JJocfrg. ai awj frM "w Vjou Art Growing Old, My Mother. v l.VLT Ml, Tiicu art (ra wing old, my mother, And Id J brow la marked with care All lurn Ktil in thine aged clink, Oner Inaulti'iil hi d ttiir. The Hilt brown luck" ore Mill clunked, I'lnll Host, have settled there, Ami touched with many frceiing kit. Thy gently Rowing hair. Tlimi nrt triwing olil, my mother, A. I Caleb, the, half.dr.wn nlfh, ell 1 kn iw Ih.it jnri of ...rrow Have b.d.inmed ihy nnlt.ny eye; Tt ii with genil Ipht ii bcaimth, hVamcli. on me even y i (. With a b.ve that mwr ch-nift-tli Till Hit ui. of life is set. T..ou n't jniwirj nld.niy mother ; Manv of our household hand Harp Ik-Sup I nee journey, d onward, To the fr ." bettor land." Put tli y nicc in tenner accents St. It is falling on my ear. Sweetly hnpl t ninp my pathway, Wli til willwut tine ere mi urr-r. . Tlma nrt growir.p o!J, my nwithrr, jt.J ...mail thj. ynttHHt boru Shadow g.,ther darkly gather K.Ti-n in ini's early u.oin. Put the blrt .ed rsaviuut snare-tli Thee to protect 'by child, Winn- the .tnrnt. of sorrow hover, II .v.-r o'er me dark and n ilu ! Tl"n art frcwinj old, my mother. Soon 1 I. .1 thou lit rut. In 111., "land .if tlit hen a Iter." In lie regions of tin- lil' t. lio will love me then, my mother. When the hint life lord i rirn I,. 1 in nray that both together lioii aili lake us home ti Ileum. Miscellaneous. i'roDi the iMi'irs' JVi'i'.imc 3liign:inr. M timing talis in llm I'oiiiitry. T.X JIKTTV .MAEtRRV. ' I r.rver mean to uiwkc another niorniii); Ciiii as long a I live that is, as long as I live in the eiunrry," said Mrs Jjnes to her si.-t .-r, Li l ai ou.c to spend th? afternoon with h r. ' Why ! " s.-iid her si-tor. " U.-citise the nnrning ij not a suitable liuie for a country hoiiewife to innke call", e-pf. f'Cui.iv one who lite me is otilicil to be housekeeper, maid of all-wot k, tailores". cre-s maker and .stkin-lresa." "Sir fir one whr lives in the city,"' ssil l.er i-ter. " whi is obliged to attend to as m .nv different tlinj a jou have men- cusl-m convenient and agreeable to those vho are at leisure, but ineouvenicnt and pr. pofternis to those "itnat' d as am. 15y way of illustration I will relate a Ktllc of my tiperience relative to mornio calls. Vo j I ave heard n.a epeak of Mra. Evelcth ;.:id her daughters. They arc all of them, buth n.other aud daughters, well-educated, ir.t. lllgent, and tutere.-titi. They are, more over, without any exception, remarkably ba; d-ouie, so that while the ear is charmed wi:h liat'-'iiinj to th-ir conversation, the eye i. pW-cd by the beauty of their counte- tare hveTi mere ovf fj and on the Cih in Ca!'.;.?" . . . Infant, they rroceei'.-d to Detroit, and were wlnni Mri Kvrletb came to .pt-nd a few seeks last juiiimcr, accompsnied hv a mar lie ! daughter. As soon pictlc.bte, 1 made arrangements to make l!ienj morn ing call. I say made arrangements, for tnere was a great deal to be done besides pitting on a suitable dre. 15y a littie ex tra exeruon I ro managed as to make the ca'l, and a very pleasant one it was too. I fj'jud Mr. Kveletli looking to young that, by a stranger, he nji;ht have readiiy been mi-takeo of her daughter's Miter. Si.e was, as i-4i, lively and winy, ber wit sometimes r-?ppinj but just w ithiu the verge of good r.atjred sareasui. IJtr daughter, Mrs. Man vers, wa-i fair and delicate as a lily, and verv '-racerul tf'je was expecting her bus- Und i ffentle-aau I bad never then aeen. ' 1 1 i jin t'atiu in a f-.w dajs. One iinommonlj Due mornirg, having heard that Mr. Manter. bid arrived, t je thought passed through n.y tuiud that my T i n !, might return my call. As hou.,-. h id duties, however, pressed upon me thick a id fa-'t. I addressed myself to the p ;iform- .,cc wifb what celerity I was abl-, and tiioa;i.t no more of the anticipated call. Af-ver 1 had g jue through with the usual rou- t.ae of sashing di-Ue", .weeping and du-ting rjom had finished djing the dairy work, aud had gathtred svious kiuds of vegeta - bles, and prepared them for cooking, I coin- n.eieed baking bread, cake aud pies. All aeril t,S admirably, and my last batch wa I., il.e ottn ; and my dinner, wliieh was to t - a ' hailed dl-h,' was io a good way " There w-re a few minutes to spare, o I w'::t it the meal-room in or Jer to si:': S jur i ,r a future 'bake.' The etive t-Ua.red, and tie Euur Se , aud wi.cu at lt I tiis j.'h! it an time to look into the oven to see the p'.e were baking, I re-ii,ll. i in one repi':t the j .ily miller of Mau hold i ij iickly urin.' inenfi.jd fi iur into a ti.-ht vessel tht it ii.igl.t be ready f r o-o, I ran to the kitchen, and was ha-iciiin,' l- tak- a peep into the oven, wheu happening lo cast my eye through an cp-u A jr. I saw Mrs. Kvei!tu sitting on the -ofa I fjun ! by tie voice" iti el. n r-Jinn will, a entlenien be longing to the fjii,!;;. tl-st ot!ir p.-r-ons were present, probabiv Mr ani Mia. Mii vers. I glai.ee i at my I '-puid'-r'-l gar n.ei.ts, an ! tin u tl. ought cf Mr Mjnvirs' biaek dre-s eont. '1 he u-ual dinin.r-bonr was i.esr at hand, so 1 knew their call mu-t i.eees.arily be f hort, 'J here wv- n .1 a un it . M io spire, and my fir-t iii.p'iin was to a i- a c: ithfs bru-h that lay b' ar, h'tt the i : '. i rai- ' by a single vigoro js and ener-.- ru1.. -bowed rue thai any alien.., t iri Im' say make luysolf in a situation li ii ..t my Iri'ude was entirely utles. I only Wi.I.ed i ..at same pit)ing(;oJ or jrod- i d Ageiior and l'aris ot tt.e bitt.e n i l, bad , u ier cm r of the mealy; been licsr, St.!. , .,.! that w.t f. j;e from the The o :;- ai' ,:re, and i r i i aek stairs, t ut the dour 'ii fiund U.at il w J h. re was only trace my tcj , p round u e, nii'itene i t i eh ji.g't n.y I ran up npi-d to pMI ill my room, I on the inside l- I uiu.t re- J'. k parlor, 'and then throueh the front entry rigjit in itbe eye of Mr. Manrcrs (the door eiaetly j V ... t i.a. L.e'.-I I opposite nun Having uecu icis vpuu ukiuici I could roach the staira. "I thiuk that after performing this feat, i 1 1 might be trusted to load a forlorn hope. I I 'Whether ho "recognised me as the same! person after tho metamorphosis iu my drees! had taken place or not, I do not know. I ' ! Iclieve I looked tolerably deceut, though I ! ; afterward found that in my baste my cap was a little awry, and that my collar was' ! not pinned with mathematical eiactnc.u. I " The conversation, which turned on in- ' foresting topic, was well nustaincd, and en- j livened by an oeeasioual flash of wit from ! Mrs. Kveleth. The tiuie passed rapidly . ' and imperceptibly away, so that the hfteen ; ' minutes intended f.ir their call was length-1 cned to twice that time. I ! " After their departure I found that tho fire had gone out, and that the kettle had,' of course, stopped boiling. The pies were also overbaked. These, however, wore mi- nor considerations, weighing only as a foa-1 tlier in the balance, compared to my march j through toe entry directly in the eye of Mr. Manvers, for though the fljtir put in motion j by the brick current of air encircled me as a halo, it was neither brilliant enough to' blind nor to danle. 1 " If I were going to live in the country," ' said Charlotte, " the first thing 1 should do would be to try to get op an nnti-morning-callsociety.'' i " I hare serious thoughts of attempting' it myeilf," said Mr. Jones. " As we follow I the primitive custom of dining at twelve,: those who are busiest usually have a few houta of leisure in the afternoon, a part of. which might be conveniently devoted to kcepir.c up a friendly intercourse with friend and acjiiantauees.'' Tmr Last Jii'Mante Quite a romance in renl life, says the IVtroit Advertiser, was lro'i;l,t to a happy termination iu that city on the Oih inst. Seventeen years ago, i a New York lass, lovely and eweet sixteen, became enamored of a medical student, aud the pair eiehanged vows of love and eternal fiJVuty. Two years Inter the unfledged 1 K-cuiiipius h ft i'.ir Europe to complete his i education, the aforesaid vo having been j previously tenderly renewed. After a brief j ami gay sojourn at Paris, the loving student . domiciled himself in on of the most re- j nowiud coilofc-e in Madrid, and applied himself to sober study. Hi letters to the far dmn.e he loved were frrriuent, but no i fond remembrances came id reply. His erii-tle were intercepted and never ri ached the fair one, while her words of J love, intended f )r his delectation, met wiih the san e misfortune. The poor student, j thwarted in his love, throw up his studies, and for two long years coursed through Iva- j rrpe, seeking to a helm his disappointment! iu the enyctios and pleasure of the difT rent j capitals. In the meantime the young lady, ' who was equ iHy unhappy, removed to Ie- : troit with her mother. At the end of his j two years' pilgrimage, the student returned j to Amerira, but the idol of bis heart had J left the scene of her betrothal, and, almost UnVn he!lTl(df he turned his'step,' to Cu- ba ; but the .pint of unrest pursued him, ' d behdd iH.;nvdnuilic COTTON Pressc-V roTcr tcckin . to droBn memory by excite- j 1 . A few niot.ths since, by on.- cf these fin- j cular occurrences which sor.Dtinies flash: across the natl.wav of lifv. he li?rd that the lady wan in .Michigan, and quickly he wended his way thither. After a few week ! cf di.ip-fut search, the anxioaa lover found his ' I) ilcii.ia at Yp-i'unii, aud the meeting which ' ensued the twain having Leeu separated I fifteen years is described a " affecting in the extreme." Tho tribulations of the now. united in the holy bonds of wedlock. Who .-ay. this is a prosaic age? .cnrx king TkaOfdv. There oecurred at Bcnnett.'vi'.le on Thursday last, oue of the nist 'hoekinj and hi art-rending tragedies it has ever been o ir province to note. On ihat day Ar.nanias lirahani and Jol.u W . Lis son vi-iicd l'ennett.vi'.le on basines. For a eaue which will appear iu the judi cial investigation, soon lo fake place, they vit-ii'-d th-.- More of John (J. Terrell the grandson of the elder Graham. Soon afcr entering thectore they were iiid ic--d to take a drink of whi.-key together with Mr. John H. Mc'-'ollum, ai-o of Marlboro District. In a few minutes after swallowing the lio'ior. the elder M r. 0 raham f.;!l to the fl or in j convulsions, and vl.ile he lay writhing in j aony, his son J. V. (.ratiaiu, was taken j in the same way. Dr. W. 1). Wallace was! leaded in and with the a "Utar.ee of all the ot aer memhars of the profen-ion in the vil-j j !'."-, did all that could be done, li-jt the : I fatal liquor had been too heavily drugged ! j they both died iu about ttiiuntes alter! , takin.' the ll.j ior. Mr. McCollun who drink i less than the oilier was taken with eonvjl- j sions fometinie after the death of the Messrs. lir.h.-im. and lin.-i-red till towards II o'clock i at night, when lie al-o die 1. I ' On S itur lay a coroner'. in''i-t was held . over the bodi-a cf the three unfortunate; , vieiim, the verdict r,f which was that they fame to their death by .trjchtiinp. adniini.- j lered in li'j icr, by J'lhn 0. Tcrrel, the ( grand-on of ti;e elder ijraham. J 'i'erre'.i wis arre-ted and committed to' j .ii t await lis trial week after next. ('if- i iu- J lie. I LiA'IS NaPOI.K'jX AM) Tilt SLAV TkAIK. ' A letur from l'aris says: "It appears that, before It" left home, the I'rincc Napa- le.).) orders to his foreign agents ou , the Afrieau cat to cease, fjr the present,; the emigration of free blacks to th; French colonies. It ap pears, also, that the commit- , t decided for the ontinqarice of the pre sent (jst '.ii unt.l a better one coubi be fijtid, and the l'riuce, going bejoud this; d. ci'iou, ordered thot tie sjatftu it di-con- tinued until that buter syt;m ai found, i lie has therefore given orders to commence immediately so exarnibation into tin; ques tion 'T imp'jrting coolies or Kngl sh Ka-i In liaii stiij .et-; atri if he find.i tir.s impracti cable, his own system being only su-pend'; I, may be re. lined again; lur the French c ii ' onies n.iit hive luhori rj. Thi is the true alate of the cie as il stands at pn.ent." CsPTI IlE Y A Sl.AVER 1"') Nt'Htr.CS ' t,y le.st'.n .sutri-ie ) ti.e Oijdinn. (Jap- tain Knch of the trig l-riic jue( ff.ui l4Va,,,.x ; a:id I'aD'aih l j;.lt:s of tiie Selir. M ohasi:, Irom 1 oi.ee, I t, a ui-'l hark from tiiec: i. repot i tna: a e'ii-1 of Afr.ca, with .irors ou hot r I, w hile aitoiiiriting to i Ib et a landing had gone a-hore, ahoit ihe Oil uit , on a r ef ou the ut end of the I, land, aud went to nieces, and it wa re- ported that the 1,'aptaiii of th enmuiited suicide. The auth' sliver had ,nt itiiui'. Jjatly d.rspatched government steamer to ber, but she Lad not returned at tlie tirno of the departure of tho above fessols. Mecklenburg Bonds. fi;Vf )' c-mI. "r nunum finilKSK IIO.NPS ore undouhtiHIy the aafisl JL invmlllicin iiiaicen i umur,uiiu really ...... r,T M lo in State Hon The cnuiily eminot rep idiule. Tney beir (mr cent inleresl payable tcmi- annually, wilh IVtupunk fur the aiim. They ure of llio driioniiiiutioii of $100, wliieh will make Idem more current mi'l useful lor do meslic parposeii. The coupons will prove a convenient nieJium for paying caunly luxes. Theritizen of the county alinuhl pose them, nil they ore now offered lo them. Trnposi l h it ut either liink in flmilolte er with t'optain Juhn Walker will nceive prompt attcntinn. 11. W.tiUION. i'r. V. C. if It. K. It. Co. $,,. IS58. '-"HI Wm. A. w ens, A TTOIISK Y A T LA fl i ii ici.otti:, v., f II.I. prnetice in the Cnurta of MecMenburc II nnn tin slirriiliniln.g eonnlles. I i tltfiee nearly op(Mitt- the Font Oiliee. Jh. 26. IMS. etf PAPER COMMISSION V A 1 1 K 1 1 0 U S . AND PHIKTERS' DEPOT, l'or the sale of IJrithx), Sr.i)..fljj, f)lvlpc, AND COl.OIU:!) PATKHS, CARDS, AND i intix .ii.vti-:kiai.s OF ALL KINPS. j gent for S L J0HKJ50M k CO., Typ Founders, R. HOE & CO., j And other Printing Press makers. . I'ltn rnti txu .! iiei inii(v. Hi 11itHtt(; liiict 'ii I'l it t s.. TO MKHCIIANTS, The Subscriber IiCl'S lo call attention to his i. nav ! to? k r Writing & Wrapping Paper of all kinds, which he will sell very low rem cash, or short credit on large sums. JOSKPII WALK Kit. 120 Verting ll., CUilti'-n. S. (.'. d.c. ;i, i e.f. t.tf niAiiLOTTE vomniY ! AND .mac in. m: works. TElMi; nnderi.igi.1 il hi gt leave to call the .il-.-n. A. tnl ol the public In Ihe fact that he l. U"W ready to rt 1 1 any or.;cr. I'.r in.il.ii g every i-cripti CASTINGS.. in Iron end Bra." or other metal, made at abort ni.licejndreducedpr.ee.. ij Particular aitenlion gien to the miking ; aru' r-pa.r ng of Thracliin? .M..einne., Ilorae I'o. ( t.;.. l otto,, li.na. .Mili Work, and Asr.euitural ors of all k.ni;.. IsI.ACKS.MITIIINU. JoSBINli VO!Mv. WA.' (iO.N WOUKand HOUSE Slloll! NO, oene wilh disnl-h. OLD IRON AXD nn.VSS i'A.'TINi.5 j1"11" ' at the Foundry, or taken in (change n r j'v-b 1 Work. Wn.nl ind Provisions of ail kin-la taken in i.Tclnnjc fi r II! .I'k.inilhinp. ! 1T A I.I. WORK must be paid f..r when ilriiv. ; ered, a. i.'ASH iiaa to Im- pa.n not or every thing nreessarv to c.rrv n the r-ihliahim ..I. j IJ Al.I. OUDKHS Foil WORK n.'.st be pe. I eif.td in wr.ting;, s lint the worn ai.u sueeiiiea. j tb.n. mV ;ree. 1 ir This is the on'y f illldry in the St le ll.st ' ca.t, da.lv. J.f A.fcoi trr.e! o.i.nerlr.! i.ii Ihe concern, inu-l he made wilh the inch ri ;'ni-'i alone. I XI A u;.ply i.f A NTIill At 1TK t OAl, con., l..nl!v on hand f. r -!e. .1. A. FOX, rmj,rirfor. j ( lioilollf. A. C. fiorrml"! ."Ivi. sjS. 3-'f j 23?- U K31QVA Ii. t IIV. Coi.r.e.t.' re rv and Funilv Oroerry Store L l MOODY A. X'lfliKT ha.'bieii remoio a to i u.e .t.nii o.p ..ite tlie I'reaoy teri. n ( i.nreli, wliers : l!.'-y arc receivinj; ilincl Horn New York l..r;e : ..e.;i!ioin to their .lock of fOM-'HCTIOXI'ltlKS, l Atni.v .i:oi m:ii, Ac. Au.oni; llieir atci may Ue toun.i every li.u.j; u-u. al'v k'l.l in a .lor.- of ll.is U.ii.l. A x.cl assort. ! u-'-., ii f Cake Trinni.ii.e., i.low Ware, Ac , .1. wa v oil hand. Th. f have in thc.r en ploy an en !ler.t HA. ; KK!l, .rid ..re pr. pared lo furnish F.nlil'-a anil Part.ea with I ke. of all kiln!" .t .l.or. nofee. MOODY fc NIs'DKT. 1 Xovmher ic. We have also optn'U a I. ranch of our .lore at L i.coiiib.ii. where .Mr. Moo.iy will so per.m-.iid l .c bus. i.e.., and hop' s to aeeure a m-.reoj I .e moody i. nlsi;i:t. cTiTkloth: iinnx. ,s e hsv :eb.dc 4 11 !M.O IT T, . t . rIIE I'r .pro tor oft!. .a Hotel i. at'Hath:. y .t r '.oy to tul Tjyto Ihe dune, of -minei. .-i" to the tVjZHaVi ira.eiimy imi.lie and oli.er. win. may call on him, and betlallera l.imael f thai as co l.'i fori J .le rj.iirlers can be loliod wilh lulu a any where in t:.ia v.cinily. Ih il.g iln..t'1 ee.-.r. IV tn tt.e centre of t ' I.H r .. , i te, i.'IMI!'.. ,Mli Hill fn.u tin. II I a most eoov. i.i. i.t ami deairable : loe.lon. lie l.a. b. en tt.j ,tH .n Il.e hu. in... .1 ihi.ataml iu-..rly e.gblec ii years, and in tint lio.e he hi. ni'iije .ever. I oodtlions to h.s former i.o.le.;. and ll ha. be.. V t a li ) t :. , I.-, r .-. d Hid :n prov. .1. t. t t t to trot. I a la., -tory VKKAN IIA ;illl teet in l Oft I by 1 f i' III s .Olh. I... ti.l.ollo ly . .0 i.'e.l Lv t.-ti on ti.e -Hie..,.'., eli .rou, 2 a pita, .ml pr o'ii t..ie oil hour, ol t!.e d..y. The II. ..!.- I. ,. le .. thoroughly lnr,i,.hed thro. .It, .til! ill if.rv (.ert ol It - re , I Hie eoioforl" are .i.....;i..t nnn I ..'.e.l.le.e.,,, e,..liy , ihe NIV; II' ll M. i.: t ,e "inner lii.n" n "r... ..!" o y by day. I oe .. :t'i thia fit.-: are Sl.,l,!e. (T ., ,' e g roo, r li"i i.or.ea. ali.,.l,.,i!y !nr... v. no -'Mil. and ..rou nder, alleodeil byfiiltilhl nl.do o. g.-.g i, ..tier.. 1 he rr.i,r,ct.r f. el. eon C. lent ll,.. twill. b,.!o..g e,er.i nee nod nnriy new a d v.. II te si.'i.ed to Ins fte.ire to toe , , he .a .r. ; , red lo on", r i. Im tola and loe re-t ol ma li 1; .ml," m .ny eo.i,:..fta and much L'oo.l '... er as will be found anywhere, (H ..baj.a .i 111 .le- I. .ore to. i.'At any rale T. V the Charlotte Ml. I, J.IJKFUIt. nrlh.r 19. H.'.R. 3,'lf A LAKOK KUl'I'LY OF ('on'tallt; Warrants Jl.Vr 1'KINTKD. X "till at h:a .- ..t r- .oy to till. flM'lfc nhacrihera rupeetfiiHv mlorm the pub. i. lio, that tl.y are prepared to rect Worka for lihtine Citie-, Towns Villfa, Cat. i ...i ..... ii i. i,vii t-reend worka in f harlotte and Raleigh, N. l":., which have gert entire, tatufactinn to he citnen. of lhoe plaeea. A to qualification", proiiipHie" na alnliiy in perform nil enntrnett nit-red fntu, they refer lu prompiiieas and ability In the following genllcmen i J.i. It. Parson, rrea.rhur.r.'x Works. rimr.N.C. Wm. J ihnnloii, I'rea, Chnr. S. '' I' " " Dr.T.U H. gg. Pres. R il lia. A. Ruleigr,. " fi.. ti. II. Young, Waverle, Mi. A. . Hlorv, l're. Caa VrU, Mule Falls, N. Y. F. T. Slory Supt. Us. Wotks.Wati.rlnwn, N. Y. W-. S. Schooner &. Co., S-.M P. nrl St., New York. Address the subscribers m RaW-ph, N. C. WATKKIIOI'SK i HOWES. firpt. 14, ms. STif TO BSS SOLD, Tin 4 I.ARGK and COMl'I l.TK ASSORTMENT of Plain and Jupaneii in.Ea iaj- "u:tv. d k. :b z at Wholesale or Relail. Vovusi than eer, nl S. T. WitlSTON S Jin and Store shop. tFFW of tlinis guperior I'lnniahed Tea and CulTee POTS, ( isle by S. T. WUISTON. rj'OII.ET IS'ETS. a superii'r article, for sale JL at a t n-iiKTnv- " lv..'r IAMI, Heed, p:ee ana Dressing uualc ...i uie By i. T. WKI5T0N. h5rITTANIA TKA SKTS, for.nlr.it S. T. WRIsTUN S. SS'ATVR COOLERS, a first r tie urtieli , for H sale by S. T. VCRISTON. T lAr.I.K Crn.FRY.V-ook-. I.aules, Spoons. Heh 1 i.rkr., Ac. lot sale hi S. T. WKISTON'S. lV I. beat Fre r..!i.it I. a ('ream IK i:LZKliS,t!;e S. T. WRISTON. RTIIF.IfS Self Se.:ing FRITT CANS, w. eirf-etion. h.w to ne ti.ein.at S. T. WIUSTON s. All IRONS, the he.t in thi. rnarkut, for br S. T. WRISTON. 7? INSTANTLY on '.ai d a r...o.-ri rnt of j ( tioh s iov i:s which esnnot he nrco-ii in nerh-rmanrc, by any ; other Siovc. in Ihe nurki I. Tor ne at the Tin; ami Stove Simp, 2 dnnrt tuat of S;.T.n-,-.' corner,' hy c. T. WRISTON. CiSsr.'.-'tr. Ji 22- I ?H- i.if ! ::'f e5itvivw C r' ' t CP for ytiuniM; ni!: ri.ood. THE ORIGINAL AM) G''ilJlE ARTICLE, Kvr.kYwur.KK kh;u:a rei fm: tfu: am. I RK.iV.ll. AN t-KA-KS API-I . lr. i.T ! i'' lA- KST I I KF OF Uc of th i Piersroti; ME3IC.I Tii ITIKO.V: in;, n. F. l'iJ.i;v WV.fl Ms. . II. aV l. HI X lis;, v K. NVK I;l"1TIII."('N .1 CO., n'iei 3i. 6J. law la'sCnsM l'.LANK IiKKIiS for sale at this oftW. wm Joy to .tlie, -Admirers' of A Fir HKAD or IUCH GLOSSY ;. Tk r beauty, it cannot xil w'tliout ,eul( , lalri ,hl. ria,i the lollowine, il J fine ht onB ,,,R ,llorr, ie circular around each otllc, and no U-.M)1V8 HUH BKSTORA. IT T1VK. We call th allention ol all, old and Tminir.f.- Ihiawmiderliil preparation, wh.eh turn, fcark I., it. ..ripin d color, gray hair covera the head of Ihe bi.1.1 wilh luxuriant growth re mnvea the dnndrnff. Helling. " ciitmeoua e; rnpti -cuii-e. . continual Qow ol the nmural fluid.; and In ure, if u.ed " "e"'-' urri..li.! H,r the hi' will preserve ii. color, and keep it In allinic to rlrim old "go. hi .. its nal.iral beauty. We eall then upon Ihe bald, the grey, or diseased in ae.lp, tu B.e it; and ...rely Ihe yoi.ntr will not. a. they value the ll.iwimj locks, or tiie wiielun curl, ever be willmnt it. I' prni.e i. uHin Ihe tongue of Ihouaanda. The Agent lor Prol. Wood'a Iluir re tnMlivi- m New H..ven. received tho following lelier III re eard lo the Restorative, a few week, aiuee : Vsr.r Hivia, foa. . July, 23, !".'.. Mr. Leavenworth .Sr : 1 huvo been troubled ..,,1. ,l.,,lr,,lTnr .curfo t head lor uinrn than a year niy hair began In come out, erf and bail . ..i..ii, ! . in a New lluvm napir about Wonu'i Hair Rutor .live " a. a CUM. I called .1 your store on the ll of April Ual. and pur k .....I ...... h..ilr la trv il. and 1 found to my sal. .si-rii.,!. the thine; it lemoved llie acurf and new hair In gan to grow ; il is l r three inch., in lenet'i re'i vfnUtff. 1 have great faith in il. I wish you lo send me two bot tle, nmre by .Mr. Po.t, Ihe bearer of thu. 1 don't know ar any of ihe kiad U used in thia plaee, you m .y have a market for many bo I Iks alter U la known here. Your. uill. re.lcl. IiltLS I KA1 1. riui.nri.rui, ft. pl. 9, 18 V.,m ...in fV..r Nr : VouX Uair Beatorali1 ,Sr' ii proving ilrielfheiielini.il to me. Th Ironl, and. ulro the h.ek pirt iifn.y held nliinwt lot it. cov rrig in fact ai.o. I have used bill two half, p.nl hollies of your Re.lnratire, and now the top .... ...... i ;. .n .i,,.i,l...l will, a lironii.i.'i' cron i of young hair, and lbs fmnt u Im receiving .Is bi n. fit. I h.v. tried olh. r prep..rl.o..s without fit whatever. 1 UihiK Irom my own per. .oi.jI leeon.niendation, 1 cm induce nj ou.cr. tir 1( Yours re.peclli.lly, U. U. THOMAS. X l .Nil 4fit Vine street. VitcE.iMrs. 1 1., June CO, I3. PROI'.O. J. WIMJU: A you are about Ui man, n feel n re and vend youi rrc'ciilly macovered Hair ltestoral.te, 1 will aOlc, for whonisoevi-r it niay concern, thai I have u.ed it end known olhen Ui ,i ibnt, I have, tor seerul year, h. rn in lbs bab.tol u.inj; nther Hair l! .t. rative., and II...I I fn.d v.. nr. va.Hy aup.r.or to any olh. r I know. It rnt.relv ciein.e. the head of d .liiirnlf, and I'h one month's proper .. willri sb-re any p. ra..n' h...r lo ihe or.j.njl youthful color ami nature, gmi'ir it 4 healthy, soil and gli.aay appearance j anil all Ihi", w.lhuut di.ci.lorn.g Mia hand, that apply it, or Ihcdre.aon w hich it drop.. I won!. I. tin r..f..re, rici.minend it. use Iu every one dea rou. ol h.iV.r.' a fine co.or ant. irxturt lo hair. Rc-fw-cifiiil r y.Mir., MLSO.S' KIM-. O.J. WOOD A CO., rroprietor., 3ii Broad. iv, X. V.. (in Ihe great N Y Wire It, a -t..blihuinit) and I 1 4 M .rket t. .el. St I.oBi.,Mn. Am! bv all lri.j,;,al in the I'n.on and by "K NVK lil TnilSON, .V. CO. t.,3 Ci'trlottr, X. C, AYER'S CIIKIlltY PKCTOItAL, lOIt T!tR II At ID Cl'RE or Colli. Coughs, ami . Ho:ir-iriM-HS). nsimitip. M.ss.. 2i.ih Iw.. liiiA. In J r iiti I tab -o n-ior lh U-M ru.lv I hae ft tfiail fir .'.'aar I'rr-r-oi.i. !( r..".fai. av In Vjv im pr-e n.l sit fmltf ft tlw U.t Ft ..." .r ...4 fa- ll,-"lr-l.-.,l ,A JL- ...oitls...... hl.KV KMlillT, N. I. t l WnriTl.r V. Fi .ol lir. N V.. r(t : I bars i-l f 'Ur ai.ir ans is m toatle aln." ".I in...l-4 1C. ao4 M. II li I smJi'W f. ... .,,...,-, .:. Wrth a l r... ..n,.t iwntT IS. .r. fr s Lotus U.as d s.UmmiI U, jC any olh reiM.'-ry " Croap, Whoopinf Conch. Inflnenzn. SP, U.S.., , I si- ' . BaiTSr. tes: f rhwrfHll; rftfV ymr Urtnr K the he.l rera-lv .. t. (Ih tnr.. le.t..n ll . ecu... n.l lb. rl .ll-- olclOi lrrn. W., ...ur Iniernlty la ll. swilh l,,,It j.ur .kill, lad c 'lameo.J jour IlievlKlH lo te... HIIIAM CONKt.15, V 0 AM I" t.rr. r.ML. M.irrnri, I. wrlus.M .Us. I h.l a liem. luSavnta. wlti- h cua.MNl me in !. ri w ; l'.a BUU1T ai-IMaei w.treml ret.f; fluallr .....I r.ir 3 r... l.T II,- f ,.r elei j.sijb. Tl." St.l relH-.M lha m.vn in in ibr.Ml ami Itolr. r 1.. tl.ua n hair the batle ma.e rornf.l-telv ait ) nr i..li. iiie are ..." h-a a w-ll a. .he ...-1 . .... we e.tem Tuu, Jjctur, ui Tout celBr4l.-s. s. the mn t.mel. Astbmn or Phthisic, nn.l tlrnnehitis. W ft M.V.n.VTKa. Hi , 1.... t. l-l. r ..i r rv. r, jwi rr in lh e. -ikni. n,'." r I. ..ilH.l.tr r...S..T-l. O'l b) n..w rnnn? i . Uhorerl gu4r l af?-rfen "t II' Ill" H. ewtv T- JlKHl L. I'SHK, M.-ehaaL A. A. KSM-KV, V. P.. Aismx. M -sao. To, !., writes. Se. 4, la.'..'.: u Dinto(mt a.lire..r ma.iT ion I ha.e I U1.4 ootliiut e.(..ai U. ..air -e it.1m.il l. rieiie.Maa an-l eet.. tu -l..iBtJ't!t. IrttKllt ur (.ml an- I. . ar etir.l.le-' W m.sbl ad I f Gurnet t4 eTeleaea, bat U.a moal e'.s- vlnrins proe.f tA Ibe tirtnM. lint rue-dy I. ftamd la lu atl-ta at trial. f'onaonption. Prf.Uhly ne one t-bWi hu aeer ren knows wbietl rnrl m ma.tr and aneli ttaasernsi. nw a. thUt. Sums w hitman aot enn iMkeb; tut eeea to tboa. las Oiwey yvefio-ai aT'l i.lmt and .-oiiaiit. jtmt Uvii. Xiw V ... rrrr. Mrefc S, IS'.. iyeT.s S fas. 1o.ci.i.: I (V . I It a riay tret a pie.. lira lo tetgin e-oi wh.1 y.tr fl.rf rfea ba. il.tfie f'H- mjr It-. sl ...n flee mni.tr. I..h..ri snder ibeSan-t-e-itt. trmrm.i ( t Jiaaiaanl.ai. fi"" whnSi a aM ecu..! p...-ure tfa.e h-rm.. - It r-f. She u "leialrlT ftub hv a til. I he. strr,,,.. af (lo. rite, wh-re wa ha.eeirt.a- W a) of ynfir sieN-tna. w Meaa .: ...r.l.. 1-UI.AMiO t'ilKl.iiv, nvritT. mntmtJfwt. .In a. ,J- ii, .!... el l res frar. trb.1 ATra's le ... m nt Ilia M aaeon.-al I it. run- all aromi a. Ial. II.. I.i.l, ueiitxif In n.tun 'A.'eiMiul ts.lyr. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. "1'IIK tv-ifr-f- nf niMniatry and .hnt Iiat m X Uxe-st lh-ir HtBHsfl tO rrodtt thtf U DUI IsM trf t j.nr;.tiTs It ..nwn I" nun. It.oitniMn,4V yrrA ttif rlhrvn l!t I hw Ftl L lntf Titir wlmfc inrii lu iUrn'- th orrliRjtrj tAU iu-, nrf ttit ( win nm-prrwtnt-iiij oj-sti lht mtm n all Bmhi. Th irmwmtm tiH pl'-MMlit IO lllt, ttl nwarflll lllfllff, T1. U kJ-Bf tl.lt.nr ptrtsfrflBlQ'sllfll Vital sVftiTjtMi.rf tliclsfjjy, rrtiTt I ho i4a-swo-'i(itM ml lu m$ut, fmritf tba tl'v-l, ri ifl tfwiinw. Thf pnr rmt tlrtml kmtfi !iWli (,r-l an- ajFirw di1n-sT, v4tmnU1 !tiTKrh diawjr rt-fA i tnintf tbHr nn'arat Hr'0. n4 iff)inri bsnil'hy t' 'i ob lrviKth to tks ihfl yt?im. Ko( on If do th- ritre thm otery-fj"- eirtnituU (rf rrry bid, Mtt atx f mUhm nd fanf" d '. Ilmt tmre la-ttlrd lti tat of bainA ftttlt. Wfafts IK7 pf 1 nr arrvrrfnl -. taj h-y r- tii ism finMi, tn iim.fib.lt tl Am, lh .let Mit t lw-t .ti,-te Ut ran t flf "frsl Utt cI.II'ltrB. llswHiif sii,(rirlrfl. Hi"? art pUsHMiil lo ImIc; ma4 String ftiiifljr t.rthhm, arp ft-.- frtm any r(li fif liarm. I'urni tutp lj.-wii m- whisli tirtH MM iT lisjr not nib tr,ittitl Uf nif-o of t-h csaJM tvm aud clinrartrr na (ri f-t.lfl t'tw t)siT.W-li a of Hiiftuin. Many ttnUtmt i twrm-n fl't i-tirsktsas. bav U nt tlxir iiim If. ifrflfy I.- tiif MiMi' ttli t. itatuhlr of HIT remeilk Khllt iAWf aw-nl m Iimi sMwiunri'v of ftirtr nMoi that aif l'taHtaiima rrrf.lrH-iUa inini-f- lj( to ttt rrW of tj alttf !.!. lifT-Hnit Mhw Mis t). 1 h- A--ot lar-lfi narm-d im y)nw U, fiirnU)) ftratU mr Ain-ri.-an Almr..tv.uiiniMi in. lkem fr.r tWtr tnwand fa,f t f th u rara, r4 th- fUlovina; romt-Uilil : Jtiltmti rrmf.Uinta. fthmnntllfim, rrfsTt H.i i. Ho irk. V. , h rl I. ...a fain ..all I t... , l ur.l,. : Ihlono. ! , ! t unfw I ... . ?o .-..fnla of . I.ee.l ..i t. al.i.h It . I. ....o.-l II i.lo. ... ..I II.. Ia,.-, ..I I.l ....I bl.b le t. l.-...t a.iu "Ihr k.r..lie.t roi...l.,ni. ari.tns Irorn a I ... .t.le of tl,e le.lj or i.l.-iru. leu ol Ma l,,..-l,,,.. le, Ie4 l pi.l 0T bt ..iariiiri.le'l di al'-r. Willi aian" ...i.e. .lt tl.. y ai.be m'nr pri.tit en. A-k lift Arts', l oiai. and late I ,,.hh, .lo. other Ihe; eaa (lis ti i'rtnrea "ill. U. I. O. ll. .Iithnaie tahl" rn- ttiral.Ta .,.r. The akk !,! lit. l.-l ai.t Ihera ll l.r tle-ni, a.,4 they atiotil.J ha.e II. rrepnred by Dr. J. C. AYER, Fractical anrl Antlytic.l Cb.mitt, Lowell, Matt. Paiea 4.1 ft., pas tn,.. ritl I1U to. 1 1. aui.n hr IITJTCIIISON A rimN, Clmrlotte. II A VIL AND, STKVKNSON A CO., C'A irlrtnn 3. (.'. WAIT FOR II Y i it -ra. -aV m- llesau.r he buy. WuSlVVUS from U.U. W..ul.l rr.r.'f"v s,.n..nee l th. inh.l.il.Ms fro,., their OI W.'m. to No. !.;r.nite Itcw. w I., North, one of the most ealensive assortments of tvsr offend tn N..rt-'-solina,suii.ng wi.ici. wiii .,jln h fmiv ,Ucb s fsmous reputarinn In Hie Th(( p,or e w.rrn(, superior to any rooking . t1(i ufM., ,orc Work in a given lims. " an any 'U.er eu,ii n,a .a n. ,;, , , u nne ,,iirr Mtovc ol Ihe .aim- , L.rk in . .i..n liu.s. h wilt fioElait lUe nriee ' th better one. ALSO, A LI FARlaOR So BOX STOVES. lie has, and con.lsnlly keep on hand, an eHia ansl v.isa .look sf tin and siii:i:t ikon. un.iss tii.TTi.i.Sy cist iff".. nt:iri.in, HAT RACKS, CRADLES, &c., All of lilrh will ! oll. U Ul'il- ' litl. i hn.pei N k, rrrr Iki h oil. . U i h I It 1. V Irl nl I j . I w..uld return n-y thanks t" my friend, and r.i.i-.n.ara for the ve.v l.l-jial p.i.... ., ,, ,, be. lowed upon in, and they n..y re'.t a.sure.1. that I "hall . ini a..r, by i !. alt, si... i, . i '..,, together w ill) a ... termination to pie. .e, to try aid m. ril a co..tiu.r.ee ..f the. Ladies mid Ccitltf mcu nre parlirnlnrl imilni 1 tali r,rJ rjaminr llZ.l'i$ 01 JOB V-'OBE ASi?3.';3 SOV-ISaTOiSir, X. B. I will t It you why I lo ad n y .du rti.ei.n r.l " Wait n.s ma V i.s-," ,i I.,,,,, w. I.ae three gniis e..nt'aully traveilu f ilin url the ti soty wilh l..i.. " si ortlcr trill hr faltUlulhj ml promptly tit ti mini lo jtj For Florida Tlrect. o?k Is rVafas is 30 U-mt, mmJ ia 'ii rs limn fan Ym lM h) asy miArr Kt.li. tlltl I MIKI I.TA1 I S JIAIl. BaH . . Till S xI'dTIS. t tlMMA.NIH'.B. IKAVKS ( MABI.tJsTUN.K.t .. ..cry JVt-'Ji J l.Y AKI KKNiHi.N. .1 J n-eb.l. I I I. ATKA, H.A.. vn KKWNANHINA. JACKS. VII. I. E. I'll l'l ATA and th., n.u.l UndtUf. n I I. c sit. J .hn'. Il.vrr. Sis connect., so.t.j. and returning, Wilh lb. H il.rna.rf nt r-rmuwltiia, and a. Ill Sl.fe. at the .ib.," mi. ned plaves fof Alf a .r . I e . la, M.eai.i. py, rallaha..i-, St, A UfU-lin-, Tampa, and oth. r Ins ii. in the istcrtut- uf Florida ; at Charlt alon. with the Nrw York tti aaj.lup. and the .Norll.ern snd We. tern It.nlroad trsnrs ue Tue.ii.y. and S..lurdt .. Mercti.ii'li.e, Ac einsicned to 'im A.enra, will I for warned !:: OF I'HARtiK. V..r freight or a.ae. apidv lo II. la. MISUI..M, ca.itth.rw Wharf, ('.... rl. .ton, H, (' y..STy I, 1-iJt. 41-,- WHEAT WANTED. f m Ml V, aubst-rilt-r havinf pnrcl.i M llour.ns M..I in Im. place, buy Wheat, lot which ha .li gi sdlhtrSWass. s prepared It! b U-s hifheal i.iarbi t price in r.a.li. Flour, Hi an and Meal I !e .1 Ik. Mill, . lei i rt.d w hen vi r i-eaircd it. lown. JtJll.N WII.KKS. ( ,.(.. Ag. 5. 1 iH. sail C ( MM1SS1 US MF.Il CI I A .V T, 1 1: t ii a iiii:ic ri Ki:iT, .'. n t'YS and b.rworsl. cverv kind sf meren.n il.tc for ilj per reitl. iii..iws. Kth-ra t I, va. Mnaiii an.) Mote Iw ad, . . otmnii, at . " . II. bon, f. I'. M.nurib.n, A. M. I.rn.ai., '... and Kev. V. V. I .-, lln. W. A. Grab and oilier.. iler t l"ian. M. Unwnn., lerfan.. ,rp, las.l.i.. .Mu.ic. Mis in c Ma.liia.a, Iron fnnip., liar.iew .sg..., A.c. A printed I.. I of all Il.e d.tT-rei.l mak. ., kinn. ann price. at ,.. fahli.her of an eletfsi. lilht.r:.ph i.l 1 . aVt (..,." N.:. !.! anil th" " ' " '. nt I'lK-n its j i.a, Ninas I. en. I to liat'.VM. I'l.ia iiit.lual.le fmmi.f a.rMir slmuid ! iw etery bou.i. It lre..l. of all n... ..e. b,.s a topin. flnaaary and preasrth Ihe reuieiiii. from b ilnre. bounteous .lor.-., for all our i. Srii.itit. and nii.. fort. una. III. printed on line white p.ptr, hand. lv hound fourth rdilion, 31HI p..gea, and is mmtlrJ frrt fur Sfi. Jnllar. .N. w i: ... wood r...i..i., tun. f.s. IS. IH.'iS. ly s, MilIimELU Klrlj TV i1 Saddle b. Harness rTaniilactnrer, TIlrtEK llfinnH HCUTIl fF THE MAMMON HORKE. ( ll tKI OTTi: i.e. ITAllkind.nf Kadilli .and llarne.. o.tdi atths ahorte.t notice. I i RF.PAIIII.NG promptly eiccnterf. Jvm. l!.IWi8 37lf int. ic. yt. mint m Wrll. I, be plea.ed I., receive rrofe....i.a I Call Tl in th fl. pannitni. nf MFIllCINK in, -I HI.F.ItY. I'.ile.s nrt.rrssn-ni.ltr sb.enl. h nay be found at hia residence, Fort Mill In - Y-rk D.ai.iet 8. . fV. 13. If..'.fi I If Cash Paid for Hides, IY a M. IIOWFXI.. a Mm.in ill' .I.C. f .r7, l.r-W fi, S.H.RANSOM.O.eSs "v TIIE WAGGOI. Sells Pf ivtii , 1 diejpl the Mannfaclursrs. TAILOR e.1 1 HA, Oil K and : wiri,.il.ll..l l,e , re lie lias now .... rxh.b,....,.. Jtt.l ,tc.rd ffufc fc 13 I a ss ii.un.. . nr.. ...r.w. , -sartr lii ski ?.sH.m fosstry fur hs last eig.uM, H,, fn..w si-w in .11 is hi pit ii. ... "te in u.e i niiee r...n , ami n ii ., t. of the SUive, and a.uit s lime sd ,., ,, . .... - KIiMJM OF A.A.N. JI.TAYI.0I!. I SAUKS, Ar liil I milt IluiliN r, - If I furnish I'e..f.a,ri.. r I'oblie Heih.ii.,.. I'nt. . a I V.M... fir... al.r .tl. ul, ... . buil.iniK M' sr.nr .VJIt,(etn Mill. l 3! .lory ot Aha.kil.f'a H l.le.a l a,n, 11.1,. Ilr'aarr Jli, IH. H. J3! tliKI 11-4 IK4H It t Klotnal I. if leiutaatt Cbv.j. k tlt r.. K Mt H.il i f llitS titi.pi.n) in.nrea Ihe In M b t j cat, a b in i.l yt oi, Ii. Mutual Irisripje, ticip-tn ( iu Ibr .ibfs ,a,,., . er i. Iei sf .1. hts tUa an iHtsai lb'f ....It ...ay -':,',, pr. m. ii., U . ' ' V -i ... '..'s.e... lu I'M bill ll.i ...-., . i,t pi tn.i Inch all b-.M kat k Ural a Htipt ni.nliar l.n "ii t'J Ibis si.ssp.i.y.lt.ttl.1 ' aru . relia sf aj.wi.aini, pre, i.l .rej innrt...i ' .a- h a. ale it .splint, lo IWallte. , ISl.t. . are in.nrru toe a lerrn i.f It-mar. f., year., fi.f Iwo lhird. Ibeir t.ist. j All I...-, art pl wilUm ! flats .Vr . foebity ftssl IS pt.ers. MUM TOR, I'J.irtr. P. JWiialoii, .rri, a. u.,1,,,,, . li l . .' J. I.. Wolns... li .1 ' ....!-. Y I li.ca ... ' M , ke.. K. r. Il..l. I ball.. . I.'"!. ' ..le, Hiab'd II. H.ll.t. OIHIK8. t. Ch.tk. J .b.....n, -ft.f"- V). V. Il .l.hn. V.e. Frt.-'"'- K. II. (ni.,tc...ry. W .l, .n.. II. J"" .. Trs-.tini. II. W . Hit.lid. A'korney. It,. Wm. II. Mckest. M.die.i r.i.t I, IWi(let-U. Ilti. 11 Mi , I harle. ti. tt.H.t. , ,rJicl .rrl ( f swliari"S J.bl.aol.. M. IL. William H i'''" llicli'd H. llat.W, M. For lwrti.tr ittfrita.ii,ir. poWtc w rerl t llet p. ffhltl...fll Mwis'il Y" uiay lea oblsinad st tin' Office e " i.l any ol Ma Aacf it .mnniral.ns shssla b a.!ort''. -f p.. ,f) I It. II. UATTlaK, r Trial Sffi'mktr M, it. WsJarw "Jkssaas W saw " aiivij.ma ,nin ;, o Concha, Colds, li.fliler, t.-l All.eliol.. at lbs k. i.l in . ami 111 ....norrh.e, l.l.ti, the tM.it'.. ntlisr F.nia.e I utiipiaiiil". I'n cm. .no : iai. .. p.l kail"-' Hold Mine IJ;il;iiii. or ly apt pli c Piltri. er 1 inrlli" 1 1 1 A letter from J. I! . allui... I'm.. .N. t .. dated Ani. 14, l' t Hr. J. Khul Ur h.ri Yr f s iven entire aatiataclii I. in i'n. 1ir.r. " Tbs Abyasiins Mialwre .p I.l'' I ly spprnveu It l.a... est r latite BO f.l.lhl I H'er I ; supply Il.e dcni-nt!. Y " B,r "''"','. ' larps supply ol il a. soon s. y"" ' " J. ll. t AOKNTH.-Wi... W. rV ei.. d T.U..e.K..ek.nrha., I'h.ler A "l,, T.J. Iloltnn .no I)r. J. V, t'lln"'-' ht"yS it Kill and J. II. F.imm.fisli'1"" ' ry, l.c mug ton . put, JOB PHIimHG. I Willi PPINTINU nf all airrls sill 1 ' ! ."O siwitllinusls stsenl'ti si r !. wbif '" mmmmm

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