fiqe io Sod, to ijour Sought, qpf) io ijour Duty." CHADFLIjiOTTB, PT. C,3LXJO-XJ,,37 23, 1859. TH02IAS J. HOLTON, Editor L Proprietor. . TOMS: Tne North-Carolina Whig will bo afforded to ub. riurre t TWO DOLLARS in auv.nct i TWO nul LAKf A.N L MKTY (LISTS if payment be ,,aTed for ihrce mouthe;endTIIKr.K DOLLARS dt tlie end it the year. Nunaper will be diacon. t.mwd unlilall arrearages are (mid, except i III ti n of tits fcditur Advertisement inserted stOne Dollar per squsre US linesor lea., this sixed type) lor mc nrsi mser. , I'Jn.and.jesntsforcschcoiilinuaiice. t'ourtad. .,rliaeiurnle and mierin oaics cnurgcu a y r I., nar i and a deduction ol 33 per cent, will l , from tha regular price., lor advertisers by rT ,rn Advertisements inserted monthly or ha.,rt,rly, at l per aquara for each lime. 8. ml. monthly 15 eeala per aquare tor each lime. Paruin when sending in their adverliei merle , m,,rk the number of inaertione nesirid or ,1,,. will l Inserts outil furtid and charged as. curlingly- Jj-foaliuastsrs are a utlioiiicd U acta afenti T. II. JJIiEM & CO., iu:oi i ham: a itn aii.ii Aint m . B niUH, FRIMCH k AFRICAN 1)11 Y GOODS, c -..itri.'i iiai , uor, AND lIAISDWAUi:.. T ii. Bam. 1 H .tHLO I I U, .V V. J. A. Hani aa, J , T. Larava-rra ALSxsKuaa. PICKLEDEPoi ho ii'i o. a in a t 1:1: ft AVE on hand and for site, F.rklct. Pre. I Jama, Je'lies, Syrups. Ac, low for LASH I Door of II.. fnort H..o.e. HOUSTON A H INTER. i'Wartr. Oti 26. IHi8. 33il .ris;;. uKLisj iif.lts:: HI I III llif Illll llt-ll ( Ulllpllll) .tl .Veraarluiri.' 1'iitrn (AMI l'HI' ?: 2 inch. ia rta. per bi ..IJ 17 94 1 31 :ih 10 6'1 li 7i i ' 4 ply ! t SEAMLrXstsril.TH manufactured to or der ' lUAiHtiJAli m'.ir.oi an eie. ......... r .ir.m pre.auii.wiiareil Juttt frmm iSt ,Wua.. , -ALSO Vi K1U of err pound. ill deacnpllon kl &.V ernta J. H. F. liOONK. wtf Wi, 31. I-5H. ftfj' Hcinoval. ftll. -uUcnU:r infurm lu l iriciiua aou n p. public frurrmlly I ,.l he h.s r moved Ins .-,..,p ,.. o, ...ou ... ..j..,,--., Williams' Store, on 1 rade sirert. where ha preoareu 19 anrno 10 aii orot.ra 10 n,a i.n. ... 1 his line. 1 mil a lew ariiels. on baud auih ss RnUna C.Alr ntitar. Ctae Planter's and Premium CCXIK STOVES, ail fa.rutjr ( I'AItl-Olt STOVl'aN. Alao. a good assortment of 'tin mill irolln.nir, Ar. All nf whi.l. I will .ill tl er.p for (AMI or ( oun 1 II :ry Produce, yeall. 1!S8. D. n. BYKRLY. 4..if fJlHOSE of my f-iends . ho art indebted to ms -BL bv Note ai Account, will plasse aheerve tliat I nas retired Ir.iin lbs lruf lluainess, at Una p.ate, and laimrdisl. srlfiiscM 1 is aUUuttlyri ifmrrd. My Bm.ks ars in the hamla of Mr. J. P. Smith, an wham parsons can 0 P, doin g my ebe.ure, ad Kllle. : II. M. PUITCHAHi). flsriolle, Oct. SC. 33lf NEWFIHM. " f W ill undc ftgnrd hsvinf entered into t'nrt 1 Driinp ftt llifl purjMe tl c-rry inj on Confectionary, Hakery, Fruil, AND Retail Grocery Business, R-g leva to call the attention nf the eilitens of ( h.rttilta snd surrounding enuntry lo their New Kundon Trsde Street, between lirem's snd prank cntliali'a, at Sprat . Daniel's old Slsinl, where tliry would ba pleaaed to are all their trieuda ana truuMiit'-tncis. MOODY i NISBET. Frara, 18S8. Notice I VI. I. prranns, whose Notes snd Accounts ara due, owing lathe undersigned asl'iustae, ara sarnrslly requested lu call and aettie, as il is imp..rt4nt tliat the Una' fund be maraliallcd al ss r.rly a days aa puaaibk , Kemember, inJulgruca raasal te giern, I W. 11. MYERS, I Trustee of Lerey Hpnnf s. W, .9 ICtf I IIAWKS'S j History of North-Carolina. rgVIK 3ud volume is now published. It em. M. brace, the ptriotf of tha Proprietiiry (Jnv. eremaul, from Ibb.'l la 179. It fi rms a haiulaume tjo. volume cf 5!) I pngrs. The aubaenption priva was hail a cent a pige ; the pries of this volume is lets, say ti 7.1 in 'I'jth b.nding. 3 in Llhrsry sheep, snd $3 85 in halt calf. It wili, ,t , w ro, , .,, j 'ing toil,, ditrirulty of af curing Agents in many of lh, Hutr w. W fMrwd jt ,y "WU ur otherwise iea a swsfags, on receipt of the ficr-in, btU volume, for It cloth, $4 51) sheen,' ' lulf culf. I A hbrml disnoant marie lo Agents, nr other., "no buy to sell again. . K. J. HALK A SON. ' "'"'", ,"as. IBSct. j EXECUTIONS for the 8. Court for aale- I Piano -and Music Store. 'IIP, Subscriber keeps continually, on hand jm u; ,.., . Clrk snd other maker., of New York. Which he . .... ...r ........ - - .... .......... B. i- per. Also, tha la teal Music on hand, at No. lot) Mam street between the -eh'. American Hold, t olomhis, H. C. and the SAMUEL GAKDINER. Jiry I Ota 1958. if I. L. K(RBI0.', . HICKMAN L. I.tlDINO. KKUIMSOXtV M:iI)lG, I.MPOIt'lKHS Fotelgn and Domestic Dry Goods, W HOI.K8AI.K A XI) Kt'l AIL. lit.rL aTttrr, om iwon raon aii, IIAII.I10., S. A 11 b;9. 7-1 t ( limlolle .Tluftial l ire llfL' Cllllip I II)'. guHIH COMPANY cnnlinnea lo take rieka a ajk inl lea by fire, on tlouace, Uooda, Pro oore, A c, at uanai ratce. . IT Office at lU Drug Store af K. Nye Ilutchi. aun cV t o. orricERs. A. C. 8TKKLK. Jeulrt. C. OVKlt.M AN. Vvt rrrtiilevt. K. NYK IIU K IMHON, Sec y. d 7'retu r. I)IH TOBfi. A C. S1KKLK. J. I j. llHOW.V. M M. TAYLOH, 8. T. WKISTON, U. OVKHMAN. F. HOAKK, W.M. JOHNSTON. I John L Drown, V. Scakb ind S. T. Wbihton, J'riruttve Committee. I AptU , I.i9. 7tf : '300,000 Ao. 1 Fruit Trees rou nam:. UF.STBHCCKS ti BIENDENALL, 'rojmttuit of the fi Giern Xurtrriti and Gartltm,ftear Creentbufo,N. C, Ol'I.H vry reapec-lfuily call the alien l.n I vl n. eiti f Ilia Southern Mialae to r loik-e al." k if native and acclimated f and W intir Trade. me aaoriin nt hi', heen i hralinr Irria. and wnrfc. I I nut Trira, h i the V. Tl..alrer and pruiK.gjttfl t'foin tlirilli ed uiM.n tha t-l aerdlieg aloefca, whuh ',m a aura ! guarantee of fruitiuloea and iragrtly, $ prami. iit-iit eharAttU-rialica in orchariiii-g winch almuld ; nut be ovrrltrtikeO Ly tM-iaona a i. lung lu plant or. charda eiliier lor n .rkrMp nr !uniy The 1 tonnala i.l II, r foil, :ng Ire, I : ,snoou A(,p( ,rtr, . , pl)() .r.r, trrr, . ,0 , Ol.u l .ar Ir... ; la.lHitl Auricle ; 10,(10 t ltry U. DIKI II ii mi i i(U Nttt-noa; lobU Al lUUII tiun.ct; S'lUO lirapi B aiiiea a vrry fine a so'tment of Curranta Ktra s berriea, ttaaberriee, l.ocMirberrii., elr., all of I which will ba .old on vrry rraaonablv lerma for c.h or approved pafier. All package, put up in superior .t) It , and a j , enmplrte invoice s nt lo each patron, and so ar-. AM - hard atler Ilia trees are trunaolautrii. if thev ir,,.nled a. iech one annears on tl list. Mr. 1. J. Iloitno will acl as .grnl f..r the lu'. ni.luI,f r lUt flil. ef Mt. kln.t.iirr and berma cui.t.ea wi'h the above Fruil Tri e j will lake plraaur in fowatoing arena for the 33lf. Dr. II. M. rrilehard IKI.DINf! totbe solicitaliciiof ms. iv irienus, reapeclfully ann.iun i era hia den ruiination lo resume the 1'rnrliri'Ol .! dlrim-. he ci.naultrd al hia t If The poor preatried for without charge. Aaga.f 31, IK.'.h. a.'.ll mi: i.mi u i VKiOl! ATOIS! raer rkii iiv ur s.n.Kn, ( omponodrd rntirrly from (.niS, i.f TIIK HKT Pf.l tTtV nil t.ivrn a. II Mrtis-a. aad bulla H . Ila t.lvar araa ha Kaman U.-I, ; a. ahan II M.,Ma -a. im(i E''uHa" I ata.. lh. r - 0 aw, 4a.a,.g,ai,nu laaM-k Saw slMhM4.aiMnnnirM lit aSX plitlnl, Ii. a.-, rf ft.ii.4, ...I W nai..rn..n m ra.u.n. Hi. m m,.plf ,,r .by,, ' alarw a Itklitay Sua f Site, Iturirylna llle S)I.Mtl. Saw a.thr uHana baalta leiaa "'- M..I;,;.'i,."."''', Ia "" IIIII..U. stlat'ka a.. .mrd. anrl, what la lirll. r, p, tn.K.I. Ij aW d i-ra..'aal M a 111 l.lvtr liivlaiiialar. liwawl,M...ei,inr SriMN a raltav. lh. slnnat k nlghf aa. S.aa lki ..'.St. l" iIm HI k llra.larlie. mal. nhl rarllna tr.-.f 4 hollr, i hollr, al.ll. I..i i hole, a .Uoi.,",a. ! 'I lllm 1. n r r .u4 l. t itrai. la t i"ih- aa- a Uw tut.i. Uloa', hjr arllln( lha U.lak.l.lM- I rwi a,..l Aaor. I I. Ill Kt.rr. a aiia..ra a rtll- w ,n. T ne. ti .-raia. All a ho II are irlilK Ihele aiUHlntssl niliH.i.,1 lii lla In vol. Br 'In l,r In ihr month altli Ihe liivl i.ralttr, and .Malliov Ih.i Ii lt.u Iliri . THE LIVER INVIOORATOR I A K. ULTIMO WFHIftl. lllwiH KKV. a.M It l.'lf .... i.l lll.ra.Kl I.l, F. STARK A CO., ( hurlottf, jV C. A LAKOK SUPPLY OF Cni.stabh- Warrant.s JUSTPKINTKl) WILMINGTON UltAXCII. NEWST0HE. KAHNWEIIJiB k BRO'S. 2ri door from T. II. liretn j- Co.' Store. HAVE opened n entire New Stuck of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods and Millinery , to which they invite the attention of the cilixin. - r Our flock consists of every vanity nd of I lie Rich eol'd Press Bilks, Doited Ulk Hilk fil'k and col'd Brmjfea, Frrnch Jaconela and Orrandier, Jael and Orje Itobea and double Jupea, Pnnla of varioua alyln and all qunlitiea, I , Ur.t quality of kid Ulovea. j Pick.mck Mitte.eui a bik Cotton a Bilk Glove. , Iloaiery, ol all liiniir", j lioti ne la, Mirar. & C hid'n Flat, a Juckiea : - Eni.ncl Ribbon., Lace Poiui and M.mtilhia, Linen and Pique Dueltra, Table l)maak Sl Clothe i Damaak Napkin, and Do j lira, Lnihroiderif-a, Pump-.-dour and Picolnmini ColUra a 8ilta, bwia. and ( ambric t ollara, Maileac and Valencie Hlci eas JUoalin Sl Lace Sleevta, new dc-aiena, Lmb'd Pocket Hdkla. IUiu Stiehed and Bor'd Hkfe, Canib'e and Ewiaa Koin;. and II rtinp a, (airibc and lin,ity Itndaand Flnuui'iiia, Liale and t rench 'I h'd Ldjjirja a luatrtn ga, lll'k Lea li(infa, Bl'k Veila, Drraa 'J'nnnn,ii(;a, Frinjea, liraio,, Ac. Hoop Skirt, of all kind.. Plaid ana Striped Hieaiane, Brown Hurting., and Ktiettinra, Hlei'd l loib fsbtctinga, Collr.n Oauaburga, Marai illi-a Quilt., and AUo, a ffrrat variety ol fnnry arlielea. W e i Art our block al rrwaikably low price". and IiruilllLI lor C"A -'.l. In addition lo our lurfe alork of Dry Good., we h.vr on hand ti e beat Hock of u nor i: nt tii title t i.u'i Hi.XG, ai JlOOiS, MIOI .S, IiA'lN r-rt 7 1 t.i., I'oUhth $ ( ttrittt ClttjiH. and a large eaeortimnt of r. f.T a.Y rv ; o 1 1 mi: s . AM) . :ilit'i y nmi ITnr!ii arc, ' at low price.. j May 21, I6.-.9. lltf i Mrckknlnrg l!cnds. H.V; it-r . i r n sa it ii m. T M)t.-K I.O.MJS are undoubleiil V tha aafrat iivtsluiint tl.fat ciu ie on ,iiiil are really pr ft rali'.e lo iiy Ii The county taiinot rtpuilirfte. They bear .eera Kr cent li'lereat pa vable aefni. anfUiiiy. aim (Wtupoua for the aanic. Tiny art of Die dtnumiuHlioii of $100. ahirh will make them more current and ust lul lor do. niesttc purKaea. The couuuna will prove a convenient medium fur pyinj; eounly taar.. Tm eitiat-na of llie rouuty should poaaea. them and Hit y are now otl-red tj, them. at uhtr li..nk in t liailuite or with 1 ohi'u'n'j.'.lin ir mil (. cme irtTii.pi aitentu.n. II. W. (JL ION. ried. Tr. n . C. If H. H. K. Cs. . " Only to think, Ellen," sb said, " I am S,j,i. 28, 18.18. vatf more than two years youuger than you, and .... , jet am married first. You must make haste." V-ti Vaaf i.a i Elleu smiled. " I ara in no hurry," the iMMIlt. answered. When the right one comes flMltfirmoflll.MlEliSONi AllRENSw.. j, ,iH b, ,;,, enough." She did M. oieaolird on toe 1st til J.i.uurv, by uiuluai ,1 t i .. i . i r u i- consent. JAS. P. HENIit.HsON, will berealler not add that aha unght have bad Isabels curry on Die busint aa on hia own account. All intended, if abe had showed him encourage pri.oi aimtrbl. il will phase ct nie forward and niSDt at first; for this was a secret aha re acillt al once, a. Ihe buMiirss mu.l be closed up li,;iou.lj kept from her aister. You kuow """""""'HE.NDEUSON A A II KENS. Jbe ,oldt pro'erb.'.is, Patient waiting no January 18iU. '0M dou 1 w,Dt 10 "Jarry until 1 jove ; and perhaps I shall never do that." II S.VINO ...1H mv enure interest in the firm of "You're loo particular," said the bride, IlKMiKKSON & AIIKI.NS to .Mr. J. P. HEN with a toss of the bead. " You expect im- IF.K!O.N. I eiill expect o remain for aome lima u:y frtenda and customers, fiurticularly on those who would fork over the little chsnge, due me and Ihe concern. F. All KENS. January l8rU. 44-tf A.C. WIILIASaSOH. A TTORNKY snd Ounst llor al law, hnata i km su office, jointly with J. A. K"J, Kq Ufialairs next noc.r to thrt'outt House, where he will be constantly present to attend to all calls ot, prt.fraait'uul business nisde lor himaelf, or for Mr. I ox, w-hru he is abscul. ;aaaaa.l6. 41lf Wanted 1,000 JUV31.IS.-,S. CORDS OF TAN RACK, for future happiness of thebride. Isabel's bril which ti.e cash win he pmd. , Hatit match bad been a failure, for her bus M. IS. TAY'I.OK. i tlDd hid turned out dissipated ; and though ! she had everything which riches could aup- ; Ccl.J. W. gentler.,. n bas published a Card in the Gretnsborougb Patriot PrsttT effectual! dinrovinr tha ator- that Governor Ellia had boneht him 1 over t. tbe Democr.tio party by a rcee.t appointment coufurred on hiru. lie closes as follows t " I expect te stand firm on the Whig ' platform long after many who ar. new troubled about n.o have bargained, sold and delivered themselves over to the atronf?eti part, of thecountry-wh.t ever that party !. e'du or emot,on appeared on 1,1 way be. And you mark this, that those fce tbou!.b U de(;P'j bur'- who make tbe most noise about men being bought and sold, will be tbe first to trade! themselves. As to thi. Congressional dis-! trict. Ioulr remark, that whatever mav be 1 the result, Irhallgivo Gen. Lach a cordial I . ,1 " jpport. A Righteous V tenon t. The coroner'a jury who have had the ShagbticoLe massa cre under consideration at Albany, have rendered a verdict which means something. They ssy that the bridge where the slaugh ter took place was " rolt.u, uusafe, and known to be so;" and that tbe Superinten dant aud Directors should be held responsi ble ; in other words that they should suffer the penalty of tbe law- It is now for the Disti iet Attorney within wnose jurisdiction tbis case of homicide falls, to act at once on the verdict, and bring the matter before a a grand jury, with a view to the indictment of the parties poitited out as in fauit." Wh The World of Light. av aav. Da, uhi.nbkbo. Birae o'er Thy foottlool here below (. icli radiant gen-e are atrtwn, O, that nniel glow, My God ! aruundlliy ihrone ! Po brilliant arra IhoMOropa of light Tlitra the full octtnn lla, how blight ! Knight's blue euri'f Thy akv. With thou.and j'' t inwrought, Hung like a royal a tu yy, Wi h glittering .'jionda fraught Be Lord, Thy lmiile'. cuter veil, W 'hat apu.nuor al the .hrme muat dwell ! I The daxxlirg aun noontide hear. Forth from hi. finning vaae, Flinging o'er tarth the golden ahower, 'J ul vie and mountain blase Dili aiiow. , O Lord, one beam of Thine ; What, then, tbe doy icAeit Thau dott thitu ! Ah ! how ahall tie dim eye. endure 1'hat noon of iving raya, Oi how my .pirjt, ki impure, . l'pon Tiiy gl'ty gaxef Anoint, O Lord, aieinl my eight. And robe me lor that world of light. Lct's'bo Content. Why murmur at yoir lot In life? Look upward, be wman ! Away Willi diacwilTt and alri'e, And Oo the beat J u can. What, I ho' yon hav.-no broad green land., Nornft'era filled rtn gold 7 Health and alrengt.and honeat haitd.. Will yuld yuu - ill uuloid. Far better .h.ra 111- lira that fill, The honeel wotkii.ib'a breaat. The aleep that o'er u aenaea Ual, Win ii nature cli' -a hir rtat. Tiio' carea are no liura pathway act. And aorrowq a priifl arouii-t ; Rrioemtier that wlnrerank wetda grow, A flowretolt i. fuuid. Who ; then, would lie in idlcnc.a, W hen li.boui'a'bi- h nd ple-,aure 1 Let', be content, alio Ht-ilven will bit ea Our works with lot tig nieaauie. liscdhncmis. "PATIENT WAITHG 0 LOSS." BY ELLK ..ASHTO.S. It was Ihe eveningTieloie Isabel Whar ton's marriage. A spoiled beuaty, to whom admiration had been daily food, and now about to make what tbe world calli d a bril- K... .1. ,l.a .a. ,1,1 ., re.ivl !, Iri. uinph over ber elder sister, who, though uot . wanting in pereooal charms, was sun utimar- p0.ibilitiea. M You'll go through the wood, and beve to cnt a crooked stick at last." " I shall never do that," replied Ellen, ' firmly. "I'd rather have no stick at all," j she added, a moment after, laughingly. I " Iwo years subsequently there was an- , other bridal group in tbe same nisnsion.' This time the fitice was Ellen's next young- , at sister. Sne also had secure I what tbe i world eonsidered a priic ; that is she was about to marry wealth, position and a fool. " My child," said the mother, who was present, addressing Ellen, aud the tears came into ber eyea as ahe looked on the bride, " you at least are left to me." Elien pressed ber parent's band in silence. Both shared the same forebodings as to the I ply, she carried an aching heart. Th,; tuotber feared that a similar fate impended 0,ef ,bi, otller daughter; but May had been wilful ; and tbe father, who considered wealth all in all. bad taken ber side. "Oh '."cried the bride, Ellen will be priee di8gui9. ,uil udyhfp . ,d l. a! A e .1,. ..,,! Nobody but a as prinoes are scarce in this country, j ahe'll have to stay unmarried." She spoke 1 '",h ,oaeh ! b,u"ess, for she re- ( '" nfr ",ions ueu , be bld b'uu ta f"r her intended hua- !'- . . ... ! . , 1 . , , , . ? . ,u,,rry' you know, May, I am less. " you ; an we u e,,,us e.s, , " , uU'-. P'k al" cose like belles. But they say everjbody has a mate, and sometime, I suppose, mine will; come along. Patient waiting,' you know i ia, ' no loss.' I am io uo hurry to marry, I however, and leave dear mamma." Aud j ahe twined ber arms arouud her parent's neck. Three years more el.pseJ. Again there was a bride nt the household. But still it was not Ellen. Her yoaugest sister, the loveliest of all, and hardly seventeen, was ihe one. " Look at us, ma," raid tha thoughtless child, as she rauht sight of ber sister's face and ber own in the glass. " I declare Kllen looks old enough to be my my mother. You'll soon be putting ou caps, sis-," con tinued the gsy, pert thing, " for you'll never marry, that I II answer for:Ua IIarrnjs ao too." It ceojed Ellen. fto to have tuortifjiur tliinca laid to her, by ber youojer ir,lers, i .i ' , r when lhe wera an the tn nt iimrr latre Butfhe remembered low t-iddy and young1 Lillian was; ind .lie replied kiudly, "It's quite probable I shall necr marry, dear. Hut let roe fix that flower differently ; in your I think Harr, will pronounce ! von lovelipr limn mr " " I'm glad you've made up yonr mind ! that you'll be an old maid," answered LiU i li.n, as she bent her head to have the flower (arranged. "Harry aays ifa such a pity, arrangea. "iiarry aays ita such a pit j, when a girl want, to gel married, and can t ; that svery one, old like jou, ought to eon- iuce herself ,L,T M'Kr have a beau : , for she'll be ail the l.sppier. liut thi don't ibe rujJ au? """J ou a pece -liook much like fulfilling your fs-crite I After reviewing the grounds of peace as i proverb," she said looking archly at Kilon, "that-Patient naitin- is no W Ah! ln" uiu u, gj, t " J war, he did not think it was for ber to in- " I bold to my proverb yet," replied El- ,"f'-'r ,1,e peace The sacrifice of a len; unmoved by this repetition of Henry's ! pro.iuce by Austnm did not affect the state remarks. " Uunleas I could marry suitably, of Europe "uffio,entlJ, t0 "tiDt ,ntcr marry one I could reverence and love, it fereDce of ,Le De"tr1 Powt- 1 n'" would be better that I should not marry at in'portaut part of the treaty, however, re all. Patient waiting is still no loss.' The lated ,0 ll,e fulure o' ,ud tl,C ,unt,a loss would be. by not waitine. to involve mr-! tioD of ,be K'-P"" NlP eon 10 .eDU'r tl, self in ao ill-assorted union." " Dear me, you frighten me. One would think getting married was a terrible thing," answered the volatile girl. " Harry says you have often a face like a fuueral; and I'm aura inn Innk that wae nnw " i,U, i..j ,.j ti.:. time it ... Ellen that was the bride. At jrraljCa A"1 uot. U, dowo .baoluiely ao la5tshe had found one worthy ol her, a ! ian Confederation, but only that the hmper noble, gifted, true Learted man, who had j or ould u'"'e v promote one. He doubt recognixed her many great nualties by in- d ' risibility or the beneht of a ton tuition, and bad wooed and sou her, though federation at ptesei.t, and pointed out the va not without difficulty. Her sinters wtre I rious ob.tacK-s to the cousuu.iuution of such .11 r.r... .1.. .,j.t: i ii...j atiroi 'd. Al'sih. huElaud must know how older than she, even Lillian ; for none had made happy marriages, and care and j;g. appointment were wearing them out. 1'acbof the three thought of what she bad said to Eileo, and each ait-bed that the bad been les governed by tbe common weakness of her sex, to secure an early aet tlement in life. " Ah !" said each to her own heart, " Ellen was right. In ' patient waitirr there is no loss, especially lu mar rying." EiiiitT Children at a Birth On the 2d of August, Mrs. Timothy Bradley, of I Johnson, Trumbull County, Ohio, gave birth to eight children three boys and five 'girls. They are all living, and healthy, but quite small. lr. Ii ' family is in creasing fat. iie a. married six years ago to Eunice Mowery, who weighed 273 ' pounds on the day of their marriage. She has given birth to two pair cf twins, and now eight more, making twelve children in six years. It seems strange, but neverthe less is true. .Mrs. B was a twin of three, ber mother and father being twins, and ber gratia mother the mother ot nve pair of twins. Mrs. B. bas named ber boys af ter noted and distinguished men one after the lion. Joshua U. Uiddings, who has given her a splendid gold medal ; one after tbe Rev. Hon. Elijah Champliti, who gave her a deed of fifty acres of land, and the other after James Johtison, Esq , who gave her a cow. Mr. Bradley says it is profits- ble to have twins, as the neighbors have clothed the others ever siuce they wero born. 3Ir. U is a poor laborer, but says he will not part with any of bis children while he is able to work Corrcspoiuki.ce Site Yo k Times. O.nb Hcndrbd axd Twistt MlLSS OF Grain. The ride by daylight through the central portion of Illinois is at all times in- the yea? it is doubly so. The wheat bar- . .,,;. , vest is now m full b ast, and oue sees scarce- lv anv thine from Chi -aco to this rioint en grain mingled with equally exten-ive ,r 7 r - e... a if t ' t i . r fields of waving corn. As I wrote from Chicago, tie harve.t is immense, and th. quali. Unprecedented. In this section the nw snrin wheat will comnare favorabiv with the best qualities of Wisconsin .hit. , - .... ,. .,,,. . ur.V,;. but at this canicular season of'1"! terms to Austn. virtually as.ented tbe bushel. The average j'.ld througbout! Tin National P-fencks oi England - b.s, by order of the King of Sardin. with-.haSts,-i:inotV,ele.!.,biheUncri0" 'Jth. 10 tbe proceedings in the dran from fc .rd.u.a authority and publish- acre, and by many is thought to be as high as twenty. Illinois letter. Tin Germans Against Democracy. A Rochester correspondent of the New York Tribune says : "All through tbis part of the State, there is a lame and steadily augmenting German population. The heart of this sturdy peo ple is deeply incensed at Gen. Cass's letter respecting the protection America owes to her naturalixed citixeus. The Democracy may rest assured that the intelligent portiou of the people will, at tbe earliest opportuni ty, take summary vengeance upon a party that will play the demagogue in whecdliug foreigners out of their votes, and will prac tice the craven when their rights are assail ed, offering to them that greatest "f insults to man or wotnau U first u-e and then abuse them." We ars pleased to learn thatB. F.Grady, Jr of Duplin Comity, N. Caroliua, has I been e!ec:,d Profe.sor of Mathematics in An. tin C. ee. 1 enilersonvi e. 1 1 xas. , Mr. Grady is a graduate of the Uuiversitv of this Slate, where he was highly distiu ruisbed for his proficiency, especially in Mathematics, as well as for his geniiemsiilv deporttneul. Wo think the College ha. made a most excellent selection. H it. Journal. A Letter from Niagara Falls says that where the Suspension Bridge originally sag ged only two or throe inches under the weight of a train it now sajs nearly tweuty inches. Tho general iuipreasion iu the neighborhood is that this great work of art will one of thise days give wsy and fall into the river. Visitors .w walk over the bridge instead of crossing iu the trains as formerly. FOltEIGN NEWS BY THE AIIABIA. ) Tub Treat or Villa Fbanca in tub jjBTIH pARLiAMtNT. The 1'arliauientary .. . . , proceedines on the 2th were uniniportant. ""-vv '"6 " r On the 2Nth, in the Houne of Common, Lord C. Paget said experiments were pro - ,0 ,be practicability of laying " . ? ,, . . f,;, ,,, Bub,ur,ue to Gibraltar. Lord John Russell made his statement "lt' to foreign affairs lie would have P'P " there had been any prospect of bei"l-' nouuce a deflnite settlement I "t the affairs of the Continent before the ' --.- -- - . PProacLinj! cloe of the se.sion. He was I t0 lb. Msj-it-.r that the Km- I P"r ot ' ' bd Jetermmed to place i procminiea ny t ie two x-roprrore, uc Congress, nas to eonault on the actual Hate of affiirs of Italy, quite irrespective of the terms of the treaty of Villa Franca. England had not confuted to join tbe Congress, and would not, until they saw what would be the result of the Cou- fereuce at Zurich. The treaty of Villa il proposed to carry out the treaty be- lore joining uo tuj;,, -I'-"";"" " .rresPecl 10 V m V h' I I M I " o"-, -- i- - never be a party to forcing them on their people Wltnoui ineir iree tuuicm. im - ioiced to say that the King of Naples was b-jinuinp to pot an end to the system wbich prevailed under the late King, and rincere- lv desired to terminate it altogether. there was- a treaty about to be wade Vienna, whither a confidential agent of t j' rreneu Government had gone to arrange mc basis. He believed that the Emperor of Austria desired that the Italians snouia have self government, lie eould not now j say whether there wouia no a vongreas ne tnougiii u woum w u- now to sav v'.iiit she would withdraw from ; such an assembly II tuere was a c nance oi promoting tbe liberty ot Italy una estao- or.,ioo wuio(, lhev )uay tuilii, ril.Cess.iry to lisbitig lhe pesco of Europe. , ,he lhterua govtinuui.i of the State-, espe- Mr. Disraeli expreseud the wish that ; cially in the provi.-ieiiil acq n-iti jn. Tni!.' Lord Jubu Kusseil had been uioro explicit, 0ouiiciU will have complete liberty in their particularly as to any terms that may deliberation, and may make known openly have been offsred Anstria by the imutrnl j tuJ sincerely to the Emperor the wauts aud lower. He reiterated Lis objection to Eng-j wishes of the population. Important finau land haxiug; auything to do with the Con- 0ial and un itary reforms ore likewise pre ference, aa she would thereby be bound by jected." the treat; of Villa Franca. ( The Au-trian War department has deeid- Lord PaliiHTston denied that England d that tbe first aruiy shall he uiniutaiued ut had fcubmitted any terms to Austria wbich present ou a war footing. Its effectiva were less than those obtaiued from France. Btreiinth is eatiinated ut 200,000 iucu The Tbe eoveruincnt, at the reiriest of the French Ambassador, had cousented to be the channel of communication, and had submitted some terms to Austria jbut at the same time distinctly stating they were the j views cf thel rench Uovernnient, aua mat j Etigland gave no advice or opinion in the matter. It would be impossible for the government to join in the Congress u'il the result of the Zurich Conference was known. Mr. Whiteside said that the government had been made a catspaw of, and by trans- j ,0 . . ;b conduct of Mr. Gladstone eulogized lho couuuet or c ... r,ij p.lmr.irin from Srd,,,ia defend ,d Lord 1 almerston troru . , ,, .-.,:.- : .h.terer measura between the executive in wbatever measure 1 oetweeu inirinunicia " u-.i . . . . 1,1.1:,,. .11.1, .A lnt for the in- ' V":? ,efr"' f ,Iu1' "d tU V"0"1 welfare :f 5 . .. ..L v.. .1.. I ,A Z mZ iZ droW subject was tben dropped. House of Commons, sundry questions were put to the government on the subject of ni- govcruiuetit to tbe municipal members-. val armaments and tiational defences. lc populace assembled in orowds aud Lord Paluierston said that he did not proclaimed the municipality by acelainatiou think it possible (or England to euler into the dictators of the country. Chevalier an agreement with the other powers for the Farrini accepted a provisional re.ency to arid iMetical reduction of ber military and ruaiutain public order and re uuitc the rep naval establishments, her position being restutative Assembly of Modeua, which is totally different. to pronounce on the futuro settlement of the Mr. Horseman moved a resolution that country, the expenses of completing the works of The result of the deliberation on the defence be wet by a fund specially provided questiou of annexing Tuscany with Piedmont for the purpose, iudepcudetit of Par'.iainen- has been made kuown from one hundred tary votes. He urged continued aruiaiueuts, and forty-oua pl.ces, iucluding Leghorn and su""csted a "loan to complete the dc- and Florence. The result shows 00 affir feuces. C ; i'l;"'v against l.'i ucgame votes. Mr. Siduey Herbert and Lord Palmer-i The abdicate of the Grand Duke of .ton objected to the proposition but bnh Tuscany iu lavor of bis sou is officially eon said the government was fully alive to firmed. The Nord denies that auy French the importance of completing the de- troops are to occupy the dachies. Thosw fences of the couutry, and promised vigo- who are at Koine will remain for the pres rous ac.ion in the matter. ent where they are. Nohere else wi.l Mr Cubden deprecated this irrational theie be auy intervention iu Italy, alarm a. an actual incentive to war, and; The Loudon Turn's quotes a letter from ridicule! the idea of invasion by Franco. ' Milan, which states that tho extreme party He bt.pcd that explanations would tie enter- ed into b.uween the two governments. Af- ( tcr stioll extl.mauoni ua.i tried, bo would, if necessary, be ready to hearuia- of the preliminaries to the peace, vote two bnti'l red millions of pouuds to pro- ; Garibaldi offered the roaignatiou of himself vide a navy superior to Fi auce, although he 1 guj t iua officers to tbe King of S.irJuiia, .hosed thai the Euglih uavy was grtatij, but 1 1, . t he rvl'u-ed tiuin. superior to it uow. j J be government of the Koinsjua had Mr. Ilorsetnau's motion was rejected by, adapted the coJe of Napoleon. U7 uiajiritj'. 1 EngH-h papers say that the Atlantic Trle- ImkiikstInu from Franvs.-TIio Mot.i graph Company have decided to make lh teur of the 2.-th eouta. us olbeial announce-! next cable ef six copper wires ti.-t-uient that the Emperor ha' declared that; ed about six times the six of tha old one. the army and uav y snail be restored to j There is to be no out-ide coverni,' of the . peace looting wiih lb. least possible delay. ;irou wire, except a few hundred at It is stated that as soou as the troops have j the ends. It is to be ma le, laid down ana returned to France and resumed their pre- guarantied iu ail re-p-e'- It isexpeele.l ibl vious quarters, great number, of temporary ,t will be in order for bu-iusss ear.y next furloughs will be granted, which will after auuiunr. ? Til be made definitive for all tho-c men At Goodwo.J. 00 Friday th" stake was who have twelve or eighteen mouth, to serve I .y by IvDtick a Meiuo.ul. It counted The Adminittratioo of Marine it said to have received the Decenary iuatructioas for preparing the definitive discharge of all ailor who, have been called lo join the fleet within tLe laxc six tuoulha. The London Tioios, in a leader on the 1 proponed French disarmament, says: We i recognixe m the dtaarmauicut the sagacity of tha hinpcror to gauging the temper of Lu ,nJ for our 8vrn psrt we r(.j0ice that we may now return to security and peace. We shall, of course, in due time follow the example of our ueihbora. The London Daily News thinks that the execution of the proposed measure, would be a moat valuable pledge for the peaoe of tbe world, and says the annouuoeuieut will be accepted with candor. The London Post sayi general confidence tnuat be excited throughout Europe, and a long and uninterrupted peace is to be hoped for. Prior to the announcement of a disarma ment, the Paris correspondence wa tilled with conjectures as to the warlike desigu of France, particularly in regard to Eng land, and many absurd statements were made. Ote writer says: "Orders have been sent from Paris to expedite the de parture of the French troops from Italy. Of the one hundred and twenty thousand nieu in the North of Italy, Mity thousand were to be sent to Susa and Genoa by rail, at the rate of thirty five per day. 1 heau ar, to be in Paris ou or before the i 0f Aucuet , and alter tbe Emperor's jelt the Atiguet, Kbine is their destination, in order to show Germany the rapidity nith abich French troops cau be moved from the scene of vic tories ia the South to freah enterprise, if necessary, in the North." It is aliil rumored that the Emperor con templated a vi-u to Londou, but it was not generally crciiiled. A camp of Bil,llnU meu was beiug formed at St. Maur, ntar Fans. The Mouileur 's announcement of the pro jected disarmament caused great exciieiucut, j Bl,d a rise of one per cent, on the Hour-e. ! i a was, However, auoafijueiiny ui'ariy 06t. The rentes closed ou the -Lth at 40c. Important krii Acstkia. -The Vienna Times sas correspoMiiaiit of the Loudon -ttUiU it g()erslly believed that a j deputation, with the Pnucc Napoleon at the , WO(jiJ ,)0rt nrrive t0 uk, ,hc re. Ulljl)9 of .,ja Dijke ie Hl.ioh!,laiit ,0 j.,,,,. 'J he correspondence of the Independence Beige thus speaks of ihe projects of reform : eiilrrluiued b the Emperor of Austria : .. AU lhe prov,U(.,.,i c provtueial councils ot the iMnbiie are to be couvokad siumi wnrou-1 v, in order , ,0 an.wer , htrWe of (.ae,,i011, oll amc. other corps arc ou ilieir fjrnier cautouiueuts in Gallicia and Hungary, ImbusTImj t it m Italv. The ocial piedmoiitese Gaxctie published a circular 0f (je Mioiter of tha Interior to the Gov- erDori uu,j Ill!euJants General, which says ,he cua 0f Cabinet docs not produce ,nv ..;,?. ; .i,,, ..haraeter of tna policy of Sardiuia. The uew ministry wjU C0Iilinue t0 favar ,4 lttr-ly as possible (be developiuont of the great principle which lre tue l)asis of public ri-ht. The ,, 0Q ,0 ,,k suppor, ;u tranquil- h- , tbe di.courage.1 minds, strengthening 104 belU'f the rie'"s ".''b'y, and jn DrcI)r u" the auuexed provineo for iberal prepiiiiB tu '""'u "" ,n.,i,u,iot)S The circular concludes by nuuo unci j. Pr.narations were bein mnde at Milan J: riDarations were bein uivle at . V , ... . " , , for a grand ,, ,0 take p ac the arrival of the King of Sard,,,,,, P'd "' dl4 w L,s ace on who Visit his OCiV L"'Lk,rd? V- Chevalier ! an int. Governor of MoJena e( a procUmation, iu which be remits tbe is oegiiin.Tij "V""r- ble enetiw may ri-e iu insurrection. . lutter 11 oiu mc . am i.uc, , s, ...a. uu

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