THOMAS J. HOLTON, Editor k Proprietor. TEH MS : ThnNurtli-Carnlini Whig will be afforded tn.ub. .ri,t-r it TWO DOLLARS in advance ; TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS if pi.yn.cnl be slaved for three n.iilli ; nii Till! EE DOLLARS di tho iid of tho year. Nopnper will be diacon. Iiii-icd until all arrearage are paid, except at the .,iti in "1 the Editor. Advertisement inserted at One Dollar per aquara ( lli linn or le. tliia aned type) for the first ii.aer. lion, and 3 J edit for each Gumma lie. Court ud. .ariieemenl and Blienfl 'a Halt charged 5 per cent higher and a deduction f 33) per cent, will bo nado from tlie regular pnc.a.for advertiser by Ibe TOr. Advertiw incnts ilia, rlcd wioiilhly or bunrterly, at ! peranaar for aaoli lime. Svuii. month' 7 eeutaper .qu.-r foreach tioie. , - !.n amdin? in tlif if advertisement urk "r number of ina.ilmn or I ?,,.'iifctiiiirtfc'W - 'r cording! Puatmaetre arc anthi.ird to acta, agents T. .mvM & CO, i:omai.i:a IN B BITlfH, FF.MH & FRIC.N DRY GOODS. Aiinr., hay, mioi:, ASD II AIM) w aim:. T II. Bam. II . It Mi l Tl .V C. J,VSiwii,J (. .f HETTS Ai ium'U. PICKLEDEPOT. IIOI'TO A .V II IM I It HAVE on hand and fi-r lo. IVklr.. Pre. ,,-rvc., Jjn... Jr'lira. Syrup., Ac, low for VAnH I l'r . !' '.'.uit lloow. HOUSTON & lil'NTKR. C Aertor. Orl. SC. lho. 3.tif iiu.Tst nr.LTs:: im:iis::. I n hi llir Motion Itt-ll t.liipmi), At Jleeaa-rrurc.' I'tictn ( ami ritl: I t inch... , 12 eta. prr i ti " " I ... 2i 'J'l - " .....1J " S- ....6i " ,...:a ...3i uanuf'Ctured toord i'i " 4 ply it CE AM LESS BELTS it nort notice. II aitra, for water COSSfTTIXf! HOSI? m .i..i , feeiarert. AIW I lil of all de.criptiona at 54 cent r pounu. .V.a 31. IH5. H. 1'. liOONh. ; t'itf 'V'-j 1 J f 111 V fl 1 iwlll" s. PSMlIK mlwmbcr iiil.mii Ina irienoa ano " JL puMic grnerally, he b-e removed hia . io Ibe old .und ol , at oycviy, ooow ( I.. S. William' "lore, en 1 red atrrrt. wnrr ne i. r.,,..A if, .itrJ io .11 order, in hi. line, lid : Hi. ai.hl a faw .rude, en band snob a Golden Cock.QoIdep Star. Flanter'i aud Premium COOK NTOVFaS, , finely of CAKI.OIC NTOVKN. A'fi. i gorKl ortiu'iit uf I in niil ll4illonnrr, Ar. All ef l.t K I I1 tltmf MCAMI or Tobb tj PriMiocr. D. II. BYKRLY. y.a ll. I?i8. goticc. fiHOSK of my who are indebted ti me I. by Nole or Account, will ob.rrve that I retired It .tin Ih Drug rlu.ineea, .t thia place, and mauifiafi a.lliaarala i e6aoia('jf re faireJ. My Booka are in th hJeo( Mr. J. P. Smith, alio.,, per.oua can eal', during my abe-mce, ind aettle. H. M. PRirCH AUD. (4ro5e,Ocl.n. 33tf gNEWFIUM. HE underaigned having entered Into ( op.rl ner.hip for the purpn.t ol carrying on the Confectionary, Bakery, Fruit, AND Retail Grocery Business, HVe Ir.v. In call the attention nf the nf ' n.rlniuand aurrounding country tn their New ui,do Trade Street, belwen Hrein'a and Frank, tnthall'., el 4k D .mel'e old tl.nd, where y would be ple.aed to aee all their Irlcnui alio ouaihlmcta. MOODY Jt MSBKT. Frw.r 5, 1SJ8. ' 48.11" HUllUlJ I 1 A l.'i per. one, who.e INotr. and Aero.inl. are l i. Our, owing to the nnder.igned aa Traat.e, ' f" earne.tly reqiir.tcd In call and ecttlr, aa it ia I "porunt that the true' fund be ni.r.halled at aa ! "ly a daya aa piie.ihtc. Kr member, indulgence I W. K. MYKRS, 1 Tru.lea Ol I-roy Spring. I -W.2!) 18.W. IBlf I HAWKS'S Historv of North-l'arolina. fIVIE 3nd volume i. now puhli.lied. Item.! I. brtrra the p. nod nf the Proprielury iov. pi"eot,from f,G3 IO t7.9. It forma a handaoine 8vo. volume cf 51)1 paiee. "e aub.ciiptinii price w.a half a cent a p gi'l 11 Hie price of tin. volume, ia leva, aay 12 7. in ainniiiu, m Library aheep, and J V5 in 'I 'lf. It wu u aa ani o omi t roa ah. I Owing u the dilfmulty of securing Agent in "T Prl. of the Htale, we will forward it by "1 or nlherwriaa iee pattagt, on receipt of th j ; or both volume. f,,r 4 5tl sheep,1 hlfoir. I A hbml diacount made U Agent., or othera. uy io aell again. K. J. II ALU k SON ry"feill. f 185 3.HI- 1;XKCU riON8 for tbe 8. Court for Ir Piano and Music Store, ',IIE 6ulcribtr krepa continually, on hand ; I'lanna nude by hleinwav A Co.. Nunn't St ' Murk nndnlher uiukera, nf Ntw York. Which h will sell at the lowe.t nit. a lor C.4.NYf,or good pa. per. Alto, ilia lalc.l Muaio (in nanti, at no. lull Alain sUrct between tlir Exchungc Bank and the American Hotel, Columbia. S. C. SAM I'LL GARDINER. May U Ih If 58. tf I. L. KEHBIRO, " IIIRjJfA.N L. MEHjJNO, - ' - KKl.lMSOVA;' l.'lll.f.. LVroltTRKS Foreign end Domestic Dry Goods, WHOLESALE ANU HETAIL, MaaiL Trrr, onk ixn a raoM o, I II 4IIM10, h. V, Aftu an, fr;9. 7-i t i liarlnllc Mutual l ire 1iimii net C iii pan). l(IIK- COMPANY continue. tot.,k. riaka a. JL gamt lo.a by fire, on llnuat-p, Oooda, 1'ro. cure. Ac, at uiual ratca. If Office at tbe Drug Store of E. .Vjre llutehi. aun ti Co. oirHtns. A. C. STKEI.K, J-rrsulff.t. C. OV HUMAN, Vice Irrtidtut. K. NY K II UTCIUSON, tecy. f 7'reas'r. 1IH TC'RS. A.C. STKKLK, J. L. J.T.OWN, M. U. TAYLOU, K. T. WK1S10N, 0. OVKUMAN. K. fCAKU, W.M. J(Jll.'TON. John L Known, F. Si arr aud S. T.'",t' -'tuivi.r lor CAf-H. .Wbihton, Ljrtuttve Conimiftte. S:500aOCO io. 1 Fruit I 1'oissai.i:. WESTBPOCKS & HEKDENALL, Yrojn it ton of the II est Green Xurterics ufil G'itJui,tieur UteeHtliofo, A", C, T ' il l I) ry iiully rail tlia attrntidn II .. tl eitiuna of Ilic fontlirni tit.tea tu limr vtry Id'ge .lock of native and aerlimatrd Fru:l T-., lor t)r Fall and W inter 'IWe. Tin. Iurfr and hnriftonie a.aorin.ent h.a Keen prup.igul. u ir.i.ii tbritly beatiug tret ., and work ed opii the be. I .cedin g .locka, w Inch .a a m'a gu.rnu ni iruiiiuuier. ana Hingevny, pronii .ml nharael. riatica m oreliarding w hirii aln.alt not be everlouked by ueraona wi.hmg to plant or. . eiti.-f b-r U'.iKtii'g or family me. The. ,11, to,,.,.li ,,f tlie follomng tree.: jn.OO(l Apple trr,. j lWI.UuO Pearh trcea ; 10,. I Ofltl r. r In ; l,Oi' Apnrnl.; IVW.0 Cherry ; ! I3.HIMI Plum; .'.tMi Nren-nue; ltitd) Almond; jirtHi yuii.cej 40IHI Or.(H Vine.. Hc.l.iee v. ry nne aaorunrni oi t orrani. fsir.whrfr.n, Ka.herne, O.onlerr.n, etc., all of j which will be aold on v. ry reaeonable It rim lor CiftH or aoi.roved p.ia'r (All pjckagta put up in auperior aijl.and a 'eomplrii. nnuict iml lu each pU and ao ar. ' r,nM( ,h-t il.a invoice will be ll.e r.g..t.r of the ort,rd alter the Ire. a .re lit. n. u tt.ey ir, lfanaplnli d each one appear, on the lial. Mr .r j, iuii,,n mil act aa aent lor int. lu'. B1,(llf f (I,, ,yr uf Met klrnbuig and Hugh bering coui.tiea wi'h the above rruil I r.ea anil will uka pUa.ure in forwmumg ord. r. lor the Dr. II. M, Pritelmrd Y r IF.r.PIN; ti.i.f .l.r.!i.ionnfni. era hie ileirrminalion tn reauuic the lrn'lire ol !?lrli-ln Me may be eon. u I led at hi. oftiee ti J be p.wr prr.eril.cj lur .4 .,..131. I..H. ilhou.1 rt.arge. sstr Tin: i.ivr.i: l II A TOR! fompotrjdtd fntlrw frtu I.IMS, i ON K or THK IlKfiT Pt" R. TI V K ANI 1.1 R Bit 1 IMl llrJl .f M.araj it ftuMir. tbt M riWirl, r. iUr, 4 m-em im m mJxio known It aket mIt m li.'hairraf. bm Le faiaad) , mrll-.g lrl on llM m, W ii smiorbiet rrxatiOT tlitf .... it. s.,msK. t.4 In rajrry -.(! fhat nMir lha t an)(ttUlilttaj l" ajflan ifj. l..w mf i'i f.- U .T,r.ti It. H Mfutflhtl ataal fetl'14 II it nii.lial r-pitll, (BlU tlaiHopat, lit jemmnri Ue fisr Ih. iM-.ajr rlnrttt. -lb LlVfl - 0 rnmiy dwMffMM mSi hi! ' II rT'tti-v tT4wvini iinl tor '"-,iaii. il.f- iim1i plIl1fV'C taltM.ff i csuj lit dtu ItlllllMO nil Mr It I brlli r. .n - I.lvrr liivlt(orii4r tkftd r'Nit ih l4 ft 8rltil in rh Ik tonuich rriititg, pf fttk IMfjhl Wmb lb bola fUt h II. ailnrhr. . tn ririarl rrtr Mnn tmnnm I Ho 2i Truirihii'ii. l"',rrr,,J;I fl' ( hlllt'l i hulcm .w nut ot tb u Vwni'T ",',. a,, Him lrird A ! i. Iirtkitlr Dtnr- Hm aotllM ihim " a. mho. (. Krvrl Bn.l M all K.toi r a llll.' Dl o)-.) . h. .trlllnj !,. Vvpe. II thill Kevrv, a. If who It.r It aee altlni; Ihetr anantmnni Stall. n.ii.y I. II. tntor. -ll W al.r III the moot h llh the Intl .llolor, and at.allolt Ik,iIi lou.-lt.t r. THE LIVER INVIOORATOR la a si'iintii'I'- i'u. niMinctiv, a,. i. t..i. I Ih. ii , mu.rl ir, riM. , t,4 .J l.ltrr I UeT ablrh an ih .raoli a lluee,! I.lvrr SASfORD S Co . rn.aI.I. Sr. Tim Wholraalr Aernlm Bta.r. S ra. Ntw vk . T V, ln.vit Hnaa. pl.ll ,M, V II i n a . I . II II II .1 la. l.ta. II I'.aa. . t.-rotaaii . iiti.ot.f' 4 H .aaoao. l'li-l r.a.ear.a'a an.tit 1 . " '. Kl I- F. PC ARR k CO., Clmrutre, A'. C. A LARC.K SUPPLY OF Constable "Warrants JUSTIMUNTEP. WlLailXCTOX BRANCH. NEW STORE. KA11NWEILEK k BRO'S. 2d door from T. U. ISrem tf- Co.'m Store. UAVE opened an entire New Stuck af Fine and Staple Dry Goods and Millinery to which Ibey invite the attention or Hie citixcna of thia place and the eurruunding country. Our Mock connate ol every variety and ot lha latest style Kich col'd Dreaa Silki, Boilrd III k Silk., Ill k and col'd Bcmgea, Errnrh Jaeoneta and Organdie, Jie't and Org'e Knbea and double Jupe, riila of variou. atvlca and all quulitua. iT 1 II. Hi t quolHr ol Kid Olive. nick Mitle.ieoi a tilk Lottos a. Si Ik Ulrvca oaiprv, of all kind.. llonncta, Mi.era &Llud'n Flata a Jockiea Bonnet Kibbone, Lare I'oinl. and M.'nlilb., Linen and Pique Dual. ra, Tuble D.n.a.k Sl tlotl.a D'lna.k Nopkin. and Doyliea, Euibr.iiduriea, Pun.p t dour and Picolomlni ColUra Sctta, Kwiii and lainnric I ollara, .M.lleic and Valcnuie Slci via, Alu.liu At Luce Sl.fV.a, new di.igne. Kinli'd rocket lldkt.. Hi in Sti. I.rd and Bur'd Ilk fa, Can.b'c andSwi.a Edgmp. and ln.rtin;a, Ciiu.b'cand Dimity iliiiid.aiid Eloum ni).., Li.le and French '1'h'd Inlying. a luat rtn g., Bl'fc l.nce Eoifing., Bl'k Luce Veil., Dreaa TriuiiiM!; a. Fringe., liraid, Uultuii., A c. floop Pkirtaof nil kind., Plaid and Hrinrd llonie.puna, llrown fltirting., and SWclifif., illra'd l.. iig Cloili Sbieting., Coltou O.u. burg., Mur.rillra Quilt., and Al.o, a frrat variety ol funry trliclc.. We tiler our at remark. bit low price, In addition to our Urfce atock of Dry Good a, we have on hakd the beat atock of Superior iltaety .tleitte 4 I.U'l Ill.Xii, .4 liOOIS. MIO!, Il V lh, (A I'S, and a lurge a.aorlmt-nt of i.aWi.i' uuot ; v, AND ndillci y aim Hrm! w nrr, at low pricta. Afu 24. 1669. lltf Meeklcnbiiiff llor.ds. MIVE prr mil. pi r iiiinniii. ri'llUM'; liOND.S are undoubtedly the aafr.t JL iiivtattntnt that can l. maue,ai,n are really prrlrrable to any fule Ilonilr. flirv bear sere per cent inl.r.-.t payable femi. anhaaM. ih Coopona W tlie same. " 1 hcv are of Hie drnoni-Uon of tlUO, which mike then: enore earrunl and hm. ml lor da. uir.lic purpopt.. Ine coupon, wi I prove a eonvrnirnt nieiiium fr pjying ccuntv tasra. Tliecitizrna of the counly should po.eaa them. and 11. jr are now ottered lu them. IVopoaule let at itl.t r U-nk in t Imrlollv or Willi 1 apuin John W ILcr will t ceive proirpt ntienln n. II. W.GUIOX. V. U C. ij H. R. R. Co. S,pt. 21, 1858. "ytf jfciVoticc. T 'HE firm l HENDERSON &. A MR ENS waa utaaolved on the let of January, by mutual nt. JAS P. HENDEOON, will herealler carry on the on hia own account. All pcr.niiB ind.-hl.-d will ple. conie forward and .etlle at uni t, aa the buMiir.e niu.t be clnaed up niiut-d.atoly. HENDERSON k A LIKENS. January lSol). HAVING old mi entire inlvrral in the firm ol" HENDERSON V A II K ENS u Mr. J. P. HEN. 1EKMJN, 1 alill expert o remain for aome tune yet at the .tore .nd .hall be happy to ait on my friend, and cuetomere, particularly on Ihoee would fork over. the little change, due me and the concern. F. W. AH KENS. J.nuury 18.".!h 44. tf A.C. WILLIAHSOH, TTORNEY and Counaclh.r at Law, ha.ul 1 otlice, jointly with J. A. Fox, E.q taira next door to the Court Hou.e, where he will be ron.t.ntly prex nt to attend to all ealla prolraai.ini. I bu.meaa nnide ft.r himatilf, or tor' Mr. Fox, when he ia ab.enli Jitnunri 4, 18.1). 43tf Wanted, I 1,000 .Vy3I,I!T.8. CORDS OF TAN-BARK, for which the enah will he paid. M. B. TAYLOR, latf Saoacitt of a Hobhe. A very curious, not uncommon, instance of sagacity in the animal earns under observation lately in th crowded neighborhood of Long Lane, Her moudsey. Tbe London Review says : "A carthorse in harness, whiNt it by no means careful keener was solacing him self iu a low publio house, started off at a pretty brick trot down tbe lane. Happen ing to come to a group of children, one of whom, baby not more than three years old, stumbled and fell, tho animal delibe rately stopped, placed tbe child out of the wsy with bis teetb, anil continued his coime as if nothing bad occurred. Rut his philan thropic propensities did not stop here, for, meeting with similar group, be repeated tbe action, after wbioh, as if fearful af com mitting some niinchicf, be quietly suffered himself to be caught and led back." Railroad WibTWABn Engineers have started on survey of the Kansas Central railroad. Tbia road extends from Wyan dotte, at the junction of tbe Kansas with the Missouri river, to Fort Rilry. The en tire distance is ono hundred and fifty miles. Tbis ia the first railroad survey west of the Missouri river, and constitutes another link in the great railroad cbaiu that shall ulti mately link the States on tbe Pacitio to their elder sisters upon the Atlautio. If you want to render your husband un happy, blame him for everything be docs, rgiht or wrong ; scold him for doing this or that, before you inow whether ha did it. Deed) of Kindness. SuppnM the Jilla cowalip Should lianjit. golden cup And any, " 1'm-uc ti a liny (lower, I'd teller nil prow up" How many a 'je'ry Irnvelhr W ould u.iaaita fragrant anit ll : Ilr.w nicny a :ije child would grieve To loae it ' U tle dell ! Sop:',rnnp to Ihwr r,ssj,-nn CpoH the raaa aoouid aay " W hut on little dew-drop do ? I'd better roll awny ' The blade on which it re.trd, II. (i re the dny oonr, W iihout a drop to mol.ten it, Would wither in the aun. uppoee I he little hrrri. a, Lpon a aiiinmer'a duv, (should think tin Ivt too mull to cool The traveller on hi. way Who would not nii.a the .mbllcit And aoltr.ttntu thai blo . Aud think tiny mane a great nii.Uke If they wi n- talking ao ? How msny deed, of kindnera A little cliilJ may do, Aithoui;li it hi.. io little atrcngtli, And little wiaooin, too ! It wanta a lovii'g apiril, Much more tli.m atrength, to prove How in any Hill a child may do For uthire by Ina love. liscfltuifjous. Till: LITTLE STOCK I ii MKKCIIAVr. ItY MRS. KBAVLS CAOK. Tap ! tap 1 tap ! earne a feeble knock at my door, as I stood hovering over the cook in fg stove, which, being in tbe t affluent, made the warmest room in tbe boutc. " And sure, wasn't there a knock at tbe door?" ssid Lizsie, as rke laid down the knife and tbe loaf of bread aba was cutting. " Tap ! tap ! tsp 1 aaiu fell upon the ice covered panel, tbis time a little more dis tinctly and Lizzie spraDg by, exclaimed. " VVho in tbe world can be out this freei ing night?" She opened tbe door aud in stepped a little girl of some twelve years though she was dwarfed and cramped iu sixe till she might have parked fot ten. " Puy sny stockings to tight, uis'ini '' a.kcd a sweet, clesr, cliildi-li voice. 'No. I believe not." wss my response. (I really did not need them,) aud she turned to go that little one out again into tbe perilous cold : " hut come io and warm, will you not ?" I added. j " Oh ! yes, ma'am, for it's very cold,-' and she approached tbe glowing stove now red bot and sat down ber willow basket, iu which lay a few pair of wollen stockings, ;snd stretched out ber little frozen ban da to ' eatcb tho warmth. "Oh ! it is nice and warm l.ere "the said, locking up with cheerful sniile, and be,' great expressive eyes looked ber happiness. "Rut won't you buy a pairof stockings? Here'a a pair that will just fu:t you, with double beel and toes?' I look lb article so coaxingly offered, and found they were just what .be rcconiBieiided them. Where do you get them ?" I asked. " My father wsavea thein. " And you go out to sell ?" " Yes, ma'am, I gotwo afternoons a week." "Have you no mother?'' " My mother died three years sgo." " And who takes care of you now ?" " Oh ' I live with my father now he, and brother and sister." " Is your sister older than you " Ob ! no, ma'am, she is ouly half as old. She was only a little thing when my mother died." We buttered the bright face one a large slice of bread, whirh she took thankfully. and then we went on with our questioning. I And how do you get along being house keeper ?" Oh ! first rate, since sister is big enough to go school. We all go to school now. " What, you, and sister, and brother; and you leave father at home to weave stock ings ?'' " Yes, ma'am, that's it; I get up before its light in tbe morning, and then 1 get tbe breakfast, and wash up tbe dishes, and sweep tbe floor clean, and waeb and comb brother and sister, and then we all run away to school, and when we eome out at night, then I get supper, do up the work ; nd study after that to keep up with my class." " And don't you get behind sometimes?" " Never one sometimes I ns ahead, and then I like that ; it makes me study har der." And then the grcst blue eyes dilated with pride while the hmilc ( aelf-satiafactiou flitted over ber face. 11 Hut how ti., you manage to sell your stockings ?" ' Why, in the summer, you know, I can go after school, and in winter my teacher excuses me Wednesday afternoons, aud I study harder, and make it up. " And wbo does your wai-hing?" asked Lizzie. "Why, I do, to be sure ; I do all. 1 washed this morning before I come out to sell my stockings ; and to uight I must get supper and irou, and scrub my floor before I go to bed so as to be clean for Sunday." " Why, it's a shame to your father, it is, to be lotting the like of a wee thing like you wash, and iron, and scrub ; why don't h put it out?"' " Put, it out exclaimed the child, while soft silvery Isugh went ripling through tbe kitchen ; " that would be great when be has big girl like me to do it, aud ha so lamo, nd yarn cost so much, and he make so little. If be waa to put it out where would lie ichool books conic from, tnd tbe lite of that!" Vy tl.i time tlie bred and bolter ODi.umed,aDd tbe little bardj bands and icet. wanned. " I must go,' raid Katrine J we bad found out ber name,) it'. mot uigU, aud I've iiz pair left, loud belter take thia pair. It mil make just enoupb to pay tbe rent. I boupbt tbe stocking, and as I dropped tbrte ebiuing qaarters into that band .so I prematurely worn, she dropped a courtesy, and mth the most grateful tone said, wn, l tliatiK yon. 1 m so clad. now. 1 can run right home and gel my work done and UL'b !" sba added, abivering, " ita so . cold, and aluioft daik.too, for mo to be running round to sell any more. Away she darted, and as lier bright, chufj fac.,d'iup.Pi,n d, ToftUlbat aijibt bad gone out of tbe twilight shadowing of ibe room. bat a reproach was that child's si triple ate tome compiamers all arouna ; scarce out -D 4 crowJ of impl,tient patrons of the bar of her iufanoy. yet bearing on ber young flombininLr snecula- heart and bands tbe duties and cares of a inolhcr and house keeper, merchant and cbool-girl, and as bright and gleeful as hethfl (.ibertt bidder. There was an instanta- sunshine as full of w arblin " mo rjn iuj: bird! Oh ! none need Io be poor none need to suffer for the good gifts of God if all were aa industrious, cheerful, self denying, and self sacrificing as tbe little Katrine. I am glad I bought ber stockings, and as oft as I see tbem I shall think of ber of the struggles and conquest of unselfish lovo. Who can prophesy of ber future ? I have seldom set n a finer eye or more speak ing face. She will outstrip ber companions in luxury, she will know, through constant exercise and effort, tbe value of herself How proud were ber words, aa she told us of all .be could do, notboasiingly, but as if it was natural and right, atd tbe easiest thing in the world to do. Heaven bless and pros per thee, little one, and give thee strength for all tbe labor aud love. A MoSKRATED PUBLIC SENTIMENT. It is a gratifying fact, indicative of the subsid ience of violent sictional feeling, and which augurs well for tbe future peace of tbe coun try, that at tbe recent " Commencement " of the principal litersry institutions at tbe North, scsrecly an allusion has been made fo the thread bare topic of slavery. Abo lition orators have either retired from the ceiie, or hsve expended their eloqunc on more profitable subjects. At Yale College, the change is particularly niaiked. Two ' years ago, at the annual meeting ef the ii, conservative men were shocked by euunciatory and exceedingly di.-courJ i i j j . language employed ; and one or two rs of divinity gamed much celebrity i alumni, the d I teous i nnrtnra nf flivlf.ifv eat 1 on account of their furious invectives. ih:s vear there w. scarcely li.n from aoii. p."'" l"" "rrr.7l T.."V: 7ii A t "'"" V" "S off peacefully and frstcrnally. One or two allusions to the subject of federal relations were such as to receive entire approbation. ! In these facts wo find evidence that tbe re- flieiing men of the North have arrived at their " iccoud sober thought." Tbe tirades sgvnst Southern men aud Southern insti tuiions, aud the conversion of pulpits into Kansas batteries, have at length created ! disgust. The ebriekers for freedom are hoarse, sick and discomfited, and their aui muuition is youc. It will probably be long ' before the disgraceful sceues enacted a few yesrs ago in a church at New Haven, in cluding the rifle subscription, will be rrpca- ; ted. A". ". Journal ol Omnnrrcr. Fearful Leap from a Railroad Car Escape of a FonGER- Haury P. Bald- win, an alleged forger, on bis way to Rome N. Y., escaped from tbe custody of Sheriff , Blood cf Cinciuuati, in rather a perilous I manner, ou edncsdsy uighl. J ho ecu- tiuei .ays: "Tbey were on the Cincinnati expres train, and when a little East of Clyde, the ly awaited bis deferred turn for a shave. Superintendent ot the V Umingtoo and iel prisoner asked to be allowed to go'into tbe Jdon Railroad, visited tbis town for the pur saloon, in th. car next to the one iu which n ..riio iv Tl.,vnK a H,r,tist f"3"8 of '"sPectit,p lie rout f oar c"l,;"!; they trending. The sheriff conducted , SaP A" ' "J" i. uW Ho expressed himself w.l him tbilher In returnine the moment clergyman, name as yet unknown, from . W6fA Bjlh the face of tbe country, and I .U.S put'w.U that the road would be soon pu. lowed by the sheriff, he made sudden way for Equality, Illinois, but ooti r under contract. The surveying p.rty, com- nHnt ffcm the ar , d was lost to the of- I " T""? P W-KAsb., Lewis, Ac, lfi'.;.i Tk. o.ia ... ;a, .1 ri, fn'isl. The train was coins; at the rate of 40 miles an hour, aud the prisoner was heavily band cuffed. Tbe cars were stopped j as soon as possible, and the sheriff, in com ' pany with others, procured lanterns aud proceeded to look lor (what tbey expected 1 to fiud) the corpse of Baldwin. The search, though continued for several hours, was fu tile. No trace of him was visible. He 'must have escaped with but .light if any 'injury, and it is marvellous, with the train running at such high rate of speed, tnat he was not killed instaully." Sale of the Lawrence Machine Shop. The valuable property known as tbe Law rence Mschine Shop, at Lawrence, Mas , was sold at auction on Thursday laf. On the main factory building there were sixty one bids of 8300 and 81.000 each, and though it was started at 610,000 it finally reached flt:l,000, and at this figure was knocked down. It is said to hsve been purehssed for the use of the United Ststes Government. Tbe total amount of the sale waa 6170,000. and the first cost of the pro perty, including the machinery, which is not yet sold, was over S"".0.ni0. The cost of machinery was about S'-':,0,000. A Lonii Drive wiiji a Tair of Elks Tbe Cleveland Leader anuounces th arri val in that city of Mr. George Raymond, all the way from Salt Lake city, via Cherry Creek Mines nd Kansas, havinit :ome the entire driving span of elk before wagon. The elk in question are only three years old, sn ?o at which horses are not fit for use, yet Mr. lv. assures us that he aetua'ly travelled as fr a cne hundred mile in single day. Mr. 11. is on his way to Ver mont with his novel team. The elks hav now upon their heads, horns three fet io length which have bren ouly six weeks in growing. WAITING FOR A SHAVK. Gettinir lived is one of tbe nnoTncei of lhe p.malooo ex. A fretblj-raaored face ia ,xceedinP pleasant, to be aure, and a ' man neT.r fceU betur than when ju.t uab- ercd from a barber abop with a renovated head Tbe ,nnoy8Dce doea not eonsiat in the M, of being ebived, in tbe daub of latber 0,er D08e and mouth, in tbe scrapings of tbe rKor nor active manipulations of tb bar- , T., frni,io ia th Hulav Tbis in , ' ,be cae Saturday nights, when Urbtr gh 0, must ,t least 1 . .,, . ,, , i,.fnp, rnui. Cou d fee, tU ,ouch of ,he barberg keen and sbi. ing instrument. While crowds ate thua waiting their torus, amusing incidents often transpire. "First come, first served," is tbe invariable rule, and every one must wait ' tut n, no TnaMe h" . utjjMit lia case. Not long sgo an easy-go long auc tioneer, who did not care whether he was .l,co hafara ne afmr dinner, found himself I ,- -lh . " ,.,pn.&t., ,he auctioneer offer- I ,i , ;;, f hi, " turn " at auction to ( ncoa, repoiise, so he mouutca cuair, ami auctioned as follows: fender, kuock hitu down. All of this yon " Gentlemen, my turn's next. John is ! will do to tba best of our skill and knowl now soaping the bead of that gentleman, j edge, so help you God ?'' and as soon as he's through the chair is The bailiff took tho position assigned him, mine. Several of you are in a hurry and 1 1 and i lediately aft. r the court was orgau- atn not. 1 in ready to do one of you a : ized, Tom Diggers, wbo looked as green a good office by selling my turn. I knock young gourd-., walked iuto the room wear down to the highest bidder, so pitch in. ing brogans No. 11, and hi baud.i thur.t Wbo bids, and what'a bid?" deep iuto bis pocket., and enquired, " Throe cents," sang out a merchant from ! " Hello, fellows, where iu the thauder is (he poet office. ' I J'"1 Snellins?" "Three it is-wbo advances?" " Silence, in tho lobby ! roared the out- " Five," re-ponded three or four. raged official. " Five is offered by a dozen. Wbo goes Urom. Yea must be an allured tar biober? De quiok, gentlemen, for time , nal fool, nud ef ye je.l open that biead tiap is short" l0 your'n ngaio, your ummiua won't know "Ten," fbouted a livery stable keeper. ye." " Twelve," the landlord of n restaurant. Whereupon Jim Jarvis, tbe bailifT, Wt fly " Fifteen'a merchant who had not rceeiv- the dogs of war, aud greeny fell on his d bis letters. back, with bis pedestal at an angle of for- Fifteen for the first shave, 6f fif 6f Of, goin" at fifteen, gcnlletnon, and tho time is nearly up, and going, going, go '' " Eighteen," bid the stable keeper. " Twenty, tbe saloon keeper. Tarantv fl en " the 1110 rcha U l." The baiber was just then topping off the customer iu the chair, nud but a moment more was to sosre. " I go thirty," responded the stable man. " Forty shouted the merohant. " Five to that," excitedly exclaimed tbe loon keeper, " ana l ll nave it u u cucm day's receipt,." " Soil .-fifty F' prompt y responded the stable krener more excited than tho rival f fP". oiumr. litbdrew from the , 1 uc i nmiii , COU test .anq toe auc tionrer J ; " XtrTctrv bus nesi manner to urL-e on tue re- bUJ He used all the cunning i "' , " D . ' . f ,,, i.,lln J! The two hidder. became much excited and actually ssved a life. It happened ,n hi. bid against each other rapidly. The stable way: Day before yterday a lady on Car- mn bid ?t im, when the barber shouted rolUtrc.-t, clad-partly-.ti an ample dou- y lt wn0 jjpji blc-expansion, self regulating, patent exteu- "Goinir coine," was the response of the ' " slig. careful house auctioneer'. " Going, and " " XUv f f f C0Df "One ten." should the saloon-keeper. 'PB the gla-s on tbe outside. A child " Jn-t in time, aud going at one ten-" PitJ below, sj.e .tteinpt.d, to drop the u r Cf... " ,h .fahl. keener eloth from her hand on the little one, but "And gone at one dollar and fifteen:" 1 it ,.,;.. closed the auctioneer. A hearty shout of laughter aroe from the crowd in the barber shop, all ot whom bad become more or less interested in the rival bidding for tho first shave. The sta- ble keeper promptly paid ove. the dollar and fifteen cents io tbe auctioneer, remark- , j-. mg as he did so "It's a dear shave, gentlemen, but I would have cone double rather than be : et .. p;uck ; call again next week," was the rep0nse of the auctioneer as lie pocKeted the clesr receipts Liuhline acicar, and spreading himseif out on two chairs, he lati- nfi,ia1 bcep WJ""U- "'tS'" 1UU,U" for the ni hi. but his manlier Being ungu- lar, Mrs. McCool with whom be bad t- 1 Ho.-id. Tbe proposed route, commence ken board, went to bis room. He accused j bou( bf 4 mii Sou,b of Rockj Mouot ber of attempting to rob him. Subsequent- lv n(, lernijnat nenr the V0Ttil si(J, 0f ly two citizens, believing bun to be insane,,, uutio1 of Mr. Vm. L. Petway endeavored to watch him lurooch jA.nh tBout 17J mites. dow. Ha shot one of them, Mr. Met aleb, I c of Equality, fatally, and immediately after I e H V. l J;.t not hia own NEW JlRPEY STRAWBERRY iROr. Tb r 6 ' brains. Satisfied it Cannot be Done A rail road engineer at Harrisburg having been discharged, applied to be reinstated. ' You were dismissed, saia me cupt rn..n.....u. austerely, " for letting your train come twice in colli.ion." "The very reason, said the other party, interrupting bun, " why 1 ask to be restored.'' " How so ? " W by, sir, if I bad any doubt before as to whether two traius can pass cacb ether on the same track I am now entirely sntified; I have tried it twice, sir. and it can't be done, and I am not likely to try it again, his situation. lie rejiamed Absence it Mind Sydney Smith tells - Int. nf an ahselit-millded nobleman. He says: Lord Dudley was the Court uou-e, nexi i.oru s . -ay, i . .u in-on- of the most absent minded men I think slant, at 3 o clock in the afternoon on I ever met in society. One dsy he met me which occasion he will endeavor to sho in the street, and invited me to meet my that tbe Autediiuwans were acquainted self. ' Dine with me io day ; dine with me. with ibe doctiine of a fulure puuiahiuei.t, and I will get Sidney Smith to meet you. ; which the L'uiveraaliata say canuot bo sLowu, I admilted the temptation he bald out to etc. me, bul said I was sned to meet bim elsewhere.'' t A GouD Compamom. A young man step. ! ped into a bookstore and said b wanted to The I STRMN RCL I.V LombARDY ! get a ' Youi.if in Companion. SinceV'ssh wsrof sucession (171.1), Well, sir,' said th bookseller, 'thcr. Austria has lost and regained Lon.bardy my youngest dnu-hur 00 fewer than twelve time,. On ,h. 11th The cotton t...or- -a of July 1 M b lost it lor the thirteenth out twelve ibuaau. yar time. Irloth evert .l .v. GEORGIA COURT A RICH SCENE. After a well-known Georgia Solicitor General administered tbe usual oatb to tbe grand and petit juries and bailiffs, be turn ed to tbe presiding Judge, and remarked : May it please your Honor, I do not re member any form of oatb to be administered to tbe lobby bailiffs, but by your permis sion I think I can frame ono, that will be ' satisfactory to tbe Court. Judge. Proceed, Mr.Solioitor. Sol. Put your band on tbe book. Whereupon a tall, lean, vinegar-faeed son of Aauakes stepped up and properly grabbed tbe book. Sol. You do solemnly swear, io pres enced of tbis Court and us lawyers that you will take your position iu the lobby, SUJ Mmm vailf-ntL.. ioJ X , li.y'. id.,., during tbe entire sesaioo of this court That you will not suffer any one to speak above a low wbiipcr, and if any one ba!l dare do ao in presence of your royal high ness you will vociferously exclaim, " Si- 1,,,-- ; .- lohl.v 1" aud if order ia not im I ...odl.U rr-.tored. von further swear that y0u will, by ouo poudsroos blow of your ; tjet plmted between the peeper of tho of- ty uegroe in the air. II granne.l greeny ; by the seal of his trowsers. and dragged , biin iuto the presence of bis Honor, and "Mr Judge ; here's that darned infernal fool, John Diggers, what warn't never io court bouse store, and he undertook to run over this chicken, but 'cording to my oatb I fetched the tarnal critter up stoodin' by, given him jerk atween ibe eye- cording i to law. and now say the word, and 1 11 mall the do?wooiI juice outcn him afore you km -m r. j " a cept the that ks of the prompt rln-chargo of ymir o yJt G i ' ' ' " s--'-- 'rj to Crinoline . Alter having toe csu-o of a huudred deaths by tire, it has at lat oniebow managed to drop herself at tbe same moment. Down she went, distance of eighteen feet, to the pavement, but not ? ""S1."11 yy w oiow ... amnug. one .. .... r utc fashion, presenting the graceful form of .n old-tashioned decanter Wbeo .bo lighted, she struck w'. only sufficient I force ta cause some smarting of tbe feet , ... f ,. oiess ner so.e. uoum ,,oa . u,g c iiio..pi....s.i J'tiu Advocate. Tarbhro' Buantii Railroad. Oo Wcd- ! ncsday last, says tbe Tarboro' Southerner, ; Capt. S. L. Fremont, the able and enernetio i completed the survey on Thursday last, and . ., , j:.,i ,..,,,, tho .! of lha V.a .lerse strawherrv rron is thus estimated by the Newark Daily Adver ser: 1 la Bergen County alone it is estima ted t!.t tbe crop reached 1,000,000 baskets. Tbe Nw iork aud Erie liailrosd took to New York market 2,233,400 baskets, mostly fron) HarueT's ftattou. From Keyport two i tQok , -r,0 )KI0 b.akets. The North- J r juilroad look 425,000 Bbi, tbe n, frcm Hobokea . n(J o(bfr icM .. aon(f 5hore - js ,iIU0,t nunjber)fs, Ihe Tauo 0f th,se, at who,c,.j, prieo, could not have been less go.mMi. What's in a Name? A far off coun-;.-y paper publishes the following: We sre requested to state that tbe Rev. Napoleon Eouaparte Poita will preach in

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