If JVw the South Carolinian. Sluve Trade Law. .1 i.. ...n-.id-n f. . Io conMdtring ibt propowhon ror 0f the al.y. trade la two uJ rMfi k"'--. ; tb of which i,j!dju",v ' . . T I first, the constitutional aspect. " tM A ter intruded that the control cf tho ques- should be given to Ccngrs, then the ,, fbould be repealed because of their Lr.nsiitutionality, nd thi posii.on might ...ken, whether the policy or expedncy f : iUm trwln ft ft iifrrtHin(i or , srtt,th.Mprtor.ip.dieDy. There 4 . ,il.inir of barcain in the olauae of the if re fp-1'" . ,. I" ni.liiiiff it obliiratorv upon Con- 1 ".torroh hit the trade Tit i. merely per- n. nolhing m-r. than' that ,..ie , n mco. s may prohibit after the year 1 H08. 1 Im. tben. W!I0 rearn im re uFuiU(r b Jieut for Southern intereat, may, with nronrir.V. and without any violation ' .Jf constitutional obligation or good In accordance with .his view, a ae'jn as the rf hi,ni for iti repeal. It,., leave, pretty , ircd ,ct of c 1 i ..round fr that larce oU whose in- i j . . . tTi Xl i ...W tho ir,D0Bibili.,,",",,"8 ,he lr"de wa ""bout any ' a,,d quietude of n.iddle portion in the , ! n sn1' wl "m,,,, KT"urD9;;it (,.c them, we cnau m um lu u"u jli, much tne iarfer F j in.' , j,, pct of expediency e h.H not con- Iut, as Ul. Vancey .loea liot. have l t gently f..,ven .H-uments again, . ( and j! tiew o. lae T....u .-- v ' i .A to it We turn, thn, to the ur.t lo , . i l ii l.t Concreaa tat nvu. u.uer .. I n to prohibit the Uve trade ! Col. an-: J r(C011.eud. not; here we lake ..ue ! I if a can demonstrate .a..faclor.ly that , intended by tbe franjer. of the Con-, ,ation thai iu. on n, oi .,ue.uUu : .-MlecivenU the led-ral Covernme.it,; - ta if prohibition, under ihe act. com-! . of, ia couM.tution.1, and the conut ;! wrrowed dowo to one of mere ex- i,rney.uponwiiien witn no miuoi. rouoo l-.rffuiLp, men lll be obligvl to meet i.,-h otliur boldly- ' 1 jr a eieor uiiderMandiiig, recourse mutt or u.,derMa....4.P, recourse rnu-i (,ut r,ric1n, lt ,,,, t upou ,Le ,r J(Je er for Miooting Cha., Tittermerry in Char o hid lo the Convention w bieh k(wr f lg Hs; Hon. K0berl Unrnwi-ll ltte, and tbe latter, charged with the mur-Coa-ititution ; we n...l know tbe ai j Ut tje fwB jn r,ferplle, ,0 ,hi, dc, cf Frederick Thornburg in Newton. if ciure I .be ;..ni of the m who were member of reiierai i.iiuvru.io,. w. ....: wu,AluJi( to ,j jt Q( i , r or t i Africans, .rjiuenliv were members of the Mate . . " . r .- j . ' lJ " ' ( . ,- f.i .. j be aaul, ' C ongrca-i ha puaranlied ibi right tfH ui mi i cu, i , l oove lilioil. 1 hey are the lallivra 01 ....1 ,kA , floder of'th. Christian religion, and t ,. .,a.iV. and immediate di-cude. a ' r . . , , . ' , , , . , ' . . , ir leal to the as the Utnera ami inter- ' ' ' , . , i-.iermf that creat monument of co.iM.iu- , . . ., . . . , .. ui aiailo.u. 1 h Copvention to form tbe M J . .. , , . t r.aiiiu.ion met in Iy. I Uv whol nbeuie i ft a ('oiiatilulioii had bei-o dieua-.ed, and ' " . a .,ne of the Convention ascertained on ' 1 ( of l ie inip irta.il poiuta, wbeu in J uly, : ' ,r . ,, , , J a iriiuintee of fire, of ubicb lr. Jluiiedge, ' L - r . ' r "mn v..rou., w.-. .p- t. ...i.. .t..r.v.i....,i.,;. f,, -I.,. f , , , .' .. er I r. . ...... ntm alr.-I aoreed iirtnfi in ( nn- r - 1 , I V", . . , ; . . . , . " ' . ' '.. bi . .,.....,-,, - - - - trail; una we man nonce, ina-. . --f lf at pear-ince, and sube.iijeiit dia- "... c . t. t a. .ii n, are alike aigniR-ai.t. 1 he claue f . . ... , . .ii l being grants of power, aud tec i 3, 4, T, t and 7 being reservations ; ,i,f rence being that, without these re . itioua, (he objects to which they are di :J would fall under the control of Con- Ihe fi lowing i (he rxpraaaion rf the h nection : "No lax or duty al. all be I neeiion ; .a laa or uuiv snail ue ,1 i ; !.,.,,.., .,,:.... . .r.v.l I n . Ji.i. t.er nn tie n I. ration or kr-.a.ionof su. hper.on. as the several I.... i -i .i...t . .,l,..;i . .,.,r .I..H jth migration or intportatiou be prohibit f- ' The infsrene is plain tLa it waa t u.'ht t.'ce-.ary to make this lisert aiion, ft rrsim- etport. and Afiicana would loth I- f . ir lut'j. ct of Congressional legi.'ation I 1 ii.iereGi-e is fully aud thoroughly aub at -.-i-ined by iuWquct.i rvelatitis. W'h. n fi i i tiou c-.me up for con.ideratlon, the I -t claute in rt f. rence to exports waa ac ;ttH. It was then proposed to iuttrl the i it A "fr.-e" before the word "peraons," p..'h would have reversed the expression '' (!, clause. Tbe matter was Ihtn dif- . -r 1 . Tbe South Carolina delegation, lifitiifh Mr 1'it.eknev. Gen. I'liicknev I I i.ov. llutledge, Ma-luj emphatic ul'y I: .1 South Carolina would never reoeue I f plan, if the slave trad waa prohibited. I as ml!y di termined to commit this I i'1-e of a. cviou fourth, with section fifth, f 'erring to eapitalijn, and Section sixth, I'-rritig to navigation acts, to a special ti.iiiee of one from each Mate. l or t lit a.o.itment. both South Carolina and Geor-1 t a voted. Son,c in.L ji fnce is also to be ! coed to tbi fact, at they wr the two ' t' it-, that slru-eled for a continuation of I Hade. South Carolina was represented I .i .. i l . t ' mo vviiiiuivier, wuico couaisic'l Ol OO : S,' i t - u each Stale, bj Gen. I'inckuey. What done iu coiuiuittee, aud how the eon-' ! "ing interests were adjuated, is not en-j I lj unkiiown Luther M trtio, in his fa- j Ii ui letter, thut apeak of it. Hi: says, ' I li; committee of which I al-o had th j 'tor t be member met, an 1 took usj- j i r coq.id.ration Ihe aubjeot. eoui.iiitted to , I'm. I found th Eastern Stales, notwilh-, ru ling lacir aversion to slavery, wore ' 'J "i-iing to indulge the Southern State. List truk a trnipnrurif liUrij to proae- it. ll,. .! 1....I.. ... ...H...I !, V .i . ,, ,, , , , r . e i ex? tcit in favor of the power and r. i hi uf t Mr liutlcdge, aud . eiguiticai.t of his ., ' Li.-t.ie i ' , . f , . . . . ( o.ifc'reea to prohibit the trade af.er the yer ,n, eoi.eeriiiiiff the rigl.l ef Congress lo , .. . . , , ' . Z , , . i .i i .... -,!?u Even those m favor of te trade Ir :r! lbs TilK-n under the general grant , . . . ,. . , ,' ,.,-. I ,i....i,.r. ''vtr pretended to deny this. Nor esu a fl ;acr delegated to It. Ia that draft, ar-i . , . . .., I 1 ,-u e , . r c . . i'"l!'e initanc te furtiibe1. lo wnom, It Lxtia would, iu their turn, gratify them, Thou lil.ES.Il is id that the difficulties be M I t Isjing no restriction on navigation aetj ; tweeu the Imperial Honaparti.t. and the de- f -d after . liule time, th. oommittee, by J gr.-at majority, agreed on a report, by j I '' Ii the General Government wis to be t-'diil.iied from preventing the importation' J I n'm.-s f.jr a linutrd tmif, and th restrio- ' 'c'.au relative to navination acta waa ' I'l. omitted." The report of the commit- f' sis worded at follows : " Tho migration ?' 'i'.ortatioo of aueb peraont a. the acve-; til Nttca, now existing, shall think proper; ' t iunt, shall not b probibited by th '"Sivlatur prior to the yearla(IO." The i I ,nge frem the original clause will be ap ""it; the nutrtion of the word, "now S-i,tn, " sbowa that thev did not intend j y Dt-w Rtato to tak the benefit of the in I f 'Ig'tiee. Gen. I'inckney moved to inaert t I"'! i.iit...! f 1 UIW1 tl. M...K h opposed it, U, did n.-it want an re?i f '"" " Hit time. Gen. l'iiickney. by yto I mg the exten,ion, aud Mr. Madison, by ,'Pisiiig it, both evineed that when the lim J 'hon expired ihey expected Cengres to i oxtoute me power ten porariiy ? ''Tended. When the ejuestion then came l' 'o tinend the Constitution, Gov Itutledge j pi'id tbe proviso, which wa tcceptcd, ! at no ariier,.l ....... I l.:..t. 1 . . 1. , ..vu,th ivini-ii ii.i-ub uc. maul "' ll' Jr 1BIH, fhould in ny man tner affect the lit and 4th clause in the I ninth section of article 1. Colouel Yanoey .1 !. - 1 .1 . .. 1 . ...I . ciaima irom una niat an amenument w me Con8titulioD Le r(,qllircd before Con-1 But the plain ' f ,Liproviso Wli ,0 prevei,t any anienduicnt, by w inch tbe extension until the year 1&08 might be revoked. The ex- pro!(sjonf .iprjor to tll8 yesr i(j8," ii the tume M Ula, used jn t,l(j faU(lt f(jr f x,cn . ,.i0Ri ,na Miowa that the provi.o was limited ' t0 tU particular case it WM jljte,c(l tQ uictt futcr the year 1808, the limiutien . . - ' I TLe oJ(ct of (be 4. .:.,. i ,l. ..f..,i ana tbt power of LunercbS was rviveu waa lo prevent l.rl nnf ofl1. ... .' .' . f.re?" .'7 m SZ T I "U1 After the year fcOH lb. j ptholo con'rol over the trade, winch .lie ira- , ie constitu of t; Con(lti(ution conceded waoi ,, . - iu1,,( r-,,.,.,, ml,. ,,. f nnlmr . . ,..:Jf.j : f,.ii r r.. .. . .1 d iu full force, and it then I """P1 "PP0'"'"""" i ... , , could have been mailo. . , ' , ..... . ' . . AfUr M leen fome(, waa mbniittcd to conventions of the ave-! r,l Statea for ratification. Here, a.-ain. wo ! Ci.d tho nie opiniona expressed. Uawlioit ! j0WuJi.s ,hg Collllitutiotli bcc,uw Conurcaa woulJ have J 0 prohibit the Uade. H. brought , ,ba ft)rt0 of hii eioqucu!e t0 bear upon . ,. j L n i it - He used the follow inn expreuMve Ian- .. r.f . ,1,.- - . .,wu r ',.,... ' iuijt u, ,t ,! " He was fully improved it(l fU tUt hg tra(a , to bfl lim. ! .od ,(it t M,irilli0B of tbe ,. ,y Congrew would prohibit it. G p- , ,inlilI( a,,; Rll. H (Jof Kl,ed .ll0 LlJ ltoa of lU( j.VJi.ra 0onv(,lt0D( ere ,u ber, of he , MaturtJ wn(. M! and Co. Untied, .!, bad been member : assertion M IDajp Vet not one of them repudiated ,ha ,A,r,i(jn tlllt ,Le WM C0I1fine,i t0 tenty yenri. (Jon . I'inckuey aeknonlede-'d qiie-tion, he was "particularly pleaded.'' 1 , . - . (l . . 1 J "- P""n' Rt ,1,e "P'"'""' c'' ' ";0"" W " roulinue tt al pleauri. nt fo lo the .orth Larolina l.ouveutioti, bi land Ibere vre fiod the tame inlerprelatioa , . , , . , ., .. r, . . placed upon this claune. Mr . Sipaight who J . , . . - . '. . bad ai.o been a men, bar of the Federal ,. , .. , . . , , . onveii.io.i, atated "that the iiniitatiiti ot ,,...,,,.,'.. , , ,, ,.. ..... ' . . . , . - . ' . eoiiit.ron.iyA bet-jreen the K.itern and outL u- : ,,. en nn lhrou ,h i . . i . the tihcr Co.iveiitie,ns and giv-j extract, but r -i it would be aureifl ioua. In irgima, in , -, v. . ia...ir. r.,.. - - (litre waa au ixpre'iion of or.ir.ion on tho ... r sui ject, .1 waa an ot-imoo a 'ninal the coo- truelioii held by Mr 1 ancey. In (he whole - t iry of .he iiij.-etioti, from its eriifio iu tba I cdeial f ...I... .L .L ..I.. , , . . , . ... , , . ' 'wherever any oriaioti ia expreed by the ... f ' . . ' . , Fathers ol the(oii.itutioi.it ia c ear and men, are w tg luro or .UiermailOn, II BOl t ) thcee men ? Wbat further evidence can be rerjuired lhan ihe expreaioti of .he Con- s.ilutir.n, and lh rcucurrent testimony of the wiaa franiera If nM1. Li .! enn L. . I'll gien, then w contend that the right of , Congress lo legi.Ute againt the trade it a constitutional one, aril that the repeal of . , "",e nan Oti.j bo dematiJed on (I Bru,,l 'hat llie trade would be eipeiii- eut (o' lU iU; 'J' t,"' Mr- Vat.cey n.ust cr.iiis. A be does not touch the question cf expe.lieticy, any rrp'y to him on that point wauid be out of place If, then, the ground he stand, on be not only questionably but conaiituliona!ly un tenable, doc be not imperil the State P.ighta came of the South by linking it thi-reti! I'oea his policy promise rreater strenuth to the South than (hat defined hv Mr. I'hitt and other Southern leaders, who eouns.-l the South to avoid all i-sue. not inline.! iatety e.inneeted wilh the aggraaioi, I the North! It behoove thoae who lis lined to hi iirriii2 appeal, mid ti.ne lio read them in iheir living am! rndurin vig or, when conveyed in print, to weigh well J' consfiiu 'i.ees, and to sound thoroughly th grounu upon which, with more of intre pidity than judgment and circumspection, be invil.s the in t fullow bim. Novel F..;rih or July Celihration The I'oui.h of July a a celebrated on the ,lluin'il f l'rospcct, nearly .1,000 feet above the sea levl ! At this extraordinary !litud, two thousand people assembled, and while the ehillv winds fwer.t over the smnn.it, and the clouds hover.-d aroond the ,.r, I r .' : -.. . . u .--" i iu,. lau.ou iiiotiniaiii, nn don honor to our nation' birth dav. An enthusiastic celebration took place also on the Tippecanoe battle ground Thcro were about 1 000 oldicra fiotn Louisville, Cincio- j nati, Indianapolis, Ac , in th encampment, ' nd from S.IMHJ to 1 11,01)0 civilians. Among j these who participated in the exeicisea were number nf the b. roes of Tippecanoe ail 'd nieo, but Still possessing the metal of th youth they were. I ; kTTI.EMXVT flF Tilt: I IK A ! A a T E I- lull V : scend.nt. of Mr. I'.llrr.on, of ' IWti.uore, ' tbe former wire or tboOukeor Westphalia,; "re in tho way of being composed. Tho Emperor hat ollcrcd to make her oo .Ie- ; ro"' lu ItT, aud her grand son, Jerome, who crraduated at West I'oint. and ia now i the army in Italv, a Count, iih suit a- ' ble pecuniary endowmeiita for the rank, if tufJ "ill formally renounce all claims to the name of Honaparle. Tho parties in in- icresi, u is lurtiier ataisa, nave tno matter under oontideration, and it seem to be the impressioo of ihcir fiieadi that the proposal will b accepted. Tho Cincinnati Israelite, the organ of the Jewish people in tho West and South, niakea the following strange declaration: "A re gards the Me"iah, we in the United Statea are satisfied with the Mesaiahship of Wash ington, just as (he prophet Isaiah wa satisfied with tbo Messiahsbip of Cyrua." (WTbe ship Atlantic, Capt. Silvia, which oloarcl from New Bedford for the Indian Ocean, baa been seized on suspicion of inten ding to go to Africa for a cargo of !avoJ- A Delicate Kebuke Mr. Webstcri wrote, after continued provocation, to the ...i: t . . ...foee.." te. Liu cunur ui a ui-wsp-i.t , - - .-. private af..,irs, and especially to his not pay- ing his debts, lie Mid substantially : "It ia true that I have not alway. paid my debt punctually, ana mat i owe money, vne cause of this is, th:t I have not pressed those "ho owe me for payment. An an in- BUnoe of l enciose your fatbor note, uiade to me thirty years ago, for mouey leIJt him to educate hi boy." Pit. Hawks. We learn from the Raleigh . , ., . . , , ., ... c """"" wi iiiwiiu; ui ... a r us.ie.-a Hiidard that at a meeting of the J ruateei of the University held in that city on Thura- il revived to t.udor to the , J . cho)ar nJ hiorU , - .. . ,,. . ,, . ' . lr" ."P 'n . ,eJ V ... ., , ' ! of the state. J he " Ptandard " tLii.k he i No better one The I'rofeni'orHhip of Hhetoric and Locio will be lilted by thu lioard of TruKteea at their annual meeting iu December next. W The Hon. Dvlaxon Smith. ex-Senator from Oregon, has been dropped by tbe Le- cilature of (bat precocious State. Dclazon fported the Senatorial robea juot eeve.it.-en days, for which valuable service, he pock- etcd the compensation of 810 0U(, of which 7,00 waa for mileage. DayEARC or Cong ft ess mem Elect. Three of the member, of Congreaa elected '.'! l!'e m'xt, J'ou ' I'-?Pr""'tie have died Hon l homas L. Harris, .n the J dirtr:et of Illinoia; Hon- Cyrus Sp.nrk, j in the 1 1th di-trict of l,io ; and Hon. Wil limn O. Good, in the fourth district of Vir- f - ""a "pre- : t . . i. . i n rO Gov. Kllis ha. offered reward, of S.'iiO, c,c,, f0P tl9 apprehencion of Owen Nor.uent and Kobt. Keibhardt, the form- MiiltE A KRICASs. Mobile Mercury say We heard a gentleman who is up to snuff ' . ,w ete: ljl . i j , ,t - , I ""'- ".-.Mi., a it it . f"?., and that .he oaptain of the craft that brought .hem wa. in our e.ty-he had aeen j . , r , e. , . him and. talked with him." . . ' u y J he llaletgu ManrlarU learn, that rre-ident JSiicbanan ban taiidered to lion. 1 M. Hurring.-r, of this State, the mission lo Ctiitral Ameiica; but that Mr. H has fdt hiin-el( con-traiiied by personal con-idera-tion to decline tbe appoiutujcnt. C0NSIGNKE3 TER ( IMRM.TTE AM H. C. BAM, R"An, rROM . TIIK 1 !l M T(i THE 'J.jtii Jl LV. C. W. t C. J. Hamnier-'kold 12 pack- a - 'e, J. Harper Si .on. 10 pks, T. K. t'ho- r.r.l 1 l... r 1 II 1. i I l. I ..-'. . j -,, , ., ,. . ,, ,, . , let 1 A A. 11. Ilortou 4 t kgs. ' " SprciaJ .o.itei. Cm cn, Coi na, PaosfHtTi. Asthma, faocr, W'nooriko ( o. oii, Diasasra r r Tiir. Taniir ami (.UN..-, ,-ini I ci tansAar Arm notta of tl.e vereal Ijpe, art quiekijr cured by tlial lung tried and isii.,!,,! rr,....u IMC. l Is r A It's U W. M OI M I l.l f II Tit III . -y a well known t.i.ior: "Tins ia truly, " '"'" hlrs.ing to mv.l.da. It contain, th . is , in i c principle of tld flierry.tbe bal. I propeitu of l.r and ol pine, lia n.prerli en is. sre n.itifle.t alt, r Ihe true principle ul 'hemi.iry are all balsamic, and lliere'ore sale1 f-ti. foiii-i.., folds, Ciisumpiinn, 1 an.. Br,.nrhi;.l iroiil.lea disapar ui.nir it bal. aao.ic mlluence as ll.uii)h charmed a w . y. Prob ably no medicine h.s , r att uned so xle.ioeo a s.i c or ace. i, .i:.aied so ii.uil. eooii as Una re. liown.d II, ..,. - I a.svit r r, (m v, Ft hrnary Cli. t0. M s.- Smh W. Fowtt A Co., II -..ton. M .... (irntUmtu: Al toe rt i u at i-f your Traveling ' Ai;. i,i, I jjite y,.u a statement of my experience in Ihe use of Dr. Wislir's Ihiotri of Wild t h.-rrv. I ti.v.- Ikiii u.n.o it for tr.i years ir mv Ui.iiO, for Cs it. d I oiiolis, ai.j hare found it the mint tiurnrtuut rem.dy t,,..t I h.rc ever tried. F,r Cue!.. .... I (.,;.,. , , l, ,i.:. o i !.. ;, ... he . n ec.t.ei.t me, num. Krspe, nuily your. JOHN II. RICE. The (-en ii i tie article avay has the written nature of . HI TT " oi. me wrapper, and i lor ! s.le by all reaneet .ble Dm jji.ts ever v where. Prepared ny !. V. HlW LL A i 0 , 'l.l,Tov, an. f..r a .le by E. Nye, Hutc hison A v o., Cliarlolte VC. ,J3 ( ommov rE rulea the ttnii of the people, whati v. r Ihe misnamed end misanthropic ph.lnao. pliers may any to lite eonlrary. Shew I he in a ,.-l lhiii ; l-l its nier.ls be clearly demonstrated, and they will not hesitate tn give ll their must eor. dial p,.trnnnjr. Tne m. saea have already ratified the judgment of phyao ian, cno-nniii; the vir. lues of HON I L IT ER'S H1T1LRS, , ,,f seen in the qu.nl. ties ot this medicine that ars an nually a ,ld in every section nf the land. It is iio-.v rccujriiiied as ;renlly superior lo til other murines y l devised for diseases ol the dtix .lire ig n: ai " 11 h as ciiarrl il-i, dysentery, dyspepsia, various I, vers th.it arise from iieri.ntre. ",rnl "' I""""" oi the ., .t ,.t, "e i rapidly Iweonuni; a household ,,rrl uv iMteomll.e a Household w.rrt. Irom the Pacific. Tr the article ami be .i,.t,,..i' "' Sold fv all drue.s.s in the world, and bv E Nye Huilibison A Co., Charlotte, N. C. cj.'l i j THE GREAT ENGLISH KEMEDY. M It J V M I s I. It K t "S ' ' I Clll. t:i!lt TI 1 I'l; VI 1 1 t' f ' 1 1 I ; i.,ror d fr(ini , ,.'.,,.'', nf sp j cir,P' sj" ! Ll., Physician Extraordinary lo Ihe Queen". j Tin well known medicnc ,. no im,...t,o,. h.u ,ur' "nJ l",le "'ineily for Female DiHirultica ami i Ohau ucliuns, from any cause whatevtrj and al. J s "mm-uv, ii.r, eoiiia.n lloinine lh a powerful rei liutuul lo Ihe cnnalilutii.u. To ;tiiri i-l l.nll- It is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, ZZyr,!:;;;;: Tiksk Pu.t.s iisvk Nr.vica ra- know.. wnr. tub disf.-tions on the tfn rana n anty. a) To FA II. or raHeii- ,rT - "" " l"'rt" u illsrs, gel a pamphlet, free, of the ; - n t ...a c i. .. j . uiin.ri xed aeeni, will insure a botile. contain. n i .... p. na ny return man. jimi itli ir-l.s, id besti r, N. Y ., Gene ral A.'enl fur the L'. Slates , it Canada. Sold in Charlotte by SCAR It A Co., and all res pcclal.lt Druggists, 1) Se rsior, in i the advertisement of S..ndfc,rd'i another column. TT See the advertisement of Wood's Hair Pye 1 another column. WHKAT WAXTKI). O HE planting community will lake notice that viv their Wheal Crop will he purchaaeil al the ('harlot te Steam Flnurinr; Mill, at market prices. Those having Wheat for sals may find it lo their advauta-a to call al the Mill before closing a aalc JOHN WILKKS ,t CO. July UG, 18j9. aotf WITNESS TICKETS, for the County and Superior Court, for sale here. Temperance Meeting. A TEMPERANCE MEETING will be held t Millard Creek Church. the 12th nf An. fii't next. It is expected that tl.e Rev. O A. ; lurny. mv. Darbv. I! S f- ll,rr ReY. K. J M.-rnierdic : ro. W. M. G icr mid oll.cra will be prrnt, nml several teinre'rance addresses will k celm-rcd I A rie.N.c w e ,in b. ;M.II.,d (Wk l..i.. ; i ,., which . .. ftieod. M J" ;" , t..i ti .... We hope to ace j;kci turn nut, . tMKt' nr.. - - I Mrs. M. H. Carscn rrn.L re.nprn Si ilnl, n her I I reidenee, on the fi r-1 -mri of September, IH.'ii). Teuiia muile kn on npi.lietitinn. July 2fi, 18.-.9. 124 To Farmers and Country Mrrehnnls. j. v. itui xi: A .. tr,V. now i irriiif to the puhlii- the :,,(r,t mid l..tt .iMortm.nl of l(0 I ttll.S ever brought lo In k market, cniisiptin ul t'Or'FKK, M iAli, MOLASSES, SALT, the bfst kino or UAUCING. HOPE and TWINE. , . AIM, r . 15.00O pc uniit pc-io eountrv cured 15 .con. .Joitit .. .,, nf ..,,ir wi try Pr.,d,.,n. I O. 1eimree S.i)e, C.rd, will be n!d low for CASH or Conn. I'nme and See, we don't chirsre for Im king at thein. JulySli. Ijr ATI i;.m I AKUI ! fnin: Maic plow. (Patented t.y J p. av arna.of M taaiaair.i ) t.aeaaea the nilvan- tngc of eonih'n.njr FOt'R I I.UW.S IN ONE. It can be 'aiil FIVE timea and .Inrpeiieii TWh.LVE time wiiliout the aid nf a Riaek.rnith. It can be uea the hi-le teaaon without uny additional expenae. For l al the CUAKLOTTE FUL'NDftY. Jiy 19, f5H. 1 -f loo nu.iu a AjAuiu.uiii (.lug vicua. mi,. TirftTI-B T'vh'lilMnn Vr in n Tfl nA a 1 ... mmr w - AwmuHQ ii; v. uirixfjn, FO HIS TWO PIANOS. LONDON OCTOBER 15th, MEYER. re.p.ctfully hi friends amt il.e public ..e-ierali that Ii l.i. ianlly on h mrf I I ANOS.eijuil t-.tlm. f-.r which ived the I'riz Medul in l,ondvn, in H.il. - ha n,C--ivcd during tl.e iu.i ti'leen yc ir more ' MEDALS lhan any outer mi.aer from the Fr .nk iin Inti.ute, alao, Firat tiremiunia in lb-ion N. w York and B-il.ii.iore. All ore. r. p.o.np.l y am nd. ed to, and rc-al c;ire taken in t lie aele. tton and packing the same. J Warcrooin. N-. Til A rch !ref t , below Eighth, soii.h side, Philadelphia. July I'J l til ( w. i in. 1. 1. it. i'iiii. oi:mmii t, li.i.orl r I ntlKiOillH, 'I lOYS. HEADS anu ( ON FECI ! N EI!S AR. .A. 'IWLE, t lima D ill.. It, eh Vases, Toio-i littiei, Ioks with tip nr. a. Jewel and lard lie. ceivcrs, Et.igere Anicie, A.e. I.Htl tyl.a of g'K.da eonalnitiy received and ..id at the verv iow. til ea.ll j.ric.. W. 'I II.LEft, No. H South Fourth Street, P.cla.ielpi.ia. l! .'KOTO tl,a i ' ILL he receiv.d by tfe Ex ' ILL he receiv.d by tre Clltl Com. 1 W initl-e of the M'eklenburc Af roll, I Soe.eie, tor EN UISU THE NEW FA IK CiiiOl'.iDS and Erecting Sl'ITAKl.E IIOI'SES, ttiereo,., until Saturday of Ihe Jjiy County Court. Utda in u at ail be in hr noon of 1'i.t n-iy. l-'or plans, Ac., applv to Gen. JNO A YOl'XG, or Dr. 0. J FoX nf the Eztevlur f'ommittrr. J'i'y V2 ' l-.'ll v A.vrr.n. ISV li e Charlotte HARREI. COMPANY. 0 J COOPERS. Also, ;s.OOl Feet nf O.k 1 1, - -. 'J ioel.es wide. ( Satlotlr, July li. It."9. and Pop' PUNK. If-(f S. T, WKISTON K T KFI'S rnr..tn(1 v on h-.nd, wim '.-snit- .inH re tail, i'uM and com p li te uMrlmnit ol lIaI. AM JAPAN.M I) tix-wai:i:. which will he sold LOW. g sOl N'TEi: SCALES. F.nant, led Since anrl Stew Pant, Glue Pota, Wallle I ons, Ac, for sals by S. T. WIMSTON. i riV'tl.ET SFH'S, a superior article, for sale 1 . I S. T.WKiSTO.VS. C1ASH, Deed, Sp': -e and Dressing UC'XES for sale by S. T. WRISTON. rjniT.s vr.c,i;T.iiiai:s. sVlaBV 1 STONE Ac fn. Srrrw Top GL A5 JARS i for preserving F'ruils, Vee. tal.l.t, Slc, the hel article now in use, for snle bv S. T. wiuston. (OKICJ STOVES. f $'it!SSSa7 pi A FIT.I. ASSORTMENT of COOKIMi and ether STOVES, will be romtintly on hand. m.rkei k. S. T. W IUS1 O.N. fr;u.7sie 14. 1859. Hit The Old Aoilli Male, forever. LOOK HERE, FRIENDS, and felh.w.eil.ien.. will yon hnv the noble STATE OF NOR I 11 I AHOI.INA I lfso, .e-icl lo the uhseribers, or tubscribu lo the County Agent, for this New, Large ;ui .TSHcuiliceiit .t1 :i . And you will get the whole Slat, with her Rivers, Railroad, Gold, Copper, la-ad. Iron and Coal Mines, and all the Cities, Towns and Vill ,j-es, her noble Mountains and&priii; and her Fields and i r lowers. If vou want lh GOLDEN" PRIZE, row the time. Map seven feel hv n. Border views nf the State lloiiae. Insane Asylum, Chapal Hill, Male and Female Colleges. Ac', Ac, one of the rhtaprtl snd kttt Mips ever published. l'EARCE &. HKST, lltllsboro', X. C. AGENTS W ANTED for every cunty )n the Slate. Terms iberal. Apply as above I Ja'v 12 IS mm DRUGS ANDJIEDICINES.! E. Nye Hutchison & Co., j ; imvivs oKM;it, ! i Il.tt.'i.OTTi:, .V. '., i I Wholesale and Retail Dealers in j foreign ami domestic Drue;?,. Medicines il'lieiiiieiils, Ii K receiving freali und genuine I I'-T" from tin-New Vurk Milr tfr2T ! j In t. wl.ir.h h( been (lurjj, chimed upon Riieh lerri.M' 'i f'H In he ...Id Inw for cl, ft, J " f' We would r.'.pee' I n 1 1 v r 'j ' I ' the a.lrntuin of the & I U j lie to nur flock u.1' Purr Wl I.i-nd. Snow White Zmc, ( I rome Vel. hrome flrcen, l'an (in.i e, Himit I'mber, t'o.l.er, li-.l lih.ek I.ilhnr-'e. Spnnith lln.wn. Vi nitian Ked, Lamp Hlck, Urou liiock, Whitinp. Wy I t' Et a B a SI 'Znim Eng'nh I'liii-iliinu, Kurnilure, Cop.il, rietnre, I'.i. ini.r, Orbcun. Brown and Ii!ick. Limee.l, Tanner'a, Trnin, (.iiril, HI.iehtJ Ty, I.n. hncotinc, Keroa. ne, Si a Klrphunt, I'ure Sperm, Clor. Sweet, (liee, foil t.iv, r, liiirniiir Fluid, Turpentine, Aleohol, Pure French llranrly, (Jhl Madeira Wine, Port and Sherry, London Pe-rter, Freeh fotigrcfia Water, . ilrate M-ipneaia, Jee So. da Water, Cantor. Tuua. Ha ki-r'l Ct.nenla le, For. eiBii Perltinu ry, Sulphate (juiuiiie, ( 'piiiin Si.uff, Toh.eeo. S, er. A c. A c. Cia.ofe, Mmr 14, IK'.H. 4lf IJ. 31 A 1 1. MM-!. to ri:.ifi:M,t;ns. WOfLI) inform (he public that I have con. lriel.il lor the mail line from Millahorotich to I ' ( hapel 11-11, In run d oily on and u iter the ll Ju ly, and Hint I have ju. tilled up aevernl new ann fury Coailna, Willi yood tenina, and Will lull to Connect Willi the M.ul trnine on the N.irtli Caruli na Itailr-ad, K i.t and WVat. I will alao have j Muck ready al the llepot meeliiif with Ilia Ex. I pre- train--, to carry peraons to any point they may dt-Menitle, M v coachea ate -jood and new. 'with caret ii I and ex peric need ori vera, anil bv a prompt .timtioii the ro: v-iitenne oi tlie public. .. . r.. . .... , 1 llOlie lO.nenia IFOOil !Mreot Da tr Ofia IIP. .-"laec otlite wrHijfje riotel, iititnooro , uuin. ne'a Hotel, Ch-ioel lliil. JAMES 11 GATTIS, Covtrnctnr. ! July IS, Ixj'j. l-J-iw Charlotte Female Iiblimle, ii itl.oT i i:. . '. Iv. R. r.l'RWEI I.. Prinfipal. J0. D. Ill RWELL. i 11., ixsitiuul Prim-ip "V rpHE next S. ..ion of the above in-ti- e-y,ei 1 tu.tun will continence on the 1 4 1 it .ct. : tl.e fire! commencing the Ihe second nil the lllth nt F b. a a vacation oi two wecas al l l-l, ol S. pl ruf.ry. Tim I hrielma. i rnnn ! Eoird and Ttiili- n in Engii.h Praiict.es. , n I for term of SU week ( J "W Well qualified In.tr.ietora in Music, French, j Painting. Ae., will he employed. Tite huil'iine. which ia apjcmtis and elegant, is ; situ, i d in a retired and elt vaten purl of the town. ll i. Iirtiled w tn Oi,, furnished with room fort balhine, and III Winter is war-lied bv a lurnaee. F'.r Catalogue coi.tnining full psriieuhrs, ad dresa Rev. H. WJinVELL, ( lini fottr, A. C. July 5, 185J. Great Sacrilicc at Morrow's TlM.NOri'. in form the nn. 1 JL plen iirreiitiiiuirr c-.untrv, thut tm-y pricisnf their stock, consist, j have reduced tl.i Iry (icouls, fiidy-Made ( lolliing, iSHOT. SllOllS, A nr a prr.it vnrifty nf other Gnoiii", wluch wil! he n!H fpirtiirM to copt. COCNTHY rKOl'UCE taken in exchasge. Robe Dre.sea worln I . H at J S'l hhawia snrth 4 I'll at 2 l:fl Mantillas worth .", ID at 2 611 I ll.niiets will, i H I I) at .1 .,0 I Hoop Sl.iri worth S in al 1 I'.i j Faal co.'d Prints worth 15 at 10 nie iehid anc unloi.irlic.il Rinii .lies ut New York Priei a, and all Goods kept in Store, sold in propor tion I', the above prices. HAMMEKSLAO & MKNPALLS July 5, Ip59. 17 If Ma.uie Oil, Maie Oil. IliESH f-l'PPI.Y, just received and for sale, 1 bv E. NYE IlLTCHISON A CO. Jur.,'2?, 18.-.9. A Great Uatllc to beFondit! r 1 1 1I E subscribers intnrm the ciiirens of Chr- lolte and vicinity, that they hue on h ,nd and are constantly receiving, a superb assortun ul of Elegant FURNITURE, superior to any Hung that has ever been nffi-red hi thi section. 'Pi, tir stock consists in pari of the following articles : Solas, Tile Titea snd I). vans. Cane Boli. on Racking Chairs, M ilioponiy and Cun Seal Parlor Chans and Rush llolloni Chairs. Mahoganv and Cane Bottom Rocking Chi.:rs, ar.trohes and Bun au-, Mirble aim Wih.iI Pop Centre Tablea, Marble Wash Stands and Sinks, Card snd Work Tahlea, M.ihoeany and Walnut Exu nsirn Tiblrs, M .he I'.inv, French and EIiiiIkUi Ri-saleans, S in.t Nois and Pari, r D. aks, Look. eg Glasses from H to 7tl n Pair, S. Ii-Roekinc Cr , d!.s and R.-elining Chairs, 'Pucker's Patent Snrinr; liottoin Ii. .isle.ida, Cnnopus wilh Lace Ncilini;, and .M.srut-to Birs, Cottage I'urniture by the set. Ir, i, and Wood i r..,i k.. Gilt Moulding nf all sues tor m,.Liiij. Glass end I iclnre Frames. ALSO Everv kin! of materials for ale generallv nr.i by Catni.et Makers, such as G,ue, l.-ecks knobs. H.ngis. Walnut, Mahogany, Ae., Ac. And last, though not least, we keep always n hand s supply of Fi$k'$ Mctiillit l;nriiil rases. J. M SANPEIIS Si CO. ( hailollr, Vay 3e li5:i. 1 1 tt" Tax l.i-l. T 1 HE Town Ta Lift is made ont, snd Is now ; in my band, tor collect. on. It is to!ute. ! ly necesary that Ta Payers settle inunedlati ly, : as moncv i needed. ' S. A. IIAliKlS, 7'e'f Collector, Junr 7, IS.VJ. Jlf ' fWr)'S'IIE p'lrtnerohip hereinforn wtWP.ji ' 'l"'l! Iwlwct-n Mre. tlv. ' A? iVir.i' Jl.Vnl Mr. Wimii f, n lhi o , y i miit.Mliy molvi!(l. E.icii j'tiit in lelfierins: .0 the l-xlieii of ('liur lotte anil vicinity. Un-ir kmil-t-t tlnnka fur their lilwrnl pntron. are. hilkineRH will ftill he cnndii--t.-d by Mr.. IIAWI.EY, at the houe lite. It ore.ipred hv Hr. J II. W.ivt, n.-xt to riaioii'i. 'I'm Ka.Hhliahinenl, where Millinery a.i.l l)re .Making will heeaeculrd with everv etT-irt to ph- .ae. K. A. IIAWLKY. V. WINDLK. June CD, I MO. 1 7tf .1. f;. WILKIXSON ,V ( (.. DEALEhS IN WATCHES, JEWELRY, ti; SILVER nml I'HTEII WIRE. AND No. 5, (ir.niiti- H inre, opp-if ite the M iiin .ii ll-iimr, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Al- ntion riven to Ut -pi'iti utcli.H A Jewi Irv. Junr 7, Ir.VJ. IJM Notice. A h rfnn nrr l:t rr tine with piiii. or y ;iiihfiicii ;ir tirifl linn '"ft "i fflnntf Willi lift tncklr, t in ii y iMf-iiii: ii'"M ii will !.u lift- :y i 1!1A l'AMKS. 13tl I.. forPi'd Miitnnt i June 7. ..!). SHiiiur Off Jil Cost! rr- AIINWKILEK IU;K. int. I'tirrxlly, Ihiit llii-y are eelli SIDIKI! (iOODS Ai.o I.a.he. Drena tioo.l. and C. r,!'-. , no n' Fiiriit-inii-j O'-ou. I hi! uno .'X-itnitM our ) atock aim aupfily ytur Ive. In ai.liiitn, wa would inform t -ie l.ndi. lh.it we hive jnt r.-ceiveil a in w supply o! L.u:it Tr... veiling 'I ruiiki, Bonnet I'wu ., Ac, i c July 5, l.VI. 1 7 tT IlilSfVj mill IVni.'ilc 'iiiiu:ir.v, all''lll)0-0, . rxHE niiieti'en.li Hnnu -I er.inn of W J. .hi I iil.tltuti.-ll will e. ..encooil C the 3rn eC Aug-.i-t, 1 Tti. ciiiire oi'pliidy i tln-munh and aval. m:.lie, einhraeini,' i er v 1 iiiite ne. eeaaary to a c--i.'ph l' , aolni and uriiauieiil.,1 e.iticn. lion. The Iil ll.l'IN;S.,n- .:.tni,i..lw. bine the comfort of a ll"lll- ah ll.e intar;. . ofaMIIOOI... 1 net meter of Ihe hiel.eat qua. Iificatinns are eniplnyed in each of the Depart- TFRM : 'LllilltK, Iiellla ,:,rd, itirltldll. fll. l p. aton ol live li.ont.. ' Tiiili',11 in liie r j; u Ii, r cli.aea, n ' I'ati.lnrjues eoiitaniinf all n.re..-,ry infoniinti, n-sp. etmc the cnuree of Iti.lr.icli.in, Terms, A, will he forwired on .pl te , I ion lo IUCHAUl STHII.ING. I'rincipal. t;r.-iii.i.oroiii.-h, N.C. Jurf 7, 1 tale j . II. f. MALCOLM, H PRACTICAL MAT! RI.F. CVTTER. rer-etf B ly informs thi pn b. ir, tin, I he has opened a 3I.VKHLI-: v.i.n opposite lh. M insinr. Hot. I, here In- is prer-ireil to til! allo'ders witn despatch li.t .MONT MENTS. HEAD STl'NE.V, FABLE TOPS, and l. sn-. s ol Work in the Marble Line, of either IMPORT- EP ITALIAN Having nitid. AMERIC AN M A R I'LL. arrangements lit which he procure the iiiet-RTHi It. h or.c-.s, he can fill all ord-..-i , M.,rbh. at r, f.r .MoMitin lit at rensonahle rates. lie would be happy to hrve all d inc iu his line, lo ci.ll and see -.p. cum lis bie, mar prices -nil i-ide. f-r ti.. u.selve ILiving I....I 2.. vcr's . n.-s., he will give his p. r tiiie in. Moniui.i ills, A c. Stihtliiiry, Mtu 3, lj!i. iii e for f HI HE suh.et I'ellrr .V saealil Head cnnUt t'y mi fi-ii I Hcid nr Kinpworm, mtd p j any ot)irr fkin ri is-.i-f-. I' j out of uny kind ot ( Inthmj: nrfi lo liuvc it to uv ! ! f.pi.if., ' dllee,! price. Tl-e S",p has s,t ,. ; r.,.ia tt..! is s..:d I- he Soap 'c.n be iM.i al Dr. E. N ' Drug Store and Ir-in the slid ; chas i May 31. 1 1?..!!. ; ?;--s, o ; Hotel lor AT MONROE. NORTH CAROLINA. rB'IIK s,l',s.r,!.- r heme desirous A&ln - '"""'"' fs h'' ' fi'latfers Mr sale Ihe " I N ION HO- tfcSfeV.WA' TEL." 'Plus House is situated in the li,riv:n; Town nf Monroe, N C, coiiv. i. lent to ihe bu.iniss portion ot l',e Tm n, ann witbui .,Iioiit one huiuir.-ii yards of the tr. ek of tin- W'. C. A R. Riilrooe. ll is oearlv Hi w, Co lit. utis sev liter n ris'lns. well fur utnii.d, (tiie Furliilurr ben.,; off. red lors.le ivlu the Hons. ) a tire-pi ,ee lo every room, also, convc. incut out houses, St .hit s. A.:. Also, One Hull, dred A.-rrs ot Land o.-j-.. n n i: ILsaee disqualifies hi... I, r lot.pt r puhl-e l,v-, he will therefore sell low. irumg ") ri.in.n ih!e lino- for piymi-M. For tu.i!:i : iniorinatioii api.iy to the siihsc run r. or mv It ic o.:, Kc . E. A Li-in- id, C. JAMES WKET. .UiV '.M.lej!). To Flan! its. (OTTON GINS, of with 10 oad I at.v K , Ihe State i t p r J. M. ELLIOT. 1nsl1e.ro', S Artl 10, I IC Preu.. iovemher I" -d at the Mill I'nlr. M E. rui'sii a iii;iv vi. or CONl'KCildNAIMI'S. HOrsTO.X V IHM TK IIAD S j,ii received a freh siipnly of CAN. DIKS.nl all kind. a:o Citron, I urrants. (' ,, ,n,l a v.irirtv ol Nnls. ( ill at HOl'SToN III NTK.P. S, I Door List of the Curl Hoi. sr. (Uf ottf, (V iC If. C 3.1 If T. EHEllIIAKH. " 1 ,p' l in' - uiia.ii i 1 1 1. MiMjav.jujBaTantTVjaTaamavt.a ji javawu.n . . CORRECTED BV OATBH !i WILLIAMS. i CHAIil.O'l I E..II I.V -.(., I-.VJ. ' P.ACON. H.-nrif Id.... I:.A l I " M.nu lb 11 (., ! ! " H -g rouiin 11..... Il4 (n I'll S!i..ti!er In I II (', (!fl P.nsrifine.i.uiiiiv vo 1) On liee ",i (' B . Hutt. r A, Ivl ', I.-, Peeswax i . K-n.l, L.il.- "0 (., Illl ? lir itiUT, Atn.le .th: (i i . ,() ' ' Pe.ieh ai Ill) (. (.11 Colt,.!. I II (, II j ;C..:r -e, lit, it ;-i ,", 14 " Java, !b '.(I f- ,! ; "nnril, . A.l.imuntn,e I. :!j ( - 3.1 1 " Sperm., lb to ( :, " Tuilow lb (i t"l Com, htishei hii (-. (' i I'Vi n- each H (. HI Cl..tl-..C..p,er..s. van: I'.'i Oi. Ii " I. in. -y '.ant J.'. I. XI l:i:-. ' ,),.zet in l-'i I lour hhl i-j f.r I. " bi-i i-t f. tm Fealhers It- l.i 'iS I.nr.i !!. is ( II Multon II a f Mnekerel M.I. No I !f, ( Mi h 1 1 1 :i' " ; 3 .0 Molaas. a. N.O fi: ( . ' ' w I .,-,!. :n c 4) Men l..,.l,e r-.i f M illlel- ' W III,, Ho,- ton , i :i f-, I'd Naila. North. tii !, 5 ( ltd " foiitlmrn ....'! .i f t fi Oat a I. .,,.-: I'l : Pork !!- 7 (-. h ! I'eaa but.),.-! I-. 7- I P-,tal..--. Ir.ah,... 'lushe' i ' 175 ) ' Sweet ..l.uel.el I, fi1'' I nice . l (, Surr,!..,rt:. !'. I t i Hi ' Drown It 9 - 1 1 Mnne.W-.rt I H ., !l Silt ati.:! il.in If," T.-i, I :: :, tl Ui . tt.wi.ii. I,-,-' , MCI I- Ii" r.-.', hii-ih.-l ''.' ( l'i; W,kev, .Wtl.eri, P.l! -I '. " N.t '..rolii... ' .. .'. i I Wo,,!, !-,, I. , .j ;;,.,! -;7 U V'S Y-.ri. ""t",'"1.'.-!.'' .! ! I'i f. "I l; KM A I.KS. I OTTON will fo.lv t,.i..tii: in! en t.' - ns ,y II t . 111. Trail, .clion m.ve I 8;.t. ( llh'N .. in .-. n..,nd ..t 'JU; ,-!:,. .it, ,;: lot. hive ii eat W Int.- IlllillJ. t" ...'ell. V- , II.", t . I .11' I. :. Julv -'.'I. I .'!). rl I'll lo 1.10 ; Ii. COTTON I I 1 !.', w. r,.. r.u.u.n f. . ... 7 to i oiihi ' on .., .ml I to loon IIAcoN.hngrouii,! i t il; , I I. A- O TS FI.IU If ( II MM I 'S'l'i N m.!;ki:t. 1 v, Ji.'v -j Havana i.otti:i;y. The i . Lot I t' tiiu I lli.v.. SATi'IiliAV, AvM I iv-M. SS86.CCO. MiRTEO NTMERo ! ill 1 'IN A KID, ri i ii, vm.i. moo. coo! i . I (10. )(' :lo.4MMI j Ifi.OUO ! lo.ouo t pi ui s-J.dOii I. woo loo lim's sa.siOO ..I : 'Uf w Wrm: pa ".ceo Im-ma ux 4 f mmmmM rnn. of deal. . imMM . .. . cur try. t ,t he s.M iitni-i.s ih. i.h.-v. bni. . msii Ll 'i M.S. III.IMK AND .-As, to tio- pb. ,i.. f.,eriiii. f. am! keeps i;- " I no -t r, ,s i Urn... ..n Ho short. , S.ii-li for Tetter. Scald ti-.l.-i. ,.. to wssn Willi for '-vii-ff a t in - nv -., . c a'.;.s work will also lake slams d..i, sC..it. red ,i: ov-r to-con, try, he t. deler. Il'anv p. ra. n de. nitned to eh, nee in-, iio tootl of tloit,' hi.s,iesa ,1 can he na.: it a re- "ti l.rrmtlrr trill ier,..f h. , n tried by . t B Bat .1 eert ul: etir". I he . Utile ni.oti A C ...s for ,,!' work ,!--e .n '.i M.ie.--ne S' -,-, l.i f. re rc- -crther. iiioiai. i Al.:.r..aiiiiali..i. I,, t i-e 1 n'1,1 oh I ; 4 '" 1 s : 1 t,, ;",f0": 4 "f l"" lo .li .' ' ' 4 .. l- .b.i ''Ii; 4 ol l"i- t. 1 11,1 , 11. W Imic T;-i.els-.'ll, ILLV.-ilh; g.ihrl. r.t.. I llll C cslie.l at S.M .it il per C lll. ,:.-l olll.t. Ii. on .ill soiv. nt It , ui,.- t n. 1 11 I 11 ,r. suit I, -.ines liiio.rn. I'.iltiinain ,t:,- ,s :,,Yi-s-t,; to ON l.'Ol'RI Gl LZ, ii-iire ol ( :U P st, C . .. t. i:.S. 1 .)un. til to. tin of Au.-n.t ai.i In attii -!-: in. Pe rsons .T.it nn- I'., .., Is will e r t. I'.eil Wm. A Cweas, A T Tl'll S 1. A T (III RI.OI ! P. .1 C -H I.t.r.iet.ec in t-e Conn, ... 1 " !ti;vi:o a mm (late Si. A N, 1UMK1, M. ZhIML'ii'.M l.N. formerlv ot l.ii..-.dnt..i. N.C. ai..- r, ,:o. .! ... large ste.re N... ii N.-t.. .1 i. i-' " M. ..nn Areb, w hi -. 11.. .; t - 1.. u- l-n : , nu i OO!)-- ui sin i:sn ,'..-.' r-l 1. I Si? I'.Mv.r j

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