i tints IIiETonr or Foum Bank Clerks. 1 A writer In the Now York Tribune atatW tbat In 'he winter of 1354-'5, Teur toting bona" clerk used to meet for ene.bre pitying alternately at tbeir residence in Brooklyn. I'lieae, oiceting oontinued pleanantlv for t while, he- part keeping earl bour. ud n0 geinblinfl being allowed. A year Inter, the Prt7 Dot re-oryaniced, but met ac cidentally on Cliriatuiaj Eve, at a raffle, in JJrookl)'". The downward waa already en tered upon. Tho rraulta aum aa folloira ! One of tbe young men U traveling iu Eu- j.e l,!) bondsmen Laving paid $3,000 for hini 'in wbicb autn be vti in default at the bank where he waa employed. Another la in Sing Sing prUon for fotgery. Tbe third i (Jcar S. Field, tbe recent defaulter iu Hrooklyn, and now wandering with tbo mark of Caiu upon hi brow the murderer of bii own peaoe and of the linppioeaa of liii family- The fourth communicates thcac fuel, and conclude bid atory m i And aa tbe latter casta a glance over the pest, a bulder creep) through bia frrue as be thiuka over the fate of bid com n;nim. and thanka a merciful God that ' i l.:.- frm llm abvaj into vibleli be bad . I J:mllll I i ( o liii "There were other ba.uk clerka among the party, aud ere long their defalcation iiiunt come to t'gni.ior ncy nTe urcn po MMed of autna which thej could not have eome by honoatly." IlAMMANS RKl UN VtKTrD TO CCiMMON bnhe. At a aieeting of " apiritualiMa," an invalid "aa brought foraard dreadfullj af flicted ith ulccroua icrofula that all the doctora bad failed to cure. It aa proposed to appeal to the tint luud for advice, and ll...... . I.;. l,..;.!. .Mi.i.1 inlKrrnna. I a 11WC7 I"':'.'""' t trd the departed antral of Mauctuann aa to, aliat rcuicily rliould tc taken, i.ou'l ana , diaiinet rani, audible to the whole audience,! told of A v e r-i C a t k .r t '-.--. I ioi I iMirr A. 1 J "Hlg. I TiittKK Gbacks Mra. Virginia A. Ram ,ay, wile ot Wiu. II. Kamaay, of Auierieua, 1 eu i'ueaday nigbl, gave birth to three deugti l r, AugHl ' htip'itch, Tth. CONSIGN KES P(R rtltRI.UTTK AND H. C. SAIL, ItOAD, FKOM THE Kril TOTIIK I 4 Til FKIi. S. I'.hberrill 0 packagea, J. Fronebergcr . k Co. 41' pkpra, rroncberger 4i 1. 14 pkgea, 1 li. K li )le I '' pkgea, J. H (Jordan 4 pkea, liaitlclt J 7 pkgea, A. k W. Miera 4 l;c, (i. K. tlicplierd 6 pkgen, Itaruhardt k M 0 pkgea. Sprriil .Mulirra. ll WISTIB'S EIUI1 OF UILD IIICtBV. The editor of tba ting tj mur U'in " in ai vf "' ' " ""inory ol ir Wii,r i' tin balm.. l in the lit. ol tli..u-Bi.,i. an., t,4a rxpernuced enure cute trom I'mA, f '. Cea.Mnttflif 'v'maNaiy ian.e yroe. r.tiy by Hie ue nt hi lrfaaa. The InvaltU mtd I, ar to ple Una .rrpalatli.n a Carrllll tfil, . wv .pt-a trom eap-rienec. More thti Uu irsTt .nice the editor ol thla P'.prr b-'t'it Ha f. n-ilmce by mdi inn .1 irnl in In. I.mily, with ' tw in l "iinTi-iiiK rt ull", aa a i uraiiti iur ul. r foK.rkirTit.a and wumiriMj C'iou i tiia.! t.,lli,w nig, tr.'in a lngiily rtp cubie gen. , a,ak. ..r it-, il : 1 hat roar. N. J . May 20. I . Fow i.r Ar t o , r,amaa ; Thi. rerti. l t I wa. f.r iimot year. allicinl wilh ..t ile lung until I b came to wa that it . ill. orlii-oliY leuu'ilwalfc. Mr cough iluriiif i. lime w.a .err "en r .euaing n.e frequeiitly to iM- gr-i uaniiii-a ol i.ifioai, a iteiioco who pro. f a. log a.riotia reni.!iia to nn purpo.e I i.-nl to try ll i.'ai 'a telaam f t ilJ I ieiry. i .t ..i, !,.! belole uaing I'm lnat li'.ttle I waa in. , , f .l.irr.1 lo perleit heallll anil .treogth. I ulil alao loeoli.Mi that till. Il.U.ni cured at :. (fitl nl nunc,. I a . re Mlat.a ol Wh,Hping i veli, whin Iur life W' 4 . g,Ti-n oeir by Ihe piiy. i n.n. -ml all other riMiir.li.. hl f.il.,1. .V. f.ginrt.) JOSIAII IUiFF, I be uulrY""" "" r" 'S" "' HIT Is" on1 Jt'lTaVlV'Sy'l-f'.1! W WI.E ".. Iloa-rw P. IIOSTETTEU'S ju.tly Uilling hroHtt'ii riirrraa, v eleW m.riin ,. tin, body, lit a moibid n.lure far I'.rlor. la ealhnr the attriiimn ul' th uuhl,-! tin. valuable areific, doea .., with a iVtluig uf , utuvaal confidi-oeo m Ha virluoand a.l.puJ a to III' diaiaara for which it frrmnm, o.U.I It nm na .ek article, hut una Ih.t k .1....1 of ihe American peea. and people. Toe given in 11a r-vor, iy 11.. nMi rimnrnt wen lima pr...j.rou. and pr.vaU- imlividn. 1 H part, of the I iiioti, 1. imnien-, and ct r'y B .. ., ' "" J. ne ne ni me , Bitu-rn eaa aol but a.liaiy iln aceplical, that j 7 eerv,ng the cell hnly it haa obtained le by lirucgi.te and di-alcra generally. e 'br. 1 by E. Ny llut.hi.on V Co., Char. He, N. C, CO AXD SUM OKTOX & OLDKU'S (.11 EAT oi.tii i:it x v 1 n s Aall r.;nT,TTt.-r atttttatq a. t.a.t. .j-X', tj .4. , - . aJt. T A FILL AND EFFICIENT CORT F C)ninni Arrobitii and YauUm ILL EXIIIUIT AT CHARLOTTE, "'Khr ,V Tiirsdny, March 21 & Ui Or THE LEADING FEA'ITRES OF , W...U- l. ,i. . r ,i 'N an i) Leopard, hy i'r tebbs in the " r,"I a feat aeyer bit formed by any other 'f.tiy. '""open. I h.lfpa.il and half paat 6 o'clock waimenee at 1 and 7 o'clock, '"ion 50 eenla. ' 'he eh.ae of the Circoa, and under lite aame LEWIS & CO.'S f ABLE HARH0IWSTS ,!''r" "f th,.ir pleaaihg ETHIOPIAN EN. "'AINMENM. Adnnaaion 35 rente. , L. (J. HLAKE, Agent I"' 15, 1859. la riflrTS! Look lo vnnrnun Interest r""M'S N, ,nrt iltlrn-H n.OW will be 'hibjiod ,i WnrM m M e, jjn Rudi. a -diieHay,tha I Gt It in.tant, from 10 lo '''. A. M. i ir',Ril(l"" "ft"""1 fi ' " or'18" tahm U"I5, lass. i r arrival nt the Holds. CHARLOTTE HOTEL J. n. Kaaa, 1'roprlttor. March fG V Shepherd. 8 McNinr.h, W A Ancruni, Mra'T J Auuruni, and 3 children, Mre A Evana, PT Murray, T P Gricr, Alea Grier, W Cro., J M, Ilulciiiiw.n.u ll runna..; a iieime, Uf r t! M Canon, daughter and aervt, K II Mur.h, J Q Gamble, J T Malnnry, T L n..ter, K Cl.ewa, Wm M Rtie.cll, end Lady, T W Law., J H Will. roy.T W Wilfong.C F Maekiniie, J Keaee.Ca. let, Fink, E Arnold, T R Tale Juhn Iluakina. March 9 II J W'uir.J C R Itaynct.ll Wilaon, K flight, Thoe Dunn, J W Quinn, T J Orier, J iM Jughc. J B Juni a, M Archer, I) F Joiica, G H Mill., CUV, lute, It Smitli, J P Anthony, Mra K Sicklir, W H Kiyia, J V Held, 8 A Davit, J Haua.iiman. Man li 10. L M Morton, J W SI...., II It union. A (i Hume: J J Bradbr.ry D D Kta, Rev J I) Walla, li A Johnatnn.J E Wicka, J H Ilium, Geo M Adam. J W Tate, U II Fi.nda, John T Green, Joe )fe,u, It E Cochran, J G Gamble, C A A luite IV m Taylor,. March II. Jolin A IVhitr, J M 1Vndere.m, M I), Or T 8 Dean, I. If l.itllr. If H Kilda, T Ie Krwin. V T Murray, IVm l.iltlc, J..lm Mailiaon, T Idinn, I, C llluke. E Arnold, V F Jna. Si.m'l Ifnir, l V Uainaniir Mi K .in.our, IV Fined, Jain.'a ll..wr, Nobi-rt Snillh, D J Furuer, IV S Illack. J l.vnch. T M Julin-tm.. Marcb 13 Janma IV bite. It ' Quinn, E uffbca.Tlioa Dnni,, lit J N I,ieram,A H llrnwn. V Klephena, L 8 IVillinme, M U Ktbi'ieuu, J.ia E Allen, 'J' W Law., E ll Manh, Jno Junl, G W war, i; A li lina, A ( hilaon, Mm urny, i KnJ,, j r,.p j jemmy. Mia. Hankm. M rci 13. J Jl. an,V A Elln.tt J J Kradlnrry. IM ircli H, A IV Mm. U Molt, 1 IN Alrxan. Irr, J M Ilutrhiaon, D H Tarka, TI.KcijI. W l.:lllr, H I, ion, F Gardner, It It Tcmplclon. b Fr. krr. J l.incli, 8 J..l,li.t.,n, I) KJ' lira, A ( hiaolm, J FR.adi,an, A II" f'ook, J it Sloan, I. TJonra, II l( Haktfl-ld, A IJi.cka.u, IV Taylor, lr JN Ingram, J C Itccu. MANSION IIOI'SE V. W. Ki.ua, Vrp,i.lm March 8-M Myrre. rCThomaa, KG W.I loce, W I) lennin;a, I. Tucker, A Cunlin, t: M ; McKmly.l. (i Meiiig.J N Dro.n.T J t.rli.lr, K """P, ' "'""i " " " " W A Met orkle, E l.ampee an.i wife. D k I li-m, i w t rawf.rd. II J Millmna, Frank Myera, J M i J,,hn.t..n, D I. llriiiflr. March 9 G W Jordan, C MrDonuM, N While, w,"",'"l?vMf "-'""''J' G w "''"I'' A " )i.idu. T J Sumner, P .liai. March 10 W A Stowr, J ioon, J MiKnily, ( A llurlon. M.,j ltrre.nl, Mr. Col.tal.le, Mr. Or. low, Mr. Morriaun, E R llama. r5 S P..we. 1 T ripilding, I) J.d.n.lon. Mr M..rtin, W II Myall, 1' (;, 'nd rain and .on. It Myera. March II M DJohn.tnii.G Fritz. r CThomp. ann, J W A r wood, J M 1'olta, J MiQuinn, F Myera. March H T. S William., fi M W.thrra. A May...!., T B Witbera, J W Pation, jr T J Sum. nrr. W I) Jrnniova. March 13. M llowe.. I, Tucker. March 14 II Craig, A I. r.der.n. IV A !J,,"M',rr, A ,""""ur an,i.i. b W" I'owo. Mr ' r' "'"y ashionulile Millincrv. flrj. HAWLIY t WINDLE W AVE io.t rrrrlTrd a tine athrtion of Milli Jl I ry ' i)S, cn.i.liig of Straw, Silk, Crape and Leghorn IJOXXETS, .gt t bcr willi f'Mnl nr(iiirnl of Trimming, DRFSS GOODS, IIOOI' OKI It TV (the Emprcaa patent,) IMMM'S HAT. A.-. Ail of Ihe l le.t .lyl ,n, , i,r. fila. It a. in and which will be eold at Tryon alieet, ftr.t door k. the Charlolle H i l,.,I.JI, Ua,,tl 15, kb'J. Itf fC'TiNotice. I.I. peraora indebted to ua for the la.t quar. ro nnt eiiM-ct lu bin ooaa iruui n. an? lunger nn errrlil. e intend lo do a 3 montli t,ualoe. tin -re fore it yon are indebted to na Iur ,.i,grr neril, call and pay for Hie Ul day ol . Aprilyour rrcdii will - iir.. ..and daily inianu r.xnrean-a iroin nrw loenfo.ee Ihe.bov. even with our very be.l fnei.d. udrIpii B,Kimrc', Rlcin,0ri. Norfolk and Pe. and hone no offence w ill be taken. All account, cue lor la.t year that are not paid by the l.l of April, will be handed out for collection. K. M. OATKS k CO. Ma.ra 13. I.'.9. 3 i ntrii O rit in. -i iter. RIr.rtr.D bv the Board of rommi.aioner. i the Town nl Charlotte, that the law ol Hit State prohibiting lh buyn.g ol Poultry from Ne. groea. r Ihe buying by a Negri, without a wril. len permit from hi. niaaler, be eninrced againat all pi-rMina violating me ajine;ana incline iuwn 1 1 lerk give public notire of thia Orduiancc in the inew.paiiera oi l l.arlott--. I iril..c f liu-U'L'V T. ...... CI. 1 iVnrllillia ' ",r Itlll ;V Lit AI. of the Street Lam pa on Trade atreet, 7 ,. .. u c i k. i. ., . .1. ,. i, 1 fnrcrd .C, .,,r p,r,n. man or h. V. guilty i f emnmitm r uch d. ,ireH..t,.o... It i. tulieved tin t ,te injury i. d ne be '."..m Khilra. v.y. ; anH it sa . hoiad that their parent, will endeavor to prevent anr ng ol Ihe kind in the future. J. 11. KKltK, iHtmd.tnt. rh 15, 159. 13 .Vai Atlantic HUTDAL and FIRE Insurance Company, riirolliin It). . r, lr;pertrJ hy mn Art f the lsgnUt.,t nf A'arl eieiM. i 1 1IIIS Cnmp.ny being duly organired, ia now I pre)uired to receive applicaiione lor in.ur. inff upon BUILDINGS, nETtCIIANLISE, I'tti titliiri', VIII la, Vljnitifna-ltM lra, 'Mill's AMI 'I III III ( tnt.tu s and nmat kind, nt property, at reiiium rative ratea ul premium. It i. aimed, in the nrganiiato n of thi. Conipa. ey, in n.aae a .ie In.Tlllilil lor i,.n,ei3r ana i'rntertinn to the aa.urtd ill car ., L..aa. Ail honorable and up'iphl e.jiir.e nl dealiiig, aud a futhful fultilm.nl of it. contrai l., will al all timea eharaeli-riae ll.e bli.ine.a of Ihe Company. Applie.liuna for Inaurance may be made at Ihe office of the Company, or to ita eutho'ieed Agenla. DIRECTOR. John A. Parrot, la-vi T. ttglt.l y. W. II. Grant, ll.vi.l S. .lor., ., (,eo. W. Dill, Col. Tho.. J. Rl.keley Luke lllackmall. William S I-ong, David W I ell, A. D. Chaptn, Samuel 1 ffera, Joel II. Davia, D. A !!argeti, E. Maib'lt. Preaiilent, Viccl'reaidenl, Trea.urt r. Attorney. Hecretary. John A. rarrntt, Levi T. Ogle. by, W. S. laoig. a b'.v. E. A. Tl ip.on. "" "" . Grant, ) W. S. lamg. KMX I'TIVE COMMITTEE. fim-t5f I1.VI.I W. Hell, 1 Mrl IS, IH..9 STATKOF NOUTII-CAKOLLXA, MKt -KLKMIURO COUNTY. ! i.V EQl'lTY, Eall Term, ! Richard Proplea and J. II. McLaughlin 1 r. 0. B. B.Pixer.S.A DaViaand M.ryM. Kinny. ' apeariiig to the aati. taction ol Ilia Court, Jl lb. I Hela !.i. r, one i.l Hie liefeiidanie in Una . .. not an inhabitant of th la !ta te. It it thert. y,r, Oidrrrd A, tut t aarl, that publication be made , all weeka in the N.t'. Whig, a ncw.paper pub. Ii.hed in i:iarlotte, N. I ., nolilying the aaiu Hi- U Huer. to be and apirar al Ihe nrjl l ourl ol c quily.lo be held for ihe County of Mecklenburg, at the . ouri iiou.e n, .n...e, ... ..... I day after the 4th Monday in February, then and there lo anawer c 'i " jgi..... p. ennfeaao will he taken aa lo him. Witneaa, D R. Duiilap clerk and inaater in E. ninly the I lib. Monday after the 4th Monday in Augu.t. A l. IKAH. 1). R. IUINLAP, c, A m. b. Mrr IS, 1S5. Pra. fee 6. If HYMENEAL Married, rn the 24th nit., Iir tlia Rnv. J R Raird, Mr. THOMAS C. 'I HO.M so,of Mi cklenbnrif county, N. C, and Mm I1AKK1ET C. FAU1E.S, i!0f yor, Diatrict.8. C. STATE OF NOItTH-CAUOLINA, MECKLINBUBO COUNTr. Court of J'lcas and Quarter Sttiiont Jan unry Term, 1651). E. P. lilnnkinahip I ri. Original Attachment. John A. Cooper. Levied in the linrida of Si.murl t,. Hoofer, and him aumnioned aa Garniahrr. IT apH-nrinp to the a.itiaf .etion of the Court, that John A. Cooper, the defendant in thia care, ia not an inhaSitattl nt'thia State, but reaidea beyond the liniita if tho an me, ll it Ordrrtd hy On Court, that publienlion be made in the NO. U hi);, t newap'iper puhlivhed in Charlotte, N. ('., notify. ili(f the anid John A. Confier, to he and appeal at the neat term nl thia Court, to be held fur Mccit. Ienbllf(f county, at the conrt liouae in Charlotte, on the 4 ih Mumlay in April neat, mid plead, an. awrr or demur to plaintitl 'a ietitioii, or the aame will he heard ex parte aa to him. Witnaaa, W. K. Rrid, rlcrk of our aaid court, at oflice, in Charlotte, the 4th Monday in January, A. D. IH.VI, and in the 83d year of American In. dependciicu, W. K. RKID.c.r.c. Murrk 1.5, IrG!). Fra Fee 6. IC j3jVotice. 1MIK. Annual Meeting of the Stockholder in the Charlotte Mutual Fire Inaurance Com. inal I i riot!) held I pany will he held in the i flice of the enmnany, at aU o'clock. A. M., J 4 next. An eltc J!i held. Tl harloltc Ina. fj on I L r.MIA V, the I Vth nl A An election for eleven Diractor. will be Office. 2d March, M. . TAYLOR, Vm. E. Nn Hutchison, Src'y. IWII.I, aeM, on the Slat day of March, at the reaidriirc ol G. H. Swariuiteii, dee'd , U inilta caat of Pioneer Mill., in Cuburrua, County, N. NEGROES, conaiating of men, women and children. AliO About 40 hradnf CATTLE, 5 head of HOUSES 35 head of S1IEE1; Several 1IOG&, Farming ('lentils and oilier article, too tedioua to mention. 'Iran.. 9 ninntha' credit, with approved note and intercat from date. J. W. SWARIXGEN, Ex'r. ,Uirc 8, IP."9. t-'r W FOREWARN any peraon from trading for a Jl Note on me. giTen to W. R. Sima, for the aom 1. 1 .i verity Ifollara, giaen the I Nth of February, 1C."!), due the 25th of December next, aa the pro. tiertv 1 got w.-.a not hi. own. WM. G. TOTVNSEND. Af.re 8, t3 The Adii nisExprcss Company. III3 oldeat.ibliahed. rraponailde and rclinhle mpaetv, having EKoreaa t'acilttiea over the NORTH CAROLINA RAIL KOAD.are prepared lo receive and forward all deaeripliona of freight and valuable, lo and from all point, on ihia road. The faeiluiea Hi.e..ed by tin. company for the prompt forwarding and quick delivery of m.ll entru.ted to them In ail aceeaa.h'e poiuta in the . . . ...a .U- ...I. .l,..,. C fV.i.hla p(r)llrr tI()rt.,. frnm ,New 5'ork aemi. weekly. ler.borg offer great inducement, lo merchant, to obtain their apring atock quickly. For further paiticulara apply lo A. II. Martin, Agent, Charlotte, N. C, W. II. TREGO, Superintendent. Mart lr, IH5U. l Itiltlr ?nciclv. The Annual Mertine of Ihe Bible Society nf tin. county la to be held on Wenne.day, the 9th in. I iiit. at Snrir Creek Church. It la de.irable that the M.n-gera in the Coi.gregalmna through, ool Ihe county, endeavor to be repre.enttd. It la hoped that, bendea attending to the regular buai. nee., Ihe meeting will be favored by ecueral indi. vidu ile with .hoil addreeea. Murrk I. Ic.iJ. (Notice. A LL PERMlNS aubject to pay a Poll Tax to the Slate ol North Carolina, who reaided ilhin the limita uf the town of Charlotte, on the fir.t day of February, IP59.or who had hten prin. ci l'y employed in any profea.ion or vocation in preceding Ihe aaid Aral day of February, nd all pcr.one who owned or were poraea.ed of Taxable Property within .aid town on thf fir.l d..y of F, b. ruarr. are hen by notified to give 111 to the Ti-wn t l. rk, before Ihe la.t dav of Marcb, I-C.9, A LIST of their saw polls a.w jaxaiii.i: rllOl'l KTY. he .aid Iiv all. II .tale me num b ra and local aituation of the Lota or part of given in, with the value of which they are a.aita. ed for taxation by Ihe Stale, the number of white tixahle Poll., of tax able Slavea, and of Free Ne. grnee, reaidmg on Ihe fir. t of February, on the land, of peraona giving in aaid Int. ,y DEWEl, Twin Clerk.. .W.nr I. 1J9. 13 !Ti;vi:Ar v !iovi:, (late Pteven.on, ftowen 4 Ne.milh) have aaaoela. ted with them DANIEL M.ZI.MMEII.MAX, ra...i. ' ' . " . - ' "' large .tore No 53 North 3rd at., between Market and Arch, where Ihey will contttise the wholesale drv (;)l)s iuim;ss with nn inrrrancd vtoch. VhiMrlfii, Ffb. 7, 1859. tIP-Gmp (CIIA.NOI OF rilOl'RItTOKS.) HltOAD ST MEET N KH IIF.ItN', N. I'., JOHN F. JONES, Proprietor. f 1 1 K I'nder.ignrd ri .peel fully announce, lo JL the travelling public, that he haa taken charre of thia old and popular ealabli.hmeut, and ia now prepared to aeeummoilate traveler, and i.ri- 1 vale faiuiliea with board by the day or month, nn ! the moat accommodating Icrma. I Ilia TAtil.E will alwaya be furniahed with the ! be.l proriaiona that home and foreign inarkete can I afford. The WMllillgtoil Hotel haa large rooma, ia newer the depot, the conrt-hoiiae, and the bu.ineaa atreeta than any other in the city. An Omnioua will alwaya he at the depot and landing, ou the arrival of Ihe car. and etenmboat, lo convey paaat ngera to the Hotel free of charge. By aloppmg at thia Hotel, paaaengcra will have ample time to obtain meale. Having alao a large and commndioua Stable, and an excellent O.tler, he ia fully prepared to board horaea by the day, week or month at the moat reaao.able ralta. JOHN. F. JONES. JWurrA I, 1859. 51 if Steam Engine lor Sale, flV,!IE aubacrilicr offera for aalra large 40 horae JL power STEAM ENGINE, which ia nearly new, and of the moat approved make, auited lo nil. ning and milling purpoaca. A great bargain may be had by making early applicaliun. A. WILLIAMS. February IS. 1859. 4ntS KLANK DEEDS for aale at thia office. U IJIVLlJl ilLUUUUU ron s. il,i:. GOLD! GOLD!! GOLD!!! SWIM, aril at Puhlie Sale, on Tucaday, the 22d of March next, the well. known McLean Gold Mine, with 54 acroe of well-timbered upland and 'i good epringa of wuter atuched. I have lately opened the Mine ond find the urne. pecta ery flattering-. Ui'erat.na drairoua of pur. ehaainir, will do well to caQ on the aubaenher, in Gaalnn county, N. C, one mile weal of Rock Inl and Factory, ond eiamine the mine and aee ape. cimrna of the ore, aome of wl.irh h:ive been left at the Whig office in Charlotte, for the examine, lion of the public II. W. RUMFKLT. Fthruury 8, 1859. tl , The Yorkrille Enqninr will copy 5 wcika and forward account to tine office. Notice. ALL Ihe old buaineaa of Drucker A. Soinmera la now in the liaiida of J. A. Fox, E.q., for at'ttlcmeiit. lie ia aathorixed to collect and re. ceipl for ua. Peraona indebted lo 11., will make immediate payment to him. or they will be aued by ntxl return day. liRUCKER .1 S0MMERS. FrUrutry 1, U5U. 4Ttf New Watches, Jewelry, AND I'LATMJ WAI-K. RW. Iteckwith ha. jo.l received al hie Store, a i!d diM.r Eaat of Diucker II Heilbruu'a 81 re, a new eupply of KNGLIMI AND AMERICA. Eb WATCHES, & with new and unproved aty.eoi e.i.e. j alao Fine Jewelry of all kind., and alao a aupply ef Plated Ware, of the he.t kind, all ol w hich he otr. ra lo the puh. lie at very low piicca for oina. C..II and il inline my (teoda. R. W. UEKCWITII. Frlirutry I, 1S.19. 47tf Davenport Female College, M:tlllt. N.C. ITNOER Hie au.pice. ol the N.uth ) t arolina Conference, ia now in eiiccc.alul oaeratioo, uudir ihe Rev. Henry M. M-k.iI, A. M. ThcTru.lica, fteline the importance of putting a liberal education within Ihe reach ot Ihoae in moderate circum.tanee., have put the prieca of Tuition and Hoard at the li.we.l po.ai. I.le ratea, ao that, while the t oll. g oflera more than nrriiniry inducemmla in the way uf Pcho. laatic Advantage., there may be a Urge .avmg by patroniiing thia Inatiluliun. The Publin Examination w'll take place the 3rd Thuradav in April. Pit 10 EH FLU. A N.N Of. Preparatory Iepartnient t3 00 Collegiate Departmenl 311 Oil Admia.mn Fee 00 Hoard, including room., liehte, fuel, t CI 75 per week. Forty week, inak Term or College Year Contingent Expcn.ee Mu. if. Piano, , I'.e of Piano Latin, Greek, German, or Ftclich, each,.. Drawing or Painting EmbroiiWy M u.ic. Guitar, - Muaic, Vocal, One hundred and four dollar, will cot 70 00 a no 3d 0" 5 ou ....10 on .... fi on ....12 ou ....36 00 .. .. 6 00 1 r all the expen.ee of a year in the regular course, and one hundred and forty. live dIara with the addition of muaic Janvnry 18, 160'). 4.".tf TO THE PLANTERS OF N. CAROLINA. ki;tti.kvi:ms MANIPULATED GUANO, oa I'l ltrviAN AM) iMiorn vi i: ta ano, Aa imported (rnm the l.laad. of ( hi.ieha ond Nc. va.aa; combined and cloacly maiiipiilaltd by niachiutry. No. I, warranted to contain r1 per cent Ammonia, Ao to 50 per cent Phoaohutt of Lime. No. 2, warranted lo contain 5 p. r cent Ammonia, 55 to 60 per cent Phorphate of Lime. Surpntimp 'erueiaa Guaeo in thf prmltirtion nf a iu( nop, mid Pont Dull in tin duml.it imprmttmtnt of tuit. " My ManipnlntedGuano having become the nc. cepled end aucce.aful rival ol Pi ruvian Guano, I truat I ahall be parr.oned for putting uon public record what ia an universally known in liallimore, tiiat I am aolely and rxcluaively the origiunlor of thia article by Hie oat of aiaclnn. r j . Hiarricun Farmer, 1657. vjamTE have accepted the Agency for the enle f of" Ketllcwell'a Maliipiilnli a t;uno" at thia place, and revpectfully call the attmuon ot our planting community to thia popular and eel", braled Fertilizer. From tralin.ony received al home arid from abroud, we do not Imitate to re. commend it aa the mnal reliable ami economical manure now ntTt rcd to the public for wheat, corn, cotton, oat., vtgetablea and grua.ea. It will com. mend itaelf fur the following rcamna : lat. Btcau.e ilia imported Guano, intimately combined, ao aa to meet the wanta of crop and ami, and not a manufactured article. 2.1. Ita fine ai d dry condition, making it ready fur immediate application, without reiving and grinding. 3d. In production of crop and permanent im. provement of land it enrpaeere all other Fi-rtili-lira, not excepting Peruvian Guano 4 tn. Ita low price. Peruvian Guano eon ta ina 16 per rr nt of Ammo, ilia t nd only 25 to 3d par cent ot Plio.phate of Lime. By icducing the coatly Ammonia one. hall, and doubling the Plio.phate of l.imc, a tar more valuable Fertilizer mual be prooueed. It haa been demon. Iraltd that 8 per cento? Ammonia ia r nnugh for all ernpv more ia injonou., be.iilta rxpen.ive. Indeed, many prefer the No. .Mani. li,l.ll lln.iiv I...... ,l contain, a Irj..r rr cenlige ot Pon.phate of Lime. In Maryland and Virginia Una article haa been in nae eaien.ively lor aeveral year, on all crop., renovating the old and worn out landa of thoae Slatta. Our ai. ter ttale. South t arolina, ia a large patron. Cotton plantera give il the, decided preference where it haa been tried. We beg that you will at Ita. I try thia article if you are iml di.poecd to venture largely, ami aa.iat ua in distributing what we brliete a public g.M.d. It ia very aim pic in ninue ef application, and can be applied broadcaat, in h 11 or drill, in quantity preeiaely aa Peruvian Guano, .ay from 100 to 3110 Ihe. per aere. with tiie benSt ol improvement In land, the more litieralty it ia applied. We offer il at $56 per Ion ul a.l'OO 11. a. fur No. 1, and ."! er Ion of 2.0WI Ilia, lor No. 2. Ttrma, caah or ita equivalent. It. ?t. Ollfca - '. CfWiolV, Frbtutry H. l;'. 2m 12 P. S. Pamphlet, giving full accounla and tea. timoniala will be promptly furniahed w hen re. que. ted. We cnll your Bttrntion lo the certificate of Pr. J. M. Strong, who ia one of our bet known cili. scna and Plantera : CHaxLorry, ! v ., Oct. 27, 1 H58. Mr. John Keitlewell, Dear Sir: I have tried e. veral kindanf ferlilixert the paal Spring, vu: Pa. ruvian Guano; Manipulated t.uaim, prepared by your. ill; Tafeu. from the Lodi mauutacturing company of New Vork ; alao, .tableand cow-houac manure ; alt ol which I applied to cotton ; and I will aay that I prefer Ketlh well'. Manipulated Guano lo all of the above-nami d. I uaed the Ma. nipulated in the aame field with the Peruvian, and in the aame qunntiliea, about 125 Ibe. to the acre, and I ran ace no difference in the yield nor in the quality of Ihe cotton. In the aame proportiona I believe the Manipulated Guano will make aa great a yield on colton, and the quality w ill be equally aa giHid.aa the Peruvian Guano; and it haa deci. dedly Ihe advantage in price and alao in the faeil. ity of applying it lo land. So, at the aame price I would prefer the Manipulated Guano. I be. lirve the Peruvian Guano ia too high to make it pay in thia climate aa the drought of the aiimmera here make our cropa loo uncertain U. uae eoatly uanurea. Reepcctfully, yoera, J. M. STRONG. SCARR & CO. CIIKri?j?j f, O II 1 II I.O I Tl II. t,., fft ESPECTFL'LLY call, the alien, YW-y tn.nol l'hyaiciiina,riantera,ionn. Iry Merchant., cVe., lo their liirpe and carefully aelccted Stuck of DRUGS. TO PHYSICIANS, Dr. Churchill'a New Remcdica for cunatiinption Hypophu.phitca ,f K..la At. Polaah. ALSO Compound Syrup of the Hypophoepliilie. WtuMl'ia II :t ir IC'!l(tr:ilivr. A freah aupply of thia valuable preparation fur the Hair. LINSEED Oil. TRAIN OIL KPEIfM OIL WINTER LAUD OIL ALSO No 1 Copal VARNISH ' 2 .. 3 Fine Dimiir " Coach ' Jiipan ' Leather " cVe. GARDEN SEEDS. All the choice varietie. of Garden Seed.. Feaa, Iltali., Ileela, lahhage, Par.lllpa, Ate. Asparagus Roots, n Kliiilt.ti li or Pic ri;iit(, WITH i.ovi it. in n: t.itAss, oit iiaiii uU lkl Ac. Jan. 4, b59. 43tf TILDNVS Fluid Extracts. SPARK & I O.call the attention of the Medical Protection lo llo.o elegant prcioiraliona .n .iiliili. r: bly eiiiled for tho i xtmiporaiicniia prcpuralion of Tincture., Syrupa, iocs, & c, clinog the iJe. airahlf nhjcei of uniforniity of .tri ncih. No Phy.icinn ahould be without them. For .ale at SCAKK tl CO.'S rilUG STORE, Chnrlutte, Window Glass, rmtv, . hitiit-r. ( li.tll., Ac, Low for ca.h, at J-X'AIiK & CO.'S, Drugghts. I niroE i VM aoik r. i !lBlT KNOWN gen, rally that we arc .. 1 J IJS ling . .ff our Slock oi READY. MADEl I.O. , : THING, Fl'KNISIII.NG GOODS, etc., at con. I aiilerahly RFDl'l KD RATES iu oriicr to prepure for the Spring and Summ. r Trade ; ... our j FHIi;.M)S I ; Will come forward and avail then.clv, a of the ! rare nniwirtiimty of .upplying their want, nut ..I our rpleu.lid .lock of I loth, Caatorh. aver, Hud. aou li.y Fur.Trecot Caaannere and Sal. .am -vrr-.acka, Kuglaua and Frocka ; al.o, all grac. . of Siliinet and ('... ..iiure Bu.inea. Coat., ut k.a price, than you PAY ' At any other Hoii.e in the State. Our advanta. g.- lor getting t.tHilio alio Keeping up me .teen are un,-.iuau,d i. well-known inroueiioiii the country, l.entc we deem it tiniiee, a.ary lo re. hcar.e them, but will aeeure you that you will find il lu 1 YOUR Internet to call and tx amine our .tuck bt fore buy l.,C el. You will alao find at the Clothing Emporium cjuite an exlen.ive atock of all qualitic. of . 1 Black and Fniiey ( "n s s i in e k rants, ; IM.u k sill. :itl VtM, ! I'aticy fclrrt V Hssnitittre ;' ai.ao a vaair.Tr or i'i'irinic t:iuini. ......... -...v, ... , ' f......f u .J.-.... a t'y.nv i ivv.n. a on"'",' a"j."5 i lttlll ;ilMl ltK'!, , .. . ,. ... and many thing, loo ledioti. to take an AC'C'OUNT of, that are alwav. found in a Gents' Furnishing 1 Hon.e. ; W e return our .iiic, re thanka to our friend, for their kiniint .a and patronage l'OIt And we hope hy attention to hu.ine.e and keep, mg the ht.t ami cheape.t .tuck of CLOTHING iu the Stnte, to merit a continuance of the aame for 115 9. FULLING S, SPRINGS kCO. January 25, IfrijU. 4 tilt Last Notice. VI I t)nme wh urt tinu-btfd tn Tho Trotter tSun.or Tims. Troltfr, I'iihcr by Nlo tr Account, nr rrnut-Hteii tr rtime ftirwiird bv April rt Mnd nettle its lur.lif r iikIuIl' i'Ct cunnot , TIIOS. TKOTTKR. Jantmry 1 1 , I ..!. t2 Beef! Beci'! Beef!! 3KHE.u'i..criher, having made arrangement. U will eminence the liCTCHEKlSH HUi- ..V,,Charlotte,ou7Wy,e22,.ii.,(.-,an.l ii, i i ,i, . ..... u,,l. ,, ,..r,c p.en.M.c ... . ... ...... ... "... ine cnolce.l nr.r.r to ue nan in mc in iiimi j will keep in the cellar al the M m. ion llou.e a , 1 , . . u i , .i.. .. i . on Hon.e a hVhllo 12 o'clock and on Saturuar"'. until it) o'clock al n if lit, where all can he alipplied. Peraon. having Bcevca, ga or Sheep to . will call on me a. I will pay g,l ptitta on tl hoot'. J. L. STOUT. AWirseiy K'l IS5 50 tl". A TTORNEY and Cnm.a, 1, r at Law, haa ta iW ken an iflice, j.mtiy witn J. A. pox, Eo up. lair. ntxtd.Ktrtu the Court lloiiae, where he will be con. tantly pre. cut to attend to all call, nn profea.ional hu.inesa made lid him.clf, or for Mr. pox, when he i. ab.ent. Januaty 4. 1S.M). 43lf 5 ri'lll". firm of HENDERSON & AI1RENS wa. j. dta.olvcd on the l.l of Januarv, by mutual euii.tnt. JAS. P. II EN DERM N, will h. rc.iier c.irrv on the hii.ine.. on hi. own account. All H-r.on. indebted w ill ph aellle at once, aa the hu.i c e forward alo) mual te elo.ed up immediately. IIKNPKRSON A AIIRKNS. January 1H5H. HAVING alil me cut. re inttre.t in Ihe firm nf HENDERSON Ar AIIKENS to .Mr. J. P. MEN. PERSON, I .till expect o remain for .ome tunc yet nt the .lore and ahull he happy In. ait on iny friindaand cuntonn r.. i.artieularly nn lb.,, who would fork over Ihe little change, due mc and the concern. F. W. AURKNS. January 1S5!). 44lf SILVEIi, aeava. OUNCES OF OLD SILVER OF!' WANTED t J. ti. WILKINSON A CO S. Januaiy 11, IP59. 442u. Oats, Oats, Oats! j wiiukj vuiut i vata 1 M M.MD IWI ID axore. I llf ff shiell will be aold LOW for Cttk. J Y. PRYCK i CO. lotf J,,ry 3M5. , m-A Card. : iff m! ; lint, hiaon At. Co., I heartily commend them aa my j auceeaaora to the confidence and patronage of a rnernu. public, for wlinaeknid and liberal auii. port of myn lf hitherto, I am and (hall ever be truly grateful. II. M. PRITCHARD. Charlotte, Octohtr 19, I85M. NEWTlRM, I)r. E. Nyc Ilulchison k To. EEf? If 'lr. ll' M. Prit. hurd, Ina y&il entire. lock of DRl'GS.rilE. tSA IJS MlCAl.S, OILS, PAINTS, Ac, .Vc.reapectliilly call the n tii iitlon of Hie pub. lie to Ihe fact, that they will carry on a Wlioltisalc & Krliiil Dnii IJiisiiicss, al Irwiii'a Corner, w in re thrv lire receivinr in ad- till tor. In their pre.ei't atock, a large a.a.irtiuent of lrer.li and genuine BDBal OJCa..to J direct from the New Vork market. I E. Nyc Hutehi.on M. I . , will nipcrinli ml thia: large and well. I. now ii e.iaMi.hiiicnt in n-ron. I riiyaiciana' prescription, made up with prompt. ni a. and c . re. j Ccrentr 19. 1858. 32tf OILS. Pure Sperm, Whale. Sea Eh pliant. Lamp, lird ano M ichin. ry. T.mner'a Oil, Lmimcu Oil at ma. i nuf'acturer'a price.. j VAKNisnrcs. irorrh, No. 1 and 2, Im. Fnirli.h Finiahintr, Fur. Iiitue, Copal, extra. No I and 2 l.e.,liier, 1'ieliire and Dimar and white Copal, &c, Japan, buck ml bruwu. PAINTS. Pure Whit. LEAD in Oil, hy the 11. or Ion. Snow whit.- Zii.e, ( lirome (.re. ne, t hrome Y.I. low, Paria tire. n. , burn t mill rn w l inh r, Paint lirii.hea. Ar.. Ac. w indow ;r..ss. Larpe a..ortii.ent of Fn-nch iimi American, fr..m H x 10 lo 311 by 40, I'uitv in can., Pure lliirnn o Fluid, Alcohol iiml Sj.t 'Turpentine, hy c .11. n or lurr. I, French. En-rlieh an.) German v i:ti r.MKi.'v, Toil, t Comh. and Uru.hes and Got nil" ".dogi.e. Medic .1 and Surgical INSTI.'l VENTS, Pure W INKS and BRANDY, (Fren. ii) for nodi cal purport-., I'r. al Coi.greaa Waler hy the bottle or box. - G. fiDr.N SKI'.DS. Jnal received from l.aiier. th ol Philadelphia uni! Thorhuru of New York. (JlfASS SJ'.KDS. Clover. R.d ami W hit. . Herd'. Grn.a or Red T. p, Oi chard, liliir (."ra.., (Kentucky) and .Mill. I Sn tl. AI Chnrchi:lV pr. parath n of the llypophorphiti for cure ol ( ONM MI'I Itl.. 4711" j " " 'F(,rNl, ,T J ' ' '. . H ( ) ST( )!N V I I I. N T S . jj ASStiRTMENT or WOOD & WILLOW j WARE, Low for CASH. I Door Eaat l n,e r,jUrt l,.u.e, HOUSTON & UUNTKR. Charlotte, Ort. EC. lfc5S. ."Mil ; . riii'sn a k li i v a ia or COXl-'KCTIOXAIMI-S. HOlISi ON V f AS ju.t recencil tt Ire.h aupply nl tfl.x M at DIES, ol all kitiua.alMi Citron, 1'urrani., Ka, i , E.g.. and a vari, ly ..f N uia. Call ul HOI SION .V 11L MP.lt S. I I.,oi Ea.t ol the Court lloiiae. Chattoltt. Oct. 2G. iVjb. 33ll . kaa K.'WaTW aaN K.W Bk.k.( t Ol.l .Hill I. . f. I raHE CNDERSlliNED bra. 1, ... ......... i.i .,. i.. JL i,J leaaeti th of year., and ha mane slieh ncct aaary imprott me file mine hon.e. lixiur, . and liirmiurt, that 1 it i ..coin) to none in the cilv. j .j.,, IJ)inM! wi h(. ll.;.ttd . fit ,.,.. , otel, in all itf appointments, and nop.uia will be .pared to make it a favorite r.-ort. ; 'I he Proprietor hope., by .trict attiulion lo th. , w. una and comfort, of lua gui t, to in, nt a full vtmre of public uutrii.:f;c. SOLON 1IKK. ! Columbia, S. C. Koremltr 16, r5H. 35tl IT Shiell'. Line of O.MN I BUSES and CAR III j At.l.S will he loun.l piinciually at the oilier, nt j depota to convey pa.n ngera to the Hotel. ; STATE OF NOI.TH-CAKOUNA, cahahki's county. ! Court of J'tC'is nvl (.luarler Session, jnn. vary Term, 1 "!. Marv M. l. aciiin ... M.l.' . - " r ,"-. . i r- n. l, ; " Jn.-lanri .t. . M. j - ... ,;M,e;,r,K , ,. .taction of th. Sk that Alfred H. M i E .clia rn , one of the ilett n. ;d int. in thia caac, ia not an inhabitant of tin. i Slate, but reai.it. Itcyond the limits of th. aame1 ' Otdmt thy th, lou,!, t..t p.ihi.t -a , be in am ' h U '"f; n'wl"l'" ,TV' "...rlotte, N. C, ,-..;t. yg t o said A. II. Mc. E.ie barn, to apia-iir at the next I' nn ut tin. onri. . , . . . . .1 . ,, f f ur.. ' l,n" . , ii . 1 j If . M ' , . ' , In. jt. and ole id, answer, or runiur to , Ao-il lilill's I P' ""'"'' '""'" b" '"H Cr"" Witnr.a.NelKon Sli.t.gh. cit rk of our a-, id roe at i IVk-h, in Conor.., the 3 i .V.n.iay in J iiiu.r A. I lr-5'.l. NKLSON SLOUtJII.f.r.c. Frh. 15, lg5a. Printer', fee tfri. n2 STATE OK .NORTH CAKOI.INA, cai;aki:us col ntv. AY EqClTV. John Fink e.. J . B. Kiah P. Il.rri. and William I . T appearing that Will F one oft!, ,ie. ,1 of ft-ndaiita in thia ca.e, i not an ml, at, 111.. State, ( 1 oltlrml. tln.1 piil.lie.itioll He made for an wckani the N. C. Whig, a new . pi per puh. hah. .1 at Charlotte, notilytl'g "aid Milll.lii frew. to be i.iol appear at our next Court of Equity, to he held for the conntv of C. harms, at the Court I Inner ill Coneor,!, on the 12th Mondav a'l, t the 4th Monday m February A. D. D5!l, then and ttiere lo answer conipi., ma n t's h.ll, on o..lh or jti.igiliflit will I takrn pro con I, .so a. to him. Willie.., R. W.AllifP. clerk an.! In:.. I, r in Ecjintv V r Cabarrus county. Ima 1st day of Ft h. ruarv'A. IS5!I. R. W. ALLISON. C. A- M. E. Felt nary e, i.5'.l. PiaFeeli. tl STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, CALDM'tl.l. COUNTY. Court of J'ras and Qnuiter Sissiots, L'ch- ruary Term, 1 Qo'K Harper, Jon. a & Co, j ' .Attachment on Land. E. P. lir 'tr- S iT AI'PE AR INf! to the .ati.l'at tion of the Tourl that the dfteiui ml E. P. Gnigit, in a noti r. .i. ne i.t ol" .'.he stale, Ortlrrttl thrtrfmr, thai puhlica. tion be n the North Carolina lug, ll n niccessiv.t week., noinying a.no ueiciK.aiii iu ne a lid appear at the lit xt tirnl of Ihe Court tn l.r held lor aaid county at the Court House in la--noir. on the 6th Monday atler the 4ih .M..mi..) in March next, then and there to .bow cauac, if he can, why an order of aaleehall not he granted. H itncaa S. V Dula, l lera ol emu i t.uri. in at- firr in Lenoir. Ihe Din vionil.v aner toe tin .M.n. day in December IS5B, ana in Ihe e3d year of American independence. S. P. Pl'LA, C. C. C. .'oirlt 1, 1S" fra Fe. fi t The T!.irKrl. CtlHKECTKO BY R. M. OATES A CO. CHARLOTTE. MARCH 11, 1859. I BACON, ILnma, lr..... 12 fr, 13 Sidea lb II) u V. ' Ung round I! 10 (V mi Shouldera, II II mi Bagging, t.unny, yd an In. 00 Heel, lb 5 H Hi,.i.,r lb ISJ (' li Ilcei-WHX Ih (.r. 25 Henna hu.llel HO (. II) llriioiiv. Apple ral. OH (,, no ' I'larii -a! (10 (- HI Cotton, new II rij (o II Cotl'ut, Rio !h li'i (.,, 14 " Java lb VII ', hU Candl. a, A.lalnal.tiiie Ih (.' (. 33 " Sperm., . lb 15 r- 50 Tallow lb J.". (.1 Ml Cm. old hu.i.ei (., 7H " new biinhel ..il (.. .'. Chickens each (.. 15 Clnth.Copperae yard li (, 15 " Lmiif.y yard Hi ( 3d Kjrjra love Ill i . HO Flour bhl $."J 0i .".';n ' Ii f 2"" to I'l Feather Hi 30 ( .nr.!, II 12) f.. 13 Mutton !b 5 (., b Mackerel bhl No I lfi (., Ml Kill. :ti:0 (: 35 Molaa.ea.K.O. Eal .'5 10 V . 1 gal ."15 (; 40 M-a hu.hel Til I,.. 00 Muilel.(iiill,gton)...hbl :i to l-d Naila. Northern lb 5 (o Oil Southern II 5 ( 6 Oat. hti.liel 40 (., 45 Pork li 7 to; 71 I'ra bll.hel T'l (' I'otaloe., In.b bll.hel I j ( 17.-, " Sweet hii.hel 50 f. Ric bii.hel 4 t t"n Sugar,l.o.f. Ih 14 f. i' B-owt 11. H (., 12) r.lo.,e..Vare eal '" 11 S.,ii ai.ck il5 ( l,;0 Tea !b -5 tn l U heat, while '., label M'O fo ' 1 1) red I.n-hel I'm he Whi.kev.N-.rth.-r u-a!.. 45 ,., 55 " ' N. Carolina. ...nn' 4 I (.. 4.. Wo,,!, 'he. I :..,.r ... wished 27 ! 2H ,,.,. I,,-,; 22 ,. 3 Van, Lai 1011 I15 RKM IiKS. f ll l'TON. W, nolle.- l.-ttir f. elin-r in our I oil. ,n ioirl,el. am: pnee. hue a.hh-,1 a loll J el. on all eh...,-.. .Vil. ol' ti e week limited to 200 b,l.-. al rri-e iiiio.miij fr !lj to I 1c. FLOI'il I. Mill ai:vancii .... w.lh a I niited nip. plv. We quote (una an.i l-..rr. la nl $5) I. ?55 ( 0. CORN ae, in. I.. have ta I , II n .Inlol at 111) lo 711 I t.. r 5li !h , VI ifi ii liniileii Mipplv. OA'I.Vi ull, i.l 40 to 15 t-t. COL I MIIIA .M.MiKl.T. Coi l MBi t, M .reh 12, t lll'i'lit. have no ehar.oe tn notice III the price ot c..i:.,ii l.aler.lay. Te. Arabia', n, wa, a.lvaii.-e ..! '!. I ,:a.i no.tl',.1 on our lo irk, t. The aha lor the. i- were If. halea. at rj f.. lie. P. A' N,h"em,in,l 12 (., 12J t ni!N, ni ,,. m PEAS f.". ( !I0 li.Clr- 5.1 t. 1,0 Fl. H I. ?r.5 3-2) i;m,i i.s'Ji.n market. f 1 1 a H I l.!.T' N, 1 creh I ! , If SO. de d if ut up- COTTl 'N -r f.it... to .i. . ;r.it. ol .'l. llil ehich re. it lit. I i . ....Hi. I'.'i Three Ladies, "TITMIO have had aoioc . !. riente a. T-crll t V ir, want tu.pi, vi t for lr.,". The; K j.li.11 Bin neb. ., ..nc! .Muaic ..' M. M. no c. L. im i!tu a, Union Co N. C 1" .'..i "OI'LD nio.1 r,'pi et(nl!y :-n in L..cc lo fit i f Citixem of Churl,, He and .nrrnnnding trv. that lie .fill contiiine huai- lie. 111 t liarh.lfe. Mere Im i pr.ii'ired to ttir. Charhlte. Were Im i,i.h 1'ttOI.S, BLINDS AND S to the pub. lie on the moi-t re :.oi.,ii,U Ii rio.. an.; or. tin abort- cat notice an.a'l el-iima for work he coiio iry, he i. deter, til, . of doing bli.lllea. i:o..l Havana i.oni-uv. The next ordinary d ,-awine of the Royal Ha ta i Loll, rv eoioinct,! 1. v the Soaliish iov, m inert, 111M. ,.ul r the supervision of the Captain fit neral of , will lam- i.laee a I IImvmi.. on tSATl'illiAV. Marrh il, W). 3824,000. SORTED .MMI.EH i IR DINAR fr V ( Al I 1AI. I't.'Ui; Sil 0.f:O!I 1 pru. "tr. I ., Oil j p' t.!2?.C 1 " -''.ut o j lo i. otto I " t(t.Ot4 t J .'lOO 1 " I .i.llllll j 1 i't " 4UU I " 10 .1.1,0 ; w .V',' V4M 4 Aiirrox-in .n..i. i.t li nit .i.i i u ttiOO .acl, ; 4 ..I' I'm t., .". i.o'.-t ; 4 oi $ I ' -'.' V. Va'.cuu ; 4, ut 4U0 to f i.s.i io; li! iu, ili'.Mti. Wholt Ti. .tt.fi'l; Hilv.sf Id; qi.a,t,r.5. PuifB e.il.cJ nl s t'lt al 5 p. r cent dcounl. BlIisooMl s;i.l.l B.nkstaUn alp;.,-. A or wa.g w ill he tut warded uv aua as Ibe r. suit lutoini. kli iwij. i.m.ai.icat,..i. atl.fre.,w to DDN ROI'RI GfE.. (ear. of Cllv Voat, ' a ilea toll, S. I.) uil 1,1 I... 24lh oi M.rtu, w..i V- .ttei .lni lo Peraona J. img Ticket wll plea.e wrile their nauii. plain and give then post rtilce. county ao.l J Sa . a.1.. OR PRINTING ..t I b. lO.llv , i ,, tin ( a r 'bna. W', . ond ut i rafter ,nll l.juiir 'aV H a for all work ,.,n, ill hia M lehinc Shop, before re moval. l,r. 7. I-5S. 3!l Kin