yl0m the Buff''0 Courier of Iho I8tli Instant. I. ULON DIN AT . NI AO Alt A FALLS. yiiGrrat Fenl of Currying; a man Acruu on'His iliuiilileri Aftuniplialiril. - '. . probotily the largest crow J tu8teveras Biblcl it Niagara Fall wag present there jesterda; to witness Mods, liloudin cross be Niagara River upon hi rope carrying a B upon hi ahouUlera.. ', ' About half-past 4 o olock M. lilondin en- the rnolosura and proceeded to tho ,dof ! rope on the American side. Hi, .ppearaooe waa the signal for a general cheering. ' responded to from the 0,berilof the river. He was dressed a 0 former occasions in .ilk tights, bare head- ,,, ,nd ou his feet rough dressed huck.kt.i Iu a fovr minutes after hi arrival, y .vended the rope with bis ba auce pole, nD1 started to cross the river alone. He- fore lc'i'' ' t,fld P'f.of P"!"5" rou"1 U.wai.t. After proceeding about 100 feet fc. .topped, awung one lot and thru the otlr, aud then walking along fifteen or .,i.!V feet, stopped aud Mood upon hi ' U),l hU head resting on the bal.nciu j ,,,'e which lay acro-s the rope, the ends IId iNd rsro aloa tiie rope, stood upon brs-J sat dowuturne J aowcrseta luckwards and fjraaids, and proceeded to ilit middle of the river, ahere there are no Here he laid doD on the rope on l.aeX at mil lengm u lid hi beUwinir P0' aerots the rope and ,t)j'l upon it with one foot, an t balanced ,l ith (ho other foot; his bauds lying by j, fi-it. lie then turned aud patsed along ,i, rne to where me guys ou i.an.ioa I , , , i i i i i .iiere ftned, aud laid -lown l,,s bal I tiil i pale. lie now ;'arueii witn ni m-pended beumt'i, thi rcpes running with his ht'-U v. I feet as au ,, o the uiidd'd of the rape, between the guy Here 'rci.: through with 1 1 the feats attempted by tiht rope per friiers, mcb as banging by oue foot, then , yilier, and by one baud, then droppiu ! Jr Ittsu n bis arai and the rpo aud in I jtl en -jrineu an ir si:r (icNuniita uy i',f tm'i ague tiht rope pertortners. Ua j fiurned to where bis balaueii.g pole . took it up, and crsd to tho Canada l,,i atnrniDg several times to t-jrn somer 1 f .... : stsuij upou hi hesd, upon one loot , , , . 1 ,. . i-j'i to lay down upon the ro,. I joii Ins r-jebin lb Ca'iada shore he was recited h tremeudouseheer from the cowd, and : I-0""";"' ? lLu bri,!f "d f bi0,.h , r ! of lie river re.-p-jtnJd witu their ' ' ", '! ' ,. . , ., . , ,, M. I!. iiJiO cirupied sotrif thing over h.!' ' . . r t , , boar in crying. o-. o, uie .,u,e .r.n, .yut.n hi. perfiM-snees on the roe,,- lis tewaiaed upou the ( ar.aJa iue to .',..k l,l,.,.'f , ffi...n a, ,.!,(. ni.ntea. and again appeared upon the rope. Ui tioio he bid In gnt, Mr. Ilii.ty i.., tjdy down full length below the rope, , V httt ,,; .. .ipomroi im inr.i;rl.nn nH ! ... .liriin, round, resting hi breast fraft " . c"n,,'!Uj lue,r ,e.e,h "f il-e ..h.h.Lcher . ,-r l n,ly ! J,.,,, tU rope and with arms and legs j "JS un.it.Lu.J li.r. ,. r.medy. Such research 4i invuatigation haa I ,,od s if in the at of swimming I TllE Croup Tho Journal of Health says, !"r"J'' diaeov-nng s urmnly f"r inn m.i.i , , , , . ii , , atTlictive liuriiHliiin, the I lit buni! by both artin and then paved hii " V hen elilid i taken wu'i croup in.--taiit- r , , . -or 1, a suaa weighing about I 3i pouiids YaLKKR "'I fasrn I I''' Auaix A tel v.a Li back, aad his l.tlancic pole ' egram Iroin New (Irleana, daied 'Jth int., . Lis hsndn. Ua j rocecded dorn the say-: " 1 he Vicksburg Whig mentions r vtry cautiou.lv, as if An-iin every , bating seen a letter flout (ieu. Wa.ktr, an-, until he was About 1 II feet from the , nnuueing bi mtrtitiou to head atiutl.sr com l ii.s !s iJe, when Mr. Coleord dimoiin(ed psny eibirstwig to NlCsr ua io a fe w weeks, id -nil upon tho rope immediately behind and that, ail parties ilnng to go mu-t he '! I'. n lni They here reniaijied to rel in New Orleans by llie 1-th of .S, pu-uiber." '."lia'v three or four n.inutev, when Mr. . . i . ,-'.J agnu uio'inted, and M Hloodin c e led, still walking vrry slowly aud in,; occasionally ti bslance liiiueif. '"J stotpej Eve time in criiig, snd '.u Mb Mr. Co'coid diawuuiited , and i.'iiii rem med hi poaitiou. II had bis v,f roind M l'loudin's neck and l,i legs trt"i ou tliev balaur ng pole. II was ia -'i.irt sleeves, an wore a straw hat '.'.'m outes wm occupied in accom ; -l.ii g the first half nf the rope, and the i.iuc i.i making 4'J niiiiutcs from ii'i lank. Yi: om seconds heforo tho American ..--e waa reaehsd the crowd gathered ' i:. 1 ti en-! of the rope beeanie vary !' and a good deal of exeitetiu ut pte si. ar,J when he rsaehed the stsrjing on ' i saftly, t Ii u vast Crowd shoulad ltb ia jrettpat eti'.haji asm. (!ti rrseliii'g the lsnding M. R'or.din wss t'. b (lu-iied and rpared much fatigued, si. ie Mr (Vlcord was pale, but di I not I'triy ny signs of fear. It was about Ufpa-t sii o'clock abeu be reached iLis 'Is, sid the Irairs, which bad been """ii aru were rear.y, narn u mime- 'e!y f,r ,, ;, ,veral de.iinatiot s will. r'-lally five! hiiua lid p rsons. . 'niiu kl Marble Ihe marble of ' I'" kee is attracting ai'ir.tim in various "ciioh,, ,rd ju.tly so. "lbevhit u.arlle 'lurries cf alley Hivcr produee a supeiior , wherever, he eic.v.tion. have beea below the line of siiiiophertc iiiflueiii-s. 1 N;. f.. . 1 1 ', ., , . . ' n gr.med and su.eep , hie of a ve y polish and is of snowy wh'tene'S. 1 he ttii 'ty ia found slotii the ranee iu treat 'iiiny it i,nil eero.a the entire euu ' t'lmrol-aa iimI ititn Ccoi r-I. 1 l,.r ia o found acouip.uyius the -bite ..r.tutn 'tn, J of bcauUlu! clouded tnaible 1 be i ind is rsther a sky blue with the tno.t 'ale shapes resembling columns f.moke j ciou ls and is io our j-idgmmt a most ''"iiiifui article for ornamental woi k. 'lhere ;,.':,M,on the trlb eastern pari uf the war- bvit a flfab colored tuartl of a very' te.ture. Thi. ..uarr, is located with-! eiKl,l or ten ale. of , he line of ;' :-. Hidge Rail Road aud. judging from j , ".ens we have seen dressed and acourvd " ''ihk it susceptible of a fine and elegant' 1 1 Ii V-' lit no doubt but Ibat these marble ,;;nnU . Urge item of freight should Ipe lliilgo K.d be pushed forward " :::u:xT:r:sz "mg nr pushing these tuarbiea. '"I'ktiH t)'trrrer " j TV" !!,T:i?Le Jon "",.t0,be '"f".l'H'- V 't . . tr'ui luai, bruise It and reduce "tly to powder; dissolve it in three J"rs of boiling water, letting it remain in I -'- .iace till ine alum I uissoiveil. ai. t " " ".. "v., uj : ll vk nritatt, to every joint or crevice. I """a Ilia crevice in the floor of the akir-' - board if ihty are auspected place; """ash th ceiling, putting in plenty of 4U). and there will b aa eud to their nH""g from thence. ''REskntatiom or Jacksom. Hsvtr lloi. , goid suuffloi bequeathed by Oen. , f " ,Q ,u travest soldier in the next ir aft "is Unath, was presented, in the ay Ha l. .t v.. i. J:it. -,' ' ' "111 , .in., jrunea.ee, on me af N "",' lo General Ward . Harnett, U.'o'", ,r,k' 0ea- l'iHu reeeived the 4,0 bebalfof the recinient. Raised Fno.M the Dead, A CuKiouaj Sad Acciprnt. We regret to announce Cask A curious ease occurred last week that a little fori of ear friend, Copt. A. M. at Home, in thin couuly. Mre. 1'etera, wife KoDnedy, was the subject of a eerious ao of a German of (lint name, aft.-i- a short ciilont a f,w days ago. . He was, vie oudcr illness, was supposed to have died. Her . aland, attempting to string a croa bow with husltilid made immediate arrangements for liis foot, when the atrinu slipped and threw linr funernl liltlnrl nrri,.nc..d mr rnffi i,. lK .rr,.,. llr. f I.,. l,,,. lnis citJ () tnel)f lier Lotlj. jn the eoflin ' , gew,r8 perspiration was observed through-! out the akin, which was reported to the i,.i..,.,i .,:.. ti... . v,.. ,i.'i t. 'ir...i i r I ,;ou. To this the husband oljeeetd, and hs1 hl!t illUrred (u8 Mrjl0 j,. (sjtr,Uy ) Afler J0 Uria, ervicB, wcre over KOUl9 reativfg of ,be ,upp0.nd deceased, who re- (iJe lLi. ci,Ti t UoI11(, ,0 ,U(,nd ,()9 flIUerl, w'(1icl, bad already taken place, Htti heurie of lhe cjrCurustances caused tb, bodV( which lh(,n hti Uvu four Lourt in tll gr,ve) t0 he dit.inlrreJ , when, to their surprise and jov, they found signs of )if, ,t,) rr iriaining. Jie.toralivei being ad- ...Utercd, Mrs. Peters praHualiy recover- fd WM t.en by her friends to this rity .l V ,r., informed tl,.t , tttu, t0 tfiHia liv0 ilb ber haud. , ho tirfuinstaiices connected with the af- lair are strange indeed, and should under- ' ,. ,.h i- i i . .in i;.., bo investigation (o'limow (Oliin,) I net. " " I that one lady has given a dinner to twenty A Blind Helmsman ! A few d.ys ago, frjenJl( wl);cl, Mt f 10i , New yprlt a Hind boy belongin;; to Hiioderlnnd, ho bau(,C. piid $750 for twenty-eight persons, is ssid to have an extraordinary paMou for j A Southerner, however, surpassed that, h going to sea, iu luoud a companion who goes ( ltsinj, r,ij gioo for one dinner, the Isrg on crutehes to join him iu a voyage from , ct pr,,tB ever given at th(lt fl,h. Sunderland to Uyhope. To carry out their j j0Ill,t,le fC!i0rt. Who next, and at what cost ? intfhtipn fhv rtronurud a cohtf. and haviiiri rowed out of the harbor set sail for their des-t . . . . ,. , unaiion ine unnu pov aeung as ueiiusiiian ., ,,...,,. , ,.-,, ..... , cr, and proceeded aithout interruption ; but on Hearing the Uybopo harbor the coble ran ou the suiiker rock. Hind liilly, homcver ! . was not to be beatuii, and after taken round- I ; ing with tne ciulcli of his companion, and i aseertainin;: that the water was not of drown ing deptn, be juinpsd overboard, and with ly apply cold water ice water inst nitly and ireeiy 10 lue riecB aim cue's wmi 'P""?0 1 be breathing will a most in-tsntly be re- Ii. ved r-oon a pos-iblfc let the sufferer drink as tuueh as it can ; tbei. ipe it dry, cover it w arm. an I oou a q li.l lun.ler will r-hev . i all ati.tiety. A IikikI of ours ho has re-' . j - ,i . praU dly trici tiiia remedy iuwiu us that it never faileJ to affirl aliiiort iti-tant relief. ( jjt.,cll,t or a Nn.-. Mr M Ii Kiipat-' rit-k .on. weeks' aince tiunihed' on, of hi. , ' , . . naro women lur soiiie im-'li nit atior, and she left the I )!:, duriii; the dav, aud was , , . , .. t , not heard of w iitil a few days since, it was di.euv,r, ,, M u L(,rM.If Tll, uM ifi IJib of . . ; i 1 liflrd. The tody I hen hurallj torn t.jtiece. l y l.o'01 ilga. Uuth llvunirrr. " . ' . I ' . M . """( . - &i HYMXAL tT .. iimirti.ii t.,V'rM' i akrriaVllas-,1,,.,, o.i.,,,,,,! s,,,,,,,, . Jf.AO, Him ; A, M.-U11.1, rniiifrol t L-e an.l I H'.n Stiela. ' ..II. te ami Ti and arc 1 I'icnu.ii 2strt.a FAMILY UROCERES uld low fr ASH at L KKASTF.R. K A. M I.KtiD. ii: a a r o,'i. e. .Ufa :i I Is.V Hats, Hats, Hat Hats I ai.tj 11 y yi 5 SIIMF. to ll.e f -lothir. F xtrium CAP. HA 1 re rrr( ttinp; a t tinr k of the jIm' goorn .r "'''' .j' JrI,'GS- SJ.JJING8 k (;u ;m( 3u, le,',:i. fjjtt L, , . i t 'at I 1.1 W Hi ft O I'j O f t II I I1 1 b Ih L) I I m (iOODS! V I l.M I CJ I ON IIK AM II. Second Stoie below Mess T.H.Brem Ji Co. K.HIN V i.l UK iV BliO'S. ......... , BKI'I'.( IU r.I.Y inform their nuniernuseus. gfc ,..,., t , AULtilTK nd .he .rr.ud. ,,. country, th .l they are fellmt oft- the balance ui their aioca of a(.y m Sllljllc ) (J(0( S, ' I "t""" UttliltJ .Vt1f t t.tlTH t.tt &1 Hoi, silors, II i s. r.r-w. f IS, ig:j Fof ,;... v c, th ,. II,,,-. , . I r II U I. and a full supply of GwwlD0 Fut. v ,, Rit fc nwf,ll of which willl- w.ldat reduced price. together with a huge and beantifol ea.ortment of I. ice I'oilita, llrregc and Lin. n llii.ters, .ill nT the '"' style. . i ., , , , . 1 Z::' vai.i, stock. i 1 He. t and luge. ; .M iaae liailcrs, H.it Jt ar,wt It . gm, .Satchel. Id SlllM ,nd If. Attention I called to Ihe Urge stock of I:-:mI.II: , ,hi..ff, being ie up in tho ... .uh..,n.,i munn.r. ami ia iqnal In that u!d by any cliu r hou.e in the I'mon, and i a eln.iec iiii fa.hionahle at.rck. .fit. In t tt 4.immIw nf ever tvleand var.dr In a pnaitivcly closing aiilc, mint be sold br the tir.t ol October, Me '' nth' ra are n quean d to rail and ram i be- for making purchase, aa they will find it to tnrir af intere.t to do an. Tltey can buy Iroin t!5 tn 50 per cent cheaper than at any other House. Wr alwaya keep on hand the beat and cheapest aekortineiit of tuto run n:s, Il.tnlUiirr, ri'ilni'Uaic, At. In addition tn the above we expect to npen a ve ry large assortment r.t ,iiim.i i:v .oi)s. DAVID KaIINWKILKK. 1) AN'IKIj KAIINWKILKK. JACOB KAIINWKILKK. ,4ugasl 30, IS.'.U. S.itf are sorry to say, is not likely to recover it il,t. CVmirf Journal. , ..... n. ,. Illn rnwv t f)V1 LAM -,f! OF ,H llwH KWJ'or om. HABDY It appears, according to o correa pondcr.t of the Loudon Morning Star, that the Iron Crown of Loiubardy, for which the people felt a great veneraliou lias been Ho le n from the Cathedral of Monza, Milan, ita place of deposit, and ostiuot now be found, 'hough fereral of the clergy hare been ar rested. Queer Kvipenc e P. Ifousy has been on trial for horse stealing in Kentucky. One part of the evidence was a piece of hii finger. Just before he stole tho horse his finger was tnken oH by the knife of a cutting box, and Mr. Young got possession and has keiit it for more than a year. At the trial youn? produced the piece of fiuuar and it fitted exactly. ,. ,. ,, ,. . , , . , Uio Dinners. They are dining 'hard' , .f at harnloira. 1 he lioaton Journal is certain We ,",,' ""' t asking for bread ,,,d reei.i-. ,tn. V.,it vnnn ant,. f - i -j n n man uiav bo considered as still worse treat- ", wnrn UR " '"r i ung 'auJ 8 uao uu PtU ncr father" font, " 11 ' Sprtial Nnlicrj. iiik oxv(;i: ati:i iJirri:ns. lure in her ereat l ihntnry, Ir s t .red i Willi all iia r-rr i.d i ; and it msy rente ui Uif w aitrlv a. rled that until Hie Oxvgtnattd Ilium caatol Uysfttpaia cuird, la a r r c iperirece in medicul iracln:e. Iv ua. Irr the inrlueiiceni thrae Iliitira liu- rule is to rurr, the rjra t see;iiioti, failure V ' . . , ., Mi-A Irim lullowintf hifi. Hi, an larrinpr r. " . 0'it - ta ua In publian f.r trie biiicntf tne af. ' 1 ' OMiiratr Mil Intrlf rule rant of CVSrEPSIt 1 1 UK 0 EV THE ulYutMTLD BITU.RS. ... , ., ,, . I nv tnllawmg (ruin gi ntliin.m well known in it rrsion in whlrh he Ima ourht t.i ntiri'y nil .. , , . ii1M! ,.f nil f nh : W ATEsrow , N. Y'., Juiy H, Ic.'i'. S. W. Kow-i a A ( o., D.iali.ii, ,Vu . .N trie ye.r nee I all.x keu I t lull eui.c 11 1 all uiaeuai , I'y'W- sl.ieh 7,7. te'l'i" 1 btferti d me aa to e -use redt una 0I0..I111F of Hit- Ifowel no Uly alter ealine, aecoii'iianied with t rrilde pOia in tl.e tnii:iefl. often uerual-inioff ntl'wa, vn.;tinc, acidity, ind heail.eiie, liillitr Willi 1(. 1, rr. 11 In lit .nn pull, rioy, alti'git.K r renifir I fe a hurlln n. A'lee having tried every knewn renr-dy with, not eft'-et, anil Ora 'jirinr of ever ri-jj-tirniig my l. twain,, I waa indueeil to ninke n.e ot tl.ettly. fenited tlttli-r. the good ifl'etof' wlueli were iniine.fMl' ly tl.ihle -m niy health and ayateill. lit-t'o-e u-my a w hole botlle I waa entirely cured ; and I teel a n'e iu-e in iiidii'-in; all h'.e aulf. r er aa mvaelf tn 1114 k I u-e of thta rein.rk ,bk' rene.ly. TtlKO. t" A 1. 1 ) VV ILL. I'r.pirr.l by S V. f OWLi: A I t) . I'.i.ton. ami by K. Sir, Hull Inaoii i 1 11., ( l uriotir, I'ir. Mll:l led with the Fev nnd A c 11 anon -I l,M aiMrr eillier lime, Iroutl'e i-r rif.ru., I.. ..r.en.e I Ut . HO-TKI I KliS 1 t.l.KKR A1 Kl) Hi ll I KS, who.e a.n. tiei. nt.fl' riMip.... the hu. Ill ill ay ill m haa keen rlr.llr ..;t. d t . thopc H ho i.4e li-ren atriCheti down 111 a ahort si.iec of tinie hi tlua d-e.'llut etirae. w hoae eheea ire w in and .1 wn..e niglila are aieei.l, ami rrl. ehoi re Ulikf ti t-.i t '1 t..r,tx tit MiUftl J'fuf. 3 .; . Irom tuc --ry in kti'-W tin true fa! V urn bit tr.-r. riil..rr,i Ih.- MifTVi n in tl.r nice, tlua conipout eg ; aii.ili hin. th. hi a 11 ito of the pr.ie. Neon ct iv until Hu v ' nf tealrii it.. .e lulled, tin ae Hitl, ra t. .ra to tirmlliie IkmIiIi. The po,.,,i..r-lv in all the Wrai.m sho.iiil introOiice them tn all f mi Snuthcrn parta S..,l 1, 1 all ilriiff uttr in the Nve lluti-hiaon Jt lo, fha:l ,tt it I1. i.i t v iy 1 1 jii 1 1 1 . BltYAWS I L" L 31 ( N I IMI- A V I. It S. 7''. most certain and tpinly temrdy erer ditrorerrd Jl Hii Ihtt ntr$ Bj tht( h,l.,n,l Lunst.l !.;..., 'bhIs. AHi,ma. iimum li;n, II, ontliilit, iiifn.i, H thfuull llicalh. tng, .N'.oe Tbtat, $e , J,r. IIK.Si: V. AKKh'S gin. tin-ii,.,,i m.tantancous ac.l perfect relief, and when -iii rid Willi eenrdmg In riiiretior., never fail to rrl'ei t a rapid and I.i. ling cure. Thntiaanji hase been rehired to irlect health who have triid other nienna iu v mi. To all cl.iaac an I all constitutions th?y n qn illy a kle.aing and cure none need il. t(ia,r, ho rn..li'r bow long the nt.eaae may huie rxi.ted, ..r however aevere it may li, tifovmcii tiie ,rt;anic tltlclnre nf tho vitul organs la not bop. leal y dc. eayrd. Kvery one alHicled should eim tiieui an rli.l In. I. T" feres Vot aii.ts and I'fai.ir Prrtaaaa, th.-ac Wa. are peculiarly v.ilu.hle; tiny w.ll in one dav remove tne moataevere necjamiial hor.eneaa ; uiul hi ir r. e ulur use tor a few da va will, al ail tinii a, in. ere.iae Hie power and fleiiinlily of the voire, great ly improving ita lone, coinpn.a and eleariu .., for which I'urp'-ae they are r.gul.irly ua.d hy uiativ profi-.aional v.u-.iliata. Jlll MllSrJ.-i, s.le Prnpriclor, R.hc.ter, N. Y. Trice .r, cent pi r b..a- t r ...le by all rcpe, l.i. bie rirugr-iat and F. SCAKU, Charlotte, y. C. I7"Sce the ilverti.pnirnt of Sanilfnrd' Invigo. rator, in another column. I I, 17' See the .!vcrticmcnt of Wood' Hu , m anoihcr eojumn. I 7T7, i-or sale, Dye, VALE A RLE TOWN LOT in fay I 1 .. a Lenoir, well arranged for carrj t."'lIf7 '"X en a Mercantile Bu.ine.s, hem a-llftj.ilu'iled on the corner of the publi fry ing public squire. House coi.l.iiliing eight rooms and is nearly new, having been built only "bout 3 r 4 year. The Davenport Eeimile l nllVge and a M ile School of high order will h an additional ud. j vantage to the prospects of aclling Iroin tw.dve to j lilli-. n thousand dull ira' worth of (,o.u!., .1 a fair per eei.l. I will t .ke fill, en hiimlred .h-llat for it. I Any one deainng further purlicul ira can g. I them j by addressing the aiibscriher. i JULIUS A. IH.' LA. .enoir, CmlJirrU Co , Aug. IS3I). t'Jtj SlOIIewnrd. tMANAWAV from the .!.. nber . J. bout th 1.1th ufj .ine la.t, hi boy MILAS. rUidboy ia a g.nid Hlaekiivilii by Irade, b.ut 5 teet It) mi Ilea high, V)nd weigh about 17. Ihs. lie is of a fj dara eonipleainii ami haa pleasant aimlo JeVjon hi faci when (Hken t.i. Any .r. mil apprehending said boy and luilrniif bun in any ail. or delivering him lo mo, will rcorirv tiie . bov rrwrd. R. H. M0NTK1TII. ,4i.Mr IR, If-.!". HYMENEAL Mrriert,ln Innolnton, on Hie SSib inst., st tl ii-niilriiii of Ilia bfidi-'. ftihcr, OAVII S.:li:iiN( Ci Esq, of !)., to Miss SA1.LIK ItAMSOLK.cf Lmcoltiton. Fii Siiel f'tv, on the 2Hlli inal..frnm an utt ick nl iii..iuliiy.61r. THtlMAf t. (JKlKIt, lite of C'iililorniii, nniyon of Col. '1'Iiobui . (jner m the 4 1) lli yei.r of li age. In SI.elhyviL on the Still in.t., He. Mr. I.A.V.UON. PrVi.lci.t of the .M.ti,u,ui K,,a, Sell. ..I, 1,1 II uhVoint. N.C. S T ) Ali I )KK A l Til IS t GOOD NKWS ATCIIAII,OTTE,N,C.!! WM.pCHIaOAK B AS jul nprneA large and extenaire NEW STOCK nf e-sVl HOOT. nnd Leather, French end American Ciilf.Skina, and all kmtla ol Shoe flaktr'a Findiuga, 4o. A be i ut i fu I Stock ofllie lu te( a i.H moat f.isliiiin able atylea f , - A!l Slylt a and Grade' frmiiAK FDR U'S (JEST, roan to the Comniuii Wool. My auperior Stock at La das' and Gentlemen' fine extra SKWKl) BOOT. SHOES AN I COSUttlMS a A TBI'S. . ? are nnt to be eurnaaaed by ; n. Tin y were pur. ehaaed frnni the iiianufneture and th - verj liLt Iln .l and SIi.m! maker in tin- Jiiiled St. li s l-'jriiiera, Merelianl nd lie- public )r'-ner;i!!y are pirtirularly invited In t.ii and e rii.ne my Sloca and judge fur tneuiaevea, aa 1 inn UeU-r-mined to aell LOW AMISTKICTM FOR I.IMI. ILT Be ure you c ill at liicight buuae jti-t i.p pua.le tne M inainll lioU'e, at .. I, (jrjtiiils Itow. one dior below Kiias i. t'oliei'j ('billiinj S're. V3. TUKL All. Au; 16. t8i9. t3J "THE UMON" aucii s in Li;r aijivi: tiiihd. PHILADELPHIA. I PTON S. NEWfO.Min, I'roprittor. I b undi-raigied Imuh i; piirehi ll.ifci JaV nee '' in:ei ill Ilia loriner iiSilP'S partner Kvnn Dans, in Ihe ulnive lintel, would call lie uttriition of Ihe public u ita convenience for Itose viaiting P111U- ' delphia, eithi.r on business t-r dt aaure. I ia tituation being lull a ew tup from the principal avenues of trade, afrr iniiuceint nti. t. Ihoae on bnaineaa; while tn bua in se..rch of pleasure, llm eoriatantiy ping and rrpiiing rail-way c..rs and llloae in eloc pn.iuiiity, arl'.iro a pleasant ride lor the mere minioul .11111 n lie.lf a 11 line lo all pluce of intere.l a or uhiut the r,iy. The Proprietor give a. .nr., re that ' Tit (111. aa " ah.-il! be keiit with aueh rraracier a will meet nnhhe approhation, and wuult reapectlully solicit North t'-rolma pn tfonajre. Term. I !VO per . UHTON S.XnvCOMKR. Annul 16. I ""&. V3 I y raorsiKTc. STATK OF NOUTII CAROLINA, HKi Kl LMItaO (O'JNTY. Sujierior Cow it of Tji,u pi tug Term, 1-Sk. Amelia H. White jt .Mo.ea M t lute anrt Wm. J. W lute, J ft N tlua e. e. it .K.inng by ll 1- sfl',.l.ivil of J. B H k. rr, thai II'.' Hi iVhil.t. .M M V lute and V. J S Inie, J . li"t lemle within Ihe limit of Ihl. Slite, I. Oi dm J. That puliieatlon he niaile 11 wnl.. in llie N, t'. Whig, l,w..aHir pub. Ii.hed in ( harl file, ajotifyinj r.id defendants, that iiiiIi.i Ihey aprx-ar st our I our! of K.'iuily to he l. hi for said e nntv, at the C,.rt Mru.e III I liar I.. lie, on the llih .M m.l iy afi.r the till Mon.iay in AniMi.t next, then anilth.re to in-wrr-r lie. unlr t . (aid hill, the Sill will In l.i.eli pro Ci'llii .so nnd h.-iird rl pnrle. Wilniaa. I) K. Hiinlap. clerk qmlv. at olli -e in Lharlotte, On. i ll lly order, D. K. DUXLAT, I'rirtrr's fit SC. ini'f'r in K- i M Mrs, M. II. Carson i ILL re.open a SCIIiX'l. ut her reatdence, on the Hr.t Monday I S-utembi-r. Ij9. T, : ins made known July 2S, 18 .9. To Faniirrs and Country Merchants.' j. v. mtvci: a -. tR V. now ..tV-riii to Ihe puhlic the I.i , p. -t and bi.t n. ...it n. en t of j ' lilt I I.N eve.-: Itimij;!.! lo lliia market, C.iIi.ikIii, t "' t ill H i:, M't.AR. MOLASSI.S, SAI.I, a-c. ma ssst kinii or I BAUtJINC. I!UPE sad TW1NK. 1 ALSO, 15 (100 peuncls good country cured Hicon, KKIOO Teimeaaee Sole., JOOll ' L.rd, I all of w Inch will be se!J low fur t AMI or fonti. Iry Pro.fn.ee, j feme and See, we don't el iree for looking st j Ih. ii.. July ill. ly i 1 1 ;. i hi. , r i: n i: i: ! IHK MAGIC PLOW, (pilente.1 by J P. aJa, .irria.of Milsanni,).o.eaea the advan tage of n.inl.ii..r.g Eon: 'PLOWS IN ONE. It can he lam KIVK lime, and sh.rpen.d TW ELVE Im.. a wiihoui the aid of a 111 ..-ksniith. Ii can be used the whole atason wilhuut any additional ripelise. For nle at the Oil A HL0TTK FOUNDRY. July 19. 163U. )9-ll The World's Exhibition Piiie Iledal Awarded to C. T-ILYER, ICR If IS TWO PIANOS. L'.St'ON Ot! I'OUER I5th, 1 MEYER, rrspecttully iiiforin hi friend. VVa and the public generally tllal he baa con stantly on hiin.-I PIANOS, equal to those for which he received the I'rizt MiJU iu Loudon, in Is.'ii. Hi: ba received during llif MEDALS Hum any miur n hit Instil ute, ul.o, Eir.t pn York and Baltimore. All . ed to, nnd great eiir taken i.isi irteeii ye..r. more ...Iter Iroin the Ernik niuiiis in B.i.lon N. w r.itr pr.implly utti ...i iii lb: a. In lion and pack ing the n.ime. WareriMHiis, Nu. '2-2 Are!i-treet, bclov south fi.te, Philadelphia- July I!) 13 131 Eighth, sv. i iLi.r.ic, rim t ii:i.rin i lisipnrts-l' s.l 'A 14 V it !, f1()YS. BEADS.and (ONI ECI ION ERS AK M. 'I U LEs, China Ih.lis, Rich Vases, T.n let Bullies, Inks wilh Figures. Jewel and Card Re. cciver, Elngere Article., Ae. Latest styles of goot.3 eonslanlly received and sold at the rv low eat ea.i. price.. W.TII.l.Ell, N. '21 .ulh Fourlb Street, Pliil.i.lelphia. July II) lsl-l'J7 hiah, nY tie Charlotte BARREL COMPANY, 6 ( OOI ERS. Also, AO.OOW Feel of Oak and" Poplar TLANK, I lines, U l lie hea w ide. Vhnrlottt, July VI, l?j9 J-tf Charlotte Female Institute, CII AUI.OTTI ; t'. Rrr. M BI RUELl, Prinripnl. J0. B. Cl'RWELL. k. Jl., Usislunt Principal. ft IIE next Si anion nf the abnve in-li. 1 tutmn will n, mini me on the Ulh duynf Si ptr mticr. The aehnl.i'Uf yc;ir la divided lo tn 1tvo term of twenty weeks eueh : the firet cmiiineiiein? the ! 14th of Seuh iiiI.it ; the aecond on the I Dili of Kb. luary. Tin allow a vucution of two week at Christmas. Ti:iOis: 1 Hoard ami Tu'itii.n in Knclish Uranehi , . . for term of SSil week J I Well fitiiliHed Iiistrui-tnra in Music, Krenih, P-iinting, .c, will be empluyed. i The tiuiliiinjf. w-hifh ia sp.ieiuus and ..egant, is aituiiled in a retired nnd eh-vuli-d p:rl nf the town. It ia liphtcd w lh Gna. 1 1; r n r I.4-.I witli r.iiiii.a fi.r Sallung, tinrl in Winter is warim-d by a furn.-iL-e. Knr A m l.i Ing ne con l.i i n i n (r lull particulars, ad. dreaa litv. n. l.URWKLL, Charlotte, A. C. July 5, I 53. i2j Great Sacrifice at Morrow V TUHNUUT. f H II! K Sb -ribir rtsp.ctfu'l y infirm the pen. IS. pie id llm mirrnuiHlin tountry, that they linve reou.ed the prices of their tuek, consist, mg nf liy (ionods, Itcath-Mrde I lolliiri?. and a great variety nf other tiiKuJa, which will be aidd reearilli aa tii cop t. COUNTRY PRODUCE tak. n in exchange Itnbe Ore.aea worth (Ml nt .SO Miuwia wur'.li 4 I'D -t 'J IUI , ihlllln. wi.llh (ill ul 2 'ill li.Mliiela Wiltll H I'll nt .'I .'.II Hxip Skirls w.irih 2 .On at I l!i K.ist cei'd Prints wnrlh l.int 10 H'eielu-iJ unii unliknebed I.V.nie, ties at New Ynrk Pricea. ami all I.'m.ii, kept hi M..re, noil in T"i T liull tn ti.f aii.ive priei-a. HAM.MKltifLAO k MKND." ,LS July 5, le.ifl. 1 7 II Mii.de Oil, Magic Oil.. I 1RKSU PI'I.V. just nenv. il nnd t'nr ai.le 1 be B. NYE ilUlVIIJSON & ( O. ynf as, l;!). I A Great Battle to be Fcuuht ! M Enitc siiui viruiify, tln.t tl.cy on Imi.o ami nrc roniiUnl'y receiving, a tuprrb a nfirlmtnt FUJ.WITURE. pup.-rior to any thinjr thai hn ever h.en r.tT--red in this .tetion. Their ahcU cuhi-ii-l- in p., it ol the tol iuw mg article. : Sol'.i., Tele IVtr an I Divana, I'une Bottom lioeking Chan.. .M..iioj;i.i.v mi Cim Sent P-.rlor fhair and (!u.h Hmt.-in Chair. M.hogaiiy and fane Bottom hiking fli.tir. Wiiriirobe and Hureau-.. Marble ami Wood Top Centre T-.bles, M.irhli W a.ti .stiiinl. an. I S,nks, fi.rd and Work Tinier, M .honany and Wa.li.ul Kxt. nan ii Tables. M-.h-g inv,' French and Kiuiheth Ile.l.lejfis, S hat Not and Parlor I). ka, LcMibinr t;ia- from 44 to 7li P,,r, Self.Rocking t:r.uile ..i d Riclimni; hair., Tucker'. Patent Snrini: H'lltom Bnisleau., Cauouie Willi Lice Ncttini;, and Mo.qtleto liirs, t'oltape Furniture by the . I. In ni.nii II u K.i ki, Gill Moulding f all ti.-s lor making lilas i n.' Picture Iraines. AI.Sil Every V in I of in.. ten..!, for aaie ren.-r.iilv ue.i bv fiiln'net Mu. era, s.icn at ' ; I in-. Iccka Knoiis. Hintr.a, Walnut. Mai.iie.iny, 4c, Ac. And ..' -a, tiioneh not Iti.iat, i keep always on bund supply of Tisk's Metallic l!mi;il discs. J. M. SAXKEKS k CO f harlottr. May 3i, lbol). lltf S, T. U HISTOX " KEEPS c.ir.kliintly on h ind, wlmli a ile uiul re. tail, a full ami complete a.sertment of llaAIN AM) J V1Vw.M:I) TIN-VA1!L ! which will be aold WW. I f tOlNTEl! S.'Al.ES, Ename'ed Sauce and Q. Stew I'aitr, t.iue Puts, W.Hle I. on, ic, j for so Ir by S. T. wuistox. ! rivOII.ET SETS, a U.rior article, l'..r a!i i JL at j S. T. wins rox s. I X"ASII, Peed, Sph-e and Pressing POXES for sale by . S. T. WR1STOX. i i i s v v i a i vr.i ii i i :s. A STONE A Co.'. Screw Top (.LASS JARS a for preserving Emit., Vegetable, .Vc, the beat article now in use, for ..le by S. T. WRISTON. i (H)KI(i STOVF.S. It ters iiitnrni t Ve 'WrV, Mm sar-et l;Sr3 A H I I. ASSORTMENT nf l OOKlXlt and ether S l tlVES, will be const n.t;y on hand, and sold i. low aa Ihey can be afford. ii in this "",rK,,'U S. T. WRISTON. CkarUli.Jr 14. 1 !.'.:). 14tl 'I'lir OUt Mills, Fort.!!. IOOK HERE, FRIENDS, ami fellow eitu.-n.. j will you buv the noble ST A I EOF NORTH CAROLINA T li' so, send to the suh.cr.b. .-. or suh.ctib to the County Agei t. tor llns New, laHi'tft and .Unj;iiilicfiii And you will g.t the whole Stale, with lier R.vers. kiiilriiad. liuld, Copp.i, lead. Iron mid Coal Mine, and tll the Citiea, Towns ami Vill-.gc. her nnhle Mouatains and Surmg. anJ her Field a..d Flowers. It you want this (itll.DEN PRIZE, low is the li'tne. Map seven Ket by five, li .rder t.ews ot ihe State House, Insane Ayltim, Chapel 1 Iii 1 . Mule and Female College, .Vr, &c, one of the chraprtt nd e Maps ever published. VV. AUCK k RlvST, llillsboro', X. 0. AtiENTS WANTED for every county iu the State. Term iberal. Apply above. Jh 'J Yi '8 '" DRUGS AND MEDICINES,! E.Nyo Hutchison & Co., littrivs ;ni;i. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FOKKICN AM) DOMESTIC i Drills, Medicines; Chemicals,1 07 ' . A lit receiving Ircali (j ipfc!" 2. and genuine fJ 1 J f7 ' ! On the New Y,,k M..r.mrn- , j ket. which have U.cnpur wv , . u'-'u u.... h-iiii-jJ to heauhl hiw 1-rrusA tl J Vt-iz I We wntllH reapeeil'ullye . 1 enl! the atlentinn of IIi'l. Public tn nur attiek nf H". W B".aj Pure White Lead, Snow White Zme. ('limine Yel- low, l,r..iiie i;r.en. Piris Crc. 11, llurnt t'lnber Raw L'lliher, R.-.1 Lead, lllaek Lead. I.illiarge Spini.h Brown. Verutniii Kcd, Lamp Black, Un.i B ek. Wining. .m hcc "Sav in sv. muo :. Enjfii-li l''tiii.bnic, Eiirnilurcfop.,1, Picture, Thi iti.-ir, (irtciiiii. Brown and Pluck. abB 'fSaajSe, .-.'. Lin.ee.l. TinnerV, Train, Lard, Michinery, Ln. brn lni2, Kt.-ro.. ne. Sea Eietdiint, I'ure Swrm, Castor. Swerl, O.'ive, C.l Liver, Rurniiiff Fluid, 'I'urw nin e, a'c-Ik ,', Pure Kri i.ei. tlr unlv. Old M .deira Wine, P.rt and Shcrrv. l-midon Porl.-r, Kre.h I'.mgre. W iter, f ilrale M.gne.ia, ice So. da Water, f anion Tens, Hiker's hocol.itc, Knr. ril'n P.Ttd'..' ry. Sulphate tj.iiiniie, Opt inn Snutf, Tohiee.i, . t.nri.. Jr., A c. ( AaWoKe, June M, s.'il. 1-llf Wilt: AT WANTKI'. t. ll'Hi I'lnnlliir eon, J. tli.-ir Wheat fi IV will take n itice Ih. Ill b.- pilltha.td nt the Charlotte Steam Khntriiij Mill, at ma rk. t nriee.. Tho.e having W heat f.-r sale my tind it to Ih. ir adaiilng tn rail at the Mill luifnre clnain sale. JUIIX WILKM A CO. Jnhl. lr-.'.l. srnf .!.(;. WII.KIXSON iV ( )., DEALEBS IN WATCHUS. JjiWSLRV -A !!LVtR nml PHTEII W UE.EJ, ND No. 5, (Jr.. nit. R.iiijre.oi.posite tin Man. ion II. use ClIAKLO iTE, X 0. A't- litn.D CIV. I. to lieairn.g Watihea A Jewelry Police. A I.I. personsnre hereby cnulioned ag.iinl bun-' A in. w ith guns nr ilocs, nr fi. bine with net! or l.,ck,i , or in utiv wise trespassing upnn niv , Ian. is, as the law n.'slieli c;.M'. will be rign.ly th. . loICi-ti gil'ill IWTV one so i H . neil'J i 1KA r'AKKfJ. I June 7, IS.'.'J. i 3i I i II. C. MALCOLM, vjjR.VTK'AL M ARBLE ( I'TTl'.R, repeelf.il ' Jt ly inform ti.e public, that be ha opened a : 3IAKIJLI: YAK.) opposite the Manaion II.it.-l, where be i prena-ed to 'fill allord. ra with de-pilch for .MO.N'I ME.NT5, HEAD STONE.V, TABLE TOPS and all kind, of Work in the Marine Line, of eillier I M PHUT. EI ITALIAN .r AMERICAN M Mil I.E. II v li.' li i..' orr.iicemel'ta by which he c.,11 procure thelMeoSllt. Itali I, M irl'le. at re.'nerii pric-s, be can fill all nrrii r. t. r .".ijnuiiient.-. .Vc, He w, linr .1, I, i be happy to Ii all . ot M . ble, hear price and jude for lhems.lv.. Having had 2.i vear' ,.ernnee in Ihe busi. ne., he Will file I.I. personal altenlioll lo put. tin? un M'.nuii.. i i., sVc. sVii.rv, M"V 3. Ie3!'. Htf I'urc ir r'!lfi- k SvaUI IIp:iI. 11IIK .ti !r r i her i in inn fac riirmf and keei coiisi.ii llv ou band, S,,ap for Teller, Scald Head or Ringworm, ami if I to wash with lor any nther si.iu lii.eu. . It will also lake slain 1 out nf mi kind of Clothil.c. If any perann ne. j .ire. lo have It lo e! la-ain.ll Call be had at a re. I duecd price. The S....e ha. ! n tried by r..i"ii. I .ible iiersoi.g in. is id to be a certain cure. 1 he j Soup can be bad at I r. E. N. Hi.telil.-oll sV f'o.', Drue; Store and Irmn the . uescriher. CI1AS. T. EBLllII AUD. May 31. 18.'.fl. Utf : Hold for Sale, j AT MONROE, NORTH CAROLINA. i fE subscriber being de.irt.ua JL?-s.?l! "'' ehangittg iii. bii.it..... of. j This House i situated in the thru-tig Town of ' M nr.-c. N f ., e. in. i.ienl to the business portion I ol toe Town, and within nbotit "ne hundred yards 'of tin tracaot ll.e W. f. e. R. Ki.lro.i-i. It. ; nearly m . , coiil..lli s.wlilin rooms, wt '.1 lur. lushed, ('he Furniture being .". red for wile wth the House) a tire pi c' to every room, alsn. ' ve. n.ent out hi.u-.s, Siat.ies. Ac. Also, One 1 1 nu. lired Acres ol Lan.i a.J-ohilig. If at;e .11.1)11 ihlie. him f.T longer public Inc. he will tin rehire sell l.-w, ening any reasonable lime tor payment. For fnither information apply to the sul.scriner, or my Iru-iid, Rev. V.. A. Lent. !lM'l""""''VU' JAMKS RH'KKT. vn .'i.i.-.U- '" ! To riaiilers. C iO l'I'ON t.IN, of the b.-sl quality. w;:h lti nr. h , oei'v. red at i.ny Railr. a.i L-tn. ding in toe Sl.li at JJ per saw. For particular- J. M. KLi.m r. ; , W in.l.ero'. S. C. .1r.li' l!, I."'.'. . 1; Pre,,,,,.,.,, awariic! at the . XoVI'llllst IMS. J' -M ''J FIST. MI AHKIVALOF iC(aii:onti.NA!ii:s. , MOI'STOX A IIFVI'I'S HAS .t received a fnsh supply of CAN. DIES, of all kinii.. io ( , tron, I'urrnnts, R,n, E.g.. n,l . v.ir,t ol Nuis. C.ll at ! HOUSTON Ill NTKllS, I lWr Fj.I ot the Court II nae. , (;,iarifiii,0.t. -6. IceJ. JJn The Jl.trlsHx. COkRECTBD BY OATE8 ii WILLIAMS. CIIARLOTTK, AUCJL'ST 33. WJ. BACO.N, Hams ib..... ., Side. ib Hog round, Ib ' Shoulders lb Bagcing, Gunny, va B;ef, lb 134 (S: U ... Hi ,t. 111 Hi y bO ....10 00 ....St) (o. 00 .... 5 i'i. ....IUJ ('.j l. ....i-i fa: 25 00 (u 00 00 (a. on on (. im ....ui ;. ii, I'Jj (r u .. ..-in ( in 2sJ In 33 ....4.5 ( SO ....ih m 10 ....8". f.. III ....15 (a Mi ....U'i (-.. lo ....J:. ( 30 .... 8 ( I.i ...41 U 4.V ....'.' b. iih't .....in r ..ISi (o 13 .... H i" ..IG . ..ff.'IIIO (a. 3'0 ... fitl ( to ...31 (a !' r-.a f. 30 ....5 b .... 5 (i 6 ....40 (,. fn .... 7 (..'- 7J ....70 7". ....! i ( 175 ....50 Ui lio ,...4 la 10 ....14 ( 16 .... 9 (V II .... 8 9 ..IC0 ( 175 d, l ...e.'. 0. K' ...5 fi MlO .4.1 0 . ...:.-. C) ...'27 (.. ...'.'2 I.' 93 ..I HO I' 10 ..utl; llecswax Ib lb bushel,... gal...... Snl .lb Ib Ib ne !h Ih II) buflhei... each yard yard...., dozen ... bhl b .(,. Ib Ib lb bbl.Mol.. Kilt l ; Brandv, Apple i 1'cacli, 1 Cotton. ! i ' '"' I ' fondles, Aihini.iii " hpenn., Tallow, fori Chickens, Clntb.f oppern.. ' Limt.ev. .. E"- Klour Feather Lard Mutton Mackerel s.N.O.. W.I... Nail. .Northern. ' Southern, Oal Pork Peas Ib ....hll.liel... Poti. tne., Ir..l " Sive, Hie Suifar.I.oaf,... ' Brown.. ctoiie.Ware,. Sim Ten Will-ill, while, re.l ....bushel,... Ib Ib ?al ....suck Ib bushel.... ...bushel.... k-aj waailed lltlWiialieil.. .... hull I Whiskey, Northi I " N.Car j Wool, (bi ilmr ! " " " ! v" i i REMARKS. ( OITON We have m. ..,!. to notice. I 1 Olt.N i. lower. We n-w quote al 70 t-i 73 t with . t I supn'y. WHEAT We have allll In rcoort ii dull tn-i k,t ..n p.e, rac. , c.-, t i. ELOL U Supply i qu .1 to the demand and pri. j c. lor b.-5 ami ii.rrcl. I Jj to f i ..f. i HLI MniA MARKET. ! C..I i - vi ii i a , Aiicii.t i!7, l!."9. i CHTT.iN Toe ...I-. f,.r tin wiea .in.oui.l.d to 4i-!i I...I.S -i t I.. 1, ( leois. liAi oN.boyro.iii.i II J - $i ,;, in.-, ; PEAS w .. .m HATS til) I,., 7 I FLOL Ii ( :i ( II A IJ I. IVI t iN MARKET. ( mair.T n, Ant'. -b lc.".9. ( OT'H'.N 1 1 pi tool up 3i:m b.iles. t. o lo .uioc 1 Li.ita at I...H liii.ii.S. LLINDS AND S.W. lo the pub. in on ihe hi. i, t re ...niuhli It riiis, 'hu on the short ; cl notice. ivinK a great maiiv small Claim lor work d , c.itlrr-.l ail mil tne cantry, be i deter. mined lo eh. m his m l',,,,! of doilif bu.iur n,l l,t,efltr vill lerwiie .-Wti B B , for all work dune in iii Machine Shop, before rc niuval. rr.7.I8j8. 33 Cm U)., HAVANA I.OTTEIiY The net! ordinary drawing of llie Royal Ha i in I.otti -y conducted by the Spanish li.ivcrnnifct, i. ie r the auoervi.u.n iif the Captain General nf Cub,., will lake place t.t Havuna on TTIliAY, Spplniibcr 13. IS 59. S8S8,COO. SOR'IEO NTMKRO 2o. ORPINARIO, A 1'ITAI- 5IOO,M0! I priieol !(. 0()0 I f. pr iesofWfi.OOO I " ftU.ttOO I 15 " I.O0 I ittl.OOO 74 " ftOO 1 Hi.OOO 14.1 IOII I " I'.t.OOOJ SO Apr'nm's ..0 4 AiM-soai on. t" tl e $ 1 ( '!,( ! C in 0 eac! ; 4 of 4'in to .Mini : 4 of j4.Ki to J.Hi.nnt 4 ot S4O0 to elb.olHi; 4 ..i Ui'J t.. tH'.ni'O. Wlloi. Tl.kel..'0; Halve. I0; lj,iarl.r.5 I'ru-s c.i.iml al .ifiit nt 5 p. r c. at. i.i.ci'M'it. liill. on all solvent Rank. t..Keli at par. A drawing ill he iota a r Jed as sjon as the r suit bee . known. Cm inld.th'i.. . .-..-ui to IH'N Rl'IRI til IZ. ,.-re ..I fill V st. Charleston. .. C.) un. til tin- l.'tln oi'S, plruiner will be utt. did in. I'ei.oii. urd.-r.Pg T-ekel. will please rile theil nanus nia in and i ve their pos t othct , coun ly alij Wm. A Ov;ens, .i t rou se v a t j. .in, 4 II A II I. (IT I'll. t. .. '' ILL practice in the Couru of M.-ci. nburg V J ahu lilt ..irroumill.: lannlll.. J . Olfiee nearly oppolltc the I'o.l I'li'ee. J.,. SI,. lN.tl. a'i'iiv i:.m .v now i-y, (l.,te Slivcnson, Rowen A Ne.uiilt., have a..ocia. led With t'uui DMKL M ZI.M.IKiiM.X. f,rmcrlvcfl.,.,- N. C. a-n r. ...v.-.l t., Ur.-e stlre No. 5.1 Nti 3rd .t.. Ileell M araet and Arch. un ti.i V i.i e.u.tuiue the wi.ieal dkv ;ooi)s iu sim;ss with an iiii-rsa.i.l .luc... l'l?lWlhl-W'.Glr3il t '.'.'. I U i....-t r. .t. i.nlly -i.i. ' 1" Iha ft fi'i'i.s i.i ( iiarl- tf 'nw Mirmnii.iing C.ui.lrv. tn -t ! ' still ...ilium s Ihe above busi ' ii-k , i". I fi i r I. Hi . W.re he l. iir.i.nre.i to fur.

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