ilj.ii mirimr t" " , .. "3e fhie to Sod, fo ijoulr 6(Juiih, af) io uouir Jhfij.' VOIjTJME Q. CHARLOTTE, 3ST. C.,M:aH.CII 22, 1359, NUMBER 2. THOMAS J. HOLTON, Editok Si pRorRieTOB. TKUMS: Tu Sorth.Ctrolina Whi will be afforded to tub ,cfiners t TWO DOLLARS in ndvnnce ; TW O j IK)I.LAK.' Al HIT! I fcMa H payment be delayed for three month ; nd T11UKK liiil.I.AUS it tiie end of tliu year. Kopaper will lie discon. tuned u t I a 1 1 orreurage ;c paid, except lit the uti .n of the Editor. Adverliecincnte'iiiaerlcd at One Dollnr per square (16 linre or lese, tine aiscd lype) for the fir I iuaer. I.tiii , u nd 'ii cents lor each continuance. Court ad. .ertieeinont and Salient!' Hules charged UU per cent higher; and a deduction i l' 3 3 J per cent. will be mado f-oni the regular prioue, fur advertierr by the yeur. Adverl.aeiiieiil iisurted monthly or tuarterly. " iuar for oacli lime. Beiiii. monthly IS e,"l I"" ""' '" "I' Person when iiliiig in their advertisement niB.l mnrk the number lit" inacrtiuua dcaired or. ,iej will be inserted until I'm but and charged oc-cordinjly- LfTualiiiaatere ' a uthoiiit d to act amenta T. II. BKEM & CO., v iioi.i u.i: .v nin aii. ii:Ai.r.iit IN BRITISH, FRENCH k AHERICAN 1)1! Y GOODS, , ai.ti.t, ii atm, uoi, AND HAKDWAIM'. t ii. hm. en tiu.oi 'i l., :. J. A. S0La, J.. 1". LrTa-rT Ai riAXina. PICKLEDEPOT, HO I ST OA A II II A I i; It AVE on hand and fr aile. Ticklaa. Pro. II i.Mn,J .J. Hie. vrup. Ac, Io f..r C t.Vf I iHx.r l--al ui Ihe I i'.uM llnuae. HOUSTON 4 HUNTER. I 4.i 'Kir, Ort. ati, 1848. 3:nf DF.I.TS! r.F.l.TS!! DFII'S!!! 1 ri )H Mir lloalnii Hall Co ill ill II ) , At .Vanuadurcf a' 'nVra : ( AMI I'lIK i.s: 3 inch. n "... .13) cla. per foot. " Hr - 'K.AMI.rSIIEI.TSi ..9J " " atiufacltirrd to ordi I OSSF.CTISU I lost: of all ni, for trr P" r, t.Urtid diiM'l rata (4 .Maa.. il dracripliona at 5. crnla I t lil.U of J. 1$ Y. i;oonk. iaif .Way 31, le5. Paper, Paper, Fsipcr ! K arc imiw rrLriii.p in Sli.rr, aa..rlvd ai, in of WHAITIXC; I'Al'FItt w mtable f..r .Mtrchunta and Drurf lata, ar.d tan miti 4l tliuft notice aurh diacniition ol rwr . are ud hy I'rintme IMli.r and Cntloli Ke. rira. sill llnw a fair for the waate o' J, Y. HRYCK k CO.. Agent or Wticovin Mtli. Vj, ii, I3JS. Wanted i,ooo:. OUIS OF TAN BARK, for Ii II. r rh wil! be puid. M. li. TAYLOR. f.t3l,l.-,M. V Kcinoval. ifglllK inmrina hia frienda and the I ML pul.lie r-inT.!' r . that he h.a removed his up to the old atand of Moore at. Dytrly, under S. V illmim' Hiorr, on Tiada alieit. where hr ireo-itcd Iu alt. nd U all orders in his line, lie Hill i fin aitielea on hand su. Ii aa F'sldca Cook, Golden Star, Planter's and Premium cook stovi:.n, sriely of i'AICIaOIS STOYI. o, a gtHK, aortiuriit of I in llillouu nrr, A i. I ( wl.irh 1 will aeli chci-i for ( ASM or Coun Produce, I). II. RYKRLY. J II, 1868. ''If ' 3,-100 ACHES OF LAM) von ,s.(.:. ipt. ji i U OFFKU forage my Land I on Clear Crrek and Crooked s-l Cakaa,' 'reek, known aa the Sum rl l..nd. It has bran surveyed into thn f' tract rnntaininf 'i !IOO acres, on 500 aorea i one acres, all conttguous Io earn oilier, id Land is well adapted to the rultivntion of not. corn, wheat and oilier anmll grain, and wi ll aatm for grain if purpoaia. Il is nearly all d.and and well.uinlarrrd, within a convenient 'tmcenfthe ( barlotla and Wilniinfloli Hail "I, and la situated in Ihe (old region between ;1 Hill and the Howie .Mine, (ioid haa already n di.covrred on that part of the Land known the I.Htl, ,M,n. I slM, ff,.r , TU ACT F I.ANI) lyinj Vork District, M C, on II m Kugar Cieek, join. Ihe Lands of Ri iter Hpruigs and others, con. "ma ;t.M K...I I....I I,... I,,..., rniiaiH. r. f one of the br,t Cotton I'laiiUlioua in York Dis. p. and there is no better land for com .r w best. drsired, 1 will divi.lo any of the aforesaid id to suit purchasers; and Ihe purchaser enn te Ins own tune to pay the money, provided he il secure. APP;y Io Ine iu Charh.ltr. W. F. DAVIHSON. l "i, lj), 4Uf Notice 4 due, owing to the rsicned aa 'I rnaUe. ff "'ally rrqu.aled Io call and wttle, as il la ri-rtaiit tlut u,e tri. fuild Xm ...arahulled at .. 4. 'V. ' " Paibl. K. ineinber, induiecne w. r. myi:rs, kneW iku aru.we ol Irf-roy s.pringa. "a IO, 18;b. IUU II. I). Williams & Co., B) 11.11, nits t, :iux I IUi.S, w noi.cs.tLr n it i;ta i i. tKE muw receiving a large slock Slid will huvc weekly addition aa their salce may require. They will aeli to the wiiokaale trade at a amall commission. Our Termtare CASH r COUTH Y PRODUCE. We occupy the well know i. aland recently oc. cupied by T. M. Farrow. lr OKliLHS attended to promptly and aa low aa if prcacnt. II. 1!. WILLIAMS k CO., Tradt Slrrtt, 3 ioar$ from lie IVesf Corner. Cltarlutlt.Jim. tit, Jb58. 47 1 r Dissolution. fay t firmorjlErKWIIHoilJlinTAINwaa1 Jl. thir nay diaaoWed by mutuiil conaent. All; prraona iniii inrn io auiii linn are rrqureltd to come lorv.ard iuimttitatttu and make payment, aa the buaiiu ta ol Hi firm tnvtf be rlord. r. w. ijixkw rni. W. J. liKITTAI.N. J4ir Jnnt 10, 1858. ioticc, AVINU Loujhl the tnliru.ti iir 1 . C . S Ulfllt , JI HCll, ftC, ttic5 ill, i Ilnttniii, I .hall cnlmue the bu. 1 , of II. c t aineaa I tl.rir old Mniid, In rr I ahull be happy to mi it lny old frit and cnli nin. R. W. RKCKWITH. I4tf June 10. ie.,8. ; J. A. IHI.1 llll'MAts DKURAri'EMlItU. J. A. ESTES k CO., j FA (.-niKS ANI C'03IMISSI(. fOII the ...U of Cuttnn, Grain, Flour, and all kllula ol Country rrodui'C. I Offire. iNurlll At. ml,.: W haryee.Charleatou, 8. 1'. I i ' Aeror.lii. j to i.e Urina of Ihe Co. partner. tlnp, e will n.,t arrt ii.iT, dirrclly or inuincl. ly, in any I'roruce auipprd to our houae. I Ilrrtansrra O. Mnia. S r. Karrr, Drolhrra A. I n.. I.iniirjii, So, an A H liil, an, 'I'houiaa J. ('. i II. M, I lull.. S. C ; C I. U. And.TM,!,, K ! Il.l. Ct.liimbi... H. t .; Thoinua Mcl.ure. Sr., N. K. K.v... A y. Ii-iunjiit. Cl.r.i. r, S. C; Col K. Vailr, Cl.M-n.N t ,1.1. I. I). Willi. r.lmvll.J. W. i Arrv, W. A. I.-.U ... F ,u , Col. h. S. tloe, Ir. J. li.'llr.n .n, ..rk.ihr.S. C. Dr. ll.pi.oldl, Sal. j itl-ury, .N . ; i. I.. Diauri, Knoavillr, 'l'epn. ! Juki I. Ifci"). ly lint-lulle llntnal I'irc lnnir .litre ('iiiii.-iii v. UlllS COMPANY conlinma to lake riaka a. X fmt l..a by rr, on lloura, Oikmi, Pre dure, ar,it uul r jl. a. 1 J r Office Ulwr.-n I'.rk'a Store and llrawley'a i Building. M. II. TAYLOR, I'rttulrttt. ' C. OVERMAN, rt I'Ttiuitnt. i K. N YK HUTCHISON, Secy, Tretur. I Dl rt K TORH. ! MR. TAYLOR, 0. OVERMAN. I J. L. LKOWN, WM. JOHNSTON, i F. fCARR, S. T. WRISTON, ! A. C. STEELE. John L. Rkowm, S. T. Wkiston and A. C. Stem., F.jrtutirt Committee. .M-i in, iin. lutf i gNWVFIini, j f 1l!K untit Tvignril having enlrrrd into Copnrt- JL nei!i'p f r llw purpoat; of rarryinp on tlia j Confectionary, Hakcry, Fruit, AND Retail Grocery Business K It'" to call lh attention of Hie cilitena of t haiioiu and aurrouii-'iiif country to Ih'ir New j yv-.-don Trsd. Mrcrt.hrtwren llrrin'eand Frank. I . iiiiisll's. l .s.r:it A l) :n.el's old S''.ii. whr-r ' tliey would be pleased to are all their fri. nda ann ' acquaintance. Vl.rery 2. 18..8. MOODY &. NIShET. 4H.ll tiii: mvi:i: i.WMi OK ATOM! rm.riKM. nv l a sivcmu., Coiii.oniitlrd pu(lrcl) from (.1 MS, OIK lip Tll SKST TI K..4TIVK iM I.I S R MR. Tb. I.Urr to , i iu i ui lf tun thr lxM(it, m4. mtil, uhnt -ifii tn fajlitvas ike ttlooiArii i.rM, Ishmnstm lh Urta Ivmt ... ,w.i it: i , rr Vyt)frpilit mis. ..haifrnrTlr.ii t-mo.ajth rl.s...a lioll-. pn.w r...t- uii i hulrra re-, !,,! i il.t'. m.l nf (Jb r'a.Vt.J,. Klt lt llrntlrlir. iimitfty, r cittt. ik Vint-! ' hH.4KrvVr I OH T H'. It .Txarir Vr litk t" All ulm If o;l Inu; llielr itanlinnaa iLllimmt l lla Ii. as- 'Us Uaf.r In ii.r nioniH uiih the lnvl Koit.lo.. noil Ntswllosa liolli I. mrl TIIB LIVER IN VIGOR ATOR IS A S. IKSTlSM' Vllt.-tl. .ISI ..1KK. a.ia I. Ii , , -f l.lvrr Complaint in a,..o all I.I... . Il ....a), V V". t.kl ....a.l. m if T i.nll .....Hum lilarn S1NTIII1I) j i K. SCAUR & CO.. Umrlotte, N C. CANDY JACTOKV. Fresh Confectioneries, Fruits, Ac, Ac. Tl subscriber respectfully inform the cili. JL Sena ol Charlotte and surrounding country. that he haa on hand and is conaiuntly receiving Iroiil new I nrk, vmwvuwU, FA XCY Ca It Of.'KIJ 1 FS CIG A ItS TOIJACCO. SM'FF. TOYS. iTIuiaic.ili liiklriniH'iilM, rum worms, noititv iiokm:4, V li'i-tl', illtiw lVHgoni, liaira, Woi k..(nnl, A Itiid tii cf rvrry Mrit:ly. J.i). PALMER. Aotrmltr 3, IfiP. 4'Jlf Alao, lie inieniia to niiiiiiiuriiiri-1 A. VIM nl all kind, Inc from poixuioun coloring unlike tin Ncw Vo,k hl""m '''fin"1 andy. Call and are. KAILNWEILEtU' BROTHERS n KSPKC TM'I.faY inform the citizem of Charlotte and uoTnundinr coontrv, tht ttH jr lire ojMtniut; in I lit Ktorc J tluoti. from 7. H lircm t'.. a lrgc ptork of FANCY fc STAPLE inn uiiiiiv mty a i; i, ti a .a i i i i. as, AND Kartfy 1I title 4' MMTII t.G, For -! I , Youtha and Suva wear. It r,ISlvYi Hiwl I J I. 1 . Ii r.TN, tw Itools, MIol, HATS, pg s.i'Y CAI'S, JZiXd TltlW A'-V. Xr. We will be daily recci.ii g the moat cxlenaive ' paying for it, except ill the interest on the I ttndent o tran-portatiou on the part of the not only constantly observed by myself io and b.-at aaaortnirnt of thr ubove named (o..iia 1D10ULt It was generally of excellent quali (State? What a commowtsry ou railioad its progress aud completion, but also exam .nVo, Whether good or bad, however, tD. poHcj and management i. , this , dUquisition ined inspected, measured and received, rcg- for A. which rnablc. ... to ,, 11 our good 'JO chairman cannot exactly fix it upou me, . of the chairman . I bat difficult thing, ularly and very carctu ly, by a master mc- nrr rnr re.n.r. AH per.n. wi.l,inK to me l,c ttempts to do. "'cb bas e"gagt!l thoughts and labor cbauic, having more knowledge of his bust- moi.ry in buyioj g.wda should bear in not: ... . . . , - . v and years of able men in practice and study, ' ness than any engineer could have, ami to for.rt t call ..n u. before buying elr here. I . 1 IS UCXl Count 13 lor right Ot way to .Ur. :. vieeD no, of.CI. SUCCP..fu'lv ac , .....oh t,(.,.P, nm.Hh.rl to do this than the Wholesale buyers, particularly uld bear it in In addition to cur large tcck we have al- filled up i WHO! Fv 1 1 F "POO II i 1 V7 lj lyOil 1 1 1 j llVJ J Jl) F'or Wholea.h Buvrra. Dviu KaHawkiLaa, Dml KaHhwtiLia,' Jacoa Kaiiswkii rUllr, Kurrmlw 9, lt.. 35tf fin Atrniri'i I I III T I I ' VI JlW J 1 IV 1 I jxr-AHNWKH.ER K. HKOTIlF-nshaveju.. I'L recei,d,.n add, lion io their laree , torn of r;,K.,l.,. full .upPl. of UIUICI Rll K. ,...... Q. 10..C, ., . S'Uinnfin n I Vmt TrW - .WUjUUU i0. I 11 llll llttS, roit sai.i:. WESTBnOCKS St HENDKHALL, Vrojinrtou of the W'eit Green Nurseries !( Gardens, ttear Greensboro, A'. (.'., r 'OIT.D very rcapretfiilly rail the attention V J of tnr ril'iz. i.s of li.e Soulli.-rn Suii s to liu-ir v. rv huee al..rk of nutive and acclimated Fruit I rtea, lor the tall and Winter trade, '1 his lrj;e ami handaoine aaorluiint has been prop.iji.lrd fiom ihrifly l.cstiiia; trees, and work. ed upon ihe bet aerdliof stocks, which id a sure euarantre of fruitfulnrpa and lonjcvily, 9 promi. rn. irrisncs in orenar.iinff which aoouio not be overlooked by persons wisIiiiij Io plant or. chards i itlirr hr mars.-ting or family use. The stock eoiipists of the following trrrs : l.'.n.OOtl Apple tree J I0U.0OO Peril trees ; 10,. (Kill Pear trees; I2,find Apricots; Ill.tKMJ Cluiry ; 12.(100 Plum; SOtMl Neclurme ; 11)00 Almond ; 1000 Quince; 40U0 tirspc Vinea. Wince a very fine a.oilnient of Curranta Strs whrrrira,, t.oosebcrrics, etc., all of which will be si, I, I on very reasonable terms for caali or approved pacr. All packngca put up in superior aiyle, snd a complete invoice aent Io each patron, and so nr. ranged that the invoice will he tliu rcgiatrr ot the orchurd alter the trees are transplanted, if ll.ey are transplanted aa each one appeara on the liat. .Mr. T. J. Ilolt.m will net as uE. i.l f..r the fur. niahing of the people of Al.'ckl.-nburg and nelh. bering counties wili llie above Fruit Tree and will uk pleasure in fo.-warding ordera lor the Ort. 2b 18.-.H. 33tf. IIAAVKSS History of North-Carolina. 3nd volume is now publislud. It em. JL braces the period of the Prop tary llov. err men I, truiii IbbJ Io 17 jy U forma a li.inua.noe vo. voluino cf Sill p:igee. The subsciiplion price was half acuta p.e; but the price of this Volume is Icfs, any -J 75 iu cloth hiiidini;, $3 in Library ahe p, and f3 2o in half r.ilf. It w in. c "l.i) vsi r roa Cash. Owing to the nttficulty of securing Agents in many parts of the State, we will lorward it by mail or otherwise free af ;rfia'rffe, on receipt ol'lhe price; or both volume, for l-t cloth, 4 50 sheep, or half calf. j A litirral discount made to Agents, or others, who buy to sell again. E. J. HALE & SON. FuyrtlrviUt. 1 3.'.tl-r 3-Notice. T VIOSK ot my friends who are indebted lo me by Note or Account, will please unserve mat I have rrlired from the lrug llusiinaa, at this pluce, and immrdiule ttttlimtHtt is t..iuMy re quirrd. My Books aro in the hands of .Mr. J. P. Smith, no whom persona can call, during my absence, and acttle. II. M. PRITCH AU1). t'Aai lultt, Oct. 2C, 33if Dr. II. M. Pritehard .mL. r IKI.D1NO to the liritationofma. I J"- y friends, reapcclfully announ cea hia deleriuiiialion to rcauuie tho lri-t Irs l !l'li i-. lie may be cnnsullc.l nt hia oflioe. i f'Tlie P"or prcscrihrd for wilhoul charge. Augutt 31. IBjo. 2oif Sr. Fisher' Brplf CoMinnrd. An rpgrda the tatf mcntof Col. Gwjrjrj g li-tter, I bayo only- toj, the rscollf ciioo of Ibe chairman, Judee Saundpr Mr. Dortch ant! myself, (Maj. Rtud I Lave not hcid,) is very clear, that our consultations with the j than it ought to be, and not thinking it good ted the fuels? He extravagantly lauds the throughout construction, iomui n chief engineer and ntsimut engineer, were 1 policy to make this .pecd, while the utiunu- chief tugineer on one page; lie places the brick and wood, by the square, ana tba frequent; and although they failed to re- "er was so hard on the road, and heoyicst ceneure on his conduct upon tho lumber coat kaa than was patu lor a like conirr.ond any terms, and declined to do so, ! mife'bt endanger tho trains, I reduced the, next. quantity. ...... much to our icrea-d trouble and tmbar-1 for a time. A crooked pathwny requires circumspect If then, the Hotel was needed W it is rasMnent, they did wlingly acquiesce in our I This xplains the service of the Express walking. C;od pln tnd lis cost ba been on y fair recommendation as the Lest for closing Train, its policy and n.-ccsMty, we hsd either I The chairman recites the ea-es of men ho is censurable 7 or for what is tbc t.ame f excd matter. Our Opinion was, I very din- o run one day train connecting no where by who have done work at the shops, and ttalcs I need not tell any one, who nas ever tinctly recollect, that tbey were very elad 12 hours, or to run altogether at night, or the amounts of their estimate, but has sin-1 traveled over the road, tbat it was dcplora to get clear of this l atter on these terms ! put on thU Express nerviee. '' gularly overlooked one of tho lurgrst con- I bly needed a moral as well as a phymoal so easily and so chcaVy. As to the con-1 Aa to its additional co, the chairman tractors of them all, whose work was per- j need-to prevent profane remarks, off.naive tract, its execution or u ma, I bad notbine ! chose to enquire of the office men, and mas- baps n.ot profitable; bis ncareat neighbors to ear. polite, and ch.tstiau, as ell as whatever to do -ihh ii. fir. .'.URae was iu U-r mechanic rather than of myelf. This too, Mers. MeKnight and Houston, of the to refresh the physical exhaustion of the Raleigb and offered Io give the chairman i of " to make out, if possible, that ' town of Greensboro '; ti.eir estimates amount ''fed traveler, ami, in no utuer way uum any infoimation be wUbcd, acme weeks 8"0, "7 statements conccrnine it were incorrect. ' in the ngeregatc to $31 ,W11 MK They did j thw need be supplied. , as I informed the chairman. I These are the facts : For the service of good work and received good pay, and eve. ! 1 he chapman has cxn?3erated tbe cost. The contractors allege that ibey can show the work of their construction o have cost the company less, (throning in at, addition al cost of repairs so particularly r( utiontd iu this report,) than any purt of the line, for the chief reasou that their purnhiise of iron was the moit fortunately timed of any other. The next count iu tho chairman's 1 ill of indictment againt nie, is as to the I'Vort contittcts. This may be briefly despatched. All wood contracts of 18.00 and oG as well as previ ously, were made by the engineering corps who were iu charge of construction and of rransportnlioii at earu en'l. i he chief cngl - neer directed and controlled this. As soon as I was able to understand the condition of things along the line of 2'.'.'J miles, I stop ped all contracting for wood ex-eul ut tuch jHiints as Wire deficient in siijiphj and liio more than this 1 lixcd the rale at il.Uo per cord, where formerly Sl'U was paid. One thing, however, I did do which the chairman may censure. I found many cases here large contracts had been promised,! but no w ritten agreement made at the time In all such cases where the persons had pre pared to do the work ou the faith of these promises, I 01 lered the coutracts to be ex-w ecuted. It may be gratifying to the chair man to near now what lie might have learn- en oil enquiry iruiu me huoiier mat very :,:.,,... ,Jf,, 1... ,1 I ,.t r.r,. V...nn.l th.. i,,.,,.,vni. i ! Anurews in i.aicigu. i ne memory ot tiie!.ri- . i .,.,, u, , ..j, treasurer bas been somewhal defective as to , . i . . this transaction. It is not true as stated, that the deed of relinquishment sign-.d by lAndrcws is iu my possession it ought to be iu its proper place, but it is true, that Andrews sicned a deed for riht of way through one lot. riobody ought to Know . i- r jo- I payment Io him was for an ttitireiy different ,p,tce of HIJd. TLe facts are, that the chief ' Lgineer, by my consent agreed wab An- i , , .n,ii,i. . ! V 4 CO,UU"-""OD 0 damage- I the assessment was regular.y tnaoe and af-; guiariy maue aim bi- , terw.ras or uccessi.y psiu uy u.. i ne torrn- V Frc,sld,eUt -b9 tr"'u;tr rT1 UTe 'T formed the chairman, ,f he had enquired,, whether bigb assessments at lialeigh or else-, where were unusual, and what difficulties inyariably attended such proceedings. He case of Oen. Irolhnger, at Haw cr, is next. This was an act of the board, deemed by them just and right, of the propriety of which, as the chairman has enquired into no connecting circumstance or recoil, t lake the liberty of saying, be is .Lolly incap. able of judging justly and truly, lie speaks' wuu maoiiesi icuorance anu pre uuicc. iu proof of which 1 take oue siugle sentence I.a vi vour cninniiii-o l,.nr.i tlm water j "" ...... re. .put, v.. urn i me ciean woi n. is of no value being only two miles from registered, which is the last order of the j He is in much perplexity for the con Graham and four from the shops.'' Judge of board. I tracts of all these men. This was my busi bis capability to enquire aud pronounce,! The objects, complaints, and observations ' ness, for which I am responsible always, when I state a faot well kuown to the board touching this loan are so manifestly in a Did he ask me jor the contracts! Ihe and to all mcu on the road, except perhaps ; .r.irit of captious fault-findin?. that I let . work l.n. heen done, and nobodv of all the treasurer, or be would have mentioned ' it to the chairman, that ibis worthless water j has. during the dry summers, beeuourchief dependence for 20 milei of road next to it for the running of our trains '.-without il we must have stopped work or provided other supplies, as the expeu.-ive staliou wells totally failed. Iu this way it has paid far above its cost to us. I Next is the chairtnaas sectiou on the ex-! press train which is really so absurd through-: out, aud displays sucb uunntigated ignorance . oi lite subject, that 1 cannot undertake lo mend iu blunders or correct the mis-statements but will give a brief account of this service, without reference to his statements. This second service of passenger trains was commenced in March of ltu7. The rca sous which caused the board to put it in ope ration, were those : The mail train left Charlotte early iu the niorniiiL' and passed throuch the liuebv dav to Goldaboro' iu the cveuiug. The mail train I of the Charlotte aud South Caroliua Rail road, our southern connection, arrived at Charlotte iu the afternoon. As a conse quence, passengers coming through were detained from 4 or 5 o'clock 1'. M. to 6 o'clock A. M., more than 1'-' hours at Char lotte, going; north. The same was the case wheu our train reaches Cbarlotte in the eve ning, aud the passengers bad to wait uitil 8 o clook next moruiug, ot more than VI hours oi.inr. annlh Tin caused Vel'V tr reat 1 dissatiefaction.and asmucbcoinplaintagainst) tho board as the chairman makes, if pos Bible, but it could be remedied. We offered to divide the night ruuuing with the Char lotte aud South Carolina Road, but they were unwilling to subject their people along the liue to this inconvenience to way travel. We bad the same difficulty, and finally, af ter much consultation, both boards agreed to put on an additional service the express train as tho ouly possible meaus of ac commodating the conflicting demands of through aud way travel. Last spring we concluded that it was best to make the most of this second train by rnnniug it on through counectieus of time with the .South-Carolina Road, and the northern trains at Wel don by way of the Raleigh & Gaston Road, Thii rutiniriff. with thronirh connections tier Wr .,i.r,l r.T, .h iih f a,;i lat, and conlinufd totheearlj part of Jan - oary as my report atatcs, when, conhider - it.g the proportion of time allowed me less I one train only, there is required an equip- nient oi seven engines, (lour mail ) and twelve passenger coaches; for both trains we use ten engines and fourteen passenger coaches, with three baggage cars. The actual addi- tional expenditure per month for the second train, does not exceed my statement of fig- ires, which ha refers to. The statement he gives, as that of the master mechanic, was never given by him as its eot, but is tliu chairman s own account made up Ironi erumiie uurniuiua 10 me manier uieciiauiu. ti i . i j ii- J he chairman cannot comprehend, and ibis , 1 : ,.,,, . , .. 1 . , ' , , . iuuii uon nuuuiu : mill tra"'s or' " ro,id ar.e not hhSed to cost j , . .-..... . ...w ,m- i ue mo ecrnccs uuiieu, may no operaiea more economically and with 11 smaller equip- uieut foi both, thau relatively for one. His estimates and comparisons as to the pin-scu'cr trafDo are, in the same manner, wholly erroneous. The express train did much to save us from the same falling off in receipt last year, which occurred almost universally, upon all roads in the country, giving us some through travel, and by aiuiuiiiy ..imiijf iiicicaxci. jiienny iu wajr Have! ; so that our road was on of the few which actually increased its receipts in " the pauic year." Dut what does the ohairnian propose? That the (ieneral Assembly shall pass an act to regulale the running of trains on the North Caroliua Railroad, or appoint him, for his learned chapter thereupon, sutierin- uiauy io laii, lew io aucceeu, iui wnoie nn . t,;j, v,v ,hn r- good letter of our former c h iff engineer, w hicb, I am sure, he never expected to work siij.Ii 9 wnndpr and )if n ..Mnn. estimates in a committee room. Next follow his remarks on the only loan ucdioi tue roaa tne ciani per cent, nonas. Tiia .uf,,; ,i- ..j j '"f 1,7. ,i., i L 'W I li Thn 1.1 V "V "t0od b h dcS,r t0 "(,'''''nd Bud j d, Lot C0Ufidt;r it Ilcuessary t0 rcpeat , i, ..-i o.. , i :..... ' ... ,. ..-, .... . . ,bi corrtct B cotniou toistgke refer. tA to in my report, that upon the memorial f h board, the last LeUlature passed Q Mt .. ,utboriliu ,he d'irtcfor, t0' L.sue bood 4c 8eeIUS the cllilirmilD I uo( know the ,Bor cf Mt wag l-;onj. ,0 .uthorne the rate of interest; tho . jiui0rjty to issue bonds being granted by the charter. lie cnu learn more of this loan matter than beseems to know by reviewing my report, which I am afraid his Ubors have caused buu to neglect As to the sinkinsr fund therefor, ha is Bgaiu, as usual, mistaken, iu thinking he discovers matter tor censiiri. ot run in th gecoud action of tho board; these bonds guarantee against any requisition but for .;,. c. ,... ,!?,. "1. them rass for what ibev are worth. The next subject is the Company Shops. The cbair:nlUi iike Bome 0f ilis frierid. on ,ho x Menjs t0 bn rslher unalD;sby dis. d owardg thi, , foP ttltho h he admiu ils Talue to the road, and docs not1 elactly censure the location, yet be says, n do UQt fid tllat Colonel Gwynuor otber en Jliecr rccomtuet.ded the town wLieh must necessarily grow up around these shops for the residence of the ofS- y the Rail- Thn fact is .i... .......... eers, Sic, should be built up by road Company." Here is a very plain issue. stated in my late report that the "town" plans on file, ap- janded to mc. Ho makes the statement was built according to proved, adopted, and bn above, when be either knew or refused to know which he pleases the facts, that the pirns and est.matcs for every building at the company shops, except those far the hotel and master of the road, and for the .utair .f IhA Tra, rl t.-,r . of Messrs. John '.M Worth .t Co., were prepared under the eye of ihe chief eti-ineer, Col. Uwynu, and adopted. I have reduced the cost on some, aud changed the plans of others, but am sorry to sav, cannot claim thii honor of the plans or location. The censure cf the chairman and bis friends The censure cf the chairman and ins friends U vr liit' terror inn other. : - I ..C..l .k.lUn.. h;. ibis place and point out one unnecessary b Ulld 1 Ui?. UOVerV We such. He knows, moreover, that by far .1 . i ... . ... r h..n .l.i.,.. ....... ..... ...1. k. ii.l,;.... to..and.-hief engineer before my term, aud .I.. ...1.., .t tU .. rates. He knows that the day work of Dudley i Ashley, very well for those who are so hiiterly which he publishes at length, was doue uu- against ibis indispensable atruetur.i, to get der contract made by Col. Gwynn. He along by such shifts ; but the great travel knows that the dy aud "job " work of Jas. ing public will approve no such niggardly G. Moore, which ho published at length, was policy. It is the duty of r..ilroad oompauies docio under contract made witu Col. O wynn, . .n.t that rotiMue raiiio Dare timatesof Dudley .t Ashley was for old work .. , , i . i. . .i i at uoldaporo auu eioewueie uu iui iuau aud simply continued in force upon the sanio only a short sigutsd uarrow policy can over-1 rccciveu iron, i,.u ... .u ., .,. terms He knows that the heavy brick work look both considerations. ,. c.rfi.i', a is stated, hut some tune I.e. was done under a similar contract with the So much for the need cf the Hotel : now ji'f, for collection tro.n this company, and chief eiiirinecr, by order of the board, long; for its plan. This was submitted to the ouly ascertained to have been paid by them " . ..n. r .i i i -. i .4.... ......An.m..i.i;. T'i;nt...r aa was not exneoted by me. - 1 lie knov s these things, or hi it wilfully irmrd him. the ;,.,.t I oni.lrl Up informed hi ru. t he 1 treasurer could hay infot ined him, or either : one of these men eould haye informed him. How thi n does he Mand as having mis-.ta- ry indulgence and liberal treutuient at my nanus, i neir ou.issiou irnu iuc it-pun o. tie tbiiruion is a plight I cannot silently allow. Let justice be equal to all. The chairman refers to one of the men engaged at tLis place, James (1. Moore, iu term and in a spirit not becoming his poi-i- tion. He calls Mr. Moore "a doer of odd jobs about the shot s." Any man may be a uoi-r of odd jobs" that are clean work, without reproach, but I dure sny the chair man VMil aree Willi me IU oritiiiiti, iroiu ins , , c i i v 1 J ,. , " , i i .readv to ihow 011:1111,11 i.ei-d be. .otony a.-e and txt.encnce of life, that the doit'L' ol : , . . . f , , , , n c, 1 , ' r l 1 1 1 a . knew better I L an .lr. files, lor lie is a inau ouu JOUS Ih Olieil very liai'l wuitt iiniuci than it seems. "j . -u. ...... it.. y. contracts made Willi L'UHIi'Y .smev, aiin w iih James G. Moore, by the chief engineer, Ltfoie my day; that they aero carefully looked into by mo and found, iu tny judo, nient, to be just, fair, aud expedient; that with Hudley & Ashley was for flaming a rid putting ou the unusuully heavy roofs ou the ahon buildings and the actual cost as less than any contractor would have bid on th work as a whole ; iu fact, very lew mechati- i ics in mi; couniry were aniu io uu ii m an, us it was work requiring much skill, and at- tended with much expense and danger, The estimates to these men on the house work were made according to contrcet with them, upon regular measurement by sq'tare, and stipulated pi ires, which show lor them . selves ou the bills, fuilv as low as Mich work 1 cnu be had for iu the country, aud the hole. . , i. i ;. ir , i , is auiine auu report on 11. i nc cnairmau .',, , :.,.. ;,. .ii.; .,.. ,,. leurrmauta ou a Kniiroad by " didinterested " 1 men. , d'l ..IJ T n k:. estimates made and '...proved by the chief 1 engineer first, and approved by me after wards, because considered right and fair, have been set forth as enormously cxtrava jant. ,' the chuirtitt'tt Itml ventured to Atuk titicl; beyond my term be would have "ound Moore s estimates there and be whol ly forgets that the chief engineer was in of fice up to January 10th, liot. The terms of Moore's contract were, to furnish bauds for any and all work required if b'uu to serve iu the shops, ou the en gines, or oars, on the road, or in any other apacity to board and clothe tbem, to lose a ost time ol baa weatner or otnerwise, ,, . , . , , , , .,, a sick time and to be so c y responsib e . , - --,fIUi.' l j , . . . would almost venture to assure him a oou- .,.o. fe .11 h..l., the marl as !., be' pleases, besides the privileges of wha'D- ir,1,a " n.o h r. .m r. d with n !ih.. ommtilora or fault finders nuestiou its sutTiciencv. Let him point out a defect iu ny 0f al' the work executed, passed upon, ami paid for by me, at tho shops or on the road. The hotel at the shops is a promiucnt fea- ture in the report of the chairman, as it is a prominent structure on the road, alike creditable, handsome aud useful. Heseeu.s dissatisfied wilh its cost. I should have becu better pleased mysell it it bad col less; but in all my experience of work, pub- lie or private, 1 have tiever yet learned the secret of doing, or having it done for itss ,..,. ; .,-r.riL If ih. nr.ler of the board, than it is worth. which bo rekrs to, had been so potent as to euablc me to make competent contractors build a proper house, at a certaiu rate, then I ought to be held responsible for not doing it; but if the board adopt a plan and order it to be carried out, what then! It could only be done, in this free country, at the ngni n A fi ttrtrt. usual rate of work The questions then are : 1st, Was the Hotel needed ? Let us enquire, as the chair- man failed to do so. A number of gers leave Columbia at ti P. M , travel ait night and reach the shops at 0 or 7 A. M. Do they need breakfast, or are tbey to pro- ceed to lioldsboro', or to eldou, fasting ? ceed to (joldsboro , or to i eiaou, tasting : In like manner, leaving eldou or liolds-,' of I nr 1. 1. M . thev reach the shops at 0 or 7, 1 . M. Arc they to have r.'J miles faithcr, fasting ! Ot Our 011 n..n-i lor dinner, on tiom trims, up auu ' .I..... !l dr. not live near enough t eat dinner at home, and all do not carry their dinners alomr. or fast. It micht answer to accommodate, ana it ie vuiir if the chairman pleases, I am not ashamed , l .r ;. lv... l. K...I tl.a hi.n afraid of it. Does bo find the house loo1 i large T The occupant think it is not larga I noufh. Is it extravaL-aut or ornaruental ! I nous h. Is it extravaL-aut j We thought it very plain.. ere the price ; high for the building! They were exactly at the rate estimated by the chief engineer, j "t coum nave UB J ,,? iJt ; . ------ . he M' l rirt, and he publishes a let ter from Mr. Fries, of his recollection touching tho matter. If the chairman had been nt tiie la-t annual meeting of the stockholders, (nbich.of course, he could not be, as he is no siockbulder.) he would have know ii that the rtcollceiions cf Mr. Fries touching this, atid other matters of equal importance, on the road, had proved deieo- as 1 (hen !i.tiiict.y rhoueu, ui.n am of worldly experience, that ibis hotel was needed ; and ho was therefore in favor of . ..j,, tiiit. His litter contains notli- . ' . . rcqumng "iy notice in terms, except that he as much misconceived my tone and manner, rcN-rrrd to, as he misapprcheuded my sets, and I miscounted on his apparent cordial co-operation in them last year. 'Ihe chairman savs, "what the several houses at the shops cost, your cotnmittco believe no one can tcli." The chairman "helitvcs!'' How can he properly liavu any belief without inquiring to h am ? Ami I a "ni ii -.iv. he did not inquire to kani, but to ciii.-ure. As to the cot of the whole, or any part cf the shops or buildings, of what ever kind, it i. ea-ilv and accurately deter mined, from bilN ot material, and from es timates, which are well known data. The chairman makes a di-eovviy, which he regards of (itretue consequence, as to the date r( enteriifg up estimates by the I ook-kfi r ; and he says, " this is not tba fault of tiie' book-keeper, but of the Presi dent " A true word, fir, in this report for oi. e, in so far as it applies to responsibility. The 1'rcMdt nt ought to be lesponsiMe for every fauit and omission of a rauruad. The chaiiuian forgot to add, however, liat, in the opinion of many, he Am m crrdit tie count. An act which can be censured, is his "fauit," no act which can be approved, is to his boner. ll'S the chxinuan JuuiiU CMS Hut as to this " fauit." It bis been In 1,?Ut. of Vlte' "Th attf!';1 ,' own business, ana to take all necuiul care of the same, recording to my judgmenf, as far as possible. Kstiuiatts and accounts lire in my charge, until hauded to the book keeper lor eutry ; and I have so far taken safe care of th. m. l'ayn.ents cn these are only made on my warrant, as President, aud it i not !r the treasurer, or any sub ordinate to look hi hiud thii Tarrant. I have, up to the present, managed to make no improper pa iuei:t, according to the very etriet auditing of tho board, and auditing committee, airxl have satisfied these as to) the manner of pTm".t-i. Ils the chair- - , k !., ,i man found any wron : if so he Las spared . ' me us exposuie- The chairman gives a statement of atation agents account-, suuiu uai-i.e---n by books. At the fir.-t time of his atten- dance, t.Jao. 4tli.) to bcgiu:t las exauima no ., 1 "trongly urged him to examine carefully "" rJ t one compiled f nearly perfect il otn various ro.itis, nau as nearly perfect in its cheeks and balances as possible. He never tiia extrnine a at au. This, by far the most important in its daily uses, to save all or lose much he did nut think il wwt.'i while t'J loi,k into one hour. In this department we mialit lose, any mouth, by a bad eyslem, more than he de- pl"es us lot in the accounts of McRae, Troliimer. and Andrews, in rents and inter- ests-but in this department there was po field of exploratiot, t flii't matter r, censure. If he had looked into tins he would have secu how it is (a thing every year requiring long explanations) that balances appear again.-, the station agents I-or instance ou Jlst of December, each a-ent (as is Ins daily uaiy mu .. .u. u ...... "t a n of frnght s.nt to every ether agent, and it is all charged up as aam-t the agent to whom sent, that day; but it is not re- cftvvd forto day- perhaps, by the agent charged with it, and certainly is not taken from his warehouse and paid for, in tVie """'' of lhr.emh,r. It stands therefore as a balance appearing against him, on the 1st of January-but His in goods not del. verc 1 tro.n nis warenouse or .u ii.oue.vuu. .cr . freights, buch a sbowin; is uujun and . w i i u u ii . v . v. u - , ho are thus made to appear as delinquents. when it i not so. These ants may cairn to bo at least as honest as the cl.atr-.nan. The chairman states tnr.-e cases wbere agents are in default and mis states all of the a 1 The one at C. iUi-boro will be only nine ii. " " ,i n'e tnoj.-an i iioiuu , '"' balance he promises to . - r j - - l-i.s w as owing to uncollected 'r" r'A ur...u. ...h uit, and the former agent u cotisiil- cred good for it As regards this oasu tho chain., ... makes au untrue and incorrect ' lenient oi. inlormatin. of the treaaurer, hr says, which he must have misunderstood, as the treasurer could hardly have given him a perverted ar.d partial statement. The credit lo this agent for account of Gen. Trollitiger, was for freights of lumber de livered to the Haw River Company. It was lime afterwards. I neither expect nor propose that the road shall lose this. I oti-

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