. J. .W.MKOXG. ULAN K DKKDS for sa'.e at tLis ceo. W4 wii Mil liai'lJHiiiiai,ll SCARR & CO, r ' " ,- ,"rl;' C" 33Sfe R 5 EsrKt'TM'l.t.Y cullj the" alien. ,1 Ml I.U I I I,, !. g EsrKfTM'l.t.Y eallj the alien, w tiuii ol I'liystciiiiK, rinnlers.l'oun - try MiTclmnlH, tVr., lo tMirir larpo und cartt'iilly icloctcd Mock ci lKi;G TO PHYSICIANS, IJr.rWaretiill'aJfi'W Keinrdii-ii fi.r conmiinptiwn H'iilit"pliit -i of Soda &, I'otitli. AI.Mi Coiiipotind Srrujt-of Vhu liytmplioaphitca. Wooii'n IJ.iJr ISitoi':itiTr. A frcnh pupply of ll)i viiluiiMti jTep;i ration fur the lln.r. UNSEED Oil. TRAIN OH. ! M'EIlM oir. ! WIN . EK LAUD (At. 1 ALSO No I Copal VARNiSII .. 9 - " 3 " " Fine D.miir ' i v0"-" ) ' Ji:pan " I Iiatii.-r " Ve. i.AMutr.Mr ,m:iv c:i:oi GARDEN SEEDS. i All Ihe ciioice varietiea of Garden Secda. Pcaa. Ijtuna, Bt-ela, t'abbuge, Paranipa, A.c. i Asparagus Roots, i:iittl ti ll or Viv IM.iiiI, WITH t LOVI II, IIH i: CHASS, ()lt( IIAKI) Jan. 4, lf-03. 4.1lf TILDI'.N'S F 1 ii i (1 11 xtracts. M'ARII & I 'O. call the attention nf the .Medical 1 MyT,ZVz:lpiZ j ofTinctiirea, 8yruM. iin-, See., i theae el. eaiit preparatinna ao ailnii. raneoua preparation arctirliie tne tic- rble object ot l.iiMor.iiity ot alrenjrih. No I'tn siei.-in ahould be Kilbout tin in. r aale nt scam: a. co:s vnvc, stokk, Charlotte. Vindow Gins, I'uftv, t liiliit. li.ill., Ac, Low for ra.h, at SCAIJK & CO , Tirupzists. CLOTHING EMP() UM, INI'dliTlM )K IT KNOWN get raliv tlmt we are ael. K E AUY .MA DEC LO. IIIIMi. FLT!XIIIIXi OOOIiS, c., at con- ItEliCl'ED ItATES in onl.-r to prepare nr tne i!nl and Suiiiimr 1'rad,. ; in our I'lilKNOS Will come forward and avail themaelve. of the rare opportunity of upp!yiiif their want, out of our apieniliil aloeu of Cloth, Caator. beaver. Hod. ami B'V rut, 1 recot I h. miner S&$Zz'i ver-aacka. Kee Siliinet and Casa.iiieie Huiineaa Co.ila, at lea. price, liiau you PAY At any olhrr I?iiir in llie St. if. Our affvinU. C 's for gtlluij: OOOOS anil krtjiinp tip the vtt'vk arc uiMipiiiiitrt, ji.t it ip wt-ll. known tim ufrhuut the cmiiitry, I.eiicu wc deem it unnecinortry lo re. lu-iirrT liiem, hut wiil a sure you that yuu wi 1 find it to Yorii Iiitcrf! li call and e timne our ntnck bctr buy. itif Ui-wlicre. ! Ym wiil lo find at t lie ntliiiijT F-nifioriuni quite n cztncite look ot" all qualita of ijliirk ;wul Faiify (.'aiiiiprc Pa ills, !. :uhI ;itiu Yoli., 1'niiry 'tlrrt ' tisssinu re ".; ai ao a v.Birrr or I'l'K.Msnix; (.OOI)S, OF. NTS AND LAD) Kit CEool aiut Iiatr. iind nut n y lliini loo le(iicii in tl.e un AtCOl.XT of, tii;tf arc ulnar fuuitd in a UcnU' Furiiirthiiirr Ilou-e. rt lifti our piiirrrr tti..nk to our friendu for Oicir KiiitUj-dS iinii ;ilr; i on is5s. And We by ult, i,ti..u to oii.ioe-a and keep, ing the b.t ami tl.e.ipe.1 atnek nl CI.OTHI.Ni; m Ihe St tie, to merit a coiitiounliei: of the aiine for C9. I ri.I.lNii?, SI'KINGS &CO. J.niunty'lj. lti'J. 4filf Last Kctice. A M. tlmse wh. are innrhted In Tho. Trottrr J Son, or Thos. Trotter, eiiht r l y Note or Account, arc requested te come forward by Ajiril Cmifl and BtrtlJy up, an furilur uiunlgcnce cannot be jivc n. T1I0S. TIIOTTER. January I I , Isi!). ti fBlHE Meckhnbur' llible Society, at it. I.iat JaL A nmveraary, ..rtier.d notice be given to the Conyfegalinns, to have collection tkeu up for the llible Cnu.e, before tlie 2nd of M ireb; iin.l, that the M inapera in '.ich Cull, gri iratin.i be n qneate.l to examine and aupply any ie-l'tulioii inlluir re pertive lithla. and make written Report lo the Ex. eulive Committee one nih previoiia to toe n. xt Anniver.nry. The .k Coniuititee conaivta of .M.-aara. !- M Lee, J. P. Irwin, ami Rev. J H. Ontliib. Thr Aonlver. Hity im etinr is to be ut .. r Cnek Church, mi ihe'iiiai W.on. .eav in March. II o'clock, A. M. M. D. JOHNSTON', Cor. Sfc-i. Juntiary 25, 18.11). t.".n A TTOKXEV and Conn., llor M Law, h la . ken an . tli illy wiih J. A. ie Curt Home, Fox, K.q ..p.t.ira . will be c. on profeai .Mr. Fox. ext ooor lo natuntlv pi lotial ho. in lien hr la i r here he aent tn alien, I to all a m ide for't or I V t. Iti!l. 4.tif ivNoticc. T i: firm of IIKXPEIiSOX A- A11REXS waa on llie l.t of January, by inutllal 1. JAS P. llEXDEIi.-OX, will herciller ii tin boa, ll... on hi. own account. All i indebted ili plume eoioe forward and t iitiei', aa I lie husine.v mtlat be cloaed up "'"'"lIKNDERSON' A AHKEN'S. ;,rv 1 S j'J . II tVIM.' a-'d mv entire it.lere.l iu the firm of IIMM'KRSOX .V AIIKEXS lo Mr. J. P. IIKX Di:i;s(i, 1 .nil expect o remain for .mne tune vet nl tin .line anil aliail lo e.'piv lowailon my I'riciid. and cu.u.mer.. particularly on tho.e i wlm woulil tork over Hit' utile ehaner, flue me ;td the concern. F. W. AIir.KN'S. 4llf j iiiuary 1 S'.fl. SILVER. 500 ot'Ni e.s nF t'l.U elLVEl! WAMEP at J. WILKINSON CO S. Janxory 1 1, lt."9. 4-ICi.i IPS rKINI'I.NUm' . will b Bratiy t th .".nr.ll fjj. ."O I V m all kin. r ., A Card, AVfXC nold my DIWO and CHEMX'AZ K. I'i ye I U commend ueee"r t,e ennfidince snd p Iluieliivnn U .'o.rl licnrtil y comment' tliem my auecracnra tn the confidtnce und plionage of a ' frencrntoi pullie, for whose kind and liberal' nrt. nor In! inVBiill Dltllerlo, 1 am ana tnaii evur oz truly prulefiii. H. M. PKITCIIARD: Ckarlettr, Orluhrr 19, IPSA. NEWTlRfI, Dr. E. Njc Ihilfliison & Co.. A VI ,N Ii purcbaaed of a JI.E Dr. II. M. I riienuro, ma cnlire.loek of DRL'fJS.CIIE. Mlt'AM. DIES, PAINT."5, reaped lu lly cull the alien lion of lot pub. fuel, ibat tliey wili crry on a Wliolcsali'. & lielail Ii 112 liusiiioss. al l'win'a Corner, where they are reccivire in ad. dit.ioi to their preacnt atock, a large aaaorniiLUl of I'reah aadpenuine direct from the New 7ork market. E. Nye lliiteiii.on M. D .will aniriritend thia l.irpe rfnd wel.kno,ii t-atabliabinent in pi-raon. Pb ateiana' pre.eripli'.na uiade up with prompt- i and c-ire. Oeloorr la. Ifi'.B. 32tf OIL? Pure Sperm, Whale, Sea K.lepl.ant, I. imp, Lard aim Machinery, Tanner'. Oil, Liuaecd Oil at ma nut'aeturer'a prieea. VARNISHES. Coach, No. I and 2. Im. Knliah Tiniahinr, Vnr. niture. t'opal, extra. No t onii i Leather, Picture mid lliniir and wliile &C. Janan. blaak and brown TAINTS. Pure White LEAD in Oil. by the lb nr t..n. Snow white, t br-nie (irrwiu, 1 'limine Yd. low, Pari" tlreene, burnt and raw Cmbrr, Point Itruaiiea, A e Ac. WINDOW GLASS. I.arjre aaaortiiient of French and American, from 8 j 10 lo 311 by 4(1. Pultv in cane, I'urc lliirning Kloiil, Ale.ihol and Mpta Tui pelitilie, by gallrn or burril, French, Enirliah and (iurnia.i ! rKl'I'L'MERV, I I O.I'M 1 ciiilts miii UruphcB ami cim;ne .n!'ne. ! M.-!irnI ami ?ureira! 1 S'I'K I'M F.NTS, 1 I'll re WINKS nii't V AM V, t Frcnth ) for nie.-Ji-! cil purpofcn, Frt'sh I'ongrt W titer hy the boltlc j'f CAIIPF.N SKKDS. ! J jut rrcfrivrH from I-rindri tl ot Fhtlaritlpliii aiid , 'l'licirburn of Nw Yok. j (il'ASS SF.F.DS. i Clover, Red and White. Herd", (iraaa ..r Red Top, I Diehard, llluc Gruaa, (Kenlueky) und Millet Seen. J A1.90 , Cliurelii'l'p pripar-ition "f the Hypojihorphitca for the cure ot ( lM .Ml' rt". Itbntary I, 1 Sj't. 47tf TO JJK FOUND AT JHH'STO.X V III .'l'i:il' IN AS-JOKTMEXT nf WOOD & WILLOW J WARE. Low for CASI. 1 Door Eaat of tiie Cuurt ll.'Use, HOUSTON 4 HUNTKH. ( Aoriotf, Orf. 2ti. iB.'iS. 33lf I ltl SH AHUIVAI. OF COXKCTl OX All IE S. iioi vn v ihiatfj: BAS juat rrceived a frea'i aupply of CAN. a i 1'IKS, ol all kinda.ali., ( .Iron, Currant., Ii-u-ina, Eij;.. and of Nui. Call at HOUSTON & Hl'NTKK'8, I lt..or E.iht of the I'ourt llouae. C,.roe. Oct. 36. Ib.i. 33' l" COM '.lltll t, S. C. 1 MIF. r.NDEIiMt.XEP bee. Ir.-.vr to ray to Ii inula aim the public, he il the AMEMCAX llul EL iiir a tern Il.m le if j nr., a nd b it in-ule tutii i;crce.,rj in. prove, meula in me houre, fixturea and lunntiire, thai it ia at-cond to nunc in the city. The House will be conducted a. a fir.t cl-a iotvl, in all it. a pp.n ii line ii t h, and no puna will be ppured to make it u favorite re.ort. The Proprietor hope, by .tiicl ittention to the wniiia and eomliirta of h. gue.ta. to merit a fnii ahart of public patronage. SOLON DIKK. Coumi'.iu. H. C. .Yurrwler in. IS.iH. 3.".': ir Shiell". Line of OMMM'SES und CARRE ALES will be liitiin! punctually al the unl'ureiit depota to eunvf.-y pa.aen;era to the Hotel. STATE OF NOKTll-CAKOLlNA, MEi'KI.F.MaiUl rtiUMV. COlllT Or LijllTY llaviii Wilii&niaoii ut n.! w.fc i n. S J . II. Cu.hion irTnopcariii" to the f itufuclioli nf tor Court that M. J. II. Casiiion i. a non. r. anient of Una State. ll is thnrtort Unltlta ly In' uurl, 1 n.n puunca. tioii be inuile fi r .IX wetk in the N. C. Whij;. new. p.. per pu'liaiied in the town of 1 harlotlc, notifytliK the .mil delenil.ini lo he and uppear al the in xl Cuitol Equity, to be held for the dun. tv uf .Meckienbnrc, ut tne Court llouae in Char l.'tte, on the llth .Monday after tne 4Ui .Monday in February next, then and there to niawer com. plainaiil'a bill, or juiijment pro will be taken ua to tin 111. Witueaa 1. K. Dunl p. Clerk and M i-ter in F.quitv, the llth Monday after the 4th Mnray in Aui;ut, A. 1). l5.w, and in the b2J year of A. nierieai. lnde pen deuce. D. H. DUNLA F, c m k. I J..nuiy IS, JS'iS. rriiitrr'a fee 1 6 tjU STATK OF .NOinTI-UAi:()I.lNA, WEi Kl.fcM)i:Kli COUNTY. o,cj:r of mil TV. r. M. Brown ( M. Wm. Reich and wife and otl.eia. 1 Pihat'WinrRLieh and Marv h:. wife and Mir." oaret Arnold, the defenc inta iu lina rue. are mm- ' re.idcnta of Ihii State, It ii Ihntjart Hi art rii iy Me Ceurl, That publication be made mr .ix week, in the X. C. Wlujf. a newap.i per puhlialiei! in tiic town of Cnorlotie, noinyinif the aid detendanta to he and appear at the next Court uf Fqmly, lo he held for the county of Mecklenburg, at the Court. llouae- iu Charlotte, on the llth Monday after the 4th Monday in February i..:, liien and ibere In an.wer eompl.iimtnl' hill, or juiigifaenl pro eonleaao will be l iken a. I. litem. Witueaa, It. K. Punlap, CI. rk and Mi.t. r m Eqiiily ithr I lib Mondiy afler liu 4th .Mnu.y in Auicist. A. 1). Ie:i6, and in Ihe 6d year o! Ann. nean Imiepeudenfe- D. K. DUN LAP, cm e. January 13, 1839 I'nr.tei' lie to. 1'iU STATK OF .NOl.'TII-CAIiOLl.N'A, ( AHAHKl'S COl'NTY. IX L'QCirr, lull Term. Henry C Hir, fcx'r. of J. Howie, uW i r. L .,.,,,,., - A,-,,,'. rAts A .nder. de'0-j' llld ioi,,. ; hrvde and Alfred Ah ,,,,,.,., , K.mitv t., ai,l,iei-t .m.n.v m .h handauf tne adtniniatrati IT appearnij; tn.t Robert Mcl!iy.:c and A!f-eJ Alex .ml. r, two of the Defendant 111 tin. e.iae, are not inhabitant, of thi atate, tt t thtrrUne er. ! dtrtd, that publication b made for Six Week in j the N. C , W hig, pubii.licd in Charlotte Xorth I Carolina, notifying lb aani Rol-ert McBtyde and Alfred Ah I. nder to b and appear at th next Court of Kquily. tn be heid for th County oft'. Ac. Ac, lie lo the barm., .1 th tourt llouae in ( oncoril, on In I'.'lh Monday after tbe 4th Monday in Fibroaar next, then and there tv anawcr eomplairiaut o. J-.dement pro confeaao will be taken a. to tliem. Wilnc... K. W. Ailiaon elerk and m.Her in Equity the I'.'lh Monday fle the 4th M m.l.y ia Aaeurt. A. D. 185i. thi 7th January, 8i3. R. W. ALLISON, c. c. t. ,ajir 11. le-V Fr f ?i ta,5 , The Iflarkrt. COHR1CTBI BY U. M. OATM & CO. CHARLOTTE, f EllkUAUY 21, 1859. IM-JON, Ihama . ttdi. ... lb....... If.i round lb , Stiotildera, Ib.... rtnjTjring.C.uiiny, ........ yd., Beef,.. U. ....... Hlltlerr I - Ib.., llerawaa lb rtrana,.. ...ii, .bualiel, ... Iraudy, Apple, i.,. fral. " Teach ..........pal Cotton, iw,.,. i,... lb. ...... Cofi'ce, Kiu,...,.. lb Jaa. lb Oiindlra, A'inl'ii'nMne, ...... 13 Oi, 14 ....124 (tt 00 , Hi f) 12 no Vt ia 20 . ft) on ..... 5 ( 8 If. (V 00 3i H 25 00 () 00 (10 foj 00 (m 00 9 pr) 101 ISiJ f.l 14 , SI f 00 ....-88 (It) 33 .....45 f-J S ? C rtn 65 ($ t 5U U) Si 10 oj 12 vi ( i- 35 (. an ...lj ta e $4-J ( 50" 335. (a 24" 30 (, 35 124 f.o 13 5 (a, 6 00 ,...f-3"0 Oh 35 55 (. f.0 35 (-V 40 ...: (in 00 W Ol CJ .... 5 00 5 f.i 50 fo. 55 7 ( Ih 60 fa; 65 Hi P) l"5 ....50 (i. 60 4 (A too 14. (ft1. S8 8 r. 12 i 8 9 ,...I5J '(.(, !' Or t 9S CO hi (, 0 45 (a. 55 4") fir. 4.'. 37 Of- S3 92 fin 3.1 "... 1 no ( I'5 Sperm Tallow Corn, old new t'hiokena lb buahel... huahel... each yard yard ......duieii ... bbl -bag. lb lb , lb ....bbl. No I .. KitUi -rl -! .... bnxhel... i t'lotli.t'opp. I.l.ifiaey, . Eglf lrlaur, Keathera I.ard Mutton M,-.cWcl Molas a.N.O W.I .Me Mullet. (Wilmington) ...bbl - i Naila, Northern, Ih bushel... II .hnahet... buahul... buabcl... Ii it el.c I ... lb., ijol aacl. Southern,.. o.i 1 l'nrk j I'ena PolaUiea, Iriah,.. Sweet,.., Rle Sujrar.I.oal',. Hrown. atnne.Ware Salt Te lb Wheat, white ht.xhel... " red, ..huahel... Whinkev, Northern gal " ' N. C arolina, ...r Won Varn best Cenrgia) waahed nnwanbril bale HEM ARKS. COTTON Transaction, are limited very Ut ile ceniu ir i.i .il. rejiiy at quotntlona. ay .nidi Imp !U fi 10. enod middling 10 ft, ICj. Iriah P. .J. lor. til per bbl. Iron 5 ct. pr lb. COJ.t'.MIlIA M Ml K ET. Coixhbia, February 19, IS9. COTTON Tin- cotion market waa rlull ycal. r. day, unci very little offering. Some 50 bait, aero aold hi F (.i " 1 1 cenia. B.M'ON.hoeruiind, 12 O. I2 I lilt N, , ri;.s,... OA'J S, ... Ei.orn,. ...Mi f.e ... UO ., ....70 0- .. tli 0-: 3 Cll 11 1.KSTi ). .MARKET. CiiARi.KaruN. February IH, 1859. "OTTON Thin- w.. quite au active d. maud for fi.ti'i. l.,.n.,y. nhieh reault.d in tin .a la nf lulii 3,711(1 bale'.. The advantage waa dtciiledly in fu-.-or ot e.t.-ra, both r. p ..r-i a xuulity and price. A full je. kdvauee is reuo:Ud, vi . S Ot, I't ct-nta. Three Ladies, i WllO have had amne rsperieote a. Tcueh. J J era, want i loployii't nl for I8.".tf. They will teach the Knjriiah Htaudu., aud Muaic on li.e ri .no F'.rte. Addte.. Alia.c. M. M. and f. L. WiMHurti, I uion Co. N. C. Jin. i, Iej9. 43 3m "t-CLP nio.t rapecltully nnnot...ce lo the CttitTi. of t"har!ntle and aiirroundinar Ciiuntry, that Ut .till contiunr. Ibe above bu.i i lieaa iu Cbarl. tle. Were he ia prepared to fur ,iu.h Mons. AND SASif, to the pub. ' lie on the tuo.t rcaaonabie term., und on the abort. t'7 a greaX manv .mall claima for work n)jnf'd , rh one, .t.illereil ail over tne country, lie ia flcter- 1 hi method uf dome buainra. aa ht.tafltr viil rrquirt . SaV jaaai B for all work done in hi. Machine Shop, before re moval. hr. 7. Ia.'S. 39 6m JU).L HAVANA LOTTEUY. The next nr.Uuarv drawing of Ihe Rural Hava n Lot tery conducted y the Spauih Govrriuuent, oti.ler the npervi!on of the Captain General of 1 e". win tare .la it Ilavai SATl'IIDAY, .March 5, Is-if). SS24,000. sokteo XL.Mi:r.o eis orpixarhi, i riTAi. rtrizi; mikmico:! I prise ot t IOO. (IOO I Kprnetof t i.OOO 1 " O,(M0 I In " I.OOO I " HO. 000 I 62 iOit 1 " I ..000 Iii " 400 I lO.OoOj 20 Apr'..m'a tv.ttOO 4 A;.'t,.nii: .t,.-l.. to tin IPU.I'CO c:i0 each ; 4 of J'i' t" Jio.mni,- 4 of 4i;li t an,t.ti0; 4 uf IIU in l.i,0l ts 4 ol 4nt la lM,t.t,tl. W hole Ti. in t. -'b;Ml..;w. I0; Quarter. S. TriacB eaahi.i ut ail.t at a r ceat. d. .count. Toll on all aolvrnt K.n.ka taken at par. A orawing will be forwarded a . n,e ra. .u.t becoitiea kuown. ( ...nniunieation ad.lre.aed to DOX ROPm 1 l ,',. (enre of City I'oat, Charleaton. S. C.) uu. ti) it. 5th of March, will be tte.idd tn. Fer.i.ii. ordering Ticket will plea write their name plain and g.v their poat oKie. county a4 tat. Oats, Oats, Oats! 14 41 41 BIS.IIELS of OATS . .tor.. alllM? vliicl, will b. .v,d I.O'V for J y. RJSVCE i CO. i

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