' ""k mmmm B H mm 1 1 l true to t5od. to jjcur fa'cinihi, and to iiouf fiqty.'' 0X.K.X.O,XKiXB2i:f 3NT. O., 3P"F31LBSSSL O, 1S09. VOUiUME 3. THOMAS J. HOLTOW, Eoitor & Proprietor. TEH. MS: f .S.jrl!-f rli !) Whig willbealFurded tnsub. ' r(, ,t TWO DOLLARS in unet;TWO !n)I I AK AN1 Hr'l'Y CKNTS if payment be rU,cd I'.r thre month. ; sua TIIKKK DOLLARS at toe end of th year. N'opapcr will be diseon. t n!1,ij until'! .rresraget am psid.eiccptat the , n ,n ot the F.ditor. AijvcrlisenienteinserlrdslOnc Dollar per square ,IB inn or !, iwmjP'l i"r wie nrstinser ,, jiid 45 tmta for e Jh omtin uance. Court ad. ,tr,.,mrnts and Hieriil ' Js.lcs charged a per j ctllt higher ; ami a ueduetion til 33J per cent, will j be'iiiadr from the regular pnctt.fur advertisers by j i( year. Adrtiscuituts inserted monthly or Mj.tMly.it l C" 'tu" "" " miily 74eBtpramirfreii-hiiB. i j Jt,'r1r1W"''l'r';' .. - t.T irat llie iiuimikt ui inactions ocsiruu ur II be maiirted until loroid and charged ac. I e..lHOl-ly- Lrfxaimaalrr art a u ibt r m d t. a I ae t gents T. II. HltHM & CO., M IUI .I'KAI.i: A till All. HI I HI It 1.1 BRITISH FRENCH k AHEIlIJArj I)1!V GOODS, j tiri'in , ii it, m:oi, AND iiviinwinr, r ii. iuki.o i 1 1:, . t. i A oi . J., I LirirtTtn Aliwmhi. ( tin lor 'IVHi r k ;t!l llr;iil. I I UIK jubarriber la Hi'nNfacruriig end krrpa j tni.l'ln bti, fW.ap (or I nter, Scld ur K.njorin, and fd l wueii wnli lur i,r oiiirr akin diwraae. Ikaill i!h dii alaiiit ml ,( ny kind t I Mhing. Il'iiiy prat.n tim. , -. to h. c il to all (fain, it ! be hod at a re . tfi piM-e. 'I be Siwp hae btn tntd by rt-p-'n-t '.It pf..ne and t eij be a trrtam cere. The s jjr-ii be bad at Ur. K. N. Hulebiaun &. ( u.'a tlry Htre and from the aubarrtlxr. CIIAS.T. KUKKIIAKD. Wy 31. H.'il. litf PICKLJBDEPOT, II O I N T O A .V II I A i i: IC ! A VI. on hand and U r a.ilr, Pickiea. f't. mm, Jama. Je'lies, pyrups, low I t. (.Ml 1 Iuvr L l .1 ll.s I nut ll. ii.e. HOUSTON A HUNTKK. (tsriwts. Ocl i'6. ra9. 33. f i!i:mn: iiklts:: in 1 I I. Ill lit- llslli lit-1 1 1 win pit II), .(( i.'srlme i' 1'iurtl ('AMI I'HH ll 2 a,i h 13) els. per foot. 4 Hl,... I' SKA M I.Kr-S PKI.TS nmnufartiired to order rt o .lite III.VMl 7A IHSKn1 all "tes, f,r Water i iiu pri mi, rdr.d Jmfl from A Maw fan . ua. AI.M) I' II KM (a of all ue.criplions st 4.Y err ' p,ha. J. B ?. liOONK. 3t. If A. lit' Heinoval. is hia friends public general, y. Dial he h e no.i "ii t Hie uid aUinii ul M r A. Hyct h S - W oil. ma' hiiire, on Tiaue street, w fit pared lo attend tn all orders in his il i tilt a lew articles on hand aui h ss r, under here be i nr. He Goldea Cook, Golden Star ridutet's and rrsmluin ook istivi:n, isysrit:, of I' VKI.OIE STYI. A b.j. s gm.d assnrluienl uf i in ami lllli.t.ii r, Ac, ! -f h i h I will s. II r p Ui (AMI ot Coun I 1 rrouute. -"s ll, I8SH. D. II. LYKIU.Y. Cill Notice. , fl'lloK ol my fnemls hi sra indehl-d lo me m ny Note 01 Aecuunt, will phase observe that I i.te retired from the Drug llitaiuess st this i'.r.. and immrjuili irlliirufiil. il aitWalWy rt- ,....d. My Books sr in lbs hnndsof.Mr J. P. Smith, o', hiiiii persons Can culf, during n,y sbsencr, iuc Ui, II. M. PUITCHAUD. ' aiiu(lf, Otl ad, XI It (tv-NKW FIRM. iihijrr-if nrd havinf entTtd iiiUj Coprt- V nhip f f the pnrpoav of rurryin on the taleetioriaryjIJakery, Fruit,' etail Grocery Business, j lb lea II lbs aileution of the oil, nana i,f nsri'iila and autrotinilu.g country to their New "n Trade Street, between Ureiu'a and Frank. ''hull's, ,t Hit it A Daniel's old Stand, where "v vrouiii be pUssed tu see til their Irienda aim '"I lances. MOODY h NISHKT. 4slf 'miry a, s;g IIAWKS'S History of North-Carolina. 1'"r. .'ml y braces th linim is now published. It em. period of tits Proprietary Gov. '""nit, f,.., GG3 lo I7.!. iinrmsa hsnilimiia tlyo. vol nine ef SU I pugia. , "" "ub" iiilion price was half Cent a p.ge j Una solum Is le.s, ssy . ,i ill JJja kinding, 3 in Library sheep, and 3 'a!5 in till. Ir wn.t, solo oslv ro saw. 'g to the dilTirulty of terming Agenl. in inou''"" f K,",r' we-,il b.tw.rd.t hy lllir "' ""'''"'" fotlugt. Ml rereipt of Ihe or .''i" , h "'" lor tl cloth, 1 1 5U aheep, "'h.ifclf. liberal discount mad. U Agents, cr others, "-ay loseilagstn , .. K.J. II A LK i SON, tUUTlOaNS for tLe S. Court for V.U. Tl mill in Tl.fi ir' iano and Music Store, fjIIK Siib.enbi r kcepe continually, i, M. Pianos nude by M mwar & Co., N hand i'. A. j Clark and other makers, t Ntw York. Which he mil sell at the lowest rates fur C A&ll, or food pa. per. Also, Ihe lateat Music on hand, st No. InO Main street between the tirhange ij.uk ,nd the American II. del, Columbia. S. ( . SAMUEL GARDINER. j'tasfirUr'58. ' If - - - - g L KMIUHlM II LR.MAN L. LEIUINO IMPORT Kid Foreign end Comeslic Dry Goods, VHU.r.SAl.K ANI Ii ETA 1 1., mart. Tat rT, ovt no. a una aisu, ( II . KI.IMO X t', ('. Arut SB, t!53. 7-ly I tun It lie .TInlii.il l ire litur I lift' I'lMIIII.'l lit. ! all. Ill i aA llJIH ( OMTANY ci i,l nm. to t..ke riaka a. amit ina by fltr. nil Iluunre, Ooodf I'ro- nurr, & f at OaUnl ralra. 1 i Ottice al lb. Drug ttore at t. Ny Huti hi- Hi i t u. orricEus. A ('. S'IKLLK. J rtudrt.t. C. OVKllM AN, l ite !'rm,knt. K. N YK HL"1 CII1SON, ccy. $ Treat r. liIbEi IMtH. A. C. 1 KKLK, J. J.. liROWN. M. 15. TAYLtiK, S. T. WIIISTOX, C. OVEIl.MAN. K. SCAKH, W.M. JOHNSTON. John L Hhuw .n, V. Scarb aol T. ; VriTii.s-, I'.ireutilt Cututiatlef. itBili !i6, loj'J. "if mmo Io. 1 Fruit Trees von mi.i:. VLST3I CCKS k nENDEUALL, I'r i pi it leu of ihe Wert (lieett Ji'urtrrirs at J li'urirtiil titar (iree ntlrnf o, aV. C., Ol I -1 very rf. ttlul! y call the sllrnlion M-u.i ll.iir mi I ifr (... k ot nJj s.h; fruit lor FU -i.d Wii,ur Tr t, I TImi Urge niid ha nd pom nKirittit nt hj Ht?n prop, jtrd Hum ihrilt itrsttiitf liei. miti ori.. r t eltrat ii ritn in if' hrtlii f wl.irh t-houid fif-t I t otrfliH.ked by rrynii tu pi. tuck rum ii iuiluMitiy If f ti i Art...' trr; iu(t,l,U0 r h Utv The 10.. WNl fi-r ir.t ; lii.nt'U Apr.cf Hum i idtO NttliriQi- Vu.o Almuuo ' ft. :.. .ry tiiit- a.fliniit c-lt ir pprotcd pff. Ail p.ifr.rt'f put up in uiHfiof nta , il of , and tAml r ition t lit ii etii patron, antt u o r- rOjfiU ltl U.r klifutce .il Ihc lllr n 4; . t r of t:C ofCl.-fti iM-r the lint are tr nrjW..i. W it, if II. iy rr tfa napiaiitrd reh or ppetfs i n t te IipI. Mr. T. J lloiton Ui rt agrnl f.-r t!if fur. nii.n j .f tl.F Pf.-i !, ut Mi rkli rUBrc and iirtii. bft)f ciuti'.eri mt'h U abint Fruit Trvrm at.d iii u.t plefcturt 16 lo4-rc,i g 4.1 lit r for llir Orl OC 159. 3.1tf. Dr. II. M. riiteliard II.LMMi I P B. ny iriem.s, reapeeiluily snn jai ccs his iltii rmir,.tion lo reaume the iiaW Pi :i l !' l .tl. ilis liM-. lie n... be l hi 1 r'l lie r"or .lugssl 11. r i nhi d lor Tin: mvi:u j V I ! () 11 A T H ! rom)0ndcd fntlrrly from 01IS, 14 t,HK nFTHi MfcT 11 mi ATM K AVI I.ITKR UK ll ll'-'-'o tfjl.it in- thai I.U mm ftalAft. ihat H pafeaa 1, Silnriiml raa-iilainrs ot fits ITllj .leHto,,! Tlav..a,-4 lima nttflrkti - -. bfllfr. iirerriiliil.t.; W. 1 lia w iiriMiii laui.uf. r,.,a-.' Silghl- swl'l, Woatis lbs ssalt llvei.emm. l,.rslU,F,, llyspa-ltstB ,nl oStraetian isais hullr, - 1 hul.ra I . holers w ont of lbs tut, a a.1 sal 's. S'- ! ile IHra K I'SilaiaM : U.a .,i. sa- a llriiay, by sselin,. tee A..e t 1.1 l.iua Tvpr. ( w l-olj I All M Sao lealli,.n In lis uii . ll Water l .lie moult, -sa I. la tke Invl ilor. sitd m slliiwf In,. l .,.stelti r. THE LIVER INVIOORATOR arlKSTIHl! yi'lUlMI. IHH'mmir. sea la felly 11 i lllaraa.,1 I.I, SAMrilKI) o , l-reiwifiort. MS Mi, Nasi . V hnle.sle A(.slal M, sjV-iS-TW IHnte o.. PMI..,rl . l:-lnti . II II U.T . 1 .. . Pmllsnai F. SrCAHH A CO., ( hurtultt, aV C. I) J f rn, an f Oi fioprym m ' t.t mama H to m4. iti p tt trf ihm tiiiw ''.i., ia htMl Ba-i fm-Hi ''"" l-W'tl.klaW l4biH'tMlllluJf TitlsyfilhaiUlltrasWarfwi, Rt IkM fiflfirj l,y ttfi)n fe .slUlo iMUm...,! V ('.iimitim, raitsi, T..M ) ,.. .11 rH ii.M.t,i m Uni maieft tVto ! iPt.ay.or.C ! mvtm, L - rMM.. Lv.Sto ii..I iIa f'Utlf vttiKlhr ItllMMi, M ' i' :n ir1 b.''h t tie IMIInHfl Bftflrkti - -. r-irt.1 i,l. hat la A LAKC.K SUPPLY OF Constable Warrants JUST l'UlNTLD. Fill SII AHKIVAL OP COXFECTUONAltlES. IIOI STO.N &i iiu.ti:ic IAS jnat receieed a freah auppljr of CAN. JB 1 lIKS, of all kiniia.alao Citron, Curranta, Itiiiaina, Kip, and yaritty of Nuia. Call at HOUSTON k HUNTKK S, I Door Kuat of the Court llnnae. Chnrlullf, Oct, 26. IB;i8. 33tf A Great Battle to be tehU T '(IE aubecflbrr intbrm tiie cltlient of ' har. hnte and vicinity, that they have on hand end are conetantly receiving, a superb assortment ol r.Uaiil FUI1NITURE, Ui'nnr In iiuy thing lint has ever been oflVrrd in this section. 1 i.eir ab'Ck cinaifU, in part of lilt lojiuwntg sfticles; Kolas, Ttte T. tts and Diyam, Cane Hi.lli n, Itotking Chairs, Muhngany and Cane Hut Tarlor ( hairs and Kuah Hoitoni Chairs, Mahi'guny and (sue Bottom hocking C hairs, Wanlrnbts and Bunuui, Marble nd W,d Top Centre Tblr, Murbie W ash Stunds and Sinks, l ard and Work Tallica, Mahogany and W alntit Kxlrnsirn Tables, Mahogany, Of-nch and Kiizab.-th Iltcatcails, What Nuts and Parlor IV.ka, I.iM.Lirr bUi.il frum 4 to till a Tair, Sell R.,ci ing ( rallies ai d Id clnnog Chmra, Tucker'a Paitnl Spring IJotti in Briialraris, Csnopits ilh Lure Netting, and .Mniaqucto Bars, ( iiltuge t-urmlurr by the set. Inn and Mood ll,t K icka, (ilt Moulding of all sizes fur msking Glass and f Picture Krvnics. j ALSO rr y k in I of materia I a for sale penrrully uacd j by I ' linn t Makers, such ij (Hue. Lucks Knobs,; liinpia. Walnut, Mshopiiny, A.r., ie. And last, th.mgh not least, we keep always on bnd a supply of FUk'si Metallic I u ri:i I Cases. J. M. SANl'ERS 4 CO. ( k,iottt, .Wuj 3i, ityj. ntf ,, , , tji-n jMiiTiiiee ai morrow's 11 1! N O I T. f H Ii R Siib jribers rcspeetfullr inform Ih al pie nt toe surrounoing country. v hVt ti ey have renuctd H e pries ol their at otk, con.i.t. 11 g ol lrj lioooils, Iteitlj'Mitde Clolhiiij?, HOOTS, , .V, ''"'i'"". 7 U"'e" ' C" ' O'l.Mlll lliOl Lt h taken in exchange, Idil Drreatt Won.ii M a wis Wurth Mantillas Wi.lllt It nr.rta w-.rlli II,.. p bkirts worth K.st coi'd Prints w t 60 I -i 10 4 nil nt 5 (Kl st el I II tit a ill al rth 15 at a .'.ii 3 .Ml l as 10 t Sis iVtsci.id i.nd uotiliacheij )uinel I'ricift, md alt iuooa krpt tu tu lion iu t1 e abote pricra. York .,p.,r. HAMMEKSLAG k MKNDALLS July ,., ITlf Ihe MI .oilh Malr, rmiur. BOOK IIF.RF..KRII NDst. snd fell, w citi j-n.. A ill y. u buy the n. hie ST A 1 KoF NOItTil t Altol I.N.A ' 1 1" so, send lo toe sui.scnb. r, or suhciaa to Ihe ( onn'y Aj;riil. tor Hue New, L.iiKf ;ui(i Tl.-iti'li. nil Tl;ip. Aid yoU will git the whole Stnlc, w ith hi r It, vers. Kailroads, (i.dd, Cer. Id. Iron ,j"'d tiii'Ces. inr Mi... and .11 the Cities, T i, utile Muub tains and Springs, and hi r fields bid H..ers. Ii fu w.nt this l.uLUFN PKIZK. row rrina iber-l. Apply lI('tkkiiLiirff rtiids. M.Vi;. r ul. pir limn m. T IIFK liONDS are undiul t. ol v the salist n il stn t n t thai ran I e n, sue, sou art t al y prcttrsbie to any Sute llnmis. The county cmnot repudiate. They bear terra per ctnt interest payable temi. sunuitiiy, with Coupons for the eninc. They sra of the dciinmiiiitiiiii in I It'll, w hich will make th.ni more cuirentsnd usctui lor do. mesne purposes. I he coupons wnl prove for paying county tasea. convi nient medium The citiatns of the county should Possess them. lid tney are now oilereri lo tlnm. Proposals letl at nth.r Bnk in ( harlotie or wuh Captain John alker will ri ccive prompt atlenln. H. W.t.UION. ' i'r. II . C. Ij ti. H. K. a. Sep. 48, ItsjH. "Vtl ftCf'Noticc. T Il E firm i,l H I NI'EIiMiN A AHRFNS was dissolved on the lt .,( January, by mutual consent. J AS. P. IIKMiLltMiN, will hereaiier carry on the business his own account. All prisons indebted will pl.se. come forward and settle at once, aa the busiuc must be ciusrd up tnmedtalely . HENDERSON k January lBJJ. HUENS. HAVINt; sobl my entire interest in the firm if IIKNDFKM)N Sl AIIK1.NS to Mr. J. P. II K.N. ye. : .rihe'.u". I and .".11 baTppy Tn" ..ton" my friend, and customers, particularly on iho.e who would lork ovir the lilile chang'e, uue me nd the conetrn. I F. W. AHRENts. 44 if January If.'S. A.C. WILIJiMSOH. A ITtlKNFY and (oiin ken an c rlii e, jointly U. r at I , w, hi.i-lii ih J. A. Foi, LV unslsira neat duor to the Court House, where be will be constantly present to attend tu all calls nn professional business made tor himself, or tor Mr. Ft, a, w hen be is absent. J.a,y 4. IKiS. 4.1)1' Wanted I ( ORDS OF TAN-BARK, for Wlllth Ihe csh Wll' be paid. , M. H. TAYLOR. i:Hf "I'.""''; iA,in-"" '"ihyfi... B.ad.rvi.w. Cep,ionofthoyouthfulba.il already told, stout eord fastened loV;. breast aud'wounl years ago, M.rt.n Van Buren. who admitted ver, passed Congress with tue i rovis o ol the Male iue, in, ui.e Asvium, ( hi.pel llnl. ' , ,,, , , .... , , . . , , ... , . exctudin,' slavery 10 It. Aud what el Ml thd .Male and IV ma lei Cull.g.a, &e . Ac., une of ihe B human being met the eye. All '.he around a tree. All he pe of escape forsook the right of ( tigress to iboash slaiety in ' . 'f.'ue,ec ;av. bol li-i Presi rketfft and Lett Msps . er published. men, capable of bearing arms, bad left their George Liviua'tou. S ii.-ou uiclioued his the District of Columbia, was by the sssis- A ittoeratie, "', "f'yg 'signed it PF.AHCE & KEST, H,llsboro N. C. homes to join the army of U'ashiugton on little baud to follow him, and in a few mo- tance of a lar e portiou of the Southern ''n't' ' ' ' ' a r-a-.. . v.-t .. . ' . ., . . . . . ' . . .. . . . . ., . .. , and in the lancuaire of Col. lfentOD. made a Ji.a3l.lPie. i t, a J. Charming Litile VaOey. Charming littl, smiting all so gTy Like an ai.g i''( i iff, Spreading out Ihy Itsssurrs, Calling ua to pleasults. iiin'tcci.t i Skies are Sriglit above thtc. Peace and quiet love the, Tr,mfuil little drll In thy Imertnl bowers. Twining wrenthsol flower" Luve and Oiindnhip dwtil, 3. M iy our spirits Daily, Be like thee, sweet Valley, Tranquil and urt'K ; f'llibit-ma to ua given, Of the yales ol heaven. Ever bright and green. Up the Hills in Early Morn) 1. L'p the hiMs in the erly morn eium.'e tli' in. spiring huic born, Hear the ech ms n lucy ti.iw ; Now aw..y we go ! -One and all with ctietr full Come, and loilow, follow inc. Ice,' Nw thn ugh ili. rfy vale anil jrrve Fj-I of L f anJ j-.y we r.ve ; Hear the songnlera ixerry iay Hail the in w burn day. "One and all ic." VV If iTuscfuanfflus. THE IiOV I'ATKIOTS. BOLD BEVtLLTlOSARV A TV EMC UK. History is filled with deeds of the men of, tb. Levoiution, uor are the patriot women forgotten tu tne ' buru.ng words "of the an- Bali.-ts of ,0, but where is the hietotlan , 01 P""'?1""1 .' ,Ue ?'OJ?ot ' f'oJ P"ou l tio voile their Hog- ,,. r. mere were irnys ,n u.t itevoiuion, toys ol noble patriotism and dauul.ess spirit J woo nuuiu i.ui eire u in r uaiiuih iiiumiu i "m j"1 K""'''"""'" them t.oy. uni quailed iu the annals of a uatiou for the independence of the "Old Thirteen and bad they now a just deseit, the hrighterl star in the American eonsteltaticn, and their w ide-t stripe iu her broad cana, would be dedicated to the boys of Tli, j Let us relate an instai.ee : It was in the 1777. I'LtUdi Iphia was in the hands of Hoe and his inhuman t,ul- diery, who in the fields of 11; audywine, gave twenty of theui besides their Captain. 31s- j workings of the institution from those who the American pcple an v ,.. ei.ee of 15rit- jor Hardston, the leaderof the band, was iu kre iuioiical to it. No wouder, then, when ish humanity. The inhabits!, le of Delaware ti n ptr and beat t a pet ft ct demon, and scru-i not actively opposed to slavery, Northern and P Dusy l.vania were at the mercy of pled tot iu his cruelty, to destroy the sleep- I meD 9Te r;tler lukew arm iu its support or their foes. Hands of He-iau Dragoons iug infant or the sickly wife. Not a few in that ' careless about it. Hut what can be said in scoured the vicinity of Philadelphia for youthful band of patriots, trembled for the palliation of b vuduct of Southern De mo bile, around, and cemmitt. A acts which safety of a widowid mother, or a defence- crats men reared from birth amidst slave would have diigraced a Yai,d:il. less sieti r. ,' ry and aii its surroundings, and men who On the evening of a del'ghlful summer Some were for departing immediately, but claim to be, of all the Southern penple, day. a croup of Lov. rancinir iu aye from Jauiea i!.-on, still retaining his irra-n on the steln-ive ehamiiions of the illustration twelve to seventeen years, were gathered . .I..., f . , i... . :.. .e . -:it X . , v '. i. ' 1 1 I UUU.T, III III. linage Ol I'OHIIC. T, . . V i i -.1 .1 . . yiSll. -e louiu Ol sixteen ear, mounted rw: a barrel, was giv- i ..i tn" an account of the disastrous battle of i, i i , liranilv wine. James S ibon, ibe narrator, i u i , ii i1 was a hold hoy, enthusiastic in the love of , , , , i e ,- i the American cause, aud possessed of no little i ,,, , a i intelligence. Hi. blue eve and flaxen hair ' i J , . , i gave him au tfieniioate appearance, but be- .,,,111 neatb his homespun jacket throbbed a heart 1 i i , i i l , i w hich uevcr quailed in danger, nor ihruck i r i , i , i before an obstacle'. His lather wa. the coiniiiander of the i't'awnre reaular troons. aud his mother wa. dead. The boy con - eluded bis narration, and was deeply la- mctiting that he could not join the army. "I aui uot oid enough, said he ; " but bad I a musket. I would not stand idly here. itb hands hanging uselessly by my side." " Are there no guns of any description, qi.in d a listening youth, spent neatly a week trying in the till " Noue. J have spent neatly a week try to find one, but my effjil bave been of no j fcenoed the creek, they wcuiu certainly pass ), election of an lmreti btiu accoui avail. I strougly suspect the old Tory, ! this spot ; if they passed it, then death was j plilc,, one would have supposed that the Jiviiigstoo, has several iu Ins house, but a. i : . . ... l- i.i i WB ""e T'.'P"'" .uu "uu ,l0 unable to say, positively. "Why not take a party and search his; d welling ?" asked Frauk Howard, " be baa nn , . . . - ,n.,A, ,nn (;,,.-,. I and lean thrash him ascjuick asthat!" aud the boy snapped hi fingers, to imply the readiuess with which he could trounce old Livingston's son. Janus Wilson's eyes sparkled with joy. " If any lhrp hss iu this company will ''P. ! "arch old Livington's house to- night. AH who are w illiug to go, just sit p forward three paces." Viarcknil. in .but ernwd witlionl a nia- rneut'. hesitation, stepped promptly forward, The boy's eyes flashed like stars. " Now, bv tha dead of ll.mker Hill. I will search old Livingston . residence, though death stand in my path W ith a Grui tread, and the utmost silence, the young heroes took the march for old Squire Livingston's, Livingston had long been suspected of har boring British spies, and some of hislormir laborer, bad reported that he bad hef t up u regular correspondence wiih the British commander. At all events, he was general ly regarded by the geuuine Wbigs a. a dan gerous man, and was therefore avoided. At tin time .fame. Wilson and his little baud left th. deserted store Louse iu the village of Newark, dusk had giyeo place to the dark sbsdfs of night. Ths wood vta Hlining brightly in the cloud-, and every object was perfectly ditinKuiahable. The boy. walked quietly forward, maintaining a solemn eilence. At length they gained the bank of the creek, and slowly following the windint? Oath, aoon came in sirht of the oh. iect of their destination. A. they came to j a little log bridge which crossed a little shallow rivulet leading into the White Clay A cry of victory bimt lrom the joyous lips Creek, James Wilson ordered theui to halt, of the patriots, and it was echoed aluug the " Let Frank Howard and myself recon- creek iu colenin grandeur, noiter the premises, first, to set whether any i "Now for our prisoner'." cried Frank danger may be apprehended. All the rest j Howard, bounding ahead ; but what wa the stand hire until we return. Make no noise, i astonishment of the boy. to Bnd that in the and keep a constant watch." j effort to free himself, George Ltvlugnton had James and Frank silently departed, and j been caught by the fatal cird and choked were booh lost to the eye in ihe thick woods j to death. There was no time for n pining ; through w hieb the pnth ran. Scarcely had the traitor and his son had m-t 'heir dt urv they goue frcm (ho view of their compan- ed fate, aud there was no one to mourn their ions, when the ejuick ear of Wilon, detect- : loss. ed a noise. " May such be the cud of America's furs " Hist,'' said Le to Frank, as he pu'led forever 'said James Wilson, him behind a gigantic beach tree. The j Old Livingston's house was searched, and noi,a soon resolved into a human foot fall, , to thp surprirse of every one, uot only guns, and in another moment, George Livii.gston, hut three brass field pieces, several barrel Ihe Tory's son, food opposite the tree ' cf powde;, and an abundance of ball, etc , Wilson darted from his covtrt, and tightly were found concealed in the old Tory's eel griped the boy by the neck. The coward- , lar. The military store, found btre were ly youth trembled like a reed. I given over to the American triops, a jovial " Speak one word," whispered his captor, ! welcome at their q'lai ters. Hid not the Hrit " and I II loss you into the creek 1" 1 ish party been so signally defeated along the The Tory , son was struck with flight, ha tiks of the White Clay, the to n of .Vew and before lis, h l reonvereil from his .in. '.ik. and tl.n trhnU northern nart of Dola- ' por, found himself in the mid-t of ihe ! ware would have heeu over run by a preda - whole gtoup of boy hero--, with the vice- Uorv partv of Uritish soidie.s. like grip of James and FaLk on liiLerl jame. "Vi!,on and Frank Howard l-oih arm. Ijoiued the army of i.ren. and served with Now," said Jmc, " answer me pron.pt - aud cotrectly, or 1 11 make your position cen.fortahle. Ho you hear ? ' uncenifortahle. Iovouher? ' " Who sr. in ennr f.iUr'. h,,w. .1 it,!. moment'!'' I-I csnn.t tell," stammered the almost! dead youth "You shall te'A, or "' "Spare me, and I will disclose every thiig. When I left the house there was no ont there but our own family and Mi'jor Hardston." ' Who is be?" asked James. I don't know I don't iudeed !"' '"Tell !' thieater.ed Frank. " lie is a Captain of the Yorkshire Dra- goons. The blue eyes of James glistened witbjiy. ,ud he eoOD ekiu(,d frM1, tLe Xorj-s ,0D a delation which stamped bis fstber as a ,ra;Ior f ,),. ,,. .,,!,! character. He discovered that old Livingston not only k,,,t up correspondence with the Biitisb ommanoer, nut mat tue utile village ot was t0 fce turned to ashes, aud its women end children eipocd to the mercy of tht ir pitiless foes. 1 he Old 1 ory was to re celve d lio rt,W(4rJ) tue hui where tl,e vil- e eiooJ, and so sonual pension from the Kng!i.-h government. 5ut stranger than all, States, and especially the Southern wing of the plot was to be consummated on tint jt. l'0r the conduct of Northern m. n in re very ni-bt, and the Tory', son had been )atiou to the institu ion of slavery, lad as enptured while he was ou an errauu to a lory in ighbor, about two miles distant. j allowance. They Lave not Veen brought up The little hand of heroes learned too, ju the lap of slavery, but horn the cradle that the British Troops had secured their ; have heeu taught that man cau have no horses iu Livingston's stable, and descended j property in man. They have uevcr seen sla ihe cret k in a large boat. There were ! verv as it is. and derive all their ideas of the the Tory s son, ordt red all to be silent n.,;....... ,,;...ii I a . .i,;-l i...ji..i.: .t i ' i t.:. .1.' . u.uusrit.uri uuiiu.i uin nil mu,lpi' . l- r .. . n:. ... . i . mi no u,rj Tieievu u,c suuiuni m luon.n precipice which overhung Lite Clay i-i I Creek. .. v i i i w-i i .i " Now hov. said James il,-on, 'the .- i : l i . i j . narrative which we have just learned is true ; i i . and as we have no musets or ammunition i e e . c .l we must make the best of the occasion n., X. ... . , , ,, ... 1 he British baud will pass this spot in their . , , f ii. boat, aud as we have (in hour to work let . , ,,. , us busy ourselves in ro.itnir some of these , i . i j e .i large rocks to the edje o. this precipice, , and wheu the red coats ras heiow. let us ' sink them to tLe bottom. " Each bov set immediately to work, and j in an incredibly short lime, urn. hu;je rock", ! each ot halt a ton in weight, were nice ! lv balanced tit oil the edge of the giaut ! pneipice. The creek at this point was not ! more than twenty feet wide, and was direct- i ly overhung by the mass of rorks on which ! our heroes stood. If the liritieh band de- .their certain late. In about au hour, tne I ..:..t. , r :!... J..,...,. A .1 .,.,.,.,.! M "1' " " V""1 isttoke ol tne mumeu oars. " I hey are cominor, he v hi-pered j " let no one drop his rock, until I -ive the word, a,l the,, j.on .11 at ouee." it wts r. beautiful ni-ht to wreak a work j of death. The heavens were spantled with innumerable stars, and every object upon I which the moonbeams played, sparkled with j silvery radiance. Closer came the doomed loyalists), and ' the hearts of the boy patriots beat wildly in their bosoms. f eenn candou-ly over j ihe cliff, J allies. WlDou ea tho Torybo.lt ' slowly hut surely srnroachitlL'. All officer j stood in the hows, guiding the oarsmen by ' bis orders, and the epaulelts on his rboul- ! ders told that it was the identical fi 'nJ, .'Injor .tarrtston. h.in't dron li'.l I i-ive the order." ajaiu!.;,,, I..iiii,.r.. in ?.ite of the doings ot th' whispered Wilson. j When the boat was about twenty feet! from the rocks, the boy leader fell securely ! behind his stone def.uee, and shouted' " Who goes there !" In a moment the oarsmen ceased rowing and gazed with small nient above them. T he impetus which the boat bad acquired caused it lo drift slowly under the rocks, and just as it was fairly below, forth came the doomed words : " (.ul loose iu tue name cf Liberty !" Kaoh boy punhed Lis rock at that inntant, and with one inipuloe the giffsotic Mones fell, A loud shrink from (he dark waters below, told how well the plan bad succeeded, and when the tiultant boy. agaiu looked over the precipice, nothing wa. aeea but a few piece of floaiinr wood. The boat had been hunted orien. aud the cetiBanl had found a grave at the bottom of the White Clay Creek. 1 distinction in the Southern campaign; Frank fell in the memorable battle of Hut awl j Springs fevwailed by all who kne w him. I Soriti"S ki wailed bv 1 .Inn,. WlLrw, la.t s l. tr at the li:'fl of Vorktown. and retired to bis native village ; but mortification ensued, aud he e ipired with the ever to be remembered words on : oeuiy my ",s " "'h tooipi .i.e.. .ma bis lips," Cut loose iu the namo of Liberty 1" "bat was the game plaj.-d by the Ueuioera- The village ol Newatk still stands, and j cy, and e-peoally a; the South, hverywh-re has become a town of some celebrity. The! in the South, Mr. (Taj, a Kentucky slave scene of the defeat of the HritUh at the, and a man upon whose head mora bauds of the patriot hoys is still pointed ' abolition curses had de-c-nded than had ever out, and it is a sacred spot in the annals of, "' u the bead of any other man, was t,wark . dtnounc d as untrustworthy on the subject Such,' reader, were the acts of th. boys cf of slavery, and a rtPF,e nose-ied and de 'Tfi j and though they had no monumental luded Ly Ion.- po.mcal leaders, r. fu-ed the pile to preserve their memories, they live in, aernces ot the purest patrut and di.lin. legend, aoni. and verse w here they will ex- ii-t when history Las been swept into ob--cuiiiy. From the Ralegh ltegitier. THE DKMoCKACY AND SLAVERY, "Tin: iiiiittL ai ics." If ever there existed a party, or political ' organization, whose treachery ana aoucne I A(ene should consign it to everiastin ; famv. H is the Democratic I'arly of the V jt has lien aud now is, cao in aKo some of slavery? , ... i .i.j....'i - .l:, c...t , t : 1 j . 1 1 le mOCraeJ U O W e 81 1 UU B . u-lfll, lull wt 11 ,, . r ii . . .t Ic UIUCT a C V lliaiie I reoloeii ol mc I man Stal, a J jla arnumen's used at the South e f- to secure votes for an buren, were, that he e e c was ' Nortnern mau with outurn p-.ruoi- , . . , i f i v i pes." and could bv means of Lis NoriLcru iii .. , friends "our Jititurui Ani'S, do more f0r the South aud her pecu.iar tnstituttou ,,, , ! j v c than could be accomplished by any S iuiu- e r i -i erQ mau. lhet he was fir safer tor the . , , . , , ,, r , . ! . jsoutli than either the " Cat i of the Senate, .. . , r . Huoh Lawson U hue, a rennesee slave- i holder, or Wm. Henrv Harrison, a horn and i bred Virginian, and a patriot who had, in j trving times, rendered great and distinui.h- ' eJ services to the country. These asset tion. j W(,re boldly aud constantly mailo by tne Southern Democracy. Not content with do- I'.is, the Southerti Detnoci aoy went a ! step farther, and charged that, their ueigb- J cors who voted against Van Baron, were I aidm,. and abetting the abolitionists. t, ;t. 0f abolitiotu had been beaten back. Not Abolition petition, flooded Con- cress and abolition Societies worked harder 'that, ever, until in the third year of V. II. admitiitratio-., one MUe.to, a IVmocratie I,af C,in-ri from the then Demo- , . - i ..... h:;.;, v,.i CrallC, OUl UOK, out .uu ou .iuui.i. u ... of Ne'w Hampshire, called caucus Tutu which X'lutkei n H'his nier;rcrs al ' i 'l'usress were iiriutlf'l, in order to devise the ways aud means of difemiit g tbe Sjuth ,aiu-t the emct of these pcti'ioti', and the designs! of the Abiditioiii-ts. Here it will Le seen (hat the idea is held out ill bold re'.ief, thai the iosiiiuiioii of siaterv ha i i;i the Sju;Li- r I bnuirif v. and t heir " Natur J ,v,e Northern Democracy, it ex j friends. nJ that 1' UveMd:n t ,.r, , I' .t,ie-s eoul l uot he rate ;lnsive uicia y en trusted w-tb its d.Uui-e. ijt the .xooii Athertou caucus, stiil poured into Cerires. tl,e end of the term of the " Northern msu wit U Southern principles," backed by .. our Natural Allies of the North." foiud the South weaker than it was teur years pre vto"'iiJ- . .- , - , Whst net ? Was " this Northern man with Southern principles." dropped by the South ern Democracy ! So far from it, he was, iu pite of au administration only less cor upt than tbat of Mr. Huchnuan. put on tin rurt turf b-io. aui ni e' otiou b,u uraoJ bJr I the same arguments that he auJ Lis North, era frieuJs " oor Natural Allies, eou.d I alone save slatery and the South, and that I the election of m. Henry Ilamson era- died and reared atmdt slavery, would be I nothing less than fatal to the South. 1 Ills , time, hiwevsr, hutabu failed of its nd. I " The Northern muu with Southern prim i- plcs " was criiahed out, but to re appear, a. will be seen in the seqael, under peculiar circumstances, Geueral Harrison's short career of one month, aud the subsequent recreancy of John Tyler, are events in our hiitory of too reoent a date not to be fresh iu the memory of all but cur very youn reader-). Wc come now to the year IS 11. In the spring of that year, the Great I'einocraiie party of the Union, assembled in solemn Contention at Baltimore for the purpose ef nominating candidate tot the Presidency, aud what took place then and there? In spite of Van Hjren's declaration that Congress may abolish slavery iu the li-trict of Columbia in spite of the weakening of the South during his administration, in spite of the enormous outrages aud abases of hi. administration, a rijiity of this Conven. tion of the peculiar friends of the South were found to he iu favor of his nomination, and the vttnofiiy to prevent it had to reort to the double ehutlle ot the famous two-thirds rule, which now prevails ia Naitnni IVmcr cratic Conventions. To our distinguished fellow citiieu, Judge Komulous M !:auiider, , belong? the honor ot stuinng i.ie pn.ow Licl' lrn,r,ranly (he was ut ute killed . i't. se,' bothered tht North, "n man with Southern principles, al lial- timore. rlutUtujg ' moerncy, u o on with our hi tory of what aud e-peciiillyaSoutheru Herno- CraCV, h lune for the institution of shve- T. James K. FVtk was the nominee oftbo . ( onveuti in .hit-U choked eu an fwren, ana e.ui"u oi-" - i j in the Presidential cbnir thut compara i tive pigmy, James K. Poik. Now, surely the South must be safe from both the iu sidiou. attacks of Freesoilers and Abulia I tionists. With a Tennes-ee Dem ir.r utic , slaveholder in the Presidential chair, wu , know that " ail's well," snd there is no u-o ' even for a sentinel on the r imparts of slave ry ! Soft'y rK't so f ist. N'jt lou-r alter .Mr. Polk took his seat, a lii!l came up ia Congress to organija a territorial govern ment for Orep On, atnl one D'VicI ilmot moved to inac rt in the territorial con-tittition a provieo which exclud, d slavery from Ore- (iin. A 'Hin-t t , s t ne s)uU! i iouuiV nroiesi- " , , , r . , , , - ' . eu, Ut Clsi ing tliai 11 was a uioiv ,-iruti at the institution of sUvt ry, for .ithough the climate and soil ot Ore. on would, of them selves, i xclude ;la ery from that Territory, the adoption of the Pioviso would stand as a preci irtent iigniust the spicid of slavery into ihe Itrntjries in which it would be profitable. Ia rep'y lo this, Col. Hen ton, and other Freesoilers, decUted ihut 1 1 U i.s jii-cii'lij Vie purpo e ot llie fiirmls of the i fovim t'i i i'td'hiU sh a prece. fifii.aii'l .. p tue Si grit j-.perty ( the SoUTU out of the Tcrrito les. Such iu the excitemeut in the South, that the ir ginia Legislature eoleinuly resolved, by au immeue majority, to leare the Uuiou, and to ' resist ut aii buzirds, and to the last ex- tremitv," the piaciug cf the U'ilmot - ,, ,. .... ,. , visooti the Orejon Bill. the Bill, nov , , - . . , p, , , , ,r . . fe abor into the Territories, the common, . ,, , ... .... . . c property of ail the States. Did this act of v J, . t, , , , , ,. , a son ot the South, a slaveholuina, si.ve- . .. . - .. i rotecmi" Ufiiioiiut, call down unon him t r . ,. .. , , ; . Vi e bla ,tin luuinatiou of the pt cu,ur aui , . ,. 3 , . r . , exi.usive Democratic champions of slavery . .. j f . , . in the South . Not a bit ot it. 5o tar Iroui . , ., , , , , . , .,, it. tney ttirew up their hats aud saia ail , , '.- ,, .,,-,, r ,r, , , riht, aoil J awe l. I oli vveut o ut ot otlico .r ' . , ( ,. , ,, . ' r commuiilon witn tne jjeu.ocranc oiava champions of the South. In Lewis Cas, a citizeu ef Michi gan, wa nominated for the Presidency by the Democratic party, Martiu an Hnreri (lure, " the Noribe.ru man with Southern pnneipn s. once l'f ,ue '" publicans aud . once more revisits tne g.iuipsei moon, ) by the liiacc le- bolitioi.ists, aud old Zack- v Tavlor. a native born Vir liu'un, and a large slaveholder and Mississippi Cotton Clanter, l y tl.c greit national ana eoi.erf- "'"5 r""Ju' 1 c i t lutu tro "J 1 u "' ?'. tbue " oU Bbr8'. , sa,1"J o.d sterol) ped promises, those same old a.,d alien vioia.eu f,ro..,.-es .uu py. - st he ele'ite l save the coutu. nen. v ass inu . , , ;:, -I otf poiitic.il lo aud ol i ' au uuieu, i,n ,i o, v... v t,....w... strumpet, wouid nt el ciune Z.iek layior, a Mi-si-.-ippi Cotton Planter, was uusouud. Now, let m see what Cass i - e 1 ' 11CU Ills Claims oas jui wiaii i lur him He Mi the Te:it advocate ot tua identical dovtritie ef Juatter Sovereignty bv which D.'iiL'loas. and those who snt port h'tn, uow seek to keep tiuvery t ut of tho Territories the identical S piattt r Sov. rei.'Uty which Mr. Caihoun il. dared t i I j "wor-e than the Wilrjjt Prociso." Iu i,n Niehoisou letter tieti. Cass Iroadiy an I sipiare'iy placed hiftiself on the platform ef Squatter Soveiiuty, and yet the democracy loudly contended that he was more worthy of the CJiilidence, of the S lulli, iliati lieu. 'Lay lor with bis hundred iave. Ontte snore, however, the people refused credence t the iHuaeerate profession-'. Gen. lailor was elected, and upon bis death, w I io i oc curred some eighteen tnonlbs after h, mu guration, Mr. Fillmore acceded U ihe Presi dency. Although he was born aud reare I iu Weteru New York, and douhtle-s had tuo Northern prejudices aaiu.t Uvtry, u

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