F, wt the Xcte England partner . - If Thou therefore wilt worship me, all uliwll be Thine " Lik. Thi cry comes up to us from every temp tation thMt besets our paths. Wealth, lite rary fame, political ambition, love, in its iu finite yc-armuir,, hydra-headed sin, witn i" . deceitful n.aak.all promi- fruition, if ill give up tbcencrgies of our being to the attainment of "any one : and .Lis they have proniUed since the world was peopled aud V0 i .j-I-n, lnnnif J man loved, aspired, sortowca. There was never jet a heart that rested its desire, in the attainment of wealtWlonc, but had cause to exclaim, not Dat ' iJ w iIikIm " l.ut rather that the substance after ' i L l ' 11 had cutaped tbeiu, and that their aitar aud idol hiive proved themselves of the dust fictn whence they ciuie. This is true, of course, ou'.y of such as hare made au end not a uieans of slow'np good will to uieu. The poorest mau on earth is be whs Clones his we'll GlleJbauJ ngain-t the ueccs-: sities of fiod's less fortunate cbudren, ud ' somewhere in h';s soul's bi-tory the memory , ioiueuic m -i 3 ! of this great wrong will .iinS like an adder. , ht thing to heap up ploasani, metuories for after days of privation auJ pain and grief j and what more bkssed tlougU can vi.it us at any eeason.w.an the one boon of lo.e towards our fwow- travelers (or etermtT . Fame tells us of the glory of ber gifts aad their nuff.eiency for the sou!, but the resoune'iu applauses of the world cannot etiil the accusing voice of con.-cicace which whii-pers of cherished sin, of cruelty, ncg loot, selC-hness, of disobedience to Go I s plainest dictates, of choosing for its aim that which excludes the duties that belong to our lot. If this desire be uot chastened by reverence for God's law, ty a sense of i:epndeiice on the Saviour's gracious miu-i-.tratioti!i, by the n-ille purpo-e of being worthy to Ic cumbirod among the company ol just Uieu made perfect, theu it will prove a false glsre, leadiug to desolutiou and sor row, rather than the immortal sun it seems. And this must be the result of ail cnJea- ffQa WffSruS HUlirn llir; arc univicu. There are voices pleaditif aifh us on every aide, " fall down worship in. ;" and among them is the tone that thrilled the ear of Jesjs, whose purposes were manifest to His p ire heart, and which he repelled by the Mrength of Lis staiulcs itit.-giiiy, Auiong mca but not of them, ti-mpiatious assailed Lut could not overcome llitu. They ap proached IIiui u tjiler the guise of ambition, anl n'ei.l with Hi in through His ririvation auJ sjrro.Ti. Couiu.and that these, stones be made bread ! Use your wonderful gifu to furnish for yourself luxury and ease and t'..e world's bemage! Plant )our foot uou the throne of David, aud deroy jour ene mies! At-d what response comes tack frothe-ettipptinif adjurations! Get thee ,' behind Me, sun, fur thou art an effence ... i. v., Jesus woulJ not worship evil, because Hj knew its promises were false, and that it could not hcilow the ull with whieo it sought to wiu its victims; and shall we, with this example before u.', suffer ourrelve.-. to he betrayed ULto moral dc:tii? I; tLere h, thing within us that rebels against sub serviency to the specious foe, and that bids us stand up in lha liberty wherewiih Chrirt maketh free ? We dare tot accept the evil promise, with its provisions. It is certain moral ttealu to ilo so, aad a righl'.ous stiMove forbid the avcriaWe. Ve prefer to reteive ail frous Gsd thrbuvgh Christ, trusting iu the wUdou and the love that shapes our che cjitred lut. Nor da God ' chastening, ever permit u 13 ui:hdraw our lore and alle giance. The faith that brings subuiiesiun is i iac best consoler of our grief, the faith that re-:s in the conviction lhat the pain ful and ti:t-r are alike with the pieassut at seet the discipline most needed fjr our falttring nature. Le t us theu worship the gocd and the beautiful everywhere, seiiug (jod iu them iu His mo-.t Ltoefieienl mauiiestation. Let us love and reverence the character of Christ so that we may he found tranquil iu death, sure of ijBiflorUiity with liiin. Let u love ail that God has made, from man iu His own image to the loo-.i, t bios- a.l.ery light. Th. beaisty f -u- .... ... una enoufcu to ptuue --'f;- " J " ou jj-owih of tue ataaon ceaaea. iiaLy ot l.nif uow is Ilia L'lft, tus iu'Imc of the u:u- ; f . . , . . , ' h our best practiced uieu have been ieJ to take a,r rain is Hi. tneiody. I he aubiinue pa-; .. '. ,. , , . t..: f- , 1 . , this time, immediately after Laying, lor pru i;e of the btorru teachea u? li.s might leji-, . . , . .- ,,,.. ,.t v. u e . tt,s ap; le orchard. llonuUrad. j ered with uiercy, sl ! the ocean t ptata to vs of H: i-Luitv. Hiiu tiierefore we worship ou ear'h, hoping through tne shin where the clouds that souactiiues hido Hi, face fririw us on earth, ar. never per- mi tie ii. .e,'cr If ue tru e w,.r- . ri tru.y Ood, all will be our. II. J L . We read that in certain climates of the world, ll.e gale that epnug from ti.e car-v s rtfre-i.iu' saiell out to ses ; fctl a are lh w atj.'ji p.i t thwt he is sp- j t.roacw:!.- t, a (i.-i'.l'e and fruitful coa-t, ' , wheu -;i: h-; eaiiu.l dieceio it willi his j je. Ai.i, t j take up the compan-on of ' J ' f - r Lfj to a o-,f.i', iu '..,..; u.ar,t,i.-r, it fares with tha-e whhave il. airy aLd reli -iou. ! ' " ly pursued (Le course wl.iei, P'rvidence j t I n ,, t n U- - ' times find ly their otu.-r-aiiou t'jwarJs end of tiie.r d.r, . .it they at, tiled , enough, and a very steady heat, t, forward tt.ili peace, and hp', aud yij ; which, l;keiy of our mo.-t eoteemed vejiLl les. I or III je I .fi.I.ii ' "ale s:i ! i -viv,l.e ouur to ii.. ejiuen, ae Lr ci.-e upm th.-ir ao'J t he i frib from pra j t' ti. :ii to uu il r-tali l wilt, c ruliity. that God i bliii ; C , ., util i tl., ii d. d heaven SKILL IN' EVERYTHING. Mr. A. is a farmer, sua nothing cist. j- m st treats jQ harness, be sends two 'mcsi0 get it mended If a horse's l,g is I iruiej( j,e not treat it biuiself, but i fof , bccb;Te4 Med rc. I i p,,;,;,, B0j i,e foces carpenter to do whit; i ,. , , ... ,i , . i I s V(,rj jltte would enable him to do . fo(, juif. e cannot even weud an old ' ; of brokeB.blckea rake, with-1 0ut fon-isn aid. lie is a farmer. He keeps ,. ... , ... . ;,- u. luijneiucuis iu fcuuu Hiinm.il, iw, it is at great espenne. Mr. B is another sort of a man. He is a good a farmer as Mr. A ; but he is lim ber and elastic too. All the little jobs a bout the bouse he does himself, or teach es his boys to do. He can roof a bouse ; (g Qr fce caQ dig dJ u cln b(li!j a put , . , , f , . . , , . ; spoke into a waon wheel, graft or bud a q( n oU hh .. end and a bit of leather. If he attends a fair, he sees tuo;' point iu tho iiuprovetnents that are on ex-j hi!:hioni ncd bff can ,rp!j BaDy of the tJ Qma Kotk furt,)er lK, We wiil go but a little further. Our readers will see what we are at. We hope they will themselves be, and bring up their sons to le, men Lo still have some skill in every thing. Here are some reasons for this rccnu.men datiun which we will give at the rUk of ma king this article a liule longer. i 1. Almost every farmer will need this j kind of skill. Not one in a thousand will , live so near a village where are skilful me- chauies, as to be able to use their aid at all j tinus. Fewer still will farm on so large a! scale as to embrace all these trades iu the force employed on their ou grounds. He will nctd some kill him.-elf. i Such tkill renders its possessor iuue- a tia.a a great advantage. 3- I grcat UJunt of lime aud "eJ- We "bo loat wU'ie days t . it; e stid several dodars in money in the following way : A part of the harness w?s ttVen away. He had cot enough tact atiii skill to repair it with a piece of rein or halter. 4. It will develop talent in many per- iere it now clumbers useie.s and tou roer,tss. lhe exercise iu tuecuauicai i',l. funished bv the farm, has awakened the mind of many a youth, who has ripen ed itito a nolle, skilful mechanic and artist "r,lH Lut we have aid enough. Oive the boys ; aid girls a good chance to cultivate their powers a practical way. ioucan never predict what treasures you will find. So Dures me vio r armer. WHEN TO PRUNE APPLE TREKS. We have not unfrequently given the rea otis for pruning in summer rather than in wii.ter and tpring, having been ourselves Uii.-ic d by the hooks and set right by prac tical men and by experience. When pruning is done in the winter timr. or wit 3 the rap i Dot in motioD, if the scars are well protected wi h shellac, do injury tccruea to the tree but the scar is lift. Waeu tho pruning is ptr d when j ihe ssd is flowin, :.. .1 - ..- 1 ..f ! i c """"I the hloomit-g, the flow of eop will not be arrested by the el.clrac and the bleeding will damage the trte. Where the sap flj the bark wiii die and bad tears will be left. If however, so delay pruning till af ter the bloouiing of the trees and pruue any time before the checking of the growth in midsummer, the bark iil heal admira bly snd quickly aud the wood will not de cay. The sap being so inspissated at ibis uoti, it wiii niitiicr flow, nor will it dry away so as to expose the wood to decay, but it Gils the pores of both wood and hark ; and the latter heals and grows over the wood and in a short time ail tiace of the pruning disappear. If the trees stsnd iu mowing land the gr-,fj wiii not stait enough to interfere with pruning U it is uoue injtiicuiaieiy auer '. . ;. . : ..11 to -., uue!. t.nn.rl. In! . , c. CUU NAM V 1EPA1U'M EXT. ijiiD. The manure fur this purpose, IK ' ' ; ' , .. ,f , reaJiiitiS as ooa as possible. Ha. f leaves' j I I up together, wuicti IS nesi uou vj mia.ug ; it eoiaiiy with a lorn, leaving ivwueu liie!"".'-'""" o.n...io ... a... .. ......... V ' ..I,.,l.,,l. .,,!. en be luillld Willi III III as .ebevi in the form of a riJg. W heu at- j ',UJ wrtr i U.iw vminily. Hjmg .lu.i'.i near-; ,-bed turnin-', thrust a stieit iu the middle ly m the centre of l narmtte, llu.in. s. Men will c e i hull Hi. Hotel a most conv-liient ami Mesirahie ,.f the pile lur the purpose of ieertining ! u, ,Xil,u llt .tn engaged in Ine business j the heat Tim manure should be lurard'at ihi aland nearly eighteen years, .nil in that; . t.ii.e In- I., mule .ever.l sdnitioi s to hi fi rmer al ieaat tw.cn beloie Uiacing the bed. It 1. , !,,,. ,a -,t , ,, u.: greatly enlarged and mi. be-.t to tii- a h-.le the lhape of the frame, (proved, present,, g.n front a Iwo .tory VKIiANI'A , ... I ;i)0 feel in I. ., rn. hy 12 fat in width, hsn.lo.ni'ly ! about tarcc .tet u.ep ; IU tut put tli nia- ,B4 by u.,., u tn,ide.w.lk, attordiiig a pie. 1 n jre, w hit h w ill bung the frame ou a level ' .nt pr,,.. .....e at all hour. ..r the ..,y ! 'J i,e House hs s been tiinioughly luriiished thro'. with the ground aurface. Jly li.u uiean j ,nd , rv,.ry , it ,:r,..,t,e cunluri. are : the beat is better retained, and Uoe. uot . abundanl snd l.-mgiMe. especially in the HINLVj j . , , , it1 1'lll, wi.'re Hie "inner man is "renewed " make any utinhtly appearance. A bed ot (1 y t. d .1.,..- ....I w uf feet LlirU at tbe back and three ftet in fioiit, will gife heat ,..... r, eneniuLer under irlass. a (raine jj'.l lr Iteji exclaively for tbe purpose, j the heat kept raniiiir from 75 decree to 1 ' r -'I deieea; sow iu this frjin a.io, eg"; Tan '.able deiihl iu luui-t I teat. Never use water at a lower tciupera I ture than the hot bed ; if 5 degrees higher, '0 much the better. JV. C. Planter. j I Plough deep while sluggards sleep, Then you'll have ooru to sell aud to keep. Mecklenburg Bonds. si'vr.K m-r -ut. imt ami iiiii ranilF.SK l!ON'I3 are uniiuutitetlly the ft SunJ " ' The count catmui repudiate, Zr Tliey arc of llic denomination ol" 1U0, which. will make them more current und usulul tor do. .,, pUr(,,ei Tiie coupon will prove a continent medium ht W,,,, should noe.e.. the,,,, and tiicy are now orlereii to them. Proposal" left at either B.,nk in Charlotte or with Captain John W alker will receive prou.pt attention H. W.UUIO.V. 1'r. IV. t . 4 H. K. U. Co. aytf Stj)t. 26, IrMS. Vim, A. Owens A T T 0 U SE Y A T LAW, II AItLOTTI'., . C, rx prM:tlce ia lU Coul . the surrounding c. n.-nrly opposite the ae. Courts of Mecklenburg countiea. Post tmice. Htf PAPER ro j j ig joX H'AltEIIOl'SK, AND PRINTERS' DEPOT, For tbe sale of 3Jlr.fi.ig, ?ri.-tiog, gbelope, AND COLORED PAPERS, CARDS, AND lK I -T I X CJ M XTV.ll IALS or ALL KINDS. Agent for L. JOHNSON & CO., Typd Founders, R, HOE it CO., And other Printing Press makers, ivn ISlis, ol KvkI Qnalitf, at .Tlaiilif ai'ium' " "" " T Q IKHCHANTSt T. Slli.,;i yar,. , ,un .,,.,,.; . I,:. uitui: stock or of all kinds, which he will sell very LOW for cash, or sbor credit on large sums. JOSEPH WAI.KKK. 120 Mttiiug St., CUrltitun, H. C. Dc. 31, I8.VS. 41ti' CH A KL0TTEF0UiN ) AND MACII1NU WOKKS. f MIlIE undersigned begs leave to call the atten. JL lien of the puiilic to the luct that he i now reaily to fill any on-.crs (j! making ;ifl.,iw.,1,,v. rATTiW l)r.,.ct v 11 J 111 (UHll IUI 1 IJ.l 1 ltV. and every description of Machinery. Allkiuus CASTINGS, iu Irn and trass or oliier metals made at short ni'ife and reduced prices. ij Particular attention given to the making auJ repairing of Thra.liing Machnn s, Horse I'ow. trs. Cut ln (Jin. Mill Work, soil Agricultural worse of all kinds. I blai Kt.MPMiiNf., JOBinxt; work, wa. , (Jt.iN VOIlK auJ HOKSE Slk'ElNe., dui.e w.lii Uispnlfh. j Ol.H IRON AND HRAS CASTINGS bought it tiie Foundry, or lukto in rachaniC f'.r Job! Work. Wed ami Piovisinns of all Hum Uud ; iu fli:ini. for Blacksniithiiig. If ALL WUKK must he pant for wiien ueiiv. 1 ered, aa LASH baa to be paid out for evry thing j iie.-es. ry to currv on the ent.,hlisiim. rt. 1 iL' ALL OliDEliS rUR MOKhL rn jt be spe. '. eifiid in writing, so that the work an.l ipecinca. ; U"n. in iy i i the un!y foundry in the Stlc that ' - ' casi j lim: v. ! !," An curlracts ennnectrd with tee concern n.ut he maoe with lle (tliiii rs gnd ululie. I IJ A simply of A.NTIIIiAl ITE UAL con. i t.u.tiy on l.-r.d Ibr sule. j J. A. FOX, Projirieor. j Chatlnttr, H. ('. tiuttmUt 31, lej. 3tf ; S3- UIOIOVAIa,. j fiK Cf-nft rt'iitfirrr snj Fumtljr (iruccry Store 'L of .MOOJ, V A. 'llihT ln been remoTtd lo 1 Ine lari'l .ip the. are rec lie tl.e Pr sing due .,Jte,M..C :l Iroin Nes if York iarge their stock i C O.M'IXTION'KUIKS I a 'iii.v .i:o( i:i:ii, Ac. Anonj il.'.r stuck nr. y be fnond everything t.u. sily ke.,1 hi a store of this kind. A good assort, meat ot Cake 'i riuiroiiigs, VVilluw Ware, .Lc , al. ai) a on hand. "I ney have in their employ an excellent BA KKR, and are prepared to luruish Kamiiiea and Parlies w ith Cake of all kii.es at short nutire. muuuy & n islet. November IC, I6i8. We have n'soopenni a hr.llih uf i store at , i-ril.tTld e ol the ' Liiicoliiluli, where Mr. Moocy will loe business, and hup-. to secure a ' ' " ' 'MOULU' & N IS BET. Aw. 16. W.M. 3blf CilAKLO'JTi: HOTEL, BV II AItlAll l 1 N. 4 . . ,. , f n .,111. Proprietor at tin II, lei I JtSa J. st.il at hi. ,-t read, l f,l- fTv ,T? I ! iiC fil ll.e uui.i.s of mine host " to tne iuVfitr i'r I r i -1 ' I ' t Public and other lm; ' I oi.l.ecl. ,tl. 'ins ll.ni sre f. .. ' t'n ,a,,f...dt,t'i shiiiidai.t! furnished w iin ', ,1 hy lullilol nd ... : ; '"tf f..t,,e,,,fi,,. H, ,., wjlU ,... j rI(M.r ,rll, , ,v n. w lv uiig aiioeri to C - ire lo lie la prepareu ie. on i .... ir.e,, at of I :uiy eoit.ii.i il 6e four.d anywlwi "'' p httie more ao. I I r Al a.iv late tf ll.e I b.rb.lle II, t' I J J, KKRIl 3atf O. f.'ti d. If id. Gas Works, lHE aubacribera respectfully inform the pub. I lie. tl.1,1 u ire oruDured to erect tin Worka for li(.'tilinK Cities, "Towns, Village, C..I lege and lure Hotels. They have erected work. in Charlotte and K.leigh, N.C., which have given entire atiefiiclion to the citiie" of those p.i.ce, Aa lo auulirieaii..na. nronliHncss and ability perform all contractu entered into, tiny rem the following gentlemen : J... II. Carson, Pre..Char.C.iis Works. Chsr.N.C. Win. Johnston, Pre. Chur. A S.I'. R. R. " " Dr. T. I linen, Pre. It il A"- K-le'8b " Col. U. II. Young. Wsverlv, Mi". A. C Story, Free. Was Works, l.utlf Fill", N. Y. F.T.Story Supt.tJas Works. Walrrtown. N. Y. W. 9. Schocncr &. l'o., i-! Penrl St., New York. Address tlin sul-eribers nl RuleiKh. N. C. WATEKIIOL'SK A HOWES. Srpt. 14, lriiB. SiTlf A LARGE and COMPLETE ASSOKTMENT of Plain and Japaned at Wholesale or Itelsil, lower limn ever, at S. T. WRISTON'S J'ti and tuve Shop. A FEW thnse auprrior Plunishtd lea and Colfie POTS, iui mie by S. T. WRISTON. T TO B2 SOIjB, TOILET SETS, a .upt-riur article, lor alel0f young hair, and the front is also receiving lis S. T.WRISTOX'S. ASH, Peed, Spite and Dressing I1UXLS for au'e by S. T. WRISTON. IIrITTAMA TEA SETS, for .ule at S. T. WRISTON'S. '-AT:R rOOLEKS, a firat rale article, for 1 sale by ,....t ,nn S. T. WRISTON. rr 1ABI.E rTTLERY, Cook's Ladles, Spoons,1 6 Flesh Fork, eVc t-or sale al S. T.WRISTON S. 3i ASSER'S Pawn! lee Cream FKEEZiJtS.the best Kriiiers now in use, fur sale by S. T. WRISTON. VRTIIF.R'SSeirSealing KRt'IT CAN'S, wi direelinns how to use theni,ut S. T. WRISTON S. 8 AD AD IKON'S, the best in tins market, fur a. 3. T. WRISTON. lON'STANTLY on hand, a pood assortment of j COOK STOVES v. inch cannot be eirei,. i" ;uri,.rm.in'-e, by any other Stove in the market, for mile si the Tin' and a love Shop, 'i uoo.-s East uf Springs' corner, bT S. T. WRI-STON. ; CarZ(te, 23. ls..B. till" if '" -iJ--"'atli3 . for PiRinivc; THE KI.OOI). ; THE ORIGINAL AMD GENUINE ARTICLE, i Kvr.nrvnr.nr. tr.ir.r.nArr.ii rOC TIIK KKWoVM, AN l rUlMVNt ST C V.V. I. ALL lllrR.VSKS Ai.l-I MlnM A N IMI'tUK eTATk F TIIK lit.. h ii. hi: tun.,' DV 'I UK i-V-I KM. Wi. fti flft tMl-."l. ., I .1,1. Mi- 'lHn" r.,-,-e.. ln.lL n. Urns .pr-. n. . . i-n, ... . : . r rl. Use of this Preparation. r.rl!l . II I. -ii. . !.. i tn ..n lut it cur. e -t I. S. I- '1. MEDICAL TESTIMONY M v.- si: n. .tl. pr.-l th. .1 I . M t. Pr.p . r.l.1 -.14 Iv.t. It. A l. MN, W,, No. I'll r.ill..r..i,,.i. ... . r .1 V. ,., p .1,1 s. l. l -.'' .'"r. . iu. H. v. i i'.i-...v TJGE OR "DEAD SHOT,' Clirii Tn-sr. r,.,.ir.- . J";'; ;; , tmlr . . ',''. , ,. tr-in "tZl ,,,,, i, r..!i ...u.. , il. , -, I Hlt WOK 'IH. r.. ami V .M l.v, M 1 1. 1 l.j . It. V t. 1IMI, K Pformht NVK HUTCHISON fi CO., 3'l, '.'.K. I.w.a'sIi.sj Lis AN K DKKL'i for sa! at thi. cfiic mm v f-f l. t utu 'yf p til I Joy to the Admirers of A FINE H1D OP RICH GLOSSY HAiK. n- .it .. i,.niv. it it ii ii t t ate-t wl thout fine huad of hair, thru read the lulia-wing, aiio you to,,L ,re. aee circular uround eaoh ottle, uud no one can iiouhl rROEESSUK t.-i'is .. .. 'PI VI-:. We cull the utteiitinii of ol" v..iing,to lhiswiidcrl'ulpreriilii.n, which lurn lack to its original color, pray hu eovi t the head of the tmld with luinrninl gr. lh ru. iin, tie the dandrulf, itcliuij;, "il ail ciiMhi'-oiis e ruptions cause, h eonlii.u .l flow of tl.o natural Hunls; nml henue, if used us a regular disiiii ft thii huir will pn snrvii il. c.i'ior, ami ae p it from fulling loiitnme old ape, in ail Us natural beauty. We sail then upon ihu buhl, the grey, or disiii-ed in scalp, to use it; and surely the -..II i, I i,a 111. v Value the lluwing loch or Hie witehinif curl, ever be without it , iiimjii Hie tuiieue of Ihoua.iid.. Its The Ajent lur 1'rul. New Haven, received th Hair restorative in Slowing li Iter in re. gard lo the Hesti.rulive, a lew WPi-k since i line Kivsa. Cumn.. July, S3, IH'e. Mr. Leaveiiworlh Sir : 1 have hteu troubled with dunciruiror kcurf on my head for more than a year, my huir began to fume out, ac-urfuiicl hair tug. Hi. r. 1 saw in a Se Haven upr aonui Wuou'a Hair U. aior ititu " as a cure. 1 cllnl at your store un the 1st of April luat, and pin ehased one Imltie to try it, ami 1 fuuud to my sat. isfaelKin it was the thing; il removed the acurl and n.w hair bigau to grow ; it i. now two or three inelus in Irngl'i trW il wttlltff. 1 have gresl tiiilh in it. I wish vnu I" send lur two hot tie. more by Mr. Post, the bearer f Una. I rl.m't know as any of the kind ia used in this place, ynu may have a market fur miiiiy buttle alter it is kiii'Wit here. Yours with respect, 1(1 tLS I1.AM. Pini.ADri ruin. Pipt 9. l."'fi. I'anr. WnoB IVar Sir: Vour H ur Ki-storaliv i, r, .iinir iui il lien, Ikml In me. Tl trn-.it l.o the hark pirt "I my 1 i 1.1 lennp intact sl.o I nave usea mii" nan I pint hollies of your iiest.ira.il rr, and now the top ! of inv head is well alinlui-H with a pr.n.iisiiir crop hen. til. I have tried oiiu r preparations wimout any benefit whatever. 1 Ihu soiial reeoiniiieiidatiun, I eun in my own per. maur num. to tiy it. Voois resinclinllv, u. it. Thomas, m. r. tu. a 1.1 V Hie .licet. Vise r nis, I ., Ju i . Itri3. PIIOF.O. J WOOI: As yon are i hout to man- j ol-Klur'und , vu .,!, disc, j It. stor.itive, 1 will stale, lor whoniwe. red II, ir onisoever it mi, y rn. thai I have used it and known others lo use it that, 1 have, fur several years, been in the hahit of using other II nr .-l..r.ilive, and thai I rind your easily superior to any othr 1 ki. r II entire!, .-ietinse Hie head of d iliurult. ami Willi one mouth' prur u-e will r.-tore ;,ny -t.,n's bsir to the orijitial yoiilhful eulor aim titur., giving it a healiliy, soil snd glr.ssy appearaiirt ; and uli this, without illirul-iring tne hands that r-ppiv il.or thedre.ann winch it urnp. I wuiiM, Ih. -rehire, rrcommrm! its tie lo ever y one disirou of having a Sue c.iiur ami texture to hair. Ucspeetf.lilv v.iara, Vt ILSON KINO. O. J WfiOD i CO., Pr'.prieturs, 312 Uros.l. way, N. Y.. (in the gr. .1 N Y Wire Ruling E. tibiiahiiiilitianu IM.M l.ll .ti.f I M Louis, VI TnT,'.!i,f' Anil .old b alt l'HgFi-ia in th- I E. ME HUTCHISON, Jt CO t:y Charlotte, S. C. AYER'S Catliartic Tills, ,-ri; IK COATLH.j Aiir. UAtia to CLEANSE TEE BLOOD AX 3 CUBE TIIE 8ICX. Invalids, Kwlb.rs, .llolHers, Pli vatrlsins, I'mianlliropUls. rra.l Ihelr KlTeela, aud J ii ilie of their Virtue. .K Tim t i iik or tIeiidnrl.e,Si.-k Ilen.i.ii-lir.EonlStorrineh. IT.i.s. ... 1-4. ha. I. I-.... t'a J. r jtita .r: I U l tiemnilT .1 II... .T-l I,. -li. I-.I, I.... '-. a a ur .. rrf ,,., 11 .m, I., .r,- f. a frail li Ii. !.. I. tlier i if- el nn- IT tli. f .11 lies tii.rt as ih-j ai li-v. II,- rwl h, ,rflli kia-"ui,X. luurs a. Ui r al i"t, KO W I-MKIII H. t7ri M'ufntr tl rum. er Cninpliiint'.. Dysi'ntPrTt Krl.iv. hmI Morni. I'V wSa,Uiue lnrs qm N.U. TV. Sft-.twa.il of i,o,j, .,m-. .1 S. !! torwl lii. klll. ,u. I. I .1 act !.-.. I I Indierslinn und Vns. Un J I Da. Aifa: t I,.,- n s., in a. f,,i., . l .i.ti-, T rK'i;l I. , ..r., ,.h IS .l.usl. i l.rr. I. i.l.ltns, ,rf-..,'.r iiilr ol Ibe IJIo.mI. J..al A.n. i. 1 iih;i. a ia : I s-a i il tin.l .: . clesuae Hi. if 11,. ..I John ii. mkaciiaw, v. o Ervaiprltta, Seroliiln, Kintr'a Ia iI, Tetter, I iiniors, und nlt Itheuiii. From a ,-BaU.y it.',n. J Lim l, .ft. 4. I-ifl. lis. Area: V,a,r f',H. sr. ir,- .iv.n .a alt ll.ar uj tn la awilcn. I i.-t I,... er-4 n,i Inn. .l.UKi.i-r fit i.leari-i. s.,r-s H.fi Im-I I II,- I, MflWtci K Hi. Ui- h--r half. Afl-f fi.i I rtM.f. ('ills, ami Ibrjr be curr.1 Iim. ASA U'l.ViHUa.K Itbeinntitium, Neursilcin, nnd Ciotit. J, w Ue Lit, IUn.il. Ih, AMV..J Kpii. r..rtA. I'ilahi II,. fa... lie, Jan. 1. 1M Iluv.mei. ?ts : 1 fcla.aal la-uti.talrlnl fee UlalH'",,, .kill haa la .1.1,1 me it I ,l. ...a A r..l. w-ltle-l lu g.v nml ..nl w. s-u.iUi. sMrh n.l.4 In -ru-.a.hns ,V..I,IS.In1,i- I 'avl I Ik. .A" ?' I aee. i llItil ttv.r. f-Himrs. Il.t-v It . s r-e.. !. In.. Am I !,. i--i. ei,lu-lr . nrl l.v fur fills "f l:i.e,.iK Guut ari.HU. H" h-1 t,r ,.. V IM I.M tl.llis.1.1. f ur lrup, l'l thorn, or fciwdred oin- llalllla. le-iameif aa .!. .i.i, Uaej a.Sai.e.iit- tstnXrv tr,iaW i.nmmVWi8? nm t'it. ni,n,reavi,n, I'mnlvf. IsHsmms. Il..l.,n,l . -a lle.rn.aa. ...I I'.rlUI Illln4- 4 !,. P H. In n .ilut er,n.nln Vl.r'.iiT. hUh . al- AYEK'S ( III'IIIIV PECTORAL r , 'It iiik H.ti in it kk i,r tOI (illW, IOI.UK, IIIIAKSKMiJiS, INf XI'. K.Ml, llltllM 111 I IH, VAIIIMlPlftIS til t.ll, ( HOI I', AHUM A. I.N. tll'II.JT li.hl Slfl ION, a, A f.a ll, rrlh-r i4 c.a.u,i,ll. s l.ll.t la vltsnt. I .om iH I t--l,lis of Ms vbi . It l.-a.lr S I.. ii r,';r W Hi l4,r .-i,f .iii I, . mi i .an Iiutitplt ( n tLrir . u. I'BFPIBKD BY DR. J. f. AVER, Practical tai Analytical ClsD ist, Lowsll, Has. at A II S (I II) ur mrrcniHON fiii'.i'.o.v, ch.uute. IIAVILAND.STKVUN.SON KO) , C'j ir.'etlun, S. C jpjnvraaasjlisnar-iivT-T i rii ; v m it ii 17 SH WAIT F 0 SI THE WAU GO I. - II Y ie it -1 Id cause he buy AsiUsllsTATLO Would rrsnerirullv sniminee to the ml,ol ilr,'s ,e iiihol ilar,!, unite 11.. w . v. hi ssortm. iits ol from their Oio Maim, to No. 1, Crunile 11.. w . w hi North, one uf liie liu-sl exlmsne assortm. nls ol E Of W Witt ,oiig which will be found the eeirbrsteu 'B':rH .-Wa ttaes'-ui EverolTtr.-d in Korth-Caruline , among which wln. h hs. gained surh a faiw.ua tepiilulion i the Tin Stove he warrants superior In a.v t oi kmg rullluIllt, xn,l dues more work in c I,.i,ir sliv olh.r Slovr .it Ih not un 1.1.6 he.l.ir sliv other Slove u the same work in a given tinic.h. w ill forfeit the price 01 Ih. Slt.vr, ai.r! r, uil s. lin g amir. , t the belter one. .... . . . ALSO, A JaiL KLNDaS OF FiiRSiOB. & BOX iSTOVES. Ho lia, and con.lantly keep on baud, an exlen.iv and Varied slock uf tin and siii:i:t ii:ox, iu:.ts ki:itia.s, list iiio.y i:i:iiri.u,s, HAT HACKS, CP.ADLES, &c, &c., .Allot w Iim-Ii will ! ll, W lil a-vs-r bri-ii ! I would return try thanfee he. towed up.,11 ua, and they ui tiigether witu a termiualiun to hiv frwniis an" a y rest ussureil, I I., p.nse, to try a St l,;ij;,.s auJ Ccntlcnit n arc parlirularly 1 llZr?.'b$ Or IfA N". B. I .ill tell V uU why I head HiV uett,.in 1. 1 " W SIT leS VMS W sec ,"- il I. ... we Imv. three wsgg.,ns coiiauully lr. lung 'hmiil. the e. unltj will. Stove i 9iT .I oiuU ru ir ill be fitilhlulhj uud jnaiiiiiiltj itttt mix! lo 4, Ckarittt,, Jur IS, For Florida tlrect. I I l'iU:U m 3U Jl-nf. ad is) 24 I .'b JJvgil I.rtt 'lima thnm ty any ttl.n Yul. Tin: I mii:d Ki VI I W IIL j THUS. SL'kTI.-. Ci).l.UNl)KU. fFAVKS ( lt,UtLrTilN.S.C.. rvery Tl K J HAV Al l Lh.MHi.V, al 3 ..'rl.-k. i..r M I.ATKA. H.A . via IKHNANMNA. JAt KXi.N VII. LK, I I' Dl.A l'A iuii liie usual .ali.l.l.gs on the Si. Juilll's K.ver. I .V,s eonllrrta, gong will riliirinnf , w.lii liie ; Itniroad at Krrnan, u a, and w.tl. Siege al ll.e '..., I.anif l ptac. 8 Ail ' ! r, Or .1-, . .-.., ' ;iy, Taii il.ai." e. St. A dg ,iti nr, Taui.a, anu e ta. i er .,r. in tin- mii-rior ..I I :..n..a ; .1 t li . r; stun, ' w th the N, w Yma Sh aii.si.ip ...il the Nml ..n j .. mi W.-Uni It.ilroad trains mi luisu.y. and I Salurdsy. M,-rei,ai.ilir, J..:.. ens.fne.i lo tins Ageney, il be h rit aided Kit LK OF I H.U!a-L. For freight or p-s.g, anp'v to ii i, t ii i2 n.M, S. uther.i n.rf, 1 ii.rle.n.n. S. C. J'tautity I, !i.,ri. 43J.ii W1IKAT AM 1 1. HK JL Hwr,e.g M,:i t.iiy Wheal, n.r wi. nurk.l pmc ... - .-! K,.,ur. lira,, .i,i ijrli vef ed here v. r . ( haiUllt. Aug. 'J. e w.ii give Ui. higei fur .,le al the M,;l, i. i t. an. JOUS WILKES. I-..S. am . .1 AMI IS M. VAix' COMMISSI rAlClIAST, M7j,.,t:,v,,,M,,.v. ,. nd forward, every kind of ii.ereh.n I i Sure I'.r 11 1 pr crnl. Cmwrnissnm. Lei. rs tu si. M. .. i..a.l N- . VA.a,.lfili. J. W. Osborne,.'. V. !. .-. A- M "'. and Uev.C. K. Deem., lion. W A.Oi.h.i... i,d other. 'raer . P,a...,s. M. hs.ie.-n. O.g .ws. Harps, fiuilais. Mmic, Nsuif .Marhmes, ln.ii Sal", s, Pinrp.. U .r.len Kl.gii.e., 4e. A printi "I h.tof.ll ine d m lent I. e.. ra, Sim: anil prie. s ,( free. Puhn.her -if n elegm.t litbngr. ( .. .i-awy A.I Up," N.C.ftl.) and the I rn. re PtllsK.'lAW i lalilas i.l.llir To llnl.TM. I in. invaluable fann y asriser slioinc i" in " 7 hoii.e. It ireat.of all tiise-ases. Las eoponia my snd pr-smbe the r. n...ii' frin nature fc'.'.!'... .I'lVf-.'i.L.'U"''.6. ,;r,r:n:i snmelf Isound fourth rUltion, 3hl! pag... snd is minted .- fur ne dilltr. New h' Ml Pi.u.os, 1130. ttt. 16. l.-.rj. ly S.M.1I0WKI Faddle tt Harncn HantiiuCtDrcr, ! T 1 1 ft K K norilt F'iL'TH lrillEMANJl'J IKiffg, 1 4 II UtLO'l 'l i; . . I ness InBl I KKPAlKINt. pr-ii,.t!j ee .. I!), I pi 5-1 Ulrrl. J7lf lK. If. VI. 4 oi.i: ILL he pienss.1 lor- in II, e .1. narlli.i I '.I I I H INK ani iinnlli sli-'it.hej Pi.ri ,M.U Ii. p..t. l HtiK.IIY. I'l.ies. .r, ..ur he (ouml nt ui. r.. Y-rk ll..t,.et S. . F'h. 12. iPi.eh Ciisli Paid ji.r Hides, t. M. HOWK.I.L, 1 H,.r. si ,u Hi of Y I Man II l.hbrlt I, Ayl b, laH. rar,aW:Jvajra frt Ft 81 RANSOM.UCS. oi nii i e i i . ol ( IIAl'I O'll F. si ll ' it he bus new on t hil il i ii 1 y. il nl .c t, rt( liihiu.,1,, ju.l rucn.tj i,tl it he bus new on i -r B'a. S..ull . in ountr rM.,vr m w in us. f..r the li is t.n i ;. el. I. un any thi r St. v. i.r I int.'ii Mi.ti , ane il il il- lt Intl. 'li-iir IIiiiii bai tl in I III. V K I sat I . enaimnera f. r ll.e very lit p..lr..,,i. hall ennesvof , by el. atlei.tiuii U liu-aa i a rtriitinnnMCe ol the an,v. iiilitl !o rail and Piamihc lll Itlt.Viu 10 vf 21E A.A.N. 31. TA Yl.tilL ' P. SAl'IlS. An lull I ami limit! r. ILL 'un,,-!, ft. s ens. PI-ns rm I'-. tns.Pl.n. in.., I'.,. lul I',,,,!, e llil: . I, r Me ilia Ii. bu.i g i ; t M.i .VI, i . Ual.u.i Ac iu :.. . r 'hi Krluli'i I, II ,11. at;, i.".a lt'l 11-4 ItOI I I JI:itual Life Insurance Ctr. of m i., k uj.it. h i . '2 111 M I . I .i r ,.i . I.e .Mi.tu.i i Ill g II. ti, t-y iisirr ti, j ar, a t. in. vi li e pt.l I J 1st g he. I C. I la. I .1 bj. nty. c'1 It i I1 '7 ' . ol ,.- sle paid . ' MI. K.I r I b. I W . I III! y-i ii. it.. II ,M, Kuv ' K-.ll U II. Ilall.l. OrHH US- IH. I h.rie. V.. J.,l,... n. V . W. 11" I .-en. V.te I re.. It. H. lt.iil.-,-er.-lry. W ,1'i .ii.a II J,..,..'l r. . W. Ilej.lsd. A i.r. V.n. II. Mck LtKUlttt emmill' ee. .VI i -. W. , li- ' K. e. I 'liarlr. U. Loot. v..' Koarsl ef ( .sn"" Ju'li. M l . M'lli'"" Uiei.'d U. lt.v.o. c. ,M. I'-. K, r further lolorn, .l.m I:. ..b' ...I I., I..e oan U hl IS, and h li, V be onta.n. u al t itf. ur ..... of II A;- ii' ie.. I .. in. nun ...!) lo. .h, ,J it II. BATH.K, a is, '' al...C..l....lnue..s. '.'.';! .-Il I the hu l l " ' ...rrhoa, ..I.e., lb h,.... . r K. male r..n.pl.i.nts. n-"l for ' All cenll ..HO II a Gold .Mine WaUi or liy...pl.e ' A 1. It- r fr.i I K. t .. Haled A i lir.J.hl.ui ;,ll. un I 'I" J . K. t 'all ll" ug. 1 1, I T- ' l.er eir : ' entire sulislaeli. il m t Iry. Tho Aby.s.iiia Mil tv pproel n. llhsslii"'1 le;.. .t.,IU... last. I" ' UIMilv the llsllial.l Yeu i Urge supply ol It a " i s 1' J. 11- 'A . ... v Ml I AliK.NT.-t. Win. T Long. Knekingliaii' i rn h-. J. H.lM.n snn Ur J.'-1 ! tV S.ll md J. II- Lnnia.S ry , Leaiiigi.'ti . , A V' sr.' , ,v .s--t'-.ovV; .f 4. . V-,'s Sy'L&tii,--J' :!"..'- I ' . I.-.S ''' a- 1 ih: PitlX I IN'' '' " ...... v1 ! e " etis.ni i"'V "rjfss"